11- 7-i s. p H J J i ft r 1 ' L J-....,,trn s mseruu "i""VT- Lit Pr e&d ueeut nsP'n It tr r - 'r ' " . si'KECir OK Mil HUDSON, - i rt ailvancr. the final. Court CXr- fcxico. BIG- rtUf &ifnrrt'int ilk M.W !iAorIttfhr;r?rJr.vnMay ll.jl t,JU ,, nir in Committfp of the l vfj tiirnjf . laving ouiaaueu jtlustgriusrimfii. direct vhfiti aHincnvrnCHlanriiiaipIrs of opr. c lonl Jfelieving.thfs i to bo lhp f..:if.inv dutV'to 1)C v mt j o i U . r.iii Procedure ; and 1 am the anore m- ;lftrd tddti tUU, beoiuse I was otic of the ...el nr. as irenutnn-ii ui iuu uuii siuu wi Jlpuhavo! shefcringly $aiM. onc.bi t;;infJJii tuurticiu who had itbe inde- ioAnhry in follow tlifir own setose ofdu fv.lini'rb: vote accprlling to thct " J T - II . T . ,tf Uicjr own Consciences. I bring no ac toiniagaiiiKfr others, The sid icct was I . .ir . ' i . I . l ,UU,MitrfJ : liv lhe mnloritv of the llouse in Jn6st ciYibarrassiig form, anjd gentle heft m oni'slytpf J urposa might ditler Wu,lha final voje. , As 1 claim Sincerity br ImVScu. I do not uesiion me sincerity ' "...I t . I H I. j. f niv 'IriciMS wnose nuims were uiuuimi Oodglass.) in reply t CM. Delano.) has t I is treason to. tne 3 'ii-'- j 1 .'T-!-:'J'i: '-it ' i t "T- : f7 : r; r"--" "1 ' .!" .t"TiT' --Vt: 'i"H'' ' ; f ' i$ H - . fj.-.i -i'v, i'TTTt rrTZ" '"U- l'"-7" e 1 .. I BRMER &" JAiES Edilo'rs Proprietors the ordina " Keet a check cpoi fir.t voce i i IS SAFE."; J , . ; NEW SERIES, NUMBER 10, OP VOLUME III. .MI kitct : ;3Ir..uiiarmanf umicj. vi ...- j Monday last. And. thouch tiic irbritlcman -v. i : .r. lis! on hi not .naive lnlru- i l Tn. uiiL f.OirpuniMiuy "i ;. ji. iroan liunqis very mouesuy urauus mosei to..lf4ui)on the btlention ol; the corn- , n8!,'n,riwi!u.,i,n rrtfl nint tKioi,ll I : t-7 - fx.. ..... w nnii' i V:IT W I Ll . . - i - ,f , ... ' . .1 tl,- , , J miittcc nul ;"c 1 ivv! I - -ration dl l war, 1 will assure Mtaf that 1 i'sWPublic i vc( keen-a ii aeon- hae lh. moral courage to speak Imy oww cmtnencco. w ; ' i-.cu,, sentiment ; and neither -bis dbsmatical . declarations, nor the awful nods of his head j consti- case, I against shkll restrain me. I will speak as I think, regardless of the frownsor sneers: of that gcintlemah or hte friends! I mkd no pre-; "tensions to bravery, but it frequently re- qujrcs more moral courage to stand alone, an Congress in 183G passed an act declar ing that their Republic was bounded wes terly by the Rio Grande, put what title ad she ta the territory lying! west of her j tipn of absurdity to rely upon original limits? She could have none but ' ation ofTexas as deciding thi which the army may need .will chased from them at fair pricrs. stated that until the matter tlju::! .'. nally adjusted between the two ( i ments, the harbor of Urao3 J would be open to the free use of tl; ' icans as ftcrclujure, 1 he same vscv? impressed upoirihe lexicon ci.. officer at Brasos Santiago, by Caj L deet who commanded" the escort' .. covered the rcconnoissance of l'.i i; and." j . j " t Here, fr. Cbaiiman, txe'lavc t!.c r " of Gen. Taylor for theact that Mcxic:.' It) Possession i nn lIiA I rstt InnL- .C , light of a contract, and as necessarily im-, and definitely settle all'pending differen- ' Grande, ihat Mexicani ture rw? V . plies two: parties as any other contract ces between the two countries, including the5 tad lhe nariguHuh of the harlLrc , whatever; i Hence it is the very pcrlec- those of boundary between Mexico and the Santiago, and, a rusiom.housc and tv ' the declar-! btute of Texas." And, injiis recent mes-' T'V . . ' l,0T lcn cou!J ti e is question. sage, he savs that Mr. SI de was i.n.'ww"- wnmaji, t; FRIDAY ; JULY 3, 1846. that nC nnrrnnt AAn,i,',A khk pvprrftrrv ! ttlis. thelbrc. af matter of. nrofound as- trusted with fnll nnuvr tnnrlint K.th ih ; rercnue Jw$. were "tended over i! -- w. vwtlVJl4bU.. - - , - T - . I , WV.W.wVM.UWWV her conquest up to the Kio liranue f xSo- tonistiment tnat in .4 . ining nquest un to the. Jtto iirande f iso-! tonistiment mat ine rresiuenr, in nis jaie like it; evefv attempt she made ; messaged .should bo presume upon proved a siirnal failure. The pooulation norance of Congress as to present u'pon the Rio Grarida never rebelled a- j parte ac bf Texas as having any; bearing gainst Mexico: were never! conquered by ! upon this question. But the treaty was Texas, or submitted to Texan! law or'au- rejecteu oy tne senate ; anu no oojecuon .I '11 ' A I, . 