t- - 4 W I rll 7 1 ir- iV i l JtUM T .; j .! i - ( J'" " J.Unlt.M l WO .v 1 , , -' i at $1 r annum Ift MVtt"" pr square "'5 T ,v: i , U,,of Caldwell, in tho i .Ll UaJinjr irom inc w coii,tnu:tioao wr . lh. dirpct;on 0f 01 , Jootf v nnTrnfr"trS ! ; I II M II . M l I ; P I II .EI II 1 : M M MMiM . J . ' C i is' . .i . I 1 1 . ' BRUNER V JAMES, Editors Sf Proprietors. ' it ...i Ahe counties c nu n wu county Yancey. IIecci$aa area :;..tfkt least'for onfl new ooi my, n. W ftfWfor oni new Co, nty!. li "'F;. i:i.irUU iriJ almost uninhabb I1 1 m (k Slter Wataug .) inter- Ew !,UhVv which t..cc her with r . i.iilipe of the mountains a : ! rr? . ' ' : r : r -t i -r i :-n ' i I I ' . . i i ' I ; ' : ' .. 1 r priatinn equal toilbe amount expended m casbj and labor by County dourtii, and individuals in the construction of said road, not less than fire Thousand 'Dollaf s. If ' ' :: !. If this be! deemed inpxpedient M'e ask thirdly a Charter with liberal previsions ; a capital of 'IV it TKrnaiif1 n.illar and a Plorfnra iUi iUi . I -JII... uililln IntTPlItPr W II ' '. 'i.-!tu t . ;.: p , - , mn1. ain, OiatC taKe l ur M.ir mini oi me SIOCK 11 j .-.7 . SALISURl, ,N. .,IFRII)M DECEMBER 4, 1846. NE SERIES .hi .i t . u f is NUMBER 32, OF VOLUME III. i l r:i .. i,J. iir. Vour netnioncrs. '.L.Dr -m.iil ttent. for health, beaulr. and n1 v l. r.rtitLiy nd .iic oulyreaaooi Why it has never BOMBARDDMET OF TABASCO. tepmiWWxV it VinS de9ltute of a p ; ;j jX- tttiMti$r$Wy f 'nf coure : The New Orleans cayuno has ' ,n its M)peri,i and the inoral and !...'ilirJiia auvinWnient t ianr coronumity atrJinl.aUnosi unKnow '. Viihithe inuitSj of mis i,eriu the best in sue- is an in- Uv hi the Citatilwry Iron ore. ce esVnj! f perafu.rl anil mt,ch ot the Iron many - Intplthtfaj ailvW !W mMntains, and .large i,ui0ii.iinf irih fyaloes, Corn, Suit and Plas. ter ok Pari rn carrier on iuaujui.u..M iuipa. iUeartrnefetl 6rJsold aa sacrifice of half i a i fitir rontral noiiitioin in Ithe Wes. tern Vniif tbe $tate, possessing naturally much I iSd tho West, wo should! be astonished that ri, . : . l f l . J 1 -I ...1 t.... r ,U.,n. i.rl has Men so rona nvcriooRt-u uunor te frttut'elWeen JVilket boro an4 Morgan t0B,'istaQce'i!of W' miles, along tho Blue KMsfciJ w Courthouse Town until this rntmir was eia,Tuisnc. v".!r ... tit. . i . r. rfftj road; win ua rejmarKnuiy wraigui ior u Inouiilajpoucounfrivilh tie gieat advantage mp inV oilier rout i$ avoiding the great stone the great Linville oteflnV other, torn i mftimta it orv ttie noun anu Rinjff in -the- Hntlj r- both! presenting for ma nj ntjlfS.etK'Ctuai oaj-ners to a ursi raiti rtau. froaf jbur courthouse toftoWrt Moody's on the' Waters t lio Y ndk in, a distance of about 9 nSrslficre'is4 almulv a to!eral!e rinid, which " i "... i , ricayuno has been fur nished by an Ccer of the Nary who was en. gaged in the affair of Tabasco, with the annex. ed summary j arid sketch of the proceedings of Com. PjJrry, with the detachment of vessels sent under him against Tabasco. The enter prise (the, Picayune says) was altogether suc cessful. The object of the expedition wai to jut out certain prizes anchored in the river. These were! all, taken!. When the city was summoned to surrender, the people were all in favor ol yielding at once. The Governor and soldiery opposed it. jTime was given for all peaceable persons, women and children to get out of harm's way ; but . the Governor would not allow any one to leave, so that it is feared most of those killed during the bombardment were not soldiers. Some of the regulars were killed. Hacl it not been that the execution was principally done upon inoffensive persons, the city would have been demolished,' with the ex. ccption of ihe residencies of foreign consuls and the hospitals i - I Tho squadron consisted of the Mississippi, Com. Perry j Vixen, Commander Sands; Bo nita, Lieut. Commanding Benham; Reefer, Lieutenant' Sterret; Nonita, Lieutenant Haz- ard ; revenue steamer; MeLane, Capt, How. ard ; levenue.qutter Fprward,jCaptatn