:l , "': !. r . ; :'J I'';.; A t . - - i -- - -.. - . . i i - - f i J a . - -.- - . - - : -. - -. -.- - .- - -.:.--. - ' 1 f I ; - - ' - ; at - I . " ' i ' ' Vn-rlL Ui.'inJncr Jnnm in advance ASr eJchlutque t insertion. 'Court r. I, 1 25 per cent nil I 1 J L. J I ACT fc:tia. a AXD It jiU-t-ACOliATfi CAXISTMiST OF Tilt i' I I . s II.. il . ft C,:L our (I i' hereby ettaeted by 4"' Vl3 il thaU b' ,hc du,y of i (t rta in thi State, at the respective ' BRIBER": &, UMES, -" -I' Ij Vjjf v - i ' hTI l" -ir! : "" '(:" : NEW'sS"' ' i f Tf. :)' . . " X-w-li ..IT XUMBEU 5i OF VOLUME III. .if- ... - - ii i im 1 1 t r r. t J tfcrr BIlMWI't JUMllfS ui writ-nit t"v f1 i J 7 4 .J. r)L 1... vnr ilinntfln1 ! mnla m lL ih Cat .f oklx to CODT into lh KiwTv . .ritijHr nB"if"j y? 7v"' i . . r i f - - : j p., .,,--- ; , , . , . .U :J...:.i .L-f.L ....:-Uf iU.. ..I...J. Jilul'nnd HrtY-VVeJii ana ai wtr panic inm r- i whu iiuucr, ine uin wrciiuu -v., m largt- j '"I. ! (iv .t.inhi-V. to !nV.)iMit two reppectabte . and the said clerk shall also advertise the same at the skill 1 . f 'i,' iilri nl" ikililidj rrdliy, tube associated with vcourt boiise doorlbf h'h county, at pndjduring the. resi- n ; i ' . . . !. L ,41 ijlur. toil r i i" . -r (jit witli such1 justice, hall be due of the term of the court, wberj such appointments urjiioti 4h hliaJjl. be the duty of tare made ; and ii failure to perform the dutieshefen til nucerlaJn, cither upon a view required, the said clerlt shall forfeit Lan pay the sun f or -ihiwiw, ai ncrutpitely as may be i leu dollars, lor each afla every otience, to be recovered ru-li vniuition the Unds, with theim-j oil motion to thej eourtty court, and satisfactory pVoif l '"'nn'V'i1051! w' 1 "n '!Sx or i captain's, district j thereof, by the county bttorney.finst givng the said clerk i - V'i i-'.ifvJlJ lM-lmnt. nrul to ri!urn the same ! in ilnva nrpviou3 notice t 7 which fnrfmitir whn' r.nLl ii'i '""' r',i i ,i : : j jt j vt, ----- r'-'Y ' " " .U jive Vi CourfH hi he niaiiner1 herein ! ered, shall be paiiLhy ihe county. attorney into the . Poq--j'f,eieiW-j f iat .thV Hoard of Valuation, j lie Treasury, witliin, tj iry day from tie receipt of t!5e i'nfnlwi r in esllblinheil, s!ial! take the same. , ; !! ! ; '. ' 7 "" ';:. ;" .iiiletaii)! i1 valuing the improvements up rtli;frir !Wvr l' dniriils ; find , provided said Sec. 9. lie it further enacted. Thai -ft BliaU Ki ilii .duiy of the clerkioflihe several counSy courus at lliie tiipie notices are iMued to the several justices of the pe informing them (f h it -appointments to take in the liit of taxible9 in thfir rtspective districts, to accompnriy every such notic or brder with a fair :opy of the. re turns made by tlie B(ird of V3!utioht in such partica lar districts, of the lost preceding assessment of-lands and town lots, wlthinj puch districts, which copy the jus tice of the peace; tak,ipg the list of t arables, shall return County ; with hi3 return of taxablea to the clerk's bfficej and which ,,l0ri.,f1M:l.Pa,flfil,Po,1lI1o,'OIt ana WlactOTy j cjopy may be again issued from year tojyear,' during the , -Jmth 'MScRn'tion A the iiMividuuls comprising the ! Mven' years betwfen jthe respective periods of valuation: sJ B-a"1 ),','!u,'''' nn" ,"'ir respective a9 provided in the firsk section of this alct ; and for this (i aljiiyit,?ned by them and certi- j service, the coanly courts may make sujch allowance lb the clerks as the shall deem just and proper, j ' !. i . Sec. 10. Be it flrther enacted, That the counly courts of this State si all have no power to release! or exempt any person from the payment oi a double tax in- curred as now provided by law, for failing to give In :a ,,.,1 :keit!J'M rfiiy. ir trj-y decnr-necessary, cull t.titi W iv'4yn toihe vaue of nny duct of ,lTM' " , i u il.i... ...r,aA in : jcjpj'fujiriiH'erlah oathfto any firson. so called -jUi",ii.tgjvini jii hifllnh.ls ftr ta xnt ion shall i,lriired;tosate'iheyaltie thereof uion oath ; j Jir '' f' c'""' himself injured,' by too nr''H? IwlPJ? taced ii:n his Innd by the board i HfiiilMw roriinetent for the ensainij County I .' It ; ., . uos,i.niaii ana successlul hands attached to Jhsq great works; many of thtint were men of independent means. M f 1 i f FronVthe Philadelphia Ledger. ! ; .Tne. powder mills are situatetl alxut 33 miles South of Philadelphia, and i he vibration produced V1 jthe atmosphere by the explosion extended enfibly a ditanceot nearly 40 mile Irom the poiSy;:tpf -v," -r ; ; The owners, who are contractors with the United Slates government (or suppl) ing pov der in the army in Mexico,! had sHiitnlFa larjre tii rr sources of NATIONAL' AVEALTH. ViJSy Set. Mr. Bitmap, of. Baltimore. is wealth T.j in what does it consist 7 Wejalth;s eterything that supplies human wants. natural br;arlit3ciai.i There is, of course, no end to its tntdtiplicatinn. The artificial wants of G EN'S. SCOTT A N I) T A V L; r . . Gnil. ; " These glorious clJ ; n-!.ter3 tlanger from iheir enemies la perils fnviron them from i! rear. Gen. Taylor, with 4, COO r: pulsed Santa Anna with more than u So far, so good ; but wliy did he t: : hem all prisoners? Whv did ho 1. : escape ? HPf hy hU hesli-encr, !. it in their power - to fiiht nncrhr r j This should not have hem. lie t nave ettner ki rd nr r-r,r,t. ,,.., . maiikind have! ha limits. f course wealth has noi:liounds Jlujt the product iv-( ness of nature, an) jh apa-ities of human -industry. And w&tjafe.;'human wants? The first is fod ! pnra6n2 them, and ihe Terr far I of a rr,r.A ed POrHilatliui nvm iHJ. ... -.1 . . 