i t - : ; ; ,; . i is 7 . iim 1 . . - . - i! firn with InciW and description- oftbe. hgM J-tbe CHiuirv yt riii. i'H prai" of be he ro and hi lU..l'men. The effect th battle -re iltbe U.l degree important. j Jjjjj Sin.a Amm defeated - hW ia.trucied the garrison "I V Cna kn Juan IV 0l " ',J 75j VrVa" .ir... ,(l lb firmer wiih a ,or. bT"iP- "ib .he remainder he I on oi m ir r u'itb ihe ciiy and east ? fTi W- tnirrd troop' So .he ,Iry power of Mexico 4 ..r.mt influence and 1' ..n.l IIi ,J... t" " " ! ' ;Ie urrendef the fron the Kew pdeac Pica of Aril. EXPITING Nws? Tfhe United States steamship Massachusetts arrived here lat evening from Vera Cruz. whi b ulace she left on the evening or ine 14to. v'r !. . ...nrlnpn i fluivit t ibe latest hour. The new i f the ra st stirring intereiit. ine i..: il.a J :...nai.in that A n.tt- IMl KUVli'Cl iriiu in uc imjii"'"" v., Ciine, the erri'n of Vera Cr Sirii,d.aner a .h.rl rtw?w ft:1' 7 .... r.i leiicaiirainiai'?n.Coil- - f i can ca inpain, c- '.jf .General TaybT f I w w Ue wat Htbt at CerriGnl.s near! iK-iween tho Puente? Kadonal and Jatapa, on . i i..L'i ?J l,are heretofiire i inirxuar iir rnuii i ii ? i . , - , fima. f G-rra: 1 .7 :?jr.T a :iwne SkllViv whh hii!itarjro,K?rH.ion4-:; Kll al onre .o ,ur ami L orlbe. to r.k0; ?rtd c.MKili.Uer:bere bare Ue.. requ.jB of diu TKr. lhe'hi-het qualllie ui h the ,,,'Mier and h- civilian. .Crainrd in hit meao and cmiinVmlly innlrncled Uial were m ihe ee f a iWre. M w..rrf lias leen rendered )e. "irpncbanl l.jr he olire l.rancbe .xvined a. rii.ind ir, hi wn ba been paralysed injdpa in'ff tn.M l.jrd1.b.wa-The J:ba been prevented IrL prt-Mii and imj.n.rintf tr; .heir es.e.,. the advania-e. he ba uned. let withal, qiiieily. u jib.Hit parade, without a .nle intr. ?ion of ielf. by banl fighting and hard working. hi indomitable energy and per-vcreiii, nobly ?romled by the discipline, ibe Kallan. ry the xuliiranee of bit Iroop-. be ha driven .he eno. !my from Ibe Rio Grand, cciipied the conn. 'ny i fur a Salt illo, Ruined within twelve ! month , fir f .he numt fplendid victories op ituu.-rffcctvally broken the. military jrncer fMexieo- and etlec.d. a far as prmitlfcl biiii, the object of the adiuinitnttioii. In ever; 'jnitaticiS from the defyire Hanison to liatlle of Htirna Viela.be Una .my;h. with jjnfa. oiIdMaainxi him. has lonht wiih hiU . I a if : .' t i ..: i.. .... I...... i. ........I.. J iei oimrer mm ' ", ! iriimn, U-iwilh roluiit''! and n'uJars rotijoiiu'd anil Vb vofufiliM Ti aloiii1. y He has att;ick'd the jrnerny upon th p!nin,-he. m .Morrned IlhetV fortilii-alions, he h;i! b'-t-n attacked by them in )U Jiosition. In ever)' litfbt ha he been vicH. rliiusj under every variety of circumstances, 'Wat. He ha ln'cit fimnd equal to every einer peiicy, and ha alnnihed the world by bis skill and gallantry.' hi power and resource..! Hi jntiouncemi'iit of bi victories are nxKlels of tni ilary corrt'epsnulfiic', tin plans of vain pa gn contained in hi iu'n b-ntliy commMiij. raiions to the War Department, stamp him (in. finitely mre than the mere man of military cti. qn "lie awd derail.) the IJeneral. the Great Cap tail. Hi view n policy, military and 'civil, pri ve thii. he would adorn any station he might h called upon to till. Hi great foresight, bis strong enirimnn feiiie', hi skill in cone'eif in; and prompti:idi in executirie, his cd judg Itieiit, hi calm determination, hi gallantry and presence of mint) in the heat ( lattle, hi. bti matiiiy and (lubearauce in the hour of victory. Km stern sene o justice and 'right, hi gr,,j1' bmlicity of character, mark him a a man who " Wo bid have cotiipaieif with the old Roman, and proreii "itie nniii!.t Uomauot ihemall, a man j wlip hoiild have taken place among our jrevb lilt iionary' fat her. It almost seem a if one Wl thjc j;ia nt race of me.ii f one. of the preceding had been, in Gen. Taylor, providentially eri( ned with new life that be might grapple' wijh Ibb crisis in ouralliiir.. The question, fVVho IJ Uen. Taiiir?M has been thus imperfectly ail SWifred. This be i. and more. A rp..tion atiies, " who uud what tcill Gen. Tayloribe? " r! ... ...n. .. .