y J...-; Two DottAM per cr.un in advance, v jJ..ntt Insert 8 rrsquafe for the first. ."( TT - .U.i- ' . . I rtS cenU tor etch subsequent i sertiori rarf425trceijtWB0frs . Court Or- FROM THE RIO GR,J(DE. VvThp following proclamation Has been is ieivi (5 en. Ta)lor, hd is publis! ed in both nr-v papers ? -j ,, : t, i I'. : !.K PROCLAMATION. -I t 1 M II Nil I i 1 M i I I J I 1 1 . I I l AVI m ? r ' 1 1 ! i 1 11 ''11 - ? II 'II I II ! A ( ' T ' MKNER & TAMES .) ! - . ' VS3Z&s . ;. , (,Lt Mi . i! - ii & JAMES, i i i Vl hi l'wtfc of Mexico : Afier many years' :.:ii .ii(Iiirance. the United States are at eoflsttained to acknowledge, that a war ndtveiMf Lftwcen 'dHr Oovernmdnt and, the ;,rtriimcnt UMevco. l or mani years our tripns'lave teen subjected to repeated insults iaJ injdriesi our'veseUjand cargoei have been .!aii4conficate!d, our merchants have been j,iV.il-red.l maimed.i imprisoned, without cause imJ without. Reparation. At length your gov--Vfltienl ackfiowlethjed the justice of our claims. 1 1 n ngfed by treaty to make sati faction, by klMimcnt of several million of dollar i Ji but this ;"'afv has tech violated by your iulers; and iciltf navo been wiinneiu. ninato all dilficulties by fcful hotiation has been rejedted by the fcltator Parcdcs, aiid ourT.Ministeij of peace, I hpm youri rulers had agreed to receive, has i;Ju n.teda hearing. fo has bdea treated les has an. us. This J Editors Proprietors. A CHECI UPOS ALL VOCE IS SAfE'-i j .. 'I Do Tpir. Aim Liberty Cen'UHarrimn, NEW ; SERIES, , NUMBER 15, 0F VOLUME III. SALISBURY, N; C, AfUG-UST 7, 1846 on the 5lk Inst, and all the troops were called put and kept -under arms all night. Congress is still in 'session, but is doing nothing. It has passed a (decree, however authorising Paredes to prosccuto (he war, but has iurnished him no tJiiiiipulate .paymdiltf 1 ( 0jfrjfote c'rurt'to terrnii : Lctful hotiationi had .i indignity and insult, and Pared jnccJ that war Icxtsta between la 1 1 fiK'thu3 firt proclaimed by him, lints been ac iiCoriZTCt, wrth perfect unanimity, and will rf prosecuted with yigof and energy against rii army and rulers !ut those ot the Mexican ein .lo wb re.main neutral will not be molest. Sour government Jtiin rlhe; bands of tyrants uttrper. :i The1 hate abolished your State fovcrnrHCiitthey havibj overthrown Vour fedef. il(institutiVn they have deprived you of the f 4t of surtragc, delbtroycd the libe rty of the prektkf polled you of yours arms, ahd reduced poer oCa.military Dictator. lour army and rulbrs rxtOTi from the ppoplo by grievous taxa ("ul. by forced loansj arid military seizures, the i utft tnoaPJ, wiucn susimnsiue usurpers in pow I r.j lfcing disarmed, yo.ii were left (defenceless, I I in fcasv prcVtothe savage Camanchesi who not ..l Antrhu iniir livf nnd nrnnprtv. lint rlriwA t I '"'i v ; i I i ' " otJ captivity, more noruuiu inan up am useii, rJr wrcs .and' children. It is yoiLr miliary rihi koJiaye reduced you to this deplorable condition, i! It is thes.e tyrants, and their corrupt mi? crul snueiiiica, , gwijjvy nu ic jicupto a means of doing so. j On the Rid Grande, nothing of much impor tance has beenrred. Gen. Taylor continues his removal t Ca.rmargo as rapidl as his means cf transportation will allow, of which there is a shameful deficiency. There are nine steamers plying on J the river' between Matamoras and Carmargoj bu in many places the current is so swift Ibat Ihe with difficulty make a'mile an hour. The 2d battalion of Tennessee volun leers and ihe 1st Baltimore regiment,! in all be tween 1100 and 1200! men, are now at the mouth of the river, awaiting transportation to unta. ; , 1 . "V. i ; The Prince on brought. despatches of an im portant character in the Pacific, and; also the news that JourjGulf squadron has by -this time taken possession of Alvarado. By the next mail we may learn something of f he movements of the P.acifid squadron, i n We finJ the1 following extract of a letter Tin tike Charleston News : j j ' Ui S.Steamei Mississippi, I QfXera Cruz July 14, 1846. j The Commqdore and all tne Squadron, except tiae at Mary's cptlected, the Mexican torch concentrate at the latter point, is extremely insignifi cant. Nothing regarding the reported ap-, proach of Paredes with the army of re-! serve, of an authentic nature, has been ascertained at Head-Quarters, although scouts are out in some numbers lor that purpose. j : ji ; : tEvery thing, however, seems to 'an nounce that the possession of Monterey will be fiercely disputed, as it is, by 'na ture and art, one of the most powerful strongholds in Mexico, j The inhabitants ami soldiers are j daily employed in im proving its defences. ; - j j . 