i r i( give express notift at twwliing to eonlniu? t ' t ' ' T , - . . .. ' ' ttI T.A.HXT OT -itAII iuWiVri; who do not give wrn-ew notk to .ha otriify. fonmaarea i ir kiiiPinpni firurr: ini: uiHuiiihiiiuativv t k r,he PablWer uy f ntmuHo tend them un 1 i 1 'If ...ikriWr beeWorrefams taking their pipers raiiSi rsas .d their paP or rrXb;;.44d WfH-H to take a fw,r!icat from the ollice, or removing ,irT7 rn-:; A thwl A.r.ia" Prima facie" eviijertcc Tctn of tuc waiciiuiaii. ff SubbcftjJtloivpfr yCtiKTwo Dollars payable in hjdvancei j But ifl not 1 plaid in advance, Two dinars hjdvanceij But it, not i paid n rfn.l fifty eta; will be ehirpen1 ' 'i.,Jii. ,l k oi rp ik first. and 25 or each ttbeauent insertion. Court order, chvceu ' 24percj. higher jthan the.e rates. A liberal a t tiott to tfc who advertise ly the year. Lmtm ti,the Editora rtni't be Pot Pmd. - . j 4,- ;;r 7.-7 -fr - - -" T7-i ' "':;:-. - "1 ", 'j' I ir irii,t - ' ! : " r- f5 w .,r: . " ; u ". ; 1 : THE;iiiaii' iTeiiiiN. 5 . , . '?:; : 1 ' 1 ' v vr --f Po this, airo Liberty is safe." ! X Gea'l Harrison. I BRUNEll & JAMES, 1 i 'I rJior 4 Proprietors. 1 Keef a check upon all tocr Rulers J SALISBURY, N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 23, 1849. NEW SERIES. VOLUME VI NUMBER 1G. cts. UC- .rM.rin. BARGAINS Lrii BARGAINS ! Jf fuLtfTrber ip no receiving one ol the lland- fjinrstljand cheopet flocks of .fePIt&G AN!)- SUM ME It in tlii' trmrk.f i, )UrchaHeil in riiiladelphia '!r. c. trv w 1 I .offered .r r nrf fcJ.UnlFrfOchdelaJea-atid; Jipi)le creen Clotlis; llack niiirarv ''jl'ed ami o(her fhhey Cnpsimere.s and Vesli t 1 Nw YV'tk, frornj the Potest Foreign Arrivals! and nt lhr towelt cash firtire, doiiHisting in part of bl'kJhlue, tniiifary ,7Jo an,J ojlhpr la-pcy lnpiineres and V estmgs, ; .1-.L. ' 4' Vrortrll j 1 )r flirt! Lj. t t ft li ft 11 loorv a . V 1 ll ran a J IrX till fj ( i i v Livuj iiuiiu.iuii,v viiimi(.iig j (,lld nd.vi?ea ; a targe stock of cotton ades; arid all ftllHklndsprKeiitleiienaMtnmer wear. Also, pplindid inccdotc of the Re?. John Wesley Mr. Dudley wts one evening taking tea with ihkt eminent artist, Mr Culyj when he asked him whether he had seeri his gallery of busts. Mr. D. answering in the negative, and expressing a wish t6 be gratified with a sight of it, Mr Culy conducted him thither ; and after tadmirf ing tfic busts of the several great nen ojf the day, he came to one which particur larly attracted bis notice, and on Inquiry found it was the likeness of the Rev. John Wesley. J "This bust," said Mr. C, " struck Lori Shelboorne in the same manner it doel you, ana there is a remarkable fact con?, nccted w4ih it, which, as I know you are fond of anecdotes, I will relate to ypu prer cisely in the same manner and words thai I did to him." On returning to the parlour, Mr. C. commenced accordingly : f j I am a very old man : vou mbst ex1- ors together, and laid before them the state of his affairs, showed them hisbooks which were in the most perfect order. They all willingly signed the dividend ex cept the lawyer, who owed his rise in the world to this merchant ; the sum was 250 pounds, for which he obstinately declared he should be sent to jail. It was in vain the creditors urged him to pity his forlorn NOBILITY cjF MECHANICS. . The following beautiful cjtract is from the pen ol that devoted friend of the laborer, Miss. Wentwort, and is well worthy a place in eve. ry newspaper, and lss worthy a perusal by every Mechanic in ilia aid. It does us good to record language sjo expressive of our own sentiments : I "Toil on sutibur&t Mechanic! God has condition, and to consider his great re- I Pced thee in thy lol perchance to guide the ii) ing car mat wniris pi on worn scene to scene sjpectability. That feeling was a stranger 10 nis oreast, and in spite of all their ire monstrances he "was hurried away to pri son, followed by his weeping wife, j As she was Very accomplished, she continued to maintain herself and her husband for some time, solely by the use of her pericil, in painting small ornaments on cardl. And thus they managed to put a little a srde for -the time of her confinement. But so long an illness succeeded this event that she was completely incapacitated