- -, , , i. L....a.A it,- -,ttf(..w fr:iiiTviJfS aivis. ion 'into the interior t tben J8t .b"ard be waa lifjond he 1 Puente sacoinal, and in close nroiirnity of tbW jMexican army. (,en. Scott was expected t r,ve; f "V .'gg 8 headquarters on lb 'f N J"'J instant. Geil Worth left VervOniz with the last diris. ion of the arrty m b 13th, and bivouacked that night ' San Jiianff-alwiul jlwelve miles In ihe Interior. "He probajdy joined the advance on ttie loth. Santa Anna was said to te at Cerijo Gordo, where lii Vegi and Canalizo were posted with a considerable, command. The Mexican force at that point, when joined by Santa Anna, was estimated at fifteen thou sand: strong eonsisting of 'two. thousand regu lar infantry, three thousand cavalry, and (he re mainder irregulars. : The pas of Cerm Gordo is fiiiiy-f ur miles from Vera Cruz, and natur ally a very strong one. Some difficulty i an ticipated in forcing it. flumorS state that San la Anna can obtain any amount of irregular force he may desire. Reconnoitering parlies from the American army bad been tired upon and several wounded -amongst whwin wa3 Captain (now Lieut Col.) Johnston, of the Topographical Engineers, who wn4 shot in the arm and hip whilst examining the Mexican works at Cerro Gordo. Intelligent officers, who 'arrived in the Massachuseets, entertain very little doubt that a general engagement has taken place. A number of soldiers have been shut in pass imr ihe toad to and fro. All accounts reo. resent the Americans as confident of victory, j and the Mexicans as burning for vengeance. Our next advice from Vera Cruz will we doubt not, bring the details of an important "engage, j rnent. We subjoin the news from the Vera Cruz papers and our correspondence. The letter Irom Mr. Kendall, of fhe 14th, written at San Juan, is the verv latest from the army. The s.ldiers were suffering at Vera Cruz from sick ness, but the vomilo had not appeared. Correspondence of the New Orleans Picayune. Camp at San Juan, April 14, 1847, I ariived in this camp at 11 o'clock last night the joad from Vera Cruz running for the. most part through heavy sand. The division of Gen. Worth, from the excessive heat and wearisome road, sutTered incredibly. The news in camp i stirring. An express has comedown from Gen. Twiggs to the effect i hut Santa Anna was before him at Cerro Gor do with 15,000 men, as near as could be Judged Ironij reconnaissance, made by Capt. Hardic and other officers of dragoons. Lieut. Col. J. E. Johnston has been severely but pot mortally wounded while examining San. ta Anna's works, which1 appear to be a success ion f breastworks on the eminences. iii the vi. cinijy of Cerro Gordo. Every thing would now! go to show that Santa Anna is determined to make a bold stand. A dragoon who had been sent down express by Gen. Twiggs was yesterday lound shot by the roadside jut beyond this. His papers had not been touched. The Mexicans are playing a bloody, and at the same time holder, game than is usual for them, as it is thought they have killed no less than fifty of our men within the last three days on the. road. Gen. Scott stopped last night nine miles from this; to night he will reach Gen. Twiggs's position. If Santa Anna i as string as he is lepresented, he probably will hot be attacked for two or three days. sauh, and the army in a::g quarters at the healthy and delightful city of "Jalapa. Vera Cruz is a quiet and well governed as any city; in the United States. It would improve the! health eorne to throw down the waJU and, let in thn fresh air, as i the commander jhinUs of doing.';,';. :-.:-. W; , ' -w H. Vee Cnvi XscnoBAGE.iArRil 12 1847. j A Urge detachmeut of tbeUquadron lenves tn day for Tuspan, commanded by the? Commo. dore ii Mrson; Officers anticipate spmething of a fight there. It is lieliev'ed that jhere are upward of 2.000: troojis sal that fac un. der the command of Geu.Ca, with sume sixty piece of canion;et:;l-::. in.il 1 M I Ij :l i The squadrim captured a Alvar?do ;$ixty pieces; of heavy cannon, all -ervicealiIo and in line or'der, with t he( except jojj of I hrejej. 