i - f ! !- v ;, - , .1 i - ' : ' -- . . .1 7: - I "; -.. : 1 H " ' ,-. i ' ! i ! .f' ' ' - m ! . ' : v . : i : V ' i . : ' :- ' v J ! : . I - - - ! ! . . i i i 1 ! I'nptoyP'' y, j aMdvanCf. Two dollar. Urtri a SI for the first, and 25cts. iVcB ; uihnn'i these tat-,. A liberahdeduc K' J. u,KsyN. C. Mrch25, 1818. ru.r Sir ' Tlis litile tovvn, now scarce- I"" ilI..Jr:itii 1 'bills nf thrt count v ! thich it is Vet9rh f ftS onco a ,ace 4h seefTcilito feo great prospective Itanc ponU lli-ji kr fifteen years fknk, ocaM hen find several fine Y Miilr ni brick, cm ! I JUl" HUH"'" "f"' Tr 1 ! .t ' in..i li. An .rlilMi nnp nf' r - r... riupr.- . l un ul tin -. - l!;sfore MpoJL w purchased by Col. iL-. for Sl.900.;at:auctioii ; and a; store lich rented the TIE fMiHN WATCHMM J ' i . 1 . i . . MUNER & JAMES, Editors Proprietors. " Keep ! iHEc ctojc JU.t Ttxia RCLEKS. . DOTHIS, A!TD LlBERTT IS SAFE Gen'l. Harrison. NEW SERIES, NUMBEU 52, OF VOLUME IV. SAMSBURY, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1848. W . .. iC the- confluence iVDinniVSniifh rivers, and the lor tMi" J .. : ..t..i i..lr. 'i K r..- tflrrai mih-s;: nhoye. a nun ' s and also below, ' a t - r rtZimn. 1 wo causes fhr the downfall of this c,1 Ojie if th!n fact that most of thp Lnitk wjl. !i bV-cprtf dys. paye; such ,mi(hiy mpetu$ lo ttte value oi proper r p?re'y i lictiCHjus and couM not nndon ipaihst! the llfrafful; reverses in ifVonH'tr.v'ft(rrtirs oI The othfr Jlhr opinion whicji prevails in reference fiuptiosed unhea III billets of I he town, Miilongl mndy other (jvnd perhaps ore important) causes tav; resunru in 'ting waste. beaijiiliil city 'thftl was. ;tijiinv a wreck of rotten timber, some ,f.KIch assumes tiiehonearance oi hou- irt that were once' inhahited. One mile from I4"atvSille, and on the !rr of Smilli riv.V: Mantis the noble :0on rcforvliof l VoV iMoorehead, M of N.- Carolina's lohlest sons, 1 his sad ornament to CMaie, ano , siano- monument, the ndomitable energy rfi7prr.se vrranc? tf t le Governor. It is latest inilividua enterprise of the nl in Vhe Slate, an its whole arrange rntjbi'ars unmistald ble evidence of ihe hnractfr of tjiej mitt 1 which conceived inJorrfec'trd tt. ; Tn mfiin building used UiIjp Cotten IwiclorJ i?' 80 by 4f. 4 sip- r hifibfe Ituilt df roci taUen at the place. ttl.Oshji.ii:es;fl vrwfek 000 lbs. o.f jiAfersj each vyeeK ; ax (4 browns, arid costs From thJ Raleigh Standard. Building for ihc Deaf and Dumb. Oh Friday lasf, he ceremony of laying the corner-sionej of the Building for the Deaf and Dumti in this City; took place in the presencci of a large and brilliant assemblage. At an early hour the Ma sons, including ilirh the members of the Lodge here visiting brethren from various portions of the State, marched from their Hall to the Cottj-t House, where the pro cession was forrtieil ; thence to the Capi tol, where theHGovernor and Literary Board, and Ihe Orators of the day and oV the evming Wfre received; thence to the School of the Deaf and Dumb, where th Principal, his Teachers and Pupils united with the procession : and thence to the Building itself fpCaswell Square. Afier a Prayer had been ottered up by tfie Grand Chapiain, the Rev. Mr. Joyner, ihft Corners' on' Was laid by the Most WoYsljipful Grand Master Collins, with appropriate ceiemonis. An Ode was thenjsung by the Masons after which a mosthrauiiiul and eloquent Address was delivyed by thej Rev. Samuel S. Bryant. A GleV wasvthfih sung, and the Masons returnM lo their Hall. Here an Educa tional Jfecting was organized. Dr. Josiah O. Watpn in the Chair, and handsome ami loraiue opeeches were ,made by Messrs. Iamayi Bryant, Burton, Gales, and Joy net, We preset beJov the Ode which was sung on the occasion of laying the corner stone by themasons : would; be made to hurry through the Sen ate. deemed the general caution, how ever, sufficient for the purpose. Q.