4 - ! . i . - 1 . ! ." 1 .' - 3 f ' 1 . ( - 1 . . 1 or wiiu a -smaii minority, than it does to thority. Texas made several attempts :to w-as urgeu wim more lorce man ine one follow the; multitude in the moment of plant her standard upon the banks of that wie arc considering, that it, attempted to his late questions of the Texas boundary' and of in- c7'"Z t ( rlilnr f th ;TTiri irr i Ipmnliioic . w t Mrand ucn. 1 avlor further jnfurr;s fS: demnW cat.on of our citizens. j arPrachii5; Point Ibel -Li : ttha in view of all these numerous flajj, aud , on arrivinS there L dictates vuuiuiunb on the part ol our own ov- ; that the "port6ptain hvhocommittc J t! ernmdnt, is it not perfectly preposterous j hnd made hisVscapo, and that with t!. in the Executive to maintain that our ti- t ion of two or thf-c jnofTt-nsiro Moil tie is "clear and unquestionable, up to rest lad left the""place for Matamor; the Rio Grande ? Have we nnv better ' evidence is clear and conclusive thai t i - . .. . . J. . . '. . . . J 'tvt Ji. f " : ui. ..a. f IJutithe gcntlemat from :Il,jn6is, (Mr. ; tcriv miscL.false as a Whole, and false in . '.!'' i 1.1 ,1. i. ' . .. T' r l I - I pouglass in rcpiy lo my lncnuirpm untt, , of its. recitals. l V - I . I I . i. . ... .1' . ! country to denounce ie war,- now it is declared. He seems! to .fmitttltat the ! remaps of' the ftfember omr..0:;io Would hruvct been undbjection- .ble. if they had been made befor the war iU become a law.; . iiuut, sir, l recognise o iucli dhtinqtion ujider the cirumstan of the case. AVV know the mannclr Nviiili tljat bill wa; passed, the lot haste i-ivuiiih it-SvasJ passed through thjs louse, aucPi uuenu uiai u snau qc Known lvhe!'rej ; oo far as my feeble powjers xtrtul, ! Hitetui jinpi country Mian Know ith what" rashness and indecenfl hasteall ilici cvik of war hap been brou Old ctmntry. A mqs.sagc was received i Irotn the 1 'rc&iuent l the L uitdr states :behyeen'. the lixi'cutive and rhiorvi Thc Hoijsi: resolved i loiriiTiittec of the! ' kVholc to coi popular excucmenr. y. river, but in every attempt her lldrces were carry itne western oounuary 01 lexas to ciaim 10 tne country up to the bank of. ,cin were ,n pos'ion ol the ccui.ttv i f'' vimiuuau, a was one oi me iour- ejmer captured or unven loacK i wiin iuu iviu uimiuc, iai ucuuu iuc nuu mu- moi yjipusnc uauunoros, man we 1 . .y -n un-. tcn wh6 voted against the passage of the what propriety, then, can We! maintain its ofexas. ! have in the neighborhood bf Santa Fe ? f.tn"? ha$ ng becnj in possesion cf t' ; wir bill!j I voted against it for various that the wilderness' or desert ountry b- I The j distinguished Senator from Mis- ' The President in his late message relies' J , jcretarypj m". Mr. Marcy. n: i reasons, and, among others, for th : I be- twecn the Nueces and Kio Grande ever , souri,: (Mr. Benton.) when speaking a- upon the act of the Texan Congress, which ';..? ,en a3jor.ate.d July8,.lM, i lieve the! preamble, and its repetjtion in belonged to Texas ? Aviate strip of j gainst the treaty, said: made the Rio Grande, through its whole gnmeini ' the first section of the bill, to be untrue. ! country on the left;dr eastern bank of the i "Thejbne hajf of the department of j course, the boundary, when he himself, j 0f tjlC m0 cjrand which arc -ani )' ! The preamble is as follows: "Whereas, ! Rio Grande has ever been in possessionof NewjMexico, Vvith its capital, becomes ; through his Secretary of the Treasury, has ! time have been in'the actual occuai by the actloF Mexico, a state of war ex- j Iexico, and we have acknowledged j the property of the United States ; an an- told that Santa Fe, on the east of that troops." ists between that Government 1 and the j that possession both before and! after an- United States." It is not true that nexation. At the' last sessioq of Congress ain act was passed allowing a drawback upon foreign merchandise! imported into this countr and exported to Canada and wnr cxistejd before the passage of that act. j Mexico ; and among the places mentiqn- rhere had been a collision between our troops andj those of Mexico; but a colli sion of forpes in a single instance and at a partictiUr point, does not amount to war, in the legal and constitutional sense of that term! By the constitution of this country aqd of. Mexico the power to de clare w'Arj is vested in Congress, and not in the President or the commandipg gen eral. W4 have no authority for saying that the Mexican Government had declar- i: . . . ... . ... m v crln nt I hi hhTlnhnn n 1 cn l-tcttnmoc nnrc n , rivpr i n o I n11 in lh I c r rwi ri 1 1 r rl l nvi ti. i .1 . 