i :' , f ' ' I i i ! U Two'poWAM per annum ij aJvancf. r the lirst Court Or- Trrm. AjWrtieh insert al SI per Tre I J '3 cent for each Bubrrquent ' insertion. kiECiifor!iliR.JwiiRmup ,11 the Bill td reduce the larijfi Jfousc .of Representatives, juuj 11 rc a, laic. . i i v ' v ; i i Mr mBn.NcK said that he wis at all ! ti'ics A'cry averse to enter upon the are- j nofgulAr debater in this House. iHis i ir j Ufit-n. had satisfied h m that w nnrii'iirr- ii v -i r THE BRUNER & JAMES, Edilori Proprietors 1 - '! 'j.--- i-'- f''i''.'. H . j. I ' t? I ! - "P v ' ' I l.. s-' ' . -:: - . i - i a '. ----- ' ! - ' !t ! . " i 111 ' !' 1 ' ' ! l . 1 1 ' I . - f - i : ! I I -4 S ! 1 . I ' I " , ' ' IS SAFE." j Do this, axd Liberty Gen'l. Harrison. SALISBURY, N b lRIIiY, TOljY 31, 1846. J'nnvi'ns the floor were not rd n Tim HlOSt tlSnful Of Influential n: embers ' ces ;j to preserve the.laith of the nation by nnexa tXkhoM' He VVrtS especially reluctant cWpe of Us dcMk ami contracted . expenjl the ortit" V . . ' ... i t ; r ney With the sanie ctfre and ccoomy we practia tHosC UhoVcrc ni "i"" T '- J a8narWrie9 fbrnkvyation,andihe nart6re ofmari,and rarueu i to protect the inanvfteture adapted to our circumstan- exact dis- io md u 1 ' l : , r ; wim me same cure aim vi,uuuiiiv wc uiiicitsc wuii to auurcss Hit: i;uiuf iii i. ?. our own, and impose Ion our citizens no ptmecssary bur dens! ; to keep in all things vithin our constitutional powers, and cherish' tie Federal j Union as the only rock of surety : these, feliow-cittizes, are the; landmarks by which we are to uidb oursejyes: in all our proceedings. In his message of the 5th I November, anJ 1811, Mr. Madion says : jr- nm h ' --'.i r- ; -Vr.itic friends in this House, lie J'hinLf to sav to rtheir nuarrels, w " Although other objects will press more immediately on your deliberations a portion, of theni connot but be well bestowed on .the just and sound policy of securing to our tnanu still are attaining, iiKinent, and foreign Govern ring our man of circumstances interest requires least! as be! fchould not external , that letter thai he was in favor of the ta-j riff, and was even a ' better tarifF man than Mr. Clay." I will not allude, sir, to the! bitter fruits which I fear that great State, the laws bf the Medea arid Persians, unaltera. ble. Jf it be imperfect, as doubtless it is, let it be aroended m such particulars as experience may navel indicated as necessary. Let it be a- exhausted debate. Hut the subject ":.x;t n-W-'thfi' frraivest imnortaice: it uni called by somthe great qnmidn of hb;uay. ,;.iHTiau sqme views on inis sud- which is regarded as so deeply mter- ifihsr to every section 'of the Uniion, c(y class ol the people ofthis nation, ; ilifc'hjhe desired tc( present to ibis corn ri ijcc and to the public. He was not in ' JjJ. unfortunate position of the gcntlcnafl hadl just addressed the corr mittce, ( iiS a Stanton, of iTehncssee,) anI who 1 ikmcd so firrpatly embarrassed in the cf- j to reconcile thejUiliereiiccs oi ms De-1 had lich i Xmtb threaten such serious col I iii oris in ! tljelf ranks, but which he was satisfied XijJ.be healqd liy proper eflbrts jind ap "tapecsiif it be necessary to pass this bill, ifvas well avvaro of the faciliiies his liiodratfc friends always possessed in hefjiieilins tneir apparent anu somei mes ro tiistinsruilhdd for his dfivotion to th ?" : k di(ImJTTccs and Iio counted hothing , bes; interestaloflhis eountrv. ih his inaufyn- : : s i o ; UllUll is destinpd fr mnn fmm thft dprpntmn' ' mended in a proper way and on thorough exam which hasheen so skilfully practised upon i',a4lio fd "ot: . lhe stance and upon the her confiding people. ! ' H SSf P1-'11 V?" the!r aSen,s- , 01 ' r : I The regulation of a Tariff of duties is neces- lhe gentleman from Kentucky (Mr. i ibh carilrlcomnlicatpd nnH nn nf rrrnnt diffirnltr. hatts) has here publicly admitted that Mr. ( r, :s n.iPtmn nf fnrt n, iUinXU nmifvi... "in vviiju uui uuiv.iwvin u o ut iv tits may be, I hopccvpr to so t' tvagfts in lib free country !; ill r, that leveL We arc a totally ! : r from those who inhabit the iLf.rc, . ; aud Ulack Seas. , Oar rKlicy i s to ; boring classes. Hero we have f 1 1 equality. The men who toil in c u- : workshops arc not debased aud in r Lit well-informed and "hish.?piri;, ! who constitute, each man lor Lirnss.;. ol the ioTcrrigntyoCthe land. f iheir industry ahoukJ bo placed cn t'.e vel, by any circumstance?, with t! i ; bor of men wbo work barely to live, u to be degraded ! The contact would ! . tion. It mac be true as a fnr.l ,U .Z A,, ,:nc" Mustry, and fatal t j i not only has many, exceptions, but there are MVl! many caseg where it is decidedfr onnoneJ t ,1- , M T' Cha rm.an 11 1 ?.r at w ? in.th 1 . v 1 , . Ulce our taritl because i;n?Hand i rn ' is 1 iiiidfi aniriaa rrnrn iritiAh a,y . n x - w -. w vie 1 if ; a . NEAY SERIES, NUMBER k, OF VOLUME 111. true that on some articles she 15 r J vfwl tYtn nm i . . r .1 ...v. i,nuifSl pan 01 our revenue inc outv i . ... . . . did not raise the price and was not a tax to the i " ZZ UK!fnSU consumer; because nearly enough of the article, j ZtiZ uFl J ' who. wuai view nas nei recent ;-.r. ue UL.llalJU3 UlCOUSUinp- ; , ,.,U,M Ut-L.I.L. . .Minn f 1 ll r . ! r 1 mesne competition .wa, induced and lowered i ; V ."T0 n j '"'"i 1 ucio was nine ..w u vuuuu; v vuia, ui - .. ... Fulvicin Maillllief lO anSWCT OUr GC. K.,ntr .vllk ' , ' uwvii " iiu ian kuuun lillif penuciu.i fn Inp 1 11 r.. uon wunout resort to the foreign supply. !).,. f hmP.lvfia ihrnliO'K nrprv intproct rC cncinlv I thp nrioiP. Vkn tl . 