i : - . i- s '. ' . ' : 1 ' .?' ;--' t . 1. ' ; 1 .' ' '-' 1 , ' IN- 1 1 ' : ''' !K;.-, i "XX -X N- f :,4 Ml '.; ; .(. j ,4 j 4 ii;" in mi. t Wi if 0 !1 A ti I- I' 1 i tl fl I . yba tat wttwiiyAN, o'W Mr Jill. V r.piou of Wlna Odd rf;cn at Craige Saturday been batrloticviridn of de imra&rul Washington, propa&eJ I" the name of Washinotox Drank standing and (U out in,. J handed lis. The day passed off pleasantly j thd crowd dispersed overithe Mine orderly, and all appeared satis fied -with the Events ot the day, and at 3 o clock;, p. m., T,.n.. !Mr. !. aiu: 1 And 'fellow cilUcn. how has to is MCf" ,ibusi0eiwas a lain resumed. rSCi1, I. his! -one ion clor.ousjy ! tbe L i W SL&rnir Gen. TayM wi h h,s gallant , nr havipread terror th ong out he 5-s 'bit tliclt many of ttnt and the ; iUUc oftlie io gam.t brave sons , ll,d. Mter Writer, m utter iiu: oui wiu tola r 4ht .'t-i em. rttn . t Ihe names ui it. .Tl.i enemy army f as thnbiein ' !. -i.i uL ...tl.ta rrin rir-j II liUIYll. Inumber; ic 7 ii-,i.l thn nll however, in both I ' , , nrt j . t .... .t.u. 1 fin a iqi't fa.haf.scieciiw.-. iivu,. v. r " !: " . 1 .7r "T.:;:iT"T'r. lections. n rpncct ill XnQ bailie 01 me win. j wuuiu uc picaaeu i b1" is 11 TlR-VjlJloc TavToHwa lucked up! the rtacl, on w as advancing, at a point n tiikiiaL' on eiiher side. ci (i iti 'in 11 11 if t&aa ii.iiM.v lnnon Anti'l 1ilira llv bvVpt) with their dcBtrutctive. cani 1"IS . iJ 'P.lvl.ir rnfo un. &ri fdand them toers, OlU A J V IIV i "I Hill"' T-' I ' r . I" '"I I" ' 'i . .iJ.l The) planted their t QUU VOLUNTEER REGIMENT. j. Thev '" W1 ' such irwm 111c ujytcia uuuucit- s Suir ndvantaiK'uiisiy posted !fl,il,.rpd hii nit'ii to r forwifd rtake their ' attirlcs. And riow bciuld Caplain May with ' t i.wrt nUmWrtv of trdoners fkishinir to tho . ia V'f"v 1 7 ... " barirp.-Har(J iatannon roar raieM fallf but t lit .Ml " 'I'l !rafi la 1 cijtwltjd st !)orpi b T .V C. RANDOPH, Wm. KOHLCR. ! Ci i ---y 1 1 vr r rrrom'the Globe.!! ; Braitdketb Puxs.W'c werei ior a long time amopf We regret that many of the volunteer toasts 4m not. 1 the sceptical as to the efBcacy of these usdyctebratd , Ktiis. c eucvew ipai jny naa gqt into gpierai ana universal use more by the numerous newspaper pons than. Dy any virtue tney posseseea. : a recent tnaijot tnem npon a friend of ours, who was attacked with a most vi olent billions cholic, has removed all doobts in dor minds as to their being the very best cathartics that can be ad- Sec?0. For the Watchman. . Messrs ErfTOBsi : Permit me through the col your paper, tojcall the attention of your readers to the I 1 i. , 1 and Quarter ssions--May Trin', 1846. til Floors-1: ., .j; -;..: j j, I umnsof Waiiani Ford,! John F. Ford, John Wl Ford, I Ann llv Cheairs, ministered; and beUeving so, we think We d tjie pnbhc !ohtt pj'Marr ana his wife a benefit, in ayin what w think o& ihem. kR -l ri Elizahth BUmb TnrA.na H : iFrom the IteBottri News. U ; ( Ford, Thomas t Ford, Sarah L. Tek BaAj?DKET PiU3.-Thismedicme has been made k MTiu Ut,- f i a suujeci 01 mucu merriment tnroughout me upuea siaies Petjinfbr Dower! 1 f Lourt of fleas and : :it Davidson, Montgomery, Anson and Stanly codnues, to 5mnWe.n ' 1 .ix.i.-. tI-j1m- form a Stock Company for the purpose of raakihg navi XsnT 7- - Lmn j v f j V.L"! Without entenns into details as to the probable sac- J j r , " . " . T ; , . r .ur-J. "T5 ' u-fi.. 1 try, who with great propriety testify to the good effects ,.'. . : -v." t t 'uIJ t:; rr,' "r Ot Brandreth fills, from freouent ekneriment;; and; no jo ; us operationsjl would eiaie mm :--'!.: -i, ; it-, 4 -' - r t - n'v i-: ; v : :i ' " Vc ,'"- 1 t 1-. ' .1 . i BOGER & WILSON, Tt appearing to the satisfaction of khe Court, that nTTE JUST RECEIVED A JL WiUiara tord, John i . ord, John Wi ford, Ann Li U L. Cheairsj Henry F. Ford; Leander U. Ford, John P. I nail isuii unu ui9 wih; uiuauciu t iwkusiu jj uiu, ururgt p . vvuaiNiuj; MaFS Brandreth Pills, from frequent experiment ; and; no tjatjpublication made m the U Momii tndafromthem, tl Trt'1 Trt r "ISftf lections. In directing public attention! to the Brandreth fPBf?? 00011 Ford, Thomas L. Ford and Sarah McDonald, are not inhabitants of this State : It is therefore ordered by the Court, thatjpublication; be made in thje Carolina Watch- iZ said defend- fnort escapement LARGE AND FASHIONABLE xzxzr ie: xiL is ttc in part of fine full jewelled Gold and Silver Levers, Leplne, Pat smcnt Vatchef, cold guard Chains, and Kejs, Ladie. awl Get STcr;: rtical rntV Gentlemen's 1 ;h General ; enterprise. admitting oft IMPROVEMENT; i r In directing public attentionjtb the Brandreth ?PJ? oat-ntxi wonn or re ana viaaner medicine, we only express our! honest convictions, that i ouf De wame coumy oi ireaeii ai me wun the