i I i t ! 1 1 I . ! v t i 1 1 -. - t : : ? ; i -t 'v L'i : - 1: : 5 - c . . J . -- - ' i ;'!! i ij I- ;'.'. t lr ; vy ... 1 I- n 1 U. f -f. ! 1 .A , - i .' .i.i , r- 'Hi' i A '; 1 r I ; . : ... : :1 ' t . ; ; i I-4 , i Jj h From ftlchiuM ;Vhi THfi WaU OF : CONCILIATION IV I The iWipatioi 9 front Washington, are erf decisive, that the president ha be- jU&Utisfied U at he can never sucked iii lUerins a neaccTwiih Mexico, by 2 i -: J ; t1 I I n f . mt of the neopl e of that -i ii -. t Country that the war agninst that itUnn "7 . I . I I V 1; ! and in nothing h&3 there been grosser or jmeanV of transportation,3 jand! a vol ime L.:l. K fitl.rl wifK ltnil: At this mo- :l - , -f- . . ..' 1.1 ment oaf levee is Ions intended for incumbered with wag Gen. Taylor's army, " ly- i gihlc 'thjngj tiieir government, hall je a JJrOtraClieU Olir, i nn lura ui. i",-? i farcical jond, ant could only have beeh!cn- rendered in the minds of those who on j Icivcd iUy the most singularly erroneous if ;.timn!i'ftf thn Aiexiean character. T Bv ! )yhat falaliiy thb ; Administration was m i daced to suipus(,"that, dilieiing so widely njrom the people of "all other countries, the I tit izehsrofi Mexico could be induced, al ii tnosticir masse, io abandon their ownjllag, j ndjo liail the approach of the invaders ! ns their liberators from an oppressive ty ! iatiny, we are at a loss to conceive. If !! ilicr-I'rci ident and his ad visiers had paused 11 io consider the iflcct which would have ;! been (irdduced upon the people of the ,U. S, :" jiadjrtii ijadingarmy fromG. Britain Jandr. r-d-Upon our shores, proclaiming that: they tamej td.NVage war, not against tnern, oui nganist their Government, it seems to us ihrit they would have been at once balis ilccl of ho fallacy of the hope which they Iseem'tO; Have i idulgedjin regard to the Tinnuence of a s milar proceeding oh our own part! towailds the Mexican Govern incntanirbeoplel American citizens Vvould deem! stjch an effort to separate therri from the (ovjenmentj to which they owe! alle iatnee, as.a degrading imputation upon their 'patriotism and as an insult to. their ,undestadings,--l-and though, like the Mexicans, they might conceal this fueling Jit tho presence ,of a powerful enemy, they jWoutd not be less prompt to assail him Avherieyer a reverse of fortune should en- able Ihem to .strike an effective blow. j Sucll will be the! (ate of our army in (Mex- jco. Furnished readily with such supplies as theyj required, and as the Mexicans Averej ahle to dispose of, at prices vvhich all Recounts concur in representing as most enormous, pur army will neverthe jless fjinc should jthey meet vith a reverse of fortujie. (which we' da not, however, thinle at all probable.) a formidable and J'crocjous enemy in their rear, whose seem ing friendship, as all accounts novv con cede,! is but a perfidious mask, which they are eager io inrpw on. i ne iruin i,s, me 0 of Mexiqo, even those bordering nearly on I the United States-can fe be incorporated w ith the citizens of this Couhtry Of distinct races, they are still more widely separated by differences of!rejigion and by their 'social habits and customs ; and, so intense and enduring is this (intagonism, of feeling, that even, if the war shall be terminated by tnc an- . ncxation to the iUnitetl States of all that Iiortfon of the Northern Mexican States )ordering upon the Hio Grande, from its ;sourj:e to its mouth, there will be almost la univpsal exodus of the-Mauritarian TaCO hi' whom1 it is nnw nrnnlMfh1 K y 1, J -- - - " " I I 1 v V VI , ' j tween iwhom and the Anglo Saxon, if! there imj no actual antipathy, the points)! assimilation are too fe w and feeble to ren der" heir amalgamation possible. l ,, B Jf,: we are digressing. A New Or leans correspondent of tbe National Intel- Jigencer relates the following anecdote, for the purpose of showing the views and expectations of our government wben the var commenced : if' JA feeld officer of the army, noiv with GenJ,Taylor,toUl me, when passing through here, that ho was in Washington l.