'oftUm Li-J. TV. ... exclusively agrjeuhu il people, in iho present 1 0,hr Resolution of Cnquirv tncV 1 age of the tvorhJ. wi always be poor. They ! 'he next Session of Con-rW a want a diversity of Employment. They want ! whole Democracy x vote ft r i the enterpr.se and activity, which is engender, as they did ubouUhe Cnpitulaiion -f" ' H , Whv J,nU U:f s,,m?,a,,1n nd for ,,SS" neglect of his du v. pacuement. vhy is.the Irulanee of trade con- Gen. Scott too ttnually in favor nf ti v ..k t . .. JtWi lo hS taken e r;i t i .. t. ' ... . rr " j wevause our ana ine unsti nrs t labor is not sumcienify divf ... . I im quantity to that destination, else the ' ellrcis i This carl be procured only from the soil. Hence, would have been us terribly destructive as they j the ; lit st land tnst universal of human pursuits 'we;'onHe". twenty eight years ago, when the I is iagriultnie. The first item, in a nation's explosion followed from one building of th j wealth j is cultivated land. licfrc this, every mills lo another until it reached ihn maifaziue i otlier slecies of proiiPitv dwimlle into iiwi.r. i . . r r-. 'i,."ir . a - - ..... wnenamost terrtiue aesiruelumr was produced. Yesterday it did not reach the magazine. : . Among the singular incidents related of this distressing accident, we learn that one of ih r.iT m ersified.rM.rau,.t,- ! i..- ... " uui .i, raw material ffoes fit'm ,i.s. ' u " ,..t" aWrQ or two t:.: torin to be niaiiufaeh red, and then eomes back t!. lit lir Viiri w i . ni.c j -!i'-u-, wnue we have a. mot.g us thousands ix,o might work il up, but who are lying her- ftfie, many of them support ed by public charily!!! One of ihp postuti: eS to national wealth i ! ant eonnot be forgiven hy'Mr. i. est investment in -this country, the most costly education universally diffused. It is thU h.ni i " Ja 1 hotnpscn, either. V -i . r i i . . . . . . . ' i . . - i m )rouucion ot numau industry, is the. common : that can give skill f.Sihe hand, and wi,d.m in iei-ert jwlnch divide the fields from the high. ; the general ctmduct rf affairs. Without thai . ; j - f nilipanee, and strange as it may seem, the great- ' t. I... I . uas icw juusc SKUTie IOUr or tivo Mexicans on parole. jWhy did nut ! them, every mothers son, or t b I I i . ' ' iiicm in cnains to ine great " Co; James K. Polk? This isHsriVvoJ. tressed about Jacvb, and canr.nt tt t he will do about it. We. ihonld t mail dreams, that when compared to the outlay of these unpretending monuments of human art. our cities and our towns, with all their wealth e ff jthe Hence : " Wf solemnly J LJ . '. h...:i. ri I I. ;mfnli 'jeoOi'imadejby us, are, in our judgment jvU.Wiu'ttl vujj thereof in cash ; and that in tb' Moi". litivjenlavored to do equal jiis- .,., ful.4i'Ui:fis tortcemj ; so tieip us v.tnj. o( hi, or her 'taxable property, except in cases where - ll.1.J .J.tUli l'i..4i. and KrMinhlr tiH ' -i . 1 .1 l .J i i j L H ' juvy"-',-;" : t niay appear to me court, upon satisfactory proot, that afniit!Ui'Vrf-'-'iv1 t-nejiiollar per day, for each j suc,. raiare occu f red py reason of the! sickness of the ..fiMif t,(.acM4arily eigaged. in making said 1. party at the iimeUu4 I'S was taken, or where it may wifsirtjirtitirnp.or.pum . ...r .mru, jpar that the fission of the name of any personJon fn7 -i 'j j i tlie tax duplicate, was caused by on error of the justice hS Ut.u jrmrrmr,e, inu.i-.r uu- . m-rim- ,a;ing in ,he jst. ,n p-anscribins the original for the nur- -:"rten ,4iejjaeerjte reactive period of assess- I pose 0f making jhis' feturn to the clerk of the county lm 'aiH'n ( laW'N,. as provided for in the fore- court , or other si'int cause, to be judged of by hb county court ' Sec. 11. Be ti further enacted, That all laws and clauses of laws coming within the meaning and purview of this act, be, and the same are hereby, repealed Ratified 18th;of Jjanuaiy, 1847. Killed had previously lost three of his fingers of ; lands, and separate them from each other. No the strength of the physical power of a na'i.,u '. all surprised to lenrn ibit lir '1 uis nanus, itiiu jiuai immeaiateiy on nearing l he explosion the family at his dwellings rushed to the door, and almost the first . ohtect that met their sight was: the well known mutilated hand are left far behind. You will scarcely believe severed Jrom the JimU lytn near the threshold ! me; when t say that