-Ih the official letter alluded to, did you use the following language ? Of these two dupes, the one was San ta Anna, the other a most worthy compeer of Santa Anna, so far as he can be made so by t!he same low craving for distinction, and the same happy facility in deviating Irom the ways of truth and in being deaf wth other officers, Conductors.Suppdrters, &c. Altogether, the Odd Fellows pre sented a spectacle which was as respect able in itself as it was novel to the iaudi ence : and on all hands we bear Ithem spoken of in the most flattering terms. From the Charleston Courier. Proceedings of the Court of Inquiry. ; i i Without undertaking to follow up the proceedingsof the Court of Inquiry, sitting a Mexico for the trial of Gen. Pillow, We jfict. A person, in fine, whose character cannot refrain from selecting some of tne in TeSd to the reach of his mind, and l r . i a , m 1 iui r u ilia iiiitiu. u as ieilCHOUS- evidence given before it by Mr. Trust, at Ur am,nn, . . . . , . ,1" V. " r . i . . . , J , , j. ly and accurately sketched bv a friend of Itit fuirtti nn lh 9fl tilt fh lutt rlav'a ... . " ..j w..w... , .... ,MUJ mine, in mese words : ' it m such as to proceedings that have yet reached lis. j qualify him far striving at a county court After Mr. Trist had answered a num- bar in the defence of n fellow charged ber of interrogatories, with the vi(jw of with.hjorse stealing,' particularly if the elicitinsr whether Gen. Pillow was' crin. case were a ,md one, and required dex i til it' L i terous tampering with witnesses. ,y Itll W 1 IJtlVJ - UllUtt ICUU Ul 11JC A TCEW ORDER OF It has been the pride nn l I political parties in North C. r tofore, that they interfered i a Politics of her. sister Stair s, i interference in hers by then, pears that the Loco Foco p;.rt Carolina intend to pursue a i! : icy at all events, they have i : new order of things, and have ed upon parading before the of the -Old North." the c; : views of those representing ci' It was not sufficient, at the r. c ocratic" Convrntion,thathcr t a treaty! of peace, and i c Intruded in their duty by t. i for so remaining. l,e,r ,wn Pere at hom; , r- v., v.i I nicd Mates Senators mcs: 1 announcing my intention of remaining in Mexico, to make giving mv reasons O. Fiid Vntl stinvv tn Clone Srtf r nr) Smith that part of the letter which has ! on'. and requested to -enlighten; just been shown you relating to myself j an.d shted People c, . A.-l cannot recollect the letter was j relation to their duty t on a great many sheets. Mv motive for I and their Country. Kh;nrT iv, Iom.,- ...t "f n... But this was not all! 1 he j t - , ( the Convention were not contt receive the dictations of thf Scott and Smith was that they might un derstand my position in relerence to the 1 nillllir Hllvi nocu ihn nfFuirc nT llio nutinn Whether the sheets containing those pas- !? furnish copiesof their Specc!. sages went into their hands 1 cannot sav. Tl.ll .1 to the' dictates nf mmmnn ; i,,ti nH nublic business the affairs of the. nnlion. i P0""1.1 cuiar?, oui mr wcrci vuuiiiiv'i ii"in.oi v tt Hill- imiisuiii HIS UIJ- 1 -.. wt.vto vuiiiiiiiiiiii: iimjj. 1111 . .... m -r , I ltll lull. I vva h inn ii.. humiliating, degrading ohserv .t made in open Convention, to t our's is an ickorant and ecm ; pie," and nerd such informal i had communicated to the Convi enlighten them. Was ever m;c ma cast upon the good pcnplo i Carolina before ? When has it ; fore been said that we were so publication of the celebrated Leonidas" letter, he was cross-examined, Geni Fil- A. j-Although I cannot pretend to be certain of the words, I have no douht he (Gen. y.) has been furnished with an ac- Iqw himself putting the questions, j Tfce curatejeopy of them, and those were the answers were of quite a piquant charge- wordsas fr as my memory can be relied tex, and we should judge hot calculated on. J give much