1 j The greater portion of the rrny i niiw bn the road to Jala pa : rumor has it j that Santa Anna is there with a large forced and intends 'lii dis pule the pass near that place j I The vomlto has not vet made it aonearance.tr ''V j II i committed by two privates of tie lt Pinnsyl- jejit himself hnd his "preis to ihe dirty.the Sptf'cial Court, -t vania Regiment of Volunteers.' They : were disgraceful, thecruel work of nttempting and were accorii sentenced each to one month's 'imprisonment to dim the lustre of. nnd Stamp with dis i . in the Castle of San Juan de .Ulua, and a fine honor, that glorious rmme,: bright among . ' t,V one monin a pay. . :h the nrtgntest ot If." J-: ! 1 ( Mexico. MKncn 29j 1847. The city of the Montazumasi iii rv most ex traordinarv situation at llns nresenl writing rarias and ihe. Consti.utlonausis,;! "s civil war of twenty.ihre days-uraliot in w hich nobofly was killedjWnd rieilber;;party lost or iraiued an inch of groiind. That is, no - ; i - PROCLAMATION. . .j';,; I 7 f Head Quarters of the Abmy, ) i v . j Vera Cruz, April 11. 1847. j Major General : Srott, Generabin.Cljief of the Annie of the l uited Stales oil America, to the good people of Mexico Paoct am at?ox. j ! Mexicans At the head ojT a powerful army, oon tci be-doubt ed-j-a part of! which is adya. cing upon your Capital and wit hj another ar rny, under Major General TayloK in inarch from Saltillo towards San Luis de Potosi I think myself called iion to address jmu ' r Mexicans! American ai not your ene mies ; but the enemies, for aj time, of ihe men who, a year ago, misgoverned ytu, and brought about this unnatural war bptween two great Republics. We are the friends oT the peace, ful inhabitants of the count rjjr ive occupy, and the friend of your Holy Religion, its Hierarchy and it Priesthood. The same Church is found iu all parts, of our own country, crowded 'with devoui Catholics, and respected by our govern ment, laws and people. t ' - c . y j,: For the Church of Mexico, the; unofTendius inhabitants of the country, and j the property, I one was killed ot ine ng,tersf unless .wo i-oiiih j ffttm he firs, Innp ,.v.rV hm jn my -w some accidental deaths; tu. a greai min.ero er (( hein nn(!(r SHn.gard ot, martial harmless citizens hs. their me by .be luces. , flm .ntt he few mrf tne i(I army, sant firing up and down ihe st reets, with which j My orders, to that effect, known to all, are pre- tiiiii m"imi? kj iiiiv. i in iiitf rijivim ait aw gouig wiin.n reacti ot each otper. : icans havc ar,.a,iv l.e,, punished, bv fine, for Santa Anna wrote lovingly to both parties, j lhttl.nefil of Mexicans, beside imprisonment, and dtif bis best to urge the.n to eat each other afM, onPf fjf ft ,pM in;; hv,he IPCrk up, but, as soon as be cou.d reach51.be city , Is tl)U not a oif of od fUith and energetic with some force, he threw them all overboard. j-wd je 7 Qther proofs shall bej'given as of. He is playing f.r ilie Dictatorshrp, and is, in ; 0 as ijiJuris lo Mexican3 liy detected.' fact clothed witj. absolute. , power at .h.s mo. Qi he uher h ill)I)rie3 committed.by in jnent He has induced the clergy to, a,d lum , diriHuaUf or iWb of Mesico ni,t belonging with money to meet, and, as. he sayMo exter- , o the ,lic ,oCes , on jlldiviflim, smaU paP. minate Scott and the " perhdipus invaders. j ,rains f wagonf and tCams, or of pack "Ul 1,IS "". "vr-v r 1 mules ; or on any person or. propertr belong great j ii st awaked to n proper understanding of th cnaracir 01 nenty uiny, ana a jusi apprcciatirjn of his long and arduous pub lic services? Really, it would seem ko ; bat Vte fear it s all bypocricy that them is n base pary motive nt the bottom of all these, nenegyrics.' The. Editor concludes. wte imagine, that Henry Clay will not be the candidate ot the Whig pjuty for the nlxt Presidency, hence the efTort to cre ate a diversion in his favor in the hope of creating divisions among the Whigs, and hence the beautiful tribute we have cop ies!. While then-fore we point to it. and JWrA.it, as a full and triumphant vindic ation of the character of the noble but persecuted sage of Ashland, by his perse ctilors, and as uiving the lie to all the slan ders of the Locofoco press during the last t a . g , . . campaign, we neg 10 iniorm tne-Augusta Editor, that the game he is playing is