e in t r 1 1 Ixornii oLtho i Wntclnaaii. i J I 'U.y vir. Two Dollars payabl FAtillc4. 1 Baiif not paid in advance,. Two dollan i.A.i rift ctsJ will be charged. i ' .... ...i Q1 f.trttie firM.&nd 25 cts. Aif fich BWqient p9Tllon. oun uruc.s cimrgru 21 befr ct. hiclief than tnese rmr. .n. nociui ucuuc- . ?. . ' . i. . .1 tu flip vpnr 1100 tO IIWBC WHU Un v jrrrr.K's to the liUitors musi ir yuaum. 'Jl -1'. : ! i Si AWp YORK; STATE COLONIZATION 'V ; .V v SOCIETY. TM Society Jia-s recency held an Anniver aryiiMeting in the; city of New York, at which aaulntercsting Jacts relating to the Republic it Li ie rial and jlhe operations of its patrons in hit country, weife brought to light. Two hun. !rcdUrtd "cighty.fiv'e emigrants, and (our hun rredfainlj forty. ihreo1 emancipated slaves have -oncftOTjibcria! withlrf the year. The fiicnds t universal annexation will rejoice to learn -that jhja first republic of the Negro race which UcwIcPhas txtt seen, is seeking to be an- i.exed 'fo lhe U(iited States. 1 his project is 1 ' ---sr-rj V V j 1 J JLL y-tLJLJLY 1L1 AL ' f , ' I . ... ; 1 1 N 0 BRUNEK & JAMES, Editors 4' Proprietors, m " Keep a check ttpon all yock i K CLECS. - Do Tins, and Liberty is safe." Gen'Z. Harrison. NEW SERIES, VOLUME V; NUMBER 5. SALISBURY, N 0., THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1848 i.exffl ,p he U(iite'l Mates. 1 (us project is . fitorrti by the Ni Y. Society, which proposes ; ! raje-850.000 this year toNbe expended in M endinff free blacks to Li1eia7J W cotild wish xi it. I m.' he ri From the Baltimole Sun. ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMER I CALEDONIA. Seven j Days Later from Europe. Republicanism in France Triumph of Jj(imaHine--Advance in the price of CotloriX Decline in Breadstuff's. it ' We received last evening, from our New Yq?k correspondent, the following telegraphic despatch of a portion of the news bjj jthe steamer Caledonia, wiiich arrived Boston yesterday morning. s, provided the industry, settlements, and ; . - , . . . .... . dilutions1 of these American emigrants ork' hofever, broke in the middle of our despa.tch, preventing us lrom receiv ing our usually copipus telegraphic de tails : : I j New York, May 21 G P. M. The steamer Caledonia arrived at Bos ton this news was terrupte had this;ev po)l on itpe. Gth inst., and consequently brings syen days later intelligence. Wilm Indeed, so clearly and prominently lias I have been surprised! to learn that a man the expression of popular feeling been manifested, that some fears are entertain ed of the minority resorting to ulterior measures in order to render the past pro ceeding of the Provisional Government it ) at;viry jStatein tbo Union would contribute like sunt till t free persons of color in the Union j&hould bd well sellleiWn the new African "public. ! The; tradd of that nation with the j-iterWof the Continent, and with the United iatqs.iwiil soon grow lc' a birgo and lucrative b iiinei , wee !iii ' f iset Willi l.air anu jusi encouragemeni ai our 1 anoVlftl'he fact that so many human heiogs I, rrv :iniesern lAfiiea, without aits, sciences, c:? -civilization, and witb very little labor, proves i inclusively, that with all these benefits super r Jdd to the natyral auSantages of the country, the people cf Africa rnight export and import a Urgi amount of jhe products of human skill and iidutry. i Cive them intellectual and moral ducat ibi) a t a fit e of, and relish for a higher land 4 id of physical coinfrt- something to la- "ior for nd the cannibals of Africa will im rove as fast as jthose; of the Sandwick Islands, V ak did the ancient Hritaius, who lived in jollow 'trees, frj on acorns and were clothed ritb.the skins of . wild beasts. In New.York, 'Jagiachuselts.aud other Northern States, there are! thousands qf educated Negroes, souie of wbotn are. frkillfl ruechauics and ftrmejis, who will make excellent citizens and teachers in Liberia. ; A boundless field for enterprise, use fjlne,and nobje distinction is opened to these ia tbo hew Republic ; and we are happy to see ' ' i. ' i - v CO many OlspOeCU lO iinprovc ujb or)uriuiMiy. nugatory, and' Here the Boston tel egraph got out of order, and nothing fur ther could be obtained. ; as Rubio's