.'fx Hi'.'-.- ; ,:- 1 ; , -tl-:- " V--" '!- ' 1 ! "!: . Vi ' til. ?. !::!'!.: . 4 L . , t It' i- - 1 ' . , I ' I " ft! A. . ',,Two rT nnmrt in l.i fcl cnt for each uto91 4 t gVper square nent insertion. for the firsf. Court Or- r rjtic Jlonoratttc, the, General iAlii!ai fnretintol therepresen-i.-iT.!nni mated with a zeal ,UUpi V' W;' T . i . gm MX ti4lfW. bringing to the Lap The pc f K tl(?pub)iilf re, brjhgins to the Cap- tol 1 knowledge of the Sentiments, wish Snd)4nti bllthVir constituents, as well L'nT the! most in ccnt experience of the Mni inc .uiwt ! r UwUof the CUvVinment, in every region - : 1 i 4k i -' .. - .".-! '. : 1 : t "f -' i "- - "'-" i : t- i-? - -j - - s k .-i, v .Hi S tfr ,4 i i-i. i . . -L - . ' . , I " 1 1 . ; T r ' ' ' ' ' r- i BRUKER & JAMES- , Editors Sf Proprietor.- 'KtirlA CHECK VTOX il,t TOCt;Vl! i V"7 k. is SAFE. 11 If Do Cen'l 'Lllarriton. ) NUI NEW, SERI NUMBER 3i, OF VOLUME 111 Road Compfiny, lor the sum of 8500,000, rof which thh intprst was to be Daid semi- I j i " - - ------- - w - m - - - feSte, an J clothed with powerss more annually as it accrued, and the . principal f '! liii v'hpn franled toanv I in hp rp1pprnpft nt ihp. nhasurp. of th a T -.- dt our nuoiic fccius Mdi'iiimii;. i;iiiur', iti any umc mt isiui jmii- ary, 1(U A iikc sureiysnip tor J30U, 00 was undertaken for this Company by mrfrd iwplcbrnc . satislacjiion, inan toinai lt Act, passed in in,uie interest where 1 J . . 1 : . . 1 ! ' I I ' pnrtttiejitiLf -Ouriy$nmt wnicn is cnarg- (,t was SJtfi-tfi'fi adminjstration of public af- finc th turnip Establishments, the; Discovery! of m1nsrthe"cdntruction iof !2bo milesjof Rail Itoad, the imjjrovementsion Ileal Es- n many of our Towns, janU the rjse n v. now Ivinir in the Trrasurv.and amount nig to $50,000 as Deforej stated, to be transferred to the Literary Fund, and as an eouivalc?nt. that the Tavern and Auc- ,n ytilue of Forestllarids, yielding, Turpen-'j tion Taxes be hereafter p4id into te Pub- tine, win at once occur as illustrations of : lie Treasury. Rail llou j Company, by a t:t!t of i under the. ausboiity tf both ceded to by the Lg:s'aluro if Vir body, howeTer, has made a s-p.ir . upu tho ame subject matter, so . , of its proviion$ a lo call fOr a m u. lice, It dircctt a sale of all the ; r and franchises nf iho Company i:i I by the Board of public work's of Vlr j': provides that if at the sale, or at a:iv ; after the State of North Carolina c r ; pany incorporated by her for purpr. ial Improvement, should in any : ; the owner of aid Rail Road, 44 the C semWy of Virginia reserves the ii!,t t all the powers, privileges and imir.i ; ! reyed .by. such sale, and t dc-clarc ! null and void.', Now all this so far to North CaroHiM thi j roth," ta say nothing of tHosti devoted I ; To liquidate the State's responsibility I to hei tb brdinary culture. Tliere maj be occa- for the Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road i imity however incautiously or unlortunately n tered into. The odious doctrine tharJ n State may refuse or postpone the fulfil- lo Sllht CAr??aV or.to lbeiknow r 1 ment of contracts guaranteed by herptSb- ? of citizens, is the mere nr. He faith and sovereign honor, has no L. ! Jca,ou mnd L.bos.tll P"t,WiiW in(? nlnrp in .n - i 11 1 . ! meaning. -fehe had neither man:ifs'.r,l : . --is i u our uoruers, aim i am yei hMrftf9ll- , . r , f tertaineu an r wisn io income ine n r.- near oi a single cxcention to the unani. J .u:. nV i n:. h..' i .r i. i . : iuis iki&ii luiau. iter iHia u hi 1. prevent, it is lnit. stood in the fitiu! of our people upon thi subject. ?, in hiPi naid as On. thn ftfmo 1 Hsinnril Instcn,, i' ' ,tKmi ;U ilal.v U.'i'.nmk., ii M I i T0.l nrn.o.i:. . ' i .J . I- 'rcrni, 11 is inir, sioou in iuo t.u 4 Pnf ,VrJr,.- . C :" i .. r : . - - '"'"I""". U1 a ulw '"Y "T1 um , vmuj-a,,, oennj piMvtivic, fa ',uv" UKS IWcrC instituted Jbr creditor .of.ltiA (Vmnint fur tnot-Avi and the one-ienm 01 me principal to be -With the data before us, it cap hardly ad- commend the creation of a sinking fund, to the foreclosure of ihp, ; Alortaes on Jail were amnlv secured hv a .Mori -a re-paid on the 1st of January, in each year mit of question; that upon a (far assess-; be applied in buying and in cancelling the property of the Itnleich and' Gas on ; of the Rail Road protv, nrior'in H I I Will -w ' VIUUI of .,1 td ttUiie aumiuiMri f . . ' 1. ? : .1. 1. 1 : him ftP.d av n iwa j c n i n it i n r p u j i ic I .1 !... : llrt 1 t'teuf iotv fif lh I .cirisbi. (1. . ;i f . I 1 ore. ., u.'. : I: . . Ri'ffrc nre(s'entuig to your coiiHdemti 111 rtiittcrs ol 'general concern uenianu; .t'l1 i)UU counsels nnu uiuiuni i ivu-n ui a, i' f. ;n iL-si" trtt.J t .1 jfpr t'VvviVr ?f o 'i ; ,f ou!