. J . : - I " - i- -''i . ' ' h - :H . : i ' j j t fi iC'MoU' advance, Two d6llars 'JT7 nt SI for the first, and 25cts. itifv-,i.i.-n iWrtion. Court order, charged HiT'V r lU the rate,. A liberal deduc- .he EJitphmul be postpaid. vZZ-h FOU CUTT1NU bULUS. . , - ft' - - . - , . Us L , : : The so Af, C.-U. Uie QNvj of Marlboro, Mass., i-Vinvenlcd ii fonchinc for culling ou for boots anil sliosol every siz and 'Wr m... tn m, ait nut vrnt with the lJ BRUNER & JAMES, Editors 4 Proprietors. ! Keep a chec? urox all tour Rulers. L0 THIS, ASD LlBEETV IS SAFE." Gen'l. Harrison. NEW SERIES, NUMBER 44, OF VOLUME IV. SALISBURY, N. C, THURSDAX, MARCH 2, 1848. n r tlmt the . t k fnr ii "L's nil iui win " Xiwl will U UiijrMy dip'"sed uiih, dinner solei j This; will be a machine ffrcJti in,miii m JbufllUlc,tirnsef M it is very simple, fhc inventor wp jure nfurmcd has taken aerates to Micprc apatent. MENTAL PHILOSOPHY. From the Southern Christian AdvocateJ EXTRACTS OF LETTERS FROM DISH OP CAPllRS TO HIS FAMILY. j Texas, Dec. 20, 1847. Alas, that thii little pent up patch ot a coun. Mountains should he all the territory owned by j 1 outh's Book on the Mind, by Cyril earl, our sovereign citizens ! Vhat a pity that we ! The more thoroughly this science is un- The following synopsis of the benefits resulting from a thorough and practical knowledge of this science is from " The -i - LATII MACHINE, the in !incinnati, has could not he spread abroad over so much epace, lhat every one uf the sovereigns might claim in his own i ight a omain as wid as he could look over from the tbp of a mountain ! Why fifiy millions ot people as sovejeijjn as common sense would hare them, with right habits, miiht he amply accommodated west of the Mississip- as we now h;6ld it. IJut no. We must coon machine wv splitting laths, f Mr. VVInslow of Cincini Wft put into qfy'tnt ion tn boutbwark, Pa. I . ft - - - : 1 fl fr-v oncvl . . ------ -------- Iti5thenrSlu,rr,v,?.u .,,., tn.u, - lhe md.ans ,n a corner that AnAmericans b,h mind of mart is of more value than jljjfgnwes at)q nas surpnseu .me goou may ijave roorn to lun wild : and as for civili-1 his body ; '-..rhanics ot Philadelphia. I zalion. we inusli nerfect that 1)V the natent nro- ! i.' : .i i .l... : 1 Lt derstood by instructors, the more success ful and happy will be the results Ujjon the instructed : i i f. . The study of the Human Mind Mono of the most extensive and important that can be pursued. Man is the noblest jwork of God with which we are acquainted ; and DOMESTIC EDUCATION OF FEMALES. BY REV. E. II. WIXSLOW. jThe greatest danger to females, at the pres. ent time, is the neglect of domestic education. Not only to themselves, hut to husbands, fami lies, and the community at large, does this dan- (ir.cnnici" ...u,r.... ........ - huge-' log 'ip .piacj'ti in tnc macmne, id bribe meatisof two knives, one work- j5 ptrpendicuiarly, .and the other bori- zation, we must nerfect that by the patent pro cess of unchinked cabin?, meat without salt, meal heat in a mortar, and men, women and children, friend and strangers, sleeping in the JjUlly, thei Intbs are cut from the side ! same apaitmerij. This is a great country of nfthP kS wbicb U pu-ibed around by the ours, and potenl is the spell of our free institu- iat the laths are of a uni- i "ns; sotnat cropean paupers lor only touch- rind Hvidth. lt is driven 1 a wiii-tMa are converted into sovereign ciuzens. i-Nrvifiineiess wnai is easily caiuea His Holiness had peripmtorily refused that permission; and declared that he would, in conjunction with all hisallies, resist by force all invasion of his States. Lord Minto, on the other hand, liaving been asked if England would permit Austria to send a naval expedition tn X.ml i ! J T. C . . . i. , .- " . 1 ' ger impeiiu. jy iar me greatest amount ot understood to have ret) ed that his Gov- 1. 