if-""' . , - if. : i it i j niv-s-i-'iu ,1 x 'i .f.HMil Ill'K .1 V "' I" " of I 1 ' t utv "po ll'a- ti pnxl ice :i ' (,i ftisi'ii'i? lining t i rCiirreyonJe.rb? of the Ch'trlestoH (Wir. - !' -..,, ,.. ' ! i' nfu-h ifaht have l,eon very lLJU ,: V l!i!i.4lrr-o between HOW j I- defV'rr' f.,,1' V;t.(': Ll Jr... ...all, M"l" " 'ii'"" ,; J , .i ,il """"'f iM-jfi-n wiioni some ri'kli of I,- r,4..V, ! W,,,."r aruMr badcxiUrd..net on Can.n. M ' ,i,,;'r ,!" , ,1UH , Mr T IH-dVdddre9s,4!ome words t Ed ..;,n.Vdd hr he he a.kom,mniefikvith halfla dozen ..,! tflH!' U T . ;i . . t a i m 1 1 .1.1 Jljll IJIIIV ' UH PI I III nin,ii mi 4'oul.l rejoice that llie repnb u i I I . .i J .. .... i itii it: am III) down uini; mr .rlTiiL .iLL.rv-,,,4 than I am. and Let ..rtNr-i. vfir- hut SEW.03LKA.Ns;ji-nday.VAiia. 13 1CU. A: M. To the Editors' M the Charleston Courier ? ?. i ' ' We liave. no inrther aririvaU from , Mexico Ncw$ from tliljcj'mter Ijas become scarce and wanted." j A dc-peraJe fgrny trtok ptac.e last cvetjinr, a- limit Ms o'eloclvJihot ween lint. Orlian Rvrd and Im'IWVHI HOW ' ,,, . , r T.vi.jjL..l . , J . mi. .! ij'i:njs, ;i lawyer ol lliiscnj. J'he part ic liefWeen whom sotne previous dif- etiepti when i " i warus, wuicu he acicompaoied a lua led rane fi)!loWin up hi it desirable l41'"" , - j li ,nJihnrTr he dullOS Ol Stilt 1 CI H J of. to ICIfl fciv?jltt?Mi libmod Ity othor and conMd .J a caiifile fy'r the V'idency, it been nV.n nirrncv'iftri iiie in the matter and ii the important in that w nrl kll; ihe ph d; and explanations I ' ','Votfr'i'w twd.jiiakevj an reardi this or a :7j.iJliwthe iH'St ol my. anilines, s-trici v n IcBinpW :4i,,:i.Ve ;'"""!''"- Sh..dd I' ,lie aths veste. CVH ' - 111. U I In ll.i i.n I n.ii.l ,i ,ir lU . .. i ' i ..!.. iii... .... . i ii... ...UneOlU llinve )i m. iei tie, .iiiu ny nu an 'T ' I !;. ;..i'l;.,a.i - a i .... .t.. . .... "mitt". BO lliai I (T""'0 '. ouu tiit oinrc uu- welVv1J hf.th'; '"Hief maistrale of the Kvith halfla dozen blows with j Edwards! reheated, Byrd still Iblow?, tiif the former succeed. ed in SlMlniJI a revolver from his pocket, with vvhiejh lm firedjj three shots at Byrd, two of whicjh took etll?yi upon him, and he only lived a lew minutes ;!ier beinjj Inken intuit shop ncarj at hand. MEdward? surrendered himself at onee, and I iS;resurne (if tried) will be ac-! quiltj'd on the! Vnu"d ot self-defence. Mai. I II I w ' U . I .1 . . . I Lj iyru was, l a m.u, a nanve, ana tor many Nt arb a resideijfjl of Charleston. He had been ii j- Supreme Cosrt at TZorgautoa. Opinions beep Mrttti in theollowinff cases at me August irut ol the Supreme Qonrt held in Mor- ginton, p;p, vs. Joshua; new Smith ts. Reaves from Cuncombe, Judgment aRrined. Also "uru ; iituijr 4iiu uiiiriB,. 13., VS. XevriS umler commrmtl6f. Cant, LovelL to pro c e ed a t o o cej, sc (iu f t h n oi g h bor t ri g sa n t( hill-?, and jrive them borders - to l take: all nvllom;iriPV miirbt find liirtcinrr omitnb i . .hi uuuu, uf : "vu, ... v. j. i i - s v.. i ii; . . r ! T " : " r. . Ji'l v L fM buiiii. i viiiMuorg vs. might If possible he rt-COgniZed. Vedtd i vWrspoin, Uom j Darke, Judgmen reversed and not hear lasi evening that the pariv sue i"!?"; lAS;in nl f Saml. s. cetded in arresting anj but .We do trusi' thatishbtdd any of those fellows be over! I taken. 4bey will be bronght; forward and that an example will he made of them. 1 The conduct of those guerrillas! is beU coming oi sucn a nature oi iale as lo refi; ntlirn i'rtP iblfa nmmnrr c-A.- l rti StUi v.ia, ...v viattiivill ) , UL UUI Vile zens, that these repeated deprecations be promptly and energetically suppreped.-ij ; RESTORER OF THE ElOOD, rou : CHROyiC AND OTHER DISEASES. ". f DI srn:"' !:r. d-cKiM. a.-,, r ,K. Statesville Llalo Lz: '. TUG First TVrm cfihls Iritution ri t the first MwJ,,T j,, Srpi.-.:iUr.r xt ,,.haTC the Ker. Jam-.. KnJ,,, a ' wi,rSM trnt.iiiiaa Mr!', kn mnnity as weH fjua'.ilWd to tJj;e :i3r- 1 t . t i nave noaoujl DUI triit teu.Il cive rnor, Frtim the New Orleans Delta. V LATE FROM TAMPICO. ,By the stealmshtp, New Orleans. Cant. Aulrj we received news from Tampico iothe 9lh insfi as contained in the letter which follows from our Smith and jothers, froni Haywood, Judgment below af- hrmed. Also McGee an4 others firmed. . Also Hf rt.iwJL1l ! T.. J l rr- t ! demise of Uavid Park vs. James Masion.from Mecklen- For Ferer aad Asve. Ellliout A fecti, I. burg. Judgment affirmed. Abo, in j Doe on demise of , Dieae: Gravel. Warm. He.id.Aeke r I.;-ir7 ! or country, can be obtained at SG 0:) t-r Hogh MiXee vs. Mary Flanagan from MrckUmburg, oj the Head. Dimne of Sight. Stc.whirh iL ""l wf.roro rent.J and eana,, taken in the Restorer. Price 50 cts. per boX. in State to the use of arret, vs. Francis frl hou, b ffect ions etc et' l"'Z nd "f tS 'Z r -.: thers; from Cherokee. Jad-ment UIow af- ; j i f