1 . ' - Western States except for the belief that he re- , v UU-.,. in .inrv i;l-p. ! hnmp in fr;n, . , ,and "rubied with an abiding Lo., ... ... ... , ,, --. T ' J 1 cognised tne consututionaiity and expediency pt such rersified pursuits and interests, we nev. . mands, the duty was often divided bctw jIr.-:Ma.d ilar sentiments Congress opfortunity detain the from that niLiucuui liiuicuiiou w until 1 tic icveiiue ruil"e. or nnri nsicft nnv rranorn tnr rt Inw ivh ,rU I ronlimor nnrl nrrvlt.nr . : ? "V" ,""uuu vt.vms 11 1 lactute the success! they halve attained, and. ,l f,i: 'u:, . n u . : . r" v v ; " -r r., . v. .... poner, in wnicn ion n her own I n.t In,i; uner the impulse of icauses not perl ! -T". r t I, i Sve satisfaction to. all. The thing is impossi- case tne toreigu importer pays a part of the tax ! ..rtninl ' J J to-diirbaviffationluneaual reilation nf i lc,cls 01 .U1.e U1U " iaugri,, tie. Our true course is to come as near this 1 lor the privilege of sell n? in m,rLt , ----v wulM,; ' mehtsl Besideathereasdnablenessof-1 address of the President of the4lh of March, i eud as odssiWe. I hav iWlv dn.ittpd that i Where we do not nU th ,. !l. on project latica. I-or a long ti ufacturh from sacrifices Which a chan i 1845, we have the strongest recognition of the ! .h- pTLtinr law m!t,i ij i i knla ,u,v o..:i. . .. " posed high duties on the rawmateri .1 :. miaht bnmr upon them, the national nower to legislate with a view to the encourage-' .u,u'i;bUf..'iir. , -1 t j;.. , .. 1 u u. lue , briory duties on the manufactured art thatwith respect to suh materials at ncnt of tneffrCat industrial bursuits of the coui,. i Z1 1 2 . T?1 PY i . r CP8 Qepena upon tnereat law, ,his country. Dut ,ho hasdiscove, c d 1 ong tj our defence ana primary wants, we ... tt Jfi ' : i ... v, ,uu, luauv ui7 ucu. j ne uuues and 01 supply anu uemanu, anu on tne ability of the .1 :.u . - be left Instate of unnecessary JepenJece o M ! minimums on coarse domestics might be low. ! people to consume. ; Dut, sir, I will not enlar ,7.. :.ncuoito.4. . PPlir - r 1 he power to lay and couect taxes, duties, imposts, j Cred. if not entirely, abolished-, and on raw rot. : on this suhieri. Krerv IwwK- L,,.,,, .1 TZ ' i" neaa 01 ueing su.. . I . ! nnd PT'ISPSI wn !in inHinonlK o nn. In lu nnnlarra.1 An . ' . . .-J ' J J l"v ! I Ii.ftP III 1 1 n f f f lit ' ml n t lf'1 ff 1 1 r A rl .1 r isdn 4ever failed to Enforce sim- the FGo , Vf11 T.af mPort.ant but .; prices of leading articles of consumption are " d fl ZZ ollvit ! on the! cons deration of I sess no means of providing for its own support. In ex- j now "fciqss, mignt wen do aponsueu aitogeih. tower than they were at and before the passage ; her . mnj from tlie .nhonlinatem,' and tHe country, whenever a fit !Mntu h,s power, by levying a tariff of duties for the. ; er. y this coursB.wesnouia wrest irominer, uieacol 1842. It is an admitted fact.- lonial dependant wc have risen into V I presented itself. ,1 shall not lhe object, ISto ' S ill Za " 2"' : Z?: " . - improved ; a comtUor, and have in fact beco::., ! COminittee by further extracts principle, and make protection the object and revenue 7 XI Vk 7: " " 71 ...u t::: .r! rZ . :. . U S " na.8 ,m' formidable rival. In the manufactuVe distinguished source1 Mr Mon- the incident, would be to biHict manifest justice upon w .au. u, uo tuu u, , . .aunury una given new impulse to cottons, built up under the policy wr f other tnan tho nrotptod interests, in levvinff autips ----- .j, ..." noi ; ... orvl MUi mc iiuiicy vc nuvocaie ' i cna. .. . ... , utu, . v van tuuncic wiin ner in WiC i .1 hi fo the fate of the. Iii II before the dorrim r.ci vrvtn tbexciting collisions ot opinion vtifca, on the TOfHwe oniy, inuica.ie sucn vio'ciX disruption among the members uf the. party on the final vote on this great rjrasbrc. He 'had no such tmrleasant lisk to perform on; his side of the House. ... I . i ' . i r ... . ! had no coniucis pi opinion iq recoti- very final ake a airty speech, and though his view s on this i!lCSHOn UIliett:u tliutct f.uij num. iiuac ktd by a majority of the Democratic par iluViriiHousu, astivvorganfzed, (he was hdosay notby ( of tljat party,! hcjfr.ee- ral address expresses himself thus : a i . ! . . e$ will likewise require the system-. le of Government J Possessing, as we Ho, all ..the raw materials, the fruit 'bf our own soil " Our manufacture a tic and fosteringScare On tbM side Ma shall present rVarlv an unbrak&n phalanx on the . I "ST ...... ,iott. Hut'lic qui not mean to protected interests, in levying revenue, it is doubtless proper to make such discrim-i tions, within the revenue principle, as will afford in-? cidentl protection to our home interests. Within the revenue limit there is a discretion to discriminate, beyond that hmit the rightful exercise of the power is not con-? ceded." i Mr. Chairman, I shall not multiply, as I could, authorities on this subject, f It would be art ah But in the main, that law policy In l egard to the prices of agricultural produce, had operated well; and, after all, experience especially of that great staple, cotton, it was i extended nroteciion to her mvn was the best teacher; it is worth all vour then- well known that there was a Wat over.pro- ; fifu T ct,on to Lcf nm.t . . -.rnL. i r Vva, r i i.i r . i i ;fa4-"' ocr.pro- . this contest. And so as to her redact nes. i The act of 1842 had completely refuted duetion. , , , , ... 