Nones ; 200 seamen and marines from the Raritan and fore taking Uhe city, Tabasco at this moment would been! ours As it is, we have paidthera dearly (or the shot that deprived us of Lieut. Morris. Long will hey remember our tisiit and; dread the return of the American. I " The Mexican force was three hundred and fifty; regular troops, with four pieces of cannoit, besides an unknown number of armed peas- nt4 ; all of whom were posted in strong tnilii. tary works j or in the occupation of stone or bricjk houses ; hence wecould only reach thern willi pur great guns, an at every disadvantage! The following vessel were at Anton Litar do 4n the 8th of November : Flagiship Cum berahd. Frigates Raritan and Potomac, steami- ers Mississippi and Princeton, together with the gunboats and six prize vessels. The St. Mary's and Somers blockading Vera Crui, Porpoise at Tampico, the McLane j inside the bar at Tabasco Forward blockading Tabasco. The McLane will get out on high tde. -Lieut. Renshaw came up from the squadron under orders to Pensacola navy yard. Health of the squadron perfectly good. ; j 1 here is a Mexican force of from five to six Icvyirig;day the first brigade, of hidivi sipn. This puts a quietus, if any Were needed, to ttie report of hislmovemerit a- giinst pen. Wool. l The garrison at Vera Crtiz was engag. eq in completing the defences of the city. A'ditctj to surround the whole city had been commenced before the; steamer left. 'Governor Cnstro, of Califprnia, has re tired tti Sonora. He refused to come un der thei Government of the United States. The Mexican papers teem with letters, articles, paragraphs, &c. designed to stim ulate the courage and patriotism of the people ; among them are long accounts of fictitious victories trained overi the Americans, of disease ragipg among the Arriertcari forces and on boird the ships of war, &.C 4 The papers announce the receipt of a leiter from Com. ConuerJ thanking the Mexican authorities, in the name of our Government, for their treatment of Capt. vnrpenier ai i uspan, anu announcing mat thousand men at Alvra.do. Thfv have nlarprl across the mouth of the river three sirong chain jGen. La Vega would be released. cables, and sunk vessels on the hari It would be ientirely useless to attempt the lace again by a naval force. Othei- accounts received from th South state that Santa Anna, having expressed his disappointment of this proceeding on the part of Geo. Sales, the latter had re tired to the city of Mexico, j ' IMPORTANT ! Call on 'forth Caro lina for Troops -The President of the United States, has called for fnine addi tional Regiments of Volunteleri for imme diate service, an one oTtherniis to be ta- iwri(uu.i wis state. , The .others are to come from; Massachusetts,! iew York, Pennsylvania; Virgihiaf Sout Carolina. Louisiana, Mississippi, and !;Tas. The X ranibct " slmated at 'from 0,500 to X000 men. Our Uegirnciit is to ren dezvous at Wilmington. ! ! ' Gov. Graham recieved the! requisition from the President, and instamiv i inpd bi General Order, calling on the "Companies ocictiru iijy lot .luring the Summer to assemble without idelay. The act under which lhey Volunteered declares that they may he accepted to sprVH mnnlh! nlrpr iIipv tkoll I . .. X "ae r- ed. liuf. bv making It appear m u i1u,c Puire,meZvpus,or,tothe , more lroops wcre Wanted, and ttie 1 resident 1 tht tl,r- Hnnfif nrnr'f ' I Mirlhiip Anorntinnrf thn tnnnpv r wfl. t.iwt., ft .4 ; v J j . had upon better terms. The vc ! ' ? ter thtt Innn tvr rffrrtrff. the t culled Jorf ! TThe call for Voluntr, rs h : country by surprise, nnd hrts t picions not at all creditable to i istration. ' ' ; A lew wpeks a'go, as our r recollect, the oflicial oriran ' fight. We were to strike ! blow" to lakeTampico.Saltil! ,tc Suddenly, the tunc was c . was intimated that Geni Tay! ted with a discretion to go for w:.: he had called for no more volin.! had 20.000 troops in the army cf t 3rande. Then came tlm ollici A ' Secretary Marcy, dated Oct. 1C. v that it