'tit hi ' ' -h if 1 1 1 V, la. n.t .1. 7 I- :t -i if. n- tt 5 I. i : t . annum! in advance. Tf rni f j r T" I L ' for the first. i-.u-H mnti insane l v r " Or. t must oj t J;tuyio ! .. ww ' it t,, " . . . Irt rciuniini your 'nrsenlatives : of dongratu- UtherMpioJ. ia? Jen! no .eriod in Ut oil tbst- " ff' ', ' i .H .L. i.n..nf 1... -lurtorV. H"cn r v...-..-.. RRTTNP.R & J A MRS. ! i ''L. : "'t:) r"xmmtMM, ' ' r ! i xn?w srpiro ! i dtwr 4- Prwjriptor. . ) , isun. ' ! m. ) NUMBER 34, OF VOLUME III. SALISBURY , N. G , jPREDAfl DECEMBER 18, 1846. ' - ' ' - 1 - 1 1 f . 1 ; ' ' i ' -i . . . seized, and dur flag insulted in her port's. If money wris wanted, the lawless seizure and confiscation of our merchant vessels T r . u i l'.r.T-7a. ! ,at on haS visited our poun Iucnn:Hri i ! i.l ti .ooA . aim conuscauon oi iryVnVnl gooa, nea.m . . y ' and lheir cai.co was a ready resource1 ; t ... tHM nn( irmu miw w. ...w ., - . . ,. , t L..ilinw h ffir-wlytni! an ample rewai-d, while UtWini science and the arts are rapid- Ivfoiaryiigtucrnoans of social happiness. The progress tifur country in her career f cret'trifs?, riotibnly inhe va$t exten- and the rapid but in resour hannv condi- Ln if4ur ' jpelei! without example in the sltrcnsrth. rind henefi- ;on bf ur trrtdnarlitriits ncrcaff oU f popujation. -rs ahdiWcaun, anu in iu 1 , 4 ,J I i all . I ... ncknowledg- the gracious Giver of numberless blessings 'istorr-pf 'Dn; of our frt institution are unfolded. ffrv dhVddi Vh: motives to content Mfnf.'M.fr'S incentives to patriotism, Oir vout 'and sincere rints; nje; due-to it I coV ior the Which bur b-loved country finjoys. Ill is! af source! pf high sMistaction to ;novv.!lilt ti6 Relations of the) United t.,iJ uiih nFt other nations, with a sin- lr : - I I 7 I ' t i." ,t ' - . .. Vlr excretion, are ol ine most amicanie fbarjicfcrj rely ahached to the pol- cy of peace, early adopted and steadily VurstiPu. -oj tuis govcrnmeni, i nave anx iously li&tfirpd jtajjcultivatej and cherish ricnUMiip-ana commerce wun every ior ign povef tJijo'kpirit and habjtsof tfye mcricjin! peoplei iare favorable to the ivfcUnanrft of s;ujU international harmo j Id adhering' td this wise policy, a pre ipiiiarjf 4d panount duty obviously rtmastsjin the ;irpjecti.6n of! our 'national nT r r est Irom n c oiic h m e ri t or iacrifice, inouqniiional: honor; from reproach. Hpsu:mult be maintained at anv hazard. L. I !. i ' .1 "i . . bfy (mil oi i;q cornpromifse, or negiecr, iJ fnt be scrupulously and constantly wrucu -in me.rf viguani vindication. national flag.-i- government to Legislative departments concurred ; and yet such has been our forbearance, and desire: to preserve peace with Mexico, that Ilision i nr i and conflict with foreign powers become unavoidable. .ay'somPTimcs jt-bikk p'en our scrupulous adherence b lW dista'S ol justice, in all ouj- foreign :rrcoupfl, wiai, nuiugn sieaunyianu ni Ay adyaftcih n prosperity and power, eotvc given no jusv cause oi complaint any nation, and liaveeii joyed the bless es ot peace far more; than thirty ears. row 4 policy so sacred to humanity, and ialutiry jn Us tjilVcts upon our politi- Kjviten ve! hold never be induced The V!ii'f)ng war! with Mexico was nei- nor:pravoueu py tne United !cs. ! Pij thcj cint rnry, all honorable faui fi rc rebrtdd to to avert it, After V!l:J;i-A: r-'i . jnui epuurancep aggravated and un Jresd iwrongs our; part. iMexico. r1cMitiprijof solemn treaty stipulations, iofrttverv principle of justice re con - KfdiylVliizeU nations, commenced hos- ties, and thus, by ljerNown act, forced ? war! Upon UH. MLongx before the ad ince ivur arrty tofthe lejft bank of the io GraM?. e imd ample cause! of war :ninsti' .Mexico i niid had the United .utesrpsorted.t this extremity, we might ,ive appealed tc the wholecivilized world pr jusjiee oitour cause I derm fuo be mvi dutv to riresent to L ' ' T" k' ''I'll ' i p. ofiitR present occasion, a condensed new of the Injuries w;e had sustained, the dftHS,PS u Hinh pA tn th war nnrl I tts 'prugress bnelits'- commencement. ia Ti ijuereu ijuc finore i necessary ue- udcoj ttje misapprehensions