i - .,uerea at $i pery - AivertM'nfn,s 7Ch phi -nS 5.-. cent lor f sen OTV4 23 per cent highek PRO- Vr triTOTlY. PKODUCTIDN, TPrTn0V! A0 MANUF ACTURE, .vjb;ilcfiiist!':-:: ' : T , , irahrcam fii Fftors of the 1 J I jl iVf4,a' UlelligenccA- .'"s'mti tfWilUn urired 'nrrainst the tariff ill wyv. -f, ; a i 1 Ihh! M I .- .. Krr. - -. ,V MV a a r-A 7H7-- AY : 1 . 1 'f i:- IL-:H f i i t II i ' i i - i t t . i m i ; - lid 4. is itha'Mmdq (s .reciprocal, and that con sciuenttvery cent of diity le vied by us uiwri the ;forc gt1 fabric of cotton import fdrifitb this Icbuniry recoils uj on the cot totj grower, jwjho compelled either to sell hh cdtton for so much less asTthe dnty titles frorti i:'tfic profit of the manufaqturer, orfo witHdraU ifroni tha foreign market sotiiUch if the cotton as would be con sumed In ithatlpartjon of the foreign fab ric Avhichi is sijilwtftuted.by th; manufuc tures With Kvh'ich Jibe dury levied cpables us to rnj&b urMNlves at horri;. The ar uract wuntls yijll, and at first blush 'cbvjijcl;-uut.W find He reason hj;ppractical results falsify 'so rrl touwirnd i a tlieorv. A, in most ca- of rcaliwiihg a priori, nil the facts rel evAntlto the iDisue are not brought before the-' imndi I TllwcjWJii'o urge this objection (0iQl sefm tp-have inquired into two ve ry important .matter of fact, viz: how Tar.tbe poiild of England ani under ,the lnfv far, ty rccjuctionSofdutieshn any way btajribg.oli thefanufacturc. ngla!nd( is capabh? of redju;ing the cost otbe fabric. TMsephjectpfiJ had, levn as many as jif yn or eiht'eln! years ago, falsely assum 'ejc.ihajt tba cos!t of jabricaiing n England was reduced ltd ifs-Iowekt rafe;jf. We will iinquire hito ,tbi branch of jhe subject jiiore full) prieenlfyi ; !Nor do these same "objectors seej to have looked into anoth er questioji of fact equally important and that ii whefei" oqr Uluties upon the im ported fabric Have ever affected the a- Nmount.of' American ; cotton consumed a- broadJ jHuVpppoo,jfbr ibe j ake of ar gUiinent,' that .the Iprotctive duty takes from the cotton grower so much of the foreign market for hps! raw cotton asjt affords hornVmarkftt (or tbedojmestic ma nufacturejit js;palnalle that it would, at thcjsaVi'j itiricl givp htm. a &rne market fmr fullv flip !snmf limnnhf nf raw nnttnn alt Would bc itriposVible for us to fabri cate without !tlm raw material , Besides, jtliis homej market jmast be,f toj the extent of- it aj much 'better one; than the foreign, Miie grcai prouis.oi our, lactones are noc flip, zuvyv j uuijcaiwnj oi oouinern poiui- ciartsv ; X.ou, win pajcion me tor saying ht Ahe.seirMjltticiaiJ.s must have a great ral pfYf;;iru7tO;Work uphn at home, ... :i ... 1 ii' : . . p or ujejpvouiu jjcyer sjenu so gross a Jab- rc iruiu loeir poiiifca f. j jiaiory provi'S i ttni coiiou manuiacturr, i :r & JAMES, Editors 4 Proprietors. Kezt a' check vtots all toxts. If 1 -U-4 I- . r " ; -I S. SAFE. CLEKS. iX) THIS, AXD Libeiitv C7en'i. Harrtton, ; NEW SERIES, NUMBER 54, OF VOLUME HI. SALISBURY, N.lC.i' EHI1AY, OCTOBER 9, 1846 r-p ""Hments in this 1inever given o t!. -r - a ne -improvement consists in, rv !, of applying -the power to tlie wheel now generally in usc by I vast increase is given to the ir.f: i 4! cr, or by which fi. mill can !d cc I and' worked with half the quanii' Uer .now required by ordinary mi! j inventor, Mrl Kmanuel Parf.cr. ! constructed on ibis plan, wlcj r r : nave Dcen Yitnrs.fi hv mnr ; j nv c! as Washington, Adams,5 Jefferson, Madi son, arid, aftei them, even John.C. Cal houn, Lowndes, Clay, and a host of oth ers, saiv at once how beneficial it would be to the consumer of the fabric, as also to the producer of the raw material, if We could but manufacture this cotton at home and thus sav6 from eight t!o ten dotjafs per cwt. on tie cotton in the coarser fab rics. Ilence' he protection :of the earlier Administrations and hence, among other reasons, the liVely support which Lowndes only 131,000.000 lbs., and the yhole ex ported from the United States was 14! 