'""" 4 . li ', ' ' . I , . " ". ""-,!( ' i . . . - ' ' i I 1 ' . , 1 - ' , - c .i , ; (i i !. ' - 1 , . i - r Tir A n, i: t 1 IlAtT 111 UCr BII1IUIII . rlrt.fOl pw pnH for U n. w-cn It :)JXyp.,,',rliAmcCaroUian. v":r i . : .. e , it i:..l.nl f.ORKRll I I II V. 1 i ihe fo Is WB'JW'?" 7 '5,&Ui nff " cdi,or , I'iii Treat l' rue, pi iJeni"ii "iuiivi, JfJy f fcutcopi', Lieut. do. '"y&r!- i'- II-'- ' iR &-JAMES, Editors. $ Proprietors. MB D CoblV?pf .CaiwcIK Sur-epn, ;'4,THa4WtvillcAssi9t.Su;gerw v Dln'Jof ljdtcomb, Quartermaster, ; tt'klt.tdiV. nf Ifalifax. Comrnisiarv. m-i.:,- r r.ntoH. Serjeant Maior. 'c. Daiile, of lUlclglJuarterrnaster's Ser- jip. AViliort, Oaptain," Mirt'S' ir'ehiltfK li Liotifcnant, t. !IucJi. i i '.2Ui do , lvEP ; x CHECK CTOS ALt VOC8, - IS SAFE. 1 ; - Do' THIS, A XI) LlBEUTT Gf Z. Harrison. ilPBIDM MARCH . 12, 1847. NEf SERIES, i' NU5IBER 46.0F VOLUJIE III. : sll wt .. . r. a. IN". ! 1 . MTdj( JiVnn '-It J.tVilliamv 1st. Sergeant, 2d do 3d do ith do nfll i. IJraweTtriTJst Corporal, Jrihro P-J'tttllc, J 3 J rihWi i A iiirhm. ! 4tli Kcubei jiiarrcii do do do ... .tl LJ- lker,IIyan! ii Jrtili;-JHM,JJ . 'hviiiirt c J1uck,Jonftt I. . T: t-.-.'-.r.. J Cifebfy 1 h Co.4. Witliat'n .lickardj. j - ', . Frederick" : iVilliarh 1 I iwr. Arttur i :n!T,rt 'LittltMuhri If .-..M H, p- 'Uriel, Wiilto ( It i:. ;i n i Jrtiies, Orange D son, Andrew C Jt hnson, Calvin l'llyt Joseph J L'til'e"lScnn G L ndsay, Nathan "Monday, Robert , Moore, Joshua S OJierry, (Jreen (mens, Elfeha Firker, William K Edwin Pfitway, Willie J ger, Jackson yencer, Wm II Sjallings, Jesse St'ahton, Wm. 'ylorr Jas F Tjitirier, William 'Fitjlor, Francis W . Tpprii, Sainiiel II 'I1 Jessee A B T)ornhill, Wm II t son, Evans Vubb, Bennett AVilliams, Epenetus eaver, Jonathan ; Williams, Blount I V;trd, Washington i Walker, Lawrence i.rins, 'I'hotnas 1 Williams, David "NVorseley, II M G Enoch Flowers Wm G arris 13 W Brasswell Win C Watkins ' Wmlloss - f John Ballard i Alex Birmingham J D F Watkins WmTarleton W M McDuffie Jacob W Long John Luton 1 Henry Craton James Stewart : James Page -David Green -. Roland Davis W$ Stough Itiley Biackwe Wm J Hudson P A Kenally . J. 1 Todd Joseph M Fry John McCauble W P MoVmg Stephen G Morton John II Gorrel ter W cnifSanjyi are mjtn Edgocomb c( We 1 from litt j atul 1 from Franklin. T coun. Their 'V'P" fr.on V5 lJl,t mostly in the 20's. 4. Cdmvany Jt. Harvpy jUoher'W ta ptai n, Ny loin Andrews Lieutenant - Sjiters iilpletoii, do -.-Zailoch Thompson 2J do r Jtob I? Daniel, 1st Sergeant : . Juba v; UatspnJ Jatoli Harder, Lewis Outlaw,! ' Jackson Vinson, Allen .d'reen n I t :i' i rvoucri pm j one ' BirnaLas Lane, iih "2tl , do 3d . do 1th do H Corporal do do do 2d liW, Ben) Urion, John lli!ff,'Jercmmh Wirv, ALner U?r, llnry !eit, Jeifi WiJno A , i ! 4 I t'TfLi; i 1 t At; ' N.t.Wjhuiiton ' tod, Win i'J 6cldL Ahton.: i ? ' CreeVV T(l..nt vurr. Ntiitn. I 1. Jackson ' f r, Augustus W Beni I il Edwjn ill WWnt It ;H Jackson' Sn-JasB Slllielli!; S4 LewisW i J3 PS 5. ' r A at' 1 Jtihuson, Bryant 'Johnson, Martin Kjrig; Blount , I wis, Muses . Ijvssiler, Slenphen D liine W fainer, Henry Mathews, John (Mooro, D.anl i i urdoch, Robert cdlen. Saml uijtturd, James !R aaihgo, Bryant Newman, Saml Pjpwell, Amos Peoples, Caswell Pjuks. Gco y Ppll, James ! Reaves, Richard W Iyivenbanks, Elijah Randolph, Mathew loberts, Henry 'Richardson, James Iidford, Mathew Sjierrml, Benj W Sjkes, John 'Sikes, James S)kes Wm Siimner, Saml iinith, Needham Tyson, Shin Vauglin, Wiley-' Vfu Robl F Williams, Gilbert Vi'tlliams, Henry