11 ! ; . .. T'v. --.- ';v' -iff- -v I ! 1 .;. ! fU V-iT" r t : V 1 j i ' t ' i i " ' V .a Y le. I'l-.. t' no ''I.. VicT to lit? TV- the Mr. Irltt-- rtt 1 .. W1 annum periuarfl 1 - , r I - '! CRB.VrWKSTbBN., 1.1 .-1 ,.l thd follosttrtg storm encoutw,. ysMj v, , i - i in i Mill', ii l f I ' .1 A U ' ;i POv . A. ..) i : .: !' K . ..A; . . 1 . KV . . V - if . U U JU U 1 L. -J-l UL 1S ,JT U iLJ ! 1 1 r W ,i W ' -JL.- U LJ X y U U 1"- W , II -" i I j n the space K KMNKK & JAMES, M , l . - " I fltiW qKKIKR. i j Ednr Proprietors. , oj; I : U; 1" j ! WtS t 1 tiauon. ( NUMBER 25, OF VOLUMp III. T II E ARMY OF Til E W UST. SALISBURY, N.;G, lFRIDA, OCTOBER 16, 1846. 1 iT t- ! n.ii.'ukri llt Liverpool at 4 . .1. I . iMtlflL' III " ,v- - , . j mi j .' . Ml he Vir,i our pm-rcbs guuu, B4, long. 37 thd S. E. and ot th yards wLl Ik :he .iibii ami firepcnk.er. Uree? ... Lt 0 9eHheni2le reelvd main i i r li jtM. .. l. una i in Willi " 43. oi l M vJi2irfrom the said I, " they su(V r in your low." Very true; yet it is only a Question M time, and, i whether sooner oi1 later, jGod's will be done." r m At m.nn stnrm and sea racing in all its fury, seaUtill hrfaking over the ship, a; heavy n? a struck the larboard paddle hd and srhashed it to atoms; sprUng the spring beam, Sbrfaking the under half; shattered the parts of the ship attached theretoj A splinter struck the captain mi the head while standing on the poop, and the force of the; blow, together withlhe sea, carried him 'over the lee quarter, and he was Wncifr aodtth08(jqre sails . Wtt rJAt J-lih'rt indlincreasiriir and vana ilk.. L7 VI - ---- , - w it, ''K-.!k;..;iu'tf(jtfli in the kuare sail?, Mferjibandroamit.cHrV At 10P. M.f frenti li.i. nnd ltd v wi athr; sda getting up and toeing high. !Af Mu.lfegm, mcreasmg gaes inWafqu'iili'took.il the fore'spencer, the ,,.,.1,1 KftVInrt" hrhkpfi : lii the mean time, the inrf jib Iftaj hull 6e hjmk broktl and the sail becam uwteiif Haiilcd i down and set the fore stay iajl4-v;tl.t - 1 1, . ' . , vThcf above M1 art xtrhjct from the Captain ol bbok,arjdiivej an account of the commence me.it of llt'eiwiuilftOTrnj jtvliich thS Great Wes. tern'iirMnlAfiRf lHsagc from Liverpool ia NVVr Yorkvone sfo temhc dumg us comm. Unc'wi tmfa& byiuch a signal deliverance In tHfll'iitl, thai itlsHould be caref illy related. - SSnita9.hU4iiAii minutes past 2 A. M., cpRtintlei the ji'plii "the hire sail ; took in the lemaiiN of l ajid;la)f to, under bt re poles. - Thsf Uaimg frightfully, and breaking over and aiiilut the ship; ' 'At 4, the jvind incieasl d to a htMivf itoraif 'artd the sea running most firimislvfat thelihi'pt! The wind peering to the Si Wiattlie sKmi time, and the fhip breaking found the wind . ''! . 1 I. I . riiito the troiJiniiHH over liV Bump. : i mnriung ihe lea, rendered our situ tj .great quantity' of water cot iriro jh'o engine rtopi, froraj thd sea breaking. tW 8hlpwlidh was pumped out byjjie most bL'o-rwis'spngcrs as semliled in thabirt and sabmn Their hag eard (kce tohl too surely of he sleepless and ahuoinihliwhh: bad passed. Even those ..' v;.t ? '.! t:L.S'..riv. : . i;i ... r..:i moM TL'noratu oi nauurai Bii.itispum nt ian ui dixcovor (ht vd were in the tnidst of great nerilJ fKew ood 'Jress with thdir accustomed ii . .: -i ' i' . i. . L!. ' j care, wing 0 wie immm pucuniL; tuu cohmu.ui riiruidr3f.f;ihb veisvl; 'Ibe stewhrds abandon a,lienil y I'lvJ'ai; iram.n lame, 4h then, afrid ljuoughout ihe day, were brid to catitohi, tht-melves 1 villi bringing i Mciiiiifici!eii;of Mid nsj were most convenient, only saved by the nettings. " After thjs ea had passed over, the water had gained en the Dumos : Appeared to lull; a little and the ship a little ea sier, but; still blowing a storm. All ihej hatch es, except tho3e made use of;for passing into the engine roonpf, were battered down, and the sky.Jighjs partially covered. The weather con tinued the same until midnight, at which time it lulled for half an hour." r . : j , The log conkeys to the reader sorbe idea of the stat of thejship and "effects of ih? storm on Sunday at noojn. Its effects on those -below' can best be given in the words ofa gentleman who remained! the greater part of the time in the cabin : ' f " To convey an idea of the appearance of all around, is out of my power. In the words of Sheridan, the tempest roamed in all the terror of its giory.". j The atmosphere was surcharg. ed with,'' a thick, spray, rendering a look far out lo seaNVard, -! impossible. , The