J i - ' y j : ! " I . I' ; ! 1 1-1 1 hi t ! j We conic before you ini behalf of the ,nt of the Author of this blessed Book, may friends? We need but call to mind iKe ' IliuWof Moctsvillennd its vicinity, to light up your path-way through life, and numerous lecturers thronging the country ? 'fcM yfuvjth a Hook.; Would you crown you And those you represent with j a few years ago, whose jives andconduct . jno-w its name. Jt Is not the sarcastic ; His richest blessing and most ennobling ; were a burlesque, if nottiinsworse on phi- )-! TcVin of the Watchman. r vMr. Twrn Dollars nayaWe in and, jilt Ct$- f ill be charged. DVari.Tin4rtrJ at 1 (or the first, nnd 25cts. fart each a'uincijufnt" insertion. Court orders charged 55, per et. Higher trnn these rates. A liberal deduc tion to tkose who advertise by thtyenr. STcts tie Editor" nnit be postpaid. THE CAR OHNA BY MISS - EMMA d HALL, presenting' a mute to the Mochsvillc Di- r I j by miss e; 7 In We scriin'g rl Bi l vision io4 11, of thc Solns of Temper ancei June 2 1849. BRUNEIi & JAMES, Editors 4 Proprietors. " Keep a check rrox all tocr -SJ? , W A TfflM A N- Do THIS, AJTD LtBEKTT I kfl. Oem'l. Harritow. NEW SERIES, VOLUME V, NUMBER u. SALISBURY, N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST OK rit of the Author nf Ki l.ln 1 1 ml ITiiM iVlPii 1. 7 tit """rr"M"Tr""""""MM""M""""T" " asa 5sts of. a Shakespear, nor the touching: pattios oi -a nyron u is not tne wnu soul ?tirju melody of a Scott, .tie mystic num bers of, a Ifunyan's Dream, nor the mov- nS jiyncs ioiia urei ino, . Higher than tiene ooesj it,t)oasl ts ong ban tliese are its'sonzs; fit i . . . n, more lender more lofty its n Vi i . frrnnua 5 . nit.. , i r, i ""iy anu patriot lsja; to be fully sat 1 trust we? have a just appreciation of; isfied, that if temperance men would re lutu rtiur,.u run me sirougesi possmie i tain puoirc conti aitachment o the principles and precepts of the Biblel We do cordiallv assent tn sumption then would drive us from the j world, 6r lead directly to the union of i Church and State, with the higher prero- j gati ves of Church aulhoritv exercised over men in all relations. We all know the r: i l , . .. wiine leacnes us better than lhis. v nnt cents per cord is 500 Rod, and from all UemP!1 j r I tia it ruinout buaine., ; if r trade, n-.mld r(Jict, ibey m-' er can be carried on ti the rr witboMt injurj to iho l.ujer. 1 jurea the bojer by aellin2 fetl ar. ue and that will not rnabla hhA ! lion to reproduce it, be it maki and conaequenllj, lets able to j him. Thia ia lim r ' j if enough ia aold to enrich the f era hate become poor indeed, p j Pf i" credit, feeble in etifr-r, r j he abilhj or dipoiiion to anv-r !. oirect Irndenrr of ih Iticn to Tullow r trade that in rr and errea in iu conieqaencrs : "i i a ii iiiti ia m. r - . those exalted sentiments set forth in your aoaress, ana respond a hearty amen to the imujci i fUiiti, we, as a uivision, may ever fence, thev miKt irnrrl nk- l..... . . t r ., etiectually against impositions. Th s is fulhMlinn r .i. .u u i lo 3 ' P,aSlW?' abUt Wh,ch ! liohs u hich we bear. Wc can no more soh ,asaid,andwh,ch in appearance i destroy the fact, that we are related to j, . i u.n0 iQe open means men, than that we owe obedience to the . i . . . r C'"'' nu uesign employ. Here laws of God. Vhilrone is sunreme. it i T . - V imtde elohuenee. It is ihi llilI ! (inrl v I 1 " a ,.s r a ii iaa ai a Ayr) Boolj! Wc would hajyc you accept have the principles and precentilf the .Vuf adopt! it as vour guidirtg star through Bible as ourguiding star te(vA life.- s ;;c . Ahestarol t;hlj-iern to the vv.se nde we an btUrrrhe Bible. It is ) true friend of temperance and a Son of points -ncn of the IvtHt, so will thfs Heaven born the Bible aslhe soafce. from whence hav Temneranen ifth- f.il .i-.. , C . . c . i!(ght guide you to the blcsd Jesus. Not sprung those benign influence which other. Before answering the objections : who cn m i "1 - Vb . ... 