51 -I r t - it 4 -i 3! ; r j" 4 I i,f 'A ' Of. J Y 4f IV tt- .! r POETICAL. I THE BRIDE'S CONFESSION. BV ALICE O. LEI. A sudden thrill passed through rrfy heart, j Wild and intense yet not of pain strove to quell tfiick bounding throbs. And canned tlife sentence o'er again. tt might have be full idly penned By one whose thoughts from love were free, And yet as if entranced I read ! " Thou art mosf beautiful to me." Thon didst not whjsier I was loved i There were no gleams of tenderness, Eave thoae my trejfnUing heart would hope i ' That careless seWnce might express, j But while the blinding tears fell fast, Untd the words; I scarce could aee, There shone as through a wreathing mist, : i " Thou art most beautiful to me." ; To thee ! I cared jno for all eyes So I wai beau! ffu Win thine ! : A timid starj my fairjt, sad beams Upon thy path a loiie should shine. Oh what was praise, save from the lips And love shoultjl all unheeded be ,' So 1 could hear thy blessed voice Bay" Thou aft beautiful to me." . i And I hate heard I those very words ! Blushing beneath thine earnest gaze Though then perthance, had quite forgot '' 5 They had been 'said in by-gone days, "While clasped hand and circling arm, ; Then drew me nearer still to thee Thy low voice breathed upn mine ear , j " Thou, love, are beautiful to me." .' And, dearest, though thineyes alone i I May'see in me a single grace I I care not so thou e'er canst find A hidden sweetness in my face. '; And if as years and cares roll on, , Even that lingering light must flee, 1 What matter! if from thee I hear, ' " Thou art ttill beautiful to me V Y- I (Ef The following exquisite poem is extracted from the Dublin Nation. It will be read and re-read by all who can appreciate the genuine Irish grief and fondness breathed in every line t k NIGHT WATCHING, flood night, good night, acushla machree. Dark is the night which is setting for me, j. And my tears that are falling so quietly Will gush in a torrent soon. I There is no one beside me to cheer to-night No one to tell me God's will is right ; But 1 know 'tis a deadly sin to fright The soul which is going to him. So I hold my pertce and murmurs low, Till none could guess I am grieving so ; To him and his angels I tell my woe, I And pray for the soul departing. He was my nil in the world below, . No other friend did I seek or know, But I will not grudge him to Heaven now Since 'tis God's high will -to take him. Long, long, the nrk night seems to s:ay Yet more I dread the morning gray, For the weakening breath will have chill'd away Ere its full rays brighten round him. He will not bid me cense my moan ; My sorrow now must be all my own, '.My darkest grief I must bear alone, Astor machree, you're going. I wi!J watch no more with longing ear The fall of your proud light foot to bear, When your quiet home you are drawing near ; Oh! dark 't will be without you. I will thrill rfo more to your words so fond, Nor proudly think how a fairy's wnnd Could never bring me a joy beyond The bliss of being near you. j I will hold my hjrad less lofty now. When you are lijidjn the church yard low Too muoh I gloijied long ago In the hajppy lot God gave me. ; No more for mejis the Inugh and song ; ;But still as the darkening night comes on, The neighbors will see me creeping along . To the c)ld ground where you're lying. And they'll tell jhe young how my heart beat high, And the flushing joy was in mine eye, And small thought of care or death had I, When first we two were plighted. Crtltive Wisdoni-Dispiayed inlthHu-1 man c.Before Ihe caiv ueuum . ir - i u, hrmLwith its beau- ; vvrs reaaisite that? three humours should he formed of different sizes, dif- erent densities and dinereni reiracuve powerf three coats, or delicate mem branrM withTsorae parts opake and some transparent, some blacK ana some wuup, some crt tnem iormea oi rtu with circular fibres, composed ot tbreaas finpr inannhose of the spjdes web. The crvstatine humor required to be composed of twothousann very luitiapucncai mui- nia, orfscates, lyingone upon another, every one of these scales made up of one single fibre, sqr finest thread, wound in a most stupehpous manner, this way and that way so as to run several courses, anu 10 meet lh as manv