Brandreth Pills have done more service to the pre.l "ouse R Statesville, on the 3d monday of August next. Bent generation, than all the patent medicines which have , ever been introduced into general use. : ai ins ann nnfrpr inr. ppbi9 rJ-l: r i... o. i n . ... ""n .ucunuuus, nracrieti, omas, uorml. Wood lamoivt nnintail Pana rift ia!.J tl t 1 I t , rm ... ... "-- x mens, goia and suver i mmues, guid and silver t Goldn4 Silver Spectacles, Ladies ni(r Pins, Steel Ba$ Clasps, Steel and Cilt crse. ftj 1 hefee Fills are for sale at a j cts. per box, byiour agents in elvery tciwn in the State, and by the jfbllowing L : l l 1 . i,; , .t-i . Tin A ,1 ( Ti " ' j uSll,j respeciaoie sentlemen in mis -ticiuuy, v . h. the Adjutant General, contained in Fni' s. n,,. Frw. nv,L . . & D paper.lthat the Regiment ofj Volun- W. Hunnicut, GoM-Hill ; T. C. Graham, Cowansville ; . .IV' j : j ' . - iar assortment ol convex and concave glasses to suit all aces which can be Dut in fraW n x tition. or the sanie will be heard exnarte. and ludorment . notice b mu B" c ue pui in inurifs it s pro confeso will be taken against them, and a writ of dower awarded accordingly. j j vuness, J t. . Aiexanaer, cierK oi.oux saia court at ot- called fdf by the President fifom this ilo did not flinch, btate, das peeq completed by lot, and is now ready j for any emergency trfat may arise.) Th names of thirty-two Compa nies were placed in the wheel, and the ten, announced: by the Adjutant General, were drawn therefrom. Since then, we learn JJ some six or eignt additional Uompantes have been tendered, making in all about forty Qom panics which have volunteered J. Krider Son, Mt. Vernon. July 17, 1846-I?:4t ; 6wll-Printer's feej S5 50 ficethe Cth day of SJuly, 1846. J. F. ALEXANDER, Clk. Their are in 1, onward they-o. Th Mex- Ten or lvt ve American bat'combanv of IjoraTfinen rush slil!.'; .TQey reacMhe bditi ry. . ' I ' 1 . I ' - I . I ' '. . Jl t I ... IF mrrii hoaria over ine works, amn tnidst of the encrny. Now' c -m the tug 0( -rfar. Man to; ntan, Unhung- 1 anu to nana. Jwirdi clash swurii. i."u5kuj ia.uc. ,,., .j " i L- t fiL. ...i .' . I ..1 .vin,i fill iKonir :i wniic ir i.a. wuac ui giauuuauu.i iu l"Hr :T: Z ;.Jus. that the Rowan Comoanv. which first iiu it.i,i olse t land Mi.hnses of flvins made, a tender of its services, was drawn Mirans-ifl In precipitately ;i A almost every i out, it is, dqually a; source of regret, that drKon--iiidicMo that hll 'n ovdr. They are j our ojvri ATTENTION! Hawaii Volunteers for Mexican Service ! ten were required. foutt-d, liorste, iooT,.anu uragoqris. i uey nj ; theily l Thou$a,idi of thetn escape, wh'lst riiiridr'cdi. too cicely pressed,! fall upon their kiicca and Ireg fotj quarter. They are kindly ffltfibv the hant). and made to feel' their se eurirjj fronvh.arin.'; i; ; ilut TeIIAy citizen eforc we pas9 on from Oils 'glorious triumph' of' Gen. Taylor and his Jittl$ army, let mc call 'your uteutioq to one of the, iMexioan Generals In thai e ngagement. I tncatv Gen. Atnputlia. lie watched ; for a ir.or jDieafj tbe jprogre'si of tho fight. saw the Lssiof their cuunon. lie knew' well, that all Viaijiodt, unless by the1 intervention of match eri;jravery. Hiit, .ii heart failed him. ; He ingloriously fli-d. j'Se hirrt, ntv, as ho leaves tb'el Voad and take ihe-r thicket. No man can jiasifltbrough ilnc Mexican chapparals but withljhe grvatejit ihlViculty. He rushes into them likA a frihti-rl hore. The very first jump he i tooic's his hat. out a nat is tiK)thiiic to him. JietushcK on. You can now tcailtjltg ,t)fo(i"li (he bohhes y bintir Hark! That Van Aiii.-ri tiutliii u h"t 'lv jlowu in the he'ljrees'ou through th ch:i Vnf'b- He at l.i.t reuehes jlti'tiej!. Norte. N'ow M'tf him 'U' i lis t-.nm j;in PARADE in front of Drs. P. & A. M. Henderson's OfficeL on SATURDAY the 25th instant at 3 o'clock. their services in this State, where only ' armed and equiped in the uniform of the com. . 1 'lull' .4' m puuy, viz : oiazea e:ap, aanc qress coat and white pantaloons. A full attendance is reques- ted, as business of importance will be brought j before the company. By order of R. W. LONG, Captain. ! S. W. James, O. S. ' ! Salisbury, July 10, 1846. TWO VALUABLE PLANTATIONS 1 : i POR SALE ! AND O.yK TO LEASE! i t. rfTIE. SUBSCRIBER BEING DESIR- J ous of remoTin to the West, otters for ! sale one TRACT OF LAND, on the head waters of Rocky River, in the lower end of Ire I dell county, contahning Cnapmatfs & Emerson's superior Razor Strap: Chinese R"rs, Rodgers Congress Knives and Scior. Silver Tea and Table Spoons, also firmly f! J . silver tea, table and desert Fnoona! silver buttet Knive3. suirar ton? salt an.! m.u. rA . ,.