'I' mmi I if wai ol flao Watchman. r Sjbjcr iiionjpfr year.Two Dollars pnynble in nJvai.ce. iOutUf not paid ia advance. Two dollars VnJ fifty ftsi iUib charged. LrEnTisK.tT3 inserted argi lortne nnu.anu c. for facll (lilbhoquent insertion.-, woun iruer5 ciwrgeu 25 percl', WglK-r than these rates. A liberal deduc tion V ttiOBe who advertise by the year, cmirf ta tjie Editors mast be postpaid. THE P U)GKES$ OF THE REVO LU- , i:f : , TION. Extract $ a Utter to one of the Editors of v fA , Journal of Commerce. li" f ; Paris, Mav 17, 1819. I havoteen here five days, but such tjhas biM-ji jl he state of excitement, in con euueiiceof the violent essay of the clubs at tiie-lmlj of the National Assembly, that . . i "i i : i ... r: flleV Ot ttJ inen Ol itusuirss urru lr,m.l i l..ir warehouses, bor the two K'MIIU llljlH' I" ----- - - n-4 ihev have, been obliged to arm : . ' U i-.i I i .1. at the call Ol ine rappci, mm iu join ine respective legions to men they are at tached.) i - ""OfoU doubtless find in the papers a com- let,. ti'iNfnrv of nil 'hut lias flannelled : j , j . -. . ------ ----- ii - . . 1 ! . -- - . ......... i - ..1.1 n Y ' lf Soul as mat irorn an r'wmu-ssisninnja jinore accurate than when republished (from onc! paper to another, and translated I'from orje; language to another, 1 will give 'Inline.' ! h 'The American Minister kindly enclosed liW ticket to me on the I4lh, which wojutu admit cine person as his representative to the diporYiatic tribune or box, and remar ked in a note accompanying it, I am tru ly glad jt think that, you will hear a de bate highly interesting, (the Polish ques tion ) All are talking of it. and you will f i Lf. sure tt hear M- Lamartme speak. i . i.. ... i'h -i....i .u.. ie.u THE CAROLINA i i , 1 NO BRUNER & JAMES, Editors 4 Proprietors. Keep a check upon all your Rulers. v i ' . .! ... I I Do THIS, AND LtBEBTT IS SAFE." Gen'l.JIcrrigon. NE7 SERIES. VOLUME iV, NUMBER 8. SALISBURY, N C , THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1848. I I' I 1 in I v h l II w ll c l. t ur lliriiiurii) j j Hssem)inp, and in a few minutes tl ! rnfeliptkyaJi opened. Several speech t -!'"(! a .a a I entered the hall. The members were the les ve.'eTnHH,deJ ami among other speakers were, the iM mister oi foreign Atlairs and M. Lamiirline. The Utter was listened to witli great uttenton, and spoke fluently nntlgraCji'fully. Shortly alter he had ceas ed a peculiar sound was heard, which ieerned lo arrest the attention of the As M inhlyj, It sounded to me like the noises 1 .which. proceed Iromi the locomotive en i cines oiiihe.ir approaching a ciiv. It soon II increa-H'-tl, aiul 1 could soon distinguish it i : to 'he the shouts of a multitude of voices, it The trie rii hers rushed out of the sideentran- IN ccs in 'numbers, aiid Lamariine came into !'.., -i 1 1 i , i i ... . . .'i lne miiii, ana niatie a coinmumeanon to me a narrow passage, anu escaiiea mio me open air with no other injury than a coat somewhat torn. The national guards soon surrounded the. hall, ejected the in truders, and in the course of two hoars alter the Assembly organized. It was evident that this movement was preconcerted ; but the intention to form a new Government has been frustrated. There doubtjess will be alarms daily, con sequent upotl the threats of the disaffec ted. Citizeti Guinard told me that morn ing at 9 o'clock that trouble was expect ed he was'bhief under Courtais ol the national guard. But I think the mass of the nation are in favor of sustaining or der, and" supporting the present Executive and National Assembly. The French, however, are; a very impulsive people, and one day reverses the acts of its predeces sor. '11- May 18. -M. Lamartine was called suddenly to-day to the Natibnal'Assembly, as an attempt is about being made to have