gratification to the interro gator. The following questions were pronoun dd and answers given. None will klenv mm. including r Icoms ; consumes aw material ; and 00 to! yards of heavy operate per an- iw material; between 40 )S. mil 50.000 i hi k es t ach week 5.100 lb jfy:trn and clr!li. and employs 100 opera- awn. Ifhe i.r I receive 1 00 per week iml bojfirij.theinelvei i Tke Goverljori use the looms 'known HDnnl'cjrlhV, wliich 'if a1 decided improve wnt oritih all others 'in uye. Thh secret iiihr fcfiuttlefand stop motion, by! whiclf It loorn s'ls ,ns soon -as tne upomu is run (nHl )The threat !recisi()n and regn irirr vfh ujhiiili tlie jlonms work is ja mrr fulVv hnnarent tii the most casual :Vrver. -'Iheyl cost at the factory in Ptitfrsiiii Nwpersry. S30 each, Und I Toniii alvisiiheir general use. TW Ooverhoi ; has! HU'o -iutroducefl the1. er and; lis capable or iieinj; ljusfed by H vcjry,simpe process of gear-. nff. so nsifo throw u mhiion either; 1, 5 6 cants, and ; the (rawing retains its wnc K7.ey itus is regarded as the most complete improvement !for carding that v. . , . r .... . . . i mirvrr neeo tnveiitul. The cosl tot Hie item h is Sl.TlOO. THe can jnim for Wti patenteu by Di i:s factory and ; work 1 cards tbgeth eac for card in This connects AN ODE 5 Written for thepecasion of laying the Cor ner stone of Hte Deaf and Dumb and Blind Asylumtin the City of Raleigh, by the Rev. JpsoN Qosbv. Great Architect supreme! ToI'hee we rise our Hymn Of hih .delight ; Ry thine Almigftty power, From its celesii;fl 'bower Thou didst hringlaih the hour Of radiant light. 1 The firm un;itin stone Eurth's frnme is built upon, Vas laid IW Thee ! ' While An'geU raispdxsublirne Their song, whost; hy chime Awaked ihe ear-of Titie j Wilh uitilodTi Do Thou drawr nigh, '.pray, And h'es mir work I li is day With iaflueuce-Vweel ! May this Fuinlalion rest liy tliy rich favor lilest, Thro' Time's despoiling list, la strength repkVl eX Q. -Did you, in that same letter, make use of i the following language in refer ence to myself, viz : nceth a liut most grievously would he have wls lIle" maue up, it the necessity erred, if Maior Gen. Gideon J. Pillow is ! presented itself, to meet it. From that occurred, darkening the laracter, and which in- referred to. It has in nun oiioh cia given. rtUllG Will jUen '"j"1 wiucuu J. i uiuvv is I ' - r. Trist the credit of being a plait rind t0 be ielJed un HS an Pnent of the ime events occt , . , . i views of our Government. This person, shades of his char pbc.t witness, shewtng no desire to con- then tne second in rnmmflnfl V: 1 ! creased the feelinir cj?al his opinions, and leaving no room to (!) took occasion to have a diplomatic con- ' creased to this day ; it may go on increas misconceive or misunderstand them : Q. Do -ou entertain feelings of! hos tility and prejudice against Gen. Pillow. 1 he witness inquired if the court wish ed that question answered. The court re plied in the affirmative. one of the foreign legations here, who. with expressions of surprise, repeated it to me directly after Gen. Pillow having expressed great dissatisfaction ot the ar mistice (which he had been in favor of 4 With rerrrd tn nrnA thJjr, before it was entered into) had been an " - - - O w - J-V11V1 , lllb IV I j 1 , . .. ... ni-eiudice that ever existed in mv m.nd swered by explanations of its indispeisa with renard to the nerson who- outs ihe bleness to negotiation. These appearing nhestinn. was nreindie,. in bi tvr !TK not to have any weight with him, the gen- , t I T Those passages were mere incidents seperate from the main objects of the let ter. ! Q Since aboutjwhat date has the hos tility alluded to in the previous testimony been entertained by you ? A. Since his character has been al most completely revealed to me. The thimr was of nradiial rrmuili I PAnnnt fix a day I will trv and fix a neriod. ' It "d ignorant that wc n was at Tacubaya, during the early part llmit Vxl of Loco ocoism fu ::. of our stay there, that l became aware j HnJ Texas to teach us ur duty, that he had placedlmc in the alternative i to Perform il- 0l,r ver3' chcth of being an accomplice and tool in villa- ! 