1 . ' , i r l . , t i . . nappiues in civnizea me is louna in uie domes tic relations, and most of this depends on the domestic culture and habits of the wife and mother. Let her be intellectually educated as highly as possible ; let her moral and social na ture receive the highest graces of vigor and re fihement ; but along with these let the domes lie virtues find ample place, ; i , ofth machinery, so t fern" thickness )yteam powe and";will cut the laths at derate of twolhundred a minute. ELECTRIC LIGHT. Vc learn frohJ th1 'Buffalo Commercial UvprtUerabat Mr. II. Adams, of that ci- K m discovejrpd a method of producing ncrraanent light frotii electricity, lt is Wide rorfi rn t.ils, (Vaiid within a glass rasK The batierv is f such a nature as IlolfPp up a coin Ma nt How of electricity. If aI the proportion are rigtn anu me ina wial used is (k large as can be obtained fithin a glasvtse one foot in diameter, ic light, jdaeed in a suitable position, tiljije feen for miles round. The inien iiy of th- lighi is sard to be such that one ill light ibe city a perfecly as daylight i may he speedily? lost. Law and order, society and morals, require, education. Wonder what should becomejjof the children of a people who should be. more'sfecattered than those of the West now are ? Who might furnish the schoolmas ter when the IVfelhodist preacher might not he able to find a Way to their habitations? I have heeri thinking again what a vain thing it is, in many cases, for people to break up their old htrljnesteads and move a thousand mile;, and morp, in search of fat lands. In an other letter 1 have glancedat the disappoint ments, and heiit-rending losses sorntitimes at tending such removals, by sickness and death. 13ut what is thq gain ? I am ready to conclude lhat, in many Cases, movers are not actuated by any high expectations of gain hy.iheir re movals, but a moody state of mittd. ,The home fiUliKiitine caty a pei ieci uauugiu. an(, are poor; laljor tails ot its reward: no. Ihe whole' appatits for making a light ! thing but poverty seems to impend ; and they jfthis mag6it!iidu Will not occupy three (eft square.! J can, also be made on a wall scale fViif chufebes, and dwelling- nt 1 ' . . 1 . I louses. Aiic expense is siateo 10 oc i-rj triilnff, compahil with that of any other light. Mr. Atjabs jias already applied for pate n't v ! 11 i From YitiAfyjntelligencc from Me rida to the 1st jjnf January states that the Congres of Yucatan had voted an extra appropriation to sustain the war against V Indians, aqdi hutj authorized the otli- rs oi nm juroy' iinieui 10 resioc iogun ?at nuy place where they deemed it most con veh ie fit,. The town of Ichnml was taken posses-' lion of by the Jnliliaiis on the 24th Decern iwr, after hartng betl evacuated by Don Miguel '.Bo'lidji vho at the head of his troons. escorted thfcee hundred families 4jlovards I'eto.! Bdli, w ith corps of four sur.oreu uen, .spstaineu nimseu ior sever tldays againtj the repeated attacks of il thousand sa-yages. and only retreated iflcr his litilelbful was exhausted with tauevuf, and further resistance would on ly Lcn .1.1 i r...n;i:.., Wilet their prpfectipn to the fei I lamilies ocitv of irir enemie,( Onf tht; 12(th December Jcnor ltosado lilTectqd ti junction with Bo bat Peto, after, overcoming many dilli :lties. The iiavages bad evacuated the on of Nnhatbm,' lieing-apprehensive of in Mtack front the Yucatan forces. .i)lk'lUoistaYucfi1cca describes the de- bWahlc condition 'of the peninsula as ow- H to the I whites having considered the odians as'their equals, having bestowed tyon them theirights of citizens, furnish- w schools fori their.' instruction, a"d at 'ifnptcd to brijig tliem to a state of civil- Uon. Any Other'Ltiropean or Amen people, says tho JUvixla. would long 'ncc have exterminated these savages t tlicjr atroctities.ahd cruelties. are ready to venture an exchange for anyplace that offers a hdnus of rich lands. But the true cause of discontent, is not so much in the pov. ei ty of the lands, as one's own disordered spir its. The mailt has grown moody and for want of spirits, relaxes his endeavors, and then hlames the lands for a deficiency which exists mainly in himself. To what purpose then might he remove, unless he could leave himself hehind? If he had not spirits and perseverance sufficient for the single disadvantage of poor