1 . . J .i.c a.miuu woinan lo lier ennearinrr nnf raisnil ntramer ih r,?,.. I... n . .....j. wiuct. uv iimiiv wen a a rnanger will von linU him a lowlv. leeping llabw. but silfing the right hand V a ts i tins peer- a . . a lanu ol bless- "t I If, V lb Pa ha'- i f the great Jehovah ssjstar vyill guide you to i " i. It- i . . ; eieas anci ngni, Where sadness no 'more ,)nies, where you may evjt r bask in the light of (ijid's oountt nancis tune a golden harj to the praises of the glorious Trinity, nnjn forever on the borl is of the crvs rfd hlreamjof Life, and sijj, a cup of frtd. ! -ssi plr'astrs. 1 Might, wc; bring the view ' ss! Treasures -of .Oolcolula might we nakh jtlici, hidden drpths of PoUi.i and the Peai Is that string tin: Mermaids avW-T-milit nvc rob "Old Ocean" of all i s Treasures, and lay them at your feet, : irdid dust would they appear i hen com- ifrd with litis priceless Treasjire. 'J'hu ible, it.isj Jfent as a solace; to all ranks ,n stations, itspcaks p'ace to the trem 1 jing saildr boy, tossed on the ocean's dark rave, trusting in that G(jd of whom he ' Vflirft liiroiih llif torn wall the frmpt i Ktronmins, yiiii i'vt ihr 'itiirk wave iIk- rt-d liylunuiu is streaming, liyt'Uw my llif .M.r w jiiiiuii to't-herish, Ii- h f" 10 hi4 Maker, care Ivrd i I prii.-h.' vigils, ahd lightens, alile the abode of peace, and luxury, and thb convicts loath. H'-Mrte.fcell r- i J In this Book -which is tle great founda tion of alt wise gov lllirilllllll llUitin.. , , ' 1.. I! , 1- 1 i .......... . -pillu.. in uciei, and invested uisposeu to the temperance reform ; I wish m i iiu .i lower con ro inor ot ni. tn n-.tU nttm.i l- . M mo Pomoptr 1.,.4 .1 ... U :"!.. c '?8..by V its supremacy, that . . 7 v Hri,r' nciween a me QUUes ot the other he nerfnrmH,i authoritatively that we must "do others as far as in us lies.'' Now can see any thing either in the prin ciple of organization of Sons of Temper e workjbf reform which wiEl vastly derate lis motfon. The warrior son. power control inT the, destrnv to call nttrMtJrn tr o fV.. i i . ol rjyn. W qinan s sympathy and woman's The Temperance movement has been -n inlitfence are now felt in every bencvo- progress some twenty years. It has ex ent enterprjze. We trust you have, by hibited beauty and delonnity, li-ht and ttllS aCt OI VOUrS to da V. rrivon !ini;mr...e vlmto o ,l;t".., . k -. ;, ..v.. ..ii,miijiu3 .....V4 C4iumrii.ni peilOCaS Ot IIS PI'O'TeSS At one time triumph seemed just at hand, an.l to force on the event ultraist seized hold with bold enthusiasm and raised the cry the work moves too slow, and forth with created such confusion and noise that the. thoughtful and! prudent deemed it advisable to let go for fear of mischief and disaster. Wine was to be excluded from sacrament, cider, beer and ale were to furnish the tests of a .mans worth mor al and political. Things came ho such a pass that the prudent must either seem to advocate the cause of drunkenness, or sanction the measures! of fanaticisms Such was its state when the Washinto- nians conceived they had found out to tl MCC( in olden times, going out to battle, would receive hi.tffchield from his mother's hand, wiiri the inspiring monition " bear it back. The valiant knight yr be borne upon it.' when receivEnir his armor :twt '. ,,r "i " . - v fJ J i I I l his worthy lady, would plight his faith to wear tl.emjin honor. A country, in the hour of invasion, often exhibits tlie spec-' t cle of daughters presenting sons with a banner, under Which they are to conquer or fall. Yqii have, in the spirit of patri otism and christian adventure, presented us with shield, sword and banner,and we pledge our libnor to bear them valiantlv the cause pf humanity. We war, but in sure and certain mode of accomplishin ,u.