Elections, etc. rnce, qt. UuWs. 2 50 : pint to make the institution pennsneof and :o n ' .in Michael Jones vs. Vm. D. Morrifrom ; 55 Txtn inn VP itl9 initaf.on t f DEPUPwATIVE POWDER, our ftrrtion of the State. Iloardins ia respectable crirate fm;- -ui f itfl ; . " ? it..L . : .I !: J I -t rt. . Ii! engded in svfal severe rencounters before, "cene,u corsponueni, anu m ine f ampico fronll of whir i he had escaped unscathed. I Sentinelpf thSih August, - j . j; lie citv cont nues dull, hot and sickly. The S Jhe ?enV lhat Tarnpica is healthy. epidfiine is tnciteasiiij; from day to day, and! I.y yi-Ilow lever, easffjin the pas vl I he penp! . - 1 ..i-n ... fiiit UriOUfU! MUM anil oftiionJ ibetween thin and II 'TtilJinir dieUlectjon, add cat ilo-ir vc ?1 : lor Some o ie change their ie time otes lor else, I will not Mr F.i.w eonlovraiiins 01 respect, I rctirniin yur oh servant. Z. TVYf.(R. day were Co, of which 40 were jmaking 70 deaths by that dis- two days. The sales of'Cotton yesterday reached 2.000 halep, and pines are repoited easier. This morning 500 bales have, been sold. The stock herej uncli arcd s now less than 45.000 bales, and he amount jbn sales perhaps 20,000, No thinrdoin in Moiir or Grain. Poik down to '. 1 ior sale at 0$ a Tcii per pound. Via 813,50 fyr Mess, and Sl2,50 a 812,75 Piime. Rii!ca small stock and small safe and quiet. : The vnmito has notyf t made its appearance in Tampico, which ha usually been regarded heretofore as its favorite resorf Death of Dr. Hawkins Lt. TaneyhUl Reco$ ering- Another prisoner escaped, xm Tampi co. - . ; .. Tampico, Aug. 9, Eds. Delta Dr. Hawkins, Senior Surgeon and Medical Director of this post, died on the 1847. 1 Judgment affirmed; By Daniel, J., Jos.: Reinhardt, by ins next friend, C. ReiDhardt.Jvs. T. M. Potts, from Macon. Judgment af firmed. )i? Also, in State to use of Jacob Merrill vs. J. R. McMimj from Henderson. Judgment below affirmed. Abb, in Rimsour vs. Jesse Roeser, from Cherokee, Judg ment reversed J Afeoi in William God ger vs. John R. Fletcher from Henderson, Judgment reversed and new irial ordered. 1 Also, in John Parks vs. Penal C. ilreath from Henderson, reversed and Judgment for Uilreath. Also, ia: Commissioners of Asheville vs. Jas. B. Meares from Buncombe, Judgment below affirmed. Also, in David Parks, vs. Thomas N. Alexander from Mecklen burg, Judgment below affirmed. Also, in Doe on De mise ot Keed and others, vs. N; Tradinnick, from MecWenbarg, Judgment affirmed. -Also, in J. Tram- mell vs. Robert Thomas from Henderson, Judgment re versed and new trial ordered. By Nasb, J., iri State to the use of J. B. Bishop vs. Robert Poteet and others from Cherokee, Judgment af firmed. Also, instate to the use of John Murray, vs. Willie; Jones from Buncombe, Judgment affirmed. Also, in John Welch vs. Vfm. W. Piercy and others, from Cherokee,1 Judgment affirmed. Also, in case of Hen defsonj Poieet vsj Janes N. Brysdn, from Cherokee, Judgment affirmed. Also, in Henry Chandler vs.' Hen ryjRobison, from Haywood, Judgment below affirmed. Also, n l?oe on Demise of Jesse Dickson vs. Reuben Universal or Strengthening Plaster ; for disease of the chest, pain?, weaknesses, etc. 50 cts. ABYSSINIA MIXTURE, for eononWa. pleet, fluor albas, gravel, etc. Price per bottle, $181 23 and $2 50. GOLD MINE BALSAM, An incomparable Tonic. 50 cents. r 11 l:viite ihi"Trat 'baste, and under con- LATEST ' nam inierij it ion. From the N. O. Delta. I a bitter rrceivrd in this place hit itt 'the Xuilh Carolina lie- Evtract.Q ink an offi c":nrntrlH Hl7 :'f Hf'xtc; We arci" 1 1 with Gon. Wool at f 1j iVs ROM VERA CRUZ. The steamsljiip Orleans, Capf. Auld.' ar.l rived yesterday irom OMexico. She left! V era Cruz op the 7th, a(nd Tampico on the IO1I1. We have bv her! notbinir later from .;d Burtia '-Vista. July 10th, the City of Mexico, noir from Gen. Scott's! quarters, at 1'iiebla. tSuch news as was alloat at Vei!a;Ciuz arid Tampico will be m.c af. .. .mm. v.v... ...... - foumin M Correspondence below, and S?W?. " sa ' S."r,w! V1 in the cxlrabtl which we make from the Sun of Anahujac, of which we have a file to the 7th instant. , i Capt. A 11 UI reports the steamship Mary jip Clal land, bad arrived at lavmsr ie Kingsland as Urazos lor tbi$ port on 1 be steams time. Mtiain'h'irtt as there is no talk of a for: ward movVrtient as I have heard, sootier iUn lliQ Jlft of September. I think if thcrf i aillic.ient nuimber of troops by thatlitati w! will go on'-to.San Luis l'otosi. tbc health of tin; r j,'iinejnt is as usual, vrrj bad.?' I'NVe'i have lost between 75 and JOU nien, Hijd 0ine bafc been discharged jq oonseutfebce f bad jliealth. 1 hope the rstof thcjrjien will improve, as we have gut to a hVahJiyf climate, and have good walrr. 1 mi w'lll lind f; among ilw. names . i it . 1 .1 1 -: oiuci r?- iu.i u.vvu n iniii, liit-u- 'in,,, tY. ,i.. A.U 1 1 h 1 tn fi 11 iihnnr I I : nene u Mini ..... . . i ' i VTm. ........ . ... lollowins iio:ii -Ja and: w . .:. : . - i ft Tampico via the the Cth inst. eston, Capt. Hav'h Ifampico, and sailed Ion the l)th inst. lip Fanny, Capt. Scott, ar- j and as lhe ramr season is now over ?l is for Vera Cru: Tlie steam: rived at Tamfjiico on the 7lh instant, and, w as to leave lor Vera Cruz on the 9lh in stant. ! ; evening iof the 7th inst., after an illness of ge'v. eral days. For two or three days before his death he was supposed to be entirely out i of danger, and on the morning of the 7tn he -was so far recovered that he left his room, arid break, fasted quite heartily with Judge Capers. On the afternoon of the same day he suffered a e vere relapse, and died in tew minutes aflr. A few moments after his death, jhe astounding cry of Yellow Fever was shouted througrTt'he city, and many were led to believe, by ttie fright ful appearance of a few poor victims of distort ed imaginations, that this loathsome disease had actually commenced its! irresistible course in our midst. ; . : j '. No doubt letters wilV be written to the States, certifying to the prevalence bCYellow jFeveT in this city, and j that many have, already died with that disease.! AsVt. Surgeon: Weir, whoj at tended Dr. (iawktns, assures me that his case was nothing more than ordinary inflamatiou! of the brain, together with a general debility of the system, and I am positively assured that jnot a single' case of Yedow Fever haToccurreq in this city since it has been occupied by our troops; Tnts Medicines are of Dr, Kuril's own discovery, prepared by himself, and have Wen disposed of in ih.s community for about ten 4ears in:, with u.mamlUU.l ftacce!. A great number of testimonials are in the pn session r hia agents, and may lie seen by calling at iheir stores. - W e present here two specimens of tbera. From the Randolph Herald. Letter from ji M.a. Drake, Esq.. Clerk of Sup. Court. Ashborough, N4 C. 1 Asheborocoh , N. C, Jan. 15, 1847. Dr, Kchu Dear jS ir i I take pleasure in bearing tes timony , to the beneficial results of your Medicines. Mr. Noah Smithermari, was severely attacked with Inflam matory Rheumatism, during the Summer of 1844 he . - rsDirran in vmir iinni f n ,m it 1 . a Peppers, from Ashe, Judgment betdw affirmed.v Also.i l.TU" 7.r . auu ootainea in Vff P , f i . 1 G 1 v . Iv'i " ; he was effectually cured by the use of the Restorer in uM.;i. & J. IiudwicR vs. Solomon Fair and wife..? -e in. . . ' r . .- . 1 " .-- . in nrarr 1. ML.n.i. ,l .l.d .... .i.h "Muiiirinmi ia,ii mg sinci ticiuline and correct drponnent t udent . the Trustees have a greed to t t -least once a month. ' , The terms of tuition per session of 6t nu -; For SprlUnz Heading. Writin2 and Arithrn- -mii vjrammar.urtnrrapny, tlusiory, tor.1 Philowpby and Chemisiry, L-nn and Greek Languages wiifnie 1.! branches of Mathematics, THEOPHILT'S FaIls T1IOS. A. ALLISON. ' 'JOS-F. CALDWELL. JOS.W. STOCKTON. T.IL McRORIE. JAMES M. MOORE, J AU.VL.1W I1UV.TE , " S. R. BELL. StattniUe.Jalf 30,1847. 4- frqm Cabarrus, Judgment below affirmed. Also.' in De on Demise of J. B. S. Harris and others vs. John Irwini from Mecklenburg, Judgment below affirmed. Also, in State to use of W. M. Dulk vs. W. Laws and Others' from Wilkes, Judgment reversed. Also, in Ho ratio Thompson vs. L. D. Childs, from Lincoln, Judg ment 1 affirmed. Also, in Willie fGaitber vs. Elijah Tea gue, from Iredell, Judgment affirmed. , In Equity, James R. Lore vs. Thomas Raper and oth- er. trom Haywood, Judgment affirmed. Sam'L Frost a j L tr T?.10!? froin Davie decree for plaintiff; Andrew Hemphill, Ex'r. vs. r. McDanieif ref;rred t0 the (.-Jerk, to take an account. ; .,. . , . . 1 of the Blood, &c. : I can further say, that no person has ever tried them sufficiently, but what have been well sat isficd Jirith their efficacy. ; Respectfully, J J. A. - Moye tfii j all leave pcrc to-morrow for hom. . M -. ii kVc arj all ge-ttiug :.aIong well in the t)ri7, as avo have three. drills a day. Suti- d.tv is a'dictiecal review day." Xj3 ' bad the jdeasure of an inter-: uew,.yef erday morning, with Lieut E. 'V. llAM$i, lL(e of Cjapt. llemy's Com :trty, who ld't Salt illo-jt he Kith and Mon twTlb2tti: July, t.ieut. 11. reignrd iii cujmmisMon .tin. account , til ill health cvejsinl( jhe, has befn in Mexico. He tontirms ) Ui accounts W have heard of On the 17th inst., by the Rev. E. E. Truman G.'B". A. H. W. Reid, eldest son of Rev. f James Reid, to Miss D. A. M. Thompson, eldest daughter of the Rev.Thos, "Thompson, all of Thbmpsonville, N. C.'-' .;V ..-.