land, while ho was surHfrmded with ' many countervail ing advantage!, what is he to do when "with the single advantage ot rich land he finds him self heset with all manner ol inconveniences? Want of ordef in society, want ot neighbors, wanttof school;, want of water, want of timber, want of mi!ls: want of almost everything ex cept land only Loss of servants, loss of catte, scarcity of mrney, distance .from market, and almost every destitution, except corn and pork and these not Excepted for the first year or two. These moody movers never move to profit;-never are contented, Inever get settle, are always" mo. vi ng, or would-it they could. Come From where they may, they never find their firs-t great want supplied, activfi spirits and a patient industry ; and without th;ese, there are no lands on the surface of ihofwhole glohe which can make a man happy or ii ontented. ,1 have seenfin the Southern Christian Advo cate a letter frbm .Cypress circuit, given an ac count ui three meetings in that circuit, at which ! there had heeh four hundred and twenty-five i dollars raised for missions. How much of this money, though! I, niight the same people have It is the mind that raises man j above the brute, that allies him to angels, and brings him near to God. . j j lt4s in the mind and not in the body, that we are to search for the image of God. h Next to the study of the Divine IMind the character, government and will of God we should hold in estimation, the study of the human mind. Of angels, or oilier cre ated beings superior to man, we know but little ; and the study of their nature and employments, must be reserved for another state of being. But the Study of the human soul is nowwithin our reach ; and it is fitted to awaken the deenest in- ! :' terest. ! ! , " The proper study of mankind, 13 man." The benefits of this stud) are numterous. 1. It serves to strengthen, expand and elevate the mind, and prepare it! for the pursuit of air knowledge. Knowledge is gained by mental effort, and this effort is constantly fitting the mind for still high er attainments. 0 other study can do this more successfully than that of mind itself ' j j 2. Mental Philosophy is the basis of self-knowledge. It is the sudy of!" bur na ture, necessities, and capacities. It makes us acquainted with ourselves ; for k is the ! study of our thoughts, feelings, and con duct in the various relations we! sustain. 3. We thus learn to discipline our minds, and to direct them into right courses, and to useful ends. In all efforts for iself im provement we have occasion for just views of philosophy of mind. We must neces sarily be acting upon principles! either of true or false philosophy, at every step, in self education. 4. Our know ledge of others will be in proportion to our skill in Mental Philoso phy ; which is but another name for a knowledge of human nature. This knowledge is sometimes i gained by the study of men, in the intercourse of life ; but there is need of instruction in this, as in every other science. It is a profound science ; and books, teachers, and direct efforts are as necessary in this, as in any science which claims our attention. 5. This knowledge is of vast importance to the teacher. -He-has need of the most thorough acquaintance with mind, both - ernment would take no step to prevent j me repression ot a rebellion, but that, in ; the event of the success of the revolters, ; 'ind the establishment of a regular Gov- . . 1 IIIC ll-liiUlIJll U I tl- ... 1 . .. , rlj T nrrt Tuim1... . i i me urusn ne.naa a if tv in; ij a: j pies, lord I a merston would oppose all I ,.rll (if,.nMM ,.. n 7 .. ijbreisn in.en.ion. LordjMiZo. o Z . had ordered -tie BriusU fleet not to appear ; wilh hi, name on it. Uo .ui. es, levins presence $nouia ocea- i lured, and a Mexican officer, MEXICAN INTELLK Special Corrttpondenrt tf ',? CiTr or Mexico, Ja:i. From what I bare heard I am correctness of the inlonnaliou i:: iu Jalapa, by an intelligent in re ! resided there several years, t!. a would be made to raise a national i but, as.it struck me at the tin . since been verified, the con- ir; sufficient courage or energy to eculiou of their plan. The do.. have heen to raise jimultanco-.