r Term of the Watchman. fat Subscription, v Stance. " But per. year, Two Dollars payable in if not paid in advance, Two dollars n J firtr cu. will be charted. oscTi6ME5Ti inserted at 1 for the first, and 25 cts. fat eacjh 8ubequent insertion. 1 Court orders chirged 25 perjetr higher thiathe&e rates. A. liberal deduc tion toj those who advertise by the year. JfErriis to'the KJitors must be post paid. A Jlcvicw !of the Career, Character , ' I and Services of ' ZACHAUY TAYLOR. Republished from the, North American and U. States j iGaiette, Philadelphia. v j j CONTINUED FROM LAST WEEK. ' - , - r - . -.. ' -v" -; " f ; j'.- ' " ., . . . ' ' ' . ':-.,! - . .j ! ' : ! - ' i ' ., Till :f) TRffl ,11 A W ATOTM II I " Keep i qnECK upon all yocr ) Rulers. j "- BRUpR & , JAMES, Editors 4 Proprietors. Keep a qnECK upon all yocr Rulers. Do this, and Liberty is safe." Gen' I. Harrison. NEW SERIES. VOLUME V, NUMBER 17. SALISBURY, N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1848. MONTEREY. that Taylor, apprised by his scouts of the approaching host, fell back, in good! order, to his intended battle-field; where the magnanimous" Benemerito (or well de- Who forgets the attempt made so shame lessly by Locofoco adherence of the Ex ecutive in Congress to nullify the vote of .11 .'nrprif nnit meritorious as were the vie- I thanks to General Taylor lor that im- v . - - .. ---- r , . . . - , . 1 lories so admirably we might almost say, mense success oi luonterey, iy a prowso i serving; ot Mexico, on the next day, in so unexpectedly won by Taylor, in the censuring me capuuiauon granieu uy mm moment of national anxiety, at Palo Alto to lhe Mexicans in other words, to affix and Kcsacade la Palma, the calm judg-' "P0" Mm the; stigma of having failed in ment of the intelligent citizen cannot but ' the performance of his whole duty as an concede?-that, amid the circumstances fol- I American cOmmandt-r in battle against j ty of the rudeness of affecting to cbnsider --Tf' . i.t t . i . tlio nnomv f i t hu i 1 1 r m r f r-l I r rnnn, I f 1 orfa At-..-... ! ... lowing incsc exploits, oppresseu ny newi ",v ',) .? .ww.. .j.n.m jxmias, uinmons as a request, i difTiCUlties vhich tliev broucht unon him. :' wi,h injury ijpon its authors. The first not deeming thai a Mexican. Geners lic.cxhibiteot everf higher qualities than reflection convinced every right-minded j would dare make any demands on him.) ! those which had blazed out so gloriously . American mat ine capuuiauon oi iion on the field of battle. The war no long- , tcey was, in, itself, the greatest of Gen r a'calamity to be prevented ; it had be- cral Taylpr'sacts, and that one of them an wucp iwas oy iar ine mosi iiouorauie to his country ; and in a moment the sen timent of gerrerous pride in, and lofty ap preciation of,!the true merit of the Mon terey capitulation became universal, which in the memorjstble Senate debate on that subject had been proclaimed by Mr. Clay endeel, and ihe public interrM rv by nwerinj; ihU inrjuirj, I ri ' f this transaction i n iv , , i.CJlobr, Tol. 14, paj 339 t.i n V iviiai uiuue oi February 2 Mi, 1 When Ihe -joint resoluii ; term on which Con -rest wi 1 : ; the Union at a Stale," n-as Lt: it was soon found that a number cratic members who were Um ; . mission of Texas woulJ ro!c r - i lution. I was one of them. I :, j ihe matter it was profwed tJ.r,!, jecting the House resolution. v3 oaiintra$ an alternative MR. CASS'S "EXTRA ALLOWANCES." ' derrd' runninS back ,hrough ,fn or twelve year,, during substance of Mn Benlo.i's till j a period in which all or his own accocsts were, or "H negotiating. hd strong t 1 We invite the attention of the people of North Caro- ! ought to have been, rendered and settled in quarterly re- ! P'an fr 1 did not seethe HPCC5- lina to the following account, from the Correspondent of j turns! This account of 53,128 95 made out while he ! ' P9ng the l!oue res.!u!;. gunj anjd was to be fought ; the enemy was to be followed into his own land, and compelled to peace : everything was to ffi bte thought of and .'resolved on, without l oeiay, uy n vicior ynose uovri nmeni nau tleltbtm; without-sulJicient bupjilics, and particularly jU ithout the mdans ol trans portation. Troons'vvere at first wantinsr. but they1 soon came pouring in, enthusi- the Republic! the Baltimore Patriot, of the Resolution offered in the formed him that he was "surrounded by