whichhave sonii fXtentj prevailed as to its Origin 4tru character - The (war has! been prticniru asi umust and unnecessary, iWjOne qi aggression on our part upon Ja'jid, j itljuhf d cneny. Such .erro rtf i jews, though entertained by but Vave lieen i widely and extensivelv rciiUtrd, not! bhli i at home, but have reft rpread throughout Mexico and the Iwerw-otld. : ;Aj more effectual means pM not liave been devised to encourage j-cehfiDy and protract the war than to ftocjitej and adhere to their cause, and rEirelhemjjfa d and jomfbrin I U ft. , 7 and if to accomplish their purposes it be came necessary to imprison the owners, captains and crews, it wsdone. Rulers superseded rulers in Mexico in rapid suc cession, but stilljthere wks no change in this system of depredation. The govern ment of the U. States made repeated re clamations oh behalf of its citizens, but these were answered by the perpetration of hew outrages. Promises of redress made by Mexico in the most solemn forms were postponed or evaded. The files arid records of the Department of State con tain conclusive proofs ofj numerous law less acts perpetrated upon the property anu persons oj our citizens oy luexiconno oi w anion insuus 10 our; The interposition of our! ootain reuress was again ana again in voked, under circumstances which no na tion ought to:disregard. j I II It was hoped that these outrages would cease, and that Mexico Would bje restrain ed by the laws which regulate! the con duct of civilized nations; in their inter course with each other after the treaty of amity, commerce, and navigation of the 5lh of April, 1831, was concluded be tween the two republics; but !this hope soon proved to be vain, j The course of seizure and confiscation of the riroperty of our citizens the violation of their per sons and the insults to our flag pursued by Mexico, previous to that time, were scarce ly suspended. for even a brief period al though the treaty so clearly defines the rights and duties of the respective parties' that it is impossible to misunderstand or mistake them. Jin less than seiTen years after the conclusion of that treaty our grievances hrid become so intolerable that, in the opinion 01 President Jackson, they should no longei be endured. In his mes sage to Congress in February,' 1837, he presented them to the consideration of that body, and declared that time since some of the in committed, the repeated applications for :redresstbe wanton char acter of some of the outrages upon the property and persons of bur citizens, upoh the officers and flag of tle United States, independent; of fecent insults to this gov ernment and people by the late extraor dinary Mexican Minister, would justify in the eyes of all nations immediate war' In a spirit of kjindness4 and forbearance, however, he recommended reprisals as a milder mode of redress. He declared that war should not e used as a remedy " by just and generous nations confidingjri their strength for injuries committed, if it can be honorably avoided," and added, " it bas occurred to me that, considering the present embarrassed condition of thalt rnuntrv. vvp shnnifl ncf witK Knil. urloUm nnH mnrlpmtinn Ku trivintr tr H(av!nn .w.., J b f O HlA.VVJ more opportunity to atone for the past, be fore we takejredress intb our own hands To avoid alt misconception on the part of IMexico, as Well as. to protect our own na tional character from reproach, this op- tniriuimy snouiu oe given wun tne avow ed design and full preparation to take im mediate satisfaction, if it should not be obtained on a repetition of the demand for it. To this end I recommend that an act be passed authorizing reprisals, and the use of the Naval force of the United States, by the Executive, against Mexico, enforce them in the event of a refusal by the Mexican government to come to an amicable adjustment of the matters in controversy between us, upon another de "Thejlength of urieshave been and unavailing rongs of which we then complained, and which gave rise to these solemn pro ceedings, not only remain unredressed to this day, but additional causes of