i TVriui 'ot tlio . Watchman. K-cT- M "01 aid In .Jvarcr, Two do!.r. "V! 1 itftJtfd ..i 'SI for .be fir', M 25 e) AO":, E . I , :;. Court orders chiruod 83 rY it. Mh-t llmntfie rte.: A liberal dedno Li to thotc ! adftiti-e by the year. ,tTTjHS lo the Editors must be pom ptiid.. i aaaaaaaaaa CAROLINA WATCHMAN. ' "( Ulhbntf, '-TBfsday, Xovrmbrr 11, 1S48. f : ijQCOEOCOISM FULLY EXEUPLI- BRUNEI. & JAMES, Editors 4 Proprietors. Keep a check xtpqx all vocr , RCLEKS. DO THIS, AXD LlBlBTY is SAFE." Gen' I. Harrison. NEW SERIES, VOLUME V, NUMBET. 28 SALISBURY, N. C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1848. 7 hi vili m the Fav F1ED! WVm Ii.lniv f.ii account of a , v a i v. . w I - " - - - . - : ; - . .. . niori'p nml ......... K- i . iU:J rn t : irtie MC v'"-"-' ' rin uiuugui iu i mm inner- iur inspection. led with the name of r lor President, and ... I i T: n -i . V Jnfllection by Wm. S. A s i i e, Loc o foe o 'V w "."V W' " "'VT ,LP 1 res"iem; reve.of election . the other is headed with the name of Gen. President, with no Tm t lr fffifmligtonChrombl'-. 'hich wasatlemp. One of them isW procured by one of the gentlemen to whom j so gross a one that no man. Whig or Lo- richly deserve the frown and contempt of' they were exhibited and yesterday ihey cofoco, can be found to believe it. . every honorable mtn. But Elector in; the Wilmington district, but z.lchary Tavlor for hvhich s 6ood luck wouiu nave it, was name lor the Vice Presidency; both hav- j JiscovefeJ soon enough to expose IN ant! ! i l 1aosc engaged in It.jqthe contempt and txsOxi or all honest men oi wiuiiever ' urtY. Head It People of North Carolina, tniitt the means resorted to b ihrose Mvling themsejves democntts, to blat ;l;c we proceed to copy so much of Mr. Ashe's address as relates to the tickets. He says, "I have already exposed one of their intended loul deceptions. They know it they feel itthey are full of wrath at mv in- on them the natiies of lh eleven reg. 1 7 1 iJL i" Ir ,n,fnuu "epnon. ir Wh; PinnfJi ! hrt(i ree different and distinct Federal Sit Th wu: i?i., i i. -icuciM miuck on, wnn me name oi r in ' i i . cs. Aiuinc ill ' iiiei'iiii i i ieu . ... The. genuitte Whig Electoral tick ets have at their head the name-s of Gen more the Abolitionist, left off of one of ri Z,cUr1: TyMnd Millnrd Fillmore i .ir'i1 1h;p Presideniial candidates. bition of these tickets, explained to the I good people of Bladen and Columbus, the 'i'Ku hulii.r tuiil. ..11 il... vu:.. ...u' ! ntj.,,i uir l VUO SW I . : . . .1 loT one Of America ......U-st ...spurious tick.-arter an exana,io! 3-cuX;:rtV.Xe and comparison ol the type used, form of the ticket, &c, is, (hat they were printed at 1 he office of the Viltnington Journal. We call upon the! Whiys every where in nunii vuiumirt, njiu tnrougnoui mp un- t F'nm the Pliiiadf Spiiin l)uU-tm. THE lrtESIt)ENCY IX FltANCE. j The intelligence brought by the last From the Fami'y Visiter. stefUnPr rom Europe, rxhihit-d France NORTH CAROLINA. ! " the first phases of an exeiiemen: in re- With no disposition to lion! v, f .ur $itpr ' Sard lo the election of a President for the States, we thinlf th it r-.m ar. th::f new republic. The article iu the ConstU North Carolina naturally. preMits iml.icemnt ' tution declarincr that the election sh ll suspicions atrl charge;! a-; ior emigration, interior to vw. rertatmv none ! muf imit u universal sniirage, was HU- " ii the ortginal confederary. With a population optel by the National Assembly on Sat orator.had done ilit-ir wvi'i. is Napoleon hafl been v.irn 1 ! dangers of. the tribune, an 1 ing has been thrown away has .mure damaged his carw- ! attempt to speak than by all t j lies of his life. V' , i Thus we find thatthcrc nn but two prominent men befo: of France, for the office of Pi le Ijimnrtinet supported by ; known popular sentiments iv , tige of his connexion wjth li. motions of the infant repwV.: -eral Cavj4"mn:iC. with the j, , port of hit jiijou and piti. military ruler of the eiu:r.t . Co u r se h i s. h owe v e r. so c rt ! ted him. thit we-can see !. pect ol'his success. Appeura fore, at prevent