was not contemplated to ny further call fbrjvoluntrers, : : sufficient force for, the ivar ,?, ! been called into service. I Just r after this letter was written, ih retarv. witliout any change cl far as can be seen, has called I 7000 volunteers. M What is the secret of all tic dictory savings and doings? "i talistsoflhe North, who arc ; sensitive to all these mntters. a it in this way: The govern merit to borrow money: Sf it were Ki a large additional force vas to I for, the loan would of j course with less avidity, and a higher r terest asked, because it Svould t! parent that more loans would I c ed. But, by making it nppr nur M easily .eduied almtist to a level, (pass- Cumberland, under command of Capt. Forrest, infftSrjiiifchlhe' Warrior 'Gvp and the valley of ; Lieutenants Gist, Window, Walsh, and Hunt; LATER FROM MEXICO. By the arrival of the barque If loyd, from Havana, the New York Sun announces thej receipt of Havana papers Jto the 7th of November, with advices from Vera Cruz to the 1st. 'These advices were brought by the British steam-packet Tay. which arrived at Havana on the Gth. hat- i . ing on board one hundred and two pas sengers ; an unusual number, supposed to indicate that many, either Mexicans or foreign residents, are leavingjMexico to But the call now made by reauires thfit thft trnnrw thn 11! tfrv ring me war with Mexico unless sooner dis-' This is a very important 'variation from - the original understanding under which the volunteers came forward; and the f resident appears to Ikivp loir I.of it Extract of a letter from Taiiipico, Oct. 24. might interpose a serious obstacle to the u Since the taking of Monterey Santa accomplishment of the object, for he says Anna nas arrivpn at i.ni ami koah. wiouam, centrating as many troops as he can ; some say with a view to attack the Ame ricans:, whilst others are pf the opinion that he aims at the dictatorship. lie has ordered all the troops stationed at this place (amounting, to about one thousand men) to join him immediately, and they are to! begin their march the day after'to- morrowi (2lth Uctober.) ! We shall then " By the act of Congress above referred to, (13th May) it will be seen that the terms of service are for 44 twelve months, or to the end of the Warunless sooner discharged:" and it may be, that the Reg iment, which has been enrolled in your State, and is now in readiness to enter the service, may regard their offer as made with reference to the former neriod If ihis be the nolicv under wind. gan and Secretary Marcy havn, : is exactly worthy of thejeutest h;-r who isot content to! leave l.i blindly to make a bad bargain, ! him by throwing him off his guar t 1 statements. Such tricks are r . ered particularly, honest in a hor but they will doubtless.be regard leather in the cap of the present tralion. buycltcville Observer. escape the dangers of the wak One 0f and probably it is better so Wh remain without any troops to defend the j Should this be so, your Excellency will en i ih-Vadkin. fivornlilv known to manv as the -IlifpfiValley';": fhenckj to the lop of the Blue llife in ihe Cireenp-t'.leuient," a dis tnre'niit cxceediri!'nlin miiile : the ascent be. iweei the waters of;YadkiJi and Catawba Riv. eiri ii v -ry gridual and easy. I roin ihis point on thi .Vluej Ilide ip the Sjate line at or near Cranlt rryj-'orgeifa distaiici of alxiut twenty one 4r IwcntVitwii fniles, crossing the valley of t ! ' " ' ' ' . ' .1 LL . ... l. hul;, a,ni pmsin inrotjiu, or m ar io, tu lif 'fdley, cainmanly called tho f' Big Rot tomil'lof Elk, the only difficulty presented is a ranee of mountains div'nling the waters f Elk pud Watauga', whioji will be easily pass fi hi tmif of i ho! low gaps hi the same. From the Siafe'h'rm'to !Jortcsboro, a distance, of about thirty oj- thirtyrjfie miles, and to oilier points in Tennessee, iheljl afp already tolerable roads, tyci! ill no! doubt' be greatly improved by the ciWnVojatiState. r' fc -'- r :Bt!I&4dfuf- s'lfnffite Ihe whle, distance from "5eyift. M J