Williams, Joseph J Whitfield, James u itfU.nts, Uriah illiamson, Harris Joshua Hartsel( Danl C Faggert Burton Cune Martin Stough R R Hudson McCarny Johnson Valentine N Mitchel Stephen A Winpofl' James Dortou 1 Leonard HoneycuJ Jiles Cross . I Simon Troutman ; Adam Eddlernari John N Brarilly II T Turner'; Timothy Tucker Daniel Miller D C Klutts ' Isaac A Martin A N SIood !i L A Blackwelter Henry Pennihger J PPenninger Georse Seamon Robert RoaU Wiley Cariker John Mason Edmund tiartsei " j - - - Of thi company 55 are from Cabarrus, and scattering ones from neighboring counties , v - '''"- : i' , : Company D Tilman Blaiock. Cantain. 1 Shepaid K Nash,: 1st Lieutenant, A t Keith, 2d . do Stephen Nichols, 2d do, James jJnes, 1st Sergeant, J II. Constable, 2d do T J Philips, 3d do John C Kearner, 4th do Jackson Stuart, 1st Corporal, T J Turner, - 2d do R G Briltain, 3d do Wm Fliitoff, 4lh Jo A Broikwell, , Berry Ha, $ ' Blaiock, Jr, Egbert Keith, Riley C Barbec, Mordecai Barton, Thomas! Brooks, N G Brantly, Orran Bailey Levi Blaiock, David Boon, Robert Butler, Trios S Car, A B Craltrec, John j! Curner, Thomas Carraway, David Coins, Jamesi Cook, Charles Durke, W G Davis, Thomas Dickson, It W Dickson, J Davis, Thos C Davis, Andrew Davenport, IFiri ! Duckworth, Davi Davenport, J IV English, J M Green, Silas TV Green, Adolphus Howard, Isaac Hensley, Geo Horn. C P Harris, IVm T Jones, Signal: Jones, A J ! Jennings, James It Jones, D T I Johnston, TV T Jones, Saml ! King, TVm f Keith, TVm M Keith, J A MARSHAL KEY AN AMERICA Along article recently appeared in th Southern ; Literary Messenger, in whic manit reryi plausible reasons are given for, j w . ! dium;)f a friend at Washington, address eq certain inquiries, with respect to ley. to ilMlsnal :Grot4h) who had then only lately reached our shores.! These ques tions were as follows : i L r t I rr fArt ni rtn;-ilI,.M ...1 . 1 dreds of intelligent vicn in t!. plicants for it ? Alas ! tlicv ! land no 'influence. A Herru! r high standing. has been transfer: j command of the Itiflrs, n crC. r them controlled and disciplitu goons have been incorpqratcd j for their, guidance - and irulr j j nothing is impassible, the rcpli be somewhat cHective in the c few years, but we candidly o we have more conGdenc'e in t! with their cornstalk pnn at. drums, than in troops otuce red according tq caprice, whim c; Maying that the famous Marshal e, ; inchen hekht4a muscular man. though j not fat;; of high, flat forehead, gray eyes, : straight eyebrows, prominent cheek bones j and fair complexion ; and did he speak ' English r ism. " tne nravest ot the brave, was no than Michael Rudolph, of Lee's Legion, wnicn corps tun sucn eiiecuve service au- nng the Revolutionary War. j Uudplph jWas born at Elktoh, in I Mary land! arid his parents either iwerb Gtl- mans, or of German extraction. lie join ed, the American army as a common sol dier, when he was little over sixteen yean ynen ne nrsi arresiea attention Musicians. F rom the Petersburg Jnttlligcncer. our army in Mexico: A corri-spondeni of the Charleston Mer cury, evidently both weli-informed and in telligent, writing from the mouth of the Grande, under date of the 4th of Febru-' Jrriretl yetedaj Trbm ihe jort cf arv ciVes some v,,. : . i m r hav,ng ail'd on the lSlh i8t. arj, gives some ery interesting details of ! The Civilian r.t: . r i Kp irvlm. .A. . . . . I ... man mentions that Mn. J . lu wuicu tne Armv is expo sed, the result, in part, we regret to say. LATER FROM TEXA: The steam ship Galventotn. Cu: 4 t je was a captain in Lee's celebrated rci U. S. marshall for the district of T-i at Galveston on the 15th int. lt . ifatri ' J.T , ii.rt..V t: , of acts of violence; !rnm;.,.i u.i r!and Brazos Santiago I Miior A. edUhe Wkc.ns pi this j description the Volunteer,, which have excited the ! utSnU'W He s.