0,1 h,'-'ir,nS so unpatriotic an ;.c ny, or exposing him to the country if. he 1 a-H,nst tlie .intelligence of North C should persist in a statement he had made, j aml ,hat to' b' one of ber own : I hoped, however, at that time, that this I AnJ xvi11 thc 1eoP,c of our l.r! necessity would be avoided. My mind 1 nm,e entlorse so odious, so unji. . then made up, if the necessity lK ,KJU ui,u l"e lll,r UI,C 01 , :r ated mother? No, no, noli V too well thc manly State pride t! in the bosoms of her gallant a:, sons, to doubt for a moment that ; repudiate and hurl it back w ith h indignation upon those who ( . foul a blot upon the. exalted far:: State character. . If Loco Fvc ', far humbled in thc dust of igncr;. to make these admissions, iintn: they be. we hope never to see i: predominate in good old Nocth C Remember, then, fellow-citiz versatlon with a gentleman belonging to inS or ever as long as I live, although lit v which I entertain- .Jlman in question was led to say, why, g from, a studied! at- J lh"Ught he object of your Government avail himself of the ,n ,hls war was a treaty of peace !' -True. that is scarcely possible. Q. Did the villany of which you speak relate to your views about the armistice and the course of events under it, and my opposition thereto, if not, to what scheme of villany do you allude in your answer to ihe last Question ? ,1.-With regard to thc armistice and ! -you charged in llio Loco IV'o the course of events under it, there was a 1 V"'l:f V',' "S " Gl1 1 little of the same, corresponding develop- ' A U i jour oa s ... i .1... -i . i". t 1 1 I August, tbnt vnn Unnvv linw fn.i! iiieius ui me cnaracier 10 wuicti 1 nave referred. They, however, had verv little. only feeling of hostility ed, are those arising v I " i iuc . 1:1.1 r . fn v, :. ;. .. .. :..fl i ' position in which I had been placed to- l'clu i'l"OW) inal ,S Uie ODJecl 01 i 7 i ... , 1 1 ea i wards him by his friend. xMr. Polk, to make luc wPr' uut ,ue 0 JttCl 01 Vn,s campaign auu imjiosiure 10 a scheme " ca"liai anu inen maKe peace. ; j lvjcii. 1 mow nere inierrupu-u trie wu- A. I have no doubt those were thc ' ness- U desired to know to uhul he was words I used. j going to allude. This did not appear to Q Did you not. in that same letter. ! be in answer to this question. Witness Thi weter U Art I. wjieel 1 k spinning, wtiicn las riiorlh, is in use at s to admiration. I J7 feet in diarre- ln,of 100 horse pjWer. The buihlhg for fctnrv, iiiuliidinJ (niachihrrv, &c Jost !75,0O(). ! Ff m Sen .!2bihlo Marcli lJ)th. work fri in sun-fist mo lor the un in nee i 0 un. to 7 1-2 ocick. the vear from sun Ne.'ir the Ficthry is a fine Jer- oant iViill.5'0 by Stones 4 ''orinlners for torn tnju I wo pair of br- tniUnQi mill, Sav n ill and Cotton g rbt.'Costing in a I; $10,000 ,The ciinali'wjiich And may 'this Fabric he The Honie. of Chanty, Grief to beguile ! Still soothing sorrow's pain, U 11 binding error's chain. ' Bidding youth 'wear again t nig I. p;h ;Lif' morning smili !l ! ' The Diaf shall hear Thy name ; The Dun)h shall speak Thy latio , In gratelul praise. Truth snail illume ihe mind, Souls loifg in Darkness shrined, . UnknowiiUleliiiliis shall find, f In Wisdom's -ways. The Sons of Tempihrance united with the Masons in ft he procession, and both Orders presented a fine, appearance. At night, injtjie Commons Hall, in the presence of an: immense audience, an Ad dress was delivered by II. P. Peat, Esq., trie the accomplice and tool in of villany and imposture: of imposture towards our whole country, and villany towards individual officers of this army, tne most audacious, by