.i '.f :.ir.' : ' . 1 v i . ; . . h" - r -y ;i " 1 , I ' - - T i i ,; ' " ! - .... - - . " ' . .-. : . r J ! r. - 4 - J rV.' f, - 1 -m t y;i 4 4 . tv-, jr r 1 - ' V . . ifip..: ,;.- :X . AJvfrtkllicrtt insert i Vina 20 OCUIS Vh t - . 7 .ir$ per nmv jitiji in fldvirori. it 81 per fcjiacor .lf h4- Court Vt- OIJ. i'jtE CUTTING )Y HAM : V MACHlNIiV- I'Wnnv use nics&ut few know the a i M ' . ''t.! t lltnwoiY iinnr. Ihrrt.. or AUni oi iauo,r, ucri"-" i r J M nicety of toucbquircd by the work It VouM ie&n tM machinery lion Wl not epcrate, "tai u caunoi an LVnfnrniion on this subject I . 7 . . ' i' . ... I . I piUi. Mi Hionarv oi ns,oic., innate r . ' 1 t : TP . : T i It. i -t a 'l i i n . ' ' "' i , , 1 ; ' . jAMjis,-;. .fi;- -.-.ii:. i-jmmy, . . : ( . new series. :- v ?-: k n I - i ' a check roa -u. yor m -Tf- ' i ttnas. ja Tins, a2R Mbekty Li - ' 1 ' - I l or Propnezor,. , . .v S. i ; .s sa- t 1 , Mi nrNT . Cen7. i&rr... ) NUMBER 8. QF VOLUME III. J l;,vi.:.--yit! ' ) -: ! ? -- ' rt -ii ill-. M,. if'-!tr -.: u mlm 1. . ry '!' - 1 111 . y mmtmmmmmmmmmmimm'mm-fmmtmmmm'' ' '- i ,ff AND BY (vjilc.pAictliiiiS iriay lc lcarnci i xtifict wc nivc IjcIow : j IGENl H0U3T0N.S ? I ! . , ,!"... This individual, who has acquired fin accidental fame; rcmarved, ih.oifo of his; ......... j d from the Slkancesjnnd wihout their aid few arj-1 tltes of mjchJnl:y could be roduccd.-4-llblahd oljjwrycshat the use of the file mbst have prccvlcl every step in the pro rcss offitiiihinsr.'hrticlcs corh nosed of i- ahfHtH I in nil; cases where any in are of the iidcoptandumvxilguschtxttxixtteT,) that M di$eipUne is not valor." This may be true-j-and so may Gen. Houston be a humbugi though he was present irithc ear ly part o( the battle of San Jacinto, and reaped the laurels whfch should a!dorn the . THE NATIONAL FAIR; closed finally last night at ten o'clock a grecably to the notice published some days ago. This great exemplification! of American ingenuity; projected and prose cuted under some doubts of its success, has far more than equalled the highest Hopes of the patriotic gentlemen! who originated and carried it forward, i IDurfhsr the en tire fortnight that it has been open, itsim-, LL-r.ihnne iireclu.h d tin nnrrntink i row I worW coUeaguein the United; I mense saloons have be-en thronged, by (lay lV'r?f.i L J : iJn.;;)L. ' " I J: Mate fiate, I oiigrinuin file must have preceded it; and refers , an toV? lm lfirn,; .ion nf hi, o,,iiob, to the firA ; YTt ... i'.m.u,,, .- Ar , it J ! 1 -.1 ., ' . t iJ'i .ri.ti.l v; ; .-. ;,, whirl. vvlJ mere is no roan more con wmi tne most compi 11; ..i. ...i .... .t... ,,,t w.r t , nun wn.ii, uuiiuiuiesinu pieinems ; iuu must mci t it. ' .. i i ..i iiiiiu i::ssi!fii i ;i i si mi ir n p xAfslnrr Ihrt nflr MttfIi-a niNL aim fi IPV i IT " " r ..,i;L' irrt i.k I Gen. AY Infield Scott 'tt.wVn.c.i:ti.nri,lt Jr-v i i,;J, will pardon us for mentioning t . : 0 . 1 .1.- t i and the buzzard in theisamc naiiaranh.) 1 -A arid Mile in fabricating the net in whQ,n ftcy.lorfda TOa.gn pf f 830 asj I WiiSch,he!i;tani?MlMars and Venus, as thatheknewrnyof theiregulars ; apfoof ofilli.-. rtfe antuty of tUi tool. I 1,1 that service, who were by nature, the j ' I I-iles alvvavJre, or shot Id be, madL most arnVfr?s',a V SPC ??s i ke9; of superior quality, is there are ; U1U ui c uect oiiscipnne, mat nc Pit . . - L - : a But if -discipline be not! and crowded bf nisht with interested and valor, it is certainly somethingybry nrar gratified spectators, who nave come hith- lrequently achieves what; ; er irom all quarters, to view its treasures. er couia;euect without. : as an experiment it GbNERALS'GAINES AND SCOTT. " ;The iresolutipn of inquiry which passed the Ui'S. Senate" on Friday is as follows i: TirsnU-rfl. Thnt ihn V 1 d ibjnforml the Scnate1vhethprany'pfli-. cer 01 me ivrny, uuring tne:past or pres ent year, has jcalled volunteer ,pr miiitia intfci the sertice of the United States with 6utrlegal authority therefor ; and, if so, what is the number of said force, how it has been Organized, and whether ofiicers of i the line or staff have been appointed contrary to law; whether any and what SCENE.'lX POXGUE.; . 