H ! . t - '- : ... - . ... : r z " v 1. ..." !.. . ,r: . -J , . . - a ,-.-.! , J ; ... ( - . . ..... . it-- - . . - ' ' i. for SutoUion, pfr yf ? ft!ronW.;nuliot nJ wjr tM- w.,u ?,e, Tcii of tlio Watchman i , pf r yfr, I wq Dollars payawem paid in advance', lwo delJara. harcfd, . : . !rUTitMi iiwrted at I for the first, and 25 cts. i t r dH sulquent insertion. Court orders churged lion (jO vilio jftdveYtise by ihe year." " UiTtRi i? IMitors must be. post paid. k "-J ' j ; tit;.- jGItlCULTURE. PRIZE ESSAY OS TnE in ATION: OF! .WORN. OUT LAND. V.! Bt EDWAEH STAR LP Rt ' 0 5dhlj Tinj owomcry CtwwJf, Maryland. "- rniTr.miED, I 1 Bliupil i X ' .. I ;i-52? 'I Ly' ( NEW SERIES. i i " u - f . ( Keep a check vtos alt. rocs - ' Do this,1 asd LibertIt ts safe.- jajahaju. 1 Editors 4 Proprietors. ) Rulers. 1 l"sS I '' I Geril Ilarrtion. i ( VOLUME VI NUMBER I. 1 - 1 - i ' i 1 1 1 : i- ; i . ' . 1 1 ' 1 i t . . ... i . .;. . 1" . ! : ' n ? TnrVuUiijier of tl.e Atifrrican Fanner having offered $100 finlhrff tlMW on ihe above Bubject, KtixVirorthe firs'. f for he- -cond, and $20 '; faf ib tfjrd ; the Coinmitee appointed for the pur ; pos.coisUii'ng of DrJ. Wr. Thompfion.of Delaware, nJ ChnmVr!, Mewr?."C.iB. Calvert, A. Bow- U pa -1'- orihingtqn ,6f Maylaiuh, uj - 1 PRESENTATION.' 1. i-Hr SALISBURY, N. a, jTURSDAY, MAY, 10, 1849. B H l.pani- pioul ijvrarJpd the follnwijjg the first prize TjacJiW oMr.t-y-The.re are few or none' ''iu-kri ignorant of tbo Valuft of this article as, i r ' t i -.i. . ..' r.; i.. ..-J Pr- . a' "1B SM rvy 13 raieiy, ever Mf1"'1'1" much ochKI At ei: ROTATION of crops. This is also a subiect of ' importance $ and t is alto o4e on which much diversity of opinio exists. Nothins short of the concurrent testt mon as cduallv of the coufitnr "the three. field shiftis preferred in another five, and the third will adopt? the sic or seven-fleld rotation. different 'J localities,' and lothef circumstances, may perhaps afford good grounds for this variety of opinion!. Buf ti3 a euurairruie n is uejieveu, inai woere ItK Jailer mode was adopted, or neatly sb, olhe y o; a neishnarhood will estabHsa om nan the best ; yet in another, a difTefent lpestlgj sfrojti2 advocates : for in some iectionsT thesub j road ficiji VouSrtUe, need not be said on ll ihi to ten crnl'ftDer bushel: if ; .jcoroi,iransporiaiion is nor too neavy, tniey ( toay'ftUvajlsi profitably used j in durability (hry ar ' he It o lime.iarfd the action immediale. TW comparative ly, except within the vicnjity uii.irs, ur v iui waieror rall ies, can -procure or afford to use Much profit has not , resulted in ' Jj8 Use tf this (the i merchantable) article, i 'fir a hijive -observied its eiTects on my own, or llic fcrpjis of others. SVch as I have pur- fhascd, has as yqt produced but slightly bene rfidai iica'its oil the crops to which It jvasi apr plie. l.'Jttf ' fert'iliatiivg'i property' vas diffused f through nuc.h a mass. of inert matter, thai 1 con- j 'iih h.ilti if not one. third of the expense, pmorc beneot inmbt be derived horn the pur- cbase pf Spine other kind f manurer ? 'Ih'tlei'ijihbt.irhiiod of cities, where a sop- , ply can bej obtaincU without so- much adultcra- I tjon, ill Usje niay he jtnade very profitable. ! t, 'J)imtyk in grirn cry5. This plan of "ten. ovilini worn-out lands, has long been advaca- ; ted t many I have also given it a fair tyal ; and with the eiceptiun of clover as the oreen cfop, ttla .advantage has, resulted from its adopt tyn j 'lyry Jwvland, without 'sojrhe extra- is JuU, will not produce a green crop worth in. It is questionable, whether the am(j amptrit of -time and labor (supposing the cccupam wuuoui ue means to purcnase roa f.ur c 'any kind) could not be better employed oh uc i land, in adding to his stock of manure, iy'ionpljHts, prepared fnun decaying vege!a lid 'rrl; ttef, alluvial soil, Ac, abounding more wleisoi ialJ farm. If the land possesses'fer- tility prodVeo suflicicnt clover for pasture the wtf of plaster either without, or certainly icilh ' ( r.d of flimc, will, with good management, 'imikj Si ycld a luxuriant crop. IJut it should be horno1. in -mind, that to improve in this; way litlW tDWlng, and leiss pasturing, must bejper m'mcui rfh'e land , is not only benefitted by wiit j nrd ih, ; but is also materially aided ifttKe iroeess of renovation, by what is left rW, and . op ''the surface ; to shield and protect ihij soil jjrdtn' a parcliing sun, prevent throwing 'ogt thoj cl($r roots by the winter frostsand :il J A iJA:: 1 : i .t .. ! i.. " i S . wsHirngiflway oi nitj son, uy ncavy uas,ning iiina. P'j '':''"' i ' l brings to mind another matter, though rirhani.' not strictly "in the barcain.'f but jVch ls'bjr much more importance than many 4(tri to bfc aware ch. and as' yet only incident land a of the' Carolina iDatdjman. The Jfational Intelligencer of the 55tb,t contains an account ot the Desentation! of a sword, tbThe President, on the pre-i ; ; j ceding day. - This sword was voted by!j . ! 