-Tst spring when the first news arrived of hos tilitjes, and Congrtts adopted prompt mea- sures-ior ttio war; he was conversinsr with a prominent member of Conirress. ;the chairman of an important committee. which brought him in constant anil confi uential communication with the Govern- ment, of which he was an ardent politi I; caV supporter, and this otlicer w:ts -statin? 1 . - . ; - . I jhs views as to Ihe most ellectual plan fori jirwtcuiing me war against Mexico; and after he got through doing so, added that : hlS'plan vvasj followed he thought the -war mignt oe Drought to a close by Janu .. '.. r I ... ry:;ncxT. " January r said the; chair ing dai- after day with all their fixtures, exposed to a sun which raises the tper rTnrr.nfi.r trt tSO pfr ? nntl mtlleS" boUgbt fin tfic Western country, arid brought here lat a great expense, are being shipped Jy I T r fi i'ii.viU whipVi THOPlVt? S3.0C0 to oouuu freight for the run down to the Brazos Santiago, carrying tOOto 150 mules ekch; many of which ,r.sh on anu me "sun nsufe- , . . . WHtit nf nrnnnr Care, a r o . , ,r. nnd one nan ot those bindpd will die from not being accl ma h.A n., .,r Kps transports recently em- furh..r 197 mules here and landed; 22; !thp remainder died or were thrown Over . , , , board in a trale ; anu an inis done nen far better, more serviceable and acclima ted mules (fan be bought there at j 825 each. All this, however, is but a tjnerc item in comparison with other arrange t.i,i'h!ch doea not vet ccaae to teat irfkecor dauce m& everything fatbrable iw the progress, of human liberty Either he re or abroad. Cheery GentlemeuJ ht siich a party Us lb? jjVVhi parly, composed jof ijilelligentboneit, pafnotiq and conscicntiouis men and masses of men,' it is not to bo supposed or expected, thaton all great questions of pqhlic interest and h Sub ordinate divisiotis of those ; .questions,! that it ihould be entirely uqanimous ; but experience shows, that, without unanimity, a community of fecit and a community of purpose, we cannot bringhout a co-operation which; U tiecesfary i.,u - otmn and result. There are impor. tant tonics, on the ? x pediency of which gentle. mJ, v,o,0 nrp.;nt. whom I hold high in my re- iucu hviv r , , attempt at "any thing like architectural tr compactness nnu precision consists m tour tiers of buildings, whose fronts are isbaded with a fringe of portuUs or corredores of the1 rudest possible description. The stand around the public square, and comprise the Governor's house; the custom-house, the barracks, the Casa Gonsisloricl of the Alcaldes. the military chapel, beside sev rt I shall snap at every opportunll youro wn bril Lctvven. hoorerer. i M ; ! tripk the 5ew Ortetns Delta. tar.; G. W.IC will not forget to . i refute to pay i your pen against t: M1SCEL ! LATER. : Two Spies caogit and hon j at Camargo Col. Clark, thd Ccmmaajant at Mattamoras, shot at Ciuiens ordered to t armea. A ennrllr rid ! ha tn f" h a iVieDd. ;il.h"l.ha had gone to tie Fi Iments, a nd the inland expeditions to Svanta Fe, &c. particularly connected With ; Loud cheers. and on which they advocate a line i omy noi apparent to me. Oihers may rely upon other sources and look upon othr foundations and eth er hopes for pur cou'nlry, hut I confess, sir, that in this period of my poliiical life-r-now hot an early one, I am full of the feeling that there is one hope that can actuate good i men in this country. I see that in the dar'.c and troubled night that surrounds, us there, no star of hope Wn'-th horizon, but in the intelligent, iitri- ctic, united Whig1 party of the United. Stales. pral nrivate residences, as well as most of following extract ot a letter written at Point Is the shops of the American traders, !. ' . I abe outhe cfentng of the 10th inst : Thn noniilntmn rf Npw1 Tin i Springs, to spend M n r) n M) a ft xui H"""""" cv iiir,Aiv or i : t T n.r.tk.rhn rpsterdav 1)V th Mrtvim. pit. ... , most exclusively confined to towns and : r.