-m.,u U,m, piuuuer anu uurn, but . complete retormation and of killino- ofl' to stay the f pages of vice, soothe the sor- the use of ardent spirits. But it so lian- .w.., ...v ..i.t.u anu rescue, me un- peueu inese also laileu to aeeomn k h all mai was nopeU lor them, still .they did much. The order of the Sons of Temper ance was. established by the. friends of Temperance with a view to amend the delects that were apparent in the other organizations. The leading purpose was to bring the friends nearer to each and establish a more rigid accountability and ,. T '. - - - , J lumiHrtic iiyui uuiiui. iou urire us on- ward in ourj work, and are pleased" to cheer us wijjrthc prospect of deliverance from the yoke of intemperance through- little Uavieji Would we. could realize, at an early daj, the delightful scene, when our motherj-jjand daughters should no long er feel the Slight and endure the sorrows of intemperance. But we mustexpect a long str uggle before this is enjoyed. Who ever thinks Victory won is greatly misled. We again, (hank you for vour Heln 'and ance or means of accomplishing the ends incompatible with doing, good to others? The Sons of Temperance deny they are sulnvmtDUheChurch in any "of its claims. They as an organization, may help the Church and be an instrument in her hands as learning, printing, the arts and the sciences have been abettors of her plans and used as means to send the Gospel to the destitute. She may grap, in the same way, this organization, lor it bor rows its principles, its motives and plans from the treasure-house of the Church. We may as Sons of Temperance, reach cases that the Church cannot in its ordi nary mode of procedure. The Sons of Temperance had never been in exis;ence but for the vital energies of the Church, diffusing power, emiting light, and stirring action where it never would have been thought of. So far from being subversive the . of the Church it is the offspring of chris tian benevolence, warmed into vigorous action by the fostering care of the Church itself. The most prominent personage urging this argument, in this State, 1 have reason to fear has been guided to this con clusion, rather by a lave of the ardent than by the cool deductions of- his intellect. I have too much respect for his pretensions as a man of mind, to believe his judg ment, uninfluenced by passion, would have sunk so far below the just estimate of those noble appliances otfered to the s a , aud ire him in r:, .i I Km 1 f a. A A . . : t - ... v ma auia lasen irom Siiu.ooo what the ' J ,rc n,m 1 a know, if t crop brings at a distance Of 75 miles leaves the sum of 8700 to be divided among the 75 distilleries to pay for the cooperage.milling, rye and time and attention of general su pervision. This estimate is founded of the market price. To get the market price, at an average distance of 75 miles, the distillers pay 810.000 ofT the home valuation reducing the income to A15 000 instead of $25,000 what the whiskey was estimated to be worth. Showing it'to be a loosing business. I might be led to question the accuracy of this result, al though I have looked in vain for the error, but for this fact, that many men of mv ac quaintance have tried the business keep ing a fair estimate, and have found it a loosing business, when thev made the grain and distilled ir. and hauled olf the production with their own force. Thus the trial of many of our best farmers cor responds with the deductions I have made upon what I consider a very fair basis for the producer. This being ibe result of ex perience and calculation, who can say, he is unpatriotic who persuades his fellow citizens to leave off such an investment and such a mode of industrv ' But we are not done yet with those who plead for t". to be incorporated with ir. u no now will pay them for the drain organizing the Terri oricsnf on their lands ' All this has gone o!f from the soil, what return is made to keep it productive? Nothing remains but the swill, or 44 slop," which is considered the real part of the gain in the business. This when fed to hogs and cattle fattens them l t i . ... anu enables the distiller ulvas to be in . - . UUc iiuiu ue no Lit) yp t i . cer, seller and drinker all be! . ch, etch ir kit place Udoir r proportion to the amount of id ! cei in his calling. I VOu! !, f Mjr more ; but I f-ar I bru!J u tience, I thank you for jour attc at another time,! to pain acce and promise you, I will luter.ti : ng offensive, unless exposing w ! t. be a very great error shouM ! In conchijion, permit me to r I ment, in