11 i i 1 "Ccrpt Thomton.-f-Uy news ; brought by the steamship Alabama: from Brazos Santiago, the New Orleans Times of the 20th ult. learns that the court martial on: Capt. Thornton terminated on the 15th June; and the general impression is, that he has been acquitted. The proceed, ings, however, says the Timesj will not be made public until they have been approved and con firmed by the President at Washington. One passage of his reported defence has been com mented on with admiration by all in the camp at Mattamoras. He said, that, in the perform ance of the act for which ho was tried rash ness or precipitancy, we believe he "did not seethe numbers of the enemy; all he saw was ' GEN. TAYLOR HEADED. i. The singular simplicity that marks Gen. Taylor personaf appearance and habits have become a subject of universal fame. It is curious, that; a soldier, so eminent in all the qualities of discipline,; should be so citizen-looking iri his awn appearance. A cufiousiscene Occurred at fPoint Isabel, jat the time Commodore Conner appeared off that place wiih his fleet, to give suc cor tq the M Army of Occupation." Com. Conner is a naval officer that is not only strict in; his dress, but has a Philadelphia nicety about it. I lie appears in full and jsplenlidj uniform ?on all occasions, being the exact counterpart! in this particular ot uen.j lay lor. it to he, iliis a prctuiumcm fr. . ' : rncourajremcnt to crimp ! f- and folly in legislation, of vl' J no example in the annals of 1 .ur: lalion. . But if it was a copvV ! jisnact,I should be still oppo t ! The British rarliament can cj - cannot; it b omnipotent wc ar : 1 It may take the subject s property i piace it pleases, and pay him for;i:. j upon the crround of paying hU pi proms. We can only take W.v I property n a specified case t! j necessity to the public servict-, a ! of ground Ibr a fort. : , ! i - - I ; Passage of tic Anti-Turn! nudANS FROM PENNSYJ.Va ' i . . r The news of the passage of tl. AFFAIRS ON THE RIO GRANDE. The New York, Courier and Enquirer con- ' verts to practical use! the recent information of increasing sickness and discontents among the j Volunteer troons now on and near the Rio ' Grande, the latter being produced by the inac- j Tariff bill by the Senate, hare l yr.: tion resulting, perhaps necessarily, by the want j in bilade)phta with alann an i of transportation and supplies. We extract!0 bom, Irtief. fhe Times, a from its article on the subject (he following oar- ' Palr announces the news, wit! LI agraphs, well worthy of the reader's attention : 'Nat. Intelligencer. " Injhe state of suspense thus caused, insu bordination and discontent may, it is to be fear ed, spread among the volunteers : and the en. thusiasm of the first impulse beinv worn awar. r. as follows ; Tntlft Aflame nnrt f n UTPtlPO urn Sc6 Hie w u..va - .-n ..uv, ..iv i . : .. .' ; .. l erethe aboto naroedivessels are blockading ! ,ne exicak mq wavii ovo American suiu, uiiu uu was wuung 10 riSK uis own iuu iu an attempt to cut it down ! ; ! Tamnica and the mouth of the Rio Grande. We lay here in sight of San: Juan de Ulloa with her big guns grinnfng at usall we want is a chance to batter down her walls give us two ships of the line added to our squadron and ve can do it they are a cowardly set. The Princeton run sufficiently close to the Castle a few days since to have been riddled, but was not touched her TREASON TO PEKXS YLVa N I The infamy has been consummate ) ! the votejof George MifBin Dallai 1 vania! j rhe Old Keystone has c: hv tKa in rrn fa kaiul mi w !....!. . . j in the tedium, the privations, and, wo fear, the , ,hat of him who fired the EphcYian v At the nmnprt mp . rm n " 1. t. . " ' ' , "7 "P ,lie80 me ot Oeo. W. Uallas hall hi i . - j - i