centres. Thelcurious and delicate piece of or ganization required to be compressed into the size ot a ball only nan an men in ai ametl, and a socket composed of a num ber ofjsmall bones to be hollowed out and exactly fitted for its reception. A bed of loose'fat for this ball to rest upon, a lid or curtain to secure it from danger, a varie ty of irbuscles to enable jit to move up wardsjjand downwards, to the right and to th left, and a numerous assemblage of minute veins, arteries, nefves, sympathies, glandland other delicate pieces of ani mal machinery, of which) we have no dis tinct j conception, were still requisite to comnlete this admirable brgan. Even in this state it would be of no use (or the purpose of vision. Unless it were connec ted with the brain by the optic nerve, through the medium of which the impres sions, of visible objects are conveyed to the soul. Stilf, in addition to alljthese contrivan ces, a j wonderful machinery requires to be irf action, and an admirable effect pro duced! before a landscape can be contem plated! Ten thousand millions of rays compounded of a thousand different shades of colpr, must fly off in every direction from the objects which compose the sur rounding scene, and bej compressed into the space of one-eighth of an inch in or der tojenter the eye, and must paint every object! in its true color, form and propor tion,; dn ;a space not exceeding half an inch in diameter. Were any one of the part iwhichl compose this complicated' machine either wanting- or deranged ; were even a single muscle to lose its; ca pacity of acting, we might be for ever de prived of all the enchanting prospects of the erfrth and heavens, and enveloped in the darkness of eternal night. Such is the ilill and intelligence requisite for ac complishing, even in a sjngle organ, the purposes of Divine benevolence. From Dick's Philosophy of Religion. ' there were" no times," took the be Baltimore hank man ibk Ul.V.Qttt in Revolutionary hounds and started in pursuttjot game, u was not long before the whole pack were in full cry, and the worthy magistrate, on looking up from the sacred volume, discovered a Btie buck mak ing for the camp. Without a minute's delibe ration he seized a loaded rifle and plugged the deer between the antlers. j " Gentlemen." said he, when his friends came to the spot, " it is contrary to the laws of Moses and the revised staiuies oi rennivivanm to travel on Sunday, and for that reason I shot that fellow still I have violated the Sabbath as a christian, while I have maintained the dignity of the law as a magistrate, and acting in the latter capacity. j If we should scare up another 1" Td shoot ihe rascal for travelling on Sun day"Spr. Times. j SteamP5Sy?,poat NEWf FIRM DBS. BROWN k JHES NOTIOE. THE subscribers having qualified last Term of Rowan County G at the JUL last Term of Rowan County Court ol Pleas and Quarter Sessions, as bxecutors ol the last Will and Testament of John Murphy, dee'd, requests all those: owing accounts or small notes, to come forward and pay ; also, those having demands against the Estate to pre sent them legally authenticated or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. WILLIAM MUUrH i, JAMES MURPHY. Salisbury. May 29. 1848J 6t5 err1 4 f THE Proprietors oil the CAft. tn BOAT COMPANY to" Put on be River the new Steamer GOV. GRAHAM, to ran regularly between Wilmington and Fayetteville, at the latf reduced freight,. She draws but 20 inches water, having two engines and locomotive boiler, with superior accommodations for Ba"- w . All Goods consigned to J. & W. L. McG AR , Wil mington, will be forwarded up the river, free of commis sions. . , r 1 J J All Produce from the country will be forwarded down tberiver and to its destination free of commissions, nmmonications addressed to J. &. W. L. McGary, Wilmington, and W. L, McGary, Fayetteville, will have attention W. L. McGARY, Agent. Aoril 15. 