1 .There are sometime rich Vetis r in the IUU of tie Uouo cf llcj 1 - . whicW the regular Ueporters sl.rir t. f trajing. One of these, advrrtc.1 d ! lexandrfa Gazette, occurred last M ' toe but making certain "appropfut; , territory of Iowa was peDi!i;j."! . ! Grundy McConneU riot undor U t i tio Columhidn Fountain! fsav t!..- t 'ii?13 to something stronger prrj - amendojents, among wl i h was :. . ting-$23,000 for the erection of a Te0-?rat tho Falls of Niagara," a: i 11 wan the crcaluro c6mforti a appropriating. $2,000,000 4 to !: running gear (Felix U a Uct) t foul legislation., Soma of tl.c r. proposed bj him were.too indoct ! : lion ; and,failing in hts effrt.; z ; trad attention or to raio a hu ouri, Mississinntjand Alabama, at the mo. .v.ufc u.en. xayiors requisition was re ceived at Newprleans, and who had of- ganizea and .Jelt their respective states, Were reCOni-rrrl nnrl rpiv1 -Thp frnv.Jw rr- : -i 1 raa attention or to rai?o a Uu,, ( 1 he governor or Jlissoun was informed 1 u 0r thaUouM 1 by the secretariiof war that the President 1 1 - 1 hA MAm;,ljf Ll V - 1. . r . """ f.u ui uuau ana. : .vvvqu.cu mc can inaue on uim iiy vjen Raines iq ihe extent mentioned jn his eter, f wit:the troops which may have left thf? state of Missouri forN ew Orleans the place of rendezvous, before the notice of your order changing their destination : and to the governors of Mississippi and on the seat of his chair, Lis Lcxly r air, and m this position went to i!ct :ffi;ctive soldier thari of beautiful specimens of American sjkijl i tiQn to suchofiicers or troops so called into ident to the extent of the number furnished , (we hope readers land progress in the various branches of, SCf) 7 -1 4l 4 . ami sent lotos. - cntioning tic eagle ' manufacturing, mechanical, and scientific ! spjeed fnrther That the President be 1 Hearing that Gen. Gaines was still bu- Treatment of the American 1 by Oic Mexicans: Capt. IIart!t t -taken prisoner in the capture ( : tonscompanystates.inaU itcr t j in Savannah, that they were trr iuc grcaiesi consiueraiion ar. I Gen. Arista received the pr most gracious manner, an 1 i nnt irr hnn rror wtrvo vsrf1 . I I . : 1- ,!! 1 1 : VU IJ Cti OllJ lt3 tUlllIIliLIIf 1. I'i 1 111,111 Ktw insirtuiifius in which a ucieci ni me ' t r : t , r; ti ctal. issa Pomiletely destructive of uti- ? march up.to the cannon s mouth, al itll Annxc,saw!orMinosta iyotherut- ouSh f.t' believe tha instant life i.trumcnhough of interior mctalj: dcalh Mbctheirinevi able la e. The tiliy be inaile tIo duty by related whet-1 on f this ts sufficiently obvidus-iti is tiy hn'maqu to ito duty y rep tirrg ; but for a bad file, as Holland o fcfv&s,:tlcpc if ho remedy ho process Pf rttprationi. ;ef. it.' he says, be too soft 4nd jhlmeiliatC'ly on application, the whotp toothed surface of the file is crushed dowiU anil ceascsjlo be of any use i6r its intend rd purposc ; if top hard, on thle other hand ; the teeth, .is they come into tontact wit,U ! the Ixxly io be acted upon, ily oil' with eve TJtrokc; the.jfilc? thencefrjrward becorn 'ing, if not quite I useless, certainly a coarse j irregular rtibbcr.V;' The importance, there fore, of a guarantee of excellent quantity gvcs xi li.igli Value to files bearing the lilarks'of manufacturers of es ablished rej- lpdtatiotu jand lead unprinci phid trades Hicnj to jinitatc: thcin. 