2-5 millions, while last year 489,000 bales iwere consumed by our manufactures! which, at an average of 17$ lbs. per bale, amounts to upwards of 182.000,000 lbs. j j. 3. By our protective duties, j first thq English excise duty on theumanufaclurei and afterwards her impost duty on thej raw cotton have been removed, As a corollary from this proposition, ii perma inent reduction in the price of the fabricl and Ca.lhoun gave to the tariff pf 1810 ; has been effected by the same cause so and hehce the frequent urcinsoi4 this sub ject upon thej consideration Tof Congress jby Madison, and after him by Monroe. Our manufactures had taken some hold duringlthe restrictive systerei of Jefferson, that thei cotton grower and the consumer of the fabrics have been equally! -benefit-! ted. .-!:'!.! While these; results in the operation of that system were effected, the manufac-j land afterwards during the war;! but, af- j ture of this staple in England has progress-! uer pence wns i caiurcu, mc nuuuiug nnpor- i eu wiira me increase 01 i.n crop in me U 1.... r 1 1 i .1 1.. . -.i . . . lt - i , . utuuijs; iiuiii A-O'oiaiiu ; arcupru. -iiKfiy 10 overwhelm them in their ihfancy, until, by the lanlts ot 1824 and 1828. adequate protection was given them.f Now, mark jthe efltjet. Jpckson. in his 'first message, I believe it was, adverts to the tariff of 1828, and accounts for the singular failure in the prediction of its opponents respect. izeris, who prouounce it to bo i,c : improvement on the water wlvd covered. , Mr. Parker has fcrv.n: j model to Washington to obtain a ! which no doubt will bo speedy ; j It is but seldom that we havd nn t nity to record a Southern invent: : ciprcity, but strictly on considerations ofrit could not have discriminated more ina- internal policy ; in a word, o give the ror of Britisu -workmex." ; Brijish laborer cheap bread. We have , LET THE PEOPLE REMEMBER, SISi, T 6 ! That Mr- "aywiod the Democratic Sen- jhe- numerous ' Yanki Brilh market is much over-estimated by ator from N J fa Carolin ,vho resigned ! vvhrels throughout the south will ! !lis seat sooner tha vl' for the riff 1--Wc therefore feel sc be ; u .c..u,c ucumuu u, 'iJawori84G,saVs.iahisHldrpssto the neo- lll,lng. upon Rood authon v. to t ncau corn. Ana we regard this as un- r:vrtr,k r ' i- m -A- r questionalply established by the recent ! fluctuations of that market. Corn was' exceedingly low notwithstanding the pre-1 : vibusjrepeal of the corn laws, and the cer- j tain Success of our tariff bill, until the as-! certajned failure of the potato crop, and j the doubtful weather at the period of liar- 1 vest, spread an alarm about a scarcity of: provisions. Was it inquired whether the ! American supply would not meet the de ticiency ? Not at all. Prices immediately rose, Decause ot the supposed insulhcien Can industry. States Tfvithout respect to the duties-laid cy of, the British supply. In another week, upon her fabrics. ; ; t however, although the ravages of the po- i In thisie.w of the subject, (and I believe I tato 'disease were more certainly ascer- i every word of this argument is sound and tained, the weather had proved to be un based pon established fnicts.) I ask you texpneiedly favorable, and the harvest oC; candidly to say, is not the, cotton planter -more indebted to protective duties than any other man, not excepting the mantij ing the prices, of protected articles by the ! facturef himself t extraordinary; impetus given to manulac-! I have attempted to present this subject tures thereby! increasing them so much as ...nt. . u.