i i Tcrmi ol the uawnmau. kr Satiptioti.pfr year. Two Dollar payable . i tut if not Did iri advance. Two dollars j- f 4 " aiiJ'Qiy cts. iill be charged. kt.tk.T!iF.Tl inserted at $1 for the first, and 25 cts. for iacNtubwnoertt inwrtion. Court orderi charged I J23 W lit. higher than these rates. A liberal deduc- tirn! to hoe h advertise, by the year. Letters p ,ie Editors must be postpaid. (V SPEECH, JhlijLCtfil in States villei July Ath, 1818, 6V. BY ! ! . f j ! . ! ! . ".r ' - - - 1 m nTTlTTrTni Ail A TTv jT IT "TTITCX IT a -ttttt a vrr ! ' unhfrpw TAltTES "k -rr nr " " " ------ -- - - ri, ' f KEEP A CHECK UPO. ALL YOCR 2& &W$P:&&tit Do THIS ' AD LtBErTT Ik i rr ( .f 4 Proprtrtor,. - $ Rulers. j MlU ! jI 1 f i ; XEW SERIES. VOLUME V. NUMBER 12. E. F. ROCKWELL Published by Krqurst. SALISBURY N- C OTRSDAYrHlLY 20848. Fellow Citizens : Though we have no . 7 T.r ".I. i TJ' i 7i 7 Fc"u inemassot the people, , ways remain crushed under the iron rod ! purchase, by conouesi.bv th fiprrps.mo- ... .i:. i . miu ine useiui : in ere is no mure uiu nr aiiunroiurp$nphraen tbat..A ckii u r- tl i -p t , - - . -e ain s our i.cc(es.ast,cai uaien- oppWrin ikW.nnPP.inn with W nf nr Thp" ;r rr"!9.' rr 41 1 rr.V tHe 01 . eS?ance S,c.ot il sev vear, war and a series of 1 1 Vit i i , task o aniorator to day lavss Days with which are connected ! , ! aua ,iai i "i" 1UU5,C j e,ive mern to be the principal cause than the tide of revolution began to set talloWckJ remembrance I sou'-insPl"ng inemers iorm ne more 01 tnarsuccess." " Too much importance eastward. And whoca.i tell where it will i Thoe bcfSods of our 'personal history. ' aPPPTcs of discourse, to address . is attributed to legislation, toollittle to i stop ? The bristling steel and the ranged vhich Hav6 been marked I with uncommon ! ",s 5 lanouw pass ; manners. 1 am trcnvinced that Ihe most cannon of the Czar of Russia will not rospcrlfy: hose epochs in our lives in . trT"5 lc"ii Yanous situation, and thejbestjpos. ; probably arrest it : not the Ural Moun . . i ir . -i -i Hsnsuics uyuui uasi iiisiurv iimv ue im parted. Right principles of political vlsr tiom ; much knowledge of the true theory i ivhich those! events haye occurred, that oavc had an important bearing on the lu lure, wearetcaielul to note in their an- ! F . - . , , , ilHn. This is natural : The nrac-! 1 may be impressed upon .k i' J ..u. - L. ,l - rrom the-proper observance of this dav. Mwithout faith, but T. hrtv ortnnnt e t- in . " ' ' T vimiiui, at' rr nnf n mHiiovwoo" U . II t IT .1 . m ihe l UJ..a'h heart. j i , may go omnn innuence. lhat shall form. 1 ov A." - ion is but a enlflndar qf individ- "71 free our national charac- ter ! Lis i a'n addition of units into L mm ter. T?hHory "a,,?ns are nt scl0l 8". sc JUssr- eiairting tl.o qualities still of the i " " 'S T m0re PT'a" S ?,".d " l:L...l 4 i 7i r . i struction to us than our own. Familian- 1 Kin?d ern and rcvtrin lhern !v , : sonde, eir repect, prul.it v, 4 ; valuation of w Lai we enjoy. ! . mnd cini;jion as ih air n . I that mude an elemeut c,f !; V, lion as oura i a vain cLi:i:e n. as thai from Musissipj.i r . occur, when that sacred i n - r ceive a stan, and soon it the greal hulance wire!, t! Court, cease to perform its j to Eiecuiive domination, tr, ! ; chincry will fly to alorni. 'i ; 'inent seems deroted to re; . j tho only one, ibat Las cii ' uame ; and whether those; u ! iilH, even in 19T0, uili i a name and a shadow i. ,i est portion of solre.L rrv, --.1 .1 . r happily attem- lonj after the ub!ance i . of the pole and imating princip! Las f. !. gomnmenui this country ; but he does tern hmit. and our lavys extended over it, territory, inexhaustible mineral resources. lu can Le attached loiLos. or eren the funed ItepuM.'c Iulr and Greece. Ther of lit-. The French Uei'ul ; be natncJ. And why wcr3 t', who lived in Republics in V. the greatest rniuds now in ) t archies? It is said that Ho tottle, Xenophon, Iacra!f , ( Tacitus and Plutarch, dis a " i ; dfinocrarie of iheir tiinc. n expectation of reilUitij (! rcjmlilic, 6ually declare! i.i Us Bui from the Archers c-f uls of Home, to the time if I. progress from Luthcr-an! sible laws cannot maintain a Constitution in spite f the manners of a country while the latter may turn the most unfa vorable positions, and the worst laws to some advantage. Despotism may govern How wise the observation of this wri- and boundless forests. There was a common slrule fur IuJejen dence we have a common reliiun and the same language. All claim a share in the a. tains, or Caucassus, or the walls of China, chievements ol "those days that tried men's 11 He who rules among the nations, is now soul$. 