-., i' . , purses, together with many other articles usually found in Jewelry stores ; all of which will be J vr ry L i or on time to punctual customers. . I t All kinds of watches will be repaired, such a chronomiters, duplex, horizontal, patent lever! cwii i! ! and plain ; also, clocks, musical boxes, and all kinds of jewelry put in order on reasonable tenas anJ -twelve months. Lepine and plain watches will be altered to patent levers and warranted to perfr -at the Brick Row, opposite G. W. Brown's store. 0"A11 work sent from a distance wi'Jbe cartfu v - PERIFOCAL SPEC A C L rrinc.t' r, Cpmbany, the " Raleigh Guards; 1 mm m was so unfortunate as to draw a blank, or rather to Remain in the wheel. This is a cruelidisa )pointment to the gallant offi cers of that Company, and they, reluctant tantly, stind aside. Noble-spirited fel-lows-i mry you ever be ready, but may youriserv ces never again be demanded on a similar occasion ! Raleigh Register. 375 ACRES, VALUABLE LAND FOR' SALE. I WILL offer for sale on the pre mises on Thursday the 30th inst.j the tract of Land on which only hear him on cannot see can nun. Am- acU. lint si iHl jiur.tl onward, 1 shoii'. Set linn l)ef)Us 'nothing lll him 1-ui a latlcn J li'n t tail l1 'I ' l ' I 1 i n ! i i i I Life ej a li hull lW.j b..m.tke ()Mft be "oei into 'the Uater ;i C the ('ppoMie shore. c J"0!tr Till: " WATCIIMA tLBRATlON' OF TIIK f.v - JULY ikT GOLD Yucatai. The barque Tarquina, Captain Harding, arrived at New Orleans on the 23d ultimo, from Laguna whence she sailed on the 10th. She brings irimrmation that the Yucatan Congress !had signified to commander Ingra ham bfthq U. S. brig Somers, their determina tion tir retrain perfectly neutral in the contest between ttie Governments of the United States and Mexicjo, and offered to furnish to American vessels of Jwar any supplies they might require. The Somers took despatches on board for Com modore C6nnor, and immediately sailed to join the squadrjon off Vera Cruz. The ports of Yu catan of cpurse remain open. about 150 of which are cleared, and in a high state, of cultivation. I There are about fifiv or j sixty! Acres of first rate BOTTOM LAND on ; the plantation, 13 or 20 of which have been re cently cleared, aqd are now I'm cultivation. There are on the premises a good iWEX,J,IGHOUSE, athaniel Jurney,dec'd-.,formerlyliyedJcontainingaboat , (M excellent BARN, an& all nccessarif 25(1 Afl;TiTRQ j OUT-BUILDhGS. Also, an excellent . -i J.- ja.mw ' r m lying immediately on Hunting Creek, in Iredell and Sur- ! ry counties, about three miles south bf- Hamptonville, and adjoining of James Nicholson's mill tract.. The Und is productive, and enough of it cleared to work four or five hands to advantage. Any person : wishing to settle in A lieaUIiy and good neighborhoods I think would do well to call and examine before buying elsewhere. ; : i I Terms one-fifth cash, and the balance in 12 months, with bond and security. No title made until the pur chase money is paid. It? Apply to" the Subscriber, living near the land, or to Mr. JUUIN KbLLhi, who has the management of the farm at this time. . i ' A. B. BLACBURNE, Exr.: July 1st., 1846 ll:3t A new and Superior Article of American manufacturr', constructed anon scientific fectly easy and natural to the eye. The following extract of a certificate from Dr. LarJrir. in ture andproperties of the peritoca) glass : Dy imparting to the surfaces of the lenses such 'a -fori tion through their axis, shall be one of the conic sections ; vision through these, in all directum hi v. is of the eye can turn, is perfectly distinct and free from the distortion incident to the commi ;:k For sale by BOGER &. WILSON. XT All can be tutted. Flea call and girt tkem a trial. Old gold and silver taken in exchange for jewelry orw ark done. I They hope by being punctual and obliging at every call, to receive from the pnblic that sojcrt and merit deserves. Salisbury. X. C. Mav lRl(U-tf S I i ' I i Sale of Valuable Books ie ! h.' 1 river IS til' UOtlMUSi lO St-e him ! ! a lean and ra nd safely reach-II. FOURTH OF 11LL. a. At il o'clock. 1 llu; inarshn of the ordt,rj vVVan enily hoijr f the ilny, lare numbers of people cajirtjfloclimg in lW)l the hfigliborhood to celebrate 'lhe o i lii'rMl.cd u-moty " with a. iila all btffrtH'S' wis fuswntlf(l, an iiiT' J I t . r a i . L . L . C II ! ,vi. ifiuz, loiraifu to" proccw on in me louowiug nisic, next tlie cih- 7.en1,.lhe parties, tlien Hie resident j v ice rremdent, ine nriilr of tbe'I)ay, Kntlef and Cler.xy, anJ ilie Tarious Coii(iiiitt'e( cloning !tie procrsin, vhich moved on, to a lequiiful Ktovf , mj.