-" 1 'teeiii iv ration. 1 nc 'w 1 3 iiiijii 1 v jLtft t wu 11 iivi 1111111 ill i:iiig inn. ill ii n?r ijiii 1 1, nuniA in i iiii inn. t 111. i Liir i uiiii i -.&u vijiihlii . zt rnt i u i r. ninttr- i na , , t bonds, it is understood that 813,000 was j gregHte value will exceed sikty millions ! purchased: at, or below pai to consist, 1st, of the Court ofJiquityof Wake Count vj as : of moro significance. It declares ia :i neer-uM u.iiy me company, and there. o.l dollars ; and that fronvfailur in duly oi any Surplus which may be in the 1 rea-; directed ly the Act of the ilast Sessibn. T'nt section. that in case tho aw;! (ore, that the State-, as au accommodation j exacting the present rate of Ljand tax, the sury after; defraying customary expenses But owing to the resistance madc by the lhe s,ale f ' North Carolins, shall ci : u . : . 1 . . 1 1 . . --. . ; 1 r . . . it - 11 1 1 ier Company, having paid no part of its m wm m iriri vi 111 111 niir rm 1 ir'i 1 ni 111 r p nn nu f r r . . a. 1 . 1 . w . . . At - MjecB iv r'." if v". v"h(,ujiv..- nin,.jmi ucui, aim nut a, single instai- iniiou. ourpnsiu as ims Wraiitu'Jc to! thjt? Supreme Ruler of the ment- of interest, its whole liability" has, ! there seems to be a deficit of rnifcrfffof the preservation of our In- for the present, fallen on the State, which qnai amount, in -the pa t iHiatid thea couii less blessings 01 : has. thus Irfr. kent down the interest on tax. lhe labu ar fetaterne jis lfrdvkjerrcei which have been contiti- 1 both descriptions of bonds, and discharged teller, before referred to, exbjibits for tax- Stockholders, at WtKroiighj another two years of, two instalments of principal, being $30,- ation the next year G3.795 blfckJ, and 54- Act of 1841. S ppliticaliexiai'jice. J hough we have s 060 each, and becoming payable in the i 220 white Polls, including al of which gainst suijdry ol eilMHicjdjliy disease,, to a greater and years 1845 Knd 1840 respectively. To-aci there is any account, both listed! and un- i lor the State's i piitit . Iinnsam liollir nt tt.p llpfittt p1pii.-: pnm flprik-pH frnm sairl U nail if rp.. Of LOUrt lilt 1P1P :ivnr: nn 1 lersmirg nail lioaa lyompany til ur, " . ft, iijw IV Jft J v Vi IV'f .-ftavv w i a v - - "S 11' Ct W CI I I l rV. rinay appear, tamed or its proceeds it sold. 3rd. Anv dered necessary to lhe Supreme Cohrt ".","ca tt ,u -u.-i.c, v uc. . 1 ' . .. .: , . J vuviii, taitinil frnm thai KftP. fur nv nrl i? i? he.ariv fin p. reccvvprips pttpp.tpn ncrin?!t tfip Ntrpkhfii. anu me uicree oi torropmsiirp wot . . " , .v t r ' . r . - - - . ' no i iiil. ymentj off the, Poll ers in said Company, undr the 1 1th sec- poned until the Autumn term of that var. ntOt tpe Lornp- tion of the Act of 1839,;or against the A sale under this decree was mad on the and Subscribers under the 29th ol December following and the Rail Suits arc liow pending a- Road, and all other property of tho Com ted to be done, by tbo said Com; ': any means whatevervprcvent lhe n.i pany from conducting their cpcruii. much of their Rail Road as State of North Carolina, or. any pait (!. liliy disease,, to a greater and years 1845 and 1840 respectively. TTo-aci there is any account, both listed I and un- i lor the State's indemnity! under the Act bid of the Governor, at the sum of 83C3,- to be done bvsaid Comrunv. then all i' xu ui ilia" iias u.Miniiv iniifii com niisn mis uouever, some portion ot tisieu. i ne oiave nonu at lonio! !the State - ot 1H4I. who lai ed to renew their bonds uuu, in? amount authorized bv t ibuf lot; have! stilfi-red fj-om drought, and ; the Literary Fund hasfceen used &i $50,000 according, to the Census of lSlOnumber- j biennially, as required by! Law. and I re- aforesaiil. Possessioh was taken ,'oneuueiu HJiMi- "i w' i'i iiyiu una ukcii uwi iuhcu iruni me uaniv oi uapc , cu . vn oi uiescj oeiween ine j;u't umi, no ; uecision nas as vet, been "ISL u' January, lo tu, oy me up: obligorson the Bonds, given pany, was purchased by the States on the reason of any act herctof.fe done, (r . le act conferred bv that act, on the ptirchv on the 1 ortsmouth and Roanoke Rati Road 4 Hoard of and be determined, until lhe. State i iialtie In" (hod ahd firt. yet, havVwcj; Fear. Tbe State,is, therefore, still bound ages of 12 and 50, are subject to taxation; rendered in the premises, j It is contended Commissioners constituted by lhe Act in Carolina shall reinstate the Peter! ,nmlant reason to rejoice, in what nasi (or the interest semi-annually, on the and by estimates from reliable! sources, ; on behalf of the State, that a failure, to lhe event of such a purchase, and ollieers Uoad Company in all lhe) nrivi.e-.' ."" r 1 ...!