com plaint, of an aggravated character, have ever since been accumulating. r . Shortly after these proceedings, a spe cial messenger was despatched to- Mexi co, to make a final demand for redress; and on the 20th of July; 1837, the demand was made. The reply of the Mexican government bears date on the 29th of the same month, and contains assurances of the anxious wish" of the Mexican gov ernment not to delay the moment of that final and equitable adjustment which is to terminate the existing difficulties be tween the two governments;"; that no thing should be left undone which may Contribute to the most speedy iand equita ble determination of the subjects, which have so seriously engaged the attention of the American government;" that the Mexican government would adopt, as the only guides for its conduct, the plain est principles of public right, Ithe sacred obligations imposed by international law, and the religious faithof treaties ;" and that " whatever reason and justice may dictate respecting each case will be done." The assurances was further given, that the decision of the Mexican government upon each cause of complaint, for which redress had been demanded should be communicated to the government: of the United States by the Mexican minister at Washington. These solemn assurances, in answer to our demand for redress, were disregarded. By making them, however, ; Mexico ob tained further delay. President Van Bq ren, in his annual message to Congress of the fifth of December, 1837, states, that " although the larger number" of our de mands for redress and " many of them aggravated cases of personal wrongs, have been now for years before the Mex ican government, and some of the causes of national complaint, and those of the most offensive character, admitted of im mediate, simple, and satisfactory replies, it is only within a few days past that any specific communication in answer to our last demand, made five months ago, has been received from the Mexican minis ter ;" and that "Tor not one of our public complaints has satisfaction been given or offered ; that but one of the cases of per sonal wrong has been favorably consider ed, and that but four cases of both de scriptions, out of all those formally pre sented, and earnestly pressed, have as yet been decided upon by the Mexican gov ernment." President Van Burenj believ ing that it would be vain to make any' further attempt to obtain redress by the ordinary means within the power of the Executive, communicated this opinion to Congress, in the message referred to, in which he said. " On a careful and delib erate examination of the contents," (of the correspondence with the Mexican go vernment,) " and considering the spirit manifested by the Mexican government, it has become my painful duty to return the subject as it now stands, to Congress, to whom it belongs, to decide upon the time, the mode, and the measure of re dress." Had the United States at that time adopted compulsory measures, and taken redress into their own hands, all our frrvolous jand dilatory points raised by the Mexican i commissioners ; and it was not until the month of December, 1840, that they commenced the examination of the claims pf our citizens upon Mexico. Fourteen months only remained to exam ine and decide upon these jnumerous and complicated cases. In the' month of Feb ruary,:1812, the term of the commission expired leaving many claims undisposed ofj for Wain t of time. Thej claims which were allowed by the board, and by the umpire authorized by. the! convention to decide in case of disagreement between the Mexican and Americab commission ers, i anion nted to two million twenty-six thousand one hundred and thirty-nine dol lars: and isixty-eight cents.; There were pending before the umpire when the com mission; expired additional! claims which had been examined and awarded by the American commissioners, land had not been allowed by the Mexican commis sioners, amounting to nine hundred and twentyeight thousand six; hundred and twenty seven dollars and eighty eight cts., uppn which he did not decide, alleging