J ui f 1 I ,t c AVntrJiiuaai. iiar.il wa iouas I : . . '; . T" . . .1..fl,. tAI fi'lli? ffV.nn.l 2"Ct. rtiiia. U'our! -r.ft-rc cltf r2d " r4. A !,l!"'ral C vorlHf v llif year. A fe ll, " I i : . i . 01 E!)L'(ViTI0N. 1 " ! ! rii ihiimt j - : ' i j i tij '' -------I . i n i i. ... i j; " ' ' ' .jJhnJit lp depjityjjsupeiintendent of i'tteilnlUali the VVashington city pa- j ev BRUNER & JAMES, Editor! Proprietors. i' Keep a check vtotk iu. roc 4'WC&JArJf Tie llCLERS. &U1&Z2r Tins, A!co Liberty is safe." Gtu'l. Ilarrifon. NEW SERIES,; XCMBEK 23, OF VOLUME IV. SALISBURY, NIC, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1847. evolutions of the political and social circle in ' i a . .1. . . I ...I. : .. i. r . .l . : t l i 1 r..HMiti". sensible remains 10 wie wnicu, ior ine time nemg, ma ut&uuj m;iy ue f iM.UaiU itthc Southern States. i cast ; and if his jtiilfe to companionship and to ri sensible 4 C) lfi i ' . i... r - r i... : pr a .prrics 01 ktiuips "the full aJ winter, ut (Tcsiitid. From the Richmond Southerner. ;! Newspaper Press in all Countries. We have gathered some statistics of the iiization brings iii it train, is no otherwise re- ! newspaper press, in all countries, of h ve- ,11 TlU; iU::)S OF EDUCATION IN TMK OlilTIlKUX jSTATHS. v A'irt!iiirmnl mnvptncnl. having fir :rfy j!",rouSa elementary i "ivc ;lo pilaci iral lililyj iindTyflividual and "P;j hetn, iV tiow Ui p at tlio a Ae fvtst, and ihc Wws.t, under auspices coyni?ed, it will j assert' itself ultimately, and with a fearlful pofwei, in some oi the violent outbreaks whic h frni time to time electrify the public mind, and jarry desolatibn to the hearths of some innocent or hapless victim. The State i$ no on(y called upon to provide a specitic and ample; fuijd from its resources, to be j - tjie -5 M . . i A- . r Dress in the American union ion, in cin-uuiiiuiij uie wen-airecieu eiions oi . , , , ry interesting and instructive character. These statistics arje in a high degree bdm plimentary to the inquiring spirit and in telligence of the people of the Uhited States. The freedom of thousht and the i VIII UUUWM' HiliVIU AlClO Ub lIUtlM M. M' liberty ot speech Constitute the basis of! domestic difficulties now afflicting that ; This will give us four millions sheets cir- paper ; country will no doubt result in giving use- culated by these ore cities, 'Allow that hould ; fi instruction to the neonle. ltussia and each State, without these cities, will av- I p ! .1 l . . ; i ' . . .-. . . . .... individuals in thi department of the social fab. u,e rt source 01 l)r,ue 1U exuuanon o us, ; prUssia will one day do better than they : erage litteen hundred per weelc, which is ric. but in order lo render its aid effective, it ! lhat our counry on,y of recent date, novv do, especially the latter, since the very moderate, it will be, in round num- ihould create such ari organization- may an. I should be so tar in advance of all the S establishment of a Legislative Council. bers, five thousand two hundred millions exoended, under proper restraints andsupervis. ! W.HUC Vr V : country will no doubt result ill giving use 1 1 1 - viVk in rip r m pripan iininn r vnnn ri ,'n,A fi"ne.icht)o y uvoi ce,murn! r, l(lrings .l 5ietfin '?f tihat ancierit sysjem of Massachu haslheen in "(peraiion ! pear best adapted to secure the object in view. 1-Otalcs and Kingdoms ot me world ill this This organization1 should lie uniform, simple, j particular. We do not profess tobe entirely i and efficient so consiitued as to enlist the ac- ! accurate as to the precise number of pa- s, h.-s dispensed the in. j tjve agency ofthefinhaMant:i of the seyearaldis. pers. in every country ; but we give the a go5odr education over tricts, their ofilcejs ami teachers, while, at the : returns as we have procured them dn the K-ierlt Commenwealth ; limn, it shohlrl fiilfill. with regard to oth. hpt data. It mav nnt nnrns h rJnt rP .CtVi amp, $ funds 4ct arfart lor that purpose , er portions of the State, and to the authorities 4rc!cM apd exflufHely appropriated to ; charged with its; general s upervision, all the 1 t-MVr.tKitiic inMracjion, effected a sim- , 0,jccts and purposes fof itSj creation. In the atjsence ot sucn an organization, a very slight interest will be fait im the Scattered and isola- kC;of thirt2vi,nf' holder?.. Rhode ,fjj(Aiiie,'Vftmon, and Jlampshire have ofaikiy.ril'- pystea; common school ted' institutions for fji ahuii(l..i!ly adequate to the wants of w;i JCCome nel puuic in truction teachers lntly adeqaale to the wants ot wjj JCcome neligeiil and remiss ; and pub- iMi)ulalioii I aii'-1 Nw Jcrsry -lie and piivate 'fijtids will lie virtually wasted; i. . ; -.1 .j . . 