-" i - f . -I-" tFrom the Milton. Chronicle. TO THE PUDUC-CACLNET BUSINESS. Letter from J. R. Catlum, Esq Milton, N. C;V. K 'iDRLjicutiDeaif Sir Your Medicines have given entire satisfaction iii this section of country. The Abys sinia Mixture especially, is highly approved of. It has Wyer failed to cure n every case. It sells like hot cakes. I have never had enough to supply the demand : You will please send me a lnriie supply of it AS soon as vou uarrh'e at home. Yours respectfully,. J . K. L ALLl .u. j I Milton Drug Store, A117. H, IsiT. JJr. Rla, ; ,1. ..,,.i ., . f r... n i. Mi 111 . nij'l" 111. lit UI J'lllirn It I n If fllCA , ., liUlltur.l .,n!.v ("nr s.11.1 r!m n til t ... I uitt. l-'i.r nd Ague, in-iiw-awi,!, i), i r.,.1. ...... I n.i a.-.. .;... rnllB subscriber rej-pecdully informs h' f X J the public, that he still carries on the C kingjBusiness in the Town of ConcorJ. on t ,sonfi of the Jaiband opposite DaiJ Fatt r d 1 wBere he is prepared to furnish on short nc : . -ofkll kinds, made of good matetialsanJ in w Wjile, He has now on hand for sale low fur t - . ! Sideboards, Secretaries, Cupboards. FoMir-.- T; steaas,Umdle-stand., Wash-stands and 1 stands, Wrdrobes,Lc Scroll cri! t-r t! tO(order neat and cheap. Alsoturnin; i f a cogs will be done. ' Painting, such as t-hnirs the best style. ; The subscriber will ktep t :i ! assortment of coffins of all sizes. - Those wishing articles in my line of In spectfuJly requested lo call and sre bef re I ; determined toselHow. Country produce l a ment for work, ; HENRY : :1 : ! Concord, July 31, 1647. Dw, State ct ilortn Cr.vc IUEDELL COU-NTY.Surtnio:. I 1 not at all probable that Che disease will make its appearance this season. Dr. Hawkins body has been ul into a, leaden coffin, and will be sent to his family in Baltimore. It will proba. bly go over on the Nevif1 Orleans. j j It I is now ascertained that Lt. Taneyhill is alive and fast recovering. 1 He is yet atTanta- vuca. in chartre of the Aleade's brothek o.n& re. Aoticios, and Copy from it the following j ceived every; kindness which the warmest hos items. 1 tiis paper IS Ulira lMeXlcan. in n l lv ran aftord. . s, t j . J . Tht? mail arrived yesterday from Jala- pa. v e uavtB received the Jsoleliu dc las the number pljHhe 27th July, we read : 'PI. .. .... ! .. !.. : 1 - i.i . 1 j . . ti . 1 tie 11 am ;j)stsseu wpnoui namng at tni place, but Geti. Pierci srtpped here with about ;i()ll iruMn ri f tii phmIpi' TT o A ouu mem 01 s cava rv. -tte no. dressed a letter yesterday to the atuntrii . . i " 1 i 1 v i der tb t ) preksion, when he b-fr, ssUvas abating Measles; that in a micntu of this i'ity. Several murders have been commijttd as wlj by the Yankees as by the 'Albicans, atid this has excited the A merican General very much. Ii We learn (that Geni Pieree h:is inst. bfr tbhad health in the Itegiment-; but w as this place for Sedcno. about a leasue frorfl tli place, whJcre he will find the train. The same rianer savs that a Mexican tftfru Ibfiiiihad run -their course tin ouirh fa traitor. itJaddsA was nneountriiI hv tlje Krgiiitri(t. lie ihihks that hereafter, party of guerrillas, and. being suspicious mtlic-hiU'cotrntry ol lbe interior, there he was reouired to unkler.n-o an PYmInJ Bruucli j'tsio be li artd from ill health, tion : but hammer olllered resUtanrp h& was killed, j Three large packages, con taining letters!:iVom the officers of the ar-l my, to their frjends inlthe United States,! were found in his possession. H The Jiu lltilt adds: illi said nrrpnnn.l ' ? , m 11. " - w a a w a a , JUIUUS A", J roUSe. Some others win iIciipp it ; kI L,l . .1: 1 . ,1 ; 1 . !T , " vv, ,o c Mvu muuigicttiuiSCOrU PXISIS, rre .sicM. wi re m ji rkrnv''iincr wmv A lef'n tl.J i-t.,.,J.. 1 .i iLi , , f' 1 .--. - --;r-r v "v - " " iviuiiicris aim me TPiTUiarSi ffftain riAf .r(.v,,c aI. c. . I.' i. e .l. ' !' v I . P ! .tjix, ?r v,","'v-ir, . rraiiK- 01 me .American army, ami that this may .urtliis. cmiuty, had runaway while cause them o light ariiong themselves, i wwiiipanyl was jtjt Cmargo, and it was That paper! is delighted at this, and 'r"?''t 01 some pna nc hau been takes that opportunity to call the Ameri- rCn I ' , 1 i ; ' cans " highvty robberk" Yankees,- &cl UpiKs.in the highest terms of It also says thikt it annbars from the inter- Tjie re Itaj-e heeii live a'ddiiioual deaths in tajif. Henry ,s Company since our l.-st ac cooiiWto fet: iAlexander AI. Stroiiir. 2.1 serghnti 3!Mb'k P. Wi$ght, 'M surgeant, 6rptral Juhti lioling, Lexy Newnam atid . 