-: , in Puehla and Jalapa, and attack t but especially the officers. Circ ; come lo light which serve to cl.i-.'. ortion of the reitpectalwe inhabit .1: implicated in the affair ; on the c were desirous of the plot being -it was from them information of t: obtained. The Padra Jarauta, it ly said, was in the city a day cr t . anacK was to hve been made, a in nis euorts to excite the pre fect Iho plan. Jt i. probable th no trouble to us for some iim if ij I. nt Iill1. fli.tt I . . t is mui iiiiiu uuuui was 6CVCI1 1 H e cannot say much to odr daughters about j sion a revolutionary movenient. had, on ; fractured by being thrown by his ! their being hereafter wivesiand mothers, but j receipt of the intelligence of the insur- 1 a stone wall, in flight, before d: w;e ought to think much of it, and to give the j rection 0f Palermo, sent directions to Ad- 1 rauta was wounded. I vou!J I thought prominence in all our plans for their ed- j m'ra' Parker to detach ships bf the squad- j capture of Jarauta as the rn jt ueation. Good wives they cannot be, at least : ron to l,le Silician coast to protect the per- i " be made, and an expeditif-n v. i r ; m r- . TT l : .11 sons nd pronserty of English residents. ,rom bere ,n a 'ew days, which t! for men of intelligence, without mental cu ture : 1 rr. ,.'r 1 f A J iiiiBii8i i wiun is hnn ;il,rAtf ; 0 ' ..I I he Pontifical Government had concluded noles ''rult in his capture good molhersthey certainly cannot be without ! a ioan nf 1 nnonnn of n,wt;i fonn non ! of Santa Anna himself.! T- -" " 1" " " " " 1 v.y T a I . . antcaFrench banker. I ? rau,a W0T 06 ,TS?Ue Uccr me, energetic anu taJenicd, and more courage than any of his hrc There is but little doubt, too, that S in the citj upon an errand simil.ir t rauta, but he, like his co-Iaborer, ! dent to shorten his visit. The expedition to which I refer cf four hundred mounted men, half TV, and halfdragoons, under the con:-:. Lane, whose activity in the nt h' Puehla, in routing the different enemy, wilh severe- losses, from t! it and more than this, they cannot he such ; at 94, with M Delahante wives as men need, unless they are good house- The position of the iron trade remains keepeis; and they cannot he good housekeep. ! unaltered, except that several additional ers without a thorough and practical teaching furnaces have been put out pf blast. The td that end. Our daughters should be practi- j sP'r'1 of infatuation still prevails among cally taught to hake, wash, sweep, cook, set ta- i the workmen, and they continue to absent hje, make up beds, sew, knit, darn stockings, i mselves from the works, vhile the un- take care ofchildren, nurse, und do everything " aieu 51 ,g" , 01 DUs,n("$s allords no nir-tntn. ... ,t.. "12 , ! Pspect that the masters will be enabled Q . " " (Jam Y Ty i to ve way to their demands, happiness of the household. All th.s they can , The cofers anJ miners e &Uq learn as well as not, and hetter than not. It tially on strike, and a few idisturbances need not interfere in the least with their intel- j have taken place in the neighborhood of' vo,,'t"give8 promise that he will n t r leetual education, nor with the highest style Kindswinford and Dudley, by the exhition i out (""f'ng something import": of refinement. On the contrary, it shall great- of violence on the part of the unemploy- ! f oi doinS 7'Le f xi i.j .l . . .i ... ed ae-ainst th mnr Mfl,nt,i. r i ,,c some tenor twelve d iy ly contrioute thereto. Only let that time, or even a portion of it, which is worse than wast ed in idleness, sauntering, gossip, frivolous read, ing, and the various modern female dissipations Which kill time and health, be devoted to do iriestie duties and domestic education, and our daughters would soon be all that can be desir ed. A benign, regenerating influence would go forth through all the4amilies of the land. Health and joy would sparkle in many a now lustreless eye ; the bloom would return to grace rriany a faded cheek, and doctors' bills would fast give way to