wind hqwled, roared and bellowed, like the constant mutter ings ofjlhe thunder c oud. Huge waves of tremendous height and vokime,ose in mad dis play around the ship, threatening every; moment to break ovef ps amidships and crush the ves- sel. Sa afteir sea striking us with terririQ noise, caused the gallant ship to stop fir an instant, tremble and shake in every timber from her stem to her stern post, reeling and lurching, tossed to and fro : agairLwouVlijrtner fresh .strength, and Jsvith her wheels half hid in the wifcj waters, again and again receive the thun dering blows f an element that seemed armed fox our destrucjlion. j " The sails ion the yards strongly secured by ropes and gaskets, were blown from their furls and streamed put to leward in ribbons. But all this was as nothing. About 1 p; m., whilst most of us were seated in agonizing suspense in the lower cabin, holding fast to the tables and settees, a sea struck the vessel, and a tre mendous crash was heard on deck ; instantly the cabin was darkened, and torrehtsi of water came pouring; down upon us through the sky- to upwards of sixty persons "man of jwhom re ceived it there, for the first time in their lives. Several applied to him as Ho the! propriety of tt4j J-'U.t ti. s .u r..i;i ciuiiracni'i mai occasioii w iumji a cherished purpose of their hearts, but which, Iik many other good thoughts,'') iraq been de ferred to a more convenient seson' They all'jcommunicated, together Hvithf others of :al3 most every creed and nation, thus reminding us of (the promise of scripture, 44 they shall come from the east and the west, north and south, and sit down with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, in the kingdom of! God." I j It was a mpst solemn scene. Mr. Balch first read the service appointed for a storm at sea, : after which, the whole communion office. The terrible conflict of the elements which raged without, was rendered yet more striking liythe impressive stillness which perviided that com pany of Christ's disciples within. Gathered around the table, they received into hearts deeply moved, the consecrated emblems of the Redeemer's body and j blood, AU felt s ; - l From the St. Louis Republican V MAGNIFICENT BEQUEST. Isaac Franklin, late of uraner county, Tennessee Idied on the 27th of April last. He began life as a boatman, and in that capacity commenced the acquisition of- a fortune which, at the timo of his death, exceeded a million of dollars. He had large estates iri the parish of West Feli- jj ciana; Louisiana independent of an im- I mpnsfi st4tp in Tennpsspp. A writer in the; Nashville Whig thus speaks of the disposition of his property : "His Louisiana property has been val ued at near half a million of dollars, and by the best judges is considered. to have been estimated considerably below its re al value. By the law of that State, a testator vrho leaves one legitimate child, From aa Officer of ihe Army t-J the LJ. ln tj 1 k f'o"I IotrUigfb'cvr.' - .v Satcta Fb, Aiotrr 2. 1 Gkxtlemex?A the movements Vfs! my may notlieniniuterestiug, you si til ! few of the facts in relation to our cpiu-I j On the 2d instant wo left Bent's l'a t, thirteen days arrived at the first M u . j tleruenti. Oar march for the next ten c I Tery fttiguinv to tbe men anddestn i horses. ,For several days tvo marcl 1 country which may with propriety 1 e c desert. Not a rnn l.l.ri.. -c.'.' ! ole, still, unpolished, originally intended ! for 'more than fifty miles, and a part If i ior jne .cap-stone and on the corner of tar,c nne but brackish water. It-ast which it was designed'to place tvvb mag- !l1 we crossed the first mouutain, (ihe 11 nificent eagles with outstretched8 winss. i and 8lruck th head-waters of ihe Car liat it 1 was surnrised to find the mon- i 'n.ai we couW 8ee our waT clPari l'. ument in this e.nnrliflnn vvhfn! I visit- w w - - ed it, I was still more surnrised and mor- I) C -neard Te.r r lhe wtenl Here we found rood water, and toleri!.' - - -. . eard very httlo cf the int encans, whether for peace or L 1.1 . . . ... . . comforted by the blessed ordinance! of grace, i can only dispose of two-thirds of his pro Many a bosom before tossed with fear, was now j' perty situated there away from his child ; tranquil through faith. Once more, all renew one!