cusc my little lauings, and as-1 before ob knA Jl , ?v, Un.;.: ut i t r' . and their scanty savings were soon sex served hear it in the, words I repeated it nendftlI hv nrnrJri.hnMaMrimm n hn LnrrluHin AT..1 ooU -i 1 : I j 0 wv-v.... .w v 111 mmj t u j lm i ir a in w iiri ii. .n 111 i ir: i im ii.n you have heard of ohn Wesley, th It is not UMBRELLAS. hundred a nunureu years since n vprv eccentric Englishman, named Jonas Han way, having returned from his Travels in the kast,T (the record of which is still ILLEGAL5 ENTERPRISES. - f - . - . r . ' ' , .... " I '. ' , From certain 'stateraenU which vro hare lately observed in the public print, rud still more, from the Information of prifatc letters,' we are induced to credit the existence of a.te-: rious and extensively cuncerted enterprije, Lav- ing in view some illegal design against the? peace and dignity of a .neighboring tod friend- ly Government. U ' !.,!' At one point fon an island on the coast of ? thej Gulf) there are said lo be embodied from 1 nrec to Ave hundred men, and agents arq be. v , lieved to be engaged in Northern a fwell as 1. i -, .' Southern cilies, in enliuing men for the expe-j dilion. In the South it ii given out that the j J J enlerpmo is aimed against Tamj)ico and the -Mrxican territory of the Sierra Madre. Elsd- I where it is asserted lhat Cuba is its ol jecL --j ; '. Whether it be one or the oihrr, the cntcrpriso j .1 ' is equally in violation of our own laws, and it - ' i'v is to be hoped lhat the Executive, should it Lhj i tn possession of information cinz lo cstablishlr 1 i .i l n m - i i . luuuuer oi me iueinoaiss. " uti, yes,' he replied ; " He that race of fanatics.!' bf ginileiiensitiimtner wear. Also, ?p!ndid i -Weil, my lord, Air. Wesley had often been I.JIaffeta ahd (iro lie Klijne Hilka, plain fig'd chaitiele- 1 urced to haVR his nirfnr tnltn fmt Ki. -T,- . .! . . . ,,... ,. . I O .-.w. . w I minUi Handkercliil-fso laraBtock) M k and he . thought it nothing but vanUviiindeed I t6i'd Kid ihoveH, organdjt laiyt eins;ham Lawns, plaid j so frequently had he been pressed on this Hfnndinelfancy and fiirrtilur- TrintB.hl'k and col'd Al 1 t.ia iMftrt-f ', r'ldreire, plim siraw Rock Rue anJ Al lailw'floonet, t'inhrtjllas nid l'arasol(, boltintj Cloths, tnen nheeHnjt l 7, l(and lquartfr wide.bro. &b!eich'd iitll,.(ai'd) bl'd and bro.Qotton etilrtingx and sheetings, tlnrfe atock bf ready niade ijoiliing, floor matting, blasting Mk4?Tiinib'nz IlorMiJ-Riiijj Coffee, bro. and loaf Sigar. (rtiAed and puivrtiaijd do.Isuperior Tea, almonds, rais- . tn fwle leather, Un morocco i .n.l i e point, lhat his-friends were reluctantly compelled to give up the idear One day he called on me on the business I of our Church ; I began the old-subject J of en treating him to allow me to takeoff his likeness. Well, said I, knowing: You va- - v r iy ' ' mr. . i er,in'mfeariidJbindinjr. skins.lanned sjieeDflue money for the means of doing good, l Tttt wf - ,r 1 ii , ,r ' , , t , you win gram my reouesr, 1 win en- d. aaddlei. bridles ani saddle bacs. leather trdnks, A ... . J n ,? ' mackerel in bblsand half bblx. white lend, so ts turpen- 'tine hjr ihe'gil.or bottle, Hpal varnish, tanners oil, 8 by ; in lv II I... lCk.U.. nn.,;U .ioo nrn'iri nl 4 V, W VJ VUU 11-fcJ V UIIVIICI, lUill uM J I'-.L' ! .! L ' i'L L I I- I L I the Call i irtM cythes. steel weedihe hoes, hovels and spades. i . ... i t . .j - . . . i J ana nct crom cut saws, sheet Iron. -Also, a large ! STOCK OF FINE CUTLERY Icarfikfe 'springs, axles, stained glass lamps, patent land pliated cloth, laces, &.c., qc, Miles' dress boots and la- flira'shoeiJ fur. silk, Panama, Leghorn and palm! leaf ju4tand.eaps, , : ; i Books and Stationary, iCaiha, Class and Queenaware, larxl Lamp's, (very hand j mme) Nov Scotia Grind (Stones, &,c. together with an Undleaa variety of other clods not mentioned. Persons jiliitinn this market wooM do. well to call at the IVcw Cunll Store, corner est of the Court-House, b?fore riyi(lg,.al tint determined to oiler to cash buyers at I - L i: : I i ,l.J I! of baadorne and freMi roods and low prices. h iodiude (or yourselves. 1 I ! j ! .JUS. V. CIJAAIU-tiKS. . SaJisbtry; April 12 1819. 