11 . and industry, we ought not to depend, n the degree we have done.no supplies from other countries : while wre are thus dependant, the sudden event of war, unsought omaly, if the Government did not have this tni mm uuexuccieu, cuiui tan to pmnge us into me most i dispensable power. It would be suicidal. ccuuus uiuitumca. : 11 la liuuui lam, 100, lliui llic cuijl- lnletely the predictions of its enemies and fully realized the best hope of its friends. Under its opera, tion the country was prosperous. Under what circumstances had that act been, passed ? I need not dwell on what all must so well remem- tal which nourishes tiur manufactures should be domes tic in its influence, o$ itslnfluepce in that casej instead of exhausting, as It rr ay do in foreigu hands, would be felt .advantageously in the agriculture, and every other branch of industry." I On the- 3d o :" December, l817, in his message to Cop jress, Mr. Monroe said :, "' Our manufactures wTIl require the' constant atten tion; ot Congress.! 'Hie capital employed in them is con- .!.) 1 .1.1 I.J l 1 ' l: i l Without its just exercise, we should not be ari independent people. It was one of the chief Mr. Burt said he thought not. My honorable friend from South Carolina is mistaken. This fajct was so well known, und so fully admitted, that a convention had been called in the South to lake into consideration the means diverting labor from the culture of cotton taecorded to gentlemen advocating the i aidwahle, and the knowledge required in the machine- ether sidc.quitc as much honesty in their ioficoH and purposes as he claimed jir JiiiiiseJf.; ' . . ' I jThe two; billa; now before the pornmit tc. Mr. Chairman, as well that common- '( galled Mr. McK lay's, bill as the substt- ticUe.rcubythe genilcrnan from York, ber. This object of that law was to raise a sinking jrtivenue ; to restore the public credit ; into some other channel, that a better price objects of our separation from the motherco'uni i. 10 Wjnp Pul'c debts and liabilities ; and last, mignt uc outaincu on the residue which was try, whose policy had been so inimical to the lll0USh; not.least, to give incidental protection to ; raised. It has been said that if we would con development of our resources, and who desired I '"tere.sts essential; to our national welfare and j sent to reduce the Uriti we should find a market tn rpira'n .,e f. m thn nAn,! t m,,.,'! indepeiidotice. Towards the close of the ope- for our surplus agricultural productions. I wish, V I J fttvt pWUVI J IIIUIIUIUVUl W; s i . . ) . . . ft lft . , . - . ---- . - . w- O 4Vi i i i .. .1 . i , t litiiiin iii nir riMHiiriifiM rnrnnrnmup nri .r i siii iuai uiu liuuus n iiil'u nit- acj iuihii v niiHiiirpii iLaM t i eeu a iiounau in me colonics, 11 was incor . : ; r rv -.r.w....ww , - r , r V .: : . . p : l(J ruw u njiain wucuevcr ucr nMi j n a,i. n-..i!i(:m- j i..; j : ii o expenuuures constantly exceeuea our in- u lu" coutu uo reumcu. .uucu na mi n it. nil tt.. uuiuivu in uui iv.ui;iai vuiisiuuuuii. anu una uceii : ; . r , , , ,. . i , M:..n i. k m:,,, .,in,:n:,1 i cornea liven be lore the.reduction had reached ' een promiseu irom mo auoimon oi tne isritisu uuiy u urcausiuns anu provisions. ' i ! so simple as to suppose that Cr.glaf: ! , ! this merely to benrfd ti, er in cor cf i any wild theories of frcetrade ? Let i u ifh so great and fatal a delusion. ;.H arc essentially selfish, and of all n.v.l : world England is and always has l eer, t' ; so. She has taken ofTher duties rin r . only.'bccause she was compelicd to Co i j necessities of her starring pnpulati. n. : ner manutactures might continue to i' health of life. The same policy w'i.l I. dcsiucs an incse conn..1: ry and fabric of all the most uiseful manufactures, is of great value. lhcirj - preservation, which depends on due1 encouragement, is connected with the high inler estd of the nation." j In his second annual message he uses this lnn'guage : j ; t : . ' It cannot he doubted that them complete our internal resources, and tne lqast dependant we are on loreign lu.......i.i.iT ; . . ...... I I. ; I. .t . .1 - tion, under every diversity of party. Even nori ; Poml W Uvcnl' Pcr cenl" 11 naU V,,srOS3loie inai lD? "ew sAem Llty in "this! lclv io produce wiu necessary revenue. "' nismuuu maj ou vii uuuiu a larire portion of the ascendant part)' House will not admit that jt is, in any sense j the test of party allegiance ; and even express: j their amazement