. ' '. I f t ' . i I . 1 J " i f . ". ' ': '-ill'' ill...: .. - 1 ' - ... ' . - - -i . . - , , , 1 Hi :"' i' Si ill to' 4 OPi who do not pre exnre$t mi ice to arccoiwidatrd as .wiahingi to continue i diiacontiffiiance of thqir pa tinue to send them unjtil ar- br refuse taking their rfaperB Ten"' the Watchman. JTwo Dollars payable in ' ' i.i.niiofi. r vent, rf . Dj if not paid in advance. Two dollars 7jWe. be chafed.! j p."-,ITWK.Msinwrtcd acI for the first. and 35 cts. -wfctthsvoufnt inwrlion. Court orders chhrged BRUNER &. JAMES, Editors, 4 Proprietors. I I mi L A ' W A I 1V A 1 1 i - l ! f ' KEEP A CHEK CPOX A LL YOTTR X boTHIsjA5D LlBERTT" IS SAFE." r7 -rii Uuncilled f, m " prima , facio" evidence , ! r f-; : . ! - i 4 : V : ; W.-- , i . i , v .1, AU Ubaerib. M, t -ubirKptWnfc, uSriVMorderil, ! :-;fia ..mcra to- which diey aj-e sept they an held C01 U -till their W!! M at-Uled and thf ir papter or- fl-l 'r.,rrm have Ttilled thatfrefiininff to tkke a V3r. or ,ieriiidical ftin the oflice, or remjovinff z U uncalled utAi " prima , tacio evmence H Of r SAEEP A CHECK CPOX ALL TOTTR RCIEES. NEW SERIES. VOLUME VI -NUMBER is. SAlllSBURY,N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1849. ! perjsf .higi' Mn tMw rate.. ; !u'ih whfadvf rtiie ty the yt .un'tfllh tom t A liberal die due- year. (ors mu4t te post pnid. oiie favor to nsk " replied Morgftn " dui ring rr)y absejice some person hasf takeii my gun ; I set a great vajue uppn jt,and!, if it can be restored, it will give; mp par ticular pleastjre." The un was describj ed, and; the general issued an 'order rej- quiring it to the reward, t hr Lvhc1!)ure vircinian. i ! SO&fEK OF THK UK VOLUTION. f The braut(ul episode of Sergeant prevailed on kmnp. KO at mirah y told in Lee's mem- , The abovt oWUfAiniliar to rrost of our rcajlers. : ,y Gen. Lafayette himself, nearly fift 1 n c x a'tnt h i n g B p a rk i wrings of Xnsh- years after the event, with much warmth intonj V encountered another .story of of feeling and admiration of thel soldier's kindred . character equally intereHting tnagnanimityii ! j be returned. Thi$ was all mt Morgan could ever be :o accept. S J ! anecdote was related to me dJ P?1 xy1 h'ss rtutheiitic, though but known. VYe iaKo pleasure in jgiv tng it jo the press anil hope that it may y c(jpieil ly each of the thousand and one ' Jmirni of the landj and take its plae in I J the potiiAr memory along side of thad 4 inttirfiof Sergeant Champc. 'I'hcre is - . - I A DESPERATE NEGR0. Some yearjs since a gentlemati, residing in Anderson jcoupty in this state, sold si negro man joj a citizen of middl4 ijennesj see. The npgro was removed to the home of his new master, but in a short ' . I nnltlo nnr)trttiliinrr in llio'rral iOTk r &fne kHki pim,l & and returned to Aerson IS'h... nS limiting! his i fEd..t if , L.' . 1 fr J ; ",U1C ie neignoornoou oi nis wue, out im ahUot restoration of ibis trusty waf discovered and appreHende porian , vu i j ' and agam Uiken to Middle Tennesseei h J" Vwtl" J . 