49 "Spring and summer PASmONp FOR 1849. J ' HORACE I. BKARD, TC3TAS just received, (a 6 his jL JLold stand,) from Hew York, the American and Ea rretf n Fashions for the Spring dnd Summer of 1849, ind vill continue to receive tliem rjuarterly. He is prepared to execute fd orders in his lne if the-trade.in a fushionalile ii ml worknjanlike inannerlat . ... .. I . . ........ .a . t n.i 1t(tmu, lTTT'i- (WS experience in the art of eaamglnd niaking gannents, he feels confident that ae!ean gve satistaotiori o ins customers. ii'f repYtfully returns liis thanks to his friends a nd w;jiiitlic tr their I ittera I support tendered him herelo M,,arid Will endeavor by increased efforts to please lis u0fir,Jo merit conl nuaiu e of their favors, i !j i i HORACK II. It HARD i Ni B. Ail kinila nfniiTi Irv iirodnre tnken a t the 111 ir- . t i v'f i f in onceti tvr woik. i f :uhurv,sfTt. il , WIS. tf 47 of vol.4 ew uabmet ware Kooms m SAlllSBURY. i Ma RICHjI Kl) FOX lBUF.Sr.NTS his respects to -t the citrjLdna of Salisbury and surroundin counirv, with der of h i services as a a ten-ai CABINET MAKER, f Ttired tJ r xe ciye loll orders in his line with despatch . ! the mott ujx-ritr wilkmanlike manner .and lest fc; ;He fwill keej consiantlvn hand the best maite i Mlfprrnakinir i . S0I?AS, BU11KAUS, OTTOJLVNS, Vrqbfty. Dining;' Cen re, Teer, and other Tables ; Eckin'g, Office, and, Parlltr Chairs; Bedsteads of su-. KfWf nish and latest farfiion., " 1 CofTiiia furnished ;tb ordrr on the shortest notice nnd i( $tirdirrhidVimworklRnd skill can be found at ihe fri in Cyrus WCa large lrick building, next Witchmah Office.; j ' Th cheapness, durability, and superiority of all w rk 1 tamed out! from his sliopjwill be a guarantee of the a tranajt of the public. '! I; Tt?pkiring done at the Shortest nojice. ' Country produce and lomber of all kinds suiiablelfoi Varpeiflierf and Cabinet Makers, taken in exchange for any tiling in Kia line. A,! large quantity of shingle's OedTotely H-and.i j - liSbury, May 10. 184? ; gage to give you ten guineas for the first ten minutes that you sit, and foe every minute that exceeds that time yob shall have a guinea. What, said Mr. Wesley, do I understand you aright, that you will give me ten guineas for having my pic ture taken ! Well, I agree to it He then stripped off his coat, and lay on thje sofa!, and in eight minutes I had the most perr fect bust I had ever taken. He then washed his face, and I counted to fcim teh guineas into his hand. . 4 Well said he!, turning to his companion, I never till now earned money so speedily ; but what shall we do with it V They then wished me k good morning, and proceeded over! West minster bridge. The first object that pre sented itself ta their view was 'ft poor woman crying;bitterly, with three chil dren hanging around her, each sobbing though apparently too young to lunderi stand that mother's grief. On inljuiriAg the cause ot her distress, Mr. Wesley learned that the creditors of her hbsband were dragging him to prison, after jhavin sold their effects, which were inadequate to pay the debt by eighteen shillings, which the creditors declared should be paid. One guinea made her happy They then proceeded on, followed by the bless ings ot the now happy mother. 0n Mr. Wesley'y inauirinffof Mr. Bar ton his friend, where their charity was most needed, he replied he knew of no place where his money jwould b more acceptableban in Gillspur street! comp ter. They accordingly repaired thither, on asking the turnkey to point ut the most miserable object under his rjare, he answered if they were come ih search of poverty they need not go far. The first ward they entered they were struck with the appearance iof a poor wretdh who was greedily eajing some potato! skins. On being questioned he informep them that he had bceij in j)rat situation; sup ported by casual; alms of companionate strangers for several months without ani hope of release, jand that he was confined for the debt of half a guinea. On hearing this, Mr. Wesley; gave him a guine, which he received with the utmost gratitude, and he had the! pleasure of seeing him liberated with half a guinea in his pocket. The poor man leaving his place -of con finement, said, pentlemen, as you come here in search