1 he memory of the maityrs of LiImt- ty is the rich inheritance of their sons. "No matter where ihey fell ; no inniter on what a! lar they were olVered up ; or what l'riet offi ciated al the sacrifice." No matter whether the monument that crowns Hunker-IIil! cover their about to arise to shake terribly the earth. The Rock cut out of a mountain on this Continent, must needs strike the Colossal Image of Despotism on the other Conti- . . t ItlOIIUU ter ! It is said thatinaneienttirhesabeg. ' and grind i, ,o powder, which , he winds ' 3'. Z ""w nlT". &ci ud a. e aim to thp lit n nf k .n nf loovan h.. n wi. ... r.. . ' - . , ...u.r V MW . . iV,V' - -u.lUll lwJaiij. na a ler- . Cr brst drew breath bevotid noi onlv the lo. u." n i , , , j 'vi uim uinv uream uevoiio not only me ro- . , " hen called upon to show where his ment among the population of Europe, tomae.the Delaware, or the Hudson but even ' ,hc ca,,Z Parl cf lLa lc ' 1 c cipnaiinn tUi..,, ii rr -i? I ir : 1 ' . . " . 7 . . V. : 'T" w" ""-"j'1-' '"uim-.inc i;nawarr, or ine uujon out even .. . ' arious parts. And there! are events in tl, uu u" F nuian. iviuguom was situated, pointed to his soul especially of that porlion of it once inclu- the chief stream of New Inland : ih .nf- uei, ,,iere wa prre-! Iilur nat onalihistnrv ivh,,l ,lv.ftf r.V.. 1 l s neeuM with those events which.it is i as the seat of it. He who rules himself : ded in the Roman Emnire ? What was Puritan, of ih d,va nf rrnii n. ChrU t,u,fC wa progressthe t ' Lo - .t : . u I lhe- object j of this anniversary t6 comme- ; is King: is free. " He is the ItWmnn. ! vesterdav hut nmnhpcv i Kifrv to ,!v II ? What ihn.,K i. ;hai.i .k a;, .v better understood the di-tn; ? 1 a .V.: i morate. Ip assemble, as one man. on our whom the truth mal-ps frPB unA n or., Tho Kinrrnrta t?k -..r i... lom mm,n,i t .i... iami:,.,.,.. Ir oiUerent departments ( ' dusu iiiiwt;, tic us imve an important u j . i , .... V- -.. t t,. i iuiui, a a-iugtr, u-iu- u.uuhe-, uv Kr . , , 1 J ... . I nation s htrfh Hv tr rafpoch iVia . clafoo . Kn . U t! . i . t i . 1 i . . t .1 n . . ....... s oelter underctiwvl. Sn cannc on what we are,1 and what we "77 " , .v..voM...,c ...c.i,wiy ""'" every true neaneu . isneu nom nis country, an object ot char- Uie uermans, me tiuntingion sou state mat . " nnr.hU Thn iftth nf Mv H7t Wlln.th.e .relll of th deeds of those who 1 republican isa King self-governed ac- i itv, though he had hoarded un treasures uas aUva self.govemed ? Cannot he uht.se 'V. 8 ,b!ra ka fC! : T ',. " ,1 ... .. "r ', ! Pen ed their lives on thp hifrhinWoe nf enrdintr tn he cnlrii a,i r,nn;u ; ,ii, tc.i.. ...:.u Vu- .i ancestors were. immn'ntP.l il.Prn .U5... n .lr- ls " nomtng ogaint US Mat v 111 me liattle Oil the A amancp on the ;n r , , T " i w " uiiauiiv chic, nnu wiiu nit! ituvan- , , . : . , , " ,i n T;IVt ; V ' e Alamance, on mc soil th fi ij flatters our nat ona nrid Uph ! stitntinn TK f f v,;o f r..,.i... too in the victor es and sacrifices accomnlULed Vth Pcn arfni llie otcrfi i iwmuaroiina, the first blood was shed i; .u i ' f ln , 'V. ,V i . S ' . ! " Jly. mctuy IndefenUe of h.iman rin kin tnlJntr. ! a,,ve ihc m,r.lt,of 177G' rekindles the i ment is the day of our inauguration his former office of pedag - , - 1 - -f - - ..p.pHV ' J WVMBVVS T - 1 11 a' 5 1 F 11 . f . . ... ... rrhi. 50 1. nf tho an..tl, "in ! ,u,c IIAmp Pl painousm in many a heart. : mat anniversary we now keep. I Our repudiate Atheism, Catholi I-T- ' T " " - -iii nu'ii"l Hi llll. Hill I T r . ; , , . s . 4 1 t-. . . . i ..I . i.-.. . 1-1 nvv vii rvi 1 mo t no cnnni otniA tin hum wuuiiii w iim i. w n i snp vv nr i trio si n n - h rnnoo o Konnh in nnH i n !. , r r o, wnen in me town ol Lhar o e. am "Tf"" i'o,.iyi v. ; . y... r " - V t.Vw,.v, uu iunS- ,,.. Ilf:nn vir Ir, u lauicue, ue irceiv no f " v M on ,her soiIs h ,,lOSf' f Jiffercnt descent. urort 1 and immediately Oglie, II lie MII 1 ....,, , .... the rnrl.t of cjifTrann f . w v,u uoroan visit oilier ianu$ aud you will be , " " , f .