that his authority had ceased with the termination of the joint commission. Be sides these claims there were others of American citizens amounting to three tion for the injuries and insults we had borne, a great aggravation of them con sists in the fact, that while the U. States, ahXIOUS to Dresrvf a mnd nnrlrfitnriinr - - o , 1 B mere departments of t!;n Cent; . raent.! The people of Texas v ling to submit to this usurp.ui tance to such tyrany became ty.r Texas was fully absolve ! nllrgiance to the Central Govt ; Mexico from the moment that pr. had abolished her State consist : in its place substituted an art -itr despotic Central Government. ouch were the principal cvj Tex an revolution. The people at once determined upon resii!.. (Ir.w o arms. ; In) the midst cf port ant and excited events, howe did not omit to place their liher;. a secure and permanent foundati elected members' to a coriventi in the month of March,' ISC! vainlv emnlm- i -L j r formal declaration that jtheir v mui, employed in seeking redress for -.l- .l r Dak wrongs n.. . ' T " connexion with the Mexican i: jjtiai wrongs, new outrages were constant-1 r j j Iv occurrim? whirl, i. , . forever ended.and that the pec; ' occurring wnich have continued to in- j 1 4 crease our causes of complaint and to swell the amount of our demands. While the citizens of the United States were con ducting a lawful commerce with Mexico under the guaranty of a treaty of amity, commerce, and navigation," many of them have suffered all the injuries which would have resulted from open war. This treaty instead of affording protection to our citi zens, has been the means of inviting them into the ports of Mexico that they might beas they have been in numerous instan ces, plundered of their prbperty and de prived of their personal liberty if they daj-ed insist On their rights. Had the un- 'j ... . as uo now constitute a rscc-sovr. ixdetexdext retlbUc, and are full ted witballthe rights and attribute" properly belong td independent r They also adopted (or their; gov en liberal republican constitution, the same time Santa Annri, then talor of Mexico, invaded Texas v. ; merous army for the purpose of r her people, and enforcing obt-J; his arbitrary and despotic govrn. Oh the twenty-first ot April, 16" met by the Texan citizen-iolJier , that day was achieved by ;thc:n t!. orable victory of San Jacinto, by lawful seizures me violation oi ners of American property, and ."T '?e,r 'ndePenf !; -of personal liberty of oir cit-! !'de""g ,h, n0?.bfw 'W f:l : izens. to v nothing nf fh in.lx in I P" jiis.ory uocs not i flag which have occurred in the ports of! 'J J"1 "' Mexico, taken place on the high seas, they would themselves long since have consti tuted a state of actual war between the twp countries. In so long suffering: Mex- na himself was among the captive In the month of May, 1830, Santa A koowledged.bj a treaty withtheTexa ities, iu the most solemn form, "the f .' and perfect independence of the repul!;: as." It U true he was then a prisoner C. !. II... .11 lii m t. erty.aml imprison their persons without ' n,,lr tt? 1 j V j j - . nflf&rdirti them any redress, we have (ail T' hi a i ?1 1 '' P J . .u , ... . . ,hat ha authority had not been tew ed;to perform one of the first and highest lhat hy vir1ue of Jlhis lbat heobtaim.j dupes which; every government owes to ; soal release. Bv it hostilii es wo f its citizens ; and the consequence has been ! ed, and the army which had invaded i reduced from a state of allluence to bank ruptcy. The proud name; of American citizen, who ought to protect all who bear it from insult and injury throughout the world, has afforded no such protection to citizens in Mexico. We h.ad ample cause , 1 lhe language of the Secretary ct St. oi war agaiusc luexico long oeiore tne! '"c ouues, in a uespaicn io our breaking out of hostilities. iBut even then we forebore to take redress into our own hands, until Mexico herself became the aggressor by invading our soil in hostile array and shedding the blood of our citizens. Such million! three hundred and thirty six thou- j icd to