-halt if he leaves two children ; and ed their vows, and realized tbje peace ot, Loa t one-third, if three or a Greater number. tifiwl tnlpnm frn. Ii i i Mexicans, whether lor peace or war, t: krtelv visited thPT S ,emnil: haS rehed - Moro." il this placl I, 11y. JiH0 i can rret us, who had been sent by fc, t -IsT 1 . r u i C conlracl?r 11 i v,ng in Santa Fe to inform Gen. Iv rn remained unfinished and wUhout enclo- Gov. Armijo was at the head of twi h sure. If thishe so, it is a burning shame ! and men, and wouldmarch in a f- v upon Virginia, that it! has been permitted meet him. The same day we met k I to remain in this situation so long; i ad three men, bearing letters fn sa ( ; While we are talking of erecting mon- i ,n'i t0 Gen. Kearney, politely rerp umcnts to the living, it does seem to me t General not to advance so rapidly. I t that we had better first i complete those j some lima al the oro-" iTothi' that have been commenced in honor of ?ue'1 lhf General rctunrtd for an n the illustrious dead, j The Ladies of Vir-1 !n f?m would be ,:?an,;!i, ! ginla. especially ought to feel a livelv in- he rbopef the Gov.ervnor aDd lu' v ! Merest in the completion of this monument ! fS fne?d-? l mah. .we ' . ' . lage of effas a village containic i to l.h.e memory ol one who gave birth to, I ,mndred Thev did nuf . and by her virtues and counsel properly 8urpriscd at our arrival, but came io i r a i . . i l. : i . . - ii -l . ... . - vn.Micu, linn wno ireeu America, nnu laiu a just claim to the honor of being stied the Alcade remarking to the. Genera lo lhf t who felt llrir (Vt-part pt paddle- box MTzr iron i Hi!- any iiiHpnjiuon to eat. '1.44 !y havy feea broke over rt of tfie taittfoanl wjieel honse or iV' stit 'tied the nee. house, and froiii their fastenings, arid wasdnM thein to feewaiid, and w th much diffi t iffnts. shed abroad in their hearts, land hjjlt, with a vividness perhaps never known before, 44 Your life is hid with God in Christ.' Oh ! it was a night and a communion long tq be remembered. After the communion, I returned to my state room. The gentleman who shared it with me, had gone below to die, as he expected, in con pany with his daughter and sjon-in-law. Left therefore alone, taking a last look at the pic tures of my little family and commending them, and all dear to me, to the grace and protection of God, I laid down and slept: peacefully. 44 Jtanday, 2ist.t 12 30, continues the log, the storm commenced raging again in all its fqry, and the sea a perfect foam, 'till 8' A.'M. at which time the clouds began to break, and the squalls less furious. Got the ship's head N. W. and hauled the yards round, the sea still raging as before, and nearly iahead, curing and breaking over the ship in every direction. At; noon the storm ceased J but the seaf continued mora violent till 2 P. M., at which time it ceas ed gradually with the wind having lasted about 36 hours ; during which time, it gives me much pleasure to statue, my officers and crew conduct ed themselves jivith great coolness and presence of mind." ; At half past 5 o'clock on Monday morning, we were in the greatest possible danger. Mr. Stevens, one of our passengers who was an eve witness, savs ot it ia peculiar litims 4 This power of disposition Mr. Frank lin exercised to the utmost, for he so dis posed of his property in that State that one-third of it should, whatever might be the number of his children at his death, go to the seminary in Sumner county. To this donation of not less than $150000 he added all the rest of his property wherev er situated, merely charging it with the the first in the men. hearts of his country ; B. J. W. THE CONNECTING LINK. Having recently travelled over the coun try between Raleigh and Camden, we were struck with the peculiar adaptation r i f r . 1 . i 1 1 , ui liic lixvc ui iuu cuumiy iiiruuRU Wliicn 1 v passea, ior a itaii uoau. i' rom tins payment pf a few comparatively unimpor-j place to Fayetteville via Chpraw, the tant legacies, and art annuity determina- 1 country is very level and abounding with 1 giau io see some, one in the country c: j governing it." After we encamped.