ind:cat. t'i m will Ur the hrsl ii vilr ti! t from the clmii that has iil! sons. Language cannot express, we know. Ue feelings' of all whoAUlut; the reputa- I Dirt Slat tfiwardM ihn lion oi uu. - . ... Wieators and propagators ol thisdis- tracefui attempt at'deceptjon by Wm. S. ion. to beware of this; .stupendous Fraud fi.ht anil his party in the ' Wilmington Iis- Je discovery of this attempted fraud rfet Whether it aciualh ext. oded far- """" "J""1 ricl .1 ,- f's object, as far as could be under- rthanthatjl.strict. wi? are unable to WHS fo circulate these pretended f with certainty, though we are inform- Whit lick orobablv in everv countv in yA one of the tickets of the same kidney the 8tat. , zmiine Whig tickets; to K..:'''in in ibis Town, but oil anolication pretend tha- :hy ' were pi inted , by the son, had he to suspect, that the Whis i n w ma in i n niaii aa - - mies the Simon Pure Federal tickets, with the name of Zachary Taylor and Millard Fillmore, the Abolitionist, printed on it, and urged upon them if they did not wish to become identified with this foul tricke ry, to vote such a ticket as that, and no other. I urged upon the Democracy, and all good and true lovers of our common country to spurn all alike, w hether fair or fraudulent." How did Mr. Ashe know, or what rea moral, indostrtons, humanf and economical a clime salubrious and healthy a soil fertile and abounding with the richest minerals she certainly stands unsurprised. Ample fields here spread out fir the profitable investments of capilal and no where is a richer reward ;'v,o the husoandman for his toil and labor. With all these advantafjrs iIi-mi. i!i inq-iiry naturally urines why is it, that in-te;d f seeing a larje and eiinitant influx to our population, we have annually to witness the migration of some of the wealthiest and most valuable of our citizens for distant States ? The answer is obvious to the most superficial observer. It is because the means of making available the rich reward unlay. the 7th ultimo, after a most excj- j political wnrM, this, the nob! ting (L'Ij-xV.- O i the previous day. M. de LainarM;,e made hi great speeeh on this subject a spt-ocb of great power and el oquence, in which, after a review of the perilous scenes through which. the repub- W" m m - pean u ' I'ucan. emerge- unsulliid. The electjtci. it i will take place in Novenjlu-r. steamer will give us furtljrr i! in regard to the" 'canvass. : lie had passed, he look the boldest ground , somt new candidates may in lavor of universal sotirage. He scout- ; etl the idea of the President elected by ' I he people ever becoming a despot, or any thing more than a republican magistrate of a republican people. He declared that an 18th Brumaire was utterly impossible in the present state of affairs ; and all his appear in me netu. it u an spectacle to American re ;..! lirst genuine attempt at tinivrr in ne of the old monarchies I , t .. n , I. a. lk.. W tn... i .. rcre refused s:ght of it, upon the ground . f w.;-. . Pll nn t1- ih(ilhe ad seen no other, and would nof;jckpls. anj that their omission of his how U to any .one, We trust for the name amounted lo jan admission of that r cfmracter of our time-honored State, ! constantly repeated! Locofoco lie, that Mr. ' that this infamous scheme was not first . Fillmore was an abolitionist It was sup 'Leocted within her borders, but the ofi j PP?, f3b. and we think not without rea- T .... i. . . . . sun, tnai copies nan neen sem. to me prinj of political swindlers living in olb- Norlh aml ,n hed up as WhigTickets, r -States, who, iimoriunaieiy louou m-, to show that iNortb Carolina Whigs re- trumenls, in the person oi wm. o. Asne, ; luseu to vote lor 1 1 imore, and thus to tn- ncj the Editor of the Wilmington Jour- cense the Northerjn people against the fca, jofficiently degraded to aid in its con arnrhatton. fir Souihern candiilate; Talor. No sooner had wje undoubted evidence that these fraudulent tickets were printed at the Wilmington Journal office, (the Locofoco paper in that place,) and that Y From the Fayettevijle Observer. On NVednesday last the