- .i. , i ctuiimiiy iv.jr-puvc iiig pncei, noiwiinsian ding the duty (That mode of accounting for lovprices(underhigh ilujies was sound and true and republican in Jackson's mes sage, but in the mouths of Whigs now it is f.alse?and absurd aristocratic,, federal, British or any thing a demngogue choos es to call it.)Jrf i Now let us mark the effect of this same bill of aboniinations" upon: England, and we wilUoonsbe what a lever we held upon her on this subject. The great competi tion wiih England which thftt "bill" raised in our domesfic manufacturbs so reduced the price thai the English manufacturers, in 1620 and 1830, were compelled to com in a new light, by adverting to one impor tant fat which had escaped the attention of our people-. If I have succeeded in demonstrating the true effect of our pro tective duties upon British Legislation, I bave brought to view a matter which de mands the attentive consideration of states men. How far I have elucidated this sub ject you must judge. OLD VIRGINIA. wheat was pronounced to be an average one; j ; The natural effect of a fall in price took place forthwith and we deem it as yet entirely uncertain whether this fall has not more than counterbalanced the: previous enhancement. These fluctuations we say, prove that the British demand docs not depend on ; DUTY UPON MADEIRA WINE. , We stated the duty uponMadeira Wine under the act of '1842, to be GO cents per gallon, which is 50 per cent. . The Constitutionalist admits our state ment to be correct, but says, under 44 the treaty of reciprocity with Portugal, the du ty levied was only 7j cents." which is 5 per cent. Welljthen, if a treaty makes it 5 per cent., dont charge fhe Whigs with putting it at 5 per cent. If a Democratic Secretary will place upon the treaty a construction not warranted in the opinion - - a l VA W , A ! fifteen month's study and lalt r, 1.. length, the gratification of sccng t : tical operation of his improvements he tells us," exceeds even his own pations with regard to it. (L:; rial. ' I The Rip Rap?. The fortifi iruic r. Rip Raps, in Hampton Roadf, ati two miles from Fortress Mol'ircc. enclose a space 6f about thnje acrs nearly two millions have alnyidy 1 pended by the "government iii t!. struc'tion. The water on th k bar Rip Raps, was, at low water1 at 1 Itn ivnrl.-o A n i. . . 1 iC of able judges, nbd pu, Mlir Wh.e at . , I ' n, a duty of 5 per dent., for the sake of com- foundati' of ,h ' ' ,rl:L mon just.ee donl parade the duty, n Ihe bIoek of rani wc're nX u;'. by the side of it, a duty of 10 prr cent, as the work of the Democrats. If a Demo cratic Administration will construe the treatv. so ns to defeat thn Whic dntv nT the foreign, but on the domestic supply ; ; 50 per cent., perhaps it may do so to de j and they show, further, that the British fcat the Democratic duty of 40 per cent. nmrK?i is not expecieo, Dy us own ieai- why put a dutv of 40 per cent, upon crs, td furnish a very reliable demand for j Madeira Wincin the act of 181G, when loutid ihcjh'ss ofojir iotton onlr "any increased protection of our factories. England, the great jias never taken one account of own man- Okctures,iiorj;oncj ; pound the more be-, cause of nny! reduction of duties on our jiart. jShclbas: goie dn from year to year rajiiilly ihcreasng tfiefjuantity of her con sumption pf our stajplf irrespective of our duties. She;' seems: id have acted under a stern nrfccsiity. ;yiuch impels her, der ail circumstances, to manu product o? our soil, ajnd beg tance at ourj porfsj jith fabrjics of her loom at noy price, 'J These statements are not tootel mride. ; ,1 kvrite from the re c(rd, and jo substantiate my position, re fer to tha fatlo rcspecting raw cotfon p i)c touhU lrgtjie j National lrlelligencer as to its effect upon the flour and grain menceasystemof retrenchment,and throw 1 market, yet we beg to-present this addi- out of employment a large number of la- i tional one to our readers. ; They I will find the foreign supply. So much for breadstuff's. A slight ad vance! in Cotlpn. an article, which we free ly concede, does find a most important; market in Great Britain, which it found I just ajs efficiently, long before the era of! tree trade, has been very naturally caused foundation, somei four acres or mcr tent, was formed. The buijjii: fortification wai then comnSrjc( had progressed Id the height; of fifteen feet, when it Was foijnd 1':. foundation, under the weight, kvas though so imperceptibly as ht llr scarcely noticeable. The further cc ! tion of the work was in conserjucr The subject of the New Tariff is such a fruitful theme with the