the address of the b he citizens of our county t1,? fireing ourelreifrom the U's f by abandoning forever ih'j pn r drinking of ardent spirit?. i ; fine little Davie rie in beau'v, hiliinent of wealth, inteliigmrc : uould rlaim and receive the J .v lion of son? and daughters, ar: ! teeming productions toferdi! !. cn and bless the less fivorrj j eaith. A SLAVEIIY COM T If the Senate, appointed by ih i: port a Compromise on the eminent, you may lind .out our wide; snrea.l IT r Loile ol liaws well Ayorthy ol beinir neciallv ouif own C, duptcd Xt tlie guide ot yuur Order, and ot is great Author . you may ask wisdom to lirect you in that Labor df Love in which oil bave iso nobly embaiked. It is inter- istMii this gieat cause, that w; must plead as our only apology for thus appearing to day. Vo bhiss the giver of all good that Ithe; caust? of Temperance is still march- Hag forwardthat man ii about to be res. , invoke a nfernetuation of vnnr. Infln.nn. ! sive in its nt..r, h, ; ; Au.tLt?..C but to require men to promise upon honor UH'd from tlat depth ol degradation into ; and supportftuid humbly ask vour indub ! ther this advantage eoohl nn. k. nelth.e.r. to makf nor se I is push.ng ihe 1 . . r ' . . . a i ronnicitmntnA .p ocnoAiallo 4..K;., -ijt-awi v w ) vcfviuiij l vl VIIIO VVI Li II ror, say they, this will interfere with I calm and reflecting mind. The bill "provides aTeni; ment fur Oregon continui: -laws which have been pa--sent temporary Government i islature to be created by t! pass other laws in conform: t w u bUPerx,s,n.over each other. . Church as instruments to be employed in Whether this too shall fail time alone can the renovation of the world. revpl I hot it K i .1. i ierVis M ;',rr?: is another objecUo,, urged by the minds of its friends bly be so modiihed as to be more a'res- r .v, ucvuiicais mne uoudc remains in ; vmo ,ut :t k" . "it TTT" " It might possi- I teji us to uit drinking is wel enourh : i . i, I I I 1 ii 4 Ji 1 "IT""T, " MMl""V j wmi niuur i v. .aso c cuitnc: tuuiu Sect! FPU AlhicU, he, has lallen. Ai d more than this gence whil(Jl we seek to present the claims ! out lessening its preservative energi. ?tould Wc ngoice to thinly that Woman is of the Sonsjbf Temperance ta others and j So its friends without claimin- for it j)QUt1o;r.iso triumphant (over the Tyrant commend the Order to the favorable con- I fection, believe it decidedly the mos py .wnom sue uhs so iongUeen oppressed, , sideration of, the community. tlTat insleiid of the tottering Hachanalian, 1 n . T ; f t Uie sound of whose footsteps she shud- Vrolhers, Ladies and Gentlemen : .it 1 It r i .8 t" :i..f. j'prcd, she niaV feel that she has one wor iy the fiame o!f Husbancf, who will love t'nd protect her that tie tender trem 1 lihgmaiden iptiy.no longer sink beneath taq lierid like power of al besotted father, Jj1ly tp his arms, in confidence and in I3ve--tbat from the heart of the errev hair. ,- ri J Id matron may no more be wrung the last The Son$jof Temperance, have an ob- energies. I per- I decidedly the most ef. I lective temperance organization ever de- j vised by man. The good that nasal ready ; j been done, gives high hopes for thi. future. " i uere are many who desire to see the ject clear and well defined before their t cause prosper and to bless the human race. : .1 . MM. 1 - . . . . I . I m 4 ; . minus, i ueir designs are open lo lull in- ; KetT ooi irom lemperance Societies ; spection. J heir means no less visible I ad irom their respectability and virtue. than the object. They design to arrest the evils of intemperance, The means are abstinence from all participation in the production, sale, or drinking of the - f m i i ..;.. i l 1 ' v hp ;oi le-moou, at tnq sight ol a way. , article, causing intemperance,! and the Ward ahd ruined son. j cultivation V those affections which lead j c would gladly see their objections are entitled to considera tion. We therefore propose to examine a few of them. ) One of the most promi nent and respectable from its connection with the highest and most important in- ty. trade rind lead to the ruin of