'fr " th li ii'- i . '-i ' ; : IT I -vT. ' i?V !- 1 !'' ? ir ft- ,u: 4 ll "1 t Ti i in TrriM t .... , tl for ' mqnareor-."- Insertion. M"" ,lfJ If ,a,5i t l I wr'drlil incr ii ..i.afiuiiriiu r I -M 1 1. j J i. L. ; Mi ivhia.i ..i . tr i r riMii. v ' - Mil' ,.! v nr-if, Scott has been Thr met tliUt Gener-Vt v . i V c J l.cl "nil , 0 ,hcswnt.of war, and, lit is srVr) vr . .. -ii- . - li i f I" ! 1 Ii,.-. I x BRUNER &. JAMES, Editors $ Proprietors. 1 ! . J . 1 i - i rr r , . f , .i. r ' n i i ; . . . Si! .r!.' was? i.j;Ji ( ! " KeM X CHECTC VTOn AI.t TOCR 1 WiW' j RaiKS. Da THIS, A5D LlBERTT ! uTcftu' hrcs, isoncfmany eircum- pre.existin :an;agGnist interests, vhichl KymUovv, fljat the Adorns- j as wc havciicen, have )cen alreacjy nu !F .i L r.n tlvhn'fcssinft the want of eiv . mppnns ani Powerful enoush to threaten tniu(v r: y.i . . 1 .i ti, i : r . ! t ant SAMS BURY, N. C, FRIB AY, DECEMBER 11, NEW SERIES, NUMBER 33, OF yOLUME III. 1816.' I r r L,rih the nc.ty . !id:m,rf Us well as a moi .Trskif hitherto exhibiicu m ui overtiirovv ? Uition otlic campaign, has been at ; Rut vo wi not press; this enquiry now; Indeed, in the present state of our rela tions with Mexico, and the natural tern per of the public mind, which is more in-S tcrested in ihe events ot the war.tnan iri Scoii'T Xaval ojflccr, is tj be -sent to the its probable fesults, it would be an ijinproi illtllfPiwW ilu' a,wi.;iij; , jltat,ie ii noi an unwejeome tas.K.! We crcaedfefceV!bHj we npay,thcrefore ex-. are content to adopt the language of I .ct; aijip uivt'f..r" i T" iuat iuwhuj; b1 uy -ir ininropttne t.tcK. ujy i1." i ; j 1 " i , . . ; ivjioicMvauvu.iu (.ngress irom ine. of more more wisely mm ' :JJ.4.inlr Vine rations. It is rumoreU iit.-'w rmUJnrfnrc 'Stewart, now the Teiicd .toipregmiiiic if u,t j - -lot wite' Ji1 10,1 hy :NIexicans' in ..if'.ttfmneS notwiihkanding recent hnVd tendwl re.Pc toV: solder that of liberators. We go to establish! free government; to put down monarchy; and anarchy, and other "chy" opposed to the welfare of the masses. Oiir principles are (Utilitarian we go for the greatest good of the biggest many," as the stump orator in Tennessee said. It is to estab lish the glorious principles of the progres sive democracy that we rally. See the glorious stripes and stars ! How proudly ftrie Old FcdcralistsAie Philadel phia Ppaper publishes the (following ad dress. In giving it to the people the edi tor says : ' ! " Wc are not prepared to say that we believe the document ; given below to be genuine, indeed we are confident it is not. But we do not arrive at this opinion be cause the address, in itself, is inconsistent vVill fhfv o-livtfn in tlin sun. vvhnn floatinn' o'er i the halls of the Montezumas ! The e character or position of the sign easle of America is soaring nroudlv aloft. ! ers : for it contains nothing that can be Who shall check his flight? Ilis o'er- i gainsaid or explained away. The course j shadowing wines shall extend over the i nr ii p.lMlit ; trnthfiillv mnrlcpfl nut ' ,ri ... : 4. .i u 1 1 i f hi i pvprv m r. n tipm. 1 r i . .1 it -.. invora- : roniinuance or inc ?rar, ii win scm.m t i. .i r . i. - t i, but vyc have reason cured, in the Presidencv, a eentlemn xvl.n the Standard to sit at home with IW Nor is this the only, nor the main tri umph which we have effected Un the cause of our old faith. We have strength ened and emboldened the executive to urscrpations of power which Federalism in iS palmiest days dared not aspire-to Wei have claimed and exercised the ex ecutive power io make war, to conquer provinces, and erect governments, with--outl the consent of Congress. We have made the central power, by the use of of ficial influence, supreme: and have so used the veto power, as to make the. will of the people of their Representatives, a mcru Mmuuw. y c nave Stlr-ml.... nie suocppilrtl in - i in Lilt, i i tin .iiil.i is li iiLiituii niaincu uul .. ........... . i. v broad area of the continent, and with all ' j. ae:nn, nP, ' Uel?allI,S ever man prominently favora- j continuance of the its appurtenances. Remember this Gon-! tr. present position and purposes bJe to thc ,ast war; ftn fortunej sc. lock rathpr rliicul salvo ! In a quarter of a century Brother I laiiniuny uescnoeu j 'Hrimfal of wrath am! "a: 1 -The lalRalei"li' Standard" ' n gain st our poor paper at an ;. Without iniimating any. 