it.' V rj f m ff ill l u tat 41 liif I I iflli 3. rtU ix if & OK 4b Term of tlic Wntclmimi. Wriprr. year-Two WrxAr.-poybe hi .Jvincc, Hut il' ml, uaiJ in advance Two dollars aJ fitly cis. will be chafed. 4 vaBTttESTs inserted nt 81 " fir8t.nJ2octf. for each autmeouent insertion. Court orders charged I 25 Kr ct. higher than tlu-e rales, a noeroi ueuuc . . . . . V.i tti vnr lion'lo lliose who otivrrnw-- Letters, to iner-un"'" '""r wv r IlrtLDEN'S UOLLVll MAGAZINE ! ! LARGEST! 15 HEAPEST!! BEST ! ! ! d'page in the volume ! Vol. 3 commences January "lt 1843. H to Wfpeyndul Wood Rnrmrim; , ' cen Month. r This unrivalled Kuiiiily. Mugu.ii., , ar.iveMaiiy nc ualf. re J bV ihe rrew na the , Amneon I erio.n- i r published, offer at the, commencement of ihe3if vol- iic. unusual iniliiremr-nta to nu'!cri!er. IW leuiuica will hereafter be entirely Ameruf.n, m-ittuytg nmrut,.. lews, American Pom...., Aiii-ri.:aii i a,, oa,-. .cu,. ketches. A series oTD.-r.-.v.nirs trom u.e i .,,....! i n,r in vi if .nun prep.) r non , tacile neiloflhe'iniiniiaWe IMftbKY i now actively en- ; rti in enrjch.o' IIoMen with dm 1 oruaitsol the Pub- j Men ol America ! ' .'' i " . ' ! , , - , , ; ' . . ' .1 j fllROtlNA 1ATCHMAS1 r - Editors $ & JAMES, Proprietors. s Keep a ctjfxk cpon- all tour liCLEKS. 1 Do this, and Liberty ;s safe. Gen' I. Harrison. NEW SERIES, ; VOLU.TO V, NUMBERS. An Irili Foreman in 4 ;.; DY'.rixiL cr.n:-:,:: Gufhy ! my lord." The I" re man I'fiJ.t Jury tie nouueed lUe verdict ; the gia e SALISBURY, N.- C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER, 23, IS 18. CAROLINA ISrotlicr Jfosiat THE PATENT OFFICE ROBBER V. The rubbery of rrotert v. valued at somn A SEASONABLE STOKY. 1 lit- following slory revived is loo good. " JV- I'ortrait of d,tiniiuiShed ! This mammoth picterfcl sheet has just been sent , S V ' "ie I,,r 'a v '" clo you 7" i 'l' "'COnte i topic Ol COIIN or:uion. 'iJ,'i..n I)iinen will h'- contjfiued in every. No.. a yi,w n.,i,ii,Kl,r. VilA r. r v... v . , f sas : tlow it was uccomzniMlftl so succe;!ul WATCHMAN, j f!:iPn:, w'o uie,.tioK without &u - - ; twUun of pHrty it was all u.eanf for (liuvra Snlishnrv. tiipsilhr!' VnvfmWf 91 KIQ : itass, ih Democratic caiululate hiu! it's m, j , i.un -r, , , l.vonl,, ,1 .1 .1 I I 1 L . . t. I . .1 . . . " fty iiMuaom i,r a Hhi.r to come here and '"r,i4. iioumihiuuii.u uo. nnw to ! priced lv at T - prrsmt tirnp; ian for Christina. 1 "'''P'- m tl.u way. i 'll i "icni wmoc cunesiuty tngtii me Lscd I n I'olsliCtan. W Xvr Brtih was in a dilapidated condition out at lh- & Co. of New York. It is ! " , . r " " as aceom,iMMir(j mccvui eioou.s. qui at th. knees, out ol pocket among oil tty former pictorials of Brother n ""' . ' sa's ,; Jou are no , J fU xceeuin-iy mS!enoiiS. i wo and out ol sn.rtts. aiid out iu the street-. .!.. 1 LemOCrat til art in ll:!s VV!'tr1imn .. I .. ,,;it.!lr I . : ii ",". ir uniiriniiiiiii, iiic iiijuii titi uiji rinu uuut in I'Vi-ry fe'ieCl. 1 1 -llin:tll.t-.yf.l.n.l . 1" .-.I I . . .v-v. ,cmu w; s ujc ,?mui nn tits empioyeu on tne ikst ii(jtr ol I lie ratcut sa: on tt:e curl iace uiriicd blacker ihaii it w he, " I'd Lave you know JJemorrat as")uii are , V n ' al whose duiv it is lo swe ep out, the se- liied a JJfinocrat aru I mean to vc a:id die j i . . -, , . ', , a nomor,-,! L- t T V t 1 T i j V Curid 'o,)r ol UI U 111, W iiTe the s! a but L go for old Ro!if;!i and lieady, .,n; 1 i . i ti ! ....ii ,. i rr , - Ien articles were enosstn - 1 hcv ;ir ' . r. ija iiir w 1 1 1 1 1 ptiiiii ii in'i fi if I f ill I m iitii!i mui r - - " in iv iiiiutui - iii.l i.iitiwiii :i n I I I im .r.ji.-. .. m i - . i, . ... . . .. . --- - VUIIIIJ I . x jnf ifor for the trifle ol Owe Dollar, who vwll not wish to lJ"ze(i in song.siory and Picture, liut we have not room out ain f.r nine cheers lor old RoiKdi ind JrWrit? . ; to ..peak of one half the drolleries of iliisstundous pic- . dv ; aiiddl.t? way tlVv roared l':cn. not .. caution. I see it was im use talking aloiit hrr tufore, wifh lile-like Midcui ol iheir lives and mm litry Kah Wl" oe tinea viltt 1 alef, roetns. rs uy' Reviews, 'Sketrhe Tlar,s!;iUo:n, Topics of the Month, una. will embrace ever) initio Ainuin. Instruc (jTfind Ilead.lhle now in progress in the woil.l. V r atnily .Iai?37.ine, tne h.liior contMent.tiiaf no jfjj'jy c'I, c,.Ofc opposition U-.'.s'ti i i - viiiue and worth, jnJ howlers it to llie wriil.a, in pone, eiiaiarter, ntera- r rfirrit.