i J 4 V I, II it la- : '4 in, ' In tour remarks Jbovt quc.iU.yoa hi - -. m . - - r j : j f r to bring in Ikf name or tnanriaii. ve iaou2( pr j Are you ware. hit in this you M Kl in wmpi irai girr. u, . ifeW to (do likewise! Hertoforewf have assaa.ed, LVfliVr. Nt have ctrefully vfided mentioning ; nam ; r-u... .w h.r full licence to induce by name -,,. iflL,.rf in1 this, and not in this, but in wonte .rhr important transactions in Salisbury ,4-tne develope ': of which, we rather suspect, will attract more no- than your ireaunjj ?perwop. - toriou Wercl ! how vcr'vinlprocleilt we were, . ' ?Li'i-! ! lJ l" n..li! ! IaA lata nAlif 1? ' . .M i" HI" ' ' A I ..' .11. t ; i not Wise w crymior wcroustjjjust brace ' ourselves iieconsrquence.4. Wc are read)' titter &pil milk ; so up to bear , Mr. Bush- fiihjir-Jttft proceed Jvyith ydur name, nl the charges jwjiich you arc prepared to rnUSi c vill t) a black catalogue, no diubtji you say -jti is liorrible-it must 'le 'jt. vclj it out and ease yojir mind of jjjC Weighty burtlieiii keepjng secret iacb important facts. ; pf course you will Bot hesjtate t igve;youi own name you lill not cpwardly lie concealed, like the ijjgh wAyj robbeijj arid fire at (hose who ihe wav. Stand oiit vourielf and it as e iliffly we shall have the frutfi as well a .'little mire fairness, f' We hone no sens ;J ueWCovy will juaii uu ii win m - .flg'yourC fhreat jnld ' eieculior ; and if u tbinkiwe cart give jfou an lnforma :0n which you do not possess, just call on . in nrrstm' HtidkWn nledire all me assiii- -"r . " rip. h w ii!ce in our power t I. , i .1 -. ins it,? we !put to sea, on our return this; placeiandt arnj happy tosay; vith fth. desired effect J fr; as soon as we got cter of thejland breee, it beari sensibly to diminisband after the" second day oiit i ceaseij altogether. It is rat herj singular that not an j ofBcpr of any gradej was at tacked, though many were very much' frigHtencd."! I ! J.- r ' - crime. 'rr::vit ! The Newsjjaperf, which come under our su pervision, not unfreuently present siraogc bills of fkre.l especially fn the record of 'crime. Oar las hatch of etchanges bfoughf us the de tail of 'two fatal duels, the hanging bf a wo man, thfee suicide,! several murders, robberies, incendiaries, figbtsj rows, &C.&C. One has onty to look into the public Journals, and a sad exhibit.jtmly, of huban nature i given. Pa rents, Guardians and Teachers cannot )too much apprecilte he respensibilities which rest upon them, for he destiny of. the country is, under God, in (heir halnds, through the influence which" they mult necessarily exert upon the rising gen eration. S To keep them Irom depraved influen ces, andito contribute to-give a beautiful moral toneHo the minds of youth, are duties highly im perious, and indispensable. llal. Register. V I I . ' Y;- '.: hi Soldier's Reward,. The Duke of Welling ton has ordered thai no more than fiR? lashes nid 1 eieculiort : and if 'ball hereafter be given to an English soldier. T Peyton Haslctlono of the prisoners in. ited forirhurdr, arsh, S:c.; and whose trial places here, last week, Was actjuitted. Bargain. states a fact which MORE OF, THE riltaburn Commercia Hotri the crinunal jattifices Sresorted to for the jcp'nse f'l again accemup-miu jiimir.iuiuy mc pool of Tenii sylvan iiij Mr.-McCiindless, the 'cofuco candidate foir Congress in that Dis- . ' J ..U i, rt f tin at limit I h I h A Kml hnfn K.l vn .t.- : T I . . . i . t tt... l... r t: T - .w;redj wuitsl n ;asningiun, uy a. icaumg io. meniber of Congress, (rneai ing Judge ;:ti of Smth Carolina,) that a Democrat. c folfgatwh from I il'enn sylvan la, i to the next 'ur'jresi, iWild ask frthe rnodificition of the farfffof Ui;Vliey viilllbe gratified ! We do ot heVeve;lhat Jud;e Ulackj made the declara. m impulfO i mm ii ! is an iiivnuuui, ts mU n(A, M Mr. McCajldless himself, who was Li active pkrticipant, in.Iconjunction with Mr. Igchdnan, n the fraud practised uprn the peo. !e of PenrtVlvaniaiin U844, of wh ch this is it a new lition. jit (s jjossiblc that the bribe tjjs'rienrleirl M..lhf piple of that State, par Cularly ih'.tie strfHia Cterma!n counties, may he ifefifiiUl8".But wh:it ijtightito be t fhe soldier has reason to be crateful for this mark of kindness. In timo of .War, the Officer receives! all the glory of a well.fuught battle, i and the soldier his Sixpence and a pewter me. dial. The Government has now graciously re duced the number of lashes the latter shall re ceive, in time of peice, to fifty ! What a fine thing is glory t -Rah Reg. j 1 ' 1 I "bFFER OF MEDIATION. rhe National Intelligencer of ike' 