1 . , e v " wvv,... , .. . v.., ...w.MU,u ... ..w v ivi- t e nave men mo most. conceive c part 6fi the department of Coahuila, not co. j that Mexico was in possesion ontla-:. but commanded' from the right by Mexi- i I wish to pay my respects to the gentle- custorn-liousus and military posts ihvic can authorities;! the same of Tamaulipas, ' men fiom Illinois, (Mr. Douglass.)" who fa- lhen' become of the tfeclaratiVn tft!.. Which cdversboth sides of the river from ; vnmd ik u-!tli li vimrc nLn iU Cnh; ! man from Illinois, or the declaration i;i i ' ifc mnth ff onma lnmTJ iK A 1 . rni .1 . I SaHC IfOm WIWCD h(V tlOrrmVfSl if. If. if this session Mr. Secretary Walker, in his all the left bank of which is in the power rare a specimen of advancin- and re- Ps8s,ndhat our laws .wen- c report on the finances, says :! 4 The act of! nd possession of Mexico. These, in ad- j treating, of playing oiT and onTas we of-1 ZZh?nVvLA!i March 3d, 1815, allowing ?v djawbackpn ditiou old, Texas-these parts of lour ! ten witness. In the first place, he at- i f 11 i H Kr Jrii7 W;. i" I " A ; . . 1 " J a - ' r rtC f L lt-rt , . C n . I t.lllnrVAA I . . J 1 , . - .. . . inrfiiirii iriiff)irs. pvnnrrpn irnm f.prramni wavca-riuuci; iu us uu macs iucsc ipmnrpn in s i winnriiiip ntir tit tn tho . . Our ports to Canada, and also to Santa Fe ' People and territory these flocks and . whole country cast of the Rio Grande by i armistice was concluded between the M and Chihuahua. -in Mexico, ' lias crone i to ' herds Some extent into ellect. and is ! Winhinir cp, lvo thousand miles long and some , , , , , fln almp nt thn Knnnh in rl : pvu .. I. 1 .. 1 . I : c it m . . . - j ciuiiiig in cany uuuuuancs ui a cx- ana i cxaas, auu one provision was r, thousand miles long and some ' as. But. after he had demonstrated that i Me xican fo rrp should hft wiilw'riwn ' hundred broad--all this our President has j to his own satisfaction, he confessed that ; right bank of the Rio Grande. uv, "I cut off from its mother empire, and pre- j these old boundaries, and conseqently his ' gladly ak that gentlemm. whether I.o sents td tis, and declares it ours till the argument founded upon them, was noth- confidence in an argument of this ojt ' Senate rejects it ! ing.to his purpose. The question, he said, ! noVcyery one. know' that "nothing U xw . had given no authority to the President to I included within hdr lawful territory. But j ;treaty,,n alt that relates to the : was not how the l'rovmce of Texas was j " 1 " " 51 - i .i . r-, . . . - ., i ixinn iarv ni inn ittn iiran p. is nn ;ir.L ni ttrttinriri Mnr imw ho , ...,. r -i-.vnc. uit niuiiiiu.i i every one Knows mat anta tc is on the Z -V : . i " rv t h,a,w to produce the most happy result." !!; 1 Here, sir, we have the most positive rc- encrnitinn nn th nnrt nf nm- fSlrtrpphinotit c(jl war, and we know that our Cjongress . that Santa Fe belongs to jMexieo, and; is jnasteran j niarch Ins troops upon a disputed ! territ P U.PJ j ry in possession of the Mexicans. The There ! east side of the Rio Grande, ! How! then PKW outrage oi cxco. t is me was bounded. In this he yielded all ar- J is! also a manifest distinction hotv.o:n hnx- h if h rtnAo',Y rV binT Uf I seizure ot two thousand miles ol her ter " ' - - - . . . Vi Ltl I . L . V W .l t. I.L.IIU.U( lll 3ill"i II. I I I I fl I II 111.. i 1 . --!-0 '""I 7 j scene of action ? lhit who'evcr t!; that such an agreement Cor l ic time Ijc i .' tililics arid When war is proclaim- ; that the- whole codntry UtCU aUtnontV. the W ho fi : intintri hnrrlonntr nrrr rorld are bound to take to Texas, and hence is a part of the Uhi- ! toich she is no party. m . - j n i i - j - . m i . i r .1 with mer(,ucu ia our reiauons w uinuex, ; pa hv thH onstitntmr n.nthnritv tt-iU n-hnlo ! ..t. v.,i;U 5.wi( rl'li J. nnwt-.r, xif n fc r rvfri ri t-i 1 ni I ,if Ii I .. ! , .1 . . 1 .01 ii nn roitij, ,ii.im.vwiiiiMiim.M ' ' 110.110(1 and the vv -Ii. 1 -- o-luminous correspondence, which passed den ouriCJovrniinent and Mdxico, and I l'.i I . ' , . . I . 