-aiiu uui-'raiive l enuty, fie Moaei Magazine : . i.l........,,., ii u llie h't'eiern mar mui j a monster Jonathan. I he rreat feiifure is Th KicJe, n heantiiul and life-like picture, so jarjp that it runs across the whole brdadside. or two of ih ;tnmnc pages of the paper. -'The Cotter's Saturday . Niht " and theCliristmas Kissiiu' Party," are also two fine iarc engravincs of merit. Jcob Snitch and his DoVTom Brown of Shirt-Tail Benkl George Washington Dixon j stone, leaning his head iti circle : tor when s.n h a periodical can be obtained ""and w'me r celebrajted personages are here immor IV erral feature of Hold en -m, thai , while l.eing pe- feirial, nor is there need J My it was hefore and says Office, and yet riot one of these puanlians upon his hands, his ellum l.eing placed , sir, I'm as j;oud a knew anything :,'of the rohhery until inlor- upon a sMppinj: s!i.tie. .Mr. Pru! had ly father and mother r nied of it in the morniti- hy the iudividu- for tnr.e h en si!, n . ahsorhed in !y tbtlied on their scat :.:,! i dov.n ; a rj'iick t-hlverin ra- :' nn of iojd', and then vi . I'ien 'm yeiU of rae ; n!j in V w ere ;.i;:!atej hut th .d. ;.? I ' The yiizs took anotliT 'St.r!; . ; tied i i hi with n : piMoro-r. ,. !iT,ct.d uNr. it , ; in nhl'-ned ma nr..u:;d l.'n.j, :. d.r.rd th jude vriih evr. The FTf inarVrrin'dfd in t! hn l ff l5h revenue, i. 'riiirh "'l ai'tl ierrin A l.eo-.ked (iroiii.. he fc.iv.- ,. iu a thoiMin l ry. wlii. j; !.:. ! .. in watninz at h- li .urw! .l dr'j,jM-d iii'n l.U hjiidii. ij.iiu, tor !. n- thit "uii.ic . r were fileii. ejion l.L.i t'ii at the fr. II. deep thought, whicli he relieved at ir.ter- vals hy spirting through hisleel'li, fotlorn- At h ngilj. heaving a ;e;iiil tin u i I V CIV spoke '1r!yAiiifliicau iii8enUu1e.1tai.If. eJe1S4.(tu;..l.!and. :.!,,., , ,9 L - r " " - i fl id,. Ii.-f. ii r i..u of it,.. I"r..,w.l, T ,!,!, .,,,1 vr '-"HV. or en lor one aoii merican n-rioiHcai. wn;e ne( ariuig tiwir ihIiH's ; ' " titrl. A cfunbinatioii of the Cncyclopeilia, llie loizei- not want a copy ? ,,r'the Q'.lT-lterly keview, nlnl the Weekly prf, it-is y'l sefntlite and distinct fiotn all, pos-iessniii fiitt;h of their varioui iaa!ifi"it-ions to commend itself ioVtrty reader. , tr, what the I'res ki i;f 1 1"!.ien : ' $' 'jjtje liditiii'i table h very rich and nmusiing in vmir reacts e'l'ial to to il ol u.e Wmckcruucker. v. Y.Vtva&lHit. lltil.leiA Dollar Mga.uie for September h nn f xcel- Irtlt'nuniiKir. I In- Iiirtary -oitt'iiH are v.irw.i .ana in t'rreitinj; Hhr skeii Iim of li'nu Ami-ncati l'oet ;u Ihvines cannot fail ol giving the work a very popular .haractef. The r.dtlur'4 lab.e n lively an. I puj i m: . aiul !ie JxKk "notices c ipiou and .candid We uudei-iaiid i He Circulation ol iIih -Magin'e i rnpiilly increasing. IfwUire'Creelif, uf tir A'. I'. Tn'miii- ! 1lddrn' lhtllr 'liiiiH sine --The Sepinii'if-r immiImt dm wik h.Tteen rec--iied an I to -Miplv say that it ;a laluaiile puji!iciiiiiiii, would n domg juuice to iis inert' " ' "I M liZ iioi ", arm inusi j-ooii ime it place at the l-d ol the, I .iierary rress. Demo- rt'iU Vtluomt'iitnj, .V. V. U'lllleii'n Ihllur .hi'4'i 'inrt 1 lie August No f this titer) nig jo'itnal is now upon our 'alile. In glancing over s it can be bought of the pub- lar. the city, papers. Who does I O !. WhigS an;! Deiriociu! :, I T.iust try some other ly mro the gutler deep sih ..iv.... . . . . . i . . II pi l!lv - W ( int vour trust u and I havn't. None of Vm ever ;o borrow money of tne, ;knd I The attention of the pectus of Holden's Dollar public is directed to the pros Magazine. It is a work of in terest, being filled with articles from montli to month-,' Well calculated to instruc the reader. The November number is now before us, and we ran say without fear, maintains its former well earned character for beauty of workmanship, ns well as be judgment displayed in the selection of its articles. reived, and fi usua a 1 1 ir'es To the ladies i work on account of I lie f TT The Union Magnxtn for this'monrh has been re- , with instructive and amusing is an almost indispensable ite of fashions which each No. remains James L. I)e (iiraw.,140 street. Asenr. N-.-w York. Tri 3 per annjum. S 1 cruised round on "the free soil territory and got up meetings, and preached uj) the Wil mot Proviso hoi and heavy ; and told ;em Ciiti eral C-as would go for it with all his might to the day of his death. Then j thought L "would et 'em on the hip in a way they roiildn': help giving me a rouinr hun t,Vo called out "three cheers for free soil and (Jiiietal Cass !'" Well. three cheers, come as qui. k and as true as Pad dys echo, for it was. Three cheers for free soil and Ciiin'ral Taor !" .' I' begun to think the only chance for us was to 1 1 y to' carry the South. So I wheeled about and turned about and jtimp'd Jim Ciow, in the .