him excluded from the Uovernmeiit.on the charge of drdering the release of four hundred meh who were arrested. j V'ri 'sided ters h it lodv of t in an under tone. Many mem- th ir seats and occupied the main he hall, as well as the aisles. They uvre ordered b?rck to their places; rind the confusion increasing, M. Wolow ski. v1k was speaking, was obliged to de. $isf, as his voice could not be heard. At ? titi niottvent one of the tribunes, which a-" a i' correspond to the ooxes m otir theatres. edhvthe mob, headed , by two WrtS lit rei'c: bl ij lookjng men. who addressed troln al truilef The Editqr of tho " Petersbtrg Intelli gencer," writing from Washington, un der date of june 3d says : At a meeting in the Whig Club , room last night, we bail the most cheering ac counts from; various parts of the country. Among others. Judge Talmadge. former ly of New Vor. but now of Wisconsin, stated that pie. had just passed through Michigan, where he had just seen Judge WoodhridgeU-foimerlv a -Senator from that State, who assured him that if Tay lor was nominated he could carry Michi gan. A member of Congress from Sout Carolina stated that Ta)lor could carry his District ! even against Calhoun, and that he would get thn State beyond the shadow of a ilouht. Bets are now being o!iered hereivhat Taylor will carry New York by thousands. the Preside lit of the Assembly. Cies pmtso! i ht hall ordering the in laclt were unavailing. The num bers increased of men in blouses, with Scarlet fecarls on their arms, and scarlet badges. ( hie held a bantu r. on which was iusjpiibed M Monttiuimts.n Soon af ter the pody ef the h ill began to fill, and M. Hartrs pttntVpted. to aseetul the tii- iunr ituoiini io ine sieaKers. l he up roarf increased.; ladies lieeame alarmed (atld shlieket . aiid tha (luestnrs were tr. tiered p close, all the doors and passages, to allow no:jngres or .egress. ' A forcible attempt! was now making to battler- down the pahition from t III mob yhicllhen I savV aboJlt to be snrressfid 1 retreated iumi the tribune to the court !i j V'trd, jiere I could find no egress. Here ii.wire Uie national guaids assembled. In j a lew fnomenfs a 'man was borne from jiur uioi -(mi iih arms oi oiiiers, i ne blood .ureamUig down his leg. He was Nvoundijd in a melee, In a moment after. door which separated us in the adioininir tribune. III j j MR. POLK. During the fourth day's sitting of the Locofoco Convention, Dr. Ramsay, a Del egate from Tennessee, presented a letter from Mr. Polk, requesting him to inform the Convention that he 'lid hot desire a renominaiioul This Utter tons received with laud applause ! We suppose the par ty felt delighted to get rid of Mr. Polk. This supposition was strengthened by what occurred when the letter was pre sented, which is thus reported:- Mr. Ramsay of Tennessee said I have a letter from President Polk. A Voice What business has President Polk to do yijh this Convention I (Hiss es and confusion.) A Voice Mfohject. sir. The Chair-fWho objects 7 What State IS that f I A Voice No matter about the State- I object for myself. (Applause.) MICHIGAN. A correspondent of the Buffalo Express Writing from Michigan, says: 44 Yon may rely upon if. that in no State in the Unioij is Gen. Cass less popular i il - . a the explosion of a musket close alarmed i than in his i)wn, and in no city less admir- I nil 1 I V.. ... -.1 . n ...I I',.. i oil tli mm in fit fit !n vhirh lit Kuu lit-ut iVr- tion in6 a bomb proof ( loister, which led ' thirty years and amassed a princely for- to anf ntranee then -closed, and upon , tune, without ijlustrating his life by a single Mvlihh tlie lyjuib were battering w ith great act of munificence or generous public . a VlOlrhC . 