21st inst. says : Oiir readers will percieve, by a refer ence to the extracts which we give in another col umn from a debate inihe British House of Com- 5 N ' i mons4 tht gratifying fact that the British Gov ernment has instructed ifs Minister here to of. lex to our Government the mediation of Great Britain td settle the existing difficulties between this country and the; Republic of Mexico. ( As the war with Mexico was b:egun without any adeqbate cau3e, and is continued without any adequate object we believe that the whole country (iill the paying pan of it, at least) will rejoice at any intervention which shall bring it to au early and reputable end. ie punish- tnt of iheilimagoiues whp thus trike advan 1 thIt ijjivornhcnito srearc personal ana iiri .r. tL. Ill n)t! any cnus -mcnriiimn in Mexico uplet one Government and substitute another with the facility of a harlequin change in a Christmas farce. ; f "f -viwy'r 'l During the passage of Santa vnna and hia suite from IlaTanna.he kept himself confine J to bis cabin, alleging suffering froai tjis mutilated leg as th eause. ,He was accoroponied, as we have already 8t a Ted in a preceding number of oaraperbjrhis'iet'wuVls! a veryybung lady, and his daughter by a famtl marriage, very inter-, eating girl, aboujt 13 years: of age. j They are both blondes j fair, with'light hair, sntjl appeared exceedingly amiable. Among5S th tber passengers in the Arab, Almonte excite ihereajlest interest, from h speaking so freely jthe En iah )an Tage. He was tie lifei and soul of the Whole party, who, including himself, at.jtins seemed agU tated with some fears regarding tbe reception tbejr would neefon rescbing Vera Cruz. We must lexcept Santa Anna himself who neither-betrayed fear, nor the slightest Symptoms of fear of the event, during the whole passage. Qn the arrival of the Arab outside Vera Cruz, she was Jboarded by a boat from the St. Mahrs, the officer in com toand of which (the boat): immediately recognized AI rponte, hailing him as. he came (along side her. On ihouating the deck, he and Almoiite descended to Santa Anna's cabin after a brief colloquy, the American offi cer left ; and the Arab went in, and anchored immedi ately under the guns of San Juan; de UlloS. j The war with the United States did hot appear, so far as Mr O'Neil had an.opportunityiof observing, to create that excitement amongstthe people, which one would naturally think would be the result of the presence of a powerful and victorious army. 1 ! 'i . : 1 ' ! ! j VERY LATE FROM MEXICO. Vorrespondenee of the Mobile Herald and Tribune. United States San PitufCETOx, j " I Ptntaeola, Spt. 20j 1846. This ship arrived here this evening, four days from Ve ra; Cruz, with deppatches in answer, to those Sent frorxLthe. State Department, which were published about the close cfj the session. Thpy were answered by the Mexican Government instantly. Lt. II. Y. Purviance is the bear er, and proceeds with all despatch !to Washington.. 6 one in our squadron has the least idea; of the nature of them. j j I A new Ministry has been formed ; Almonte is Secre tary of War, and Rejon of Foreign Affairs. Santa An na is at his country seat, near Jallappa. It was expect ed he would to the capttol in a day or two. Mexico is making no preparation to carry jon the war. . Some time since, a brigade was formed, arid equipped complete, to march against Gen. Taylor, but the; commander has not and will notj move from the cityiof Mexico. He pre fers spending hi evenings in the "jcafes" to advancing against old Rough and Ready. The papersare pressing him, but he will j not move in fact! the soldiers ha ve no desire to marchj The squadron is blockading Vera Cruz and Alvarado. j They would gladly take a hand atjmy thing, but positively there is no one, to fight with. James Whelm, O. S. of this ship fell overboard on the 9th inst., and was drowned he was a native of England. Every exertion was made to save him, but without suc cess. ; The Princeton brought the mate, Mr; N. Meyer, and part of the crew of the brig Nayade, of Hamburg, cap tured by the U. S. brig Somers, for attempting to force the blockade. The Nayade sailed for New Orleans un der Charge of L(t. Berryman we passed her in lat. 21, 34ni Ion. 94, 19w. Yours truly, I i i PETRONE. 3 1 1 THE subscribef having qualified as administrator up oil estate f James Crosby, dee'd, notice is here by given that there will be sold at the late residence of md deceasedon tbe yta oi yctober next. OUmMBlI NEGROES. OneLAk arid (jfLS; a ' q. few other articles. r,-l '(ii Also on the same day, the PLANTATION wfll be Wa ited for twelve Anonfbs. Terms made known on the day i . t N. IS, All persona indebted. to said estate are. re- .quested to tnake immediate payment, and all those hav-. 