- -.,t.ri.ui;ntnin.ariinn.hi.re I sensioiy ie uy t: villages, the suburbs of which are genor-J which are dull. I have now an opportunity their return grati! ally larms. JfciVcn most of the individual 0f fomUhinw tod wilh the newl received just fusing cheprfulnc- raiichos and haciendas have .grown into noW from Matiamoras, which amounts to this. t;npss Tfrne A bef. ..:ii l . :.i:,rckl. 1 i.. . ji-n... 1.:- t !.;. I M"raa '.o - . .. j: It t . . i . .. . tA t all of them, co;nn t ior proieciion against iue marnuuing sav- i piace, it siaies .inat two fpica w.c anca.u , - ... . I m. I 1 . .1 7 "I. 1 V. m- t ,9 FROM THE ARMY. From the Hew Orleans Picayune. We have letters from Cerralva quite as late the (camp at Camargo and examined, their guilt they should miss t! 4 ... i. . I : . I II also stales nat a party o! Americans, wninnr ghgfcg such h3 tr,: way from Camargo to Matamoras, were attack. , ' . , .! ed by some Mexicans one American and six havc nad ,nf lal" Mexicans killed. ; The news from Mattamoras as uiue, as an inuir is, that Col. Clarke was shot at while sitting in as a whipped schc; ! -peop 'most ! neve Fl-om the Richmond Whig. : MASSACHUSETTS. The Whiir State Convention has nominated George N. Briggs and John Read, Esquires, for re-election to the offices of Governoj and Lieutenant Governor of that State. We had annrehended, from the course pun sued by the 'Boston Daily Whig, Boston (pbur aer, and one or two other leading papers in that S'.ate, which while eschewing Abolitionism, have been recently more than ordinarily clam orous on the subject of Slavery, that, in order to ensure unanimity in the Whig ranks, the lar ger portion of. the party would be compelled Id make some new declaration on that subject, to which recent events have imparted a fresh in terest, and which must, at no very distant day, be brought to a direct issue. For one, ws are prepared to meet lhat issue, come when it may. Devoted as we are q the Whig party, on broad national grounds, we shall not the less prompt, ly resist all interference with a purely Southern question, be it attempted when oij by whpm it may. While the resolutions adopted bv the Massachusetts Convention do not go beyond the ground assumed in the amendment proposed by Wilmot, and sustained at the last session of Congress by neatly every member, of both po litical parties, from the non-slaveholding States, we nevertheless deeply regret that it was adopt- cd at all. It is true that they only declare that they will oppose the extension of slavery and its introduction into any new; territory hereafter to be acquired, so far as they may do so consis tently with their allegiance to the Constitution, I and their duties as members of the confederacy. Ii But why make even such a declaration ?! Do they expect thereby to. conciliate Abolition sup port ? Even if they could obtain it, they should scorn a victory obtained by the aid of a (action doubly dyed in fanaticism and treason. But they will not obtain it. The Abolitionists will have their own ticket in the field in Massachu setts, as they had in Vermont and in Maine ; and we are glad of it for who can touch pitch, and not be defiled ? Towards them there is but one course to pursue, if the Whig party Ok the Union is to be preserved. Throw them Gentlemen of lb e contention ! the; hour of your separation has arrived, (criesol " Uo oo ) and I will not detain you. I rejoice with you in the general -unanimity which has crowned your proceedings. I partake in the happiness you feel in the prospect of re-electing the tried candidates for the Executive offices of the State, whom you have I his daiy re-nominated; (cheers,) and of maintaining the general supremacy of whig policy in the commonwealth. I rejoice with you in the hope of obtaining the power to arrest whatever threatens to extend slavery, or to mar the industrial pursuits of our people. I rejoice with you in every anticipation ot success and prosperity in which we are allowed to in dulge, and I agree? with you in believing that there, is riothing that can promote! the cause of happiness and liberty, in the present state of political affairs, but the firm maintenance of the Whig principles which " Massachusetts has so long sustained. (Loud cheers) gentlemen I am thankful to you for