i House of Representatives, on the 5th instant by Mr. 20,000 men," and proposed to allow him j Slewart of Pennsylvania, and the evasive expedient re- the humane privilege of SUrrenderino at 80,1(1(1 10 by Mr. Cass's friends, to deteat the examina- discretion. Here Gfn. Taylor Was ffuil- ,ion il ProPsd, and to withhold the vouchers called for. iow, wnat reasonable object could the mends ot -lr. Cass have had to. the Resolution, unless they 6nd the awkward disclosures which these vouchers, or the ab sence of them, might and probably would have elicited. and the further incivility of - declining to Asthe writer shrewdly remarks, ,hese vouchers could he was Secretary of War, under his potent influence and direction or otherwise, was audited aud agreed to by the subordinates, which brought the government i:i debt to Gen. Cass, some 835,075, in addition to the majestic"' ,r Benton' plan fur 1 1. without the propotej amende urjied that the session vn so t -th measure would be defeated accede to it. The cantain of four thou. sand men to reply in that way totlie com mander of twenty thousand ! Buti it was on the 22d of February, the birthday of Washington, the second national holy day of American freedom. On such a day, indeed, General Taylor might laugh Santa Anna and his summons toi scorn ; on such a day, young Crittendenj in the ton in tones which went to every heart in j midst of the Mexican host, might proudly ostic volunteers, in embarrassing numbers iri numbers beyond Taylor's wants and requisitions but as nothing else came, tbey'only made bad worse, and increased the diilicuities of his position. lJut, in the midst of these difficulties,' l)is thoughts and resolutions were equally ftctiveu ! Within nine days after the atfair of ka Pal ma, his fiag floated over Mata moros arid the whole lower right bank of the! Hip Grande ; and as early as the 20th of May. only twelve days after the first blow at l'alo Alto, as we know from his official jcorrcspondence, he had already! j meditated the enterprise, the march, the . very rpuio 10 oe pursureu, against ine city of MoniereyJ This march, in fact, against Montercv made with insufficient subsist- ! anee and ammunition ; this march, which, i cdnsidej-ihg llje consequences that must I have flowed Ifrom a repulse, timid critics ll'nilM IihI'p ! nrr:in ww h nn n Vffila ri n r hazardous adyenture, is one of the most .li ! .I1 - Lf rp ! l ; ; ucciuiHj pruyis oi xayiors juugnieni as wJcU asjheroism. His very destitution ren dered it; necessary. There were food and ammunition enough 1 in Monterey; and with young aind zealous volunteers, anx ipus to $ce the foe, there was less loss to be nppreheHdtd from a hard mrch, and a harder fight, than from the pining inac tivity of tick ly camps on the Kio Grande. auu autumn; was coming, nay, wasuirea- leclare "General Taylor never;surren 1 say, therefore," (said Mr. Clayton) deis." "that. from the bottom of my soul I thank j Who does not remember the first ac the brave, gnerous, and merciful Com-! counts that reached the United States of mander of the American troops. I thank j: the results of Santa Anna's attack Mex- him not only1 for hisrgallantry and skill,! ican accounts, fabulous, bewildering, but his conduct find bravery, but eminently j fearfully exciting, which represented and above alj other considerations, as an l Taylor as retreating before the immense American Snator, I thank him for his hosts of Santa Anna, fighting Ijis way humanity ! lonor him because he thought jj back to Monterey, there to turnj like a of, and spared, feeble and unoffending !: lion at bay, upon his pursuer, charging in woman in that hour of her utmost peril. !j to the midst of his legions, and Covering I honor him because he spared tottering!; the earth with the slain. Wcll-j-he was age and helpless infancy ; and 1 glory j surrounded, but he never; fled ; the lion that an Amerjcan general has shown him- was at bay, but it was th4 favorite lair of self thus alive to the best feelings of the -j Buena Vista ; and it wasi there that the human heart!? ! multitude of Mexicans fejl, lying1 side by No, from the moment of that debate, it ; side with heaps of American volunteers, has been feltjihat thejlaurelsof Monterey j The day gone the night closing around are all the more glorious, and will be so the mountain peaks and deeD erorsres. and regarded forever, because they