-vid It accorded with that of Ney Mexican population to the liiHpst nitch . Brio Santiago, tnd mt; c',i, as E .:i?:.1 -r: t , -------t-.-, n ----. I J4 lnat liadi served in the isame division of indignation. With their blond hnntpd 'judication in the U.' S. CouH, no J'f , with iey, belore they were respectively hv riin.tifi-ihli- i -.u r nV' ' promm-ihat did speak English- i b? unJust,bIe juries, w.th scenes of vi- giment, which was made up ot; pi men. leader "In 1779, he was chosen as the of the forlorn hope when the British post nu i auius iiooiv was to ne auacKeu-rr -lu-vi0ii! th ,rn that he knew, and he mentioned, on one vv lien ;jtin.- rjIlUSIl court, of admiralty there, f The i JMar was leit'by the marshal at i had been taken, prisoners Ney himself had exauiin ed them apart. ' bubsequently, the same inquiries were urn : T-T ' f. no frt r C This post was held by a strong b(ody j of ; Georgia.! who had SPPn much of Nov . F 1 W 1 . ! T U , ' ; " - J urmSn ana, nessians, unuer tne cornmana while? in; FrancR. Crawford's testimony ! "VM,cn iney wa; of Major Southerland. It lay in lull vieVf on thesubieet df NevV neUonal annear- i out re8al"J lo law4 human or div ot the British jgamson at Aew ance,als6 alTifmied the description given j with all the advantages derived from a ! of Cumberland and fiiia under such circumstances, it argued jnp ahov Ttn .A ihnt t f un m i knnwll ii;,; ,.t ' ! i a, d 01.1J i ' ? j i.nitln iiv.iii . I tt . I ll litflA " iirtHPiV v in flip asshilant! tn rit.tpmnt i , : I, ;V eu o::oe much a it. But the attempt was successful. 1 he tn ,m,,i 5 ( ( i-v- ;i.V'.va nun oience aim rapine.oi wrong and insult be- ! Gen. Scott refusing to deliver it v fore their eyes, the slumbering energies '. mze the jurisdiction of the Couit, of their vindictive character have been i 'an understood. 1 , stimulated intoJull action. Their inborn 1 ,'le U ? C?" 0T ilhielclr;u:i ' fv ' -r.. , . . .. - , of I exas closed all save the qdnnr feroc.ty, unrelenting spirit of revenge, and I on Monday, the 15th inst. Tl.-re untiring perseverance in prosecuting a ; iual business ; and but few civil cases- gucrilly warfare, which they wage with- ' Posed A. l annear hv Ih rnritr)f d- i 1 a m Larc leeu rfceivtd 1 barrels noli in inis ci v , it :inef and t thal there .,U,1 I. .,...lf .1 . . i . lacut-u iu iiuiacn aiium- : selves Known with fearful etrecr. Whilst fort! was taken by surprise and stbttm, rtnd ! sookJaUrU of !tfw;71 h:" wc shudder at ?n atrocities, their the conduct of Rudolph, at the heat of the senc d althmUh hp. Mr. Craxvfor.t .vJ nnf acts ol assassination, ofliloodv nerfidv and :i: .-4... i.. :...:c,.i:.i.i ,.2ft T " T . . r ' 1 , . lUMuiiug jjany, uuipiy juauiiuu . iutp cuuu- speak one word of French. The confer- j ""human cruelt'. and would visit them I are nnt encouraging, dence of bis commander" j j I !1 ! ence were conducted through Dr. Jack-1 with sneedv and. terrible nunishmpnt. i Aotonio and rolu in a stiorx .me auer, tiuuo pn was ra s- ; sof, ,he Secretary of the Legation.'- blush of shame mantlns nr pW.l- J . 1 h? remains of the galku Ca;,. ea to the rantc ot Major.; and during the Whennn his rPtnrn to this eountrv. Craw. i.. ' ' "c i tiave h(en received at banJAnt i f i i. l : " j remainuer oi ine war, ms conuuer, u is . ford was told of iNey's familiarity with the cairt : -oc! itictinrrnic' oil Vr fp rri n rl.