-..4.. cism and Mon- .1 1 .... ..1 , . thai vn MnnirAr n .i t imuiiu lit c a mi inn nrrna nmi ho tii!ncmii ,1 . , , meeting around one com- what will she become ? inn rn irvni i ru- fnritirrr it'ao maiAtim irstlcClarationof that Independence tliat ! l lc 111 UilJ vv,lIi 1 . r J ivruuuou ii me , awuium iu reports, nimseu is exenang. hi State, in union withiothers, finally at-i emp!y PaNan the fablbd "Jsles j ing the Vatican for a Prison; and few atnetl, tare,! at least Worth mentioning j revp'ry -hot to devote it to Bachanalian ol the blest" ? ? These are themes of in- so poor as to do him reverence, who once .r i rriwo . i . ...:.u excesses, to! the destruction of-ithat verv ! tensely thrilling interest. Cold is; that trod the necks of Kinirs lo mount his hnr.5 ? hcnts..to which the sons of the old North I independence of which we boat notfto ' heartand cold let it be that feels not a itirt I?.n...l..i;nn : i - . WTU ' Y ,U' 1 . .1 c .1 -n i ' -uiiiuuiias tuui tUUI.IIUlin) I W UlfM'r What, is to be er-chained to the car of the Pope who part of the ,and livcd. 3 Ari(, what have heen our circumstances ? And what our sue cess ? We labored under i"eat disadvantages : with a heavy debt, and a depreciated paper cur rency at the close of the war. Iut what can- entrusted wilh funds by il.c a the education of its youth, a;. I ol alarm ? Shall ihe Ito: u invited and aided to "take lu nation" ? It is no favorable . Stale, however much decried by others, secraie, it witn the bickerings of party g'vv oi patriotism, ana a just sense of naybeJustJy proud. And not only so, P?"1?"11?!1 1 but to commemorate' the no- j pride, when he looks around to see what I ' . . .i.... J M 1 f flpeilllinl n nnliln aranoCn.. CPn I M lunrriG Inifi WTO stall nnr nalurn Ill mil' All lilt mi t a M.h n A ni. 111ft i " v, w wiv. c Misi I V . :j O IC Idai, ! uw w v,ct l tict,vi(. la IU. r- un mv pm ui n nil I I IU, ,i ''.. f . . . 117 a.1 i t P i i Ii . .. . i nn - .... . . . i I hP namps nt thicn ti'hn ilnn arh.l .f ... I VV P tnlnlr nt it !is tvnvhc Kr Iho 1 short mnnlhs haro tvitnaccH Ka n I tti itjc i own ol llalilax bv the I euisla- ...... y. ...w i,tiairu u wtis ; . - - -.n ij inv , .i. ..u.v. umjotu mc u n who once sat in the temple of God, and , not indushy, perseverance, and indomitable en- j sec . diP0ionabroad, to i! eriiv effect ? Our ranid stride, lo wealih nn.l 1 to ofl,ce lo ,Lo Oragem- So rapid have been the changes among Powe- ? progress in the arts and sciences, in P6"'" ana statesman -.1 i-.' . ? fo ,1 1 r r .. . . . . ue Voice of one almost a rn" I claimed the sovereignty of the whole world the Governments of Europe, that a few jure of the same State, Was also the first i not on,y usefu, anJ honorable, jbut plea- ! of two mighty oceans; as stretching j throw of the established order of things I Jeclaration1 in ftivor of an entire sppara- f' I lhe,r country , and in obe- inxougn uegrees ol latitude Irom the in most ol tne Mates and Kingdoms this j ion of the Colonies from the Mother dience .tojhpr call. It is not the duty of Lake to the Rio Grande as having a ! side of the Dominions of the Autocrat of i Country' IJtit these "mhy perhaps only be X ra.tor in lhis Pace, tq advocate great variety of soil, climate and produc- j Kussia. f eekonllTi KtUrv hpfuwt'L m . Lun , ! lne claim's pf this, or that aspirant to the ! tions as having abundant mineral re- ! Thts seems to be the year fatal to Mon- , r " T T ---'-' on !, v - , . i . . . . . . I . . . I . ci - .. ..x. firp roach either that day that added to the posi oi- nonor in the world. JNot to sources as naving easy lniercommunica- arcnies ; a ieariui disease, "lhe Kings Ikt nf fiiincr mnn it... ii.i.n..,f i.io p., ! denounce, or to defend the policy or the i tions with all parts of it as a land re-1 Evil," prevails. And though England as 4 1 t - - - ' 1- 1 I- . - 1 I II . V v . . i .... ; m i' i . .. measures oi mnsp in rtnupr nr Jhnto whn : serve or us v i nene mpnr rrnvii pipp. i ei sianus nrouuiv prppr. uuppn or dp 'rnnr enm 7 i ai uvamn tn ih u-riM I f'j Vl M'scriueu me name ol inal coun- i r-- , .v r rt. 1 I I I I 1 lli 41 t.KtlL'tnit n nnlinMn , -. - w w t t- lJ IlUb CIO U1UL IdlO Wi li m x .vv lXlllbUUIllO 11UU lllVs x w? v ma A'A -J v i V 1 I UV 0 V UO llll W w vvv,VfS.4. IK aVUII H"lll I W 1 H IS H t IWII3 0 iWd of February J 1732, and the 4th ,177(1, will ever I stand in the esti- of Americans ; in that degree that JThe l r i..t. i .1 JUI f Lno 1 1 rtiv ---w v - vivmu wua 1111 vi as ivt 11 uui a ur j f I t. degree in which as a people we have come to ' ' CiorBrctonu r. enjoy the comforts, and even, what but lately j to.lbat country that would rr were regarded the luxuries of life all this rTCl-!