lul- undersfookl and properly appreciated by the true friends of Henry Clay, who will ehdenver to; protect his fair fame alike from filthy abuse and the fulsome pane gyrics of t he Locofoco press. There is not it-sincere friend of the illustrious Clay but will, above all I things else in which his fame is concerned, pray that he may be spared the infliction of Locofoco adula tion I Its abuse we heed not ; but, God j. t t ' . - -t- . . iqrnui max we snnuid enmire irs praise! I ing lothis army, contrary to the laws of war nets, and perhaps, w.th the help of American sha ,M. rmni,h;.d wilh ,i.or . (,r if lh(4 ,,,,4 . .1,1 I ...Ml .ft I. . . a - ! It'll,, wi. t-Kt I gdd, he will put his enemies'! where ijiev ean not interfere with him. As soon sis be has a clear field he will use his army to "seize the possession of the church, to maintain and in- : crease it as a foundation of a throne.; What- ! ever he pretends,' he has bis eye on tire church property and has twice put forward CJornez Fa. : rias as a eatspaw to grasp it,-but whenhe found ; the clergy loo strong for him, be made; no scru ple to sacrifice his tool and come out on the oth er side. From the Eagle of the 137t April. J SANTA ANNA. ' j Again must we appear before our readers 1 without haying any positive information as to the doings and whereabouts' of the enemy. J Rumor, iu the mean time, is rile Wijh newsJ anil we must, perforce, set down to hef- account j ! - many things, which, however much ;we "Snav ! . . , , .- J , , . ., , 1- i From ihe Mobile -A Jvertiser April 2ih. believe them, we dare not give, to the .public a : . ' veritable. One of the most important outgiv. ! f "E Democracy and llExnv Clay. The inirs un to this time. is. that Santa Anna, sel democracy, if we can place any reliance conded by La Vega, and a lorce of near 12 000 on th-ir professions, are becoming, all of lar offenders be not delivered 110 bv Mexican authoiiiies, the punishment shall full upon en tiro cities, towns, or ueihberbotids. " ) LM. theu, all good Mexicans remain at home or at their peaceful occupations ; but they are invited to bring iu, for sab, horses, mules, beef, cattle, corn, h.irley, wheal, fl ir for bread, and vegetables. Cah will be paid for everything this army may lake or purchase, and proiec lion will be given to al! sellers. The Ameri. cans are strong enough to ofler the assurances which, should Mexicans wisefy;accept, this war may soon be happily ended, Jo" the- honor and advantage of belligerents, "jl'hen ihe Ameri. cans, having converted enemies 'into friends, will be happy to take leave, of Mexico and re turn to their own country. WIN FIELD SCOTT. . Mexican and American Gunnery al Vera Cruz. The North American publishes a lelterlwrif. trii by a correspondent n board ihe steamer Pri ncetojv, Avhilt m her way from Vera Cruz taj Sew Oilean. fronV which we take the fid- baring extract : " I have heard Col. Tolten sav thai he has - ne yer seen uurh superlrgun practice as was dis played by the Mexicans. They were obliged - t in rrei.de r for ihe want of provisions, ihe sol liejr not. having an ounce ofpMd left, either in l$ city .f ca -lie. uud to nave iheir beautiful lwh fro 1 mierdestruction.it being completely cohurtnnrU'd by the high ground in ihe rear, oc copied by iMir lrop. i! if 'a .he Covernors palace, a very fine oijiding occupying one side of the P!a?a. in lTr,cn General Scott has his head quaitrrs, .. andwts baking mto a, verv handsome room, where it was evident a shell had struck jkhen Mexican gentleman came up and offer ed to show me over the homo. 1 followed him nd dun'clly we rtmr to what had evidently i been a superb room, but the almost entirely lorn to pieces ; he pointed to a place beside the W hicb , blown out. There,' said e, sat a lady and I. re al killed by the ,cll which has wrought 1 the injury you see." , I I At Ihe Mexican battery which fought so well Vt ien the flag Ma(T wm Vhot aw.y. an officer j . o t Ihe flag from the remnant of I he Maff, jump. ' Tt;.JJl,':n Prpel, and held it in bis hanU Wl M himself was shot down. This was Mi three times. The fight in the PAza. tien Ueneral Scott look nusses.ion would yMWs have In en very handsome, if the sol I ! ':;?l.T,.,en,,eM?1 ,,r holiday soldiers !i I Li t f , ,,,n,aU Such n f dirty ragged kLir U 14 ,mrd.o s-e. Scott and l,is suit ami WoriK ;.. -ti i . ih r- i" i . v',r k1") naoiuments ; -7,-w .