-- J " 't . . . i mf . . ' ' - f. ' ' ,1 T-l jm , Venk'bUchSrtle.u'tO. us, rather than to re-j whole sum remaiijinjr, Viz: $727,000. un- this regulation renders taxable 11 .1 k w luit has jeen shiri-red or denied.! tiPpaid, as also Jbr $30000 per annum of more than one-half on each xU:TKpReve Hie and Finances of the Statei principal, for the .i next' eicht years, and A full enumeration, therefore "I'Jwati : subject 0 tnonient to the people; ; the residue ot 85Q0.O0O at such time at- blacks, ought to embrace about 125,000. ! Mortgage?, and the insuJliciencv of the ' action thus tar, will be laid before vou bv axable rather ! renews is a breach of the condition of the and Agents wereStp pointed to manage and !J re,m' l? ,heCT"iil acts passed f r tl 1 p(aiitation, J Bond, inducing a forfeiture of the whole conduct the operations on the road, as the j fJ. . id Stateor until lhe V:,: jrej of taxable Fpeninlty. Since the foreclosure of the - property of the Staled A report of their 1 , ''T 7n 1 ,her.tt,se fiu, h 10c rum I AfnriwA; K r . t,, e..- ..,:ii k i..:.i 1' r 1 1 ,icnd 1,10 ,lJ'1 meaning of Ibis clam tona X ti inmui mf" , 1 .e. 'Ik taxabhi between 'lh ere are fl W10W UHat;,yeartnifnt since the last ' r jJiouromeni jtf tile 'Legislature, and the maud vi h i ch . w 1 1 fa 1 1 upon jit, lwlbre vL r4t lneiinial nieetinu. Our present iir& np-" .... i-. --j-- j T .,: 1 ! ll'.'L.! n LMnmvA 1 1 mikinni'ilnrv l 1 L tl ,ttl a St4sionsot-,4be Legislature, and seven i N r-2 itrj ll. tjhc'Jj.egisUjure, derive addi- ; ter the 1st of January 1800, as the Letjis- Of Whites, all males are tax; l iinnoritance lit; your present Session laturc shall hereafter appoint For her the ages of 21 and 45 years. hi. citcUmstjMlces fwhieh: now sur- i indemnify j ngainsj. these responsibilities, foun'd on our Muster llolls, ihp jiame&ol lis. T le'Retibi ts of the Public Trea- she has 1st, the proceeds of the sale of the i 70,508 "men, comprehending those fee- i' iI.4 ll'. Anmmc 1 !,.!..: i. i.i . i' ii . Y- ..... i ii ! ...: .1... ..i -i o ,.4 J. u.. rerjaiui Vyoiiqaiiriiri um unnu.iti.uuma, . ivciieiyu iiuu vjasipn lian ivoad, ll it shall tu-u me. ages oi 10 ami o geueTaii, i ' 1 . iL . Al... ' I li 11 . . . L.,ft. . ! '. e.ypu ncquawnru wnu uir ua.ii: ; e ueemeu expedient to make a re-sale, out. noi inciuuing numerous exempts un- or us income, over and above expenses, it ucr various oiauues. luaKing lmerai ue retained. Snd, the, obligations of individ- j ductioris for those between 18 and 21, and ual Stockholders, under the 14th section , adding exempts from military duty, who of the Act of 1839, and of the Stockholders are liable to taxation, and there nust still and subscribers; who' gave bono! under the ! remain more than 70,000 taal le wliite Act ol 1841. Whether these resources ! Polls, and consequently a total o ' 195,000 can be relied on, to indemnify the. State taxable Polls in the State. Oui Poll tax ultimately, against her whole liability for has been gradually increasing fcr the last Continued lor ten this Company, admits ofauestion: but years, and, tor the past yeaf, appears farf l During thfs period,, the average ; that they will afi'ord the means of indem- i to have been collected on 104,404 persons. ipenilitnrcj lur ordinary support UI : nity to a very considerable extent, is not IgVfirnmenUetelusive of Disbursements , doubted. , These i means, however, will zt rf liildiig :tIiCCV pi lil, and, the inter- not be inHand.'. ifr seasojn to meet lhe stoii a loan ellecSed1 tci pay the State's more immediate Calls on the Treasury, as ubsfiiptioiij Jbr,Stpckjn,the present Hank j before stated; and the scrupulous fidelity f the Statei in' former vei rs, and of pay- ! and honor, with whie.h North Cnrnlinn h.- trrajs ho aqcottht-bf suretyships for Rail ever maintained her public engagements. ; therefore, an imperative duty of! the; Le- ti.. i n :.' j.l . !..'- i i. .. I i : . - . v. . - .. i ...... ii . : . jo.hi om(uui?. niore receuu.; may we repiire that ample means shall be nrovi-. gtsiature, as wen, injustice to mose cui- ratedllhlfiiitHcient accuracy at about ded in advance, to save the I public faith zens :. whose Lands and Polls are fait ly as-.; . ? i ,. , . . ... t , . . , . ... i i ' . i upuu per annum or u),uuu lor the W1 any contingency. While, theref dai and 15.000 for the even year ot the JfiuKTSof tlie Superior Courts, besides t j(jial and KXf cUtive establishments fi . a erly x t a t i rii g:, ; I i a 4 no w continued fort the br- rhat it has been negligently UtCendcdlto, is manifest from variances ol Ifrdm four to tive hundred dollars, per annum, spme times on one side and somethnes on the other of the account, in the amounts' col lected during the! last