1848 ly52 HAVING purchased the Drug Store formerly occu pied by H. Enoiss, would inform the public that they intend keeping at all time., a large and full assort- menDRUGS, jMEDICINES; Chemicals, &c. Physicians may rest assured that they may at .11 lime, obuin from them . pure and genuine article ; and far tbermore, that they will sell as cheap. Of chetper) than any similar establishment in this section. Among their Stock miy be found the f ollowingTir. ; Powd'd ! Allspice 13R RESTORER C ; : ' ! ! i CBRONIciiXV t DYSPEPSIA, ger.eral skin, of the liver, i f tie . billions affection? etc. I LAND ll FOR SALE! El'8. FURTHER NOTICE. THE undersigned having on this day, (May r- 31st) closed the books of J. &. W. Mur phy, requests all persons having long standing notes and accounts to come! forward and pay ; and all those having demands against said firm to present them for payment. WILLIAM MURPHY, Surviving Partner. Salisbury, May 31, 1848. Oh YES f OhYES! Oh YES! rTlHE undersigned being obliged to close up " the present STOCK OF GOODS on hand, which is very large, and the most of them having been bought this Spring at exceeding low pri ces for cash, hereby gives notice that the I WISH to sell my plantation lying on the south side of the South Yadkin River and Hunting Creek, in Da vie County, North Carolina, four miles southwest from Mocksville, containing ; 1475 ACRES, of which about 500 acres are cleared (200 of which is fresh,) ia good repair, and upon which there are good FARM BUILDINGS, a good GRIST and SAW MILL, zood meadows and all necessary conveniences for farm ing on a large scale. The land is equal in quality to any i in the county, and is well adapted to the raising ot all kinds of grain and tobacco particularly. Persons wishinc to Durchase, will please call on me in Mock8vilIe,and I will tike pleasure in showing them the land, and as I am determined to sell I will give a bar gain and make the terms accommodating. WILLIAM F. KELLY. April 24, 1848. j 14t52 (CTThe Raleigh Register and Danville Register, will please copy the above for three months, and send their accoun's to this Office for payment. " CABINET MAKING. Alcohol, j Castor Oil, Epsom Salts, ) Bals. Copaiva, Quinine, : Peru v. or Red Bark, Blue Mass, (Eng.) Calomel, 44 ' Rhubarb, 44 ; Jalap, Ippcac, Magnesia, Opium, j Morphine, Hyd. Potass., Iodine, Lunar Caustic, ; Vials, (all sizes) Race Ginger, O Medical prescriptions carefully prepared at hours. ED. W. BROWN, II. JAMES, Salisbury, Dee. 16, 1847 if 33 Pepper, (all kinds) Mace and Cloves, Cinnamon, Indigo Sc Copperas, Madder & Arnatto, Log and Red Wood, Starch, Fig Blue, Candles, (all kinds) Lemon Syrup, Sweel Oil, Lamp Oil, Matches cc Blacking, Mustard, (best) Leather dc Carriage Varnish, kc, 5cc ill do. $1 0. DEPURATI For Ferer mad Ague, Dueaf$, Gravel I TVorr nets the Ilead Dir: ' taken in the Restorer. 1 Universal or Sin for disease of the die:, ; ABYSSINIA for Bonorrbcea.g'fet, i: ; -bottle. 6 1 SI 23anJ ?. GOLD mi: . An incjrr.f ar..l t Thesc Medicises nr prepared by himself, an i community for abost ten ; success. A great nuni'r session of his agerns.cn J : stores. We presf nt here Fro in the Letter from J. Mi A. IX -Ashborough, N. G. Asntn r. Dr. Kmi Dear ffigh For the Carolina Watchman. I Mkssns. ' Editors : tteing a warm and zealous friend of the Temperance Cause, and earnestly desiring to pro mote it by any proper means, I beg leave to insert the following, titled thepV Advertisement of an Honest Rum- , seller," hoping thai itinay lc profitable to some of your readers : YANKEE DECISION. Some time between the years of '12 '14, 9 " when considerable animosity existed between lEe people of Canada and the States, and when om df the Biitish subjects, who were "dress ed witjj a little brief authority," looked upon the Yankees as but little better than brutes the fol owing is said to have taken place at the custrr house at St. Johns : Aankee of considerable dimensions enter ed theiotlice and informed the officer that he wisliecj to enter his load and receive a passport. The; officer cast a sarcastic look at him, and said? itjwas customary for people when they en tered His office to receive passports, to take off theijr lats, and requested him to do so instantly. "Nf. I thank you," said the Yankee, I paid four dollars for that hat td keep my head and carl vvaim." i - -t I 41 i pti impertinent puppy," said the officer, working himself into considerable of passion " howjdare you insult me ? Off with your bat itnmeaiately." 