immense wealth, and with the stake hb has in the country, was opposed to peace, as he must know that the na tionality of the country is lost if the trea ty now at Queretaro is not ratified. But he is the owner of some of the largest cotton factories in Mexico, and may de sire the extension of the American Gov ernment over the whole country to give rr EUROPEAN IN H : The fullowin U the .. . Rush, the Minister of tl t is, ia presenting to the Pr '. ' from that of the country v. . letters of recognition cf t!. ' Gentlemen I. have tl - '. to you a letter from the Pi , Siatef, .which confers on v., voy extraordinary and v.i' of that Republic to the Itr ; In presenting this letter if h to yo'uat the same time, M which the President fec! f - France,. and I am direct: From the Xew Orleans ricayune, llxtra, Stay IB. Important from Mexico. A Quorum of the Mex ican Cotigrcss'al last as sembled at Queretaro Conflicting Opinions vpon the Peace Question. By the arrival of the schooner Ma this morning, we have received Vera Between twenty and thirty desertions took . Jenl desire to cuIl,rat(v v. ; place from the army here on Saturday n.ght. ality, between the two rerv : ou will recollect that ;your correspondent at j y relations, Lich will tcr. Queretaro some time since stated that a plan Inost prccious rccirrocal i. had been organized there to eflect a desertion charged to declare that t!. I of several hundreds , from the army in and about ol roy conduct in reco M.lz; this city, and that the parties who were to effect ! pubiic xvhen ils exi.Menc".: w it were soon to leave. It has been discovered .vn,u : pAi1Pn,v i,r ii , t : that the head q'arters of the schemers are at menU U waa lhen h;'po d . Guadaloupe. They g.ve each man that deserts j at present this is the third r; as hih as a hundred dollars. Measures have ' n,.,:it,,. i , that security to industry which experience . been taken to trap the gentlemen. Several j agitated, and France - has proved never will exist under the Mex- ' faithful men have been allowed to go to them trials and difficulties tl ' I ican Government. He is a large com- J as deserters, and these men are communicating menlhas succeeded in i: ji! mercial speculator besidesand, like ma- j information of their movements. D. S. blessings of tranquillity at ! ny others of that class, may be opposed to ' ' abroad." History w ili t..'tl peace at the present time lest the goods e ana important jrom lucatanUonclu. Inense work. IamdouM.v ! rdered from abroad may ar- slun UJ " mwyvj i tacc. , on ,bis occasion mvf li.I they have ordered lrom abroad may rive after the treat) lias been ratified and i when the Mexican tariff will have come ; Cruz dates to the 7lh inst., the day of her gested to me as one reason for his opposi departure, and our correspondence from the city of Mexico to the 2d, Shortly after; the arrival of the May By the arrival last evening of the Yucatan now do so with the asjer.t schooner Aparecida, Capt. Espinola, we are in , and of my country. . possession ot late and highly interesting intelli- i 44 1 may now again be j gence from Yucatan, which will afford much my ardent wishes that ul.t r. pleasure to those who have been lamenting ihe : have passed from your Inn.!-, dent of tins city, who knows him well. , Anarecida lefl Camneachv on the 2J Inst.. and I Assemble that nrrM l,n lv , bear of the character and : c:c?.i ' .. n.i, .i iirillfTa Ila rrnn. w. 1 iv it,- -Iti.!:v,m0r,i ,r . - .afau "'"""q"' Mv. lawns aw- . j b VSIMUIIfUIIK Ul lii : into operation acain. This has beensug tionto peace by an old and intelligent resi dent of this ( From what 1 i c I ; i. ,1 : a. . l i lit r tit t uiurniug, aim a portion ot me , u was uruueu aooui mat an nopes oi power or lvunio l attacn great imponance rija oi tiie 29lh uju ''h report3 contained in : France the crcatcsl rro.-- received when the line was in- a neace were at an eud. I he shortness to the nosition betakes in regard to the ii U4 and nothing further could be of the time allowed us to prepare a slip ! treaty. The monitor Republicano, pub- ; our reporter bv Cantain Kniuola. are some- i r t '. . i ening. She sailed ft om Liver-; before the mail closes, does ;not admit of ; lished in this city, a strong advocate of what at variance, and we are a little at a loss mt. . ! peace, i we have received by this arrival. "Wjp ' I have referred as a hoax, at the same tac- the 23th April, publishes a treaty of peace con. srives i v gELL(NU UKY GOODS. er (x, omuns Ji,uronean l imes. puDiisn iwo letters irom our special cor- nv con esses mat tne government nas liiu .