: I ,t ' . :, . ! 'I ' :. 4: .' 1.-.' . l -., 1 . - C- t i i c.lA Pr annum in advance. fCJt.WrtcJat il pr sqart for the 6iat. .(tV. : 1 .1. 1" Court Or- I IUHIUVUI 1"--" T' ! EXTKACTS ' I : Vma ! March 30, 1817. , Alii newf uloxjou. newsr 1 SSiSft lot kefWltt. Uefor. now. Ve. C ,.H .(rthWt too : without ihe loss of much Vfi0 j The !. Mexicans made an un S ender of bltlfthe town and cas. -U- m; it u i ... wjinL.u-'UMy X- . ; - X v -LL JL V lid s; conpr( BBUNEIt & JAMES, Editors $ Proprietors. -4 4-. 11 Kzzr A CHECK THPOX ALL YOC x i IS SAFE UCLEKS. DO THIS, ASD LlBtRTT . Gen't. Harrison. 5 o NEW SERIES, .. 1 NUMBER 2, OF VOLUME IV :SBUR Y,r N. G., I IfRIB AtY, MAY ,14,' 1847; it- army mari ..v- ., tacking thcira arms and surrendering A. ihnt was too srons for them. The Hi, one I shall nei-er forget. I will try and t ' Jl wrjtjnf as far as ,my own observation f i.rrLence wenu r. the first pllce, wo ifnau on me .v ;ni.4W.itb; 40 rrtunrfs of cartrid JV . . -i I.' L K I" I I - '!' ' ...I ia l. nftnrkJttl whilst lnnrlinrrr in 1 ItXCC ,'T n ' Jj()VWJrCri WO cio iiiisiarvcu. uiiiiic wi un?rn on the sand hills hard by, as our eve of and 3 them ; Ke commenced with the mortars during the night at about 12 o'clock. I slept iipoti the house, roof at the old niftinery, and had a Jajr view of his battery ; he bad, when I awoke, as many as four liombs in the air at once, two go ing up and two coming down in the city, j j ' ' ; 1 ''".' ;!"..:, :ri:'iJ Hi" P. S.-'r Vhen tne Mexicans left hero a many women? and children went with Iherri J the officers looked had-tthey were all nearly starved; they took (he Magdalena road.i Scott let one company have their arms to kill beef. rhe number that Itfi thelcity is about 5.000 number killed riot known varies from five! to Uvelve hundred1 j , ; J , - - j r . : : Camp nea& Vbha CIrcz, April 3. 184711 I Will ClVe fOQ n. shfirt Hprlmlnn nf ( jut. Qrth tenth,! (ifee hottest day 1 think j town of Vera Cruz las 1 visted the place yester. ri4frrencel In Mexico,) after marching i day and took a good look at ii. It is a strong, tie unJ hills for some lime with our knap. ! thickly Luilt place-i-lhe streets and ;alleysire tired and began to fiour Ms by throwing axay our cloth ' rtikrewaway a jshirl and a pair of panta l) rthefS' lurieu l"" ciuming hi iuc oaiiu v',t0 eel 'them a(ter.the fandango, as the IVT jCBII.Hi was oyrr. nati maicmiig A .;.',! Kill in ihit war. takinir a sort jdcttce on the city, dut of the reach of the ooballf toat were inrown irom inc iqwii i .t. .rnavinn1 flifnnr. of from two or JlflH ,uc "v.T " ; ------- rtlijcla bill miiei irpni town, we ai iasi goi it J our enemies on the adjoining heights. '1'ieed my finger on the trigger and wished e. . lhsm. bul was tko far off. e took hjmJ path or trail through the chaparral, orffceu expecunj; to oe nrcu upon ev. fft'fjoute y ?nC nemy in the, thick chapar- nl yit eacb sale, oi me aui ; we uoro rounu tfce! k-lt when,' coining out ofihe chap. ttllM i ljie ckareil yam ol an old ca9tl in iC.?Trf.urst nrea upon by the intantry J&ttvtmj; we hau; no chance to return the ., ve could not see them as they were in (irrfl on the neignis ueyonu me ran roiiMlVe'rl)rc Ma8az'ne which stands on a qiiartcr of a mile from the old castle litre m &iood. Thii was the first time I had M 't f . 1 . I I I . I . . I kIswkU up Jur a target, anu i leu a nine pfritxwt I lie time inejouueis oegan to wnis- ittounJmy bead ; the boys all felt, 1 think, a "V i t i- i:i tt Wi M WC were utKigmg our ncaus ime u VMI..,1' II .1 trcttol purnj in ii nan isiorm. nuwrver uit-y dsKn na bariri as they shot too high ; we ifft doi our blanketa ready for it. GmW '1'iUow 'ordered one of the Pennsylva iRfgiififnti Jo advancp up. the road leading vh tailrnall, "and driveJhe enemy from the Vjbubfj than occupied ; they advanced up i prce ina reiurueu, inuir onicers siaung inai yjemjkj go no farther, 'ns the chaparral was WfrahK'. ijijrn.'l'iliow then ordered Col. Uell lo form ; ,hc formed, and with Pillow gcllixkel) at our head, wc marched up through ' . I I I 'I . I C ' impfnciraie cnaparrai, mu enemy uring at ncTost.ie rail-road ; we returned the fire aiitarted themj when tye charged the height, fmbion every man pulling up by the narrowthe ditch to convey off tho water in the middle of the, street sorne of the streets are very Offensive at this time ; Gov. Worth