1 rr ..(.(:.- t- rjWmTWl I 5, cents for ear lhcharge.'J P" aubvqucnt insertion. fcr)l higher. 1 SPEECH v i ! I :; . Dollar J per annum F MR. HUMON MA83ACHLS3ETT3, of the Vr with I .i Ml fcr.iivE3. Moy 14, 1846 ii H! Uh UJ Mry-M AV : - :VAW " A ii.MU - h AVHW. ' JjJliL.lL U it- liilJil VI , 'lii--iiJ J..; N"''-t.;jii i.,..;,.V. r X Al Ji .yjL2L SOLI. Aldt N 0 ; :i .:- , . - - f . . :i-i.-riA r.';-i! !iM--n-- it m-- s.r-,- i- i r-' , . , 'Jt 1 t- Li , - , . : .' -i ;i h' i . L.i- i ,. , i. . , , i. i i ... i li r.. Int- nnnrchension, one cap ital defect; In-t""''',": "r,7,h i o carre l' . . I , nmu-. bank of the.Muces wno Mexico. BRUNER & JAMES, Editors 4" Proprietors, r KEE? ! A CHECK VTOX ALL IS SAFE." . i K RrtERs. Do this; axd Libektt ' Gcn'l. Harrikm. . . NEWJSERIES,;- ' NUMBER lnOF VbLUMEIIl. ySByfiYtjNC.ipiY-:JLY 10, 1846. W are. a t,f west I.. ' l.,tl.,nTiif!in Hi - - arri it i i i a i : a t,,Atiiiv r " ... irVfl.. l.rt v:ilIiV 1)1 i i . i i .... nnU llV tilt' WUUCnif SS UIIU liey have tho IVio deserts ence that the Mexicans made the first ttack. GeneraI Taylor in his ; despatch1 Ces nottpretend it. : :- 'W&'-'W--: From the view 1 have taken of this whole subject it appears to me ; that we $kve been the aggressors. iWe annexed Texas to this Union-; but the Texas we III ( . I Lt, iu hPtw-fcen those two rii ers, : and hhnexed yas limited in her territory to the fnAvhivc rcL'aTrtled themselves as belong-; Xueccs lor that immediate vicinity, Ui tbTexafriBut this, if it be admitted though she had made several attempts to 6 the fullest eitent, does not ptove that ; pxtenci ner "tory by arms o the Uio Tvn ''lina ever extenueu ner laws one Mm. f"i' aiwa)a ucen uusuccpsv k A " . . 1 . Mexico beinsr the original owner, on evc- . yy, prinCipiR Ol lfV UUIU SUM LUIUMIUj; to own all except wliat actually revolted or wa conqucjed by Texas. And as Tex as, neef (conquered the country up to the )Vto Grande, anif as it is now, or was on tlie approach bT General Taylor's army, ifihahitediby the subjects of Mexico who Wed allegiance to that Government, and 'who were ;sp faithful to their own coun- - i ... ! n: . try as lO uuru Miv- uhuiiiu uii iuu,hj- p roach of the American army, and cross tHe rivqr to their own countryrren, I con- M. -ami tend that therd is not a particl ulations, nor the spasmodic emotions of nis painousm win in me siignresi uegrcc alarm me; The gentleman may j t li Shake hia ambrosial locks, and give the nod,". ;j ' ... ' ; j , i . i " i and some gentlemen may, perhaps, trem ble in his presence, but 1 shall remain un- a cu. xus, lie my ? M ; i! " Assume the goJ, j Affect to nod, . And seem to shake th$ spheres," but he will not shake mv convictions of ; duty, or determination to obey them j I The g;entleman Irom Ohio,; (Mr. Thur man.) who addressed the ciommitteej yes terday, read numerous extracts from the aws one n( f ftv miles lurtner to tne mo iui. Gfantle and ofer people oi ano ner .race, m"mc w.iuv nucvur uerinuuy in me VncaUI'n" another language, uiul owing . m?sert, remained in the hands of the Mcx L J. .'-.L.,V...7!. on.,rK.r1f Tfvns ! leans. Thev had settlements in thf ter. t.L-Ailt1p(nit herself excent wh it she ob- htory, they had mi itary posts there, and liined by therbvolution that i by con- bustomrhouses, which we havd always ac ciucst and possession. Did she carry her j knowledged as belonging to Mexico by arms West to toe Uio Grande ? She has paying duties there to the Mexican Gov rnadcl several Attempts, and hap al ways i ternmentf Though Texas had j laid some iJnV?fpritWlXin--each' 'case her forces 'Maim tojthe territory, Mexico was inpos- lavc been driven hack or captured. Does , Session, and we had always acknowledg- .L i i.i ik-j",i.tfAvpjt. n th" Nnfippx- tea ir. Anu vet me rresiuent oi me uni- nc iww.iuu vu..,v r: r. . ' Ll., c.l. ...