1 ; P, . '.. .1 .1 vorahlp nnnnMnni v wc nroeontwl on1 ' cr frdrd Washington to, Ialayette, dated . u ' h j r. SaSphP in wiichn absconded from his mastpr Thi$ W Uld tha retreat of Lord cfom- i was sx or sen I A ,a. uf?..L Jrr Kv tL nrrii nf .ukr rew"d 9red for his apprehension; &Hch fleets' 1am1 pursuaded you ! PIPl! iv.as f?r a lonf. liN r...!H ,1m nil in 4r nktvnr tn. nr,t-,nf . . UUl IIU U CC Oi UMIi UetHg UISCQVerU, 11 Villi UU Ull I I I LSW.l l 1 V U II f r 1 't-scape b' 1an . May that great .felicity ICS t!ulllt3' w a a v uaai.jc a-ar km t i.4 c a UtlOgLU - ,be reserved fjir you Mr. Sparks ;sub- JOHN OILL, aliasIXON CURRY ; 5 Or, Te FtcZiwi of Circumstances. A TRUE SKETCH OF LIFE IseKANSAS.' " Among the truest friends of the peo ple, of all in the present Convention, may be named John Hill, of St. Francis. His energy, eloquence and courage fully enti- "tjile him to the proud plaCe he holds, and ajs we trust, will long retain that ot lea tier of the Arkansas Democracy.'- Little ock Gazette, in the days of the Conven tion. - . j j Bloody Affray. A desperateltencon tre occurred last week in St. Francis. Tw.o distinguished citizens were killed, aiid three others dangerously wounded. The difficulty resulted from an attempt to arrest John Hill, a member of the last Legislature, and formerly of the State Convention, who, as it is alleged, is the trious, generous and hospitable ; and such rjotorious robber, Nixon Curry, that com- j continued to be his character, in the new milted such atrocities fifteen years ago in ; country of his adoption, for twelve suc- the mountains of Carolina."- Little Rock i cessive years. During all that long pe- the numbeK and astonishing boldness of his exploits. Ve may record ir, not as a matter of men(, perhaps,! but for the sake of historical trmti-j-t hat the youthful ban dit never was known to perpetrate any deed of murder forhe sake of plunder, though he did scveraLto avoid arrest. At 'length the rumor of his! daring felonies ceased suddenly, and notwithstanding a reward of five thousand dollars was of fered for his apprehension byvthe Govern or of' the State, he! was heard of no more in North Carolina.; At; the first settlement of the. fertile delta, bordering ort the St. Francis, there came an emigrant, who called himself John Hill, and who soon succeeded in ac quiring universal jpopularity. Although of moderate means, he was sober, indus- lurnintKe" point 6f-lhc-gory"knifk to wards his own breast, would have plung ed it into his owrr hearthad hcrribt Been prevented by the bystanders, who had now crowded into tie room. " . , t " Ihe same eveningMose Howard jdis appeared, and was heard of. no mora for', nearly two years, when a horse' trader 1 brought back word that he had scch him jn San Antonio, Texas. i:. ? When the shocking news reached Hill's family, the beautiful Mary burst Into ar wild laugh. She is now in the aylum for the insane, at New Orleans. Had we been inditing ri fair nf rri. times, yet still escaped without a scar. i mance, we would have paused With a But this could be no wonder; for even 1 preceding page, but literal truth compel? brave men's hands have shook when j us to record another fact equally charac they saw him, and shaking hands -gen- j teristic, both as to the chief actors and tho erally make ve.ry poor shots. ' back-woods theatre of the main tragedy During the September term, 1843, of It will be remembered Ihut the fnllcn the Circuit Court of Pope county, in which desperado had enjoined it on his sou to Hill resided, he got out of bed one morn- ! slfty ihe slayer of his father on the day he ing uncommonly gloomy, and, while at 1 should arrive at sixteen. Without any the breakfast table, suddenly burst into such charge, vengeance would