a i A! 'irij - '. t- I- . '. I; Tcrttv of the Watchman. c , -Manser! pdon, per ycnr.Two Dollars payable m v:vijca3' ' i(foX Paid in.odvance, TwodotJar .ivJ iUty c(f. jU b charge J. ' - ! ' . A'vKBTii-Enwrvd at 1 for the first;and5cts. fi.r each ubaeqaentUnsertiori. Court orders charged 2jjer ictJ hbjhec hon these rates. A lSbel dedae tioa 4 th0! hp advertise by tVyesr. - LirHa he KditOn must be post paid. . TlTfT T7C AIT 1? Xr'-li h i A I I . 1 IJLWXiJLJOlVX-rfJL W V; " , -T ----- BRUNER & JAMES, Editors 4- Proprietors. is ,EEP A CHECK UPON ALL YOtTR RCLERS. Do THIS, AXD LlBEKTY IS SirE." Gn'l. Harrifn. NEW ! SERIES, . VOLV.ME V, NUMBER 43. COrONLiLyrinSTORY NORTH CAROLINA. ' Got. AVriiht; To the Sec. of State No 51. IVT JS1UTUV I H s ' . . f licmicals, I)o-Stufls and Perfomcry. j : . . rflfllubrr!irrs now receives at then Drug J, ire, corner of lite Mansion Hotel, the largest and br(1;ed aortinenl oi . DWir' Chemicals, Paints, Oils, and ; f 4 VrcSiufs, fet tfo'ls.',t to Uv'm market. We particalarly invite iheitle'riiien of I'hysicinns, Druggist, and Merchahtstoi o'orVtox-tk , whic-h We pledge to rll at lower rates; than ,ny otW ' establishment in Western North Carolina. With t"' Vsurancii again that our prices and terms shall nl""" iWe reiirn our wncere thanks to the public for I T V'Vir itrf liborn 5 patronage heretofore extended to us. j7MP T Preen I't of a" few of the articles compria ' mj o jr,!fk i pulverised Ipecac, RhVi, Jalap, Cylum ut -"S'llll. '(aHdofcje,.Opium, Arrow Root, Penrl Uarley, NEW GOODS ! ftr' J vnio. ,iu., Dupn. quinine, ouipa. MorjiJlif; , A ci l Piperirie, Halncine, Red Lead Ve (ift:iirt Kfd, pattih Urowp, White Lead, Rlack do., L anJ TriU jOtl, Logwood Copperas, Indigo, lt,f ! ! I ' , I ' ' ilarge? sKdrtment of 'Fhop Furniture. '! l'rrkrbtions fdrni4ied at all hours.. Orders from'a fjl4taiil punctually attended to , I 1 i f uuUWiN & JAMES. Salisbury Julj C, 18 IS 10 -. j. I . I ' if'H' ' - " ' 1 ' " ' ' i;i-oudiyiuu--.)ii;ut; my. T II H ninth' -wiaion of this institution will commence, ia(ihe'iWd anuary,.at which time; if parent and i'iarda4s will eiier their children and wards, theyj will le tliWilifuliyxtlcived, afld every exertion made on the hiirt ohrie'teaehA to advance them in their studies i and icl4 fatch( will be kept over their morals and general i r i--:L '.. ..r :.. , Restii(t2. Writing and Arithmetic, '5 ; Knglish Gram- L.f.rtejtgraphy 4nd Arifhtnetic, ; PhiIoophy,lhe- arjC, MiZiOOi ysiro(iony, ?ju ; uann, yrren anu na rtiwei Maibmaiics, 1.3 50. ! lSfd caa be oibtaineI in Hie best lamiltes lor jg l and &5 pirinonth!. All will be held responsible for their tu- ' ition,(whethef prfsent or absent; from the time of enter In it the elvarid no deduction will be made except in -! ; all and Winter Fashions NEW GOODS! The largest and best selection yet!, and Cheaper than ever. j BROWN & ELLIOTT T ESPECTFULLY inform the public that they are JLti receiving from NewiYork and Philadelphia, their & ail oupjj vt i ' i - FRENCH, ENGLISH & AMERICAN i i N. C., THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 181-9. BOGER & WILSON KEEP constantly on hand anexten sive assortment of ? WATCHES, CLOCKS, Jeyelry, Silverware, Cutlery, Musical Instruments, Revolving Pistols, Perfumery, Soaps, and Fancy Articles of every descrip- tiSn. v jlPersons wishing to purchase articles in the above line, wll do well to call and examine their fine selection, one door above: J. &. W. Murphy's store. H Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry repaired in the best rrianner, and warranted for twelve months. ILepine and plain Watches altered to Patent -Levers, and warranted to perform well. Salisbury, July 20, 1848 i tf 12 L. VAN EATON j " 5t3Cpd of the latest and Newest Styles, which have been Selec ted with great care, and bought at the very lowest cash prices. Amng their "Stock may be found J ; For Ladies Wear, f Beautiful silkLus(res, Mode Cashmeres, -Colored do. Satin striped do., satin striped Mous. De Lanes, Plain and black do., Silk and worsted Lustres, satin fstriped Lheni Alpaca, Mode 1 hibet Cashmere, satin striped do. black Paramatta, ilack Merinos