the fences in this country upon the ground. j have cost; more than twenty times the specie ly by the girls who are enMred every dav in A head of one of the bodies, though so much : there is in it. In many of the counties in the canlin. spinning and weaving disfigured that it could not be known to which j northeiti Stales, the fences havecost more than j Mr- Dickens tellsu that he carried home to of the blackened and mutilated trunks il hud j the farms and fences are worth. It is this en- I England a number oft that work, as one ,f the belonged, we were informed was found the best j "rnrious iunii-n, thre can hn no doubt, which : most wonderful phenomena .f the Western partjot a mile from any of the bodies, and near- ! Ii.fpi d-nvn the agriculnual interests of this i World. 1 waslold myself, at that place hyone - c:.fI tljc C5iiifV Courts nhall nppont one Jus- .:! fct i iVnr'Ji liftritt, td tike in the list of i .f..ii n Miimi nrilvifl,il hv Ta ur I li vntnn. 1171 i,lv" ' ' '- , I j ....... ,W !o lt l' 'l invt lie below licit .affixed by the l4,j VV9"ii''n and Wherf tracts of land in town ,iy hve Itr n1lulllided,;after the valuation alhx i"to It Jltf ""'U lioaid, ihc-Justice of the Peace ta- L j tile l'4t,ha'. afiix the valuation. of each subdivi- j w ji.it t$e il.' jcij'i'K-' va shall, not fall below the iiw-M f I4e w. UiyC tract , made by said Hoard ; and I -js! J 1 1 j uli 1 1 -I in v c tin- power, in ns full a manner the iesiiu-.pov ot anv ',.!.lni.oiil !i 2ia)trd ri (k-ivijni ifiis tuj : siiV llwf.ii l.ir" j.lotH oi nued and infirm fer.w)n, From the Philadelphia American of Thursday,) r DREADFUL EXPLOSIN. ; Wilmington, (Del.,) April 14, 1847.! j I regret to iiifofiTL you that a severe explo sion look place this morning at a quarter past person, ns to the value of ' .1 . It I f X ' I .. . o ine wo.u.i en a uai on r- ' I i. .., i i e i , , , . o o clock, at the upper gunpowder works of the iorwf., Ifjtcrrrr. that : m. iv ... ....!....' i .....! i . ;t 4 iii"fii.-,i uiii-iiuru Hllll l IllCiailCillll V fr I'urilt fruirt-he ronlity during the prriod pro- 'y 'of. ( eAlHinj Mxables, wJiO' mnyi be unable ! l'Vi'h 'iM to wte'tr I 'the iilHee appointed hy such 'rhr !d:j IrutU' lit olttaxubles, to render a list lust ice OSS of 1 life, eighteen men having been killed. I'l ... . ... L l I . i j ii . icpon jwaf nearo in mis city, and many repaired to tlie ground. The huddings com. lained about TiOUp lls. of powder! and were en. liielv deslroved. i The dwelling Imiioiii urmitYil yftiuv:M.4triym.oa ....e.o e any other Just.ce WPrt. sihtly injured. Pieces of flesh and bone! :rVt fbrisaiit county : nhich list so rendered and r .. .ii ..i. .u.. .! i i . . t: L.- ; ' ti ii r i r m ii it'i ru ai fiiimi 'i iih ki'Hiu1 unri ihit t&ji it --- - - - ; . . . ..... v iiv j VS . W U ft IV ol the bodies could be identified. j'y'ilm dm! ji-e adiniiillcrinc the onth, shall be rr I J i 'fi wieh! ow m, thru' the. Iietit ! or 4- L an fiMUt to to talve i.i the list of tax- i Hie lidlowing list of the killed jwas furnished ..a.WMrpe hy a.f sjid l.st hud been rendered ! ,y om. Jf ihe cleVks of the powder works :4- .Malcolm baxter, John Dougherty, (iHiarn iv lit.-a fVi. f ..ti I i. il ... j ... I. . nil sif;iiur3 .VJ'"J'I WllVIIIg in ine dark. Physical strength is generally available in proportion to the intelligence by which it is guided. Most of out Reader have heard of the Lowell OfTerintr, a neiiudical written PTcliiiive. the human remains were so dreadfully :, country,: and it is freedom Irom it which enable i of the sunerintendents. that the nri, ...;,! .vrt torn and discolored as to be with great dimcul- j the: north of Europe, wilh a woise climate, and ters in that puhlicatmfi were ihe most nrofiiable a Resolution on Scott too. Gen. .V not yet taken the City of Mexico which ought fo mt been done four days alter taking the. Cu!l. not see. how he will answer l' r misdoings to the - Conqueror." Th( creel and cowardly old sinnnrs a; ing up great trouble for thetnel t them take heed. Rnl. Urchin: u4s indeed one of the most heart rending that it is possible to imagine. recognized by their friends. The picture an intiarerent system of culiivation, to undersell operators in the severljtl establishments, obtain us in the: markets of England. There, travel. ' ed the highest wage!s'.and made the best use lers tel); ins fences are almost unknown. The j "f their money. . So,!afier all the sneers cast Gex. Tjitlor. The jmovem' it in t the nomination of the old Hero f ir tl. dency is spreading rapidly, if wc can j CH til t. Tt i tr il jmhrr eiinrtl , That the owners of all f i (ireen, Mat hew iMcGarvy, Daniel Dounhertir, Michael iloution Samuel Brown, Michael O' Brien, Wm. ICirig, Patrick Conner, William Conner, Johir MtjGinness, David Allhaws, Ber nard ShieldsClaries O'Brien, John VV. Pet) ington, Thomas Holland anrj Thos. Lynch. 