A t - i 1 1 - T. t- position to it, and o n 1 r- . , , U wiesi statesmen have al- i. m il -if1rin (ill I ' : " r " " . ! ! -! ill 1' -' 1 ificU,t reduce ihe duties, and an vviii lie rigui i w'-j; "r , "Y-rLt! 7 -Ti u i. i "A i r AYhen we hare too miich money in the Treasu- w was pqrtjuwcuuuu hoi paucu(um reauera m. " v i I 1. ways rejected it. Mr, Buchanan himself in hi J great mecb on the bill of 842 lor which he ' , : Jeinnation of. it as unwise land "iPc; That system had IV contained a mlsturo oi aac ! trand to that I nn for a U conijincejl that a le tter ami i , il frJfrJpuatedion a revenuejstah. y v mis new , i. I 1 i dardV is propped al a peack mea&ure, and by t -,tm profess great and constant re- 3 garcl for the noon and opposition to an increase ' of the price of the necessaries of hie ; yet it contain a duty on iea and cofl'ee, iilipensa. 1 l1e 'necessaries, not as a war measure, format ' dot was recommended and inserted in the bill , JWb the existence of the war with Mexico. : "-j.t'.t, ' . 1 niv-...: u.t!t... ... nnmirm! and. noi ueiD? UUBU Blllbic ii- , - - - a rr. low duties are the panacea to reduce the plethora of the system hut when we want more monev low duties are still the nostrum by which the arteries of the Gcirernment are to be re- -pienunea wnn ine siream m hw i cy is like the nostrum of a quack which ope rates ecmally well in directly opposite condjr - ! tions of the system. Sir, this was not the wis- dom of our predecessors. In the list var Great Britain, without the aid of recent lights, our staCesmen o!oii6eJ all the duties on imports to increase the revenue. Rut ipc are to havfc an increase of the importations to increase the meins of the Treasurys l)o you expect, sir, to their objections l;novn before ithe ;innd 4 Mrr &he.pard and the Rail JloaJ.Oar liad dravvn the.last cent.tbey coUld expect oat of thfttpofikets ot nty DWCk-rrSpm. S32,0Q0 -and then raise I an armed force ani refuse to let them take possession of their property as they jKaye orie. iWe Jook ppqti the whole proceeding ajs outra gequs in the extreme, and; the participa tors should be severely punished.f Vfhnt makes the thing worse, $ the fact that a number of those who were fiercest in iheir opposition to the blacs,jloudestin their threats to shoot j &c, were! the very 'men who sold them land, received wages for Anliraetho ahilitY oi the people io consume j construcimg ie uuuui uS. nuuau; foreisn goods bv the passage of this bill? : pocketed a large amount ot money for Will yoq uat rather lessen , cnppuog me i prqvjsiQns, noi ivvu weeiwa uciwu mc or resources of the country and destroying the j rival ofthe poor creatures, :whomUhey prosperity of the people ? But suppose by this have h0 unjustly treated.. i f , . . v , rnaAaaiwn. iaii cum m p im uuaiiuus. auu v t A.,.i ,,.m,trkf t all. a dutv on mem is a J - ' . V ... 1 . , , brin" in more eoods man. we are aoie o r iiiiiVi.it m iho consumersJ If an indispensa- ur,,, " ,,,u, bf . pure. tax to tno consumer. . for bv our own native products, a child rmg We necessity wer cieany .u - , . , the balance of trade 'MmA .r tvnfi ITiP lhi fax. I WOlilli DO V 1III1IT: III " . - . , f 1 L' . ....Wirw. omrl no a nrirpi1pnf in I (uuui I iuc . - - ,nn.rniie COUni Will UMMWCU, S"11-"" " tstress prevail in the land. The evils of excessive im portations are obvious. Our whole experience j has taught us that, when the? balance of trade j continued long against us, and our specie was j rcsponsiMlity of imposing it themselves iinddi- ! dramea irom me country ; o go aun, . kectly.1 Whcnevea deficiency occuraj (as! it ; f and commercjatrevubion the'mole now propbsed is highly dj jVhat is that mode, sir? There is a most ex traordinary feature in this bill- The President U directed to have this tax collected by procla. nation. (iCntlemdn seem to slifink tram toe i.t ; THE CAROLINA ! WATCHMAN, thus ! : . i :-'r. . j' L Salisbury,N; C. FRIDAY EVENING, JULY 31, 1846. FOR GOVERNOR, Li WUliam A. I GrahainL OF ORANGE COUNTY, ; Shepard has placed himself in a position, on