(he us such marketing as the country hL From the appearance of the people at. ; ! dial reception thej nave us, manv vexv to believe that there would be bo Their notions were changed in tLor ble vyith a single life. Here, then, is an institution of iearning endowed by a sin gle individual, with property oT the value of not less than 8600,000. Moreover, the will jpjrovides that it shall be built on his plantation in Sumner county, the selected for at night it had been reported to!lLrt that the Mexicans were occupying ;. pass" tvo miles in' our front. ()f c preparations. were made tor. a battle. ' o'clock wo reached the mouth t f il: 1 which was so narrow aslfo admitus c abreast. The signal lo 44 trot" iv.? and on we dashed iri the most entlju-s ner. Alas! disappointment awal'.eJ a sign of the enemy Svas visible, j Our march for ten miles further! n n such a country as our enemy shouIJ 1 sen to meet us in a country heaiilr wim scruuoy pines, anu mrough ti -cukv lhev were tmnnoriiiilv secured.' Tiii!nderstarHb 'thirtl.tjhe reador must Vear in i i .. : - r miml; liat i lhd Great V thw.e itoi jes! h igh '.for vV the walsf.T m middlrt 'of ihr twn or covennir m Vck Wid;fnii, fur ihi 1.'.. ' 1' . : f . . . , main jdrck. ()n il,is hi phced thii chimnevj arc Thk "Mill IS.i io(ifbejnhiN erf ; and protected tern is, so to speak, Kid and aft, and two in ihe 'shin : aft, there is ihe KiW'ej story or pabijp, above it the isaloon, ...1 1 vi-' .. rr ''4 t iit . .1 . . . wmcn is me quarter 1 . u.rposes 01 description, 1m5 rrmsidcred as in 3 l tory. In the waist, or ;(friidIl.tUiil.i -wepj story i? cccumed by the en- 7 roin, iu ropi tr ffoveimgni wnicn is ne ain deckL in the centre. , gallies, and ice-house. jjr i Ou s o ffu; 9 a p p 4 r t a i n i n g I o t h e s t e w a r d s Scarcely had ihei waters! reached the floor, when all in t lie cabinjs and state rooms sprang to their feet, and simultaneously, as if by con- cen, 1 ne inuies uuerea a scream 01 agony, so painful, so fearful, and so despairing, the sound of it will never be forgotten : and heaven grant that such ajpjail.of ariguish may never again be heard by me. Several fainted others clasped their hands in mute despair, whilst many called aloud upon toeir Creator." The crash toj which the writer: alludes was caused by the tearing up of the benches and other wood work on the quarter deck. These were hurled witft violence against the sky-lights timber, and the right of way wie presume : could be obtained without any expense. ! Towards Raleigh, the country; is rather more uneven, but we suppose; many of the hills could be avoided, r in locating a rail road. We venture to say, that in retreat of his declining years a spot cul- ; no part of the country, could a rail road tivated like a paradise, and as fertile and be laid down cheaper, than over this pro- ; beautifully adapted for defence. jY attractive as can be found in the Valley t posed route. We 1 hope and trust, that ! !'en spirits, in anticipation of a of the Mississippi. This delightful spot j our friends in Raleigh, Fayetteville and ,n a aa' ana a nan ot ftantale. flier upon which nature has lavished her choic- i Cheraw, will not suffer the enterprise to some Mexicans, bringing the new.s if ( : est iriftsj io set aoart to an obiect worth v i fall tbroimb. Ynnr pnmnelitnrs. ihfi Wil. ' A,''J0 retreat tbe south, with all s " . Tr "J --o 1 'r- - -- ,j T. :..! , mington folks, are straining every nerve ' " "uwaul 11 ,'' 0 , . . , 0 c J nothing to do but march into SanU I t 1 1 1 " 1. 1 rpossession. Ihe only sign we s iw are very doubtful. . It is a subject affec- ; nnpM fntl( :. .rn, n u.s w , p vprv pisfpnpp nt Hip Wilminrr. , 1 at the sides. This part y the wheel-houses and MteiSif the; Hhipl whiejh rise to the height of j "-i-v i UK wiuin oi i r oaon e nox is anoui - fi'ft. The ie.lioiiMe contained some seven. jT efght ,10ns of .ile,; ftpd was fastened by cleets nJ itluiicVionsJ Let I the reader imagine the 0rce lf the Wa, and! te heigl of the wave, whh;JL. rising; over the paddle box, struck the vice. htlase and the largo iron liff boat above it, twisted them. from their fastenings breaking the ice-hose fntjo two pads, ripping off the planks, UT 8 inpij taroQaru, companion way, and nfiiree'ntedTrorn?rriakincr a clear breach in ! ' , I oy a suauen mrcn. io port. howled mosl frightlully by the same seat which broke the the saloon, drenching the berths ori windows of i the larboard ! of the haze in thejeast, with; an appearance of an ambered colored light, low down on 'the hori on, warned us of an approkch.ing blow. Pre sently it came, ft perfect tornado, driving before it the clouds of spray, and asit neare us, fairly lifting up the white foam from the waves, like a shower of rain. As ihe squall struck us, te. ship careened over and buried her gunwales in the oceafi, and. lay for a few moments stricken powerless, and apparently at the mercy of the. savage waves, that