V?i 1 .' ' . 1 ! ' 4 i , -i i l ( '.r .-:!,! 'lr- M . 1 if v: i1 hi..'' ! i I r" '. ' Is . ' ' - .ti - M -t . . 1 .. j - 'i a - i ; ' . . . J e 5 'a' V 7 0 t. r 6 . U id W v ''', ffom w faml CorkltV 3 a man -ff-r i' h' : : v. f 1 McddMl.. oil'": mi hc lv n if J. FVM cars. .Jj -J.il i.-;.J looking on. yhi1.5 n boy (eljr. how. We will not sajr, that if wo believed the Stan 3ardi animadversion on Gov. Graham had ori ginated in a 'spirit! of. gehutnl piety of thanki fulness to! the Giver of all Good for the benefits our; happjf countW has receivedwe should riot with duli&lit teamini; It tLea'ut set well oa hUtoaiach" any i pear hpro aaiu,!' John, I , " , .. 1 from his big whitfe eyes, and with a broad grin displaying a row cf beautiful white ivory, re plied " 1 wouldn t bin here dis time, j oniy go. constable lotcn-.ma I ' it 1- have attempted tocaslridjctlle upon him how. I chibald Baker, BENJAMIN JULIAN, Postmaster t But believing that his remarks wero induced by a spirit sb factious, tfUt it would not hesitate to J. G. RAMSAY, of Rowan, to Miss SARAH f U3TEK, of Davie county,! it tempting 1 turn a Wagon and tearri make party capital out of the most sacred sub 'a'ttttfrpw iaie V when, one of he hor$- jectwe! have Vtjid what we have said. gainst jjiui -w.p..-a wal ili limj; aboui 10 hours, and Irl thft fuli nercise ol his 1,1 rinUe'd rtci'hik ritel This ifflictiv ov i;tnenstttion ol 1 r f - -. made a sudden w Mrtd run the tongue ol tne wagon m 1 11 V ex- reason e idence falls With the rreater wcight'upon iis bereaved parent ince U h.is been but a few weeks "ago he l(Mthis!wifcan obitiiary notice af whom WH be lounci in tins paper. THE MEtlCtlANfS AND DEMOCRACY MEMREctTORsV $me anonymous-writer IniheUittFuUers Journal, sinii himself An Ohserrcr' akes the liberty of beratingtbe M'erchaWofiouf'.'IVw to, coniiarawe ex. tent i whether fJr rra jr trppoJ oflrnces, I cannot y, IIJu M.Jt pay jxtoy nave some weight totti irijury ot pur Mercnants wan iDose xVV are Ignorant or. tne. reoton wny mis un n una cowiy,on l ursaay evening last, or K-eT. at- TH? SPOILS DOCTRINE. The Loco Fodos have always acted upon the doctrine lhat to the victors beloug the spoils, but we Have never, until the present time!l heard of its being perily avowed by any one except the Hero of the Patched Breeches Got. Mari t i ... . rv..-.: -1 i I .. cy. tiY, nuicr, icuiucrai:j us;" pro Departed this life on the 23d of Anffl'after an! illness v. vuij uiic vuj, ua. Vr., Wile UIJJUUil f . iw L-orkle, tsq., of Kowan county, aged 31 years 2 month ana i j days. ! r ew events to the providence ot vod ar more tnysterioas. or better calculated t call forth dee and heartfelt sorrow than the death of this amiable wo man.! She was taken awav in the meridian of life, ac : tivity and usefulness : leaving a tender and affectionate husband, (bait interesting children and a! numerous circle of .frienda to mount their irreparable I033. ; GOpDS! GOODS!! v :;! vs. , '3! Hrft ta 1. , ' ' " "'"w auxaure XcY SlocK ol Watclxcs, "': ".-j. c.j. ? .a .U kind cf f.ncr goj,"or;. -i5v TAOIES.f' . SKs riia tVi a !rtnna nrnmnn tarhra vetiq tl rrntrfi 1 a Kip rrreiued t so far that it no longer requires even I husband : the mother who euided her hduse withldiscre- the profession of jpuro and disinterested patriot 1 tion, and trained up her family for God i whose children cabled forahdilUijetai ajtacK nas ocen maae up. on tbem b the reformer of the Loct foco party of Saiiwrv. l ViU'liereJas briefly, as I can, toward f Mr. Childress, says : 1 j. "In the first blacrXJhi&iress was a Whin" out i! office, ano: had no political right to apply for ofBc4 under 4 democratic-administration." - We shall not j stop to inquiro vhcre :the NeW Era got, his authority for saying that a Whig has no light to apply for office under a demo, cratic administration. We might, to be sure, very safely defy! it to point to any thing in the Constitution of the United btates justnying such an as5ej-tit btit we know the democracy re. gard tbl Constijution as a mere matter of moon. shine. We might even challenge the New Era to prove, hts assertion by the Resolutions