'One of the- most yamous of thc$c inarks,' 1 Iplkind observes, -t 'a n? that granted many years ago by the corporation ofhcflield to Daniel Brani ijialj ;-niMnH-an illustration of its valife - luav iu iJicuuuiirn i no iaet,jinai in iwo by discipline, would prove unequal to the J to delight the danger. Temperance Advocate. ndustrv. was well calculated to cmtifv - ri,,1!i".u.,i; V"c wun any , y iu orgmiiiug ami accepting me voiun- j " ' i T.:: :: all heakswhich cherish the real indejjien- ( correspondence which may Imye taken teers, appointingundry statt othcers, em- 7" 1 denceof the countrv and its solid nrdsneri- C(T botwecP the Secretary of War and , ploying artizaiis,' &c the secretary wrote contrary, capt. .llardcc f n tv EspeefaS i ar Ccncral Scott' of thft United Army, to him as follows : 'This, call,- (alluding Kane and myscl arc living. . ; upori the subject of his taking the com- to a call on tile governoriof Kentucky by Ampudia .lodge in his hotel. 1 mand of the Army of OccupaUon on the ! Gen. Gaines.) " as you must bq aware, e are not on paro c, I 1 he fbrd-n wodd iri llt K plamebut ;onrs of Texas. And with a copy of i has been madp by you without the sane- I? w " I moWS ' a?y Jitters written by Gen. Scott to Gen. tion of law, a4 similar calls appear to have PffX ro and wl,.n ' 1 Wr of mnST Ilbaut ful nd rich 'Aay or by the direction or with the knowl- been made by you on other states, with- 1 " of ls icak exct V, ; Sto Ktre i ec f Secretary of War. And that out authority irom the President, or this and thp General himsc f Jrr, and atimirantc as-were me copntiess ppe- , n !Twci(,nn. k.o.i s ,i0n,r(m nnA ia . so that wc are admirably ch i 1 and luxuries of lifd-4mach as there iwas uut ?n:irc acincr any order was emi arrass lap government you arcjnerc- cyc wc confess it was the ;T Ul""w " rresiucm or tne y uiructcu ucui.u..ub jour muepen- ic rightful User obtained f . j ' -j i ! .A Pptly I Face. Yes, your friend has a pretty face, and that; is all you! can say. Her skin is fair, her eyes brilliant, and her lips arq like a crushed rose lea! ." Beau tiful to loolc upon but what is h sr mind ? Vanity lives in her bosom, and pride makes her actions detestable. And hler form, what is it? I " Awkward, embarrassed,, slid, without, the skill Of inoving gracefully or standing still ; Cacjleg, as if suspicions of its brother, De8lrous; seems to run away fromStothcr." There are many such I who have nothing but pretty faces to recommend them.-H DeVoting much time and attention to look well, they seldom study, and are itherefore deficient in intellectual acquirements. Jjesulos, they are lazy, and arc therefore ri.VX)0n damnges against a liirmingham ;ille ;naUer fur haying struck itlfraudulcntly articles infide hy huhselij a verdict 0f ccint in intellectual acquirements. fli jiriiL'irfj inrtiu; icy X S " ocverai luddv inrrcnioiis mae.hincs f Jinvo been Coihrjved for superseding the Wdious operation (f file-cult cng by band, r?Uit wo believe no file euttint engine has bfcn.brotight successfully injo operation. khc very serious dilliculty arises from the eicumstancesthat if one part of the file 1) cither a little;; Softer than Lhc adjacent; fjii.lrtsVor namhver. so a to present less tistance to the b low of the hammer, a I itchind .wouhl, owning to thq perfect uni formity, oli its stroke, make. a deeper cut there than elsewhere: 'whereas,' aspodirc ' ptscrves, la workman who has been cm pjoyed in. the trade froin a hoy (antt none olhrrs; it is fj.ild, can acquire the requisite f can feci instantly when he arrivejs -aany Vanation rri the quality or condi 1 lion ot tecl, and at once adap ;s the weight f his- blow to it Holland, t ffcer describ- irig one of i thq machines cont rived for this purpose, observes, that the applicability ; it an apparatus to the toolhing ot cx- i trcmcly line lacctrfilcs seem conceivable jbfccausc Mn such the set or d ' the teeth U a ihattcr of much 1 fildhce than perfect equality 1 j tfius Intimating that a great V; rises in the apparently attain I Thc .dohblfi de.ld-ent files of ; he adds, exhibit such a bcautif Who arise early to wash and i iron and bake ? Their mothers. Who scrub the fioor, mend