! . 1 IN If!:. I . 1 K r. T c 1 l r y ri' J" if A-1- 4 It 1 . V i'r j ., ifiii it if ii1 t. r :..W : '; MANURES, H Tho Rotton lrancriptMPi tfe speech ?of the Hon. P. Wilder at the last Lrfcisla- jivo Agricultural meeting. Mr. Wilder ' a.iul v had made some experiments with ; manures, fomn of which he would relate. i Ho did not wish to be unuicrsioou uiai ! ho undervalued stable or barnyard ma nure, but such -as was purchased from the. ! Stables of the city, by the cord, when dc 'briyed of strow or decomposed, was in re-, 'ality only half or three fourths of a cord. ' .!-'Tq obtain a real; solid cord of manure. Icqqal ill qualiiy, and at Iras price had I jWilb hirn been a reat desideralum. and t lwiliivl lio find iitnrftti-A w makiriT tl "n comnojst of meadow muck cirushed bones nnd leached ashes, in the following pro- - ? i i , - portions ; Ilerbary U Highgate r;:Grtmtone planted bis peas on I beth pt;Jupi 84f in a pot filled wilh an artificial mould re Bembling as nearlyas: possible, jhe jajlu vml soil of Egypt, an4 placed U ;ifla: t bed, under glass, where, howeveri Ihere was nut a moderate neau;; Aitef grem answer1 is admirfiblyfgi verity! 0e able p. (JoaCli 4llU CaiTiage IflaKlIig port of tpe llommmce on me siaie iq me Order) wbicRl will be found 'jn ajnothjef place. Here, lrbthere. is an excellpnt op portunity for . a general onsiaugni on toe minions of alcohol. l Will you improve it t rnrA Mr HrimunnP. kt thfilend of thirty ! Let a response of approval come up from days, was amply rewarded by one of the coast, valley, hili top, and pl4in,jn such peas coming up. In 4he nejjt year,$815, j tones of thunder s to shatter thenfamous -.t i ,.c ,Kt rrnih wfirt ntnnipd at i IJpnsfi Svstpm toi its foundation, and once in thc-pn ground, ajid succieded place the murderous Liqdor hl rapepn a completely. Surequentlyl at ai meeting j position to receive the weji mented ; exe. One cord of memlow-muck having been I i -Wrinp, and ;ssue fr0m ,he sides of TE copawnerehipof WixherepoontPntcharr5t Co. bavin been cftssoWed by triotua! consent, lbe bu siness Will hereafter be conducted under the name of PRITClI IPtD, R0SEB0R0UGU,& Co. In losing Mr. . A. Witherspoon, we have lost a geoile man and an agreeable copartner, but we trust have not lost that principle that should actuate honest men in the transaction of bAsinesa, and ia offering ourselves to the Pea, which he illustrated with dried por- i public meetings were held irt Otncmnair ; r pp ni? ir it-ivh THTmVFSS tioiis of the nlanf, the blossoms, and grain, I during the week the iNaiionai. division kjiililiuwu -uv. ' asjwelLas drawings. Thp blos&orfis do not resemble wings of butterflies, as the blpssoms of all the other knpwa species of cic.tr do. but are bell shaped, white! with nrUh. Srro-Kfrvntian Societv in London. ' cration of all lovers oi truth and virtue. 'thft! Milmmv I Public 3ceiri-Severa1 i interesting was in session, ! On Wednesday afternoon, May i pledge ourselves for the faithful performance of our en- 16. a elements. We have no disposinon to pott our estaD- v ifriirif.xir.Yinn sit siirHfifi irfif vii ' 'r,u ..... ..v.... w. .... .. . ....... - , s,,jjkg ,n dusters oi lromfiour io?eigni V leaJt one vear, j 8 -J j blooms. . The pods protrude, through t he ; Twelve bushels h-ached ashes 20 , b,sonvfn the shape Df aicapital 8, and ;. . bushels crushed bones, - 1 0 , as!pach ,anl producesseveVal stalks; with Total cost Per cord. 81 ;f fThe bones and ashes were mixed to 'clhcr while the latter were in a damp ;. IplUlG niJ Ilrll ll llliri.Hlll imu inn"-" thlack these were incornrated with the. ifTitadow.muck. In this condijtibn the. mass fhpuld remain' until heat is generated 'jagain, wheii it will be fit for se. i . f Ho had found this compost equal to any Stable manure for root crop, grass, land, sometimes upwards of alhundredj pods, - .each containing from six fp ten peas, the "mtimrnv pea is proportionately no less prolific than the famous Egyptian wheat, which was praised as a wonder ty the art-dent Greeks and IiomarS. The Egyp tian pear is of the dwarf Kind, Watfts no sticks ftjr clitnbipg up, acid in its 'exterior m)St resembles the scimitar or marrowfat pea. It is said to surpass in taste and co- ! lour every other species of the fea.f WHOLESALE & RETAIL. 1! 