the commu nity, since every thing here depends upon the money brought into the County by whiskey. I can hardly trust myself to speak of this business. For view it as I will, it has so very little to commend it, that I am at a loss how to reconcire the subject as it appears with the known good sense, practical judgment, and generous sentiments of many interested in making and selling whiskey. I have come my self to the conclusion, that it would be better to abandon it at once, that it would be for the pecuniary and moral advantage Mexico and California, ye u ed a Hill which it is hoped v distracting question for ever .. National Jnlelligencr says t! proposes lo establish Govern: Territories of Oregon, Califc : Mexico, upon such nrinei! ! the pork and beef mai ket. is the idea mmln iuslice and constitutional n iy me distiller. Here, unless my obser- Pd wll challenge the appro 1 ' a . " v.mons are uecep.ive, is another element of delusion. It lakes the grain in its pure state, either ground or whole lo fatten hogs. I notice that the distillers give near ly, if not quite as much grain, as others to their hogs, and that they are generally hog buyers; although they give greater attention to their hogs than others, it can- cs and interests of the pci.j not iherelore be neglect on their part lhat w represent, they have not so many as they want. The As it regards New Mrxin known fecundity of the race is such, that n'. t provides for each a with exception of occasional distempers, such as that first given to t! suitable food ensures, with prudent enre. Territory; but at the samp ti a supply equal to any demand. It requires those Territories from pai::-.-unceasing care to keep up a stock of hogs on the subject of slavery, fn on swill, and without grain hogs rapidly j I'gion, or impairing the riht degenerate, so that after all this a poor ted .States to the unoccupied 1 compensation for the drain of lands and ever rights of property are v, assiduous care requisite to prevent loss on ' y persons removing to the j the investment. There is another fact to j derived from the Constitute. ' j be taken into account. For every family t of the United States, are to i ! raised with a distillery kept in itthere is and decided by the Judicial ! at least one drunkard made by the distil lery. What is to pay for this loss? It is notorious tat distilleries vitiate the sen sibilities 6T many whom they do not en tirely ruin ; so that there is a heavy ac count against them on the score of inju ries to community. There is yet another item worthy of estimate. At least one out of four who embark in distilleries become I T:. j o. . i ' . . V 1 v. C UILO. OUlf HLL III .111 the Courts within tl) Terri: Supreme Court of the Unite ! Hence it is npparrnt t! -1 -: i . i . i emu bimiiis ui mc ionu nrui the subject of slavery arc r without giving the sanction ( States to a further extension tory in which slavery will I J..1..1 I l II i c 1 I c yvouiu giauiy see ine worm ireeu from this dj'spot. We xji'ould rejoice to Yee our! Union liberated, i Shall we whose jhnhner have .played proudly on the moun directly to he social and personal Well j ization of the Sons of Temperance is sub- County Show many being of all belonging to the Order. It is ! versive of the Chuich, and seeks to ac- js tne exceedinn- needless atipresent to dwell on Uhe evils complish by human agency what it was frn' trwnrndnetdnn : i a. tri . i , . .1 r. .1 . insoiveni. v no is to maKe amends to the ie miure cnaracier oi mo Countv for 1 . . J - - the moral and SOCial Ipai-a nut nf nnpnl.nl!i;nn iU Ka ivivlioa nf llii nr,r ! wi.u...wwm iiiu uiuiai nuu ; ...w rv,.. Ct If lltmn lnrviitn n .il. " . I .1 oiuunuu uiiu v ii iu r irLii. s r hi inp nrfrn r. 1 i n --..w. .IV 10 iv munv um .u o m' 1 7 OI our couniry anu no less so lorour own Pminiv fnr nn it,; v ...:u HenenH nn tb. .brfr ft , mc uiuiaiaiiu suuini i i . uegratiation arisinir mpnil ininrino ;nn;-.A in .u nfior rnrm it,. !Cfftt.p.,nil;, ...v...... .j v II1UIV.II.U. ucic tire IIIC tuw uiitib vuitiiti. e w i j i s r7 -w j " j tain breezej we vhose songs