- Ktxlce'tttt r ' stands unrivalled in the history of nations. im,,lUrJr .r wIlJou 'V ! ' We nush nnr PnmmPrrA th, rm..t ! 300 IO 8erVe 11 'W WWM t gions of the world ; our ships visit every shore. What has three score and ten years done for us the lifp time of one man ? Need we point you to the high destiny assigned us by Divine n heivnnts therein transpiring stand out bold relief irrthe history of North Ame- i rica lin thn annals nfitl.p wnrl1 And H 1.. JJ. II..I.. ILL 1. 1 . I .1 pi is ..ui ii nun: i -nu u ji! now, ill ine ?L.v..-,.L .r i. i j Luuisri ui l"4 . miiwsi, efry revolving tvear adds lo the sacrrtl interest, in the these consecrated r Uieart? of Americans, ol 1 jdays. ; I The linger of Providence, in a way l.w.l in Iw. .!.!.. I..... ' I 1 .1 uwi. u "i- iuiM.irii.il, ur tu pass umieeueti, j jpoitits them out, to be celebrated, not only fvvitii joyiui acclamations, but with funere al obsequies; not with Wreaths of laurel, and ivy, alone, but mingled with the cy press i 1 ears of joy with those of sorrow. Who knows not that our literal Jubilee, Whigs ; as Clay men or Cass men, or Tay- pire seed to sow the wilderness." The pendencies in every quarter of the world ; stationary sun, irradiating both lhe Eastern and lor men, that we coma into the; temple of i land of religion and law of science and upheld by nobility, army, navy, clergy. Western Hemispheres? Liberty to otter our sacrifices at her shrine; i arts peopled by those who speak the , and vast resources, yet she cannot remain ; but as freemen, of the same blood of the j English Language. We take our stand j unmoved. Her Queen sits on a giddy i same great political faith casting aside ! on the top of the Alleghany Mountains height, on the apex of a pyramid, under , all minor differences : but as dwellers, in ! anc cast the eye across that mighty val- j which combustible materials are daily ley that stretches far away over j rivers j accumulating lor explosion. 20,000,000, and prairies to the Rocky Mountains, ma- ! out of 28,000,000, in the united Kingdoms. , ny hundred miles. In one place the hills burdened with the weight of that pyramid, are covered over with flocks in another deprived of what we so freely enjoy, will .1 it l.i a rnt 1 1.1. .1. .i the values are clothed with com : 1iere I one day, and mat not distant, arise in ineir that it receive no damage f For there are com is the Whitening cotton field yonder the 1 terrible might, and reverse the order of mon enemies, both within and without ourbor- territory, b( religion and laws, df manners luscious sugar cane Acre, the orange things, and erect a Government, not for ders. As to some things, the greater the ex and of glory. Let the spirit of the sires, groves of Florida, " loaded at once with the benefit of the Ruler, but the Ruled. ternal pressure, the more firmly the parts are ule in their sons let that hi"h sense of the rich golden fruit and balmy silver flow- ! The points of the charter must be carried held together, while the force that destroys 1 a land of broad rivers and streams ; un tier the shield of the same wiseand equi table Constitution of Government ; and sharing alike in the civif, political and re ligious privileges it confers, and. secures fellow heirs of the same inheritance of external violence unaided by faction al home. . . r iiiiii e v aaa3 the fiftieth return of this anniversary, was !of this, with all rnmin? acres Tr shnnbl ! sources, do not fill the soul : as when we i ourselves ? Is there no need of vigilance, r IT .. . ' . . , a 1 there found. Let him learn ; 'j.i i i .i , " i . ----- t o e . ... . . . ... t i. .. . I .i oi i niit'u .