- f ril o : . 1' l i f ? 1 1 vember, for use of Government ttc. ports. The account givrn in tbr Austin toria papers as to raising a' rezimtM.t Col. Hhv- v, volunteers cotn'u: i daring, and a great fondness for gems. strata- is ,c,uuani conviction lslorced upon us that The Indians on the frontier of Tci they are acts of retributive vengeance. ,obc tolerably qtiiet. .Tho Tonka w What says the intelligent correspondent i ins,,hc mo1 troubIe bkiljin5 ,,iCc iu uuui we uaye reierrcd above 7 " We found on our march many melan choly evidences of the atrocities of the Vo- lunieers, in me silent streets and deserted Lile, John Ledford, Peter Ledford, John McKinny, Merrit Money, Gold Murray, TVm Miller, Geo McCauley, G J j Nicholas, Henry Neal, Henry Nutall, B J Ollis, John Ollis, Geo TV Poor, David Penly, M B Pritchet, Benjamin Pate, Geo TV Poor, Oliver II Ra, Leander Ra, Jacob Robinson, TVm Smith, TVilliam Simpson, Jno Mj Sharp, Morris Scarlet, Thomaa Stout, David Stewart, William R Smith, George TV Sesemore, Alfred " Stewart, William Terry, LT Tipton, John Troutman, Washington ' Vance, N M j Washborn, James Webb, Obadiah! Webb, X L White, TVilliam - " TVilkerson, Francis This company Was formed by the Union of the Yancy and 0ange detachments, r Company E. William sj Duggan, Captain, Lemuel H Moye, 1st Lieutenant, William McKerrall, 2d Beniamin Staton. 2d T JT S1 J as well he might be." Ophp.ral Lallpmanrl. who resided in the The next place where Rudolph is found, neighborhood of Philadelphia about the in the war against the Indians,in 1703. ; vear iftist. i nid to have deplared his jHecommanded the cavalry under jWayjne, : conviction that Ney and Rudolph were and maintained his high. reputation, liut ; tne same person. Lallemahd, among oth-1 houses of towns and villages, the burnt It. nonpars that hp. nnnrrellpd vviln nvnp. L.: li L. j:.i ...i f r' ; f ! r ,i ; ,. r -rr u : '-jri'ier particulars, saiu mat wucn spuieu oi , juuics nuu asie ueids ot larms and ran cid resigned his commission. j ; ; j)y cncmies, in the Army of Napoleon, i chos. M"ontcrey,i the beautiful the pride " The next tidings of Rudolph describe xey as commonly called The Foreign j of Mexico, once; the loveliest city of the ihim as returning.homc, after the absence : Tobacco Merchant." That he understood ! world. now disfiffuredand nnllnti o f . - i i iij-' r . . a . I residence of a brother. Here he r ' a ! ' " "II- al M1C i and spbke the English language fluently, - ly be recognized -by the eternal Sierras UStenS lVrrrvi no enrt r f rlrvnKt to a domestic revelation, of the most cruel ; in conclusion of the subiect the Mes- and humiliating character of suclji a sort, sengerl says : indeed, as to determine him not again ' to : ..yjj have now given a hasty glance at return to his family. True to this resolve, ' the general presumption upon which the with the dawn of the ensuing day, he dis- opinioti is founded, in portions of the coun appears from the dwelling of his brother, j try that Ney ana Rudolph !were one. It without taking leave ; and the next we ; is'not merelv that Nev snokc bad French . j 7 r that no barbarian! hand can mar or defile. Rinconada, Parjagayos, Puntiaguda and other ranchos, ard either destroyed ordes We heard everywhere bitter complaints Col. Crogham passed tarough H the 4th inst., on his way to San Ante hi ter voluntprs into the service. The U. S. cutter Wolcott arrived nt ton on the 8th inst. She is eu-n-coat