will have this Remedied., as soon as he has a strict police establisedvThe town is surround ed by a wall ten or "twelve feet high, and: one and a hajpt two-fqet thick, with loopholes bv erf lbree! feet tcTshootJmusketry or other small arms out at. Several forts are placed rouiu the town to delend it, but the strongest works were all facing the( water as tbey expected to be attacked by .water alone. In' this, howvev. NORTH CAROLINIANS IN THfeMEXi I vfrffeMC m W A R. r - i have gathered from our excharigesj the annexed notices, of some of he sonsi of the Old North State, who have deser-j ycd well of their country, during the Mex ican War. The press in North Carolina, as j well as her citizens generally,are I too. backward in speaking in a proper tone of! ius services onier ciuzens, wueuier in ine cabinet or field. Whilst we should abid the example of some of our sister; States, who by systematic puffing, make mirac ulous deeds out of very small potatoes," yet a proper , self-respect, and self-appreciation should prompt the "Old Nprth'f to put a just estimate upon the services ren dered thecountry by hercitizens. We have spot under the gunsbf Fort MarcyJ no stimulant to intellectual icourage, like perpetuation of its honorable actions. ; It is due from tfie. citizens of this place his brethren j and fathers tha they should unite in some manifestation of regard for his achievements., bv which clorv and honor have been reflected uboh themselves. It is dufi jfrom the daughters of this City ; mey Miouiapuersomeiriomcsnouiuiwine tpst of lh r .,if - ' - ;j:ata icvi uiiuiiri. IIP buried H;fvv rln v- 9inrp. wTtVi mittt - l nors. Their craves oceunv a nirtnrnn. "I TPTTn iTTrnTri u,,;;.wui.-AiIJK.Vfv their connexion with Chemistry. Botany, '4 We lean that Til nt ' Anrlrw nf tliic t ?J Astronomv. and PhTsica. and Iheir vx State was engaged! jri the attack on Vera ' cal 'PP01' to several of the must important Cruz, and was in the trenches in the hot- i v na u,ll,Uet f Iirc' t 1 LP AiiKAtAXD C.XFCKIXENTAL L IU Ciiemistey. These lech,u, juperues.oi me most familiar VoC ,.' otanng upon the economy f N&1urft &nif uselul application; comprising the clem substance, oxygen, oitrogtn, ic.i; ihc' r tajs; the earths; the properties r! he it ; 1; the laws of chemical affinity; of compUiTi - and decomposition ; tho elements and proii:;.:. principles of vegetable and animal subaisur.ee 3 ; germination ; assimilation tecrcticn, !c. ; fermentalion--vinous, acetous, putrefactive '; oils ; fallows ; manure vegetable, anin.a!, and mineral. - The subjects f the Jeciures ara illustrated by experiments, ;and inktructibn In chemical analysis is also given in the Prifciz. or laboratory; . . :. : : I Geology axd Mi?iealoct Xhe ol jecJi ! of the Professor in this course are to convev. in the most Umiliar and o structure manner, the fundamental principle of these aciecces; their connexion with Che mi it nr. Botinv. V.ry. practt. some laurel; wreath for noble gallant ry, that-darpd to peril its life for its country in her liobr jol ned and peril. I would, Mr. Editor, suggest a meeting of the citi zens of this lacewithout regard to sex -to adppt some method by which to ren der ;an apropriate response to this gal lant call upon our pride and gratitude. 1 BUENA VISTA. belongs to the Third Artillprv. Pnmnnn,- niT-rMortrv. -This department embraced instrpciion in tfc e ements ol Mechanics, mathematical princi. VvnP r.nnnt 1 1 u , . ',C5, pr me art or to-eighlng soIU Lu. va ne COUntV, Whb has another son in A'.-. . II. ,1. . ??,.' tho YVo- n 4 ii;,uiui4iitj, or idq an 01 vfeigaing tt i . . . ,u r mo science or the moium u...Uvi me unu or in tue nuouc oi ixxiies that mutually act on nrh rtVtr n t Frdm Ac Von'Zi Carolina Standard. heretofore published notices of the galant) f nrvfr n . 1 1 i n e.rl (jwa a v wo wa vtti'v vuuiii uiiij uuiVJ ? ii vtu . North Carolina, during the Mexican war. ' BATTLE OF BUENA VISTA CAP Wie doubt not there are others beside those, j I TAIN BRAGG, whose late .deeds have done honor to! v 1 i T , ,A . 1SJiUtk"r.'ni:nn u., i i -1 iik. auditor : i was n easeu losee nine' IMortn, Carolina, but whose names have,!, . .j j . . . .... noome under our observation. Should i. l 0,f rHf.d T , n . . .. , . ;i Umcers from this State, who were emrair- ' r-: . - - Oct councils, the sons of North Carolina al ways sustain the high character of the State, and behave like men. Our people wilPhold in grateful remembrance those sons of the State Vho distinguish them selves in this W&r.