-merica musi mn. iu u.ie ., . . the predominating spirit consecrated anew, by the departure from ! be the i?reat matter of gratitude with ns carth of the. two illustrious men, who act- ( towards those who marched toivictory, or ed so conspicuous a part, on the day of ; to death, land esteemed life too mean a characterthat love of what is noble and ! ers. But these views of the greatness at length. (Trout in Cnrit rr onf in ontiAn m.nLu ! and rrrandpiir nf our p.nnntrv its ctnhlimo ' Rut while WP. stand afar, and see the v t.v obuiiuiviii, j i in iniiuii. iiini inn i iv- e?- - , i-.l ij ii . t. ed the age of the Revolution, be not onlv scenery its improvements in the; arts heavings ot that restless sea, and hear its - '7 V7 r V. 11 T a inating spirit of this hour, but ' its increase in population, wealth and re- ; angry roar, shall we be unconcerned lor '"Z ? a" 1. 1 w .hJ.i.MprRVn d.lir rity every thing formed to d .1". - ry around a .State. Wee t I that passing into the rpj ? ers a low education, a rran t things, a. sordid mercenary r ferable title lo command." , of wisdom from another ! ..'r. .!. vicnis that when men cf i!.e 1 V, . . K.Ai . . . 1 . . . - . e exist not lor rnriPlvps onlv. lint trir Cjth. . . . 1 -c ,1 . Jr c - 1 , cliospn before men of the I ers. And tho experiment of a free clec- ' , f. ... . . . t 1 "ui ji iiiluiiu.hiiIC ll.iriii, live government caunot succeed here, on a sun f , 1 . - , 0 expressly prepared for it. with the best race of ' f degeneracy nd of danger. . ... ..".u tl c n 1 1 cannot steer, in a storm, r . men, with the exnencnce ot all ages betore . on j i- . thorn in the science of Government, then can ! J"" 1 it ever be realized ? Is it a Utopian dream? , J d.r,Vcn ,nt0 Anarchy rr Who will say it ; who will despair of lhe He- I dd G"nnt. And trm nnl.lin ,i r.,.i,u, ri . j ate among the sources eft ' rinr nnel hielnrf T W K t 1 I'nr Ihn ro o r A inm. ! 1 J not the cost of any thing, w -its preservation. Let a man thj Kerolution : Let him V.. my, without food, clothing f r of winter : Let him go t!.r scenes of that periK!, and : over again. Lei mm vtu t; rum the battle field tV.e MV rl lIV V I . r. tnoGt act from within outward. We fear no consider that here is the soil that contains j lest our exultations, though repeated this )cnda cgl cartha ine Dones oi inose siain in ine cause oi i -:u nine oir mis nnniversarv. ue lurneu r. . . v .u i. ,i .... . . . i i . t " ' i i' ni LTfin:rai m muse i.u scrn. iu urtuuj . . . r t . rr.1 .1 1 1 . . I .I ' . 1 . . T . J . a ..nl.ln.n " ' Iff il . n . r . , . . Lioerty. 1 nis is me lanu wei wiin tne , mio mmen auons ; best our prosperity ; olhe ,he fen ,hemselves swifi retribution ""V". u' ' ' - ..... .11 .ur- i.t ii r . . .1 ! .1 a ail iui iui 1 ai as 1 t go was on their lips, as is tne ., tlip n.iliniis brf-th : vvbi n ft prwn rd stnml .ifi.. .u. hLnd nf martiTsin that mnf c'lernil nnp nrove transient as the dav dream nf fjinev i .l . t- . .. 1 ... I volved. I nat man wnl sec - . , . .jwv. .iioinii in auni a tausi; iiuk.univ umi ...... ....-..v... v..uu. j ---..w ovenooK mem. 1 jinueu toetner ov our m.2i.i ' A .11 t .1 . I I IP I . ..-I. . . ... 1 1. ,. .. I L" t. " T .1 . 1 r 1 el4filfll IllA lllllA nl IhA r rivers by our mountain chains by our canals , r ... . , J, . . . . ,. 3 , . I of our arms, was I.ttlo le-s When on the one side u,t r "Rome lost her breed of noble bloods," or on the bright morning of love : Lest dem- her Liberties would not have been cloven ons of darkness chant their wild requiem rail-road, and telegraphic lines : Transmit- down.: But far off be the day when an over the grave of Liberty, murdered by a ting the produce and the manufactures of ever American, unmoved, can survey the bat- matricidal hand, and buried beneath the ry part to every other : Sending thoughts, feel tle fields of Bunker Mill. White' Planes, ruins of her own temple. We are apt to iugs, sentiments on the ligbtcning's wing, can Saratoga, Bennington. Trenton, Prince- M son, 01 -Virginia, at the term ol 83, in , the principles, out of which sprung all ! ten, Marathon, and t! death? weru not divided on the 4th July, that they, did. Without this all else had nessed 1 So let us 1820j And w hat shal Jwe say of that na- ; been in vain. What boots "iti -any one, ! whatever laurels ma i tiomij bereaverpent of the 23d of Febru- ! that he bears the name, and inherits the since, here are the fppl as thnncrb nnr nrineinlps were sn selfi we ba torn into frairmcnts i Arc we not one evident that they were so in accordance people ? Is not the feeling of mutual depen with the best interests of man, and the -l-nce and common interct deepened? IVc best feelings of the human heart; that Julcc allayed ? 