associate, that puny army not yet driven from its! not ine nornq! Druiaiuies oi a city taKen lines ! let a second day daVhed, and by sack, but jrecoilecions of a generous the conflict was resumedlas obstinately, humanity worthy to tje prized as the no- i as furiously, as destructively as! ever. blest attribute of the American charac- Then came a second nighl; and the brave j ter. The victor of Monterey, the hero of old General and his brave! youngltroops mat capuuiauon, is sn true representative so raw and yetso courageous fiuhthem- of the people) who admire and love him selves down exhausted, upon the bloody the more for that reason. B JENA In the last find greatest act of his mili tary life, fortune seemed resolved to prove. in the most Unanswerable manner, how VIST A. dy at hand ; there were pure waters and much of General Taylor's fame was due breezes! and imountain health, at Monte- ' himself tohis wonderful resolution of rey what-dilferencc did it make if there ! character, anil his power of infusing his vere treihetylous fortifications and (the own courageitnto the; hearts ot the men it an ding rule) Mexicans in superior num- under his command, ejven when undiscip- nncu volunteers, wnq nau never seen a foe. ' t .1 The fine army the veterans of Monte bersT The inarcli was resolved on. nush ei in every way ; and, about the same period, almost the same day, when Santa "Anna was 'j passed" into Vrera Cruz, to raise and head that army which was to rey, were gone -drawn away to open a new path of glory on; the route between j meet Taylor iit Buena Vista, the latter ! Vea Cruz anrj , Mexico, which Taylor him- advanced the first division of his army i se" had indicated as the-only suitable one I from Camargo to Ceralvo, on the expedi iion agai.nsi;monterey, it was on tne September that Santa Anna arrived at on which to attack Mexico with effect j" and, when shdrn of hi's strength but not his valor, andjstrong in judgment, fcfe had the Capital, land, in proud array, amid g"C to watch; the designs of the enemy at be produced and would satisfy the people, would they not be called for and produced with alacrity by his, Mr. : Cass' friends ? ; Correspondence of ihe Baltimore Patriot. I Washington, August 6, 1848. j Mr. Stewart, in the House, yesterday, produced a re- solution, specifying the many numerous charges made agaicn the Government, in the shape of extra for al leged extra services, which have been allowed and paid and pocketed by Gen. Cass, with the proper dates and documentary references, and calling upon the Secretary of the Treasury to communicate to the House forthwith, the vouchers for said accounts as rendered by Gen. Cass. The following is a copy of the resolution: Resolved, That the Secretary of the Treasury be di rected to send to this House, forthwith, the original let ters and vouchers in support of the claims and extra al lowances, paid to Lewis Cass, over and above his regular salary of 2000 a year, ns Governor, and ex-officio Su perintendent of Indian Affairs for the Territory of Mich igan, to wit: The letters and vouchers in support of the extra allowance paid to him. 1st For clerk hire, office rent, Sic, from the 9th of October, 1813, to the 31st of July, 1831, at $1500 per annum, as per docu ment No. 245, 3rd session, 25th Congress, Page 2, $26,615 00 2d For rations, to wit : ten rations a day at 20 cts., each from the 9th Oct., 1813, to 29th of May, 1822, as per same document and page, 6,610 00 3d For services as Superintendent of Indian Affairs, said to have been rendered out of the Territory of Michigan, from the 29ih of May, 1822, to 31st of August, 1831, at $1500 per annum, asper document No. 6, 3d session, 27th Congress, page 11 14,375 4th For aiding in the negotiation of sundry Treaties, whilst Governor and ex-officio Superintendent of Indian Affairs as afore said, 772, at $8,00 per day and 40 cents per mile travelled, same document, page 11 and 12, 5th For attending al Washington city to settle his own accounts for extra pay, &c, 208 days, to wit, from the 31st of October, 1821, to 29h of May, 1S22, for mileage, ten rations per day, &c, as per document, page 11 6th For alleged services whilst Governor and Superintendent of Indian Affairs, ' in preparing a code for the regulation of In dian Affairs," 111 days, to wit, from the 22d of October, 1828, to 10th of February, 1829, as per same document, page 