Jit- if Emm; I wiih which thcir'shoes ! route, ail ih From lli- Columbian Magazine for -November. . Till: .'RAIUIK ON FIRE. BY ororno: V. MonRW. ... - .l :i The following W' ..I i rounds, in part, upon they intended lo-pul a.; gloss upon Ihesis of vegetable substances. The cultivator . j .t... i. mi-: : ..L .i-if- I ..rk ..;t .;tt t h incredulous as lothe now- S mPV rnilTPU iiir villages on wieir i i , paper money, and $600 in specie, erfof vegetables to teed upon nu uigest ia thev had luiUed thus far into the bowels of the j hard substances ot crushed bones, wnen ne $ land. FeeJfu hungry now, after lhir morning ! reminded marine asnes oi wueai s.r .c cu.. walk, and rirhaps thirty, loo. they went aliout posed of 61 per cent, of Silica, or Hint, which bflthe ri.ad and eat a good, hearty, : is mucn naruer man me narut-M ooo?. i...-..i.c n..M.r itiMi eat a don a Magazine ot uardenms. vol. Z, p. olU. Ill f tl IIIM . IV'"" ! " half mile substantial ling story of the V vcusf. j'-- " TV shades f t v.-smi closed around j The bou prairie of die west, "lA, group.! in . !. on the ground. , A i'.f "I . ( ..':''' " u ,w " - L'pon Ihe t-wiy'l ' wr,' ,M,l , " The me.rS-r a i ' !r youngest "born. Who slept while others w.tch'd arid p-ny'd, And thu-tV wiiry n.glr, went on. Thick darkness liroi.!e I eir:h an I -ky When oft the vhr-j-ernt4 v, tiire came The Teton' w, .! ;,: ! i!. i...;u ,''! '. well as othir people, hdt doiil tell on By carefully fiaihering up, from lime i lime ihe'ni. He ' taull, but Hon unravel lh mystery ai d brin hen.house'and pton rote, one may not on ; I hem liack i before was ; cle. Here i ni.:hfai'e lt In the road.aain; itnd nvv. ubat ; improve the healih and-feeundny of h fowls. but niay also purioh ln:ne wnn nme.inaue guano, scarcely inferior i that brought fnm ilis tanl foreign shores which smells so rankly of money as"to find but little fvo,r with any but amateur farmers. The amount of fertilization that is pounded ...,.i .Mi nf our i-l.iihes in the course of n I it J I U ' - ' - v-.. 111! And henvt-u. v. :h The un Kffi.u! Hut with i r H-j ret Tle vrry air it) ir'l to uxt God! tli fi:iirie w.is en iitf it?;. I ntiil 'lin' ; . of flame ! Around the centrr ( f the ji'.ii i' A belt ofll.itue reheat drttii-d, And like n fnrm-e !w'l Ii.mii Thot wall'd tl;en in on every h !. -Atwi onw.inl roU'd.die torrent wild ; Wreatli of lienor kiuoke o! ured die sky ; The' mother ktieli isnd p-H.'.i Iter child, And all m'v -one i-Uiiek'd out " we die !" Not so '" he tT'.tfd " help clear the Hedge Strip ban- a circle to the land!" Thai! done', he hn?:-:i M to. iu edge, , Atld jjrol fi ntl; ;n hi- liin.J ; Dried weeds tie tie Id beside dw- jian, Wiiith kindled, at it lluh, die maf! Now fire fiyhi (ire "' he x.id as ran 'Die forked flames among the grass! On dyee sides now die torrent flew, Hqi on the fourth n$ more it raved : Then larVe and broad 'die circle greWt, And thus the ilgrim band were saved. The (lames receded far and wide The mother had not prny'd in vain (Jod tad ihf Teton's arts defied ! Ilia ;ydie of fire had swept ihe plain f From the Nfw Orleana Delta. SAGACITY OF DOGS. Z . THE .t(i:Kltri CAUGHT. ihe rofibei first, they I'hasinir deer perini pacjli to dispel ; ihfm, like id us 'iimes wart: regular cr lenuMFurniture ftr .jWHOAJ., WATSOX & ROWZEE I for a moment, the d..;s are at j what is deposited beneath the perches of the j TAKE this opportunity tcB. call the attention of theTT A Pnhlie to the fine lot of FURSlTURE which they now haver on hand and expect : , k-,D constantly on hand for sale at the ! very lowtst prices for cash, couutry produce or lumber , u-oudi'ilVii. bt-eomes altriot a mira. in this l otiimoii highway ihe ihor the whi le cotinirv around throush mud and through mVe, meeting wagons, and earn, and a iiut above ikiiir iKrnil 2-ame. who sued (he lr dilfen id solitary waU-irers. suid. all ii mo-1 a-t"iii!ing. hcIuhI'v run. li a :ii..d' neifro.-s. their tiivorile r p were working on the road, ihey put. uk of (he while, men ; they even ian s lirmer or gardener le ! of every description, at the market prices ly Amon" their asrtinent may be found : Wardrobes, Bureau. Dressing, JOintng, Ten, L enlrr, and Toilet and Ladies irork Tables; Book Cases; Ottomans; Sf ; Wash Stands ; Office Chmirs; Mahogany. Curled Maple, Clack II alnut. Fan cy and Wood Seat Chairs and Setter of ev ery description always on hond or made to order al the shortest nonce S&arv'' '2' Chemicals, Dje-Stuffs and Perfamery. ' fTlHB subscribers are now rrceivine at lfeif Drag ' JL Store, corner of the Mansion Hotel, the largest and Havins in our employ good workmen, 'we frel no hes- ! best selected aeeortineni t f iianey in gayins that c are able to ?upply all demands to woo. r. :..i. i r,,!;i... ili mrv priiTt ill ihi tilain iiiir-i"ijiiini.