and Alpacas, Oregon Plaids, Ginghams, r rench do., Shawls, Gloves, Ribbons Collars, Linen Cambric Hand'fTs, Revie're do., Plumes Donnet sUks, Velvets, IJonnels and Hosiery. f For CJeiitlemeii's Wear, j - French Black, brown and olive Cloths, French! Cassi meres,(fig'd) Uoeskin do., Fancy do., Wool Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, Kerseys, bro. and bl'd drills, domestics, Whitney hlankets, fig'd satin Vestings, cut Velvet do., fig'd silk do., plain satin do., worsted do., HATS & CAPS. BOOTS & SHOES, BESIDES A GENERAL STOCK OF Hardware & Cutlery, Groceries, Crock- cry, &c, &c - - - Those wishing to buy Goods, would 4o well to call, as we feel satisfied we can offer inducements to purcha ser., by selling cheap tor Cash. s Salisbury, October 5, 1848. U 22 CHEAP FOR CASH. V V, KA IMI. Ill VUI, aiaucaoa- tM hhi rfeiived. fat his old stand,) from New YorkllilieLlwr'iii nnd Europran Fashions, tor the it' II ft! VV'iiitcrjlf 'If and 4I), nrd will continue' jto re- efijehkem qmrit riy. . -lie is prepared to execute an or- i-MjnJhis.liiM-ol the trade, in a lusdiionable and work- msnl ike inanhH. at the shortest notice. J roni his long fxpeMncc irt the "oft of cutting and making garments, k'feflft confident-that he can give satisfaction !o his HiieKieiiuMy returns his thanks to- his friends and iJti!ic for'tlir liberal support tendered him hereto fore ind will endeavor hy'increased efforts to please his fuiipairrsto merit a continuance of their lavors. I i' y HORACE II. BEARD. Nt p. Alt kinds of country produce taken at the mar Vt Irlceii for" work. l;MW:Afil.ai125l48. tf47 of vol.4 WILLIAM J . PLUMMER SADDLER AXD nARSESS MALES, Til AKES pleasure in returning his' JL thanks to all those who have i . c c l l; .l .t neretoiore lavoreu mm wim metr custom. He xrusts and belieyes thai he has given very general, if iot uni versal satisfaction ; and as he Js for the past, so shall he continue to feel grate ful to all who may patroqize his shop. i He would inform the public that he has lately receiv ed some very tine northern materials, and is now better pfepared to do Saddle and Harness work than? ever. His prices are not extravagant, but his work isigood. He occupies his usual stand, opposite to the store of Bo- ger & Maxwell, and is ever ready to obey orders in the line of business to which he belongs. He keeps on hand ajgood stock of saddles, bridles, martingales,! harness occ. tor sale, and can most generally, furnish instanter 8ucn articles as are required ot him. Salisbury, June 1, 1848 Jtf f .(CECL r Saddle , Harness and Think From the French of Lama nine REMEMBRANCE. In vain in vain, day follows day. They glide without a mark away But nought shall from my soul remove Thy memory, latest dream of love. I see my rapid years gone by Behind me heaped as mountains high E'en as the Oak in Autumn time, Sees fall the foilage of his-$rime. The frost of age is on my brow. My chilly blood will scarcely flow Like this dark wave o'er which has passed The cold breath of the wintry blast. But thy serene and ybuthful face, ' Which sorrow only comes to grace, 1 'Still lovely in my heart I bold, For, like the soul, it ne'er grows old. No thou hast never left mine eye, My lonely path thou still art nigh And when I ceased to see thee here, I saw thee in a brighter sphere. There I behold thee such agstin As on that last dread day of pain, When to thy blest abode away Thou fleddest with the morning's ray. Thy pure and touching loveliness . In Heaven's sweet air shines none the less, And eyes where life had ceased to be Are bright with immortality. It is thy hand which dries my tears, And calms my spirit's anxious fears ; Thy voice doth whisper in mine ear " Pray thou in secret, God will hear." And e'en in sleep thou dost attend, The guardian angel of thy friend ; ' For all my dreams ar filled with thee, Pure as the thoughts of Seraphs be. 8. P. O. W ' Georgia, VroI. 2.3 ' Sar. Georgia, 20 Jane, 1775. My Lord : The Liberty People bare now got another pretence for raising men. Thejr ert that Mr. Stuart, the Superintendant, has been endearoring to raise the Cherokee Indians to come down against