hills of wholesome fare. From the Philadelphia Evening. Bulletin, Fel. 17. Arrival of the Steamer Hibernia. One Week Later front Europe. The steamship Hibernia reached New Yfork about half-past 8 o'clock last eve ning. She sailed from Liverpool on Sun day, the 30th ult. The Bank of England has reduced the rate-of interest to four per cent. Out ol the bank the rate is three per cent. lt is announced that the King of Den mark is dead. The mercantile failures which have. oc- companions who have returned to work. ! hoSWj counng this valley, in So i-reat is th Ai.,r C :J Z I known there arc several guirr..:.;. YcIJ! Y v" r : i ' ; strike Tor high game in the dirccti asses at Vienna, that; thoi funds of the I ,-,n i classes public pawnbroking establishment has I been exhausted by the numerous advan ces which it has made on j pledges, and it has consequently contracted a loan of 1,000,000 florins (about 104.000.) The people of Venice and IMilan amuse themselves by writing words applauding the Pope on all the dead Walls, and the Austrian authorities are forced to employ a number of men to whitewash these ob noxious inscriptions, which are regularly effaced in the morning, and; as regularly re-written during the night.! Letters from St. Petersbprgb, in the Hamburgh Gazette, state lliat the disor der of the Emperor of Russia has return ed with increased violence. ! He has been compelled to keep his' room for several zaba. i " Mrxu s The expedition under the cum -Lane which left this city ohTci - ' sisted of a portion of Col. Hays' T ment, with the gallant colonel hi companies oi the 3d Dragoons c:, ; mand of Major Polk. Mr. Scully, correspondent, accompanies the j ,. doubtless keep you fully adrfsed of ; ment?. The Star of Wednesday pnbli. ! from a letter of the Secretary f ' contains an eloquent and well ir. to the high military skill and hra j Scott and the army undr hi cm i is as it should be Such.testimc: irom so uistmguisneu a source..'! to the gallant army whose nc so richly deserved them, and ate their effect on the day ot battle. I inclose you a letter from (Jen. in leacrnntr. and (rnvprninir I ; voiin - - - - r, ----- i " - - davs. it is stated that 527 vessels, laden with grain for St. Petersburg!, are detained by the ice in the port of Hybtisk, which is ! editor of Los Debate, a newjo-jj: siiuaieu ai me meeting oi tne two rivers, i nucicmiu amuw cojucj vi n.. the Kybinska and the Volga ; and, in or- j hv ,lie courier who left on; the 1 der to preserve the grain, it will have to I Awn forth by a laje publicati ;: curred since the lGth of Jannarv, have I be disembarked and stored until thespring. na 5' ,n wn,ch he -Napoteon k v.... .,ru.,-. i I...... I i r i ru: charges liravo with cowardice i; iirr ii ir t r i in ntiiiiiiri. i i i ift in iiiiir i nr: niiiiiii-m nr-i iiiiiu iniiiii iiiiii i iin i ' of Chapultepec, 1 Tie gallant This is true of the teacher in every de partment ; whether it be in the family cir cle, the common school, the academy or ! high school, the college, or professional contributed uUjhree meetings in an Arkansas j seminary, or the sanctuary. AH,. who in or lexas circiiit, supposing them to have re-1 any relation or station attempt to teach moved thitherllin the last ten years? How i and influence others, need a knowledge , j r O f much? And I; found myselt at a loss for the of mind. ! answer. Laid, what is land ? The people of j G. Equally important is a knowledge ! cypress circuw are wnai tne. worm cans poor : 0f the mind in conversation, writing for inu u.e.r uinc poor; yi mat circuit is good the press in pubic speal;i ng, jn the prac- .... ,..u -w Ui. 1WI VI lUISSI.JUS, ,lr0 nrfl, MVV Hllfl tTIP, r- ltifliflc in rJ ut Krit'i I n f Mini I m im nrr i i rifa ic 11111 m t- -v tr f r r- f corresponding period within a few months i The Amsterdamscbc Coufant contains j be7or"'ottcn rite i i m" a" iHd'' nast. Rut. on the continent, firms of r.on- : an announcement nf Mpssrsi Honp Co.. n . . .t . V"" . . . r . , 7 . . . I . ' . . . i a" w0 were present ai ine iii n I...K A. ...... L . LSI.. I . B.l AI I I.I I . s;un euie inipui innct: coiiiuiut: 10 Mop pay- ! oi uie im uiMaui, uy uiiicu me noiurrs ment; and the reaction of the late crisis ! of the Louisiana bonds are invited to de in England is very severely throughout ! liver their bonds at the office of said Europe and in other parts of the world. Messrs. Hope 6c Co., together with a de i The directors of the North and South , claration of acquiescence iri the proposi Wales Bank, which suspended in Novem- ' tion of the Louisiana Citizens' Rank. ber last, have made arrangements to re- j This proposition is to be bad at Messrs. same payment in the early part of Feb- ! Hope & Co's, with a form of, consent; punepec Know me laisity oi iuv ., against him hr the hprn rfn ). : c - j The Monitor ari that Padre J . thef dead nor sev erely wo s escaped wilh a slight woun I in t adds that be had only twenty in . skirmish wilh the Texan?," an I t! f..mm . . it. .1 . ft. La. luitroj in uiai niitaii liis iuii v i. : ruary. and the term of applying is fixed' (rom the ! creased. This is about as Jjrur Lord Palmerston has protested against t 2Glh of January till the Mtli of February. from y( tice of the law and medicine : in rnercan- rear to year, as an entire Weslern con- ! :i i ' i terence. 1 hey are dwellers at home, content, i i . 1 1 o, wi.h thr Lr,vn nA ! o' oi history and languages ; in framing aim (luiuiijisici ing iiuiiiau uvfriniieiiis j j... and fio on tl face of ihe earth. Then I thought, suppose these men of Cypress circuit should be removed one hy one lo our Western border, so gradually as to preserve to their suc cessors the hedefil of the present prevailing in- foinarkablc Astronomical Phenomenon. DECREASE IN THI$ SIZE OF THE SUN. By recent iliUeovi'Vics at thn National CbSftPfft Wt.tlittTt.AM P.iff fiil rttlior ft ' . . I - - J .1 oV..fl.hl mz nftiirbH mn lo rhhn:t hoi ivppm pcrs, it bas4lfrenj ascerta neu that the;: . - . i. ,, r in all efforts for reforming the manners or morals of men in political action and political economy. It is useful in paint ing and sculpture, and in all the-efforts tluence at their old homes, and their removal i of genius, and the creations of imagina should have heen complete, and their present j tion in every art. residence folly occupied hy others, suppose ii ! 7. The study ol s has dtic'rejtscd ip volume nearly one 0ta I und, thi$ingular phenomenon has burred entirely during the past month ! tn press people at their new homes in a Western I circuit, and one among the new comers, their I ciiipne.n in ilifl old (!vnips rirroil. which nf e change: took 'place suddenly, since, ,u ,.., ultli,t 1 ,hnn( ? And I feh to de. ording;to accurate observations, on the j cide promptly, for the new comers in the pine rning of tfir lStlvVult., it presented its 1 ln.l nf Pvnilss men moved off to the fattv sua vuUmc o th, vision of the spectft- j West. AVhat has become of the mass of mem- Jriasjlt rose oi) tne next day, the al- ; hers lost to tlnf churches in the old States by gallon Was Vusily); perceptible, even to removals to tht new 1 f I hey have been coun- '"cnaketJ eyejl lts FoRM, too, is altered. ted by thousands, perhaps lens orthonsands, in rHatitndA lias 'deeri-.s:il lniicritiict hns ' the loss of them : but how many, and who. -T C ' o " . - - . - i ' . . . . " . have they h?ch reckoned whither they have gone ? I had Supposed that they had gone for a great Christian purpose, and that I would find them chief among the brethren,, leading the frontier churches in the old paths, pillars in the temple, lights n the land ; hut I am iold it is quite otherwise with the most of them, who, if they are in the church at all, are barely so, while the menfof influnnce and distinguished worth are chiefly to be found among those who came to the country unconverted, and have been converted and brought into the church first and only at their western hc-mes. Ce prolonged ! USteCT DOES NOT FOLLOW EX- r ; TAVAGANCE. The man. wid takes care of his eam.ncr more: reiiiieeted than Iir'-wIui smmn. ail 1 11 i riotousiivinii." So with thn :w!i'. S A II linmrli mhv cnniwl jflast dollatln tlti purchase of a new Jor a costly shawl, and follow the ,ms of fash ioiyak closely as does the finable lH'le who has thousands at .disposal, she cannot make neonle be- khe really is ;and is more likely to ftuspfcion as tjOjlier rectitude of char . an tp keep i:vay such good men I tae good,' liusbnhds, from her society. - J a he lived prudently and dressed I.!'