'Wt fisvt Un hand an1 fir .'t:. a - .una vjnu IVWIHg nun, iw tv n ii Administrator's Tends. ' Guardian " Appeal . Constable " C Sa Hail (State case) Bil (Civil ) Delivery Prosecution . " i 'gardening purposes generally, and for fruit I Jtrees. For the last two years, he had mix. - Vied his table manure with the compost, JCand also had added to it one-eighth part in ,i)ib)ilk of fine refuse charcoal from the de ? lpotS'brvenders This can be purchased J; fi ve dollars the cord, delivered, and J. redoes hot much increase the cost above jriamed. ' j J J 1; Mr. Wilder saPd, that since Lieblg first S 7 From the SpitiL of Ihe Jlge. NATIONAL DIVISION. r The sixth Annual session of tfje INfatibn- ali Division of the Sons of; Tempei-ance,, commenceu us session in v-ncinuau, on tlie 15th ultimo, and is described by the Editor of the New York (rgan wJioSvas pfesent, as being fully equl to anyjformer session, ;or worm. eloquence ana pracucai f i- ...(Promulgated Ins opinion as to the won- j intelligence and as comparing Jfivora . , lUcriui inuuence oi cnarcoai in rooung cut- ,y .with any i i tings of plants, and as a component part j j, of sbils experiments havp been making vcriyingiis imponance. ue aisomiorms us, that the volatile gas whicharises from our stables and manure heaps, and de scends in the rain and snow, and which We call ammonia, i the great fertilizer of th eartb. To secure this subtle element. f Mr.V. Jias1 ivdded charcoal to' his com post heaps, and as he thought with great ndvahtng. j Jt is very durable if not in destructable ; a substance: of great poros ity, and jwc are told, he said by 'chemists, Iha'it will absorb 00 per cent, of its bulk at ammomti) but its beneficial effects are supposed to arise frorrf its pawer of retain incr, this volatile cas, and yieldinc: it up as i it isj washei out by rains, or a the vifaj jorce oi i t tic root searched lor tood, lie did 'not consider it a fertilizer in itself, but thai lt;was a medium of administering .nourishment, having used; it with good i success j for greenhouse plants for many yenirs i , ' Mr. Wilder said the compost (with the chrcoa and stable manure combined) j vas thoi be$t he had evc.r useT as a p:en vcral rnnnure. On fruit trees its effects I xvcrc remarkable. ; In thospring of 1817, he planted a $qqare in tli nursery with Imported' trees I'jvero froin four to five feet in height, and ;tiil(iough it is not usual for frees to make large growth the first yearthey acquir- eJt branches of three to four feet, and were sp handsome am to command 81 25 each foV a row of fifiy trees, without any f elect ion. . In June ast which is very late to see put tree?, he pretmtcd another square on deliberative! body, he had cier seen. r 1 ,f ; The Constitution of Subordinate! Divi sions was altered as follows : Art. 6, Sec. 2, relative to weekly benefits, the words 'three dollars" were stricken out, and one dollar" inserted, and the following clause added to the section : ".Neverthe less, this Division may suspend benefits by a two-third vote of the members pre sent at a regular meetingT-aflertwo week's previous notice of such action. Art. 9, Sec. 3, was amended so fas read-' No brother .stTall be eligible o the ofjice of V 1m W. A. or Treasurer, who isjunder 21 )cars of age. The minimum of weekly duesvas fixed at five cents, for cbnven xience. ' ' . ' t i With i regard to the change in th bene fit feature, reducing it frofn $3, to 81, we have" received complaints from Jsever- jivistons; out we inintc mere- is no need for it, as the changeonly atlects the miiiiinuMi of benefits, the Constitution be ing made to read that thelweekly Uenefits shall not be c.s than $1. The Divisions have a right to rivake them as much more as they may see proper. SIf we are right In this, (and wo have not; a iloubt about jt) the dissatislaction i we, have hoaids ex pressed must vanish, as the alteration can- jio't affect only those Divisions who choose social meeting of Sons M Danshe rs ! VZ' Was held at r OSler Hall. A he Urand Un- public favor. ) We are thankful for that already received, ion Of Ohio, in regalia, enfered, iq'proces- Land would advise our friends amLthe pubiic-to take care Sion. Sprightly addresses Were delivered 1. and where hey have the most confiJence- , 7 r i (V i L,' i fbept treated, and gpt the best job for their money. Oar by brothers