v""'"wuuii vuuui i imnns will ue less rename wnen ine mnr rir i is sent wotd i to Gen. Taylor, that he would i al sLll come. ' I "' 'T""" ,"?m, 3 ? comeiashore to pay hitn a visit of ceremo- i "All this wa, foresoen-all'.hU wa,i,td. S SS Velhb trr into a tremendous excitement. It Com- j would have been obviated by Gen. Scott. His he has answered the call as ihe-a-imodojre Conner hsad quietly come up to his j plan was, that the twelve months men should spends tdthc mercy cry of the he! ! Jent, and given him a; sailor' eripe, and not precede their supplies and means of trans, ooor IVnnn-lrn-; t l an nmntr.. ; ' l j ' l t- . l. ii i ' nnrlilinn . I. L: a 1 ! : ., 1 sei matters prepared o have the most!carefully dressed officer ! " i- destination--that when south prostrated and trodden dowa t in out Navy, commanding ihe finest fleet, IVreadv imbued 7 ZZlST fP?' ! "VVl P orally and to come in iu 1 uniform, surrounded bv all unvt 'n M. .r.C . lu!!Bnu P7 ne iraua must t isur.ci by whom you are thus oppressed and iHrt-rrhLed, some of kvhorn have boldly advo- reA iv m .hi nifi f r:. ""r. . F I 1 !.",! 111 i 1 ted a monarchical irovernment, nna wouia I I lace a Luropeinrt4tice upon thej throne of inciico. . a c como io ouiain rcuarauciaior re nted Vrngs and injuries ; we cbnie to obtain naemniiy lor uie pasi, nnu securuy ior ue imure; wp camo to overthrow tho tyrants who have ue. trbyed your liberties, but we come tp make no vft'jrjpqn the pcopJe oj Aleico, qo upon any toun qi tree government ihey may choose to se- rci ir mrmseives. ; ii is our wisn to see i you iWratcd iforn despots, to drive back the safae lanianchqs ; (o prevent the renewal of their lssauiu, a lid to compel tacm to restore to you rotaaptijily your lonjlost wives andf kildren. toyr religion, your aitars aiid churches, the pro- gfri bf your churched and citizens, the em. Wet?i of your faith, land Us i ministers, shall bo protected and remain inviolate. 1 undreds of ourjatmy, and hundreds of thousand i of our pco. nlare members of the Catholic C hurch. Ih every Statct, aiid in nearly every city and village four Union, Catholic churches ex st, and the f 1 plaits perform their holy functions in peacp and i ecynty, under the sacred guarantee of our Con- idiliwinn. j Wo rrm f mnnn iht ruin tlo nf ;o:as friends' and republican brethren, and all thd receive us as urh uliall bo nrolt-r.tpd. whilst I iuae-wuq arc seuuceu into tne armyot youraic- .1.-11 l.' . 1 L' L J. LII vi iuii( uo irviueu as ; enemies. o suaii 1 . i .. . .. i . I ? rmy, vat. captain isthe j-ight stripe. He went with the Princeton a few days since close t the beach, put his men ashore and had a fight with about 300 Mexipans-L-killed 3 or 4 and drojve the re mainder oil snot a bullock and took hitn on hoard.. Our squadron has now got so indepen dent that they jlake what water we want, there being a fresh water river nearby.; Frorri the The New Orleans correspondent of. the Charleston Courier, of July 21st, says : The j The Princeton run Kaccounts from the army are rather contradicto ry, but I think it pretty well ascertained, that all the troops will soon be in motion for Monterey. I learn that Col. Hays' rangers had proceeded nearly to that city on a reconnoitering expedi tion, and that one of them, bolder than his 1 fel lows, had penetrated to the precipitous cliffs which overhang the town, aiid command a per fect view of it. He reports that all seemed to be bustle and activity, numerous workmen Were busy in repairing tho old, and building new! for tifications, and every preparation appeared to be making for an active defence. Such is the sto ry reported by this bold soldier, and though , it Has rather a romantic sound, I believe it to be correct. b : want from you nothing but food for our ai tvHjIfurtfifsyou shall be paid in casl the full It is the settled tolicv of vour tViants to de- CtT.e you In Tegard to tho policy arjd chdfacter of bur covcrrlment and neonle. Tkeaei tyrants the example -of pur free institutions, and constantly endeavor to misrepresent our nnrbQ- and inspire you with, hatred for your repub- itoorcuirenot the Amer can union, tiivo us but the. opportunity to undeceive Vouand you will sqon learn that all the representations of pa re qV$ wercalse, and were only made to induce yoMb consent tb tho establishment bf a despotic government.'