the stockings, and wash the dishes? Their mothers do all, while their beautiful daughters are standing before the gl&ss, adjusting1 their hair, and fixing their dress. As wives,! what are they firood for? A man better live single all his days fort, which imparted tcj us the highest pleasure. All that, however, will bp trea ted of appropriately, and with due; dis crimination, by pens; and in ! publications devoted to the subject. AVe can only say that the National Fair has been a source of pleasure and instr uction to the thousands who have visited it, and of .no little ad vantage, wc belfeve, to our National! M c- copy of that order,) and whether he has rtot been daily engaged in the discharge bf indispensable duties at Washington, un der the direction and by the expressed wishes of the Secretary of War, and how he has been engaged ; whether Gen. Scott has not tendered himself to the Depart ment of War as ready and willing to take ' I t tn rhn Km l.rnnilA rr t r (n rn .1 T I linn t-nnrcn 1 1 tr. nnrrnnff niir f lir nnta,. n n1 essential to individual and domestic com- THY xvl" l"ia "va,,uul I . !V .v.a me ivrmy, anu, 11 so, 10 communicate a ' views oi me iresiueni, sp iar as mey may be communicated to you from this depart ment. You Will , forthwith revoke any calls you may have made on states for vol unteers or malitia, beyond the number al ready sent into Texas, or to Gen. Taylor under these calls." In a subsequent letter he was again written to as follows: ' Ypur action in calling for or;-recciving volunteers, inde pendent ol the instructions ol this depart ment, and beyond the requisitions of Gen. Taylor, is wholly unauthorized and ille gal; and you are again instructed not on ly to stay all such proceedings, but to re call any requisitions, you have made, and act ho further upon the subject, without special authority first had Irom this de partment." "Since writing the a bove, it is understood that stair appoint ments, such jis paymasters, Iquartermas ters, inspectors, &p., have been conferred by you on citizens.; buch appointments win not dc sneci. i!iry one around r.s t most endeavor to make our I i in -santly, and if anything could n get our; captivity it would le and agreeable manners and ;:r: pitahty of Gen. Ampudia.! lb- erai Ansia nro Dom mcnoi i.:. character." ; These facts are i orablo to the Mexicans. I tropolis j that we feel that our city is much w . .lf . J, 1 , r indebted to the liberal ! contributors lo j War gainst Mexico, whenever the Presi- whose public spirit we owe it ; and we j fhould "Vt h".sclrvic0-; an wethetr him from his rank in the -army. Resolved further, That the President be tequested to furnish the Senate with co pies of the correspondence between Gen. Edmund P.-Gaines and the Government from the 1st of June, 1815. to the present time, on the subject of volunteers or mi litia ordered to the frontiers of Texas. trust that they will find In the success of ineir experiment a sumcicnc lnuuccmeni to repeat it periodically: or occasioijially. hereafter. Nat. Intelligence?-. 1 AN ADMISSION. M The Washington Union declares that the Mexican war constitutes no reason for re fusing to reduce the tariff, because there is a surplus of twelve millions, and less : than this sum is to do all the needlul in regard to Mexico. Here is an admission that the present tariff produces more reve nue than is expected Irom the new; pro than linite himself to a vatri, proud, arid ! position of the administration. We thought . lazy young woman. He cannot live hap-) representations of tlio parti zanPressJ ; f ; The Washington Union has the follow ing article in reference to Major General Gaines and his proceedings at the South. We publish it as indicating the views of the National Executive on the subject : GENERAL GAINES. that the ac in regard to arc altogether illegal, and confirmed or recognized," Thus it will be perceived tion of