of triumph are so manifest, so numerous and so hor rrave rtins joyously o'er tlie hills we who ribly appaltng, that none can be ignorant tavc bgrst eil the strong bands of a British of their wcjful prevalence. To say men yoke, shall j we remain (subject to this are slain, fyives heart-broken; children 'intghty.mteriiul foe r Ao.i Our I num shall beggared, crime induced, misery of every which spriijg from intemperance. They ! designed to effect. And thus it is said, ' a i I a. I I . . . mat numan wisuom rises above; Divine, ibei free. And oh ! we tt biild see our own, ,;opr dear -Carolina bursting these' fetters, ijye would have her bide mountain tops jMrhicU .seem Wedded as it were to the clouds of Heaven, and driving to pene Itrifo the; mysteries of tlie upp r World, jvf'fc WoUld have these aid all her green I tallies to ejho with a sng of mirth and gladness ;hut oh ! let it not be the song Oil the drunken reveller, but a voice lhat j ngsf so'ftly iandS weet lyj I j' . Oh water for mo, tiriphtlU-ntpr for me." And such glorious thing? would we wish 4)0-for little Davie may her sons never fejirn to quafl" the sparkling wine cup may the fire of their intellect never be damped by the intrusion of this mighty foer but from among them may there. rise hose Worthy the title " Lords of creation." sort and magnitude accumulated, is only to aifirm wjhat all of us know. Though the evils nr!e of this frightful magnitude, yet it: is certain theyj may be arrested, in part, if not in whole. Enlightened pub lic opinionjthe great lever of reforms, can do much to amend, if not. effectually re move the enormities caused by thisseduc- and that man presumes to know better how to reform man than his Maker. It is farther said, that the Church is a great temperance organization of itself, that whoever is a member of the Church, can not unite with any such associations with out descending from the higher to the lower ground, and thereby detracting from the dignity of his position as a believer in the Divine authenticity of the Church. In answering these objections, we must understand two things, our relation to the live vice. This becomes so evident, as to Church and our relation to our fellow men. require no farther proof, by simply reflect ing on what has been done. We are ful ly persuaded, that if the efforts to cure these evils jbore fmy considerable propor tion to the LVastness of their power, they might be greatly, alleviated if not effect ually destroyed. It is a firm conviction In ajiswer to the question, what is our re lation to the Church ; we would replv, unqualified obedience to the head of the Church. Jesus Chris:. We would not have it understood that by obedience to the Church, we are bound to obey those de crees and dogmas which, men, prompted irom ine production anu sale oi liquor, and dollars and cents to come from that repay 1 Territories. mey are entirely insensib e ol any sort ot ,he losses incurred in production of ar- . We sincerely trust that i ur uirtut.ursoiu dent spirits T There is somethinrr nnt nf oroceedmz as it undouLtr " 9 ww W . joint in the. valley of the Yadkin. No the most patriotic motives lands in North Carolina of equal fertility cnd forever to a question, Ii which have been settled so long has upon ln of which alone the ti. it so few of the comforts and luxuries of great and glorious Union el life. The same general industry and mor- succeeding in their insane ality which are here found lead directly to - great accumulations and enlargement of capital in the community. There must be something miserably wrong, such in dustry and steady attention to business, would if properly directed on such a soil as this, make the owners rich. The in crease of capital in the distilling region that the Strength of intemperance can be by ambition and bigotrv, have proclaimed I t . .jti : .1 . i . : i i - u i p.i... r't u . i i 1 r as me laws oi me nurcu anu ciatmeu ior broken, arid its sway indefinitely dimin ished, that -fnnds together the brother-hood of the Sons?bf Temperance. Tfiey do ful ly believe ho. fearful evil may be