12 7th For extra pay whilst Governor, as a foresaid, " as Deputy Quartermaster Gen eral" in the Army, for one year, as per document 18, first session, 28th Congress, page 28, 8th For extra pay and allowance as a Cap tain in the regular army, whilst Governor as aforesaid, to wit : from the 12th of May, 1817, to the 28th of June, 1821,8ame doc ument, same page, jm sums ne nad betore charged and received. A warrant was drawn for its payment. He received the money j pocketed it and wrote upon the amounts as audited, ; that inasmuch as he was Secretary of War, he would defer the settlement of the account to a future day to i be approved by his successor. After he left the War Department, and on the eve of his leaving the country for France, he got the then Second Auditor, William D. Lewis, to put the old account in proper order and have it endorsed by the then Secretary of War. The work was done. The date of the warrant by which General Cass pocketed the $35,075, was July 1st, 1832 ; the i number of the warrant, 2956. i Objections being made to Mr. Stewart's resolution, he moved to suspend the rules that he might offer it. On this motion the yeas and nays were ordered and they stood, yeas 87, nays 61 ; not two-thirds voting in the af firmative, the morion failed. You will see when the if we made it an additional readily pa ihe House in that' f. foiling did not satisfy me, Im: ; friends were all satUF.ed wish arrangement," kacceded to i: ; could have satisfactory assura; proposed in such amendment m- one used and submitted to Tex;. . .Mr. Polk was in ihe city; i! v that he was very anxious Ci on the subject before he came i aUo understood thnt the pn-j -the House resolution origtiiaird Il had been suggested that, if . the resolution. .Mr. Calhoun vv v." House resolution toTexa, nr. lorotal ihe action of .Mr. lVk ; Duflie, his friend, having met !.!- the declaration that he would n t im ; . yeas and nays are published, who voted to get rid of the dacity " to do such a thill V i" call for the vouchers! If these vouchers could be pro- thought of. One difficulty Tv.:. duced and would satisfy the people, would they not be wa he danger of putting it ii.! called for and produced with alacrity by the friends of Mr. Polk 0 submit the Ib u- upn-Cn9S Tea. We understood, indei .! Does not the General, in his book written in France, 1 td to submit the Senate nrrr r T' ... . . in praise oi rving l.ouis rtiiMippe and Ins monarchy (now overthrown) contrast the small salaries of our Govern ment officers with those of the officers of European Go vernments, and Tefers to what had been said, that our officers frequently make up by stealing for the small salaries they receive ? If bo, does he not discourse knowingly on the subject T If he does not know oil about the system, pray who does T And is this man to be made President? No. "Old Zack," who never charged or received a cent in the shape of an " extra," is the man. ernment ; but without being i would do this, I would not voli tion, and it was, well ascertain' my vole, it could not pass. 1 1 r. i had voted with me, and was ( House resolution, undertook to Mr. Polk on the subject, and did wards told me that he was au'! Polk to say to myself and other if we could pass the resolution v. ment proposed lobe made, l.e w. 00 9,744 00 earth, beside their cannofts, to snatch a j short, uneasy slumber, and then! up once more lor a third day of battle. The third ! day was soon there but ivherc Were the Mexicans ? vanquished routejl utter ly (led their dead and wounded left, like the whole exposed rear of their army to the humanity of the General ivho had been so short a time before recommended to surrender at discretion j Where, in modern times was there such a battle ? where such a! victory ? No wonder, when the news of this great field reached the country, a field at once so ro mantic and so heroic, s exciting and so saddening for. oh. the1 Hpm1 nf ihnsp tvvn ilnva xulxnca M1 h.w.kt .,c, I. It. $63,048 46 .... Mbv ua una 9th letters and vouchers filed in support of " irv i j I the mi! stance ol Denton's bill, n: resolution as il now stands on t!. It is matter of history that Mr. have the audacity " to send :' sener wilh the House resoluti : the 3rd March, a few minute ! out of office ; and that Mr. VV. confirmed this act of Mr. Ca.h r ting Texas into the Union, an 1 1 States in a state, of -war vih JV