from dMerent sections and work8hall!notbe inferiortoany in this partof the world. an hour was spent pleasantly and profita- fpTCHARD, ROSEBOROUGH &. Co. bJy. -i . ' . Mocksville.N. C , Jan. .11, 1849. tf36 In the evening, the National Division, The undersigned havin? been connected with the a -.u r i rv 4 r ,.A TXm ' bove estaWishtnent from its commencement in Mocks the Grand Division and the Grand 1 em- ; ... .. , r,,.,ntU. anH havin(T a knowledge of the pie of Ohio, and qtfite an army of Cadets, qalifications'iof the gentlemen in charge, can assure marched through the Streets, With ban- ' the public thai they are prepared with good workmen ners and stirring music, to the Melodeon. 1 rmtenal3can execate in 33 Jtf aosf , . . r i - ' heretoiore, and cheerfully recommend them as worthy of On arriving we found an immense con- pubiic patronde. : course of people assembled. The hall we . j- I. A. WITFIERSPOON, were told would seat 2,500. ; EverJT seat I H. REYNOLDS. every window everv standing spot ! b - rir was occupied with ladiesjand gentlemen. ErCl.XHS Xt LD TS7 13 The Next Session,--lt was unanimous- j ly resolved to hold the iseventh annual Saddle, Harness and Trunk session at Boston,on the sepond Tuesday of 3 June, 1850. The eighth session will pro bably be held at Louisville, Ky,, or Nash ville, Tenn. . , j j Effect of the Session. Though the sixth annual session of the National Division opened amid gloom and disappointment, its close was joyful and satisfactory. All were gratified with the pleasing inter views it afforded, and the progress of our reform, as "indicated by the advanced Sen timent and glowing reports of brothers from all sect ions. At its close, as our uni versally esteemed M. W Chjalain, Rev. F. P. Scruggs, with impressive veneration eloquently thanked Almighty God that the members had been preserved from a,c- Forbindin? free rwgroea. bastardy Konda. , Letters of Administration Special " Letters Testamentary. C. &, S. Court Writs. Ejectment " , Attachment C. and S. C. Subpeenas. Scire "Com. loui. Deed. S.C.!JBror'.: Ticket, c. c, do do do do i Marriage Apprentice IndenfoL Am.. r.f II-. V""!. Dank Now-,C. pr Land Deeda. Deed of Trcsv -. henn?s IVeus. ; Ca Sag and Bond. Jubpepnas. County and opt-rf' Facias vs. Defaalting Wrriess? . V Chemicals, Dye-StnlTs and Perfumery. :i - . THE sahscribers are now receiving at tbeii Drug Store, corner of the Mansion Hotel, the largest and best selected assortment of Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, and Dye-Stuffs, ever brought to this market.. We particularly invite the attention of Physicians, Druggists, and Merchants to our stock, which we pledge to sell at lower rates than any other establishment in Western North Carolina. With the asurance again that our prices and term shall please all, we return our sincere thanks to thepublic for their very liberal patronage heretofore extended to us. Below we present a list of a few of the articles compris ing our stock : Pulverised Ipecac, Rhei, Jalap, Colum bo, Scilla, Gamboge, Opium, Arrow Root, Pearl Barley, Cort Cinch, Hyd. Ch!o. Mit., Suph. Quinine, Salph. Morphine, Ac-it do , 1'iprine, alacine, Ked Lread, e- j are poJicj, lo gite us a call, or for V. 'f" netian Red. Soanish Brown. White Lead, Black do., i .,,.1 tv.ai rv.iltr attnft fler w . . . i i n r:l l 1 fT T I J - . r J . , . do do do do to revive judgment. to beirs at law to SU do ti al. J vs. Special Bail. . ', I resentments of Roads. 1 do for Assault and Ba:terr do for AtTrays. " do for Fornication and Adn?: do for retaiiing without lxt' And many others of not so common i Officers of Courts, and others wbo 1. MiJlEJXJP AOTOB.Y I MAIN STREET, SAtllSBURY, One Door bcloiv tlie Post Office. T HE subscriber having established himself in the Town of Salisbury, for the purpose of carrying on the above business, respectfully solicits a share of public patronage, lie pledges himself, ihat his work shall al ways be done in the very best style, and his prices to suit the times. jj He will kep constantly on hand Saddles, Bridles, llartifig(ilee,illarne8, Collar a, -Saddle .Wallets, Trunks, CEP constantly on hand an exten sive assortment of Valises, &c, be. Also, Harness Skirting, Sole and Up Cident or CalimitV as he prayed that OUr per Leather of the very best quality always on hand which arms might be Strengthened, OUr hearts j ean be bough low for cash, or on a short credit tcprompt . . ra. . .. ' .1 customers. r encouraged, and our beads erjllghtened, ; In additiori to the above, he respectfully informs the public, that he carries on the TANXIXG and BOOT find SHOE MAKIXG BUSINESS in the Town of Siatesville, where he will always be happy to see hisold Linseed and Train Oil, Logwood, Copperas, Iudigo, Also, a large assortment of Shop Furniture. ( Prescriptions furnished at all hours. Orders from a distance punctually attended to 1 BROWN & JAMES. Salisbury, July 6, 1849 . 