Democracy, that, although we published articles' last week showing how false were their conclusions b' !hi intelligence, that the cotton.crop is ; upon PTt ,n nkn. rrrto be; sort one. Unlike the case of chan borers,pndsUch distress arid consequent I it very ipain and clear. disqyietude resulted from this course, that r 1 1 u ;r iori LmonJ 1 1 1 . utterly unfounded are th it 1 arljament had not interfered so as to . , , the Secretary will not permit it to he en- j poed, the first tier of port to!'" V,V , , 1 Hcen completed. The walH we. Was it put there to cheat the people, buiIt up t0 lhc intended height, v.; and make them : believe that the Demo- granite blocks designed for the 1" crats were willing to favor the poor while lion but without using the :uiunl c th)VhA"? Wished to fPPre;8 them ? and so arranged that the weight 1.: . c ",g 1 c foundation is much greater than it ion Madeira Wine. The Democrats when the fort :$ romnl,tpdJ Sir.; charge them with putting a duty of 5 per j ninn u-.n.lnnt.it tk fnnn,!ni;m, wheat, the demand for Cotton depends on cent, upon it, while they were willing to '. atejy beneath the walls has settle the foreign supply, and an expected dimi- j put one of 40, and now it turns out that J ten feet so (nat tn q co are nearly on a level with the cct nutioii of the supply has produced a slight ; the 5 per cent, duty is the work of a Dem and wilKsee how -advance in.the price ; not by any means j ocratic Secretary! That is, that much the reasonings and I such 9tn advance as the lnquirer takes j only is collected by his construction of 3 iu . . i . t i f tnr crvtk n rif1 in nr rtnlmrr tnmo ctotnmont r tli t-o-mo rt o Irontir with 1'nrlnnrQl tr removes the ciuse of distrps thp Fnalivh 1 conclusions ot those who are accrediting "-r" , V, . , i , , , , 7 V M iriuuu uir tnuse Ol UlSireSS ine rjnglisn i . iNJpvv N nrL- nnnpp TI.P P.nnn rnp ad's 1 tvKnm t ip k Htiftnf A Mflpirn hp nnrrsi Government .".self would in jUl probability ! to the Tanffof '40, every good eilect up. , advance L .o be as- i , Aur&nlincl. 1 1 . J '11 I . , .1 . I .... t - i uc uicuucriunieu. a lie manuiaciur- , on uie iiiari.eis ?rs insisted on the striking off the excise duty of3d. rjr square yard or they could n0t compete fvith the American factories, and the necessity of the case compelled England in 131 to take off the excise duty entirely. This it is that the much-abused tariff of 1823 brought about a permanent in inc cost ol the fabric in inr- From the Richmond Times. THE BRITISH MARKET. The Unsettled effects of the recent i. cribed, like the rise in wheat, to the potato ! f rut ? Assuredly not, but to the failure of ; Maine Election. -! the cotton crop. A deficiency in any kind j Thursday says : The Boston Atlas of un- of e ptem.be r S't Cul loch himself, free traded : ! .! i, taken chiefly from Mc the treat champion of f Jf it is iskeil ivh'y h is that the expan sion pfj tljo manufac ure of this article has; eontiijued, hotvifhstandir g the con tinual redaction 'of the price of the fabric I Pe rhap$ avo will find the true answer nart- l- .LLVL-! i t . .'it . :. - in inp rppiq ucviapmeni o try hself, kholfe, ineximustiblf pnoducttoii act1! by,! means of trade, as a stjpiulus on the ,n1 all kirids: and a defieiencv of cotton will telligence from England, have set the De- - produce a demand jpr cotton. But, we mocratic journals very diligently to de- j doubt not, it is as pertinent to attribute monstratmg the admirable effects of free the small enhancement of cotton to the trade. Their peculiar COUrSe of reaSOnr i nnlt,vrnt n tn Tfr Wllrpr' tnriff nr tr muu uuiouniing 10 more tnan the present ing, may be stated, in a lew woras, inus;,f tne repeai Qf tne corn laws price Per square yard of the coarse fab- Someweeks since, itvas asked b thej But how is it with toha'CCQ ? IIere .g It'j" ?e..m ! ! XIhJ?JR"??,Sh2 Si anothr article not produced in England, K l ' k V7-Ml"t,"w" "4 oo anu 10 ; s xucjr and fdr vrhicfc the demand like lhar fbr re hold up the price of the raw material than acture this -any one thing in the