the subject of the Rail Road, fairly ad mitting his veracity to be questioned. In thedebate between himself and Gov. Gra ham, at:Asneville,'he said that he had vo ted; in ConventionJo-amX the recommen dation for the State endorsement of bonds for the Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road. - About the, time he made this denial the italeigh Register charged him of voting for said recommendation. Mr. Shepard was a delegate in the Convention from the city of Raleigh, which city was most deeply interested in the success of the Ra leigh and fiaston Road. Mr. S. was him self known to feel a great interest in the ' matter, and it is not at all probable that the people of Raleigh would have sent a man to that Convention who was so op posed to their especial interest. We think it behooves Mr. Shepard to prove that he voted against the above recommendation j certainly, under the circumstances, he cannot expect that the people will be sat- THE TARIFF BILL MR. WEBSTER'S 1 CALCULATION. I Mr. Wkbstek read the following statement to the Senate on the 16ih inst. The object, he said, of the Tariff bill was to raise 829,006,X)0 for the service of the year by duties on imports. It is proposed to raise this amount by ad zaio. rem duties entirely. These '-duties are arrang ed by the bill into clauses, being charged re spectively 100, 40, 30, 25, 20, 15, 10 and 5 per t:. certainly will) in the revenue, the lresident;is """Tctr ' aZ wrvies i Turner, uS a candidate fur aheriff at the ensuing Au- 'bo levied. I L' The-ancient Anio.Saxon principle was .to j tescrre to tho Hepr?scntatiyes of the people the ! exclusivo bower of taxation and of holding the i nurse of tho nation This duty will, I suspect, bo stricken from thb bill. You cannot pass it of thft frrr!il hnAv nf thft heODlC. 1 he mail - fc J T I 1 . whose expenditure constantly exceeds ins in- ( come must fail ; and similar indiscretion must j assuredly bring a like disaster upon nations.: j a . . m .. w ewek nlAit Ana mm ! ai. present our impons aing'v juu- isfied with Am denial. If he voted against 0 We are authorised to announce Ilezekiah it, surely some lew out of two hundred delegates present, will remember so re cent. V - ' i The average of these, according to the com mittee of Finance, is 23 J percent. The ques- 'tion, therefore, is what we may justly expect with an importation this year, as at; that aver aee the year will Yield a revenue of $23,000, 000. ! To judge of this, we must, in the j first place, be brought to the amount of, last year's importation. '. . ' .. Bj thcTreasufy statement it appeara that the value of merchandise imported trom Job; 1, 1844.10 June 30. 1845. was 8117,254,504. This is a larger importation than the average of -ill T . . me lasi nre years. iui mis amount mciuucs all the free articles, the value of which Is $22,- 167,840. .-''" It is said the free list will be diminished by transferring several articles to the dutiable lists. But the main articles still remain free under this bill. Tea and coffee and specie are .not taxed, and the value of these imports last year was 815,914,649. ' Deduct this from the aggre. gale9 of importations and the balance remaining is 8101,339,815. . ii n i 1 ti. r i i . . markable a vote. 1 he lialeigh otarsays, ! . , . x . . . . , . , , i tea and coffee and specie are the priucipaL tnat only two persons (Messrs. Jones ana : Xow the sum of 101,339,915. on an averacc duty of 23 J percent, will produce 823,814,877 ; but this is the gross product. From this is to TI7TTTM CJ fPA VAT1D DrtCT 1U I utii l vx. j Hall) voted against the resolution in fa- ' I ' l vor of the Raleiffh and Gaston Rond : dred and one millions, while our experts reach j This is the last time we will have an j d the memoriai cf tt Convention to bcrowihout this prUision included. But sir, Its bin a ract.on of one uuu Cu ;.nH,ons. ine , op insertion in the bill Li exhaled the disjosition balance .s we ja.tei It is a good rule o fo ft a . . il . II L a ? " IPI WP I Pn(l !' 