'Watchman. of the . -r , 7 J. . jl . . : - ffiiffSi pit in advance, Two dollar, 3 r, I I J ttioii: ioon orucn cuurgcu . i-i l! l-.l itae rates, a. uoeraij ucuuc- 1 .n. wha advertise by me year. ,i the EJHor must be postpaid. , . . "Vt .: .1:111-. rhnWJ. . -..icts.inseneu jw o i c " .,,1) the EJi o MARIA ILOUISA. BY REV J. j?. C ABBOTT. ! j darker day never enveloped in its jm the Austrian monarchy, than when beleaguerW hosts of Napoleon en passed Vienna, jand from their ;encir w batteries! Nverd showering shoV and the doomed city. The armies nruj i - , a ustria, m repealed conflicts, had been f3in down and scattered by the resist- fSiCOnquerpr.j i ASjine eagles oi ibjw on jittered upon the hills which over i the city, the Royal family, with the ,w0t basic ;wwcn terror inspires, nau ue 'jjr'blf into the wilds of Hungary. It is niiaigf't. ..The sky is streaked with the fcry pfafcctil'r8 v!,cn ---e meteors of) nn nr 1 H BRUNER & JAMES, 1 AL ic7 ' C treppondenct of lie JV. American The treaty ra returned tn t: Editors 4 Proprietors. Kief a check rrox mll ycc KULEKS. Do THIS, AJTD LllimTT IS SAFI. Gen'l.Harriton. NEV SERIES, NUMBER 40, OF VOLUME IV. SALISBURY, N: C, THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1848. poleon. And; like all wrong-doing, how ever seemingly prosperous for a time, it promoted Final disaster and woe. .A pique originating in this marriage, alienating Alexander of Russia from the French em peror, and hehcei the campaign of Mos cow, and the imprisonment of Napoleon upon the rockiof St. Helena. When the design of Napoleon was known, every JCourt in Europe was emulous of the hon or of such an alliance. The Bourbons, in their exile, wquld;.glacHy furnish a prin cess of the bipod jroyal, as a bride for the The birth of this child was an event which had been anticipatedrby all France, with the utmost interest. It had been pre viously announced that the cannon of the Invalids should proclaim the advent of the expected heir to the throne. If the child were a princes, twenty-one guns were to a fearful night for a girl so small, so young and delicate, to venture abroad alone and Report and Resolutions cay in executive esini, ui::,. ,t from the 'committee un Foreign 1: favor of or against if, anJ vithot ! It was discucd wiih much mocraeic" fide nf the chamber ; j a (ew remarks from one or two V. j tinj to inciJentat puintr. Ihi ''. most conpicuou4 m opposition t j . tion, hare re (firmed their opinio:, c in free conversation, and ulih . j rcsrire ns to their intentions. It i ' per therefore to refer rothem, a9 ev r : has the privilege to sp-ak rt Ll Tirwa and actions. Mr. Hannr; would bean act of fatuity to the tree?; unattended. ' On her way, if possible, the i fthe Grand f ' yrth Carolina, on the quired he, where is the indemnity f " rain became heavier, and the flashes of lightning more vivid At death of P. G. M. Loris D. Wilson. The Special Committee, to whom was re- last she reached the residence of ferred so much of the M W Grand Master' an. Mr. Williamson, drenched with rain, ryid nual report as refers to the "death of P. (i. M. the top of her band-box beat in by the vlo- I'ouif D. Wilson, leg leave to report, that frm lence of the storm. Miss Williamson was h 1'mited time allowed ihem from other duties. it is almost impossible that they can do more be fired : if a vrince one hundred. At six o'clock in the moraine of the; 20ih of waiting alone in the passnge to receive 1" TIT'S? '"T" ,, t, ,, ! ner ; the key softly turned, and the door . r -,,u,, r,,- I Mil i'u r i j wnc nrhncorl hi' I; - - J . . I lie I rand I .iH.ro ia o rniHv it..r ..t it... ; - opened, and Miss Clark, nulling ott her " ... "I: .7 , . . March, 181 1. all Paris was aroused bv the deep booming of those heavy guns, little kid slippers, which were wetthroush. i l. .. .. . J, , . I h - , ... . " "iriii uiuu"Ul UUUI1 US. I1G UICU in a IOf. w -..- w B w . . ... . J ia i.iiuMiii'.