- ; .! H I i ' -l I . . Ih yourstru 3fohxrchV, thousands of bur countrymen risfepil N. O. Commercial Times. CAMARG04-RECONNOISSANCE TO i MONTEREY GEN'L. TAYLOR ; FORTHCOMING CAMPAIGN. i Everyffresk arrival from the Seat of War serves to sharpen curiosity, and keep alive thev interest we all feel as to future events, in our collision with Mexico, which is now bibgiming to assume a place of ac tivity, after rather long interval of re pose, on the part ot the belligerents. Ihe lollowing highly interesting infor mation, although given in a rather desul tory form, we derive from a gentleman who hasjjustj arrived here from Camargo, which he visited on the Steamboat Big Hatchee and who left that town on the 14th inst. I ' I The Big Hatchee reached Camarso on the evening of the 13fh, having on board troops and provisions a company of the 7th Regiment. Two companies of the same Regimpnt had previously arrived on the steamboats Brownsville,! Enterprise, and J. EL Roberts. The river was falling rapidly, .and ihe Rancheros resuming their usual occupations. Col. Hays' Rangers Were noi there at that date. Thev. how- t - , r v 7 1 . ! as the rumor. hoisance of the country as far as Monte- r - t. . . rey. uur inormant states, that it was re ported by the Rangers, that they hadspen etrated to the precipitous cliffs that over hang Monterey, when a trooper, a very adventurous; soldier, named Cummins, reached a point, overhanging the Bishop's Palace.which commanded a view of the e all, with a seusc of the necessity of subor dination and of exact discipline, should be sent to the field at once to enter upon an active cam paign. ' "This was sneered at, at the time, by the' Evening Post and others, as the pedantry of the profession ; by others as covering an unwilling. ness on the part of a man who had affronted death in perils of war, arjd in the Ulack Hawk campaign in perils from pestilence, as a reluct. ance to take the field; and thus it turned out that the wise provision oFtrexpcrienced and patriotic soldier, who was desirous to save tho c , k. . - r :heard of his peculiar disregard of military cessary and unprofitibie delay and d f and dress; he concluded he would make the ! most unwilling, by preceding that new force to visit n St manner comporting to General ; the scene of action, lo suercede a gallant bro Tayldr's habits, and consequently equip- ; ther officer, Tavlok who was doing his duty iped himself in plain white drilling, and j so brilliantly this experienced foresight and unattended came; ashore. ! these honorable scruples have, been turned into Thb moment old " Rough and Ready" ; sources of reproach 'against Winfield Scott. Iheard that Commodore Conner had land- I " Events are fast justifying him against the ed, he abandoned some heavy work he ! hasty cenure and the poor and cteap ridicule was personally attending to about the j t0 xv.hich ""guarded remonstrances on his part, camp, and precipitately rushed into his ! g'n unaeservea suspicion ana unwortny ma itent. delved at the bottom bf an old chest, ! nuV"es' ve "J6 nd l1 '3 "W t0 ait iiu win sec iuir i:i the pomp of splendid equipments, to pay ia visit ofceemohy, vas more than Gen. Taylor had, without some effort, nerve to go through with j but,! equal ever to all emergencies, he determined to compli ment the Commodore, land? through him, the Navy,' by appearing in full uniform a thing his officers associated with him for years, had never witnessed. In the meanwhile Commodore Conner was cogitaiing oyer, the most proper way to complimrjit General 1 aylor. Having Santa Fe Expedition. The following is ta. ken from the St., Louis Republican, of the:;22d ultimo : ' "A letter fiom Fort Leavenworth statesithat land pulled but a uniform coat, that had peacefully slumbered for years in undis- " 1st. Through the want of foresight of the Administration, in providing means of transpor- ! ur.rt.At. is iuc nuiu aiiu we et'i.ij. I motion, even though we stand sdi;ar lone. But we shall not be alone. . stout arms of sixteen thousand iron-w . miners, will roll on the ball, nor wi!'