following was ; tbey were placed iii the hands of a Loco . i ' r iv. - ' . t 1 1 .: 1 1 . irsucu ironi tui umce in a oauuiuu. A VILE FRAUD! TUEXI)SOP-TAY LOIC & FILI.MOiUv. Be on your Guard ! Heine qm a visit of business to Wilming- nn, I have; this moment beMi shown two 1 ft ft 'I'! -b .il i, a. v iihi . I .1 a. X( t r. I 1 1 t I " llrEtor 1 icni'is, w iinii- n in nijtiu- Hrhf cause? of -General Ta lr atid Millard i VillAfk 1 1 iin.innnmtttiitiiiil I tli'it lirun1 f fraud Uhich every honest man ouirht to uton it..i One of these licketv is lu'.ftd-J-For President, Gen. Zachary Taylor. I Louisiana without the name ol any intended does not pretend that he had any. He had none ! But he says that he had the name of Fillmore left off of one of them. He is not even correct here. Both the tickets we saw, and they were different, as shown above, had the name of Fillmore left off of them. He sajs he explained to the good people of Bladen and Colum bus the conspiracy. &c. When did he do this, and what conspiracy did he explain? He does not tell us when or what, or where he showed to his enemies the Si mon Pure Federal Tickets. If such things had been done, is it possible that nobody would have heard of them, or that the time and place would not have been men tioned in iustification ? It is our delther- ly are, to a certain extent, valueless, for want extraordinary degree, and the article was , tc of facilities to convey them to market. The 1 adopted the next dav h a decisive-, vole. products ot our sot! are carried to the cities and The immediate effect of hi towns of other States whilst our -wn marls of From tbr Scientific A i : EVAPORATION OF THE of labor here realized, is not afforded her citi- remarks were of a quality calculated to ! PAItTlCLES IN 1H T zens in other words, the we II filled granaries tickle the most Democratic palates in, As the good of the agricu!: : of the Farmer remain crowded, and conseauent. ' Fr.nirn Ttw nArh w j.troti v in un r.L . . 1 i "i" -" - oi me cotntnuniiv receives ;i grce ol your attrntion. 1 ever occurred that the wir, peecn upon the members of the assembly, is thus no ticed in " La Presse, : M. de Lam.urtiue then went to show how envy would attack the motives of the persons voting lor the President one be- cause he was a relative; another a inenu ; , bottom oft he nan that i t . . t f content lo sit listlessly nd supinely, and con- antJ a in,ru. nn wanted an cinoassy i t , mUvT fr the introduction c ! fess to ibese lamentable facts, without making ; these words shouts of approbation issued , f quick lime. An rxhauti; an effort to do something for our ancient Com- j from every bench, and the whole asscm- j simple construction will en:-; monweahh? The tiuth is. North Carolina re- j bly. rising by an electric movement, rush- chine. Butter by, an op r quire a more liberal and extensive polii-y fo- j ed round the tribune, disputing with each this, can be so completely !r wards schemes of Internal Improvements, or i other to grasp the hand of the eloquent ; moisture as to keep sweet f she will ever deserve the opprobious epithet of; speaker ; amongst the foremost we beheld n;, time Tlie butter rnrt Kipvan inKie. e nave oeen uo ioog , iM M Uuclerc. Uarnter l'ages and I'ag- ' lo thi oneratiori before i' neere. We also beheld O. ingratitude of s;it. J, t men. and effect of the setting sun ! Gen- .' eral Cavaignac left alone on his bench. where he was apparently bound in taking trade are neglected, and consequently, are in significant in the great commercial world. Are not these things so ? We speak it lo our shame hut alas il is too true. The question arises then, are we willing that this state of things should remain ? Are we lion in vocuo could be apph aration of the waterv matter Sav take a box of .suitable wood, and lined with lead, t fitted as to be air tight. Th of such length as to leave a asleep, already, to our own true interests ; and the fact is loo apparent and startling, lo admit of speculative theory upon the subject. Il must needs be that something be done, and thai loco from Bladen, by the Locofoco can didate