-2Stundard. ed in the Battle of Buena Vista. This is this nnfnptnnntp wrr rntinn w nrmht It uuk uiatwc onau nave imp kiiuucuiuii qM wi I:tU.. ... C' " J .1 i , - (til iiitv. It 19 UUb rill ClUl Ol USllCt? IU of recording the names of more who need; . u . i j only the opportunity to distinguish them- T i Tk V ' J p . , selves t Lieut. Bryan, whose services onl su,dJe nown' and lhat thy should re- tHhlondv fmhl ot' Rn.nia Vita ar Sn 3 Ce l?e arty approval of their fellow- w...v... -'-' ' w UlllluaL III AGRICULTURAL SCHOOLS. From the May Nomber o " The Farmer's Library. Rarely, withinour observation, has the pub- Hydraulics, with their various, practical aphlica- "ii ; me ineory oi me ijrengyi jot nate rils, of ihe stability of structures ihe priii. ciples of mechanism, the dynamical! the ry Lf machines, and of the steam-engine jh pnrtk-u. lar, are fully explained, nn the lecturers nro amply illustrated by modelsdiagrkms, c:c j Practical ScavKi5o ad Levixlig.-1 This course is at once theoretical and practical ; . in ihe school it embraces the various in-doiir detaiU of a land surveyor office; and in tie field, the uses and applications ofi tho several surveying instruments. Jt "also includfj tl.o measurement of timber and artiffcefs's faork. er, they were mistaken, and I understand that cbmmendcd, is a son of the Hon. John II- thcy did the most of their barricading (on the 1 Bryan of.Ralcigh, and a native of New outside from the water) after we landed, little bem. : Capt. Burgwin was also a native thinking that we should surround them, i jA I cf ewbem. He was a grandson of Gen. hat part oi the lown next to worths anani- Nash, of Revolutionary memory, and one lows, ana tne wayy paueries, is in a pcrtect of IKo Carolina's most honored sons. state ot ruin ; the balls and bombs would strike rii m u w rHt, t tU ht 1 ZVn.: ' '.r?. IT. UN orPermantown, Pennsylvania. The! father of Maj. Bragg, was also a native! 1 ia nn niar in Saiuhnrv tht i. hnmh.nrAnAi- ces were preipa red for the press, a corres the very streets are torn up here where they Ponde.nt called our attention to a very in- struck in holes large enough to bury a horse, and this is not confined alone to one part of the town floois and then burst in the lower story.' To give you gome idea of the power of these - ' V, "1 ' dan-erous missiles, I can sav with safety, there M uiny., iiier i u.h.cau uou 1 e on v re wards which Subaltern Officers can ex pect to receive. " To win a name," he rushes to the cannon's mouth. Among others, you mention the name of Captain, since the last Congress, Brevet Major Bragg, whose Battery played so conspic uous a part in theaction. The writer has known Capt. Bragg from his boyhood. He is a native of Warren county, and you will see that the citizens of that count v, during the past week, held a public meet ing, and voted him a sword. Capt. B. is, I think; about 30 years of age, graduated lie mind evinced more:numerous and unequivo- i : ; i i . . " ..Ba , increasing ana genera, interest on lhc theory and praclipe of Uxtm and Jjrain. any subject than is now manifested, more and ing, the making of ections,txnd trapping frcVn more, every day, in reference to Agricultural the ficld.brok, and all the tbeequiiite andpraic. Education. Three long columns of a late Al- i lica deta f geodesy, or the art Jof surveying bany paper are filled with a highly edifying and lbe .ear,h on W ; j . , . , , Analysis of Soils, &c The analysis r f important discussion on Asncultural Colleges i .l "Lx 1 i "i i k , ... - W 1 ' T - - f " but in every part the effects of our balls and bombs could; be seen, though it was worse! in the part in rear of the enemy's batteries! as they were the places fired at most ; som build ings were burnt, amongst them was a large drug store. I ' ' 1 1 Amongst the; fine buildings in Vera Cruz the churches are the finest, they exceed any thing ot ihe kind 1 ever saw ; j the buildings are; on the old order principally of the Gothic and! of such shapes that iU would puzzle the most $ci entific architect of fhs present day to draft much less to build ; upon the (whole there isKmiich useless work displayed on the outside to say notijjng of the inside. in which members of te Legislature and of the Slate Agricultural Society participated. We i should rejoice to see tjifs debate copied into ev. ery paper in the Union ; and how much more j useful for general reading and consideration ! would it be than the incidents of party struggles j and the details of bloody battles ! i Many gentlemen took part in the discussion j with a degree of earnestness that evinced much j anxious reflection, andthat gives assurance that ; the people are beginning to be persuaded that a a ' teresting communication in regard to the lata : fro rf -T nnrvittin W1 eVm aI iir 1 aarra.? . is i m r a . . j w ,t. Awia v.