. H justice has been done to Pennsylvania. The Tlnies, after complimenting t! sentatives and Senators from tluit .v their efforts to defeat the bill, cone! i V Tennessee ! What shall Penrmlv to her ! -We gave her a President to refused her vote; she has given t i -st ruction bf her legislature, the; cm; bleau of a ruined and di.graced con rj Well may Pennsylvania exclaim ia guage of the simple Thracian, I i i 1 ' i ! f There are no pckIj in lie ai n '. ' The Inquirer, a Whig paper, says : The intelligence from Washing we publish this morning, is wclllca! startle and excite the people of IV i.:. It wilLbe-seen that the tariffof MJ, 1 ! lost in the Senate of the United uu : ! the castinr rot nfthft Yirn PrpsiiV - George MJ Dallas. The gentleman r. assumed a' fearful responsibility. lie ;the standing collar was three button holes a rumor has just reached the Fort to the effect .'above the other, and sat himself down as that Captain Moore of the; United States Dra goons, with his command, had overtaken; the Mexican traders whom he was sent out to stop uncomfortable as. can well be imagined. With quiet step And unattended, Commo dore Conner presented himself at General that the traders had previously been reinforc iTaylor's tent ; the two soldiers shook cu ujr a uuuj ui mcA.v.auS .,v. a.ua x hatids, both in exceeding astonishment at whch, however, Capt Moore was notaware. j, each others appearaiice. i The traders refused submission to the order, u ,p, .u lt t lL .i o,,,.: tn it' ,n ..tin-o.. Ir wags in the army say that the a- i . ir t?--.:: a ; bove contains the onlv authentic account. jturbed quietude, slipped himself into it,. in tatioDf Gen. Taylor was entirely unable to fob ! a blow at the prosperity of this Co'rnn his haste, fastening it so that one side of i v: .v i i i !.. ... - j o i iun ui ilia moi subcases uu iuc iviu vaiaiiuc, nnu coniiniucuan acioi noiinrai r: and to make a Victorious, and possibly an unre- j the effects of which he can never rcc sisled, march jnto the interior of Mexico with j repeat he has assumed a most f ar the regular force and the six months volunteers, who on his first call hastened to his standard ; a"d . ' 44 2d. That the inactivity of the 12 months' volunteers who are now joining Gen. Taylor, and of the whole force of that officer, arises from a neglect of the counsels of Gen. Scott, and from tho entire inadequacy of the preparations of the Administration to give efficiency to the directed Uhe progress of which tct. patriotic impulse of the nation, which has fur- sands hive watched in fear and !r-; nished, at the first' intimation that they were j virtually passed. The productive 1:.' wanted, moro than the required number ot vol- country reaches its culminating j ol in wYiinVt Pant TVT nrr .: C.n rtt. T?rrrnn!n: n nd ... u.... - " o ,- i i rr 1 . j i l a Lieutenant whose name is not stated, were ; " ucic v?cu. x iui vs ener ueaueu, arm killed, besides several nonicommissioned offi- j; that since that time he has taken to linen cers and privates. ; The balance of Captain roundabouts, of the largest dimensions, Moore's command were compelled to retreat j with jnore pertinacity: than ever. N'. O. . Such is the report, but we do not place any t Tropic. confidence in its authenticity ; for if there was f f i any truth in it, it is probable that a correct ac- j, count would have reached the Fort quite as soon siouny. 1 1 ne people oi mis ttn.:. will speak upon this subject prcr.;!'. tones of thunder. ; The Ui S. Gazette, also Whi, U lowing remarks on the subject : I The great crisis is passed, an! t! toward which the attention of the mil j Extraordinary filalformationi i ue cic iiuuiiiivu jusLnujijf ui iuu r i! ' i: 1- fl i" r ' j . ; f most exiruoriunary ircaii oi nature we r i a : j . , , have evjer had occasion to record, being Library for tlx Army.X ; capital idea has , . the birtb of a livin- child vvithl the heart oeen suggesa oy tne uev ur. .larsnan o outsiile of the ch Thi rcmarkabl Vicksbunj, Mississippi, ot ffctliui; the different , . . r r unteers. . i passage, and commences its uonu with the action of the law wlica .' whole city. The utmost activity seemed to prevail among the Mexicans who were iJ i : ;: ,l. c le fof Jiberiy, with tho Spanish P it-jmnmg uie oiu lor- .mnii 'iicliH !. it-t vii-viint, n unco. X IIU booksellers to make up a library for the use of j our army in Mexico (we presume there is now no doubt that they are in Mexican territory how long to remain so is a different matter.) The following publishers in New York have al- phenomenon in the history pf human na ture is fin absolute arid indisputable fact, tariff nf 1P42. ! ! j . We give elsewhere the record of 1 dings, by, which the nefarious mcas i carried into effect. It will hi v 1 0nnffvlinii at tfk rrt rr v ll (' i M. VUII9JIlllf m UIA vr IU BENTON ON McKAY'S BILL. In the course of his remarks in the Sen ate on Monday, Mr. Benton paid the fol i L? t i- j a ni.t-.. 11:11 . i . . .. lowing nign compumviu iu iii;jivu.y om. to destroy ner prosperity, uut im-iq I undertake to say it is the first bill wWmo mawe her cup ot ra , which rewards fraud which has been seen ; ter' thc. blow .whl 8m,les ber 1 1 in the annals of human legislation. The i - LTV come from one of her own sons," 1 )tiiuii. x 11c; ; , . . , T I h a v4 tt tr 9 V M i t i i rr. r however unlikely it is to meet jwith cred- i s"'",0". .ur "' 'nereiore, quicrs irom ;J her . dejejtiin in tlie c ibility on tha part of the publ e. The heart J .,? ?J" " W'l ' The Chronicle: neutral, tas ,', s ent re v outs de of the bodv. and desti- . cauuu iu nauuuium. i.i.ruawV1w. n. nv . - , 1 lie loiiowui nuuiisucis iu iiew lum udicui- " vj r ' ' Jy it' l p-- 1 rvric. .,:rii . ready contributed a very respectable collection : tute of any pericardium ; thus even with- I diflers from it in the measure of per cen- postscript . the r t VP. nrl it;:J l.lJ l : .I,.J !. ip...j IHtmDer Ot troops was not ascertained, but ! l.nUv. RUrA-SnhnW M. W D,vld Tin. hn& aio.atriY. as if th flesh had bftpn poriaiion. Oii( owri O)mrn6dore.lthe talla nt Porter, maini I lrom le mbvements observable, it was ' rious Mead. J. S. Redfield, "Fowler & Wells, C. lionenedJ the heart pulled out. and the porters tataed in 'triumbh vour flaff unon ihl nan. and cvidentHheV were preparing every means ; S. Francis & Co.. Wood & Son. and Stanford I wn'n'hd suffered to trrovv un a?ain. Each 1 establish , : " ! , o r. o , r . ' ' ' . i . 9 I ouruovernmeotwas the first to Kcknowlode your independence. , With'nride knd " i-y. l.ii' if. : - t .. . r . r r ire i-nroueu vour name on the list of independent Republics, anil sincerely desired that vhiMriiht iw peace a nu prosperity enjoy all th,e blessings of Bjt crniin i , oucccs on ma pan ot your lrit.n i.i..!.t lU iiL. irJ s Ol delence. i & Swords. I i I nnUhtihn nf thft cnnrs ran Gen. fl aylor is now encamped with four We hone that when these books cot toj Mat- observed, and the whole natu delicate organ is made . n tbinntnPMl nrntPMion ?t 5 nrtmrlort turn allowed to the importer. The Brit- r r :" r tr r i 1 . n . l i ,, .u. ,irk from the external surface of the chest, ci auowa icii ijcr im.f 'tau9cmai is tne usual rngusn proiu on a iair iin- They therefore take thc tm- goods at his own price, and at the ed profit. That is treating him 44 Harper &; Rrothcr, Burgess, Stringe VU.. H Ilf V VX X Ulllcllll. OttAHJll VX- IU I It: 3, JlXclUV't - . . i : 1 . i. ...i H. Newman, W. Taylor & Co., J. & G. H. which at that point Dears a matte resem C ! . 1 . V n-aa in ttru v.i ' . . . . . . rn i i - i ed by the Magnetic leicgrapu, i ray of hope for tho tariff of '42 1 1. -tiuuished! the fraud upon Peir.i--;. the country at large, has been b r and the hvDocrisr and trickery! tf t cratic leaders in the campaign uf Kegiments, 1 as a fair merchant and carrvin? out the uwhiivhi . . , r . tn v exnosea. iui unon sucn iit" j ral artinn of idea o1 lhe act. , liut our act allows oniy ' rf . i mrr r-i rat action oi . ,i:n-. ceance for such treachery such r v s h p. tn thp. i ve per cenu, u iuiuai nut uuiv uu... in.a , , ... , a . iiici 9mKM ruv u un fColonel's Walton's. Davis's. 1 amnraa find rriv tbp. nffiners and soldiers some : this i Dakin'sj and Marks's.) with the Alabami- I food for solid reflection, we shall see less of the , immediate investigation of the eve. The ! from lhe British, act, but from the reason ans, under Capt. Desha, at IBuena Vista, flippant nonsense, which lias characterized too-, f,rts hnvi stated reHehnrl ns hv aooidfint. of it, and, in tact, is lounded in no reason . 