- pt:viljr UVCIIUCU lilt; dlilllS, OKI tt3 llWfc IU U tion of the arrival of the welcome stran- jl larm the rest of the family. mighty conqueror. The Russian Court i ger Every window was instantaneously ,i employed themselves until morning in cause of ; ear ws nn thP lert ; "r)m&' wei ns tney were aDle .Miss invaders. iioiark s clotnes. At the first dawn oi morn- nitv. In our revolutionary tniL'"le. Mmonrv " l ,1; .. . . .! migniy conqueror. 1 he Kussian Court lCfe f8 '.",0 im ""'0"St'd'; Proirers any of it.'highl.orn maidens to the dismayed, met opohs. ! lamer are acc tlu)ce of; m at whose v rxtmz lorwi in every nan oi uic ciiv; r . W . .. i .1 i ! 1 - - 1 irown an iurone tremoies. Ana trie .1! Uirtv n rn frrvin Willi fnrrnr I npr., . i cry part frozen with terror. ' thrown open. Every ear was on the alert, j The, slumberers were aroused from their ji ei?n land, in the citv nf Wra f'n.T ni ikn 1QA .... mm"j w '-w 1 1 1 1111 ii a iur 1 1 1 j iu 1 1 1 J our country, eagerness to iepe her has always characterized our Frater- M I,laC?S 1f rerrge- ; Ued h0t Shd,S earthly dynasjie :ruh their wathrough d wellings of briel lhj sodr ty.i j f ' , j j '"S urcy aieppeu our, anu a nacK oeing au uer asninions anu ner v urren. l he I'll 1 ----- ; - - j "t ?w"wv"!'i"uir-u, aiiKutjJarieuiurevrti it. ,,,,1, ec ,tl u hum mt-u, u iiih aui iioru v, 1 i.ai usiriiiii inuqaruny, uie prouuesi oi an ; ui a uusy nieiropoiis, as me vast inpongs iiis u iiiiamson gave ner ail me money imm.iiiuiiinn'raiui ure .-iucrican ar- in was a .i;ion oi inti standing, excrpi one, whost; sad fate is nn historical inert ifs much notoriety, that wc may :iv notliinj; more than merely to allude to it ly ay of iontrnst. or is .Masonarv without her il'ts upon her coun- eagerly seeks alliance stood motionless to count the tidings which sh had, 5 as at the time she left Col. of fortune. vhn hn tvirR those exnlosinns wptp thnndprino- intn tl ls sne nau not a dollar. I .Inna ' ' V Vi i I I tf i V f l ri li in llm nrli hi I f ' At iXpU'lluil n lli.i.l .ir - m nt Hi'. mU,r: -r'lr1; : entered its capital in triumph, and repose their ears. The heart of the great capi- !: V" " ' ' t n SiiiC"! rv 1 c r LnldT ! to beat, and in all her glowing ! vas bridesmaid 7, UNcllinf s, itr their man0leu in aM.s.After liiuqh deliberation, Napoleon ! veins the current of life stood still. When of their marriage, Miss Clark, who we sates beneath their ruins. 1 he clamor , dccidetl to acdep) the alliance of Austria, j the.twenty-first gunvhad been fired, the ' shall now call Mrs. Whitney, set about two hundred thousand combatants, fill iroposas weIie ma(Jti lbr Maria Louisa, interest was intense beyond all conception, ii hunti"g P facts in relation to her birth. iMnidnigl t Vir, .dud mingle with iU . , s n ' j Maria was then ' the gunners delaved for a moment the. !: Thrfats were used, and every obstacle of one ofihe most awful bomt ! Jtrn ..,c un nt turr ,n,un PoP;eii i,,., ! ma(le use o! to prevcnt her. Her first J",ttllli i. care was to iind her mothfir. nn,l rtr r, The next moment, the j- long search, she was at last disenvn'roil try'a altar in our present smguinary contest with .Mexico. Amount the nutnher f those who have learned tlu ir duty to inaistrate.-Tand the supreme govei nineiit at her altar, in their most solemn vows, may he mentioned the name of -our most illustrious I (I. Master. What was his course when the thundvrs ( warcame to our ears? when we learned that our na- liumJcrs oi one oi tne mosi auiui oomr nineto,!n veark of acrP. ;inil was most han- ; next discharge, and all Paris stood . - , : i . r . i t J 1 T o ' i , . -o- iartmcntS. arUl miS.evur. Witnessed.. S j tQ be honoMas.the bride of one who less in suspense JtTonc otiliae. cnamners ot tne roai i had hlled the world with this renown, ; guns, double loaded, pealed forth", the most ; we believe, in the island ol Jamaica. tion was engaged in bloody conitict withadarin" dice there1 ies a tiiaideti, sixteen year$ j Napoleon w?is forty-twoJ On the 12th welcome announcement, and from the en- I She a,most immediately recognized her my ? Hro. WiUon lelt the;!ef;ilative hall j-utr. tSw-AnairUtoYof the kin' Her fa r M..