the var department the extraordinary conduct of Gen. Gaines was nromnt land decisive, and in no re- 1 - ... , limm vnnrnDnnfatmna nt Ilirt niMlMn I'roCSJ ' : .... i - . jazy. young woman, lie cannot live nap- i- ; r ; The unauthorized extraordinary con- spect can the government here be charged ny with her unless h6 has j a fortune for i cs wlucb sustain tree trade, mat tne ucm. uct of Gcilt Gaines, if wc may judge from i with, or made responsible for, the mischief m-1 ; squanuer away. Uur advice is, XV V , - i V nccounts' which have reached us from va- i which may ensue. iuuiv iu hju iicari. oiuuy vnc character and not be carried away by a fair skin,: a pretty: mouth, or a laughing eye. Port land Xribunc. Mexican Plan cf War. 1 1 I ! the 25th ultimo, furnishes its ire 1 system of warfare which is to bo r Mexicans in opposing the Amori ; is to bo emphatically a liul?, p. harrassing war, (guerracn pcvct, . crnment is abjurcdjo abandon all i a pitched battle, campaign fht, 1 the troops to the guerilla war. The Mexican army is to be t ; ments of500 or C00 infantry a r. ! with which they are to intercept r Amorican forces, cut ofl their cr :: hang upon their flanks, pick .;T i keep them, by unexpected attack--, ual stato of alarm.' They are to tunities of making a 6udJen?d 5 hospitals and magazines, lay v a;: through which ! they aro to pa-, . . manner wear mem out witnou en opportunity of striking a single iUU. " "r ' V . i 4 a 'T0 f Toos quarters, will produce much'Uisap- agamst the tariff, being-its tendency to h , , mnnrr tua I Mivvuiiinii (UllUIln 1. 1 . V. IJ- I prohibit or decrease importations DELICIOUS APPLE PUDDING. . . , LtlU.ll l.lllZ.(Jli;3. Willi. .11 I rni m t , rn roc I r ron n r ' . ' X ill ai.. ,..fev a M' I thnnn np thn r Vn.1 f . ,Ut c ii iauuau, uu ut vu.u , - y havc organized and pears triotic citizens, who; at his instigation, in he ry prepared to ioin "7r,. . 1"vlJ'f" ,he army undbrthe command of Gen. Tay causc the power ot discin ine is such that ' i , .. rJ , , .i , . . :,J , , il a 1 in tor. vtieciteu as mis conduct was at the - the people sustain a measure, regardless n;,-; .nA ., .,, vuiiiv.il IJIIUU OtUl 11 111 111U1U 111U 1 t It inconvenient, as it. may be made sev "'"T" lJ"1"1" "ic um, 4"""- '"""' "Y'V " country m enormous expense, and throw f 1 ! i ! ! a 1 : -i .11.. t 1 i frn- nn i nti 'ttt nvc : Siri iirn.hoi'o flirt I rr ! : . . ; ' ' nice amiiuon is wanieu uncxpepicuiy.-p y ruu1 . .7 . ; serious embarrassments in the way of car- rying out the arrangements made by the j government here. Alter the reproof admin- Rcqusitiom for Volunteers. The- follow ing tables will show the number of volun teers which have been called! for from the 1 CI . . 1 ... 1 I I.1... . ... ! several states oy me rrcsiueru oi me i . iJOr,) will onlr usa Lis oxen in t.. states. Also tnosc Whicn arc micnucu lor you ask why tbif is, tho only ans , immcdiate service, aiid those simply to be ! U that the Spaniard never char ; The Spaniards Agriculture Adverting to agriculture, Gcn'l. ' "Tho plough in universal us) ii t! thousand years agt neither ni"r a wooden wedge, without a p.irti .! tacked to it.: Tho hoo is a v.o ' an iron ppike in the end. Vh:.t remarkable, tho only animal ! ii the ox : a planter, with twenty t esiinu mules lor no means an t .... ...:ii i.j . .' ,i ciirolledand ito icu.it further orders. Pare and chop fine halfa dozen or more, ! tnno mat me present tarm onngsinmore . . ,, . . ; r , . i ; than is needed; and again, that it does not ing apples grease a pudding dish, cover the bottom and sides-an inch thick with State?. Vuluittccri called for To he enrolled if i immediate terrice. trait Jut me ordt . , - . , I,uiv.tlllllblltlici(;. illltl lllUlCIMUUIilUllllll' j yield so much as a revenue system ought , istcred(ohim last summcr forhis assump. LJ XXXJ j iillU 1IUIU: LlAV'iJW vuiiuvw v v ? lc tionofthepowerofcallingforStatetroops; mvoked to repeal after bcin ' nformcdf as hc then was? tlat 'ni'u. horse foot. III' Is. members of Congress are Arkansas. Mississippi una . : . j.li i i hi ! r , T-v i .1 : 41 . j,. b'"w u,,u r . lien. 1 av or was anlrrnriypi hv thn l'resi- : Aiatx irCCllOn Ol h .i ; i' r noh n pnnnmmitmn tl nnl ition I wisi mm : . . '. , r:..ri.. M.a ii i ! ouuep; men spui a layer pi appies wun " "r" ' ' . " " r ; dent to call Irom the States ot Texas. Ala- of sdrfie- sugar; and nutmeg, and repeat the layers ! . 