1 Yfesterday another of Mai. Gaines bartv ar 1 J W w ". . . ' a rived here, tie escaped trom the Mexicans somewhere near the city of Mexico,! and has been several weeks in reaching this place. He was one of the' first that escaped. As I have not seen him, I can give you no particu lars. ' j j There are now in port, steamships Ne Or leans, Galveston and Fanny. The firk leaves for New Orleans this afternoon, the Galveston for Vera Cruz this afternoon, and the Fanny for Vera Cruz to-morrow. Yours, I SENOIl. In thts Town I on Wed nes4ay evening last, after an illness of twenty daysj Mrs.' Mart T. Lonu, wife of Richard W. Long, in the forty-second year of her nge. Mrs. L. in life, was a most amiable and beloved chris tian lady, a devoted wife and affectionate mother. She has left a disconsolate husband and three small children to experience the bitterness of a void which earth can not fill ; and "many friends, here and elsewhere, who will ever 'remember her for the elevated virtuous charac ter of her lite. Afflictions of the most grievous kind seem to crowd upon; this family : Scarcely two weeks have passed since a most lovely dau?hter was borne to the silent grave the mother follows in quick succession, to the same, si lent resting place. out any ef.ect ; but w nu J in iliree days, with the .U: I . r . 1. 111.ru pun 01 a pnt Uesiorer, and ha.f a box of Depura- ut; 1 uuci, AGENTS IX NORTH CAROLINA. J. II. Enniss, DruggUl, Salisbury. Pinn.K & Yokkk, Concord. Thomas J. Holton, Charlotte, C. C. Hi:ni:hso.", Lincolnton. J. P. Mahkv, P. M., Lexington. J. J. K. Slovn, (j reensborouh. A. 5. Pdktkr. Druggist. ( ireensborough. Jamks Ukan.Nuck, Waterloo, tiiiilford co. Samson Kauun, 1. M. Highrock, Guilford. Wooi.i.r.x A: UitANwt k, Wentworth. J. M. A. Di:.v:vi:, A-lieboro'. ... 7 I. Coi KiN c Co., Franklinvillc, Itandoljih. Sttlte Of ilOVttl; tEaV0UUas l7:t.jan.l-2.48. - , Sarah D. Walls, ) I t. ' 1 Petition for Divorce end '. Samuel B. Walls, : f j IT appearing to the satisfaction of the C rt Defendant, Samuel B. Walls', is not i this State, 7i is Ordered that publication ! six weeks, imhe Carolina Watchman 1.:. J 1 Journal, that the Defendant appear at the i, -3 : Court to be held for the county of Iredell, n' House in Statesville, on lhe first Mfcnday 1.;. - .Mina;y in feeptemoer next ; Iben ana ti er? 1 or ileiuur to said petition Otherwise the Petitioner-will be heard ex parte and Ju ed iiro conetw. Witness, S. R. I W.I, CU 1 Court at office, this 18ti day of Au:ut, 1- 7. -.. . S. R. bLl.I. Printers' 4ee,S5 00 lC:Ct. f .IREDELL COUNTY. W'illiam F. Cownn, Executor of Alpheus Beggerly.dec'J. r. Laughrey, and others. From the Nat. Intelligencer. DREADFUL COLLISION AT SEA. i ' - f I ! ' i- i i By the mail of yesterday we received the Bos- : In Equity Spring Term, 147. ! IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Jo siah Mnssey and wife Nancy, and Daniel Laughrey, defendants in the above named case are not inhabitants of this State-, It is therefore Ordered, ndjudned, and de ' creed by the Court, that publication be made t.r six weeks in the Carolina Watchman for said Josiah Massey 1 and wifejNancy, and Daniel Laughrey, to be ami appear before the Judge of our Superior Court of Law and ; Etjuity, to be held for the county of Iredell at the Court i Hoiise .in Statesville, on the d Monday after the 4th 1 Monday in September next, then and there to plead, an ' swer or demur to the bill of complaint of William F. Cowan, Executor of Alpheus lleggerly, dee'd., tiled in our Court of Equity againstMhem, or judgment ro con ; fesso will be taken as to them. Witness, L. Q. Sharpe, Clerk and Master of our said VEGETABLE L'MVERSAh PILLS DRUGS, CHBIIIO. ;DYE-STUFFSC. i i THE SUBSCRIBER IS NOW RIXKlv; his Drug Store the hirjst aaortmrnt : Medicines Dye-Stufis, . ever oflcrcdbti hint 16 the V The vnhj kii'tirn leilir 'nie that at lh" xmrir time Purge, J'uiifie. and .Strensthrni the System. Dr. Ll R-'Y l'it.Ls have fortunately Ix-rn introduced into the t'nii. cl States at a time when they will lie found of npriilinr value. It is known th;it tieroiw ir.iin.r Intn new or foreign .-ountries. are subiccl to great deranje- . iHlOU! HIS MOffc IHaj DC IOUIia VAt 1011 inent in their diizi'Mive lunctio:iN, n It J to a change fie-.l. cjiiently fatal ol the whole econoiliy ot their systems. 1 This mostly d'-velnpcs its. f in lassitude and iliarrlura, I attemled by lu ad iche and lov:iessof spirits. Dr. 1 ' Roy's Pills may be drp-n.led on with the utmost conti- j deuce as a preventive ol ilmse ilisorijers, and where they j have alreadv occurred, they will soo;) restore the patient j to health. Oilier purgatives have tio i;ood eliect but in j for tlc-y render it ' ithey leave It clean. j They have been selected by himnelf. and he 1 to assure the public and especially Physician. ; will obtain from him a pure and g mine r r furthermore, that ihey lave leen Ll'ained ; i , ! terms, as will enable him to sell cheaper th-ri ,nlugepih he whole n . l aylora plain larmer-look- cepted letters, that Geh.l Pillow and other vr 'Ui in lu.rki.iif.l .ii....i..i,.,.n i A,.iAr.. .t.!.i Je . ... k ....ii in i. i .imiui ii i i i i miui . niA". hflieerj mid mn lv. rittdoL- n nnn N I JU : . I ...:n t. ir H ... --,r'. -Tr wy u.L.viv ujiuusic vxiiiiiai will IIUl UO SUC tunts mid' tin aIa- .....l..t.t.wl t..;r.,. r. 1 r..i .i .L.I: .. v . j . '""UJIH, ,13 llll II UlUlUUUItU UUUIW Test. : L- Printer's fee 5 50 17:tit U SHARPE, c. .m. e. . . i rr l . o ti . .10. 