1 i ns they f. 1 could see them from a grille passed nprth ol the Chamber of tin: Deputies. In a few minutes a lady, -'Avhom ithe papers say was Madame La- niartit th'iin throtigl M'l atu two guards. a (lark passage. liiljhed lis protected by some gen- - rm 1 hey passed on 1 followed, and jn a few'minutes came to a small door. rl into a garden. This garden feet above I he street. pirit. Withjeiiher General Taylor or Scott in theifield against him, Michigan may be set down as a Whig State." jwhich was .sonic, twenty hand pr ilteet hi- Th .gouts', treated , crs ! fu nisi IeclL.by a parapet about four h. Hehind were a corps of na- ijtioiial miards loading their mukets out ,of the -!view of the clubs. - From the gar- i (Jen I wjis passed through a fie of thein into 1 lid street. 1 mingled with the clubs. A Gchuiiie Locofoco. An exchange pa per tells a story of a gentleman in Berks county, 'a mjetnber,of the Democratic par ty, whose attachment to regular nomina tions was happily illustrated. ' The Con vention: haVe nominated Polk," said a wag to him ivho had obtained possession of the real new s. Polk Ljust the man we want !" if No. no, I was mistaken," said the w-ag; " Woodbury, Wood bur)' is ey Were many, and filling I lie air with Gen. Scott and the Secretary of War. The most extraordinary portion of Se cretary Marcy's reply to General Scotl. is that in which, alluding to the General's complaint that the proper supply of-neii and munitions were not afforded him, he tells him, in substance -"You took the city ; that is a proof that your complaints are groundless." This kind of reasoning would make no allowance for superior ge.ier Jship, nor for I he courage and patience of the troops. It would tear the. laurel from the skilful leader and his brave followers, who, with inadequate means, and entirely by the force of genius and courage, had triumph: ed over. .obscacle otherwise deemed insur mountable. It would reduce to mere common-place affairs the most extraordinary campaigns that the world ever saw. Suc cess is an infallible proof, it seems, that sufficient resources were afforded. Were the few hundred men with which Cortez overthrew a mighty empire such a force as a wise Administration would have deemed sufficient for such an enterprize ? Is not the success of the first Conqueror of Mexico still a theme of Vonder lo the whole, world 1 And does not that wonder proceed alone from the Jact that his re sources were entirely inadequate to such a task I Was the capture of the city of Montezuma, and the destruction of his empire, a proof that the Conqueror was properly supplied from home.f To come: to i he case of General Scott, The world is yet wrapt in admiration at liSTlariiig and successlul campaign a gainst Mexico. And why? Had he heen adequately supplied had such resources as a prudent Administration would have placed at his disposal been furnished had he been placed on th same fooling with his enemv would there have been any thing very extraordinary in his sue Cess? Does he perform a very wonderful al feat, who. with ample means, contrives to accomplish a given object ? Was it this which won for the campaign of 1796 in Italy the distinction, among military men, ot having been the mbt remarkable on record ? Why, an ordinary General, with ample" means, might Jiave done the same thing. It is where the means are dispro- portioned to the end. that success denotes the great Commander, and calls down the admiration of the world. This it wasthat made all Europe regard Bonaparte with wonder, when he first burst upon their view, and this it is which now enlists the admiration of Christendom in favor ojf Gen. Scott. The Secretary, by leaving him to his own resources by supplying him in a manner totally inadequate to the. design in view by thwarting him when, ever it was in his power brought out the brilliant traits which dazzle the world, and