-ir Dr Wall's Tavern, where a stand and Mints hntl'Hofn prepared, a'ud tin " Ptars and stripes" llohled In the breeze. . Haying arrivi-d there, Col, Barn :ha(the President f the day, wm conducted to the rhai'ij.by bol.. Royimlil's and Mr. J. M. Coffin, who act- i rts cM n'siui-iilm 1 i v,u. narniarui in a, iw nriei anu appropriate reniurKS atated, the,: purpose, far: which we had met, and requesting iIue;tiervau-e to brder 'introduced tlie Rev. Messrs. jonli; Rolhfock nmj Joseph Lijin. 'he celebratipn then A number of Physicians of Davie, andthe surround ing counties, having met in the town of Mocksville, on the 4lh of July last, by previous appointment, H. P. Clingman, M. D., being called to the chair, and W. II. Beatty, M. t)-, appointed secretary, the following pream ble and resolutions were proposed by Dr. Beatty, which were unanimously adopted and signed by the'members. As health is essentially necessary to the happiness of society, and its preservation or iecovery is closely con nected wiili the knowledge of the animal economy, and ihe properties, and effects of medicine : And whereas it is clearly of importance that a just discriminatiori should be macfKbtween those who have acquired that! knowl edge by osf idious study, and by such other means as the profession have pointed out, have prepared themselves for the arduous duties of the profession ; and those who ignorantly j wickedly and presumptuously assume to them selves the title of Doctor of Medicine, therefore! liesulced, That we form ourselves into a Medical So- cietyj tW bject f which ehall be, to elevate our stand j ard of Medical knowledge and character by impressing us with a deeper sense of our professional nhliunt,,,0. afforfling us facilities of cultivating kindlier nnA f commenced -with nrnver bv Mr. Rothroek; in his usual m....,ii.:.. .i..Lj.. Ah.. t: nr ' "J"vl" i"lv "u utfj iiiuiuiri. nrf yiaj er, mt. . CI KnivJoIph read! - ne Declaration of Independence. ThtfkVjce IVesideiiis nex introduced Robert E.'Love, the prator of thejdiiy. Mr. Love in his oration,,; refer- ! red ib the hhntbry-of iur country, oui strussles for1 inde- ! ffetadence.lhe events connected wilh the declaration, and i alluded in fow'brief'and beoutiful remarks, full ( pa- j thp'and enthu!iuwn,to thi patriots und soldiers of" ae- pimy-mx" and with feelings of regret remarked, that litfy;were nearly all laid in ihe ailert tomb, not one be- j in present to join, lab our, jubilee. Ilet alluded to pur growth as.a natiotj-pokri"comparalively of our past and ptjitwnt rank nmon'g'atibns, and sefnied to feel with the hea( of an American citixen our unfortunate Biiuation i iia.irMco, uu wrongs we nau susnvineu, ; nna men al luded to the arduf which appeared tb 8-iw the old. the i'y4ulrg 'and even the lide? he said vera willing o vol Urtteer to do bnttfe Tor-bar Country's rights, and then coan I pared our army of citizens with the hirelings of other. na nimi This address was listened to witli marked atteti ! tiony the audicice;. The assembled map was then Vdiwidl by Ret- M.Rolhrock an(i repaired to a sump- tuioat dinner prepared by Messrs. Walls v"t Carter. Af tterte cloth was removed, the follov regular 'toasts were fdraak; f ; . , M I .f;r ':J REGULAR, TOAVTSi . f 'f' -il- : ?.' i ! u i - , j lit -The Day we celebrate. 2.i7e(rfr irflwWow-Kirst it war, first in peace, 1 ana nrst in the lieats ot Ins countrymen. SfTiownn JrctSQii The author of the Declaration sf Iadf pe-iiijehce. 1 , 4.i The Signer t of the Vetlaratioh of Tndnerdence i he patriots ol seventy-six. . , ::'.j jftii. IsafaiffUefrnd Huron de Kalb The 'strans ersrtho fouirh for our! liln'rtv : ma thnir . mpmnVu h cherrJiedo Jong b the star-spanglrfd banner continues ' to wnve or ireikmi 'exist and warmer eympathies, of inspiring us with fresh zehl in the uiscnargeoi our proiessionai ounes, ana ot encouraging us to tread the path before us with firmer footsteps anu more undeviaiing steadiness of purpose." And jalso, for the purpose of better protecting ourselves against that host of Wicked and presumptuous Quacks who are daily encroaching more and more closely upon us, to the great injury ofjour profession, both in pocket and respectabili ty ,'and tb the still greater detriment to- the public, to whom tlfey are a greater scourge than plague, pestilence, famine bnd war combined. Ori rrfotion of Dr. T. J. Bryan it was Resolved, That the Chairman appoint some member to deliver an address on some medical subject at cur next I meeting.: s Oii motion of Dr. W. II. Beatty, it was j Renolved, That no one be entitled to be ejected a member jof this Society unless he can show clearly that phe has: attended at least one full course of lectures in a ! Medicftl College of approved standing. ; ! On motion of Dr. M. A. Locke, it was Resoled, That any member be expelled for having : acted unprofessionally in any case, unless he will apolo , gise and reform. On mbtion of Dr. J. G. Ramsav, it