threatened to engulf us. This was the trial, the last round fought between the elements and our gallant ship. At this crit ical moment, the engine was true to her duty. Still went on its revolutions, and round and round thundered her iron water wings. Grad ually recovering her upright position the -good side, driving out their affrighted occupants, whilst ship with head quartering the sea, came up: to it smashed bvj its weight the glass over the main I her course, and all was well. It was the tili. cabin, and thus forced its way below. max of the storm, the last : great effort 'of the This wasalmioment of intense emotion, I was I whirlwind king, to send us to the sea giants sitting in thej upper saloon striving to protect ! cave below." : . ; . some ladies from injury. So violent were the j On Monday about 12, the storm had abated shocks of the jvessel, although firmly braced, it ! sufficiently to admit of standing on the upper was with great.diffi.juliy we could prevent our- ( step of the companion-way jwith safety. It was selves from being ruled from our seats, and ! a sublime, but awful spectacle. The opean of its natural excellence ; and it may be hoped ; will be ranked among those lo calities in the world to which our minds recur Jwith sentiments of reverence and awe, as devoted by man and sanctified by Heaven to advance the well being of the world- & , 44 The simple and unpretending terms in which this magnificent endowment is couched are not a little striking, and, at the same time, characteristic of the man. 4 The revenues arising from the pro perty, says the will, are to be laid out in building proper and suitable edifices on mjy Fairyue-plantation, in the county of Sumner, and State of Tennessee, for an academy or seminary, the furnishing the same with fixtures and furniture, and the j employment and payment of such teach ers and professors, male and female, as may be considered necessary by my said trustees,; for the education, board and clothing of the children of my brothers and sisters and their descendants, as well as my own children and their descend ants, in the best and most suitable man ner for American youth, having a partic ular regard to a substantial and good Eng lish education, and such other higher and ornamental orancnes as tne aioresam re tmnr ton Rail Road Company hence, their mighty efibrt to connect their road with the South Carolina Roads. We under stood whilst we wre at the Nohh, that they were soliciting the aid of the capi talists there, for their proposed road to Manchester, but we are of opinion that the northern capitalists who know any thing of the country,, would prefer inves ting their funds in the Metropolitan Route, if those interest edTin the matter would bestir themselves. Camden Journal. The Rail Road Convention. We have pleasure in stating, that assurances have already been received, from North and South, which justify the hope, that the Rail Koad Convention to be held here on the 4th of next month, will be Very nume rously and respectably attended.; The Committee have issued the follow ing notice : cross the road in a canon, bvtwern on the 44 Rio Pecos," and Santa IV. T barrier was formed by placing .;;. the road. The natural ad vantage of t at this place could not be surpale l, they had five hundred well-armed at. ' ed men, they could have prevented ou: to Santa Fe by this road. f We reached the city in the af;fn. General immediately established hit , Governor's house, and hoisted our s! ihe salute of the artillery and iht? els ; troops. On the following momifig J uey assembed Ihe citizens in front : ' .. a .i t i . i. J .1 ir. . , anu auun-jji'u iiiiiii iv uv tiiixii ii. . . been ordered amongst them by his ( ' to take possession of the province'4 N co, and that being in possession Jof i of the Province, he nowproclauned all tion of country east of the Itio (t 'ra: . the United States, and that all pert , these limits would be considered ci I IInitpH St?ifp f that, ltini w'Kii tlM ' remain under our-laws could (; pleased the road was free for tbvrn; DC3 A Convention will be held in ray- : ther told them he would protect a. 1 p etteville on the 4th day of November 1810, in their persons, property, and r'li to take into consideration the importance ! ling a long time on the subject 4" t!. V the sides of the ihlr Mearitime! -lie w nd throilfriiihV figging "111 ociock tindio mirTutes A. IM., at tf mflted to Wenr hlrt. In rit hdr rn nihpr