1 .1 . ..T 1 uenerai I self into irimittec of the! Whole to consider the fuivject. llw uebatK by a vote of the pace of two hours. One hour rind a half t IMt Ihue was consumed in reading, the ircspohdcnce, atld even then one half L ' ' . I f the1 papers werd riot read. The chair mffol the Conunittle on Military Afiairs li ed Up a bill,w hilh had bceii for some ! tabl i a fflje momeht ! Seizure, of. ..two thousand miles of her ter- guments drawn from the boundaries pri- r T " nV 1! rnfJp ritory without a word of explanation with or to 1SHQ ; and then to show that he had I ? ' .,.heful,?re bindary of the two c, or anypart of the , J- ,1, c . v . , , ,w l ll' "uwuuu nuiau jie Mexican mi":ht with more rr vrs 1 that river, belon.-s hor' ?n( bv virtuc of a treaty with lexas . no settled principle uP6n the subject, he nnpn tlic faci .ha.norul Tnvhn, T i ! . . . ; . I to v hifhc IP le nn nirlc " 1 I. . ; r . U l. I 1 . . . . i iciuuii-uiu iutjfjucauun ui ine fariy uuuim- nosilion uix'n tho Auece?. to provrt tl.:it cognizance of' it, and to govern them-1 ted States?. There is no authority at all ! " IIa.v!n? shown the eflects of the trea- ary, and relerred to the argument of my vcr, and not the Uio1 Grande was the tn: i ! m m' m !l - 1 . . i tir rviV 4hrk lfi I- rr t r 4 nnn ti am I fn a nn I 1 If J W At 1 1 i a t selves accorumg to rules ot constitutional ibr that plea, not one particle of proof ! V ul, lUD Ulu T 1 ' veuerau,e coueaguc, uur. iuams.;;wnen ary apd international law.'. Buttherelrnay be Uhat the Rio; Grande is our true boundary, I the treaty itself; and under all its aspects; j he was Secretary of State. This vacil- j outbreaks or collisions at a particular ! evCeDt the act of the Texan OoWoss n!nd ! and hi it whole extent, and assume iour . lating course, this employing and reject-! j sphere, that we ha,ve confessed to! be invalid by ? t'"014 1 s ' 1 "K . , ,. ? argumenun succession, , . . ? f hn trnntv - lins Ift hnt lift In w hirh roruilrnc fnr o. I 1 llC TUtnOred Settlement Ot tlC ( ii.-piiaai aumitiinj; oania re, a lown on me east- v intwiw ... m..; - ......... u... i (to nE coxTixur.n.') f rfdebate for. some Vhig .wasabh point, hostilities within a limited and even letters of marque and may be granted to one or. more subjects under certain circumstances with suitable limitations, without being in a state of war, in the legal sense of that term. When war exists neutral are bound to take notice of it; same is npt true in every Ccisc of hostility. nations but the consul ; there wc have been paying duties on merchandise ; and when the expedi tion to Santa Le was captured, our Gov ernment interceded with the Mexican Oo- vernment for the release of our citizens ; ittip iiiriii rmr inrtinu iimmaii i.tiv-trvi tt- i . ' r - I I u I'WtJI V t . LIA lIU. U 11LU niilllll V jLll 1 iir I. ,i 1 1 ! . . . . . . , d -. Ldrized the i'resid, ,t Un,,nt 1, JnriL I .Vc a ? i examples n our own nis; , admitting in the correspondence itseltj that i'Af .a,A0 - Ji.ir.i.7 lory u'm.CI1 Wl11 illustrate this u.s incuon. Santa Fe ri; y to defend our own soil, or rdncl inva ;J.l i-nv'A... wL:k.,LL. .';!. Ti.t i -i ' ... 1 iuii iiwiii.uui itiiiun jn; uiu was JJ I1 1 hirty minutes, but.no or .me, iirsi niiu , Mvcianiuoju oz war vaimcntlon'd,;niid sundry aniendhicnts d iliat cllVct wlt re oflered. When the iwe'lor dicussipn.ukpired, the committee ftxied upon1 the aihqndmcnts, a id the bill ivOrS uniupuiauiiY reporicu to ii e iiouse, iml paissed. untie r! thl; previous (mcstioiti ritUsi sir. wasi whr.'lleclarcd after a dd-l late bf BOinc thirty miiuitcs only, and that i,ne auacK upon tne Chesapeake hy an ican Republic,. xjiiwiioi muwv , uwuiu IUO laic WtU Vitll rnt 1 n , Hngland,jwas an act of hostility,! but nei- ,g 7 ? ther nation rerrar.li if o acts. acknowledged injured i side of that river, to be a part bf the Mex-1 wrould be, of itself, a war between the , ply. t There are, however, a few points question is received by the Press an ;es, and ican territory, Ai that place ! We have a I United States and Mexico. ; : j which demand a passing notice. The pie of the country with the great? "2.