was Resolved, That ihis meeting adjourn to meet again in Mocksville on the 25th of July, 1846, at 9 o'clock, a. m., at which" time and place, all Physicians entitled to be come members of this Society by a foregoing resolution, are requested to join us. On mjotion of Dr. J. G. Ramsay, it was Respired, That a copy of the proceedings of this meet ing be sfnt to the editors of " the Carolina. Watchman," with a request that they publish them. : i. H. P. CLINGMAN, M. D. ; W. H. BEATTY, m; d. " I0:2t.i Wool Carding. THE Subscriber having recently put in operatioYi, at his Mill, in Rowan county ; near Thyatira church, A Wool Carding Machine : of the most approved construction, with the best improve ments, is prepared to Card any quantity of Wool at the speed of 100 pounds per day, at the usual rates or tolls. Attempting to procure the best machinery and employ ing the best mechanics to construct, and put thp ma chine in successful operation, the subscriber considers that he is entitled to the patronage of an experimental trial, and a continuance according to results. ! : ; SAM'L. KERR; June iqth, 1846. ll:6t : j A VALUABLE : GOLD MINE FOR SALE, . ; rflHE SUBSCRIBERS would sell the falua. ble Gold Mine, formerly known as Wil-! son's Mine, in Montgomery county, about one j mile south of Lawrencville, situated on! both I sides of the road, leading from thence to Rock ingham, containing 550 acres.; I The Mine has long been worked on a small scale,, in and near the branches, which some times prove to be very profitable ; and it is con fidently believed, that by. the proper researches of a skilful Miner, a vein might be discovered, which would be very rich. There is a good log cabin on the premises. The above would be sold on very liberal terms, and possession given immediately. For further- particulars address the Sqbscri bers, at Lawrenceville, Montgomery co., N. C. CALVIN W. WOOLLY, JOSIAH M. WILSON. July 6th, 1810.-11:31. WEJLL in the yard. This plantation ii iu fine repair, and in a very healthy section o country. ' Also, another tract on the same river, one mile and a half lower down in Cabarrus coun ty,joining the plantations ol Wm. Emerson, James Sloan, or formerly the Torrence land, and others, containing all of which is Woipd Land I ajso offer for rent the valuable plantation on . i t: i . wnicn l. now live, containing FIVE HUNDRED uiCRES, of which there are about 250 cleared, one hun- j dretl of which is fresh; twenty-five first rate bottom, in a bigh state of cultivation. On the j this plantation there are two ! ; DWELLING HOUSES, ; a good barn and all necessary out-building? ' in jhe yard is a well of excellent water. This place is in fine repair, and can be rented or leas- , ed for seven years. Persons wishing to purchase or rent, are re- ' quested tojcall and examine for themselves ; great bargains may be had. For the terms, ap ply to the subscriber, living in Cabarrus coun ty, one mile southeast of Coddle Creek Church. jThe subscriber also offers for sale two tol erably good road Wagons on reasonable terms. I . i ROBT. II. CKAWFOKD. June 19, 1846 6w8 T ROWAN- HC T i THE SUBSCRIIVi:il TUIZ rare and extensive LIBRARY of the late John Giles, dee'd, will be exposed to sale at PUBLIC AUCTION, in Salisbury, on Tuesday the 4th day of Aucnst next, (bein Tuesday of Rowan County Court.) This Library contains nearly ONE THOUSAND VOLUMES, comprising Law, Medical and Miscellaneous Works. Among the may be found the most valuable Elementary Works, ma ! ny volumes of Reports, both English and American, with ...juwnpw.v, have now a chance of. netting one ot tf.e i s ABLE STANDS they could wih6 for I considerable improvement in the HOL'S!', n ISHIXG TO REMOVE V offers his ; lOMiTii: w UOUSE AND FURMTUi for sale. Tersons who wish to en (par ia H sions. The medical works are, many of them, rare and val- I uable. The miscellaneous portion consists of Histories, (the standard authors,) Biographies, Travels and the most of the old Classic Works in our language. Gentlemen desirous of purchasing, will do well to at tend, particularly members of the Bar, as such an oppor tunity has seldom been offered to purchasers. The Library will be ready for inspection the week be fore Rowan County Court, in the office one door east of George W. Brown's store, where a catalogue may be seen. Terms made known on the dav of sale. E. D. AUSTIN, Adni'r. Salisbury. June 2Tth, 1846 5w 10 SALE OF LANDS. PURSUANT to JL , NITURE 13 MOSTLY" NEW nJ i i ( PAIR.) I am warranted in sayini to the ; by strict attention, the HOUSE wp yUll a some income. During the time Ijhavel'--, t ltfhment, it has been extensively patrot W 1 ! travelling and country custom, j The II known from North to South, havieg be i k( , tel for a