-ij-m, m Kmaiai, u , , . . . .... " r -1 . - . . . I I ' C- t I 1 OI O a i i j ii a.w a- B'aa a . i r - . - aii . rri m r- r- r w- r j n r-v ff-vi at ji i . r "fc m. v i 1 r 1 wie ionowing account ol tne conai- responuenr, wnien no not present matters ; reason -to beware ot its enemies, imicio- ai,i,"iu,iu yj . rr.in the markets : ' in so gloomy a light though they con- ! sed you will find the article of the Moni- i !'varbachano, Governor ot 1 ucatan, and com- j . m , . . i . . . . miicinnnri rinnninlnn liv II l:irinln I : I rum. . , May 5. 1 here has been a tain much to Keep alive apprehension. i tor on the sumect. I -ii , UMi.. U : - . . .. . . . . i " . I mnni r.iii.r)iii fit hn ritnlifrl Inrlian finrt improvement in cotton since the The kudora is reported below with la- ) 1 here are numerous rumors afloat here . , , , ., ., , r -i .'fruitful 0 B t 'r People generally, think that it is a very easy matter .to stand jehind a counter and retail Ury CwmJs I lnit' a vj-eek' experience in the busi ness would convince the cleverest man that it is much more djflicult and laborious than the tik of iurning ag! tndtone 12 hours per diem. j j The.ofijce of salesmen ombodie, in its duties, j riecessijy fr thje shrewdness of a politician, t. i i..tVe pertuasion of a lover, the politeness of a i..f Vrheitetheld, the: patience ot a Jotj, ann tne im L I i nudencd of aTfrckrnfcket. There are sales- I ' J i mjkmm M . la Inatr A it aai ix i lt nOITtf i f IICII fl ll 2 lHrU, W l(t' I'Vlli IIVV-I H SVfC. 14. I I a a mm tamer, yne ot(f tuo gentlemen, who u in a ' More iri .Chatham! street, not long since was II ! called to show a very fastidious and fashionable iadyj wrjo dropped in whilo going to Stewart's,' f ' Koaie rilb silk cloaking. Kvcry article of this nl IS f ":H- rr. A. Inur A." of 'l- s 10 si Inl h ,kiid-ws exposed to her view the whole store 'Was' ransacked -nothing suited. The costly was'siimatised as trash every thing was com 'mort and not fit for a ladj. She 'guessed she , would o to Stf wait's.' The salesman pre. tended to bo indignant.' S i Madam, ' saic he, in a tone of injured inno cf ttc, 1 have a very beautiful and rare piece I cf good i -a case- of which I divided with Mr. ' r?teWarK who is my brother-in-law, but it would i r '' . .. r i.'.i i it gseicss to suow it 10 you. 11 is me oniy jWce left in this city.' ;40h!( allow trio -to see it,' she asked in an r Pilous tine, and continued, 'I had no intention ' i it apnoyiiig youf or of disparaging the merits f '.'tl yfur .wares.' ; I I'lHiti salesminj, who was now watched in j Lre4lhlss silence. by his fellow-clerks, proceed cd, lis if with much reluctance, and with ex ,i previous of fear' that it would be injured by it '..4 . 1 1 i i gelljng Jumbled, to display an ancient piece oi Vesting,' which hjad, been lying in some store ftvejypars, and was considered to be unsaleable, 'ihet lady'exainiued and liked it much. That was! piece of goods worthy to be worn. How much was it a yard ? -i ' Twenty. two shillings.' ' 4 Oh I that is Very high.' Vlhe're,, excliimed he, tion of LivEprdoL marked last weekV. principally low and middling qualiliej being in request, caused by an increased jtlemand ior manufacturers and speculatpfs. . The sates for the week comprise 39,200 bales, atjtlie following rates : Upland or dinary 3gd to 3.1; middling 3fd ; mid dling fair d ; good 5d. New Orleans ordinary) pL to 3jd ; middling 3j to 4d ; middling fair 4J d ; fair 4jd ; good fair 5d ; good 5 to Gd ; choice marks Gl to 7d. j - Mobile I ordinary 3i to 3kl : middlinsr ) , ar 44 "T 4d ; midtljing fair 4jd ;' fair 4f d ; good 4jd. &id Island, ordinary to middling 7k to 9d ; fYir to good 10 to lid ; good to fine 14 to 17d ; stands 4 to 7d. The imports of cotton for the week were 13sjlG bales. The stock in port 318,090 bales; against 530.900 last year. Prices well sustainel at an