3ng clarms iagaunst said, estate -will present them for pay ment irj the time prescribed by law, otherwise this notice -will be plead io bar of their recovery Sep mill 1 1 ARY G. CROSBY, AdmV. U. 1846 2 w21 LANDS FOR SALE- jT Y order of the Court of Equity for the ! 1 - :ounfy of Rowan, the Clerk and Mas ter will offer. at public sale, on the premises, on Saturday the 17th day of October next. a Tract: ot Land containing S32-ACRES, belonging the -George Ej Douglas, formerly owned by James Ellis, and allotted to Mary Douglas, deceased as one of his devisees, adjoining the lands tf John W. El lis and others, in the county of Davidson. A credit, of six months win be given bond and approved security will be required on the day of sale. i f A. H. CALDWELL, c. 3i. e. V Sept;25, il846-4w 17 Printers ft e 84 00 4 ?BR-THA-N:EVER-.-' Jmt Cccelred an Entire Nenr Stock of Wntclic J2mri!Il7v SUTer-ware.Kni'ves, Razof. Sciieon, Hair-broshrs, Comb. FTuw. Cfcne. nj- Col;,p"sk;9.MQ: Boxes, SPEO SL J1,TACLES,l,r'iJ.i'r. Miuau s.i oi wncy gooaa, too nu- -;r merwoa to DirmMi ; , with itei? fcrmer stock. enables themS -;.L.J- inl . ' .:':h.w u rfi-r w iU r and finest assortment ever offered Ju N wTii"r to'wnof .S! jn . ; articles have been carefully elected in New iYork snJ Philadelphia, and will be soil cheaper t .' : bought any where else in the; State.! Persons in want of fine gold and si! rer Lever Watch-,anl u elry of any. description, wtfi find it to their interest 4o call ood rxsmiae Rir themsrln, brforr rnircn- . ieww oti i ioc orica-row opposite ueo. w. Crown s Horr, as we are determine! tu sell cl.c?p l -AH kinds of Watches will be repaired, socbj as-UChrooomiters, Dvplex. Horizontal. Patcnt-UTer. : ' peating and Plain; also. Clocks, Masical-boxeWatid aU kinds of Jewelry, put io orJer on rea' "-rrniea iot iwtitb monins. t iepiae ana plaia Watcbes wUl be altered to Palnrt-LrTent. and m form welL All work sent frpui a distance wilt be .carefully attended to. Old gold snd eilrer uk for Jewelrr or work done. vL.M. p i - fc Salisbury, N. C, Septl 10th 1846-l20:ff . BOGER A: WH. m A . .4 i. i , ., I "SSSSBBBBBSBSB1 QUARTERS,) !6, i; ) six- i ATTENTION ! Ofcersofthe tV-fftjiril. '7.' 4 . t j - - i ; VOUare hereby commanded t. parade l 'h Court-Hoiur in the Town of Salisbury, on Saturday the 10th day of October next, at 10 o'clock. A. M., with woe arras i r anil : and by orders received irom orig. utn. k, w. Lon ROWAN HOT . FOR THEi'SUDSCRinn;: WISHING TO REMOVE FROM Tlii offers his ' : HOUSE AND FURNITl ' for sale. Perrons who wih to en gape in 1 1 laTe now a chance of cettin? fne,.f i'.- . g. of the 7th ABLE STAND3 they could wih f. r. I xrigue, an eiecuon w,U be held; at '.the J considerable improvement in the HOUr Drugs!; Drugs! Drugs! t u ' ' , . i t r ii i- 1 'ears O'! by Haywood, he bv imported Leviathan, dam T J?AjiB;now received a new stock of Drugs, Medi- by the Mme Norment enter. Harry Young. JL cmeSi otc. which I am confident is the largest and i r . . -i ' . . ' I.-. a- l i : .u i ; t . - Brcy ixn iaizer, oy American ellipse, aam ty same time, to elect-a Major for said Reriraentl in the ptavc vi -a iu iv. unuMiaw, renigneu. J. MJ BROWN, Col. Comd t Sn T I IVJfi Villi TV A ft mWBV MViVI X ! MATCH RilOB. ! THERE will be a Match Race, single dash!of one mile, come off over the Salisbury Turf on Monday 19th Oct. next, for $500 a side, between Joseph S. West, of Burke, end Wm.' S. Nortment of Mecklen burg. Joseph S. West enten his sorrel mare Mary, jive 7TnZ Zl Zv A f pL Hampton's Rowten. We would further state that any "Pecnoras to quantity and quality, and from Physicians whatever can enter in this race by paying the "YI'l .T.V:: ? " " entrance, as the race will be keolooen until Satur- iceiing assureu ina i can pner inaucements tnat cannot ; dav ,he 17th Oct.. two Hv. r.. . .i i -i,. j j f wm . w uv a.r u. as the same will be closed. .. JOSEPH S. WEST i Wa.S. NORMENT.1 Sept. 11, 1846 20:6t ' foil to please. ' Among my stock may be found the fol lowing, 'viz ; ! a Best French and American Quinine, p-ThqvUiiion puWjshes a lftterpom W.J. f'jwtV'Assislani Pisitn.