1 1 ! 1 .. -ii 1:1.. .'" '' . t ' I. . i .1 . .U .nM 1 .1 . f 1 l' 1:1.. 'Jitrr briUtoti aido jy wuu :: ; anq tnc great woik ok eaueauon win speeunj (v.jl ni uiofnl culiure within the reah and -jidwfmMo piUaqizatioiiJamr complete efT,- j ly, wilh the beneftcialjoperations of the system i ern paper appeared in England in period rfvof the Nei? Voik system has already 1 a( nuhWe instruction now in progress in New 1 ical sheets in the year lo. It was call- IIH'F - .vi.v.. . " 1.HI, ilUVJ ilUl lliu uuillip il'ui I'vuvu i ."O iX sc v 11: "hund od-aiffl lilt y lhou.and,of naiticiimted in the various movements which i doubt, suggested the idea ot the lUercury ltri-Ariunnu ilic number is annually jn- u,;,Jer the immediate auspices of a succession of j Francais, (Frenclt Mercury,) which began iiin jthe iaverape ratio of' more tliun j a,je jliiiiutiticl J11 each yejir of its stately atul 1 i,llc, yiVot progies. Her system, .combining, I otl a tho iyurlous i'.xcellcncies, and av jivi very i;.raMat,nt, jhc defects of tl jci. ill point jof time, preceded it, , has Urtho iyurious t'.xcellcncies, and avoid. those point lot tune, preceded it. nas at- Jilia ultentian anil excited the active em ,;om4 oiilv bf a largo proportion of the iMi States, alio! Territories, including Ohio ;L';W In')ia'liif lltinoil, Wisconsin, &icM J?ra!i ;atitto.8oiith,!jiud ('auada at the hr, itt Utl'ii'ojf which iCiias been success- ucei jvyiltiii tho( compass ol a few Krift the tlit vcarTan Kssociation of influ- Ut cflkMent pesoni has been formed ,ie;'illil;eaVl aiiH Wert, for .the purpose jij(lc(j4ititiejeinMtlry 'ejhjcat'ujn throughout Vmir valley of thjo .Mi4siiippi ; and ex icniur LJei, f VemonV,aided by an efl'e-- . rf. : 1 j i 1 ... ..1 1 i ru-tMMraineq intiiuciois, uas jimi viiti of lib is lireat and most ben r pyt. and cnlighted statesmen, have! placed the interests of popular equcatibn in that State up im elevated and commanding basis, the un dersigncd feels great confidence in commend mi the earnest attention of his fellow-citizens in the South the! prominent principles and effi cient oruanizatioh of that system. Many of its details may, perhaps be found impracticable in communities ho sparsely settled as in por tions of these States ;! but the practical recog nition of the rixht of every child destined here after to assume the relpons bilities and perform may not perhaps place to present a short sketch of the ori gin and progress of the newspaper press, before we proceed to give these statistics. The origin of gazettes or newspapers extends back as far as the commencement of the sixteenth centurj'. The first, of which we know any thing, was the Ga zette of Venice, which began about 1502. It received its name from a small Vene tian n .pound, truck tb rLthe ( I. White, Avho was at LiiVioV. ThVC-.!. r 1 oul;prroni to discover the rxTjH'Uat. r f outragr and aftrr.a time wrut i'hUMi.!.i front of hii encampment. : Oa lif r t: i ' ditirrfnt route, be Hopped at the fit iff hi Ofiicer, and jwike to Lien cf ul-l ing on, .but received no reply. Vl'nt - few Mfps further, he wag met4y )i Stubbs, who in much excitement tn?nt , ! that a large crowd if wldier frm l!. Regiment of the Brigade bad asifjul! ! i the teni of Lieut. Col. Fagg,'(whfi Jay ously ill in bed); that they were rn;:;" earnest conversation, and Lo feared ii:'c: t , .; . . . harm to him, (Col. P.), The Co!&r.( i:.' merce, learning and manufactures; the yet it was not known or discovered until 0alU-J a Lieutenant who was near, an UV.i: asylum for the oppressed of every clime. 1492, and has had. a separate existanccas etj ,;m lo brin 20 men of bis Oanp u.v 1 . a nation only seventy years. T his com- Colonel's lent immediately, telling him ( 1 parison is prodigiously in our favor, and assemblage just referred to; and bis ap;r. reads almost like romance. j; , sion of their evil intentions he hinii 'If There are issued in the cities of New walking on towards the tent ofA?ol. Fur : York and Philadelphia, at a low calcula- !efore arriving there, he aw"a body f ; more men asemtled in the Ulhcer .rci . the quarters of Company D. Re tumc ! approached them. They were rng3c i.; ( vertation in a low, earnest tone. He ci ed that they were soldieis of other Ile'i belore being observed by ihem ; cha'.!