survey. ' ' The Civilian says that Air. Coat son, of Bolivar Point, wiW were on t home from Galveston in a fsmall !. - . late severe ntrther set in, were l! . and doubtless perished,1 as Iheir bout -ed up without them, j The Galveston News has alonstri' sugar culture in Texasi We clip "a ; agraph from it : I I 'Tk. l..J . - r a aurcrior quaiiijr 01 cxas luglr Jhear of him is an adventurer, about;; to sail; from the Chesapeake, with a small Vessel laden with tobacco, and destined to St. Domingo, or to a port in Fi;ance!. ; " The next and the last jil earn across the career of Rudolph is afforded us ;by the venerable Mr. Spalding, of Georgia, whose uncle, Major Lfcklin Mcintosh, 1 : i ! r ii . .i i I. . .. .1 ' was a uosom irienu oi uuuoipn, aim; ui but that he spoke good I French that he concealed his! English when with A mericans, though he was known among the French to be familiar with the lan guage. That he was pronounced a for eigner among the French, rsnccred at as n . i i i - .... w iuv i,.vv.ogM nu cuui iimics ui me i ireiicu, auutiiiru on uu nanus, white Cumanches; of the North," as the ' nnf this year seen a barrel from any Mexicans call voluntary defenders of our ; jn Texas which does not sfirpass th country's honor and rights. In a former ,sian:t "igar in our markets, as wcl letter, we predicted that the conduct of ' a,,tJ 'b'nss of color as in! the clair these men would nrovbke the terrible re- i transparent appearance of Jhe grain. taliation of the ?uerrilla warfare. It hns P tty is also demonstrated by th already begun. Despatches have been captured, and detachment cut oflT, and our whose company young Spalding fint be- tellecr, character and person correspond held, and learned to know and to admire ing with all that is known of Michael Ru the youthful hero, who was even then pro- dolph." nounced the bravest of the brave among ; Singular, truly, would it be, if the great his American comrades, lie tells us that : est of- Napoleon's Marshals should prove Rudolph wrote to Mcintosh a letter full . to have been an American.--U. S. Satur of the French revolutionary fire full of; day Post. enthusiasm for the rights of man in: Eu- j 1 a tobacco trader believed by some of his j garrisoned towns in the so-called conquer- most distinguished associates to be an A- ; ed territory, are but little better than be merican, and possessed qualities of in- j sieged fortresses surrounded by the hosts oi tne enemy. ; The writer speaks, in terms of the stron gest disgust and reprobation, of the spirit of " favoritism" which has ruled in and presided over the appointments, by the President, of the oflicers in the Volunteer i Carolina, Georgia and otker place. Regiments He Says. " We have seen 1 a,es- Averaging the , Western bal our suar commands about! onn cetit r more than the common Louisiana iu c i ct where it has been )fTercd for salo. the caso in this market, id. New. Orig in, the city of New York. THE COTTON CROP. 1 he receipts at all port si in the Lin; on the latest dates show an increase ' rhe rpcr-ipts at New Orleans and 149,107 uaies, making uieLwnoie guin rope the object of which was to persbade DISciSSlCIN AT RALEIGH ON THE the latter to seek for fame in revolution- i vxrivr' attpctiav ary France. Mcintosh did not adopt the ; i ; Lb ULbllUA. counsel, and here the correspondences of i We learn from our exchange papers ! vies that ever burlesqued the military art Rudolph ends. The clues are cut at this j and otherwise, that recently there has ; on 'training days.' j He goes on to give Deen;aeDaieu