-il ibm nn,U,ti.. ,.-wi,nt 1 tlm mtv n nnii-oreal rmm r Ui,mn. daughter, and gave her the marriage cer ihet andrrrothx-r, it the consternation, of; emotion, she jlelt the palaces of her fa- ! tioii rose "and blended with their thunders- heir flight, wtrc compelled to leave be- thers, surrounded by all the pomp the Aus- j Never was an earthly monarch greeted i . A ( - Jl' l : i .1 IT l 1.-. jnu mera uiefr sjeiv cuiiu. ner cueew tre jjuihecf with fever, and again palet) titfi terror as the pproar of the assault ike angry thunders, fills the air. The j'ire of bursting shells and the flames of Ihespreadirig ;onfl-ration, pottentuously rJeain througluthc jwindows, upon the eye of the sick anjd terified sullerer. JShe in An buries lier head lieneath the bed clothes. to shut out hc horrid cries of the issailants and the shrieksof the wounded. In the midst of this most dreadful scene, .he gates of. the jcify are suddenly thrown ipetjj and. it small party emerge, and with Hag of truce'pais through the embat- . - a 4 ' If a ling hosts til theyapproach the presence if Napoleon. They inform him of the 4uation arid the peril of the princess. ile instantly Vriderl the direction of everv jun to be changed which might endan- r ncr person, ine nag oi iruce again retires within ! the walls and the awful bombardment continues. For ten long our this tcrritic storm of iron descends cportthe c(ty, i till three thousand shells iive filled Its streets with ruins and with blood, liut Maria 1 Louisa remains upon ber bed uriharrnedlthough other parts of lirrJather's palace fare blown from their foQndatiohsl Little did she imagine, in it coniternation of that dreadful night, iat it was her future husband who was &u raining own destruction upon her iiirr's capital., nd little did the ple- Warj conqueror injagine, as he compas i .t jans that this maiden was to be queen jt France, and that by this bombardment , '.. i t' was wooing ant winning for his bride idaa'ghtetLpf the pipsars. A daughter of the Ca?sars ! What a triah monarchy Could confer, to meet her with a more affecting demonstration of a future husbatid. As the long train of car- nation's love and homage. The birth of riages left Viehnat.the people gazed mourn- , the-'King of Rome, how illustrious ! The fully upon the scene. Maria Antoinette, : thoughtful mind will pause and muse up the last princess jAustria had furnished for ; on the striking contrast furnished by the the throne of jFrjince, but a few years be-j death. Who could then have Imagined fore had perished miserably upon the scaf- that his renowned father .would perish a fold. The popujace were only prevented ' prisoner in a delapidated stable in St. by the soldiers, from cutting the traces of Helena, and that this child, a nation's idol, the carriagesjanp preventing the depar- i would linger through a few short years of ture. The gorgeous procession proceeded neglect and sorrow, and sink into a for on the way towards the frontiers' of France. ' gotten grave. Napoleon haqi never yet seen the bride ; '- who was coming to meet him. " She is ! From the Delaware Blue Hen's Chicken. not beautiful' hfe said, as he gazed upon j THE EARLY LIFE OF MRS. GAINES. her miniatur, but she is a daughter of the Ccesars 'I . S When Mar;ia arrived at the Rhine, her Austrian attendants left her, and she was received by the iFrench nation, and con ducted towardsj Paris with the highest possible accompaniments of imperial splen dor. The bells irang their merriest peals of congratulation. The Austrian and the tri-colored flags' floated in friendly em brace from everjf tower. Triumphal Arch es, illuminated cities, and civic and mili tary procession greeted her progress, while As the case of this extraordinary wo man has for a long time past excited the interest of the people of this country, we think it will not be uninteresting to give our readers a slight sketch of her early life. Mira Clark, (now Mrs. Gaines,) who is well known to our citizens, having in early life resided