'distinct..-:; . communicated and other matt r, !. f izes all in a lump a iufinxms ' his sorrow that the Editors of the I . long to the profession " of printers I thc sentiments at the close of thc r lion, in last paper as "mean, cowarJij, otic and treasonable, and calls u; t who sanctions thenvto stand furl t gazo of an indignant people shall Li. . bae and faithle s soul. ' i Such a bombardment of epithets seldom seen, ince ihe days cf the t'. John Falstatf. " , j, . We esteem it a great pity that t!i- . man should fling away "his; courage r up his valor so unpmf.tahly, when it i only. needed Imt called fr on the 1 of Mexico. There1 is no'ue in rage on this side ofthe'ltio Clrr.: mighty wrath wuld no doubt elT. ct ?: handsome in Mexico toward- cor, . poace. Such an inky canonadin as i. against us,hisunofi"Midingfdllow.citi7 r otentually demolih'a ranchero or tu ( , : haps shiter Santa Annas wodon 1 or. We take it for granted, the valiant I immediately volunteer his service' " Jonathan will have kicked every vestige j to think that, though the gentlemen whose in 1815, left the oflice of Felix C.rundv 1 comfortably wrapped in a lion's li .! to increase our Jy qualities, we idence, it ; is to :w.i ' city of Boston : M Our Country, wpatevh' er its Boundaries' butwe will ad, may . 1 1 ill. : 1 !;I"i'iM inese ooundanes never oe eniargea oy wars of ambition and w'i rs wrifpfl for national 6 . , i , ! V niir pnll llrrtol r-ilittol inevitably .Uejthe germ of luturdiscord j " , i dOU!,t:that it Tell from the green bag of 1 -1. !,l 11 .1 !l t ' ' "J i r .1 ' . .11 and Webster, and McLane, and Buchan- one 01 ine signers, anu was picueu up by ot European rule ott ot those atoresaiU ! names are used, most potently believe in i a"M escapcu into inc country to avoid a oul u "TMopne war: aru c;.i conquest for in ' premises, and turned all the yellow bellied ; what they said, they think it not honest to caU t0 marcn t0 Acw Prans. ery body who does not I join in this A;v nrkndiiirnenri I Mexicans into good Yankees. , s,t (,nlVn ThPrPfnr, wt, nr. di.nn.l With lhese triumphs, and this power to f Ptnot,sm. A gentleman enterta,,:. 1,Ar;Vo ' ' 'v' enehnrarrp nni snstn n us. " Wo l,..t. oumi a regaru ior inn imcresis oi mi and disunion; with all the evils and hor rors that rntisi follow in their train. W'e'jtifor froni these movements, thatjj We do riot know that the purpbsepif imnp ii ihc'spccilv restoration of peace! some of our" leading statesmen is correctly nj heen! abandoned by the Administra- shadowed forth by the following half-playi jon. 'Indeed, it is so stated exjdicitly by j tut, half-serloUs letter from Washington, t.J Datli' rbtirttain " a paper published! which we met with in the New York Her U ' Wisbtngtofl Ipit)', whiich professes toij aid. We copy it nevertheless, bectiuse it btatcmcntthnd! jwbich adds that Mt has ' there is in if, in despite of the manner in jij Jctcjlrjunctl fo takej at all hazards, ! which the subject is treated, food for se Ijj'fJiilMoi 'Stl'uan de-l!lloa, and to oc- ' rious thoughts cufy it ahjl tho:pot of f era Cruz until Wasiiingto.4, Nov. 20, 184G. ff4lf'cilfy shaU be reduced to Ej.tcnsion fAtixtensioh Extension ulmbi!Htbatllnmpico, Mazatlan, AI- - r NeidIrorrcssive Democracy Battle eralists," in the glorious words used by one ?na ,or lho character ot tue jfrotcssion ; of us a as preface to an oration delivered by J; expected ttf proclaim to his r him at Lancaster, a-ainstthe war of 181- .1.Cow,P b-vs!. on th your knap?c ! J . . . . . . . ucr vour inuaket?. and como with rr. an, and Wright, and all that sort of se- 1 a passer by. We give it, however, at a cond rate, behind the age people, mere j venture, and leave the Union andlYnnsyl- appeal to you of the Federal party, toral- ; rPHfl . lo j hivfamilr to ihe'.c.o-; talkers, may grumble and growl they vanian to determine its ffenuinencss." ) your banner. We beg that you of life and time, and sro into a furei-r.1 c I ,wilf not bG alarmed by an empty name, j and do battle durin2 the war,' fr out. remember that every principle and ; lars a month!" That's the war fur a i talk, when he is in earnest. There U thing extremely absurd in your prone' others to do that which you aro afrai.i cTSto'bifass atid destroy the eneihy in very jioisjlilo Wpiy and, o soon ajs the lew 'reiiifiitccmi'jits, which arc lo he iti )ml imH(diutchj to the utmost point al- Mlly :fi. sliUH reach the scene of op-i i ? . i 1 v r ll !k.i k. may go to cyphering about the expense, but it won't do. " D n the expense F " Wc go for principles," say the Progres sives. " We go for the rights ! of man." " Hurrah for Extension and Bobby Walk er." " Hurrah for the Union and Father Ritchie." ' Hurrah for the stone President Polk threw from the top of the Rocky mountains ! Ho ! Anti-Renters. You shall have land now just as much as you will take without paying rent or anything else. Ho! you who are in debt,? and all you who are in such bad credit that you cannot get into debt. 44 IIo I, alljyou who have been turned out, and all who Can not turn into offices; Now is y6ur time. Extend ! Extend ! Extend F This will enable you all to be satisfied, contented and happy. It is the political philoso pher' stone that will furnish inexhausti ble Wealth, and continual rejuvenescence .: .i Ji rn . ' . i a i I ' W t ..I , I S ' I. .1 : .lwJU-kican port; at wincn traue can rw.v.;1. ! r r.K.- ? v.i..: Idcamc lion, ih lo be se zed and held by i e r ! ' L i forrfK-Uthat (icncralilavlor has been . rm. .. ,i n - : u T ' M ' 1 ' ' i uuiu. i uuy ai;c viinuus, unu an uorruuu- mWtfrth full , power) and positive or- rative. The Richelieu of President Polk me masier-miuu oi me annexation au ministration," has projected a political campaign, wliich, it well fought with zeal, arid vigor, and unity, (vide father Ritchie, passim,) will hot fail to overthrow! their nnrmipij Thp prnsarlp. nf TVtpr tbn! ITpn hiardi to the pity of Mexko-r I mit was a small potato business inj com-1 becoming a great military republic, will W that o quarter, consistent with the parispn with j the glorious undertakings "ol ue uearu it win oe drowned in the nU-rfUt ll.p.l Wnrfnrn. is to he iriven 1 now tin coritemplatiori nay, resolved on , ngsnourso "extension! ; vixien- vV ..-v V " " "P . -w-. ;. - . i . - .i . . : Sinn I'" v onemn I' 'I' , Jo ! meaninsr of ' E Pluribas Unum? One of manv mav be saifl nf 'pnpb nin nf nnr i s : i i j r . i : - i Know nas uecmreu uiai mere wm oe out . J . J :. .. . r . . r w XMwwstvj iht y ar. two great nue'stions involved in the next ;tje lt rcinarkun the above extract struggle for the Presidency, and he has 4mUtUac!liaptc!r:4irth future history of j announced them in advance. First, is the - .J:LU :iU - upholding of the Walker tariff bill of 184G. i ti", , . I ,; , wunout mouiucaiion : anu ine second, ine great American doctrine theprogessive uemocraiic ; uocmne oi " extension. I ADDRESS TO Til E SU R VI VI XG I E M BERSOF TI1EOLDFEDERALPAR TY OE THE UMTED STATFS. You will recognise in the names under signed, friends of the olden and better time,! all federalists, and many of them ; measure advocated by thc administration was sustained by the old Federalists, and that all which it sustains thev cloried in under the tavorable circumstances it is 1 tempt yourseir. I t proposed that a secret organization of thp I Hot the patriotism of the Stan lard i. old! party should be effected, in the nature ' doulitedly loo deep and 'genuine! to bj wasted in words at Lome denou: hrnm t r oi f r I ontii'o in tlia ennnrvrf nff rial ot the Cincinnati : that the faithful mav UILIIUI.IIV UIIU UVllllJ III HlbflUU wuui unit i . . - J II I, , party. Born and educated ir! the princi- bc warded byhigherhonor.and thc party Jn"VoBL7 pies and sentiments of Federalism we are 1 securcd hnt it has so diligently and I'ZTr ; . J feellf SX exhorted i! pies anu senumenisoi i tueiaiism.e ire , ;,,f ,, . focofruwlso thc Standard man to go at proud to proclaim our undiminished tidel- ; . . J r m ity to its tenets and measures. With these ' 'ess the office of the Secretary of jfeelings, we beg leave to call