at the theories of those! vvhd hold political communion with them on other, subjects. And yet, Mr. Chairman, after all this weight of argument and precedent and practice,! gentlemen throughout this debate, on the other! rhis fact Is admitted by the most ultra free trade 'S a market lor a small portion of that surplus ; men. ; Yet gentlemen are for returning, not but, sir, even this 1 greatly doubtv 1 he aggre graduklty, but suddenly to the same system. ! gate agricultural products of the country amoun Who can believe that the bill before us will j ted value to between eight and nine hundred raise "sufficient revenue for the wants of the j millions of dollars per annum. Of this vast a Government ? Curtail vour expenses : aban. mount about one-h'alf was consumed by the pro- '. ' - .1 i . .. 'i i i don vouri maffnihcient scheme ot Internal lm- i uucers, our ovn . ir i jr.; stji-iiuciusi, iiigiaiiu is in tnobt iv? . in advance of ether nations in manuu t . and capital, and she is in the fortur-.-o of being able to invite others into ri ' her without injury to ber interests. 1 1 has always heretofore been restrict it."', would be willing to-morrow to cr.t r t: the impracticable schemes of ficeti. ' iMr.lIungerfbrd.) propscd entire chlingcs Towers for every national as-well as domestic purpose, gide, have been horrified and startled at the idea! ! proverhcips, passed by this Democratic House, 1 :f.i . t J ...I. .. I C. I . 1 : r . t l r .". till crrntpr nnd lhor Rtahlp will. hf our mililii nli'iitu ! .. ... . . . . .1 i i nnflor ttih namit if tlin ltfirlinr nnil rivnr hill I iti uiis w nuie nsciii poucy oi tne iuovern- ; i . r; r ----- r ; r .' sought a ma j under? thb name of the harbor and river bill,; j to be found ? radical. Tor, al- deirrcc. thev both will the 'dependetlcej of the several parts of the Union on each other, ahd the strength o the iL'nion itself, be proportionately augmented." Again, in his message on the 3d Decern ber, 1822, he says: i whatever may be the abstract doc- testricted conuviere, (provided all na il it, and it was not likely to be mter- .....i. l l ..u:.A- 1 l i . 1. expected.') there! ari other stronr reasons aDDlicable to i tn crive a nreferenee. in the whole coastinp- trade1, i lor)ears past. !l - : j fr i j o ' mir Dtlnnl t.i .nil . !.!. .l . 111 '. . ..; . , . " Satisfied I am, trincs in favor of un tiojns would concur I yi . . u . . i i ; - - . . I . , Jy tne iitLrease m our uornesuc manuiucmres win -tne Mnt foul ltS earllO-St orgainzatlbtl tX) the demand for the hides materials be increased : and tTms nreseni time cnanirns not p-rnt tini. n it . , ,-- o : - w-'t miiuHh:ttc( sweeping, hdugb in some sfight p?cogljwd the principle of protect oiv to A- tnerican industry (jind this, toowl erever it is iloiid inrits most odious form,) yet coming fojusas tjiey.do under the satictiOn.of the j f'sfcytive mcssagCjof peccmbei last, and, !tic ; .official report of the Secretary of the Treasury! and based as they are on the doctrinei .of that famous report, vhich has Received such consideration both in this tountr and England, especially in the lllousc of ' Lords, j from whom it recei v- M thci unusual compliinent of Icing prin ted lor their use, both these measures,! Specially : ."the former from the Com ittce olj Ways and Means, amount to a jMriual find mta abandonmci t of the ivLolc protective policy. Iridcet v sir, that Inject is1 distinctly (avowed oti his floor. it assert,! vvLthouttthe Ifcar of, Successful r c ,u . i . . ; reduce vour annual expenditure to seventeen i was at home, tn the consumption by non-produ-enue range, in favor of the essential interests .,,.f ii ,dUU"dl cujtuuuuit iu tuici-ii i j i .r .i . t. . i n.. i mi ions, and nerhans then averanre of twenty- cers ot agricultural produce who arc engaged in oi inc nation. 11 is represenieu, especially uy - ., i -t - . . - . tl" u i . r- . r " - i i five to thirty per cent, ad valorem may prove other pursuits, lhe whole amount ot our ex- some of our opponents from irginia and Ala- 14 r.1" lIU,Y , J'Lr dU Vdlurt',u ,,,aJ p" . . . .. . e 1 lnmq i mo d irn violatitfn ot tho nKinest nro i sufficient. But, sir, does any one here believe i ports last ear was about nmcty.nmo millions uf bama, a, a mod, rn 10 at.on o the plainest pro. eduction will be brought about We I dollars. This is about the average per annum. . visions of the Constitution. It is no new thin";, lll'tl lu, ' uu'"u uu " "UBIH "uuul ' r,i r ' Z i i.- c ... .u ..i-' r .:..i.fl ! must lee s ate for ari exist 112 state of things. . Of these, the staple articles of cotton, tobacco, i world, if othr nnf tnnc . wnnht nn . own population; the other half 1 because her past policy has jrq..7.,n rket. And where was that market without the fear of detriment from !.