four years. It is, real and personal estate Of the Company, the Hoard m a few days, embracing the portimotb ,Uil Uo:lds ,ic partly in'.V to indemnify the State in her secuntvship. statements of the President and the Trea- ii,ia ft,i ii1(.;P riKn,:iiM f n t has become an interesting question to surer; and the journal of the commission- aa enjoy all their ri"hts aiid privt!ri t jwhati; extent-can she claim to be indemni- e,s as well as all thevouchers and! books side, of the line, under charters from c r Ified by the individual Stockholders and f account of these oicers will be! at any lature that tbe las' named Cun; : Bondsmen, and at what time is her right ; time open to your inspection. Upon the sued by a creditor, in an action atjl. jthereto to be asserted ? &y the 14th sec- j construction given to-the Law by the Ex- j aftt!r judgement,' an execution was j! , in the case which ! ecutive, no part ol the former earnings of u,at section -cf it Uoad, running i! : tioii of the. Act of 1839. has happened, to wit," of the insufficiency j the ail Uoad secured to the State, by a ot the property of the Company, to pay oecree oi sequestration against the Urn otTand satisfy'the full amount of Bonds, Pa". could go into the hands of the Corn then directed to be endorsed, in conclu- ! missioners; and thesumof $2.000accruing ding the principal and interest (hereon" rom that source has been therefore paid county of Northampton, a 'salo a: took placo by virtue, thereof, and th, Court atfirmed the same, to iho cx!r ferring on lhe purchaser tho lcal ij ! land and fixtures of the road, but m i f. chise f traneportin" thereon. In il. - ir 114 fig" such deficiencv should be ascertained. The Act of 1841. designed from its title, further to secure the State against loss, as well as to grant further aid to the Company, providing amongst other things, for the execu- tiort and delivery of Bonds, in the aggre gate penal sum of 8500,000 by Stockhold each and every Stockholder w as to be inlo the Public Treasury. It. will thus l ,1in . r bound, to pay towards making up such ; perceived, that to support the operations uilityi lmU ,he advantages of iho R deficiency, an amount corresponding with ; of the Load in all its; departments, there iu all prubabilltty have been coating 1 ins oiock neld therein, at inc time wnen ."." " """ 113 niuiic iy me rc-union ol the estate ;.: own receipts. Hum and alter the Jirst ol chise, but lor the action of the Peter?! January last. j j pany. That Company entered into! . The experiment to this time, removes ant with the purchaser of the est at t. t all doubt of the ability of the Roadtosus- installments 8G0.O00, lor preventing tr tain itself, il well conducted, so that its tatio". over the section, ofi which ihr s advantages will still bc continuedlto the ,li,n' a tipulation that the j ..: people of the State, and encouraies the men,.s hou CPap whenever lhat ft 'M belief, that after all necessary outlays for repairs and expenses, even at the present rate of income, it will alford some freturns erip-lithe tlilJ?rorce b'ing -obviously oc iwnr.d by'ihclSeissibn of tlie Legislature pflVv'tlinl it i indk'ncncaKlallial muacniwC' ne.W aSSPSSITIPllt .. . I ' J ' . j, . ... ...i..., am .J aafu 7 1 . m.t l. Ill (.VI. IIIV IICUIlg : . . . . . v a CclJxnitern?itiye year, in the same ' shall be adopted Ifor an increase of the ments, to be j imej me income iroin oruinary sources oi Kevenue. How this can be realized w th the premises ent of Lands a jid j imprdve- j-of the real and personal estate and prop-' current year justly made, on inspection of erty of said "Company to discharge the ; Qu,te so f'vor if necessary, and to provide -I same." It would seem, therefore, to have j rad, as may ers and Subscribers, covenanting to in- refore. : sessed and enlisted, and who are coutri-! demnify the State against any loss or vmw fflnrift w ill u ftirovtoil in tbo 'mnet hutiiiiT app.ni (1 i n ir 1 v intn tb Mnhlin Trpa. ' damnoe. in eonsenuencc of her security- ra eligible, mde of making this indemnity j sury. as to the State itself, to iequire a i ship in the premises, and " insufficiency to the J reasury as profits on its cost. The v-ui inn, r.u na hoi. uru regarueu as tvorable ta the business; of the. be expected in general, by tenuc has aAfcrnredH3.(W0L the. excess iln lpni b,,Uk;rS t kA . i for .n nnrntnnH full flcni.Knf mII mv. been thp infpntion of the Act of 1839. to ! reason ol diminished freights, from the . : i . .Is i I , i 'r : ii i ' uuiuoiiih iu iiic ucuuir, una cur , ' w -. . ..y.j , - - .-- - .