for Elector, than we hastened to spread far and widje the facts, to put our Whig friends on their guard, not only throughout the State, but in other States, ... .li.. M' ... i i a . L i i . I . iJUiiKIV. A'l"ll!llac uri niiu" iic ifuiiiiviiius i , i ate opinion, in which we think that every . , V , , .,r'. c ? r 1 , notes, whilst M. Marrast i j u . .1 and miserly legislation lettered the energies olj. lfSC If lO t t XXVCfft9 IM' VVtJI co Vif allowed to see any one of these three kinds of spurious tickets until Monday of last week, when the two above mention ed were seen in the possession of the Bla- j our State, and kept down her inherent pride j and strength. The time has come for action speedy action ; and unless we intend to re sign all claim of commercial importance, and in. li.-f 4- disai riu'd of its den democrat, who incautiously exhibited Ioeil fiornc ruaintennnt et ! tet tie. - Semblait srr coufurmer n a trisif perigee," from the Presidential chair, now became a veritable bed of suffering. We can erson for Vice President.' The other mckft.. is 'headed, " For President, Gen. leharv.TYivlor. of Louisiana resident. Gen. Wm. O. Butler, of Ken uckyM And iu both cases, the names of be Whig Electors follow. 1 he gentle- xin (of high resauc-t ability.) who showed t these Tickets, obtained them from a veil known member of the Locofoco par- yf Bladen county, who informed him hit they were handed to him hy the Loco xo candidate for Elector in this Wish ict. William H Ashe. Es(j. Now the object of ibis is toi put the Vbigs on their guard agaihst this vile lud. Ttorv Pickets are not priinted at i Whig office. No Whig pointer iu Cortli Carolina would print such , Tickets. HThc type is evidently that of the Wilming- Baii 1ml .m t I .fTTAA . t. ,i ,11' nriu m..l I2HI lk' uiirfuuiiiai vwiv;i inj nr hi m . ompanson. And my object is t de- ounce tire whole scheme, by whomsoev er concoded and; executed, as a base act rip irtf re 7 t- or whether similar tickets had already been despatched to all parts ol the State, is yet to be developed. Of one thing, however, we-presume no one entertains a For Vice 'doubt, viz: that a fraudulent design was intended hy the getters up ot these UcK ets. . Look at the ftpUowing remark from the same Wilmington Journal of the 27th, the Friday before the discovery of these tickets : ARTIFICIAL MAIir ' ' The following method ! j species of woo l of a cloe gr 1 parance of mahogany i l I'M 1 and polish, is said to be pr.jcJi ! with such success that the !, , il i- I:.; : ! are content to plod the same dull road of humil comprehenil he ctrecl produced by this ZZZaT .ation and poverty, we must begin the trork at , ' r Xf . , ' ari; ; Wfl. . imiiat on anu maiio0an. i powerlo do mischief. The thing had ! them. They were not intended to be seen j once ! i W , Tf , , , Lt Pr m llPSl P,ancU S n00lh' nntl lhP ' been kept a profound secret, and might j by the Whigs until about the day of the But how is our condition to he improved?- j ' "n "o' '" J "J"',,1"! f ( ?n, ruTn I 'ubbei! wilh, 5 soIut.'0j; , l)f , : have remained so till the election, whe election. Of course they were not intend- how are we to e.flect achango in these respects , d ou m r JTT 0np 0UCC ot .draS.n 8 M 1 it would have been; too late to counteract ed to go into the ballot box. For ourselves, we can see but one way and , "t . lUe cc 11 ,n npaHy n pint of sprits ; .... ..tr..B- !. r. ,tk ,..r.t .. t .i;...... . . . . , . .. . mat is, uy auo uing a course io maxe uursenrs ---- - . i . ' . ano one-iuiru oi an umicc it 11,r1.uHl.uTa,uu;M,UnvU.nn To holster up this lraud, the Journal ; indepndenL The Legislature of .he Slate will ot ihese two tickets mentioned above. nretends to " have in its possession an Al- Tu,n ..r. r,;.u Whether this Ims put an end to the scheme. abama Whiff paper, from which was cut (lf illlPfn4u mrremeni returned from iheir m r a i m t tt t . i . eight layior Ciiectorai j icuets. upon respectivecmuities, nnd we would tain hope that ; completely paralysed, so tar as ne migtil , ccss -S lo t)e repeated, and in these tickets, (it says) the name of Fill