4! sir, can't do it, keeps my head proper warm!" i several orders of'a similar kind, ac companied with threats and curses,: which met with fio better success, he stepped up to him and gve his hat a blow that sent it to the ad jacetitjcorner of the room.; The Yankee paid lio atlniion to this, but waited patiently until he had received a passport, folded and deposited, It safey in his wallet, and was ready to pursue hi journey, when turning to the officer, he re on hand will be reduced as follows, and first of all, for the ladies. ! LADIES READ THIS ! i Summer Lawns worth.20 to 25, reduced to 12$ to IS. Barage " 25 to 30, ; " 15 to 18. Fine Barage " 50 to 75, j " 25 to 37$ Fine Poplins and silk Tissues worth 75 to 87$, re duced to 50 and 60 ; Ginghams worth 20, 25 and 30, re duced to 12$, 15, and 20 ; Muslin de Lanes worth 25, 30 and 37$, reduced to 12$, 15 and 20 ; fine summer scarfe worth 125, 150 and i 00, reduced to 75 and 1 00; summer shawls all kinds and qualities, reduced one third from the original price ; fashionable figured silks will be sold at New York cost and charges. 500 YARDS PLAIN SILK, worth 1, and warranted to wear well, will be sold at 25 cents a yard ; fancy col'd Alpaca, worth 50,60 and 75, reduced to 25 and 30 ; a large stock of fine silk par sols, which will be sold at-New York cost and charges. All kinds of Calico at exceedingly low prices, 4 cts. and upwards ; a large stock of Cirpeting which will be sold at cost and charges, and many other articles dis posed of at equally low prices, j Merchants, Pedlars and all other persons, buying to sell again, can now buy as cheap as they can get them in New York. A general reduction will be made on most all kinds of goods. Brown Sugar, 4, 5, 6 and 7 cents. Best Loa f Sugar, 10 cknts. Coffee, 7 and 8j. j Give me a call, and bring your money with you and I will give you mofe for it than it is worth, so that you can go j home and tell all your neighbors. Respectfully, ! WM. MURPHY, Surviving Partner of j. 5f TV. Murphy. Salisbury, June 1, 1848. i HE subscribers have this day formed a Copartner ship under the style of H atSOIl & KOWZCC. We will continue the CABINET MAKING BUSINESS in all its various branches, at the old stand opposite the Rowan Hotel, being thankful and encouraged for past favors, we would solicit a continuance of the samp", and hope to please every one who favors us with a call. DAVID WATSON, WM. ROWZEE. Salisbury, January 11, 1848. 3tf39 FALL AXDIVIXTER" FASHIONS" FOR 1847 & 48. Just Received at the New Tailoring Establishment. A CARD. DRS. BROWN &, JAMES having associated them selves in the practice of Medicine, can alwaya be found at their drugstore when not professionally engaged. Silisbury, December 16, 1847 if 33 ' Shoals Iron Works! Gaston County, X. C. FTlHE subscriber having leased the a JL bove Establishment, for the purpose of manufacturing Iron, Nails, Castings, Mill Spindles, Cranks, and all Black smith Work, and having good Lathes and an excellent Machinist from the North, he will be prepared to make and fit up all kinds of Machi nery at short notice. ; Having spared neither pains nor expense in selecting a good set of workmen, connected with his own long experience in the above line of busi ness, will warrant all work made at this establishment L La-be. as well executed as it can be done in this part of the country, and at prices to suit the times. i WM. E. ROSE. February 8, 1848 lj41 Saddle, Harness and Trunk IT "Friends and ' Neighbors ! Havins iust onened a commodious, shop foritlie inlo of " Liquid Fire," I em brace this opportunity of informing you, that on Satur next, I nhall comnieiirce the bu?ine?s of making drunk ards, paupers and bepjnrs for the sober, industrious and respectable to suppoijt. I shall deal in "jfamilinr spir its" which shall extjite men to deeds of.rjot and robbe ry and blood ; ami by so doing, diminish the comforts, augment the expense, and endanger the welfare of the community. , ?I wjll undertake n;t short notice, for a small sum, and With t real expedition, to prepare inmates for the asy lum, the poor 'house,; the prison and the gallows. .1 will furijif-h an article which shall increase the lamoiint of futal accident, multiply the number of dis tressing diseases, and will tender those harmless, incur able. ! h I wjll