-'-'-',,-'--T- m- .f tbem for.the last mile. At cntit-nt o the wasi.-t..'.. io ne u.mmw, . - . . i i : .11 ..I..(- ! .1 fain. believe it gome ' hunter ! anu wasien. 'pnTiiit io-. ...... Nearer and nearer I be whim- Irees are withering heneatli tne neat m trie nog. I ,.3 on; Ihe delusion begins '. tar, has reason io reproab himself with the I " ' ii r . -it? ..I I U.l." ii .i ..to. i r,. it' n uirio :n iiii linn it . 1101 e-. all at onee trie man n.i?.;e i.j. ... i !. . i L .. : ".. !,.... Mniidar i a l:itf if (Tr.'lil reiiilcni" to (rf?Pj ii .untie otji"lii: ineir nan m.iho ....-....., .... ... j ., rv;,K i.U Hot-. ' The scent be. and vegetables, when Ihey are auoweo io i oum l VPar would nri.twhlv sl.irlle mn who sh.ml.1 ! for .r kinj of f.imilute. anj ou!J n,, eclfully solkil U i- wrinen dv in ,ru,.,f.,l fl2"r. Th a ."''f-r..l'l'rL"?. All oruers ironi u uiiain.. (... .v.. Call at the old ptand.just opposite the Rowan Hotel. .Salisbury. July 20. 1848. tf Dyalt'd v-5-12 Druf, Chemicals, Pnnts, Oils, and ! Dye St ii fa, . - Steam i C" T' HE Propriec; ! BOA T COM new Steamer ( oitfers ihe precious IWI i.!a j ever brought to this market. We particularly invite ' the attention of Physician, Druggists, and Merchantaio j our stock, which, we pledge to at lower rate than I any other eablishment in VVTern North Carolina. ' With the assurance again ihatnir price and terms shall I please all, we return our sincere thanks lo the public for I hir voi-v lihrl iinlrinnup twrr I oforr re'rnded IO US. ...... W.J , . . I'.at r.1 r ltv rl lli nrtirV ronit.n- mer and wajtner. What was an ir. now dee'fteos into one ceaseless roar, as ihe relentless jwck rolls on after inhu man prey, his dogs, road, in (h Vain- lio(e otily ados II puts one in mind of Actajon and T.hey gr av desperate, and leave the vain IIOTCHKISS, FENNER & CO Wholesale Grocers AND No. SI, Water Street, NLW YORK. Mil., Suph. Quinine, bulpu.. Morphine, Atit d., Pipertne, Salacinc, Red Lead, Ve- i netian Red. Spanish Brown. White I.ead, Black do., SUGARS of nil kinds. COFFEE, Rio and other Linseed and Train Oil, logwood, Copperas, Indigo, IVI?3 Anl,,n,l n-rnl nnrlmrnt of lOCD. 1 1 'U. UlO. 1 is I WIIUIUl m . - - . - - TTAVi Jt JL (;R0CER1ES, consisting in part us follows : styles. TEAS Imperial. Gunpowder, oung tlyson, and Black 'l-:i-.in whole, half and quarter chests. TOBACCO, from the best Virginia factories cf r.riou? brands. ! SEGARS Regalia, Principe, and other choice brands. ' r Imported WINES Jfc LIQl'ORS of every description incasksof all sizes. Also, domestic Liquors of afl kinds. 4 In callinsr your attention to the above advertisement,, we can confidently offer the assurance that any orders in- ' trusted to us will be filled to your entire satisfaction at the lowest prices the market wiil afford. When you visit! our city, we most respectfully solicit you to call and ex- , amine our stock. ! New York, June 16. 1848. 27w9 on a thorough soakit g about sunset, with ncl suponaceous liquid, fumi-hed by ihe laundr.-s. I have been told of a firmer, who after lin ing suffered the w:i-;h tubs to be emptied into a fi 1 1 1 1 V drtiin. deli'.era'.ely proceeded to deluge of shaking them off. his pet garden' -atiee with ice cold water fresh indeed! 'The momentary cessation I pumped ftotn the well. I shall not credit the hew zst to (he chase. 1 lit crv staiemeni wuuoui iinmei runnin:. - grows longer ami louder; the yelp grows shott times it happens that peach stones or pear pits, and quick, sure indication that the game ismgh gel planted, either hy accident or wnim, nam ! at hand, lit is a perfect rush upon the part o . by ihe kiicheirjoor. Trees so situated, almost (he huniei-js, whiUt the robbers call np.oi their, invariably prov thrifty and productive. Their i weary ancj jaded limbs to do their b-t, but. ihey bearing qualities and the exquisite flavor of i falter and ' 1st agger beneath them- The breath their fruit, are extolled by individuals in private. ! ofhe lion idsTs almost oil their very heels, atid and by committees in public. All the world ! yet they It g the precious silver along with a ; wonders how it come to pass that trees which i itfiser's grisp. They can hold out no longer; j seem to have sprung from the soil without any iihedogs'are upon them; they .hastily throw j body's advice or permission, and which haje their boot.; away ; ihe little robber attempts to reached their maturity without ajiy body's nurs i climb a tree, -and as he is nearly oul of reach, ing, should be so very healthy and prolific, j tht catc h ilog seizes 'him by (he leg and brings The (rue explanation of this wonder, is, doubt. ! him spraW.ing to the, ground; he sings out lus- less, that ihe earth, which such trees inhabit is ! lily, and ijhe dogs are called ofFl Nut so wiih fattened by the slops and dregs of the kilcheu ; i Hill, the bag, burly.fliced fellow, the robber-chief and we are thus sharply rebuked for our want for he find taken ihe lion's share (all (he pa. j of economy in sa'ving a species of manure so per and half the silver) he stands to bay, draws precious and so convenient. Nature herself is i his knife, swears vengeance, anil puts himself fond of elaborating manure, and as skillful loo. on his reserved rights. One wot rf from Tabor, as she is fond. If we were half as industrious I and he is stretched unon the "round like a play- ! and efficient, or were niore willing to avail our- admitting the following : the more willingly, as they ema- 4.i. t . ri,.r r. fl'-o . o ; i. ,mr cKaii14 na te iron) pe rsons w ho a re not i kei v t o be in isietl , bv t he ! thing. He is no more than a mouse in a cat a selves ot her prottered asitance, we snouio , i - ' , r, . r.i . . ! I .... .. .. ... 'i f it h. i- c J popular exciiemeni which ine uppeurnnce oi illume ruis Ed. (; One of the most exiranrdinary j paw. Tle big catch dog gives linn a terrible less often be heard to complain of poor and un- occasioned. fatlt difulaying the sagacity fhg. has just j rake upon1 the arm taking a piece out. " Hu. grateful soils. The little stream that divides , From the Medical Times, Sept. 18, 184. occurred In this ueighboihood. Capt. Seaman, ' man fleslJ can't stand this." He too cries pec- the pasture or meadows, is ever busy at its task ! Opposed as we are to modern patent medicines, we of Cincinnati!, whilst lying with his flat boat at '; Cavi. . The chase is ended a twenty mile j in collecting aliment for grasses and trees. j cannot be silent to ihe virtues of Dr. Le Roy's much laud- Winff rarille, a flouiiiihing litllo village, about chase, ankl such a, chase! The robbers are J'olhe products of its inanimate, industry we 10 miles from the town of Haton Rouge, was caught ; lvery ceiiiit 'of the $1800 is recovered, j are always welcome. In the silent woods, robbed on the night of the 23th July, by two and ihe hjeart of Capt. Seaman is 44 made glad again, nature is constantly accumulating stores men who shipped as common hands at Vicks- ' xviih lidiijgs of exceeding great joy," by their of fertilizing substance. The leaves which burtftgiving their names lill and Cieyige Spains faithful -arrival. blanket the earth in autumn, are at once brought or pud"H, (undoubted.ly aistimed) and repre- And nw, as our late fiiend Col. R. P. Dow. i under the influence ofher subtle chemistry, and - - I l l.-..l.... I, ......... .!.. ... I . i . . . . . ! .1 i f .. . -i ... : . . . I I "u ,fc vumru iuc.ii,,,-, B ............ k, ...a. ,,, saia lc, Wie man u no st0e rH,r30t iUK, , ,us prepareu ior conuiouimg io inner anu more dientsVso as to product. a medicine at once tonic, and wnill uie were on aicn, . lew nours oeiore , when caught flagrante dchctu was disposed to durable lorms ol vegetable growth. Ihe Iru- purgative, the onlv perfect discovery of the kind ever in oar stock : Pulverised Ipecac. Rhei, Jalap, Col am- j bo. Scilla, Gamboge, Opium. Arrow Root. Pearl Barley, Sic, Arc. Al:-o, a large assortment of Shop Furniinr. Prescript ions furnished at all hours. Orders from a distance punctually attended lo Hit OWN & JAMES. Salisbury, July G, 18 H 10 High Shoals Iroh Works! Gatou Comity, .. C GOAr. to ran regula rly t vm . it the Ute reduced f.. water.bavingtwoeii superior iccom:noJa.i AH Goods conip-.'- ' minj'on, will be forv : r fions.' AH Pro jjee from t' - ihe river tnJ io in u-? . We ire now bu;!! ; : como.eled before the t Communication a ' Wdmingtoa.anJ W. I. attention. April 15, The onderiffned is r.. ' at the river entirely i--'. he will receive and f at ihe osual charge, a Valuahle Lane rTIHE subscriber havin? leased the a JL bove Ftablisiiment. for the purpose of manufacturing Iron, Nails, Castings, Mill Spindles, Cranks, and ail B!ack- Tm smith ork. and having good Lathes and kJ an excellent Machinist from the North, he 1WIS1I toaellthatvalo .! kin River, known as ihe r 100 ACRES . with insptendiJ WATER-I't , cedent, and as lo watrr-puw er. r in all the Southern country