here,, was born ; in New Orleans ; her father, Daniel, (well known in the political and commercial history of Louisiana,) being a partner of Col. Davis, of this country. Her father died, and when only a few months old, she was adopted by Col. Davis, and brought up as tificates of her husband, Daniel Clark, from whom she had been seperated some time before his death. Proceedings were immediately commenced, but for a while with a small prospect of success. Threats ot Ins made up a company of volunteers over which he was chosen captain, immediately assisted in raising another iu the same county, and enter ed her service without delay. ; " I Of Bro. Wilson as a Mason, it ij probably mote pertinent that we should fneak.l Particu t m A . 1. 1 C 1 um uu.j wmuc dyamsi nersen anu iarly m the active discharge of thoae cardinal nusoanu, out against any one who should virtues which the pieeepu of our Order incul. advocate their cause. It was with d i ill - cute in everv bosom. Chariiv wa nm.iimiiipni culty a lawyer could be procured to plead Many incidents in his history illustrate the truth ner cause; even the .mges on the bench ot this remark. We will allude to but two, were the feed counsel of the other side, which are sufficient to place his name high up. and generally supposed to be under the on lhe rH "f benefactors of his species. On influence of bribery. ' 1 onc occasion, when provisions were exceeding. Finally, ber husband was thrown into '-v scarc.e m the counl' of Edgecomb, and want m ti 117 o a eta L-lr.fr ol.rr. : I I, 1 ,1 !.. W'.t . g tne preva- . f, ... ' that government, to etila the ti ; : at... n 1 1 orison in iew i iripants nnnnnr t ip rrov - .link iu. invin- 1 , , . lence of the ffever, and afterwards, she J i ? , "t r ' u u,s,r,u,u' was imprisoned with him with a small ted lW" r tS,drel ?U ?! cPr a'onSsl l.he child at her breast. Whitney soon died, f comb ; donations of smaller size t -ft, . . J 1 were continually emanating from hu libera not, however, without strong suspicion of, nan(j ; foul play. She afterwards was released, The second grand charity to which the com. and though a widow, still prosecuted her ; mittee allude, was the closing and crowning suit with determined resolution. Soglar- . act of his life the capstone iot his moral and ing was the partiality oi the judges once masonic edifice the magnificent bequest con displayed, that the crowd in court could ; tained in his will. By this will he has given hardly contain their indignation. Her life j 'o the poor of his county an estate now estima was two or three times attempted. Her j led from forty to sixty thousand dollars, first acquaintance with Gen. Gaines was ! As Bro WHson deserved, he was held high when she was fired at, and part of her i ,n ine es,eem countrymen, and any pro And admitting that to be obtained. security for the future T He never gent by his vote to accept euch ten . that had Wen pledged to the country, the rast expense of life andtreaiua leen incurred. Mr. Allen was equally hostile to j' l in and indifferent to the coiice:i emiinents. . The hatii uf the r.e; not such as the government had a t pect. and be would not do it. Other gentlemen, of the same p V:'. the opposite wing of the party, were take the Treaty as it stood, ihoug!. ! hare been better satisfied wiihi none at all. - A question wa made as to t! striking out of th teutli article w Mexico, and ihe President inforun-J t' man on Foreign Relations that, a his information it would not inter,' tious obstacle to the ratificatiuu i ernmei.t. iSpeakin" ot the tenth article, ror correct a flight error into which 1 i lat night, in stating its protisi !. particular feature. Where occu; :Al cDuilition of-the grants prior to the C ; 1S3G, it is provided that the $i:n? li originally allowed by Mexico, h?. af" grantees to perfect their sentiment i! the exchange of ratifications. I It is under stood .here, and liorn 1 erutive.that large speculations in ' were made by parties inNewVt rl. ington, who now hold the Tigbts. a ted in the