course; of its history, for admit- Shortly after this master result of our pol icy, which seems to have eluded the ob servation of our politicians, in which mill ions of revenue raised by England from our staple WSe re released, our own dis putes at homfc effected what England so anxiously desired. The tariff of 1832 made almost levery hempen article free of duty, ahd otherwise affected the duties on manufactures ; and in 1833 the compro mise act established wholly a new system of 1842j was in operation. But since they j " Gur friends in Maine did nobly at the second trial oh Monday. Thomaston, for the. first time almost within the memory of; man, has elected Whig Reprasentatives ! , This is almost equal to the election of a Whig in Nobleborough and Bremen. Bel fast, too redeemed, and has elected Hen- 1 ry Colburn, Whig, by a handsome vote, i Richmond and Bowdoinham have each elected a Whig. Lincoln county has done ever, me wans. nave not settif u mc , an inch, and the work will probaU be recommenced and'complett d. I perhaps 8500,000 more will be re Vlin pnmnlofp;) it i-!ll nfif ?i I n fi' ges of port holes, and about t large calibre. ; ; J KJfect of Cannon balls on Iron .' At Portsmouth some remarkable ra-J been produced by the experimental t. tice, from ihe Excellent, on the Sir n Ruby, and it is expected that the tvd.T.i: in consequence, stop the buildipgcf ir ; ers and other vessel for the preecr.t. T i i i -i . r t . 't ! wq cn nn me lwuur aui en r ncuuna;ru rrr t tirrr i tit fnitnifvit r . . , . r. 1 . . . I . I . . hnr, nl.Andir aIaaIihI itiapo V i iitl' - c-t 4 1..., 2m nr a in;i,npld n i ; asked this question, there has been a rise X" . 8 .1T ! ,,uu!r"u 1 c c ' 5 I ! , . " f " l f ! 'rpi , -it c 1fli0 :L. tet'.n n, , w''iuiiaicij(;iui uui uj)jiuucius, louaccu even man oiu ijeuueucu. in prices. , 1.tllVl J T. ? ! contirtuea to he more and more depressed, ' 4-So far as we have returns the Whigs upmuimuuuui iou iuiui, jn of M(. Waker and the tarjff of 1 he excellent circular, from one of has had the effect." Thus is bad (is due to the law of whatevier is good is due to whatever and -k 1846. this cbun powers of the A . 'ur r Uhembst respectable houses in Liverpool, 184G. Or, to put the case differently, it ( tiv. Stn Iir x,utU 1 i 1 1 r - "11 i. ! -J, "V- - l J HI uui IVkHWIUUI rvtu. r n a iirao .' i t 1 1 c fiiro thillinrfe ! nilCir. S ir. '-- . . J-. IIUUI Vlly IV Ul.. 1UIM lA.vol.llllllo.fri... ter, it is the abominable system of protec tion which causes it ; but if the next week it-rises jfive shillings, why it is Mr. Walk- house in s paper, gives this unpromising account of the Bri tish tobacco maijiet : 4, n '1 4' Tlie heavy stock of. tobacco in Europe, the er's free trade which is to 'be blessed for : large aipplies still to come forward, und the re- of-lluties. which th nm nthr VfVr.nll i it. hnt. if flour shoidd ncrnih. in the third ; ported-Juxurious state ot the growing crop :n the loch) hUiled as the harbinger of prosperity ! week, fall back five shillings, we should j United States, lorb.d expectation oj a satire . , t i l t i it. , '"'l J'v 'T p ' , , j tory business m the article during the ensuing to , Lng and. Indeed he exiiltinglv declar probably be caUed on to recollect tha the gesouVnor can a h e for futu?e business b ed that those modifications of the tariff ; tariff of 1842 is still in operation, and; be '. entertihie1 umil lhe uhure of tobacco in the had given a death blow to our manufac- j assured that it has caused the depression. United States be discouraged hv unreinunera- tures. have elected thirty-six to twenty-seven Locos and one Liberty.- The classed towns do not vote again until a week from Monday. Portland and Bangor try again next Monday." . . 1 i The Wrhig Convention which met yes- terday at Utica has nominated Mr. Young, ! of Livingston, as a candidate for the office ; of Governor, and Hamilton Fi?h, Esq., of ; this city, for Lieutenant Governor. The Massachusetts Whig Convention met in Boston yesterday, and by acclama tion nominated Mr. Brig;s for Governor, and Mr. Reid for Lieutenant Governor. the other side, carrvinu with it uluue i In ad ion this would lisK. t:e iron. of the vessel, for on heeling over to l'.. 