1 V .UllUi - II 11 V II lI III iJ 1 1 11 L VJ - . . . . n 1 J I n ot those having uie majority in ine w mi. , . 7 . tvith the reooi. principles-advocated by: the heroes and ( . unanimit nf 8aif. nnnvPnt;on Afler this deduction there remain onlv 819. roseim.uncaueu.wr uuraenon iwpeopie even i j rM. ihtR nr thti rlOVCrument. ! saires of the Revolution. -triu'rrinhaht :i : .u ! 930,439, as the nctt revenue from importations. in loe urac 01 peace anc ,t iMrineraemonsiraies, ; -.r Z" :V " " u ' T .u.u... .u "o.J.ll ' aLJa ! M' Uil lu ruuuunaeiiuatioi preenieu. thi, 820.000.000. then'h wouhi f-ll If Mr. S. voted as he declares he did, it j short of eight millions of the sum necessary for ... C C lllinfl rfll l-.illlr.no Tt 1 !l 4. . . . f-.m n..ln i Vl ' wimm a iracuouoi ' ...vu ,iimUil9. v , oDDoriuniiy n say. a icw vuiua tu uu uc- , ,u t Q:.if : 1 re tne election IS Over. ailU Olir glorious f. H nmnnnv nhnnnrU Jn wI,;a, I at iKa Mm mnnnt M.t Of Q-Q rtn be deducted in the first place, for the cost of col- lection, two millions. ! In the next place wo are to deduct drawbacks nnrlit ftt rtnr rlo.mrtiiet ra f i cftncluiivcly, the belief of the framers of this : ana utfr wnicn ine country is generany pro,. ant tnrougnout tne tate, or, aeieaieci. bilhitndoftheAd.riniStrati6n in power, that the IrewusJ; Why, too, I ask, make this great Which (lo you prefer! You have the rou can make 'them successful scheme of revenue how insisted upon by tbem i v' nower ! mi ..L... r I ..u .!.-. -r live in remarkable times. 1 his is said to be ruvvcl A will urovu iMSMftc('r to inuui iuu juui uuuis im i . , ., , , ' ' t il, ' J Lnmi. ; tho age of progress. Take care that we do not it )ou atte lua uovernment. . i , , , ... . . :.Thoro'cannot be a question of this roiult,! o- "progress imcKwarus : mere aru Kim.reu , all that 1S ialn tmn r v.i ni mP.t iho ' measures on your table, as parts of the great v- , '. is very well ; but if he really voted for the the use of Government. resolution in favor of thn KnlpiMi Ar fins. ! To produce these eight millions at the skme nd the polls to a man!: This is Q Roadf nJ f h k f I te of duties there will be required an incrpas- ncGGSScirvT to ensure victorv ; (w luiuiuut uicuvih . Lii,olrt 4 j i cial ends,; not only condemns the whole j gregate importation of free and dutiable articles on ii fl hnt nr . 1 Will if if' nnAe : . . . . h flnvnrnment under its Executive scheme, which we are urgedtopass, ""' 3 ; t " - . project, but denies that vote, let his name ol Slo7,2o4,504. lie liovornmcni unuer us 0 . . nnf nni;nc.n :t WhniviiJ,.BWhin-nmiiin A 1 -v .1 1 . l. tho extraordinary sums I because, among other reasons pressed on the !-cw'fc " J " " i be recorded among the infamous. It de fer the energeticf prose. I consideration of the Representatives of a free ; ing at home, or inactive fr silent on the ! yolves u Qn him tQ rflow hig in'nocence I have voted for : pfopie, iney are tne measures 0 ine Aammts. , Sixth , day of August next f VY ho ivill 'i ; , . nate over and govern the judgments and con- j "sK ot Deing instrumental in electing any j Carolina to see the Property of the State peace ordinary expenses of the operation, much, dss 1 ' which; Will, bo required cutlon of the Mciidan war. the: declaration iof the existence ,of wr with the'KepuMio cf Mexico, and I expect j to vote for every proper measure and all necessary mo. . neys'to hrina that war to a speedy, successful, and; honorable termination. I will not howjn ( quire into the causes of that, war ? it ts sijfti ; ciotfli for me. to know that it mjfoand that our lionor and interest require its early term nation, I hivo felt proud of the gallant spirit which pur , peoplo have, without distinction of partj', min ' tfested in defence of their countfy, and none mora (0 than: the cheerful promptitude with ' vhi6h the citizens of my own patriotic and no. ble Staid have met the requisitions on their pat. riotistttf 4 I feel especially proud of the gallant. ! 