made him the "Great Caplaip" of the age. And now, that he has triumphed in spile of every obstacle now that he has, by the mere force of his own talents, worked his way to victory through obstacles ap parently insurmountable now that he has conquered a peace from nine millions of men. with a force not ten thousand strong his very energy and genius are brought in judgment against him, aiid the world is told that his success is a convincing proof that he was amply supplied ! Let us examine two of the piost remark able campaigns on record, and see how' just this reasoning of the Secretary will prove to be, when tried by that standard. In the campaign of 17UU-7, Bonaparte destroyed five Austrian armies, one. after another, each of which was more than double his own force, and at least one of which was in the proportion of three to one. During alj that time, the Directory not only sent him no reinforcements, ex cept four regiments, but even issued a de cree forbidding him to list from among the Italians, soldiers to supply the gaps left in his ranks by eighteen pitched battles, and more than seventy engagements. Like the present Administration, that body was fearlul of being; eclipsed by a successl'uj General. He triumphed, howjever, in spite of neglect at borne, and fierce resistance abroad. What would the world say at this time, if the Directory had had the nn- imnudence to have, said that any purpose of utility.? The pecuniary supplies, in the meantime, were doled out with a hand so sparing! that Wellington was compelled to buy goods, and ship heiji, in order to supplyl specie, which a- lonjjHhe inhabitants would receive. The management was so wretched, that even ! Secretary Marcy would have-been asham ed ofit. But ihe genius of Wellington triumphed oyer it ail, and he acquired a far higher reputation than he could have done had he been amply supplied. He succeeded in spite ol all obstacles. What would the world have said, had the Eng lish minis! rv, in reply ;to his numerous complaints, pointed to Salmanca and Vic toria and said, these confute your mur murs t We protest against that kind of reason ing which takes from a great General all his merits, and confeis them upon the min istry at home ; w hich makes his success an argument that he w furnished as he should be; which gives no ciedit to his superior genius, and reduces him to the level oi' ordinary men. j Tite injustice of such reasoning is as apparent in ihe case of General Scott as in that of any other peron whatever. To say that h General, who is expected to encounter fifty thou sand regular troops, in a country w hich has not ifsIike strong! positions in the whole world lo overrun nine millions of people to storm positions deemed im pregnable to keep up a line of commu nication two hundred aiid fifty miles long and swarming with guerillas to hold ci ties of fifty, sixty, and two hundred thou sand hostile inhabitants is amply sup plied when he has not ten thousand men whom he can bring in the field, is to offer a deliberate insult to trie understanding. The success of the operation, with such inadequate means, is little less than a mir acle, and while it places General Scott foremost among the Generals of the age. it is a subject of eternal reproach to this administration, that he should ever have been placed in a situation so perilous, and requiring such high military talent to tri umph over its difficulties. Rich. Whig. From the Baltimore Patriot. National Whig Convention. FRIDAY'S PROCEEDINGS. , Philadelphia, June 9." The Convention met this morning at nine o'clock, and after prayer had been offered up. resumed the vote for a nomi nation for President. There were two ballotings yesterday and the following is the result to-day of the: THIRD BALLOT: Taylor 133 Clay , 74 Webster 19 Clayton 1 There still being no choice, a fourth vote was taken and resulted as follows: FOURTH BALLOT. Taylor. Clay. Scott. Webster. be the choice of the Corner Vice Presidency, amid the n cheers. . ' : After the nomination was ? Mr. McCuUough.of New JerJ ed the Convention, ftnd said ti nomination of Gen. Tejlor for dency was made on the free . Jersey, on the Trenton bat:! therefore moved that the no::-;-declared by ihr convention as . Mr. Vance, of Ohio) s'ecu.