them this they hare got undoubted proof of, and all he can say will not convince them to the contrary; his friends in Charlestown gave him a hint, and he left that and came hre, but they sent some of their par. ty here, who bare so inflamed and enraged oar people that he did not think hirmelf safe, and His Majesty's armed Schooner St. ohtthaving put in from Providence, he when on board her and I suppose by -this time, is sailed for SU Au gustine ; and several boats full of men fromlbo Carolina side hare been down" at our inlet. some days. The accounts differ as to number to earn by the sweat of their brows ! What say you, tax-payers, are you willing to pay a thousand dollars to enable the grog-seller to make two red cents ? ASHAMED OF HIS BUSINESS. Why is the liquor seller ashamed of his bu siness ? Whv'does he carrv it on in secret T T a Am I It at f i . I Art fl t t I hy have nis casks containing the miasma of( some ca" ,aem ou oineis cu, an wen anu corn death come to him labelled, beef, or pork, in- J Ple,e,J" armed. Some alledge their intention stead of their appropriate designation ? Why ! was to seize on 'r- s,UAr, which very proba crowd it into the back room or down cellcr i wa' Part of their errand ; but I believe they away frpm the gaze of the respectable and mo. j have another point in view, ajid that is three ral ? Honesty is not afraid of the light she vessels '"e? expected here from London, and covets it it is her element. Is hebonest t ' a considerable quantity of gunpowder being on then why not own the works of his hands ? I board for lho ,ndian Trade, they intend to seize Dr. Jewett fitly remarked in one of his scathin" on ,hat and carr U to Carolina; and this is lectures to rumsellers : " Every other workman certainly in their power to do, and il is not feels a kind of honest pride in his successful Possible o prevent it, if attempted. And one of efforts to produce some striking specimen of ,hese vessels arrived here on Saturday the 8th, nis art; nut let a man be found drunk in the val,a,,' , nuonm momai sc. street, in the neighborhood of some half dozen ' vcral boa,s oli a I,ulc way Hlotn h,m' and grog-shops, and let the inquiry be made of that ono w,,h a or 4 me came on board and these priests of Bacchus, who made him what on0 of,hem intr,ired whether he had any gwn he is seen to be ? and they will every one deny j POWQr board, and on showing bis cockcts that they had any participation in the affair i and lheir filldinS he had none, they behaved he didn't get bis rum here," goes the whole ver cmn ana wen' awaJ oul maoe great in round. Fountain. THE WINE.CUP AND ITS EFFECTS. We were informed yesterday of a melan choly affair by which a young lady will proba bly lose her life The facts, as related to us, are as follows : quiry after another ship, one Maitland, who has a large quantity of gunpowder on board, and it is said they intend to watch our inlet tilVthe others come, and to take out all the gunpowder. f And if that is the case, I am much afraid it will embarrass us with the Indians, for they have for some time been very impatient for their usual supplies, and in order to pacify them I have' told them that the difference we had with them, last prevented the merchants from BSAKUPAOTORY ! MAIN STREET, SALISBURY, One Door below the Post Office. .4 Speed the Plough, d ve 1 ' -V1-' litk'subscribcr would inform the citizens of tW Country tft general, that he is cngagetf in (Tva jnanufctlire of the cQlebrated Davis, Last matii fttid livjins.Cheno.wethdoubks pointed and itjcfhill Piotighs,-which cannot be surpassed for'case of draught or beauty of work." Those' wishing ploughs cati be supplied at any of the following places, viz: Mocksville, Salisbury, .Concord and "Charloote, or at' any other point, , Hbfre a Ioad;Can be sold. . It .i .. j; J. H. I 1IO MIS UN. . Tvro. Davidson co. N. C ) n . j , Aug. 10, 1.H18. S vjMedicines, Medicines. E are receivina'at Dr. C. B. Wheeler's 1 old stand the lurtrst and best stock of j MEDICINES, INSTRUMENTS, HARRIS & CRUMP ARE now receiving from New York and Philadel phia, a large and splendid tock of S FAXiZi &ND WINTER UOODS, S