furnish a Ar which shall deprive some of life, many C reason, most of property, all of peace; which shall cause fathers to b- fiends, wives widows, children orphans, and all inrndieants. I will, cause the r Ming generation to grow up in ig noraneel and prove a burden and a nuisance to the coun-:-Uy. I will cause mothers to forget their suc'iiing infants, ""virgins to fotet their priceless innocence. . I wil corrupt iht -ministers of religion nhatmrt tk progress of the Gospel, !efi!e the purity of the Church, ad cause temporaal, spiritual and eternal death; and if any be o impertinent as to enquire why I had the au Idaeity to bring such- accumulated mis?ry upon a com baratively happy land, my honest feply i9 Money ! The ppint trade- is the most lucrative, and professing ' Christians give it thhr cWerful countenance I have a licence fijom e Coiirt, and if I don't bring I nirw cn ujkmi yoi, skiiiicdoov else will. 1 lite in a land of liU rty. 1 have purchafed the right ! to idemolisli the character, destroy the health, shorten' th liet, and ruin tjie souls of those who choose to hon or me with their custom. 1'know thai the Ifible says " ihouidialt not kill" ; that it pronounces woe uin him who giveth his neighbor strong drink ; and, alw read in the Divine Record, that no drunkard shall inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, and I cannot expect the drunkard maker to share a bet ter late, 1 et tchat ran I do ? qnf sl(cl him to pick up his hat and put it on his neau.jj The officer, who was wroih, ordered him to ledvc the office, or he mrht get into trouble, fonhejjdid not make words with a man of, his description. 44 I ay mister," says the Yankee; " you must piqk tp ny hat, and that at just one minute's tirie, or feel the weight of'these mauls" shak , in hi fists rather neaaeii his lordship's face,, j than yas agreeable. frhe! officer raved and swore, all to no effect. and finally threatened? to cane him if he did not (lepqiUl i v yf(Te Yankee, " time flies con sieralrNder fast," at (he same' time begin, nijig tTJTWrTtin his coat, and you had better b goip" al'ser that hat." Afttr several more threats, which had the i desired effect upon his opponent,' and the time .1 bmJ pearly expired, he sneaked off and pick WILLIAM J. PLUMMER SADDLER ASD ntKNESS MAKER, fWy AKES pleasure in returning his JL thanks td all those who have heretofore favored him with their custom. He trusts and believes that he has given Very general, if not uni versal satisfaction ; and n3 he is for the past, so shall he continue to feel grate ful to all who may patronize his shop. i He would inform the public thajt he has lately receiv ed some very fine northern materials, and is now better prepared to do Saddle and Harness work than ever. His prices are not extravagant, but his work is good. He occupies his usual stand, opposite o the store of Bo ger &. Maxwell, and is ever ready? to obey orders in the line of business to which he belongs. He keeps on hand a good stock of saddles, bridles, martingales, harness, &.c. for sale, and can most generally, furnish instanter, such articles as are required of him. Salisbury, June 1 , 1848 j tfo 1 WOULD respeclfuily announce to the citizens of Salisbury and its vicinity, that I have located in this place for the purpose of carrying on the Tailoring D US ill in all its various branches, and I hope by strict attention to business, to merit a liberal share of public patronage. 1 shall receive regular from the North the latest FASHIONS, and shall spare neither time or expense in giving satisfaction to all who may favor me with their work ; always holding myself responsible for any work that I may do. I have now in my employ two first rate Workmen. My Shop can be found in T. L. Cowan's Brick Row. GEO. L. GOULD. Salisbury, Sept. 23, 1847 REFERENCE. Mr. Gould has been cutting under my instructions for the last five years, and I can with confidence recommend him to the citizens of Salisbury, as capable of giving Satisfaction in his line of business. THOMAS M. OLIVER. Raleigh, N. C. Valuable LAND OR SALE. I WISH to sell my plantation lying on Hunting Creek in Davie county, N. C , five miles west of Mocksville, containing 339 Acres, of which from eighty to one hundred acres are first rate bottom land, well drained, and in good order for cultivation. There is a good DWELLING HOUSE, Barn and all the necessary out-buildings, a first rate spring and a good orchard of select fruit. Persons de siring to buy, are requested to call and examine for them selves, and as I am determined to sell I will give a bar gain and make the terms accommodating. GEO KG E WILSON. April 24, 1849. 