stayed possible. The design is thus fully stated, hecause many suppose, that as the Sons of Tem perance cloose not to hold their regular them authority over men's consciences. No. it is the Church of the Bible, having Christ for its Head and Law-giver that men are bound to obey. His revealed will is the law ; o His laws and government we owe implicit obedience and supreme al legiance. If it he assumed that a member of the Church, thus related, canhot be as sociated with any other organization for whatever purpose, it leads to a! frightful position indeed. Say then we belong to the Church and may not belong to any otherorganization adopting worldly means or having worldly ends in view, and e'riminHl iri thir nreUnT I ir ka where win u urie lo : e Deiong to Ladies': To mc is assigned considered! a fault, in a bank bill, that it the Church, then according to this assump. the pleasing task of receiving your ines- has a marjv known alone to those Tvho tion, we may not join a literary Society, timable donation, and Unressinir to vou issue it anil are resnonsible for ihs redemn. it is a worldly association. We; may not : .. : i "-o . . . . i --.-r- r . i . tion f Is i not the very circumstance, that t)e a memoer oi a company organizeu 10 the managers have taken the ' necessary bu51d a Rail Road- This is a wjorldly ob precautiort to avoid imposition,: that bank Jec.r- W? ma' not be in a company to Dins anu uauws, umiuiain xne puoiic con- . .....v fidence ? Why then should notthej', who M We then bid you press onward and up- t I'-l. j-..:... .1... : waru ny inc iat mnu sign oi me exnir- -pu., ro i4i.i t hn h -tb D i , I I " tl 1 I I ( I'll J ui 1 Ull.llt u lli KllUlt. Uls I I 11 I 11 llil mg jnfantby the stilled glee o chdd- circ)e of tljeir influence. They are also lood-by t ip broken-heart of the deserted resolved or widening the circle and em- Jvifc-.-by the degradation into which ma- whhin their influence as many as uve your Country as you love the souls of your fellow men and value the joys of Jleaven- go forward. II ti ichich the Rev. B. Cle??, on behalf of meetings ip the presence of those whoop- the Stoi k Temperance, replied as foU ". " oe some--. ?!i7. i r thing darte or mysterious, if not vicious or i 1 llOMOED tho acknoVledgemcnts of this Division of the Sons ofj Temperance. In attempting 16 express our emoiions, I can only say. jvve thank' you ; but this does not tell all that is in obr hearts of gratitude and plea- Uii !.?. ! l r. i .i t - . r .i A . ,ure wnicn, mis priceiaa gm ana me no- are lanonng ior tne goou oi mertnecoun VI . . i i. i . . hle splrlf prompting it have awakened. iBe'asiured we do thank vou most hearti- Xfly; both! for the donation and the gener 'us syrhpathy thereby manifested for the fause oil l emperance. I ho ao most devoutly pray that tbo opt- try at large, and whose success depends upon the confidence of the community, be allowed ahvord or mark byvhich they not by any means belong to a. political party for it is large and may do mischief. We may not at all, be a citizen, or sub ject, for then we must obey human laws and connection therewith. it, -or both as the case may be, but did not drink it, and therefore they cannot be at all the cause of those deaths and suffer ing around them. We need not then ar gue wifh men of this class on this ground at all, though in fact it is, and must al ways so appear to right minded persons, the strongest on which to argue this point. But for the sake of gaining their attention for the present they may choose and main tain their favorite position with their own argument fairly stated. It is the only means, say they, of getting money to pay our taxes, to support the church, and pay for those little conveniences not produced on a farm. If it were possible lor a sin gle individual solitary and alone to pro duce, sell and get his money, there might be some force in the argument. Admit that whiskey brings money and more than any other article now brings into this Countv, it does not follow lhat there is no other, nor even a better way to invest capital and expend industry. Let