great many years. Thofe wi-Y a ' ney now have an opportunity in purchj - lishment, I would advise them to cfme an -1 intend to sell and will give a bargain. T made easy to suit the times. Lefjrrs a J Jn this subjeet will be attended to in due sen . JAMES L. ( i i- . several ue- win crees of the Court of Ftjuity c!Xl for Rowan countv.at the Spring Term, 146, the Clerk and Master will offer for wile at the Courthouse in Saiis Salisbury February 4, 164C ti 11 LIST OF LETTERS Post Office, at Salisbury, July 1 bury, on the third day of August next, (being Monday of the Courrty Court,) several TRACTS OF LAND, State ot ilovtn earoUua, i RQW AN COUNTY. Benjamin Beaver and others rs. Jacob Beaver, et. al. In the Court of fyjuity. ' IT appearfng that the defendant, Jacob Beaver.is not an jnhabitantW this State, but that he resides in the State; of Mississippi. Therefore ordered, that publica tion be made for six weeks in the Carolina Watchman, a weekly newspaper printed and published in Salisbury, requiring said Jacob Beaver, to appear at the next term ojfthe Court of Equity for Rowan county, at the Court house in Salisbury, on ihe third monday after, the fourth monday in August next, to answer plead or flemiir to complainants bill, or that on failure, judgment pro confes so will be entered against him. Witness, SAMUEL SILLI3JAX, C. AT E. i iJune 25, 134G Gw9 Printers fee 5 50 Goodman, Jacob Stirewalt sen., and Valentine Propst, j ! belonging to the heirs of John Sea ford, dee'd. ; j TWO OTHER LOTS, ' with improvements, in the great North Square of the ! Town of Salisbury, No. 41 and 42, belonging to Ed. , i Yarbrough, Henry M. Giles and others. One tract con ' taining State of liovtft Cavoltun, DAVIE COUNTY IN EQUITY. FOR SALE, . AND VERY CHEAP. G- Carter 5' John A- XT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that JL 3 good Wagnns, for 1, 3 and 4 horses. ; 5 or 6 excellent Carryalls, low;cr than have ever been sold before. O or 7 good Buggies 1 of which are very fine. These, with several other vehicles will be sold very cheap, and on a credit for good Notes. ' J. S. JOHNSTON". Salisbury, July 10, 1846 5vll Boydcn, Nathaniel ' Bruner, David Barriinger, Martin Brown, Jane Bocer. David on a credit of twelve months. One Tract of , Bell, James M 2T (mlZZ fSP 9 j 5ron- Alexander Besbercr, Conrad lying on Orants creeK, adjoining tne tanas oi mioses tvj' :.m Qrah wvaf wmmmmmm Bot,! Alexander ! Birkbead, E. IL : Bradshaw, John A. Brad sha w, Henry Bettii, Sylvester 1 Bowles,' John T. 228 ACRES, iS'"1" lying on Crane creek, the residence of the late Peter Colerhan, LorettA A. Area, and belonging to his heirs at law. ClarkjC, Jeremiah One undivided third part of a tract of Land contain- Cauleis, Joseph M '"3 Collins. E. L. ' 379 jaCiiS, lying in Rowan couniy on Dales creek, adjoining the Lands of Samuel Craige and others, subject to Dower assigned out of the whole tract ; which undivided third part belongs to the heirs at law of Isaae A. Hall, dee'd. One tract of land containing One Hundred and Turenly Acres, 1 lying in Rowan county on Dutch second-creek adjoining the lands of Paul Miller, David Peeler and others, be- i longing to the heirs at law of Henry Miller, jr., drceased. In each case, bond with approved security for the pur- . chase money, will be required on the day of sale i SAMUEL SILLIMAX, C. M E. June 26, 1846 6w9 Printers fee 3 00 Holti Hill, Hall renuu. iiOU- Mis L Horribargrr. t Mr, i:: Cox, t'hebe Miss Cress'p Abraham Crowpll, Buckncr Caglel, Martin Stills! Stills! : f- Mi't 0lJ Xarth Slate" The first which declar bf Mnaependenre j may she'be the last to yield it. J Tht inion of ike Statet Mai- the arm be palspy- ; eJ thitt WOOld Rtrika a klur : it 2A2B2E2mi On tlie 2Sth of June, in the vicinity of Red Plaiqs, Siirry county, by J. J. Conrad, Esq. Mr. William Nok man to jUiss Maktha Bk6w.v. In Davidson county, on the 9th inst.', by Jesse Thom as, Esql, Mr. John Rick ard to Miss Fanny Thomas. Diet if' In this County on the 12th inst., Lccv Parker, infant daughter of Thomas and Susan Craige, aged 6 months and 26 days. j Thy days, my little one, were few ; If An angel's morning visit, I That came and vanished with the dew : ! I 'Twns here , 'tis gone where is it ! j Yet didst thou leave behind thee A clue for love jo find thee. THE Subscribers keep constantly on hand a variety of excellent STILLS, which they w ill sell lower than can be bought elsewhere in Western North Carolina. BROWN. & MAXWELL. July 10, 1846 ll:tf j George Cliarhn and William C. Bird, two of the de fehdants in this (rase, are not-inhabitanta of thh State : It i3 ordered, that publication be made in the Carolina , aiCillllilll 1UI SIA nccftO, iui uir aim untiiuomo iu cip- T T I" 1 1 T T T t F"P ( 7) M