your atten-j ! tion tb the favorable opportunity now af- (Signed.) lorded for a reunion of all the elements of, James Buchanan, our persecuted party, and to invite your Wm. Wilkins, can become extinct. The opposition of those who deprecate this mighty people rules-pf-ictv lized warfare, is to be given , now -in contempiauon nay, resolved on crraieriotlid fcncmy uintil he sues for.! jhe Executive Sanhedrim of Colonel 1 ; ; .',;!:! , X ,-, c' Polk. Ihe secretary of the Treasury we ,a?c, MfMJ ftitccnli,v remulionfor. know has clared that there will be but 44 extensions." All hail the banner of lib ertyshout, freeman shout. .Music there Lich atc nilrchuV' a written, and may be I'affty tKb$c wlio run but thc conclud- lij jiortilon s yct'aled,1. and may not be jjiyrcveateu muu iiieciouusoi warsnau U;:-.LUj.lir:.teL.V.r. Jr.... :.. af: Ity the way, that wa what put him in a -he had no stomach for the appeal to the horses," the 4game cockt,V and the fied" of his own party. Uiit there is ; hack. out in him: lie will not be cau! i ing before he enters into this cngacmr : ring the war." He has been feeding i :. ear's moat so long that he is grqwn very and will make a capital looking; soMicr". 44m;ignanimous Mexican nation will s' their bboes when they hear of this n;' emit, and (Jeneral Don Antonio Iprz la Anna will stick his wooden leg in th and be off. We will then lay it as n i V onction to our son Is, that our ncw?p . been the humble instrument of aruu; generous rage of the Standard man, d'.i it lo the awful front of . war, ".and i through his terrible arm tho connuc t mocracy ; and we rejoice to add that we ; And many others, j 1 i . , . , . . have been received with open arms. ! , J Nmv, be it understood U is a habit t Th phnfidpnpp of that Dnmoernev pna. ! tt,ii ,nnrvn,., ?le Lave m our part ofthc country,! ft A ; ii ; r , i ouiau.i utioiu.u. ' press thomscves free yaudndeprndor bled us raniu v to rise to a position from o .: : i n i 1 .. . ...J . . . aid iri the accomplishment of a consum- : Richard Rush, mation yhich has for many years been j John M. Read, the object of our ambition. The under- j Henry D. Gilpin signed have alrparlv pffpptml mnoh tn sp. i .Tohh K. Kane. to the progressive Democracy ! The prin- cure the triumph of their old and cherish- Robert Green, ciple never can die. The policy never ed political faith. From 1928, up to the Ellis Lewis, present time, we have pursued a policy j T. Hart Crawford, Marcus Morton, which, while it seemed to bean abondon- ! GulianC erplanck, Louis IcLane, ment of the old party, was n fact an uni- , JasJ C. Paulding, Roger B. Taney, ted and successful effort tore-establish it. 1 Wrri. C. Bryant, Benj. Howard, Wre have thrown the weight of our talents, : John P. Cushman, Upton Heath, industry and skill into the ranks of thc De- j Stephen Warren, Lewis Cass. George R. Davis, Garret D. Wall, Peter IX Vroom, James S. Green, Robert Stockton, Henry Hubbard, Geo. Bancroft, Robert Rantoul, n't' ot.;L- li:i,r'i u: t -i .v. : , . , ,, , . ,, . , uiu muu sinuc, u grmituiun, in an ouiwaru imunc measures, wunoui previously rc : oir n i : p xfeSiue.n?pwnicti, wq arc enaoieu io mouiu, coniroi appCaraCe, arrived in the city of Baltimore, the Standard, iho Union, or ercn the I'r vVlv,.v -j, uiui tjiiaugicu uaiipi, ia- ana uirect us measures anu opinions. and toe it- an Y . iia er the understrappers of power will tic; OniniOIlS. ' oml trtr.L- mnmc il nna nf nnr Krot ktnt. T 1 U:..,ir 'IT... ...il..t ! 1 1 11 1 -r . , . wii "in. v irui 111 JI liuitlli III UIIIISl ll. 1 liri IIL IIIIVI lll'I'IIIC IIVT t.ll " 1o.mCOuuUll.i.-i7illiuni.u i. v nn mis power, v v e iinmcuiaieiy anu sue- : due course ot time he made the acquaintance now play the 44 Extension Grand March." cessfully undertook to discard the former : of a number of our "young bloods," and was How magnificent ! Landlord bring out principles and policv of the Democratic introduced into several of our most resectable '1-1 . 5.. 1. . L . . " . .