1H52 MANUFACTORY ! MAIN STREET, SALISBURY. timony.to the beneficial r Noah Scnilherman , ti j- - matory Rheumatism, dot. resorted to your Medici: it ; he wn effectually ctr of the Blood, &.c I can ver tried them sufacW ::t! , fied with their efficacy. J! , -Framtlr.. i Letter from J. Rj Callj- .. Dr. Ken I. Dear S.r : entire satisfaction in tl i- - sinia Mixture especial y, , -never failed to cure in t ; I have never haj enoj-h : will please tend ne a br. arrive at home, j c . Milton Drug Store, A ! QIK Mr. Ramsay, n the ' Esq., Guilford couf.ty.f. r and Ague.treated with Q oat any effect ; but wa i third part of a pint Ilr: live Powder. i AGENTS IN Nt J. HExxiW, Dr PlIIFEK As ri'oUKl , Thomas J.Holtu . Capt. Wm.JSladi:. J. lVMABnr; P. J. J. & K.'jSloan, A. S. Poetek, Dr James Uraxwk, Samson Kbeifj:, 1 . Woollen tfc; Uu vr J. M. A. Dbaki:, E. Corrix'A: Co., I Pmnr KERNEn, P. 17:toan.l248. F m r HUE subscriber having established himself in the JL Town of Salisbury, for the Duroose of carrvinn on the above business, respectfully solicits a share of public patronage. He pledges himse'f, that his work shall al ways be done in the very best s:yle,and his prices to suit the times. He will keep constantly nn hand Saddle, Bridles, Martingales, Harriets, Collar, Saddle Wallets. Trunks. I Valises, ifc, Inc. Also, Harness Skirting, Sole and Up- per Leather of the very best quality always on hand which j can be bought low for cash, or on a short credit to prompt customers. In addition to the above, he respectfully informs the public, that he carries on the TAXXIXG and BOOT and SHOE MAKIXG BUSINESS in the Town of Siatesville, where he will always be happy to see his old j friends, and supply them with any of the above enumer ated articles. Thankful for past encouragement, he hopes by close attention, not only to merit a continuance of the same, but a considerahle Increase for the future. LTHis shop is one door above G. W. Brown's store and just opposite the " Brick Row." WM. H. MOWBRAY. Salisbury, January 27, ISIS y ea up jhe hat and; offered at to the bwner ; but m nwi .-nu:iiru ii uav, ciuu lie uruereu nim toput it on his head precisely as he found it. The officer hesitated, hut seeing the delennina li.n of the Yankee, he Atas collated and or dered Jo place it as he found it. Here," says thn Yankee, tuck this ear utldpr, now the other, pull it dovn a little ttiore ir flout," etc. All of which orders the officer rencl4nily fulfilled. "There, sir, thnt's about ii:ht,' says the Yankee, and now, friend, be. f.te I leave I will give vot avord: of good ad- vice -never meddle with; a Yankee's hat, un. less yu ar prepared to take a peep into futu- r.ty- lood day sir.' York Dist. S. C June 10, 1848. J.C.'M. t f j 44 Search flic Scripture." f- Wo unto ihem pat riae t?p early in the morning, that they may follow strong drink that continue until nigr.t.'till wine inflame themj' Isaiah v. 2. - Wo unto him that givrth his neighbor drink, that putteat Ihe bottle to;him, and inakest him drunken, alao that thou mayex look on their nakedness." Ha, xi. 15. Violating the Sabbath.-r rigid Sabbatarian, who (Jccasiotmlly exhorts in Church, and nils th,e office of Justice, of th Peace in a western village, not long since went on a deer hunt with a pattj-, composed of five or six young hunters. By sne unaccountable mistake he !ot his rejekoijing, and much to his mortification he found tin reference to h'u papers on Ihe third diyofithe hunt that ivanday, when he hd stlpposed it was Sattr j'lU opened the morning with a prayer, and told his compan ions, that as a christian and a magistrate he could tot hunt that day, and accordingly drew forth Kis pocket bibles and commenced reading. CONFECTIONARY. BENJAMIN JULIAN WOULD inform his friends here and elsewhere as Well as the public generally' that he has recently opened