f I 1 V pear at the next term of this Court, to be held for the LAjNDo AiN U MlLLo IU 13L bULD. county of Davie, at the Court-house in Mocksville, on ,4 the 4th monday after the 4tlv monday in August next, and plead, anssver or demur to complainant's'nmended bill, or the same 'will be taken pro confesso, und the cause set for hearing eK parte, as to them. Witness, L. Bingham, Clerk and Master of said Court, at Office, the 4th monday after the 4th monday, in Feb ruary, A. D., 1346, and in the 70th year of American Independence. L. B1XGIIAM, C. JL E. Cw9 Printer's fee $5 50. si Notice. BY virtue of a Deed in trust executed by John Giles, to tnj? as trastee, to secure a debt therein named due Daniel jll. Cress, I will exposie to public salej at the, Court house in Salisbury, on Friday, the 7th day of Au gust next, on a credit ot nine months, two hundred and ;8.'iThe 1 resilient of th Tlnij dtt 9: rhe aovemor if the Stale of North Carolina. ' 10! The vfrV Though ainSll tnlnnmKor hn nr.-iv.n tlm It' is not deficient In valor. 1 X ' jll TAeqry May its flag con'tinue to float tri- ip!intly over every sea. ; l2j ,Thc T Star-rimngled iaaW-',-L.May wc cease tot b freemen, wheh it. lacks defenders. i 13, The Orator of the Day. : ! The TolinvihT worn nmonp tb flir. tceti toasts : v i f; -1 ..' : i"ni rf r islJJnrui. j l.i.Kru .til- . forty acres of Land, situate on the Town CreetT. adioin- x- afwi hhi a - a air u a t t c tit ui m oi - i - . . . j Jaly.'the birth day pf our nationalliiertvi; the day when i !?s tPfilTown hni' "e lands of Wm- Chambers, and our fathers in the darkest' hour of berik pledged their 1 nr"I.Heeves. bond with approved security will, be litftjtheir property'arid sacred honof for freedom's cause. I TPquire 1 hefutlet0 l,ne Land 13 be good, CoL J .V .li,),,,!, r.rn!inff hir vu ' "Ui "trustee i win omy convey sucn title as is vested asoluxe. .re ot duly appreciated: may. line of , w ff the in tIaJb;fsaAT, nTP . ! '1 az toffin-iTke Fourth f July, 1 7 Jo: ; T : TjieihativMy; of bur glonaas enfran(jhisement : Oh4iiay . 'j ri?flT ATC nnn ntni i , ter cherrWi it with motions oil heart-felt gratitude HiLuliULo rUli OxiLiJ. : 00 ihiorh :nA Kl.. J rillir. -'. n- r , . " i iwir pviuyiMiii, au ma m iciutu us u ?r ",lUcr onrs lor saie two neOTo ooys, vounz - i iu iimiv SAM has UorV to " a band of! freemen.- II i. r rv. ' r urciiirii.. 11 ' f rJfarria-May aristocracy be exterminafed,and I Ik7 - of our Country be as equally distributed as -tyycwaoi neavett. ; ; , - -. , . .x- ! H Mr. ir. C. Randolph The gallant Taylor the Wncari irmy.! 'hi ... ; ' i .. : ;J'ftoaw,aftei few brief remarks ufon ihe hd likely. SAM h liwn misfit in ibrt Ihniiao 1 and is jrtne amongpt the best of servants. ISAAC has also beffri raised in the house, and is a good waiter in a public bpuse- They are both boys of good character. I will i$ll on a credit of twelve monthwith intertst from the da(ei. A. W. BR ANpON Salisbury, July 13tb;1846.12;2t ' I ; NO CURE, NO PAY." A GUE AND FEVER PILLS A certain and safe ii cure for Aeue and Fever for sale bv Julv 10, 1846 tf 11. J.! H. ENNISS. SALE OF VALUABLE LANK UNDER decree of the Court of Equity for Rowan county, wil! be sold at the Courthouse in Salisbury, on the 3d day of August next, (being Monday j of the County Court, -j THREE TRACTS OF LAND, adjoining each other, and the lands of Jacob Walton, Peter Kerns State ot iiortti CavoUuiV DAVIE COUNTY IN EQUITY. Jos. Wi Hodge and others,') r.. Petition for sale of Land. .! Joshua Young and Wife, j j IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Josh ua Young and, wife, Mary, are not inhabitants of ihlj, ' State : Ordered, lhat publicnti6n be made for six weeks in the Carolina Watchman, for said defendants to ap pear at the next term of this Court, to be held for the county bf ; Davie, at the Coprthouse in Mocksville, on the , 4th'monday after the 4th monday in August next, and , plead, answer or demur to-complainants bill, or the same will be taken pro confesso,! and the cause set for hearing e parte, as to thetn. 