--aud ordered them to itand. 'ITiey hc move, and he npproached nearef, ull tt ing them to halt, or he would f.ie. 1 crowd broke as he cama nearer, a. 1 1 1 Italy is improving, but Austria and Spain 1 per annum. 1 his will be five papers per diflVrent directions. Before and af:er i will haive to give up much ihnocent and 1 week to each man, woman and child and he repeatedly colled out, Halt, or I wi'.l ; guilty blood, before any hope can be en- 2G0 per yar. There is one"' newspaper They, continued 10 run at the sai ; t tertamed lor their regeneration Now, its despotic laws forbid free enquiry and discussion both in religion and poli tics. The people of Switzerland love their native hills more than they do liber ty and knowledge. They can see oppres sion in other countries, and will raise ar mies to fight against it; but can hardly liort, two millions of sheets per week for each citr. Sav that Boston." Baltimore and New Orleans issue two millions more. In En?- ! for everv 5.780 inhabitants. Is ittrangc threatening him, .and he fired Lis 1 land, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, proba- i that knowledge should run to and fro and diat part of the -crowd which 5 ran t bly the most free of European Govern-! increase, and that our country should be lhe front, aud immediately ca!!don t; . .... .1 1 i ' ki .,,1 u J cers to luru ouflheir Cotnnane un ! r inent, ine uress. inouirn suiieruii; uuuer uirascu uuuer suuu giivuui3ianv,c3 i heavy taxation, is the largest, they pub press and its influence lor good or evil, ; , fi f Li. r li u first wa Private Bradley, of 1 County, mustered into service w it I lishing in round numbers 1350. India has 32,Oceanica 17, Turkey since ! after this enumeration of its jtrength and 1832 has 4, Greece 1, and the Candia Isles j its growth in the jUnitedj States. Surely has issued its paper. Sable and degraded though, while these figures aire gratifying Africa has 3, and they have ; been estab- j to us as Americatisfcand shovyfresults that lished by emigrants from the U. States. I ought to inspire gratitude to jdod for such iTotie;e iiuti.f place the means of in-j fjl h.to incompetent and worthless hands.i " '':cu"a ? T V , ve now ue up North: and South ! ancestors.who; tnrongq; prifaupn ,anq Iioinl clime within the reah and avln f;r sJverat! yeaL been practically jan .com, (Gazetta.) the price charged for ; America. In the British Possessions in blood worked out, such a poitica! salya- IvmnviUC- every child of the State. ! and in,i,nately conversant, i , an official capaci- cau-...umuc. u ; xNonti .America iujred.1. newspapers lion tor our .country, we. may yet leei num - ' i r n: . . . 1 1 ... urn ninap lfiirii i il' n 111 111 ici 1 iiu - t nn nor rt v 1 11 iriM 1 nv it rs. iirr ixti tin v w n ntyc?T 11 urn inn rio w 1 including territory conquered from Mexi- "1onv ambition and the pride of place." co. there are 3,3(0. In Mexico and Gua in 1G05. In 1G05, sixty years aiterwards, appeared the Journal des Savans, and which existed until 1792, when it ceased to be. It was, however, re-animated for for teraala, including ten established by citi zens pf the United States in territories conquered from the former, there are 34. In South America, including the Spanish and French West Indies, there are only 35. Blost ol the South American uov- a short time in 1797, and second time fell j ernments .profess to be modelled after our through, but was again commenced,, and ! 0wn, but in almost eiery pArticiilar they from 181G has been continued with sue- bear to us no resemblance; They made cess. a brave resistance to their mother country .From tk JtuUixh Keziirter. DISTURB A X C K IX Tin: Ni c. ukci. "MliNT OF VOLI XTEFRS AT Bl'KNA VISTA. ' We bad not intended to make any commen- ! ment of f upernumeraries under Lt. Ci ana1; attached lo Company A. cu reac! army the other was a Private .f tl.c Vir Regiment, This occurred about La'.!"; o'clock, P. M. when, !y the regulation-, soldier is required o bo in bis tent. Xi.i r Virginia soldiers Had lecn , notified tK 1; 1 must not enter the encampment If our v. above stated, and after frequent and rep warning from the. Colonel to the nun c 1 right wing of the camp, in which Corn; a ; was stationed, not to.he out of their tci t- : night telling them of the precautions I taken fogaurd against violence, and cf lU r gef that would be incurred in being c;;t I ; P. immediately sent to the Virginia Ilev for a Surireon to assist in examioing the t, . tary on the unfortunate occurrences in the j of Private Bradley, who died of the lami, : Camp of our Regiment at. Buena Vista, until the morning. I I fucts should be ascertained by the; proper mili- , Immediately on the report of.the pi?', j', tary tribunal, which we had supposed would be Sergeant attempted to bring the Guard lu ; constituted for that purpose. But the subject , Colonel, hut two o! them deserted. 