Knowing that my esteemed Jni 'roaring festivities and the clamor of Mex lean oaths of patriotism, swore to drive (he perfidious Yankees," the " barbari an of the North," from the sacfed soil of the "magnanimous republic. $Gfir days later, on tbcjjl'jth, the Mexicanlca-nnon at Monterey Was playing upon Gen. Taylor, as with n Ijttle reconnoitering party, he rode up to inspect for himself the lormi dable defences of citadel, redoubts, forti- ficd heights, and stone houses wilh na ra pe ts, each ft Moorish fortification, or a 1 deemed, an assured victory over, an illus If patt of one great Moorish fortification, ! trious victim, provided to his hand (won (l embracing the whole city, which it was ( derful coincidence of folly ! for we do; not, the farthest optpost of Agua Nueva, ra ther than shut himself up within the cita delled safety of Monterey, he had, as the world has lon known1,, but 4,073 men of whom only about one-tenlh were regulars artillery anp horse not a single com pany of infantry to meet the 21,340 men, composing thie Mexican army. These, well armed 4n(l equipped, Santa Anna had provided, kt San Louis Potosi, ready. tor a sudden $woop upon, and, what he H now necessarv he should carrv bv storm. R and that, too, within a few days, to pre vent the effects of an entir0 want ot all p the-necessaries of war and cf 1 i IV? in his own army. ; And so he carried it. What need ol of course, impute it' to a designed guilt) by the same unfortunate administration which had so foolishly sent himself to Mexico, to re-animate and re-organize his defeated countrymen, r ; ! There, then; lay, wilh his feeble force, the deserted pro, in that solitary post teDeaiinz the details of this irlorious siece, of which everv navicular has become a1 among the Mexican mountains, entirely I part of thcreclollectionsof every American ! beyond the reachjof relief or of any hope I mind-4the 'chivalrous exploits of Worth's out of his own camp or heart ; many a l ISlOn OH iUJB Weal, Carrying-llie UIUIUU v.ij mnv mauiuiiLv v muim-n.j heights j anil hemming in the Mexicans in ny a league from the line of the Kio I tl. f ' 1 . I 1. 1 .1 1 . . n k ( i rn nln ft irrlm an1 pnnit'. t oo IP of- f mc rear, anu me uiootiy tiituiis ujiuu uic . , y.m vuoini, io n i J town itself, ou the east, made under the ! the head of th-p proudest army on the fron- orders of Tavlor himself. On the second tiers of his own country; expecting the day the f Weak man had the stron man at attack,! whiclf he had already provided He may have a bank and coixs and not be worth ' for. even to the field of battle, on which a penny have small caps, and neiiher wife nor cnutiren. umers may run lasi, oui ne gets along swiftest by setting fast. He may be ma- that the fame of Monterey was eclipsed by the greater splendors of Bue na Vista, and that Zachary Taylor was enshrined in the very hearts of bis coun trymen ; and no wonder that the purpose of those hearts was confirmed, to call his great qualities into a new; field of civil action, in which it was felt thatiprecisely such qualities were wanted. -Jntegrity and honor a spbtless life! and rigid code of moral principles ; simplicity, frankness, kindness of heart; moderation of views and feelings, prudence, excellent good sense and judgment : add to these, invin cible COSfancy of purpose and a bravery 4th For overpayments on ac nkvflvs n f.lm nml r fl,.W i v- L? n, x t count of annuities under the ii i , . i . P Appropnation Act of the loth assuredly have presented ousimany of i of May, 1820, those noble trails which Went tOj Compose 5th For overpayments on ac- the solid character of Washington, and i count of annuities under the fitted mz to shine so well so equally well i rVitlll? . , i , j otn r or overpayments on ac- Ill the camp and the cabinet. ! j count of annuities under the It is from the stronirlv marked analogies Appreciation Act of the 25th of character that the people of the United States have formed their opinions of the fitness of General Taylor for the office of President of the United States ; to which, if we can believe the signs of the times, they have manifestly maderup their minds to elect him. (To be Continued.) the following items in the accoun render ed by Gov. Cass against the United Slates, the 21st July, 1832, (about one year after his appointment s Secretary of War,) and said not to be embraced in any of the pre