10 Boger & Wilson K WATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry, Silverware, Cutlery, Musical Instruments, Revolving Pistols Perfumery, Soaps, and Fancy Articles of every descrip tion. Persons wishing to purchase articlesin theabove line, will do well to call and examine their fine selection, one door above J. i, W. Murphy's store. Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry repaired in the best manner, and warranted for twelve nlontlis. Lrpine and plain Watches altered to Patent Levers, and warranted to perform well. Salisbury, July 20, 1843 tf 12 Many of the forms enumerated 'above Tf -. for sale bv v J.'W. .STOCKTON, at Statesr2 wm. m. Henderson, at concord ' WM. F. WATTS, at Mockn. ' J. F.WV, at Jefltrson, Ashe Co Any forms of Clanks which we may cat !at hand wi',1 be printed to order without dela? if be forwarded. ' May 1519. WATCHMAN OFFICE. rn TMR PHTV.TTXF J JU JL l XL r1 IVVJ,. for renewed, determined, wisely continued ettort in the cause of 1 em'p chance and Love every countenance glowed. We parted with; new hopes, tfobleiaspirations fully believing that our heayen-born en terprise had been efTectually benefited by our taken sweet4 counsel together. , May the operations of the present year emi nently justify these pleasiug reflections ! friends, and supply them with any of the above enumer ated articles. .Thankful for past encouragement , he hopes by close attention, noi only to merit a continuance of the same, but a considerable increase for the future. UHis shdip is one door below the " PostOlTice." WM. II. MOWBRAY. Salisbury, January 11, 1819 ly ; rather poof land; and planted trees just received from England,; upon it. The "soil had been thrown up Jo the frost the previous winter, and the comj ;ivaV applied in the trenches, Toots. JMr. AvHich ho Birjco tlicy Wilder exhibited two shoots iad grown from fhoso trees were set out in June. The Bhoots were four feet in length, and the wood hard 4and we ll rifSeried. :," lym stated that dn old beds, where char cbal had been biirned ten years before, the corn and wheat to this day are uni formlv better th fin on t he j adjoining lands being' vigorous, of a ditrlier green color, and producing larger crpps. Afanm r remarks, " 1 sowed fine -charcoal over mv :j 'grass, lind$ in strips: tljesc strips have i increased: onealf in predict, and with- out; .any apparent tlnninution lor live years. , , WraVnderment.onetHeveral instances fpr(j,) b!e that at any tshovvingthe benehc.nl ellects arising from nn a ,c,rtsl thrfe m inc use oi tine cnarcoai. one o let it do so. We have written? to the M. W. S. (on this point, and hope loon to Receive something definitbinu official in relation to it, whicji we I w ill layj before pur readers as soon as t) mvy cipme to jhand. The alteration of;eligfbUity to of fice, we regard as an improvement, and jwc doubt not was madp in accordance Avith the suggestions of the Grand Divi sion of North Carolina atHts last Session, npon this subject. The Constitution pre jviously required all oflicers to be twenty- one years of age ; this feature was re- Jy elected iticrafly, of the Divisionfbf our Ujiiversi jty ; and the Grand Scribl, was inltructed I to address the M. W. P. jn order, jf possi ble, tojhave an alti'ration or mouication of tha Article made at the Sessiofi of the N. L). m May. This duty was performed, and the necessity and utilltv of thejehange set forth by our G. JS., and we are grati fietf that the suggestions and wishes of our G. I), have met witlij so ready a re sponse at the hands of the National Divi sion. University Division, to which we look with sp much hope and promise, is jj now relieved, from its peculiar ofjganiza luni.oi lunuer