-lave .Stales. I loul 'em ll.ey m is' stir around and ee.-i (mjal (. ass or the. whole -slaveiy ot row nothing I'mmj the National' Intelligencer. MA.I. DOWNING DISCOU RA(iED. enclosed in a class case about three l' t long, which case was enclosed in a still larger case. In reaching the -valuables the robbers wen; compelled to break two panes of glass ; and. as it is probable the never sec any of them to b instrument they used was a hammer, it of them. Piinces! pooh!, put not your seems astonishing that the watchman did trust in politicianc rs ! Them's mv venti- not hear the noise which mu-t have been mes.ts. There's no two mediums about made hy the hammering. The keeper in- that. IIa,v'nt linen serving mv country lorms'us that the rohU-i - could not have like a patriot for this live yeais t: i j ir b hee'n'secieted within the building proviou.s rneetitigs; !a;zzaingmy day limb's on ..u,d to the time of closing, -whence we are getting blue as hhtzes ; hav'ut 1 biokm compelled to conclude, tht they must have windows, got licked iil'teen times, canied entered by means of fa-Is e keys. If such I don't know how many black eyes and was the case, then how is it that the broken noses for the good of the common watchmen, who pretend to have their sta- wealth, and the purity of legal rights and tions on the lirst Hour, did not see the rob- for what ? Why for 'nix j hers when they entered ? "If any good has come out of it. the Some of the articles just stolen ft om the country has put the whole in her pocket, same olliee only about five years ago ; swindled me out of m earnings. 1 can't bus':i;e; would be upset ; hut ifihey would only uut- u"ing to a bargain made by the Gov- get no ofiice. Republics are ungrateful ! xv officer. Ahnot tm elect him they might feel safe. Corhey had his Tnment with the robbers, they were all 1 don't want any rewaul for my services! v without manin" it. letters to show that he was m favor of uphold- restored. 1 only want to be took good care ol, and ing slavery all weathers, and nf earning it into We take from the Clipper the following have. nothing to do. Being taken good' every territory we coiml lay our hands on. particulars and surmises : cure ot was the mam thing. Republics 'Tr:"; Prh'afc R(lrt todays K. Polk, President of h a!I avvered .me very coolly, that they The articles above enumerated were is ungrateful, I'm sw, gg, d if they amt ! Sr.rtk-le, ire allot' ntiigl, ordcr-faf surpassing any America and his Vnl of Mexico and wonld ,,ao tll,JCn ralher tri.-t a straight forward Sou hadnl give tp one Tk i. nun Am Dear Colonel : I all over the lot for two or th .and.liglil. for our X inl and as t spose. you a t dow n and make mo i)i o r y sy tn pt ni us, comes, ju may be not feel so bad. A around the lot, s'orm and sometimes by tl Ithk" dtet appears nn " ' JrahaiuV," or-'"(iody' Lady's" The typography ol tbe.No. lefore is most ex- ; crllrnty'ieing in. wliiteness of paper and clearness -and j ! distinct ties td type, witli uiiy similar work publislied in the I'ni'etl Stales. UviiiUiean, Jaekmn, Term. j ' tloldtri Pnllnr Magazine is'lhe most interesting pro i!urtMn'f popular literature lhat'we know. The price. us its nntiie impitets-is but one dollar u year, am! we re- romiiifJ v' r liody lofubscribe for it. Adreilwrr, Lo- trrll..Vtif. , ' i 1 " We U-lieve there is no other pet iodical published in . America that contains so much choice reading matter, I m such fxcellenl engravings, loriso ht tie money." Star, JhtUHlnn. Jefas ... , x Qvrrthfe.e ihoijaaud five hundred similar notices have ken received; hut these suliice. IHeonjeci otitic, i .(iitcjr nasjieen to give a nree noi- ur M'lS'isine for our lird d ire, and a glance at Mold- j e-n'f illshow the resullf Now, tie onlyj asks llie support ; t:t'ie fonvinumty. uiM in return Win give improvements ; a they ire demanded ! i Sow is" the tune li-iidiscribe, ;is tbise fending first will te& ive the .'first impiisioim of the engravings Hf' No's. : can U' fiimi-lieil from July 1 H W, if w ished by whbscribers 1 lliiil month roriiirienciriK ihe itifviorr? vohmiei. ! . ' Tenn.J'ur Is 111 ( Ad rd uce ) i . I rpy ..One Year, $1 00 : copies, ,.' , " 4 00 i'D copies, " 15 00 ' Piemiutn .'-n'I'osliiia'Mers.or o''.