vicinity of the White ll i -lie Depaitmcnts. that Mr. Trit I i ! derstanJinz of the value of protect terests. these reflections u; ri misssioncr, come with appropria: r those who selected him fortius I, portant trust. It Is apparent . two sets of interests concerned i;. lands, and both equally dependent t ificaiion of the tenth article, lur th. their speculations'. A resolution was proposed to re mission ol not less than three or i.: to proceed to Mexico, or to meet ii commissioners 'i : pule. No action was taken upon the jr the commission, but the President r nified his willingness to accede o of the Senate in this respect. 'I". that occurs to the minds of Senator- i ger of delay, and the apprehenu i ting a chance for a certainty. If ' acted iu good faith in this arr:. : has the power to maintain the tre:.:; culty, it appears to me, would be re. ted. ; . There has been a misappreht i . t i .. i ir i j i 1 pan, as wen as upon mai oi an tLf t dress shot away. Gen. Gaines came and j TV0" . n Tf l u T ,hal "e claim to authentic inf 4 r, . offered her his protection, and she soon ZZ " , r' ,aBy. 1 of the treaty, in regard to It!.- afterwards married him. Her opponents I "!??!d; ".ud rtfer t"his fqt elections , andJ Cienera Scotlf n,,, , dared not use the same means with a Gen eral in the U. S. Army, as they had al ready done with her first husband, private individual. It would have been too glar ingly showed to the country, or there is not the least doubt they would have done it. After going through so many courts, we i ucgisiaiuro i rum ine county oi reuge i . u n i ' tuL i . .u . u- . i . vdes that there shall be a supcns! comb the fact that his mortal remains are to 1 ... . .. . , , 1 , i u. l j . i i Utes during the interchange ol jh uc uruuiii iiwne. anu a monument ereciea a by contribution to his memory over the spot where they may find their long resting place. We need hardly to say that many of our bre. thren will have an opportunity of gathering at his grave, to give vent to feelings that, with some, have found an outlet through more na- To many, this high privilege uncontrolable circumstances. correspondence, and so forth, on jl!." two Governments, and it was Le II" Ieged that Genera! Scott, under l is structions, bad ordered the armitiic 'Phis is altogether a mistake, communication was received fr m ! on Saturday at the War Depart rm i ; 2d Feb., about one hour nfieri t! his own child. A man bv the name of the horses of her1 chariot buried their hoofs Ralph destroyed her father's will and ob in hm hr?s nf Lp wbieb wor Snrpr1 tained possession of the whole of the im- . s . .. .. i rnense nronertv of her father, consisting ! over tier path, .r ranee, then in the zenith of nea;y ;he whole of tfae new Jj- now learn that the suit has been dedided i "ral avenues. '. of its pride, and intoxicated with glory, ! vw nrUnn t thf tTm wrtb nor in her favor. The value of nronertv is ! w'11 be denied by t I x . I -V I I .... ' . " m Kilt nil mMa. nUn. :K 1 A. lrom the Khine to the Pyrenees, resound- I five millions of dollars,- and now worth now near twenty millions ot dollars. , a' '" - " s' ; jet1er was not despatched by Mr. 1 ed with all the! expressions and demon- j much more.) She lived in entire ignor-j'Mrs. Gaines is now about forty years of Press,J ot ou.r gru, the :0,n,n,Ucc rcom'. 1 peihaps Gen. Scott was not knoui.-. 1 i . ' n t.,f r L- u i metitl the adoption of the resolutions at the end . . . cipuimnc r rr Wrn..n r 1 1. anee ot titT narentace lor a on? time. , aot rtUUU' icci uik". uas a sweei ex- , , . ... aenoepanure. lie tens ?ir. m irn oiiunuiio w i uivniiL. iinwuicuii uicl uci j - f o - o i . . oi ii j reoort. i be committee have not. as . n . i . .. .. The first-idea she 'had of her parentage pression of countenance, rather a French ,. V 1 , , " "7 that he had pist seen a treaty, lit ! near Compeigne. Springing from his own 1 "e ! . 1 UKa " u. m 11 er miema?e, r might appear to some, mentioned the act of our ram j . ' i r . . . 