which they, are determined-to sell as low as any house in this part of North Carolina-, consisting of all kinds of ladies and gentlemen's dress, goods, of the latest arid- newest styles, which have been selected with great care, i and bought at the! very lowest cash prices. For Ladies Wear. Beautiful silk Lustres, , Mode Cashmeres, colored do., satin striped do., Mouseline de Lanes, silk and worsted Lustres, Cheni Aipaccas, bl'k and col'd Merinos, plaid Ginghams, French do.,-Shawls, Gloves, Ribbons, fine Collars, Linen Cambric Iland'fia, Bonnet silk,; Velvets, Bonnets ad Hosiery. ' " : j For Gentlemen's Wear. Black French and English Cloths, French Cassimeres fig'd do., fancy do., wool Tweed, Kentucky Janes, Ker seys, fig'd satin Vesting, cut velvet do., plain satin do.: t ,i i... i i ui..i.'.i rv.;ii., f nuu wuisicu uu. viu, uruw 11 uiiu uicak.ii u uinia, uvt mestics, Whitney Blankets, , j Hats & Caps, Boots & Shoes, besides a general stock of Hardwareiand Cntlery, Groceries, Crockery, &c. Those wishing to buy goods, we respectfully invite their attentioTf to the above stock, as we are determined not to be outsold by any. Wood Grove, Rowan Co., Oct. 26, 1848. Ty25 HE subscriber, having established himself in the Town of Salisbury, for the purpose of carrying on tle above business, respecttully solicits a share! of public patronage. He pledges himself, that his workf shall kal- I ways be done in the very best style, and his prifces to suit rte times. j He will keep constantly on hand Saddled, Bridles, Martingales, Harness, Collars, Saddle Wallet, Trunks, vtalises, 6$c, f$c. Also, Harness Skirting, Sole and Ud- pr Leather of the very best quality always on hand which c in be bought low for cash, or on a short credit to prompt customers. ' f in addition to the above, he respectfully informs the public, that he carries on the TANNING and BOOT akd SHOE MAKING BUSINESS in the! Town of Sjtatesyiile, where he will always be happy to see hisold friends, and suppty them with any of the above enumer- -ated articles. s I Thankful for past encouragement, he hope! by close attention, not only to merit a continuance offthe same, uai a consiuerauie increase lor me iuiure. ? i (CTHis shop i& one door below the " Post Office." ! WM. H. MOW Bit AY. Salisbury, January 11, 1849 ;ily The brother of the young lady in question. who had been enjoying liirnself at a party, was j sending for goods, that none was wrote for till Drought home in a cab, and after having been j aner our aisputes were settled in Oct. last, and conveyed to his room, insisted upon leaving, for the purpose, as he said, of " getting a drink. His sister, in endeavoring to prevent his ecress from the house, was felled by a blow upon the left temple to the pavement, falling down a flight of several steps. She was taken up al most insensible, and medical aid was imme diately procured. Upon examination il was that it takes a great while for ships to carry let ters and oiders from hence to England tid that there the goods would be to make (I told them this gain time) and afterwards he sent here, and that sometimes ships have very long passages, and we could not depend on a supply, till late in the Summer, and with this thef were tolerably well satisfied ; but if they are found that the skull was fractured, and hemorr- j i,ow disappointed, they will conclude we have hage would no doubt ensue. The brother, who is a clerk in a dry goods store, had not been arrested, but remains constantly at the bed-side of his unfortunate sister. Phil. Dispatch. ': RE AD THIS ! BOGER & MAXWELL "DEG LEAVE TO, INFORM "WJIf JLJthear tnends and the public; SvtiiHL generally, that they are now je- KKkllLSceiving a handsome stock of J Coach and Carriage Making "&oTjS5tixTcr p-o ffgs gs? s 1 r !' 