-. . ....... .... . . will give you ere long "some hints on the 5 our wniswey ; see now the small potatoe part)', and to substitute those ot the school lamihes, all being under the impression, from tariff nuesrJnri A fp v wnrrl! will nnw ! poliiicians are sneaking off behind the in vvhich we had been educated. Circum- information derived from himself, that he was a rcau4 Jiltikru jit jand crushed to the earth y ji iia in:il deiltHnfirntcly beyond her tieans ilipavineht which, indeed, has Uch liicnillv unable to ieomplv witli the itipulajioris of itslrcatics! with the United ta!cs, adnutnrTj? its obligations and a- frttinilo; inlemriifv ouri citizens for in - i "7 I " . I lis. 1 f.ugacra sufllce as td 44 extension." It is a great a mightya grand a magnificent con ception. I. . Its illustrious author is confident it will crowd. Ah ! my lads, you may hang up t stances rendered us successful beyond our young foreigner of wealth and distinction. He your fiddles. The age of chivalry iscome. most sanguine expectations; Our former managed to comport himself so well, that a short "Extension! Extension ! -Extension F i opposition forgotten and forgiven, many time since ho had so engrafted himself in the Land and Liberty," are now, the soul ! of us were raised, in the name of the De- . al,5 ot a nanasomc c.ress oi somc bM),- stirring war cries. Bobby Walker will mocrarJv. to the. highest nlaees in the rn- among .ne -L-pper i en nousana, : mat 1 1, JeSpolidt thoughts to he either treason" or z This indifference may prove offensire 1 people hut wo can't help It. Wc hav'r rious occasions published articles fiuru V and from Democrats, from the senti... which we offered; and while wc a j. ' free press, we expect to continue t!.-; course. Our fellow citizens have a ri'! t hoard through the public papers on cms and robbcries-i-how I the M exiciin! Government to ...;n. ,.i i ! .t .i . .... . snrrimr war pimps. i TTJF. S '"C piaV'1? make M these people walk Spanish o t n M Z we SVnM Cd tn a. ?r reciprocal had pa!Scd bc,,vee concerning ibemMhrea in . .nh u.o,,uli,o ui iio rtuiciii;aii juupit: auoii- , . ; u rp. Vj . r ; V i "r . them, and they were engaged to be wedded. , Uieir country. And, le il known, c? r tionism-aritiTrentism-intcrnal improve- j h,c vv,lH "lk,?yel, them' Jhc Secretary , force upon the party almost : every point But .thc cotrsc of tn ",0VQ ncver di(J run , a(J(J huUcr docs not dc.n(1 on a tI j mcnts harbor bills, all will sink into inf stan alone' rtrcft in, his greatness j of political belief which hadJicen before , gmooth,-. and so before the nuptials were cel. sycophancy to a clique or a party wl : :a !, r- . - . ., what cares lie tor the l'resinerinv f ; Hut pntiiriiplinns;! v HipnrHpH " nn will finil , i i i .t ' i ' . Miiiiicnuct", anu ue loriroiten in me con- . ... . :. . J i ,v..r . . , euraicu, a rumor came, anu men a positive as- in our ncaris oetpise. e aro none c v it.. ....ii ka ii.. ia. i . r ii- i .i l i' ' - . sideration of this bold, and indeed, sub lime policy! Annexation, it is said, car ried the election of 1 8 11. " Extension" is ridate tttik latW-and dailv ausrmcntincr a second edition of the same erreat Amer-1 n.y enfmie.s- jj' ' i J, lf ! iean nnlievl rpvUorl nroXf,i 0i0. then, his horseman, the tearless Dal as, mwintj t Ao ohc.-wc presume, supposes lcan poct revised and corrected, enlarg- .,.'. n . . . . ... : , , e ,-'4 . I h T" t ! . J . pd anil imnrnvpfl On K K.n . r w ! w'lll do. 1 his is written in the book of ,f fasaml, a, lor il j an 0 late also. It is one of , he chapters in, he Mmstv.Uc Wo already seen. that. , mocracv iiv u8.-wii bc- rml.l i i... I Chronicles of the llise and Progress of the ucn an itmmtcl V ; smaller s he will yei DC l resident. It is so written amonglthe undersigned, the namesol ma- : sertion. that the vounir cavalier was not what tribe of mere nrofessional icribblers w in the book of fate by Father Ritchie, and ; ny now or heretofore occupying tha-first i he jrofesscd to be, but an impostor. Inquiry I out their brains for a prico and a ten s ! will happen, despite the efforts of his ma- i offices in the gift of the party. In the was made by the friends of tho lady, and it was ', trafic the freedom of their soul an I ! If he should decline the bur- ' State of Pennsylvania, once the most ul- most positively