-That it would be an unjust war. gemicman toiu us nai mere were some thusiasm. The Baltimore comw m , "3. That it would bea war unconsti- sold,fs 1,1 the revolutionary army of Tex- ;.rr7:vrr ' : futinnnlh, r7 ! as w" came from lhe country west of J I ; " ? m? - 7 ! the Nueces, and from this he argued that j " in time of war, wc justly n. "1- luu1Vl . IU n "ar 1 01 all that country fell within the Republic a victory, accompanied though it anu grounuicssprcicxi. The treaty failing, the subject at the next! session was brought forward in a form! to obviate in some degree this ob ghtfuljy belonged to the Mex- oiitincd cf)tire!lv io or tour mhnbcrM'ot too Plain the lldor. 1 hen. ' ,u .u,,,...... I ojine on! the Canadian frontier. The cap- ture of jfonterey, a Mexican town upon ; the Xacifc, by Commodore Jones, in 1813, I is anotHer case in point. Each of these cases shrews that there may be acts of hos tility between the forces of the two Pow ers, and jyet the relations of peace may be preserved. The declaration, therefore, that wafjexisted, is not sustaine'd by facts ci few brie the I) cm 6c ty mil ; icy )4V of'ivrjr. ier m wnicn uiey UlLthd horrors ot wa :i prcc.ancy anu lounq in ine nisiary nausoua .uciiucra lifr e been iiiv i Acrosser rashness can of j arty assembly i ye body. remarks ratio par- Wc had no evidence of its existence at that time : on the contrary, all the evi- : V CTfl1 "io mi??ruy dence wc had before us went to sustain crrtutcu to say, worn upon n irM absorbing titrestlonj of peace n.4louke.kupwj the country vtiflw. me nasiy nnu lnconsiueratc dry fell within the Republic a viciory accompanieu mougii u i; of Texas. But does not every one see ; bY the slaughter1 ol thousands ! the utter fallacy of this reasoning ? I pre-.j t gives some assurance of consrqut sume there, might have been some solTablc peace, how much more mers in me i exan armv irom me counirv i" itJui" iuttnmwnuujinit.uun1,. jectipn of the Senator of Missouri. The west 0f the Nueces, but to every one west ! suit in war,with. its vast destru joint? resolution of annexation provides j 0f t,at river there were, I presume, ten ; hTc and. property,; arc, without an that the; territory properly included icith- 1 from tne country east of the Sabine. cc nationalhorior, amicably iniw&jightfully belonging to the Repub- j Anj if tbis fact pr0Ves that the country i The news! we publish to-day that t!. - 1AJI.I. r I II LIU. 11 UI.L.L 1 1A A 1 11 Llllj 1 L I II Vfl I lllllll. t " " ' FT is included in Texas, the same argument ! the moral force of unanimity, has was this: "Said ! limn ui l.of o ioo. r i.r. tt t the makini? of a Treatv resnectin'' I ril 1 .: . I ; ,. . . , . . . - - UUIU lllUl. U IIIIkIj UI LUL iy . . o - ' ver. i ne language oi he treaty wasge-1 Mate to- be formed, subject to the adjust- States 'was rightfully included in that ! on the terms proposed, will bchrul neral. It provided that the Uepubliq of ment by this Government ot all questions Rcpubiic. But, sir, the question is not ! universal joy. The question jt!) v. Texas, with all i s territory should be pe- of boundary that may arise with our Gov- from what country or section of country ! long loomed up like a portento; ded to the United jStatcs. Lut, sir, thodgh eminent. i the soldiers came, but over what country : in the political sky, and has excr: this language was general, andseemed to , IIerei we-have. tt)full recognition ' did they extend their arms? And I say ' a malign Influence upon' businc imply that the country ceded was nothing i pf the unsettled state of the western boun-! without fear of contradiction, that they 1 ally, may now be considered as more than Texas proper-tbe country i dary of Texas, The language is selected : never were able to extend their conquest ; settled. The effect cannot i ul t Dourmeu wesieny uy me i ueces ei, , with caution " the territory vronerlu in- : to tho Rio Grande. Thev have at ditler- 1 the highest degree suspicious-, an 4 - . -' . J n , . . ' , ernment had by public the country bordering upon the Rio Grande on theieast to , bo- part of the Republic of Mexico, the trea ty crot up by Presdient Tyler dhd his Se cretary, of State attempted ' clandestinely ; & ! But the first condition imposed upon to obtain all the territory east of that ri- ! Texas in the resolution was this: "Said treat reiltiVhig. party in the the great : the opposite conclusion. I could not, there- 1 uvl t -T' i'u uy ,u, , eluded within, and rightfully belonging to Cnt periods made attempts at conquering i ie ai once m every cepanmcni and war. 1 'uLu i.i...: J Senate to iurnish a map anu description ; TVj vj.f." and this is followed with a nrovis- t hp rmmirv. but havn alwavs born rp. suit. Rapidly following in its t shall -ailCadyi existed . j of the country toibc annexed, jhe laid be- ; jon that all Questions of boundary which pulsed or captured. , hope will be a satisfactory adj; man- mi l' , , j k j, . --W "re uiem a iirni pi m uouuu 10 iviu ; matr arise with other Uvucrnmcnts shall be ; mm . , . , . an uiiiicuiues wun aicxico, anu n .i . 