of '99 and 99 jV but we i will not do it. We shall h4 content with thanking the New Era for its Candor m giving the true creed of his party ltf regarul to othce. - i When Gov. Marcy dies, ;e hopejlho will leave those patched breeches to the New Era--Petersburg Intelli J male character. A- ' I In the ,20th year of her age, she united herself with the Presbyterian church in which she lived an exemplary and consistent life until called by death to join thej church triumphant. Her end was peace ; calm and composed without a struggle or a groan : her spirit took Jts night to the resions of bliss, to the mansions of rest ;anJ of glory prepared for the people of God. " Blessed are the dead jho die in the Lord," 44 So fades a summer cloud away,. So, sinks the gale when storms are o'er ; So gently shut the eye of day, So dies a wave along the shore." Com. , DIED In thia Town, on last Friday afternoon, after a short illness, Mrs. ELIZA WEELER, aged about 64 THE ubscribers are now'lrrceivihg from the North, their Fall aud Winter Goods of every description, such as u. - n ! 0)g, - Hardicare, Cutlery, Groceries, Crockery, ' I H I v Sond Glassware., Among their stock may also be foufid some of the band samest and finest ankles for gentlemens and ladies' ..wear, via: i j . x ; ; . ... Cashmeres, j Mouseline de Lanes, Alpaccas, &c. ; Friench Beaver, Clothes, Cassimeres and I ' ' jVestings Hats, Caps, ' BONNETS, BOOTS AND SnOES, betides many other articles, usually found for sale in stores. ; . i The public are respectfully invited to call and exam-. ine our stock before buying else where, aa we are deter mined to Sell eery low for cath. ! BROWN & MAXWELL. Salisbury, Octuber 2. 1845tf 23 with their former stock, enables urn1 and finest assortment ever! offered lit laeivus io mention v rs now to vCt to the t ' : : ' - - iq wani oi cne raii mnA n-.. t wtv. - ------- ---- -- -r -nrooomiiera, uopiex, llorixo! DMtina an.. Plain Isi r.IwKB Mnniul W- .1 in,. . . T ' .-r iaa ait anus ot Jewelry, pat in order cn i - 7a for twelve months. Lepine and plain Watches will b altered rratem.Le,er. an J w ' Salisbury, N. C, Sep. 0lh 1345 fcO;tf BOGER A: V.-1I. Drugs! Drags! Drugs! LOjUUOOlXJ ROWAN HO r uati, now received a new M6ck Dm jIedi. .., wnica i am confident ia the largest and best assortmen: ever offered in this mirket. I invLte in. apections as to ouantitv and attain. . r ru:- THE MARKETS. Rive the! public1 some few reasons which strike , ii t .L' J ' t': . ,u .1.. l"a'Caungino caiisr. i irsi, iiie.ii, uic MeTch-ntsif.Saliitury, are all staunch and uh. wsvenng tl , i ft' " c viwinS i j whit eve' lover: or hi$ country irill do, exert. The War. 4-Gen. Gaines, it is said, has re- jnj Ihcinieives tojucnan ui uiie principles i ceiveu pruers trom asningion tor tae immeui . which they believe rlgnt J and consequently a- 1 ate transportation of all the troops now station f -! - 1 gkint:!XoyvcoU7n-;gainst the increase of ed on the Eastern Division to the seat of war Etecuiive i)ower-4Excutive dictation and a. on the Uio Grande. Letters from Washington gainst Eiculiyetfncro)achmenti upon the liber, lies of the Ieople. i Secondly : Because the ;MercbaW'can't biiy gls and sell them at such pricrs til rtifirn the ,pjredtctias of British free trade ri about ihe golden harvest we tiro to have under i ,thj workings jof tho Locofuco Tariff, Mrv Cameron, a democratic Senator in wnicniUrv uamert .it i.- ii Congfeis from Pennsylvania, said jvas the on 7jf 'TariflTlJin, evei passed by an American Con crcii, iwhich! discriminated against American loborf m ry .: T ; But the ma.njo)jec' of this ttrado of abuse, 1 helie.vej it to injure hem on account of their devoted atlacbrnent to Whig Principles, and he. cause ihjir in?ucnce las been felt more than once, In fccrUin quarter, quite pok'erfully. 1 pp?ar nM asthejadvcate of sucli an honora. ' We and Utefuj clUs i it our Town, but take the Merty:of sayirig (bis much in their defence, as I belieye thettj, to Jhav been abused and villi Eed in he last, Farmejrs' Journal, i nnecessari. fr,!aiid,Pr selfuh turiioses. I knokv those at a distance acquainted with the Merchants of Sal 'UbuTv, will ibav published In the also state that orders are to be transmitted to tho Gulf for the taking of Tampico. 