- - - nn3 I.j ilollar. will reeeive Vol :! ! M ine, liand-otneiy bound in mtlnlui e;.'. , .-edged! Ad- I !res?, (pfttpaltb) 1 1'HAltLKS W. HOLDKN, 1 1 Hilt . i i....i V 1 " iw;i .vitKsiin or i ret,. . i . .' S." tMMorsopying the above prospectus and jhis Wiee,anJ noticing the .Magazine ediioriii'iy , will be en ta'llr J li the prond volume of Holden's Magazine Itand Wiurly txun I in nmslitt and gilt edged, and in addition a '-J.! i f i. iii ..i . .' . i . r it hp r u ii inn ipntriii f ir v ir on i-iit ii 13'iiiit. til CMirnrt' f.rrely, L.litorof jhe New York Tribune, drawn from make no lieaUway. lifcby Durleif, and engTaVed by Kiohnrdson. The book ( the nomination at Vili t willed to uch papers aboul die 15th of January, j yOU aM(J ,me, I -doiil n .twill be ready, on the rccepnon ol a paper ron- , IJuren ujw; , d()i tinning ihe dverusement aiKUnottce marReti. rn.ors , f . . . i ...... ..j .i i iii i J;..- n. I democrat. I think I 7 1 f UIIIJ rlliu IIIH it i it li m(finy, in i i- u ivvi.v t,i ' Mi27.ine eiich nvorith for the.comitig vear. in a douhle case. the. elass rf whieh I love, mv country, and 1 wanted an ntliee. a been President ot, the vholc of Mexico if he hm rnan' ;hal ,h,'' kn,,vv hai1 m ,ricks l,,0", had to be broken to reach them. For 1 didn't care what, so it was fat and easy. , ooo, ,.M,i ,o .ros. a o,,ne,n man win, so,,. ,;.ar o(-ma-ing a nois,. tjw; robbers first I wanted lo take care ol my country, and spread a piece; of pink blotting paper with I wanted my country !o take care of me, gum arabic, and pasted it to the outer Head work is the trade I'm for, talking. t-n-e f J.aih nn fthV t.oi-v hi, e uM. ail us a ftint an I di-'a eh roi lodeput. h ,t l! lui- touched his hfu!J r. " Will vuu n t have a jr-;.i: . Yes!' cried lh Fwii-;;.,:; nu.-t have a piarJ !"" ile hurritj a way, ht'ca;: I. to in t'i the sheritr e e. Lile in the) tec' tid n'ht sq ;adro:i of dragos rlaUrK .I in King treit, and then ; ; r stantly left the hullding an i i Imr-e iit ihe very nud.lN i f -word wa p..Un ; allUnrwiv -wept lapidly f.irwarJ at a ! their tVl'-r. And io oi,e :k. Two hours ipi'o k li.ling to. the rentie i.f a foret, wh -e ; -hul miI the feeble Jiglit of a which lililieito dnnvii i!,. This ni"laiir!oly !aiLnes. f,; siijK'isriti.iii feelings of the :. g-:!.i r with a mysterious J! .' .-nil air. il-iireid even t! .r :iri' he l!.. whi-pered lo the I'orrnjin. How awful this i jj!en u', the : rrs t" " " That i n wind r tu er said th-- Foreman briefly. wave under the cli!l.f Cri 1 ;. lialf of it. Wires, Oct. 31. 1848 ve been tl;al !" ! thern prinrirdes ; and they leckoned, on tin , ' h'le, ihey shimld g. for (jiueru Pay or. A stumping il round ! , ', , . . , .. J . . , i 1 a last chance I thought I would try to rouse, 'er ice months, tioht " -mo i c i ' riean friend (Mineral Cas- e very anxious and uneav to know how it's cm ling out I thought I. would out a private report and f th send il on to you, giving you some of the pre. so that when the aiterdap ji liltle prepared for if, and I said afioe, I've been all times hv Ihe steamboats. e railroads, and sometimes by the telegraph, anjd when there was no other way to-go, 1 looted it. And I'm -satisfied the i' - ii.. use in mv ' i vi'til Ibii ha iiii it's wax all thiow. ei sure w shall get som e 1 be hanged if can te i li is un wil ti us aiu any longer and M r. ed away too. T'm of ihe States, but 1 'ing X.H) names ( half a dozen at leas .(.on, s .v.agri- enough if it wasif t stands pe-kily inth stood in the way oft As fr Mr. Van lu em up in old Pennsylvania. So I went to 'em and tnld 'em iheir coal and iron was in. danger and the only way lor Vm to save it was to elect (iineral Cas, who would protect it, he was as good a tat iff man as Henry Olay. At that, every one oi 'em Quakers, and (ieiinaus, and Dutchmen, and all put their lingers again the lb.''t'i mv lino T-i 1 L' i i r i n r I . r glass ; men wiin a Kniie, or piercer, tne glass was broken by prjingit aroutul the edges. The fragments adhered to the pa per, and were thus silently removed. It is evident that an effort was made to slide back a portion of the outer case to gain access to the treasure ; hut being uncess- a. I iui, me inner muss wa HKewiso oroKen. taritTlast lime, but wi didn't save, our coal and ' Thegold snufF box was fastened in such iron by it ; so we have made up our minds to " a manner that its removal would pull a try an honest man this time we are going for u-jIV, am cause an alarm of a b. 11, the iifiiarv ;iv id-. i : k iit i .i ii ' .... ... i i i i i i i , o r no fiiiit n ito. rri i xir" . r rw , , . .o,o uouo. m - jrom o:w ot-our puliscribers the room ; but, as there were no watchmen side of iheir nose and said. " Friend, we tried oyster eel ler. in th; bar-room, any where. I can talk all day. only slopping tor meals, and wet my whistle. Rut parties is all alike. I've been on all sides, tried 'em, and 1 know none of them gave me any thins, and I've a great mind to knock oti. and call it a half a day."