asserted that tho 44 foreign gen- away their birth rights as freebprn Air tra in opposition to us, we haye assumed tlcman, had in time past, expiated a crime by , lor a mess of Locofoco potage. ,I;ut -, the entire political control: and have fill- a life 'ho galleys of a foreign nation, and ot thoso who scorn tho creature wliicli ed the most important offices, national . that ll1 best he wa only one of the lowest re- in the slimy wako of a party that in and State, with stanch and unfiinchitiir 1 Preseu,uwves ol 1,13 nri"- e matcn "in curse u ior us nvpoensy ; nrn uic y, um was in- i tnr nf (irp o-n.n.bnni " han ,i; : Glorious doctrine OI " jxte V..!..V:.J. sL.f ...i 'J : j. i '-i-ii t-i : . J . t I hp Hpctinv n t trnsj npnn 1 , ,t;ujSur! Waueipiiic .uiuans eoinpeiieu ii. ; get, unu jet an you can. lLiXicnsion, ex- j .....v rr. Hi Thcxefis mtlone' njidc in which it j frdom. Ho ! lor Panama ! tlligh ! for WivlJLvt l'1 v't .;! 'i1 nAne.ABAri Cuba! lluz?a for the Canadas, Nova r l"jWd tb defray tM (expenses oi the , Sc0(ia anJ Niw Brunswick includ;d , Do ,r-nn4 lhaqjs.by tho .session of a por- you doubt ih j 1ct me tcI, if Fvtpnsinn." ' rAA T7pflirnli;t Tr i trim tbat wn li.nvo u r- : i. .t. i :i:i..t voung lorcigner i: in in. imt.-: iirfn ri 1 1 1 r Jf l i n i ia ni " ii i i i -s 1 1 v , w w -t...i i. n- . . .ix ... . t ... . i himself al course " was broken off, and the " handsome in w hich we wero educated, which 1. saw proper to make off with come a part of our, nature and by v. 1 .c i vr l i r- ' .i i r i i . i iiiiiiscu uiso, iuuiim uciiiuu iiiiii iiumon s is an eventful era. Mawkish, of using the mask of Democracy ; but we ! id bin am, be dpdor of he place sentimental, fastiduous, ( assure our old friends that we have left t 'SOme few hundreddoTlats,his hill beingpe common ..i.:u.. r.i,ii.. ..i:.:i .i.,..,: fc. ,t l . :. .i i.. ... .i aillllV MU1IIV IMIULII.iLI L III til l.-1L 11111 I 1 1 1 ill . IV . I TIP TinrfV Tl III I I I T 1 l I 1 1 I 1 11111 IIMIIlf. V I I f I . I l j . r. i "y i'-""v o - - io run up so nigu in consequence oi ms suppos are out oi pmce. a. new race js aooui io " what's m a name l Wc have secured . ed respectability, judging from his conversation take the held. Ihe iankce Alexander, all the essentials of Federalism, and can I an(j tiic comnanv he kent Whither he has so, leaving behind him numerous un- i have abided ever since our Kor pert snowed us ine ri"i irum uic wroii;-, ; i hotel. ing permitted ' these principles go down before tho 11 ii ! I . I ...... II .! in ins an nnn.. 1 riri:iin rir iii.r-i. uiji uilsi a nan jm. i,: : v.. .. w gui'uvrf- ' . . w. . - - h - tnetctjtiic rid' lies 'tb X lcriou4yaddr!esa ?thcms,el ;i I'vtllpi.tho Itlrriaium offour govicriiment, of the progressive democracy khc contbst! shall lion-spirit of pur Saxon forefathers is a Ives td the task roused. Onward,- onward Extend, ex- j VartnluatJionS Tlicluestion then, is. X rds -counter.; ii'hi.L ii;ll -il l f . slSns. . Have ve not magnetic telegraphs, ' ucu territory wii oc ueemeu sum- steamboats, rail-roads, and gun-powder tJr this purpose ? I VVill California, made by soakinir cotton in 44 hell-broth" ? i iroportancc ot which, in a cotumcrcial Who can stop us ! Who will stop us ?- , rointoT viqw; and the danger, if Uc do not ; are try 11 Wo, woto bt. Ueorge, curitabai it Will fall Into thd handsof 11 "u imT lowar"s mwricrence in JL. :7 1 i ! nnr Knill ll-WPSaprn PYtoncinric; It hai aro a"-e. The blood ' Caesars and Napoleons, are now to come afford our conquered opponents thc title, j wended his way, no one knows, crac'y is up The orln on tne sta faction. 