1' the Legislature oryirginia.to Maj. Gen.i Taylor, in honor oC the distingaished' courage and conduct displayed by him in his victorious achievements in Mexico'.'.'; The Committee were introduced to The I President, -by Mr. Preston, Secretary ?of ine iavy. Mr. Uatiiel. in behairotthe Committee, made n verv handsome ad-! j dress-on the occasion. On the sword was a to her! if TIOWAN IN 1774J JOn the dissolution of the royal govern roeni uoecacne necessary tor sometning t succeed it. Accordingly a provisional government was established, until order This was in the shape of Safety, as it was cjould be restored, of a "Committee ported from Great Britain aDer the gen- Public. When the pulIic service is threatened, it will 1 inscribed: "Presented hv pfrini . i. . . i . be tim PTUuitrh fiir iho IT eral association sha I be agreed upon. s even then, we would : ithai r"ai u Teav'c the ! u,sl'nSQlsh;d Jon, Major General Zacha.; ! , 10. Resolved, That every kind of lux complaining to those who can do it with Rome show of , rv aylr 'or his gallantry and good con i ury, dissipation, and extravagance ought t - " rw '" j f ba'' of Palo Aha, Kcsaca: i k t, . i 3 c 0 We believe there is a great deal of unnecessary -e Ia alma, .Monterey and Bucna Via! i 10 De banished lrom among US. - J noise made, as regards the removal from office, now ; ta.n " ; 11. Resolved, That manufactures ought "ide b7-,the nt7 Adm'""8lrat?on ? was to be .; We have only room for the PresidpntV . expected, and it would seem inconsiuient in . w ".' ,WUI ,VJr ll,e restaeniS. to be encouraged by openim: subscrip-: demn a custom, the observance of which we fuiiv ius- reply to the address, which is as follows r i ! I'M 1 I li i -' ' f 1 i ii calledL. There were different Committees. circumstances being equal, the farming is betifbowever ; District,! County, aad Town,1 ntous A 4 die turnin i i ter done, is more profitable, arid the lands mor permanently, if not more rapidly, JmprovJ ed.' r Close pasturing, and " renovating worni out landsjl' may do in theory, but jare not very likely to isucceed in practice. The seven-fiekj rotation certainly admits of abetter onOorlnnii , . rj ty to benefit by the aid of the artificial grasses ; and whenever, they can be successfully invoket the eood is more than half accomplished. Beforeiaking leave of my readers! the majority of whom,! perhaps, engaged in agricultural purl I . f : . ii . t. ' ft.. .. 1 .t ; I 1 bums, i wouiq again urieiiy recur f,o ine impor tant subject of manures one of scarcely lesi moment to the tiller of the soil than is the marl iner's compass to the tempest-tossed sailor I for mainly to their agency, in som form ort)th er, must we be indebted for success in the reni ovation of worn-out lands. My preference, a may have been seen, is given tojlime sover al others, when an expenditure of the slender re Sources of the farm is devoted to: this! object and although it is not a panacea, to cure al the ills incident to the calling, nor will it lik4 the fabjed satyr, blow hot. and cold with thei samebreath," yet on all soils to which I havd seen it applied, from ihe stiffest clays to the blowing sands, does it appear to be a renoval tor in a greater or less degree : the one it will lighten and mellow, while the other is! render! ed more compact and more retentive of-moisl lure. I would therefore 6trongJy advise the use of lime, as decidedly the most efficient anrj durable agent for improving most kinds of soiTs! If its action may be considered comparatively slow, it jis true in its fertilizing effects, and wjll generally, in the end, prove also to be the most economical, whenever l can be obtained at a reasonable price. 