advance of d. B r e.vdtuffs. Best Canal flour, 2Gs Gd to 29s.! ()d. Richmond and Alexandria, 2G to 27 h.; Philadelphia and Baltimore, 20 to 27s. Orleans and Ohio, 25s Gd to 2Gs Gd. I j Wheat, Imixed, 7s 2d to 8a 4d per 70 lbs ; red Gs 5d to 7s Gd. Corn 2Gs to 28s J per quarter. Meal lis Gd to lis per bbl. Rye 3s to )3s 8d per GO lbs. All thfj Ubove quotations are with the ter advices. If .she arrives in season for in relation to money and munitions com a postscript we shall add a word to this Tecul. fT Ant VttS Y 1 POAil v A t v mem. to receive lrom n r fficial recognition of t!. was the first to ret f the American lit ; and still contested, I . influence cf the d : was destined in half a i ecu; dip. Special Correspondence of the Picayune. City of Mexico, April 30, 1818. The inclosed letter of your correspon dent at Queretaro should have been in my hands last night, but some irregulari ty in the post office here prevented my re ceiving it until this morning. You .will see your correspondent an . . e . . . ain Espinola reports, however, that on i proportions oi iieany a v. a a a a t S 11 IT I rail II llil" 11151 fl.) ri.iv lip Ifft niiv vn rrrpivri In lhi . J - that both arms and ammunition are being .cfrect luat pat,"'yith his forces, were within 6 received through Acapulco lrom outh ' leagues of Merida, fiom which he judged that ... .... .. ,o jr ing into the country to prosecute the war. , c'apt: I have very good authority for stating IC j.. nounces the important fact that a quorum '. sn Patricio company. America in considerable quantities. Queretaro, April 27, 1848. American deserters are continually arriving heie ; during the last three days twenty soldiers presented themselves to the Mexican Govern. , ment, and were immediately incorporated in the is at Queretaro at last, and that Congress only awaits the arrival of the American commissioners to commence its delibera tions. Why they should wait for the ar rival of the commissioners to commence their sittings is moee than I khow. Their first duty, as required by the constitution, i is to elect a President, and this before en tering into a consideration of the treaty. The commissioners are waiting to hear of ficially that Congress is prepared to sit before they leave for Queretaro. As soon as that fact is announced to them by the Mexican Goverment they wil start. They expect to receive a communication by the mail which arrives from Queretaro on the 2d of next month. , Last nijiht the city was thrown into a duty paid.! Under the influence of fine weather the I tion ot a letter purportin r tf . .. .. . -i a 1 l.-l'.L,J Liiverpoo rates of tivity in ponding depression in London on Monday ment at Queretaro. A respectable gentle last, which has not yet been retrieved. j man has received by extraordinary ex- . . ' t ! i i . ... . i' i 1 i. ...l l. At Liiverpool, on the 4th inst., the corn ! press irom ywereuuo a leuer wuicu a- The garrison of Queretaro is composed of 820 men of till arms. Kijiht hundred men have deserted, with arms and baggage, from the ar my of reserve, 2,500 strong, which the Govern ment had sent against thb insurgents at Sierra Gordo. A wager of 810,000 has been made for and against peace ; several Deputies are concern ed in the bet, and it is said Mr. Rubio, the principal better has staked $3000 against the peace. The number of Deputies is completed. The arrival of the American Commissioners is look ed for in order to open the Congress. The Consuls of the foreign pdwers are all here. Anxiety is at its highest pitch, and the delibe- i rations of Congress are longed for as is the i coming of the Messiah. tranquility had not been restored, but that hos tilities had again been renewed. It is quite probable that Rat's forces were remaining in the vicinity of Merida until the terms of the treaty were complied with, and in accordance with "the 9:h article, which provides that as Soon as the ratification ol the treaty is comple. frt1 ilia ikaliifrirrtif C r r a j cVitll 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 t r I irn ivu uiv in iii.tui iviwva oiiuii uiuiuaiii ivntwi to their homes, leaving merely such forces as 3 . . . . . . , , 'J i . I i- i , us the assurance thatiibeir ; are necessary to keep order and establish Iran- ... . ,. . , r .... , , J '. .. i -ii i r ranco will bo accomn isbr :, quihtv and harmony in the several villages. ,. n . i , J. r , . public will issue strong and - Captain L. also reports that about twenty-eight !' , . , . .