-istfr General, deci ii thsrinetnht'rs of ()nress have no ri:ht fvnk jfVrhfs nrtrj'rr printeil iia1ter long. .r tian'lhm'tay auer.iiho TiMrati n ot a sos. I) ii'rt. rP, CWngress i This opinion has been .awn frorrfhirn.il apjKiars, in oide) to arrest e franking;' of the cjreii speieeh of Mr. Stewart . i fPon e Tariff; th4jC-t of wl irh tlie ArJ r nV''''a'f1'ri,t'efri3 to feitr nliorf tlr.ui the if tiri- n;at Fiit p'rown di J ihi oml-sl ells of the. (exicarw. lly the W;iy wf liave . romised '' to ij'lliB whiile of ihii aJlmiraWle sptech before t readers, and we thstU d) so in tie course of Hv dayiii It is aperk'ct magazine ot fact?, 7p3Jed with j a power of! nwunicnt rarely ex- filed. Wc are not isurprisied that that the Sc. ond Asiisitnt Postrhaiterl General has been oduced to if to its circulation. Ri(h. Whig. j ::Vt r; ROWAN ;C0UNTY t BIBLE SOCIETY. n,1 a Rowan he Presby cvenins of was open AWetin2 for the oruanttation o ouniyBitle Society, was I held in l ititn ChurtK, in SaUsbury, on th He 21st of September, 194$, which ? r pTJr by tDe liev4 31 r. t itoTrs. (J?f rqoiioh of the Rev. Wm. S. Lancdon, lencfaf Agjrnt ol the Nfprth Caroliria BiWe So iety.it waj. resolved that the Socie y alxSut to e orgaoizerj, be auxiliary lp the N jrth Caroli "BiUla Society. . : ' fii ' , Oa furthct. motions, the Rev. Mr. Froxtis, i j'poiDtediWesidehlJ Rev. J. 0 A'nthonv, J ice Preiiijent, J. J. Bsixkr, Sedretary, and '"chajlHJkowx, Treasurer. ; Pa motjon, Wm. Overma, Wm. R. Atiiek- Tox,Uev;J. A.LiNx, Col.i IE. D. Austin, Rev. yj. LtuxTi. and CiiARLP.s L. ToWe nce. were rffg'inted.ah Executive Cottitnitteei vn m,9n,.ihe Conttiuifion drafted by the I to f 0 r- CI c- El- of of i It 1 at he (to nd at tig N 1 VUllllllllien Ot Ihroii i.An. ,i nn rRev. A. BAKERjC,UTORRESct and W. r! AtirtqV? was appointed to repori any altera ?oni mine; Constitution tbey may hink no,,.. uykttaenextmectinj.i! Aiter prayer by Ke,;:J, R. Anthony, the irettng aojotirnedio meetit the Presbyieriati P o( fufthef busnicssi'. j ' "' t t ' v. f r';"V president. wRCNtR, Secretary, New Orleans, Sept. 11. ( From the Commercial Times. CITY OF MEXICO VERA CRUZ SANTA ANNA. Tlin British Steamer Arab, from Vera Cruz. 3d inst.,: vvhtch lately conveyed San ta Annti from Hajvana to that port arriv-, eil in thb river op Wednesday morning, and unfortunately1 grounded in the S. W. Pass, where she! now lies. The owner of the Arab, Mr.jO'Neil, who came with her from Vera Cruz, reached the city last evening on the towboat Panther, putting qp at the St. Charles Hotel. By ihe po liteness of this gentleman, who left the city of Mexico, on the 28th ultimo, we have been put inpossession of the follow ing intelligence, ; Santa! Anna landed at Vera Cruz on the 16th ultimo, and left on the 19th, but proceeded no farther than his Hacienda, or country seat, at Enc erroi three leagues east of Jalappa, where he still lies indisposed suffering in his ampu tated lirrib. j I : The personages Svho accompanied him from Havana,-Almonte, jRejonj etc., had gone on to Mexico, jwhere they had been regularly install ed in vatfous State offices. Almonte is minis- t i ter of Marine and of War, Rejon of the Interi or, and Gomez Farias of Finance. The British briir.of. war. Darin it. arrived at o Vera Cruz on the third instant, with despatch es said to be from. the American Government. These despatches ; were reported to comprise offers of peace on a permanent basis, and ex pressing President I Polk's readiness either to sMid a minister plenipotentiary to Mexico, or to receive a Mexican minister at Washington. Reaction. It wis currently reported in Mex ico, on the 28th ult., that the troops at San Luis du Potosi had pronounced fur Paredes. An ex press had reached; Ir. INIacintosh, the British Consul at Vera Cruz, confirming the intelli gence. Mr. O'NcJl, however, states that Mr. Macintosh did notjknow what credence there was to be given to -the news thus brought ; but Maine. Returns from nearly the whole State, show that Dana, Democratic candidate fir Governor!, will fall short of his election about 5000. In the 1st District, Hammond, Dem. is probably elected to Congress by a harp majority. In the 2d, 4;h and 5th, now repre sented by Democrats there s no choice, so More, Whig is not elected in ; the 2d. In the 3d, Hiram Belcher, Whig, is elected, by more than a thousajnd. i i . If the Portland Advertiser's estimate be right, the I Whigs hq.ve elected ten Senators, the Dem- ocrais not more man seven or eignt. ice re funis for. the House show the election of 27 Whigs, 19 Locos, 1 Abolitionist, and 43 no choice. ! I Calomel (Eng.) i Blue Mass,1 Castor Oil, (fresh.) Eng. Rhubarb, Do. Jalap, Do. Ipecac, Ep. Salts, ; Magnesia, Camphor, Madder;;; Indigo, Brimstone, Snuffs, (all kinds,) Ginger, ! ' Pepper, H Spice, n , Starch, White Lead, Litharge, Red Lead, Pros. Blue, Vermillion, Venecian Red, Spanish Brown, Lamp Black. Putty and