3aine Election. -Ketirns from 290 towns ?hov the following results : Bronson, Whig, 29.356V; Dank, Loco, 34,330 ; alt others 9,750. Majority against Dana, 4,780, Majority Tast year iit the same towns for . Anderson, Locofo co, 1,094. Nett democratic loss, 5,374. Lin. coin has elected 11 Whiffs, making the House stand 41 Wbts and 44 democrats. Apples, (dried) Bacon, Brandy, Butter, Beeswax, COTTCN, Cotton Yarn, Coffee, Corn, Feathers, Flour, (per bbl.) Iron, SALISBURY, OCrr. 9, 1846. 00 a 37i Linseed Oil, 75 a 80 H a 9 : 7 Molasses,! 25 a 00 (Nails. 10 a 12 Oats, 22 a 00 Irish Potatoes. Do., (sweet) Sugar, (brown) Do. loaf) Salt, (sack) Tallow, 1 Wheat, Whiskey, 6 a 7 75 a 80 8 a 10 35 a 00 25 a 00 00 a 4 3 a 5 35 a 40 t a 6 20 a 25 30 a 35 40 a 00 j 7 a 11 12Ja 15 2 a 3 i 7a7i 65 a 70 40 a 50 FAYETTEVILLE, SEP1 Brandy, peach, Do, apple, Bacon, Coffee, Cotton, Corn, Candles, F. F-, Flour, Feathers, Pork, -Peas, Vote for Cr0vernor. e learn from the Re gister, that official returns of the vote for Gov. ernor have been received-at the State Depart ment from all the counties. the result : For Graham, (Whig) For She; i r a wm I i majority no regard to what has been Ofgan of democracy here, and vtrut nojone !else ill feel the leakt hesitancy in cnmlng to trade or pay cash for such articles j - i - -, " . . a it--. as ihey Want. i have alt along thought it was the pride ofour citizens! to encoiirige and in. creascrtbe trade of our town-; but it appears I ata rnlilakenf ahd that LocofocoisirL true to the dcflntclive and fee2hprincipletwhich gov. eta It in othe'r potlTous of the Union, is just be. 6jnn,n$ to deveope itself in its proper ch a rac tcr in oilh jirilina. J So far as iiur informia. lion goes, all lbe hoiaonous sbafis larown at the Wiigs ofS.tljilitry, have fallen stillborn. And I do jioiu)jlrtt jhejrii is a man in the coun. vfhii voted tjtcWig ticket at (lie last elec tion, tfiatirfgrftaj!itj how. Thit j'atardly at. tempt in crt ate Jutret and dislike towards a cer tai class jjn ocityias'een mad a before and signa(ly failed i ind 'fvhije tho authbrs of it have 3,153 ; and t s I pard, (Loco) The following is 43,486 35,627 00 30 Slron. 00 a 25 ) Molasses, 9. a 10 (Oats, 8 a 10 j Nails, (cut,) 7 a 7 Sugar, (brown,) 50 a 60 Salt, (bushel,) 13 a 15 (Do., (sack,) 5 a 5) Wheat, 26 a 28 Whiskey, 5 a 5J) Beeswax, 60 a 70 ( Rags, 29, 846. I 4A a 5 24 a 28 30 a 35 5i 8 a 10 50 a 60 31 a 2 90 a 95 23 a 25 24 a 25 1J a 2 GOLD MINE 1 : :;' : iFor Sate. BY 6rder of the Court of Equity held for Stanly coon- ! ty, Fall Term 1846, will be sold by the Clerk and i master on tne Jd day ot November next, at the late resi dence of John Parker dee'd, a lot of of Land, whereon is the valuable and well known GOLD MINE, nown as the PARKER MINE, with several veins now open arid worked to some extent. Also, one other Tract adjoining, well improved, with all necessary buildings and open land sutncient to work eigbt or ten bands, most ly tresh land. The tract contains 412 ACRES: also, another TRACT of 170 ACRES, adjoining the same unimproved. Also one other TRACT of i f 1 500 ACRES , Jying on both sides of the road from Salisbury to Cheraw. and on Deep creek, well improved. Two other tracts ;on Mountain creek, supposed to be ' 75 ACRES in one and 50 in the other. TERMS OF SALE. Twelve and eighteen months credjt ;-bond and good security will be required. Sept. 29, 1846 3w23 Printers fee $5 00 VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE ! the suBscRirin:: i WISI,IN0 70 REMOVE FROM t:: -j TT oflerahia Jlrn.Jl'-.'!! i.: HOUSE AND FURM'i V 7 ""WIWIIW lllBl IMUIlOl tau to please. Among my stock may be found the fol lowing, viz : - ! Best French and American Quinine, r.xv Puinni w . 