-. C. iil. LARD LAMPS. We extract th following from a h tt r A narrow tream of fire. ., .-wilt sji-ik!es, ian into ihe t . .' their h'-tM's IjiMiuf. A .it't . winks iu-tant!y exjd .!rd. R from t'.ieir, h!s2i:.g p.!.--, whirling shower i:f Ppilk. x b. I:ied and leaped along th p vi:h a sudileii terror, the l, r- ma:iage.ib! and broke froza t' sere ofdark, half nned m-n i:-.g about in tli .mtlercd tr . i w is restoied, the I'ore:mn ! f euvl riderless. The officer i order to :!: - nc. ile self ihe tr.u:,!e. nii-h which ones. There aint a single State that I should dare to bet ujpun alone, hut till in the hmyp I -h t.i'Lin"1 em uld -till .-tick out -ironfffor I see where all the dif s day. You mav depend lictihy is as plain upon it we shotflcu elect (iineral Cass easy or Giueral Taylor; hut he e way, jest as much as he le Mexicans at Bony Vista, en if he stood agin us alone we should ireiul hiin all to atoms : he couldn't' t all especially after we got Baltimore. Just between t ihink much of Mr. Van believe now he ever was a the lime .ing believe now. -I By this time I was convinced that the game was u). and it wus no u-e to tinnp it any lon ger. We've got into the current where we can't help ourselves and are going down over the palls d Niagaia as fast as we can go and I hope yon and all the rest of paity will be as calm and composed and considerate as the Indian-was thai went down over them awful fills a great many years ngf. He tugged and pnih ed his canoe against the current with ail his might till he found there was no c!ui;e left, and then he laid down his paddle, aixf took up his bottle of mm, and -sot down quietly in ihe bottom of the canoe, and lippeilthe hot lie to his mouth and sol and di inked, aiid took the good of it, till lie pitched head oXer heels down the falls, and went out of sight forever. Now, my last advice-"io you, dear Colonel and The Foreman heard the there, no good purpose was attained by the arrangement. The robbers (it is sup posed there wen two) went out at a win dow, about twenty feet above the land rng. A thick gimbb-t was found sticking in the frame, to which the end of a rope was sustained. On the sill a bottle of gum arabic was discovered, and a colt, made of rope, with a place lor the hand, and heavy ends of lead. , 'Phis was the means ol' defence a silent-instrument of death." I have tried several kinds lamps, but have ue cr been very well sat- ishVd with them. 1 took a common glass lamp, enlarged ihe vent hole and made another one or. ,( io jtf then as i a large i tool; apiece o! v. ;ie a- luge knitting needle ben! up like the letter LT. and put the ends of the wire through the hob in the top of the lamp (each side of the wiek) so as to reach the bot tom of the lamp and come up about l an of lard I-" irug! for relea ! A strong graj was upon e- h i'sremorselfsiljolj.thoeghll.e ; ed with toiture as his was di.i briers and thorns it) that ht. :; oven when the sound of pr . hind thern, they did not !ir !. ;. i lie ir revenge was t;relet a- I increased the sound idTthe d r the cliff of Creej u D.d.:'.. til an :dai yawned fieneatli t1 i inctt al ove tl It THE BEST DOG POWER. 1 We saw a few days since at the Cabi n t shop of Mr. Joseph Peekover, in this to all our lVieuds apt! especially to dear old Mr. city, a most excellent application of dog Richie is, to seLoovvn quiet and composed in power to the propulsion of machinery, I fie bow of tl ie i i 1 I t r fti ri rt A i- Iwi I 1 iM'.-k II .n. ..v.. ,, IjlllUC W.ll'-XV ll I I. f, l,,,.( ..f 1 o,ift ....,....,, U ...... I , I I . . I .. ' I. I' !. ... .! ' l' I t ' and 1 U Met two -to one he s on hi mab- .. .... . . ' . , wish the old (Jineral, dear Head nod roue runlil tie here r- - ...... .. - . . . . ...... i i . . . i. . ., . .11 : . . I r - l :.. I iiuiiii nun wi ci. iiiitcr i .y i S O CT' iTl I IT I f I bring hi hi into the traces I i ' e ro" crib, and dfhk away at the bottle of the sub. treasurytill the 4th of March when wo shall all pitch i ver the lulls together, drinking our pnonn, fin vrturnii i 1 i T ""i- ClAll!. UP iUll Hi LiVIiULlA, Old Hickory, i hat's ' UOWAX COLWTV. ;- . ,n now to have the In la rniiRv-Snrin- Term. . D.. 1848V whih. ; '.le didn't '.. . " ... -.,ii!li.'l nii.' i. it ill. WtLm 'Al. arid James ( livens, infants bv their Cuard- ' But as I said albrje 'Gineal Taylor is pesliUy ix t,....l. "V nntiinui I" 1 1 . 