-t ! 'ion. He had strong I opj Taylor, but was too old a ,.) I surrender when lairlyjwhlj . not despair of carrying Qhiu i. Mr. Carroll, of N(v.' Yei':. M Whigs never surrender." i ' . would respond to the riomin ii! overw helming majority.! Mr. W. F. Juhnsoti of P. said that his State wcAihl noi !v the nominations, and the cry the end of the campaign, " A grape, Captain Bragg-H Mr. Jenifer, of ManlandJr '. the vote of. his State would b. oially and enthusiastically to nees. The following i$ the address of Ex-Govern- or Moreheud, the President of the Convention, on inking the Chair on Wednesday afternoon : Gentlemen of the Convention I do not do a language adequate to express lo yu my gratefid feeling, and to return to you my pro found acknotvlediMnents for the diatinguislied honor conferred upon me by by selecting me to preside over the delilierations of this Cnven lion. If, gentlemen, I possessed qualification; either by experience or otherwise, for the- dis. tinguished position ;is 1 am conscious 1 do not - the obligations that you; have imposed on me would he far greater than thiy would deserve, and therefore do I conidermy indebtedness to you, at this time still the larger. The purpose for whieh you have assembled here from every part nf the laud, uniting in common counsel and deliberation, is that of bringing relief to our common country, and de. visins? and execution such schemes us are ne. cessary to her prosperity and happiness. Or der, wisdom and decorum should characterize our deliberations, and so sure as they do, suc cess will anend them. Applause. We should yield, fellow. citizens, on this nrca. sion, all our personal preference. Let us bring f a ward, f r the god of oiir common country, our united counsels and our united wisdom. Let us rear our standaid with the foil determi nation to carry it on to victory. pplause.j All we h-:ve to do is to select a standard-bear. rj who will secure the hearty Co-operation uf Maine 5 0 3 1 New Hampshire 2 0 0 .4 Massachusetts 10 2 9 Vermont -2 2 2 9 Rhode Island 4 0 0 0 Connecticut 3 3 0 0 New York 6 13 17 0 Mew Jersey 3 3 0 0 Pennsylvania 12 4 10 0 Delaware 2 0 1 .0 Maryland 8 0 0 0 Virginia 10 1 0- 0 North Carolina 10 1 0 0 South Carolina 1. 1 0 0 r.eornia 10 0 0 0 Florid 3 0 0 0 Alabama 6 1 0 0 Mississippi 6 0 0 0 Louisiana 6 0 0 0 Texas 4 0 0 0 Aikansas 3 0 0 0 Tennessee 13 0 0 0 Kentucky 11 1 0 0 Ohio 1 1 21 0 Indiana 7 14 0 Illinois 8 0 0 0 Michigan 2 0 3 0 Iowa 4,0 0 0 Missouri ,7 0 0 0 Wisconsin 4 0 0 0 171 32 63 14 Mr. Collier, of Ohio1, pledged to do its duty. She,cou!d el. Taylor President, and fold Y w ivc. i j Mr. Penn, of Ohio.cn rh here and as a Whig whs dtermit i 1 hearty support to thejnomit . t saiisnea that he coulu ided State of Ohio. I J The Convention tjien ad die. at quarter of 4 o'clock. f i e t number well as t : Whole number of votes 293 necessa ry to a choice, 1 11. It was thereupon announced, that Gen eral ZACHARY TAYLOR WAS DULY NOMINATED ASr A CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT OF THE IT. STATES. This announcement w hich was made by the President, in a clear and disiinct voice, was received by a storm of ap plause, which continued for some time. The shouts were taken up by the dense mass that filled the street in front of the I building where the Convention was in j session and the. glad