-.....L!,..r.... man except pcrhnjHa very small portion in me j iiru oiuij, wjuiuui auiuun oi iaw,senus i immcdiatti vicinity ofthe river T There our army 10 uispossess me mexicans Dy is not a ndrticli of evidence thai she does. Mtaking possession of the territory, and being the original owner, on eve- paanungjour sianaaru on meDanks oi. tne iio Grahdcth these extracts with an air of triumpih, as if he had demolished his colleague (at a bofltrobps, but of the conquest of Mexico. ThiS;WaS:in fact'the question which the majority; pressed uponthe House; and if bur army should have suffered by the de feat of that bill, the responsibility would have rested upon those who, to gain party ends, were pleased to connect the Ques tion of supplies with gross falsehoods, and a war of conquest and aggrandizement; K But we are i told by gentlemen on this flooj that it is treason to oppose the Gov ernment in time war. ; Sir, I have no sym pathy with that dastardly sentiment.-t- What I has it tcome to this, that a weakw or wicked Executive may usurp power and involve the nation fn an unjust war, Jt ederal papers publisnea aunng me iar j ana. an unscrupulous majority may press war with England. ; He has produced .hrrvncrK tl.o Ilim wltlmnt ilebnteia hill 11 .w.-g,.. , v . , . , anctioning that iniquitous procedure. and: then all mouths must be closed M ' -! orders with" alacritv. ar..l vrr . reached the store-room ami c ; to a.quantity of- whiskey, tV ; cended to thc 'rboC and the ::. -all for Jost; The heavy fire ; nnd'muiketry ine "yelling of .. savages and above all, the wailings of nine or ten won. a . dreh in the' fort, were enough : '. fused the bravest soldiers ; it v. ed, also, that if the block-houi r v. ed down th'e barracks, next t o . made part of the fortificatic i. I destroyed. 1 So completely 1 :L i ! ;n 4k e i: ! . - ? area of freedom,- bit the area of bond- Lv " . "Iaea"CIl -'r; age. And I wish to commend .his sob- 0 stoat st -;-' ject especially to the gentlman from III,. ed iheniclced and ran away J i S i.": i a moment which tested thci, ,:; ThZ a y 00d m wh;Mexco-: may. get oVsmithly, when I I,LSlema?Vasb0rn 10 aSlate, Where difficulties to meet, but it is c:rfv t TJa k ?;- -r C V K"n; great who know bow to ovcrc : am u:.li!!SleP.ce P now in a free S.,ate and to rise ahove the pressure c: ru". T6 UP! we may suppose, nave -circumstances. (uccu in iaur ojjrceaom, anu yet ne is jWiTling to aid in riveting fetters upon oth ers, now; as free as himself. 'Yes,. Mr. Chairman,' though he professes an ar dent JpVe of liberty, and would have us belive that his bosom was warmed by the very fires of patriotism, he is desirous of spreading the curse of slavery over a large section of country where it' is now un known. He is so devoted to his country blow, because that gentleman had applied j on tne sub?ect t . Is this the liberty and the I and so in love with her institutions, that ot the epithets li 0nH liberty granted to the representatives j he is willing to sustain, with blood and press: "The Commander took his rr.r-i promptness, tile ordered a put;, to mount the .barrack roof, throw part of it on fire next to the , and then keep the gable thofc He pointed out to his men.thkt t: ings would thus be saved, f Y! block-house was burning dop, a rary breast-work was erecti jl. y: the entrance bver the ruinsjv!.! but about twenty feet widoj T. arangement being made, thq cl of the block-house was of no cot', in the final defence if attacked. These skilful directions gavt tb the present war some whicli bad been applied to the war ol j 0r a free neoble? Is it treason to noint I treasure, an institution at war with the 1812. But, granting all that the gentle-; out tke faultsJof a corruDt Administra- first principles of a Republican Govern- an has said, Vhat does it prove I His j ,:nn7 Arn w tn submit in all things to ! ment liberty trnfaaualitu. He denoun- nr Ipq imp lcf1 dnnnnnoriil f kt nrouoni ivur:.i . r - i . t i r , itr : 1. 