3 ' such a body of water must ruh in, t! ing could prevent her sinking, wijh all . A representation of this important circ arising from the recent trials, ljas be to the Admiralty; and should jfuitler mental firing prove that serious ri:k v i casioncd to iron vessels ot war. wi.cr; ' to the chance of being struck bv 1 is doubtful if the Board will not as men-of-war. ! err- aw But fortunately for the country, ! This, we submit, as a fair sample of the ; ljng pcesa result which, of necessity, must , They are the present able and esteemd in ! cotton I the destructive period of that act was just! argumentation of our opponents about ihet be ne;tr at hand." Stintu us oiri the abcfr-cravmir i betore the close ot its ten vears continu-! resultsiot tree trade. J heir style is a per- ; . . , Jh .tslj-i' Jji ! lj ' iJ j .... .j. i; ..Uj ,.j -i .f i . . j :! .ui r u .i,..i. ...-I isoAvgeniieT i'pujuuoii oi. i j4jIijiwuci, ynicn, in us sun a4iut-, vuu we, were noi oounu uy me so- icci inriuiuincici ui mc mamcu, ? i J 1 t ' ! ! I ? J I ' I ... 5 n . .1 . . . . . . . 7 it 1 -1 - - - - - ' i-mnuy ol its pledge long to bleed under , may always Know wnemqr prices are cumbents. increasing demands for' our ra reacts with Atoltaiii energy up flnrtivrticrirtrit VklT. tiAhnla 'i I w material, uDon the pro-! the cruel stab. In 1832 the ound was bad ori good, as the laws of 1842 and dQCttvcjs'rarit .of! oljr people1 Production,! stanched, bui the whole politic was in the 184G are alternately described as in the mahufactaro, jand poiiisumptiph of the fa oric, ha.vri kept iaJeogethcrr As an out let for theW'ellih manufactbrp. rpdncin'rr prices jiek u'dUiobtjnualVyl- expanding consumptionJjarid thus is explained the very last stages of sinking.1 Yet see how like a charing with the returning smile of a fostering Qovernment, life and activity returns;, and every industrial interest springs" to its feet again. But the irrurri- difficult probieiri why production, in the bling cotton -planter, like the elder brother .hi id at of. its id most rriiraculous expansion,' in the parable of the prodigal son, stands but 6lowlyjab:iVdit extravagant profitsj, j off afar and j refuses, to join in the univer 4 the '$mprqybiheihtk in machinery, toge- j sal joy upon his brother's return. It seems ascendant. The Enquirer, of yesterday, falls very much jnto this manner of argument, but in oneportion of the article expresses more reasonable views: therwvthjthi fedUcipg priced of the raw " Nqv, we do that the recent entirely owincr to the revenue measures here and in England. We are willing to give some credit to the potato failure, and to the axiom gentle nen of the free trade school why is it. that your free trade does not im prove the prices of tobacco ? We pre sumef we shall be told, we ought not to expect any thing better as long as the ta riff of 1812 is in force. But with wheat and eottpn. it is perfectly clear that the tariff of 1842, though in f orce, is not work ing, and that the beneficent act of 184G is the 44 full tide of successful experiment !" j o not contend (says: that paper) Truly, our free traxle friends possess a won- rise of agricultural i products is diM facility of accommodating their ar- ! guments to circumstances. ; A Disappointed Pautv. The remnant of the Fifty-four-forties in the West are giving vent to their wrath in such manifestations as this, which the Ohio Statesman, (the organ of democracy in Ohio,) with some severe stric tures of its own, copies from the proceedings of a Democratic meeting in that Stale : : ...... i 41 Resolved, That President Polk, in his irucK Una to the South, and his crouching to th( California It is supposed t! Government at Washington: has i ' information respecting the fiction squadron on the coast of Lahlor:, that which recently came to the Minister. Tho Union of Moiul says . ' The events and prospecti on t" of California are bright pnd c There is reason to believe that 1 time the whole of that coast has i cupted by our squadron. Mo::tcr tainly taken, and Guimas, fcnd it tain that the Yerba Bucnajon t!. Call I I autisbi't duuiuiviii " ' ' . . . C i: r.i, n.:i;.k has oeen cuuiy oi Krowini"s ui iuc UIUI51I in.