1 ry of my own district, the first iu the tate to i ' ; tender, tho services of an organizesd company of V tvoInteers. -Uut, sir, whether this war js to be ')'.:'. a Idng or a short one it will be a very expensive 'one, Wo shall have a heavy bjlljto foot up.' 'I'hfli expenses of the Florida; war vill be small y In cipmparison with iho inevitable jcosts of this war!;2owt sir, I prefer thaty' if additional means f ;ttre! vrki)ted for the prosecution of the contest ! 'Willi Mexico, they should bo provided in a sepa. t rata war bill of dutjos, and limited in its dura. : (libn to tho continuance of the war.! A peace pol I Icy ought tO;be permanent. But the folly of re- -'; duqjng existing duties and curtailing the Sources duct of the' immediate representatives of the true sovereignty of the land! We are asked to reduce and graduate the price of the public lands, and to establish the warehousing system. And it is said that each of these measures will increase the revenue. I do not believe that such a result will be produced by either. In regard to the first,' you cannot compel the peo ple to buy more land than they need, and ex one of the Locofoco candidates? None j depreciated in value her credit ruined? we earnestly trust. Let a more noble spi- j jet him vote lor James B. Shepard, the rit animate every heart. But if there U talented" and decent "young senator should be such, we beseech them to re- ; from Wake" for Governor By so doing, mcmoer meir country i ,r orgei u not. ne w,n have the mortification of seeinc Work once more for its redemption from the hands of those who would destroy the Now is there any just ground of expectation that such an increased importation will take place ? Or, if it were possible that such an in- crease should accrue, can the goods be paid tor without draining the country of specie, and el fectually deranging the currency f Let it be remembered lhat to meet the im portations of last year specie was exported to the amount of $4,530,273, viz: of specie ever imports of the same article 83,691,807 ; and of American coin, under the head of domestic pro ducts, 884 4,400, making together $4,530,273. perience, in ordinary times, has shown that a- j prosperity -the peace of the country and mount not to exceed about two millions of a- I Liberty itself I Look at the doings of the cres. Twill say nothing of the gross injustice oAf..n disffu;se I Set, thp Prps; done to the old Slates of this Union by such a 7nonaicntsts oisguise. , &ee the ficsu bill as is proposed, which will operate as a vir. , dent and his Cabinet Ministers interfering tual cession of the public domain to the States with the Legislative Department of the ui wmcn mey ne. 1 oniy mean to say mat tne Government, by persuasion and threats, to revenue will not be increased, but reduced by j 1 , , . . ? rL j it. I he warehousing bill, without -any ex pression of an opinion on its general merits, all this; and the place filled so many years with the first men in the State, oc cupied by a tenth-rate demagogue. In stead of the Governor's office being given to men because of their capability to dis charge the duties encumbent on them, it will be made an object for political gam- I might add, said Mr. Webster, if we expect an increase of forty millions in dutiable goods, that we might expect also a corresponding in crease of free goods. Mr. Webster concluded by putting some ques tions to the Chairman of the Finance Commit tee, as to'his expectations of any such increase I in the imports of the country. He also called CorresponJence c Y, Among the it I notice the I the Oregon trei ain the pcrpetu the Columbia. not only as to tie : itself, but to the 1 the authorities eft; I shall presently i' When the treaty some doubt was t st ruction of the art; vision whether t! the Charter of ti ny -which" expires i . at. It was the c:.l thatAvasmuchdi-j was introduced by limitation, which c:.' ity of the Senate. Webster, Mr. Itevi tington land ot!.! highest legal tain.. privilege was pic: of the Charter. The Hudson's IJ. ficial existence en ment, enjoying ccr. strictcd as to rid: years hence.' Oct to admit this Co: re