1 1 in nrp.imn p. stjitpc nn niiiv that wtiwi .i .1 .1 .. . . s . . . . . . . . 1 ne pp.ni eman nass.11 inai onn mrm- .. ,. . - 1 . n vpi 11 1:1 : " iiranue. wiin uie .clause oi ine aci oiine cott nri hv tiw i niPi nnrf thnt nth. . z " : . . . . . mi disastrous inuuences 01 war s instance ! x,s;7t cxtst l,ic fl f tl Texan Congress claiming all the country !r Government. These provisions can ber f exan Lonfs hf .rers,d to pursue! unmolested the'-be'nig. 1 Hrnuhuc' of Mexico. This 1pplhrntmn 1! . .1 J i at n n . , . J . . west of the A ueces. and hence he interred 1 1 1 nOt beirA .-v , -TT' , east oi mai river.: iul iir. Vuiuouiw;uie hav6 no signihcancy on the supposition ' 4 a ' peace. i - v ! it- I UUUUXUjlU UC UllllUC. ilt5AlCO Willi Ull; Cf,. rvJfoto iHnrrh ho haI olllVPfl ',1 . ,1 1 '1 It .1 'P lildi- till IlltlW UIUIIU V IU llig UlU 1 ( illlUC , ...- j. call- i c V u .u- t? . I Secretarj ot fetate, tnougn. he nau aittxeu that the boundary mentioned by the Tex-:, , i h i t I Tho -i;,,.,, ruini1 rnnt i hpr faults has not. in this rasp, hppn thp , . . .1 , .1.1 1 J j j , hplon?rpd to lexas. llut. admitting flip 1 nc lUanu Lilt-(n cCt.ii. ! 1 " rrr - ---- - , : T his name to mat steauny ireaiy, anu. was .-an Uonsrress is valid. Aot onlv the reso- - 7 " , , , . V . r ... " .1 aggressor, a ne siaieuieni which a r-vr-r -.v rirr-.-n without' having p leilialf of the documents KvlUch wprb subiinlted ' by the President read' I And now Wo are told, by the mem pcfi ; of the same danmant party, that it is .treasonable to spcaiv ; against ti. measure hnlv vio vi icy stric ilo. Bu Rio Grande, but Mr. C. , J. lngersoll, the chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs,. who brought the subject leforeihc immediale yal, fthcX ; the ;IIouse and opened the debate, gave call themselves Texans.andc .US me luiM.si assuraiiuu iiiaiii uiu nut does not follow. The distance from the Nueces to the Rio Grande is some hun dred and sixty miles, .and even if it should be admitted that a few men residing in ucces should '. Wherever flev the glad til! published yesterday morning, the ! earnest response 'of every true a:. heart was- 1 hanks be to !!. IVacc ! All lionnor to the rcna: consent to be countryi5 saved P! And trulv t!. LSCriD- i tho nnnc..tT'-cririt i ti thp whnl'rt irniisnpiinn i j : 1 in,ni;,J ' U, V. ,.1 f . .1 A r ... nmoi.i,i-ti juib n.v ....v. tiv.uuuvwiwu).! lUllOnS Ol ' ail-IICAilHUlI illllMlCVJ uiai ttiu Un e 'mnhl od Mai tvran it miori 1 3 11. ,"1X1 fc"n8 congous.; as U woaWj?eem,,hat ; boundary pf Texas did not extend to the ' L-J'L iu&X?Xnd w..iJL ' -a V v 7r -i T V , i J . tne act oi lexan uongress naa no vaimi- C'UC tP?7 mlh1 its ,n: he ease. I might go back to the ... his note td Jlr. Green, our Charge inglO woru oi uep.-iic, on llieir parr, and eommenhement of tip rnvo hit on n Tex- : A vr. .... . L ., ... . - . i . 'ir ' - ; "I U'M Hll irilllf'M II I I lllfl II I III fl 'IVV. TP as, and show that the Government of the thc Mexican Government that the bound- unueu piaies nave not maintainea a pot- ; aries were not fixed, and that this Gov- 1 A 1 1 1 A i ' ly neuirai, as mey were pounu to ; crnment would in uiu aci oi annexation, wenoi in relatfon to thi lli:li uLir uwii iinraniR ,iw. mn. .1 ..i'.... . j nipnii,, fn,i,i..l,.aijr. . .v .., , , " "r'"Y ' , incsc: " lou are Itli'd Iiouse, j withpnil debate, ainid scenes j l t . 1 1 ' t i -v. i i 7 7 --7 Tr-tr-r ir 1 . r 1 1 1 j ihjvi r in 1: n 1 1 1 o nil ri nuvi innw 1 . i r 1 -in t' 1 ! 1 I'll ii'ii 1 .iiiii 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m v i nn ill i . .1 :.a. 1 1 1 : 1 a. 1 1 iiiai lv iiuiivj a iil, oluiiiuuuj uu;ui ic uu- t. -c 1.1 . c . a. . r & aaI . ' r.T. -71 " . j s ,-upuu nun uui, uu. usi as a ueneve inai 10 u .,u:Au Wvo,-i , - - , Mexican congress, ana time iac ,wm ; w trt inPKf ,n trriiiic. lurv i: puns measure, wq are-toiu, wouiu nave have been. I will take the case as iti ! "rluV:! "I'T.. "1 77' rveei F "vc.r! wuwra -rt"u u.ra u fnr fum.flS ,hp niWU for U5. n,i,Ufitl h.Jhf( grow out oi uie ireaiy, or any oilier cause, , Grande) and the natural boundaries be- vuumij . L,tl" was Passed5 on the most liberal and satwfactori t&ms twn ih Analn.Sj.tnn and thn Afanri. Again, the gentleman has told. us that ; too. in guiding us safely nl6!:g : OUr COnUUCt tOWardS 7;., W.