0 . . . was hems' taunted bv a eir at schoo w th cast, fehe has, at the same time, an in- ,.... ;., ,.-. r...u : to read it, which stipulated fjr r. carriage, he eagerly leaned into that of ot r : n ' domitable resolution as vrv eimnm. . - ur,, u ,u,,n "aJ ! pending these negotiations. Not i r - ' 1 L 1 1 ' ILIVvl L1K1 L Ula f Lli) I1IIL Iiri Ifl- - w . . '-' J (" I M rTIrllia fk.n film .1 f c -i r.1m M j-v I of the treaty. For some reason the Empress,; and, entirely regardless of, ther. Afterwards she discovered it from some papecs which she found, while look ing for some documents which she was to all the restraints and etiquette of courts, folded her in; his embrace with the most youthful impetliosity. The postillions nsterious influence there- is in ancestral were ordered toidrive upon the gallop to Miowh. rCnholeojirven, the creator of; the palace f t'ompeigne. This unex k crown, tlii fabricator of his glory, was ; pected ardor ju as not at all unwelcome to waled hyutsr glar.. Maria Louisa was Maria, and ajfeyv hours in the society of became acquainted with a young man Mineal descendant of the proudest mon- her imperial (husband investfid her with named Wm. Whitney, a son ot General irchsof RomL! The blood which circu- ' such a queenjv Use and affability, that Whitney, of New York. Soon afterwards Win her vLinsiid passed to her from j she could harilly be recognized by her for- ' , visi'd her in Philadelphia, but the a- ' . ; -11 . ii- . . .1 . (.0 hinel not annrovinsr ot the match, he Usars a id through the heroic heart j mer attendants. 1 he marriage ceremony was forbul t house. Col. soon ariaThere!sa-hUe had been cradled i was celebrated with the utmost splendor after moved to Delamore place, near Wil Ll(i'nnrthr'rri Vi'fliid' : Kepiifs nf moral nh- i at St. Clond. and never, before nr since. min-trm mid Aliss Clark not being Per- mitted to see her lover, she corresponded -.noei . with him. stance of her life has shown. She is verv charitable and warm hearted, and never forgets her old friends. She, even now, r 1 1 . i . y .a,,, jj.u.iuu, uoa.uug, .uonrj sc.suu ftnnrUH rnllr of ihe wi.hpt rf 1 - - . . r - B - - w w - - - w - - - - - - limits to tne exnressinn i trntprn.il rearl to ' ' . . . r .- ' ' o mcnt - - - - - -. hedei-ired instruction as: t!. ', matter. Under the public law; I - the memory of a departed brother, who has ; i.t rr . t . - rt f. ifi earneu tne anecuons oi tne vrau. ncnev. . r, .. r 1 U oi 1 TT .1 . . rpfTifmnprs with o-rntitnrlA t li r enremoe t r il. ..a,.. ni ..( t I .W-..,.V. l:r.. r,n ' e I acau iu uir oiunci il uuiiuuig, im j at - - -- " -; 7'' " t,v..B.. tercourse or arrange an armistice that time were living in rennsylvania. Some time afterwards she visited, the Sul phur Springs. Virginia, and while there, on account of her carriage breaking, she foifiy and jreal niigni licence, , which one has Paris resounded with such an uproar it : -. wobId thinl 1. 4; i- 1 mi" 1 1 1 1 1 . nci t-iiny inciKi, uoniieriy iuiss v iiuain- spicuousiy illustrates tnoso ; masonic mu:s pmy But Gen. Scott acted tn i'-r son.) now Mrs. Chambers, and assures her which are the pi Me and boast of our order, the no cfTicia! part in Mr. Trist s 'mi . when she comes into her estate, she will Craft is honored, and we can with propriety cce(jjn may be well V- remunerate her for her former kindness, gather around our own family altar, and in a einje t, which unwittingly II - Asweseeitstatedshehaslately presented spirit ot emulation speak freely of those v.rtues. Turni-y .f Tennes -e. two of her friends with $5,000 each, we Jlesofrrd, That this Grand !Lodge will wear was only one thing be regrettn a' suppose her bequest to Mrs. Chambers tha usual badge of mourning j(crape upon the ty, and that was, thai Scott luia t. will be considerable. We understand she lelt arm) for the space of thirty days, as a to- it instead of Trist. will soon visit her in Wilmington. Is not ken of respect and esteem foj" the memory of, Things therefore remain in .''; th lifn nf this persecuted ladv indeed one our deceased brother. I