1 he clanking of the iron horse, p.,, wl.h to ,1.mlivh n Kp5ii.tif.il a fed 0a flr0' ma.v be llCard ,n blS raP,d fl'ht iS at its. head, The names of the author, thev conferred on us such a country as and of the strenuous advocate, and do- this, the fairest portion of the globe not fender of that noble instrument, will live; only that they went and. saw and fought not otily because thus associated ; not on- j and conquered not only that! they con ly because in immediate succession, after ' structed Without a model, such a Govern the immortal Washington, they filled the ment, as exceeds the wisdom of the wise Presidential Chair, but because, John men eithejrin the East or Wesi;, in former i ton, Brandy wine, Camden, Cowpens, Guil- Adams, of; Massachusetts, having arriv- i aes ; but that thev perpetuated bv their i ford antl Yorktown. How was the Greek j ed to the age of 01, and Thomas Jefler- precepts.and their examples, the manners. ' fired at the thought of such scenes as Ola- son, pi -.Virginia, ac ine term 01 cm, in , the principles, out ot which snrunsr air icn, iviaraition, anu x uerinopyiae, u us consider ; that nere, may have beejn acquired monuments! of our f nrv 1S1S whirli mnro! in n rIi nntll VPI tVlf ' rnct netolA rC An ACrima kin ? WT ii r rnnntrv's crlnrv. What though our armies ancel truards surround us. iiut our leel- I J 1 .jw.., . . .. . w .. .. ............ v... v.a.w. ... w 1 nasi irokuj.y ui uu toiiiiiauiu iau;ut, j ,ucifc w o J D " -' I second John iVdams, and added another I though that parent bequeaths to him the have seen and conquered the servile Mex- ings of security may itself prove our ruin; i Star to our national galaxy ? The true wealth of an Astor. a Gerard, a Roths- leans ? What though victorious, they and a salutary fear of destruction may i spn of New 'England, jjbut the citizen of child, orN Croesus, if there is riot instilled have revelled in the " Halls of the Mon ; the U- States, in .whosej service he spent into his rrlind those principles J that shall : tezumas." What are Matambros, Mon I a half of a century : and who havinc en- lnd him In n nritrhr and t. nresprvp ! terev. Resaca de la Palma, Cerro Gordo. f" ., y ' MVal-.VVM--'V---.-yM-M--.-'ft'.-..l-WI , . . 'Ill I Hi 1...1. i,:i.aUi i.-fiwv-t, : 1.-. 1 tt . ! nuimiiini mi omn thn nnr!int Paniinl sands ol oenartinc? time till the last trum- ,i ,iwJv m i infeiicoi. iiuuu.3 uiiru ... me. sucu treasures s now soon tnav ue waste , - uo .Mn-r., w.. ,.v.v? , 9nfi ;,. M,.i. ns ,i, lrH,. i ttJt. f,.rest 'I-. .- 1 .1 . " .. .it. . . . . 11. r . .L. : i. ..t 1 1 . . , I Ihonnnh' ho t iccnl Vfi Place. aUU 111 lull K. tls 111 1 1 " s OI I ii I'll"' nouses tne nation under tne dome 01 in dissipation, debauchery ; boundless ex- iseu 01 iuexico, 10 me names consecra- Fi... ...uu iu-auui,.,,.., .j Uv-...v. . . what constant commin-liu" o ' the 0,aPitol, at his postiof duty, with his travagaUe or at the gaming table, his ted before, and made famous, by-victories with dissolving nature, and the crush o Xink wave. H armor bp M contcntcd: : The Statesman, immense vealth ? . How soot may his ex- ! gained in a better cause? Let; the bat- worlds. et, let us not overlook the tact thg soa . We wil, pass anJ rCpass to ant Ihclroefi th Annalisly the Philosopher, cesses lhjf him in the grave? Here is a ties ol the Kevolution, when eagle-wtnged tnai mere are raauj, "u huuiui uuFu- : the Christian. Though with the faults of' matter jnlourcase, we are apt to overiookr victory perched on our banners,! and the ing influences, tending to dissolution. i human nature his name will stand high External lad vantages alone, may prove God of armies shaped our ends the bat- It is highly probable that the seeds of that H in 'ra'nk amontr the rreat men. who havp .i.rcoe inltonrt nf hlpccintrv r!nrrcnsnl. ties where life. Liberty, and all that men disease, which is to prevail over the pow- iUled;conspicuou$ places in our Govern- ing character must first be formed. Laws hold dear in life, was at stake, always ers of life in every human body, are plan tT.ep.Ullaying lived to Eulogise some of anjl Institutions of a popular i character, hold the first and foremost places in your ted there at birll So it may be with us. iU nriKi'imt mpn nf tkn nr o.wt cnm. J.ii u... Iu.. I.. ' tKniicrbts. Ymi nvvp this tn the men that Judrin. before hand, we should hardly .. . t ' . . . 