- 1.11 nnvinin. I . . . . 7 I .... -i , out a fiuuuy costume. . Correspondence of the New Orleans Delta. Vera Cruz, April, 13, 1847. As I stated in my letter of this morning, the brigade of (Jen. Worth look up the line of march forJalapa; but, from rather sudden indisposi tion, the General did not leave with them. About one o'clock an express reached him with the important-information that the column of lien. Twiggs had fallen iu with a large force of the enemy at Cero Gordo, a strong position beyond Pueute Nacional, and that a skirmish had taken place between Twigg's advance guard and ihe enemy, in which Capt. Johnson, Topographical Engineer, was severely wounded with several others. In half an hour alier the reception of this news Gen. Worth had mount ed his horse and was off so sudden, indeed that I missed him, nothwithstanding I repaired to his quarters to gather the particulars as soon as I heard it. There is no doubt at all hut that Santa Anna with from 12,000 to 15,000 men, is between us and Jalapa. It is conceded on all sides. But if Gen. Twiggs does not whip him, be will at least keep him in check until Gen. Scott, who left yesterday, reaches him, which will be to-morrow night. Major Gen. Patterson left here with two brigades of volunteers on Friday, and he lias no doubt reached the advance be- strong, lias taken :i position lou ween -tnis and Jalapa, which is said by those familiar with the country, to be very strong. This report we find very generally believed by many officers of the army, and by the citi zens of the place. A Plot Discovered. Some day last week a number of Mexicans were discovered in the act of inciting the citizens of Tampico to re volt and drive 'he Americans from the place. We are not advised of the particulars, but we learn that Col. Gates banished ihcrri from ihe city, forbidding their return junder jVualty death. The Castle. The castle iof San Juan de Ulua has undergone a thorough cleansing throughout, making it approach muchjhearer a place in whieh an American; soldier ought to reside. We are informed that a more filthy place could scarcely be imagined, at tho time our troops took possession. Troops. The steamship New Orleans ar rived yesterday from Tampico, having on board a company of regular infantry, from Fort Snc. ling. Moses Y. Heach, of the N. Y. Smi, via Tampico. was a. passenger on he New Orleans. Mr. Beach came a passenger on board ihe Massachusetts lo this rity yesterday.-! Delta. Gen. Patterson. It gives lis much pleasure to be able to announce ihu recovery of .Major Gen. Patterson, or al least, so as to be able to assume the command of his division of ihe ar my; lie left this city on Friday eveiiing last, and would probably reach bis . command the same night. Execution. The exeeuJiup of ihe : colored man. Kirk, a citizen of the United States, con victed of committing a rape upon the'. person of a Mexican woman, and theft, took place on Sat urday evening last. A large; concourse of peo ple were present, to witness the first execution und-r American authority, which has cver ta ken place since our occupation of i bis country. a sudden, to be the great admirers of Hen ry Clay ! Alter having exhausted ihe vo cabulary of abuse in their efforts to black eti his reputation and blight bis lair; fame, it is beautifully refreshing to see-so just itm as the leading ad In an ar- THE CAROLINA AVATCHMAN. Salisbury, Jf. C. FRIDAY f EN ING, MAY 7. 1847. i i IP" We are authorised to announce Col. JOHN BAX TER, as a candidate for Major General of the 5th Di vision, North Carolina Militia, in place of A. K.Gaston, resigned. T i and beautiful a tribute paid Aagusta Constitutionalist, the ministration paper in Georgia tide referring to the battle of Buena Vis ta the Editor thus rhapsodizes: 0f Kens a tin ill of emotion and enthusiasm, from j one end of the Union to the other. The name ol Henry Clay is a spell that has charmed into admiration millions of American hearts. It is idenlilicd with all the great events in our conn, try's history fur the last lorty years it has shone blight among the In ighte.