for Y. description. Its location i i i grain-growing region in all N. C lent to inexhaustible supplies cf power is sufficient to propel any r U'l, il. , . will be prepared to make and hi up all kinds of Machi- ; lbroo h ,hi9 jrt of the .aie s'.. nery at short notice. Having spared neither pains nor , p,acr muf l)rcom(. , ,ar;,r )iilt expense in selecting a good set of workmen, connected I unicf hf- riApnlitl, ft,r fut,, wiih ins own long experience m ihe above line ol Iuhi- , A ; T)n7LUr Jnr rrr.n . ness, will warrant all work made at this establishment first inspect ihe place, ii i$ unnrcc- AVild Chcrrv and Sansauarilla Pills, Are a straiienin" Purgative and a Pu- ' ? "s wHI "fcu,ft 08 tan ,lon ,n ,n,s Part of further description of it. In mv a iueJKiii3intHi0 l cu. it x u : the country, qnd at prices to sun tbe times. , y m aIbury or Col 't 1 njyuiz ionic. : WI. E. ROSE, i viile, w.ho will show the premi.-es. .m : Aba whoie nation has spoken enthusiastically ol the j February S, 148 141 a. -m. uiiri vnueu CAceneiiue oi vr. Je r fijf ioif Universal Pills, it may seem useless to publish individu al certificates ; still we feel induced to yield to custom, by Speed the Plough. ; information required., CHAKb oiim.uij, nut,. - . COACH AND CiI MAKING. BUS? IN ed discovery. His Pills are indeed a purgative which may be taken without risk, or the advice of a physician ; ; for they produce evacuation without weakness, and cause j energy in the digestive functions, without straining them, ! and thus paving the way for re-action ami apathy. j From the Lancet, August 23, 1845 The subscriber would inform the citizens of the couutry in general, dial he is engaged in the manufacture of the celebrated Davis, East man, and Evans Chenoweth double pointed and side hill Ploughs, which cannot be surpassed Dr. Le Roy has most happily succeeded in combining I for ease of draught or beauty of work. Those Wild Cherry and Sarsaparilla with other vegetable ingre- dav. ihey descended! into the cabin, took ihe Cajduin's trunk, whljch contained upwaids of 81&0Q in money, and tdiovcd olfin ihe skiff. j When Capt. .Seaman awoke next morning, and j discovered the state of things, he was almost y with despair. The money did not belong im he was only the aient of others a lining quite couioioii on the i'ivci, where thous. the d Uet H2 s craz to him ew rustics for Buncombe sake, in that : JZaJ farmer will not forget the forest. He will made, though a desideratum which the ablest physicians tone so peculiar to him, 44 Keep cool, i bring it under stated contribution. If galhered ! In a11 ases have eagerly fought tor. : I will see (hat uu are tuU where in autumn leaves form excellent absorbents for i -. i the i0'"""1 frH,an,, July I 1846. shan't bile ye." jlaton Rouge, July 30, 1848. From llic Southern Planter. amis of dollars are eiilnis-tod to men in hone? I homespun. His future prospects might depend Acs f i- nc ion Itiva It r a I t unit ti m.lirit Iwtl Kf the precious fluids so abundant in the stable j anJ experience Dr. Charles Le Roy has made a most and barn yard, yet so often suffered to float ofl j valuable discovery, and added a purgative to the list ol : and evaporate. Or if left to decay where they ; medicines-which must take the precedence of all others, ! fall, loaves make a valuable muck, especially : as being the safest and most effective. Sarsaparilla and ! when mixed with lime or ashes. w0!'." are ,nV,r,n-'pnl inSr,'ui,n,9;,, hl8 1l119 . . r i ii i e shall rtcur to them more particularly in our next In dreat Hritain. where land commands a number. ' i I. l. ? I . ? . L - I .1 I I " i mucn n.guer price man w.m us, me principles For sale by Iessr9- Brown & James Salisbury ; J wishing ploughs can be supplied ar anv f the follow. .ig pl.tces. viz: Mocksville, Salibuiy. Con. oid and Charloote, .t at any other point, where a load can be sold. J. II. THOMPSON. Tyro, Davidson co., N. C. ) r nun..! Aug. 10. 1848. Medicines, Medicines. ECONOMY. IN SAVING MANURES. One of the great secrets of success in the . .. .. . I I. m . ! n .r... i . . . . ... ........ . k. . . . . . . i ..... i I . , 1 1 1 1 1 1 a rw i . . . I t -i it iiiiami i i .v.rk.. .... .. . inagrcarmeas.iie upon ims vn.., ami me uare . . muuu,,. i ,s, () economyt which t am aiming to recommend, I P. Mabry, Lexington ; Phifer York. Concord. Price, thought of his being ?upected of lout play by word, is sin 44 open Sesame lo wealth and in. 1 nave on eince it,el fithfull v tested, and are ! 