ciiiimrrassmenis antl incon- vetutMices in this respect, it being hardly time it will lie with- The Presbyterian General Assembly, Old School, lately in session at Pittsburg, decided to hold their next annual meeting at Cincinnati. From ihe usual narrative on the state" of reli gion, it appeared that the church included 23 Synods and 122 Presbyteries. Two Presby. teries will soon be formed in China, oite in Western Afiica, and one in California. The, Assembly in accepting Dr. iMilleiis re. s.ignation the lltird time offered of his pro. fessorship in ihe Princeton Seminary, adopted resolutions continuing his salary and profes sional dignities for life, with the title of" Erne. ritus Professor of Church Government and Ec BOOT AND SHOE SHOP ! THANKFUL for the liberal pa tronage heretofore received, the subscriber would reppectfully inform the citizens of Salisbury and the Fur rounding country, that he still contin ues to manufacture BOOTS AND SHOES in a style that will compare with any in this part of the country. Our materials are of the best quality, and our work shall be done in good taste, and at prices to suit the tiint-s. He has now, and intends to keep on hand, Roots and Shoes made in the lalest fashion and finest style, and ' I 1 1 1 : I. i. -.11 i I- . i d, -I II" 4 ... j) i c .i usks an wno may wish iu ouy, 10 can uuu see iortnem- esiastical llistory re easing him from the , 3 WILLIAM J. PLUMMER SADDLEB AND HARNESS MAKER, friAKES pleasure in returning his JL thanks to all those who have heretofore favored him with thetr custom. He trasts and believes thai he has given very general, if not uni versal satisfaction ; and as be isfor the past, so shall he continue tofeel grate ful to all who may patronize his shop. He would inform the public that he has lately receiv ed 9ome very fine northern material, and is now better prepared to do Saddle and Harness work than ever. His prices are not extravagant, but his work is good. He occupies his usual stand .opposite to the store oBo per &. Maxwell, and js ever ready to obey orders in the line of business to which he belongs. He keeps on hand a good stock of saddles, bridles, martingales, harness Sec. for snle, andrcan most generally, furnish iastanter sucrT articles as ae required of hint. Salisbury, June 1, 1848 tf Medicines, Medicines. A r r 1 t ? -ri i r rw rf i n t A . ' ' f nu..."& .uracil, uou aonf.fjj requestea to give BHUXER & JAMES a call. They are prepared to do; almost every nr, tn first-rate style, trom a book down to the i!i liabr has been aptly compared to greasing wheel. "W. will often turn without srease, and m may Mrta or Mechanic get on without advertising; hot itjk-l work, and all who have properly tried the eiprr.ju know well the advantage both of oil to aiacLner.'ii advertising to business. 2 CHEAP for 'CASH VFllllllln4HlffffriffffFnfffffffffffffffffffBMfBfHbVfffffffffffff ohligalion, but requesting him to instruct as it should be convenient and agreeable. On Saturday, May 26th, the Rev. Mr. Xevin entered his protest against Jhe " resolutions of the Assembly on the subject of slavery. On the same day, the Assembly went into the elec tion of a Professor at Princeton, in place of Mr. Miller. The following" gentlemen -were nominated : Drs. Alexander, Smyrhe and 'N. L. Uice They received respectively 1 10, 10 and 34, so tltat Dr. J. W. Alexander was declared du- Richmond Times.l'. Country produce taken in exchange for work. Boots anT Shoes neatly repaired. Persons from the country will find our shop one door below M. Brown &. Son's store, and opposite the Man sion Hotel. JDRK.M1AH BAfililNdER. . By JACOB LCFLEIl. Salisbury, Feb. 15, 1840 40 i - From Hay ti. The first tilings we have from President Soulouque. snc hUs disas ters ih battle with, the forces at St. Do mingo, are brought by Captnin Mattenson of the Prussian brig Pombna, from Cio naive, whence he sailed on 11th fnst. Hie reports that when left Gonaives accounts had been received there from GATES, STEDMAN & CO., 11G Nassau street, Xcw York, ARE NOW PUBLISflING TOE POPULAR CYCLOPAEDIA OF MODERN DOMESTIC MEDICINE. BY KEITH 1)1 RAY, M. I FEI.T.OW OF TIIF. ROYAT, ('nr.Lr'iF. Of HI YSICIAN ANT) MCEX I TI ATE OF THE ROY A f. COLLEGE OF SURGEONS, E01NBVRf.lt. Tiws work gives a clear and concise idea of the na ture of the .' distinctive symptoms, of the premonitory signs of diseases, of their pri-disi)osirig causes, and of the methods of tlieir treatment recommended by the most distinguished physicians. The Itfst modes of employing the medicines in Gene ral use are faithful! v described : as are also the diet and Port au Prince. SoulouqUfe had returned ' regimen necessary under various diseases, and during from b? wn r nnrl ivi;npl nrnnl ! mr t inn i convalescence. .w... t .t v. 