-n . i r a ct . rr.uJI , ' "Ie hands, to pass still tro:i- vessels from dillerent nations were oil the coast, i . . , rr . , ;, r , , f. to the hands of the whole in! . removing the inhabitants of l ucatan to Cam-; . . . k, A . v. We strongly incline to the belief that - , r . . 'I lr , . belonged to the American ll first to recognize the new 1Y so to affix its signature to the t of French democracy in P. :r tnre will bring good fortune i ...... i . i- , ioiwnnsianuing tne agr.a;r : ments inseparable froni " sue! ; downfall of the government ! institutions of quite a ditlere:.: so great a displacement t f i:. peachy, are hence forward ripe for t! 1 U t n n t n ,.1 . ,,1 .1 fl U .r. .rl 'i iT n ! t 3 r .-. tkfl in J . Wli.it .a liliv.nra U'AQ ri I surjrents seem to have had every thing that they , . 3 r . , ? , .1.1 .1 of the superibr men of tbo n desired "ranted them by the commissioners. ; . . . . , , . . to J into the ideas and habits 1 !. """" : without exception.' Tie Re; The Editor of a Southern paper thus amus- i wish for is that which I you ingly hits off Brigadier General Pillow, the a progressive .republic, 1 . man that made Mr. Polk, as he declares, Pre- the ideas of property, rnanuf.u ' sident. ! probity, liberty, and the m t He was dressed in a full suit of regimentals,' feelings of the citizens, ll i with the brass buttons and "ilt'lacc Dertaininir which the first crv was a crv i fraternity which shattered to a 'lull brigadier, and wore his three corner- fraternity wuicu shattered t i It has transpired from the meeting held by 1 ed cocked hat afier the most approved style of of vengeance and political i state of great excitement by the circula- j the officers of the artillery that they have made militia musters. He was accompanied by his proclaimed peace and wine i r . .1 .1 . i. r : .i . . . . . ' . . the influence of fine weather the I Hon ol a letter purporting; to be Irom ; a uemanu on me uoeriiiem io receive mcir aid ; two servants, and nad along the requisite : inscrioing on us banner the i .; j 'com market declined from the ' Queretaro, ot which the following is a,! Pay in the same manner :that the members of number of prancing coursers, either for a charge ' propriation and proscription, 1. 1- Iast week with a ceneral inac translation: i Congress receive it, and that they have made or a retreat. The General gratified the citi- the atiolitiou of the pain of dca: trade There was also a corres- Popular Revolution asrainst the Govern- f n a"essraenl ,0, furnish supplies to Landero, ZPns of New Orleans iwilh his horsemanship, ternity of nations. These pi ii - V , 4 ..4 i.i ,i I but the nature of these supplies is not known, freouentlv durini? his stav. Every morninir. his as we hope they will be. by t1 inscribing on its baaner the market closed sluggishly. The chief al teration was in corn meal, and the de mand wasjextremely dull. Business yes terday Was regarded as decidedly unfa vorable tplholders. j ro visiphs. Beef, d u ty f ree, prime mess mong other things sajs : "Queretaro, April 27 1818, ll o'clock at night. " Dear Friend The people have bc- f come weary iVifh suffering the oppression and sport of pefiy tyrants. 1 his at least 80s to 92 pd per tierce, prime, 30s to 3Gs. fVw nco Ji.uiu iUvU . n,i Kv lrirne mss 1 orU, tree ot duty, nev, 2as he omnipi,ent exercise of its will, discar-: tion with his companions, Corsazar, Almonte but the nature of these supplies is not known. The following is the article alluded to by our correspondent : There is an end to Peace. The Government of Pen a y Pena has finish ed in a tragical manner.' Ever since yester day morning this news, was rumored, those who circulated it referring to an express arrived the nijiht before last from Queretaro, and to respec table houses of the city of Mexico. Gen. Bustamente, in a well formed combina- K IPs S 1 ! l p, f4-UeAv you would my that.' I ,,. 