-i t in iba galaxy of great names ; and it lias shone on iiudiirimed dishonor unsuspected of want of devotion lo bis country. Men have di fie red from his opinions, but no generous mind ever doubled that his ardent nature was imbued with the soul of patriotism. His voice has often rung like a elation through our land, in his country's cause, when f )reign aggression called for rebuke. It roused up the chivalry of her sous, and pre pared the hearts of the people for war, when insult and outrage) were perpetrated upon our flag. That voice, still rich and musical as when it charmed a listening Senate and crowded gal leries, has been recently beard lo reMet that age had so far enfeebled bis arm as to prevent its being raised in this war against .Mexico, " to avenge, the wrongs of his country." Many have been the offerings that he has laid upon the altar of his c.ountiy the last is that of his son. Parental influence might, pos sibly, had it been lessons taught beneath the rural shades of Ashland. Col. Clay inherited a spirit eager for his country's service, and worthy his illustrous sire. He was among the It Will, no doubt, prove a salutary lesson lo ma- first of the gallant band that went foilh from the ny who would destroy the safeties guarantied ' great valley, to obey their country's call, and 1 to good citizens, were not :$uch punishments i was alas ! among the first to seal Ids patriotism I 4 1 GASTON MR APRS Wei learn that a letter Irom our v it!. - res, connrms tne inienigence ol his promotion from an hI jutan. . U C4l,.. In the Xriiansk .. oa Inm scffici).m Commenly upiu sometimes inflicted. Breaking up of General Headquarters. ore this hour. j Yesterday evening at 5 o'clock, Geni Sc!t and Gen. Twiggs has between 2.500 and 2.700 his staff left their quarters in the. Plaza, and ft - k men choice ones, loo under his command. and I cnteilaiu little fear for his safety. (Jen. Patterson marched with Shield's and Pillow's brigades, and all ibe force, except the garrison oi i ne town and Quitman s brigade are either at Ihe scene of action or on the road to it. Gen. Scott, 1 think, was pretty well satisfied before his departure that Santa Anna was in ihe neighborhood of J4Spa, and was making good time towards that point before the express reached him. , A terrible battle will ,e fought at Cerro Gor do, or there will be Ihtlo or no fighting. An intelligent Mexican told me tn.ni.hi that there would be no figM, and that Santa Anna had with him tour prominent members of the Na ..I I T I?f , I , . y , . I- . . won ins ine s oiooo. tire en oe ine uiil over the graves of the fallen heroes of that well fought field, and long be their memories cher ished by a grateful people. started for Jalapa. They were escorted by Cd. Harney's 2 I Dragoons, and will probably be up with Gen. 1 wiggs of the advance in two or j very just, tind we hope truly sincere. Hut three days. .. h ; j it seems strange that a man so noble and Alvarado The port of Alvarado, which has J patriotic, whose. name has charmed in been eled f..r several months, ,s mjw open to , toa(miralinn millionsof American hearts :' our commerce, and lit, all neutral vessels not ; who ,,as hf.p u il(.nlifi(.(1 vvj,h , having on board articles contraband of war. . . . , , - Worth's Brigade. U. Gen. Worth, with T n our country s history for it. i.i i.ri.rM.lM will ...,.i.:ui- i, v.. Vort. pn ,hR ,rtSt ty years, and in all that period to day, following in the f.H.t steps of his illustri- ,,as NEVE 11 been suspected of - wrtnt of ous predecess.r. The governments of the town ! devotion to his country w ho has passed v TH ECOU NT Y CO U It T Has been ill session llii week. On Yeler. di-, it leing the day appointed for the transac tiiii of County business, a majority of Magis. traces assembled at Ihe Court-House, at 11 olcitck, for that purpose. j 0n rnoiiun of Dr. P. Henderson, E. D. Aus. tij Esq., was called to the Chair. j p'he appointment of Inspectors of Elections chftie up first, and- was disposed of by the re appointment of those who served last year, wiih ihe exception of the appointment of Dr. Hugh Iv'Hy. to take the place of Mr. Barringer, al Frfley'i box, Mr. B. not residing in iljc Di. ttict ; and James E, Andrews, al Ml. Ulla. in 4ace of Newton Andiews, removed from the cpilnly. The firmer Assessors of Town propcity were reappointed. The meeting then pnceeled lo ljiejapNuntment of a Boaid of Valuation in eaih Captain's District, con.