iof poverty, prayfero up stairs if it be not too late They instant ly proceeded thither, and beheld ta sight which called fofth all their compassion. On a low stool with his back towards them, sat a manj, or rather a skeleton, fob he was literally pothing but skin arid bone!; his hand supported his head, and His eyes ; seemed to be riyeted to the opposite corj I ner of the chamber, where lay stretched out on a pallet 6f straw a young Iwomah in the last stage" of consumptions appal rently lifeless, with an infant by her side5, which was quite dead. Mr. Wesley irri her situation then required. They were driven to pawn their clothes,and thqirjre iources failing, they found themselvesire duced to absolute starvation. The pbor infant had just expired from want, and the hapless mother was about to follow it to the grave when Mr. Wesley and -his friend entered, and, as I before said, jhe husband w'as so reduced from 'the saime cause, that without the utmost-care, the must have fallen too ; and as Mr. Wesjey who was not for doing things by halves, Jhad acquainted himself with this easel of extreme misery, he went to the creditors and informed them of it. They were be yond measure astonished to learn what he hab to name to them ; for so long? a time had elapsed without hearing any thing of the merchant, or hisfamilv. some supposed him to be dead, and others thjat he had acquitted the country. Among the rest he called on the lawyer and pajn- ted to him in the most glowing colors, the wretchedness he hrd witnessed, and which he the lawyer had, been instrumental causing; but even this could not m olive him to compassion. He declared the mer chant should not leave the prison Without paying every farthing. Mr. Wesley re peated his visit to the other creditors, who, considering the case of the sufferer, la greed to raise a sUm nd release him.' Some gave 100, others 200?and ano ther 300. The affairs of the merchant took a different turn. God seemed to pros per him ; and in the 2d year he called the creditors together, thanked them for their kindness, and paid the sum so gen erously obtained. Success continued to attend him ; he was enabled to pay all his debts, and afterwards realized consid erable property. His afflictions made such a deep impression on his mind, that he determined to remove the possibility of others suffering from the same cause ; and for this purpose advanced a considerable sum as a foundation fund for the relief of small debtors ; and the very first per son who partook of the same was the in exorable lawyer ? i This remarkable fact so entirely con vinced Lord Shelborne of the mistaken opinion he had formed of Mr. Wesley, thkt he immediately ordered a dozen busts o embellish the grounds of his beautiful, re sidence. 1 from friend to friend i bind down the warring waves of ocean, tempest-tossed, or chain the red artillery of heavein. Toil on ! Without thy power earth, though its sands were one v; st Pactius of gold, would be, a waste of tinsellled tears and glittering grief ; and want, and wo, and splendid misery would gleam out from all her treasured mines. Rich soils would per sh in their richness, and the fruit ol the season changing, die ungather. ed trom the harvest. Toil on! Jehovah was a workman t6o. 'In the beo-inninu (;d created heaven and earth,' and from the cbnfused chaos sprang this perfect world the pe rfect workmanship of the eternal, uncreated Po act. Up rose the mighty Grmamesnt ; and' back the sullen surges swept, submissive tamed ; eabh to their several bounds. And then he set ;reat lights the 2'0,lous stun to bless the day, Ihe timid moon to wear at night the milder lustrp of the radiant orb. He painted Heavei with mingled blue and white and in the vaulted arch a modest star peeped out, seeming jy the majesty ot the sun and moon, like a starry liily. there dawned another, and a third, clustering, clinging to the spacious can- ures to frustrate it, and vindicate the national taith and honor. Xat. Int. preserved in voluminous quarto form, with that title, in some old libraries.) appeared i ,be a''y of any such unlawful scheme being in tnejstreets ot London on a rainv dav uu 111 ol,r country, win lake cltectua! roca (it docs not rain