1 k .l v..w0w.v. w Uv,1,v..ww v. me win ot tne rresiaent f 11 so, we nave . ces lueAico as an uuuvuucu uiu unu- t j- r;f t.iev Wcnt tcj w and its authors: and he meets ,t by say- i nothing left of liberty but the name. We I rous Power, and still he aspires to be a ! , e nUv bv dl y vng that the war of 1812 was denounced. ftre airea(jy Ullder a despotism. Such ! leader in policy designed to extend and " ej faltifor'i' He does not attempt to show that the pre-! HnMrmes marnr for nnrmnf -rn. ! Demetuate slaverr. and 'to Plant on the 11 ?J r r r .1- ' T JsentwarisjustfortMtheipjecutivphasph t0 the Executive for ! soil of Mexico an institution which she, vhen mornin cam e C anV of ! I1?1 trasc5ed his powers, but contents but they are unworthy of freemen. ; barbarous as she is, and corruptasthe gen- ; CT1S shots with e o; proof that the whole country east of the Hip Grande beloncbd to Texas, or belongs to the United StatHs. ' I The President himself has furbished ev idence that the Mexicans were in posses lion hi the vall;-y of the Uio Grande ; and the most that c an! possibly be sr Jd is, that Vho terrilory is ah dispute. In all such peases, possessic tt is a good title is against an iniperfect one. Ye) had, :thereforcfby no'prluciph:' of law, a riglit to ilisposscss her by arms; pending the controversy, and specially-as she' Was willing tc receive a ffieciul minister io treat expressly upon ?tlijs subje.Qt o" bdundary. The advance of our atinv, therclore, was an act of ag gression. Ve have encroached upon ter ritory where ; s le had the, possession, and pajmed to haii) a perfect til le. Let a case like this be su muted to any cobrt ol jus tice, and the rerdict would be rendered ogainst us. I will even go further. If our title were tlie best, or we were In possession up to the banks of the uio Grande, bven then e very, extreme point to thich the most sanguine ever laid claim en. Taylor had, also, b' the direction he Executive, erected a battery opposite viaiamoros, wim nis guns pointing inro he towd, as if to awe them into submis- ion. This can be regarded in no other Ight than anj act of aggression. So im- atientAyas .the . Executive to dispossess he Mexicans and take possession of the vhole country between the Nueces and he K10 Grande, that, as early as June, pretary of War, in his instructions to Gen. . , , . , . , f i , . l.i r cwJl itnlh r I -v i r o tfom if r r ttfao.w . . I I 1 1 . t 1.1 ..uti . 1 1 1 c i protest agairvstall such corrupt and cor- j ueman wouiu represent ner 10 oe, youiu . . . nn(i; effect that they d.c v mis is me j .ut . never lliauc iiirtr njijiramiitu popular prejudice against jhis colleague, j rupting sentiments, Treason to speak a- 1 not permit to pollute her soil , I UCCI HUIUC lUCll. l " IIHUIV.XI'.. ii ueicii. cuuipeicntiuiueciiucaiuuicins inst the measures of the Administration position ot the gentleman wno "enounces The whole oUt1 of his colleague why did he not do itJ because we are nt war j Sir, I have from 1 all as traitors who will not bow to the die- , nresen't at this sie-e. U Why -depend upon the cry of Iederalisrh ? LMest bovhood had profound vene- tation of the majority on this floor. ! Jt.n e.CB ? i,n;r , u iiuLivi4v ; v v "hbc"- rat nn fnr the Karl ot Chatham, ansinar ne may occupy luai ijosuiuu. um i tu- nnA i tleman obtained his ' elegant extracts, but it is suggested by gentlemen around me that he 'might have obtained them from his Democratic friend now. at the from the - manly course he pursued in the English Parliament in pleading the cause fess that 1 do not covet it. fray lor, informed him that his " ultimate kkstmalibn was the Rio Grande. This is followed up by an order of August 23, 1645, in which we find the following :- Should Mexico assemble a large body of Lroons oil the Rio Grande, and cross it with a considerable force, such a movement must be regarded as an invasion of the United btates, and the commencement. of lostilitieS." In an order of August 30, 1845, the Secretary of War goes further, plnd saysl: W M An Attempt to cross the river with a arge force will be considered by the Pre sident as; the commencement of hostilities. There may be other acts, on the part of Mexico, Which would put an end to the relations of peace between that Republic ind the United States. In case of war, ither declared or made manifest by hos ile acts,your main object will be the pro ection of Texas; but the pursuit of this ?biect Svill hot. necessarily confine your ve should le the aggressors, according to 1 action withiniho territory of Texas. Mex- Gcncral