-", , t j k i 1 In inconsistency and treachery too base to be tain Montgomery, and it fs be. to be the fatje of Southern politicians to be matcrval.1; "enhbled the manufacturer to embarrassed with sisrnal failure in all their I that prices devend won the supply and demand contindc hisfcductiQn of prite for the fa- I predictions. They complained that this i But wi are just as confident, that the more ex- larin oi ior' wouiu oni)T cause rjiigianu r,,u,ru "Ul 'cici ui ut.....v, to lay countervailing duties, and to shut !lnd more probable a rise in prices." j her port's in a measure against our pro- , It is something to gain a concession that duce ;i but, unfortunately lor theiri reputa- Mr. Walker is not entitled to all the cred .one, so likeAvise thepimprovdment in the V.UHUIO mm i,ie mactiinery lor preparing the. raaUrial ;fbi marked enabled the planter lop fronihis prices, and preserve hts gains hUtilitUe impaired, which still vununuep, anu : m inis Uay remain greater culture, .with perhaps the xeeption of the KEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE, That Mr. Lewis, the Democratic Chair man of the Senate Committee on Finance. Cinriven. and a wroni? dishonorable to me na. tron, and has forfeited all claims to our conn dence and respect." The South Carolina papers are discuss- vith some warmth the expediency ot have been taken without anv r . I 4 IVAo )ar'VR truly! aniu: 44 how dark the locofocos'keep " in ject of the UrtfisJs.Tarifl. Tlje j o cininor to realize its destructive m . man J( mc ucuaio VUUII1UIH.V- vjit x- hkhi, nrr with SOflie wainuu r Ajiruu in j j i o c , , . - i during the debate on the tariff bill, stated ! sferrin- the appointment of Presiden- bu3iies .rcad R"d 'Jf Jf"' thnt the fithnd Oth sections of that bill. 1 "Sf " frnmL T.errislaturn to the : and fcare rVuIV, " .VA ' both of them 44 substantially COP- peoD!e. South Carolina is the only State ; ftran,f' that the were 1 r 111 C t k n v cfiruitd nretend to tut. w - - rk. ra mmAv & mucH fri '": in wnicu iwc prupic am iiwv , ravafTe9 Unon ousiness as omiii culture of sugar. ; ButjljwjsH joshdyvyou, Iry a plain his ioric detailthat this splendidly acting and reacting: Vpcfn betjween th marufac.tur Jtr in Enghind and the producer in Amer ica would lbnir' since have ceased its orous Action but for the protective arm of Ahiericip Congrcssj.H ! - . ;- j . ' ., . In 1171 England J repealed the statute 'Qichimade iVikhalio manufacture ariu WicteMholltjof. ckton ; and .from I hat hme tiU iqOGleyied adutyf 3d. sterling ?TPn i Iery Kuaro jyard manufactured in ? "Mm. i j In J 800 this excise dutv was , V b'tfdf 'Tfr Muare; itard. v lftsides ition as propfiets and wise men, the first ! it. The absolute destruction of nearly all , ;Le?in nnifcu Svi'Tift thing we hear from England on the sub- ! the fdod of theIrish is at last admitted, in lbb U.b A Hon o 1 A 1 U 1 L ton ject is that she has taken off the last pen- ! Democratic estimation, to have a slight ny of duty Upon cotton, in order to sustain I effecton prices, and what is more impor- j KEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE, and encourajge the manufacture thefe like- j tant, jthe law of supply and demand is not j jThat Mr. Payne of Alabama, when ask wise, i Herb then is the remarkable spec-1 wholly discarded from the Enquirer's e- j ed how the country would get revenue, re tacle of two of the most powerful. nations ! conomy. plied, 44 Easy enough wc shall consume on the globe, rivalling each other in en- JNqr are we disposed to dispute the Jbn couraging the manufacture of a staple, ; quirer s axiom, that 44 tbetmore extended . atrwme ! We shall derive a' revenue ot . uui no oiaie n v"c " . rVA about Lome. Then; (J the nfodur.e'rs of which nrofess to regard mir market the irrfiter niir demand, and i ft ihn nnnnnni ,f nd h hv iMPORTliNtj I tion SO thorougniy ari . 