co, until ihe bearer of depatc!". of deep romance r Will it not in tuture be given to the public in an historical , , ,IM .... r, i r t n 1 lasl 3bndir, reaches Gen II Resolved, Ihat this Grand Lolge recom- , r n t . j " ft r m n n.l l....fl I. .11 n itl lii.tl t V mend to the subordinate Ixtge s a similar . . ' J woiijid give an impress of j of rejoicing, hs when Napoleon led bis o the meanest soul. Sure-I youthful bride ijito those apartments of lit jmust be animated with I the Tuilei iesjfVOm which Josephine, but ii- i . . i M iii it anu ennobling in numan i ttiree montnsjneiore, nau oeen so cruelly ffatitrmw,t..ii li IV 1 li v 1 J I W that is lofty a . ' , W 1 .i. ;r.: Alns, it was not so ! She was rejected, r-dfur queens held the .bridal Ll''. I ' if '.ii . i i a. ' . . f r L t 5 . i.i i ian a mild. amiable; pret- train of Maria Louisa, and the embassa- SnupTiuvfi i if T .nr-i." i.Thn Ssr i r nf fi f To prevent detection, her letters were - . r . i, at; m k w;n;om Mechanic has the fo owing notice ol a ve direcled to Miss Mary Ann Williamson. b (now the wife of Rev. Cory Chambers, of ry wonderful lock: "The most perfectly this city,) daughter of our fate Mayor and secure and efficient, unpickable, unbreak- Post Master, she carefully keeping the able and unburstable lock ever introduced, ; i i girl, utter If incanalde of cherishing ah dors of all theqCburts of Europe revolved a'of rmananitiity or heroism. She j around her as; tljeir central luminary. endowed. iv nature, onlv with those 1 Hut who ean tol how dismallv these re- U' i i - i T n J Cities wliich wdrc most commonplace ! ioicings fell upon! the ear of Josephine as t ! 1 " 1 il 1 I ' A 1 Vav M a a if - a a .... .. . - ciirmiv. twas' L-iiureiv uiuiimiiiipd in snr wppntnir ;in npr i cspnpn pnnmnpr. I ; ... - - I . . " . . kJ4 V W . W - . ' m . . . . . . - - . ... " . . I V I 1 . ' -'- a nnnm nnrr inn Hin iviirn m:i i n rnmrh - i - iK t j (i a 5 wjfcs: destined to move. secret, and punctually delivering the let ters, into the hands of Miss Clark, and sending her's to Mr. Whitney in return. Miss Clark was by this time fully ac quainted with her parentage .and the im mense estate of her father. At least she received a letter from Mr. Whitney, urg- has recently been invented and perfected by Mr. S. L. Chase, of Lockport. New York. It is succeptible of 743,000,000,000, 000 changes of adjustment'; has no ac- i i . .. ...I - cessihle aperture into wuieu gun puwuci Room (I) evenin. March, Sth 14rS, it was can be introduced, and could not be pick- unanimousv ed nor unlocked in seven years, even by - liesniecil, l nat ine oremren oi me itxjge t.o j c armistice. As there are large interests cr these Mexican claims, and ns nu'. l. been made, relative to their a !ji': treaty, a few words- may be d ? -i r point. '1'he government assun.i -3 !' of tlie adjudicated claims, and r commission of our own citizenr lihed on principles-of that a ; ; which was not ratified, for thf thoe claims, left undisposad of7 ; and not acted upon by the ccm-vi'--' But they are not to exceed thu:-' t a quarter in amount. ! Authority has been sent to (it-ti draw against the three million j, i of the ratification of ihe treaty jby The govcrnmeot is not without sr. tr 't'riil on1 Vi oacnriatC TP",'. I . - . . . ...1 flftllVJ i J J .w --. part of Mexico, may have comi :. ... a an.l fl f ll f Al I' ! . ' lUsohed, Tka. .1- EdU.ror Hie Salisbury - h "J--;- -r i- ke requeued to puUiU. lb. above " rr , , . , ; ivavu - Mr. Trit would find no trouble in course, as soon as they, obtain a knowledge of the course of the Grand Lodge, k Resolved, That the Secretary be instructed' to furnish a copy of these resolutions, and re j ie-t the editoi s of newspapers in this city and elsewhere, fiieudly to our 6ider, to publish them. Respectfully, C." II. J0RDOX. JOHN l SPEIGHT. At a Communication of the- Rrethren of Ful ton Lodge Nj. UlJ, Salisbury, Iteld at their Lxlge the' U,S crii)C on ll,e hdl arm for the space ot thir- -st ttainupoH iti lilt; uiiiiuL 11 eiMUill IWII I imvii H1V.U iiniiv i f . , . , . i ! ! . . Lr p , . , , .... 