Uck(tiiriiiig she would be easier,) as the wind tJi continucjd lo veer to northward.. Lowered ho aftter gaffs dowrj : manned W13 fore-rigging, ana jbos&ied tbq weather yard arm of the fore an, t( pay her off, but found it had no effect. , 1 herefore let hef cjbmjo to again. In the. mean Utn 4h souirelsails lilew away from the yards. f nlMA,-ht 'lee quarter boats" ,ve re torn trom tod davits by a heavy lee lurch of the r,"n .'f'winx in oavijis, tearing out me ring. bolts from thfif ' sterns! and sterris. yord was;pitssedjanong thej passengers that ,ffotlr batli Weiie gone, ami the others were 10 plWvvt the davits and bolts beginning to give. I liut Ls 'TO1?!1!! dnlthrougH the eye. And dashed with such vio ence against a part of the vessel, us to ejndanggr life or limb. Many re ceived -severe contusions and bruises, notwith- ! standing all their effbrts. j 'Twas an anxious hour. My eye wandered over the different groups in ihe saloon. Itest t ing one while on a father passing from one to i another of his family, cheering with a kind word I an interesting group oTHaughters. Then on a young wife, folded to;, the bosom of her husband wunout a syiia;oie oeing uiterea, out me action spoke volumes and Hgain upon a mother whose children had been left in America, as she clasp ed her hands as if in secret prayer, whilst her husband and her father gathered around, and all seemed bovjfed down in one common feeling of tender solicitude for those who might so soon become helpless orphans. still labored under the effects of the hurricane. The wind veered 20 points in 36 hours ;; it; is impossible to imagine or describe the wild and tangled confusion of the waves, j Rising to a height apparently greater than that of the main mast, they leaped and roared around the ship,' as if hungry and maddened at the loss of their prey. At times the Great! Western seemed as if lowered by unseen spirits into her watery grave-, ; and every moment you expected it to be tilled in, and her requiem sung by the winds amidst the wilderness of waters. But our danger was past, and with grateful hearts on Tuesday morning all assembled in the cabin, when religious; services were per formed by Rev. Drs. Smucker, Beecher, Balch,' and other clergymen on board. A meeting of the passengers was also held, Archibald Gracie, venue, &c, will enable my said trustees Jt completing the connecting link in the It was an awful hour. The most thoughtless ; Esq., being called to the chair, and resolutions to accomplish. And, if the revenues, &c. shall be sufficient therefor. I also wish that the poor children of unexceptionable character, and such as my trustees may select, should likewise be educated and supported during the time at the said se minary." 4 The main object in the nature of e vents, here designed by the testator, namely, a provision for t lie poor children of Sumner county, is modestlv cloaked under a provision seeming to be chiefly ! for his own brothers' and sisters' posterity, i This noble benevolence effectually cx ; tracts the sting of poverty and orphanage in Sumner county, and makes blessed a Metropolitan line of Rail Road between Raleigh, N. C. and Camden S. C. The citizens of the connties who feel an inter est in this work are requested to liold meetings and send Delegatesand all who are friendly to thp scheme are -invited to visit Fayetteville on that occasion. By order of th? Executive Committee. ARCH'U McLEAM, Secy. Fayetteville, Oct. G, 1840 The rtaners oublished in this and other management of ihe important States interested in the scheme will. please . trusted 10 him, has proved hitm!f t . - I' LJ I i:. '1 ... .' . . Qenrinrr tliotn tKnt aiip Ku. attrt,fi ft --?uii.ig ti.ia 1. "ui i. u to worship God according to tht tl.'t : own conscience. He then turni d t s Governor of the Province and the thr of the city, and asked thetnif thfr to take the oath of allegiance. h in the affirmative After admiiiL-iei i -he told ihem to continue in the xf!i their duties as before. In conclfisin, ed the citizens lo go to their homesj ;. ue their usual puisuifs, assuring f rt L who followed his advice, Gcn.K'r ; copy the above. Pardoned. We are in common with the community at large, highly gratified the:;ominouUUincvlhich p"r cornp4n tWd hwtsoUibly al aded the whole flt thpmilvpc 'KM- ?trlTO 'he Hing of Terrors, uncenain pi tnejir on. waj wc-ncbrfujllJsee how u few short hours Changed; the conditidn and fp;. r u r-rd, j'thVgrlides dnd distinftiorts incident to larfee a.jripmnan Varying ik social nok?t!hn. vnizens 01 taimost an countries, ana rv-..: , -'"iifi ixFrcui. vei. in iijo uipsence ni ; ' -. ; i ..