in j. - hi to il letP 3l f3t -r,"f; U; ;.. JnsMfrtcd at.? per annum '9,1 persquard I . 'J '1 J.rtWthettts inserted lent chared ?5perern sgiaMr- ssfTr THE 1 GUET ARTjOF SUBDUING f Willi Horses find other Kua . ';To1a wonderful arf. founded uron a sys cm bflifetosophyi fa lirll.ll nd urn. versa! In Us application and extends to all hb Animal kiubiom- iIn rPSarl to he !JL' t. in convincing him ,rtH Wr-kts superior, anu J ou nr . i t '!..,:.,!' i... .,....- . ' m: i t . i :;..!'!.., ; : - - - i. -1 1 ! ! : . -'S r 1 ' . - j J y ;l--r v--'.-"'l! -.- - i -V-.-:-. ':,-y !; Yi . " KP IP'iv . f - ..-I . ' - I - ';" : ... ' : . . .''J "PP ! : .-t. "J-: r- . TVhTTVTTlT.' T limn -J h- ' Tsa?S5Nj . X gggT' ? j -'I - . ! r -i-mT4- ' ' -". --I j : r- ! - i ' .. Ti' ?' r1- "i , - " ; --: i " i i i 1 i , j'., t . 1 'r 11 1 ? "i t 1 1 1 1 ! " r ' - ' ' T " 1 A 17; 1848 aye that abso- v . i '..-l.Im' Tln uvctorri is snniP vhat akin to Animal Miignjlismn itsef cdt, btit the process is Widely . Tfic Vroccss of Taming very imd horse, ' I . . jl . it r Jif f: j which was never nanutcai Thlsonsist's; first by charming Lpovtrr, wliiclf is obtained by t; mttoh Irbm a horse's k nee ; by iipftii the hornHV substance grdwi'ng on he inside; or rather, on the back part of i liorse'? l'J?s tbelov the knee be ind and nfKve.itj tf'fore.i Dry. this substance and )uli'cnscrit put. a smaii quaniiiy inio a m'lU.and blow jtr into his nostrils ; in a w inlnutcs it will operate, anil j cause to han i. Thus, 1 vicjous ess. turn Yir king the which I smokei 1 SALISBURY, N. C, I;RI0 A Y, JULY 1 - iiJ "T" iCAoh'dAftpr .Weeding " copioasly in the mcjuthj tkkje a half pound ofj . ravv cottop wrap it around a coal pfj fire in such way asito exclude, the air ; when it begins to old it under the horses nose- un leftside; Ul : HIS I CV jniUUli:.' li lit uiJuiuiiT, niu jim to follow you, or permit you Jle iis feet or, t get upon hils bac ,WUi perfect case, may a wild an inirnaj, become gentlo and harm ipiVCess of causing a Ilose to idudoicn. f)A nproach himgentlV, upon' the 1-fastcn a;straparound the ancle forefoot; then rajse the loot genlly, so as to bnng the knee paiust tlo breast and foot f against thc belly. The leg being in ihli 'posftioni fasten the strop around his arm, which will effectually pre ent him troni putting that foot to the ground again., Uiciv fasten' a strap around the oppo leg, nnd bring it oyer his sho ilder, on Ihfe left fide, so that you can catc i hold of It.! ThenVjpusli the horse, gehtlH antl heri ne goes to. fall, j pull the Jtrapi vhich will bring him (6 hi' knee 3. 1 1 I j Kow. commepce patting him unfyer the ely'r by .continuing, your.'-gentle strokes Jrion the belly, you will, in a few minutes, iring him to hi knees behind. Continue he procrss,1 ahd he will lie entirely. down, indjsubroit himself wholly to your! jtrpat Kent, , Hy 'still proceeding , ger tly, you hay haritlle his feet and legs, in any vyay, jou! choose.; ; "T ; ' '-".: j lllclwcveir ! wild and : fractious, a horse nay j be naturally, after practising this ;jrbcess'a.; feui times, you. will find aim per fectly gentle and submissive and (iven'dis pasvd jbjbllowjyou aliy where, and un williig,to Icavt you on any occa sion. I jljnlesslthe horse be!wlld,;the fi st treat tntnt" will be all sufilcient ; but'sliould he Ou too fractious to be aj)iroached in a niincr becdssiary to perform the first tia'rhed opcratip'ui you must Jcor t;e to get "thj5p0dcrititc his npstrilsj will and ellecitial ; and you may, then,! train your horse ;t6. harness or atiything else .vui ine urmos ease. , ;ri break! ng.horses for harness, after givi n the jvowderii, put the harness on gently, vfihout startling him, and pat hfra gently, hjn fa$teii the chain to a log, hicli he vHl draw fori qli indefinite length of time. v;irn you4 linU, him $uthcu;ntW gentle, nicc mm to a wagon or other vehicle - Note., lie cxircnulij careful, in catching ho horse, I not Vo a fir ight him. After he caught and the. powders' given rub him etltly on .the liead, ne)cK, back, liiU legs; n(l on each side; of the eyes, the way the pair lies but be very can ful nofj to whip, op a young hope i is equally passionate , it a j ou rse ii, trxi mis prrniciousj practice as rumeti many iinq-unu vaiuapienors- 9. vnen you are ruling;-a colt (or even n'-old hdrsi'Vldoi rwit ' vvhiii hinh. . if , hf Icurei, but draw jlhc bridle so that his eye tnay rest upon the. object Which has Ktfrihted him, and pat i him' if pop the tnecu as you approachj it ; j by thlis rneaps you Will pacify 'him and "render liim less liable to