every token of your kind and respectful regard, and take leave of you by sincerely wishing that the harmony of the Whig patty, which has been evinced here :to-night, may lead to its usual consummation great and entire success." asj.apt. Murray would appear to have brought, bis rwm, and that it was ordered lhat all Mexi. The first which we subjoin, from Mr. Kendall. ' ;vere to; bo deDrivcd of their arms, and "ives all the details of the expedition of the U,, .hnnld either ,. nt nf ih r!tv r rnmi? tfc TTnitprl S Mrs Rangers, and the second dated the 7th instant, into it without ,the written order of the comraaii. h..rY 11U bUi indicates that Gen. Worth was medttai.ng an der if the posil In taking arms from the Mexi- ' - K " attack upon the enemy, rather than expecting Cans,Uhey made' new discoveries of secreted drotn up tfcrplts Icr one. THE CAPTURE OF SANTA FE. The St. Louis Republican announces the recent' arrival of an express at Fort sLeaven worth from New Mexico, bringing tliQ gratify. in news of the entrance of Gen. Kearney in to Santa Fe without the firing of a gun ors any opposition from the Mexicans whatever. This occured on the 18th of August, and the entire department was formally taken possession of in the name of the United States. We have nei ther time nor space to give in to-days's paper the particulars, ,which are detailed at much length in the Republicans. It would seem that Governor Arjiijo had actually four thousand men at his command, but very badly armed; and that, though his troops left for the place appointed as the tattle-ground. when he got there a council of his officers was called, and, much to his satisfaction," they re. fused to fight. Very soon after this, Governor Armijo turned Jus head towards Chihauhau, followed by a few dragoons. General Kearney, it was supposed, would leave a force of two thousand men in Santa Fe, and riiarch, in ajshort time, to California with a like number, j ; It appears by a letter in the Republican that, after leaving Fort Bent, most of the ammuni tion wagons of the artillery were forced to put in oxen instead of the other animals ; that the exen had also given out, and it was with great fliffietiltv the, i.iph proceeded onward. Several off, as lepers, whom it were contamination to j hundred horses and mules were left behind the 4 l man -in, reply with much astonishment; I NVhysir, if we cannot close this War bv ;;yyt thc soonc we buy ofl' Mexico the tjUetier.Hi " Wei , sir." said the officer, "ill sucn are your expectations, the sooner Vou ; Degin to get 'the money ready to buy her :j 7 ofT the betters ; t I 3 '. . ?,r?m tne saie letter we make the fol I ' lowing interestinir extract, from Which thn j :. ; 'cadcr will be enabled to form some, idea ot the lolly of the. Administration in at-! I ; , t?inPl,,1S lo carry on a- war of concilia-! r,: 1 "tloj!t,!?n51 thpi immenie expenditure to ; iwhiclr h has .nfready M, and the amount . of w hich, when1 the aggregate slialj be Jurnmed up,will make the tak-paydrs open ' nrS5a Lven the buse of the Flor- : 1 r:ar seem De thipwn Into the shade telc scale i ; i . "f Mexican campaign has fltll?!11 o douLt reach Mon- H cr nu w, nu U city of non combit 1 ants, and tho obiect f "inmbat- Hi jrthur advanced than at'SiaS ke fomo of their seaports, but r : that is of no material consequence as , 1 Mexico has bul little commcrJ i t lJat !? olny vantage to her,ai itisali a ,J dne by; foreigners, and in jfbreigi, shins : i uu as io tautng possesion of herfron ier ! ' intVna : L. 1 - I i 11 ' Vl ' .i 7 . r. . 