- - U . C . L r'H I ilji i '. . i Wmidih. over and above the, ordinary rdm-orl mvnvinnQ .'naAtin. .i i. lb nprnn. IV hold thp Sfnpkhnhlprs i'ndi viduall v res- snoriness ol ine crop ol looacco, less ac- anu bad lhe other cnntracting party iKUlfen devoted to the account , sut is offered with the deference due to continue to be a just criterion of worth lor Sponsible for any loss tojthe State in the commodation in stage travel ingin connex- jural person, it would never have 1. ion wun me uan Knaa, qua oilier causes. : """t uwcuTigrr nu-ia ic u.r Notwithstanding these disadvantages, ience of the loss of the Road. Rut, in' however, the amount-of learnings of the a corporation, the mere creature cf establishment tor ten month, has been : niusi iook to us cnaner lor privij.. near 851,078 00, and the'dibbursement in Road should again bo brought iriti. other word., the Petersburg Companv. bought from him lhe disue of lhe 1 ' Road, and paid him a coniderai.;ri holding fiotn lh public lhe couvii which the Legislature had auth )fir u slruction. The right of tho indivi to this agreement, thus lo dUpoc t l est, under decision of lhe Court, is n ftrt-builUlttg the CapiloJ, interest on the i the superior wisdom of the Legislature. any considerable period, and a re-assess- lipaypicnt of htalesdchtj 'a$beibr'o mentioned, until! it j Our income, atfpre.sent, is derived chief- nient should be provided forj once at least applying the vak (hschargetl, nd.of;fher liabilities for ; ly from levies on lands and persons. in five years if it be notannijial. By adop- -equal amount ine Kail liohii-Companies, l hese extra- i These should not be augmented, until oth- : ting these measures of fairness and justice, istocK. iNothi er sources of Revenue have been tried : ; to collect what is now imposed, without but the rates now laid should be faithful- any increase of taxes, it may be reasona-" ly paid, and punctually and fully exacted, j bly expected that the Public Revenue Irom alter principal or? interest, mortgaged property, to an with their subscriptions of . t 1 A ing that l perceive, in me Act of 184 1, changes that intention. The Bontts directed to be taken, appear to have been, purposed, at the least, as cumulative restrictions: what is not niitliorifv IIVMI Vl'f llllJ illU;UiPUUIOlllVllb III 11 ll It the same time, for expenses' including the neJ! a,ndr consequence lh, lit v . i !f i ,," : Hail Uoad Company, permitted by i purchase in October of an Additional Lo- on) onslruc a fcid ff0n1 Ti Dfdiuah' demandi on lhe 1'reasurv, by asottjdf thcItail Road! liabilities, have M Vcu'tnulated from the failure of the Lfitis UtureJ "at cither of the two last Ses- And imlpnandpnttir ne iu .aie ,'nrpspnt. snnrr-ns. nnw nmi.il tin about 80.- i'securitv for the former liability, and to comotive, about .30,000.1 I he Officers of Sunt hfrr Iprmirui. nd id trnnn. it Mohs, t0,tnake timely provision to meet of the Treasnrv. I shnnhl hiivp t-ppommpn. 000. mav be raised to 8100L000. Per an- provide a more easy remedy in case, of the Itoad have been instructed, that while : same, had the right either to parti U1':J.'... 1 . r., if. . 1 -T. r " - .-Vv, i. . . - . f . .' ' j . . ,. tin .i; .A . r ... i. t lio,. -.1 1 1 I. .. n. ... w . .. i .,' unn, .ti to increase iiieidiincuitv oi your if)Tc.-iQt,-it;Uj ulio.tcfi1,'ibat his.may he ewily(0vercohic by proper and euergetic ion pqw, without imposing onerous or Li i.i I ' h i i :;' I . i flustpurthehsLnpoh oUr constituents., I - ' - m for a more correct enlistment of Polls, as course of the next year a measure of justice to the . State and of Further to augment the equalizing effect among her citizens. Our proposed that a tax be impoj: ' r n - I I J I : . . wv.ar ft I,. A . I II . I I . . . . ded a new! assessment of Lands, with a num. These regulations should be mfide non-compliance. Whether the lionds ac- ouserveu an pruuence anu economy u,c prclits ot transportation on tho i r. view to greater accuracy in the fixation to .take effect immediately, tjhat the Trea- tually taken conform to this construction m expenditure, no needful repairs were Road, or to suppress transportation t of value On each tract, and some provision sury may experience their benefit in the l ot the Statute, or whether it may be nec- -g ccieu ; aim jis cuiiuiuun s uc- uegaicmg iuis comraci as ues.gncu .; r ... i . i r 'n,.,:., lipvpn in rp nnw rnnn in if nnt lipttpr Klriirlinn tX lti 1'nrlsmniilli lliini! I i levenue it is assert the State's remedyiin its full extent, than, at the time of sale. On the 1st of that the other might have a monopoly i pd nn Plea- I on the eround of mistake! or inadvertence July last, the sum of 87,200 was paid out "fs done by both, as such a p-j! .! - I: . ' - - - . - . C ! I? i. il 1 I I a unn fmti airencciAti 4TW if r ia n r rr t , Land tax lor 25 years past, has been the sure Carriages, and Gold Watches kept ;in framing the Bonds, is a matter for your ' V "iro me ruuuc i reasury to - " , ' , ' ..i A . i " ! 