1 THE copartnership of Witherspoon, Pri'tchard &.Co. iiaving been dissolved by mutual consent, the bu siness will hereafter be conducted under the name ofj PRITCIIARD, R0SEB0R0UGH & Co. In losing Mr. I. A. Witherspoon, we have lost a gentle man and an agreeable copartner, but we trust have hot Fall and Winter Goods Consisting of almost every Article usually galled for : Dry-Goods, Hardware, 1 Queens and Glassware, Hats, Caps, Bonnets Boots and Shoes, sole and uppr Leather, t l GROCERIES, I (if every kind and of best quality, Rope,' Bagging and Twine. For the military and sportsman, we have fine THE TEMPERANCE CAUSE. ALCOHOL AND IDIOCY. We recommend the following extract from the Report of Dr. Howe, on Idiocy in Massa chusetts, to any who have doubted the expedi ency and necessity of the great , movement of the day for Temperance Reformation ; and es pecially to any who may be in the habit them selves of feeding the growing appetite within them, with a little brandy or wine from day to day. Independent. 1 Directly and indirectly, alcohol is produc tive of a great proportion of the idiocy which now burdenTthe commonwealth. If; moreover, one considers how many children are born of intemperate parents, who without being idiots, are deficient in bodily and mental energy, and are predisposed by their very organization to have cravings for alcoholic stimulants, it will be seen what an immense burden the drinkers orone generation throw upon the succeeding. Many a parent, by habitual stimulus applied to his own nervous system, forms, and fashions bis child in such wise, that he is more certain to be made a drunkard by the ordinary tempta tions of life, than the child of a temperate man 9 some design against- them, and I can't tell what may be the results, for they are a very jealous, suspicious people, and as they have been told by the Cbicesaw Indians that the white people are going to join the Choctaws against them, it may confirm that report. And thus your Lord Tlie President's Levee. A correspondent of! ship sees the state we are in in every respect, the New York Express, thus notices the Levee and no King's sloop or cruizer beard of yet. at the W7hite House, on the evening of the 8th By the enclosed paper your Lordship-will inst. : see the extraordinary resolves W the people in " Last night brought out an immense crowd, ! Charlotte Town, Mecklenburg County, and I in the: expectation that it would be the last. should not be surprised if the same should bo done every where else. ; , I have the honor to be, with perfect esteem. My Lord, Your Lordship's most obliged and obedient Servant, JAS. WRIGHT. The Earl of Daktmoutii, &c. &c. The company was almost as varied as the New Year's Levee, though in much more elegant costume. There were some thirty musicians, and some delightful music to add to the Measure of the' evening. The greatest crowd were pre. sent between nine and half past nine, when the eafet room, the reception room, and the room knowri as the green, were nearly packed. New York could hardly have turned out a more con spicuous multitude than was present here an audience more fashionable and gay. Some were present decked in all the plumage of the feathered tribes. " There was every color and shade of color of dress, the gaudy and expensive, eclipsing in nttmber and otherwise simple and tasteful. Eve- ry country and part ot our own country was re. THE SOUTH CAROLINA GAZETTE and Count v Jouhnal. Tuesday, June 13, 1775. Extract. Charlotte Town, Mecklenburg Co : May 31, 1775. This day the Committee of this County met and passed tlie following Resolves : - Whereas, by an address to His Majesty br presented, the fashion of each was prominent, J both Houses of Parliament in February .last. i!L i i i i i . . j i i . i. : JTr .1 1 1 . 1 mgn necKs ana low necKS, velvets ana lawn, red and blue, gray and black, pink and purple, white and yellow. Criticism had a full night's labor and a week's comment out of this company. "There was a sad straining to force youth civil constitution of these colonies for the pres into age and age into youth, and one in such a j ent wholly suspended. To provide, in some romnanv. rnnlrl wnll tpuWto. thr !Ha nf HnrLn I decree for the exigencies of this eountrv in the would be, even if living from his youth upward l descriptive of the court of Antoinette, where 1 pressnt alarming period, we deem it proper and the daughter begins to bloom before the moth. I necessary to pas9 the following Resolves, viz : the American Colonies are declared to be in a State of actual rebellion, we conceive that all laws and commissions confirmed by and de rived from the authority of the King or Parliai ment, are annulled and vacated, and the former CHAP- Plumes, Swords, I Silver . EAGLE BUT- PEAUS, Epaulets, Sashes, Xace, ? T0NS,&c.,&c. iK,li.t.