in England sometimes) with a queer notion imported from China, in the shape. of what is now called um brella. It was the first ever seen or used in England, probably the first in Europe. It attracted such curious and Indignant notice, that the eccentric Jonas was soon surrounded by a furious English mob, and was boldly pelted wiih mud and other convenient missiles for his presumptuous audacity in thus attempting to screen his head and figure fiom the rain, which all true born Englishmen, from time im- Mr. Clay and Mr, Fillmore The Editor f cf the Rochester American, who was at Niag- ara Falls when Mr. Clay was there, ajs : j "These distinguished Whigs were both at Niagara Falls a few days ago, and their meet- ing, after a long separation, was, as might be anticipated, most friendly and cordial. It wjlf be recollected that a large majority of tho Northern Whigs including almost the entire :1 delegation at Baltimore, dettred the nomination! of Mr. Fillmore as Vice President with Mr. ; Clay. That distinction was however, conferred memorial, had allowed to beat unon them without resistance, as an "inevitable vi- ! UP" an cmiucnl member of the Whig party, sitation" from the powers above upon all ' and''V,r- E. consented to accept a nomination wl.n rhnw tn lv,. th ct,l.r f , rr , as ,ne canuiaaie oi me wbigs ot ins o.wn totato in a storm or shower. The incident made a noise, and in spite of ridicule, the "out landish, new-fashioned notion" began to take "mightily" with the extensively bed rizzled people ol England ; and as the new machine was found to be as effective in protecting thp person against the rays of the summer's sun, as against the fall ing rain, . the learned condescended to bor row a name for it fiom the Latin diminu tive torm of " umbrella" " a shade ' opy, they read, in the calm waters of the sea, j umbrella" little shade. Poor Jonas Ilanway's innovation, so unpopular at first, merely shows what disadvantage it is to a man to be a tew years " in advance the story of their radiabt loveliness. Old ocean tossed her crescent spray, and from their hid den depths creatures of life came up and flew above the earth wir gled fowls and flying fish ; and the great whale, dark emperor of the sea. And God created man ! Six days He labored, and the seventh he reposed ; while from the sea, the earth, the air, and all that is, went up a chorus of exslatic raise to God ihe first, e ternal architect. Toil on sunburnt fmcchanic. Heard ye of; Jews despise ? -The Exalted to be Read ye' not in untaught apprentice, who laid main, and it for Covet nor. He shared the fa!e of his IHuj. trious friend and of his party in general in lb.it ' campaign. ; " We learn that Mr. Clay took occasion, jtt the interview above referred to, to assure tHo Vice President of his most friendly sentiment' towards Gen. Taylor and his administration. ' He said he had no objects to attain, and no plans to pursue, except to discharge hit duly as a Whig Senator ; and he expressed himself in a manner which emphatically rebuked all intimations and predictions of nppositon to pro-, ceed from him against tho National Executive. of the age." Him whom babbliit, manger born pf Nazareth, prince over death arid hell. the book of the his hand upon was stilled ? He who would be Mechanic, is unwort the First, the Great, God. The Importance of the United Slates. The Liverpool Mail says : The United States sends us what ruined Ireland cannot send. America is our shambles she sends us manufactured flour she is our orchard she will be our potato garden. And she will continue to be so as long as we have a national debt and nearly S30.000.000 to pay annually to the national creditor. What we sub join is nothing to what we shall hereafter iy to bear the image of disclose, but we proceed by exhibiting me internal Arcuuuci samples : There were imported into Liverpool, for the week ending the tHh June, the fol lowing articles : 8G5 bbls. pork ; 200 rugged riberius' ashamed to be called a HOW TO PROSPER IN BUSINESS, In the first place, make up your mind to accomplish whatever you undertake, decide upon some particular employment, persevere in it. AH difficulties are overcome- by diligence and assiduity. ; ; Be not afraid to work with your own hands, and diligently too. 