all will come determined to !o something for ; have entertained any hopes of the Pres- i (crVn aHerwards the wood more does not appear." And it pretends the honor and prosperity of the State, rather ; idency. His natural reserve, and the , rTterna appearance of nial.f the ticket verbatim, heading it, 1 than to wrangle about .National 1 olmcs. L.et , cojj strrn, unbending policy of his mil- dun .liminkt, in lirilli rule, are not suited to a. people in jh rps,on.d bv the use ot ; lay of a republican infancy. Cold- j j i,, . i n:i riocc o rncurin nrn nici'S;irV ill hfllirs l .,,1 f r.i . r . t they vyitl nave periormen u.ai iur wn.cn inc-ir, of t ., an(, PXci.nu.nf . Klt whrn posterity may well claim for them .he need of, I m having "done the fetate some service. ; 1 . ' t u i i i . .i . .:,r thing more congenial. I hey want s m- T. hiimli n ml iliniill till" llptt CPiH (in ill l,',,"i J . nal really has in its possession such an I he L(Mri,,a1re 0Jr lN-rlh cr..!i..a should not ' ly in their rulers, and not seventy " Alabama Whig paper. And then too, adjourn without having efl- eM ,!iv t on foot , alone. This will account Tor the joy whu cut out the eight tickets from the pa- I ,A.,,ta i..F T,.innit R,! r...m ih mountains with which thev hailed the 'utterance of the President may be regarded as settled. General Cavaignac seems to have been . soda are then to be mixed t i filtered and the liquid in this ' to be laid on with a soft bri; to copy ' From an Alabama Whig paper." Why, i has not this ' Alabama W7hig paper" a name, or a dale 1 If so, how does it hap pen that the Journal omits them? They are important facts. If given, they might induce some one to believe that the Jour- than to wrangle ahoul :awnai roimcs. iei , q0jf them come together filled wi.h a manly State .Aty pride, determined to act ih concert for her glory nf.y.( and interests, and at the end of their labors, Y. i tl' t.: l-ly. ilti Mil iiH' So unpopular is jFtllmore, that we have reason lo believe that, his name will not .apear at all on ihe Fcderajl Ticket, wherever the Feds think such a fraud can be successfully carried out." j This was evidently said fo prepare the way for the tickets, thus And' similar remarks have appeared in the llalcigh Standard and I'ersouian, contfrmi the scheme was intended to have an ex tended range per? If the Journal has the paper in its I to t h is city hall be constructed; provided fir a of the genial sentiments of M. de Lam- possession, the best and most incontro- i connection between the Kaleigh and Casion vertible evidence, would be, not to cut and Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Roads ; for operation of these spurious i out the tickets, but to leave them in the pa- the clearing out of the NV.e, Cape Fear, Yad printed at the Journal office. I per, and show the paper and all together, ; kin, and other lirew, and aided the West inthe ri if u.. ...i ,k ! m nnv nnp.whn mi.ht desire to see them, schemes of Internal Improvement which she is pr We do not mean that . . . . -w - . ' i ; ... ..ar.. ii i 1-e !.. .-.r. ,.- m-i lt; t ho nnrnn tn eiiueavorinz 10 rii'-wi. nheimpreX thai show either the paper or the ticket,. , The b Leg.sU.nre !.... I ...n,.l, gr.. W-rjl Acs iij, tut- iiiipicsaiwi mat j l t . i ; of Iucornorat.an : this alone, win not do. Ii ended to have an ex- ! whole story is evidently false. It is coined " "P ""' -., operation. The punnc w wjisier up mv iucjiuuu, ww. mind being thtis prepared by these pa- j The reasons assigned for the! commis pers, the next step would nave neen, to ; this fraud, we think is?idterly fu f villainy, unworthy of any honest man's hold up one of these tickets, with the ex- rnnninniir tr nu riitti inn Tbf Whirr -.I rn utinn V told von so ! see. hereare ! - I . V UIIMV' t t W 1 . , I U ........ ' VlUliltlllWII, . . f i , . rrft.