news spread with j electric velocity through the city. No j words can give any adequate idea of the ! wild joy and enthusiasm, which took pos THE NATION A L R ATI F I C COXVES'TION, Seven o'clock on FiiJajf night v. fixed upon for ihe ratisati.Mi, at V by ihe National Ritific iti in dav Nominations which lighten m i '. ing by the National Wh?g Co:i. the time appointed Iiidi'pin!et.L sented a scene such as Is rare! v Neither trouble nor ivnio ; the Committee of Arrangem ;iitj i s rations fir this Convention ,! Against ihe rear wind.jw of sW II pendonce was erected a vast ftj-, which was some. Iwel feel ab( It was very rapacious, cfcutainii. modations for the large and Vice Presidents, as ed speakers present from hll put - and the numerous reapers f th and the Committee of Arranger.. southeastern and souttwester i square were also erected very Ku like the main stand, covered, a:, 1 Variegated lamps also jllumir.at i suspei.dfd from the trees which u SI its surface, and DrumninuJ an ! !'. were used to add brilliancy u t' Of tho many thousands t ie thousand wete said to $ae am. more, and the whole r-itj- was mane f the hands of the t. ; marching and countermarch)! .g i meeting until a late hour of tJ. : The meeting was caUed to i Morbis, Esq., of PhiladelpM i, v ihe following list cf oflicieis, w I i mously agreed to : President Fl John ?. Vice Pn ki hii! n . i? t- ... !.- i r.i . t ,i. i . ,i u.a.. i -";; -'itoic. saM-.. ...... ...,,uuB.,uut M.- nu., j Ali, Col N H city, and it is giatifymg, to see, that a-j SllUnl Foot' V. mong those who are loudest in their rxul- : Ashmnn Mass tation at the. certainty of the election of j j. ym Simmons, R. L the old Hero of Buena Vista," are those j . M White, Conn. who most earnestly struggled to obtain 1 J. W. Fowler. N. Y. IIS a . i rw t i dicers, and songs. i no soldiers Oicm kindly, and in many instan- I - iihed them with some refresh- i rrtSSi cv ..t ..i I vass i . nicijiis. i oei ijii pri Miiis. no were lea ders or! of influence with the clubs, ad- the nominee.!' Woodbury ! Good ! No ; body can rqri so Ave 11 as Woodbury ; he is blushin ! the best fnU in the party." " Well, after ample supplies iand reinforcements had iall. it is neither Polk nor Woodbury, but been atlorded him, and adduced his vie " Better still I Three cheers lor Who can run so well as Cass !" Philadelphia News. Oresseil ? having i Uov them. 'At four o'clock, intimation been given that a new Provision- rrnment had been formed, some of the clujs .marched to the Hotel de Ville nd e.Isli where. 1 was able then to force THE GREAT SOUTHERN MAIL. If. . The Universal Public is greatly indebt ed to Mr. Senator pearceand his associa ates in the'Senate Committee on the Post tl. I. oil r . j Uince sianitsmenr, ior naving yesierua "ie Asslemblv. But w hat a change ! Hard- .i ..'!f..; r Ai.inrr ih 1) A d(jbuty was to be seen, and those so j Postmaster General to renew the rans hausjed as hardly to be able to stand, j porta,jon 0f ,lle great Southern Mail on luejiole btiilfling was occupied by the , ,he oI(j jin ,)y Waf of 'the. Richmond, flluo. fTIm nlatform which the President ...i U.t,.man n..;imfl t Pccupl.MAvft filled by about a hundred j n nrip nnt! UrHatHr ,han was naid bv the .2.4.... it.. . ... . . ' I 5 .rsc rus, au yociletalitig p tliat noltnng , General Post Office for the same touiu re, oistin-jniv ied bibt bv a miner ..niAL .Unit, ,.ni.