vious quarterly settlements of his accounts with the Government, to wit: for alleged balances and overpayments made by him as Superintendent of Indian Affairs, on the following accounts, as per document 112, 3d session, 25th Congress, page 16, to wit: 1st For overpayments on ac count of contingencies for In dian department, $3,398 55 2d For overpayment to Indian sub-agents, 363 15 3d For overpayments on ac count of 'presents to Indians' 416 80 5,370 15 I Senate amendment as the CHAPTER OF SECRET HISTORY. ' ; MVSrw" From the New York Ereuing Pott. The two letters which are subjoined, form an important passage in the secret history of the Annexation of Texas. Our readers are aware that several Democratic members of the Uni ted States Senate strove to induce Congress to adopt such a method of annexing Texas as j would avoid the danger of a war with Mexico, ! and satisfy every part of the Union. The plan 1,448 00 i of Mr. Benton, proposing to arrange by neo- had taken a deep Interest in tli j nation the terms on which Texas should be ad- " ' before Congress, I ad Ire j milted into ihe Union, had ihese objects iu view. bim requesting a statement of 1.1- ! If it had been adopted, we should have acquir. ' fll WB lhe '",!,,,?lio X) "ll I . , .. 1 the benate. The following is I.;- 1,520 00 j etJ lexas without war, bloodshed, or a nationa debt. The Democratic Senators who support ! ed it had it in their power to compel Congress J to adopt their method or none. II ow they were ; induced to consent to a measure which put it in the power of the President to annex Texas and , the war at once is related in the letters. They ' 2,426 66 ! were betrayed into the step, it seems, by an act of the grossest perfidy, which is' disclosed in ' i the letters of Mr. Tappan and Mr. Blair, which I we publish to day. j We think, for our part, that this fraud should ; have been disclosed the moment it was consum- mated tho moment that Mr. Polk, after his j solemn promises after all his pretences of haste to recall Mr. Tyler's clandestine messen- f annexation, which necesiaiily 1 r it the war in which lexas was n Mexico. All had determined to a 1,001 80 BKNJ'. T i t Silver Spkim; Ji '; : Hon. Ben). Tappan, SleulcncL'lc, ( Dear Sir : You letter of il- I asks me to state what I know the Texas question was got ihrowL t" I comply, and will not encumber I; with immaterial details. i When the resolution passed by i! Representatives for the annexation reached the Senate, it was asceria" would fail in that body. Beiibm, I' Haywood, aud, as I understand, ) . absolute in opposition to this nak ! j ger, and to -revoke the offer of which he was tho bearer, declared in his annual message that he had ratified Mr. Tyler's proceedings, and 1 confirmed his offer to annex Texas and the war. ': A regard to their own reputation, it seems to ' us, should have led them to make a frank and j full disclosure of the treachery and duplicity hj which they were made involuntary accomplices biil submitted by. Col. Benton,' f,r t: ment of a commission tu arrnnr t! annexation wilh Texas, and to make l' to tender its accession to our Union ble as possible to Mexico before its c lion. It was hoped lhat this point ;: been effected by giving (as has L r: ine laie ireaiy oi peace; a pecutu m ! in the guilt of precipitating the country into a ration, fully equivalent in value fr ti. March, 1830, 7th For alleged balance on ac count of the Treaty at Prairie du Chien, 8th For alleged overpayments and balances due him on ac count of Indian Department, prior to 1829, 245 43 32,711 27 440 00 10,183 41 ! war. They seem, on their part, to have thought I tbervise. The only important point, however, is the J truth of the narrative. Mr. Tappan and Mr. , Blair agree in its circumstances, and, if more testimony were needed, there are other Sena- tors who, if they ever speak on the subject, w ill tell the same story. We are sorry fur the pre-eminence in trickery which it gives Mr. Polk desired by the United Slates, and Texas could justly assert any title. 'I. ate had been polled; aud il was . . that any two of the Democratic Sfi..v, were opposed to Brown's resolution, !.'