4 Stat ii stay 1 don't bo it beginning to fold it if i( stay 1 don't bo in 60 great a hurry !' ibe'erid 4 I'll give you twenty shillings.' , 4 Madam, you Insult me again.' fsif inn m x fl ' fnrL o r t f inn TY 1 L- A to 7US per parrel ; oiu, 44s to bus ; mess, 14s to G0$ prime, 35s to 45s. Bacon, du ty free, old dried, 15s to 30s; cut, long and shortj middles, free'of bone, salted and ribbed, Eastern, 50s to 54s ; Western, 37s to 52s 3dj; smoked canvassed Hams, 20s to 50s per cwt., duty paid, not smoked, 25s to 43$4 duty free. Lard.-j-pine leaf 42s to 45s per; cwt. ; do in kegsJ39s to 42s; in bbls.. ordinary up tne deduction on some velvet which I require J to middling, 3Gs to 38s. for jrimmhigs,' almoit entreated the fair shop-j Rice. -Carolina dressed, first quality rrJi ''"'.: (duty Is) ll7s to 18s Gd ; 2d quality 15 to it i i- ji Pho 'sdlesman, after much persuasion, sold ihe ladv the vestiii!. (or which thev had in vain i, - - , f . . j ' ' - J . - tV. .rvmilit fk vst n tAf s. Ii 1 1 1 ft fi iutr voni Iho nrinn ! - i i m i - i . n ., v. ...v r..v. , s 1(J lo ou -i auow, duty paid, io ts vesting i ami" velvet amounted to $33! out of hlth the'cleiks were permitted to pay for a upper f oysters. The best of this brief tale t l)ry Goods is yet to be told. The lady had l.erjrloak made, and ono or two of her friends, I'ilifilited'with it, bought the rest of the velvet at the sjimo priceY I There is a moral in jhis anecdote, which we leave t be discovered by the ingenuity of all t ir lady readers, who occasionally go a shop- ilog; . : ' ! dine: what is called the General Govern ment of the nation, established at Quere- i taro, it has prostrated to the. earth its treacherous oppressors. At 9 o'clock on ' the night of this day, without any resis tance, it proclaimed the only, plan which in the present circumstances can save the country, viz : War, and irar withou truce or quarter, until an honorable peace is con quered ' Such is the programme of this happy revolution, at the hefjd of which are the distinguished Gens. Almonte, Bus tamente and Paredes,' to whoso voice all 17s. Ilosin, free of duty, amber and yellow, Tallow, duty paid, 5Gs to TJOs percwt. 1 allow, duty free, 4Gs to 50s per cwt. ' i uqiciijii.c, uuSu, i ei j u The tocsi rl bf liberty has sounded at ty paid; pitch, free, 2sGd to 3d; tm. free, ; wake , The invincible hand of Providence points out to you the road bySVhich eve ry nation on the globe will occupy its true and Paredes, prepared a resolution with such secrecy and success that the blow was success fully struck. Pena y Peha, Rosa, Auaya, Ose. ro, Pedraza, and many other Deputies and Se nators, have been obliged to fly and seek a hi ding place. Almonte, in conformity with his wishes, "fills the Presidency. The other three generals are at the head of 8000 men, and the head of the new army is Bustamente.: The new adminis tration count upon three millions of dollars, which have been furnished by sundry rich Mex. ican and foreign merchants, who have also bound themselves to pay every month one mil who are Mexicans, rather than partizans, : lion and a half of dollars during the duration of will respond. ' The express being on the point of leav ing, I renew to you the assurances of my l regartt. lis to 12s Dew rofted hemp, 23s to 25s per ton ; hackled, 2Gs to 29s. it i ft i V 5,eV' 7f lof : r , , . , , ! place. Mexicans ! fulfil your destiny V Airgmia leaf tobacco, faded, bonded, ; r Tlio ,o e. pt. rrt, tn ,i 0 i. 2jd to 2jtl ; ordinary, sound, 3.d ; mid- j cati j am ino.mcJ( by 0)d rt.sidents dl.ng 4d ; good 4 to 5d ; fine 5j( ; Stem- ; hpre hat he circulation of stories in 1' I , 1 1 iLOUlS PHILIPPE. The bnlyjnolice of Louis Philippe, which we f id bi toe English papers, is the following, from i London Timfs : .NVe believe that the reports of the Comte de I futlty's (Louis' Philippe') investments here "i re fnjirely fictitious, j He lives at Claremoni I t, a state of almost penury, denying Iiimselt t 'etj fhoie iimall luxuries which had become J-'.Tt'ost hkce'ssaries from long use to a man of J 1 jinie i of life ; even with the mo sit rigid cconi( t -ny, riowcver, u m said, that his income is still i isufficient tor u maintenance, and that in a ear orllwo if his-survives so long, ho will be f onijdetifiy dcslitnte. ; It