1 1 i h k'onnoil v lnhii t in llie ivnv nil iivi'rilip foonti'V ' Pi r.;t T ibfyftirb' Krnnejy,.-: ; ilell and wife, Mary C .siste'r of John 1 would figure round) in some of lire ?lropVVhi Secret of Living Easy. An Italian ..r.i i i i 1 i i- i.. i i.: " I - .' . r i.: i i . ... t .1 .1 L ... w r.nzaiHMU ivenneuy. .vancy .u. ivem.eoy umi m r ()is,k.t!i r ,j)iuks fiatnand, and Uooert Kennedy, an intant. I remain vour dear friend, M A J OR JACK DOWNING. k lkft1 frstnf f ii i c tliura rl Will lii nell v i m-4 I I illO .i "MU JIWlll Dfl I IV -1 .v- 11 p ptaring to ie satistuction ot tne iourt. tnai ine ., , i .... . , . ,,. . . . n ft. l i . . i" i..Q.- a 't" banket lor llie Whigs tiiat they 11 give it Defends ntsare inhabitants id another Mate . It isoi- 1 ?' l 'kredlhatpuWirntiori be made for six sueress1Ve weeks np. Weill Cilbetj a ; palriKJ meeting Without b the Carolina Watchmaa, that said defendants appear distinction of. party j; anyd T put it tf 'em strong t tlie next Courta)! f.uitys to t.Miei,i lor tne vounty oi j,,r TJaiS al,, the JpiiistiluUon, and Caiilorny forever. Thevfill listened and every little if I can make r1nends hishop, , having struggled through great , Piwnn.on the 8lh Monday after ihe -Ith Monday in Sep- ti-juber, ltiH.and answer the petitmn of plaintiffs, or jadgment pro confesso, will by re nderiHi gainst them and the petition be set fur bearing expartr, as to them. . ! , A. II CALDWpLL.C. M. Ib f.tiO rrintrrs fee 3 t52j. V V V JMVo DAVIE COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, 1 August Term, I 48. litrrbara Hunter and others, I' ll I lit Petition for sale of ' . . 'r. ' Ulaxe. Crafoa, p. Hanter and others. ) 3T' apiH-'Ofing; to tUn, nausfucuoin of die Court thai Draxton p. fliinier, llenjanio Uikerand wife flan h, Pavid Jones and wife llliza. and Nnthan Jones and Wife Sarah, Defendants in this case, nre inhabitants of Bother Slater j II i therefore ordered Ity Court, that publication be-iilade for sijc werks in the Carolina Waich- difiiculties without complaining, and met with much opposition in thelischarge of his functions, without ever betraying the least impatience, an intimate friend of his, who highly admired those virtues, which he considered it impossible to imitate, one day asked the prelate if he could tell him the secret of being always at ease. "Yes," replied the old man, I can teach you my secret, and will do so very readily. It consists in nothing more than in making great use of my eyes." His friend begged him to explain. " Most willingly" said the bishop. "In whatevrr state I am, I Ch .Ipmlepee. It lVok me right oll my feet. I nrst Ot all tooK up in uenv.en. anu iniinie. see ai once ihe hatile was all ajiu us there, and her that my principal business here, is to while some tfiWw iitr Inn ra'd ami clapped ; and thinks Irhe tide isj turning. I'm going to carry this place all holler! Nv'higs and all. But when I. g)tfth rough, aij o and says he " Thi lor." Thunder an roar set me down f haint hi-atd nothiu d rusty faced farmer, away and construction could be used to advan tage wherever a small power is wanted, ir consists of a latge wooden drum 11 feet diameter and .15 inches wide, the axle of the drum turning on friction' wheels in or der lo lessen the friction. The dog was placed inside the drum turning it by hi- weight in the same manner that a squir rel turns a wheel. By the power thus pruduced Mr. Peekover drives two up right saws lor curves, one small circular saw and two turning lathes for wood, but not all at once. He employs two Newfoundland dogs, for this woi k and has trained them for it admirably. 1'y a word from his master the dog leaps from his kennel in the yard, runs down into the cellar and iumps into the wheel. Alter top of the wick w hei e w ire will be in t he b! ize of th; lamp. This -eps the bird mel ted neatly to the 'bo:om of the lamp and burns finely, aiid all the extra cost of ihe lamp is merely lor the win. Iron wire would answer the purpose but it is not so good a conductor of heat as copper. If this is new or wotth pub lishing, your subscribers are welcome to it. The lard should be partially uu-lied at least when the lamp is lir.