- v - a aw w m i va v ; a a t tvumingion nronicie. vve regret mat pLulc.'- l- . they have a nam to use their own means f.ir ; ! a a M- m m m w i .& 1 w u 1 ibiw a . i ww- i' 11 ri n a- w a ------- . -ii-.. ; the instruction of their own children in the art and principles of their Own business. We ven- ve are compelled to defer its publication until next.4 week. Newbernian I -. From the Raleigh Register. 1 LlfiUTENANT FRANCIS T. BllYAN. the arts, as well as all the varieties cf miner, als, are undertaken, fur thej purpose of kJetcr. mining their value ; estates surveyed ant map ped ; timber measured and valued, t i j It is nt thut Professors well qukliSed tre net to be found in our country, if suitable rdwarJi and distinction were offurcd.; edout not our military school graduatea'eyerrycari nuai bcr who would make very distinguished iqstruc. lions in several departments, but! they are far the most part either the sons of pie a cfj inJe pendent fortune, who return lo thejir estajcg, pr who clioose to follow more attractive profess j ions, or who remaain in the frrmyi where their -v.. I i i .2. il..ii- .1 . iji, ufsiuea iein2 equal, or nearly o, in ir.o time of their graduation, received distinc- 1 tions. He entered the army immediately, ure lo cxpress the opinion that these schools beginning, to our best paid Uofeksors, carries and served in I londa until the end of the kft..M ftl i,. nvr ihn ...i . ,:i: with the ineatimit.le tvntarA rf a!7i wiiwuiv aav w iij ,- tiivi t ii u ii liai Ul U 1 1 J I J I I - -----j " . A I 1 - 1 1 " 1 1 1 f I M O WS M1 ... m.. ! -t . . 1 ..1. A mJt A. M . . m the; reputation of carelessness about her children. It has grown into a maxim, Allow me to describe to you the inside of and that maxim has become trite; "That one of these churches in-jmy simple' way.! ' j tn the first place, on enteling it is like going to a menagerie ot Wild j animals, the different sfat ues and figures! around the walls are barred in her: sons need to go abroad to receive the reward of their merits." It is high time that this should cease to be so, and to the support of normal schools, in which young men should bo gratuitously prepared to act as tfWttteVst way he toulj. When we got by pickets and 'Viewed by the crowd as the an- iAk anin... ' i.r l.:il t. ... ' : i :.. i L .. ' ..u t: i .t . .i i?iJ. 1 1 1 it i in it siiuw vvouiu ue , uniy inai luey; siriKe the beholder with ! more awe upon seeing the im luniimi oi lite hi I, the enemy was re tiing d'ovvn toward tqwn and nearly out of shot our rifle company, however, pour-. ii ihojdcr of 'ballsj after tbem doing sofne -r,hut to ;what amount we could not tell : yttlormcil oiii the hiahest peak of the hill, .wftbidthft tinesi'view we had seen of the ; jitatile and adjojnn country. Some one pwd three cheers ; ve gave cheers which u responded to by. Gen. Worth's men on Bfi2hti near the beach, and it was also re. ifd tt by Ihb Mexicans in town, at the fort !C!llhd fed' fort, at the extreme left corner City at an in viftw. Iiv ihrnvvinrr a "A'amoli-iis, wbicb Sid not burst, as it buri- itii III Wlfl taniL . pri iv nn inrr nn IhP. Vi tlit1 bomb fell and done nn damnr Tfti'to our feet, (Je all fill when: a bomb limine tlieifci three cheers for Iheir vfl7 They kept fii ln ; bombs and balls until y; we'Temodrbehind the hill to keep 4 reach of thein a id lay upon our arms iH night xpecjing an, attack! Next v'nB, Oen Scotti pept Gen. Quitman with f'ion totrelievof Oeiv. Pillow with Gen. ir,er,0f diviiioii ; as we marched off the Mexican, I infant (y and lancers Mout and cornijiehced firing andjadvanc. 