Taylqrs own account. In his despatch of the) 15th bf April, hb says that he btocked up the Rio Grande and stopped ail supplies for Wqtorkoros. This was the nrsi act oi aggression, ror at mat time it is not tirctcnllcd thatjthe Mexicans had made any attatk upon our troops. Col. sCross had been imissihg for a few days, ln tl k u " .Ills UlUI Jkl (t VUVIIOIUIl IIIUJ IIIIIV 1IU inicht have been murdered bv sbme "bah- Sdittt known to he in the fieichborhobd.' And what' provocation hadXJeneral Tay lor lor blockading Matamorosj and put ting off the surtplies for the Mexican ar my T, Ue tells us that he had received a despatch ; froni iGeneral Ampinlia, sum moning him td Withdraw his force within twenty-four, hoars, and to fall back! be co having thus commenced hostilities, vou hay, in H our discretion, should you have Sufficient force, and be in n. condition to do so, hoss the Jiio Grande, disperse or tapturetlie forces assembling to invade Texas, defeat the junction of troops uniting for that purpose, drive them from their oo- itions on either side of that river, and, if eemed practicable and expedient, take and old possession of Matamoros and other laces in the country. I scarcely need say hat enterprises of this kind are only to be ventured on under circumstances present ng a fair prospect of success," - Mr. Chairman, it seems to me that no man can read these orders and review the he had one drop of democratic blood In his veins he would apply the lancet andilet it out. . I While the gentleman was denouncing the " immortal fourteen," and represent ing them as enemies of their country, he ought to have recollected that two of them from his own State had proved their cour age and patriotism by fighting the battles of their country, and some of the rest of that number have seen more of the tented field, I presume, than that gentleman: him self As to his attack upda the Federal par ty, in 1812,1 have nothing to say. They need no defence from me. They number ed in their ranks some of the "wisest states men and firmest patriots of the coiintry. If they erred, I am not responsible forjheir ! errors, having never belonged to that par ty. Though young at that period my teel ings were unlisted on the other side in politics. Mr. Sims, of South Carolina inde some inquiry about the conduct of the Federalists at that period. I should be pleased to hear the gentle man, but my time will not, permit, j It is rare that we upon this side of the House can obtain the floor; and I have not time to be catechised by the gentlemen on the I agree with the late Whig candidate for the Presiden- . . 0 .. .. . ,, - . . nf Amen. He snake freelv of the im-1 cv, Mr. Way. "that all wars are to De re- policy and the injustice of the mother gardedas great-ealamities, to be avoided country towards the colonies. 1 He com- j iff possible r ; and that honorable peace is meiiced his patriotic course before the ; the wisest and truest policy (or this coun war began, but' he did not cease with the 1 trjr. I agree with him, also, that in a war breaking out of hostilities. He pleaded for conquest, and especially in a war to for America; he exposed the Administra- extend and perpetuate slavery , we . should tion: he denounced their measures as in- stand disgraced in the eyes of the civilized fnmni, while the wnr was in nrosrress;- ' wprld. in such a war, 1 lear tnai mcio- tti : t a. I When opposing me auminisirauon ployed language like th thnr Ameriea has resisted nennte so dead to all feelings of libertv ! free institutions at home. War under any as volutarily to submit to be slaves, would j umavmn.c is a. giuai wiauuij. TAfPHPTAVT TO MITT (IV wnen it is wageu wunoui an aueuuaie ijii uxixiuix j.v i"" I .?!! 1 1.1 .1 C. . . 