1 having become a theme of general discussion, along the line towards the extreme 112b'.1 ' and a port ion oT the pres having indicated a that the Companies turned out, the Col:pl' disjU)sition to censure in advance the course covered lhat, notwithstanding his rejw'at ! of the commanding Oliier, we have deemed ders, no obstacle had been opposed to tie it oup duty to inquire into the circumstances, trance of men from other Regiments it j o far as known here from any authentic source, camp, although Officers of that win;-; c ,and to lay the. result before our readers. j mand ol their Companies. ; Son after,; in 'tciiftr Wlf in the Saus it wi rt- it. 1 i r 1. ije. seen! that in every other por- jnid. irni.in . Ironi .Mhine on the north to 4 lliji.jiith, fi iltn the Atlantic -coast on v'HHt iotrj'. Verge tit the lteky Mirtmlains (at iftUithe respective Slate and iru cUlfliiif. thejfitettds of education and ji.'pqe' griiiall)V lvcf united., n the most n ni 111 I' 1 II "wi 1 un ex w ; - -ww j v on iv-(,u Illy il.Ul .) J , T wn and djlfti.-don ot knowledge ihiou mis ot, those who aro to succeed them tWnnliK' iiiheritnnce of?our fren 'iiwiimi;,.,.,. :.j..i.. .i- . :. .1 1. .-. . ' . . ' .r;r,jj it nun; me f signs ot the times" existmg hahits ana insiiiqiions oi uiuercm iv calities. i Davioso CoLEtsri, Aug. 11, 1847. The Alumni of faav'lson College hav- fit lc ! A,-. ,1 wn wti nr r fr f" ing assemtiieui accoruum nujuuMimu.. On motion of Si C. iPharr, lt. L. feher- rill was choseh toctai secretary pro tern. The chairman of thtjj committee previ- ointed to draft a constitution, of three be ap his bo- tliut the Xoilh Carolina Begi- main street of tbo camp, he met Gen. (4 1- the United States, there are only 1.02 . , S , n.e t;!nR j ca,j)p with those and .his Staff, and an odicerfof the ir-' ish.jjjxcluding the-UttVtud-Mates, ,-ratn r ,U-A an.? Misis?ippi. iThe soldiers Upginient, the latter of whom insisted tfeut ( dish 2."0 more papers (1f the t u litter had' taken ui an aversion to P. should go into. bis tent, lor lie bad t -, r!j itu'crpijiMing tho je lemons of sound poli- on 1 ioftrneM( 0,ud imresively inculcated by , n r iiiilJ ,yrtihingtoii land -conscious t hat " bc ) . rcrfaimiuoi imisiii 1 iA ih. Vim,..;,.,., i? LHstnn : Tie tm iiili- - r. Wf ' ' . I , The oldest political journal, properly ! for what they regarded their liberties and periodical, is the ! Gazette de France, in- independenee ; but thus far they have stituted as far back as 1G31. In 1753, reaned but little from their change of co- the duties of a citizenofa free repu!Iiq, to such j there were puDiisneu in jngianu vari) loniai uepenuence 10 inuepcnucm jiowt-is. 1in education as wilHenable him intelligently but 7,411,757 papers, or, to be more clear- Ji will be seen by this statement, that to acquit himself of those hfigh functions, and ot , k understood, there were only that many , there are published throughout the world the corresponding dufu on the part 01 tne state 1 sheets circulated ilrom all tne puptications ; 5,84t2 papers and periodicals, ipsw ing to nrovide the reouisile facilities for the full eh- 1 inthe kingdom, tin 17G0 this number was ! out England. Ireland. Scotland and Wales, 1 ----a 1 cu , joyment of this r)ght,jwill ikot fail to lead to the increased to 9,000,000; in 1837 to more and adoption ol suchjineasuresj and to secure sucn i than 48,000,000, and in 1847 to 65.000,000. ' publ an organizauonas M ai. o luu. .. ucn ..This increase s extraordinarvftWtTTmvs v,o-Britib K!p mil to the wants and; modi in accordance y.ioiue , rf noweP Qf tic nress. ItsMnflnnee (ev. thn ll ib Wnrbl .besides, while the L'ni- rJ P.,,,,,. :,u,l. as he was infonned. hud fre- ery where great) on the pcMular mind of ted States ppblish 1079 more than every .piently threatend his life, and advised his own England is tremendous. ajM must, at no muntrv 011 the clohe. Could any thing men to take it. Their hostile feeling w-.is fur- very remote period, ole4-throw the "cus- be more complitnentary to the people ot tpins, usages and lavvs"-et remaining ot the United States? Could there be ex the feudal age, and give Cj tjhat country ; hihited any greater evidence of the fitness those civil and religious rights which free of our institutions for the diffusion of know institutions alone can confer. The press U dge and the development of the higher is able, and though it scattells evil as we I nontiments of man and the " divinity which , , w m - - - ' as good, it invites inquiry arm discussion. There is such a wide deference be tween the journalism of ouf day and that of former times, that we rnay consider ' 1. . 