-.. u . e . i i i . .i u:u ..Jj. i i ....iiiALiono' tb vps nf cood men in anv wav. the ivci5. an mat i nave pccu hi -ucoim me iicitfi wuiuu c im iiiijuhiuvoh - - o - the work. Are ihere any so hide bound as lo ay. that North Carolina U not able, pecuniari ly, to engage in such an euterpi Ue ? Such an ioiiMii t inn is a i n ui)on her character. An tile does not, and cannot justify them in oiUy )f thj kin( woM bH . h, To tbtrlin fi rth blcvn Vhtui; ter any day n:i cAo Choo-:e some of.the' most j of the flowers you would pr as are latest in blowing .awl r en. cut them off with a pair ii r. . . i - i i- i Iniiinrr f. j. .-Ii II nr 1 1 j 1 1' :t - arttne. the true lather of their repuon- . 41 .i -- can svstem. " A M1,n H,w,", threc hes lor.g ; The question of the Presi.Iencv is thus ! "d ol t.-o- Mem immediately narrov.e.l down apparently to M M. La- ing wax : and when the Lu- ma.t.ne ;v.v Cavaignac; the position of '. shrunk and wrinkled wrap e ibe litter Mul' him a political strength P "'" n" - i which he would not possess, were he not the present head ot the Government. For a while there was some expecta tion that Marshal Bugeaud and Louis Napoleon, would each rally a strnivj pari v. Marshal Bugeaud, however, re- !orc many mjns quiet, and there is no popular kr headed with the names of Taylor and would be printed (without the name ol ' Journal says : rTillrnore. names in which the Whig party Fillmore!" Great! reason indeed had the i iry, as tht-ir candidates. Journal to believd that suyli would be E. J. HALL. printed; but not by the Whigs. Wilmington, Oct. 31, 1818. ' We will only adjd. that we have done And orrfliursdav it was reissued with ourduts. unpleasant as U has been, in ex- no.siiii? t ns sueaKin" iriCK. we. leave u vMr. lr.rp increne nf revenue : it would be movement in his lavor; his supporter lt i .u: ... ,.r . . t kur emu tvlin hiini nri n r nn 1 1 v nmnn? the friends ol i iue lonnug uui oi iiiuulciiiciiis ""o I - j i ! ... C. - ...t,V. ormtu o,rt with tpiirs. to tlio mva I f:imilv. Princj? Louis NftDO- . , pill I IIUOl IICI nn roii" unv. ...... in.. ...j... " ; - - - ----- , It was to show to the people how Ihey (ihe , . . ,jp hc certajn neans Jeon,s cxtreme incompetency has com Whig leader) could, and in all human proba- f exa,-linw h(,r rharact.r for energy, wealth and pletely ruined his ehances. An amend- biiity would, try to deceive them, by leaving ; wo(jd raisp hpr , ft position dmf,nt to lhe proposed Constitution, ex- off of the ticket the name of rd ore, i lQ ' b lho ud(,st of her siiIers. eluding from the Executive all mem- i. a i. . . a v-w i.i.vz.- t u nr iir la i- riif iiiiiiiiiii . ... . r.- wnu uiej v,n ";-; p""" ?- r , - j Is there a North Carolinian that does not Ihe Southern VV htgs will not vote ior, anu a so . . aoa . ,,. ,hi elevated motion ? clean and dry. and lock th box or drawer ; and ihey'wi.i out corrupting. In winler.f r er time, when you would Inv ers blow, take the buds over c;f off the end of the stem -wax and put the buds into w. ' a little nitre or salt has been t h e next day y on" wi 1 1 h a v e t (.f M-eingilhe buds open an 1 e selves and the flowers display lively colors and breathe tlu :r oilors. , HL.f U . i r-. 11- . IfVffSI ilii una cm uiim & - - " . . , , , . i -i H l!i IU rr louowing aamuonai i4t jQ have .a thlP l(1cl upon the minds of : to show how the deception could ne pracuceu. ; w? y no ph a cru , wi,hij) II ;irr t rinnnanKll in t ll f Town of Wil- all luinixt muii wto l-viiivM MnrI iihhop ! rr. . c nr. t?.. . ....jc at ttio ! hur lnrrtir wo believe thert is not. I hen x i iiniiiit hi m . - - - - - - i nun- v.. I... .., - ...... I np name oi iur. r iLi.uiiti voo : .... t ......... I ..Ks-o 1 l l.: . t . .1. ... l ;l. ,.r .. II ... ..I- cviti o nrl narltcs OiMi f ml ni . lei III r II ill ii li lann?) - m . 1 .pit iltnri wi.h P?li.ions. Me- ; i uh-sjiv-- ... ; and he was zealously delended Irom the i m(irjaaayef with demands from their Sover- IL I .-li ... 