1 7 The loss of property Iras beeri inconsidera. lie, from the circumstance o thej buildings dje. stroked not havii g contained 'any t valuable puiar chinery ; indeed Ihe destruc'Mon hasi been o slight thai it wiiij. hi no wise impede the usual operations. ; j ! r j ' J The Messrs. pupont's on y regret is the loss of so many valuable men, and the deep distress of their bereaved families. The United Slates Gazette says : I The shock vjas fell distinctly .in the city ; ! and a friend called in the course of veterdv morniuirfoiuoiiire! whether there. wm .4 ru it n biliif : ikw chlii1 i-tUl. -Ill I'nscertaininsthe value of' t'hat an earthqu; ke had occurred. The effect ; ind I p I quan-I C . . ' i ii i ; . . ' ! rVtion the increased v alue of '"J 01 gt"HMmueicoui nave causeu such a move- ment at su:li a distance. If any thin ,j c iih alleviate the misery this sad occurrence will cause, it i$ the fact thai, for years, the Messrs. Doponls have made it their duty to pension the widows and orphans of all who perish by explosions in their mills, and these pensions ajre unfailingly paid. iers be residenis thereof, htiorney of such owners) ard (,f aluaiion, when- led on(3)r iliht puniop. nd it is hereby made 'i '1 ofjwijibo.iril to cni i re it wlu-n any person owns nous U fv or tract of land in the J.tiftIil;st ieilingj Ui)h the separate contiguous ".f If acts'ofl.1 nd sd ovyned as aforesaid, by any .I"7itijii W.itB tiie riu'iujier of ac res, and the nane t. TTl'itse r';neareiwater course or other re- 'w jiliijivihr e ,said laflds may be situated, w hich WittcluJ all i-ntfieH oftiind entered in the name PtwrJiS yr ti llioHe vtTtch are ; and on failure of .tnjilve'iji im U li--ij,he shall forfeit and pay a ;-iU asin rVqnhril b- law. -u . 4 fir tl fuiihfi' f.tactfJ, That the Justice of the 1hJ l-frlKiyi-rs refiirtil to be appointed by the j Correspondence of the Charleston Courier. New Orleans, (Tuesday,) April 13, 2 A. M. To the Editor of the Charleston Courier. The mail failed this morning beyond your city,! and I perceive by the Charleston papers of I he 8 th that the glorious news of the capture of Vera Cruz and its world-renowned Castie had just reached you. , The steamers Dominion and Germantown ar rived yesterday from Pittsburg, bringing down the ;following troops from Maryand and Penn sylvknia; one Company ,31 Dragoons, 4 offi. cers and 82 privates : three Companies Vol. tigetirs, 12 officers 2Q2 privates ; and two Com- ; panies U. S. Inliintry, 5 officers uid 213 men ; 1 making in aW.21 officers and 579 men. .They ; are how at the Barracks and will proceed in j two! or three days to the Brasos. The fiil ! ship America has been chattel ed to take them j a 814.000 fi.r Ihe trij. I ye had an arrival a day or two later from Vera Cruz yesterday, the hip-ioiwritc, but I she brings no L news. Wo have all sorts of ru mors, that the city of Jalapa had offered to sur- ; render to Gen. Scott, that Gen. Twiggs had! faken possession of the famous natirxntil bridge. occ.1, but they want confirmation. The only incident uf much interest which had occurred ajr Vera Cruz, was the killing by the ranche ros pf some eiht men belonging to the New. Vork anf" lt Pennsylvania Regiment, and the licfdii rviif! flii-!.c n i- nitilui- iliu frtrrx itC Ii. ii-l i linrm litr-. .... I ,i r i A .1 .111 , ...... ......v, ... UI.U. I IMU VlH. ! IIVIUO- I ' I v.m.j I U (J I C S , i U I I) P ll J I UC OJUC SlOCKIII" men :a'ifd shepherds, and thus an untold exen- . is no disqualification for the most common em diture $ saved, besides the- loss of the land payments of life. H it is, all the world over, which the fetiees occupy, and the accumulation I The school-masier's (wages i an investment ot son, inat, with the most caretul management, ' wnicn yields, in anjqeotiomical point of view, I exception can be taken. is apt .to be thrown up around them by the the highest per cenfurn. j Who or what number of the varl.- plough.; . i :lt is to enlightendd education that wc must i rants for the Chief Magistracy "of the r.i. .: r - . f . 1 .. . may eventually take thei field, is of cor the display of his name in glar the head of newspapers pub!i: .l and distant parts of the country. -The h Xcw Era, a Native American piper, j in nomination, u subject I to the dciion people in 1643," to which, certainly nu r J he ! iTttmer contributes to the wealth of a loo for toe extinction of that false sentiment j country by his perpetual toil. Everything be- : so adverse to the tree prosperity of a nation, j giiiisjwilh him. Every day of the year has its 'he degradation whicjh sometimes attaches to i vai'ious and its continuous operations, all direct. personal toil. No community can ever grow j ed, however, to this one point, to bring the rich, where it is thought to be more respectable point I grealesjl quantity of produce from a given num. be,i ?f lie res. ,Such is the nature of this work, '. that ibtrle dan be done to expedite or shorten t the process. Every font .of every field must be ! paspd o,yer by the plough. There