25 cents per box! Aug .11, 1848.. .3ml8 bis employers was enough to rack his mind lo (tepenuei)ce. in oruer mai me agriculturist now generally observed in the management ofl badness. He immedialely procured a skifi; j may. realize the largest profit from his Ubor and ! ,,e gois. have somewhere seen mention i and taking one ol his hands Willi hiuif put him smii, ne pnusi ue nugai aim saving, ne must ; nw(je 0fal) Kujh Collate, whose warden was ! , made, to manure itself, and at the end of fwenty 'i ; years, withemt having made the acquaintance ; of a single Rirkful of barn-yard dung, the tilth j was deeper, mellower, richer ; the yield more "Ty K are receiving at Dr. C. B. Whreler'e T T old stand EXrtn SACE IIOMK MIM i SMITH ( WOCLDretorn their nioi , ;. lie for the very liberal f .itr received ; and would respectti '. v . are still carrying on in Salisbury , : opposite the old jail c-n Main f-'r- - coach m:kini; i and are prepared to nike superb style any veh.i!f ir. ''. i Coaches, Barouches, - which wim Se disp-ised .f c n ; out on lh pastiin which stretches i he not rnlore c'areful to avoid manifest extrava- oinoi!e. somsfour miles down, with directions to Hillow ! gance, than he is to practise a system of rigid closely the edge of the water, whilst he coasted down on I ho other side. About live miles, down, iho hand discovered iinl liut.iblc iins ol the roll, bers hnviiig landed and sent , ihe !,iU' adf ill. There was ihcir tta(k sid" by side, as ifcarry ing heavy Irunk, Ascending the bank and entering the woori.- above, v ;t eh. however, was ill rain, for they c.-i.'.d neither lin I 'he trunk nor " the ag Iraco them beyond this point, i'oj innately, the evening previous lo the robbery, Mr. John Ta bor, ho keejts tipA)ick of Negro Dogs, had been lo thtT holTlv the purpse of purchasing meal for the dogs, and whilst bargaining, as i his wont, ho regaled the unsophisticated 'flat economy', which shall look iu every direction Argus-eyed ; and be applicable to every combi nation ol! circumstances. He mtjist snre not only at the bunr-hde. but also at tlje spigot, and thus arrest the injury wrought !by those small dribbling losses, winch viewed seperately, appear of no account, while the largest ahd lest stock of MEDICINES. IXSTUMEX T l- . e ... i anils tV IJye-StuJfs. Spiers $ Perfume ry. , nnx lo be of ihe best seVc Vnnrii finil lntfnl 1 ii'c .shir. And as we have nm ,, r, , , i . i . ., , ... employ can warrant our wc: i : . - - - .,' ."... r mour coun,rJr h. m c ussiui imeiiioi i uiiio uuu vumium .j n r iu urn riy iuw ior casu WATCHES, CLOCKS, j Salisbury. May 11. 14 2 BOSER & WILSON abundant and of better quality than ever before. Jewelry, Silverware, Cutlery, Repairing done neat. Salisbury, August 17, I' P. S. All kind of prod t boat. man ilh wondtnfnl lab's of i heir exploit-;. Alter pis departures ay s Hill toouo ofihe hai'ds J wonder ifihese tlogs would i tin white . loljU ?" j iptn these sources offeriilizing and stimnl O, reckon not," was the unsuspecting' re. agents, tj tliu neglect of others no! less w The manuring rf the garden was managed 3Tusical Instruments. Rr ml ring Pistols. llliyUridni 10 iUill UWnerS bomeunai alter IHIS lasnion: All me reluse ot , Perfumery, Soaps, and Fancy Articles of every descrip (lie garden, stu-.h as leaves, vines, grass, haulm ! tion. and weeds. U'id carefidlv e:ved niirl itir.iivn in. Persons wishing to purchase articles in the above line gregale and long run, they greatly di- ; , : Wvrv l,n'nt ,S rtlAA ..... will do well to call and examine their tine selection. one mint,., le returns ot agricultural industry. I ,h. ,ed u p and muhing wasted. To this were WaXs ('i "n "rfh V'IC , , , no depai men! ol rural labor, is there more to i ':, r.-. .1, mod j,;,,;.,,,, i ' "'th:!'.C: ' ' ""t the best 1 ..v..., iiiaiuit-r, uuu wiirrameti ior iweive monins. the kitchen sink, and soot from the chimney. i Iepine arnl plain Watches altered to Pnteni Twvr in well 1848 tf 12 gards upon the iIirMf.fi tiVAi'ifii! I ti It i Yi I o I . mi val until t V ti r oarn-yard. the Mable, and the lime-kiln too ...i.u inoredieot, were d,.m,,,.eo,l f.S . much 'inclined to place our main denendatice ' . ,u " i i . r .1 . ear (he warden received a muul r ronn ,.f o ' to - bo gained by the exercise of economical nu.ly,thn ... the makm?, the saving and the , The liquid from the chambers wasdaily emptied "nd warranted to perfon iismg of nani.tes. We are too much inclined, ! this h and ,hp whl), repeatedly -bury. July 20. 18 if I lllll..I.'l ..! 1 n.i nl w n . ,. 