- lflT . , . . I j . " rT J 11 ! Ill il lll" lflJiiiu til juii, "ivu o ilmen me rv tone oi in tories in proof of ihe fact I Again: Any man who has read Na pier's Peninsular Campaigns, is aware of the difficulties with which the Duke uf Wellington was beset, from the very be all sections of our coontiy's welfare. Let have inscribed upon ur banner ihe prosperi ty of our country." Applause. It has been asserted that to the victors be. long the spoils." L't us determine I bat we will be victors, and when victorious, if spoils we must have, lei ihem be the redemption of our country from her present embarrassed i-ondi-tion, and replenishing her exhausted treasury, and restoring her toihat H uiishing and hippy condition fiotn which she had fallen. Ll tis endeavor to spread over our laud industry, pMi-e and plenty, which shall give to every lalnuer adequate employment and remunerating-wages which shall cause every sea to be whitened with the sails of our commerce whi' h shall make ihe produce of our teeming fields lo spread plenty over our own land, enable our people lo extend to-olhers that bounty which a wise Pro vidence has bestowed npn us. tireat tip plause. Fellow. Citizens If our deliberations an conducted with that older and love of law which characterize ihe constituents who sent us here, we shall have little cause to fear lor our event, ual triumph. Applause. And il our spoil be such as I have described, sjHiils which will I - .......t. t w- p (f . k vr u..n iw Ihii ginning, by the conduct ol ihe ministry at i """ ' . .. , . r lo;. e J r I.. ...t i.. itfum with ihe l.lisifu U a wise leiris- lai.u ' ...... ...... .... ....... - .- p- service hem. This Resolution was accompanied by lhl-- tilnpa tiniwi.i...:..- . 1. .. - ..C j " ""oiuir me names oi iiu- -.- , vt i.. ol, e ected Provisional Government. On I a Prl i i tne engin.oi wn.cn uu. .ve- ihe ulHrrr, I rrni.i h;..:.T: i ir:... ! porter was not able to get a copy. irat. -an dd: soldier w ith white hair and i Intelhgencer. '"OUstAche. and rhanv orders snsnended Otn l)Ss h r e ast who.it was sai d , be I o n ged f the artillery; The confusion increas- l' Ij endeavored to retreat; but after t no -several courts, couiu nnu A New Rat Trap. Take a tub or kettle, fill it within: nix inches of the top with water, cover it with chaff or bran, and place it at iiight where the rat resort- By this method thirty- t 'Wkti At lasI forced myself through &l six rats ha beet) taken ia oue night. I ' i' -t '. if- - ' . . ug no home. 1 he immense resources ol the Brit ish Empire, both of men and money, were wasted on petty expeditions, while the General who commanded in that part, where alone the enemy was liable to a mortal wound, vas entirely neglected by the word-balancing, loud talking, phrase choosing ministry, over which such men as Pefcival and Canning presided. At any lime, by abandoning positions which were of no service to the ultimate issue of the war, ihe British Army in the Pen-j insular might have been increased to 150.000 mn, whereas it never reached the third part or that number. Had the French forces been directed by one man of energy, the English General must have lation and well directed industry; if, gentle men, the results of your deliberations hall be lo restore to our country peace, harmony and nrosneiitv: to restore to the constitution its vio. struggled to obtain the nomination of others. Mr. Collier, of New York, moved that the Convention proceed to nominate a candidate for the Vice Presidency. The following names were then placed in nom ination: Geo. Evans, of Maine; Abbott Liwrence, of Massachusetts; John M. Clayton, of Delaware ; Wm. II. Sexvard, of New York; John Ewing, of Ohio; Andrew Stewart, of Pennsylvania ; Robr. C. Winthrop, of Massachusetts ; John Young, of New York ; Thos. B. King, of Georgia ; Thurlow Weed, of New York ; John Sergeant, of Pennsylvania; Hamil ton Fih, of New York, and Thomas Mc Kennan, of Penns Ivania. Mr. Patterson, of New York, withdrew Mr. Seward's name ; Mr. Ashmun with drew Mr. Ewing ; Mr. King was alo withdrawn. The President then directed the Con vention to prepare to ballot for Vice Pre sident. Thomas Ewing of Ohio was then re nominated. Mr. Woodbridge, of Michigan, was al so placed in nomination. The first ballot was then taken, and re sulted as follows : C. CM. Tie-, . ; L. . Jo..