1 r 1.1. mi 1 L. .. .. ama' nnl .rnn nia i tr g ik.. iL.i ih.jA fclruiirf ptrcl - mi if III to there and then poured out ireeiy tneir oiood su nuose uiai an) a.m wjjc.iouji -.iv, so oiut-.L-u iu.s iu.h, n.-- o . - 0- - like water in the cause of human rights, who had enjoyed tne Denents 01 mis ncu nmu tne country .o- - j- and purchased for you such a birthright. Government, could be found, with a heart But degenerate days have comc-rank corrup- will liclong, not .0 continent, only, wanting. Laws on papr, C6nS.ituio,,S But we may be permitted for a moment h. ttTemme-lVT. lu.l of cW., .he fabric. We are apt too, ta- feel that we are the children of fortune, the favorites of Heaven, whose walls of adamant and prove our salvation. Many indeed, are the grounds, on which we may hope that this glorious Union may stand till the last he passes with his heavy train, from city to city, from State to Stale, over mountain?, rivers aud plains. How soon vill the extremities of the Union be brought into the immediate vicinity of each other? Here are the triumphs of art over nature, of mind over matter sinews of iron, bones of rock, nerves of steel, veins of' gold and silver, connect the members of lhis great Confederacy ; and lhe tis of kindred and afTection still stronger than all the silken bonds of love. In Europe men are fixed in of aves 1 pass ana repass to anu fro. Look through the land, who are the men that fill important posts in society1 Whence come they ? There is a Governor of a North ern State, a native of North Carolina ; there is a member of Congress Irom North Carolina, a native of Massachusetts. This is but a spe- cimen : ana uouutiess, umnu iu it-n wealth and resources of fir : power in Europe: her v. ships covering the ocean r army her officers of s'.i.l ; the service of war. The r. - . tho pride of the firrt cf r. . stood against her! There eral Government. 13 srr-r were lo be consulted. TS. -n cal interests. Troops, ol'i , r all the means of war, wci a nation, weak, and il!i a sublime spectacle to t un contest legan, and the V,i' the American 'Eagle. L-c: Spartans before tho ho-t 1 f furnishes a parallel. Yet t: courase hearts- resolrcd God of hosts to fight t'.jcir l . They made this declarati. - j : it Ileaven sustained it fjr t through years of blood ar whec fatne, belonged ito two Continents, may he'lpj to perpetuate what gave rise to th lie now becomes the "subject of eulogy them ; and what they express, as already HI II I"'. II "11 1 P . . t . v ' . J J ... equally nign : nr wilt nave a iame, tnai existing in the Iramers, but where this is . . a m . a.. ia 1. i ii w m m m - - uui ioiwo wonus, 11 inay ue caueu too. use inpse oi iocKe tor Uaroima, cannot to al ude to Dassinr events : To ennuire fulsdme praise, but We believe the day; call them into being. We must not trust ! where we are in the course of time, and will come, when the name of John Quin- i to the dneration of the Government itself what nVlnek it is bv the chronometer of cy Ada ms, will stantVin the list ol the for the! 'preservation and perpetuation of Heaven. What period ever before mark worthies of this hemisphere, second to that trutj sentiment of Liberty, that has ed with more important changes, or oc norje but j Washington! The faults that been transmitted to us from the days of our curring in more rapid succession ? When mar lii$ character; iii the eyes of cotem- fathers.! which thev infused into the cfea- thrnnes are toiterlns? : when dynasties are porarjes :J will tlisappeiir at length, amidst tions oifipeir minds: if we do We shall fail, passing away : land 'when heKvho presses the Superior blaze of his estimable quali- On the other hand, we must labor with a Monarch's throne a King to-day, may great bane of Republics, has seized many. Where do we find that Avhole-souled patriotism that generous self-devotion that characteriz