Glass, Verdigris, (dry and in oil,) Coach Varnish, Sand paper, Turpentine, Gold Leaf, Gold Foil, Brushes, (all kinds,) Blacking, dec, Chemical and Surgical Instruments. i : J. II. ENNIS3. j Seplj 18, 1846 21:tf I LAND FOR SALE. HE subscriber will offer at public sale on Friday the f JL 10th of October next, a valuable plantation on the Bead wafers of Scills creek, fifteen miles west of Salis bury, knpwrt as the plantation of Henry Albright. This tract cQiftains about 220 ACRES, is well improved, saving oil it a good dwelling, a first rate barn, and all ether necessary out-houses, all in good repair. A large TRUST SALE. . ( X3 Y virtue of a Deed of Trust to me executed, on the JL9 8th day of Oct. 1845, by Daniel Limbaugh, for pur poses therein specified, I shall proceed to sell on the pie mises of the dec'd.,.on Thursday and Friday the lat and 2d days of October next, on a credit of nine months, the following property, to- wit : One Tract of LAND containing 296 Acres, lying on the Yadkin River, adjoining the lands of Richard Barnes, Joseph Pearson's heirs, and others : on which is a most excellent dwelling house, together with all necessary out- Equity ' be held st the Courthouse in S : houses kitchen, barn, cribs, stables, ccc, all in first-rate tne county ol Iredell, on the 3rd monuay nilLKMS .MUdllil IMW anj 1.1 ( PAIR. 1 tut warm nted in saving to tl.c ; by strict attention, the HOUSE will y'x'.J some income. During the time I have k ; : lishment, it baa been extensirely patror.. : travelling snd country eastom. The II known from North to South, having been k , tel for s great many years. Those wu-i.it -,z ney now have an importunity in purcLaf.;; lishment, I would sdvise Iheai to come and intend to sell and will give a bargain. Ti n , made easy to rait the times. LetierJJr.-- r this subject will be attended to in due e&.-o-i. : JAMES L. Co Salisbury February 4, l34Ctf 4 1 State ot JLottlt Gave: IREDELL COUNTY. Superior Court of Equity, Spring Tt . . . Min Graham, sdtnr, of Milus J. Gr&harn, J ."koo Campbell, tertuM Samael Welch and his wifi Lucy E , ar.J V . Cowan, Executor of Lucy Journy, dec J IT appearing to the satisfaction of the CI. i'..' ter for the county of Iredell, that th- ' Samuel Welch and his wife Lucy E. V rl ... t habiunts of this State, publication b herrly be made for six weeks in the Caiulini the said defendanu, Samuel -Welch and I..- E. Welch, that they appear at lle next order. There will also be ssld, TWO NEGIIOCS 1 woman and 1 likely boy about 12 years old ; 4 bead of Horses, 15 head of Cattle, 40 head of Hogs, a large portion of which will do to fatten this fall ; 1 set of black smith Tools, 2 new Cotton Gins, of an improved pattern, 1 Sideboard, 3 Bureaus, 1 corner Cupboard, one metal eight-day Clock, 5 Beds, bed-steads and furniture ; one Wind-mill, 2 Stills and Tubs, one road Wagon, and s great many other valuable articles too tedious to men tion. J. II. THOMPSON, Sept 11, 1846 20.3t Truttet. P. S. A longer credit will be given on the land, if de sired, the purchaser paying interest after 9 months. 53(Ct31 - ! In this County, on the 23rd inst.JMr. John Blackwelb at an advanced age. The deceased was an elder of the Franklin Prebiyterian Church, for many years before his death. t - ! I Also, Mrs. Raymer, relict of the.; late Nicholas Ray mer, ct an advanced age. ; i Also, in thisjTowfl, on the 23d. j Frederick OberUn, aged nearly 2 years and 9 months, son of Mr. James G. Cairns. 1 - Lands and Mills to be Sold. part of tie land is fresh cleared and in a fine state of cul- ' " 1 dvation 1 The tract also embraces a first rate meadow, ! pTJRI? SOTTTITflOW LFJfESTRR good orchard and excellent drinking water, and is gen- m ii r ! V If HAlre nm1 a - Hft Amax licit X &juvns wvamsm vci viisuiiu Bulls for Sale. r HE subscriber has for sale, a few selected and px- X erally well Watered. Terms made known on the day of sale. I i ALEXANDER BROWN, Agent ! All persons having claims against the estate of Henry Albright, dee'd., are requested to present them for pay ment, within thetime prescribed by law, otherwise this sotice wkll be plead in bar of their recovery. i j . ALEX. BROWN, Ag't. I. Christina Albright, Executrix. 1 Sept. 38, 1846 3w21:paid t monday in August next ; and then snJ i.t the bill of complaint of Milton Graham, J. Graham, dee'd., snd Milton Cam; t-l', t. c ; them in oar Court 'Equity, all the ir.affr ; therein slledged, snd stand to and abiJ- 1 and decree as shall be made in the pren:- ment pro eomfetm will be taken against t' under myhand snd seal of ofjice.at fjVe i j ' the 3rd monday after the 4th nionJav in i t , D. 1846. s;i.Q. siiXuri:. August 7th, 184C 16:Cl ' ! U Sickneaa can only be present w lien t'..'