- it .1 , e van biinginto half mourning, in- are .'ilnV ofTonr fR Klf dnnrl V bearing her. mother say EWRAXK'S HYDRAULICS. No. 4 of tris valuable standard work has jut Vieen Issued from the press of Gree ly and McElrsuh, This is a work which we again tafte occasion to say, should be in every mars possession no matter what business he may follow after. No me chanic at leat should be without it, as it ly of the human mind is pe culiarly fitted to lead us to the study ofj the Divine JMind. Ihe more we know of ourselves, the more slmll we feel our need of the knowledge ot God ;j and no other created object can give ui higher ideas of wisdom, power, and benevolence than the human mind. Its faithful study, in connection with the truths of the Bible, is needed to qualify us forhis presence and service, and for the intercourse of all holy and intelligent beings, j State of 3Lortft Carolina, - CABARRUS COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Qaarter Sessions Janu ary Sesssions. 1849. J. S. Linker, 1 Attachment levied 01H defendants rs. interest in the Lands of Daniel Bost, Solomon Bost. ) deceased. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant has removed beyond the limits of the State : It is therefore ordered by the Court, that publication be nun! for six weeks in the Carolina Watchman, publish ed in Salisbury ,.N. C, notifying the said defendant to be and appear at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Ses sions, to be held for the County of Cabarrus, it the Court House in Concord, on the Third Monday in! April next, then and there plead or demur, otherwise an order of sale will be made. t . Witness, R. W.' Foard, Clerk of our said Court, at Of fice, the 3d Monday in January, A. D. 184&, and in the 72d year, of American Independence. I R. W. FOARD, c. c.c.c. (541 -"' Printers fee 85 50 the forcible levying of taxes upon English residents in Mexico, to Support the war with the United States. These levies were made some six months since, and the English residents then protested a gainst it. The King of Bavaria has ordered those Jesuits who have taken refuge there, af ter banishment from Switzerland, to leave within three days. The editor of the Presse (Paris paper) states that he had seen a letter, written from on board an American ship of war, dated the 16th, off Messina, which states that a fire of artillery had been opened on tbat place. ! It is mentioned in advices from Berlin, that a state of business approaching panic had been witnessed on the Bourse, in con sequence of the nature of operations aris ing from the general aspect of political and commercial affairs. The King of Sweden has taken um brage at the conduct of France, Austria and Prussia, neglecting to consult him on Liverpool, Jan. 28, 1818. Sir : We had a flat and unsteady mar ket to commence the week With, and ea sier prices, but for the last three days there has been a gradual improvement in ; Dominguez, should he fill into t Iks ,1 m ,-wl rwl nrmno nt AinonCnn OP- ! CT 1119 Itttn IS IUII. iir; iirnin nil &. nil in ii.i,.i . j a J&ijawaav" the Monitor eenerally set. ; Hi was reeking with blood tells a i'.; to his wound, and the prccipila! band, does not look much tike has two powerful enemies to c the 1 exans and ihe native spy c scriptions have gained their steadiness. . . t f r ' i They are now lulfy as tngn;as on r riuay last. Holders of Surat and jEgyptian are also firm, whilst the forced sales are be ing made of Pernam and Bahia, places the markets for Brazils fully Jd lower, and our quotations are almost nominal. Ex porters have taken 500 bales of 'Ameri can. Speculators nothing. j 8,000 bales Sea Island are advertised fdr auction on Friday next, the 4th Feb. I The sales to day will also'be fully 5000 bales of all kinds