'A cat In gloves catches Tio mice ' He who re mains in the mill, grinds, not he who goes and comes ( Attend to your own businessand nev er trust it to another. A pot that be longs to many, ill-stirred and worse boil ed ' DANGEROUS AFFRAY. We regret lo learri that a very dangerous af. fray occurred at Ge manton, N. C, one day last week, which ca ne near resulting in the death of several persons. As various repre sentations may be m; de of the affair, we have concluded to give a short account of it -(painful as it is tpdragthe names of gentlemen connected wilh it before the public) embracing so far as we have been able tcj gather them, the mate rial points in the case. Some months ago a hoax was sent to the Greensborough Patript, (and copied from that into the Register) representing the marriage of Dr. Madison R. Fontaine, of Germanton N. C, with a person whose name wb have for gotten. Dr. F. was speaking ot the shame less trick, on one occision, in the presence of Dr. White, residing in the same county, when the latter gentleman nade some remark which induced Dr. F. to in lict several blows on Dr. W.; but the parties! were separated without much damage or aprthension as to the conse quences. Soon after this occurrence, Dr. White made a visit tri his native county of Ap pomattox in this Stau?, and while there he re ceived a letter from! Germantdn, from some friend, e 1- . i .1-1. necesary lor him to avenge me insuu saiu io have been received ffcom Dr. F.jin the first at tack. Our informatjt states tliat Dr. White i-and his brother theh armed themselves and went to Germanton wiih a view to cowhide ! Fontaine. Arrived 4 Germanton, they alight j ed and went immediately into the tavern where Dr. Fontaine was seated, and commenced ihe l attack. one holding k revolver to his breast while the other inflidted blows with the cow. hide. Dr. F. promptly rose and resented the attack, but the by slanders interlerred and sep. arated the combatants. Dr. White then dis- Troops Ordered to Florida. The Savannah Republican of Monday says : We are in formed that one company of Ihe United States troops stationed at Cbarleatorr left that city last Friday on board the steamer iVtna, for Florida. The company occupying' the barracks in this city will all leave for the same destination in a few days, as we learn from Capt. Anderson that he has been notified that orders to that ef. feet have been issued by ihe War Department, A volunteer company of one hupdred men will ' leave Jacksonville, Florida, this dayfor the In dian settlement. Whatever may be the ex tent of the recent outbreak in Florida, and the causes which led to it, whether personal feel ing or general hostility on the part of the In dians, it is a source of gratification that the. Administration has taken prompt measures for suppression." ' ; Rail Road Convention in Georgia. .Vl Ma con, Georgia, last week, there was held a Con. hogsheads of pork ; 300 do. and boxes of! vention of the friends of a different 'connection bacon ; 5G do. pigs heads, &c. ; 300 bbls. of lard ; 10,145 bags Indian corn ; 29,713 bushels of do ; 3,229 bbls. of flour ; 2,129 sacks of do. ; 8.426 quarters, of wheat ; 1.G20 do. of beans ; 1,400 bushels of oats. Did we say that America is our grana ry and our potato garden 1 It is true, for the present. It will be so the great change comes. We have given a weekly return only the yearly one will astonish. Uon i. v. t .. r : i r .i r I I egates were in attendance from the Northern 1 parts of Georgia and from Charleston. It was agreed lo open books for subscriptions to a Rail Road from Macon, through Clinton aud Eatonton, lo some point on the Augusta Road, This contemplated connection will, when made, be of much benefit to Charleston. Wilming. ton Chronicle. Aristocratic Titles in America. Tbe following very extraordinary language occurs in an account given by the New York Freeman s Journal of the late dis tribution of premiums at the convent ol the Sacred Heart : "The lit. Rev. Dr. Hughes and many of the Rev. elerev were present, amoncr whom, seated at the right hand of his lordship on the chair of honor, I distin guished with pleasure the venerated