7'",ng pernaps,i ttit we were retreating fAr Seminole war. His company Was one of: trv crhnnU. to dpnpnd nn inJlr'h,l nnr;t,. ' mission and sure increase of rank and dmolu the first ordered to Corpus Christi, and was tion. They are. of all schools, the most proper i m,'nls' f l lr a part of the force, on the opening of the objects for, and the moist entitled to, public pa- OT a nsle institution it Svould be ejisy ht war, left- by Uen. laylor to garrison fort j tronage. In every State its proportion of the once l? namfli highly accomplished rrotisscr3. Brown, while he marched to restore his public lands should be'appropriated exclusively ere ' not bividious, but it would jbe Jo tho tusnonur oi ine country 10 suppose .mat auc.'i men are not already better provided !f)r. liut truth and justice, after all, derhand the 'acknowl edgment that in no department of aocu! life atj 1 useful labors is such gross' Xind phort-sfghtc J injustice perpetrated by society ai in its piea'a estimate of the pay and respect due lo instruc tors of youth. The money expended for rnilj- tary purposes, even in time of profound peace, 1.1 . .u -r .!' ? 1 an opportunity is now afforded for the T , , f ., , .... iurer , p-n , Mr. Editor : I have placed the name, of our gallant townsman at the head of this communication, to attract, if possible, our citizens to a " proper self-appreciation. North i Carolina has long enough borne c as the! citizens of this place in some degree, to act for the redemption of the character Of the State. By gallant and glorious a communications wun rojnt isanei. lie was then a 1st Lieutenant, but comman ded a company, and for his good conduct ; agricultural professors! in subordinate county in defence of the post, during its severe and district establishments. In the mean time bombardment by the enemy, was, by the j n,,'n nm a 'rec" to tne patronage recommendation of Gen. Taylor, made i beed on lhe; dlstnct 8chools ,n the C t 'i b B 1 t I ew ofk that would throw into the P i ), J . ' -r , course of education pursued in them a deeper At the battle of Monterey, " Bragg s ; effusion of agricuUurai knowledge and litcra. i;iuicicjf ,aa ogam uraiu num. nuu ucu. lure ' But we have no space or time now to dis rations in carrying that strongly fortified CUSs details. We beg-again fbr the sympathy ; place, speaks of his serving partly under j and aid of the Press jn pressing this subject as is described above. Is i poisiUe t&at an enlightened self-governing people willjrnuch i e i . j i.tr: L L.i I ! i n;ii.;n ftf mWiilfllS,.!...;!!!..!,'.., V "c iai1' baiiaiu rtUU gioiou - u:B n..,r -o ami Aim-, nA mr.i; i i,!, ..f i.. .i.-r longer torbear to demand this more noble-ami s large as life: there also you can seel the cni?vme' n.a.s ttle yunS otticer, whose .;;ments him; for his -distinffuished ffallant- throusrhout the country! Let us no on beet. filary appropriation of theif coriributioiis for . - .. . : T n .v. r l-iACftlw I tun fenA4.AM.r.nl a D ' . . n e- .1 . - . . Virgin Mary in tears ; the Albseeing Eye re! p. resented in a glory with Serapbims and Cher ubims surrounding1 it : these, with the finest and richest kind of an altar with eighteen or twetj. ly long candles burning in the day time whilst the church is darkened down, makes a person. feel like he had got into some other country, and then to sed people of all colors and sexes Kiieeiiug iogeini-ri ana onf ring up ineir prayers ii loons ijuuB utuqreni iu wnai a cnurcn (Lipe9iJi our country, i The floor ol the church is laid iif marble blocks about a foot square, half of thehi are white, the! ither half black : the finest name heads this communication, appeal ed (to her maternal pride to glory in his fame, and to her maternal affection to sup port and elevate it. In the late impor tant battle of Buena Vista, his was a most important and responsible position, and according to the report of his Major Gen eral, it was filled by him with " conspi cuous skill and bravery.' Earl)' on the morning of the 23d he was, detached wjth Lieut. O'Brien, with 3 pie ces, to counteract the effect of a 12-poun- Liiaiiuciici a aiR Mini" utcilicttui luuy aisu iiiivi; . i r- i i Vr .1.