4i Extension !" Thus have we stolen from the party its iy little doubt, that he will try to f' if-tuJPl :c ' j "Extension !" ,k Extension !" is now and very soul, and filled its body with thc spir- , game somewhere else, in this la power, our press suau go (. them. We shall desire neither to prif I 1 live any longer. Heaven keep it o r. I hearts, ever to enter systematically t; 'abominable occupation of teaching r. i ! I . I nil t .. H'lievc io oe laisc. ine Lrcaui i; we , our south-western extensions. If he dare, wc must wait till we have finished them, rri will reconcile manv tn. its crjuisiliort, Wlio pcvertheJcss lpoU with before he shall vield h is nnrthprn pnlnnips Lallelctcdapprthciisiot) on thc conscqucn- on this continent, and Jamaica and the J4 td thcpmotiland to thc Caukc f frCe 1 ":"iamasj l0 Brother Jonathan. Dare rkerUW thit nrn III.pIv tn rLnlt from I Loui Phillippe venture, in his old age, to .i . i l. "TV ov... ..v... f..m,iji ii Ue..ektri$ioxi .ojf-Us limits will California U , T. c i ; slmJn'f tK Jz r vv in vamornia lns successor whoever he may be, to end, ; iffrhj ' 1 1 9?!in?xXvn of lexas hav" with tfae most powerful people on earth 1 hereafter the shibboleth to power and dis tinction. He who opposes it, is a doomed and defeated man. Yours, alarmingly, j Oi.u Point." i ' STEAMBOAT COLLISION. An extra from the oflice of the N. 0. but there is ve to play the same very soul, and lined its Dody witntnc spir- , game somewhere else, in this land ot freedom, it of our old beloved Federalism. where an honest mechanic is not always re- To prove that we have thus rc-estab- spected by thc wealthy, but where an upstart for- I-1 j ht i i eijjner is too often caressed and made a tool ot. hshed the old Federal party, we appeal; . . . , n ., . io me tact mat me so-caueu jeuioeiuiie i 1 1 i .4 1 pu.iy vuui.jr u.mci u ut.u cvmu ficia anJ result in good management ; that our members fill the . : UUinet,represent the country abroad, and ! Thc N y 'pribune 0f Saturday has thc fob prosecution of the business. . manage ii, irom me nignesi civic posis, ai ; in.v:n(T I '.' T . . 1 I 1 1 .1 . i 0 III nome. iei u aiso De rememDereu, uiai , , lf- ..i;,,,, it were j,l(it jl I f ill q ill " - being is pollution to an American 'aim- : The .Standard man oubt to be re-; admonished, that when the great gi. ration takes place which js to burn ii ' mat me so-caueu emocrauc be ,css-(i k has ( . oUb, bcnc. , faillllcSg SOul5, the presence of tho.e --holly under our control and ficial anJ resull in "od. ! enable to look an honest man in the I . be deemed ofno material advanta O Mil. BADGElt. i i . It gives us pleasure to stafe, t!. 1 icayune, states that the Steamboat ; every peculiarity of our party which was becn repor,C(j fotn the Federal Metropo- ouiiauu, irom viciisuurg, came in coiuuci , muat muuuaiuuo iu mc uciui.iolj iu iui- j- .u.dl (j0l. Henton nas given in nis ;unquau- Jjadcr has Hgnilied io his iritncj. ; with the Steamboat' Maria, bound up the '; mer uines, nas unuer council, ueen lurceu athesion to the ruling aynasty, and win termination to accept or the nppo.:. river, and so violent was the concussion i Pon themt; Tl?us from 801 UP torr?12 be tho administration leader in the Senate in j of Senator, just conferred upon hir. , iu . , , , , ..v ..yiy .uu . lv " - - " iuu tuiuiuj, SUCU IiailCrilllT tlltUHISiain-VJ, 4 . for i "a;"""c" uvtu...,cu.u..,MlNSgi l"c Trade, or to speak more precisely, of de- ; ; ria, vy wmca mc oniei ierK, peconu nn- pendehceupon England for our manulac- ! '; giheer and 25 and 30 deck passengers , tures ; and we were then, on that ac- We have jnst learned what is tho quid pro , nouncemcnt, wc are sure, will; ; quo of this adhesion. Col. Uenton's son in-law, ; frratifv not onK. the Wliigs of tl.-; J. C Fremont, who was recently jumped over ' J f hc Union. AV-ter. j j i V- ... wiiu me most powenm people on earin t , u aim uu uctiv passcugcia iuics aim we vveie men, uu iuit u.u- ----- --- - ; -. : h'" and i None of IN-? Pte. the Were scalded, and many of them, so se- j eoantproaehed and abused a, the "Brit-: 'jJZI't tTcZ. i League tpscfye Hs a wall of defence, ii there vet consummation of our " manifest destiny." v,rPlv iUt tV.prp nrncn0pt rtf itir ish party." At that timeid Home pother' - outside row" on J i.i The puny sdueakincs of the small beer n., : ! for the protection of domestic manulac ' l - . . . . 4 uui i - . . " . . J . r n r - nn i .oinn I'titcannrArc iiroiA - ; - . . . hinl. !. I J L . nnlitiririn in V iiil.