are no fire ; horses yet invented to do this at the rate of ; twenty 'miles ati hour. The ploughman, there- fore, must rise early and work late. His la brs too.must be generally confined to the hours when the sun is above, the horizon. In autumn and in Winter these are few. He must work ihe; hai'dcr during that pa 1 1 of the year when the days are long. Every industrious farmer is continually adding to the subsianiialand per manent wealth of a nation. He is continually adding jo the productive power, which is the best species of wealth. His savings, il any he makes, find he cannot make any tiling only by the; most assidwms industry, increase the fund to be a genteel loafer, than to gel an honest living by the labor oft their hands. No nation can be prosperous and rich with out a good government. And what is a good government It isjoie which pnrfects, instead of making war uposi property. . Il is one which hallows the nnrriage. between capital and labor two things, which God's providence has uncertain. Both the great exiiting p parties will, without doubt, nominate tl.t ! spective candidates in natidhal convent i ii there can bo no question that a ttrui' probably a fierce one, will be mad'i to j ! decided party man in nomination by rat which case Gen. Taylor who has :i o lie occasion, that we haye heard of, e; . definitely his political opinion -won! 1 1 c -uously opposed in suchjan assembly.. I our own experience, we should judge tl...:' ojg;iu.ano:i, noirrnui as It pvrr prove-! joined together, and jr.othing but human folly , when brought to bear on Convpntionj, will ever put asurider a union from which , exclude the gallant old veteran, ns 'a tc lroceels the fair tarpily of industry, wealth, ( unless he openly ranged bimseir,uii!.'er harmony, and peace. j Once divide thetnand tlie whole structure! of J society is broken up. From the Keyy York Tiibane. OFFiqE! SEEKING. standard, which we trust be will ot d.. ., until peace is finally concluded uith Mt That there will be a third candidate i field in 1S4S, upon whom moderate, p.ibtl the impracticable! and dissalisfied will r-s I tw AB--. ,.fi I tl I .1 vtiit m. a. sa. 1 . n , . I 1 . .1 I U ,. tl prist u'T k i , ' ' ; UT. ,ftL MlUC ' for the! want of money. How are they ever to had, .Mwhly stayed a few miles into the coun- i et h h j he iin;rovement of their farms? try. , 1he.r biKl.es were afterward C.und lem. ; As lhin3 hltve ,J(,en managed ;n tl,is COUIltry ftsWo U disfigured ailer the Mexican hitherto" there is a tendency to deterioration. n ,. . . j Tiio radical mistake has been committed of iapt. ii. Walker, ol lexas ranger celeb- most probable, and if so. there is no man I 'r1.. ...1. J: ..:..:k!,j.,i i :. . . u , r 1 , ... ., , . . j u tccv oisiiiiviiuii.jiiui ijuiioi i.i mis cji-s ui , country who would be more avaiiat:e il at. v one's fellow-ciiizens rn.iv be well : though to Taylor. In such an ereht, it Is not u ! that is most wanting, especially in such a coun- asoire to eminent qseuluess and care nothiiv ; 'h8' election would devolve n the h try as tliis ; i. e. agricultural capital. The far- iu shadow; ditiUlion. is (Ur better. Time i of Representatives. Cwr.; Courier. was when one couldj hardly bo influential or I prominent unless in office ; but, in this age of; jraphs, things let rityt arrived here two or three days since, anrl is wailing to eomplele his corps, now nearly full. He advertises for a fevy men of " good character and standing," being determined, he says, ' to form a corps calculated ro advance the reputation of themselves and country." He ceitainly appreciates m irality" as a part of 7 nf supposing that the. best investment for the far mer is the purchase of more hind, whereas, in most instances, the belter policy would have been, the better cultivation of that which he already Hial. The plan has been to exhaust one field and then go to another. Suh a plan can result -in nothing but ruin. Nothing has Gen. Taylor's Despatch Es.Th e CI.:; ton Mercury thus appropriately r.t the bist despatches of the modett bi;' bint "Old Rough nnd Uendy't: It hardly be supposed, from their brevit y simplicity, that th-y are the chronica an achievement as brilliant is any; graces the annals of modern warlars- iind. ilnj.rm. iiiitHvorked ns gidd or silver j wa noticed in the shaking if he windows, ai HorTn:U.n9.w,l!iir4ntain .