1 . " thHt-Kionai inesaineume iueii4i..rucwy,,. ,raUu, anu uesire uiai me peupie ?ww , w . . thft isAe. and " ' "m J " . ... tf circulation of spurious Whig Tickets, fairly. thrffRtO (i(y Mr. 1 ! I cir E. J. Hale, and having heard of jn elections should be expressed fully hers of families that had ever reigned in Fiance, was under discussion, on the 9th int..and in debate liequent allusion was made to the Prince as a -pretender." Th tt ion' tor private. fcked William, S. Ashe, the Democratic clpr, about it. He stated that he had Since the abovejwas in type we have em printed, and that his intention in so reCeived the Wilmington - Journal of Fri- liag was to anticipate a fraud which he dayf which admits that the tickets were hotted would be perpetrated by the printed at that office. '6ig party. At that time I. had heard .v .. ... . , . w. (,V V i i r' t. , r Avh.. We find in it an address signed b Wm. but one kind ol 1 icket. and Mr. Ashe ., m .ii , . , - , , i . i. o. nsiir. which oeis nut vui im- urvmi- ted that he had had three copies print- . . i ... , i- mark II ' ?4 i t . .i c auon, inai vjeuerai i nv or says uuiiJ?rn , Ti . l.ihui- Im mount Ihroa inn nl - J J V Ticker', or three different kinds of ' 1 'Vl. . ' ."." This brousht him to the trthuno. 1 ne correspondent of the London Chronicle, charge of Abolitionism in public and in eigns, that something be done to retrieve the says : .. .. .-. thr n fur a the WhiiTS are character ot our Slate, and revive ner ia em rnnce uouis apii:u.., ... w...... .., -- O . . . ... . . . . I I showed that he j .l i. ...:n i.- -V, . . r. ,k , . ii pnprtMPs ann me wuik win wr atLwuiimsiiru. siens uwn ua iiic iihuh concerned, the assertion that they wouiu ; . ivnp . t lis position. On ift,OV.i"B'K--', NEW INVENTIn: Our exchanges say that -for cutting stone is in opcr.;' Haven, which dresses down r r.ite of a square foot in from minutes, and wish two att anl a limited amount of ste i ing the labor of more . u men. There is said to be n the ihing ; and il set, it pro t have such tickets printed, is a gratuitous: STR.GFRS COM INC his arrival there, he had some difficulty stonc supersede brick, air! .i.,..,i,,. at,i nruitr much in accordance . , ... i i . ..i i... . ; all. and at length he ntirelv our nre.vnt mode c siniiui i, nnu A Iptlpr 14 in town . received ov uie itsn bit-nui- iii vuiiiim-ivi-p . . j - . . with Locofoco principles. One other re- j ef, which stales that I he " English (iuv.-mn.ent came out in a hesitating manner, with we wish to make. The. Journal ! is making preparations to send out 4uuu seieci the following woros. Dauner Ik8 Irom Ireland, and lU.UUU iro.n nng- plf;7..ns do not come oeiore jou ylll- .l.e i . .i .U VUiir lrnW a m - ar w warn a a m a a . mm a us""' 1 - - . . . inn ' J - - O ' I l I :.. Iclrilm 1 h. rn - . . m 1.111(1. LO lUB StTIIlClllClllB ll . U C I I Uiiu. ..v. . j - . . O . U Whirff I .... .1 Ii.. !' k o .Ti- urira nnrlltin OI ine OUUUinil ; . . ... t.. n .1 v 1 ,mnP( lo Ihp . s . . ... 1 i 1 tut III USliCI li ui mo iUum i r" ( u iu ci. i . j Kiiti kv" - - ifticu iiaimris i.i ui- viji Mts, 1 (Jjd not unuersianu. A mimoer. o . b.i fV,Vnd4Vlv admit bis m fnr Mr. Fillmore. This, ! ilnhA Slip.. There are over 2.000.000 of a- . - a BV W a. t ft. . , . a ft 1 ft u aa w W - m n - pt --' I ft ft c ft. -liw - w - Jl W a at ai - m. am Mial M W 117 nu n m WW 1 W Mnn m ' - - " Nation took nlace in front of the Caro- total mcompetency When did CfenJ Ta-vlor ever sav any c.iK imn 1 ... lii.ro r b s fricmls who . J r . . . transKrtai , .b. , - 7 .,nb:r conclusively, that in many coum.r, to speak Mgatnst , IT r- ,tb in4 -,ir ntcrj "ersation took place in, front 'aaUoteL) A)i AUCIPD A. T. SMITH. ) Nqv.2,;j818.. . ,, , The Wilmington Chronicle of Wednes- ayitiad tho following Editorial article on he same subject : j , would not vote lor flir. r illmukl. iuia, tlmted frtate. mere are over -.uuu.uw "i ! also is false, unqualifiedly false, as the re- poor in Ireland ; all of whom will go out to A also is jaise. y j mf,rica a- fHsl us fndScan be obtained for their turnsclearly proves. But they show most , . Frora an()t her source we learn the amendment : cer- tainly I have been sufficiently rewarueo in recovering all my rights ns a citizen to entertain any other ambition. Neither d I come here to make any complaint . . a of which 1 have we (re not acquaimcu w.ui construction we cannot t -!! not it differs from other S: ting machines. GREAT SPEED OF A I' Ilecently in England, on it. tern Railroad, eventysev .. .....ict Ihn nlnmn PS fit . .1 . I .. n. m .... I 1 i II I (lb ... a . nmrtitik-iiuii i . r. . i, iiiuui n,.i, 1 1 tv 1 1 1 1 r in inM il . n I ill riiiimii iiiriu. w . . i i.i... .... .... 