-rr. .Ivrll ......n't i T . Otr llail Road. It will be Ywch'it s Essential. td secure, L order to Polltlcians m ankce-doodle-dpm won 1 1 . . . i Hqcc -cntraU cM svmK i be heard' We have already Sot aved'iallhouh by the immc Ovt ? Vi k T 0 ?d I P to 49, Alta-Calfornia, Chihuahua, New ing of the Maria, between 25 r ?Xt$ as an;irnpassabje barber to for- aLv5 tv, t onri ,n,i Tomn.,i;l t. M-Wr -ri. onel has been Mml 6Wanfc ! lhc Hill for the extension of our Mill ma! bo btoekton, Stevenson, Mason and all .1"' . , T, are adrift. Fremont is tobe ihe autocrat of the ; to South Carolina. ri; Lt rr!s T AUVfl 1 fxicoand is true we have not got up to Htnuli pas. Chihuahua and New Leon egon we have no Alvarado, Lc ahnexed to the ITnihn. as indnmnitv Mexico, h or Vera Cruz, nor mn rinct- n.i A...t.. i ii. i , I'uob'Uiiu art ui ii v n r i 1 1 1 . wiitwc arc thus to extend t MpublScfand to ciliary turf rill i.l I ' - -E I I future pt?S-.fniimP!iflb, l f0r' I Mexico, New Leon, and Tamaulipas. It 54 40inOr- nor New San Juan de Ulloa, nor Tabasco ; nor Tuspan, nor io limits of , All things are not done iu a day. We its !" area sh.ill irnt ,ui n . i . i l In I j Ii -j;: t , T & i niVUl ftll, UUU UUrtJ IUU. IVCUlCUl ' wkV'iih irjiif-i i : i ii n ti t mot lirnmn t 111L.1 1 iv ninrKAi 1 wvn vt M?ta" ;co ?s "exT can xfc reasona- b"au nave.them, and with them Zacate 1 ; t ruiffc uu earning iorm 01 gov- . n t i'wou,vtjt.ii, .auum HHl, Jong be ablb tof resist the - ' 1- I ! I i TS nnd debilitating influences that .1 .L r r IU I ; r f. L J . . : ii inus incccssar I v combined with .u .-.o ftf,j,i Rnllion's" been introduced in thc senate. Ilea. VIIIUIIC, as lilt; l I I V. .v. . . . sunnort of the tottering Executive. Such is the , Cameron, of Fayetteville. Ik g advanta'C of having a powerful friend at Court. Such is the game which great men 1,10 siyun, the unoisiiu. information recovery . 1 ue v,auin rassengers were ttr-e fMmo,iu Mr iT?;t,?,f mmediate sink-; mnnd nnrl 1VT r TptffTnn. Mp Madison. and 30 per- Mr. Monroe, and indeed the entire De- sons more were drowned. The wounded i mocracy, assumed high and strong grounu wprn rnrried to thp rntrbp7 bnn5tnl i in favor of a Tariff of protection, ft was ; ; at this period that the columns of the Au- pjaVt U5jng for dice the bones of th ! rbra teemed with ahusd sof us and our TllnbA1 multitude. We have this i LAM EN 1 ABLL STEAMBOAT DIS- rrienjs as the pree Trade British party, privately, of course, but from such a source that ASTER. i jj ! Ve have since won for ourselves and we feel very sure of its authenticity.: Tflir. mnorniflrfnt StpamKnnt Aflnnfir fnr nnr hrpttirpn. nn nmntci revenue. We " ! j one of the line which carries Passengers ; have established the old federal principle Serrai him right A fellow wholtole a pen between New York and Boston, via Nor-! of Free Trade as the cardinal tenet of the knife or two, recently, in Richmond, Va., has I wich and Worcester ! Thursday niirht . was entirely lost on : democracy, and carried lt into ettect by been sent to the Penitentiary lor lour or nre , the 2Gth ult.. durins a tre- the influence which we have attained years. The fool ! ifhe had row ,cu a nan or 1.1 -. t . r w 1 i 1 1 1 t inp iniro nrr.i nr ti Uiicu, XZCUCO. T mnnnnirAQ rnonr nus a R eroi 1!? ashore nn h isher S I over IhP rrovernmeiH. Mjkuuwuui mcuua i kuivua uiaii ;' - - - ----- and Zumpango ; and then tho extension Island and breaking to pieces; She bad then reproach us with the innocent fraud have CTC ffcl:a "lefX ouht must be commenced inthe East and North, lion board 02 souls, 40 of whom are miss- j of assuming thc title of democrats, in or-; the Pcn,,e"l,. ' to' ,7 . ' - 0 in . - i 1 ..14 . .1 LrJ i unvt 4V, irlnmntif f.itfmlusm. . . to be liun. Milton Lironicu. "' i tuuies. uur banner is xng, m ucrtu uuin ,vv" t i 41 ' Councillors of Slated On "Wc ' I .1 l,..M..iinn nnlillumKII '.'ill l last, me ionuvio iihuih-mi were elected Councillors of Sutp ; ensuing two years, viz i David W. Sanders, John .uci.r A. ndcrson, Nathaniel M. Koati. . lorn Myers. Josiah Cowlcs, at J hlxwry. Register. j Federal, Court. The U. S. C thc District of North Carolina, i in this City, on Monday wer !; 1 first Monday of December. '; ' E ..;;!: vh ; i 1 ..V::-.- j,-:-.--- .jj, : . ' .dlUi' - 4 ' ' ''I--7 . -:

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