1 7 , spaners anogeiner Hmo'tern inven- f coming tiom crotyus ot men, other way than in' com- mo pointed to report afconstituti dy on to-morrdw rtiorni'ng. motion of Li C. IPharr. iMessrs stirs within him." Man, fo a groat de gree, partakes of the Divine nature itself, and forms the great link between the phy sical and intellectual world. He is the (her mani!e?ted by diluting him with insu'.tin; noises as he passed their q uitters iu dischar- giiiil of his duties as l ield Ollicer of the day. 'fhese ;.!iuhs were noticed in no plaint to their Officers. He had never spoken to a soldier ot either of these llegiments, un less brought into contact ' with; them in the course ot duty, which had required him to have some of them confined for breaches ot di-cinline. This ?taie ot feeling having con- tinned lor several weeks, 011 iiiu oim ui "i Caston iQ lulIiHed by the universal and mil tee fugh Wudatioti of her sons aud daughters ir l llftimtrij n:iti-iitte Inn. I ..1, . I .,i 1. - itilifiJ lave" taken ib'eir stand up.n this imjire;naoie principle ; and wo are 'WnpAii hyjifery consideration which can vli; brethren of tie same common family Aliens .-of jb satnc' nestimablo Union, anil Nlywtereyf4:Hl th erpetuity and abiding lbe.linr cherished institutions to Tif tiuif y, heartily, and cllieicntfv iu rrill, James Knox and W. Therl , were clppointed as the above co ! " On motion Of V. Therlow Caston, it was, ) licsolccd, 1 hat a committee of three be only being that can hold converse with compared with tKfe erazettes of our the world and commune with his God, and i ith cf Augu-t a crowd of more than 100 men R. f tT7v. Tke neVVSnarit.r nrf.: tnnk its tf o'nxipkM- iiiliunpt tn All these SUOe- fmm ttip Vii-'inia Uegiment entered the. en- i ' i ' i x i OW nnrPt M the risrht rii'iriiif over tlic aiiiinulMrt'cition, lie iKts camninoiu o inc com- j life with the freedmolsoeecw rjother been endowed with the laculty ot speech. nf rtiuiicc; ...u:u ...m i TS. slu- f:v ir nnt. wbi considering film, with " "'-vuooiuii, which, wnn all ow - liberties, we owe to the English tionof 1G88. Before that epoch, news? nal.le cnU.i-j. Khali we not cheerfully aPpomted this committee. WtMlVidppeaH Shall we nk thus riv. ; On motion the meetijig the VWivtf'uMir glorifius Union far more cf. to meet on to-rilprrbw mornina V FV M-. m w .- - ' , annointrd to renmmpri,) .!,.. . !:K-were consecraied 10 the announce to ill the vnrfoi. LmX 7r ' Z C " kme? ol e eiammation of tion, and also ji suitably individual to de liver the anniversary address at next com mencement. Messrs. T. M. Kirkpatrick, i. ij. uiivis ana l,. i. Hutchison were ?at dramatic noet, exclaim- a with 9uch larjre iliseourse, mt od-lik.e trust Ti4han fan ever he accomplished by po 'IcMiil'rdion, by party watch-words, by then adjourned ig at 8 o'clock. AugJ 12tH, 8 o'clock, p. m. - iassnmbled iu the ikfllf l; legllatiou. or tho most sue. ! The Alumni having Uph'o 'kdiviiual. local, or sectional College Chapel according to adiournment. i ue commiuee appointed on yesterday re ported a constitution, wliich was read aud received. : , '-f I The constitution was then read acle by article andj adopted. ., ' j On motion of Sj L. Adams, theconti- luiion was ine,n auopiea as a wrvoie. .tciVwijsof iho-isau'heJ-n Slates, individu imuh'rtii, nd especially I hose who pos- tfie laean if bcst wjng'a suitable educa Ktlielr, childre ofth? other poritions y'Hon!, jii provicing those facilities for Jry nutrqeti,,,, jvhich tho spirit of, the vt!ie:ehviids oj an advanced civiliza-, uire. ! Jllur, iu comparison with other tawbitl fclie retire has been made, ibeir wttelegi attires htivef failed to provide lhat titi(i,wieh is rrjquisiic not onlytQ aid VJVH-!5,"ra'4P !,,divua and sdcial in tlus repectj bit to ensure the prop. Nal aiid intiral jrulfivation of that large i ,la ve-y domfnuntty which is destitute of u . ' j vwajy oi mis inclination an 'adeiato Jeddcation for their chil. The tf fli i 1.1 bkj,A- r ". i J. . ' rM,."i";r.' rn" Jqnirc lhat all classes and every -NrcTti7lL l,lloo.t no f.