1 u ? vtry acceptable i -. T a uur army, oy Aneirs immensn exnnditurenr UiJ .ull j country by consuming f every thihg they! L can -furnish, aU navinff four nrwi eVery article. - sttHe mannef inwhicfc he yar thus far has been condubted, ut ttr tgnorancc, waste amI extravagance have inltrked all the arrAnlLf nectedwithiaereatbomeT;; equently had h. correkponUinir ofiTrrt touch. Treat them with contempt so long as they merely speak treason, and while they touch not the ark of our political covenant with initio, ly hands. But whenever they shall attempt to carry out their avowed purpose of effecting a dissolution of the Union, as a means of effect ing which we see Lloyd Garrison, Wright and others uniting with congenial spirits in Great Britain, to raise money for the purpose of " agi tating " that topic here whenever they com mence that work, let them be hung as htnrh as Ilaman. The following resolutions on the subject of slavery were adopted by the Massachusetts Con I venlion much stronger and more offensive re S solutions having first been submitted and fejeel ted by a decisive majority Resolved, Thai the whigs of Massachusetts regard slavery as a great moral, political, and social evil, and they therefore pledge themselves to present as firm a front of opposition to the institution of slavery,, as is consistent with our allegiance to the constitution, an4 our duties as members of the confederacy. Resolved, That the whigs of Massachusetts will continue to use all constitutional and pro. per means to restrain thealready preponderat. ing influence of slaveholding interests in live national legislation, to defeat all measures cab culated to uphold slavery and promote alLcon stitutional measures for its overthrow, and will oppose at all times, with uncompromising zeal and fimn?ss, any farther addition of slavy-bold-ing States to this Union, out of whatever terri tory formed ; and that 4 hey "'ill in like manner 1 oppose all farther extension of the slavery f the African race on this continent. If, under ; iuc ucniuiem ii i rovtoence, it shall Happen j ! that portions of this continent, not belonging to j ! the United States, shall be settled by the Saxon race, let those settlers carry with them, w hie rev ! ! . l Tl 4 . . 1.1. army, unable to follow. The latest date is a letter of the 24th August, which says : j 44 On to-morrow a body of troops will march towards Albuquerque, to take possession of that district. It is supposed that a detachment of the army will also soon be sent to California. The artillery under Major Clark is erecting fortifications in front of the town. The two companies under his command, commanded by Captains Fischer and Weightman, it is gener ally supposed, will be stationed here, Supported by some other forces ; Major Clark comman ding the garrison. These are the current re ports, generally credited, although Gen. Kear ney can hardly! know for certain how the ap pearance of things may change, and what steps may become necessary to ensure permanent tranquillity in the province. 44 In conclusion, let me say that we have not lost any men the artillery, nor have we any sick at the present time ; thai we are all as contented as we can possibly be. and burning with impatience to hear from our friends in St. Louis and our 1 brother soldiers in the south." 4 S A 1ST A FE. M This having become a place of .interest in the public eye, since General Kearney's expedition to it, we extract from Mr. Gregg's 44 Commerce of the Prairies" a description of the town and its neighbor hood. Mr. Gregjr made several; trad ing expeditions from Missouri to Santa Fe, and became welljacquainted 'withj that place, as well as with the intermediate country. extract. M ; 44 Santa Fe, the capital of New Mexico, is the only town of any importance in the province. We sometimes find it written Sinta Fe de San Franr.iscn. fflhlir Ffth ; .u... . :L4 .:. . ,. ... .. ... . ' v -j - j 7 isi. metr own tree jblood, ; ol St. Francis.) the latter being the patron the blessings of free government and free in- m- tHt.lrv- T t Tr U . stitutions for all, and chains and fetters for none Correspondence of the New Orleans Picayune. Cerralva, Sept. 6, 1846. The two companies of Texas Rangers, under Captains McCulloch and Gillespie, returned last evening from a fecouting tour in the direc tion of Monterey, and brought back m ire full information of the enemy than has been hereto, fore received. Capt. Meade, of the Topographs cal Engineers, accompanied the Rangers, hav ing been sent out by Gen. Worth, to examine the roads. The party started from here on Friday after noon, without pack mules or. baggage of any