1 . . .. . -l r .. niTc now m cnincr oi ;cuinz one cl t ABLE STANDS they could wish f.r. Calomel, (Eng.) Blue Mass, Castor Oil, (fresh.) Eng. Rhubarb, Do. Jalap, Do. Ipecac, Ep, Salts, Magnesia, Camphor, Madder, Indigo, Brimstone, Snuffs, (all kinds,) Ginger, . Pepper, Spice, Starch, White LeaJ, Ldtuarge, Red Lead. Pms. Blue, ; Vermillion, Venecian ReJ, j i SpaoUh Brown, lamp Black. , i j Potty and Rlasa, ; ! Verdigris, (dry and in oil,) Coach Varnish, Sand paper. Turpentine, ' Gold Leaf, ; Gold Foil, Brushes. LinJ lilt ackinz. &.c. Chemical and Surgical Instruments. J. H. enNiss. Sept. 18. 1846 21:tf considerable improvement in the H0fiT, ; i N1TUREIS MOSTLY NEW aul a a t PAIR. I am warranted in sarin? to : ? ; ' by mrict attention, the HOUSE wl ji.Js some income'. Daring the time I have k : ! lisbinent, it has been extensively patrca i ' travelling and country cuftora. Th3 I? I known from North to Soatb, having Let I. . tel for a great many years. .Those wl-i ney now have an opportunity in purti...-. ' likhraent.I would advise them to ceme tr. i . intend to sell and will give a bargain.. maae easy to sait the Umea. Letieraa this subject will be attended to in do ri . ' JAME.-5 L t. SalLshnry February 4, 1846 tf 41 i LAUDS FOR SL fife BY order of the Court of Equity, I will expose to PUBLIC SALE, on Tuesday of our November County Court, (being the o.j j-.. .r .i n.u tr.... ! 7,859 Two years ago, Graham's majority wat only iMr. Clay's! majoriiy was but 3,945. Bacon, Beeswax, Bagging, (hemp) Bale l?ope. Coffee, Cotton, Corn, Flour, . Feathers, Hides, (dry) Iron, CHERAW, OCT. 6, 1846. 9 a 10 I Leather, (sole) i 20 a 25 Lard, Lead, (bar) Molasses, N. O.)! Do., (Cuba) Nails, (cut assort.) Oil, (Sperm) 1 12$ a 1 25 luce, i a 5 Sugar, (brown) j 8 a 11 Do.. floaH 15 a 17 a 10 X Salt, (sack) 1 62 a 1 75 5 a 6i;;Tobacco, i 8a 10 22 a 24 16 a 18 15 a 16 8 a 10 9 a 11 6$ a 9 80 a 1 00 li a 5 25 a 32 8 a 10 45 a 50 M0 a 45 6 a 6j: in the Town of Salisbury, the property of the late John Giles, to wit : the LOT whereon his p welling House now stands, and the lot adjoining, also the fraction of a lot between the lots of Mrs. West and Mrs. Hampton, lying in the great North square m the plan of the town of Salisbury. Also, the LANDS FOR SAIiS. sfSaL X) Y order of the Court of lEquiry for the J3 county of Rowan, the Cerk and Mas ter will offer at public sale, on tbe premises. on Saturday ihe 17th day of Octoter next. a "t ract ot Land containing ' 232 ACRES, belonging the George, E. Douglas, formerly owned by James Ellis, and allotted to Mary Douglas, deceased as one of his devisees, adjoining the lands of John W. El lis and others, in the county of Davidson. A credit of six months will be given ; bond and approved security will be required on the 4ay cf sale. A. IL CALDWELL, c m. e. Sept. 25, 1846 4wl7 Printers fee 84 00 rQsJ CCD rZCC XL -Jf "ST ITT? RIT A NT tn s tW,.. . 32 BqoJ. h Clerk and M , the Cocrt-Houe i i Sa1. bu" . ,,1 ' ovember.next, (It bein g M . an County Court,) two j TRACTS OP l: . separately, belonging to'Jeremiah Brow, ing the lands of John Wice, Wiaci W Trexler and others, each containing i 100 ACRE r I. WILL sell on Tuesday the 20th day of October next, at tbe late residence of Lucy Journey, deceased, ori Hunting Creek, near Hampton ville, all the personal pro- i perty of the estate of said deceased, consisting of EIGHT LIKELY AND VALUABLE ( A credit of twelve months will be al!o-. . ! with approved security for tbe purtlu. r i . i on the day of sale 1 : i A. II. CALDWELL.. Sept. 25. 1940 6w21Pijntc rs NBWi PI III - - I . JnU Received FALL AND ."WINTER I FA: For 1846 k .'47. LOTS Netsslfrom Yucatan. The brig Ellen, at in 27 days from Sisal, confirms at Yucatan had sent in its adhesion New York, the report th to Santa Anna. The Neiv York Sun says : a M l)rmal act to thills effect passed in Con. gress-iat Merida, on the 27th of August, and was signed jhy Governor Barbechano. Yuca tan, is there ore, re. annexed to Mexico, and her flag will no longer be respected by the helHg. erent lorces of the Uniled States. The brig El!en:came into port under the flag of Yucatan, which was respected by ur authorities. Ame ricantvesse s were permitted to load and unload at Sisal and Campeacby, but tbe State having throw.n nfl ts neutrality, this trade may be con siderod as at an end.'l ; i j whereon the stables of the said