1, l Q i - . I : j j j ... r , - . COU-, al oiliee, in r?iiiie! uie, .-vuiiuai ui n, i et i , .i uu in ton papers Ol Monday and ;1 Uesday, wnicn tor- j the seventy-first year of American 'Independence. nish. the particulars of thej; terrible loss of hie incurred by passengers on ' board the Swedish barque iduna, from coming in coljision at sea with the ship Sbanunga of which we had a partial (though not entirely correct) account by Telegraph twodayrago. ' ! The Iduna was from Hamburg, bound for N. York,. with two hundred and six person on board. She was commanded by Captj Artiest Andreas . Moberg. About one o'clock in; lhe Lenoir Female Academy. .TTHE jnext Session of this Institution will commence I the: first Monday in September. The course of relieving the body ot its impurities! weak by the process tlirotit:li which Dr Le Roy's Pills on the contrary (cleanse, purify, and strengthen at the same time ; and Ixmccjthe results that thev nroduce are cure, that man !r t distinguishes thein trom perhaps al dicines whose cure are worse than the disease. trailed cure, which other Purgative Me- olten as r)nd, and treqiifiitly Speedy and powerful indeed is morning of Monday, the 9ih instant, in latj 44 ; Guitar, Drawin?, Pah 25'jlon. 58 30' lhe weather being very foggy, ' also laullit- 1'uP,ls 1 : : :.u ouiH i trance, but no deduct. eucivaiiic in cuiiictci u mi i hi.- Miip1 kjuanuiii;a, : merican chitils are of opinion that Vthlf.j Capt Patten, from Liverpool Ibr Boston j and sunk in thirty minutes. Immediately alter the collision Capt. Patten sent out his boatsj wjiich, with the aid of one boat from the Idunaj picked up thirty-four persons fix of theni being; wo- instructioh embraces all the branches usually taught in ! the first Academies. ! , , Terms-$6 S"5 or 1Q session, according to the j advancement of the Pupil. Mrsir on the Piano and Painting, Worsted work and rrench, are charged from the time of en- oii made afterwards. . EMMA J. BAKER, Principal. Lenoir Caldweil co., Aug. 1 7th 147 17:.'lt cessful thaf tjiecommandingofiicerscorip tuer tne tanitl to bej in a very strong State of defnnrtU. n mhA A. ttc fVttifi.' . . t. !' . . i . ! I ' 1 d . I . . IL 1 ? .... . i--ii.- o.i Hons as. lor the numbejr of "men Who Will ! ' ail(,TIve or SIX cnuoren. vne nuntrrea ana donnc or alternative, it sands mnniteiy tetore an me preparuiious or comouiiiiions-oi .urii ui j. na puini.ir nronerties are alone of incalculable value for those WuVntj Y VM iuriO jhel Speaks of as a man!ofun wubted bVavk'TvJ and a most strict disci o inarian-ArigU perhaps to a fault, for an 'be brought ln action-4-and finallv that Ucventy-tico perisJicd, among them the captain. i BRANDRETII'S pills. This medicine is acknowledged to he one of the most valuable ever discovered, as a purifier of the blood and fluids. It is superior to Sursauariila. whether as a so- fnfV? r I P I ?I "n !" "T""' Tna,lJ llial ?' i properties are alone of incalculable value-tor those WrnTh Tl " 'CrS'- ' w' ? l ? . . gUC' L Pletelyjinterrupted - The Boston Journal of Tuesday evenitig ays: Pills may be taken daily for any pfriod, and instead of 4uf; their effects on the hunian ?-tem. fj'lu y at once com pel the Heart and Liver, Chyle and Blood to the lull and active discharge of th' ir dutjes, th- cohsequenc.-of which, are a stroti" digestion, an I regular niition of the bowels; and thus they secure health in all climates and latitudes, by keeping the entire working machinery of the frame in a state of action, energy, and strejngili, which cannot le affected by external cause. All Emigrant shis from England to Australia, and other British Colonies, are a -bundantly supplied with these Pil's. " A couple of box es of which " says the ditini:ui-hed Dr. Collier, in ajet ter in the London Medical Tunes, of November, 145, " is worth more in acclimating a nnn to a new country, than a year's residence on the soil." It need scarcely le added that, persons t'oini: to 1 exas, Mexico, etc., should lie lllVii in of hope and spirits, in defiance of bad water, indifferent food, change of climate, and :he other evils of lhe same sort which travellers, and brief sojourners in new rour- II., t..... r. nm,n,l with. -NO So.Jier SIIOUIU ,Alchol, i Castor Oil, Epsom Sails, Hals. Copaiva, (Quinine, Peruv. or Red Hark, R!ne Mass, Eng.) Calomel, Rhubarb, Jalap, Ippcac, Magnesia, Opining Morphine, II yd. Potass., Iodine, Lunar Causlic, Vials, (all size.) Race Ginger, Powd'd j Allspice, ! Pepper, (al; ! Mace an I ('.' Cinnamon, ' Indigo i: C ; Madder A.- A i Log and llv l Stare!), Fig Pduo, I Candle, ( I.em'un S vi Sweet O.i, Lamp Oil, Matcjie ! Mil star.!. (1 LeatlervV C j. Yarniali, !'. i , i O" Medical prescriptions" careful V rrT; r J hours. . "f- Salisbury, July 29. 