1.1 1 l:. i . Ano and r- j - n . . . w. , w..w.vuvr,vsw, .v.uvw, , .. it .1 ...ii.n ni irmi'ii 111 that. nnAnrBrmPnt :hv tri nti'nn wh'ieh i tnnrot nrnrht .eA ttV nriUec' tWhn ! T?Il?:.TIf 17SJi A Q f A TM V AS WE AOW i Visions, ana DV me oww , . : r. . J. . j i ? i . i i . ... ,r !. . t ' i . . .. will f the mai ioremost lo act anu compels us rival to j ever pojecieu 10 me uritisn opening ineir - .1 1 I - ' I M vote m a I'resiaentiai eiecuon. x uc Charleston Mercury warmly resists the proposed change. It! thinks that South Carolina is now the best governed Com monwealth in the Union, and it is con- FORFdON GOODS instead of roods made tent to keep her so. i ns may i .T . . . . e tit, nn Stat, in the Union nas a cmu faial ravages of the Cholera, b l4--old story hut we will repeat it fur i! : Gumbo had been told of.the tavcr j made among the intemperate, an l ! torious drunkard himsell, but he !. : . the story any more than lhe kco- imunous etiects oi ice j uru,.u J'. i "f&pecwti waspaid upon raw cot--; wn under the English taritrUr 1 -Jft7 tvhieh T?iVisc? . 71. undejr their tariff of , ... , - I j .! v ... t ;- , , "... J WwhWphofth do likewise) the greatest 'curse which le gisiation can bring down; upon them; j Yhat, (then, have been the effects of our protective system on this staple in America T - t I1' 1 By! protective tariffs it was first plan led here. . , " V . :;4 2-i protective tariffs a home market has been built up for this staple of great er- importance than the! English marker was.tweniy years ago ; . for when tne la riffqf 1 824 was passed; the whole arnbuht lot cotton manuiaciurea in s country, such England his dm. ' . m ports to American corn s It the measure. is to make their market available to us, who s there that will not be - pleased at it? Nd Whig, we are sure, has ever ar gued that the repeal of the corn laws would he prejuaicea to our people, unless they jwere allured hf t iritokhe adoption of unwise measures of their own. I What we Have contended for is, that the British measure conferred no manner of obliga tion !on us 5. : it was adopted from regard to; British interests entirely li and was based' i on jxp eniargea system ot commercial jrc-. ,; ' ' i;C5!t- '.:j. ! ;ri! 1 his knees at once and beg-od 1!. ns, ami 17.'- u: i : .r l.im "disone time "and Lev 11 e .1 . t ir ni T ri R wuiic uuuuia' . . . . Hail " wll 01 me iimjw. j , . f '-rate ever aflerwards. A jwag KEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE, V . - r-. . t -I 1 That Mr. McDuffie, ot ooum in replying to Mr. Webster, this 'extraordibory language : It was j ernment" upon the prospent ikot the LABOR of the coun- i c nr rnmmnnwealtb. trl would be eflected by this bill-THAT, 1 1 Uat nigga beendead two, tn If Y..n-. I ...nnntrfMPVT n Tl K.WATEK 1ILLI " J. ,,fa 1 l OO UC II (SaiU iUr. WCUUiuc, i,uuiciii nuuusn 1 x i. n ' l. t j rpi nrrate ever auerwarus. . tion is soeffec.ua ly pra yzed Jt te ; . , . " .7' may be, for an mis, wcu . unnck 4t the door. u ir Jouth Carolina, H ( bef it only affords another illustration , Tfae cholerat rrp!;ed xU r, made use of of lhe trifling influence of 44 forms of gov- j he want .Weut Gumbo! (h ige: It was! rnmpnf upon the prosperity and happi-, ft, Llowed , oul bis candle v.. and hurriedly replied "no 1 BtTTlA SMALL MATTER U" CEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE, ' ' fThlat Senator Cameron, "of Pennsylva nia" said of the new Vtariff-If ; the. bill had been arawn dv a Drmsn oiaiwiuou ji .DBaotmfvt nN Tf IE .WATER WHEEL. Am .r,,r de fic . V. . . 1. . ... 1 t. . ht t . ..nnrfnmtu 1CT WTC.lv. UI I ann uriliua v ivp nan nn uunui kcmi, . iiw. . . inspecting thej model pf an improved wa ter wheel, tbej discovery of a worthy cit izen of Kershaw District, which promises to be one of the inosumporiaiifc doors, show their alarni by t ; tellio their friends it sha!l ro; uch'nigga bere-ha bce.i C vrttkY'Beltoiri Fall Caulic 5. iff ti I -1 1 - 1 ' , I !- - -i 'J --.-4 :-;f-- S"-1",- V V