'l WIV.ff. I lull) avowing his defeat and a; loss bf about 5,000 in killed arid prisoners. Com. Adv$ " ' " ( ...w. fvi rm n r i nn r ri f I -.. . , extraordinary prodiifct of wheat crop. Says an Knglish gardener, My com Hwt, tutijfisis oi. notiiingi nut loam ntu; ; cKarconl, without n particle of manure o ..any .sort. : f EkTH AQ 11 U 1 N AU Y. YiTA LIT Y OF A ' it A--- r, w. a. - 1 Vi Scvrr.il years ago tlicj celebrated trav eller. Sir Gardiner Wilkinspn, present ejd I h British Museum with an antique vasf. "hermrticajiy closed, wblphJie had foiird Inn mummy pit in Egyjxt, and the age of uhtch was computed atlabout thrcclbou. Wnd )tar. Mr. T. J. Pettigrevv, the li- ' barian of Ihe late Duke of Sussex,' prp ccrdeil to openjthe vase in order to asccr tain its conteiHS, but indoing so, uitfortun ntely broke it in several: pieces. The in tcrior contained n inftss of vegetable dust, ivith n lew grains of wheat and .vetchejs ; he; wai liowcver amply indemnilied joj j the destruction of the vase by-Jiscoyeritji, in this dust a number or peas, entirety hhri velhfd, and as hard . as, tone. M r. P. S. A letter just received from the Most Worthy Scribe -says : " The Returns of the Granjl Divisions are not yet all in. From those in and an estimate of the oth ers, I sci our numbers at over Fopr Thou sand Divisions, and noi less than Two Hundred and Twenty iThousaml Mem bers:' h . .-- .? ; - Wesgive below a condensed account, from the Organ, of the frocce'dingsf the National Division, andlin our rtext, we will give the Report pf the; Committee on the Slate of the Order" a document which will be read witli profit afid inter est by all. " , ." .' C'v j j The Cadets. A resolution was adopt ed commending the Cadets to tbj protec tion and care of the Sons of Temperance. We forget the exact terjns of the resolu tion, but we think itseilect was to recom mend Grand Divisions to adopt siich mea sures for the promotion )f thej C.ldets'and YoungerBrothers as mai seem bst kdapt ed to enlisf our youth ia jthes temperance movement, s I . . ua.-j. yr i.ME. I hfi hit me w Episcopal Convent ion. -The Thirty-third Annual Convention of the Protestant Episco pal Church in this Diocese, closed its session in St. Luke's Church, Salisbury, on. the 27th tilt. ; f The following statistics apjwar from the Re. pot of the Committee oh the Slate of the Church : ; ; , I R a pi isms Adults, 144 -4 Children, f 460 Confirmations, ; Communicants, ; f- No. of Clergy, Deacons, t : : ' . I Making, with ihe Bishop, ; Churches Consecrated, i Candidates for Orders, -601 233 01 or 34 6 Diet, Atmosphere, Temperature, Bathing, Climate, Clothiner a' Ad Exercise are also stircinliv treated unon. ! Tlie publishers of hc American Edition prefix to Dr. j Imray's work, short illustrated, and very valuable Trea tises npon Anatomy, Physiology and Kurgery ; also Di-. reclioins for the Treatment of the Sick, Management of ' the Sick Room, Preparation of Food for tlie Sick, &.C. Many valuahle articles have been furnished by the courtesy of medical gentlemen of the United States, j The entire volume, with its full Index, Tables of Do seg,'6$c, will prove, it is confidently believed, a most valuable book for Family use. i The work will he completed in twelve weekly num i bers, forming one large 6vo. volume-of about 1UU0 pages. ! Gentlemen of respectability and good address wanted j as canvassers for the above woik in every town and vil- lage in the United Slates. Address (post paid;, j GATES, STEDMAN f5j CO., 3t50 116 Nassau street. WE are receiving at Dr. C. B. Wheeler's old stand the largest and best stock of M EDICINES, INSTRUMENTS, Paints Dyc-Sl tiffs, Spices rj- Perfumery. Fancy and Uuseful Articles, ever brought into this country. (See our large hand bills and Catalogue. We will sell very low for cash. LOCKE & C11AFFIN. Salisbury, Mayt 1 1 , 1 M 8 2 Spring & Summer Fashions Received ! THOMAS DICKSON, TAILOK, WOULD respectfully inform his old customers, that he still carries on the TAILORING AND CUTTING BUSINESS m ins 0K1 sin ii u opposite j. cv. v . .iurpny s onck store, wliere he holds himself rendv at all times to serve his cus tomers. His prices wili be found by those who may patroni him to be lower than at any oUit shop in the Town, his1 work durable and warranted 10 fit well. If not, call and get your money for your cloth arjnin. T. Dickson returns iiis sincere thanks to hi? former pa trons, and hopes by industi y and application to business, ! . L . . ! II . I . 