ai naieign me iouowing : . . . . , , point " But with the moment of Michael; Ru- ; question, viz : : Ids ttnrt tl. nttiora at lh. 1,m enough of regiments Uius commanded to j creage in the quantity of cotton,' re civ give us more cohfideace in the rawest le (this time, is about 23)00 bales, cf weight. It must be recollected that season, has been an exceedingly favor for the early gathering oftfce crop, tie for getting it to market both in tie Jno C Gatsinger, Robl D McNair, Salm S Pyatt, j Perry W Barnes, Joshua, Bullock, Stephen J. Cobb, J J F Stokes, ; Silvanus Tumbrb, Isaac N jPerry, Jas D. (ardner, do ! do ! 1st Sergeant, 2d do ! 31 : do j: 4th do 1st Corporal, 2d do od do 4th do ! Musicians, dolph's disappearance, we have the rise of Machiel Ney a man dislingiiishedtfor the very qualities in war which peculiarly marked the genius of Rudolph a man Without education, but with rare talents and force of character bravest among the brave, and exquisitely skilled in strat agem. Michael is not a very ordinary name, and Ney is almost no name at all. A man, mortified in his pride and his af fections, and going into voluntary exiilci, might well assume, for a name, a nega tion such as this.'r Mi j It is said that the suspicion of Rudolph's " Will the increase of vineyards in our country prove injurious to Ithc cause of temperance;?" I The afiirmative of this question it ap pears was maintained by a gentleman of . . . . . i preseut, than tne preceding season, dilion to this, prices range, from thirty per cent higher, than those of last vrar we have tbo best grounds for suppi .-; the increase above, is not alone the .r: W. UrauchJ; i L -fWy 40 M f"1?"1 Wayne, 4 from '"a.l frnw rv.ki ., di rr .ltt prie frpra'Jotiei, and one from Lenoir. ') I y Compabj ( ' "jA. B. phark 1st Lieutenant, Bg-'A. Area! 2d U do 7lhatn RTiigstafl; 1st; Sergeant, : .Id d ! 4th do s Corporal, 2d do 3d ' do ;:'.MtlSwfn ; f.m Joiner A.Meiker, rhtvn j- ii tJanictGoojrlli, Musicians. 5 I1 f W Heathcock . V My. - i "kavi ."AC .'risa-'r:.! it,'? ii' linbraim Tucker 'in -Lrfler , riirf Vnnderhcrg I ejvi -Vanderderi; "N'aleniiuo Smith Jutnc 4 Powers; Baker, Demsey j Barnes, Jas S Barnes, Jno M Barnhill, Gideon Barrow, James Bsach, Thomas B Bland, John Bridges, Willie TV Calhoun, II G H Cobb, Kinchin Cobb, William TVI Cobb, Exum Cornish, John Craft, Thomas p-Daniel, Lewis; Durden, TT'right Farmer, Dew, Kdwinson, Pollard Flora, Ephraim Fly, Thomas Flora, John Flora, Redding Griffin, TVilliam Griffin,, Wright Grimmer, Drury Hardy, Patrick Harris, James R Harrison, Dawson Ilolloday, George Jones, Derrtsey D Joiner, Guilford Joiner, William A Lancaster, Jesse Laine, Wlliam TV Lors, George Murrow, Nathad Mattocks, William R Parker, Calvin I Parker, Jacob D Parker, Jesse j. Parmenter, Theoph Perry, Simon Perway, Robert ' Pippin, Elijah Price, william R Proctor, Joseph ; Proctor, James S Ray tier, william ; Richards, william Ricks, Micajah ; Robbins, Henry 1 Robertson, Alfred ' Sessums, william w Robertson, Perry Summerlin, Thepp Taylor, John Thorn, Demsey Vick, Stanly wat-d, Spencer whittlesey, Jesse Williams, John R williatns, J w j williams, warren williams,-willie "willoford, J G ! : wren, Samuel identity with Aev. is bv no means ot ire- r - : . j f ?f cent origin. It was entertained at a very earlv neriod. and bv some ot the first per- sons in America. General rinckney stated to a; gen lo a laughable case, in which this favorit ism was exhibited in the appointment of and our own markets, hare been a young sprout iof Executive patronage to an oliice in the: 3d Infantry, but who finding that his regiment was in a posi tion' involving some neril and exnosure. 