Jonesbof-o will bej about se'v. fWWicand about fifty rmiles lss than by my tbet ttijjtei or rtad, lhat-will be of any im priiftctto 7he Slate at Jarge. clrofirhg Lm-visje mountainland ru Kivtf la jhe'coiiinty of Yaney, (the lion othU IstatuMirfit in regard to distance,) owinjio ine greai ruiucuuies in crossing L.in- ill mouMain snd Blue Ridiie, has failed loan iwe? pf ivaluable purpose twi if; B4rke and Yancey, vaitkietly idf signed.. . i cw iii"uii3 fuojci in a more important ii""" tshorws the Legislature will consider this road Phe Road running up Toe only excep. except to the coun. for whose benefit it a f. ii t , tV' U Mrt of, a great ihoroughfare belt ween Fay tttnlje and Cumberland (Jap, and provide that il,. I.I 1 ttv;r.j,i,r, u, ;f l ' . ' '.-jv nvi; !cstcrrii j . urnpiKe, i consirucieu tnu( xs hear approach to Lenotr as practica W,ith view tola pfoner' connexion of the "iovii : it: it' m: i : i. The citizens c. the INorthern counties as. tdirit the YadkiiijRiier to the valley by a (rtde ilailly Tendered almdsl level by following ankof thr river, will find ihis the short ty audi ht toki tt tho West, while, the mid. cl? tn( 8)uthet4ict1iqnties vould be equally ben as our courthouse is, at the wswrsiera extremity ot ntbe ISrtjishy ltange, road from this place tolfayetteville, could be jilrnbst a IdirclcC line by a grade. - equal; to 4nJ jiib; State, pp.isessinj; also the great ad Ttn,4bBdtheing well watt fi'd bysmall streams, inlroiding the necessity expensive bridges, &U also one !of tho great advantages in l"t )rt df the road west bf us. eiumtti laistkncB already made, will Wateml different ijhcn considered wjth f10 Cumlerhnd Ga$, as will be seen by ierence 'to a!'g6odj ' mapand that part of tho JjM ffg!h'ro,igh tho' m'urttain4, unlike most 'ia'oadlj will be stippliedfat all points "jdl iti abundatice lof acricultural productions. frajing tho, n -ntar'Tic'Inity to' tho Blowing Capt. Edsori and Lieut. Adam3, of the Marines. They-left Anton Lizardo on the 16th October, and arrived at Frontera on the 23d. Captured steamers Petrita and Tabasyaeno, and several small vessels. On the 24th and 25th ascended the river sevenly-two miles to Tabasco ; the current very rapid : towed by the petrita and Vixen ; passed Devil's Turn at 2 P. M., and landed and spiked four 24 pounders;. Arrived offTabasco at 6 P. M., and anchored in line ahead, distatit ;150 yards from the shore. Sunrt monedthe city to surrender. Governor refused. Fired three j shots from the Vixen one cut down the fUg-istafiuof the fort, and, las the col ors fell, wo thought that they had surrendered. An ornccr came ou wun a request mat we would spare their hospitals, which was granted.1 At r o'clock; landed 200 seamen and it a ri ties, but, as it was too late, to attack the fort, they were ordered on board. Some skirmishing en sued, but none of us wjere hurt. This was Sun day, and the Commodore was somewhat reluc tant to commence the attack on thai day. Cap. lured one brig, three schooners, and one large sloop; also, captured one schooner before we arrived at Frontera, and another on our passage up ihe river;! making in all ono brig, fivo schooners, two steamers, one! sloop, and many small ci-aft and lighters. Monday, 26th, at daylight, sharp fire of musketry from shore, which waa returned by our great guns, firing at the flash, I The firing was continued for some lime at intervals, when a white flag was shown by the civilians on shore, no doubt with the consent ibf the Governor. Sent off a peti tion to the Comodore io spare the town, which jie granted, adding that he only desired to fight the soldier)' Got the prizes under weigh, and made every preparation for returning white flag flying all the while. Lieut. W. A. Parker got ashore with his prize vessel near the city, and was attacked by about eighty sol diers, whom he beat off with about eighty men, losing only ohe and Ijiaving but two wounded. This affair lasted thirty minutes. Lieut. C. W. Morris was dispatcher to him with orders, and, passing