1847 if 13 ! f- E. Waterman, j Commission Iferthant, (Jcoirc t o ;i r . . - i. t sure to carry a!onr with th- ui a few boxes of these ONTINUES to transact lh busaiesj of a C aluahle Pills". Thev will lind them their best friend . -- 1 t : need for thev will keep them strona, heartv. and full i CO.TIZTIISSIOX TlJEKCIXAA'l v" IliOre i mhP 4lrll"a tor um 1 n mflrii . I in enrrovnohr pna Ht... ti . li! j . r1 cbaracter amonirilhe trorins. Ala- Vm flm? ( I , 4 Mruhs well likbd. (V-m. Pat, The letteridnerhavit been rlt sent to the government oi iMexico J Ire Sun, pf the 5th, has the follow tyV 11 1 Ef ii U 1 1 Y T 1 1 E I R DEAD. ; e ari M!"111'! to inake the folio wi "'w iioui a letier irom master ia tAViljiiimson. (son of Geonrn Wil. wn,-fc,j N lfer injthe Caswell VoK1 '"eer CiitppAuy, (ite writes from Seral tnd descr bes tio. Mexican mode of their1 dead 17. Ciron. -J j iThfy:Jg ihole three feet deep, and 37 u. l;W even giving therri the account of t hej guerrillas : mg i ' The passengers in the Iduna were compo sed of industrious Swedes, who were coming to this country with considerable sums of mo ney ia their possession, for the purpose of! pur chasing farms and settling 'at the Westi The collision was so sudden and unexpected,! and a weakening oy tne cathartic eneoi, me mm Mn nui by taking; away the cause of weakness. There is no good; MErievr.Y does, which these Pills do not likewise. But they have none of the miserable effects of that dead ly specific., The teeth are not injured the boxes and linibsi are not naral yzed no but instead of these dis- 1 if;, nn, I .mviiueni animation i ireniii lie . 1 ." , i i i, ;.....r mmviiipni ot the- body. Lrandretb s rviurjii in i j - - - - or M'exico without having a few boxes of Le Roy's Pills in-his knapsack. j jf jZuni: Sallx'nini ; J. I'. Malry, Islington ; Jonathan Worth .'Axh'ntroiigh. .Li" Price '2't Cents per box. 'I'.ig 2G, 147 17: Lit nr citings forwarding $ i . Produce, cJt j The Lumber Mills, now in Georpevtwn.Var) : mediate dispatch at all times, of the. brst Ian.! r world, sod vessels -often cominj in taila4'. goHls as low as they can be shipped o Wi!n , and having steafnboats to run, alt the year, in t! merchants can calculate on dispatch. 1 tTI" The Chariot Journal and Jefieraoni m Yesterday morning, about 11 o'clock, a rhei vessel sunk so soon afterward, that noie of Pills are indeed a Universal Remedy, for they cure ot op Serceant of thU I2:h iniantrv. a portion of Me passengers had time to clothe themselves. ...Li i . b I n . f . J .1 . 1 . i which islstatiobed at the encampment at nur 01 lnem' However, secureu me.r uiHiiey, in t which thev t . r I ! . T VUI I 1 LlltJ : uruu fcir-' vr-. if f-'r-uianKel Irom J J r'W t. "i " . x auoi late- 1 t '4H id A 1UE m "1 I il fe W0 Very strange it is that J m Wstr dead i H v j 11 TC H0;-101 fPul thorn Pushes them un '.:: 1 i.. !':;, Uorgora; whhjon his way to tow n, ua attacked a mile and a half this side of the camp and. within two miles of the city, by two ranch erqspr guerrijllas, both mounted and "armed, oni with a sword and the oih er with a lance. The sergeant had only a sword, and pc rceived; the two advanc ing towards him with rather a menacing appearance; hd drew his weapon and pre pared immedjaljoly to act. on the defensive. The two rascajs gallopped down on him ; but although' be did not escape being wounded and gal me i will that, severely, he made soon OFFICIAL. ant resistance, and according to his own accounLjdlt severe; mementos on the persons ol those who calculated upon be- ing hiscapturefk After several passes on ooth if. m:i(b our hero, the sergeant, gained the camp which wa mostly in "old, about their persons which accounts ior the serious loss of life. Those who were saved had been in the water nearly half an hour when they were picked up, .during which time those who had gold about their persons had sunk. It is supposed that Capt. Moberg, master of the barque, had $1, 400 in gold about his person. j j ! "Those who were saved were entirely des- moved by iheir use t it ut o ot money, and mostly clad in their night clothes when taken aboard the Shanunga. Ev. cry possible attention was, however, given to tjieir wants on board this ship. The Avrm hearted tars on board furnished them with all t tie spare clothing, reserving nothing for them selves but what they stood in. Sheets bunt big, and every thing which could be manufac tured into clolhiug were pressed into service for that purpose, and every thin" which could nosite diseases: thev tuie IxFi.AMATlox and Chronic Rheumatism! Thev cure Diabltts of Urine. They r.,rrilo"P Come & buy great Bargains. ts.r "f " "i " Wrt J U Georgetown, S. C., May 1.1S17 4t2:& 4:A t cure D vsen'TEK y and Co.sstiti tiosal Cost iv en ess.