-: If !. "".v " T. 7 , . . ? ., :...lnr1n in'nn- r n, noil, ;,n, mvr a iniS prd'is ;s u0 Tnvo, ! l"Lluu"'o yj Wl"tuw'!.r ,1U r11" tahianiraces There ends the valley of tnis wnoie country is v,w . v, V"X,. . . 1 T. . ar 7 k . that view, the Minister who has been re- the West. There Mexico begins. While the Congressional distficis in lexas, lhe bled sea. ; jrirw.uujn, $irVt.admil n'ol tcfl Principle 1 wilisub- l&Si; ih.T "1 5 cc.nl,y appointed;wil be shortly sent With pdace is chef.shed that boundary will be State is, I believe, nyiaeu into two u,s- anu me gra c ;i a - . y . 1 .: il.: ...i. ... h" . arlpnnatp. nowe.rsi" n the samp note he I lL.i : X'ini ..r . h.it it i maniiesi tnat wnaiever . averting : a wiirj wiiu iio''"-' " inu ,10 no sucu upn iu e. vnu,uas 11 come-; what di it ine. nde. What. 1 d we an. " W r . - z ' snnnrUd- - iW . n Vrn ! i directs ivir. ureen to assure the iMexiean supprcsseu incx? The old nrovmce of Texas vvak - ,1 k.ii. Up,.oW i.iu ;i 1 1 .1 ' . . , .; ,r , government; " mat me government 01 me rr-'i 'vu soounueu on tne southwest ov me iueces. We are- told, Would flaye 1 11 rn 1 exercise a noerai poncy ,r.rfjaeh5w th n a hundred mi es of that riv- : ' r J . ; . . r iuu.i ui iuiVr,. M subject. , IIisword3are! er. ! His declaration is this: "The terri-usl,.V Ul? l!,,erence ma 1 le i .exa.ns pr . Providence is plainly visiblcjm.d. enjoined,' also, byi the Unrii.ll. mitt YV.f Teva rP mnrked in thp !csslt,P Mioie country up to ihc niou, i . the tcmpest-cloud of war that h i sure he Mexican 6orn- congdratio of this Continent by an AI- f s also true that men residing ca" . lng ver USf ad. that sxnlcd A l l l t. nv a v -v.- iuiimv v a vj--- u;n lll'l IIP' mill uiu j.ll u, l j I w w wo---n 1 ii i iucHUiiilnt wui, ivm, nuum w c iavc Oeeil. 1 Will take bfelpt war, al opposition ti the ilea- and I believe that fb thisi tlat allMclite is to bd lit this lUU--.that fccedom of )t denied to thd rehrcscntativ nevee advancei FUrtt shows a w an of patriotism, and a Mexico5 is entirely indefensible. ' disoUion to take ides with he enfcmy. JHvas iarthexed to the United States, a vcr, we aro cs of a free yas dOc- ccording to thid i . -r j . . i nt, led on by vaia am .:' All ii ' .. 1 .union; or; uy treasonanie uesire to raise IMnisclf Iq a. throtid on the ruuis of our free : jl ' h . vii. i l i Moycrnmcni, u wiu v;ivtH iess to tram pleiipdn the prcrpj ativesoft ongresk pnd Cbmrnrnrn iin ritiitist war with a frirptorn to -.uumit jn sue tea of thc case1 recly. this da jj , Uiiited States has taken every precaution ;nct, be- which does not approach within onehun dred and fifty miles of the position occu General Taylor. The Texas which has been annexed to the United States was the old province of Texas; the .Texas which formed one of the States or depart s a r . i m it j i i "Vi"i xeAas.wmcn re-; accOFaing to the! rights of each, and the j! Republics 4vs he belled against i the parent Government, j mutual interest and security of the two p u ?i i t tv and set up a Government for herself: in ?K ' secunt ol the. two. t am happy to be abth ges will the people on either side molest may be the language oi meir law, it can t or mix with teach other." He virtually include no terntorybut what is rightfully ; admitjahat we shall have no right, even ! theirs. Again, the gentleman says that . up to the desert, by virtue of annexing this country is included within one of our , Texas, for he sneaks of buying our peace collection districts,:and is subject to our Locofoco arc endeavoring; to with Mexico, and obtaining the country 1 revenue laws. 1 his statement, borrowed Xcw York members of Contra:, un to the trreat desert bv the offer of mo- from the message of the 1 resident, re- k ard comr)clthem to fire ai C3 j . . . r . ' . .1 . - - i i rot; rrrnat rtitn 1 1 n t f ir l iniH I iiL r, ty 1 ' 1v TT . V l .1 " ,T ' wu,cn ues not approacu wunin one nun- tn m-.i-p the terms of the trpktv as littlp HP13 . A ao.tnSe: more despotic! AVas dred and fiav milesof thenositionoccuoied ! SM1? 5 ,s. J!"