1 j 'he three kinds of " bought manures" most extensively in use in this State for improving our 'worn-out lands plaster, of course, except The first was to consist of 13, the second. Sjl, and last of 7 members, except in three of the largest towns, of 15. . I Martin's History; contains all the infor mation "we have a$ hand on this subject, and he says " The Qounty and Town Com- ?iuees were to meet mommy at the ourt House. The latterVwere permitted tb sit jointly, or be consolidated with the Committee of the County." ' I I They were invested with various high .nd ejxtensive powers, as we learn from history and from their journals. ') With few exceptions, hoiwever, the records of tpeir proceedings ; have perished. We I ave a part of those of the Kowan Com mittee ; lh is known that a portion of thpm was taken to Raleigh for a cerain pur pose, some years ago, and deposited; in ojne of the offices of the State ; but it has not since been seen, unless very recently ; a gentleman better acquainted with the 6arly history of the State, probably tlian 4ny other in it, in a Letter, dated August tlons for that purpose, or by any other tEZ? Gentlemen :-I receive, with emotions proper means. made, the whole office holding- community should not OI Pro,ountl respect and gratitude ther ""12 Tietnlvnl Tr.it tti. A flinnrT'TriAt ' thoroughly renovated. AV belong to the democrat- SWOrd voted by the Legislature of - tlio , . . : That .the -African Trade ,c party, but must be exensed from dabbUng as My State ot Virginia, which you have beerii IS injurious tO this Colony, obstructs the as aome of our brethren m its slang and unnecessary denuted to Dresent in their name nnn, f -.. .t CJ i. venom. WTe wish the present Administration success, oePuieu 10 PrPfel lr IpetT name. population of it by freemeo prevents . and we think it can and win get along fcefrernthe two II need hardly be said this token of ap manufacturers, and other useful emigrants ' iarti8' as a f it held strictly to either Whig or probation and of confidence bears with it from Europe; from ! settling Imong us . Democrat Lincoln courier. ; unusual interest and value. It is froml and occasions an annual increase of the I A Senator in cWrM, instrvcted oul of hLt ' H!tTl balance ot trade against the Colonies. mi Rmh ,aa nrka t rw:. ; r .u um-?- .L . w - ,1- 13. Resolved, That the raising sheep, hemp, and flax, ought to be encouraged. 14. Resolved, That to be clothed in manufactures fabricated in the Colonies been re-elected to the Senate for six years : ought to be considered as a badge and 1 distinction of reSDect and true natriotism. ' S,ate r Wisconsin, That the course of Hon. I. , .15. Resolved, That Messrs Young and Moses Winslow for ty of Rowan ; and for the town of Salis bury, William Kennon, Esq., be, and they are hereby nominated and appointed de puties uponthe part of the inhabitants and sect. Both Houses of the Legislature of Win. ; mpricn nnnnU fnr aUih.. nln. O v - - - .. w. k 1 V3, IUU.I UIUI , consin, the Senate by a vote of 10 to 6, and the j and the patriotism of her children, and! House by a vote of 45 to 9, have passed the which yields to none In devotion to the; following Resolutions. Mr. Walker has just cause of constitutional liberty. This ofv lenng oi ner represeniauves will oe chcr- 1 - isnprl With lpn Inri r nnH hnnrll ilmvn Resolved, 3y the Senate and Assembly of the as . Drecious inheritance to mv rbildrerrJ . .j. lou allude to the services which have e appro-j AP i : :: ... ' prapriation bill providing for a Government in j r as military com- Calitorniaand, New Mexico west of the Rio options nd fne actions of commanders Grande which did not contain a Drovision for. l are concerned, have now become matters ever prohibiting the introduction of Slavery or ! of history; but no history can filly record i in said Territories, has ; the sufferings, the privations, the courage, - i nil: patriotism. " ,scons,n; ' n ,ne coure ' ?' "on j You allude to the services wbb i. Samuel i L rl tl it l?t " "a I had lhe gd forlune to elicit tht i the CongTess oi the u. States in presenting and i . r . - r the coun- voting for an amendment to' the Generaf Ap- Va! of m coantrymcn. Therecc involuntary servitude freeholders of this county and town of violated his oft-repealed as well as bis solemn , and the constancy of the common soldiers. Salisbury, to meet such Deputies as shall ' wri,,en P'edge given before his election, on To the steadiness and discipline of the be annointed bv the other counties nnd thal suhJect' and ouJrad the feelings, and rank and file, ably led as they were by! he appointed by the other counties and mi9repre8ented those who elected hira to that the platform and regimental officers, our uoiporations witiiin mis oiony, ac jonn- station, and has openly violated the instructions son Court House, the 20lh of this instant, contained in the resolutions passed by