-old or silver, or oth- t ,,,M' W evident, that n small qua 'rjt.tatf iail. icicle r'ii lands IriMib Lb VMNllltTlllWll IDC lilllCilrU ViilUC VI (rutn i$t circiiiiistance of their coi- $ wrh Bold i(,f Hilvec orf otl.cr mineral an aforesaid due jrelnrrl thereof to the County Wia the tinr puianer, uis is pn-scriled for the return '''VH ,.pTrirpis, in dte fir, section of this act.i 5 lt further jiiattcd. That if any Justice of ii ii Srfar,e, ho! may be appointed by the fTf.UarjloinJie inlhe'lii.t of the taxable poll, or .jrojHjrty , ptjnll lake the same without od- lation ns required by" the the soldier's character, and one thing is cer tain, that whoever enlists tinder him will '" see service" to their heart's content. The theatres are now thinly attended, enn reriizers are moving off, am;semcnts are get ting scarcer, thin coats and stre.w hats more a buodant, and everything give note that the lung hot, and dreary summer lime is coming." Already the birds of passage are begining to think of turning their faces Northward. The Cotton market continues quite active and prices firmly maintained. The. sales of yesterday were 4500 and thus far to-day 2500 bales, at very fill rates, say lOf a 11c. for mid- dling and good middling. The receipts here for the. past 12 days-bom April 1. are 33,000 en more neglected in this country than agri . Frotn the Wilmington Gazette. The explosion occurred hi the packinghouse I bales behind those in the same time last April and press room of the establishment. But it is j ad the total deficiency since Sept. 1 is nearly ntitlcd "An Act to pro- impossible eveiqto conjecture m which the fire i 25O.000 bales. Hy the 1st .May it must reach )tw ii.ni and iniana&cment off a revenue originated. It vas lucky that no valuable ma- I dOO.OUO bales. var is dull but prices steady. . . - , . i w i i c .1 . . . . as comaiuea in enuerui wiase build- tmH 9iMr':uniifc tiun o(n Lt L 1 ' ' t I ' il f Bf'lM 6nnr,.ii,, f.H.1 in lk,8l'i?'.Rfti.'feJ;itatVtes, Chapter 102, he phail, f chinery Wi "in tjtl tirfeitiilrc therein incurred, be deemed pings ; but - iJeraraiio arid indictable therefor as in trcme I ri h T.enii;;!,hl. the loss of life is shocking in the ei- Molasses sells slowly at 20 a 30c. per gallon for prime. Hour improving ; 25,000 bhls. O hio and (Tliuois sold for export yesterday and to. culture.; The soil of the United Slates is ca pable of sustaining two hundred millions of in habitants belter than it suslaius seventeen. Eighty years ago the population of England and V:!es was only .-ix millions, and a most miserable living did they get, black bread, bailey iakes. and oatmeal porridge, were then live uiaiii find of the rural population. Since that time, the population has more than doubled. and, in oniiuu number did th productions h dred mil lions powers bf the whole island are scarcely as great kasjlhos of the single State ol Illinois. But agriculture, to flourish, must have a mar ; ket for ts surplus productions. And what is a 1 market ? Does that magic word reside in any place Vr most people seem to think so. A mar- ket is every where. It is people, not a place steam-presses and ielctric teh are bravely altered j jl'he mass of office-seek. ing in our day is mcrdj scheming ta live lazily, or to get a higher price for the service rendered than it could commiucj in fair equal competition with other labor. A man able to live without i i an office of mere profit ouht to be heartily a- ; in which the desperate braver)' shamed of seeking! one. ! troops was not more conspicuous tl. , S j . r- t ir skill and generalship of theircomtii ; el there are meri who may fairlv ask for Tx , , - r ' , , t . But Tavlor reserves his heroics for act. office. They have devoted much time and . and hi; dl.r(Is 1)raise j him ! And M 1 means 1o ensure the cess of the party which vprv momt.nl tiat he nrul hU brave has office to give ;j they have, been unfortunate pt t it were tbujimmorf aliz 1 l' in business, are out of (employment, have rela- selves, and ennoblingtbiir country, lives depending oniheir exertions, and are likely wer on foot to supersede btrji, by t h " I,, he overborne i. the ; world's rough struggle, pointment of an amliitious Jlitici in Lieutenant General ! j From) what 'I'l !.. .1 .... ' ...t.,.t.r r.ol.Ltv- . ' . i n . i.... on ,.i aI. hiiv nil jndiirnttv Ii:i"f. Til , lllll ' "1 " ,-, J nnH il Ihov f-:in lift n D )U IlIP.ll. VITV WI I I J a .ti- ..i, n ;i mfnna nf ob. i Administration been nreserviu ny ine . , V tunes, lare belter than halt the , ' J 1 7 T " J"' : " f,b. MttimnL nnd how' mu, en Thoir inninl -i crri.-iiltiiral SISience, nor leei ijini; uas wccn iirU .. i.m.u.. . i " , , en. i ueir annual .igrit unnr.ii , . .. - . r . . i .i .. i... . ., it. ive increased more than two hun- not successtul. ytlice ei ft if puu.. , 0eiu p,;w,u, . of d.dlnr, nnd vet the nnwh.ctivP. good: if that is severed, individual interest and (lt! ' i . i a out. prr n . - . . ! , for prime. Flour improving ; 25.000 bbls. O- ; I W fl ngageu in aSr,c.u -v . . . . . ,-J ;n a..r.i hit. lliul llfllvllP lllirilTLIl YVrllH - i ;Wtr,he;w4 lMedj'tliatlih a'j ' -.1 !! . enacted, That in nil cases ihe aves jef tli in State, and not in fpr taxrition, whether they be fer on the fust dny of April 11 cnse$ where the owner. or I mi.l I z ,t!sl?'!Hv',,, 'be'" iti jitoMesslon at the time len, iiba, ude tjiem in' nnd pnv the tax ; and ,1 ",r,,i me Mid hirer or! other person having it i t ,n lOM",!,i,. 1hn''l )frfeil and pay double ..'(.. f iM'.e. Id Ui'l rulL-rli..! a nil n.