- undoubtedly the chiet market; And again, sir. the financial svt t! . Britain is essentially difil'rent frcm a:. I cable to ours. We derive our inn:: if not almost entirely, from cutota- : tains but one half of hers from tlit i riic average annual rc'enuo cf lln :l . bout X30,00t),000 : of this sum, t). ! t. our situation and relations with other countries which hi) pose on -us thefoblijgation to cherish our manufactures." jjGen. Jacksoji repeatedly recognised and enforced the same suggestions of public policy. In hi$ message of the 7th Dec. 1830, he cnjplbys the, following emphatic ahd unanswerable argument : It will be increased. The ac to American shipping, without regard to the rales j idon. of Texas and the establishment of new rtftrnnnrt.tmn r.fTnrod bv fnri,m vessels 1-1 ' I em onal Governments, the most expensive The constitutionality or wisdom of these laws The power to impose duties on imports originally belonged to the several States. The right to adjust tltjese duties, wiih a view to the encouragement of domes tic hranches of Ind ustry, is so completely incidental to that power, that it is ditficult to suppose the existence of the one Without the other. The States have delega ted' their whole! authority over imports to the General Government. ibiiJipitt limitation or restriction, saving : t i i i .. .1 i : i- 4 mi,ju tcHiaiaie lor me piou-ci on ui luiucuidr j , . P ,.. ' , ., r, . nnA r:A -rtct;itA 1,.,. .itv ,.nli;rtna .J interests, when their preservation and advance! : n.e cxpentiiture di mo. v-overnmeni, in.icau w - '.r "Uo " nn m. ' nnaaA Lux, .ti. .ol i.Jj being; restricted by economy to seventeen mil. i dollar,, and manufactured articles make up an- u. :r.u ' .:iV:::" ! lions a year, amounted on an average to near I other sum ot thirteen, millions, lhe. balance, . making a fraction more than tl t u j u r iy - "t-j twen.v.'x millions It has stoou ai ,hat ratP of little more than twenty.five millions, is made gauou mw. upen passeu i v mt r.giit uau w o . inl..oA. Th ar,. up of every other article exported. The fact is, sir, we do not export to all foreign markets for pensive 3a"-- urn latni.ifi iaii ui uic suipiu huuuvuuuj appendages of your Government, and the ne i 1 ' i I a r n yt wt iHi ct a nl i n rr rtn r c oi imina ,t 1 1 L a .1 . f hno npwp KPin nuntinnpd T not this a v o- ! .enlargement oi your army ana navy, ; ui.iu..uu.uS ; tuc wuoic amount oi mo cusionn ... has necr been questioned, la not mis a yio- , ju m W imnrirt rn rotmn. n wnll bpnf. ham,. u.i ,1 . . . - i.-tr oi; nf nnnmlos cn -7M nnc i; HrorPf hv : " viiuaui juui ca iiMiuuurCS. 1IICY Will lie " - ....r-.. , " ' , auu uwi uui auiuuui iu u. oau n. I . gentlemen here ? Is this buvin- whSre We fro fenty-eight to thirty millions per annum, wool, potatoes, &c. But, sir, this small amount ; we collect the largest part of our r could buy cheapest ?" Or is it not, on ybur principles, an "odious grinding monopoly, in 1 r ft . ft i Aapv-vv.K r 134, irom cicutcs jli4,ouu,uuu, km i JC7,000,U00, and from fond tax 1' l.: making a f whole sum. Aro we to imitate her t " these odious taxes. From tea an 1 r : we admit free, she exacts about .", from sugar alone JC5.1 00.000 : ar. 1 h Ye import almost as much as Co 3,500,000 ; and from manuf.:-'.: .ii 1. .. .1 . I .. . J . I . 1 w -,VniraUICllOn,tnat.tne pOllCY WhlCUlS nOW tHe verv inconihletnhle reservation relative to the in- i . . i " - j l.. . - r - - - . twpporicu by tne opponents of, this bill to ! paction ia -renrai tbi t-nf i lfi.ia ku 1 pnsseu iron jaiuvuMucc tnc lounuation ot ourijovern favor of a set of bloated pursc-rjroud American manufacturers ?" Mr. Chairman, I do not desire to be misiin derstood. am not in favor of a " high protec tive tariff. " 1 am not lor a tariff for iprolcc- tion merely I do not contend for that system will soon again become fashionable. d of the - Litde Tariff Bill," as it is called, passed in 1841, which my colleague, now be- 4 wri tVi r T r- i.n t r i txrrl 1 tri m c rrr ra Yt t Wpnt to the present time. :Wb thbuld al- nient.it must be btiiet.. Our political system would ' tarifr as has been the subiecti of good sound : comromse act still faded to raise he neces- I I 1 1 1 I a ' I WMI liyjlllV, ABWllVaWWft.UVftftaftVVsaa C V T .1 . il a . ! . . 1 . r ' imnnrl a t ,a tn A rA tnilrtTif f f rnilrt nil 1 ,t.M, . T -. . 1 . I - , I. ; , . l uu nui:suca v oi a. state oi war. uui oi a Deace i iuiuwuj .,vt ...v..u. - v. .. . . suurvc. ircuuiiucii nu i... . estalijislunent. The gentleman from N. York ; commerce, as is our export of the produce of our , before they call on us to follow in t' . (Mr. lIli xi'.KRi oui)) has demonstrated, by a ; farms, except of the three great articles which j cf a nation that always legislates, r ' j mo&tlsearching analysis, that this bill will not j 1 have mentioned The foreign has never yet . others, btK to promote and secure tcr j produce more "han seventeen millions net rev- been, and I fear never will be, our true market j fish policy and interests, i enuc in time of peace, and less in time of war. 1 fr breadstuff and provisions. It is prepostcr- ; As to the importance of the Lores i ; llow shall wc supply the deficit 1 Shall we re- OU3 lo suppose inai loreign countries, suuaicu u wnicn so mucn nas Decn saia in is ; sort to loans and Treasury notes ? I tne very mconsitleirable reservat.on relative to the m- ! of . Walized umr and robbery " that gen- . pfection laws.; Fins authority having thus entirely!. , 1 . , . . . JA . . . f u atl passed from the States, the right