4- - a i Li:. i,' . Ahirn i;k0ra!;n TUt iL Apt nf dc rav the interest on J&240.000 of Ra h) ,he 1 eterburg Company, .in J j . : i .oue.a.e , e o , ix cents per annum on -u u, , , u ueeuieu eApTic.t s'T'"'" r." , - T;: oV ii r.. . ll n, A" linnA f.ii;. ,.i r ...i.;au that that Comnaiiy had made rrtf- idjas already shown ; f'aturc of.his State, ofjitt opera', ill uui iiiiiua, iiaj rjir-ai n-j i" i . peri(xlically done by lhe Act of in c;. directed tbe Attorney General lo 1.' formation against them in the Suprei ..ti he v or tle yil,riinton k-nd Raleigh Rail d Company the State became surety vHhc net of 1810. for the sum of 6300.- i , - . .J L i f ! 1 - - y pnjahld in'yut, anhtjital instalments jof U -.. . .s. Ifll.t ! I l .1 . . T jpryi iaizrfinp. ending itiej isioi jan- j returning lands for tr nh fS17. Thf lirst of, ihese instalments ; taining their value, w ,5 j paid by the Company. ' The second 1 a few; factsin the hist Jwin due the Istbf Januarwl813. while in tt.P vr- lsin tl.P i j. 'l it' I i (ftftVyftMi-,'ft'f -' Q -ft.l--'.V - f - - y - - - - ;( . 77 I f (5 -Uenenil 'AiihTy:was iivsession, ihd '. the lands o( the State, assessed for taxa- Bank of the Cape Fear Has paid io the j Those Stockholders, who did not give t ng apprized th.it the CotripaW was tin- tion under tiie Law of Congress, was c-53 - State, and the Litc-rary Fund, the full a n Bonds, seem to be responsible to the a- -ec to discharge it j thef directed the Lit- rwi .ria. Hot. in thn x nnr issn iKp wimi,. . motmt semi-annuallv due loi Dividends "mount of their stock, under the Act of py baird, to invest .S5Q,000 ()f its funds, -quantity of :'land listed for taxation was purchasing tbef bon. which constitu- valued at only 839,130,108. To correct J the evidence o this debt, ! These are thjs criminal' delinquency in enlistment f ill l,l.l ' . ! ij 1 .( i . I ' ihp nnp hnhflrprl rlnllnr- Tl, V.o nt hpr n rtiplpsi nf Invurv tn &n intn nnera- : 1839. Section 14. Ob lfired lhe btOdUhoIdCTS ivoau UOOUS. men hitiifil "nporljfrpnppl wtiiph has tinn at nnee. and pnntinnp i!n "nroi until to save the State harmless, both as to the state was bound ""-'''-' & ''?-S 9 "'vn (lltu lIV Ililll.U III v.sa..uv: ....... : - i - -. 111 .-: .! : . . . . yft ; 1 : L..At 1 Li. 1 find An Ihn ltf t llntvhni Ihn w4rx Vi r 1 am returning lands lor taxation, and ascer- the expiration ot the next Session ol the j principal anu interest, cannot oe uouoteu. " ""-' V"" ill bp mnnifpu frnm General Asspfnblv. ; I i Aor will it be readily admitted, that the cumulated a balance ot about s,jLNj story of the Revenue. It is submitted to your inquiry, in qoni 1 Act of 1841, in Jr7n matcfta, was design 'lllie d asa nart;of the funds of that oard.r Rut, for. tlie iuitalment, payable .uiot Januaryj 18 1 1, no provision was and valuation, the Act of 183G directed a new assessment of Land and improve- more. ments, by means of which, the same sub ject of taxation iiij the next year was rais ed in value to 8511,021.317, and 0.000 more a i .1 . i i .i' i ni . i - J I ' i.t v . rt , ,4 ; V - T f T 'i ' "w wasauoeu io mej jvevenue. j ins aiua ,,,rl ,,c V1"10 n,,a.V,,at set ot 0(?nds lsnow tion, however, is obviously defective, since atr(rreo-ate value' of nection with the Revenue,! whether the ed to ahrige or surrender any security, i The importance of this public work to the . and require ihenito show cause why ti Agricullure and Merchandize ol the country, ier should nol be declared forfeited.- will be apparent from the exhibit of 25,500 00 last Term of lhat Court, judcmcr.t v dollar? of the 'above earnings, for freight on dered in thi case for the defen ! '.' transportation of property. ; Wliat disposition opinion announcing this decision h shall now be made of tbe Itail Uoad, is au en- to vou, and to it, you are i. referred, t quiry of much coiiseqocjice. It was not thought mine whether any new Legislation 1 expedient to offer il forisale, under the powers io prevent mischiefs in like casses f conlerreq on me by lhe; Act ot Assembly; and tnre no lenders- have been made for nurchase. 1 It t was while (his Information '.w. in the i event' of its fall ng on tic; which cgnlingency happenin ras ir the it 0 -l' .., , .T .i i by the 1 reasun r, with the 4 sti. at the. Treasury. Bv thelAct of the t f..ii4'tfvn nnd ni..ii' mUi; iiniinr m I , -1 i I f. ,.. . ' !- ft1'ftIV4L;ftll IlltlllUIIO Vl U f ilriF c .. .; . M i 7 .i vr I " uM-joesio i, or omer below that Ot 1815, although more than a ' " i Kllllt ntiru.H .)... si, 1 1 ........ I ? be issued, in (icq of llibse becoming due iUStS and lftioDti which credits were ...uuu iu iota jhiu. the interest j liCTCOf has been kent down hv the Com. r""j'"-? a!w aisq on those held by iLiterarvBoardi nnd ilm 1 . MIV Smtgagtl on .all the pro ' ffyfJho iComnanv,: was til:pn in cp. (.m h tkvu:t f..-t ' :r;:: v v h "It n ; 7, 1-;; : ",,:s ew inuorse .i !ntj I ;ijnl;; not (informed Aether thjs ris preparcu io pay olf the re the .V.i million and half of acres had been pat ented in-thejimcan time. It is reasonably estimated, that with an area of 50.000 square miles within our boundaries, there are 45,000 square miles, or near twenty- nine millions ol acres ol territory inhabit- their custom, being to pay.tjbe tax on !the; 18.36 for both interest anld principal. And Shares of Stock owned by individuals, out fit would be an anomaly ii the subsequent of the whole profits of the" Bank, instead of 'proceeding, if they are uider heavier ob- ihe Dividends of profits allotted to indi- ; ligations than their associates, who enter- viduals. This course is supposed by them, ed into bonds besides being Stockholders. 1 J . ..'I'.'. - tn Hp qm nptinnirl liv v rhrkinn nf flip Sll. '! Pint liTViotai-nr r-o,- Kn i-a srlonf nf flip i i .1 j " : mtvj v '" recommend mat u ne placed under trie comroi -t is.embv cf preme C ourt, on the taxing clause of their liability of these Stockholders and bonds- of the lloard of intcrnii Improvement, or oth- mJJe thcir !ectme,'t whrh u old Charter: but the renewed Charter of . mentor whatever may- He the forum lo Cr Commissioners specially appointed Cor that , mtirnate(j thal if a contrary, decision ft. lodj is in uiuereiu language, anu u couiu emorce n, l apprenenu inai tne event nas purpose, wun ample power to make smu in . . . . n-tt ....Uimt,..' . ... . , ... . . . . - " , i u u m r u u v. -4r - - - corporation should be deprived hv r;i- privileges, now enjoyed under cur !av.'. son of any neglect of duty, or by r.ny tu sion wltatever, it should te retaliated loss of the Portsmouth Road also. T. had made herself nonparty in th? ri . . hardly have been the desigfn of the Legis- .happened on which it may be at once as- , whole of in part, and to agree in iheir discre lature to exact a less tax tin the Stock of :serted. An opinion has prevailed, that tion upon terms and ririce limited only by the individuals in tbfe Bank, than on that in .the State, although obliged to pay inter- amount at which it was purchased 'iy the State similar institutions in the tate' ' lest in the mean time, antl 8500.000 of as a minimum. Hut io the; meantime, that a To aid the Treasury, uiVtH'otlrer means principal in 1800 or thereafter, could Committee of your body shall make a thorough can be realized. 1 sorrow ithnt thp Unnds. vp nn rpdrp nn thpvp nhlicratinn until examination ot the enure concern, recene any I I ll.nl BVk n ft IkA Ofh . ,1 .J...... - . Antes and Judgments, helil bv the Litera- .afiPr that distant, neriod. i The law. it is ei purc.M . -fe these Companies, but aulUorized ( - . t. inlrtief inna IiT) MJV n vyi'ij.i.iiasiwiir-ia III ?w 141 a.a . . f I ..il, l , A .ftftA fhn n ft I ft C KJ,WJfr - But after exhausting being cro 1 1 : 1 1 . 1 - may tje deemed auvisible. I ouch works are more likely to he advantageously carried on un der the keen eye of indiridual interest, and with the supervision of public agents only. And it is therefore desirable, that at, least half ol the tu.n of both liond. to nrocure the n iva two highways for market and travel, e: to her people, of course, lhe' fruit j f 4 ulation between ibem.' Rut in the di- of her justice, vhether among corpoi; individuals, and in lhe exaction 01 t! . ry Board, consisting chiefly of the uuex-;'true, renders the debt irredeemable until pended balance appropriated to drain ' that time, to give the capitalists assurance ed. Making the utmost allowance for ovvamp Lands, be turned over to the Pub- j ot a long loan and thereby to enhance the lands not yet granted.! it can hardly be lie 1 reasurer, to be collected and applied value of tbe stock- possible that less than twenty-five million's ; according to our necessities: but, that the 1 the remedy by -mortgagie, and it of acres are chargeable with taxes. But State be charged withthe amount thereof, r demonstratively certain, that a larj r - . . a w-ftx 'ft 1. A . H A . . if L ..L . I 1 L. : ; C : ' . 1 - ' 1 1 . . 