- ' I L . - jninent dangfeh allvdiittnction amongst us cowered in their secret hearts be fore a danger, ivhich none but a fool or a brute would have mocked, and all therefore accepted the invitation to meet in the cabin for prayer. , Rev. Mr. Marsh read the 107th Psalm. Rev. Dr. Smucker, prayed. Rev. Dr. Balcb repeat ed thei words of our Saviour k4 Let not your heart be trdubled, ye believe in God, believe also in me," commenting- briefly on their consoling import, and then invited all present to join with him in the Lord's prayer; after which he pro nounced the apostolic benediction. - N"ight approached. And again I quote from the gentleman who has kindly given an account of what took pace below. 4 Amid this Accumulation of hprrors, and still more to add to. our alarm, night gathered in a- round us. tne increase frequent, and rific. The The wind far from abating, was orii were adopted suited to lhocircumstances of the case. A letter of thanks to the Captain and other officers of the ship was also drawn up and,th,o sum of 200 was raised to present to the offi cers and crew, of which the Captain was ask ed to accept 80. A fund was also started for the support of the widows and children of those who perished at sea, to lie called the Great Western Fund. i M , So closes the record of this memorable storm. But never can its recollections be effaced from the minds of those who were exposed to its perils. W hen the danger had passed, said the Capt to me, inevitable. Each time a sea of such magnitude and lot usually so mournful, and so exciting ! that the Executive clemency has been in our svmnathirs. A life of strenuous and ;"ternosed in the case of Hue 11 Williams, laborious exertion in the pursuit of wealth. and crowned with extraordinary success, is worthily ended by the devotion of its product to such a truly glorious and chris tian jbeneVolence, and is forever embalm ed in tile memory of men, and snatched from oblivion that so soon shrouds the names of ordinary mortals. From tbe Richmond Republican Mary the Mother of Washin nrfnn convicted at the last Lincoln Superior Court of the murder of his slave, and sen tenced accordingly. It required strong mitigating circumstances to procure the Executive intervention, but the able At- tnrnev fmnlnved in the case left; nothin untried that could be accomplished by ert ergy and perseverance. Thus, with the petitions signed 'iy the Judge, Jury and Solicitor, and over 700 respectable citi zens he has succeeded in restoring an un fortunate old man to society, who enter tains as he certainly should, the sympa- ; Messrs. Editors It will doubtless be re "Thrice on deck I thought destruction collected by you, and also by most of your thies of every feeling heart- power came at "the ship, that I thought it ll ! . n .s . . l I ,t- . , i. 1 1 was mi over wan us. tfuti unexpecieaiy. eacn J r n he stm be,g te ! broke just at the side of the ship. Sir, the hand leTn rV bmmoTer of the Lord was in it." Yes, the hand of the whole ocean was of sea foam. lash-! ; t j - .. seemed mererl ed un into terrible waves, wild and anrv. whilst ; or -.J we never torgec twas trie 5L.me cbirtmobtritbn of Awe. .as we a '"the snrav and .wind seemprl rlrJr-n tW.,K U !-nana 01 lue L'ord ! " ' tgetnerin the coUrf of the frreat leveller. "Hpnik ! riiTtriiifr nA .imp tdo hn qq 5 r . Jm ! - . !- ... . tt Jinisjwwn.se ;eifcungwii, cn nound us 1q. i power. As darkness came, clustered together i gcther as odjicftrnq opsb another of an opposite ; in the cabin, we all thought and ' reflected onM ijnd epellm ; chaj-atter. 'Erery heart 'was i our fate. Mosl, if not all of us, had given ouri i selves up for lost. For what with the heavy ! laborinn of tViP ahin lha n i.' uiiiii auw 1 1 ijiij iiiri nr. a 111 1 reauers; mat some time aoout tne year 1832 or r33, General Jackson, then Presi dent of the United States, visited the town of Bred'ericksburg, for the purpose of lay ing ihe corner stone of a monument pro posed to be erected to the memory of Ma ry, the mother of Washington. " He is an aged hemlock ; the wind Of three-score winters have whittled thro' His branched. He is dead at the top " Lincoln Courier. Newspaper Borrowing. The borrow occujt armories, i uorntS.wiiH iS'l.t-!...! T L ".MCVJ 11 cd: with its individual griefs and !lf