1. ' .1 - 1 . ' " - " 1 ""'V" ... ... .no. i;ui It aaulMI IUI1 UIC tiirni.rfnvopn.w nl main II. I ft "1 11 T ph baaaie. tiarness ana Trunk FTOTCUKTSSS Vertical Water Wheels for sale i JL JL I avetteville.bv D. McNEILL Co. And in Lincoln County by E. A. imEVAHD. March 12, 1847 tf4." in Fall and Winter Fashions This is to make known Ci ! ihat the subscriber hett r, .' Win. M. Barker, one (,f : Barker Si, Jacobs : thu I -coach making bus;i--. i had the advantage not , siness,but also lhat of :'. -Northern woiktnen r.s q'lemly in my em;loyi.- ' recomuieoding him io t '. the public generally. ' For '18 lf. Tliompsonville, Korl County, June .'; ilalin .'oiiny o;u.uMiuii, are very numerous, and as VaiCaldei as they are numerous.- Amoixr ihe outces it) I manure lretentlv over Ooked. or but covered with water. w,ii,t deep; her; lin faitlilul anilmals, suiiuming nearly all the tit the hen- the sink-drain and wash- ply, but they are bed on niggers. IJire is attention. 1 he ddlerent manures, and ma- ' not live ler.-st doujlil but that llil was. then revolv. terial lr creating ma.nure, which may be secur- Ing hli nlans in bis'iniud. and caleu'atjng the ,(' am! rpac! available upon the precincts of chances of e.cai:e. . lliinklug lhemelv. of every hujsba lidmati, are very numerous, and ii.:. ........... i i. .... i. r . .i. . .v ..? 1 ..... t. I Ills, lory i.iiieo Mi i ,ti i j:i i ji.ic ol gi'Klllg the dogs. Mr. Tabor who i alvas on hand, 1 .1 r . .... .-Mil . . . rraur, wining, ano avar.iug i -r sucii a liolic as ; piirtiaity uirawn upon, may ne mentioned tin tbir, and who is "si-me in a bar 'fight, " a soon privy, the usli-bin and wood house OS he heard the Captain with uieful counten. roost and pigeon c ite ; the sink ance relate his sad mishap, look Severin Thi- ! lob;jhe marl bed and peat swa'mp; liu oub bodaux, who hunts, his dogs, gave several winds li's rind '.rest. ' of his horn. and was off in a hand-gallop to the ; All th e are mines of wealth to him who cents of action. Hav'ing gained some acces. j tills the -oil, and when brought into Tiii requi. pion to their number Ht Mr. V. Le Blanc's, I sition, they have proved instrumental to ihe pro uhte ihey criisseii tlieuiselves and horses, they duction f crops before unanticipated and un. soon found the track. "The dogs ' didn't know i known. The amount f waste that is often per eiacily what to make of it al first," says Tabor, milted b overlooking these deposijs of .feyiiliz-'-until ! cursed ajfittl", gave a few halloes, and ing substances, cannot be Easily and accurately showed them that it was no joke." They then ; estimated : Yet a single j calculation which I . whirled iu and set to wotk in .dead earnet.-i i have Jrappened upon in my agricultural rcadin" They oti took the swamp which lies between may serve to throw sduie ilight upon this mat. ihn ri t- r rt ...I 4 1 I. ; . I .. I., n ...I .. k :.. I. .. i. Tl t:.I .. ..'fl i:i , ..... ...... i.iu.i.nu.i uuu nun t a uuu , n r. 'o M.io aim lupi.'.i excrements oi a covered With water. -wait' dei : her; lhee man mat be estimated at 1 fi. 1 r c! in rri a - .1 -. ... ;,vv F, UILIII, ui time, about GUI lbs. per annum; Cotitainino- 3 uer this manure, and without thorough cultivation the result was what I have indicated. Before bringing ihesfe suggestions to a close, I must be allowed again to refer to (he contents of the privy. On account of the repugnance which they inspire, fecal substances are wholly discarded as an auxiliary of production, or else are so improperly managed-as to occasion great wate. It has been settled by experiment, that the sulphate of iron or copperas, is both efficient and inexpen?ive as an agent for disinfecting fecal masters, by changing the ammonia int.. a fix hI salt. A hundred nounris of conneras mav t I MAMUFACTORY ! M A I . o 1 iv l'j L 1 , S A li S li I II Y. customers HORACE II. IIFAIII, aiaa CintnnrVnrlli (' -r has jus, received, (at his old stand,; from New j lC 01 aWU1 ,l " i lork.the American and Ilurupejin Fashions, fur the i F. Davidson A il i r ! Full nn-l Winter of '4- and 49. and will continue to re- j Creswell, Margaret Ct. ccivc then, quarteriv. He is prepared lo execute all or- i retitin f ,r ders in his line of it,.- trade, in a f..Lionable and work- "f T appearing to V - manlike manner, at the shone., notice. Trom h.mg . 