a j Coutoctionary Establislimcnt IN THIS TOVN, to which he invites their attention and of whom he so licits a share of patronage. His present 6tock consists in part of the following articles, tc wit : rMiis, Sk Rockets, Harp3, Segars, Alt, Nejwark Cider, Crtam Nuts, Matches, Herrings, Lhion Syrup, Mcaboy" SnufT, Poher, Toys, I vyine, E.p. of Cinnamon, Cloves, Strioking Tobacco, P. ! o i pes. ALSOFOR SALE .r:6 ACRES lying on Hunting Creek, adjoining the above land, of which from 175 to 200 acres are first rate bottom land, well drained and in good order for cultivation, and upon which there are good farm buildings ; two good orchards, good meadows and the plantation in excellent repair. We are determined to sell, will give a baraain and make the terms easy. KELLY &, WILSON. 25 DOLLARS REWARD RAXAWAY from the Subscriber when on his way from Morganton to this place, on Saturday last, a JNegro Man slave; named SAM. The said slave is aged about 21 years, very black complexion, about 5 feet 9 or 10 inches in height, stout and likely. He was purchased by me of Mr. W. F. McKesson, in Mor ganton, who purchased him of the estate of A. Copen ning, of Burke county. He has no doubt made his way back to that county. The above reward of Twenty-five Dollars will be paid for his apprehension and confine ment in any jail so that I can get him again, by making application to John I. Shavef, Esq., or to the subscriber. Salisbury, May 1, 1848. E. MYERS. FASHIONS FOR 1318! HORACE II. BEARD, 2iaaa9 has just received, (at his old stand,) from New York, the A tnerieqn and European Fashions, or the Spring and Summer of 1819, and will continue to re ceive them quarterly. He is prepared to execute all or ders in his line of the trade, in a fashionable and work manlike minner, at the shortest notice. From his long experience in the art of cutting and making garments, he feels confident that he can give satisfaction to hia customers. He respectfully returns his thanks to his friends and the public for their liberal support tendered him hereto fore, and will endeavor by increased efforts to please his customers, to merit a continuance of their favors HORACE H. BEARD. X. B. All kinds of country produce taken at the mar ket prices for work. Salisbury, March 23, 2S48. tf 47 Tailoring, Raisins, Currents, Lemons, Almond?, Walnut is, Filberts, Prunes, Citron, Siirdines, .Figs, Fancy Soap, Candies, Nutmegs, Spice, Scotch Snuft', " Mustard, Essence of Lemon, Stouhtons Bitters, Snuff Boxes, Salisbury, June 15, 1848. 47 Hi wrdty minded companions thought with j JanTillS To Mill Owners. THE subscriber is agent, and can furnish at New York cost (the purchaser paying freight) any size French Burr Mill Stones, warranted to be as good ts can be imported from France. A so, all kinds of Mill Irons, Hoisting Screws, &.c. I haye now at my store in Statesville, a good stock of Bolting Cloths of the best Anchor Brands, which will be sold at a small advance on Sew York cost. JOS. W. STOCKTON. 9t7 Wild Cherry and Sarsaparilia Pills, Are a strengthening Purgative and a Pu rifying Tonic. DR. Le Roy's Tills are a new medicine which has justppeared, and is fast taking the places of all others ofhe same class. These pills are composed of many ingredients, but the two principal one are Sars;rpa rilla and Wild Cherry, so united that they act together ; the onefihrough its admixture with other substances, pu rifyinand purging, while the other is strengthening' the systena, Thus thoae pills are at the same time tonic and openwg; a desideratum leng and eagerjy sought for by medical men, but never before discovered. In other words they do the work of two medicines, and do it much bettier than any two we know of ; for they remove noth lngTrom the system but the impurities; so that while they purge they strengthen ; and hence they caus? no de- D'2iat'0n'an1 are followed by no re-action. Dr Le R3y's Pills have a wonderful influence on the blood they not only purify without weakening it, but they remove all noxious particles from the chyle before its is converted in to fluid and thus make impure blood an utter impossibil ity. As there is no debilitation, so there is no nausea or sickness attending the operations of this most excellent of