to exercise it for the j t!cmenSO eloquently declaim about in this ball, purpose of protection does not exist in them ; and, con- i W hat I insist upon, and what I think the high,- fear thev I they arc, can ever furnish an outlet for the four do not attach so much value to it With the i hundred millions surplus of our agricultural pro- ' frie ,.ys hesitate, lqng to disturb a policy iwiicn. has received the constant nnnroba- tion of the natioriJ To the brmii nles and , pr.lctic.d "of . our Revolutionary Statesman no were conversant with the early wants ( our country, and established the con- lsfili5nl le -. r'-..Ii-.. . ... jy.Miiuiim tvuiw wi, tree , vjiovcrniiieni un most seltish ahd dlopted by forchn The Treasury was empty the ii i ..ii ... nus ncrc, nut stilt it is a matter r ductions. W e must legislate in reference to the verlooked. How, sir; can a pre! , r world as it is, and not as we would have it to be. i (to say nothing of the vast home C ;: -There is no such thing as freetrade, and never provisions and brcadstufls) con.-i L r will bo, as long as mankind remain selfish and j market of small consequence, whea Governments require to be supported by money, i f ,jr and five hundred thousand b s! Freetrade, sir, is a mere bubble ; it is not to be ; cotton crop aro consumed here.; At . . I.L .. i r i r uauu ireiu uie anomaly or a people, stripped' ot tneir vi- .1 r t rurhf tn nmter t'wir nu'n 1 nrtnuirti onl t imtntnri of thD n r? T linna 1 lour a v 1'ivivvi Elavil v x uj ..-1 1 T u III! LouiliLluia tl L . . s ft civil ft 1 V .. ft w.ftVftviiul'f . i - I . i l . . i a -i. a aL.. ' A ftaf t . . ... b jm destructive policy which might be a- : y P principles anu practice oi uie latiierp yi 0verhment bankrupt and general ruined star. ' ,ounU on earth, except among our own sovereign sixth cf the whole product iouad a r.-.: ijiutions. Tins surely-cannot be the i true republican faith; such a tariff as has been ' oA . n vrnnr:anf.a cnni.A wuu I States of this Union, in that beautiful but com- ! own shores. : i conclusion 1 am Icoiij: nne.il as well by t ne opinions ot "residents Washington, Jeuerson, Madison, and Mon- "Cf whtcli WehaVSO Ion0" lived and pros- tfe wuo have leafch1 repeatedly recohnnended the exer- 5iod,'dowe owe an esftccial deference and ' c of this.rit.!?"der the ct,,,8tilution' as by,the .wWt rlu- y ? ylyll rk.llLO aim pirm iracllce ot fck)ngre, as by the continued urquies r' 1 1 t i mt0fl 'L'niperpilVe reasons, fr of the Stales, arid the general understamlinsof the loUndCd on CanSldcrat onsof nlknliitn im. people." M tional Independence, demb'nstrate. iho. no cessity of an early adoption of the princi plo of-a. fair and1 reasonable, encouragc mcntjtcl tddmestip industry. The prcam hlc.of the second act passed liy the "first congress declared that " whereas it is nc- cessar for the support of the Government for the discharge of the debt's of! thb United States ithdi the encotrrarpmfnt nnd hrn. the duties I will not refer to the votes of Gen. Jackson anij other of the leading states men of the opposite party in favor of the act of 18 12 ; nor to his remarkable letter of April 23, 1811, on this subject, to Dr. Cole man, of nlyj own native State. I could cite linc.uppn line, and extract Upon ex tract, from; the solemnly recorded and expressed opinions of the great statesmen of all parties in our country, and at all merchan- ' times in our history, to show both the rirht a a ffee ant' independent nation whs tin- and dull OL Uongress. in tho nrnnpr some sou we must nave. n'.I :.! .1 .1 At i '. .!. , . r ' ' . 1 inA V.. wuu aiueuon uic'iuioi juiv, i.7By io give a lair and reasonable encourage- -jeorgc ashington, the Father of ment to American labor. The sentiment tdction of manufactures, that be laid on goods, wares, and ftcn i J.l..lH r" nil v in juutu, tvc. inis act provfd t0,by C lris.de imposes duties on foreign imports for the neces sary revenue to support an economical adminis tration of the Government as its prime object, shall be so arranged and adjusted in its details as to afford a just and reasonable encourage ment in favor of all the great interests of agri culture, commerce, manufactures, and the .pic. chanic arts. Vhile revenue should be tnq;ob iect, discrimination should be the incide you never will conduct the atlairs of this great nation successfully on any contrary doctrine. This is the well-established revolutionary prin ciple for which our forefathers contended ; this . 1 . i . ' , .1 Ik !' is necessary tor the prosperity ot tne greao. in CK This indispensable power, thus-surrendered by ; recommended, over and over again, in the mes- ! . . ... n ' u7mU;nUftn ' The COm. I biued and complicated system of "manyinone" r Mr. Ritpt. of .Wh Carolina, rr.! 1 tlie fctates, must Otj within ttie scope ot tlie authority, on .,oc. nrft,, Uct ProbMont ol o-npalpHnnH , '" , . " . .J...u: u: u .l, A.;...,:n ..C ,l. . ' , the subject, expressly delegated to Con-res. bf this ' . 