- They will cure all these apparently opposite diseases, le cause they cleanse and purify the blood, provided, howev er, nature js not beyond all human ASSISTANCE. In all cases they will be found a safe and simple reme dy, yet aft powerful for the removal of diseases, whether thronic or recent, infections or otherwise. They do not render the;iystem liable to be atlected by any changes of temperature. The very cause, or occasion of the human frane being affected by colds and coughs is re- Therefore, they mav be used at all ... . C I " times and seasons without damage, and change oi uici, and anv extra care is unnecessary. These Pills are for sale at 2o cents per box, by our a gents in every town in the State, and by the following highly respectable gentlemen in this vicinity, viz : J- H Enni Salisbury ; David Fraley. Rockville ; A. & D-. W. Honeycut, Gold-Hill ; T. C. Graham, Cowansville ; J, Krider & Son, Mt. Vernon. I I7:4t Ilitrourlirs. Carryalls, AND Carts. "Busies, Sulkies, Wap-ons, Horse, 4s 7it.' FOR SALE HV THE Si nsCRIBER, On the rno?t accommodating teims to be had in this part of the country. - r . . Suiialne lumber and Country produce taken in pay ment for work. - The subscriber has in Ins employ- several first-rate workmen, and he feels assured ' can turn ofT B94 work as anv establishment in the Souih.- . ' ' . ? '. . . i , . . lot . ' I I ' J ' -1 sues the jjguemi.as decamped and bL deviled' to administer to their comfort (was . M.iii;uie Hack at f nptrJ from an pfficer My. 'pn the capital as i blood and pain j"rom his Wounds, he was 4 "Wei ,ia9 been reCeit : ,.UaCl, f,CC IOr V cN-fully performed 1 HiJ " .' - !- ' -J- -T 'W1 I . ttlnctottJ froin fen .Cr.- :.. .1... .. -1 ' Tfv " V"w I' I r '-o iai as c v asvenam gwou 3MWi'ViVr"tTT- . rt,,7"' ,n salely- Oti his arrival there, being ve- f kept on board the Shanunga, hui S.&;rT -" j'-t" !u,i'-' sstales llua O'.much reduced in strength by loss of I time of the collisionthe fog was so dense K.Ji Tll-f- VPn the capital as f bmod and pain rom his Wounds. heHvasihtWel bow of .the ship could .not. be eeen'frbni the laaarter deck. J If both vessels had had lanterns OUrnin" oriliiauujr men imwa,, tuia uicautui - W 'H was"'lie nvale scents H .rW if? h that General Scott had "IMtn lltM l-I..' m - ' - Mill UUrin h niiT.nn. i! i LJ Ihbufthe public concerns. . i Vr t )4 ;:. ' 1 ' . 1- pal 1 ' . Commercial, ment. The moment the circumstance !was made Icnown, Col. Wilson, of the 12th" re giment U. S. Itifantry, who- is about to proceed up with the train detailed a party of the Georgia' cavalry, now encamped atch ait the that nAriMnt mi"ht not have occurred. T T-i I The Telegraph The posts are all up and ; arranged for the reception f the wires from Raliegh. N. C. to aU beyond Columbia.-S. C. lem. Advocate .L & T. WADDELL, Wholesale & Retail Grocers, fjpiirclia$je-rs of Pidticc, 1; FORWARDING MElicHANTS, i f j JL4T STREET, I l ! Fayctteville, N. C. J,d 1847. d- - 1 14 -2 " ' ;i i-j-1 A CARD. ' Dks- RICE 1&-BOYDEN have associated thdmselvea i in the practice of Medicine at Gld-Hill. and hold themselfes in readiness for Professional calls. Gold-I In. t, May 6th. 1 847. i rjTA Rasa and Norfolk Turnip 8eed, for sale . . . r m . . -r rr rWICC In my absence gent'.-n. agent. Mr. Francis L. I - ii on busineis, will call on my J. JOHNSTON. Aug. 19,1847. lG:tf. - i Great Bargains in Lands. , ..Negroes Wanted!; CASH FOR fKCHOESi-nie wiidies to purchase a number of J ; LIKELY YOUNG; NEC ROE.4'. raitabte for the southern market: rrrvf-nj l.-n erty of the above deperipiion to dirirof i.i : their advantage :o make rarly application to 1. i. japayiugibe highest market pricea iri cfash. 1 alo pay the highest prices for Mechanics. 1 1 fcund at Shnver'a HoieL I L- MY.' SahUry. N. C. June 1847 U7 j ; N. B. Perona at a distance hsvin; any tf s' property for !e will be attended to by addrr-- ! .4 r- Til E Subscriber. ii haymg determined to go to Texas, off- tJ&p hu. two plantations for sale, containing a- - Jl . txmt owv Airv Tltese Lands can be Bought ford NOTICE, i THE HOARD OF SUPERINTEND RX 1 COMMON SCtlttOLSt R"8" C-i- 1 meet at the Clerk-fi Omce.on Saturday,-:!, i-Committee-men of i!e iwveral dinctare a rr ed to meet t FalW.iry on that djy.fr the l -'. adopting plans for building School-lLs-ej ar.. ; nile.formana,m,ihec ; Ch'n of,BoarJ of J?jpe nren ? .. i : - 3Ij ; Aug- 12. I"' Gmt dcal less !ian thej are Worth, j rj u trs invaiuabicoiuimeut jyvi .July 29:'; ll J. H. ENNISS. if 13 and n rood cron of Cof 71 and CoUonf 4' toc f Calde, 1 ' Hogs and Sheep (tJ-THHOWN 1N.8 la fact I am determined to sell, and barsain may be bad They will be offered to the hifihest bidder (if not gold before that time) on the fin Monday of October npXt. L. B. KRIMMLNUER. Cabarrus co., Aug. I2;i547 Ifcif Saliory. Jane 1, 117 tf 7 TO JOURNEYMEN TIXXEK firutrate wck nnn. of moral and ip I i4tn . .nirlnnnrnl hr OfiTilvin SiSL-tl to t can wiii . - i . o , ber in Statemlie. 1 ; July 30, 1547. . R. i I i -i i . :'1 . "11 t 1 ! V. ! I . v