start in future. I i ' Yl at f .learning a horse to pace. I fjBucklft a foltr pound wqignt a ound the 'artklcs of hi4 iji'nd leM, (ledd is preferable) 'ride vour horse brisklv with those weights u6on his ankles, at the same time twitch- iug cac.u rei pi uie priuie aiiernaieiy, uy JtUls tneans-ypui Willi immediately throw h im into a pace. ? A fie r , y o u haye trained htm In this wjiy to some extent, change ibr leaden veii?hta fnrlRnmftthino" licrlit. leather padding; or something equal ; oju,;Wiu answer tne purpose; let him wear these light weights until 1 e is per fectly trained This process wi I make a smooth and1 easy paccrj of any 1 orse. "1 ilorscmatisliliji. i liTlic' ridr should, in the firs? alacc, let the horse knpw that; he is not afraid of hjm, : Beforo mounting a hor$c take the rein in the left hand-fdraw it, tightly pit the left; foot in the stirrup, and raise qliickly! When you are seated, press your Knees to the saddle let your Ie;; from the Knee, $tand out-r-tuni V6ur toelf, and heel . " 'Htm in Your sauciiie : ii row your Ayeight forwardH-one third of it into fclirrups and . hold .ypur . reigh tight. Should your horse scare, vou ale braced tyryPui fA'iM cannot'throw you. Indications of a horsed Oisp osiiioh. . godu dis short and hich beiwppn vicious1 disno- til he belcomes easy. Cure certain tn ten rri'iinutesJ -: -. .-' -V i :cf' iDistcmper Take 1 gals, blood from nepk veijn. j Then give &. dose of Sassaj fras oil, I J ozs. is sufficient cure speedy anil certkiri. ; .: 1 : ;; , ' ft'C ;Jr f j Fistiilh--When it makes its annear- ance, rowel both sides of the shoulders; jf it should; break; take 1 ozi Verdigris, 1 oz.ioiurqsin, l oz. coperas puivenzea ana her. i Use it as a salve. u mix toge SPEECH OF MR.! STpWABT, of PENN., IS DEFENCE OP THE PE0TECT1TE POLICY. Delivered iru the House of Representatives of the. United States, My;27th, 1846. absurb urged in the face of the fact, prared by every olBcial report on the! finances from; the foundation of the Government! that the revenue has always gone up and gone'down as the tariffj has gone up or gone down 7 j let we are told, 'reduce the duties to increase the revenue.' Are not duties the source of refenji0 ; and would it not be just as sensible to: say f j reduce j the revenue to increase! the revenue"; Duties and revenue are! convertible terms r You want Iwenty.five millions from the tariff that sum must he raised, no matter how you impose the duties ; and why not so arrange them as: to pro tect and sustain your own national industry, bus making taxation itself proline of benefits and blessings to the people 1 . j : ; On the subject of the revenue, he would ven ture to predict that if the system of measures recommended by the Secretary the reduction of the tariff, the change from! specific to ad va lorem duties, the Subtreasury, and the ware housing system were adopted the revenue next year would not bJicdf the amount it will be this fifty millions worth of British goods annually, year. Mark the prediction, not half" ) j ; anditherein we imported twenty-five millions Next the gentleman complained of taxation. Wtat tax clid farmers and laborers now nay the Unated Stites ?. Nothing. Many of them used nothing but domestics. They bought no foreign goods except tea and cofTee, and they were free. Thpusknd i and hundreds of thousands of our people; dor 't aya dollar ayeariinto the. Nation al '4'reasu y,! and thousands not a cent. How would it bp under a system of direct taxation 1 The burde ns of the federal Government would fall on; fanners; and laborers more heavily than thej .heaviest jState taxation. Under a system of 'direct ai thj proportion of Pennsylvania would -be j rjee millions a year more than dou hle her prjsent heavy State taxation. But all these burc ens put together are nothing compar ed lo the iaxies imposed on us by the British. i w iwrrn m luea 01 its extent, lei everv ffenne- scertaing the: number of stores selling British good? in his district. These merchants are all tax catoerers tor .bnffland. takms mil- lions and tens of millions of snecie from our struggle; for, the American market he took the American side, On the other hand, the gen tleman from Alabama and his friends went for free; trade," for Tcpening our ports to the man ufacturers of all the world ; for bringing itl free ly the pauper productions of Great; Britain, to overwhelm the riling prosperity of porowp poor but industrious cstizensi; They went for crush ing American enterprise; grinding down Ame ricah labor, and butting their countrymen on a footitig