- ... ;ki i Ninjr.'if!cqualily (a this respect and CUca piirpdiscsTno jess requisite, to the elfir'aMth'Si'ifA?ih 1 u (riimoscsTno jess requisite, to the hSf6l the State It ban tlmcA nf Ifa Pit. varelAyor,cd heyflnd their fellows in i 0rW!) lortuucL lhit each indhidual of ,8., 'tioii and: bt coun topej entific subjects and to literature thus its mnuenpe went no farther than letters. l ohticswas an interdicted subject, and could not4e published without the appro bation oflhe Kingi t In Piris there aremore than 300 pa pers, and it will not be uninteresting, we think, to classify them, for variety sake. Tliey are as follows : 31 daily pofitical, 4 reviews, 5 small papers, 21 non dailies. 24 religious or moral, (of which 10 are Pro testant.) 2G devoted to legislation and in- riajjiuuence, d lo political economy and " Mirly, Me tl Looking before and after, gave To rest in us unused."' Knowledge is power and the support of liberty, and no country can be free where knowledge is interdicted cir confined to narrow limits. . But it may not be out of place to anal yze this subject a little farther. Europe has a territory of 3,300.000 square miles, with a population of 235.000.000. and cir culates only 2,1 10 papers and periodicals. . Asia has an area of 10,72S.()00 square miles, with a population of 450,000.000, and circulates about 40 papers. Africa, with an area (according fo IT Ninth Carolina Uegimeut, aud in the presence ol many ot. its men and some of its Officers, committed a gross outrage on military order and propriety,. in interfering with the internal arrangements for enfoiceing discipline therein. At the tiine.iof this occur ence, which took place near the tent of the 'n i v... i .,.,r.MOil to be in another jJ-tt of li I Ifc l V . assurance that his life was in danger; ,'n. lorm ed him that the OfTicercof the jirr-: Regiment had taken ererj precaution jj top to iheir men leaving their quarters, this time, Gen. Wool and Staff, with p . hal arrived, and thrown a lin tf sentries ! tween the North Carolina Ufgimmt to! t others and the disturbances ceaseC. j M Stokes, though very unwell, turned out h - t dered every assistance to thevCoIonel i c maud. Lieut. Cl. Fagwas extremelv i I whole night, and could not get out. .'. of the Virginia Regiment also made pj-ner oilers to suppoit the Colonel, if r.eeu(:', assured him thai that -was a(cotnnvn j !' among the OtHcers of that Resimeni. Of own Company Officers, then in cn.;, tt.r.M made any tender of actual a-t aul the Lieutenant who was .ordeieJ lhe twenty men, failed to do fo. n..;.t i".r..v:ii!ed the remainder cf tl i" : . l 1 siiK-e. Un the next morning, a j v ol; 11. ie Cl . I" n nr ed by mo.t of the Company Ofiicer foment, then in camp, was sent to t.i in", in substance, thai uie signer? it To be necessary for the quiet and lar.r. the camp, and the Lieut. 1 . t i .i fc til I II it 1 L I I - 11. I . . . 1 a - -..v. .w. .i.ou-u io toimrr went oni ana ol the Keciment, fetiT attemnted to :rres.l emtio ,S ilir : - i.-.-.. ' tr ! . . . i r , . v. .,.,a...ia, commissiou. i uq .djuiant,l Lieut, aiifleh, !, but from thettardmess of the Sergeant in order- refused to receive ibis paper,)ind it wasUent t , U'J QUI Ills Mi:i n . t h v n onnri . lit tho rv.i I I . . I f ! 1 9 I lollowing evening. th- loth. 1 Lo same crowd enmeneed parading the streets of the North Carolina cam;) in bands, passing several times immeuiately betore the door and around the tent of the Colonel, making insulting aud pro- vok mg rcmarU: Col. Paine went out into the c'roMd of Virgin ia Volunteers, and succeeded in arresting two j it . -i i, -..,., - - f - .iiiiiii i ne commiuee ot nominauoji. reported rine ar;s 'md agriculture and rural econ nominees whifch Were takerr Up separate-! omv. 23 to commerce and industry t to ly, and the follviHg personrwere elected Public instruction. 20 to the ladies voun'cr oiucers oi. inis, Association viz : ; "ul,1Rn ana misses tae moiseiies) and chil ' V President, .Rev. JAMESKNOX. v :Fo Victf President, Rec. Sec, ' T. Iyi rkfatr ic k , A. AI Cor. Sec; WyTiiERLow Caston, A. M. Treasurer,7i'P?JtojAD. Joiixstox; government, 12 to history, statistics and trnvl il tn 1 ; t . . o .1 n. . Willi lll pa i , in- and imus to 1 e,tricXn m U0 l miles.nd a popula ion ' -,.h his . ...;.,. rcporicd .hemti iiT. .1 V-u&,--; o "K'atPlc.lls, 1j lo loo .Jig COO circulates hut .,,. I heir CI I. !... ordrr.