1 .Um, n . Hvp i wniiui iiriivH 7-t. iipirii. ni u niaL a 1 1 i . . ue em- t ij v. wnoie suosequeni is: "Sir, 1 rejoice : iriumpu ucri-ucujica m iui.i6u scjf a prU(ientf three millions ! would eventuate in me uesirucuon oi our nrav mai, chargt Captain Taylor gallantly" mi:.t. position against a large and sq pe r: It seems as if all victories j we: won with odds against himi 'i munication which the gallant yt cer made to Gen. Harrison : sion was written in the mo t ' ing and modest manner, and i tivc worthy of being read. C i; :. on the recommendation of hU I was promoted to a majority', nr. career has r .. modest, intclli - cause when it is carried on to gratify an inordinate ambition, or an unholy spirit of conquest, it is more than a calamity it is a ci'ime of The deepest dye. And the Admin- be fit instruments to make slaves of all the rest;" ; ' The Americans have been wrong ed, they have been driven to madmess by injustice,.'1 " If I were an American, as I was landed in my country, I never would ! istration which shall use the power re-; . . v I nniul in if Fnt. rrnnti fnr G11fh VVIrk( Till P. lUKWiu.wu o l.w -iinvvn mv arms rvbr. NEVER. NEVER I mw.iil ,vv, w. , . - l ; fnn .nJ uccesul oooratn ) i ........ -' 7 - ) t . . . I I - - yi solemnly cilt upon your lordships, and ; poses, merits and justly merits puuoic ex- evruiiun. xci. niuae in jiumci iwiv t to it that this execration does not fall up on Uheir heads. They may think it a light thing, but let them remember that IXotcltUiJft's Vertical Water l i , . s TN consequence of ibe Ter'. great j-, JLnhtfe w-heels have attained tj the a .... -. . , j ... county. vnen propeny imroauccu, i.; i. th. vlue of the mill. nd in quantity A far exceed the most sanguine expectatu many of whom are gentlemen dift in i ' ' : ence and practical skill, who have attee ! : this improvement, rhe wheels are 1 0 ' bloodshed for unrighteous purposes will more easily kept -r. 'J" i.r' M , ?. t,. ... i . ' trether. than tne common flutter wheel cry trom the ground to mm " wno onng- . ;ne.third of lhe water,and run welliu! upon every order of men in the State, to stamp uponjhis infamons procedere the mdehble stigma of public abhorance. Such was the language of the friends of libertv bn the floor of Parliament, and that L Iwwl. .nitron im rl or that (rrannin Aflninis. tratlon, had not the hardihood to attempt i eui; me princes io iiuimug, aim uu vu , lhcre is a neaa aoove.. inc -i" v' to suppress it. The last act of-fcis life was up the isles as a very little thing." ! SZZZJ&Z'':, ,. j.an effort of the colonies. The opposition I 1 - is 50. . I in irrtniauieiit nave always spoken Wim (ZV.X TAYLOR 1 Trili L,AS1 VAK. nemer,iiuuaSuiwiM. freedom in peace and in war. This is T' ........ lu i.jZTZX:-;. English liberty, Pitt, and Barre, and LdLtX'iZ: ZT7.XbS lllii lliv.u.u,... . . -.L .u;.i,r.mvmnt.rul'., uicir wim W1.U.U-........ Rorlro on,i oil fh ian,i. f fU TQDiivion me IOllOWl uuiikb.aiiu uii nil iluuui ui lug uiiuuai . ... . . . hum tion, even at that dav. were too enlUt- 1 aylor was engaged during me last j anJ even b5gh 5000 feet . , , n - . i r . U c-A,-. . ilioit urill Vinvo tdaiv turn !rioia. nnnil Wa A nn. a.dont a Xnfnnf lltvn.l.i n. ar . I Deau Ol aiCf. after. But if the gentleman from South subscribe to4he degrading and cowardly 4On the 3d of September, 1812,soon af- , Carolina is troubled about threats of dis- ' sentiment which we hear proclaimed ud- terjthe beating of the retreat at Fort Har- , union, 1 will ask him what he thiuUs ot those xcho rvshl y commencchostditics" Soi according to his; own confession, bc- iorc iue iuexicuns nau commenced nosiu- morc modern threats of nullification and disunion in anothej quarter ? He j may perhaps understand that better. j But we are charged with withholding. vhole cburse of the President without per- ! succor from our gallant little army in the civing that the Executive was seeking ji hour of its peril with being lndillerent to . .. . I 1 A on this floor in the hall of an American ; nspn, m the then territory oi inuiana, oi , Corigress. which post Captain Taylor was in com- j I have no bbasts to make of my devo- ! ma'bd, four guns were heard to fife at a , tion to my country. I am a citizen of this short distance, in a direction which left , country. This is the land of my birth. no idoubt that two young men who had My lot is cast in the United States, and gn out a few hundred yards to make J ' a 'lit t 1 A " 1L I my fortune is Connected with hers. When ay. a4 