-jt. n..L'o...r. e..; .c ir..... !,ransa J.. Fancij and Uusejul Articles, tverjbrou'&htlihto' this country. . (See our large! hand 'us'inil Catalogue. we ,will sen very low lor casn. ij . h i V LOCKE &.CHAFFIN. $Misbury) Way 11, 14 2 ! ouble and single barrel Shot Guns and Apparatus, Pistols, nished and unfinished Rifle barrels, dec, Stcf All of hich we intend to sell cheap for cash or on time to mull uiiu uii ugfrruinc cuyi ihci , uui rc uuct uit jiui i,. 1,1 1 r 1 c 11 ' 1 lost that principle that should actuate honest men in the ! punctual fealers, or exchange for the following produce j iu(ely refused to take food, being determined to 1 . - - 1 ... ) r,.: .u- : as we aTe in tne inarKet 10 Durcnase duu Dusneis clean- i - . . r . r i l starve nimseit to deatn. jusi oeiore nis aeatn within the temptation ot a bar room. i WIFE! MURDERING. What a respectable business is that which makes men murder their wives! In our last paper was an account of this description, for which the husband was sentenced to the gal lows. It is not Ions: since a similar murder took place, also in New York, committed by a man named Slaight whose wife had been for ced to leave him in consequence of his drunk, enness and mal-treatment, and who, failing to induce herto return, killed her with a pistol, while excited by rum. On coming to his sober senses and finding himself in prison, he was horror stricken at his own conduct, and reso er is content to fade," and, it is added, 44 there is hardly room in this world for two genera, tions." 44 1 saw beside a lady dressed most elegant ly jn rich velvet and jewels, one of 44 the b'hoys" just from the street, with muddy boots, a torn and dirty coat, and not even a clean shirt or a clean face. Roth were probably deemed too aristocratic for the mansion of an American President. I. That all commissions, civil and military, heretofore granted by the Crown to le exer cised in these Colonies jitc null and void, and the constitution of each particular colony vbbl ly suspended. ' II. That the Provincial Congress of each Province, under the direction of the great con tinental Congress, is invested with all legisla tive and executive powers within their respect ivc Provinces; and that no other legislative or transaction of business, and in ofTering ourselves to ;the public in the i CARRIAGE MAKING BUSINESS $ -FALL WINTER' FASHIONS . j- ' 7 j . . . i . r best treated, A : .. . J nt Ilecel ved. work shall n inds token in , V COUNTR Y I PRODUCE of all kiii t i ,. i payment for work done by i U GEO. GOULD, i I 1 TAILOR. li,lun, Oteober 5; 1 848. 2'3 - a i l MiCE & UTLEY, 'it Fn,hioutUle Tailors rCOXCORD, nJ c. I pledge ourselves for the faithful performance of our :en gagements. We have no disposition to puff our estab lishment in the public prints, being assured that time and i f 1 1 i the character ot our worn, wnisecure to us a snare or j public favor. We are thankful for tharalready received, and would advise pur friends and the public to take care nd go where they have the most confidence and get the best job Tor their money. Uur .!. . .i .L . r.u i i worn shall not De interior to any in -mis pun oi uic wunu. PRITCHARD. ROSEBOROUGH ic Co. f MocksvUle, N. C, Jan. 11, 1819. . tf36 The undersigned having been connected wjtb the a bove establishment from its commencement in Mofcks ville until very recently, and having a knowledge of the qualifications of the gentlemen in charge, can assure the public that they are prepared with good workmen and materials, can execute in as good and fine a style as heretofore, and cheerfully recommend them as worthy of public patronage. 