1,1,0 ' viT4- T . T - oama, Louisiana, .Mississippi, Tennessee Kentucky. dhTicliltv 4' if until the dish is leaped full Before add- 1 ing t0 P111 representations, arc so and and Kentucky, any auxiliary force he might ' Miouri . Uilticfilt a- p unui ne uisn is neapeu mil. lsetore add- and th agam;thcy are neither so nor , necessirv - after-it was exnlichlv klj&pomt.-r ing -the last layer, which must be as bread 1 so-and for these sanicnt reasons the ta- "f0,? " 65 .C X Ohio . . . hn li-onM,1' nrt K iftnr nni.ntwil.A o tr..U I rr . , . tV . .1 . i . !miCU tO UUH limi U1C gO CrillllCIU UlU HOI rntliann. . V 1. II lllVllt I 1 I I 11 k 1 LI I. I. l-i I a LI 1 J . . I klllj t 11V1 ( k. I 1,- I I I I ' Milt ft--k W - fn I 1 L I I I I 11 () I ... Ptumform- ful btfcoM.tcr. Put it into the oven is ' "Tu'X 'XXT ffi i conccvo t,iat lle cou bo threalter W 31 own iyvu V.11V....1., . 5-ncroSlon tn snnr into was state troons -ainc . j 1 i 3 1 3 i ' 3 3 ;9 7S! 7el I jtyof tlelihcation when examined with a soon as the dinner is served, and- bake it .'magnifier, that fio'l doubt seeins to be cii- j for twenty-five or thirty minutes. It may ' icriaincd, oyj many persons converse l u'ith the- art, 6r their being cut hymachir rsailt ! be balked the day before it is wanted: ine- when it must be heated thoroughly, turh- lmrfcrativc : 1 he Baltimore Convention so decided, and N. Hampshire Massachust-ttis. . the party is bound to obey. hQ. in h told i-; II itpiuton Commercial. ;jhat Taylors command was entirely Connccict . . . qrptsomc; sort. I.ut aUhough the French Cd into a shallow dish, and sprinkled with - ?y ccessuu in Hie protti etion; ol tns.j powdered sugar. It requires no sauce. : c!?!TOv. t1??' cult ing. tjlioy are ndt j American Agriculturist. vtiuanyoiUj inc execution of the rougher rort.aiid?(oiisentiently EuilWh files arb 10 high TCpumlion in Paris, v hither large f uantitcsare rej:ulirly transmitted.' The Writer inenttons a; IVench juanufacturdr ! ' of watch nialjersf files, some tf which, cut! jifix thb comnion manner, but with exquisite fncatnes'by hi daughters, w-rc rcgardeil ; iKsusncion !jy many, simrly from the; bpiutpn tliat Ihey must be machine cut. I I- in...!.Jjil' 1" r .i i-H , . n il 4T"""g U'e war oi me f renen rcvolit- ayiors command was entirely t iC liiin tlnf nplnrc n n1 in. L KJ k 111111 , 111 til. UilH I O U"l ..." XT .X' I iui i islL; uuiiij l,a structionsior that generals conduct would New Jtr y . These laws, so far as it depends on the House emanate Irom the government here, and iVmyKn.iia. of Commons, are reipealedJ; 1 Their Add in the ! that he(Gcn. Gaines) was directed to abstain ' ' House of Lords is yet uncertain. The great ''from all inter feaence with him it was not ; Virginia . '. '. question with us is,.:h(w shHH wc be affected i anticipated' that hc would break out into .N. Carolina . by this measure" ? The ansKver to this questions !n wild course of independent action, alike ? Carolina. . ijouisinna. . . fcj 391 Total, 383 777 777 777 1-..-4 1.13-1 j 2X1 1 i 2331 j 'J3.U j 3 1 3 1)15 17,l.")3 Foot. 390 uiuepMiuuiiL vi il nil , iii.lL uiuria aim m- &' .Cl , .,, ' is given by the New York Herald, a free trade. 1 unauthorized by instructions or by law ; but VT. i- 1 !,o r ! iKlI)er wmcn sa.vs : 1 110 immense quantity or - gUch, unlortnnatcly, t. ' i . ,..7! i"; r..w ...... .v,.