?- , oujeuiiuaauic iu iucai.u ii pussi uic , i"iiu, i among others, has lelt the powidam of lexas without specification, so that the l-v.-rl t m i n-ht f- - - i- -v - - n nnct i am t- t . t 1 uuuuuc. iu.B.ii u. n upm vonw,., t nev. " Although the public correspo --. . JI I I . . ... I . .!.' oe iainy anu iuiiy uiscusseo, aim sqmeu derice between the two North American has become angry, thorized to assure the . -n ... . CLJlillil ICi. ; 1 llnhc l..f , U -. KAct n Ay.i - i oH wi;n LUC OusehosUliUcihaVc already commenced.-1 the river Nueces. It is true that theTcX-1 Now, sir, does not this amount to a fullj' trtie state ofthingf apprehend little or no i v. uiu iu siiiiiu. uv in iiitvii Buwuuio mm, f . i- '. foil lriasiuii yjii liik n;.rL hi - ii r. .?iiii)uii iii.il.': uatiiicii ui not iiiuiu . , . . ndcp our! tiihU invaded And thfe pro- i Sil.cc' the delivery of this speeeh we have receii- theRio Grande kvas not the boundary oil! moiieyl will l&tl the breach and the contro- give that impression, tne a women its su TAe Tariff. -Tlic Washin-tf.i- and thc Xew lorlc Evening To a collection district has been established , at C the T'l. X... AwAr mom! m ri . t! -------- . .mocraiicwwmunsi i' . liut that our revenue system is tc.meu :, This ik west to the Rio Grande, is not true. And , J . . a though thc message seems designed to j .l';,!!- 1 I .... . . i . ,1 . i .. i ipv iniw iit:ii iitj.ti iil.v '.. i 1 ' '. L : !'-... ...i..l..v ,i ,i. M tr..-.K -f n l j,.i , xt.: i til Ti ! , . irT. i ..ii.. : ' i I f tt : fr-nnf pntilco milni u-itn ine mebsairc l-AWIVCOl LUir . i - .. ucnv anu live oi! our ciuze,us waujumy ,v v,c a,ru"' uaitu laiape . -i nvas ' line re neci unon the. act ot then versa amicavtv iiere is -- .7 . . . - , : nne fPnl thn I'ost. nor in-m -..-.... . t .r i .... . . w rr ivi-; a :i 00 iqioi k. ,i-ti. .1 j, : . , i , . j : .. r i I'.if nr. in ii is ipsraipii i w... - crinc bcchuss a drilled WW S Congres?, -why permit the Hi, "UWCUl parusans may liaC succcuucu nij, pnaucally," I solemnly announce that 1 K not decfa Pressing tliroUcrh CongreSS.t WlttlOUt ue- i ,ror i At United States of America, because I f L.i ..3.! 'L T?l.',:..Jj .,iJ.,wj ! prrtain$ to the ensust Consres of the nation, and i 'ti Ai I ..wlina'n mi l: innnlinnhnrt nA I ! J 1 ' " r;- " . ' T 1 "r. f ' I'WHOIU iiStlVd Sill 1 Wilt VUUlllU lm '.$uch doctrine j! I Jyill submit to no such ftiogma. Under, tlM peculiarcircutnstanM auu sspeuH. ns IVvfillJspeaU, Would haVe spoken onl which Jti) rrmnv: nT:resion demand. But the. de of Me-vncanj territory, which the United States troops nn Urgent necessitv.-and niv resijohsibilitv-wo be inpniense before the nation did 1 not give cohimartds i to repe comiha hd. thope i-rceaj m hich act like enemies! ,e to; ioathat the contemplated oouuunrj was iraqici .w f.'";; "V" o 7r i derelictions of duty from anyot!.- . lj .i j .. -J n that nnnU l,n .latPtV Cornus Christi. February 20, 18 10, acreiiciiuuwi.uuij r.;.,. V oe drawn in question, and propose to sud-, me great nrt, auu iTTr 17 vxAnt that I.p had taken wiU quicken them to oo ..u.: u, ? mit it to negotiation T j The fact isJ that: obtained only by 4be paju cui ui money. ; TV " " ; "nrp their judgment cannot approve. . Jf ;!,..!. riuL TL..J rtL -!- lr-Ji A -.H..';UI' di, iT--. thp noliev nf nnf finr. everv OPDOrtUnitV of gmng the imprcs- lucirju o ...Us, ct i nn nni in i lit. a i y m ii .rm rrrpvv i w rivri r i it i r vv i i.i i. i iti iii:iii r j -rv - w , i . - . i t ..---. ;v-tr l"r.:: ::r Mention of that ioint sion to the Mexicans - that the Mexicans , 1 his is ine true - - - , - fence "uiiiij. j.vj hiii nnu3 ucuci ina i i.u.i i uimiiniv.-nmv - -- --- -- i ,. .. . . . , ,eu i:-. n i.. .;i i.. ,nrtnnn-.tpnre mat ougui io ; tt-l Calhoun that a boundary! is :k fc,uest&n to resolution ?:VbyJ the Resident informed it o aid i r. fXA k,- t-,in r,.;AJ UJ'.i-- Jii ncSnhio5.WJ.al message that he had an-1 not be disturbed in any wa bj our troops ! taineu aiaiiii ...... , 3Vf !SO i leSitorbl toid is toWglefpffi; i ana, anu sent hitxi to Mexico to adjust I rights ar usages ; and hat every ming , maae u. uu,. . , ;' i J I - " .-' . . u . r ' - w .- ; : . l- ' ' . ; f I .. 1 i i -. 4 ' ' f ! .I ii. - .",:i rT- A : !'. I - . I - - -. , . . ,' -(; i '-HCc- -t' VV-l-'l ;? :f ' J - :i i :i " - j 1 ? ;: i 1 . . ; ' " y - . r .? ' v - - J... !' I" " I-. f '. .4s- i (1 ;