1 die defendants. Di experience in the nrt of r.,tiia and makin- -arments. ! nnd Jsallla Cum.nu -. heleelscontident thai he can give satUiac'ion to his It is therefore order, .!. ! I. .i. i He re.pecttu iy returns his thanks to his friends and j weeks, notifying the the pual.c for :he,r liberal support tendered him" hereto- I Ufore the Justice -f lore, and wi.l endeavor hy inereawd efforts to plrasc his ter Se-ion lobe I,. ! nnilR subscriber havins established himself in the JL ' nvntal manures is greatly enhanced, while the imprisonment of all olfensive odors, renders them capable of being transported, diluted and applied, without any inconvenience or disgust. followed ity w tvurse. ihe mKuous (wist, cent, or h lbs. of nitrogen, a suflicie:,rq.,anii. " V- WT l ,nvesrf,.allo.n- wh" : i .: '.. .... .'. . .. -.. e : . i li.e anriiieation ot n mnutp rl irnn in c.l. ...... inn inn ysiimiii., ..i n..i, .....r,: ....... ...i... t .w-,...ri ,,.. ... i : ...i. ... t r-..-.,. i i - - .. ..w.. ... i.iuuun. - o lima i . uu, o .itiiiifiu. ... i)i'HMii"iui.i, io -proout e OOll ... 1 I. . I C 1 1 Town ot Salisbury, tor the purpose of carrviii" on the above business, respectfully solicits a share of public patronage. He pledges himself, that his work shall al ways be done in the very best style, and hi? prices to suit the times. He will keep constantly on hand Saddles. Kridl be had at the shops for even shillings, and if a Martingale, Harness, Collar. Saddle Wallft, Trunks,' solution of this be occasionally applied to ihe Valises, N'"- Also, Harness Skirting, Sole and Up privy, it will cause, the noisome, effluvia to dis- ' ,Mr :"n".of .' h -:,ys un hand which ni ' can be bought low fur cash, or on a short credit toprotunt an near. i ' customers. A two-fold purpose, will ihu be accomplish- In addition to the above, he respectfully informs the ed. By fixing the- volatile ammonia, in which public, that he carri.-s on the TAXXIXG and BOOT resides a fertilizing energy, the value of ever... "nd SHOE MAKIXG DCSIXESS in the Town of cutomcr,to merit a continuance of their favors. HORACE H. BKARD. N . B. All kinds of country produce taken mi i be mar ket .rices for w.ii k . Saliburv. Srt. 21 . 5848. tf 47 'of vol.4 NOTICE. ; A PPLICATION will be ma,le at the next Ceneral ; x Assembly of the State of North Carolina, for. a I Charter of a Kail Rond to be co-istructed from the Town of Charlotte to the Town of ).in ille, in Virginia, or to some point on the Ralei-h and J.iston RailRoad. ter Sessions, to be I, j Court House in J-Mn: - : vember next, then nr-l i to said petition, or i!.e tbeni and a sile of t1.. Witness. J. P. A!. at office, in Ftatesvi!, 6w20 95 50 was alterwitnU uncovered, were losj ; some. lbs. or about 15 bushels off wheat. times scenting th tree wherein they had found the' Comjrnisioner of Patents ta 1S44, pT :S 4. icnijMirar iimu iiom tne mud ami water; Vw il a larmeis futniiy consist of five nidi Hi other pUces showing where the deep mud viduals, jmd the content J & the privy are wast- Hu puueu ou u suoe, una mey had not taken lime to put (t on again.. For two hours and a nan. lir lour or live miles, did men ami dos p- ciiouia nu- wad through this bushy dismal swamn sur. rognuWd uiih grim-viaged alligators, who seem ed l mk on with jealous eye at. this encroach mewl of their hereditary domain; now Iomiot ihe trail then slowly und dohioiii.ly . taking it provoke ed, there is an annual sacrifice of trilion lor growing t Q bushels of wheat. This ca'culatini was made by a .-distinguished French chemist, and may be relied noon as suifu ientlv accurate! Bui i-ven if the contents of th orivv were lesjs valuable, by a half, lhan is here esli mated, tley oiiCht still tofarrest attention and k'xpeiimenis wiih those wljo are soJiei- tilTiigatii, uiuit ihey Iriuuiphanily threaded it ul, Wingii;" ihtjui back to the river, where it was found that ihe r.-bbers had crossed their iwu lm.il near tho place of tuning. In the mean time a heavy hower I had taken place. .P'dtinjj out thu trail. I he robbers wero now thrown four hours al rnst ahead, h i well known to hunters thai it requires the keenest scent and tain quantity, are seldom subjected to the pro best blood to iryeicorue such obstacles, and vet cesa of bn'rnin.T and kj " I"!., I l.ll-f IIIX.II Vl'llCI ip ... ,,-,-veriu ami sagacious animals run. them lifto an excellent manure. Th chief Woollf II. it I..-. iiT ... twl er.