1 - 1 mai 1 ne y win continue ineir attention to nis shop ; also, invites those who have not yet come to him, to call and try his ht. He is lif regular receipt of the most approved fashions from the North, published by Mahan ; also, by Wards' Monthly. AU kinds of country produce received in payment for work. 'TIIOS. DICKSON. March 29, 1849 ly37volj OPPOSITION IS THE LIFE OF TRADE !! HARRIS & GRUMP A Kb now receiving from New York and JPhkdt; XjL phia, a large and splendid stork of ' SPRING AND SUMMER (100IIS, ' which they are determined to se.l ss nv; a; any tcrf in this part of North Carolina, con.-itins of all kiadi ladies ind irentlemen's dress goods, cf he latfit r newest stvles, which have been selected uhgtttct and bought at the very lowest casa pricts. F(fr 'Ladies Wear. Beautiful silk Lustres, Mode Cashmeres, ciWJ ii satin striped do., Moureline de Lanes, silk or-d m4 Lustres, Cheni Alpaccas, bl'k anj col'd Merb,pa Ginghams, French do.. Shawls, Gloves, KiMoni, it Collars, Linen Cai.ibrlc iland'tfs, Bonnet hiU, Ve.rri Bonnets ad Hosiery. For Grn'1emriiJs-Ycar. , Black French and English Cloths, Freiith CarfiifH fig'd df., fancy do., wool Tweed. Kentucky Jane?, La seys.fm'd stin Vesting, cut velvet do., pirn Mtin ii ard worsted do. Also, brown and bleadi a l)".a,l rucstics, Whitney Blankets, Hats &, Cap, Hoot tV Shoo, besides a genera! stock oi Hardware and Cutlery, (irorerifs, Trorkfry, It Those wishing to buy goo.1.-, w e resp-ttiu'!jr'-iv their attention to the above stock, as we are dettrsiiH not to be outsold by anv. Wood (.rove, Rowan co., Oct . 3C, 1.- 123 CAPE FEAR STEAMBOAT COMPU OF FAYKTTLVJLU fejTX WILMINGTON, Af t ir.v.uw Strainer d'ov. a HA HAM. MiucMraf Tow Bbat, MIKE HltOW'X, TELFAillAPll. GFX. TAYLOR, TUV. a vide f above Boats run regularly between Tiy'?. 1 and Wilmington at the lat rednred TV i i 41 2 6 Just READY MADE Mum on 1 BTT M IB Opened in Salisbury! CLOT 1 1 STORE I freight, ai d are as welj prepared for the fpeedf ik transporta'ion of tiootL op frnd down aj any lint s'1 ! river. ' - -r Thankful for the last year's businpfs we toVtcie tinuance ad increase for the fulore. AH gKl e signed to J. & W. L McCiary, Wilmington, N C,1 be forwarded free of commission. Ail produce from the country tent to W. L Vf ry, Fayetteville, will be shipped to where ciesr'tJ commission. Io all cjis-s we cie the ear.iffi tion of the arrival and departure of :;fJ Communications addressed to J W. L V1 W'ilinirnrtnn and W 1. Mcf.irt Vu vit!fvK,f?.fi'T1 witli att en t i on . . W . L . M I G A Ii V, A Jan. 20 1 40 1 at the River, and having been lorii u'f?J r warding business, wiil receive and forward a! to his address at the usual comnjiss-if'n. Jan. I49 W- L McGA 5! PeftijjiTW tlistributfil thfc grama amongst Lchangrd from " Tntionk Division of the n,fwi o his learned (rifntls.Uutthe criklns j ' rot ltd iu the earth in wliich they hai Men I jV; J'lrtntcil. It happened. lloNVever, that Sir. haue, vvnicii, au?r tTf vrais, hv presented ihq udll liiiown inventof ofvtho KngUsb f ; i fElye S"uuif, and owner bf the ciU'n&Ve-- t the(lapse of several ed to MrAVGriinstanje, United Slrvtes," tothe - Nation ai! LWiov of JNoRTii .America." The change was unasked by. the UritUh Proviricesi bufwas made without opposition .as inf matter of sound policy, and justice to all concerned. vOut Door OrERATioxsJ The great ques tmiiof the session IVorp all quarters ap peared to beiriof can bedoiie'to hasten Ordinations Pre shy t erg 3, Deacons If 6 . ; ; j 'li ;, Reformation. We were gratified to learn that the Justices (of our County Court came to a praise-wprlhy conclusion last week in regard to licences for retail ing ardent spirits. None bf the applicants in the towrt