far, that I have any knowledge of I Geu'l. Pillow desired his question! an swered ; the witness was wandering from the point. A. I have no personal hostility oripre- ice. against mm or any body else my hostility is against villany. I j j Q. Have you, or not. written a letter or letters calculated and intended tp in jure me and to whom I I A. I have written no letters tojj any press, or any person connected with'! any press or intended to influence the blind of any person connected with any press. I have written, letters, which, in one sense of the word "injure'1 were calculated tti make his character known, and, there fore, to injure him. The first of these let ters was written to my family 'in Wash- August, mai you Know now 10 a such compliments, by setting th your reprobation upon the par!;. paid it. Raleigh Reirista: death or disability of General Scott, would have succeeded to the command ! an in dividual who gives himself out for the maker of the President (by having pro duced his nomination at the Baltimore Convention), and as the President's other self. A pretension which I have reason made Pillow (what he was ev fur than Polk was for the Chief M cy) a Major General. When Principal ol tld New York Institution for IV-le fs the factory fid tbe Deaf and Dumb, and the pupils of the ; tiW is one mile long, nv ah averagoof School were examined. This Address' Va'frft wid:- The 'eniire fall, includig ! was what might have been expected from ; ter 1 had been at work all day and all k falf liropfietof tlii canal, is 35 fet : 1 a gentleman ofiMr. Peat's talents and en- night writing. ' It was addressed to him w a si supposed that at present oly , larged lntormHtion. it was. wrrtten in soieiy oecause ne was me onty memner nefortirfti iihrt nf t twl .wnter frmn thiri. cood style, and it teemed with statistics of "(U III 10 X Hie Wrjqie ot WUICIl COUl. Uliu wuui mm .jm iiiuijii-s mtis un nit: ' ncessaryli be turned into the caul, j subject of D a' and Dumb instruction, tyre s hera; water! power sufiicientto j We should likevery much to see the Ad 4 into active! opera ion several millhs j dress in print, M we believe; its general 'caDital t nd if North 'Carolina haca perusal woukUbe beneficial to that unfor- m jre GOvj. 'lojrtfhead's. it would ot ""g'tpn to ; waste.;' A perlect Loll ..L.I PILLOW AND POLK. It is said, on the authority r f Ambassador to Mexico, Nichola- . make use of the following language in j asked for the reading of the question, ; (sa) s tbe Richmond Whig) that ( : relation to myself, viz : j which was done, and thc court instructed low boasts of his exploits as a j "This was from the individual then, as , lIie witness to proceed. t j as well as of his generalship iv., I have already observed, second in rank ! Answer resumed. The scheme of vil- ; nbl nflnftle ITr U nnt r 1 111 iijis ni 1 11 . nuu vu(i. 111 1 in ( ni Ol lilt? ' j j 11 1 vn a in iuuu "tt.i a ?tui-uic ui 1 1 1 rt,. XV " imposture for passing himself oir upon the ' I'"'""'- tk ii... country for a skilful general and com- ', ,,ie maker of President as well ; mander. Thc way in which I was to be j ror of Mexicans. He claims ?'. an accomplice in that game a tool in it . of having made Mr. Polk lVcsi ! and b; led thus to deceive the country i that is the reason, we sunnose. 1' 1 .i . i 1 . 1 ! 