the heavy fire of the enemy, was woun ded in the neck by a musket ball. . Lieut. Mor- the passengers was Senor Felix Rivas, bound for England, on a mission for the Government of Mexico, supposed to have for his object solicitation of foreign aid. V We have before mentioned the resigna tion of his office by Senor Rejop, the Mex ican Foreign Minister. It is now added that Senor Pacheco, the Minister of Jus tice has also resigned. The! two posts have been filled by the appointment of Generals Lafragua& Ladron de Guevara. The department of San Lujs Potosi is said to have declared against) the provi sional President, Gen. Salas, demanding that Santa Anna should be at once invels- ' . i ted with supreme power. ! Meantime it appears that srjme real or pretended attempts upon the life of Gen eral Salas have been made, in bonseqence of which he had left the capital and ta ken up his residence at Tacubjaya, with: a body guard of troops. The story of the attempted assassination had! been sent post haste to Santa Anna, whb made use of it by publishing . a letter, translated as follows: Nat. Int. j ; GEN. SANTA ANNA TO GEN. jALMONTE To his Excellency ihe Minister of War. j j Sir: By the reception of your circular of the 19th instant, I have learned wih extreme regret that our foreign enemies, by means of their disguised agents, at tempted on the evening of that day a se rious outrage, from which it appears that they were endeavoring todispossess his Ex cellency of the supreme executive power, which circumstance gave rise to a series of alarrhs, and would have produced the most disastrous consequences had it not bjeen opportunely discovered at the mo ment. I t! the Americans learn this they will proba bly pay us a; visit, even if they had not previously determined to (ake possession of the place. Many families are leaving, but I shall remain." FROM YUCATAN. By way of Havana, we have received late dates from Merida and Camneachy. The last mentioned town is in a state of revolution in consequence of the act of adhesion to Mexico. Accounts from Merida give! ground lo believe that a new pronunciamento has taken place a gainst that measure, and conflict was eipected between the garrisons and! the troops of the two! places. The Diario de; la Marina says it is known that Campeachy was forced to ac- I knowledge the acl recognizing General San ta Anna. Uesides the hatred borne towards Santa Anna by that town, they allege as anoth er motive for her resistancejthe certain block ade of the ports of ihe whole Peninsula by the American Squadron, which would put a stop to ! all their trade in the Gulf. LATEST FROM MONTEREY. I I reioice exceedinfflv that the tranauil- ris stood-upin his bbat and cheered the men and Mc confide'nee remain firmly most gallantly, until -he fell in ihe arms ! established in this State, and, conforming. The steamship Massachusetts arrived at N. Orleans on the 16th instant, from Brasos San tiago, having left there the afternoon of ihe 12th instant. She took out to 3rasos troops from New York. j Capt. Lamotte, of the lsl Infantry, cam&over on heir. He was severely founded at Monte rey, but we were happy to find him in the finest spirits, and he was doing well. He left Mon terey pn the 3d inst,, and our private advices come,! down to the 2d. The gallant Major Lear.iof ihe 3d Infantry, has died, of his wounds. He was buried on the 1st in sf. ' Gen. Wool has communicated with Gen. Taylor on two occasions. It would appear that the foimer has detached one thousand men from his command to take possession of Mon clovayand with the other two thousand proceed ed ort his march to Chihuhua. It seemed to be regretted that Gen. Taylorj from motives per haps of delicacy, refrained from interfering in any way wita ben. wools, plans, it is con ceded that the latter's troops can be more ser- als, 2 Iusicians, and of an hour almo.st demolished the city sparing j the houses of the foreign Consuls and such as appeared to be inkahjted by peaceful citizens. At about midday