3 ,,1 "-"Tr "i promise act emptied the Treasury ; the taritt ot : uicu i o muuu ed this estimate was too targe, conclusion I am to finned as well by the opinions of y11"?:" P.r?m,sf? ,n 11,6 auguia aduiesg ot ; 1812 ue( it The compromise act prostrated R,.t. Mr. Chairman, sunnose our sundus oro- : . Ah bnnorable friend from South C . , 7 - ' I I I J -' the credit of the Government ; and then the act j rjuce went into the English ports, here held up mistaken, as he will find on cxa:.;!;. . f V a -v . 1 . I1TI 1 a. 1 . . . , oi restoreu it. y no uoes not remeiuucr j as our great and best markets, was it sure oi j I have said, Mr.' Chairman, that t. n tiliitti rvf i rifltrlnlir. chnmf flip. InW Ooillt ! C.J;n.. ...Imcnn lli.ra 1 T a ( I rno t It rlt fl i n i . 1 .1: I 1 : 1 . , uiuo.i vi,miiivnv. - " ... , , iuiuiu jjuituastip luvit i xj ur. a u. i t. . , j poses a great anu rauicai cunr i; i. i ... ...1 . 1 J l..viil.t 1 llAtir ! 1 1 It f 1 1... . . i. ... . a to wutcii our iiaiiou nuu uccn uiuuuv ; s0 mucn auuseu nere lor some, pur poses anu lau- ..t,,iiionmenl ot all incidental nr , your Oovernmeait scrip was hawked and ped. ded by the same persons for others, does she look :t proposes another equally material uiea about in every money marnet in inc; worm to the United States tor her wiicat ana iiour anu without a bidder ? The Congress of 1842 had ' 2rain of every description ? Is no wheat grown j of necessity to revise the whole revenue system, i m Germany I None in Prussia ? None in the in our policr, by the adoption of tu principle and the abrogation of ail in the mode of their collection. I I s. lltU ;OIJ n . ; , -C.U-. 1 ... ..... T . i . '...r rj . , . . . . 1 .1 . ib- f iut ceiiueinen say me rates oi mat iaw uic iUSsian uominions i one in mo prowu to bc ieried and assessed on ttiO I v nr r. . . . t . . .!-" . t Vw.l. Ln.otT-rt iV,rt,. nrr, o Knrn llirt rovrtniin. T..l 1 l'M1 ,.1 U ...kno, rr..ni Ihrt lialllC ' .? e .1 1 : ii tn uui iuo uvi mw" , tinij oi tiiR JMXR13, waits. o.n t ket. arid ..ii.:nr , c i.n i;L-tatiro iml rnst of Iremht, until i :. .:n a mimMn rtAnrtni ih i' IlULlllllWi IIIO UifJIUIIVV " 1 v O II AT 111 i ( XJ IU fc IUIIIVU4 .... - our labor in this free and happy Republic shall amj jt WOrk a most serious i i:r; b bronaht down to a level with the labor of tmr:ran importers and American too high, because they are above the revenue I Turkey ? standard. " The revenue standard V What , anj the 1 do gentlemen mean by these cabalistic phrases ? Is it the amouut needed for revenue a fixed quality Or does it not fluctuate with the state of the nation and the necessities ot our public Black Sea meet our wheat in that mar- - 'phis system will incuj would n6t they undersell us f io say ; enormousfrau(lSonthcrevenuelyft! terests of the people, and indispensable to us amif It must necessarilvdenend on the state ! neaUnnrU. it -was impossible to compete with t lw tItrnve:n pventuallr. the wbo' i A tn rifl - ' ' J J iftugciuii cvnw m - ui itiiv"ii J w A larUl Ol f.ii. 1 .ii. -! t" ....... .. ..ii-. J-.U mirbtt ITnlil nnr nontiP . . J I . 1 t , tnem in me rnfiiis" m r-,.. mine nana anu unusf tuu tumn The Government us toontry, and voted forbv James Madi- son, the;nbest and best expbohder of our constitution. Oji-thc 6th of Jai uary, 1790, GcneMl! Waishjrjgtovi used thtt following nSFaijH Urst ! annual address to ! Congress ; " 1 he safetv nnd intUt r ti. loplejcqutrc that they shouLl proniote j Ruclimanufuctnes AStend to render them I ipdcpcndent of others for !t 'y military supplies. And in hisjast 1 1 . . , - . , ... , .. v luu ; Same policy ho had always supported and r Urged before CoTio-rpss. iivmiI t h fidlowinn. i .. ! r ' o- . . v- . . . .wnguage : Congress has repeatedly, and 0t Without success, directed their atten- Mion to ,ih e cncourno'ntrient rvf mnmiran- ;I have oudted are oninions of trios who have had jthe fullest confidence of the .country, ahd especially of the South. The truth is, Mr. Chairman, that no President or, party, vv hig or Uemocrat, Federal or ; for0 be laid. Such duties have been laid from 1780 to this day; and, sir, I predict that! what ever may bo the fate of this bill, proposing a revolution in the whole financial systemjof our country, experience will continue to point out the beaten track of our fathers as the bestcdurso ursue. We shall soon get tired of ed experiments l am not for any hot- Republican, hadomited when in power to maintain ui both the constitutionality and expediency of the doctrine contended for byour side of the House: It was a chief element of success in the election of Gen. of irade and the public exigencies. We want must be supported. -No influential American TheM . therefore, no such thing as a fixed statesman has ever seriously declared himself gtandard Mr. Secrclary Walker as. in favor of direct taxes as a permanent system seig lhat it is7wenl v per cent. We have tried of revenue tn time of peace. W e cannot ;rely t or at w& )roached itf at a time on loans or i reasury notes for a permanent rev- , ouf im tation3 were ve large and enue I he objections to these are obvious , . experimen6 had ved that when we got A lanu on uuues oi iorein imports uiusm.c. , , , 0. , r- M nr nt - , . . i i . i ' i 1 '1 r UUWII 111 Hid ?tUIC 13 lai a incmi-uK , the revenue failed, and the Government was were as ooorlv