1 f t .1 XT A ' t I ! on the borders of a lake, seventeen miles I 'nany of the communications jta the New Or- J yrnm againsi me army or tne union ts impos- nn-t.,i Lc r., au l . ! lpn,,a nnnorc feihin' Kiit ir iti nAiit,r..ii.aij ii i m .t i ! , y,"';"wl V wa"wi. me ueaun oi rv" 1 taloinfto fiiiyouritbrvris xkiX, their sold. 11" a' pe"' Baylor, ! icr,eatinout yourlibstance and harrassin2 K? m Proved, owing to the fine air j you! whh still more grievous taxation. Alrehdy ! " ' VJ "u ana sPendid encamping e; hiye alolished the liberty of (he Pressi as Srd?the j occuPd- . ! ! xiic jiuaua were penectiy lmpassaole for wheele vehicles, owing to the swam- 1 py soil, 'occasioned by the immense fills ol ram which had recently taken place. piiat bit- iu uie.iiiirouucuon 01 tnai Monar Mhich .ijl is their jeal purpose to proclaim hd cstabluh. ;- j . M ' . t Mians, Ve jnust treat as enemies and over tWw'ihe tyrants, who whilst they have wrann (11a1nl WSMrted us, have deprived you of yourjlib- i . ei'can people, who remain lieu- inst. The '.""."""B.haU be pro ected against Soldiery in thlii I militn rv rt standi . l.i. .t. n 1 i .1 . ' . r i Vt " " ' U 1 ine ivepuuiican Army Brevet Mail Gen.lU. S i rm' CTP Mr. Walsh, the Paris correspon dent of the National Intelligences states that the Americans in France were inex pressibly relieved and exhilated by the news of Gen'l Taylor's victories. Europe, ) l i I n t-irrtP- but so incredible did they seem that spe-! f perceni., w noi our mercua.. . ft al nnn rv was mac ft n vp at on to thft I u, oui auoui iwcncmm o...-v- -.-.. w matter; the attending case we understand was ted, deceived, and outraged pe op!- i i - 44 When a man hath taken a" Mainnioth Vegetable. . I, U 1 1 mtf In U'flf If i c -u : : onc dprpil lair, a ouau uui. " " physician in the i rwu" "Purri y" f" ..rVI :I he be chanred with any buslru Dr. Win. Riley. 1? rea lintain, tne Ti" n . 1 .hall l.P. free at home one year. :. Baltic Sun. PoTfrZZ Itisfor cheer up his wife which he hfi Mr. Cosby, of ! "rnment "XnJ now'.' Thus we are enabled to undef. : flip Union Hntpl. has nrpspntpil ns with a i . .--:rvl nn .., , ,., , , .i . i -T ' - ; ,inon what nrilivil" ii uvi v-i 11 1 he thinks, has been impressed in tne most . rP-vrY n n crtoi'imon tJc nrnconl rrtr ' .1 1 T.. -.11 , . ' , . , , , fj xvnici.w, iopvvn.n i invw u, on a irauu i uy an our uumuih- ' given on it is so manv vouncr crentlcrrit r: v J j to the arms of the fair. They benehcial way by the Da ties, the suose-;. lhat beats alr creation It is decidedly 7, v the laws of the world. en i? a r clients and such nrw, to rhe Stamr Mercer arrived at the mouth , quent proceedings in Congress, .and .the. laT u and best Jooki vegetable of "m the me of the patriarchs to the pres of their country and engager, ol the Ilio tirandft. all sn p rm thp lth nn;iin man;raciat nne r fho u4m ( Tin. .. . b. . . .i Irom toeiimcunucjia moiwi t , WelLDarbv rut luv li.A.vi.w. . Soldier, is not alone in his cj ir. y iDe- correspondencojO , the Mobile Herald n4 1 ribune, '.contains tho latest intelligence ,..pe VlroJo that we have received, -from Vhich we copy the iollowtn t items . of the Rio Grande, all safe, on the 17th j patriotic manifestations of the whole Un- e were no signs ot Mexican ion. Lively satisfaction, he says, perva the vicinity of Camargo. This ded the Chamber of Deputies on the re a paltry one, after all, as rc I ceipt of the news most of the Conserya- 1 ii ,i f it . . f ' t ..i va mm population, me iormer tives even DetravedJnat tecims ;vu uui not oeipg more man twenty ; the whole of the population had been obliged by the 'town is bu gards housl the kind, we ever saw weighing in the t jayfraud is a crime punishable by neighborhood of a couple of pounds, and f es an(j forfeitures: by no human legis our De zot and two of his colleagues and a fi HW in size something smaller than vil'shead." TFeintendlt for our Senior, The bill gives fire percent, profit on th when he 44 comes to town.", but really il I mount ! This is incomprehensible ir wmi n np :i ipasi i fir : uintr lation was fraud ever before rewarded.