- j ciple, the blood, b below the healthy F!atidatvi Health is always present when the blwoj m is then op to its healthy standard. Therefore, the following remedies can rcv I for the purpose of restoring health : Weeding Calomel Antimony O Bleeding takes out your strength jonr !.,'- nalLttl rAi rvi A t-to rf t Wu O Vvrf-.T' ct rU z 1 11 vl ii I i n fv lk Pure Breed, I and 1, also, a superior thorou2h-bred Bull 1 ,r' . " ' . ' . 7J muit oi the T WILL sell on Tuesday the 20th day of October next, JL at' the late residence of Lucy Journey, deceased, on Hunting Creek, near Hamptonville, all the personal pro perty of the Estate of said deceased, consisting of- i EIGHT LIKELY AND VALUABLE BY order of the Court of Equity for Rowan country, the Clerk! and Master will offer at public sale on the premises, on Saturday the 3 1st October next, i ONE TRACT OE LAND, i lying in Rowan county, adjoining the lands of Michael Coriher, John Peal and others containing about Two hundred and thirty-nine Acres, 1 also one otherjtract called the Mill Tract, on Irish Buffa lo creek, containing about j One hundred and thirty five Acres, adjoining the pnds of Allen Rose and others. Also, the 'remainder in a tract ot about ! j j ONE HUNDRED : CUES, j adjoining the mill1 tract, which is now occupied by Maf garet Penny, und in which she has a life estate. All said lands belong to the heirs at law of John Eddlemnn, 1 Negroes amon.ir them is one bov who is an excellent Wason Mn- ier.by trade-Utwo plough boys, nearly grown ; one young waters of Coddle creek, joining the lands of James Jam CALF, 2 years old the 12th of October last, and three other grade Bull CALv of unsurpassed beauty. AV. R. HOLT. The subscriber warrants the above stock to be descen ded from the purest and best specimens of thorough-bred stock in the United States. ' W. R. HOLT. Lexington, N. C, Sept. 4, 1816 4wl9 WE will offer for sale on the premises to the highest bidder on Tuesday the 20th of October next a . VALUABLE PLANTATION, known as the Robert Huggins Place, lying on the head woman Jtwd grown girls, and two smalt boys. The wo- tnan and girls are Oood CooRs, they use thenee ille expertly: as well as the hoe. 1 ALSO SEVERAL HEAD OF HORSES, a large quantity of CORN, WHEAT, Rye, OATS and FODDER ; one roa Wagon and gearing, farming utensils, all the household and kitchen furniture, with other articles too tedious Io mention. Terms made known on the day of iale. By f W. F. COWAN, Ex'r. i. September 9th, 1846. ison and others, containing 500 Acres of Land. The plantation has on it a fine dwelling house with all other necessary buildings. Terms made known on the thedayofsale " Wm. HARGRAVE, D. KILPATRICK, Ex'rs of Robert Huggin, dee'd Antimony ditto, besides making you subject t. -Opium is worse than all ; for it prevent yu ing the approach of decay, snd yoa de? r: grave so quickly that you have scarcely tin:- either to leave thin world or to enter the n-xt .' deceitful drug ! Touch it not. Let s'.l bl '. be careful of cough-curing remedies ; des:.u: ed in the bottle: let him remain there: into yonr bowels. Enquire for some cf tl.e u r those whose names these balsam men have i ters of gold have paraded before the world a the wonder-working powers of their Lali friends, these cured ones ere in tlieir graves. ; morphine has done its work. The wily t:i you can do in sickness, is to take-Bra ndre They will not deceive ; they will never inj i: BranJretb can send you to personscored yem . living and in the finest health, ' These are i ; : not single cases. No, they comprise huadn 1 lage, tens of thousands in New York. O These Pills are for sale at 25 cts. per 1 agents in every town in' the State, and by t). highly respectable gentlemen in this vicinity, h : Enniss, Salisbury; David r raley, Rockvil ; Sept. 4, 1846 7wl9 lee'd. ! W. Hunnieut, Gold-Hill ;.TC. Graham, C - '(' J. Krider &, Son, Mt. Vernon. (Aog. 21, i: LENOIR FEMALE 1 ACADEilY, THIS Instuti - the most ei ion has concluded its first Session under ncouraging prospects. The second ses- j sion will commence on Monday, August 17th. The I will also "sell at the same time and nlace. one Tract course of instruction will embrace all the brandies usual- A credit of twelve months will be allowed ; and j pf Land, (about -120 acres.) belonging to the estate of ; ly taught in the first Female Academies, and it is belies- deq'd. bonds with approved security for the purchase money re quired on the day ot sale. I A. II. CALDWELL, cm. e. Sept, 25, 1646 6w21 -Printers fee $5 50 LMMfJRlsALE. A. Begarly, decM., adjoining Perceval Campbell, Jr., ', ed that at this season of the year it offers peculiar ad.