us try this by facts and calculation. There were senventy-five distilleries in Davie county in 1810, with an investment of 820,000 capital, which produced 109.290 gallons of whiskey. There have been some fai lures, some new distilleries put into ope ration so that balancing fractions, that may be assumed as a fair average year's production. Supposing the fraction of 9.290 gallons consumed at home, there re mains 100,000 gallons for market. That, at home worth 25 cents per gallon, on an average amounts to, 825,000 When hauled an average distance of 75 miles worth 30 cents per gallon and amounts to, 30,000 The hauling, allowing 300 gals, to the 4 horse load and 830 per trip amounts to exactly 10,000 Cost of Corn, allowing 3 gallons to the bushel, iat 30 cents per bushel. 10,000 Board, clothing and Wages of 76 hands at 8100 each; per year, (number employed in 1840) LIFE THE SIX I rf: .1 : nr.. . i : . - r r - x ic uiiiciciii iitci oi j : already been brought lo the public, through our column . ordinary number wc thou'.t I. C ' . . t enougu ior one mortal; i does not bear a fair proportion to the pro- General seems to be the r; due ion. With all these; facts and many of fate in ihc number as v. more at hand, can it be considered olli- cious to dissuade friends and fellow citi zens from such a mode of investment ? The sooner this business stops the better for Davie, and I think for the whole coun try. It is needless to say the consumption yields no increase of capital to the coun try, unless it be capital crimes and shock ing miseries Where ever the article is consumed it proves dead loss in dollars and cents of its cost of production besides the loss of time, expense of support, A: a, of those who drink the liquor. N it won derful that a community laboring under this two-fold drain "should be strained ? That distillers have neither time nor means generally to educate their children ? God Almighty never formed the fertile plains, productive hills and rich vallies of our lovely little County, to be perverted to such a shameless curse on our race. The streams issuing from this County carry sorrow, sadness and death to many a hearth-stone ; weeping, vexation and pov erty to many a noble wife and mother. The practice of selling is no less condemned on the principles of morality than producing or Anu if tiny wish to reaJ I heir oun (ti of 1ms livesj for wc have a sixth. This last, a good . which being a sealed book t not say what fictions it cr the following passage (t;r of which wc are indebted : gentleman) may be taken .. . i i 1 :. .It- i i the work of deception. T; taken from page 12 of tlie The result of thejelecti well known. Mr. Polk r c of all the Stales except t.;r. of the Democratic party w;. test extent the icork of Ge::. H ithout a Aetcspnpcr. ( houn, in a late verv ab! sionaries to return with L of labor, on the beautiful Lebanon, said: The Ilf truly a region of intellect im moral darknos. Thrre ; r pcrs ia Syria or Persia ; a: I Carbary State, and ctll.- r eluding 40,000,000 pro; ' Arabic language, there is I paper in the native tonp:, drinking. doom and what consequences, teen by obser- ; or four in the French or V.- valion, clearly shown, let him or them read the showing lhat ibere is no:!.; 15tb and 16th verges of n ctip. ot the propue- mpjanisra favorable to ( : pent. regulations ; and we belong to the can recognizejheir true friend"! from their ; Church, and it enacts the only laws right j Interest on capital invested 820, assured ones ? Has the temperance to obey, and her ministers, not ministers 000, is j cause suffered nothing from- spurious of the law, must be heeded. : This as- One thousand cords of jwood at 50 7,600 ry of Habakkuk. There fhey eJbe moral bearing-of the practice, and ihe irrerersaUe law of erT ct following the caue. tire, it mat. ; lers not whether for moner or not, aud you may , (GT .i-iuyrruor o u. 1,200 learn to take "yourself; and then the awful dis- ; died al bis residence in I ain: ; grace following. Keep m fiorn the wo of instant. J

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