-t lighted, or it may not but n," Yours trulv. L. F. M. Alhton. X. V. NEW LUBRICATING OIL. T I.I- .1 I I K. l;)HOR. 1 ihko i;;c uoeriv to i'orennn looked down tip. a tl. of I he s,. . Thev t.x,rd hint down o i n i and he did n-U ntlempt to rix,. .0 a iiltle iiil;iuer. from him. ped out liotii Uieir. nu'ni'er, r. r. termiued vu-e,.to!J the Iu ; die. Yo rliavc takti the 1' .: h md .-h.ili o in the sea. ihe peij ll 'fl W:d, illi'f you '. idl our hlack-lovgne s:i I. To :ii'.ri,ov. a 1n Iii-!ini".n r and 'M -hill creep before !. V are, Ili body ranrr.t 1; .in ! ui'ir carea-- t'.iall ! " I' the air, u'Uil it drops' a. 1 n h ling cra'. LM.k d r.v.i au Duigh. The uaters be! j- back in one come rl got up and looked round, ree cheers for Zachary Tay- .1k. KnnoR. I take the Itoerty to in form you that a have discovered a;ul nlied for letters patent for a nf.v 'for Lubricating lachinery. whicli i- far superior to any thing heretofore ti-ed. and I am manufacturing it at pi--enf. In all the" tests thai have been m i h- on Railroads and all kinds of machinery -a has been found to last in many a. and f!!e;iiire!ri a. the ap-Oil Y-u ciutiot lh lo prepue :-t d. .. am! .ti 1 t a in lie quietly thouiihi i better i sinwke ol it a-s "fast rather bad abouL il had made up their a I camion ! if there wasn't r a liar. Why. Colonel, I Hike it since the storming of lake my escape under the get there' ; 1 then look down upon the as possible.- At first I felt earth and call to mind the space I shall ; and then agin I thought I shortly occupy in it; I then look abroad ought to have expe led it, for I know the Whigs jn0 ,H world, and observe what multi had voted i hat General. Tayioi was a Whig and tudes there are, w ho, in all respects, have minds io go I..I him. So I mnr r.,,4t. to be imhannv that, myself. Thus I learn where true happiness is laborious for the dog and producing less pow er. By Mr. Peckover's plan the dogs are not fastened anif "Sjm delighted at the privilege of turniftgf -f:he' drum. At a very trifling cost any farmer can employ his dogs at churning, winnowing, pump ing water, turning the grind stone, Aze. Sci. American. HYDROPHOBIA. A cure for hydrophobia has been tried inaii.'printed iui Salisbury, that they .be an J appear be- ' streaked it off for a! st long Democratic district tore the Jusiicea of our next Court ol t leas and (Juar for 1 tV,und our main dependence must be among , ii ..,,.' ;;,11;t ,,,1 . rSes.oastoWKeld fir ,he County of Davie at the m,r uWj ;f fi , caet, a ma ' ' . hnw verv Ihl le $ve -lo V7- Court House iii Mocksville on the 4th Monday in No- . .. . I. . r , and llOW er little leasotl 1 Ifae to re- t next, and then and there plead, answer, or de- "H? Hhout distincj.on of parly.f.H. I was sure Wm: murtqtha Uintiflift-iiiiion,or the same will be taken we should get up slich a rpar lor Cass that the fro eon fe99 and heard, ex par tee as to the in. Whi,rs would le iljutnbfounded, and he pretty 1 'Wiukm. Caswell Harbin, t'lerk of our said Court at LL-.-lT i.. fill in with ns. Well, how do vou It is kasY TO mistake. Did you ever make Office, the 4lhMndny in August A. D...181S.. : t,.Ji il ,.k ...ijL-e ? onee in vour life at least? Then lv.,nl.-imrtun rimiru tliiu dnrr iV.f.av.( bv t('tl tltTieS ftS l()D2 ,'IS the tjest SMeirM Oil. Ihe other, and so alternately through 'the and lean and do sell it about half th.-co-r day. We noticed in our paper a few of the oil now us-.1. They are u-ing i' weeks since the dog power which was on all the Printing Pie--es in this city, exhibited at the Fair in this-cifv. In that 'nd is preferred to any oil they ever used, case the dog was fastened by the neck to Knowing that you an plea . I to hear a circular platform and m vde to work it of any new discovery, and as I con-ider around, the operation bfing much more your valuable paper the hgan of Inven tors. 1 have veiitui ii to intorm you ol it. and if you wish a few gallons to try. on our Press send me word and I will -j-:rl it by Express. Yours very respectfully. 1. S. Dr.t;v. Heading Pit.. O A. 27 ih. 18 IS. We should he glad torecrivc men. Ed. Hci. Am. SUPERIOR COURT. The Fall Term of the Superior court speci" The !',ireniiu ua u .t a trembled iu the court w!.e.i down by the revrngefd !. !. men, but now that dah-'" him. be only L-t No ! fiooted th i.'.her -hail r:ot f Yn h.t!j di- ft : to-e vou will Know b;: we li.oe d-'vi-fd fir i;i. V. vo or bi i.o (Jiop i tiff i : :. " Ii- tr.i ineirifi!. an:l o v. f -.. n i -er i!i ii long f par ? T;. at ihi- ud. O.itf of ihera .