with ther very , weepings of the poor houses of Europe, and-would, in the end, bring them down to their political, as well as their pecuniary and moral condition. Mr, S. was for cherishing American labor; for giving it high wages ; for surrounding it with all the substan tial comforts of life. Which was the true friend of -iHe People ? l And yet these free trade " advocates, from the Secretary down, professed to be the exclusive friends, of the " poor man," I nnd wlth whal 8uccess If now part of the politic and We are denounced as the friends of mil- : ,orv ' ,be country. At nearly every gauring of the lionaires and monopolists." We now imported : Democnby during Uw Unemorable campaign of 1841, the tann ot imu was recognise a among the orthodox rallying cries was inscribed upon the banners ; and pe- Who could deny the far.t that with the raising ! worth of British agricultural products : of Enc ; ripatetic orators insisted, and insisted with truth, that the of the tariff the revenue increased, and with its j lish wool, English grain, English beef and mut- ! country was indebted for this great measure to Demo diminution the revenue fell off, till at last Uhder 1 ton, English flax;, English agricultural produc- ! cratic votes. It tea a well known then at it i at tie 20 per cent., which the! Secretary considered j t ions' of every kind. And yet gentlemen would present time that the electoral vote of Pennsylvania the very "beau ideal the very perfection jof a rise here and talk of a British marketer cur ! would flare leen lost to Col. polk Jkadihe appeared bt- revenue system the nett revenue; sank down, breadstuff's, j Why, to less than thirteen millions? ; there was his i land take 1 THE WAR WITH ?: ; The "Union" of Saturday. . votes a long article to the 7,' . of the Wrar,wand winds up '. . ; lowing declaration, which rn C. -jows forth the President a' deter: relation to the prosecution c ; t gainst Mexico:. , . " Mr. Webster insists that; ' demands to knoAv, without f: . the precise objects and pur; administration in carrying cr. Professing upon this point to !. erknowledge than-that w!.!; gained from the documents ! v. been laid before the country v dertake to sum up these pur- )( . From lite National Intelligencer. ' The Lancaster Democrat does not seem to relish the .financial projects of the Administra tion of its own choosing; 'and,: in' fact, rerv plainly Insinuates, in the following paragraph, I OTds-Reparation Justia ' that the good people of Pennsylvania were i In TV lCSC obJectsL! shamefully duped at! the late Presidential dec-1 l1,1 ?Ust. rlin ' ,: . . I surd temtonal pretensions t:;i; : ! ' i- llbrthefullpaymentoftheindun; We regret deeply regret the false position assum. she owes to our citizen nr ed by the Administration in relation to the existingrev- full justice in every rcpect-L enue laws. Before the present Administration came jo J must establish peace with U t power. from the represenuUon of prominent prinu and j tions and guarantees which ' polcns, we were induced to b.lie ihit no change ! -i r, . . . . , . , us ucriuanence. i nis muc i c his imratcdiate rop ! poses of the administratTon v-c porters m the tariff of 842. Iay.more; ln common : Wa u " : l we endeavored to make others entertain the same rw i Til n I ... it r 1 1 in g i r r i . .. . t,et ; tk: Ufnf .t a . . I hi- r x' i . Ki:-.. ,v. ' ' i' r theory and there, alongside of it, stood; his proof; and his proof utterly subverted his the ory. Did it "prove that; reducing duties to 20 per cent, raised the revenue to its highest point? Just theevere. It reduced it to the very ow. est point of depression, I While his theory isaid that 20 per cent, would give the " highest," his proof showed that it gave the lowest. how much. of this did Eng- Not a quarter of a million, in all its forms ! i ! e Here was a beautiful reciprocity, j Hprc were the beauties of free trade. Here were our e qualily of benefits. We took fifty' millions in Biitish goods,one-half of it agricultural pro ask of this administration, at !.: in the midst of a war, to say am t of its plans bf pacification. war against the war party la I secure a just peace. NoctU r t: ; peace can be concluded. Thisi. ; sanction no j other.' When Mi x: J proffer any terms of peace, ;. I fore the people as the opponent of the existing revenue i heard. When she shall pruili f ; laws. Others may chaage tlieir views on this subject i terms, they Will be acceptcd.l '1 . j from fear or from interested motives ; but we intend to 1 done, OUr War Will march StcacH stand where we