3- . I. A. WITHERSPOON, II. REYNOLDS. s we ate in the market to purchase 500 bushels clean ed Oats, 300 bushels Flaxseed, 500 bushel pealed dried Peaches, and 15,000 lbs. cotton -and linen jrags, and as touch Beeswax and 1 allow as we can get. 5 Salisbury, Oct. 26, 1848. - ly25 he said to the physician who was trying to in duce him to take nourishment : 4 Doctor, I want to die. My poor wife is gone, and I want to follow her. I have nothing to live for ; it is of no use to force anything in tpis old body ; it is worth nothing ; it is my mind that suffers much more than my body ; I feel I am dying now ; I shan't be long with you. Oh ! the dev. 200 DOLLARL REWARD: IplALDWELL WHEELER, a native of North Car- olina, twenty-one years of ae, six feft one or two inches high, brown hair", fresh complexion round face, Itoops slightly when walking, awkward, qbick spoken, bashful when spoken to, and speaks with a provincial bc- i j tempted me to commit the deed, and the devil cent, leu me neignoornooci 01 ruiton, ieeemoer 2Btn, mo nnw , n . .. ... ,. ,tA Uet v.. taking with him a Sorrel Horse about fifteeli hands high, j , , , . . e k..i nj -.-!, . .u--!-.-- J?.u i heard to sav. as he casDed once or twice for a long thin tail, in good condition and rather weak in ' breath, and ill a few seconds his Spirit had pass- the eyes; and also the sum of six hundred and twenty ' ed away. 44 Some were present in- full ball dress, and ! executive power does or can exist, at this time, others with full equipment'for a hard days' work i" any ot,lhese colonies. upon the highway. Hundreds came in street HI. As ill former laws are now suspended dress, and passed their time in staring at others, j in this Province, and the Congress have not yet There were bonnets on and bonnets off, and in ! provided others, we judge it necessary for the short, every variety of person and taste. i belter preservation of good order, to form ccr- 4 A ChiDoewa Indian Chief, an eloouent or- ' tain Rules and Regulations for the internal ri ' 1 ator and a noble fellow, in the full costume of home, was one of the lions of the night. j 41 Mrs. Madison was another, and one of the chief also. She came early, remained late, en joyed the scene equally to those of whom there were many, who were here for the first time." three dollars, besides some money of hisown. The above reward will be paid for his Apprehension', and the recovery of the money and Horse, f Further particulars may be learned on application at the Office of the Camden Journal, Camden, S. C. Jan. 10, 1848. j 3w40 t ," ar tf52 fplolli, Casniincrc Ar Vesliiiffs, i for salt by J. II. ENNISS. - jtc. 21 f j 33 . JciljjWinc and Tallow Candlts. .rtST received aiarge supply of fine Tallow CAN yr DLES; Also, an excejlent article of Sicily Ma- or Whit- lntinf WINK'. mn niifaetnr-d fnrrnok- irota Sliibori in? Z DarnnaM . I .. H'V .. l,,c!,"J ytt.- 12, 1848 a 111 UKOWN'fe JAMEa. S3 ii t . .. . T.torsaieby ' ,.Uee.L !848 inaonic CSloves, JH.ENNISS. 33 P Childs & Cos. Oriental or Sovereijm Balnii Pills Read the following from the Hon. N. F. -Winslow, formerly a judge of the St. Lawrence county courts ::! I hereby certify, lhat I have personally, and by my fa mily, used several boxes of Childs Sc Co.'s Oriental or Sovereign Balm Pills. At first I used them with an ex pectation that they were one of those quack impositions so often palmed otF upon the public, but I now feel a con fidence in saying that they are an excellent medicine, and should be keptTor use by every family. Norfolk, May 23, 1848, ' N. F. WINSLOW. Each box contains 31 pills; price 25 cents, and is ac companied with certificates and full directions. For sale by Bogr & Maxwell, Salisbury ; Falls & Morrison, StatesvMe ; David Fraley,-Rockville ;ij. P I). Honnevcutt, Gold Hill ; and wholesale arid retail W P. M. Cohen, ID, Ilayne s.treet, JUST RECEIVED 'A VERY large assortment of Liquors Jnd Wines of i. all kinds, such as French Brandy, Gifi, Rum, Ma deira, Sherry, Port, Sicilv or' White nd Malaga Vines. u ivvj m i. Jniuiio. Jul). 6. 