-d ihem into coofine. the mathematical and natural sciences, Z ' "it. n' 1 1 . " -.V' l.PTT! This ,,,..,, Hu, rW; for half an to meuicme, iy tolhe m larvanrl mn. . " "-""J '.,ILu "J 8. 9K.niii.. ivj ui -1 , 1 1 tJL n; tin IUU IUU which ar considered as forming th grand division of the globe, has an area (according to Graberg) of 15,301,73G square miles, and a population, according to Maltebrun, of 20,000,000, circulates 20 papers and periodicals. America, North fjin.l .it. l...c- . . . . : T . I "' '."11111, Htm .in .in.it acecnungio ia entaP nress of v,.;cno ioomoao-t i , T,.. : V V.... . ' . . v"".w ,.o.uoi uuare nines, anu a curcn, li to fashion, (Ie modes.) 4 to pic torial collections, 7 to announces, and 12 I : i. . .. ' wuucuii to arrange nder any category. As regards the The Association then went into an elec- nppan! frive aba Stilt". L-.fct cl - 5 wliatever - may be his Irospects whether Ube lesl thousands, ,of the es foverty and misnntune- lully andi freely in the bless. 15 y nootlier means, and iii no wcrnme'ntlsuccped in fufilling c i I . i 1 . . . i ...... r. icir creation, or individual and uiiilofirtlr tesnectcd arid main-- Yin i " 3V,lor5rfl iiaruiy ana negiectea Nile ii'p!maJ j,hrhigh some of t bo. in. SCt. s.vhcea nd ichauges" of .capri- NDrDl0'!1 !10 4ea5,l,y and induen .'miiihiu . aou lie is u.k iiii 4it no with V1 "... . vt fv .L : w Nil Ji VU1 !uu6f "ty, tenain,4ii Ma- "' D0SSPM an mini- Ly afT' j -ft,,t low ttumiHisira- JVp, TJ r M.ihel republie.! He is cer. e'WrW good or for evil, ;S'.orsn,a:cr scale, in tho varied of which lod are pohticV Miterarv,and im ,l..-.i l . . l w. . ur;wn:u iu lutai news, v iSHUm" her is added those papers that disappear monthly, the result 750 papers, published in the w hole king jdom; which will be an average of 2j to every 100,000 inhabitants. : ;! p In Belgium they have 84 journals, which is 27 newspapers for 100,000 inhabitants. In proportion to the population, Belgium and Brussels have a greater number of population now perhaps of 45.000,000, cir culates 3.50 4 papers and periodicals. The area of square miles of Europe Asia, Af rica and Oceanica together is 46 ,G00,4Glf with a population of 807,412,600, only circulates 248 papers and periodicals out of the 5,842 published over the whole globfe. l'he United States has an area of A500,000 square miles. This, however, . - hdtir, when the bands of the ohrr Regiments '"ntyr,s ' again beg in to parade the North Carolina camp, he fifth , ... ,, i , .. to iiiio moih-s ai ine voionei unucr cover of the daikness. He twice altem)ied lo arrest some of them in person but tbey escaped Id" their Quarters, cursin.' him as they fled. -The design to do him personal injuryl being now ap. parent, the Coionel oidered oul i guard, as Well for his own safety, as to preseryer the quiet of the camp. He therefore orderecjj a detail of eight men for a guard of his own1 quarters. It was now about 6 o'clock, P Mj Six of them were brought and placed under the .command of the Sergeant Major, with instructions to post two sentries jn the rear of bis tent, to prevent any otter than .'men of his own llgiment from passing, and to lake up all : strangers attempt. ! ' ij.: . .. ing to pass. TbeV irgiuia soldiers bad been pre viously notified that they would hot 1)3 mflered includes Texas and Missouri and Oregon seuiiuels with those instructions! (bo Ser"cant .viiuunto Vwm vc uiigiu &ay uninnaoucu viator weni io me company frbm which the territory.) lhe population may be set remaining two meri had been ordered, la learn newspapers tnan r ranee and.T'ans. 13el- j down at 20.000.000. Thus! thre will be : wbv ther had hot been furnuW-i in gium is below England, where, neverthe- ; gi vert to other states and territories in ; ry short time the 1st Sergeant of i bat Company j less, the press is burthened with taxes ; i North and! South Amerim n area of came to inform the Colonel that! his men nosi- i tioh for an Anniversary Oration. On.motion7 itt wa$ . . I Resoluc(l Tit in abstract oifjhe'min utes of this meeting: be published in the Ca rol i n a 'Vath man, .Te m pe ran ce A d vof cate, Charlottel Joqrnal anu r ayetteville Observer.' ' f, ' j " . ; . The Constittitiori was then signed, and the meeting adjourned till. the, next com