Cun, however, scajice. jT b.lhf intention of the French government 1 sequotrate thcipiivate property not only of iie ,ex.King, but of his whole family. The wrs of his son's .wives are said to be almost ntrrely invested (either it) French funds, or in ind in France, and whatever claim th nation 1 jajf'j have upon tbe royal estates, it can by.no rocess that we aro awaro of be extended to rjf thus acquired. med, sou nil, 3d to Gd. K entucky leaf, 2d to Id ( stemmed 3d to 5d ; manufac tured Id to 9d. ' LondonUloney Market Iay 5th. The funds opeiied with the appearance of much firrrfhess, but owing to an apprehen sion of French interference against Aus tria, closed at per cent, decline Con sols closin; at 83 j Messrs. IJLpys, Mason 6b Co., flax spin ners, and jMex. Hndder & Sons, woollen spinners, Have failed. Their mills are at Aberdeen.! , the war. The Government also counts upon 80,000 muskets, w hich have fur some time been collected with zeal and secrecy. Finally, a commission preceded by an extra- I ordinary courier has started to call back Santa Anna. The nation recovers its life, courage, and conceives great hopes. War will be car ried every where, j These are the particulars of the interesting j news reported and confirmed yesterday ; we, 1 however, know positively that the whole is a i fabrication. i There is a factious band which, with the grossest effrontefy, insert lies with the dress of frequently during his stay. Every morning, his as we hope they will be, bv servants led out two of his chargers, elegantly , scmbly, strengthened by an i caparisoned, and walked them up and down ihe force, of which each citizen : street, in front of the St. Charles ; and upon himself, as you have seen, tic inquiry as to whose horses they were, always concentrated in a strong repre condescended to' answer, 4 They are Brigadier Government, will make tie 1". General Pillow's, sir-Brigadier Gen. Pillow and it may be said of the Pu is gwine to take a ride, sir.' The morning af- the American people -what a :. ter his arrival, he, accompanied by his aid, two countries applied; to thm mounted his horse, it is said, without any other the Republic of the two wen: accident except twice tupping himself up with , sentiments which Ihe I rench Lis spurs, and gallantly trotting up St. Charles, around into Magazine street, where he halted before the Picayune office. The publisher, in hot haste, rushed to tliO'door, where, after re-' cciving a military salute from the Brigadier, the following racy aud unique dialogue took place : I Correspondence of the Bait i;r. What is the price,' said the Brigadier, of New York, May twelve numbers of the Picayune per annum ? El(clion of K & Scnaors in; 1 wenty dollars, said the publisher. I f That is pretty tall, however send six numbers ! The Legislature of Connecti to Mrs. Brigadier General Pillow, at Columbia, ded yesterday to elect Senator. Tennessee ; and six to Mr. Brigadier General State, the one to supply the v.; Pillow wherever he may be on service, as he isting by the death; oi the; In! expects to be on active duty soon. And by the way, you can announce in your paper, to-morrow that Brigadier General Pillow has arrived in the city, in good health and is, at present, staying at the St. Charles." sensibility and gratitude to , i the Government of the United v express them to you in a sin:;': Frenchman has for the America: Lafavette." Huntingdon, and the other toii:c N;lcs, (Locofoco.) whose term- v. expired on the 4th of March tv Gov. Baldwin, of New Haven, i: t ing his seat by Gov.'DissclPsjapp ; and the Hon. Truman Smith, of Li ! It is stated that another, foreign legion, Chairman of the Committee on , composed of deserters from our army, has Affairs in the House of Represent been formed at Queretaro. We trust received a majority of votes, ar. 1 that they may compose the advance ! accordingly declared duly elected, guard" of the Mexican army, in case an- were both the regular nominees! other battle shall be fought between the ' Whig caucus. The result has giu Mcxicansand Americans. The traitorous Cral satisfaction. . : : ' J ; scoundrels should be at once exterpated , -X and although they do not deserve to die! Rogues. The Storcof our won' on the field of battle, still we would rath-' ZPn, Amos Jessup, was broken i and many circumstances render it within ! We, notwithstanding, counsel the Supreme " src u,e"l,,,iu? ,u,.r 'r" ! iUonu ii...iIa,uai;y1,uur the range of possibility that lie Govern- j Government to be on the alert. These rumors i Pe reason that lead is cheaper than rope, j of goods taken oil. inere vas so. . , 4 peril I U UIIW4I1VH1V .... I a . romo1 Iliific tir t'iien In! JIail Worm. i nere was a severe nan siorm . . . . 