- . 'Amw fV, t ' tt I Is to at by the fire 'tiU the uti-ni r neon-i i -I inundation to seek shelter elsewhere, on the high grounds. There was no exhibi tion of hostility or discontent on the part of the people $ on the contrary, they show- .i i ! : a -c i " . .'UrULftl. Wfll m l Tnmmrh nnrl Iho j i . . . C.infe - Tbe Pr nc.iin .2 aerg'?S: u" tlie Sth mnt. before the w(r frora iniiM;..i .:... i.'j X. . tor"vai ol ttte Americans, seventeen horse- ' il '" ., . , v,,"r "'VM "U f" J fired on by a largo body of Mexicans. Thdfire -T HLuiiieuiaieiy returned ;Dy the Kvater nff toar I iiJ tr-i. .. )... . . - I - - " - I v. r. tfonx'the ship. A shell frorn hfer, it . fa a,ieii rtght in' the midst of he Mexicans, XM t( work ofdestruct ion j i It is the impreisiori of the C,d - rLirnvrtirA !lt UIIIIUUU1U i I II 44 1. encani cannot hold lout miich longer. TJr;a.re doing nothing towards plosecutinithe r"Tnf Jyedcs dare not leavjs the City of .'U'lll'rt i :ia . men left Camargo for Monterey. Capt. Walker had returned from his fti- peditioh td Mpnterey, and. delivered a re port, which is said to be an exceedingly interesting oie, of the state of, the coun try through Yhich he passed, halting pla ces, etc., etc. i There is no i probabilityof ! " uri'V7 . ucin& tnaae to ine ad vance of the American troops between Camarsro was etpected thero land M,c!ii . . . . i . l : . . l . " x ol his partj-, the nearest ana mosi aevoieu, jjerfl were alone chap-fallen. He had been as-i . ' 1 ..' : ; . T.m. sured that should war ensue between What s the wc weight of that I oma England and the U, States, 20,000 French ' to, neighbor ? It's likely we had one the volunteers, under experienced officers, would at ohce endeavor to reach our snores for the purpose of joining in the in- vasion ot uanada. rle states tnts as evtn- cive oi tne disposition oi tne rrencn peo- .j m. pie, whose anti-British feeling, thoughxlor- m mant, is as active as ever; I i ration the-nep. ness. and chi Is thej Union serious or: is it jesting, merely to raise a laligh, or, excite a won- wlpr?! ii We cannot think the Union is in sequential preposterous. It can only re-; i . i suit from copying the substance of the! 1 V hy the Crow has so "VJ J" British act without understanding it; and As I was sitting by mjwindo,. ;i thenthinking ten per cent, rather a n.gn ago, a crow augiucu - 4 . premium on fraud, our bill reduces it to which stood six or eight . rou; . EPPS, the murderer, of Mr. Muir, had Yiot been arrested when last herd fromhe was, however, hotly pursued by a posse from Lynch; btirg, in which lovvn helspent a day andjuight, hut left the next morning in ithe stage, for; the ninprnav n I lint nifrcrnr iiiaii 7 . . 1 . . . ir. fnni K rianmnrr n nnr 1 1 1 iv izi.iti 766- ' i five T Why str, in we c1 Ul ft ,iouu u4r "u --j'j""t o - - How many ounce i Rr:tish svstem forfeits the whole importa- took tip the eggs one by one, a I :: y ri-.-.-.-- is reasonable. and so hav, , ed .hem. I t v Will;" : . a,s always done. Uur laws ai-, mat .ne;en. - , . , Union pays:- : ways forfeit forfraud. but this aetrewarus: , PfMJ'VTlVvasl" charge that: Mr, Polk's adminis- And now upon wat pnnc.ple ear, our eU.zens of ,he air . has thus far been protcriptire. is bill propose to p five per wnl ! On I, j ha. cruel babiM ix ultra ot unscrupulous untair- upon the principle ot 1 Ju i ' "7 i rnvi ...Kir, hi al owed.and then it I smaller birds, j , . IMS mere uiauuca i iUCU. wuiucu, lion ton a.u uo . " . i w I Whpn cpp a r Ti ' - r . u. v i . ... i .ri ni:gt un. iiinrai. -- U.n know better shou d be tne usual orom, ns m v. v... r-.- ,t v". . . i -.t..: r;.,?. s . I ai West : The news of the murder did not; reach .'rcy.an'dr from what could be i Lynchburg until he had departed thclcity. earhest. L4exr Ga: Hi nt n a nrofit. five per cent II. xsu, i - , . i i - r .t . .ni. ; Hpfmiins nim rouDCn' oi ine . - out of seven arid a half pe r c ent. As a fraudulent importation, as the bill declares irfia trmild live tnvcac iAij uriA others, must rispect Vermont Chron. . ! i. i VII I--!!--! ! i i 1 ! -1 " 1 ' l - ' ' r I1 I - r "'I . .. -

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