medicines, which never strains or tortures the digestive functions, but causes them to work in a perfecily natural manner ; and hence persons taking them do not become F u..u rmaciaiea, dui the contrary ; for while it is ihe property of the Sarsaparilla, united as it is with other in gredients, to remove all that is impure, it is enuallv tru, property or the Wild Cherry ,0 retain all that is Jtund and sound ; and hence a robust state of health is the cer tain result of their united operations. ' P M.hi,eTby M'88re n Brown James. Salisbury ; J Ik 07 UnS,on ! Phif k Vork.Concord. Price 25 .cents per box. M.y 4, 1848...3ml BF. FRALEY is ever ready to make CLOTHING in the latest style, well done, and warranted to fit He also keeps for tale READY MADE CLOTHIXG very cheap. He will also teach the art of CUTTING to 1 any wishing to learn, as he is ajrent for some of the most i fashionable Tailors of New York and Philadelphia. All ', kinds of clothes cut at short notice. Produce taken in payment at market prices. iy2 JUST RECEIVED A LARGE supply of very superior Falar-ratus. Roan XV Perfumery, Taints, Truses, Oils, Candles, Garden ! and Flower Seed of all kinds, Paint and Varnish Brush- 1 es, of all sizes. BUOWN Sc JAMES. ( Salisbury, March 23, 1843 tf 47 I State oC iu- ROWAN MAY SK- Joel Reed and Aaron M last Will and Testarrc r : the Will II Arthur Kimbal and v : , wife, Elizabeth David I son 01 uenjamio, uiao . . Ally. j ; Procedendo f ram the S rid Reed, reproo unj( J j IT appearing to t! Defendants are rv.t i motion,-ordered by ( for ix weeks in the dr isbury, for the Defend: Justices ot our Court i 1 the next Court lo be !, I he Court Houie, in August next, then and i' said Petition, other. ', fessoand heard expar.e -Witness. John JI. liar .' fice, the first JUtn-hy ; year of our loderx r.j. J I JUJ! 6 w4 Printers fee t I v t r FAMILY ( SIX Lectures! 11 C Consumption, As:! all Female Disrases L per 50 cts. ; b)uni 75 c Si cts. I Shoulder Brices r.r.J ( any part, 50 cs. rst3 . by mail, letter posts 8 to 810,foiall Hi:;: Womb, and Weak I! t k everywhere. FW Brae porters. eive hei-ht fit of Derson nrtihli .". a - - - -. . - ..... tare, mention f huh of the above ptKd ! A Broadway, New .York, ; February 24, lbli : t BOOT & SHOE Making! v t r- r .1111. su&scr.r takes thi, method of informing the JL people of Salisbury and vicinity, that he has estab lished shop ,n the above line of business, in Salisburv near the western corner of the Court House, opposite' the Mansion Hotel, where he is always prepaid ,0 an swer .he calls of his friend, in the mil punctual man ner Hav ing employed Mr. Jacob Lefler to superintend his shop, he feels confident that his experience and faith fulness w, warrant ,0 his customers the most entire satisfaction. His charges for shoes.boots, &c, and . BO for r(,Pa". shall be as moderate as possible F hoi ia,i,:Ill:M,AI1 BARRINUKR dcCo. Feb24,l,4S-C,n43 U v Jacob Leflee. Important to Mill Owners. Hyv'-- eel. 1- . . . T D- McNeill & Co. And in Lincoln County by M i i E. A. BREVARD. March 12, 1847 tf45 A l,1!? m,pp,y of Swyne' Compound Synip of , V f Ch1crry-.and,al80 "7 superior quality of Lamp Oil and spirits of Turpentine. ,.k I , BROWS k JAMES. Salisbury, June 1, 1819 tfh Great Tenipcranc mills lrul 9Tr: splendid il'.c!-:n; published in tlp New V. the most powe'rfu!!y published. Afcoj y t ery moderate 4rir.ker. I phlet of 32 larpe one copy 12$ cent?, v Orders through the , -t prompt attrntif.nl Nev ready sale far tins wr OL1VCR i Msrch I, 1$I3. CT Papers giv'n; j!.;. spienous insertions, mi! the History of.the Ui t-: The best I JNTII The "SCIENTinc 128 Fulton st.iNrw Y best Mechanical pub. a , It has attained a lar- , Mechanical pa'pers p.: : possesses such faCi!a:e : genceon.ietijtiCcf :! that rnri!l n . - r . i lUch No. contain lr. j gravingsof ih'mnst j;; j of American Patents, ri I each week ; notices r f t : and scientific invtntii : - i and Trades.w jiherr I chemical experiment ; : Korope and America ; men is, published in a ' than a hundred ertrrt : Itis published M eek v dapted lobind jigtan J j . the low price of Tvo 1 adre, and tbe rerr.r Address, ; POST PAID) j Bound vo'uroer r.f il-.e 416 pages of choice tt -. more than 3C0 eccrmr the office. Price .2 75