-!. tound iir nek ; l!.e sect :. 1 other end. and fcli4- '-K,r!y length of ihe Mick. Your ! . behind yotir bark, jnu !.!; Iiru-i out with the; par. If en i" it life, cling lo b ' :, gx as !oog n.0 lb i I gt iv - Do o. and pndong your ! :. lOMf-r him, rros l.i ferl in the -p.r out and uiiy Goi ' A tui'l!.'' , Ti.ey did to and at d r liiif.t w iud arorr ajd s u .g i ff"' i ,. t i iv it ii c c -.Mint? mxf Itiiwu'nr r-: lii.'l ffo ill 1 L l!lkfie I ' lb.' i e-f;,., I, llKllirfft - ; - t .. Willi uuiliwiric BULtrsi w oi. nnuri, in v. . - - . .. .. . ,. SPU 23.Mi-2l:6t-rrMler fee, $5 50 Cass-.old 'em what a great statesman and for the sake ot mercy na cnaiuy. "V New York, Pa., in consultation with Drs. inth.s town last week. Judge Pearson on nir ,,,n,jr,; ..a,!.:, ' ' great warrior he wUs, and how he had prove.l , mm has been shunned and despised by tho-c , he bench. The criminal docket engaged, b'.unued ujr a if r.TT ,ht' Y" l" WlUV Hl1 Wh n makt" b,S a.Ua,U!SU,Ce;.beCa"!ie v c le vVa ol K the attentien of the Court for the wee!:, to fh. hey ,.te ttdl fV Ii A I 1 ir TlrTT7D 17 KM lllS i i ... i . i i .! i i. i... i i Kurt t.eir,? siranire stories resiectin; him iwrie rars oi n8e, y as omen oy a ui.i i p i i , r i..inu IV u m X Ult lauiliUiiw Hiio now ue-iio anneu no: w-n ..j o. e n - - - .Win Anrif Svmntnrno of hvrlrnnhobia the entire eXC USIon o L.IVH r)!isines. " , 0 k.v hi. sword it. a paion ; anore than all that ' when after all they m.stook the man, ,r some, dog in April, fey mptomso hydrophoO a in one wlired fo Lm f-how : ,s ; . Jmt KoccUcq, Sinc the nomination aKJaltimorei he was he body else had who reported the . ale.. Men are appeared on the StU pf October, ins.ant. "C Dsl y-, h l.n,b, -1 ?C0tNTilY rUOlirCK of all kinds, taken in k greatest Democrat in the conn, And now, apt to mistake-very apt indeed Sometimes The doctors ordered him to take two grams Sidbnry . tor lemur. 1 J' . h,d ,he f.ver? .How Still b 1 i Tyn.,ra for work done by g v8 , my friends, three cheers for Cass, Con- i they think they see evils where there really are Dover s powder every lour hours to drink shooting in thi cot nt . ,n S 1 lie w a wotJtJ ut h(. d;e. g i: C Vn T PATTT -n smut ion and CalifW Well, they gin three ! none sometimes their prejuvlices carry away ; freely rubbed with equal parts of Gran- acquitted. He fled from tae fe.ate soua .i:.,. r cried iheir c'..: ly KJlV. A. UUULiD, tj ii.i ikr. Lh I th.,crKt iho, n'ail ws ! their reason and sometimes men looks., much villes lotion and olive oil. Under this after the murder was cornmittcd. ano was u truii...-.!;. TAILOR. i Sicily D Ise aoU Tallow Caadles. I 1 VST frrxhti a large supply of fine Tallow CAN i? A'.no. ju excehem article of Sicily Ma. 4i Ji or While Cooking WINE. mnnufaciured forcnok- pirpoeaexf)ressty. BROWN x JAMES: iiliiburjr, Oct. 12, 164S. 25 well drove and cletliehed. Then a blacksmith. with-a smuttirDos and a leathern apron" on. t . . i. . A.':.. . f . .IJ I gets lip and SingS HHI, - nine ci.prrB oiu j Roiigh and Ready " Aurn.y jingo h went iiKe a hurrican full tujice as;1oud aiid three times as many as dho chers for Cass. I had a good mind to cut and rub andgive it all up; hut at 1 last r plucked wp cburage and faced the storm, ( I calted oht to ' the Wackmtthr and says V mj III., niliiir mn that thf real sinner escanes and U Kiif littlf vav linn) onlv JirrfStC a ffVA IDOHtliS JllTt). whilst another has U bear his uiiqutty. How much i jie commenced in ten hoursto show sy mp- on a visit here. Abraham, a slrfve, for need have we of Chi isiian charity one towards ; tnmJ of amendment and has been cradu- killing Sum Walluc also a slave. He another! Who will repeat a bad story, evcn aHy improving. Ho took eighty grains was convicted of Manslaughter, and tcn ) interval ii kilence, d-jw 1 i ifitbetnie? U hat good will it do ? And j . ftfa Hrticlewithout prodachig any oth- tence to he branded in the hand. Robert! T : I I 1.1 ! :..L nnr 99 J - . . .. . I. . woai u j.m smiuiu -mu, ' ther sensible effect upon his system than a slave, ior robbing Smith a wane man i Crazy. A paper ha b son-uow wou.u youicc. , . iu.,.,.u r1 .w , frannuil:2:ne.the snasms and woducins ion the highway, lie was nquitted. iu pray you have real cbanty one toward tne , fc J ep 1 - ITi. Chnn. other, s - 1 Ai he fp'ike. the feft l and lL swung ' - Corae, bi-y," said b ating fv-r it motto J) . . lion," -

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