D?en auacKea. j poruon oi i ic iweniy.iour.nqars, and to IaU baclii be- cciwug u-u - - uuve was seew ,g , pour o. um uu j S STS Ed Vf Prophet's party was supposed to be in the youu the ueces. was this summons an ! an ogwiiuii aainsi xejtico using every us present aianuiug cuiiuiuou. , a uia o-.,- , ... ! lThWhAfv1 Cantain Tavlor having act bf hostility t It was not sp regarded ! Wns in his power, and means which, charge, sir, is founded upon an cnliremis- oei e e ner io ue in merong, i not ; f;;;":' fiA or s5xtlen mcn fiT ; n i ; m m t 1 i i . i 1 - . i . i i- . - . i it biu 11 or t itiir a i i 111 11 n i f 11 11 iiiu ur-r-w-w - - - - - - - - by General l ayior, lor ln his nbte in reply . py lhe constitution, ne aid not possess, to i representation oi he says the responsibility will rest upon bring on: a war with that Kepublic. And Does any person i r i . i . .. - i i GrLdeLfore the lte lour young men must be offered on the al- Corporal to learn the facts, cautioning f :m i ,i..:. r.i r. .l tar ot nnr cnnntrv. we mav sainiv com- , aded their town and cut off Hies, he block their supplies ( Does aggressors! Have a right to blockade .and so cut olfj supp t his is hot a! threat We were not only t ding h countBy in possession of Mexido, but we were 'jguillyiof the first overt act. not this make us the yc in time of peace :the Mexican ports, kjs from their army ? lounueu upon uu viuirt uus- "" - o - r r.( n of the facts in the case j g her up, but will point out the errors, not more than fifteen or sixteen men fit on believe that any bf ihe and do allin my power to bring her into for service, probably waited till morning on believe mat any or tne ... if war must come and when he sent out a small party with a y virtue of our act. of war , the right , so tnai, ii ar must come, anu , i . . after these numerous acts of aggression,: troops raised by he President has the effrontery to tell us, ! can reach the Uio . i i.i . . ' .1 4. ii r l n ntss mu; iiiussiie, iuiii, - war cAi, iiut- : oi our aruiv win uc .ucviucu iui gwu ui , - - , ' - , ' . i.. A'. A P.ntoin TUmtnn Withstanding all our efforts to avoid it, for evil ? The collision between our for-: ePd them to: the iod ot tatue-to mat . men Wcrc found Ld exists by the acts of Mexico herself.", ces and those of Mexico took placeion the Being who rules in the armies of heaven ,d0 J,,? iTl and stTfl and n , i . 9 i i . a a l n . "i ii i - . . l I.- no m n 11 it inn inr n i imihu ri inp pnnn v ----- w rsxr. i rpn in ini npf nrnrmn n iittptiv vziifi nr Ann ann i s n ppl was nrn lanr- anu uui"n v w v... - . ' " . . " 1 ' 4 . .1 untrue ;r and, as it was incorporated into before us on the 11th ol May, seventeen lhe bill and preamble, I could not vote lor davs alter the event. We could riot ex-' L . ... . . . - . . . . . . but an acl of holtnity. ft. I believe the preamble to be false, and pect that the subject would be disposed; le aggressors in'inva- was satisfied that it was connected with ' of here under two or three days, and the llhe bill for the purpose of shielding the intellisrence of our action could not reach President. - I believe that this recognition j Gen. Taylor before the last of May, some. of existing war was connected with the thirty-five days after the first collision. It, . - . . ... m a A ' - J 1." II "I i thonrwenni-ifi. f rrw onnntrv on,t were DrouffUi in anu ouricu. nothing but my devotion to her interest,1 -A communication of a threatnmg char ahd to higher principles of moral rectitude acter was then sent in with a white tt induced me to senarate from those with from the Prophet's party, which satined dties. ; HJ even if the ndary, vhe- justitjl(jd in eneral Tay And I should like to be told, Hio' Grande were the true bou ther the texicans i were not crossing the river to cut olf G lor's Supplies, after he had blockaded the : 'pori anu cut pu meirs f l no aggression vas on our part. , We commenced hostil ; TMr; Joses, of Georjiia. 1 wish to ask the gentleman froni Massachusetts who thcr he hasjiiny authority for saying that thO-MeXicanS crossed the river simplu to . la. r ' L...1 i ' . i i .. - i - qui oiruenerui A ayiors supplies. J I will not higgle with the1 gentleman ' from Gedrgiri aboat terms. 