1 ' iinu uu injustice lowarus inuiviuuais, was this : availing himself of the relations to believe but two well founded. Justice j established between us by the President, towards Mr. Polk, and resnect for trulh (alluded to before.) and of the character alike require, however, that I should not , which 1 had enjoyed with those who have , saw.this statement, we were at 1 utter this belief without at the same lime known me for great discretion, he Would to conjecture by what means V, expressing my perfect conviction that the make me the confidential depository of succeeded in elevating his ecu: identity referred to extends no further than his views, in anticipation ot events, so the piint to which it is carried by a blind that, in case of failure in thc operations confidence on the part of the President in ; which toolc place, 1 should he a living witness, and oounci lo come lorwarcl as at his call to the fact, that his mili tary genius had penetrated through thc tary strategist from Tennessee wnoie tiling, ami that he hail been oppos- accomplishing his object. I T! en iu i:f i 111111; ujiii, litueu. x inn pirn; was played by him throughout, as I after wards on reflection perceived. Gen. Pillow here stated that he had no further questions to ask the witness in re gard to ihe present charge. He should desire to call him on one specification to Q.Did you not in the same letter make another charge, when he expected to e of the following language in relation bring some further proof. &C. General to myself? Scott said he desired lo put one or two Of all this the President knew noth- questions more ; and thc court assented. 1 1 : I .u.. K . ..L:,.U l -.1 (Jurnlinn f ti fwrn. iSrn Will thf wit. ... - r . - . . inr lllll I If. MlllllllM Mill IIV I I 1 I : I I III M 1 -www. v mm , "! mJJriZTnu T " T.?f ,' 1 lowed hi.ns. lf.; he govrmed (muler th no, sta.e h,lh Gen. gcoit bad date. l,o professed to undmtn. whose name 1 knew. IL, was enclosed to . . . ?, ... v iun Li.v.. in ..li-uin sentiment... and knew that he v tations from an intriguer, who, to the deep or suggesting the letters written by him disgrace of our country, as she will ere tllle witness) against Gen. Pillow ? long deeply feel on beholding the picture, 1. Maj. Gen. Scott nor any other hu- faint though it be, of the unimaginable man being has ever been consulted' with lOrrtfin if ennl:iopl n mpckurro fMt TVf p Buchanan. Secretary of State, dictated by ! lh understanding and the principles of a , fmdnM tnrflr(is ikttn i man who ot alt that l have ever Known, ; sum is the most unworthy of confidence. Be yond this point the identity goes not. There is not the slightest resemblance be tween their characters in any one re spect." 4.. I give the same answer; I cannot be positive about the word.-, but the sub stance is correct, and 1 doubt not the cop' is a correct one. feelings of kindness towards himi and the desire to save him (Mr. B.) from dis grace. That message was j Gen. Pillow said the message was not called for. The witness then passed on to the second letter, and continued- The second lei ter,' in order of dale, so about far as I -can recollect, was written hall-past 3 o'clock in the morning prece ding the departure of the train j byjwhich Gens. Quitman and Shields left hefe- af- law partner to the Presidency. Philadelphia North American : this satisfactory explanation eft!. which the great political as we ll use savs : m "The best solution of thc mv can give refers to thc littlo ! sta! the Harrisburg Union, soon aftc r .- - .: i 1 . limore oonvmiion uau iiormii . Pofk, about Mr. Polk bcing su '. celleht tariff man, that stair ir,' made on the faith of an allrge.,1 lion iu 1 1 1 t l riit'ti iii.tm it uim.. ring the session of the. Convent! near neighbor' of the Duck Bivr my family, wilh these instructions :! 4,Take a copy of this letter, and so soon as you know of General Dix's arrived in Wash ington, direct it, seal it, and seid it to the HKbc bu!llt lien . 1 ' . 1 . . i n . :crp!ihe fall pjW oft u Uvi which would sen i ;s i . ' m r i . i iv . l . ' laini lUOUKO il uc, til uie umiiiM'! iiiiUMC tuna.e porl.on jjf our popull.on to whose ; .office. One .week i I anj incomprehensihle baseness of hischa- interests it wa$j particularly devoted. time, send for Mr. Luchanan, ihecretary , ... , K. ... 