violate her most solemn treaty oh sand eight hundred and thirty seven dol- j ligations.plunder our citizens of their prop iars ana nve cents, wmcn uau Deen sud mitted to the board, and upon which they had not time to decide before their final adjournment. j The sum of two million twenty-six thou sand one hondred and thirty-nine dollars and sixjy-eight cents which had been a warded to the claimants, was a liquid ated ami ascertained debt ojde by Mexico, about which there could be no dispute, and which she was bound to pay accord ing to the terms of the convention. Soon after the final awards for this amount had j been made, the Mexican government ask ed for aj postponement of the time of ma king payment, alleging that it would be inconvenient to make the payment at the time stipulated. In the spirit of forbear ing kindness towaads a sister republic, which Mexico has so long abused, the U nited States promptly om plied with her request. A second convention was accor dingly concluded between !the two gov ernments on the thirtieth of January. 1843, which upon its face declares, that " this new arrangement is entered into for the accomodation of Mexico." By the terms of this convention, all the interest due on the awards which had been made in favor of the claimants under the con vention! of the eleventh of April, 1839, was to be paid to them on the thirtietn of April, 1843, and " the principal of the said awards, and the interest accruing thereon," was stipulated tp be paid in five years, in equal instalments every three months." Notwithstanding this new con vention was entered into at the request of. Mexico, and for the purpose of reliev ing her from embarrassment; the claimants have only received the interest due on the thirtieth of April 1843 and three of the twenty instalments although the pay ment of the sum thus liquidated, and con fessedly due by Mexico to pur citizens as indemnity for acknowledged acts of out rage and wrong, was secured by treaty, tier his command retntneil In mirsii.1 re arrangement, unmolested to Meiico. From the day that, the battle of Sr. was fought until the present j hour, M x never possessed the power to reconnwor m .Mexico, under date ; of the eighth 1842, Mexico may have (hosen to c and may still choose to consider Texr ing been at all times sincej 1635, an I continuing, a rebellious province ; tut t! nas oeen obliged to take a re fy time m : the matter. From the lime tf the butt: 5uch are the grave causes of complaint Jacinto, in April, 183G, to the preset.t on the part of the United States against j Texas has exhibited the samn externa! Mexico causes which existed long be- j national independence, as lexiro l : fore the annexation of Texas to the Amer- i w''h quite as much stability jof govrn can Union ; and yet, animated by the love ! Practically free and independent, ackn of peace, and a magnanimous moderation i as a Plilcal sovereignty by the princl; we did not adopt those measures of re-1 ers of lhe w6rld nt hostile foot finding r dress Which, under such circumstances, ! V! hfr 'rrl0.rJ ,r.,i.s' f!,rcLn -r are the justified resort of injured nations. 1 "' 'erself refraining forall that h ; The annexation of Texas to the United I W'tI a"empt to re-establuh her . States constituted no just cause of offence , UinJ to firid Mr de egra" (d. to Mexico. The pretext that it did so is tary of Foreign A(rair8 of ieZco) c w iiiiiii i iii'i hi vi hiii h iii i i r rm r n n r i in nia i r... r- - . i i a j mm a v v a a v j m m W vil VII CaV with well authenticated facts connected with the revolution by which Texas be came independent of Mexico. That this may.be the more manifest, it may be prop er to advert to the causes and to the his tory of the principal events of that revolu tion. Texas constituted a portion of the an cient province of Louisiana, ceded to the T T n i r rt Sf o toe 7 ra nra in tk. i'aoi. 1 SflO ... 1 .rtmmArtf tilrt .llTAn a . I in irAP.rhm.M In the year 1819, the United States, by ! . 