- called tbe Buck Shoal tract. Terms made known on day f sale.. W. F. COWAN, Ex'r ; Sept.), 18-16 21:5t air of Hantr. ais pronuhciamentos followed one after another TpURSUANT to a Decree of the Court of ET Equity, the Cleik and Master will sell. at tpe Court-Hoiise in Salisbury, on the 4th of November next, (it being Monday of Row an County Curt.) two 1 TRACTS OP LAND, V. S. Ship it ? in such (ju.ck succss.on in that dtstiacted coun-, ing the iands of John Wice, William Walton, Henry' try, it wis possible there was some truth in it. j Trexler and others, each containing ! WbeJl. . .riMciieo. . O-Nril j ! 100ACKES, 11 heard that Paredes was prisoner in the hands i 7 - ; I - , f . ; . . ... A credit of twelve months will, be pUowed : and bond ! Oif the present government ; and in travelling to w&h approved security for the purchase money required" iColumhus. The follow- U "1!: a Surgeon on L7,MiWniP. ualet at: Cantdn' river on p 2t)th of April fchould be etfectual to J7tct. the cxaggerateJ reports which erecCtly found their way into som rvtteVsbaDers as to tho torwill nereeirie bthia thnt v .t;u lr .". M i m ' L . T . - 1 ,-7 n: tne Waters rt the Ueleitml K f . . 1 . - . I . T : T - t ;p,nic my last: However, w l la Mantillai dHtabt . abotit s cmilesTrorrithisJ! Although we found Mhcr a pleasant place, I am sorry the fbi of our visit was greatly impaired i'.-.,'r "", niui i yjjiiioii n iiia grnci ii some cnt of the ttvg. nave flcaitn with which wc had been fa up i9 .that me. ,Wiihin thirlv :- ,iuer,:anchonnj: off the town. the era made its appearance among us, 4 cnnt:.i.t gd tt i - T , -.mumuu to preyau ior jsw aays, au ? time 'it a tacked thir'ty-three of; 'P ComparijV out of whrjm twelve 3? f iS : 1 Ur Ufty lr0m lnVa 4 W lpfl: disease, as a means bf arrest Vera Crfaz, between the morning of the 28th "and that ;of the 2diinst., when the vehicle he was in ias passing through Perote, that gen tleman was actually told by an inhabitant, that the Ex. President ad interim (Paredes) was a close prisoner within the castle. Mr. O'Neil, absorbed by his afiiiiis,did not, unfortunately, think of bringing any newspa piers with him, either from the city of Mexico or Vera ruz, so that we are without any doc uments, knowing the onward progress of the late movements. Immediately after Santa An- six hun- ta Iuilte Vera Cruz, a force of about six hiin- r.. j ! ...J :-r. !... 1 i J ii.. .. ,u i; uicu luiainrjr nitu icw cavaiijr tuutw up me line if marchTrotn that port for the city of Mexico. Mr. O'Neil met them ort his way back to his vessel ; vney seemed in pretty good order. We) learn that! tranntnlitv seems to reimi I A 1 " J , D on the day oi 4 Sept. 25 sale A. H. CALDWELL, C.M.E. 1 1846 6w21 Printers fee 83 00 NEW FIRM! t ! Just Received FALL AND WINTER: FASHIONS For 1846 & '47. T fflHE Subscriber as Executor of Nathaniel Journey, JL dec:d , will ofTer for sale on the premises, on Tuesday, 20ih October next, the Tract of Land on which the said Journey formerly lived, on Hunting Creek; in Iredell and Surry counties, three miles south of Hamptonville, containing about 250 Acres. The soil is productive, the buildigs are a comfortable Pwelling-House, (very pleasantly situated,) a good barn and several other buildings, mostly new. !( " l TERMS: 1 One-fifth cash, the balance in twelve months, by giv ing bond and approved security. There will be no title made until the, whole of the purchase money is paid. Any person wishing, to settle in a healthy neighborhood, and where there is good society can now have an op portunity of doing so. The land can be seen by apply ing to the Subscriber, or to Mr. John Reese, who has charge of the farm at this time. A. B. BLACKBURN, Exr. j Sept. 9th 184C 21:5t vantages. Ierms$b -r-and ?1U for the different classes. Ulusic on the Piano or Guitar lias been re duced to 15. Painting and French 5 each, "Worsted WorSt, 4. tfto deduction made for ab sence, tho' pupils are charged from the time cf entrance. It is expected to engage a competent assistant. i EMMA J. BAKER. . Lenoir, Aug. 5th, 184( 16 i THE CONCORD COTTON FACTORY WE now have on band a large stock of Bale Ron:, Yarn & Domestics. Also, over 1500 pieces of heavy 44 inch COTTON BAGGING. a very superior article, whieh we will sell lower, than any ' thing of the kind that can be brought from the Northern Markets. W. P. MOORE, Cl'k. c. a. c. Concord, N. C, July 25, 1S46 14:tf THE exercises of the Mocksville Male Academy will be resumed on the 15th September, on the usual terms, (i. e.) in advance per session of five months : LOOK at T?r: THE Subscriber takes this method of ir.f . friends and the public, that he bi ill c t ! carry on the Hoot mid Mioe TtXakit ilieS opposite J. Si, W. Murphy's tto:eJ ' i U Una .