this body .."'10. Resolved, That at this important 1 .n lh 8LuhieSl f Slaver at its Preseut ses' and alarming crisis it be earnestly recom- j Reived, That Mr. Walker is hereby fa. mended to the said Deputies at their gen- j structed immediately to resign bis seat in the '4-!l i 1848, remarks " of the various District, j eral convention that' they nominate and j County and Town Committees organized ; aPPomi one proper person out ot each United States Senate. success must be mainly ascribed. . With out such officers, and such men, no inspi ration, no good fortune, could have avert ed disg'race from our arms.' . I beg through you to convey to the able and distinguished Governor of Virginia; . .i t i . . i i : Resolved, That Hon. Henry Dod2e, our oth. l? l"e gisiniure, nu 10 me people oi : pr Snn!nr in vnlinrr Qdinit I K m nrArvtt ii trr sT w-a r ii , i - tr r-j i r - . ib the Province from 1774. to 1776. the l 1"" OI inis 1 rovnce, 10 meei sucn Mr. Walker, as he did on the 20th of Februai my most sincere and heartlelt acknow- the State over which he worthily.presides, r r t t. ot i 1., . ... 1 . .1 . C . I. I. I I I t.?- f l n?:i: n uepunes in a general uonsrress. assha rv last, nas represented tne views and wishes icuxnieni ior me mii nonor i nave una i,cvv;iua ui 1110 i, mill uiuii vuuiuiiiicc - i . . . . . . . . i I those of the Rowan appointed upon the part of the .other j f"" ed might be clawed somewhnt like the fol. lowins : ! Lime for the landlord. euano for the tenant, and ground bones for both' Alj may b$ used to profit under favorable circumstances but they are believed to- diffe materially in their relative values, in proportion to the amount of money usdaljly expended, if; the imt provement ot the land is a primary object with .1-11 , i ' I i tnc nusoanaman. printed in 1845, and Committee, are the only ones the exist ence of which isiknown to me." The following tuents on that subject, for which we day received, and allow me to present to : . u: . i: .. i i f i . . I .. I. 1 - .1 Continental Colonies in Ameri to eon. Ci"c" lu UHU uur "lusl t;uru,il, 'VP , "u.uucmni, uy mauM iur vrry suit and agree upon a firm and indissolu- course. Resolved, That the Governor is requested of is the first- action of the'latter. ! bIc un5on and association, for preserving ( to forward a copy of the foregoing resolutions ' 1 .1 I . l . .1 I in the I'rpsiHpr.t rl th Spnitu our! In nanh r( At a meeting of the Committee Ausust u lue uebt ana IUO!sl PTOPeT means ineir ! "r'""; "": ' 8, 1774, the following , Resolves were ; common ngms ana uoenies. unanimously agreed to : 17 Resolved Tfaat this Colony ought 1. Resolved. That we will at all times i not,to lrade with an-v Colony which sha11 Whenever we are called upon for that : rcfuse toJoinvin anY union and associa- handsome manner in which you have dis charged the trust confided to you. OLD'ZACH'S-JUG. The following excellent temperance story is told by the editor of the Grand River Eagle. If the old beret can intra -Experience, however, in this, as well as i most other things, is the best teacher. Provided we do not pay Xoo dear for it, . .And without my tending in the least degree to check the ener gy and spirit of agricultural improvement, now so widely extending, I would venture a caution to those! who have but little money to expend for the purchase of high priced manures, to dtfdjaxes, or duties to be paid by the inhabi- ; ur tu. i . o . .. ii- ii. r i eveu a tiunutu iii3;uuijii3 uu uau n (:f r,. nm.rn i noiaen aciea as secretary, ixigniy excel- - . . . . i in ii iir.ni. nil iiirrriviii.' iiir. i.iiiiiiiinii IsiCcrnal Xrjprorcincut meeting. Accordinz to previous advertisement, the friends of the Central Rail Road held a Public duce the exclusive use of the kind of ius? purpose, maintain and defend at The ex-1 uuu umt aimu ue d8,ceu u,ou u luu eeun, in is iny, cn inursuay. i ne iion. recommended by him, he will have a- ueuse ui uur lives anil mrinnes. nis via. - - jesty's Right and Title to the crown of Great Britain, and his dominions in Ame rica, to whose royal person and govern bent we profess ' all due obedience and fidelity. 