fed. clothed, and paid as the star- tt Wl destroy that uniformity in vinT millions 'of the monarchies of Lurope, hv. nf fiutics which is expressly rerpif ini; on a bare subsistence, we could not expect sti(utioa. The same kind an i ct ,uur'n ;M1C Flh ot Decenibcr, 179G, Jackson, jit had never been disputed in ' for us to pi 0Ut Washington, ill contmurition of the a Presidcbtial messarre. until th nnnnl this untriec a - w . . l . .i . . communication of the present incumbenr house st,mul,ls to industry, and l aomit inat uue in December last. Even Mr. Polk aJ. policy requires that legislative protection should placed in the;most perilous crisis. Under the act. of 1184-2 the annual average nett revenue is from twenty. six to twenty-seven millions of dol 1 lars--about sufficient to answer the wants of toe uovernment m orumary nine. ; - to Livcrpoo!. Chairman, it is objected to the existing i :u rnt5 the shippe .i- . . . . A.iV.il'vv... .... ' .. . cents. And bushel of wheat from the great g this boon, so much desired by some gentlemen, wjjj val,jed at one rate in CLai! of selling the products ot our American labor in anojbcr in New lork and l J:ton z: fi.roin markets on equal terms of competition eaa. The assessment will nccc r. u itli thin. hat does it cost to maue a uusuci ; ou tjic various judgments oi ido c. .. of wheat in lllinois. for instance ? j sers. It Is liable, too, to this pre- f.Mr. Douglabs said about thirty cents. j that, when the article u nwt in --.' The gentleman from Illinois says about thirty ; price higher, the du wm be ... mis. That is a low price: but, even then, it and oppressive he arr et it to ' cneapest anu iuu icask ir mitted it, pr at least desired it to be under stood that he UP to that period be confined, in a wise discrimination, to such d re was in fuvor of lhe doctrine froduc"onSnS our s,tufon' caP"ra . T. iod. You all remember, sir, ! TT m?k! s3sru!l l , T- , .. ply the wants of the country, Hycnce not to ensure a ran inmni nf raadetnomn .ji!.u.u.,.u i On the 30ih of Aumist, 1842, Congress Wit efforts in evprv ivnw tvbiUn cl.n elrinn! n4i ...u- i. i , i ed a tariff law now in force. lhis bill PeaiTeliiMhi;;'- J J T V I,"1' ' , L "VL " U" J V? Vere ;i8c8 to repeal it.: Is this proposed change in oi.4Jccmber. 180J.: .!.-. . ' ' i in this discussion kAutaA tVQt ath . , .... . .,.iji.i.i,.... ft-H : i : w; 1 ; ! : - 2 j .. . " . 'p'"-"! wvuMfiui. i trade oi toe country anu ine jreieuuu i!' W9r. maintain comn crcc and' navi- j 1 0,k C0WJ 1 not have gotten the -vote of I Government. I do not pretend to ay ithat f "-"vit n uieir ita nhfkrntion is most imuriotis to tne cousuiuiu j ..i..t. c pottion of the community, especially iu u. unn. . iiig and planting interests ; that it raises the ( nrir.e of nil this neoole have to buy and lowers i " the nrire of all thev have to sell ; that it is a SUP ! erc!,.m rf n!iin,lnr nnd Jn'lUStice l and that it PUtS ! , I 0.V,.ftkft Ul lUftflvwft j ft ! into the nockets of the manufacturers two dol-' Pass" lars for every one in the Treasury fifty.four - PfPP- milliona to enrich them and only twenty-seven ; 'rghl-; millions in the national cotters ! lhis repre cents. 1 hat is a low pi 11 . t .1 . ... . r.nnts l. rtf win taKe at least o-- - . . , . .i, New York, and fifteen cents for transportation ,T1 , X.L t ' : When deposited on the wuan ai consume, .... ...H . r - , !..... m lst seiCntv ' our industry of all kinds mo.ti.i: rpooi ii ? co- T- : Vi 1 i .hpr would ret the least: and. v cents. And now, sir, every uj r... - f r , . i frnm the rrreat crain-srowms newu,iw - that lirely opposed to this ail ro r( , ll.wouiu - i Baltic can be laid down on rnimtrv of the same wharf at Liverpool for forty cents. Wheat j genera . was now selling in the Liverpool market, at a arttc lc.. l fw .jsl..'.. : time when great scarcity created a demand, at ers; r- i fifty cents ,er Uushel. Are gentlemen so de-1 posed "e. .It La, ,!. menled as to hope to compete m the briiisn or ; or,..? i .y other foreign markel witb men k wore , WJP; ,cm , .iiu,t r,ih necessities of their nositi 'n, ! ted a an eicu j j ,ce per day T It is absurd ; so I ernmint pn ine v. . u ; . . . iceperuajfi 'if iKp srstem of Lngiand or 1 ran f -n srareelv bnn2 myse.t ! the sysicni 0 . ,, j . nrelftnn In i?av UwiuLnterpriBCi; to lbtr pu fisheries , that bt&ib.but for the beliel produced by 'fact of IS 12 ir perfect : ! or that it should) beyjike cdnsumer bor ! sehtation, which in truth is meroHleclaraaiion ; tQ fJr sijper lfXllS 1 opposed to lhe facts of the case, is based on the ; obvifK18,y s0 lhat jiii the t ;4ii,Vt,5.r jve'rv! tariff of duties is-necessarily a kai;nvl, that ire v k 1"v" v" " , ii i . vw.-.w f,-- - . . .... r..-:. n lhe norm w cuiu t. 11 cases this tax is paid by the darations of their hopes aw me,. j.v ornarcal comrauity 133 exf , sir; I utterly deny this posi-! markets for our farming productions. However co , .t . ftai. and that in all iow I ran scarcelr brinj? mys . . ,. .ntlMon it rp. serious HI me ik , vftftft . if I wnicn is so rap:uir all the north of Europe. Ojf v. . re ; . , , , '. .

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