jects trading with navigation. . : nates, the privilc treaty. A re-chr.:: rights, or a chant fairs of this Com; ed by public act i f we shall be fully a; ain should cxtcn i t tantamount to t! poration with w!.i. nothing to do. 1 son's Bay Corn par; no other that ins istence. At the sugec-ti treaty was delav investigate the jh-!. result of his cxaiai concurrence with 1 tors whom I have r Superadded to al were taken, to pro understanding Let v parties. Mr. ; Pale as to the meaning to his view as the He did not l.c:. al Senators, amor :: guished Chairman Foreign Affairs, M carded the nai itstit of y'our revenue at d time when your patriotism ! and then in ihe custom-house, may , is, 6 me, most extreme and un. f reu Bu.yeci oniy 10 me amies under me 1 1, T . 1 l 1 I 1 1 uieis 10 i:rauiJie uiicr uucausc 01 unnri u- ... .r. .t. i .i r .K Un r il 1 i w , uis aiicmion 10 me eueci 01 ine passage 01 sucn lf S.tatf.$ r ,he Procfcf ! devotion to party. People of North Caro- a m woulj bare upon lho cJ,t of fhe coun. 01 me 1 udiic lianas Dy He passage ot the . :.. ,), nrr,CK ,n tu. m:in who bns ! A ,i. iai. 1.1 n j .1... 11 1 .1 . 1 1 .. -r.i! .v rt. . 0 1 mj vj 1110 uiuiLuiiics i uilu wuuiu aiiciiu iuv w iiiu same ICIIVICWU. i 19,111 IIC4, UI1 UiaUUailUII XJ11I. OCC IUU CllUl IS HOW Illil- C,L11, l,:mnlf r.l.l l, 1 J . r T . j i extension of credit to the importer, giving him kin bv these Locofocos to brin- tne coun I T ' I I CaJble' neSt"a ,SSue of rreasur noles undcr such Clmstan tho privilege of storing his goods to awaft any , 7 J? , oco tocos to bring the coun- j tely attached to the welfare of the State, ces. and the most favorable condition of the market, ! mt0 olonial dependency upon Great independent of party considerations; Such j Mr. Lewis said he could not reply to the ques. or withdraw tjremat his pleasure within the ; Britain, by destroying the 7W, of 1842 ! j a man is WILLIAM A. GRAHAM, our tions which had been put to him iithout time Jl:rilJrr hetrS See the IatC attemPtS made e !?me Pent worthy Governor. He is a North ' for making calculations. V - P.u uyurc x,ec. . party to destroy the of thfc I'rCSS j rf4rfti:n:fln :n anA mnn In his hands il 1 Uonimi'tco ol Ways and. Means will present 1.111 for thft itctin nfCtnm ten fiAooin millinni nf attention. party to destroy the liberty UC i 1 n t-l 1 1 1 ' ?. . f demands more, is, to me, most extreme and un-i enleretl euiyect only to the duties under the new i"""4 , "? T , , I l"e snip ot otate will steer clear of rocks j Prom the Army. We nave accounts Ijusiinable. What, sir, will he the etidjof this aw Vho ' 3 not sce lhtlls ration, at an American to express msuisapproai oi and shoals. Trust him again. You have Lfrom the Army as late as the 8th and 0th General Taylor, who and delayed in as at last been . 1 1 rapidly moving forward in the direction of Monterey, where, if he does not give the Mexicans another bat tle, it will not be his fault or the fault of his gallant army. The Rio Grande had swollen to a greater height from the late rains, (of which there was a long and heavy luusurdity 7 Voq w II be compelled id resort ,UF , nVv na,I.year musl decrease the j tne, course ot tne rresiaem in uriugingon CQnfided the government of the State to 1 inst. All is well. S "yZo ,0L Cut, Mr. Ch Twill no longer, even "f, C and we has he Charged j has been greatly cramped lhatJn less than ten days the chairman of the if mY hour permitted me, detain the Committee, I anq ia'uB the trust committed to him. j his plans of operations, h Committee of Wavs1 and Means will bresent a t0 wno i am so much indebted fbr their kind I to grainy personal a mouion : ana inen asiv ; . . relieved, and is rhis jbilll believe will pass. - 3 lrcasufy notes, i his, too, sir, will be done at "" general goou, u ai Honesty and Patriotism, to contribute in abili 1 .rr t. inp same time inat you are descantin on the i j rcais majr ui ue reaiueu, irum me , rT - . 1.1 v S ;lnLiAf n LlLn... destruction of a nolicv under which we have an resPect to the success pfiLocofocoism. elect :X L ':J. 