7" " ""r"? a.:: ' i tne f lorida treaty, ceded tqpain all that ; ded part of Louisiana within the limits of 1 ex- succorare giiren to Mexican rebel. '11 as; and Mexico, by the revolution which CUrrent of Mr. d Rnrnjr rm, j i r C" : f l i i . ... . -f . . . acjaraieu ncr iiuiii upaiii,: nuu rciiucrcu her a independent nation.sdcceeded to the .1 r .i . , i k . .. ing max lor mat wnoie periou citizer U. States, or its government, have I f ing the rebels of Texas, and supply i :.u t . t.? L ' j " "liu 'I SJtIO, OllilllUlllllUlI, UIIU IIIUIII ) , . war for the reduction of the 'province had been constantly prosecuted hv M": I... . j I . t :'n abroad." In the same despatch' the S of Slate affirms that since 1537, the 1 have re;a eignfy, as ntrl 'IVrfld 9 ah lm!rir..' much as Mexico ; and lhat t, the obligations of which are ever held sa- rights of the mother country over this ter the same direction as if t the indepe r i j l! i lexas naa not neen acKnowicfizft cred by all just nations, yet Mexico has violated this solemn engagement by fail ing and refusing to make; the payment. moderation on our part only had the effect to complicate these difficulties, and render mand thereof, made from on board one of an amicable settlement of them the more difficulties with Mexico would probably The two instalments due in April and Ju- have been averted. Magnanimity and ly, 1844, under the peculiar circumstances our vessels of war on the coast of Mex- ;soUrcei;of jnaticlnal pride! and ex- eat pody ot our people :K obstacles in the way ! . '.la r ?! gpvernmen? in prosecuting the war ftM ly, but ha ve shown themselves VM eminently tpatriotic, and ready to -tuiv vuvu i jwUUifiiy nuiiut o-iiu iuii:i tt, itiv sacrmce. The alacritv and ,rwptnqs with iwpich our volunteer for- -tfashed to the' field on their proye not; Pnlv; their patrio their country's iction that our ism, out cause is suffered 8 If deep con ine Wrong M-lif-h w have rorarMexicp ;jvlh)ost ever since she be- muV- mj, iuuewrnuent power, arid patient njluranco wiflv which jwe have borne fn. arc without n parallel rroderh civiliked nations. Ti,r l a poo tobclievJ tliht if these wrongs had resWed kntl resisted in ihe first in. hhfee the ni'itserit war imiirht hnvo ,,. Wided,!' Oiid odfrage, ihowevfr, permit. e to pass with Smnunitv. almost arily ehVourageaithe perpetration of an- ico. i . Committees of both Houses of Congress, to which this message of this President was referred, fully sustained his views of the character of the 1 wrongs which we had suffered from Mexico, and recommen ded that another demand for redress should be made before authorizing war or repri sals. I The committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate, in their report, say : ' After such a demand, should prompt justice be refused by the Mexican government, we may appeal to all nations not only for the equity, and moderation with .which we shall have acted towards a sister repub lic, but for the necessity which will then compel us to seekTe4ress for our wrongs. either by actual warpr Jy reprisals. I he subject will then be presented before Con gress, at the commencement of the next session, in a, clear and distinct form ; and the committee cannot doubt but that such measures will be immediately 'adopted as may be necessary to: vindicate the honor of the country, and insure ample repara tion to oujf injured citizens. The Committee otji Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives made a sim ilar recommendation. In report, they say embarrassing. That such measures of redress under similar provocations, corn- been acknowledged- it vp& acknou! 1837 against the remonstrance an J ; Mexico; and most of the acts of am tance, of which Mr. de Bocanegra c t. . ritory. In the year 1824, Mexico estab lished a federal constitution, under which th Mexican rfinuhlie was rflmnoswl nf ft number of sovereign States, confederated , flow necessarily from that! recc-r.; together in a federal Union similar to our Paks of Texas as still being 'an int.