1 suppose that roencrat Arista nau sent nis troops a -cross the rivpr to oppose General Taylor, :by throwingithemselyes between him and ; his supplies, i 1 regard 'Arista's movement - ai a hostile one, .brought on ,by the hostile movements of our own troops. Our forces i hdd blockadi'd Matamoros, and cutoff the supplies from the Mexican atrtiy ; and the Mexicans, m return, attempted to inier cept our supplies. Both wejo actsjof hos vtilitv 1 know no difference between at - ' m . I-'.:. i , ...... . 1 ,,. .( tacking the army itself, and cutting o their provisions and munitions of war It - is as much an act of hostility to cut off art army by famjne as by tho sjword. Eentlemen rbgard 1 nothing as Avar ?tual collision of forces, wt have . n, i .i i .. ntf.iPkefi; wlvom j have generally acted. 1 eould V'jriSrZJZ- nio nrriirii iniii; mil it: 111. iiwi'' gl A Vv W a a w a - - j Fatettevilla. A. Graham, . CcaBEir.A!n. ! Col. Alex. Marchison, Christopher Monroe, Alexander William, Col. A. S. McNeill, Farquhard Smith, John McDaniel,: Johh Krans, J. W. Howell. Uladex. On. James McKay. Robert Me'vin, H. N. Richardson, Tomas C. Smith, Isaac Wright, John Smith, Sam ph' C. T. lUil1' Parri k Marphj, JuJjn 11 Spearman, Utrxir Royal, Nlw HixovtR. James Murjliy, ' Charles Henry, O.XSLOW. Robert Aman, r. IsREEXE. Thcuias Hooker, I Thomi- H Mr. La U Lemu'.I .c . John T-) , ; Lot VV join : r. Juhn , I'. ! A A. P-' J. R. . ; t J.T.I) ,1 1 . Dr. 1. ' : I Co A I Sn.ii',;i i N. CI ll- J. T. no consent to involve my country in a distributed . V i i J . " Hn nnrnnallv Pamined the men s arms war wnicn l Deueve io oe unnecessary . -j . .. w v -r 7 . tc-Mkiriri inoir rririiAi supplies for the army for the purpose of is also manifest that volunteers could not and unjust a war oi conquest orougnt committing as many as possible to this be raised, organized, and sent to the scene; I abput by ambitious mcn to answer person- base war of conquest, and to this crross of action before the middle of June Some al and party purposes. encroachment upon the constitution. Re- six or eight weeks must elapse before the Before I conclude my remarks, 1 must garding the preamble as false, and the troops raised by our act could reach Gen; notice anomer sunjeci cioseiy connecieu war inexpedient, and one got up for the Taylor's camp. How, then, can it be pre: : with mis, anuione out oi wnicn our pres- purpose of conquest, 1 could not, as a laith- tended that our action could have any ret , eni uuuouiues u.nc B'"""' U"U1C,1I ful representative of the people, give it ference to the immediate Condition of our with whom I have acted on this floor will mv snrtnnrr T hpl uv I shnnhl hnv hfPn m,. Fi-nm !hp farts snhm tied bv tieni Dear me Witness mat l nave uui uecu 111 ialsc to truth, to justice, and to the best T interests of my country, if I had given my fat sanction to such a measure. j or Tliul rfunllnmnn Cfnr-- 1 11 1 n xt A T 1n.t moriftiitrr Xll,n'"llt-'U1 UUIU11III1UIS UUIt J7UU 1AA1.11VA. "J ' .wv ; . . , v . . v . . . r ..i .j, : u: ! riA AAwr nvpr if in thp Statn?. I have been e IVsidrs many otlera in tlifcrcnt t With such a deservedly high fban.t ffA jiiHtified in ofterinf these w!- They will ieell iaulividual or county t I tenus. They also keepcoru-tamly o s ,.t ..Um rr.rvin in m'-T ta tiuit ci: r w - i c C v " r- - - - a severe attack oi lever, ter ) ia thli piett Wilmington, W. d slvtPPn rounds ner man. and though just i recovered from saw for himse comminioned oier was ordered to waiK around the iierior of the fort during the ;rrht m ci've the alarm, if the sentinel should rt ; and though it was well un- . iWi the Dost could not verv wen ue if" . . r - -.. . .. . , If ev?ry disposition made Urn, anJ also for sale by Jan.rs T nv renuired A non-'"county. Tliey caation aU pern tlj pepcy required, a pon- ns bul i j . . i . i:t-. . i . : . r .. n n ueraif" . . . . aylor it appears to be certain that the j me naoit oi gotu uui ui uiy "y j - rded by its small and enleebled gar-; e of his army must be decided tor weal ; tacK me insuiuuons oi iub oouiu. x uuugu - t Capt. Taylor rf solved not to sur- for wo within a short time. The Com-; 1 have always regarded siaery as an e- n(jcf -t while hc ,ivcd Cpnnr.J Un infnrms us that he i vi I a political anu moral w roug uavmg 0, llf . . '11 nt hnrht the Lapt. i 1L ALLUUla A. A. -M WAWW& lass) lias pronounced every one a hypo- had, in virtue of authority reposed; in him, no power-ove. n iu lu.otai" - i v . . , .l c?.J.., n'oc ort-T'-n.