-i!.tin: of l wo Frec Ijoldcrs wiih one Magistrate, in compliance wiih a; bile Act of Assembly requiring a new valua oC jands to be made, viz : Town Company. John I. Shaver, Esq .S. Rreves, and) Archibald lit ndrrson. Ciipl. VogUr't Company. James Owens, Esq., Thee. Edards, Radford Bailey. 'Capt. Grabei Company. John F. Stirewalt, Esq , E E. Phillipe, J. P. Rynirr. ICoDt. Goodman' Company. John F. McCorkle. Ea . 0 G. Foard, James Cowan. 'Capt. Kestler't Company. John Leezer, Eaq , James F aniison, David itilpntrick. Cipt. . C. Miller't Company. Samuel Martin, Esq., WVj. Heathman, John Fralejr. Cipt. McKetlfM Company. E. D. Austin, Esq., J. Cj McConnaughejr, Dr. S. Kerr. Copt. Trtxltft company. A. Miller, Esq., Isaac Rrbel in, Willie Bean. Citpt. Miller' company. David Lentz, Esq., John MilU-r. Sr , E. Iloltshouser. Opt. . G. Fleming company. W. B. Wood, Esq., James G K. Knoz.Ijein. D. Johnston. Cspt. Hedtcine' company. Wru. A. Walton, Esq-, j George Cauble, Leonard Klulls. Cqpt. Correlt company. Henry Miller, Esq .Rich'd ' Harris. C. L. Partee. Cdpt. Phillip Co M. S. McKenzie, Esq., James Graham, Philip Owens. - Cpt. - Hill' company Solomon Peeler, Esq., Da- vicj Barringer, A. IIiil. ' . Gold Hill Capt. We ant company. David W. Honeycutt, Esq , Dr. II. Kelly, Jacob Earnheart. . The appointment of a Committee of Finance came up next. The old Committee was re-ap. pointed, wiih the exception thai John I. Shaver, lakes the place of Win. Chamlers, dee'd. Special Court. The ineeiing ihen proceed present year, ns County Tar. 20 cents on th i f Poor Tdx.'l B- on the hundred t! ScJiool Tar.'l 10 cents on tin 1 ,n appropiiati' of a deaf mute, u ! ken to educate. All the busir.ei s Ieen completed, Charles - Fi?l.er, tf the following : wiih a few very n; Eesolted, Vnanu trates of ihe County of TKums at n.tc: debasing ta the e'.e-1 and that we conssier tens to i discounter. a . power. , Le toured , That f ihe evil in this Cur t ;. ine ounty ooaci!.r, t at the expense of i!;e i .' er candkiates far o:T. ; guilty of the pnct.c Thcie reso! iti B. Lord, Esq., : m in ltiIi fi . of treating in Mr i r v f- ence to the b.mcfJ lie morals. He v, 1 r II. C. Jones, 1". adoption of the re The 'vote bei. ; ly adopted, art Clerk have sail t pers, minted in tl - 0 We W iv. r ; tPlitlop to the s relative to the H at Charlotte. I s - also Ing that tin State would pet more particular l enterprise, the i tbrt oljject of lb i : Western Noith c and -vbake oil ).: those f things connected ilh ! ty9 anil her ghn r take a system , . ! 1 r...t? i i v am xi which ,. been naral;.zed.: Wt regn t th s t for us-to attend i lottej for mauv r ,i ' ' i the-mere pl :; i i lhni;sm which ' teresting subject. the trouble of t!i avoi dibly cohternplatioti port of the s;i i: truly! gratifx ing bis home" in th; through this p;u ; sirrtble. ind if i - I I ..." lofte.';wiII n.iti., wiih ibe Yadkin from! Richmond t i i improvements v. several importai t times'get the lx- ', the least cost of tr wbicli would at ble. Jut this v the value of pro; per cent, and Y. would become, her natural iuh : desirable count!,- Fhis tribute to the greatest nnd nohlest ; ed to ihe election of a Special Curt, and afi-r innuoi uiengeiscerramiy very nanusome, ; iWrv l.:.!!..,;,.,., the f..ll. Rail Road O This Rail Km : of humble pn;:ii been gradually, opinion, nnd suds ihe scheme, th it very imall exer ii gates Appeared nt in ibie State, uud : s Una, immeiliatf! v ; ill inir imiil'.muii u-nrn.! r. a t r. i deventeen aeie elerted, viz : E. D don; Jkremiaii M. IJrowx. ' i The Chairman anmrmced, as ihe next bui- Arsri.N, Alkx. W. Rkax- ' Ceedin"s. and -r seern to have p ; . Wf learn that'll.- ! ness, the eleclioii ol several Comity Uinccr, j lied lit la'cnt in -;i lLift ofGcn:Tatdar .i.-. A X LIt.r!-.ii. . . r -"6111011 OS XO. firn' ttf JiuIitm fVL..J a. . . . i kill Ll At ft ll. a.., I. .1 - i m nct H coinbuie lu render .,.-k - L . i k . iiiwu wqik eni ncntlj 7 proper. preuecessr. I ne gov and dependencies have been turned over to Col. Wilson of the 1st infantry. The. Hospital. Many of our gallant soldiers are imw oroslrated bv diwene.' :md the honi. lional Congress. ruh the aid of whom he hones I tals are filled to ovei flowing wiih them. The ... iMMr a. -arr. i ieneve truly that it is the wih of his Excellency to end 'the strife nut wneiner ne win embrace this occasion (which, by Ihe way, is an excellent one)Icau. not. say. The horses of the Tennessee cavalry nr. rived to.dav from Tampico, and as soon as thev are landed 1 expect Quitman will leave here. Vera Cbfz, Aril 14, 1847. There hat been a skirmish at Puente Na conial, and we hourly jlK,k f;,r the intelligence orthe rajMure ..f Cerrp Gordo, a strong moun- cisire baltlo u expected at this point, for it is Sin aininiage- d i i f Pender Ki?r?MS OT 'kr Ja,aP at the 1 a doubt that Cerro Gordo is carried by s. disease most prevalent s diarrhoea, which iu many cases has proved fatal. Expedition to Tnspan.Qn Friday last, the sloops of war JGermantown I and Albany, and two bomb vessels departed; fbr Tuspan. On o 1 .i... r.. n ...:.u 1 .1; 1 11. ounoav, ue uiu.iii, im m- mmoren aoai- tl . . l , : .. p U.;i r.;'ii manit, and that too by the very pressc- wuai iiiai 1 iia "umv i-c.,,, u it, 1 nr- y.i in,- ! , . ...... . 1 1 , - nUee. nnd ves.erdav. Com. Perrv. wilh ihe fl.,r !' nrtt "."" ting me lean 111 Sing.i:g 1 7 . through that long and trving ordeal with his name 'undimmed by dishonor-strange, we say, that such a noble spirit, imbued with the soul of patriotism," should have been the victim of the most violent nhue and vindictive persecution that ever fell to the lot of a puhlic man in 1 his country should have been charged' wilh dishonesty, corruption, bargain and intrigue for office, and every other crime that disgraces hu- "0 -! ship Miissippi. and steamers Spitfire and Vix" o bis name ! No paper whs ", having Iwrnib vessel 8in fow. Tlie Petrel, i nwe uncrupuloua in its abuse of Henry Bonita and Elca f.dlowed suit. The o'yect of C,ny ,n ,ast Presidential election than tbis expedition is lo take possession ofTuspan, : ,ms Samfi Augusta Constitutionalist which which w understand will hie effected by land-! nov( strains itself iu extravagant pane i"g the sailors and marines at a convenient j gyrics. Has the writer just found out the PoInU I true character of Henry Clay ? Was he From the Eagle of tbe, 10th inst.; ignorant of the noble qualities of the man Military Commission. Resides t hit of rape, Tof hi.s SRnerous nature, ol his lofty integ two other case have been adjudged before the Tlty 1 undying devotion to his coun--Militarj Commission. They were lor theft try when, during the last! campaign, be which wa di-poed of as follows : Treasurer of Public Buildings. George Vogler, rc-elecied. County Trustee. Thomas T. Maxwell, re. eleicled. Register. Samuel Rcves, re-elected. Coroner. J, J. Bruner. C03IMON SCHOOLS. This subject next engaged the attention of the; -Magistrate?. On motion of John I. Shaver, Esq., the meeting proceeded lo the appointment of a Board of Superintendents of Common Schools. Wlt:reup4)ii, the fo'iiowing gentlemen were e. lected. to wit : E. P. Auslin, H. C. Jones, James E. Kerr. Archibald Henderson, Rich ard Harris, Patil A. Seaford, Rufus M. Rose boiiuh, Ch.irles F. Fisher, David Lentz, and Solomon Peeler, Eqrs. j is the duty of ihese gentlemen to meet within fifteen days from the day of their appoint. meRt, for iho purpose of electing a Chairman highest com menc of 0ieir body. JjSalishury, spoke i i County Claim baring been revised by the 1 much rCcct, and by a gKd iiiir)' 1 I opinion seerr to r ... company wul pj seernslto be a : many hvn of su' sure. The C pjKiqtmei.t .f t!.'. Jorrx Sprim;.: Presicien! ; Hon. I rus, co., N. C V; I Eq., of Coluinhi, TITIIERS, ot l,.v. f Clirlotie, N. C S. Cjj. W. Ha ries. I T Cot Win. I I V Itltdeii. Fn.. Convetition in li e i able and eloquent t these gentlemen ! Si ii. Mr 1--4 if ft; 1 ' (, t,'i ft !