Fa- reminding him that it was absolutely ther Mathew. The exercises opened with a piece of instrumental music, greeting the entrance of his lordship and the llev. clergy. His lordship then made a short address, observing that he could not pre vail upon himself to disturb by any re marks of his the pleasing impressions which the entertainments of the day must have produced in every heart." Upon this the Commercial Advertiser savs : "We do not think Bishop Hushes will ' Wc Rectify no Mistakes.1" AJr. Jes surun, Treasurer of the Building Associa-' tion in the city of New York, received yesterday, from the Seaman's Saving Bank, a one thousand dollar bill instead of a one hundred. He did not discover the mistake at the time, nor until an hour or two afterwards, when he was within an ace of passing away the bill for the amount he supposed it to represent, but caught a glimpse of the additional cipher before he passed it out of his hands. Hur rying back to the Bank he informed tho paying teller that he had made a mistake. " We rectify no mistakes after the par-' ties have left the Bank, was the reply.; " Yes, but you've paid mc too much money." ' i This wasquite 'another pair of sleeves The officers of the Bank were instantly on the qui vivc. Mr. Jessurun handed in the one thousand and received a one hundred in return, without even a "thank you V by way of difference. Globe. . Distressing Tragedy. Mrs. 'Rebecca appeared and so did Dosed in pursuit ol Be frugal. That which will make;a .:n i :a O .1 u I i - uui wiiiHiafccapiHu. ou. v mc 1 wh om. savs our nbrmanl. has since and the pounds will take care of them-, ! heard from. In the rjiean time Dr. W selves. - - Be obstemious. 'Who dainties love, sfyall beggars prove Rise early. 'The sleeping foxes -catch no poultry j s Plow deep while sluggards sleep, atfd Dr. Fontaine, as is sup- his assaiUnt, neither of ' been broth- ; er was arrested andjeommitted to jail, where he remained several days, but finally gave bail for his appearance al court. The news of the difficulty soon reached the ears of Dr. Fontaines brothers, Messrs. Wil liam and Charles Fontaine, of Henry, who feel very proud of bis new title; at least I WV t L Tr u""mP Ac is shrewd enough to know that such u "ri "l,sct,l1 luc .;ti ;ii k ;Lr,i.. a " Creek, under the following circumstances, a title will not be popular in America. . , . c,. . v., fT , , 11 ; as stated in the Steubenville Herald: ; ! "She left home on the 15th of June, Pronunciations The words Allopathy and, after loitering about the neighbor- imniprliatel v rpnaired to Germanton to de- j - t J , fend and protect their brother. Arrived at in- rt iiifi n is vour nmr ion BARGAINS. : X rTnilfi unJersigned beg leave to pre- 1:1 1 1 .1 aArfft a tliUi tnalAniAra f ha CmK public, tRat I bey have a C. Petty good supply of Fine Goot ' ' iH ' " 1 on hand, (yon will, have corn to sell and keep i Tronf pvpt ' nno vx'Jtb rsnpp flnrl pivil. ... . v-. , T i, . . .i r f l.l T-v ity. Everything is gained, nothing lost-S""! u y t C absent, but Mr. White (whom neither of them by courtesy. 'Good manners ensure sue- lt'"' ; ... ?. v .,n fircf . J , J i : had ever seen) still there. At the nrst meet- at . il r ing, however, Mr. Charles Fontaine and Mr. Np.vpr jintioinatp wpalth from anv .r. .. .. . j u i... .u-:- mo,i;nil.. . r , . s t i i , i . .. i 1 vnite mutually recogrniseu eac-u omcr j uuu mediately sent for medical assistance, but I sourceLbut labor ; especially never; place ,ik,ness to lhe?r brotters. the Doctors : and no u vvas ioo laie tor ine untortunatp fpmaleJ orkPnfTpnrp nnon hnmln? the nossessdr V- u-j .l- i a v -i"-- o i ; t-sooner nau mis reco"iiiiiwu ucch maut, unfortunatefemald. who expired a few hours afterwards from j starvation as the doctor declared Yok maylmagine. tny lord, remaining eight guineas would .not go far in aiding such distress as this.l No expence was spared for the relief of the now only surviving sufferers ; but so extreme was the weak- i . . i i . .? j ; 00 nantl, suitable lor - I f"" """viij v ituutcu,-uiov and Gcnllimen's Summer Wear. weeks elapsed ;DeIore he could speak suf- !ft.F proper ta spil very low for cash. Thiy ncient y tor relate his own historyl It ap. oucw to give this rot ice for the reason that they I pearcd tie nad oeen a reputable merchant, tBVvnfd.,lUow,iblr,? clc lh hcIve" in tinr 1 and had married a beatiful young lady t' t inently accbmplishedwhom he almost II : 1 mtoWM Ar iMiifYrr i idolized June 7 J 1840 Jl- TO of an inheritance. 