1 B W i . Walroiinnntr Kr'lKp n?imp of" T.nmnsrlpn I I .: i::i.: .f :t.i tho cron in our section oflhe coutitiv and thb negative by our enterprising coun-; c fM ica barbaritv am tnhutable.n a great degree, to the c. fvmnh'nr .! We.Uer. The dehate will sequcnceJ o1 ican barbarity , and un- . nicrifi()Iiej. it is unreasonable to sup;. nrnKnKI,.!,, nnl.li.Kp,! ,! ,1 n h 1 1 pss n ro vp ! ablc to conceal his repugnance to hard- the tacts stated, that there Is still ov very interesting. The points argued in a , ships and gunpowder, - never reported for cent of .he rre,ent cropto come to m half d(j)2en hour debate by alternate half ( service." hour tiirns, were on the part of the aflir- j But wbat wiU our rea(iers thjng cf the nmu c:, uia i, niu iiiui case ui: nirja m in ; r .1 i i . i . i : " ; i to in the following; extract, who received a commission from the President, and was afterwards tried and convicted of repeat edly getting drunk and playing cards with private soldiers," and, after sentence was screened from punishment by the Exec- if 6uch Le the case, the crdp, cf cour.- exceed 1,5500,000 bales, if lit reaches The stock of cotton in: Great Britui: closo of ISI.j, was 513,GKJ bales, ( i half of the preceding year. Great II; i sumeo lasi-vear. oi American couun. 1. bales; France 330,000 bales andiS.i 430.000, bales, making 2170,000 1 lh iKrpp rmintripc nlnnp. Wepivel!. eral facts, that our readers may furm t!. ions, as regards the futuro prices of c the same time bearing in mind,that t our country might increase intemperance by increasing the quantity of intoxicating j drinks; and that wine was so agreeable a ; beverage that it lured people into excess i more than distilled spirits. , i These positions answered by showing man who had known Rudolph in his yoiMh, that natural tastes, or such as agreeable that while a resident in France, as Arner- at first; were less enticing to excess than ican Minister, he had learned that there acquired ones. For instance ; that no hu was in the army of Italy an American ( man; being at first likes tobacco or distill officer who had greatly distinguished him- ed spirits ; hut after the taste of these ar self that from every inquiry, nota dpjubt ticle$ acquired it is more difficult to keep remained in ms m.nd t nai tm . witnin!PounaS tuan a naiura. o ne ior n Js f intelligent men in the army for these drawback..-CW. Jr, officer was his old friend Michael iliu-! n easant article as wine. And that this j . . , j , . -J 1 dolph. , 1 i principle of taste might account for the j Gave been overs augnea . Cincinnali.i-TU CI nrko r.nnnr-,1 ivn: restrninpH from nns i- i tact that all the lastem Wine maKinc "The Tlitle regiment was mivpd int nt- 'Mt.nn ToUrrranli ' taVL'that tL2 jng his inquiries, when in France, from j countries, were temperate. Or the vice j terthe glorious victories on the RioGrande, wpulation of thisdiocese is 60.000 ; t' the fear they might draw down upon he.i of drunkenness scarcely known where the I which the country attributed to the mili- are six academies for young ladies; officer the jealousy ol French authorities.! peopleliad plenty of sweet wines in daily . tary skill and knowledge acquired at West tbe 'youth attending Catholic sclou!, Michael Ney was unquestionably! Ihe us-j And that therefore the; more vine- j point. The Executive, as though express- j cinnati, number 17,000.' 