have always stood ; to insist upon the fulfillment of solemn pledges ; and to resist, with be coming, energy, every attempt 'to thwart the wishes or sacrifice the interests of the people of this great State. duce, while; she: took one-quarter of a million i We speak within bounds when we say that nine-tenths ot pur DreaU'Stuus. ish market to us!? This was our boasted Brit- The American market com And was not this a pretty, time to select fbrj sumcd annually: nearly a thousand millions of j the reduction of duties ? Now, when wei had just entered ipto a war, whose duration no man could predict -or calculate ? , When we went to war in 1812 we doubled the duties : now hi was proposed to cut them down one. half ! j What a consummate proof of political wisdom and finan cial ability was here exhibited ! I i There wast another thing of which the tariff was an index and that was the public prospe rity. When! the people! were poor they could American grain ; the British market one-quar terlofone million. Great Britain took of our and every thing else converted into goods and sent here and sold to our farmers, who have those very, materials; on their hands rotting for want of a market ; and this is the ruinous sys teni recomjmended to our farmers by these " free trade " ad locales. The fanners understand it, an(l they will let gentlemen know it at the poll's. the of cy.y They know that the farmer who sells more than jie htyysi gets rich, and he who buys more than he sells gets pbor : and thev know that the of the citizens of this Commonwealth are opposed to'any alteration or modification in thi tariff of 1842. Not only is our Democratic friend very much dissatisfied with the " false position " in which flour not a tenth part of the amount taken by tne President has placed himself in his late Message to the benate, but he shows something like contempt for the logic of the opponents of the Tariff which, as the reader will perceive, he effectually explodes in another paragraph, as" follows : - , gorousiy on it wiuascendtue t:. of Mexico it will march from ; to province, and from stronghold ; hold, until finally' it shall c.l!:.: redes, or to any successor, ilj i: compulsory peace, on proper; ten: in the walls of his capital ! j the East and West Indies ; not a third part as much as Brazil ; not as much as the: little Island of Cuba ; and not much more than half as much as Hayti. Poor, miserable, negro Hayti, took I last year, 53,144 barrels of our flour, while j England, Scotlalnd, and Ireland together, took ! farmefs for British agricultural produce ; wool j not afford to consume luxuries; imports fell off, and down went the revenue.! But when duties were high arid domestic competition was exci ted, agriculture having abundant marketsi and labor full an profitable employment, the jpeo pie became prosperous ; (they lived in comfort ; they could afford to pay fbr fine goods and lux uriesand up went the revenue. Reduce the tariff, break up Ameiican industry, and j you clothed the jieople in fags,; and I your treasury became bankrupt. The, national revenue land the national prosperity went up and down to gether, and were always coincident with na tional protection. j ' . : 1 j 1 Mr. S's. system was this Select the articles you can manufacture to the full extent of our own wants, then, in the language ofThomas Jeffer son, " impose on them duties lighter at first, and i aiterwarus neavier ana neavieras tne cuaaneis of supply were opened." This was Jefferson's plan ; the reverse of modern democratic " free trade." Next Mr. S. went for levying the high- est rates of duty on the luxuries of the rich, and not on the necessaries of the poor. Encourage American manufactures, and while on the one hand the poor man found plenty of employment, but 35,355 barrels of flour and one barrel of i " But, we are informed, the country is in difficuliy corn tneal. Yet we are told, injhe face of these will be greatly in debt and the duties on foreign impor official facts, by the Secretary of the Treasury, i Rations must be reduced, so as to increase the national sarne theory is true- with regard to nations ; they know th!at to sfll more and buy less, is the way to wealth; and! that the opposite course is thej road to bankruptcy and ruin. , The true American policy, was Protection iand Indepexdence. It was to make America indlepf ndeht ;oft all the world. ' That was sound ArnericarJ policy ; ind he trusted no man would suffer himself to be so carried away by mere. pai ly poijtics as lo advocate "Jree trade" and starvqtionl tiii-sisters, "one