2. Resolved, That the right to impose rights and liberties. i These Resolves form an important doc- , Morehead, Mr. Thomas, Senator from David urnent in the history of Rowan ; they son in lhe la,e Legislatnre, and Dr. McClana- lent and appropriate speeches were delivered i foe, which will far transcend the trophies by the Chairman, illiam Coylan, Esq., Gov. , of the battle field : We were highly amused yesterday plainly contemplate independence though , han, from Chatham. The oening of Hooks to receive subscrip-. jtio tl Act. ill is the jtrcservation oj the tcr it is renovated, from washing ivvay Soil, ajnd into gullies, and "galled pla.. it rather; for such as are known to be durable;, and which will eventually be the most certaih to return both principal and interests I feell confident that all I have expended for lime has been returned m the iHcreaseid product of the soil, and with nearer six times six than six per 1 cent, interest; If the market value of the land I has hot been enhanced in equal propprtion rnost probably the case it certainly lhas not deteriorated any in quality. As remarked at the beginning ofmy essay, no exclusive method of improvement jis alike suited tb ali i locations and circumstances ; but I II MV plough and thrvwiijig the earth on the lower I;vfdl a'tK'inpt a briei desciiption ojf'ray 5jap $ 'ojjieratins ;l but without a diagram, tants within this Province for any purpose Whatsoever is peculiar and essentiafto the General Assembly, in whom the Le gislative authority of the Colony is vested. 3. Resolved, That every attempt to im sose such taxes or duties by any other authority is an arbitrary exertion of pow er, and an infringement of the constitu- ional rights and liberties of the Colony. ' 4. Resolved, That to impose tax or .du- y upon tea by the British Parliament in Colonies can nresentatmn. I tn he nmn nnnn n t I h a an nr. a f i mA r 1 1 . 1 1 i 1 1 1 it II npvAr itt ,i- r x . i ; 1 Ol'T LANDS i IUI JiUrlftllOll, liy I lie 1 11 Maul lo.Il IS UI lUli salu EDWARD STAC IlAYWoon, 8th mo 23, 1848. . i i . . x . 1 1 t i they ao not name it. It will De observed ; tjon3 for stock, was postponed until the Tues- th'at these resolutions precede the Meck lenburg Declaration more than 8, and the 20 resolutions of that county 11 months. EXAMINER. This Congress met Sept. 5, 1774. ;,' -Nr. . . r. I trust apian is submitted that will very gener- ' ly upon tea by the British 1 i j they are crilled ; this rs best done by ,. r , .r i , . ...f lL if ... , , . ii y - i i , , ... , U j a,,y succeed, if preserved in.; It will not only which the North American .wjltcfr ftltro'wp made With the barshear make' the irrhin hut tbe irrali ftrnw dnA will !L . i. J1U . ...... i - .,u: . m?c lb.grS,n be raff8row and w,i , ve no representation,! to ,ER. REMOVALS FROM OFFICE. From the following, it would seem that a portion, at least, of the Locofoco party," have liberality enough to speak the truth On the bridge that crosses the tumbling waters of the Grand Rapids, we met ' a hale old man with eleven sons, 7 da ugh- faM tVitrttr crofAn rrm n r ? ri I A ro n nnrl litff ay of Wake May County Court, when it is i .u i t u ! proposed to hold another County meeting, for j WV" ! the purpose or furthering the prosecution of this i Wllh nomerous horses, carts wagons, ot- "real Stale work. ( cu, tuws, wjhw, sucu, ouu iuimhuic ui It was resolved to senl three Delefrates from vpry antiquated appearance among which, Raleigh, and one from each Captain's District i were to be seen cradles for babies, era in Wake, to the Convention to be held in Salis- . dies for grain, spinning wheels, pots, kel bury, on the 14th of June next. The forma- ; ties and almost every thing requisite for tion of an Internal Improvement Association in : a settlement such as fifty seven blood rcj 4 this City was also recommended. It was re- j lations will make in the Grand River', solved too, that the North Carolina Rail Road country. After stopping the train-and " shall be built without delay " making many inquiries, wc asked the old Ana oe uuui, u tnust state pnue, state i gentleman what use there could be ofa lorha rtiav to8sibly be at a loss. i Ttel 'points 6 commence at are detei mined "j iivvieil ll cur it p. p Willi iux I. iujiiii" urn i , - , . , .4 - Tl J ! 1 . .1 .1 . s n linn irnrti rtn nnnp ennHv riHiroe uiirl i 1 1 trifle, ivi oon i ve the term mat on w tK nre. " ""Y Vvr w" r " 1 ; polonies, is an act of power without right,'.? I It. is subversive tb the Liberties of the Colonies, denrives them of their nroDertv Upland of Mountain pe.