1 j ! a few miles below this place on the 2d inst jail, and has closed the names, c. The report was evidently put in circulation The pieces that fell were quite large, but we , concerned in like nefarious pjc.s. of no material damage being done , miserably execuieu couuiciilh t., crops. ; ! lounu wnu mm, uwiup b"U4J' print is the usual precursor of revolutions, truth. This is the truth. ment of Pena y Pena, without popularity j are generally the precursors of great mtsfor- i and without resources, may be ousted from l,,nes- Vigilance must be the watchword of j power before the treaty can be ratified, j lhe Government and of every 2ood. Mexican. Tk,, Mr,, ,UmMndinr rinv whnh Ve rePort was evidently put i ft circuIalK Pena y Pena in the present condition of the j to Produfe lhte catastrophe which it pretends had .have heard t j I ,i i rpi occurreu. in inis way revutuuous are some tQ the crons. nn n fi, nn,-. hnr m thorn! I ho uil. - lw iij WHS Frrnce.-pWrillraer & Smith's European Times, of the 5th instant says: "The returns oft the French election are now completedl. and notwithstanding the ut most exertions of the French Republicans and Communists, who left neither fair nor foul mean!; untriea to effect their purpose, the lists exhibit a triumphant testimony to the popularity of the principles propound ed and actltjd upon by Lamariine and the moderate party. treasury can hardly cive theml The ad a - ; vices from Queretaro show -if betting can be taken as an index a; division a mong the members of Congress on the sub ject of peace. Rubio (whom your corres pondent says has made a bet; of $5000 that there will be no peace) is one of the wealthiest " and most influential men in Mexico. He is a Spaniard, and for the last ten or twelve years, by means of bis wealth and his powers of intringe, which are said to be great, has whenever he pleased controlled the Government that has existed in the country. He is. too; the staunch friend of Paredes, and w hen Paredes was President was his main stay. times brought about in Mexico. Eds. Pic City of Mexico, May 2, 1843. j I have just received a letter from your corres- j pondent at Queretaro, and not having time to , give a translation before the mail closes, I can , only furnish the substance. wIIe says Herrera I has been nominated President, and the majori- lv of the Deputies will vote for him. Otero, In the neighborhood of Columbia it was very D Jr. J's goods. severe, and the injury to the cotton crop has been serious. The Telegraph states that sev eral of the largest planters are ploughing up and re-planting their cotton. Camden Journal. Fuicllevillc Cai-olinian; Satui It is stated that the number of churches in Washington is greater than in any other city in a-J k of the same population : Roman Catholic The Chicago Convention, coir put ed of human life's in the steam liar igati West, at 4C3 a year. ; There are ' Uat hands continually rxposed j fa tl which river and Lke improve trie vM v 5,i signally diminish. i l who it has been reported for some time was op- protestant Episcopal . Methodist Episcopal 8, ? drumming .through the ' posed to-peace, your correspondent says has lrotestant Methodist i; Presbyterian 4, Baptist ; j j.J.j Krf ja,i cck for to". changed his opinion, and will vote for the trea- 3t Quaker 1. Total 20. ; Je4",jji Mr.MMooney 'promising b ty. All this looks as it the peace party were in the ascendancy. Herrera is an old peace rjaan, and Otero is a man of talent and influence. in the Emerald Lie, to every u the meeting for railing money, &:c, a!; YCT Accounts from Indiana give most flattering prosp'ect of the wheat crop. 1 aLhis instance. V: i t: 1 -4 11K 4 1

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