-.: disnospd to leave it with those who critc. a iranor, ana a coward, wno voied caueu upon me oiaics oi; iwaa m Tt --- --- - in"- against the bill, and' who charged the Ex- isiana for 5,000 men ; arid he hadauthor- ; ltjin. their-keeping to manage, accord ecutivb as the aggressor in this case. f But, ; ity to call upon several other States. The j to; their own; sense of proprietv. . Uir. I shall not be deterred from what I call for these troops was made on the 26th ; wiien gennemen r?w.ini"u..j- ' consider to be my duty by any such intim from iayinii any perwvns Agents fwr the right of in lftre v?-.- NOTICE TO yilLLlVRlGUTil p!oynKntr acquaint yonrsrles ' w:& ; Wle-ls, as we now wih lo employ 1 buncsa in dillrrent prta of trw Sut . DUNCAN .McM AUCH'DMcIiU A. A. McKETIIA FaycJlezjlle, January, lS lO-pl; TO EDITORS Any Editor of iy U'1 i r . i.n.j r L:n' ,i.n.nra Kv Ins nrnfr. c i :n ..i.r,uK ,v vvasicaueu irom uia ijutiii "j " w . vnwui wu ., s ly and lnlormeo maiuie muiaua :"T7 t--;- , W f - B-vl A T - 111 II 1 ceeded in nnng me lower uiwn. . idation. I come not here to bow to Exe- , cutive- dictation, or to register the edict of of April, and would reach the authorities ; path-wben they bring it up n- - of those States ten or twelve days pciore ; v" l , will not mvP ivi cnoo lt Tinn net itmpi ----- - - . the intelligence of the collision reached ' James K. Polk, or any other President. I us. These troops would be sent irrespec have no ambitious ends to answer, t i i . t ' tions to gratify, and hence shall not be ve-l thorized ta call for; that Gen. Taylor must ry -suuciious ot courting rjxecuiive lavor, aepena. ii is not irue, iiiereioie, will crAntr tirirl nft frpelv it my countenance it snaii "uu- J . . C Ik. A A This building contained in me iow-r c- jxjarp TT?f ) :nn ith rronprtv of lhe army contr.ctor fj U O X UJJVx- and I was used also as an alarm post, in . which a corporal and ten men vvere sia-, i,i Thp firing commenced " at me 11UIICU. o , , i I . ...... n 1 tr L'ont nr nr . ., .i c.rv.i iimp. ana was ntmnj h -e- .nonati tiJft of anv action bv this body, and it is ! ed by me. This war is one oi me, nrst , y Captain Taylor immediately ) alinra-1 upon them and others, which he was au-1 fruits of the annexation oi a exas. ana , fire buckpts to Qr, it but aii no cvh or flatteririg the morbid sensibility of noi-! fate of our army depended tipon any' ac- sy anil restless demagogues- -onr. altiio j tiort ot ours, uurjactionnaa reierence, that gentleman ma jr.. brand us as eowpfis; t h6tto' the ' imtnedidie jfatc of our army; but j will assure him.that neither the strength j to the future operation of that army: It of his voice, nor the violence of his gestic- was a question not of immediate succor to that measure was cot up and consumma ted to extend and perpetuate , slavery. Mr. Calhouhj in the correspondence sub mitted with the treaty, avowed this to be the primary bbject of annexation. ' I op- nnO.il) !l thft1 j and I voted airainst the war LWOWU A ' T . ' AtAVhccIer'.Ch: FRESH UK IU 1 , ! - . rrf I O i WINES, SPIulTo,- ! . ' . ' i.' ..... I ' made ready.' CNUFFS.Ci.TeMcc, . rater drawn frorn the well,' and the fire au;nJ . rid ' t xtinuished, as at thU moment it had not , andfentWDKn. soda n. a L-UA-A vfV rrJ' SYUUl'Sonaraa- .,: : . because Us bbject is to extend, not the 4X)r i 'Id the captain's' despatch to Gen.JIar a cvlrnm debilitv. apprehension ,.w other. caused his mcn did not obey his care. and medurmrt delivered at a.. I night. The aliote anicies ' FalisboOVJ 12,1SIC if ? . to i . "I I- i t i : - t i - ' -1 : L

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