1 I il f . J . U . n - Irom a statement appended to the Keport as a iuau, mu uaeresi 01 wnicn sunn ne iiance.even 01 principal, must oe paiu o ijnuer me eowiroi 01 a uirecmr i mj; ' Huences Irom abroad can be pcrm;:rt ,nO"l ninS'i- ' i I ' ;J ' l , 1 . oi ine uompirouer, it seems tnat Oi, mummi as mi uunuai pari ui iiie-i-. ine oiaiet 1 see uoiinugi wuicu requiica inrsi m iio-uuviuuit. . lere. -oi io remark on me uqun rrtt V'irT - Tj ,1 , , ' 472 acres comprise all, of which any re- distribution lor the support ol Common i; delay 111 exacting any part of the indem- mane acceptable irom. tne consiaeraum., comity, implied in gratuitously au;. :cVhUt their ItlCOmc IS Unddubtedlvnt. 1 . . . 1 T . , .. , . oi.i . 'tu- iri...iT' sui?-i... ..'k:..i.l. j cl'ua ' nnv nm' f.tl5n inin iKp Treaurr. from the v- n ,l:.,li....(.cJ 1 cWtrA.'t "Li 11 .1 1 turns nave oeen receivea, and mat ot this, oyuooia. mo cuciuai security oi iiie.nuv supuinteu. ououiu mese sugj;"""-' v ... . 7 v :, r, ""' ucsuiu .... isSl?Cn Ul -f1.!;. the averageivalue for taxation is but 82,- Principal, and the! punctual payment of meetyour concurrence. you will of course sale ofihe Road, w.l 1 7Z 1 fro" Roads, and proclaiming by; public : meat, ibal she eLouia. ie exciu 1 -j property in this Road he sold, lhat it may pass duc to her AW9t n ier ovrr4 'ferri:.,, rial 1 i-tt i - t :.''".!,' 1 .' 1 1 . . . : . inn averare va ue ior taxation is unt 1 xincipai, nnu mu nunctuai imymens 01 ;i meei.-v t P-ferUnSi?. IT glS "1 Ucl,onof 28 per acre, against a like average of the interest, is all tbat isf now desired fromlfgive the corresponding jlirections to the the invoUments contracted on its account. ffJtT tO-bcthe easel Li ;ion fo'. continuing r lemL tn iKn AJt.' r 7 valciil feea" T Cf: ! no direction for a 2SJ; per acre, against a like average of the interest, is all that isf now desired from! .give the '.corresponding directions tome "'V,V"V' "p- iU Wilmington and , VJ lUMuc A-', ; . &on ,or .ooi. ,ku. Tt.rv Fnnn Tk'. .t;.i T on- iinffinaiv r. .K .ol Mnw much The yearly Report of the iimingion ana biddings, ihough part of it was in ,i:. 'i p .. f . T.r " :.:.. i ,uL ke i...Li i. I' .L.:...i r. inenme. Raleigh Rail Road Gompan) has noi jet i.een and cxij,ej ty her leave, while the V5 : 1 U i, , ."T.T "." 1 C Y.WMth& Treasury will, in fu- V;:V.5e "am tho afft airs 0 the Com acl 9ff Iho General Assemble n t Hlmk in like rharui, tn iKaJigh and Gaston Rail . ' .ii ! ; f r ' new assessment at anyi sition of this part of it, j while it supplies! or re-sa e, of the Rail Road, or Irom the itr,i1pR,lHrdAlInieri lo vou along with . nointsr agents lo attend and hid I r 1 . T . .1'.. Tf . . .iii b. . k t:7 . uu direction lor a new assessment at any! siuosi oi una jian. i 1 ri . 1 1 iii., 111 1 1 " B: ... ; .rv 7 - . 11 iivnniinkAi - m t n nrncn m vm ni u tia t r t a- ; iiti i pq po.cq a nr ino i .' n i i i : n u f i 1 1 11 uiu i iiv - i i M Ha-aii . j . nMJrnpJ libili. i . HU.CM- Mine, uuu iuc laiuaiiuii uimci ' rf 7 " , " Jl v m v. - " - "4 MO 1 . w . 1 . ' T " . ' iKe Report ofthe IJoardOt internal 1 mpru, ..:.... , . . be denunciation, lLat 11. r t ifAJ,"li:J:rT,i thUt ! !00scy made' ten years ago, is the cn,, Iteye the School und ilrom the expenses liabilities just referred to; is a ei uucer-. November last theylcxhihited a reduction of; f x ascertained and adjuJ-! TJ ; Tr "11 T k. - 10a oi our Land Kevenue at present. incident to ine pre hresent. incident to the present Loan Utiice in lhe ! tain. In advising theretore, ouii lempo- f. nftft ,!;,!!., ; nrineinal ol their deirt, be- 1:-. ilrfi;-iai Tribune, in a r-roct ljesides. Very cons derable Quantities, since Literary Board : and the increased Re,vetk raryi.'tjravlsiori for extra taxation, 1 am in- . , .heiDavmeiit of inlereston all Joaus in the , r ,i.e Companv owning th.- i : entered vah4 patented, ten years havCj n!ue, in the mode Jalredy set forth, willfluenced by the consideration, that possi- preceeding twelve months; and it i supposed s!joMj ,f deprived of any filTf pr'.i:, greatly enhanced thp nri nf mtir.h of the . a lord amo e means !6rs the navment oL!i blv, It maV not longer oe-rcquireu, ratner .hat lhe present lias iecn a ui mu ; advantages raniea ' J air. Land in th KtntJ r : II tko.; ft will !mnl ;V tka Pntilio!:!! 1 W n lur 1 tm fpnr'nf- anv aversion of our4 r nmsneriiv to that Rail Rtiad. . ,,, cf both should ba Iot t This A rt . :i J ' V VIl9Vi ft V w a w---. - r - 1 r r ' T -r 7 - - 1; provements and discoverips made within !i Accounts, to direct the! Bonds of the WiU constituents, to contribute whatever may that period- ' The erection of Mariufac-' mington and Raleigh Rail Road ?Compa be heeded to redeem the pbblicpbligations, 1.ti Session for the re-or- frauization, of the . Portsmouth and Roanoke w i -i ,r (Concluded on Fourth I'njr.) . ' .7- r. .-.'.. . '.l i : w - - ... '4 i i in ik. ; .; f. r-ft- -4 . . 1 5 if f I I il I . I. . .. ,. -. - - - - " - ,- i i ' ; t r - 1 -

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