'i ( ill . II . Thp O Id Fellows in this Citv. havinj? OI lHie anu snow mm ine coP or spoken to concerning those letters or ly to the tarilt ol 10 is i inat 1 secured Mr. Polk the vote, of l nia, which made him President. r v i thnt th nnnf nel"htirr v.' General Gideon Pillow ; and if ' i . i.,. i ikf ir ip i fii i i iifiw iih ii lif-r , apir children H'chihbiPti will ever attent , c?Py out.iypoBf Miich ithey arc co fUiyu,lo pa apnual tax. 1 OUT?, CCC-i, j . UEAUMONT. rnhfithc lorW. The North Bi, i . ',i r ! vmm"v; i peidiire rlotven cdrijclure, hut we sea, e wavens lliKrhselves ciime traces of destrv ae view. The ' racter pollutes this glorious army by his any one determination taken by me on - - - m Ham. m m X w a T M . . ri r K- J 111' m- I Illll III W- .ll- III IIIIIIW III IIII I I X I I HI' i iirr I i I v w - Ili r il III IMir aVII II. es of the lowtDf t Up invited bxl Mr. Cooke. thePrincioal ,etter was couched as well as lean recol- ' ,r ,h. n. ttkL c,rZt tl,Mt nnv fViJ.ni! nf to boast that he did make Mr. V ..t:n.. i . r.i...,. . - .. ... i. l. .u- Meet in the fo lowinir term: "Beware of i . J . . . J . ... . . J . . t:;rr. nnt . nir U mor n,.t -,iiii'. ihiiiii.; ui.1 lumn. mjii i (ii i ii ,t iii i l Li i iuii. i tf i 1 i.Ji in uti l ii - wo , v . i : i , tn, til., ovirtc nni 'iiirn a rnai i' cy wtw m hp t r r tin r 1 iinnn anv 1 1 i r rrri i n n i 1 1 111 o y on ,ii otr Miwlii'mnreimnhle ! : ...nKrl nt tlJir IlUll nn Pav. precipitancy in your conhrmation o Gen-i- t '-.- ' ;: , . . u r.. .u... .i'...i:. heri?ftn immenseu eal of dead cai- U-tteville StreeL at half past! six o'clock, t'frt,.s no,?1.,t,'ll,an.s n this-quar ler ihou , ,mth had he formed tion had assumed a shane which lieither aI n Ihe Stale inrested n wood lal. i P lit fVnm whieh nnint thPvH marched at ! neglect ttllS caution. It can only serve to i , ... i...a i u.. .I.- h ' i;i !,., ., r . I , ii r (li t , i tiw... .....w.. j , . . ; . O I : ; 1 Li t' I'll I est tunur miiiii ui 11, tiuu lit; o nr. iiui in uniti iiciiiitiu ui-iu- chl neitherTjthe rfscnt: owners rr seven to the School on Hillsboro' Street, r Uy the benate. m a rnce-a deep. : dreamed of the possibility of a changed. ! thm A,: 1. 1 '.:. Li.:t I 1 -ii . . ; . , t Hmninr. ineitahle disgrace Lvvhieh no ,"", . i where they receiveu me uraior anu om- ; o- CM ' state of things here, approaching in the ers in wai.ing,ii,nd escorted them to .he j ZlUl remotest degree to ,hT which actually j nnarkMe OperaUon. - The Cha,!cS, CVJXtZrt TZZ' o t et"er, so farwi I can recollectfand ! "isted. he coo.J not have beiieved that Cw)tier y, w . lately Ueo 6 sent from other Lodges and lncamp- t ; the crmtinuance of this mission could do ., ,- , e- nA tui-.nn.MnJin fh P,,m. the terms. There was a postscript to it, i "l,,luaV . . . ... . , . to sec three casts of the nose and face ol a ments ; and their appearance, m tne Uom- ; , . r n0nJlt n.! much harm, unless, indeed, the indefinite , f , . . . , , A . , i t ,. . a Li..,, ,.f tu i,n desiring that, if my friend. Kobert Dale, v ' , ; . youn gentleman of this city who labored under mons Ha I, in the lull maze ot tne cnan- . . . ; protraction of the war was aimed at. J p a 3 llier with their rich regalia and caps vvcn ind,ana- was in Washington, to priracuou " , (leformily o( ,he n05c what i. delier, Mlu mir ricn regana anu caps, ipttip .vns a A. answer, in reference to ihe sense 7 . J 1 and With their various badgjes of that passage that it is a doubtful ex- called .he hndge-beng very much ot m- mrikincr f,d snlendid. Hun- i ,onS despatch to the Uepartment ot State H fa . depressed whilst ihe point was turned on. To o 1 1. : I n..nu- mithmh iroc. cimo tn liaci. IIUI Linn c I ui. ui" tAovi. t that that infamous deception ! Polk to the ijfilre in which be to reward friendship. and put'rru-: epaulettes. It was very well. fur Mr Pillow fn hnkter Mr' Pi.' was as natural for Mr. Polk tc Pillow in a new case." V j npa 1 er 1 hd frBmeiits of broken planets -r.trin iu incieortc Hones unon our p U