'act cfipassing that most ol.iectionable and oft. I lhus far prospered, and the adoption of one j Our principles are the; same, and will : to tn j ' f fejected, mpasure ofjtho subtreasurv, requiring i 7llcn mav ,nJur us much and certainly f : 1 "alpaviilontstothe Government to made in old j Place 10 a most dangerous extent, the destiny ! !i ;v antjjsilr, What wonderful consistency I ofour induslry and trade' under the control of i f':'-rThoie:rTieasury not is are intendsd to furnish a foreiSn ,abor capital, and legislation. I trust ! 'I ..' 'tlAMr rSrnilni 2 tint madium TIa.Ua.-.:. -i.u:- that the results of a bitter experience will not I 'ui I ' t-aawBBBLLL.iaawuBuaiad 1 JI..IIII M. nil. n.1 I II 1 I r. very p'mp I suspect the Secretary of the fi'rea. eury pituet hai or u iibcut to issue a Govern be required to teach U3 wisdom when it is too late. For one. if this bill become a law. I am If so, yourselves if you can reconcile it-to Truth, UZr Do the Whigs want proof of their ty to carry the county at the coming ion if they desire it ? Let them turn e contest between Fisher and Bar- have the effect, when successful, eitherin risger ! We beat their most influential the State or National Councils in prosper- man one never before beaten in Rowan, ing the Country in maintaining the Na-; ONE ilUNDRED AND TEN VOTES ! ! tional Credit in elevating it to the high- Are any of the candidates more powerful est pinicle of fame, honor and dignity, or Jess obnoxious to the Whig party to among the nations of the earth; spreading the friends of liberty than was Charles limited to the ensti i. Company. Althoi the matter in cor.tn the dispute, bclievir of the unnavignbU- : ment to either cour.: river will beccmr ' trade, still I consider that the stipulation be properly under-: pie, and that the t rr corrected. I have t these few facts, bee this particular m re public. DEMOCUA .The Union is c!i;v vince the country t!.:.t in many parts of t!.o r pretended result of a j Washington. Unfit lion, there are too many : ington, of the Dcrn xrr; cret of their appre! rr on of Pennsylvania, !, is a DEMOCRATIC I Washington is be 3 a 'i" bers of the dominant j Coonings ofNcwYr i! . Jersey, Porters of Vci.-.. ny others," rcmon-:i iiMlnt itnrur... i t ...!. J 'i? I WlllinO tn frit'A it a tnt Irtrtl irl lot it Vwv i-. Z,rr,,v,,T,"utu,im,"f:,":u- .7:. I:..:, , Umvi.. A-r m th risino. Fisher? Not one narticle. All we want iiiuuh,(iw iuo nape oc checks on )rour deriosilo-I wucmucu uj us aciuui iruus. ....... ,0, .... v. w-....0 ...x 1 ries,ltor sums of a huhdrecl dollars and titt' v dol. ' Whatever may be its fate, the ' good old North eration the benpfitX)f a universal education, i every Whig to be at his post on r- : Otate. from Whir h I rnm: will pnntmiin tn An- i T . it I 1 - : 5 J Tl.'.i Ki'.ln n.vf Tn Cs T 1 differently is re- country. Ilrj Lilt n' it ..f L . i . , ... ...w Uj ut i4iirciu& iu me uurern , . ------ -7- ...v,. ... v...,..., , constant eiions 10 eit 1 uie every t t-ass in 1 uuisuay ucai. 1 un; :a!13i!'-, W KSKLT the country lo a higher station in society not men. He who act, cburBo of procccdin-J us mostdaiifrdroiw Unda ! the Union, add to the blessings of liberty, and ; by striving to raise the wages ot labor creant to lnmsclt and his "Si r. : gross tipltion of lho powers vested in the Trea- Promote the happiness of the people. ury Department. instead of paralyzing the business of the country, thereby bringing down the price of labor to an equality with the poor : degra ded paupers of.Europe. And last,though fall,) than it had been known for several : of -r- McKay' hill : : j oe ueraocracv c 1 1 ed the alarm, and i 1 ; li.