of Hillsboro'fsucceeded in ob taining licences ; so that 'now there is but one licensed house in. town. The neces sity of such a course has for some time been apparent to the minds of reflecting citizens, not only to preserve from the in fluence an evil example, the morals of our own sons, ; but also of the youths from abroad sent here to school : Vind the thanks of the community are due to theraembers of the Court who have assumed the re sponsibility. ; I v ui I We hope this decision; will be iadherea to by the Court ; arid wiq doubt not that if any shall venture to; appeal,that the decision will be sdstaind by tho higher t ri b u n eLs.Hil1sboioug?i Rcccrdt i . BRANDIIETH;S PII.Z.S ! Tiicir AVorks lrafc Them. Monroe, W. T., Nov. 21, 1847. P.. Childs & Co. Gents. A few days since under a most painful at tack ofbillious cholic, 1 bethought, (after a fruitless trial of every remedy I could think of within reach,) of try ing your pilla, they having been cried up as a " cure all ;" and to niy surprise found immediate relief; so faithfully Jid they do their work, that in three fourths of an houf, I was so perfectly cured, that I had no need to. repeat he dose. I can cheerfully recommend them Jra the best family medicine in the circle of my knowl edge," and. I have used most of the specifics abroad. O. II. RECD. Each box contains 31 pills ; price 25 cents, and is ac companied with certificates and full directions. For sale by Boer tc Maxwell, Salisbury; Falls t Morrison; Sin tesville ; David Fraley, Rockville; J. P. Mabry, Lexington ; D. Honurycutt, Gold Hill ; and ! wholesale and retail by P. M. Cohen, 19, Ilayne street, Charleston, F. C. 4w4 SPRING AND SUMMER 33 L Zf '-3 JTST KtCElVED Country Produce taken in payment fqj icork done by . GOULD i: HAWKINS, TAILORS. THE Subscriber havinc purchased at the North a large assortment of Ituly TjJadc Clotll- i II made up in the best style and of the best mate rials, woild invite the public, to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere, as he feels assured j that he can olFer such inducements as cannot fail to ) please. His stock consists in part as follows : Clonics, Orrrcoals, Sacks, Frock-Coals, Dress Coals, black and fancy Cassimere Pants, Saltinct do ; Cloth, 'Silk and Salfin, black and fancy Vests, Shirts, Drawers, Cra rials, Handkerchiefs, Hats, Caps, Roots, Shoes, (Src, 'c., c. Also Cloths, Cassimeres, Vesting?, tc, which will be made up to order at the shortest notice, and in the most fashionable style, by Mr. John A. Weirman, an expe rienced Tailor from Philadelphia. His Store is nearly opposste J. t W. Murphy's well known stand. J. II. ENNISS. Salisbury, Dec. 7, 1848 31tf COME AND BUY BAlUlAlV r carriage iAxr.itTonr HE undersinned having formed a co- theabove business, res-ct fully invite pu T tion to their Establishment, and to their sopp Carriages, Barouches, i Rod1? Busies, &c.. cm . which for lightness, banty of design, W1 tion, and excellence f material, cannot be'ST-" any work in the southern country. (rf They have in their employ a lare "vf "Tr workmen. Their blacksmiths, wood-'0 jrj mers, and painterr.are all m-n of exper-fi0"' Kepainng done on very stfTt jc cheap for cash or approved notes ; or cBtrM ken in exchange. t D OVERMAN. BK0.V JjalisboTy, feb. J: Salisbury, March 22, 1849. SVPRIOU Foolscap and Letter poper, for sale by . JJ. EXXISS. 1 WOULD respectfully inform all persons who have granted Notes in payment of their purchases at the sale of the Estate of the late Joseph Pearson, thai I leave the same in the hands of D. A. Davis, Fsq., Cashier of the Dank of Cape Feaj, at Sali.-bnry, for collection. C. P. MALLETT, . Attorney for Representatives. Fayetteville, Feb. 8, 1843. " 18w42 HlARD LAMPS. ' T HAVE four Centre Table which I will sell very cheap. . EXXISS. A CARD. . I' ... fill JLW selves in the practice ot Mfoi" '1' . fvr8?' (bund attheirdmgitore when not prff':t,n '' SalUhuxyu December 16, 184T-r,,33 . v PRICE & UTLEY, . Fashionable Tailor?? coy cord, -V. c- 'April 27. $. L AX D DEEDS Beautifully rrintetl and for s H 2 1. COl G CO "fid in it 4 M j xh tli at ri hc v c v it 41 "S o -a m ii al n o Ui ; c tl tl ;j L m h; tl d, b T in d di G h o a r u $ II "St .ft h Jr G tc f-P' .tc V'a: n . u tl .a I f '!4 if t - t- ,

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