. pased the House, could defeat it, the Whig party preferring annexation by i tion. upon Col. Benton's plan, that of ! . While the question was thus pending. S Mr. Brown, (late Governor ofjTenr.esM , a member of the House) who snge ! the resolution of the House and the bill f ' Amounting in all, as per docu ment 112, 3d session, 25th Congress, page 16, 53,123 96 THE PRINTER. A printer is the most curious bejng living. making impressions without eloquence ; may use the lyk without offending, and be telling truth ; while others cannot stand when they set ; he can set standing, and even do both at I Uri and. vpulunteers had wrapped in a j he was resolved to bring Santa Anna to girdle of bayonets and grape-shot a Mex-; a stand, and ;to beat him. We say, to ican city , of .fifteen thousand inhabitants, j " beat him ;" for, incredible though it may deended by va garrison of ten thousand seem, all the circumstances prove that toldiers ; i and on that second day the city , General Taylor, knowing, for he was per- l ' ' . 1 t i . i r jiL' i . . , i.. - P larew up its nanus lor quarters, ana tne , iccuy aware oi, oania Annas immensely game ,ime; may make furxitire, and yet ten thousand Mexican soldiers hoisted a superior forces five to one never once have no dwellin" : mav make and put away pi, 1 at - aa.-f.. & O 7 J I J nag of truce, and capitulated. This was bad tne slightest doubt that ne should re: jajid" never see a pie" much less eat it during the third glory of Taylor in this war. pulse and vanquish him. The selection ,j3 life be a human being and a rat at the ,HqW. this nation exulted! It was only of a field of conflict at the narrow pass of same time may press a great deal and not the newborn malice of political jealousy Buena Vista,--a kind of Thermopylae lor ask a favor may handle a shooting iron, and for on a sudden the wondrous popularity ; the Americans, where a small army know nothing about a cannon, gun, or pistol acquired; ;by Taylor as if by magic, and might best oppose a large one, and the the presentation of his name as a candi- continued refusal to fall back behind the date for the high ofiiee ol President by Sierra Madrej bhovved thrs plainly enough, vast numbers of citizens, and in particu- j which never, fjiowever, was declared in lar by tho entire Whig partyi, had render-, boastful worijs or promises; though it su hiiu ii yujecioi terror to the scheming once oroKe out in a hasty expression, sig Administration which;had made the war; ! niiicant of all the General's thoughts, It; was 'only, the strangely Unnatural and j when an officer one day as the anecdote ungrateful hatred of Locofocoism which ' has it ventured, rather freely, to ask strove, for a moment, to, censure that ca-; what he thought Would be the result of paulalion, and to reprehend, nay, if pos-: General Santi Anna's making a sudden jble, tojerush, the bravo old victor for the 1 march upon them from San Luis; to which n of not haying finally captured or ex. Taylor quickly replied, that the result terminated the whole garrison, and put, would be his making a " sudden march iPertiaps; the whole wretched population ; back again."? And so it happened ! over Mr. Tyler. In all future histories of the annexation of Texas, this story of a promise Benton.) preferred by the Senate, uu. solemnly given and deliberately violated, will tended, making the latter arj alternative form a part. ... . x . I h:ivf lime In rnnsnmmil lh mo'imrti I LETTERS OF MESSRS. TAPPAN AND BLAIR. Steubenville, Ju!y2l, 18 IS. To the Editor of the Ec. Post : Dear Sir : Since ihe admission of Texas less ihey were satisfied in advance by Mr. 1' into the Union was consummated, I have thought, that the commission and negotiation ctr.u Secretary at jr after th e issue and pay- on (hat Teq,lir.c plaled by Mr. Benton's plan would be tried, &1ZmJX finafs; : ed explanation. I was in favor of receiving fore that of direct legislatirej .nnexv; .i :, v unt was suspended owine to " the peculiar lhat State into the Union as soon as il could resorted lo. He desired me to see Col. Bet. 117,069 40 10th -The requisition drawn on the Treasury in favor of Gov. Cass, No. 206, dated the 21st of July, 1832, about a year after his appointment, as Secretary at War, to settle the balance alleged to be due bim on account of the overpayments, &c.,' aforesaid, same document and same page, 35,075. 