ed the times of Washington and Hamilton ? Selfishness, and love of the poils of office pre- . . I . I' It l.vn ;i. l he indiTidua . will set nimni nu.v living who beard tie. aMlic spots thougli vast, on lhe suns ceaseless toil to preserve, and transmit be a beggar to-morrow. Plato, we are "a ,ne. . S In,!.. nrf savin" dir.0' are hidden by thij cffulg-nceof his that ricjfest of all the inheritances of our told, thawed God that he had made him ? ""J"' "I CtAM, Tic tiam ancestors, that inward state of mind ; that a rnah and not a brute ; that he was a Thf death of snrK L mnn in sneb a elevating principle, thatiwill obey, but not Grecian and not a barbarian ; ahd that he place, otilsuch a day, & rt sublime theme ; serve, which the Philosophical Historian, had been permitted to live in a time of so B nfittincr therr a subject worthy, the peri of the poet, the Tacitus found even in the ancient inhabi- grcat a luminary as bocrates. But how no, umni!n . . l.r i.'.L T2. Vl T . "e -p . . rlPr;tft;n This is th trr-nt means lit.ulA hvp up consider both the hopes pencil oi tne naiuicrf-,iue style 01 tne Ills- : t"' ruin of his country, and blast the happi ness ofintold millions ; yet the man may be found that will put his impious hand to the work, who will gain a notoriety as unenviable as that of Judas or Cain. The genius of History, as she unrolls her scroll, page by page, written out before hand, may at length be seen pointing her finner of scorn and indignation, to the r --.rr, r,oQl.'-.. c-mo HonpHirt 1 . n -.1 . . nfTiiiA iae. some one may ni-lllC 'I sum. waiaiiii., oi. " " U 1 f, l IJl-T an . - arise to act the part ot tra.ior u. .. at the 1 same time, vendtdit hie painam 0f his Country: some ata.. . .... .r - That is the man Who sold his COUn- great cnnagral.on: Auomer u,r ... .1 1 a rr rp rpiiii-i i.iiiiii . me emer - tt. t,.t.;i.n nr ll.e . for IV,!. rlav- tn Otner n;.. r- vai 1.; niiintrv. Thtre are those the booming of British cannon on lhe Dela ware, the P.Momac. or the Catawba. Ana ie- buckled on their armour, an till they consecrated it, t v.iniiii-K in flip lfmi!( 1 : . I ..A-A.I tl oir ' their hearts almost su:k wi' . length th sun of victory si Corn tra His crowned their ar; . - ... .t- i.; ..! .Neglect men mis gionov, . shade these iiup-ntant fctJ. pulse of the hour, as LJin I theu bid farewell to the re reckon among he favor:. creae and culiiration c f a 1 this lust of conquest, and rr . when we have more than with? This is Mlo'ng i ..il. nmfiKtt it. it Iirr P.- Wars ofconrjuest are coi.t ins of a fit goremme: .1. the way of holding cot;j i"r l.ut tiglu UTtlJor lurm - Have we not witnerd iin of the lafinn of II na-' nature of war to incree t! etlne of the bghlat'ue .a: tVk.l tinrti-r & tl 1 1 . 1 1 t 1 V u ---. ; . viriorious generals fiom t in like Conaunus, agaic?t ti 1 . u r f ThU is the ?reat means ; much greater cause of gra,i,ude have we ; JSL ZisZ nere are in- 1 - . anriakof 1848, the 7id of our Indepen- uerce. It is said to be the business of the oralor to instruct, to persuade, to please. Thp j Latin poet declares that he has sue- 1... .. . de vet true " tel States. Then full discussion would 1 lL fill volumes, and occupy days instead of nu no uouoi, our nrs g..ai.. - , fi - . n. , ptinpnt suhiec.4 of Despotic JGovernment are lbiSs ,ha these, befiireny mon,bs terri. ces, or tue uc. ..- d ' lboU?h no such thi..?. a, v. in civil war. Tetnptans will be tLuMc bv lLe brav. ty corrupt mmd.-ci.cum. a re. Sco!f iH T tao-er wa- 3 ; gest daring "f"1 ?J educated ' fields and the riie . f a n- ignorant mind,,, another n.nw L h h,fe t ' un . are found, just sunaiiie ir - k;- - . - . ret . ir,oraJ r inir too IS. o " . vice '1 aeogues to act upon, and u.e as . ,. t 1 : J ...nH.ni1 leaned land fitted by it to bo ts sutyects. ppsjaway. How rapid ise progress J j r wnUnwtln breadth. t -nUiVid.al independence, how can , And when tfiey looK at us, iney are w HOW-irresistiDie me lorce o wpu?wu r bv -.he Jirv 0f pr0videnc, by , exisl ia the mass ? Men must nrst gu.i-, -pablc o! estimating aright that moraljorce 1 principles 1 The human mfndi cannot al-e possess by the gut oi iroviueuc., , exist m mc p. . . v Tmmf.rli.ie ncra an.r ..,.! ill exam:J . tr.e JICCVUV-M, . a

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