1. 1 nrpi . ..mk. oy.ocb mission ? . We -he.,. ; - -" " - " . . vote for '. " " T " ini , emw,A l"'pn h o.yect. t is m . - V ...',,' t7W(.Tw twuiu , r . , n. .. . i . v ti:. : nnn nno electors wuo nave iwicc uunwi, t-ii. ii,o i.i... . ----- knowing from his FRAUD! FRAUD!! f..r New York and Philadelphia. In addition to . t : I a .A . t;rrnns' me ... - . . . ..... K t.l. 1UC muMt. .....s. ... ... r- . l. who e. fe and acts he was uoi iu : i.ua. , 1fpnxlV 9r. -,! io the Unit, appellation ol pretenuer. - - - - v Bj ai tot vw ia,i'i a ti - . .t i . ;r tUv fn . j i amv. r,tif KrAimht tm w;t ftl atTHinsi lilt . .i i nt r aam fiaViiv i ina 11 iiili vm .. j w.. t a enma nmw rina na wm hii c r iniiiiiwB'''" '' r a-ia leu. :.v. ---- "U CJinicB , v, .. u -- - . v 1 l: .1. er.n,! I 11 H sf Ba. a 1. I . ft. A rillPM lI I IT 1 1 fl'll. llf'l I llll II I II a-i. v 1 op.n noo 1 IUU.UIIU r.rvi". J - - - - - - - - - ' ... I . ... . I t . . - . ... .1 n- i. .. i jiv nnv ii. me nrtin" Mnnr.i"r i-i witn tneir suurages '--,.7 . . which, is con- hvesecontlv. r uiv u.rce i ; . ney were performed in lort tatinj?Iv srtv thnt. heither Mr. Ashe nor - - -J - J a. y a, a, aaa aa JI V a " - . a nnv nnp pIsp an nrnv-P the trtlth of these LeWIS C.ASS well . L . ll assertions. They are utterly- unlounueu. Oen. Tavlor never voted undoubted be- , - M i f , J -- -- - w - t .- , V L f cause, as an office of the army, he sel- cannot do it with any show of plau j ed. The average of arrival in N'w i oik ior .... . wu u . : , i ' un. nnut ui nv nni ' . ? .l. i..i r... mnntk. ruiniriitiira iuupfru. f ' aiB-maaa Bl u m-m m- m mr m mm. w ail a a- aia via a- a a m a v llCliClS 111 fil-flllltinn t nluAa nnnlllra(.'llK H rfillfOPe. HS WOUUl - - v -Vbar a-ua.ua.aaaa. a I ft fl av .FT a rm ft flllftftl k3UL. ft. a --wv . a. rN4!., . i I ' . 1 . .. n. J r.l.i.Uil..,;, U ir W WOUld llOt uwommj-.a .0C9 oe o. ! ndr coUn- ' 10 v?f ' . "T ' r. ! L " H., .,v consideration. Tbe t. .kV wilt U rt dhireMiog I' i;r,T-!nil.mrl on lb tved on a broad goa?c - Jtwna lormer y resmea in this town. b- ncause tie may nave muugm. "'""J , . J .r thi wimer and to ,ul"3k " . - , , nrl nl and with rncir.es k. here 6n tlt day, exhibited to ! officers othat ab officer o. the army Jou,nars excuse is unsatisfactory, and nrne arnon g b lor. 1 . part of a port.on of tne members and of ; w .j, JWn of. Wilmitigton two basely IVaudu-. ought not to vote, any momthatv somiers ; faiIsto convince us, as it must others, bat , - 'fMl9 condition at pnnoyance on tne P - ' F Railroad m:: tnt.Wh i? Prei.h.n b.1 t!lreti' uiiiMi n ' of it.- o,mv wb rt not ul oived to vote, s - . frniid as! r ,n V r.. :.. ! German accent, the. contusion, me gar .,n? illiJ J ij i W iV T i,t fotdotif. there was ev.ucnur, iu:.. - - r ,; these ttn.es man w.y ur u,. ...-w-nd insanitv of the words spoken, me pointoi snprnouiy m o. fSlre -handed to ! him by William S. i But he never said that he did not fee ! eill-. j ... nM,rieed bv the Whig par- owinir ,o the he.ry draft thai have been made ness and insan t ol ne I . ofYhVbenefit of the lie Cra rc m Electoral candidate for this dis-' hciently interested n the prosperity oi me , .u Ii" T?'ehU act hey I during the last two veart.-A. IV .Verctiry. ' i ausence oi au iuC 4 . -i , rCtcn?lickttr The tickets were (country to vote. This a slaflder,; and i tyojton the; people. For his act they , during . wun any suu ui uiau i me nn.Erw ih.i - ...... t - . . , . , .......i,. . . , f .1 - i-,i r....a mnntiii K a a vifded 700iHTuav. , oiort mt nnpft red inclined to go on, hut ses was Kepi up io It is too bare-laced, to aami. oi . .r.V. .ri. All who can . ' "u i. t..,..,b.d from the tribune, and seventy-seven miles a t occupy the place j ff wet Ietore thd river close should be oa the annarenlv creatlv discone-rted. and n- rate of speed was attaine... , SaJ I 1 I

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