kind, and with only three days provisions. Before sundown, and at the foot of the moun tains, a suspicious looking Mexican was caught. IJe endeavored to escape by running, but on finding lhat his horse was unable to carry him off safely he turned at some cattle he saw by tho roadside and pretended lhat he was a raca ra, or a Cow-driver, and hunting an astray. jrhis ruse, however, did not get him off, and a great deal of information was finally extorted from him by threats. He stated that Canales was near Passa Gallos in considerable force, and that there was a body of regular cavalry un der Col. Carrasco in the neighborhood. As Passa Gallos was a place they had been order ed to examine the party hurried onward. The road was exceedingly rough, full of loose rocks ; and extremely hard upon the horses; yet this did not in the least check the advance. The small rancho of Passa Gallos, about thir ty miles from this, was passed without an ac cident, but an old fellow at one of the jacales stated that two couriers or express riders, car. rying news of the advance of the Texans, un doubtedly had passed a short lime previous, go ing ahead in hot haste. . A littie farther on, a bout one o'clock in the morning, the advance guard of the Rangers came suddenly upon the pickets of the enemy, and although they gave them a hard chase the fellows succeeded in get ting off by taking to the chapporal. In the pur- suit, however, one of them dropped his lance a regular cavalry which was picked up and brought in. It was now ascertained that the Rangers were within but a short distance of the camp of the Mexicans, and the latter had chosen a strong position in an arroyo or dry gully from which to defend themselves. They outnumbered the Texans, too, in the ratio nearly eight to one, having 500 rancheros at least under Canales, and from 2 to 300 regular cavalry under Col. Carrasco ; and under these circumstances there was no other alternative left than to retire. The Texans went about two or three miles on the back track, where on finding a strong posi tion they encamped for a few hours to rest their jaded horses. An attack was certainly antici pated, for the Mexican leaders must have known the force of the Rangers; yet the morning hours wore away and the sun rose without an alarm. On first ascertaining the force of the Mexi cans, from the prisoner who had been taken, McCulloch sent back a note to Gen. YVoith. This officer immediately despatched six com panies of regular artillery and infantry on the road, to sustain the Rangers in case ihey were beaten back. They weie met on the return, three or four leagues from here, and all came i together. The route taken. by this scouting parly was the right hand one to Monterey, passing Marin. The left hand road, which goes through" Caid ereyta, is thought to be the worse of the two over the mountains, and the other will probably be the, one taken by the army. Whether there are any more troops on the route than those encountered near Passa Gallos is not known, but the appearance of these would indicate that Arhpudias keeping a bright look out f r the advance of the American army, and perhaps with the intention of opposing its progress be fore it reaches Monterey. Gen. Smith's brigade came up this morning from Santa Aguda, so that Gen. Worth now has something like 1700 men under his command. The residents there have been expecting an at tack from their own leaders nightly, and hun dreds have left the town for the ranchos in the neighborhood. This place, or name of if, has all along been spelled Seralvo. A Mexican says it is Cerral vo, and signifies a white or early morning light upon the mountains. The appearance of the neighboring mountains, between daylight and sunrise, is exceedingly magnificent. G. W. K. an3Xf all descriptions, as well as ammunition, vice. Those w io Evfry American in the rity i compelled to arm regular armV of t! i i 1J 1. : : : j: : I b -4 , i. i i , . . , , . an opportunity ol i ed the Mexicans -would perhap take advantage J . rr of the apparent indifference of the Americans "iaui anj iuru, i and regain Matamoras. hut if they make the at. tect thev may un. i ; tempt, they will find their reception very warm Burke at thj M . , . . , . i ' out not very pieasant. '('he next newt from the army is looked for by the otlicers here wub a great deal of inter. est. as the accounts already received leave but little doubt that ere this there hat been some figHting. j Youm. ccc. doubt not, wi sure. II :it: Large and h t arc no THE CAROLINA WATCHMAN. merchants handsome sleeks from the North. t . season is opening bftnjr lanre. Ui t (roods we stock of Messrs. 