1849 ( 10 HATS, HATS. IIfE Beaver and Mole Skin - Hats, for sale by . IlENNISS. This man left six children. What a sad in heritance to those orphans ! their mother mur dered by their father, their father murdered by himself! Oh, ye rumsellers ! what a hell does your relentless cupidity make of this earth! Was ever warfare1 more infernal than yours wa ged against the peace and happiness of society ! Pledge and Standard. A CARD. ! fpRS. BROWN & JAMEShavingassbciatedthem ImJ selves in the practice of Medicine, ckn always be sound at theirdrugstore when not professionally engaged cxUtsbury, Lfecemoer iDric-n 1100 1 4w27 RUM AND DEATH. ,WTe are pained to learn that a murder was committed in Henderson and one in Cherokee last week, both, we understand from the effects of liquor, and its 'attendant evils. Particticu lars next week. Asfieville Messenger. Government of this country, until laws shall be provided for us by Congress. IV. That the inhabitants of this County do meet on a certain day appointed by this com mittee, and having formed themselves into Nino companies (to wit.) eight in the County and one in the Town of Charlotte, do chuse a Co lonel and other military officers by virtue of this choice, and independent of the Crown of Great Britain, and former constitution-of this Province. V. That fir the better preservation of the peace and administration of justice,- each of those companies do chuse their own body, two discreet Freeholders, who shall be empowered, each by himself and singly, to decide and de termine all matters of controversy ,'arising with in said Company, under the sum of twenty sbil lings, and jointly and together, all controversies under the sum of forty shillings ; yet so as that al to the convention fihnCountv: arid afo that barreled revolvers. They will be. therefore , ong of h in(.,lf shi )!iVC poW(.r to ex. thoroughly prepared for defence against land . , commit lo any confinement, person An expedition for California is fitting out at Richmond called the Madison Mining and Tra ding Company. They have purchased the ship Glenhore. and are loading her with a full cargo of. assorted goods, calculated for the market to which she is destined. The company con sists of 70 members well picked, intelligent, healthy, good and true men. Every mechan ic art is represented. ) Among the members, are two gentlemen who have resigned their post3 of Lieutenants in the Navy. The Com pany will be under military organization, each man armed wiih'a rifle and two goo. p.stols, ; dechi,m3 maytadmi, of appe and. many of them with Colt s formidable six of he SeWl y(.n of ,h(, Co, and water pirates. The full capital of the Com pany is 870,000. They expect to sail by the 4th March at the farthest. SURVEYOR'S COMPASS FOB SALE. f A NEW and elegant Surveyor's Compass for re sale. Annlv at this Office. S sale. Anplv at this Office. August 10, 1849 015 manner. was pa V THE -TWO RED CENTS. A grocer in Clinton county, New York, sold a drunkard a pint of new rum according to law, 1 and made two red cents . clear profit. The drunkard shot his son-in-law while intoxicated : arid his annfehension. confinement in iail. ex ecution, &cr cost the county more than one j seven per cent per annum shall be the lgal thousand dollars, which temperance men bad Tate. accused of pcttit larceny. VI. That those two Seclect Men, thus cho sen, do jointly and together chuse fmm thefcody of their particular company, two person pmp- Usurv. The Legislature of Wisconsin has erly qualified to act, as Constable, whn.may assist lOfm in inc ex-cuum ui turn VII. Tbit upon the compbmt ot any per- disposed of the Usury question in a summary m.. f 11 : i ". r 1 . 1 ue louowiiii: mi in auu un;inc ai.', ed by large majorities in both Houses: Sec. 1 Any rate of interest agreed noon hy parties in rontract shall be legal and valid. Sec. 2 When no rate of interest is agreed unon or snecified in a note or other contract, sons to either of lhe? Select nrn, he do issuo his warrant, directed to the Constable, com manding him to bting the agrcsor before him or them, to answer said complaint. Tu-t i!i ri"h!erii Select Men. thtu appointed, do meet every vthird Tuesday ia J inn jiiiv aim tiiioLrr. ni uarjr, 1"" - ' J Jan- Court u i 4 j I : v.i '. i l.i i " - 1 i 1 ,1 i 1 4 ,1 n -V- . : I - j rtt J .1 i : Charleston, S. C. 1 ! tl I "f - ' ti 'i i ,!' ! el -rt 1 A ' .7 ' J 4

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