the fleet left Tabasco, and, as it passed the different streets at right angles with the water, fired musketry and great guns, Hanninir i. i 'ock; .UrandfdiherJ It n n Y.vll,tv. 5 -i. i . . . :v ' o - o jaqckj n iKach Mountailjs, easy access will bid t0 the rrJrtsi lovely'attd picturesque moun n icfnryin thatate.not surpassed by any iVf r i !atp' !wl,e r fellow-citizens lower counties whonaw Spend their sum ;ther States, miht resolrt f.r health Kasjure'mor'profitaMj to al parties. ift.tip Stale suffer lhiimportant and inter- . I- All ihe prizes were saved with the exception of one, which was burnt by the Commodore's order, it having been found impossible to get her clear of the Devjil's Turn," a rapid in the river. ; ! ! Arrived at Frontera! on Sunday at midnight inhabitants all peaceful having been kept in awe during our absence by Lieut. Walsh and his command. j , The revenue .steamer McLane struck while attempting to pass the bar, and did not succeed in getting over until afierlhe affair at Tabas- i . l . r i, - . i. ti : t, . v t'O'iion pi ntrr uoiiiji.ui o remain longer a ' rvi' vesscu. nt-r uiauucs, irneij: yielding little "prospect to the St-tn ! under Lieuti Brown, were on board the Petrita. i'Mr fc'ntzeni i when by P e goo thoroughfare B-ring the 25th and 26th all ihe prizes were ft , Incrtascdl.rahie bVcomc a con. I duly dispatched arrive at Anton Lizardo. The ( ritle5$ourceof ieyenUiO ? With due defer- Petrita, on her return under command of Lieut, lwo hops ;hotf especially as we are askiiitr l Rest, captured the American brig Plymouth, 7 , Hjruon;oi, uuf stale wnicn nas never, ap. raiKerson, engageu in uiscuargmg cot ton at Alvarado bar. Lieut. Morris died on the 1st instant on board ihe Cumberland, anci was buried with honors of wair at Lizardo. It will be! seen by reading this cursory re port that thai Commodore spared the city from humane considerations. The inhabitants could not leave, as the Governor would not permit them ; hence they sought refuge in cellars du ring the cannonade, and thus escaped destruc tion. Had- it not been that w hnnU have is, - -A assure your Excellency, on the part of myself and the troops under my command, that no other thought is given place to here ex cept a burning desire for revenge against our foreign enemy,: to fulfil our obliga tibns to the country, and to repel the suggeis . 1 sm . : . . ' i c c i : " J . O O and swept ihem completely of every living thing, j tipns of those who endeavor to distract us from such noble objects. I have the hon or to reiterate to your Excellency my consideration and high respect. ; God and Liberty.' Headquarters, San Luis Potosi, Oct. 23d, 1846. I ANTONIO LOPEZ DE SANTA ANNA.) viceable south of Chihuahua, which does not require so large a force for! its subjection. We have rio definite knowledge of General Taylor's plans, but may state that the prevail ing impression among officers is lhat Tampico is to be the next place of attack. From Monterey we learri from an authentic source (hat nothing of public interest had trans pired since our last dates. "Picayune. cause them to be informed,; that the en gagement required by this requisition, is to the end of the War with Mexico, unless I sooner discharged, and on this condition only, will their service be required. With this understanding, the Regiment will be accepted. If the modification Suggested should not be acceptable to the. Regiment which has tendered its services, you are respectfully requested to proceed, without delay, to enrol and organize' one, in fulfil ment of this requisition." The Governor therefore calls upon each Captain-forthwith to muster his Compa ny, and make known these terms, and re port the decision as soon as practicable to the Adjutant General. In case orac cepting the present terms, the Companies to be in readiness for marching without delay. $21 will be paid, at Wilmington to each private and non-commissioned of ficer, to pay for, or provide clothing for G months, and 50 cents for every 20 miles