-This yields ; Lithout their own consent, and thereby Lt ctMoijaU lhe p4er, inclination. Thejope. i not thrive on lands that are wet. mor tkkU a statioti some 80 to 100 yards dis- ! fc vefy little in itsappearan It dif- n i- ia station Some 80 to 100 yard dis- Vul vc!v 'Jllie 1,1 ns appcaraup iiuiu Unt frU the dtriMiated point ; the assistant, : the low land, rice, except that it grows to lumi iha RtatL writh a moveable target and oniy aoouc nan me neignc. u is gener- fcWijbuntllc of stakes, some two or threq feet ; ally sown indrills about eighteen j inches g.pla.C& ono in the ground, and by its side 1 apart, dnd Worked both with the jplough niie'iihe staff and moves the target up or dlown and hoe to keeD out crass' and weeds. It bhnWwith the sight from the level ; thi tar. -may be sown in the Soutliern States from MiOherirai.frfsix inches and confined by a thc beainniinn tb the end of Mafch. It Krcw ; jibe assistant wains seventeen tep . ..;fl,is n nA irnn rv C htr!thofirct sooenrt i , . ' p t . 1 .. h 1 l f ' Mil riii'hi fitatf' tho operator bv merely . L & r 1 r " v V r ana a convincing prooi .oi ineir nxeuiin r.'rf.T ,BUU: ,no Pcrai.or mpreiy and trien springs up from the same roots !L , , . rirt-;ie- Ac ii-i atroiag hli level, anc not otherwise varying its cnuS'Jn'-- Tn Kel1ie, jPi , Mention to deprive the Colonies of their 1. 1 I .1 . r .I.L luiiumiii wi...fo. w ""wvio ui . i ,1 c?.. . : j . . ... ...... . i. i r i .i rruuiiiuoii, uuu ciaic iiiiitcji uiiucraiifciy uc i u,.m .ce inr irh ih unc aroltillv tt in regaru to removals iroui ouice uy tue , i .... .. . . . ,. . , uuii"-jb .....v. - ' v ! ; man.d that It Shall be DUllt. .Let the Citizens 0f nU-o amnnrr h5o , nmpcl I rnnin. : ments, and received the follovying reply; Unowledged what we have all along as- the destiny of this noble enterprize is in their , .. j ftm 0f many years erted nd mairrfnined to wit tint nil in hands, and that withoiit their hearty and zeal- ! , . . . !. serted and maintained to yt, bat all ap- rati . falK Lel lhem , and bts of children and more a coming. pomiea auring me reign oi roiKery, were na ftnp mnil nt mA, n(T ,n ilA ua nnThf. , ana have worKeu omer people s lanu an reduces them to a state of slavery. 5. Resolved, That the late cruel and feanguinary acts of Parliament to be exe jcuted by military force and ships of vyar lupon our sister colony of Massachusetts iBay, and Town of Boston, is a strong ev- J idence of the corrupt influence obtained by the British Ministry in Parliament ; Two tt.itHn?H0OH Ueiertnined the point of the se- , tTT' - r L. ifiiti. .v .u l. ..a- seed are sufficient for an acre. iuu jinn) "j .i.w .MKIBI.IIIV uiulll" lim iSft, . , i ,i , , , r. i " . ' WkitaVdi or forward,, keeping his distance Another method thought by sorre to be rrvmt ha first stake', tntit the target aain ran- ne"er is, 10 sow Droaucasr, narrow in, , i XviaiHlip level ; then sei another stake and nu men cover me grounu two fineness ft'iini lh tatget six inches at each station, thick viih pld rice straw,!whichAVIl keep rouhl)ut jbe iiold.i Una position fur the lev. - down the grass and weeds, and nourish 1, it fleeted yVt'h jjudgement, will serve hr the growing crop. The upland rfce will t?n (sights ;; they should bo taken in ! yterd about 1,000 lbs. per acre. lAmerU aruTftvV aiidj on, or near, tne supposed line oi can .Agriculturist. hi H done very1 expeditiously, and by any" per- of ordinary capacity. When ready (or the ftou'iVthei leveler walks before it -th t ndeti bv his steps-spicks up t VJ'are reached,' and if necessary by much ; ed by an unquile spirit wanteth not words and 'ne(lwity fin the Jand, varies the line a little complaining. To rebuke, reprove, and prayer is one thingi lo reprove sharply, and wnhla censorious spirit, is another " Thou hypocrite, nrst casi inq ueam out oi mine own eve. men e out ot constitutional rights and liberties. i regarded as willing to exert the influence j day, of next May Court,and give this project my days paid from four to irine bushels if not their assistance, at least their counten- ot grain per acre rent, every year loroor- ing it have an tnai lime useu a jug wun a bottom in it, and I got sick of'fecdin other people with my own hand either landlord or rumseller so I sent seven of my boys down to Mexico to fight for some land and they all got back after fightin? with General Taylor time enough to vof e i for him and they brought .back seven of their office for the success of the party, be it much or little. In other. wrords, no man was ever appointed for ;-his qualifi cations, but for his partizanship. The ance and approbation. Let them come up and exchange views about the matter, and all will be well this grand project trill succed ! 