-.r. hand rrv rtrm mnA Tin amrl' r ' ' i J v UUP v J " m... ' .... i BOOTS AND SIIOES which are not to be surpassed by any hoj in , of the country. He also has on hand a la-; inent of Negro Shoe, made of the bet rr.ater , he will sell lower for cash or to punctual dc -' credit, than they have ever, before been c:.'.. j market. . moses L, r:i(). n a.s.s.r. fi t uy L.-..I Salisbury, July 3, 1346. lOif ; At AVhrrlf r" Old FRESU MEDICI; WINES, SPIRITS, TEAS, KPK rVIIFFS Ci?aral Tebaeco. Soaps. C.-.n',:. -Vnt Soda and Butter Cracker1, Bru , Drestufls, and a wpleneid assortment ol I etxy 3 I J 1 BRANDY AND WINES. throughout the principal places in Mexico, thej movemrt in favor of Saata Anna having been pretty. general ahr simultaneous. But. as our i -. i :i j rr . i informant shrewdjy remarked, tho mass of the people 4 hose engaged in mercantile, inriustria!. or rnanuuieiuring pursuns---seem tQ laKe Ullie i kjJJi interest in lho ioterminablc coups tic etal which, C. N. PRICE & J. MJ KESLER, Of AVIN0 associated themselves fogether for the pur JljL pose of carrying"on the Tailoring Business in all its various branches' in Concord, are ready to meet their od and new friends with i 1 Fashionable Cutting and making of Garments, j not to be surpassed by any in the surrounding country-' Tbey are capable of pleasing ail who may iavor them with, a call and only ask a trial, feeling .assured they Cannot be pleased elsewhere on better terms. j ! N. B. We) have in our employ a Cutter and Work-j man who cannot be surpassed either North or South; Concord, Sept. 23, 1346 tf21 , FOR Cash, will ! be sold very low 50 bbls; rectified old Wbisliey,5 at Wheelers old standi, by HAVE the best article of French Brandy and Port X nd Maderia Wines for sale. J. H. ENNISS. ' Sept 18, 1846 21:tf - ; , NOTICE IS hereby given that application wiil be made to the General Assembly at its next session for a charter to be granted to as incorporated Company to open and' navigate the Yadkin River, from Wilkesboro' to the feouth Carolina fine. MANY CITIZENS, i September U, 1846 tf21 j TRAIN OIL ! ON band several barrels of Tanners u.whK-h t will sell low. !. 1 J H. ENNISS. SaliMbury 'i August 21, 1646 tt 1 For Latin and Greek Languages, including all lower sub-,; for ladies and eentleroen. SODA WATCH rtir iiA. . r ri : - : . : . jects, - - - - - - ?u j SYKL'rS on drati. rnyniciji pmtnpin,!,. ; Algebra, Geometry, Surveying, kc, - - 12 00 , ctrrj anj medicines delivered at all hours cf t: English Grammar, Geography, Arithmetic, - 10 00 ' njeht The aboTe articles will be sold the r ? ! Lower Branches, - , - - - - 8 00 6 LOCKECIi A ' Declamation and Composition in the wjiole course. ; Sali;4)ury, June 12, 1846 tf 7 UitarA maw K Ka,t fmm &fi OH ta ft 7 iU oer month in- i .. . ..... r. m ' ' eluding all incidental expenses Sept. 1,1846 4wl9 B. CLEGG. Principal of M M. A. Aug. 14. '46 16 L. a Temperance ! Temperance ! ! Ji1 fTIHEREfwnrbe TcmperaaeeFestwalt Centre ust prinfed ou excellent paper for sale ihTited to attend. V mriRT PV PPTTTTnVQ H Church, eight miles north of Statesyille, on Wed X. LOU I , tUXfyisU riOJN b .1 Lesitr lne 23d of Sept next The public generally are .Ang. 23, 184f54wl8 " A FRESH SUPPLY; OF THE SAKE SORT." Razor strop man. QUININE! QUININE! OUNCES of French and American Quinine just JJ received, best article ever ofiered for sale in this market. 11 lS Salisbury, September 4, 1846 19 Hyco Smoking Tobacco. K AA LBS. of this superior wnokinj Tobacco, for OUU sale by ENNISS. Soliburv, Augut2, 1846 tf!7 SaUtbury, A3ttt2l, 1846 tn7 fd LBS. of Tailow and Adamantine candW tW' OUUfalebv ! J. II. ENNISS. , EH OR SIX Horses for sale on Monday Superior fj Coart. ; . S. JOHNSTON. tw n t nni'fJLA'i HAVING returned to Salishury, t : 1 permanently, oUers his prou-ssiou rci the public. He hopes bthe strictest c' . l j...:. ,.r v,a nrr.fiiir.n. tn men: a illC UWMCS Wl 'i v - - ane'e of the confidence heretofore t! ' Office, in West' brick buIL'if ?. Brown & Maxwell' ftcie, lornierJ c by Drs. Killian and Powe. April 2, 161S tf49 CHOCOLATE! . . . Ai irs.; t r j-Trf : T USH receive! wayyj or quality v io.if .ri SalUburf.A'X"t!ll'liZiSl SPlRFTSrURPEyTl!:- BBLS Spirits Turpentine direct fW.. r (ot rale by j. j. SaliAmrj, ASntt 2t 1846-f 17 5 1 1 -'i V. ! r. 4 : t. 1-