at steady prices. Your obedient servant,; CLARK. El & SONS. EXPOSURE TO THE SUN. There are few points whiph seem less i wrote iu you some wmc ao i ernor had licensed several cani'nr' 1 ly concluding that as ho couM i. '. : I i. . ij . :. ... . The result has been favorable, the petty gambling establishm'-:.:-ted every quarter of the city !. . pressed, and the rank and f.! ! f were fat ticrnmin t ftrn,irn!i . ' . - r - ' the beneficial effects of th-; i;. of the licensed houses present r : In one, the Gran SocieJaJ, th than eleven tables, where all may be had at the shortest n r' ing decidedly the favorite. An . :.' tator would be atonishd at ), and silver displayed on the lal.! froid with which some of the I i m r m.. m... ii)?r Miitu iiiuur9 k U'T .Mr. . f kar. ,IiA .-t nA. . ftvilli t. rmnn rrt I K ii nrli rf owl nr mnff rlfnrlv nrn. ' . ... . . . . . tl. x rc,l intervention in thp nffnirs of "-"V . r j - lasl dolHr lne t ,rorn ijPorc hii the proposed intervention in tne atiairs oi . xedt than the facl lhat an exposure!o lne ..brk. he , frorn v,. . ; Switzerland, his majesty having been, as smu wi,nout exercise sufficient to create 1 HT Hnl wa!kf ofr i,hui' ,;i ' he alleges, a party to the treaty. i rppe nersniration. will produce illness ; and , hirntniionanr. The fi.lh.w. , - Our Parts letters ot the 28th January, that the same exposure to the sun, with : taken from the Star, will girc ;ri ill- j spread of civilization in ike Ian J .' be i Notick. The proprietor I c ri 1 i nr- . IT . per- ; otnrers ana citizens ol ine iiu Which we have also announced, was held haps he will die. Let thc pe man dig Mexico, that the Grand Sociedi J fully to confirm the rumored intention of ,n the sun for the same leOof time, is licensed br gaming. Gei.tlrr the disaffected to revolt. The King of , anj he will perspire ten timXLRuch' . l call, as all kind ofgam.-- Naples was believed in Paris to be still and be quite well. The fact isXUi not . T"? a" ' determined to refuse making any conces- only the direct rays of the -sun. Wttbe ,aah' wlthout ,(irf tsions to bis people. heat ot the atmosphere prottuce atn, an e.uUuhmeilt ; Intelligence from Rome, of the 18th ult., ance ol bile, and powerlul exercise aiontj S(alejf where . all kinds cf-, . states that the account of the insurrection I will carry off the bile. i opular errofi ad affords' can be found in Siieiltr hart nroduceu a aeep sensation ejinuintu. ; f fund at tne oar. uursuperi. .rr ill iivmi f- . . , M r state that anxiety respecting tne situation sufficient exercise, xvilVpotH produce of Naples and Sicilv was increasing. The ; ness. Let any man slefttHri the sun, nctpmbin? ot 35.UUU troops in iapies, W1 awake oersninnr. aft terv ill; in that capital. It was reported that the iustrian ambassador, in compliance with -A CARD. ' Drs. RICE & BOY DEN have associated; themselves is a little library in. itself, full bf good and SOUnd information, and Written in a chaste - themselves in readiness for Professional c4U and forcible tyle. ' Gold-Hill, Mat 6th, 1847. j "L--.Upon the discovery of the in' If smoking, says the Scottish Temper- VtT.n, some days ao. many ners.ir.- instructions he had received from his court, ! ance lie view, continues to increase, it v... gucated were arrested, anu an Pftcase any serious disturbancestook place ultimately destroy jne energy, ana celebrated ur. Mariano uiero. I - - r . 1 ii I .i ' .nnniiin nranimni nariiBP I r l rr laiiuii. in the kingdom ol iNaptes, nau aemanueu r- ---- - .i u .k- T?nmon nm n nn ana inuuee me areamv. spccuiau.t, a passage luruugu iuC xwmu.. . , r . i . k' - - . . .. . j li j I . - rv nr,n . u , n rr nrHeiipat. Ann inert rnaracier u iuc wu-i i i.4MjkA nr .m t i ( i jiiiii iiiiii j m . A w m w v nii. m w v w v v - w w v - ; . - m . .... in tuepricticeoi meutw . nor n anuv ti," .". o . . . . . , i fur a number ot Tuars edited tr. j 1 r 1 1 : .., - Wnn.n lha rvn I ' UlilU 1II1I1U. ! was liberated, the Governor t. fie'dbf his innocence. The d.ir: leader of the Motlcrad r down the revolt. 1 man mind. -4 Irs

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