1 he citizens of Chatham, and adjacent Coun. New York Post, a Democratic Daner thus i ties, with a commendable zeal and alacrity, wor sneaks of the noise made by the Wash- 1 lhy, of H emulation, are actively engaged, we ins ton Union over the removals that have been made. .! : r t- r: "o w..... - - - . iions ior ine v iai iuii oi ueep iviver. i understand, in making the preliminary prepara At a meeting held in Pittsborokluring the last week ! Censor iousness. He whoj blames others the most is usuallly the most to be blamed. I A nnink i i I - : . j.. o " . - t . e piougny eye to detect the laulls ot another, has: usually he stakes a blind side 'to itsxwrr. A sharp tongue moV. at Gadshill. "We marvel more at the, power of face which could have soberly penned the foregoing extract, than at FalstafF's when he pointed to his "sword hack ed like ,a hand saw,' to phow bow many hostile buck lers he bad mined. . One .would suppose that a journal which had approved of ercry removal and of erery ap- C. Resolved, That the Cause of the ! Pintmcht made by Mr.; Polk, would hardly have the ? nssiimnfv lo cprisiirfi anv removals or amtointments that fToWn of Boston is jthe Common C4US0 of j migtat be made by any other Executive. lhe Ameriean Colonies ' It President Polk ever did recognise the htness of a the American Otonies. , : - .. ' J candidate for the, duties f an office, as a substantial 7. Resolved, That it is the dufy and in- ground for appointing him, or his unfitness as a sufficient , ' .. , i . , .!!, ' ground tor hi removal, we nave yet to learn ine insiance. st of nil the. American Colonies nrm v i ie .u tt:.. I niiavfA. cal!nns nf Innd fhnt nlence Gnrl The rrv nf nroscrintion. fmm the Washinrton Un- UT' :icviananan was eiecea i resiaent oi toe , ... , tn ronf -i--.., . n , r . i ;r T ii r win uc oui wn muuui, iv.h. ion, is a trine more than impudent raistan s "liagueon uoaru oi lireiors, aim uchj. iiuuac, wi ajl Cowatds," after the memorable display of his prowess Wilmington, I reasurer. Attention is called to the interesting proceed- j And now that old jug you see there (pointing at the bottomless thing) shall Res. mf terest of all the American Colonies firmly to unite man indissoluble union and; as- sociation to oppose, by every just and pro per means, the infringement of their cpm mon rights and prfvileges. A 8. Resolved, That a general associa- 3 I I It. I I. a fill in"S, in another column, of the Plank Road hold all the wniSKey or rum mai w u uc meetincr recently held in Fayetteville. Ral. I used in my hul family while I control em, because ciu oineiai inyinrioiu my son John that a jug without it bottom was the best kind of a jug to put liquor in, and if he was my son John hed serve all the' jugs lo hum jist as they did the Mexicans take away their power to kill us. Godd day. ; i Jfthe Union, ever failed to approve of any single act, saying or dotng of President Folk, as the disjenser of ex ecutive patronage, or in any other capacity, that instance also we have yet to learn. President Polk not only ne ver promised, but he never gave an office to any man All that is valuable in this world is to be had for nothing. Genius, beauty and wtwden ihc stake, itllf more' to preserve the fli rives auniform escape for all surplus I,.rf f 'ith a iegu)af fall of about one fool in ! thou shall see clearly to cist the mo Tiuir!iniA tiio nrnvrl that ihv hrnlhpr's eve. .. J' " N . '. 4j'4jl.IIV4' ' " " jl ...... J J " 'ln lilrrowa nro tint Inn fnr n n? rl nun "fnr furrows lare not too far nn:irl Ucb NUf, five-or six feet will generally suffice i Another Liquor Laic-Ka Act of Jthe Hst f r nt i 1 1 1 1 1 v ii 1 1 wt' ii i wiiKiiintr - siiin i iif ir w- j v MdcejnTof the. water does not form gul. spirits ivilhi to rpilcs of kny place'-lf pubjjc ifter seeding t worship, during tne time mat religious exer- . t J .. V I I " w i v-) w hfh rn (Yit I v ntlnnrtfrt Irt A a Ih.i.nairl - . IF " , u a I..IVIUIII UllV IIV4V 44 V. Mo D4. L1J' M.il.i- i -ii . I .-A .i i J i :. ( ru,: anu remain open uruii ine iana is Mn broken mp (They are valuable on all Miaul ! io wasu, anu nave materially aia inm'v i fr '..'!.. . .... i..v "n'iir" tenovatinii worn-oui ianus. 