mencement, jl ' ,v i ' ' ; - R. E. SHERRILL, Sec. pro tem. It is said that the Aummtsiration is-as viceS of the post In Holland. Swjtzer much displeased wi n the armisiiceoi uen. , . Prussia, Riissiai Austria. Soain. Italy this innln t.n L,uf Lv norriti.nc, Scott as it waH wih that of ben. Taylor an(J the other countries of Europe, there in territory conquered from Mexico ; while obliged to draw his sword and rae it over the at Monterey;':, rrhisis characteristic. . are 76 papers and periodicals of every de- the. United States publishes 3.400. The ' hf?.1 of "eber,lr? he could H compelled to -It SCems to settled lhathe story a. scription. X WhaU commentary is this on area of square miles for all countries ex- Zo ,h S boui an innocbt tan' being,hang in: Ala- these government, ! Jn the loth and 16th cept the United States, is 50 02,498, and " lJ"5". .5 I bama is incorrect. jLetters from the vicin. centuries, Holland was the seat otepm- 2 3 ?2 papers and periodicals, while the ; Company were added to the quarter guard as ity snv-that nolsucn confessions have been ! - i . - , ted States has an area of only 2,500,- feq.,ired. The Cololnel. it being; now near U made as is assorted, and that nothing has i' ol 20,000,- o'clock, returned towards his tent, and large I more than ail other countries beside, and by the darkness ; one of these, weighi but literary and scientific papers are ex- 9.902.037 square miles, wiili a nonulation tively refused to obey the order. empt from the stamp and the onerous ser- j of 25,000,000, and amon which is circu- ! immediately repaired to their rv.t i i ; . i ? j 1 I iuu voiouci ii y a private soiuier. ue rfceivr ; it with surprise, and immediately laid itibefor", Gen. .Wool, without commetfL Upon which, the General forthwith issued h)ofdcr, d smisj. in from the service the two (facers ni' st pro minent in signing ;; also, disnussiig! wi h c'is honor, the Virginia private wlo was wtunded in the hand, and one in Company A J wiio be longed to the sameidetachmeii with the unfor tunate Dradley, and who had gone from Us own Company to that in which. h was loriiinalU- t recruited, and dissuaded the nen then from turning out as guards, swearing ibt tbeje was not a man in his Company who voutl tu n out. On the day following, the greater non ter of tho Officers who had signed tte paper above referred to, severally tendered their resign;, tion . each' assigning as lhe reason, tat be w is t:. willing to sanction by bis silence, lhe irs -.a tion cast upon him, in common whh jothtfrs, I; connexion with the uufortunatf occurrcrjcc of the 15th of August." These fere hantd hy the Colon rl to (icii. Cushing. jjThe resigning Officers were sent for by Gen. Woorp an( after a conference with him, are untlerstood to bate withdrawn their resignations, ad consen ed to strike their names from the other piper. Set', eral of these Officers subsequently com muni, cated with the Colonel in regard to lhe laper in question, and explanations tolok place, i e-e. tablishing their kin 1 relations. Vtrui tbat long ere ihis, the same is the i lease with all: and that our Regiment, heretofore distinguished for order and discipline, will soin recorerjfroni this temporary cloud, (.'apt. Hewt's Confpany was not in ranm. .it the$e ocrurreiiccsj and Capts. Price and Williamson uadi Lieut. Tat. ham'wprp nl.iotit on recruiting serTiee. lien. lated only 131 papers and periodicals, and found lhem in state of open mutiny ; and or. ! giments, and : this irirlnrbc fo r.nW,c.,-,l bv on r n t Ione dering some of them to hearrested, he was advices, fne u fThe Colonel Wool hns ordered a separatioa of the North quarters, and Carolina from th- irgmiaand .JiMsippl hey were encamped, at tbC; J i, miles aiiari. f Gen Wt ol approved entirely, of the riurs .. i ..i i.:-... I n.L .i.l h iho of Co!. I'ain--, tlirr.oghout the mtmy. Colonel requeued a Cotirt of Rtiquiry. and ('ol. Hamtratn' k. But th4 litter C3 h iving been taken i!l, and li-forfe bis recovery. trie torue'r oing orieicu hi ccoi m ind, the ml did not m:. Te h' r ever iransnirca tofthrOW any doubt tipbn 1'' hTv-thrce departments, named after thlJrtat riv-1 000, and publishes 3,460 papers 1,070, stones were thrown at him by persons bidden ; ever that auu.her w ill be c..f itutrjl the cuilt of thb man who was executed, 'ers. - s f " the guilt of th0 nog more earliest d ty practicable. roth iov. tho We le!ani tbat Ucni. i lie. latt lung .M '.-.'.; ' ' It . il e