- Executive, legislature, and judiciary, and mitted by anv of the powerful nations of j a remedy for the claimants whose cases Hiurope, would nave Deen promptly resort-?, were noi ueciuea oy me onu commission connected with them, have been assumed by the United States and discharged to the claimants, but they are still due by j for all, except federal purposes, was as in- Mexico. JButthis is not all of which we have just cause of complaint. To provide ed to by the U.t States, cannot be doubted. The national honor, and the preservation of the character throughout the world, as well as our own self-respect, and the pro tection due our own citizens, would have rendered such a resort indispensable. The history of no civilized nation in modern times has presented within so brief a pe-r riod so many wanton attacks upon the honor of its flag, and upon the property and persons of its citizens, as had at that time been borne by the United States from the Mexican authorities and people. But under the convention of April the eleventh, dependent of the general government, and that of the other States, as is Pennsylva nia or Virginia under our constitution. Texas and Coahulla united and formed one of these Mexican States. The State 1839, it was expressly stipulated by the : constitution which they adopted, and which sixth article of the convention of the thir tieth of January, 1833,that fa new con ven tion shall be entered into j for the settle ment of all claims of the government and citizens of the United States against the republic of Mexico which Were not final ly decided by the late commission, which met in the city of Washington, and of all claims of the government and citizens of Mexico against the United States." In conformity with this stipulation, third Mexico was a sister republic, on the North I convention was concluded and signed at American continent, occupying a territory the city of Mexico on the twentieth of No contiguous to our own, and was in a fee- vember, 1843, by the plenipotentiaries of ble and distracted condition; and these the two governments, by which provis considerations, it is presumed, induced ion was made for ascertaining and paying Congress to forbear still longer. these claims. In January, 1944, this coji- the territory of the) Mexican but it cannot but understand that t! Slates do not so regard it. The real c of Mexico, therefore, is in subsista: mnrp nnr lf. than ft. .nmnlalnt r recognition ofTe xas independence. It thought rather late! to repeat that c and not quite just io connne it to lie L to the exemption of England, France, gium, unless the U. States, havinir ! was approved by theMexican confedera- j first to acknowledge thej independence cy. asserted that they were ' free and in- ico herself, are to be blamed for set;! j r .1 iiv t:,1 ! imr.1. it.. 1....:.'.'. . r i' uepenueni ui me uiucr mexican c iincu mc irtuuiuuii u inn i States, and every otherpower anddomin- j And he added, that "the consiituti Inn wlintsnnvpr." nnrl nmelaimi-d the creat i treaties, and the laws oblige the IV - - . r . , r princi erei and i rift .... ....w ww;..f 0 Mexico to overthrow of conoue vernment under this consmuuun, as wen . t r ii k vcriiiiiciii unucr un . j than ten years before Mexico co as to that under mc .cuc n, tu.ismuuon, r,,t tvr ainat the U. Siaiei n l . J . Cm . pies of human liberty, that " the sov- garu iasan inaepepoeniate, ur gnty of the State resides originally a " Fa" .." essentially in the general mass of the ! 4as. na,a M " " ? Lsa ii'wlnnlc whn rnmnOSe II. IO tne CO- i .. . . ! p . ' r tier rnr j -n . . . ,1 .11 ' the people ot lexas ucu auegiance. ; giren 9Uch efijence 0he Arorld ,fl Emigrants irom ioreign countries, inclu- to maintain ner eparaie exisiencc i dinjr - . . i . . ..i a. ii i ll r the United States, were invited by pendent nauon, mat soe naa ueen ir; nr cognised as sucn, not pniy oj i:.e i G-Ta aHlaHvMcxl? seeded to at- that they " fully concur with the President im wmzc? iu' r1 weaTihcss and indecision on our thnt miL iAU hco atl V l nnr rorlraec ailprbcarahfee which wqs the off- into our own hands, land believe that we irr P magnanimity, and of a sincere i should h ihctif;,) n iu nnininn nf nth.r ?ritti frienn ly reHtionswith nalins for taking siich a step. But they h " ariT.TW I