'faV!l,iStly,iEuUie and galled' places" uY,aiBapneared. , ' - A ' - : i , cises may be Jn progress at such place, under punany pi npi jess iijair-icujii"i " " dollars I Tcwns and Tillages are excepted. l'1T Indian Wit. It is many years since we have seen the annexed in print, and we think il is high time that it should be set a going again at any rate, it is as good as nine-tenths of the" old 'Joes that are daily dug up from their graves in old newspapers, and started in to life by penny-a-linning resurrectionists : Tnlin Kenonifinnash. an Indian of the re mains of a tribe in Connecticut, was some I love are not bought and sold. You may who he did not suppose 'would serve his political purpo- years since brought before a justice ot tne j buy a rich Oracelet, out : not a eiiiurncu ses the most effectively; neither did he ever spare one in peace on some charge qi Other, which I do not arm on which t Wear it a pearl Ticck office, except for the like reasons. Impelled by a bigo- - jecl John happened to be drunk al the iace but not apearly throat with which ted and unmanly spint of partizanship, without a paral- , . . . ' i: I., .. , ,, . riAr i- i i-a. inrili linn between all the American Colonies i el in the hiorv: of :our government, he proscribed public nme, anu .i.-au oi as eru .s u c.j - Itsnail Vie. I ne r cucM . - tion between all the American colonies, tnhcd for their ability, position and cha- tions put by the justice, merely muuered out would vainlv 0frer his fortune to be able not to import trom Ureat Jbntain any ciom-4 i-acter, that he misht honor men equally distinguished our honor is verv wise: very wise; ver : ,.:. ..PCA libp Hvron. One comes modity whatsoever I (except such things as! V ,r r w V T" V ,u ' f , A wise y.y-your nonor is very we, . v " ' i i j x . In all this the W ashinUm Union never found occa- :. uiial le tb iret anv other answer from Shall hereafter be excepted by the C5en- Biortfor a munnur, but the moment the new administra- : , o ' U J tio, to the elevation ofjWhicli the Union intentionally i'i w,u",v-" u i r gavfe no supportr-what rendered as the supporter of the next day; when John was brought before an opposing candidate it pan claim no credit, irx it sets njm perfectly srber. up ich a h9wl of lamentation that one would suppose , yy John,' said lhe justice, you were as its editors esteemed the .officers of our general govern- ; -. , , , ment were its principles, knd that to support the consu- , drunk as a beast last night. i j - a . ' a LiAntie'ii i iiriftiL I At:iru;.itpn Jthn. . r .i. i . s t t ii t win Mini ii iitv i no ri ntir nnr 1 1 ritr v r i : i'-v. ili iiwi. iiinn - - British Parliament against the jMassa-;; ,But guppi that ty Washington Union was in a ' i Yes, drunk as a beast. When I asked you ntinc.lln U... TP-. ... n n C PndtnK nria fo - nrwifririn Iji mmnlnin i if nWter.rilllion. lt 18 effectually de- i ......ilin I V r nnlir nn:icir v.nl made WaS vuuacus Urty llliu JLU pealed, j iyo piffe fence.- u An holnest man u word; is eral Congress of this Province) ought to' be entered into and not dissolved till the just rights of the said Colonies are restor ed to them; and the cruel actsj of the U V4 UUOlUll Ull ll" - r. . r. . . if ' IJ UUi mv u j t ih .... . u r r . : . JL.nr.l!.nta hv hfr.nninfr nffure .. . . .; i ' BiiuwiiK me loite ui ia v-'K" - vMlr llnr ia van- u isp VPTV Wife. . J t- HtherVifanvthingtoconlpiainof. Considering the legion ) l0Ur er w T-y hi In s ; . r. -.. . v . . r ... i- .t.- :j ..,.r,n ! Ilirl I rait vonr honor trist ! saiu ms f 1 f til. tWVitc oi omces wnachat is th uatyoi me i reu,-ui M - , ... trientl to the rights. furicarance.;.lhiw fa, been conspicuous: and what- dian. wiili a look of incredulity. a ... - 1 1 into the world naked and goesoui nnkeup The difference in i her fineness of a bit . of linen for a shroud is not much. Man is'a handful of clay which turns rapidly hack , aain to dust, aryl which is cnmHIrd f ' relapse into nothingness of sl-ep. to fr.t strength to commence life again on the morrow. as good as his bond," is a a rogue'aria nine cases out rite maxim of ten. So IS 9. Resolved, Tha;t no and liberties of America oug chase any commodity whatsoe as shall be excepted, Which; shall; be1 im-i been, in our judgment,1 decidedly advanuseous to the ht j to J)UH ever may be; bis coarse jhjereaftcr, thus far the deinocrat- 5 c party have no reasori to compiam ot injuMice. very except: f h made but few! chantres, and most of those have Yea.' nnu-ered lhe ma21Strate. Then,' replied John I mut have drunk, sure end6sh., Yankee Blade. been Cobet said : Women, o amiable in them selves, are never so amiable a.. whet, tbey -are useful : and far beauty, though men, nny fall i love with the girli at play, ther is nothing ,o make tbem stand to the love like , see wS then at tcork. ; t.it t . I '. ' i -J I , 1 r. .- i fi fi " i r i 1 i 4 ' ' ;l . n: 14! ' v-- ay.

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