1 i officer thus pointed at. He was in Ilc-1 yards increase in Americathc more would y t0 show his superiority to the vulgar The Watchman adds, thus : beVs German Legion and Rud61ph, rjlorn! S temperjance prevail. And that if for a ; prejudice of military instruction being es- j 'A large proportion of these 17,0 . rtf Rprmm 'na rents' at the head of ilU. ; invujcurc uuy aim iu i-v ; . seutmi to success in wariare, gave oiik- , vaiuonc scuoois, are cuuuicu v, utive, on the ground of his youth, incx- prices of bread stuffs and provuior.s i perience, and total! ignorance of miliary and ,le exportation of spec w to j ay ! ... m. m, . operate serifuIy, at least for the t . usages!" The ;Mercury s correspondent, ; g!iinst a ma(.rfal advanc in ., we doubt not, gives the true version why would unquestionably take place if it The tsba-ii dependence on foreign countries for wines j tnjrt 0f the appointments to dismissed i of course. ' Are these Catholic c of Nev was then closely ahalsed,j; not so good as our own. vineyards should j ca(jetSj anj an the rest to civilians : and better than any other in Cincinnati, ns the materials could be obtained ! be ma(e to abound more and more in the j t0 crovn ail,the Secretary of War applied . are patronized o extensive yhy lr. spoke the German language, racter of Key was then close nc f Vi t mTttorinIc !iM hn ohtaihed .'. t3 1(11 1I1U IV . V-W VVU.V WW ww -rj yT J ' C? 4 ' ri iph a stnrlv bvseVera Americans 'uiairf . . . . . i . . Vt L?::" i,...Ko,t .;!, intorpst . intt more fanon of this debate and inter- distinguished themselves in battle, to be e ws a we hav3 alrdi&ntl! estihg questions of morals and religion attached as Supernumerary Lieutenants r - w.c o;;f ib ni: wuuecu iucii.h" .. 10 tne-new reffimenr. in oruer mat inev li i e . for those young racuates, who had most - r ) . , . - . . . i guished for his eager spirit, his skill j inj AS1 ; - i i dolph. Like Rud tered man. , . j, j f When the news'" of 4hc trial and conn dPiWiation of Michael Ney readied 'tbis -This company afe ah from Edgecombe save;! cob n try, a well known and highlyjresj) 10 from Martin codntv i ; ; ? 'I ' V 1 ted citizen.ot the 5ou u uirougu me nic ti.Lnioe tJ rlptermihpf! hravervL ouairs"- " . i; i i v. i . ,.! m , . , resembling the characteristics which yereji ETlhe citizens ol Gharieston, oi wnicn ascribed to the military reputation ofjlluriplace Liieut. CoI.il remonr, ine. ganani ex- udolph, Ney was ah unTetjr i plorer Of Uregonjfinu aiiioruia, is a na if so, we hope ihe evil will be rcr.io t it Tobacco.-According lo oilicia! rr! Britain consumed,' in 184(3, ijventj.m five hundred and Cfiy-seven thousan live, nave resoiyeu, m iraiiiu hish estimation in which they hold his gal lant! conducts and brilliant achievements. to present him a Sword, with device and inscriptions. . approptiate 1 mifTlif eprro n iirilt fenrrantS tn the Pif. I :"":-- - -r- v t dred an(j rorty-tnree pounu ion ! izen officers. Ohe of the hopeful band of a( lhrfe lhiiingt lerliug, orUiitvt v Presidential favorites ! was recently tried pouuduty, put into her trcas-r I andjeashiered fonreptktcdly getting drunk j iLfctPen millions of dollars. iThe n- andj playing! cards, yith private soldiers, j iacco n LanJ in the; kingdom ' The; Executive remitted bis sentence bc-j januay(.lS17v reached ihnjarge ; cause bf his fyotith; inexperience, and to j 59,233 hogshead, which, "when rci ' Whvlmit into the British treasury the h n I ,wasi this ignorant suckling elevated to an forty strcn. ajU ions ofs dollar. V: I Jt r 4 r

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