- a-. i,: Jr "---J V... .tu ,:ii :Mon, the fire from which was soon effec- mo lineal riiuu ui u.il vi lltu."r ' m uuai ui cin this 7 when Sckt took the town he twenty thousand! rations to the citizens them From starving. t 1 I can't tell whether we will go home from was his 3 pieces that had every horse hero or not : it' is thought we will have' to go j and man killed or wounded around, and ry and skill." Having been promoted in j ;the mean time, to a Captaincy in the line, j the rank of Major by Brevet was confer red upon htm during the last Congress, for his good conduct at Monterey, In the battle of Buena Vista, General Taylor's late official despatch will show that, during the whole action, " Bragg's Battery" rendered most effective service. But it was in the last act of the bloody drama,; when the enemy made, with his reserve, his last desperate charge, that our young countryman proved himself I IS I lually silenced by a few shells skilfully 'orthyjof the confidence of his comman toTK i Panted in the midst of the enemy's gui der: and ??ual "J ev,er' resPect xe oc" l ? ners, under the direction of Lieut. Brvan. !-cas,onii Gen' Tay,or1 5a's : " Tmo' wa oflwn, lluithiah marched up and at it r rnt, firing fro'rh Wh sides, when they yJca in driving tbfj Mexicans into the city, ;oloj on oiir sldJ-nnd but few wounded. f Ul. Dickersofr. M th South Carolina vv, got wounded in the breast, but' not to Jalapa, seventy or eighty miles west towards me ciiy oi ;iexieo ana ai ine iooi oi me moun tains ; we wilftjien guard the trains as they re turn from Jalapa to this place, that is all trie twelve month lyolunteers. Gen. Scott says that if he needs us, he will not discharge us un til the fourth of June w herever we may be. ! ARRIVAL OF MR. WEBSTER. j Hon. Daniel Webster and Lady arrived m this City, on Saturday last, by the Northern "u, (hetiftc 'ainrA reeinve red. A Cunr. ! a8 ad arc the guests of his Excellency, Gov. Ct tot a-...JlLl..i , ' ' U- A.' lJ. k: f Graham. On Snr.Hav. iIipv nitpnrlefl llio P.nii. in 10 ; . - jt ded .ourided inl the leg, causing him liMbelMexMaAlsaw he had woun. ,r8an, bft raised hts can and cave th ' ' n4 killed ihe Mexican ; this I 7. it is stated as n fact. t ' ' JvT0!'' 3lk,lllh, and V ' JJT 0u Potions, whilst the of battallions fell like 1 of Autumn. Thrice d the Artillery roll back from the enemy, and mai of the American arms sconpicuousin that dis rrenernllv. RvniU.t .ucoiv.. aB;n'h 1 cVrage, snone me serv O j T w a -Vvi.o lllb UlWUO lull) it was he that the Indiana Regiment in-' gloriously deserted. JThe enemy had advanced within grape range, and were sweeping every thing before iherri, when he came upon the detachments of Lieut. O'Bripn and Rrvnn ivhprp' Vii rirntrrpcx was arrested, and before the shovvers l of ! at tne imminent nsK 01 losing nis guns, iron hail, which assailed him. souadrons th,s oVlcer came rapidly into action, the . - - ment was most critical ; Captain O'Brien with two pieces had sustained this heavy charge to the last, and was obliged to leave his guns in the field his infantry support being entirely routed. Captain Bragg, who had just arrived from the left, was ordered at once into the battery. Without any infantry to support him, and ting tho will, assured that in this, as in all oth er cases, where there Is a will there is, or soon will be found, a way to- do every thing. Time and public anxiety will soon workout the plan. But, as Mr. Howard wisely remarks, to prevent miscarriage we should; be careful on that point. In regard, then, to tlje plan and course of in struction, it may be of; some use to give from the English " Agricultural Magazinee" an out line of a course of instruction adopted in a dis tinguished agricultural training school, at which it is said are sons of gentlemen from most of the countries in England, as well as from Wales, Scotland, and Ireland.' The orticeraare a Resident Head Mastcr,three Resident Assistant Head Masters, a distinguish. I ed Professor of Agriculture- and Botany, (Mr. J. Donalson, author, jof '"British Grasses," "Treaties, on Manunes," &c.;) together with ; Professors of Breeds,' j Management, and Dis ! eases of Cattle, Chemistry, Geology and Min , eralogy, Natural and Bxperimental Philosopli3', Practical Surveying and Levelling. ! In the departments 6jf Agriculture and Bot any the instructions efnbrace the practice and ARRIVAL OF THE SARAH 1 1 The National Intelligencer.of )Tste SANDS. rdav, hi! t i r the following under its postscript bead : j Our Baltimore correspondent infbrnls us, through the Telegraph, of lb V arrival at New York last evening of the steamer Sarah ai(! from Liverpool. The