-f.iiiHtfil for J I i ' . .i - gelling them to market. Agriculture, can flourish, then, only where there is a large pop. uljitionlengaged in manufactures and commerce. The- second source of national wealth is man ufacturing industry. No nation ever became wealthy by raising the raw material, and then exchanging it for the manufactured article. wants must wait until! otherwise prov One of the most Inejahcholy spectacles afford ed in our land is thai of young men, capable, vigorous, unincumbered, eagerly seeking office. Do these ever ask' or; think whal Is the. usual fortune of office. Ijoldeb ? Hiv many in a thousand wno ontam ouice in eany uir ,.u.uC aribdlo hi authorsl.ip.andeiecniiy t careers of signal usefulness and honor ? - 'f an2uai?e Mtributedlo en. Taylor n- a ' i - .a .ak-rl O O I . a How many aitaini even a compeicncc, onU leave it to their! children ? Who that has deeply considered khejse things would not rath er nnnrenticp his sonto a, tailor or shoemaker The Cincinnati Allas says : ; " Mr. Crittexden (Geti.TfyIor's rJ was passing through Cincinnati ion I s home) was mortified to find that fceverr! i: of the battle, erioneouslj narra''d. l.v. ed in somethiuii that supplie . ! .ii : C....I . iV r.ir.n' As.,.- t i ' . . - r J . e- o-1 ill ' . . iii,,, Jnu ine- nearer u is hmjou hi mc minimi a In a single instant e.ghteen of our fellow men day at $o,8 a $6 per bid. Corn, too, belter. , nmd.,rii,.n. arp chp,,, t,.... i..w... ...,.;Li ,!,u-... rn ... Sn ot f inn nnn i..uh verorriiav and in. dav 'Mp l" j- r - "i f ii -ii I .-i . i " . ii . '-ii at art ., o-ri i .. i. i r ,i,:.:, li ' m lotitiii nou'ioiy mumateo, oui uname to speaK, : i w a 5c. per ousuei 101 pi nnr m'jMi., 101. though still breathing, has since died. ! ' change in Provisions. Whiskey can be The bodies were so torn to pieces that it was I bought by the large quantity at lOje. per gal imposs'ible to recognize them, and no other b". Coffee is looking up ; prime Rio brings kiiZl t 1 ' 1 e 1 c. . 1 means existea 01 ascertaining wno were iosi 1 2 -'. n n. jikfiu Ml uih a.a .mi 1.1 Slfifr nnrl, ra .. . : , , , .. . . V' - : . , and who saved than by calling the roll (after 'inana at 4B a 4c. per .11 Freights without . , 1 "T lurej (0 Dr r.nt wnhiri the Mate, the hir- . . . .; ..i ., J ? . . .. i . i,. I 1 . 1 . ' orj '1 . u w A i.iii iiv.. -rtv.m-.vi -v t-.kC t-ta 1 .iinti,rr, 111111 111 m. At 1 iiiiu 1 ii;i ,11111 11 1 ii - - - - - - - - . lion of ihe wWki 5 26d;. Cotton to do; 17 16d. Exch a nee steady IV iiKinu(aetunng people always have the ad- published in LonJon, jdi.close a depth of ig- The. silence which followed the calling of theTHl 2 a 2h PPr ct- Pm- f,,r Sterling, 2 a 2 dis.' unanswered harries was the only evidence of the New-York 60 day bills, loss oNives of those who had'so often replied 1; Arrivals frotn sea this morning Br. barque when they were called. I Actacon, from Greenock ; a ship Bengal, from T-T jL i' . . 1 UnP man.iwno nau his eg oroKen at a long ..iv u...w tii'r It ,rfn?'''tha,mca,rnnyCoun,i distance from tbe scene oj" the occurrence, by j; three brigs. j . T i" H;nf nef eel. froiri anv cause, to annoint 1 l...: , t.,,Ar u-iih n . .riimlmr ika rtiitirj" j ) 1 . " tw--' Jw7 111" rll Vvl viia v. 1 ma 1 iiv than start him in life vhh a clerk.ship in a pub lic office ? Will not young men think earnest ly of these things t' ASTOUNDING: IGNORANCE. The report of the Register General, recently - i mifti i.i.. 1 i a ... . . ... Up raTf ti0w brovided by law.it -hall be il ? F."'J r,iTiiwrt)n being ascertained, for arty fiaJ; , . n,i. J c An old miser, on his deathbed, was making dug of all his lands, ne- vantage. They may work day and night, sum- me r and winter, in fair and in stormy weather. Ap agricultural population" work only in the dajy time, when the earih is free from frosts, and when theJ clouds are not disburdening them selves viipbn the earth. A manufacturing popu lation jean avail themselves, tp any extent, of th did of machinery. The fall of water in the town Of Lowell is made to do ihe work of a norance and debasement among the poorer classes were not vouched for by official records. A London pa4Mijf Jh4;17lh ult., gives a synop sis of a portion ofjthe returns, which we learn that one half of thfe population of England and j IVuIaj n r a una bl.lin write their names. Du- 1 inir the second regiment -of Keatucky In ' The newspaper accoonM f that incidci. ; substantially correct, leaving off the t : incorrectly put in the mouth f the Get. In the distance, the impediments in the the regiment in mounting: the eteep fj i vine gave to their motions tie appeaifc j unsteadineM and wavering, nnd, ur.dtr apprehension, th Ganeral did remark t times, "That won't do.'l But when j them regain fair ground and more on V a lt ft aail l'taf'ini t ' to shoulder, iik wrn-iriM-- .