John Giles are situated, the two Lots adjoining thereto, all on the said great north square, i Also, Lots No. I 33,24,31,32,39,40 and No. 47, 43 ; also, a small slip of land adjoining No. 48 and 68, and 76, Steele's line and Crosses line as for merly called ; all lying in the creat north square. One half of Lot No. 5, in the great east square of said town, betweeri the Lots of ,W. H. Smith and Henry Smith. Said lota will be sold in different parcels, to suit purcha- sers. Also, Negroes, been ilid tipoiij the shelfj those assail. r i i - .1 f !:. i v - i l z i -1 - ed io uhwatitotiln qavo gone on increasing their buiineM, consrqoent tipin the extensive patron- w3f g.lrn a,tbmtby ine very peple, whom !annacy: would persuade to stay away. Cei ise ftper,?:&c. 'All; . .' j. THANKSGlVINGl AND PRAYER. ' Tbe Ratcigb Standard, (says th s Peterslwrg .Iotejliencer,) laes G(?vernor Gnham to task lor not appointing a day for Thanksgiving and Prayer iaiNorthiCarolirla. . This pioui fellow's mamma cer ainl v cannot know ha it out, jir she Would send and ring him irtrsM?n if not t out the bell oner." He great danger r too whence oeini know ttutiiie lis in very . - , r.M'wahd Irom a quarte 1 HuVymM I M, mmi, the C0Un lrX w 'c, wourn over the death of Gen. t m. 1 LI . i lUrnion. MrJ Tyler. CAiUA SICKNESS OF THE SEASON. ! The present has been one of the most sickly seHpons everjknown in North Car olina', It has progressed iadefiance of till local causes, and progressed from the seaboard (o the; mduntains. It is remark able tliat jWilmingon should have been much lessl affected It han other parts of ihe State. Tjhe pine country in the lower part of the State is saidUtlso to have been ex empted in a considerable degree. The diseases prevailing are the fever and a gue.jthe old fashioned bullous and in some' cases congestive fever, and what is called by some thei;M cold plague.' The present has been the most sickly season sitjee 1838 throughout the whole western parts of the United States. In Illinois, especially, has sickness generally prevailed. The diseases there arc scarce ly ever fatal ; but! whole neighborhoods are frequently so disabled that there are not enough well ones to take care of ihe sicki Wilmington Commercials a o rreiJenti'byiMr; Ritchie; anooi Lted a dv ,S , , v m' -. i , fCcovint of erpttement. fio looner had the peaed tban all the Uepublica .wy. all M '09 land '99 Woo the actins icah ood ! f ' . il I be Enquirer, then til , vooitcaup. Hfchie,came put wttb an article in wblcb there! was1 the' following ; I rltiis true that the aclinff President nas nni Uthr-d to hi Proclamation thb seal of ihe rLrilcd Slates, nor the attestation of biiSecre- the national proclamation indeed we of Mr. Ritch. dhd by Mr. on the subject paragraph : Jr7 ; .and that lie adopts the rnoro 'persuasive term of f a recommendation,' k the people of !W UnUad.RtnUit,..i t-:..LMf v VUI H, 19 (l,u liUCt iUilk IUI3 Fc,; l K W lte 6irect of a Proclamation, one, therefore, we controvert ihe. propriety . t . ' uii iuo urounas lanen n ina . ' . . t t r - i MfteEdltnV'Xi Sickness of the season. The !v.hole mid dle sectiojn of the Union, comprising both the Eastern and Western States, has been visited this summer and autumn with an unusual rirevalence of various types of bil- lious disease. The Petersburg Intelizen- cer says: ; !' M I MThe Vholeof Virginia east of theBliie Ridge has this year been more! subject to chills antj fevers than at any other period within the f memory of. man. There is scarcely a family yithin a circuit of fifty miles arojund Petersburg that has not had one or more of its inmates down' with this niostjannoying of diseases. In some counues,we hear, the tobacco crop j has suffered andjieve i: i or the want of the proper atten- lion- the negroes being sick With ague DO inf. lii. .' JP it .1 r. ,ui me otanaani ITnLL ilT.Wtt-YW make bii on Will cive J i I " . T : ufe ni so : AGood, Reason. does'ntmind iip'a dig In the A fe w days since tho grand jurjUgnofcdja bill igainsf a huge, negro Kir stealing chickens, and before discbargingf birt frotn eustody Ibe judge bade birn siand up and day only. JJoors ope at 1 o'clock P. M. Admittance 50 cts : . Chil dren and servants half price. W. LOU NT. Agent. Salisbury, Oct. 9. 