13 r advertisement c we suppose p.ci.: will speak far ll. should be too lu: waiting on custcr: DCr The journal s correspondent inglo- tjwrze us !o le riously backs out from the fulfilment on what they arc re r. nis tnrear. io onng lorwara names nna their line of buii;. specify charges against those whom he (act ror suck .jj,. has been assailing, from his secure retreat. :s nbt,i,r An open figrjt does not seem to please him. He is, therefore unworthy of notice ; and Salisbury, X. C, FRIDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 9, 1846. The Weatlicr h after what follows, we shall not notice T' !" , ? o- .u !!. u- l:. covered several nim iuriner,;unie53 lie appears uvcr nis t nrnnpr i rrnnl iir I . C I..... 4 m... n .. 1 nere nas ueen, ana is yet, a very man ifest disposition in certain quarters to in jure the character and standing of the. Presbyterian Church, in this Town, in con nection with the subject of treating at the last election. A great deal has been writ ten and published here with this tenden cy, as well as at Charlotte. This work Pe Rowan ton: has been managed by the Locolocos alto gether ; and as they set out with the de- . m termination ol having their own way about it right or wron, we have paid but little attention to their effusions. It is due to the Whigs, and to the Society mention- ;d above. inferior crop cf t one farmer iii ten '. half crop. I The ChiUsUmd vailed here to an c; is abating to oni- s a bushel of Pill mel. Qui ni n e; and ' Pills Dreadful 1 A Grand Circ exhibit in this To We expect alter t however, to state, that they every little iJoy a . i.. i : i i I J have been grossly .and variously slandered j tJjnrr some nt Jit speech, cau ways const itutcs these shows. The Match II per, will certain!;. stand, at thetp; tears of the Turf deeply concerns! test, and requrst is in fine order : tion is favor J)! pleasant seaion. Commcnt.Yl. realised provj ! i home a begjz'ir. I! it 1 3' ? Ms- i i - .. J.,L lf ! Wherever our language is hereafter to by sdo- , i i . i i .i i r Ken, our ntstory rememoerea, our example quo ted, or our kindred acknowledged, there lejt uni versal freedom and equal laws be proclaimed l! to man." ! r ' 44 Mr. Webster was not a member uf the Convention, but, coming into the -Hall jujst he. fore it adjourned, was called out, and made the followinsr excellent remarks, from whirh it i o . - very evident that Tie did not concur in the; fore going resolutions. 44 Mr.Chairman and Fellow Citizens : Ideem it a great piece of good fortune to he for a few moments in n large a body of the Representa tives of ihe Whigs of Massachusetts. Wher. ever they are assmbloH. thA U n lA is t liberty about them that J love to inhale. tjLoud cneers.j ihere u an avowed attachment to or tutelary saint. Like most of the towns in this section of country, it occupies the jlc ii.-.Li . -t. . , ou'l' ... 4 u.ww. ,u.rtll U,gC, ; hoJd near pa;Jsa Ual,)S. h wi,J b(J a difficult wnose race u,as oeen extinct or a great matter, so wide awake and cautious are these many years, j its situation is twelve or fif teen miles east of the Rio del Norte, at the western base of a snowclad mountain, up on a beautiful stream of small mill-power fellows, but no harm can be done if it falls. The prisoner taken the other night by Mc Culloch turns out to be a shrewed chap and one of no considerable importance. He admits that size, which ripples down in icy cascades, he was sent ahead to better himself in ihe way . i ; ' .i . . - . ;' . i r u i i , i "iu joins me; river som iweniy :mues to I uwsc uai u, uy leaving nis own . I . mi " ' . . . ; .. J . I . C , . li . the condition a id movements ad ihe :innution of eir fathers. ! i - i Ml T lsolll?eai:ni;i that warms a heart hot nbvr indeed Touthlub the south west ward. The population of the city itself but little exceeds three thou sand, yet" including several surrounding villages which are embraced in its corpo rate jurisdiction, it amounts tp nearly six thousand souts.' i "TV4 s very irregularly laid 6kt and mostof he streets are JittJel better than; common hijrhvvars. traversmir scat- u'fed settlements, which are interspersed withj corn, fields' uearly "sufficSent ta sup- and stealing one of our$ and also to collect information in relation to the strength and po sition of General Worth's camp. Canales will probably wait some time for his return, for he is fast enough here. There is a rumor here nothing but a minor, mind you that Santa is advancing upon Mon. terey with 40,000 men. i I might give you a column of other reports in circulation, but they, of little moment and come from the most unre liable sources Mexican mouths..' V' I am; fearful, after this, lhat the chances. of that Waras , heart ! the inhabitants withioniy ! sc to'w Os by those hush-fighting scribblers. The Whigs do not deny having treated. The Democrats dare not. As to the part ta ken in the matter bv Ruling Elders. members of the church, &c, we shall sat isfv ourselves by asserting that two-thirds or more of the statements which have been made to their prejudice, are false. We had supposed that such of them as have been alluded to, bv these revilers. would have appeared in their own de fence; but it seems they have not consid ered the attack made upon them of suffi cient importance coming in the form it has -having no responsible source to re gard it. Conscious of their own rectitude. ; they cnoose to let mose aiscover the truth, Mefancholn P, who leei interested, rainer than proclaim house of Mri T iKJr innnrrnrp. I ' And now let us here say, that this per- Friday evenir" spptltion for it is the snirit of nrxrnf inn i .., r- ' r auouiinree year. will mnt niilirfrl Iv dicannninf ife nurn . . - : J --".fi'" nor in nossp , 1 :.... I ;ll J ! , a I aim : aim us auinor, win nna nis I a Dors ..a i .1 . I uiiuciaiiiuu ii. resulting m the building up of those he struck down hv i ! seeks to tear down. t , M r. : consuming the be ! child. The ricgro escape from the !. life, though she burnt.- A littlq girl, man, aged about present, and escn; man was noL at ! must have been L. to his dwelling, v before, he had b i ; I Another Mihi:. Henry C. Wir. Ir : our county, was I horse, (as is su;; ning last. He f of business in' the re turned within : where he was f : I was riding a vcu; in feeble hcals.i ; as we learn, v a few minutr i dead, and was tl. was broken ah - v wtis n wound i i ' yound on ns f . . posed was dor I CC3 The hired conductor of the Char lotte Jefiersonian, in a scurrilous article against the ejders of the Presbyterian Church, in this place, says, "We under stand these federal pretenders to sanctity anjd temperance regard our cfTorts to ex pose their misdeeds as a wanton interfer ence with their affairs." Deceived soul ! W. rlnnV Vi.i;... Cerralvo, Sept. 7, 1646. ife as much ... . - ff . rom what I can gather, a plan is on foot to . . m . surprise Canales and Carrasco in the stron2 . , "J mRunc wnose Pure yet leels the cost of your acquaintance. gain, he says' Well, so far as we knjjw, Ave have no favors to ask of them," That is true j enough : you have long since received full dues of kindness from those you are now seeking to injure. You ought not to ask' more. But think ye ac counts are fully balanced ? And yet again; : 44 So long as we can wield a pen, we;shall continue to lash as well as we can, the Smisdeeds of all such miik-andjwater pretenders, See. Ibarra for youj ! posterity, to remotest generations will acknowledge their indebt edness Jo your powerful pen. in reformi ng the; immoralities jo( tpehage, as yveli as for ;ff:,,?

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