-hed yesterday, fu r:,i tary upon the dialr i". -panic-makers. Tl . r c we could almost Ul : and that is that t!.r t properlr runihed I' r 1 ora- vltifei l s ncy H vhlch li w 11 WR. POLK AND THE OREGON :, t fl for theso J reasdry nptes, that I have no ti?i?atv ; ' dout will bo asked &t fron, Congress, and that i TREAT! . is, that tftey shall bo j hown to be indispensably ! The Philadelphia North American pub- not least, will be a sure guaranty of brin nccysarytomectour cxpenscs in time of kvajr ; lishes .the ' message of the President trans- ing about a Peace as glorious and honor . ..iumiMMwni wouk preier the good old fash- I mitting the otier of Great Britain to treat 1? trCSrIVetl,ofloan- Both modes Ion the Oregon Question together' with -'rlsiltu ,,etibt J ne ia 6PH M the Treaty, &c. The surmise that the E.,,,"gr(Vlt pf the; peo- President had in his message declared his W it". "?r . ucr ,rSr?Hfeu and deceptive. ' 11 ,r'.i.!;' ble as it will be lasting. Not by, basely surrendering up our rights as Locofocoism has done in regard to Oregon, (according : adherence to the views expressed in his to their own declaration) but by maintain- session, , ing and defending firmly; that which is1 ours by always being in the right, with the Ore- ?fn; Of forecast ofian individual, in any!.avo. i gw gucstjon . were fully made known to : . , J. . . Yn1 ll uie, who shbuld at iht; same moment Congress in my annual message of the 2d l,e cuiuViismiici.i uiueac uu.u,c V"v,1'TV:;u,,.ePeasc4 and diminish his means ! December last, and the oninions therein ends, the great Whig Party ot the Lmon 1 - sr vMCeA(4 wm tnr tiin nn nhn 1 a 1 ! I ' 1 1- 1 1 . years. Its banks were, in many places, overflowed, and a great number of the encampments had to be removed.; The general health of the army is represented as good, a few cases of dysentery and camp lever alone occurring. Some little apprehension is felt lor the health of the , in electing .Mr. IV! . army when the flood of waters which now !he 'n oi th0 b'adcr, , .., ,.,,. r ., 1 .1 hourers, who arc if ri"! v cover ast tracts ol countrv along the rj- ., 1 ' .0 deem Ihe repeal ct t! ver, shall pass off. The fourth of July ; sion of manufacture - ' 1 t .1 . f-. 1 ! .:. . r .t .1 . ! 1 lief for the State, we have frequently 'c""-" iummnoros ny numer- 1 r uc iu.urau.: heard it spoken of, and never yet but with ous dlvlsIons of army ; and it is said ! 1 . 1. 1 . : 4 1 1 the greatest contempt. The thought had "1U """"""45 -American guns in sucn j itsorigin.nodouht, with the single object of nu,nbers. so early in the morning, a- j tickling the ears of confiding and credu- Iarmed thc Mexicans about Matamoros j lous voters who do not belon- to those rriuiy. noiner paper nas Dcen started at Matamoros called thc "American Flac. Taxing Lawyers and Doctors. Since Mr. Ellis first proposed this measure of re- D1SASTU0US il'IR . VJI. There was 11 di?". ui..ir, 1 auain ask in ir,. 1 .1 j:j : ciniw imi hile'jour eS t. J tatP oot..? He lays ; creased J W hat, sir. would b ii..-.i. Ac I My opinion and mv action on uf discharrinr tho ! Bdt gjutlemen denVtht pisi 11141 iuo moans 1 Increased by a rcdu niost re lAarkable ant tr.butcd lo this bill, jt When th i.l ";TT expressed remain unchanged. is contending for; and anxiously look 1 villi on Wednesd.-tv i r i :,. at Jiaiamoros caneo 1 no. - a moriMn n in or , classes 01 uur cuiiiiiiuimv. it is .1 pure f , hnmhiio- inst like the Maior's nrnmis tn Thc Ameriean people can dispense with 1 1 get the School Fund. It is just such u their 'daily meals with no more ease than , j1"!"' weapon as a demagogue woulU use. "UU,H:.U n-Bu,t mcaa wi Sensible men can never be deceived by such stuff, and the credulous once taken in, their fondness changes to hatred. DGT The Sheriffs of the several coun ties to whom we send this paper, are re tible a square. C bably: fully coven 1 loss perhaps -SI Co lluskc . 85000, pi f ! s consenuence and in. ! T of tViAco -r (rlriff TVf- nn 1. ' . . r a- u r liononhriTT for the settlement of the Oregon question : put lhe ball again in motion as in! 1840 imiraruin... J-. " ?0," i remember this. Mr. Polk's conduct 'uvifl II llllfSK B PA tk ff . - .. m . 