1846 3w24 State ot Jiovtlv eavoUua, Iredell County, Court of Plea and Quarter Sessions. August Term, 1846. David M. Stevenson r. Langdon Ellis. Attachment levied on 176 Acres of Land. TT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the JL defendant, Langdon Ellis, is not on inhabitant of this State : It is therefore ordered by the Court that publica tion be made in the Carolina Watchman for thej spaceL;of - - . 1 i -e ' -i r 1 V six successive weeas, noniying ine oeienaani o appear at our next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the county of Iredell, at the courthouse in Staff s ville, on the 3d monday of November next, then and there to replevy or plead to issue, or judgment final will be ren i dered against him and the land levied on, be condemned : and sold to satisfy plaintiffs claim,- : Witness, j. F. Al exander, clerk of our said court at office, the 28th day of Sept. 1846 J F. ALEXANDER, Clk 6ic23 jPr..er ee: $5 50 j ! State of ilovtn avoUua, Iredell County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, August Term, J846. j A. C. Mcintosh vs. Wilson Lackey,!. Original Attachment levied on 120 Acres of land. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that ithe 'defendant, Wilson Lackey, is not an inhabitant! of this State:! It is therefore ordered by the court that pub lication be made in the Carolina Watchman for six weeks, notifying the defendant to appear at our next court of pleas and quarter sessions, to be held for the county of Iredell, at the courthouse in Statesville.on the 3d mpn- .day of November next, then and there replevy or plead to issue, or judgment final will be rendered against him, and the land levied on, be condemned and sold to satisfy the plaintiffs claim. Witness, J. F Alexander, clerS. of our said cobrt at office, in Statesvillei this the 28th Sept., 1846. J.F. ALEXANDER, Clk. 6to23 Printers fee $5 50 j j) j 1 AIIST of Letters remaining in the Post Office, at Salisbury, October 1st, 1&46. ; 1 Col. D.l Austin ; Alex. Agner ; Col. W. F.! Alston ; James A. Barr ; Mary Brown ; Lewis Beard ; John Bos tian ; Marjin Barger ; James Baker; Mrs. Elia Buffle; Clary Brown ; Miss Ellen Ballard ; F. Baker ; John W. Bogle ; DrR. R. Bogle ; James Burk ; John Clary ; A. H. Cress ; Burton Craige.; Anthony Cozort George !V. Conley ; Pwer Eller ; Anderson ! Ejilis ; Henry Fisher ; James G. Fleming ; Mrs. Lilly Fogersom ; James II. Gheen ; T C Graharrt,; Andrew Gray ; S. Garland ; Daniel Green ; Martin Grogan, Esq. ; Jacob Holtshous er ; Richard Harris; Esq. ; Frederick Holtsboaser F. M. Henderson ; John Haitman ; Jacob Hill ; Col. Jas. Jameson ; Mary Jacobs ; Richmond D. Krider ; Wm. Lomax Sandy Lethco ; Wm. Lucas ; Sam. WjMoore ; John Magte; Win; Miller; Davjd Martin; Miss L. Montgomery ; MtssY. E. Nutallj; ! Judge Pearson ;C. L. Parte ; Michael 'Philhour ; Rev. S. Rothrock ; W. C. Randolph ; Mr. Ribelin-, Samuel Ribelin ; WmjA. Rodger ; Mrs. Sarah Rice ; Levi Steele ; J. B. Stim maas ; James Smith ; John H. Suter ; Wm. Shrivrr ; James Sillirnan ; Miss Mary Shaver ; James Sloan ; Wilsonfles; Mr. Tarrh ; G. 0.fTarrh; G. Trots ; Edmun. "olentine ; Richard Walton ; Jacob Wilhefai ; Henry brvyinders ; J. L. Williarns; Mrs. R. Walla; John Walton ; Frederick Warner Mrs. Peggy Wood ; Solomon Yung. Bf JULIAN, P. Ml. j SaHsbury Oct. 1.18463w23 j - . - j f ij AGOOD MILCH COW. j j ili ANY person having a good Milch ! Cow, yielding nbt lesst than 8 quarts of milk pediy, HOBHSISOSST'S ! MAMMOTH CIRCUS. THE LARGEST and MOST EXTENSIVE COMPANY IN .TH Ri WORLD- 'V ,1JU " -miw.. ... u.,.Sim.,,w.iii.uSj John Ulary and the heirs of one Beaver, valuable for its 23d instant, Pr one day only. Doors open timber. A credit of 12 months will be given ; bond and good security required ot purchasers A. II. CALDWELL, c m. e. Oct; 2, 1846 5 w23 Printers fee $7 00 i ' i I , State of SLovtti GaroUua, ROWAN COUNTY, In Equity Fall Term, 1 8 1G. John Lentz and wife ts. Simeon Hilick, Solomon Hilick, Peter Peck and wife, James Cameron and wife and Chris tina Lentz. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Sol omon Hilick, one of the defendants is not an inhabi tant of this State : It is ordered that publication be made in the Carolina Watchman, that the said Solomon Hi lick be and appear at the next Court of Equity to be held for thd county of Rowan, at the courthouse in Salisbury, among them is one boy who is an excellent Wagon Ma ker by trade two plough boys, nearly grown ; one young woman, two grown girls, and two small boys. The wo man and girls are Good Cooks, they use the nee dle expertly as well as the hoe. ALSO, SEVERAL HEAD OF HORSES, Cattle, Hogs and Sherp ; CORN,1 WHEAT, Rye,! & i r.Afrnn kj. i o ana l uijulk : one road Wagon and "gearing, farming utenils, all the household and kitchen furniture, with other articles too tedious to mention. Terms made known on the day of sale. By W. F. COWAtf, Ex'r. September 9th, 1816. 11 94 C. N. PRICE & J. Mj Ki: HAVING associated themselves to - - r pose of carrying on the Tailurmr ! its various branches in Concord, are re old and new frienda with Fashionable CoUIng and laakl::? cf not to be surpaaedby any, in the sarro . Tbey are capable of pleasing all lvi i . ) with a call ; and only ask trial, fee!." cannot be pleased elsewhere on betjer t ;: N. B. We have in our employ a Ci.:-.' r man who cannot be surpassed either N r Concord, Sept. 23, lCtf21 I I will also sell at the same time and place, one Tract of Land, (about 120 acres,) belonging to th4 estate of A. Begarly, dee'd., adjoining Perceval Campbell, Jr., called the Buck Shoal tract. Terras made known on day of sale. W. F. COWAN, Ex'r. Sept. 9, 1846 21:5t I ate of anffimflg PI! HE Subscriber as Executor of Nathaniel Journey, JL dee'd., will offer for sale on the premises, on Tuesday, 20th October next, the Tract of Land on which tbe said Journey formerly lived, on Hunting Creeks in Iredell and Surry counties, three miles south of Hamptonville, containing about 250 Acre. on the;3d monday after the 4th monday in February next is productive, the buildings ar a comfortable then and there to plead, answer or demur to the bill of ... " villus v " j r J ' o WE will offer for sale on the pre n-. i bidder on Tuesday the 2Uih of : r AT IT AUTP VT. A VT i 7 known as the Robert Ilagstins ncf . b ' watew of Coddle creek, joining the.'San I ison and others, containing 500 Acre of Lai: !. The plantation has on it a fine dwe... other necessary buildings. Terms nade thedayofsale Wc 1 1 -M D. KIL1A xrt fylert J: complaint preferred against him and others by John Lentz and wife, or the same will be heard exparte as to him, and judgment be rendered pro confesso. A. H. CALDWELL, c. m. e. Oct. 2, 1846 6w23 Printers fee 85 50 Lands and Mills to be Sold. BY order of the Court of Equity for Rowan county, the Clerk and Master will offer at public sale on the premises, on Saturday the 31st October next, ONE TRACT OF LAND, lying in Rowan county, adjoining the lands of. Michael Coriher, John Deal and others containing about Two hundred and thirty-nine Acres, also one other tract called the Mill Tract, on Irish Buffa lo 'creek, containing about i One hundred and thirty -five Acres, adjoining the lands of Allen Rose and others. - Abo, the remainder in a tract ot about ! ONE HUNDRED A CRES, adjoining the mill tract, which is now occupied by Mar garet Penny, and in which she has a life estate. All said4ands belong to the heirs at law of John Eddleman, dee'd. 'A credit of twelve months will be allowed ; and bonds with approved security for the purchase money re quired On the day of sale. i A. IL CALDWELL, c. m. e. Sept, 25, 1846 6w2I -Printers fee $5 50 .; CHOCOLATE! - JUSH received a supply of fresh chocolate of superi or quality J. H. ENNISS. and several other buildings, mostly new TERMS: One-fifth cash, the balance in twelve months, by giv ing bond and approved security. There will be no title made until the whole of the purchase money is paid. Any person wishing to settle in a healthy neighborhood, and where there is good society can now have an op portunity of doing so, '. The land can be seen by apply ing to the Subscriber, or to Mr. John Reese, who has charge of the farm at this time.'