- i'i.ai1!i.a,WllM to an artidle published 411 the linnnsiiiW. ..r c ' o, . "'Li T:l-. . " ivi ta mr iota, trans- nm from the ,rrstcr of thd French Ly- n 'CCUni. it Woukl. aimrnr tl.nf jKaoul succeeded in producing files;so haril '4nnat Vicy! wotihl cut pr abraklc the beffl ; English lllcsi which", in a sorts of nublie cjcpcrirncntsj 'crc brought into competition- with tlicm." Penny Pnhjelonadm lavch in the New School PrcubL foiuri AsscniblyiAt will lie secnlthat the Ncav Schooji Assembly have r ursucd a djf irnnt courso from thatadoptodinthooth- Idcnining Blaycry Jii the abstract, but rc- iwnyng irpm ; makmg.lt a st bject of cc tlcsiastical jurisdiction. Tht j Old School Assembly! simply declined to take any ac- W on the ,stibj(?ct. Wc ari pleased to Ir "iiatV?P1 next session of this assembly hcjd nilhis city. Rilrh, Tim. Dreadful Affair. The steamer Queen City, hence for Cincinnati, while lying at Natchez, on Wednesday morning, between 1 and M o clock, burst her steam ing 7 persons and badly scalding 38, live j f:tl.P;(r flour and "rain locked m in bond in the ol whom have since died. The others principal ports of the United Kingdom,! ready were sent to the Hospital. Most of them t to be fureed hpovxthe market the moment the were German emigrants. Tropic. existing restrictions arc rejmpved, will undouht- ; ! cdly produce a denressionSmj prices, but whe- UT It is said that Henry Clay, Jr., is ther that depression will be temporary or per-, 1 i 1 i h I 7 l r, h 3 I I iiT-.n. 1 has been the case. , Florida . . and many thousand patriotic volunteers . iwa . have left their homes on his unauthorized u,sconsin ihvitation, prepared to espouse the cause j Tot-al, pf their country in this war against Mexi co. Though the government here deeply rinth'mrr nf W.untccr, 39 t 1 1 390 777 390 390 :i90 5 139 77 1 K.r.:i :,: i ' 7 1 1..V1 777 390 777 214-G s. Mr. Denton, nor anything else, but his corr. passion for change that cxi t i with him is concentrated in p ,!.; t ' m 11 1 " I - Mexican Towns. Mexican diminished very much in imp . exploration. By the folio wi:. seem that their -architecture i suosianuai ncaring some with the famous, wall which yi sighs and tears of Pyrarnas r.: The Burrita, diminutive of I! therefore little ass, and i.ot V, the letter writers call it iia r. j consisting of less than a dcz u of reeds plastered with mt;J. ; I to Antonio Salinas, the ci:a! ... ' forn'-man. ; ! Matamoros contains pr-Vhn; habitants. Three-fourths Jol t are made of reeds platen d and of ndnhps. fnnhtirnrd brie!. maining fourth of soft brie!c. I lipi-n tlinrn !u ft linncn in'llu' ? blc of resisting a four-pomi I is not a stone in the town.?r.or ( found within fifty miles ofit. A poulterer in Liverpool, ab late advices, has been earn, sr.: which rivals in ingenuity scrn Yankee notions. ! lie was c raising a company of mounted men in mancnt it is impossible to telj ; but our impres Louisville, Kentucky, for lexas. lament the disappointment which these rrnm .u Coaw'iltcc on Military Affairs, j rovrr;ni; common fowls with - . . I I l .l iL.i . . H'tl !.... .1 . f .J 1 J . tf , sion is that it will bo permanent, and that hnv- 1 gallant men win leei wnen uiey earn mat . has introduca iiu inio me oenaio pro- featherS and selling them ns I From the Southern Christian Advocate. SABBATH HYMN. Oli Jesus, lot thy graciotia eye Bo tumJ on me to-i!nv, Anil may l f. ol thy presence nigh, Whene'er I praise or pray. Drive far away vain thoughts, my Lord, Unholy teuiers sjlay ; And let me ponder ipn thy word Throughout this holy day. For, hast thou not in love to me, ix days in stfverj given, When I may earthly pood procure ,' Hut give this one to heaven. Then mnylits hallowed hours be thine ; ! ; - No trilling thoughts intruile ; ! l.ut holy songs attune my mind To higher, nobler good. So wUen my fleeting' journey's trod, Anil sin nnd death o'ercome, . ,01i may 1 say, through Christ, my God; f TW victory is