and inseparable." Protection was the policy which would spread comfort arid happiness over the face of a smiling lard. I Its effect Would penetrate our forests, and rej'cli to the remotest hamlet in the West. This Avculd keep our money at home, instead of send inj; It; across the ocean to enrich British manu facturcrs it our expense. What was the theory of our learned Secre tary I We must reduce duties to increase our Now, Mr. S. said, and he defied con- that as truly as the thermometer it- dicated the increase or diminution of heat in the atmosphere, just so truly did the increase or diminution of the tariffjnark the increase and the diminution of revenue. He appealed to the record, and defied his opponents to the test. I J he becretary recommended a reduction of revenue. tradiction that we must take more British goods, other wise i she will have to pay us "cash for our breadstuff s, and, not having it to spare, she will not buy as much of our cotton." What an in sult to American farmers is this. :As an hon orable man must he not blush for his reputation, when he looks j upon these facts ? But what beitet could we expect from this Ahierican Se cretary, who, over and over, in his report, de nounces the substitution of American manufac tures for foreign goods, and declares that direct taxation is more equitable and just than duties ; on foreign goods, especially in its operation on the poor ! Betler levy taxes j on our own pro ductions than on those of foreigners !, Such are the doctrines openly avowed by this Secretary to favor his miserable system of 'firee trade." Away with such British doctrines; as these ! They could never find favor with the American people! while a spark of patriotism animates their hearts, or a drop of Revolutionary blood runs in their veins. I ;:The gentleman from Alabama will no doubt discover another' terrible absurdity when Mr. on the other he got his goods cheap. He cOuld j fef stated that Great Britain exported and sold clothe himself decently for a mere trifle. He more agricultural produce tha"n ariyjother coun wanted no foreign commodities: but h"i3 lei and try in the world. Yet it is strictly and unde- coffee, and they were free, and should remain niably true. Exported, not in its original form, free. The poor man could now buy cloth lor I yorKeu up lanu converted into goods, iron, revenue and relieve the national wants. Or, in other words, we must import twice as much as formerly from England and the continent in order to place a few ad ditional millions per annum in the Federal "Treasury. This is a lesson in. political economy which few will un derstand. Formerly we were told that Uncle Sam's revenue was entirely too large; that his bloated income was brought solely by high duties ; and that a reduction must take place in those duties in order that his revenue might be placed at as low a figure as his expenditures. Now, we are told that the expenditures of the Govern ment have necessarily increased ; and, consequently, the revenue must be increased in the same ratio ; and that the only known method jto secure additional revenue is to reduce the duties on foreign importations. We leave to others the task of reconciling these ridiculous incon sistencies." i THE SUBTREASURY SCHEME. From the Richmond Republican. Subtreaschv. We should like some infor mation as to the tchereabouts of the Subtreasu ; ry, a." bright particular star" in the heaven of j Government, j Democracy, which, after blazing for a brief pe ; riod across the sky, has suddenly disappeared, ': leaving not a trace behind. We would like to WHO; PAYS We have all found out wJ.o r.r. upon to fight the Mexican wsr. T mon people the hardy ycc jr. country are called out to do j! ,c and it is with them but .a word r.r; I . Without question or faltering, t! their arms and rush to the use;, national flag. ' But who pays? And how h ney to be raised? Millions cf are incurred every week. Wlo ; Is the money to be raised! by : According to Mr. Shepard, the 1 ive candidate for Governor yifW' tietlis of the 4 taxes' paid in ihi collected from she laboring 'o .' what Ae'says. Will the Di ino r. lers ask the laboring poor to f war, and pay, nineteen-twentk:;. expenses too? ; j But they profess to want ti c : duced ; this they have the power t and if they do it, we may look practical exemplificaiion of 3Ir. i equitable doctrine o( direct tai may hold ourselves ready lor trie Tax Collector, to pry ; into our d and barns, and wagon-shed?, ; houses assessing and collccii: mount that each man must pay cash for the