. I A. B. BLACKBURN, Err. Sept. 9th 1846V21:5t LOOK AT THIS. Sept. 4, 1846 7wl9 t LENOIR FEMALE J AC A THIS Instution has concladed i f. : t the most encouraging pro?fvi is. 1 sion will commence on Mondaj. Ac course onnstrnction will embrace ill tl.? 1 ly taught in tbe first Female AcaJf m . s. f ed that at thia season of the jeti it cf! vantages. Terms 6 nd fjV) f : classes. Ittusic on the Piano or C ; docedto815. PaintiiiS nd I'rt Worsted Work. 8 N J sence, tho pnpila are charged from the t It ia expected w engage a compeu nt Lenoir, Aug. 5th, 184C 16 SL SL THE CONCORD COTTON F ' ! WE now have on band a lar t'. Yuta & Doxcmcs. AIm. ever of heavy 44 inch COTTON B2LGG : a very superior article, which we w2! 1 1- tnina ot me aona uui tu w ..L. v p Mtiii::i:. itiir&riE. ' Concord. N. C. Mr 85. IMS -pH :i Sports of the T THERE will be a Match Rcr, : mile, come off over tbe Sa!uw jry ' i I THE Subscriber takes this method of informing his friends and the public, that he still continues to carry on the Ooot and Shoe flaking Bu siness opposite J. & w- Murphy s store, and that he has on hand a very large and fine assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES; which are not to be surpassed by any thop in. this part of the country. He also has on hand a large assort ment of Ktgro anoes, maae ot tne oest rraiertats, wn.c , fn t Amttiezr. L he will sell lowerfor cash orto punctual dealers on a short ; & J Rowteu, We would fir:! .. credit, than tbey have ever before been offered in this wbatever can enter in thii r , market. : ' $500 entrance, as tbe race will be kj t c . MOSES L. BKO.V .N. J. .w- 17A tVt .two davs orev R JACOB LEFLEK. " T..T" "i". .j . inirf Salisbury, July 3, 1846 lOtf ? 19th Oct. next, for tidOU a aide, t?: West, of Borke, and Wm-S. NV:: .. - r. t. fnS R Wm) ntrr hid Srrc! r years old, by Haywood, be by im;tn. J horse. Nornient erttri the same will be closed. Salisbury, August 21, 1846 tf 17 TRAIN OIL ! ON hand several barrels of Tanners Oil, which I will sell low. . H. ENNISS. Salisbury, August 21, 1846 tf 17 !! BRANDY AND WINES. 1HAVE tbe best article of French Brandy and" Port and Maderia Wines for sale. J U EN NISS. . gept 18, 1846-r2l:tf a i in JUST RECEIVED At Wheeler' Old Stand, FRESH MEDICINES, WINES, SPIRITS, TriAo, ontw, SNUFFS, Cigars. Tebacco, Soaps, Candles, Fruits, Note. Soda and Batter Crackers, Brushes. Paints, Dyestnffii, and a spleneid assortment i Kdies ind gentlemen J SODA WATER th choice cvp pps on draft. Physicians prescriptions put up with Sept. 11,1846 2.et J0.4CIH wl s. i I at Wheeler": Apg-14, '46-16 L. C. Tion Cash, will be sold very low JO 50 bbls. rectified old Whiskey, r ' .nH medToes delivered at all hours of ike day and heeler's old stand, by 1 T Tbc aboTe be sold cheap for cash. L Salisbury . Jane 12. 1846 tf f i j ; ! ; NdXlCE, ; .; :.... IS hereby given thai application will be mtie w the . General Assembly1 ari its next session for ichrt"1 b granted to an incorporated Company . to Po atw navieate tbe Yadkhv Ever, from Wlkwfcog. w tbe Hreo Smokiug Tobacco. ' g'jfg LBS of this superior smoking Tobacco, for OUUaaleby f J. IL ENNISS. I ' Salisburt.August2UmGt(n CANDLES ! . , . .. -, ...... uiiv, .I.IVIV ivuiiuiaiiu, yRconr fn B.i im.imivtmi wafltf t a iir' npr nviir nn rn. - w tns .ft. a..j a j.M.n.inAosnfiiM tar l up-a! hh ni; 1 bw fibjerkt timUct b warn v iVkMWri- vli tV4iiro - v ' ' 3 w V'S.'k 1 &llAiirv..Auust 21. lSlo-tflT- . I-'V' ; September 14, 1846 ff-I, i , . i ; , "A FRESH SUPPLY CF TIIS S1V QUININE ! QUO i:; A OUNCES of French and A r: OU received, best article ever o:r J j Safisbory, Septetnbef4, 1816 lj Dr. c. n. vovh: HAVING returned to Sill -.ty, permanently, ofiert bij Profea Ji-or ; the duties of fct. profession, Ly r ance'ol tbe confidence hereto r : ' OfSce.Jn Wests trie l Drown & Maxwell ftoie, . r. -r br Dr. KiUian nd Powe. J April 2, lB4G- tf49 ALL KINDS OF. IiL.'. N Neat) printed and fcr aale:.. :. r; 8-

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