-J W. J. t;. a. J. V. : 1). 1 T. W ' J R v. i. D. ; i: J M.-v. nil r. William Wright, N. J 11. D. Maxwell, Pa. J. R. M. IVe, Del. John C Groome. Md. W S Archer, Va. D M Barringer, N. C (J Ciamage, S. C. G W Crawford, Ga. oecrciarit Lj taniy, rx. u. i; jck J U..UVH De . Pa. ; C II ' C Bullitt, La. ! Jo. 1' (eorge L'uil. Mass. II ! S Li-le Smith, III.- P V -SS L'Hotntnedieo.Ohio. I i Alex. Ramsay, Pa. 5 Ti. : Admirable addresses were i the evening by Mr. John ft., n chair, and by Cx-Governor M i CJarolina, President of- the .N. ventioii, and Gen. Barrow, cif T . Richardson, E-q., r f M ir! - kell, of rennessee, Mr. bl. FIRST BALLOT. Abbott Lawrence, of Massachusetts, 109 Millard Fillmore, of New York, George Evans, of Maine. George Lunt, of Massachusetts, T. Butler King, of Georgia, John Young, of New York, Solomon Foote, lated right and powers, and to restore the ad. iiMmifon pi!sh Gf Aew York. ministration of ihe laws of our country lo its pristine purity, if uch should be the effects ot your harmonious Helibeiations and your patriot, ic counsels, I shall deem it the proudest legacy that I can bequeath to my posterity, that I had ihe honor f preside over lhat council of sages whose deliberations produced theue happy re. suits. Great applause. Reward op Merit. The annbal examination of the pupils at the Virginia Institute for the Deaf, Dumb and Blind, took placr al Staunton on tne otn ana iwm ui . a n.. k. Kf nraminmii were (presented to those C z ' . s ' lint'. n li u ill i vi iv.it.... r heen overwhelmed, lor they Were live on; f.ue DaDi9 who jjave most distinguished themselves iix tn nnp Rut theV Were divided into The first premium, consisting of a Gold Medal, was SIX lO one. uu.i "? nmrriHnded bv awarded to Thomas H. Tillinghast, (a deaf mute, son of seven dlfTerent armies, COmnlanUea n g VV. Tillinghast, Esq. of this town,) he ba-Ting been men independent and jealous of each otn- J mogt jigtingajghed during his connection with tbie er, who could hot be brought to unite for i school for KhoUrship and good conduct. Tho. McKennan. of Pennsylvania, John Sergeant, of Pennsylvania, Andrew Stewart, of Pennsylvania, Thomas Ewing. of Ohio. Choate, of Massachusett., John M. Clayton, of Delaware, Whole number. Mr. MMlttelL r.fWw York. of PeuiisIvania. (who presi.'. .: eastern SiHiufi) Mr. Walker, i. Itivers, of Binide l-danl, lL " Blacksmith." Mr. Whiu.cy, ,,f Sweel, of Illinois, Col. l)unr;u . Mr. Cogilell, of Indiana, Mr. I Mr. Parker, of Ma5saeb'ietts. ." of North Candina. Mr. Iledii!- r Col. Fowler, of New York. ( 115, the Southwestern Slatid.) Gen. I C f Kentucky, Hon. Mr. Uou-;.- Ev-Ciovernor Kent, of Main', of .Massachusetts. Z. Collin I.' Ex-Governor Stralton, ?.f N v Cocke, of Tennessee, Mr.L r.i Mr. Stanton, of Ohio. Mr. Brf 1 vania, Mr. Foster, if Georg; . Delnware, Mr. Mix. of (New Y dell, of Indiana. Mr. Ricaid , Mr. Chaudler, of Maaiachu -:-others. The following resolutions vrr S. Price, Esq., of Philajleljihi-t. : stand, and Mere unanimously r. ' n . I . .lj U'l . .. I. lie I c, a uai , nj .. 1 1 1 1 2 13 0 14 1 1 3 271 173 Abbott Lawrence, 07 The Hon. Millard Fillmore, of New York, was then unanimously declared to rr i i .... I T 1 Here oein" no cnoice; on inn immih, . . , , . .. ,, i . I, 1,,1 Slates, here assembled M u.etc i seconi onnui a utucicu, o.v.. .v . . r.jt;r ,1,. nomination I 11 HI III, ,f.,IW ,..v .......... t' II.. ...... I - 1 I ri as iomow & i EECOXD BALLOT. Millard Fillmore, CHARY TAYLOR iVre' LARD FILI.MOREafiV.ee . United States, and p.edg tl ... support. ' J';, , 2. Resolved, inat, in tee c Taylob as Whig c&nd Jati f

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