won. , Tlien lean upon my Saviour's breast, " oreainc my We away. er prices for breadkutls will rule in the corn j ? markets ot C rent Juitain than has been real ized for years, if npt lower than ever experi they cannot be received into the public ! vidino- for he appointment of two Major service, the result cannot be prevented. j Qcneral5 and .three Hngadjcr uenerais in l It, is proper to add that as soon as infor- i od(iiiit;ri to the present Military cstablish- enced." Where, then, is the market tor Ame- mation reached Washington that ben. mpn. In addition to other provisions, me rican bread-stuifs, pf which so much has been ! Gaines wTas exercising the power to call has the following, which is important said If wc connot afford to send wheat and ; for troops other than those embraced in the to volunteers r flohr to (-Jreat UriUun now, how can it be dono j requisition of Gen. Taylor, he was direct- when the prices shall be still lower than here- cd to countermand his proceedings. V 4 ; From the Ra!d'-h Kr , r Tu tke rrenident of tke yrlh CJrvUi.-i a nee Society, 1 Hon-orep Hit, In behalf of lk T " matiftn in this section, and tlx" We.-'f r i ; "The all non-commi low;ance for c oth ng to each generally , I would mss. (hu-...,., lUWAUCb luiuiwuit r, holding our oextannuatCotivent.on ssidned musician and prtaie trv.My t. (jn.jw or. o tofore ? And yet this is the great boon held named the governors upon whom hc had 0r volunteers 'shall be three dollars and thV. places, or even atSalem. zl it- ' j out to the American wheat-grower, to induce ; ,jnadc his cans to each of whom thc fob fifty cents pert month, during the time he j mfat"u"r h,m to consent to the destruction of a; System . ,cr was addrccd, kind a copy bc in c icrvicc Gf the United States; 'i.j.n ' r ! which gives him a steady and remunerating :.. . , . ) . nt i s nnlmn. 1 u fe " "v? T.:h- ... u-i'.nin,.-,., . , i .l.lll. I I I 1 I l.f I 1 . III I II II I III. I jmm W mm -w m - t U ft V mmmm- - , d j 0 I i e l'ass calmly to the promis'd rest, : AiKiullcSc isuLbath day. . home market for his surplus inrpducts ! Richmond Whig. 1 i i C a v a lk y .-L n e fib r t is now being made to War DefartmPt May . 18, ! receive, clothing toi tnai amuum nm : : . . . Each corps is also to De anowcu an au- -ftiR ir. inin"' unucrMuw -m" ... . . t ... v tu -'A F , i ditional lireveit licuiuuaiit raise a Cavalry Comnanv n this county. We j yenerai vaainesiia&maui,- notice at thc head of the list the names of Ge Thomas G. Polk; and Capt. James Selby montlis. Vow ArJ it really seemi 10 rn. I should te particularly dirccte. to Ct- for here f have an atrfmVf i ' to combat, that y.a iri th flat allude to dirtMing. In tlwse L - ci : . nr Mjtnn iran be rai I . t . h were b. , ... rwiT J i 1. ' I : ii t 1 . In rpnnA'iviiis rt : j n. ceiiency lor volume The Washington' Union -y. that Gen. Taylor had.ac- , A.-arke. .icle- of Li Y. tort jesup. l.ouisiu.' ' -j-- : tn.ui. Those who wisK to attach themselves to a moun- ! you that this was donp without tho au-, t 1 cording to the last accounts, atwut oxjuu troop uuuri u Kmcc ,he Kcroiuiionarj - . hn 'm mw mn-.-. ted company their name (midlenes ru jst ions ii.,n. ... nn.i iiinusanus n vo:uiiicci t.v . uHijcuiim. should lose no time in enrolling 1 tjiority of the IVesioeni, aim mai me ge -fa cam i ijtf will EoonU in advance into ; es as turmmg '--r s.llollv Sprincs " i eral has this day been instructed to revoKe ' . an j we not. be surprised to . miF- , ; ; ' . i ! ! I: 1 1 I f ' the same. ;You are .requested to take no; Jltafof Lu rehuia Mubterey, about ;i30 m.M frm ; . - . ; v. i is the great fomcnter of all cor- measures tocomply with hat can.;;- : Mtamru, ; - JJ 7 ! W I .the human hearthair. M . t J Those whpin he had called irPin wiw- - 7 ,VV T V M ;' ! - ... ; ' t I , r : ! . !: Il . " ' i "C:-- ': A' ; : : f 4 - 1 k Uwfrik -; ' i -r' ? Tl ' : i : : .1 "J -1. 1.