ir. linsromethViHiliri!' their lno3t m 'Jjjat theo hr sucfu-e the volcanic eni j our py,rj sateliti tho nppearaucw I art and the disinnHrance of others i hhH(loived Of ihuil rnnn-mlmi fniivnUil 'ich the j ViteTrrff ho wbrldi i doomti "N pWrd on a planH whlcn i lo be hurt 7 u.utJer .WnJ vhich are to melt aw -US a .1 . . -11.. m 1 1 - . uing aij ji xvero rtn the, cemeteries, a Me in irntAo 4t injin 1- - 1 1 uut a rm u i c 1 1 . . ... .Bv r i I . . ; i mm 11 irini.iiii ufiiii.i i.jiim.a7?ui'iw - .. ... . i 4u.m.n,i' . ..LU :.i:i.: , .i.l I ! nngntyes were uaru upuu iur,, , whole passage would have given, in re- relieve this oeiormity, in. -.u ..v.gny oenus.. mmj m UIIU- BNIJU IllUtVdIIU IS Ul 1UI ' .i -I fITi.. 1 . -S I ,,Arl In Lm LU lllllll. UHUV I I HIV" HIV VI I . iur 1 lit 1174 ui 1 1 1 r vit- tjvftu Uv, , - i . i... t . ...u... T?:iinW W w- sident, whom 1 tnougnt it mignisave from gard to the words, I have no doubt the invented an instrument not thicker than a good &.ii. -tanj? on m.iiuJ.,IJ. ..r c.L 1 While Officers of State and grave Editors appeared equally surprised and interested. We regret that our limits wil not permit the publication at length, of the order of procession; but we may add,' I hat Grand Master McKrej was iu front, and that the offices of the Encampment and of Manteo Lodge were filled on the oceasion Col. Yarbrough as High Priest, Mf. Busbeeas the infatuation that he was laboring un- , copy is correct. sized needle fl iilened, and wiih cutiing edges Salt a gnod Manure for Celery. stalk of celery weighing fourteen mil thc Ipatps. Anrl innMrJn" f.ja ; in circumference, was exhihlud meeting of the Cincinnatti Honic ; ty. It rai e&hikiled to how ll.e v: as a manure for this plant, the gr.1 raised the article havui" madj th: Chief Patriarch, Mr. Walterihg as Senior Jni ihe leoni fi liumanit v and widoi Warden. Mr. Qliver as NoblejGrand, Mr. . Wadj been taught In the tchol Dallas llaywoou as vice urana, anu Messrs. rorter ana uoysier as juarsnaus, der, by startling and alarming him, if in 1 Q. To whom did you show that letter, at the point which mad-i an incision so small, of lrealing a poliion of Lis plants i no other way. In that oflicial despatch, ; to the Secretary of State, before you sent that since the healing of ihe wound ii can ' nafy wa.fSan( raanunng a pait c f after speaking of Gen. Pillow's charac- ! it from the city, or after ? j ; scarcely Ik? perceived and yet, wiih jhirnee-; ftirmer KVer 0r ort;n ter Gen. Pillow here interrupted the wit ness, and desired that he would shape iiis iKU'PP to rnrresnond with the lauestion. a -The nomination of what genera!1. officer was your letter intended to atlect f j .It was intended to qfiect that of Major General Gideon J. Pillow, whose confirmation I had no doubt every attempt . lo tne oest 01 rny recoweci on, 1 die, the cariages which connect the mm nau be ,aller ,)ei totll hfZvr did not show it to any body before I sent ; anj ,he nasai processes of. ihe -svperiqr maxil. naror ci .vx-ich thQ rnecimen t i' it from the city. It was my own work en- , nes were divided, and -an t -irU- wifiRn without consultation with y ' . ., .iV 4 an exemplification. iBwav - ' t m.s.tm:9 ...Mi.A- hM m tw. w n mm m7w na wnB mm anv human being. After it was sent I . . . - :Tr;"T..( I so RS-oy consinni priurc w icu iuu Hl 'Vluaus uilll lui.ii 4 showed the letter, or parts of it, (for it was a very leng despatch) to ben.lbcott and to Gen. P. F.Smith. The despatch chiefly related to the question ol -fvar and peace, as by constant pressure to keep thd par.! a correct position, until thty become pej-manent. ly united. lhe nose by ibis means lias been restored to al&atural and comely thape." ON hand the finest Rfgili. Tr ' Cigars. Also, the terjr be c'M , tobacco, besidts a quantity of fine imcV, tf33 BKOY,': t.-r - e vv:-.--

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