-... . -liver their lerribU fire into the ranks ft: - he rose in hi stirrups, exctam.i ij. of eiultation, llurraa lor old iveim my, tone 1 r i?'e Tetire and lir.h.,Urr to form the Ronrri . ' . f. j .j ..,L .,,..:...,. . c. - l.. f An old miser, on his ' Ii. r" -i'T - -- . , one woilliuru v 111 ounncu. ua mi vuuiu uv i: . . . 1..- 1.1 e t -. ..t. . , I hi will. Alter disnosi oYle,.,r o. -u.cr- ,o ur ftSCCI tallied.: . L" ,. ....... A. . " . i , . , . ...ri,:LL.,' . l. :.. . U., I I ho Of course7 it is altogether impossible to form Ses' ' neris etc ana neing auout n.,.f ,5 0,, r .t) " r Tl e i h y coniectire L to the cause of the explosion. ' ' f one tide, he was reminded by his son that arpier raise, must be Uought out of "the chest 01 goui and silver Iliad not been y r.;iiiain lorce, oy naru worn. 1 r ..-. mentioned in the w ill." This enraged the old ' productions are bulky, and are piien almost con- ilf lllilllli. Fortcxes ix Esclakd Meeting rinr the Years 1S39,! 1840 and 1841, out of Smiths Tht recent meetings in th 735,789 persons iharried, 303,830 affixed their of th(s many decendants t)f -Mil ;; a m ' mm. m a. W I 1 if dish, nnd the still tnor iiuum of Chases, to tak t'p .fc " , I ii. . e ' marks to the marriagf, reg.-try by uay o, h norsa numerous ... nriniip in iiiiiii iwiiiiisiiii v ; !Wrk otHhe coanty court, nl anyfjme 70. anv conp'cture as to me cause 01 ine exp ll is even unknown which of the two buildings i .i . i 1 ik B . V b ' ""i"1 ) voui i, m j cxpioueo lirsl. 1., n '.llIT'tl JmI nu I mi. L. il.. snnnintmrnM ."'jr.. i . :i t ! t , - V.. it iH' 'lerW herein nrovided, or o .'mill 'i!.' i i ViiiM' i""! if taxable ns now provided by I 1' 'Ff?U" Fe tored by the clerk J IT Ttl I . I w, - civil lusiii'ca nr.. I irolnv . rs no CitH11 n4 ual notices, which noiices quenching (he jflames wijUjhe water which same manner jspow , was suppiieu nim in Due If els irom oeiow, ue- tppoinfmen.s, so made ahatl I fore the hre communicated to the powder with in, and thus doubtless preserved many valuable males in 100. and 60 females in l u ere u.. . fortunes left Jo able to write their iimes, wh,l 1 ; Che.hiw 'J. ias induced and Lancasld;e 40 l percent. lema,s were ami - r,v 4 i--. t -rnictahle meeting m b K i !?.;!('! -fl madefy the county court! ,Vr hi S&tlS heco'i j 'I 1 . . . n A rrt a r ciipa L. U.. I . .-v 4 ciimbrl nt n.tl.in,t Ihom In rV lUPl. A 11 f 1 1 111 till i. i . i mi a .L' . siniii'i ur miiu unajiiM . iiisiuo ui iiit- iru n s'uun u in izc-nii.ii. niv in io uiuu i t - a . rf-kt i no oae r . fiiiifiiii i ra r j - r - - t- (- . . f,. i,...;.,:.:.:..,!: iK t., shook nis ciencneu nsi at nis ont-tidin2 nnnrin?, ; laciurrarucie is uiiany zm.rw j " J . IIV 1IIU1II1.I1IIVI1 III Illicit I1H1I I'll"" ,"'W ; U i . . - . 1 f : . r . . ...I I" . 1 . .. .... . . ,11 r i ?! Tcl:iimed : Mind vnnr men huuhx: vnii in-nrooorimn t Wa value. I ne Mii"rh more- ; sons aw; im.iuiug in which three hundred Kegsot powner . i t u Li uu sf i i- . . . ,UrhnM of unnroni . , w,uo were sioieo wn lie Hie rMi was in uir, uu uy " , " . f , ,, . , .V . . . f i : ali- slinrt rrnn i ll.-.j not m.Y ..il ..J U T . ....UA1..l ... i ICSl : IIIC - I" Mill. 1"- Li. ....rt, . ' ' I. . ..IK. ' rf I D LJ 11I1S 41 1. I U. IL.U(lllillll I II19II1. All. V. K. t. U.llll W , . . i in all countries r . But no variation of the seasons nas ever Deen ; ol prii-ii.. -- l . . ... nfl fiOOwr. At ihe ai in rreaion L.anciisi't'-t r .-. commuted during me r. rrtonins 01 in I of the Incredible lA i.shlv rrsnectahle meeting Great meeting the fcrf.1 -k rinirth nam- ol prrmtu pi- That it shall be! phe rffltntu AA.iffA in ik'tav Qtftf U'Vit j ( j f jM,,,J VVUII9 an in in i( t Hv t Wicei tif ihe peace of their appoint' lives. Those killed have almost universally left Castigate that quadruped umil he shall have accelerated his pace," said a dandy to a livery -stable boy who was driving him a short distance into the country. "Talk to me iu Engligh, r - . -r . j - , n wives end children. Thy were-among .the ' aaid the boy ; I don't understand Injun I '' I..1' . . .1 r..r rtf l.st. n nA , anllf IT. BmOII? Known to produce a - mj -n r.;Bf,.ftPI,f Priiic shesf and drought has never been .o great as i?':'?19 itofeilhtj.he labors of the loom. - . ' j v"XlW s Ll.?- i. ts ' . i j . . . Tklr rehfriou lenorance was stdl more oep"i a manuiaciuring neo- i i v :.Vt..,,q1 1 able. 89 per cent, r Towns andjcitiei wiU spring we -7r I I : . i 1 I la cent. wer unamei 10 - - sons n. ... nlK!on Co:: yar, 39 percent, wee ignoru u. o. ... qu (rU .o , - r o:- ,he reigning sovereign. m """i .' " . for the purpo-- - ; , the opiniona as ia rW ascertain H tn"r ,i' W ", r . moun of nnmerW '-V-'", ' : iVViith these advantages, a manuiacturi pip vttlilwav continue to keep an agr te in debt. 1 . i,, neo- i Tbir rrligtou, igioratice u i- name oi ihr Durposc o ascertain inhere not rne 1 rrrvnertvabouttobe left mount ., . , hi some of the family expedi te die in England- - u - ; . i.V order. JOHN SMITH, . -1 -It t- ' i- ' ' i. ! 4 i 1 I r-;i-i' 3' -. I.

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