support' of thii Dc war and all. Are the people prepared to tr. horn of this Democratic dilenn; . :kths &c, consisting of. raw materials and stuffs. Great Britain exported, on an ave- a tun suit trom nead to toot tor less man one dollar of substantial American manufacture. - ... - ' - . I .1 1 A I 1 1 ( S III) He had himself worn in this hall a garment ot j rage more man two nunarea and ntty millions this same goods, at 10 cents per yard, and it of dollars worth of manufactures one. half of was so muctf admired that more, than a dozen ' e whole value of which consisted of the pro members had applied lor similar garments, and ! duce of the soil. - The United States took about they had been supplied to Senators and others; j one-fifth part of all the exports of Great Britain yet we are told the tariff taxes oppresses the j -j-being more than all Europe put together. poor. Put high revenue duties on wines, on a report of a committee in the British Par- brandies, on silks, on laces on jewelry, on all ; bament, made isome years ago, it appeared that duties loan average rate of 20 per cent., and ! ,nat wh,cn lne ch alone consumed and wtiicn unlsUifW uy . i l t ,, . J , .. 1 , the noor man did not want Take off thfe do- ditlerent countries ot Europe, r ranee, Russia, in support of this -rrecommendat ion he lad ac-' l,,e Poor mdn U1U "ol anu ikc u me uu- - ,'-r ; i . i i. . . i . . w ! c .i l : t : , tfrtiQsia. list rn---Sn:i in. Itplirinm ATf. nmrtnnt. copnpaniea his report with a table; at page 950, ; "f8, 11 ! J" " . TZXl: 1! I tiT' Z " iiiiii uigii wages-mr ins woik. i nui wils iuu , -v j . ..vv, THE BRITISH GRAIN MAP.: I The Providence Journal quotes a ; from an Englisgh paper, announci: t go of wheat was lying in Goolt?, neat shewing the revenue under different tariffs for the last jwenty-fivo years, viz., four years im mediately before the tariff of 1824, four years under the tariff ot 1824, four years under the tariff of 1828, ten years under the compromise bill, and three years under the tariff of 1842. And what was the result ? f For the four years preceding the tariff of 1824 the avenjge gross revenue was 22,053,000. lender thjc tariff of 1824, which its opponents, ; a the time,; predicted would ruin the revenue' j and compel a resort to direct taxation, the av erage for the four years of its duration was 1 828,029 k)00. Nextxame the " bill of abomi- njations,' the " black tariff" of 1828," which it as said wpuld bankrupt the treasury beyond al question, and what was the result? The average revenue during the four years of its op eration i lcreased to 830.541,000. Then came tie compromise bill of 1833, which brought the learn what has become of this potent inven tion for supplying the office-holders with gold, and leaving the people to feed on the unsubstan- I tial aliment of bank; rags. This excellent plan I for paying the public creditors with the genuine j vollnw VinvB ivnnld 1P nfrnlin rl v nrrnlrll vru fancy, in the southwest at this time. Perhaps wst ofllered at fi5 ce a Lu?hd' : the "Army of Occupation " would not obiect 1 "Te farmers of the West may ju to receiving their pay in the metallic currency. : of the benefit likely to accure to thc:;i : It would be found very safe, as well as convc i ng.ui British ports to our what. nient, no doubt, to transport wagon loads of dol- i alU r,epcal of lbe sk, ccr: lars from New Orleans to Corpus Chrislu and ! 8,imu,at.e tho production of tcat . thence to Matamoros or. Monterey. As the ex- Poland and the other graio-growir : penses of the Government arc increased to for- i of continental Europe, and the ,t:; ty, fifty, or siity millions, the scheme.would be- 1 ercan lhe felJ ff icomPc!,('n f 1 1 j -.l . cea even lower than that we hive i. i'iiiiih iiuirH miiii m i i m :i 1 1 1 1 m niia wtniwnnm ; - - mong I 'people ; of Jhe; United States ?n -the same tme Unk' nor wIe would sufrer at all from fh superior price .f labor thisco , g0Od consumed; hundred and fifty four cents excessive for lhe giittcring coin. great rates of freight will coirp.ct, lifiintr worth perihead ! Ihis showed, the immense : T . , r. tl. c? 7. . but from the trade so long as Dar.; way to diffuse happiness and prosperity anion tho great body of the people. 