news' is bu . two djys la- ter. ji j ;-j ! Breadstuff were steady and firm fit t$e la t quotations. Baltimore flour 2-ls. 5d.; Oh Canal 37s.; cornmcal 25.; India 1 corn, hit 49s; yellow, 51.; Upland cottonlc, tc C!.; Mobile and New Orleans unchanged. Jar arrivals ol breadstuff's. Weather) fa vjoratle t : harvests, news. No special political. or genet, few Jlonorables at Dinner. A) since several members of the jLejjisl'.i! representing some of the interior cor.:,.; of this State were 'at the boarding . v.. the principles of agro.uW i ho various miiiiw c.ij, urre ai xue aai(ic mry counties. Thn histnrvilnf all the operations are played what was deemed py Borne of : dwelt on with miniiieiHss, and the effect of ach other boarders an anti-democratic copal Churchi On yesterday ths Executive Mansion was thrown oDen. and our eommunitl'. S, i we had a norther and not much 15ih, we 1 1 1 . 1 (I V" uaua nnu K .. iniCU I mn-t liwn l.nn Worlli r ww mm v w aa v waa k . ' H - 1 Ufclaiifl K.J B Wat KluiU nnn wroil nl luaMn lJ ccmeicrj, cxposeu an t j '4V un la Iha remelerv or rrrave. ll7thi i8h, 19th, 20th, and 21st, r W "was, busily engaged planting his ' J thfire from Jboth the town and cas- opened on the town it was like 1 stran "ty . uu ' 1 iiiimn iu iuii"nicn ' iurrfs k i : v o r j ii . - rlrrt o whip him so it was when it. A" i T . 1 to nav thpir rpr,ni tUa a: :a ot.oJ. ! .townsman. 'It is saiu irers. This evenintr. f MoiulavT th T.nrtv hf tion wilb others, that lion. William H. Haywood, Jr., will hold a crisis, and proved himse Soiree, in honor of Mrs. Webster, at which a ! alliance with the most large number of our Citizens will, doubtless, be brave. Where the battle raged fiercest, present. We; understand that it is Mr. Web- the storm wildest, and the peril most im ster's intention to proceed on his Southern Jour ' minent, he stood firmly and heroically to ney, this morning (luesday,) via Wilmington. : his post, and worked such carnage in the ranus ot tue enemy.as to make his col umns roll to and fro like skiffs upon the billows. Is there no meed due to valor? Shall no honor be paid to courage ? Is there ' to be no encouragement of skill and ta lent ? No devotion to patriotism f The constituent is ever interested in the suc- . . . 1 f .... 1 . 1 l 1 - I . :. 1 l Ti .1.1 i n t : 1: k: u... .. r i-. r . nnm ri rni nn ine iarm aicicneu 10 ine scnoo i. irss lur iiuuurnrv iiiitrs. i in- nuuit: poVPo in ihp h M5ts i'lc-Aiutiii nuri ueiiig uui a ifv trua iium r....w ..... ,y - ---- ,. i nrino- the dav did ! the muzzle ol his pieces. The first dis- j i" - " 01 ; j- ; n ne fidP oftueets Charge of Canister caused the enemy to ; .f , arm hul!f arf tmUon. " ' Will the Honorable member, from C: the tide ot success . Ll -: 1 . .... i.;m roads; and these subiccts are not only examined tauoue hand m the butter V ! ntain the glory i l-Z. r . and explained in the class-room, but particular- : .Will the Honorable grntlernan f , and brilliantly uacK 1?"" S " ! ly carried out in the field. ne. K 11 .nnn.l, fA n4s, ,n- play of skill and I anguag;e use ims cannot, oe mi. Ken. , ' 0r, Botanv the lectures are not simply con- ;"tV " J i ices ot our tejiow- - Olr riCLZ V ?nedto the dtstinguishing ot one class o, plan s ; .rrtainlv. sir. we mavi expect of him, in conjunc- ; ,.:Tu,, ! ' ' from another, embracejbe.r uses, grow, ., habit, sharnVrom the Honorable tr,. he rose with the ,u:sl M,lu, wc oliau auuu "avr propcrt es, the aws which regulate theirdistn- nnV . t , If w'orthv of an i peace ; oui n "01, 1 leeisure urag-, bution as wei a3 then? existence, and the.iaws ; t 1. 11 wormy 01 ?iii f , f , i. : .u i.ii'.:..t. k:..i A down Last clerk, becoming v. distinguisnea anu i ' , . . . ' , '., B j .. i,n ..r ttus disnlav of emntr honor?, f 1 in mt'OTno pnpmv mi ip mnrp irrnnp r,i iiiMmiihnn irnn npr in inn (ra t ni n in un- . . A public Dinner was offered him in this City, hut he was compelled to decline the civility. W e will publish the Correspondence in our next. Raleigh Register. .; i that could be town and the -i i r Wupoia him from Sj TJ at hik It was a splendid h!:?M.War Oie firing of the guns redalirfo S terel1 Wmls into ViMUSvli. the , ring ot the guns- to' Worth s one.j town thick and I ' a : ft.A. -:Vrn I Wit th iMjktfiBt ifThf in hi Ato bc mbs from Worth's bat. :C f air. and then descend i.rTf ?aio the town and