4 He w ho watts fdr dead men's shoes, may have to go for a long time barefooted 1 He who runs after a shadow has ja Wearisome race Above all things, never despair God is where he was. Heaven helps those who hejp themselves j Kn nw lmnlreittv these nrecems, and - " - I J - . . than Mr. Fontaine preselitcd a pistol at, White, and was inthe act offfi ring when White knock ed the pistol upward the ball penetrating his hand without other lamage. White then re. treated through the ITavern, Fontaine burst ing ihiee caps at hirrl in his flight. The Messrs. FonUine were then arrested hood for a few days, took her children, the eldest about six, the second four, arid the third one year of age, to the banks of Big Yellow Creek, and in the deepest place in the stream consigned herself and thethrce children to a watery grave. When the bodies were discovered, the youngest child was tied fast to its mother with an apron and a pocket handcrchief. The second was tied above the knees, to prevent his rescuing himself by any chance struggle A trulv "ood memory is only forgetful The head of the eldest showed some signs oi violence, wijemer uone in ueuig iuiu into the stream or previously, is not known.. The causes which leoV this woman to the ; commission of so horrihle an act, are said lo be inattention, abuse, cruelty, and jeal ousy on the part of her husband." and Ilomceonathv, with those derived from them, are in most instances errone ously pronounced. The following divi sions show the true pronunciation, the emphasis being on the italicised syllables : A-lop a-thy, Ho-mo?-o a-thy. These words are now in common household use, and their correct pronunciation is there fore a matter of more than ordinary importance. of injuries. The true secret for commanding a com petence through life, lies in making and keeping safely a little more than one con sumes. How to keep property, and small sums, such as mechanics and day laborers receive in payment for their work, is one nf tin most fliffirnlt tbincTs to learn, and PRINTERS. On hn' n.l iTk sola - . "iiv ivi nn PrlatAMi.i. P.Jfrii 2G,lVll some time d. v They lived happily together for ime, until by failure of T $pecula- tlirec KEGS of mtowrrfc, son. 15 i ingenious foreigner, having visited Eng land, and beinsr asked how he liked the linn tit trl.!in! a 'Vtra nrrtnn.ttr nrac I 17nrrttwl . ..T,t .AnomklA n Vrf nf embarked, he was completely ruirfed. No their favorite beverage, ale- frothy at tojv sooner did he become acquainted .with hts dregs at the bottom, but the middle part misiortune than he called all his credit excellent. and held to bail. We have made this statement strictly in con- ; still more difficult to practice. . - I . I ' . v s r :.U JL: I r Infnrmml ' ' .i i j m nin lorinnv wiiu luav uciivcu iiuiii m , . . J i and with an anxious) desire to dp both parlies ; i . ! 5 : justice. For obvious reasons we forbear to A Droll Comfarisos.-A learned anil comment on a transition ye, : in es nous foreigner, having visited bng-1 7 v It will afford sweeter happiness in the hour of death, to have wiped one tear from the cheek o conquered millions sorrow, than to have The U. S. Government, has offered for sale to the Mexican authorities, the whole stock of flint lock muskets which have re cently been, made disposable by the sub stitution of percussion locks. The wool crops of Jackson and Calhoun counties. Michigan, the last sprm mounted to 221,175 pounds. A Miser. A poor man came to a mis er, and said, " I have a boon to ask u So have I," said the miser ; "grant mine first, then I will comply with thine." Agreed. -1 My request is" said the miser, f that you asU me nothing. An Indian chief, being in a grocery, waa i asked to take a glass of wirtc, - ! ' . Thank you' b -jeplied, -.1 have not; k b?come civilize4 cnoosh to drink.w : I or j .f J' . . ' ' 1: ;.' 1 ' r P i .-I'f 7T r I t. L. I if i ! , K

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