1 hat wasi sound democratic policy, lie was tor Uttmg uui. : ju nol Con e forget the Subtreasury. up the poor, lie was tor levellmgupward ;" j ui.uu.uui u, uC 4U,.v:,c;11 There will be no danger attending it, like that fbr increasing the domestic comfort of our own Britain, and accounted for her great solicitude wh5ch he Governfnent once fgred from de. laboring population the true democracy of the to retain it. It also showed the; superior wis. faul( when Uncle Sam was pilIcked iike a country. The rich could pay, and jotight;to be dom of the European Governments in exclud- j c,jicken -n Ae of an e rUnced couk, ! made to pay;, and they should pay ; the poor man mg British goods by high arid prohibitory tar- and hiscapaciou3 pockets, formerly so well lined, could not, and should not, with his consent. . ins thus developing and relying upon their own , wefe cleaned oufas d as the dJserts of Ara. 'T m . I . 1 1 1 . : 1 . i w nrtiwAJ a n ra nr nr o nl ciirlo iVt i n n Mini r n ' :ir. . went lor ino system wnicn eievatea tne , iswrnwuwui s,He B''s bia. Now is the very time when toe old gen i poor map in mo scaie ot society; mat promo- j ; ted equality, that essential; element in al) free i j Governments, not by pullingidown the higher, 1 i but by lifting up the lower classes to their; level, j j The gentleman from Alabama and his friends j advocated a policy wnicn wouia nave precisely out from the trade so long as J): 1 deBsa can participate in It upch c;- national industry,promoting fheirown prosperi ty, Jlnd thiis establishing (as we should do) their owii national; independence; on "the most solid and lasting foundations. i : I Mr, S. invited scrutiny into the facts he had stated; he challenged contradiction. He put SUICIDE, j Shepard Kollock, a young r ; : education arid fine attainments, been laboring under a deprcs ".i- its for some months, put an; r: -T.... I . VI V .1 I IM IVUUVT.IV.1 I.VU UVIH.U11 , . . - . " 11 duty of 20 per cent.; and what was its effect, i competition; and thereby give a monopoly to the J" enuft HprlinpH nnri nevy capuaiisis. n. wuuw ueneni u.u, ci j ; " millionaires of whose presence here hie com plained so loudly. . Labox, producti ve labor, was the great j Source great interest, and feel for the real strength and ! true glory and independence jof their native f land. : i j A long ttiin neck indicates i position, contrariwise, if it be thick, j . A: broad forehead, ue ycarsionuicaics a vcrv ui t1 Mi- ii- -Wit -,;m ' Cures, lc. ii:- if i r i tition. the opposite effect. Their! system would; truly ; Uiem betore lhe gentlemen, and begged them make the " rich richer, and the poor poorer," W examine anddisprove them if they could. He The gentleman advocated a system whose di- uivited them to reflect upon them in a spirit of rect and undeniable tendency was to destroy : canuor. loosmiss irom ineir minds an party pias ;, to re ior once superior to tne low grov- iit:LJ :..jr r ... . . . u Mhnn th ? tu av.a heavy capitalists. He would benefit those very : ?S ymy , w up . iu . j--.. ...v iv.viiuu j 1UU i&ICilUD UCvllllCU U pasu with the tariff, yielding for ten years an average jof 21,490,000, and the last year bf ifs operation under the 20 per cent, duty, only io,ooi,uyo gross revenue, netting 812,758.- : of national wealth. Its importance was? meal ou, vniiej our expenditures were more than biible than that amount. Then came the pre sent tariff, vhich yielded more than 832,000, 000 grcss : 27,500,000 net revenue. Now what does our profound Secretary propose to do tb Improve the revenue ? Mark itl He pro- loses to reduce the tariff to an average of about- whose wages average 8180 per year ibis is $0 per icent., which "experience Droves " Kb 1 nnnnl to the intnrpst nf fia noil at 5iv ner cent. UnMn1 n rwtn.ra.nA itni U 1 .1 Pfl.ll H I R iiciiiuii t a uitaiunc ttiai no ' . i -. t , . own, to build deep strong vaults in the uoweis j laucr, aS .uuu . -v of the earth to preserve the public treasure, and 11th lnstapL . He bad suddenly massive gates and heavy nars to Keep om me t pis scnooi in mc uiuruu V. . rascally agents who can't be trusted with un-; ing any cause. He , was an ai: pious young man, grandson ot t i i ; ser gives utterance to thej prrr. ; Johnson : -Oh God! affiict rny ! whatsoever disease thou . w' inire: oh iDare. int reason i C ! J " - r -A . i Gazette. culable1 Compared with this all other interests dwindled into perfect insignificance. M 'bat is all other capital combined compared to tne cap ital of labor -hard-handed, honest labdr- the toiling millions Supposing we have rjut two millions off working men in the United Stales, N FASHIONS FOR 1846, At tlie old Tailorius Establishment will give the hw nest revenue, and vet this . F.h lahnrer? mnitiil; thpn. U tn S3 000 per cent. at interest Multiply this by two millions, the :iv i t 1 &4v 1-1 v. xt i trrv rRnflri snnws inR iar.1 inni n vu , SJ t . - IT T - v v. ui... .l, II la viooa jrom tne necK vein map Ufquent , lantf id 1842 yielded only $12.780.000hUe number of! laborers, and it gives you a fcapital ' TV'''Vrl U&' III JL. L'LK K a 1113 IUIjIVm4 W1 UlL I ill 111 lit Ml WtMT WirilllTIl t - ' 1 11 111 i-afler XVnlK KfttKA' tlmrn in ivmt rlnt hs.""H OUS. arririnr thfi Srrpfrv r7iA i amountingito th e enormous sum of six thousand ' . i . ! : ! ! . :. .i i L - j HpRACE II. BEAUD, V AS !jLTSf HECEIVED OF MR. F. LtOird for the' Spring aadl Summer oj itHO, j which far Cecils any thin2 of the k nd heretofore pub- KcWavI Ha or 'til Ann-'iAO rr tt A I S llOUtU, E A1V Vttll JVO w n f locked doors. . . able natriot whose namd ho The Democracy of the Keystone State are thU afflicting event, the Xcwr almost unanimously opposed to the hill to repeal the discrimination; established by the existing Tariff in favor of the products and manufactures of our own couutry. We have before us the proceeding of the, Democratic County Con vention for Washington county," at which Gen. ! Johx Pakk presided ; and among lhe resolu tions unanimously; adopted stands conspicuous the following ; i " Resolved, That -e most earnestly deprecate aojr material change in our system of uriff duties, believing j that at,oU times it is the duty of our Government to . ; protect all the great interests of agriculture, manufacture, ; commerce, and navigstioa' by wholesome restrictions on I foreign products. And we would deem it folly and mad- ; j.ness in our rulers now, when in the midst of a war, to ! I take from ibemselves she very means necessary to brin lhe conflict to a successful conclusion.'' CAXtilES ! CANDIES ! C A Cheapest and most Efffinit Manuj actor y. m me noni JOII J. RICHARDS 42, Market St ., ri.ii . t , . : 4 TAKES pleasure in ; inform.:! ; t.;-North-CaroJina that, haviq' m raneir4ntB to meet tbeincTrmtinlrtn I to seU bU very uperior STEAM V1;' j at tbe eitremely low price of 1'J J i i r..t tt-nrvarrant the article eqaal h q-a. CfbRn give; qtif. Linseed oil. The horse ; lnait"-fniy.8eren! A new discovery in arijh will be readv tor service the ueXt'dav. .""' l he new "free, trader , system of fi- was the "labor capital" ihe. wished to sustain 'kiv :iti 'PI i Jl- tit - An rr , i A Work fry tU UU Judge We leant from an and wUl, warrant the article eqaal h q .rianre Daoer that the lone talked ot manuscript or tne uUclure in ue cmicu -r late Judge Stpry.on the Poets and Poetry of America, is ! QTTPERIOR LEMON SY Uboatbemgpublishedi This MS. it j said was parchas-" . li ed for S50y, is now ta the hanls ot ir. Mannin?, ot . at rery reaaoro pn, Y " - . . . I m L..J mA itn M I.I.I f-V-MtT:' tiVllt ,:itJ '. 1 i i 1 U il" 'r r 1 r . r uicu ujwu vuu- j uusiry ne ..wisueu it proiepi anu peienu against sweet inilkcive as a drench-One hour af-i hvih -... i.t. it'i. i.. , , . r. - i . J ' , tei.:i..i t j.i .i .11. :i P V-'Fi .-r.yj'j V" V'"VH w . c r T51 P,ve"ieu coprus. in a j organ, put ny an the advocates of this ne I- Pint of VAtT"lic ttl-ntxMCa tfnn WrU'rt 1 i ktO UlV flAn. . , . .t! i , . l . "-.v.,mov nvHiov, im iu.wi. . - leaucc me auues to in-, oi loreirrn lands, ne went in sepiire Can any thing be more I ricn market for American labori.lIa the great H millions of dollars, at isixip cent.,;thre hun j:if , iil!;! Krllhii. at l5i 4 piaiid.wlietW he U er- -ndred and sixty millions otjdollars a yearJ ; I His .Lr4idvtoiniMtandaccoiniaodate P old. and new cos- Uvork-aikl wiU be ootlin a-week or two. It is said to be toraers with fjiionable cutting ana making of garment, ?a gcorching review of pome of our poets.o Trans. not to be suroaWdbv any in the Southern country. Punc- H -,m. ' . r .L ." k . notiQDeaurpaswqoy"' j . . ' Waahinstan' a DralkU i a fact not perhaps gener- tua htyj despatch ana - n., --.- L.. S.mnmMmimpMty9 Linseed oil ctire cffectuil. n :rease h e revenue ahaff be hlsnTaiid, object. Thankful for past encour- a ly known, says "VTTl n rtitscontinnan.- . -; 1'bis last breath in the last hour jn the; iaf day of the last pyriut-ui, uc uvjk'-t i i ' . " , - j NifB. 'fe!subscribe;rhain hU iemploy a workman who cannot be BurpasJ either ftoVth 5r Sooth.' -April 31841 H."-My. week in the last month of the year1, arid in tl last fear of the centtirY. ' He ied Saturday Inicht. 12 o clock. i : 1700 ' Amn hot te 'racked. Vmit. and Nats. w ill meet All March! T COLI ith pron:pt attention i 27, 184G ly48 STY COURT em:cl Just pnnted on excellent -5 :. : : i if ! !- j .; Ill' ; " 1 v. -IL 4 " i - t . i 1 . i t - f. I i :m

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