burst lust .. " Men. PiiiJ 13 f the 24th, Worth opened a. NORTH CAROLINA TROOPS. We learnj from the Courier of Thurs day, that CHp. G. W. Caldwell's com pany of Dragoons from North Carolina, and 1 previous fortnight been quartered at Fort Moultrie, in Charlestchi harbor, were to emoarK on that day or yesteruay in t he brig f arrest, Gapt. Varina, tor -i'oint Isa bel. Wil. Copi. ! grape l y Warrex. M CAPT. BURGWIN. ! The Santa Fe Correspondent of the Charleston Mercury writes as follows of Capt. John H. Iv. Burgwin, who fell in the battle of Taos: "Captain Burgwin of the Dragoons, who fell at Taos, was a native of North field, or the forest, are rendered most produc tive. It is the endeavor to render practical, as well as theoretical, the instruction to the pu pils. Especial attention is devoted to a thor ough knowledge of the distinguishing charac ters of the grasses, cereal, natural, and artifi cial their growth and productiveness, as well ! silent N. Y Paper, as me sous and manures sunea to tnem. 1 11c Professor, in furtherance of these views, and with the object of rendering his instruction en- . ... J i i i-. . : u ed out in a loud sarcastic tone to the ! waiter : ' . t j j ; Will the Honorable 'gentleman 1 Africa be kind enough to pass the hn The laughter that ensued may 1 agined. The honorables were bene ; A Good AsECDOTE. Twd darkir s 1 I . . J ..it -P. .L 11T . . . ' l.imlihrr he Praduaterl at Wt Point in tertaining as well as Useful, accompanies mc cui uu ou. ind Capt. J611S B. Cambell'r company of cess of her representative. Honored by nfantry from I Georgia, who had for the Sa"?nt bearing andj distinguished by revious fortnight been quartered at Fort noble actions, should yield something ir.inttPt. i ni,rictrii hnrhnr w-r I gratitude, at leasts in return. Lt. Bry- Pilliw opened his battery 1 THE CAPITAL SQUARE. ! I We understand that; the contract for enclo sing the Capital Square, has been given to Messrs. Burns arid Stronach, of this City.---Their bid, omitting fractions, was $9,700. It is lueir inicuuuii. o tcarui 10 ereci ai onto a an is from our midst, our immediate rep resentativehis deeds are our deeds, his glory our's, and his fame our fame It is submitted with difference to the Intendant arid Board of Commissioners of this City, that some publicdemonstration of grati tude is due to him for his distinguished arid efficient services i not a mere vote of thanks, but some substancial memento which, may be preserved and looked upon, rTa ml inn icon on) o Ko t5. r k: r!th wn i pupils occasionally in theirbotanical excursions. high upon thelist of Captains. He was one ; For this department Mr. f J of thefrhbst popular officers in the army, A. ry College need gcj ,f Dr from his high toned, gentlemanly charac j Darlington, of his Sa f, cou; ter. Hs conduct an! courage in the late X battles; are the theme of universal praise. ihf?""!Ho. and other After being wounded, Col. I'r.ce roue up - - w;iK,Kht;nal structure of each, both in reference to the changes causea 1.7 on to him; and told him that whether he re covered (ir not, he should bear testimony of his gallantry. Captain B. replied, " I hope Colonel, you will also- bear witness that my company did its duty." Lieut. Van Valkenburg, of the infantry, died of pis wounds in a few days-j-he had both jaws broken. UUIU ; - ease, constituting pathology, and the uses to which the various parts of the frame are ap plied, constituting physiology, are explained. The treatment and causes of disease and geo end management of cattle are particularly dwelt upon. The lectures tt're illustrated by MStorn. ical drawings and spepirneB, uvui 7- accident found a large cayewith a small entrance. Peeping in. t! covered three young bear whelps interior. Look heah, Sam s while I goes dar, and gets the your you jest watch heah for de bid bar. got asleep in the sun, when, open:: eyes, he suddenly espied the o!d j:. scrouging her way into the cavr. as wink, he cnught her by the t. held on like blazes, t Hello, dar. Jumbo, in the cave ; hello, dar. what darke de hole dar F -Lcr 1 you. Jumbo save yerself bohey. It r tail cum out, you'll soon find; c:.t darke de hole T i - Ttl anr! .To i Cupalo Furnacd in this Cy. RaU Regj , l anu aiterwarus iransmuiea. mere is M Captains Bargwin and Henley were healthy. t j ' ! - 1 ,:w; " :. . 4 - I" :h. ! ii' 1 . i .1 '