no ariother shared the oeril. (slpyeWnes, and a thousand clier- and 'invi'rnan H- icK In Mm vinii' gw.th a powr lik the storrti, swept over the ""na aha left h it,. , ee 1 8a'd gentleman to ne, " no one con-K-f ? reaxlsU-all'ahi engaged each UTM HOQChtf : and f mr w te and Is rTt. ' ! rc 1 vnies9, my ieeiings would ! wostd stressing charkcUr.VButV munificence of Mr. Silas E. Burroughs, a Northern gentleman, was Virginia in- ing of Newspapers is very unfair, and debted for this tribute to one ol the no hardlv an honorable Dractice. Suonose 4f; $er daughters. . . . . ,1 . , , . . . ' ' . Eight vears atro. happening to De in 1 no nrmfiniP nnnin sv avI r. ut.wi vf . " ' o -j r U nMinn?Kln t 1 A I. 1- . 1 ... .1 I .L' bowin g 0f tho wind, the continued frequent neonle should take it into thir fn ' Freder,cburg, 1 inquired the jjaj to the thumniijgs ol the sea. the nuiverin and A'nir ll P P . -X -tpwr.; heads, to , m0nument and bent my steps thitherward. ing of the groaning timbers, thn rarrvintr wa J ; borrow the wares ot ; 1 rademen, instead !Qn arriving: at it, I was surprised to j l T 1 l'u"ons 01 Ihe vessel's upper works! j 01 purcunam and hd knowledge that were oerhans fb I would thing Tnr rnrmv Crop, an'd Pbices.- Under To the I the influence of improving prices at New York, and the universal beliel in a boon cropTCotton went up rapidly in this mar ket last week. In four days the rise was 1 cent a pound', say from 7i to 8 cents. ales are now made at ti to 9. ; f The accounts: from the south: are very positive as to thej partial failure ot tne crop. v an accomniisnea sowier but taor J cian. Of him the country mayUvc 11 As we my now call this covntry the United States, it may be f. l what advantage is likely to accrue 1 ted States. If any advantage, It i? r ed to us short-sighted mortals tiV" in try ; fjr, of all the country wc ; ver, there is not one acre in a rnh s tible of cultivation. Only the narr land in the river bottoms can Ncu i these only by irrigation. The r scarcely he made to produce cnj;- i 1 sistence of its inhabitants. AstoH. have to depend entirely upon ji-r have not been able to- get one gra! 1 our horses. The whole proviDc4 ci out a hundred bushels at this lute. I icans have an 'immense nu.nbe ci goats, and these flocks constitute t: wealth, and on them they chiefly subsistence.- The people areibp: vanced in civilization as the Chef:' liana ihe; nrooortion who can 'read ':. 1 1 not so great. Wc found here" nine pieces among them the piece taken frfni t! under Col. icLeou. 600 V, find 2: them, what a nrettv nass ' it unfinished and unenclosed. Its sides, things come to? . TTnw Wnntri n nnrl twn its beautifully carved marble llnottier nigat; to be exnoser! tti tK(lM txwl I shnp-makpr stare, if nfe sbnnbl l bim , nillflrs. Vre i covered With! inscrintions 't t m - r - - V i a "Wf . mm w v X fcMVl; M Jt AS Jill " J . " " - .Si qi a raging nurncane, left us little to1 hone for." I for the loan of a pair of shoes, savi no- that I traced in nencil by the hands of visiters, Gen. Kearner. with 600 men; u. nr i1.; n'pek into the s j'j'l 1110 ia imij j the province. Afler his return ! mpnr fui loir out his expedition 1 The number of men he will Uk -; not known. The march to Of ; -as ardudous a one as was ccr:i. You can judge, when there 1- ps.; 1- ':.u..i irriit or water.: rniicf Hmivu' f- . . mm tht m--Tf From Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, GefU Kearney ii th and Texas, the papers speak but one Ian- i wbo can do itr ; . V 1 t ;WT that there ; ; ! ! : ours, 1.1 cuage. in one coumy, i. , .;ii nnt hp n fnnl-th ofacrop. In anotner. . Vt IIS K "V JW m mmm a field of 90 acres A - A French manufacturer h he only wanted to wear them I ; Yet, peo-! and some of them were of tbe most infa- j and another of 100 at i l. m ' -1 , ' . ' 1 1 ti tj.,' .Ua a c itinnn. h'hlp . In Tetas it 1 . In .the evening, about 9 o'clock: the Rev. Mr. Balch, at therequest of several passengers, ad-1 pie borrow a Newspaperthey only want j mods character. By .the side ikof the ;nr tmnistcred the. Holy Communion In' the cabiri, to read it f Ral. Register. i I - 1 ble Structure lay the huge block of mar: ... 1 A h rrncu 1 wiiinoM1ruuuVcwrv:::i nrod0Cing excellent paper, )0 acres will noi pruu"..-, . . . m tSabsldncc srpr.: 1 hale. In Texas ii" is said noCa; a crop will . tie made, &c. : I j A the potatoe. ;r; 1: I Hi, 1 r, '-Hi -) 'ii. -.1

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