-l.A t. lti. ... a i ;-'" oi-nitr in iuc i iii i ll-J ill O. new layer addeil to the manure bean were sprinkled with copperas water, much of that most important element, the ammonia, (which is otherwise lost by reason of its vola tility.) would be changed into a fixed salt, and thus saved. For the facts I have here submitted in regard to the employment of copperas as a disinfecting i agent. I am indebted 'to the Report of the Corn- ! missioner of Patents, for the year 1344. Statesviile, where he w ill always be happy to see his old friends, and supply them with any of the above enumer ated articles. Thankful for past encouragement, he hopes by close attention, not only to merit a continuance of the same but a considerable increase for the future. ETHis shop is one door above G. W. Crown's stor and just opposite the " Brick Row." WM. II. MOWBRAY. Salisbury, January 27, 1-4S If August 10, 1848. Tailoring. BF. FRAL.KY is ever ready to make CLOTHING in the latest style, well done, and warranted to fit. He a !so keeps for sa le UFA I) Y MA DE fLOTItlXG very cheap. He will also tear.h ihe an of CUTTING to any w-ihniL' 'o learn, as ,c is aenl lor some of the roost fasliion.-.t.le Tailors ot New York and Philadelphia. A Kinuspi domes cut at sMort notice. Produce taken i payment at market priers. in ly2 WILLIAM J. PLUMMER SADDLER AND HARNESS MAKER, A KES pleasure in returning his JL thanks to all those who have heretofore favored htm wiih their custom. He trusts and believes thai he has given very general, if not uni vrs il satisfaction : and nt he is for the past, so shall he continue to feel jrn te ed to all who may pmrorme his shop. He would inform the pubHe that he has lately receiv ed some very line northern materials, and is now better prepared to do Saddle and Harness work lhan ever His prices are not extravagant , but his work is ood He occupies his usual stand, opposite to the store of Bo ser &. Maxwell, and is ever ready to obey orders in tSe line of business to which he belongs. He'keeps on hand t flnnJ aiAIU C 111 I " ft ; quered every d.tneuhv. The robhr now made constituent in ihe bones of nil animsu' U ih' Uilroad. uoulh and eivd from DunkiA- : itc. for sale, and n mt i!!fl?Vntn j -w-w, - , .woi , luii i?ii nitiiniAS LOCOMOTIVE SPEED. The Lowell Courier says that a nnw en- ss common than gite called the Carhilbi, built by Hinklev r are of-en suffer- & Drury, ami designed for speed, on the riving which ei-ery housekeeper may command a cer. ki0 r . . i - - v vs n t n 4 lliltl ltiJUlt Forty miles of the Now York and Eric tous to iijnprove their farms and hnsbaud their resources. Ihe xyasting of ashes is le that of hones. Ye! ! flm-mer - - . cm,, .v. ir rv. ;imi nesi irieii inr r.A. ed to lie in useless and unsirh:Iv beans, when i n i- , . . .... a . i , . , " , :, , , . ; uw'n lkii ivanroaa. nas di on, irar.ii inn; wmie me lauer.oi w .ssb nfftl fBi diom.t.P -" - m p s i, iiiii.ft. iiiiii r iiti. - w PRICE & UTLEY, :: Fashionable Tailors, COXCORD, X. C. April T!, 1S49. tf52 JUST KEC HIVED Av lare assortment of Liquors and Wine of ' the above roo.!i -m. an k ii id , -urn r renrn isnintfv. i;tn Knm f TEACH Ii I Ai;entli:man ihe District ! by applying to the i ply Letters ad (ire--' J w -U meet with p:t m; Qctoler 5, 1649, ' I.Y. FAMILY SIX ; Lectures : ( Consumption, A ail Female D.'en" perSOcts. ; bound 7.". Jjct3. Shoulder Braces r. ny part, ct. p. -r by mail, letter por?i 8 to 10, for ail !; , Womb, and Weak I; A everywhere, l or P.-n. porters, give hei.t ( of person next t,e s ire, mention whii oeira. Cherry, fort, bicily or Whut ind Miltp W,n''9 BROWN Si. JAMES. Ju!v 6, 181S 1H ... , , m straight course for the Baton- Rouge and iihosnhale of limn, a snl. ft(,.l..itv. ... : arc' Traded and readr fnr th xtine... ; such articlrs as un r layou bara.ioad, almut four mdes ditu..t ; be. ceSsary ko ihe .'healthy venation id nlant. ' tore. On the 12 miles formerly laid AAwn la1,,bary' Jnne A " r required of. hwu. 1848 tf .roeniering.i.i.oueer,no,,oexceMispictonT 1 he othfr principal ingredients are carbonate and completed the iron has been uLnn XT OTIC E-U hereby Crren tha, ; Ihey. eaeh tlouiied a' nice clean ehiil of ihe dun. of lime ind ..r...i.:..i. n.. c ...n ,u .- -i -n i . be made ro the rwi T..t t - i . t ' -J. ' - i , ; . . Z :? r 'ts' """ ""i " "iiiiii . "y . - ' i me- nmutr SHIS, ailU IlOUed m r , . . aiu.r.m rc-coanrr tor wnn, uiui, u'-umi who 4 iiui oi uiacuing wnen U' composed, cuter largely into the syn. for preservation. Town of Salisbury. i October 1th, 1-4?- -5w2:J. A CARD. S tovmg ataoriatedthent sebes in trw practice of Medicine, can always he found at theirdrugstore wheo not profiwionally en-aed Salishuiy, December 16. lf?4T tf 33 " ' NOTICE J.S hereby 2iven, that applPcation will be made to the nr" Laiaii,re N c the Act of Incor poration of the Tow4i of Coivxrd. Broadway. New Y February 51. 1 r 1 - - V"otici:-i, ; J- be made t tl, . Rail Road Co n;n . Salisbury, ().:. .;!.', To Xcmbcrs cf V- The sa!rcr-'-r Members of the U , of the N. C. I-c'.Vit.. one of ihe Clerks...,- ; ' Charlotte. N. C. O Beautifully prii