11th The endorsement on the said accounts, by Gov. Cass, then Secretary at War, after the issue and pay ment of said alleged to of his account was suspended owing to " the peculiar position which I (Gov. Cass) stand with relation to the Department," until the 5th of December, 1837, when his account was finally closed, as appears by the letter ofWm. B. Lewis, 2d Auditor, of that date, as per document 112,3d session, 25th Congress, page 16. According to this resolution, gtvinjrTacts, dates and figures, carefully hunted out and arrayed in order, Gen have time to consummate the meature) t under one or the other al his discretion. 1 t Mr. Brown that I did not beliere that tl.-i I ocratic Senators opjwsed to h rrtob.li' a the House, and who. hud hadj its fate ia t! hands, would consent to this arran?em'-::t, he may move the lever that moves the world, and he as far from moving the globe as a hog with his nose under a mole hill spread sheets without being a housewife he may lay his be done on fair and just terms, and with the and the friends of his proportion, subtt it consent of Mexico ; and I believed, from all I suggestions be had made, ana then confer could learn, that this might be accomplished at Mr. Polk, to know whether hewou!d meet t! a less eipense than It would cost lo wag a war views. I complied : and after 'n"f eral i:.1 of one year's duration for obtaining it. So din- views wilh Mesrs. Hywo6dt; Ben'ur, ; posed, I bad not only voted against Mr. Tjler's others, (Mr. Allen, of Ohio, un his "u.f. . ireatv of annexation, because it was exception- in the same direction.) finding lhat lie t Cass received bis 2000 per annum as Governor of ajje jn j,s terms, butin violation of a rule of plans could be coupled and curried, if h v Michigan Territory for some thirteen years, and besides tj,e Senate, from an imperative sense of public understood that the pacific project was It some sixty odd thousand dollars, for other services, and tJutv DacJ published it, and ihe correspondence he tried, I consulted the President tied t moneys alleged to have been paid out of his own funds, with which it was accomnanid. because t op. subject. I 1 for the Government, during the same period of time. wared in me that the tcliole affair afforded eri- In ihe conference I bad with him, !. W Mont erey to the sword. It was on the 21st of February, 1847, confinement. form on his bed and yet be oblige a 10 JP j After he had made the8e ch and hi, denceof a daring conspiracy to divide the Union, me full assurance lhat he voutd ajjx.ir:' tho flinr hi mav use the T witnouti sneoumi 1 , J . . 3 ' . . ... . . .t1. i n J umvmmw j j blood, and from the earth may handle the ; he may be of a rolling disposition, and yet never desire to travel ; be may have a sheep's foot, and not be deformed ; uever bo without a case, and know nothing of law or physic ; be always correcting his errors and yet growing worse every day; have cm-bracks without Pipr hnrinir the arm of a laSS around bim bvn tZ Irv-kpH on and ai the same ; count during the first year be presided over " MSk9 V A V lime be free from iail. watch house,1 or other pay, the regular salary aa Governor and 860,000 and arraying the free and slate States against mission, as contemplated in titfhiU prrj ; upwards, in the shape of extra allowances, he was made eact other ; evidence which considerations en- ot. ncmon, ij passea in conjunct un v. Secretary of War. S tirely paramount to all Senatorial formulas re- I House resolution as an alternative. I.. It appears that when he enters on the duties of the quired to be immediately divulged. , course of my conversation with Mr. IV.V . 1 Chief Officer of the War Department, he found himself The inquiry is a very natural one how men ' him that the friends of this p!4n were indebted to the Government 818,000. What course did ; who desired the admission of Texas and roted that the eommission should be fJ. led U he pursue! Why according to Mr. Stewart's Resolu- against the treaty of annexation, could after- guished mn or lth parties, arid lhat (.. tion offacts.datesandfigures.be made up . new ac- wards vote for the resolution brought into the . Ion had menUor.ed to ne ihe names , . I count durin- the first year be presided over the War De- House ot Keprescnlativcs by Jir. Minn urojn, : - - ...... - partment in which he ch.rge.Ue fresh sum of $53,128 which was more exceptionable in it. terms ; than ; tbuuld be forunrd. Mr. Pu Ik resr-.n lTnS"u Government or past extra services ren- ; the treaty. Now that the war with Mexico . 1 clarmg with an emphasis, - Vhat t,: : ' .11.

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