1 ning, put them in one of the outbuildings, ; . . leon that the life bf the mother or the child , nn . , ... . nn At ,st the niffht j Let it be borne in mind that Gen. Tay- CA 1 1 IVv nv u vaa.a -j-- - . 'a m T i. L In one vear lrom that time, Maria was g er u. aw- c, uuC ,u v , m,nMr:1Plrpr ibemof with tlP kev in n nnnn that! mvKtPrions e.nne.h nf S.if. ! she bore for him, to elope with htin. the : , . , , carry the above resolutions into effect by wear. v. ;...--....w i ,l , : , (ta,i ai. oov o.u.., .... -- V,-L U,ji r -r.: : LuLu ol ...l.K P1 a!? utm rt,,u 111 ."""i"' I,; " If . n,1 n to thiPVP the more, thev "q.uu:uu ucspairmg oi opriug irum , icriuj; Hum uuu. ..u Whitney was to be at New Castle, where ' , ' i " V- . ,1- it- ty day Wnl,;.i.i: -;.,m.i it- ! enifln.i. JnnUac vmntmn ITpr ' . J . t: xr ... should examine and investigate this lock, J - ,i ;ru'.r huu v-uiMimu iiu me mujk -"itimui i-nu 'uiv--v v . ' sne was to loin anil, intone was in imu i . , 4i,, , iie- tw. - ' ... I : .1. J i ..,.1 o u. -Ar: w:t.:. t . bv indents, impressions, or otherwise, the ... , . uejiiru to nave an ueir iiu suouiu j jmius were iqngj pionacicu nuu un u- ; me secrei uui iuiss uiumwisuii. aw p..-- - , Wouldnt know how to open ithisgly and perpetuate his name, J guish dreadfuL-The attendant physicians, vent detection, Miss Clark called the aogs -- j ; repon anu re.u.m.uo. t, , wiJ . V '.J': . 1 ........... . .1 I.... . tvt tPtbpr nho.it Col. Davis nlace that eve- ' . A. M. NLUITT, Sec. "wives ii'rvnr inn in ivinpn tnni turn in ine nimnct fpohut'iiinn in ormpn iano- : '"b1" i -- --- '03ephineJtho Wife of his voulh.and to irt a mbfe ycfuthful bride from the JrvieBt monarphies around him. He JiI tttui to secure an heir in whose ner- shoujd he all ed all that was glori kis'.oWn achievements, and all that Qstrioui n exalted descent. The re 'Mioa: offjfosehine, strong as were r-ivai iiiuinps wnicn leu io 11,13 me iuq caaracier oi a- r a draft in Menco or era Cruz nrialion. Will the Uninu inf. inn i i r ii. ..,tt-:o l,rn..nk o tthr .Mr. Polk is so suspicious ;f must be sacrificetl. " Save the mother," i nnfi tprrible one it was too : the lor says, over his own signature in his let- ..,r motrta i,rnflriH;irh.0 "I'llht vu an's confidential clerk and cor; i I . . IM. lilli va, a va wa - -. - T a a a . rv m .v n I 111 i.aiIlLi v - w - . - in torrents, ter to Mr. lngersoii, inai ne is a r , . qu thai y can jump QTe lUl dilch gaid said Napoleon ; but perceiving: that they wind howled, the rain poured had lost their presence of mind, in view of and the darkness was only now and then ib n.ril rtfrt ;iiLt..;., o o; b ;m. i illuminated bv fearful flashes of lightning. i- . i ji ii!iv-. ii -.u rTTndaunted bv the raging elements, Miss mediately added. 44 Do as vou would with f u nuaunieu y - m a - in principle." Nor. Cur. Standard. the wife of the humblest tradesman in the Rue St. Denis"! The physicians, re-as sured, returned to their duty, and the crisis was passed. Clark stepped from her bed-rooni on the balcony, and by means of a pillar of the balcony or rope, managed to reach the ground in safety, and immediatel)' ranjas fast as she could to Wilmington.! It vyas . Surely, tis very unkind toward t he to himself. "Done." said the other side ol , ana imeres ing oecrciary , r-; his mbuth, and over he leaped: "I won that who figured w,th so much di.linjih m m l. am vv ' . ui rrtu fufn . mnr m infi lifti war. ai il " roui a-vt mm tiiiAnf eaii nca nv i ic m wai -'. ... - lieu aiiiuv,,i f 5U,UUU for which . hber-1 price will be paid jumped and fell at the bottom of the mud. In the nstruclions to Gen. L. fn trade. Also, on hand a constant supply of superior A Nothing lost and nothing gained, he mutter-, led to send Mr. 1 rt out M ti wrapping paper for sale br-i. I ed,,? crawling up the bank ;i "that account's j inquiry in the Senate, how this y z i BOGER -i- MAXWELL. T;' " J coraplished, a Democrat of mar4 r ( Feb. 17, 1849 ! 5t42 eten. ' 1 . i 1 ! 1 . .