travel to Wilmington. Strict care is en joined that none over 45 or under 18, or not possessed of physical strength or vig or, be received as a private. The Companies selected - by lot, were from Rowan, Orange, Buncombe, Lenoir, Ashe, Surry, Davidson. Cherokee, Mc Dowell, antl Caswell. The Governor calls upon the Captains of those Companies which volunteered but were not selected by lot, to call them to gether, to the end that, if indeed, they may fill any vacancy caused by the refusal or rejection of any of the present Companies. The Governor closes his Order by the remark. The utmost promptitude is urged in I the execution of this Order, and no doubt i is entertained of the zeal and alacrity, ! with which the Troops will respond to j this call of their Country." i The Uegiment is to consist of 1 Colonel, 1 Lieut. Col., 1 Major, 1 Qu. Master, Ser geant, 2 Principal Musicians ten Com panies, each to consist of 1 Captain, 1 1st Lieut., 2 2d Lieuts. 4 Sergeants, 4 Corpor- 80 Privates. The -1 Plum for Hie Official Orpii. is a paper in Indiana, calling its diana Democrat, which aspin admit with success, to pbce its ! very head of the purely Polk pre recent number the followin: n nnpi re ,1 ' ! t I i - i " The President planned the brii.! -of Palo Alto and Rpaca tie la Pair. i teiey, and is entitled lo as much cr ; for Ihe successful result of them t;. Taylor is. The wisdom, efficiency, ?. : nessoflhe presenUAdministration r appreciated by all sensible men, wilfully blinded, and time will cl.k more apparent." ? j j j We must have this in the ofil ' It will not do to 'let tlie court ; outdone as a courtier. 1 How pr.i: ! j Polk will.be to hear that he did nay more than Gen. Taylor, at th' battles of the 8th andjOth of May Rio Grande ! It is trqe that Mr. ! not know that the battles were U ! till they were oyer; and he heard and the success bf the America:; the same time.-JBut what of tl. 1 . . Baltimore J' 1 A JUST; COMPLIMENT. The M National intejligencer,T ; of Gov. Graham's Message, any- -sentiments and the convictions v. ' convey to his fellow-citizens a:. I ates'in the Government of his nri. are entitled to even more than! t! parent consequence, from a co.i ! ol the reputation of him w ho cit ; as established to the public by I; in the Senate of the' United which body he was a.'useful mc:. ! sound and rather sterol judgmc : . I swervinir inteirritv. and a habit c O - y j investigation are the traits in hi ter which secured to him, whiK: in Congress, general trc&pect dence. a: TAILORS. An article in a London paper : ces that there are seven thousand out of employment in London. 'I . a meeting in St.!; Martin's Lar.'", was resolved that the only mod' sening the dist resjr wastoembarli i W f feelred an appropriation from the . 2uIature,.;or is liftely to be directly or mate- Wtf ' ' ' HSK an accurate sur. W Wroad die madlf by tiijc intelligent M S W -ftnJ .'lSn appropriation of hX&MW'i '"Ponded between mfo'- H VWind fU Sate line in such legislature may l VV'IIUII gnnicdyve ask provide. If iiv, an appro- i ccn oungecj to kill many innocent persons be I An influential paper, El Zempoaltica. after mentioning that Santa Anna is bo sily engaged in Sap: Luis forming a re spectable army, says that as soon as He has collected the number of troops which he deems adequate, he will take the of fensive. It is said that he will withdraw this garrison of Tampico, and unite those troops, as well as those from Saltillo, with his own force. The utmost enthusiasm it is represent ed, was manifested in the State of San Luis Potosi, m aiding Santa! Anna so mbch so that he expected! to raise 20,000 men. . t . U i i I lt had been proposed to the Executive, through a committee of citizens, to raise foreign loan of 820,000,000 to carry on the war, by mortgaging 'the! church property. The proposition will; undoubtetllyHbei sub mitted to Congress when it meetsJJ jOri the 21st of October iGenj Amptfdia arrived at San Lnis Poiosi,and on the foj- PL ANTING CH ESN UTS. The rapid growth of :the chesnut, the excellence of its. timber, and its fine orna mental appearance, render it a desirable object of cultivation. The fruit which it produces, too, is not the least considera tion. : I Many, however, who attempt raising the trees, partially or wholly fail in caus ing the seed to germinate. This is usu- number of privates must in no event be less than G4 effective men.:' ! A very important question at once oc-, a(ja anj the United States. Act curs, whether the Companies which vol. xvas appointed to collect suhscri- : unteered last Summer will accept the ( pay hR passage of those who art terms now offered ? It is certain that their j to embark ; 000 entered their nr r utmost expectation then was, that; they ' panada and Noya Scotia, and 2.' would be required to serve for one year, j exv y0rk and tlie United State j. The very circumstance, which has made j wjj ie bcre jn March or April lic it the undoubted policy of th'o government i to take them for the tun ferm oi me war, will doubtless make the volunteers hesitate about going, viz: the utter uncertainty of Important to Vie Ladies. Th Gazette suggests that when a la J v 1 the duration oi me war, inueea me pro- TT . i - .u i ,t., ,r .-ii u r: i j character, she should, just oior kok;l;.fiot it Will hf r Vitv loner rfiiKi- ' ? . . uouullJ ' r "J.;. i th.mnm v Kesom anu kee r tion. We therefore doubt whether any : ihh mouth ;i one of the Companies will accept the pres. P t thc dircd effect upon the c ent. terms But we dd not doubt, that; d Jr on lhelolher L,; there will be some in all the companies , tQ assume a dIslingui,;.? Cwrtm ivhioh nr I ,nmnnu vrlmitoPfi. Who I . .... vu..r..v , ' cnmpwht noble ben.rinfr.noi would also be willing and-glad to go. , .,.na l .tu , :v ail r r k m m w r,m lii i tilt kj u w i ' nllir nvvinfT trt tb spp1 hfnminw drv hft- fore they are planted. A few days expo-' ... una ri v.y. resuit0 which is infallable. U 4- sure to dry air is sufficieht to prevent their for instance, a full Company may be ra.s-, make look maM an :I growing. Hence, as soon as they are ta- j ed it undertaken by the proper persons, and , musi but if the iiiol! r .i ii iil'. 111 thn nrnnr smnf. and the se ection Ol , i .I . . reaoy too smau anu hu ken from the tree, they should be at once planted before drying a ttav.or mixed with moist sand, and kept in ihat condition till planted. They should not be covered more than an inch! and a half deep if the soil is heavy, nor more than tWo inches if it is light but a little better j way is to plant themibaif that depth, and then spread on a thtri Covering say one inch, of peat, or rotten leaves, which will keep the surface soft arid moist, j i ! ; 4 It must be remembered that mice are exceedingly jfond of jnuts, land;: if Panted near erases lands, or other; places'frequeht- 1 ed by3mice, the young plants will b& miss- in the proper spirit, and the select their officers be confided to themselves, as it should be. Anticipating the failure of the selected Regiment, we wish, lor the honor of the country, that immediate steps may be taken, in all parts, to enrol volun teers, even if it be but 10 or 20 j men in a county, that by uniting several counties a full Company may thus be obtained.. If something of this sort be not done, we anti cipate a draft, which is tq be, deprecated on pvirv account. ratt. uoserwr. 3 .1 ofi flour wore shipped from New Orleans a few dav4 agoj direci for Algiers: . ..i.Kr.. Iii1im vrii :i iuum any tunKj, their daguerrotype taken, may these rules with some advantage. L 1 ; . How to find a ir.j-Whrn a woman, while in the act, of swer; proaches you with gracious loc, , requests you to move, for s. c w. sweep where youare sitting.de; on it she is the girl you j want, so t tainly as temper is concerned ; fc r is woman so petulant, so domir.et r when xbs has abroomjin her I crpt when she has a mop. n , - . (.';- . . .-r ! - ' 5 - : . ,v . - v-. . - v : " i i i . k i vl 1 I 1 J il1 1

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