ae wimng to try the experiment pt ano ther demand,! made in the most solemn form, upon the justice of the Mexican go vernment, before anv further nrbceediners are adopted." - A No difference of opinion unon the sub ject is believed to have existed in Con- The Executive and I .carcely hd( Mexico achie v W her in !cv n",Til ,,,c v. orates were xne 'bt among the nations tn nrl-nnwlp ftcr. cj?Rhienced the system of insult TV-- yi uiiizens eniTH in inwtni . . , , M v w aaa a i ncc were imprisoned, their vessels grcss at that! tinie. Instead of taking redress in pur own hands, a new negotiation was entered up on with Tair promises on the part of Mex- i ico, but with the real purpose, as the e vent has proved, of indefinitely postpon ing the reparation which we demanded; and which was so justly dua. This nego tiation, after more than a : year's delay, resulted in the convention of the eleventh of April, 1839, u for the adiustmenVof claims of citizens of the United States ol America upon the government of the. Mex ican Republic." The joint board of com missioners created by this convention to examine and decide upon these claims was not organized until the month of August. 1840, and under the terms ol the convention they were to terminate their duties within eighteen months from that time. Four of the eighteen months were consumed in preliminary discussions on vent ion was ratified by the Senate of the U. States with two amendments, which were manifestly reasonable in their char acter. Upon a reference ot the amend ments proposed to the government of Mex ico.;! the same evasions, difficulties, and U lri-t ion laws nf thf Staff nrt tt, f.nVral novernment to settle in Texas. by several of the principal now Advantageous terms were offered to in- j .Tbese W T'r , . b . . . . . . of amity, commerce, and navigation . . ! They had received and accrediteJ mis mviiauon ,.,v.. ,t:t . beomelMexican citizens. ii f . 1 - -- .ifoc o .n.rT.1 r r manif r All ftiriTpnv in . . i o.w uwi.pn.il uj iwaiij w.v..w., ... , ppeciVe courts, ana tner oaa cf- the full faith that in their new home they ; m;mslers and diplomatic agent. n j would be governed by laws enacted by.t l0 tho government of Texas. If M ! their representatives elected by them- i withstanding all this, and her utter i delays were interposed which have so long I selves, and that their lives, liberty, and . ubdue or conquer! Texas.jstill ; marked the policy of the covernment Xo- i nroDertv would be protected by constuu- , fused to recosnire ue as an in wards the United Statps. ! It has not even tlnnal .marantpps similar to those which tion, she was none t yet1 decided whether it would or would existed in the republic they had left. Un not accede to them, although the subject dpra irovernment thus organized they con- has .been repeatedly pressed upon its con- j tinued until the year 1835, when a mili tary revolution broke out in ine city oi sideratjon. Mexico has thus violated a second time the faith of treaties, by failing or refusing to carry into effect the sixth article of the convention of January, 1843. j Such is the history of the wrongs which weihave suffered and patiently endured from Mexico through a long series of years. So far from affording reasonable satisfac- Mexico, which entirely subverted the fed eral and State constitutions, and placed a military dictator at the head of the gov ernment. iBy a sweeping decree of a Congress subservient to the will of the dictator, the several State constitutions were abolished and the States themselve converted into be less so on t: i L .u ex ico nerseii diuuwu .r-"r."" ' dependent nation by tbe 111 States, a er powers, many year before Spain, before her revolution,' she Lad been would agree to recogoise her as .1 Mexico was at that time, in tbe e: the civilized world, and in fact,T. and independnt power becau : claimed her. as a colony.j If SpT; tiooed until, the present peril i Mexico was one ot tier coiontes t: gainst her, this wool4 not have r changed the fact of ber indcpcnJ: r , if i 't ! i i- ?

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