1 Ti III I ' W III I II I III VM Til lil I 11 I II M T perleot an instance ot riding or attemnt. ! vj n quested to forward us the returns of thc ! Mr- Kirkpatric i . .. Il i . t Tie Trophies. Col Payne election of their Counties, by the first op- 1 ?Tonu n 1 . i xr u- . i i- j . ' a ,i u Estate of I). Melt :ir. having arrived at Washington, delivered portunity, alter they have come in, or as i 2000 F. D Breeze nis tropnies oi me uauies on oaiuruay to mey come in, ai our expense, in return j ir. Hobbs 8500, 1 ias jer.acteOxno of the great objections i 1 in to ride both sides of the sapling as reasonuble expectation by inactivity or re- the President of the t . btatcs.in thepres- for the favor, we will either send them a 81000, loss much Sr"sF " vva8 at it would not produce Prlrtk ! was: ever seen. His party being divided tnaining at home i Will you be the cause ence of a multitude of Officers of the srov o i-1 ' t MAMA v ' T v . I . ; S a . . n ;HviXi ernmentand of the army, and of ladies . tion thus collected, with the least possi V,, X::-?y'" ,Ane cx.iraci S,vf.n aoove de I of our brother yh,gS of the country!? We and gentlemen. The following is his ad- de.av. En,roM op W.v! -r. r..,...vusef was ; ouuu as a iiaier iur lurwresoi meo t. , ,i-ifK n. ;mn.,i.,tnn dress to the President ol the IT. States t ' 106 Uv kcausa t aiwH 40 IHpii. WK!! hv nvbinrr 51,1 fVnm tU ""H" 'JVW,U s"1' - j ; " : 7 .. . , . a .ystem of tmpo Senate, which he knew would be- peaceful, ! ?f dereliction (of duty oh your part ' i?10? K very satisfactory. -The Union "AJS! -oped he would make fair Veather wW not believe untiUte see it. ; :On says: I a '"wio iu ue rescue : xiaicii u iuu taus ui l i. : 1 I : k: . f. - - j then ohjeictcd against too mnctf revenuo. If , . : !M i L . L.. and wheik tho countr would rehui re modification hv a rcduriionl.fi k1 duties. (lJut, sir, what wonderful proprieties are diectfwrijd in this new scheme of financfe and reveouoL The profound statesmanship of the Secretary , of Iho Treasury presents the isamo measure; to suit every contingency of ihe lieccs. siticii of the Government. It answers both th? purpOsciKfn-aceand of wari Thd sanio ar. Cumnlsibavo Leon abpliodj t both condiiiohs. IIis philohy teaebbs ibat when thertf il a and when thero is la de- slip or a paper containing all thc informa- ble of euiplu.-r reduce duties party who preferred compromise on the 40th parallel 40 war. Petersburg Intelligencer THE RANDOLPH NEGROES, The Sidney "(Ohio.) Aurora, of the 1 1th, says these! negroes remain on Col, John stons farm near Piqua, The paper con lemns,in decided termsf the conduct of lhe citizens of Wercer fn the laieoubraalt and insists that-4 Tliey shbuld have made; I atriotism I Kwr country expects every man to do his duty ! ! The Z?4crof,he Uth inst says r We hope mf cl is.not n hc sPirit of tr;,uroPh over the Mexican Wad will be settled any how, be. a 4f feated,. and. 1 must say, gallant enemy - .. i i;;,-rcT M 3 . that they are presented on the part of the ff'V army; but. rather in conformity with u." not, the Whigs will he hard run to carry their tQ gratify popular curiosity, and as man, as most of their voters jhave volunteered some evidence that thc soldiers of the re de l for the war, and will b4 absent from the polls. public have dotie their duty. to iexpress my thanks for the distinguished j We have heard some anecdotes of 'Mr. compliment,) of presenting to your excel- McLane's manly bearing in London in i .. .i l: .. . . . .1 i ? . ! 5 lency these trophies of victory, won in the ! clearing up some very erroneous imnres- ueuuc n x niu citu ncaaca uc ia j. ai- biuiis wuicu ine llllilisirv nan irnnihPil . probably covered ; .M ered. ' i The Augusta Ins company looses hi, 85,000, "lhe Conti slr N. Carolina Mutual burg $3,500, the 2,. 8 1,000. The Etn?., Agencies in this p! . It is believed thr.ti'. of an incendiary. and we should be still more gratified if; we were at liberty to state them, because, as soon as some errors. were dissipated! by our minister's - explanations, Lord. AbWj deen did honor to himself by paying to the bead of our govenimcnt the compliment to which he was justly entitled. : f We learn from t! mercial, that the S their Rail Road to commenced by cc . the 13th inst. .i f rj 1 . i :