1 Witness, L. Bingham, Clerk and Master of said Court, , .t officc, the 4th monday after the 4th mond3y in Feb- j ruary, A. D., 1846, and jntheiTOth year of American ! Independence- L. BINGHAM, C. M. E. 6w9 Frinters fee 5 50 ! BY order of the Court of Equity for Rowan County, the Clerk and Master will offer ot public sale on the premises on the first day of August next, one TRACT OF LAND, lying in Rowan county, adjoining the lands of Michael Cohher, John Deal and others, containing a bout also one other tract called the Mill Tract on Iri-h Buf falo creek, containing about One hundred and thirty-five Acres, adjo'ining the lands of Allen Rose and others. Also, the remamder in a tract of about i One hundred Acres, ndloinim? the mill tract, which 'is now occupied by Mar garet Penny, and in which hc has a .life estate All said lands belonc to the heirs at ia juiih EAiujeman, or- A rredit of twelve months will and bonds with approved security for the pui dev required on the day ot saie. j requ,reu . SAMUEL SILLIMAN.c. . e. June 19, 1846 6'8 Printer's fee 5 00 Campbell, J. A. Casper, Peter Donel, Salah V. Ellerj Joseph Evan i, William Earn lart, Mrs. Mary Flcm ng, Andrew J. Fralev, Jesse Foarof, Thomas Gardner, John . Gillam, William Gardner, Miss Ann Grigs, J"b'an Gheen, Milas Graham, James F, Gheen, George H. Gibson, l'rissilla Hank, Mrs. Mary A. Hohshouser, Alex. Hartman, George f Headrick, Peter Harris, Miss E. L. C. Henderson, Thomas . Kennedy, VX. KesUer, V r Kbit , Jr. Kerr, Dr. . Lefl r, Jar ', Linn, Jor; '. LingV, Jcc Lyerly, G, M. Moo e, Ai l. Mclrcr, I). I:. Miller, Jc . Mite :cll, U .Motlry, T. 2 Millr C :: Kuta.l.Dr. I-: Neet,Tho Ouqii, II'r Parks Mi Pic st, Jac 'i Powjes, Wi; Row-ee, Wi..' Bay.u-: Kugr.fc'o? .. Ueid John L. Uympr, Ti Shirhf, Ilct r Mieck, licv. Smiti.Ceov Stonr, CI r Swiiu;, Mi - -Sloan, Me- r Stimrson, ' ! Smith, Be!. Stoklr, IL ; Trexjer, Da TinldlJohn !: Verble, Mi Verbje, P, ' Willis rns, W Woolvvori;-. 'Walls, Br! Whit?otn!i, : be allowed irehase mo- JUST RECEIVED At Wlieeler'n Old Stand, FRESH HEDICINES; WINES, .SPIRITS, TEAS, SPICES, SNUFFS, Cigars. Tebacco, Soaps, Candles, Fruits. Crackers. Brushe?. Paints. w-m aiuw. wau w . - B. JULIAN Salisbury, July 1, 1910 .Iw 10 LOOK AT iT: THE Subscriber take this tnerW tf friends and the pnblic, that y st.'.l carry on the Uoot and SIlOO Tin) Ine opposite J. Sc. W. Martly's ' be has on hand a very large, and firs as : BOOTS ; AND sj wi: -u ; ' .4 LL persotts havinc claims against IJaniei 3 UlIU Ul lirix Bill IJIflllC 1 rra.111 iLunuii wuu 1 K M -v . w j . - t - r i . . ; r . ... . . . T I. f Piih hnia 1 Til TI 1 ....m vs IA rtirW"T In i . r . . . f w- v - i k. v w m v v i -ii . i.iP n:i v. i i . i A w.isis i r r. ik w iiu v. iivi. mm i as!! iiiwri bam lbbbs w v ' - - - kA Unmnv yw w . u-.; m. i ... v 1 1 , n s i'aip s - m a e r a r ' i t hi iia 0 a n T inu rr iLTi T w inr mnusB nnn fran i pinru. l:v7l m m , - . I a w v U k au w: m-r a. JB w 7 w v a ' f'wwav m- - which are not to be surpassed by arfy t. p of the coontrr. He al lias on Lfn l . . .. . . r i . , Dvestuns. and a spleneid assortment of 1 ancy Articles mem of Negro fches. maaeoi u.r . One tract containing ' 385 Acres; One 110 Acres ; and the ojher " j Three Hnndred and Fifty-Nine Acres . j on which is situated the dwelling house and other im ! provements. A credit of twelve months will be allowed, and bonds wilh sufficient security required on the' day of ! sale. SAMUEL SILLIMAN.C. M.E. j June 2a, 1346 6w9 Printers fee 5 50 j j TANNER WANTED. ; FTIIE subscriber wishes: to employ a good Tinner, j JL j who can finish off work wellj I Application pliould j be madesOon. . I Letters addressed to jme at Cotton urcrve, Davidson county, N. 0., will receive attention. ! I , Joly 17, 1846 12:4t p : JOHN ROACH- i : , ment within the time prescribed by law. ndticenvill be Dleaded in bar of their recovery ; and those indebted must make I immediate pay. ment. i A. W.I BRANDON, II. H. BEARD, J r ; 31. BOGER, l 'I Executors. "Salisbury, May 12tb. 1846 14w 3 Superior Che-ivinc Tobacco & Sears. JUST received a lot bf fine Havana, Principe and Regalia Segars and ICerna' Superior Old Va. To bacco, for sale low. by ; j J. IL ENNISS. Jaly 10, 1946V-1 1 tf ij. ''-" ALLfkiNDg OF BLANKS isfcatly printed and for saleat this Office. or this SYRUPS on draft. Physicians presenpuons put up wun credit, than they nave ever cciorc irr. care, and medicines delivered at all hours oi me oay ana market. : nirrKt Th. above articles will oe i-jio ruH -. - . LOCKE Sc CHAFFIN. Salisbury, Jun l2 I6 tf ' 31 OS By JA S-li-burr. Joly 3. 1S46 10tf NEGROES FOR ! LAST NOT! HAVING obtained ah order of CoarHo sell the NEGROES belonging to the estate of William Shaw, dee'd, I will sell thirteew Likely Negroes at the late residence of said deceased, on Hunting creek. Ire dell county, on Monday the third day of August next, among whom are three women, one girl, two plow boys and seven men. ' One of lh men is a good boot and shoe maker. A credit will be given: T. CHESHIRE, Adm r. July 1, 1?46 3wl0 that tie 1 A S i ia aSliitelr necessary t. A kiits dc Biles should be settled it!. as possikle. all persons indevea io x:. wte mjrVtedkosett bf Nr Coaa. ir brought tice. L .Ktf wftulail to cotn-. v JOEL II. Jlhl..-Surii!.-T I D. A. DAVIF. .: Stb-bry, June.Tth, 3i.j7 i ; - it. ' r i I t -if. iff:! i'l fi f. . r .1- ! ' r 1 i .... t'-i? , t

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