have been fears. considered by that boy as a sacred duty; " What is the matter, my dear ?" asked j fr on 'he frontiers, the w idows of the Jn.ucy that beautiful Lucy, who had for- slain teach vengeance to their children. merly lett her wealthy home in Carolina j an(1 occasionally execute it themselves! for the robber and robber's cave. " I have had a dreadful dream," an swered the husband, shuddering at the recollection; I saw George Sirong in my sleep, and he kissed me with his pale lips, that burned like fire, and smclled Accordingly, Bill Hill practised with his father's gun every day for twosucces sive years, and this even before ho had any rumor as to the place of Howard's refuge. He then learned that his foe was in Texas, and two months before he was entirely out of the minds of all but his A few days since, however, tw6 rwifvi. -i ,11 i- rL i owners. tdrealMe: Tlfe Britlih commander solught mcn' "sidmg.m Anderson county.iby tiie V::- . -.li ,T . t At names of Diggs and Low were ioiat with .fori afl Opportunity td escape into North 4,. i I rCarol nit hut he address and vigilance of lutr ' 1 T ? ? 8 Deingn,uguea i UtmXe disoncei ed all his schemes. ' M 1111 T luu Pu re,reMing MnerlGornwlllis hU arrived at York, themselves th ey concluded to goto a fine ind cLmencfed his fortifications, Lafay-! sP"nS not .fr T j Med Colonel! Jafber if he kndw of a,lter rema,n,?g a sh,ort t,me at thl?P"n4 yliinhj capable solAier. whom he dbuld i 111 vyeni upo a canin wmcn wasmant lr.- .7,, i i ... . T onft or two hiirtf1rfl vnnfs wKprn thpA seridfasa spy into Corn wall is's camp. : ' " ,TL'r.' i " H ri tr L i. i ft iL. ; J tiL-1 were several white women living. Diggs He answered that tliere was one in the . , , t . , . ; fefei 'I- ... ; . i i I 1 1 ailtorpn trio OQhin anil t nnlr Hies coat nnnn ... T ' . . i v .. .1. r A T 1 i - l vuuiii uuu luia 1110 vat u uuil '1 1 - LM-li T : ; i who yas in Htl resptcts suited to such an . i.e companion, low .jpmauj Z'Un rfi;.. ed in lhe yarrf. being in conversation with told tl ahe hall a very d. flic ulti task "e .ftfh.e fj"ales- ,0ne of the ?f"?Heg torop'to1 him! which was tha!t he i was m thecibin. and so soon ai DiggS ihJulU pretend to tl 3?ert, go over to the enie she .jcommenced a sprightly cod-. BritisVWmpPand 'enlist as a. soldier i versa" "? ;du"ng ,hJ fhc an Morgan answered, lhat he waT ready to i Poached thej bedside and let fall p n the to anything t'n lhe ierice of his country 11001 u & wn c f. - -i lz i i H i ! ii- jj soon as it struck the floor, the hand of a rwr.'i. niir rns iriinnus 1 . - i and 'o;pliIign'his general, but his feelings teyoitcu at stcti a proposal, lie uepircu the rpnctja'toii: of a good soldier and a eal ous. true, loyer of! his country, bilit he coulJ hUt 'endiirc the thoughts of ben"r a J,l :f.u-trtt.ii i. li., undcr the bed, drew up an axe with both irr t' ir i . i ! i i X hands, and was swinging: it over so as to loie 'bis life, but br i tiir last nsr dissrace . . .t .. . A.0 b . ' u " JutL I a. .... i cleave tlieskull.ot Di a tH ' . : LiirrL v c iiic ivijii in i w en r i n t-. natnt. Aiier some conversation. . . . ' . "5 ' it"'?. .1 'j. ". T .... i Iv th lorrfi' of thp hlnvv was en fnr rhrli. Wver.he told the general that boou ld 'V"6 ?rc goon One cohuition, which was, ttiat, in i . presented n rr priach rtngftt tome upon Lis family ' "c f "reu. ui "!e " "'"" MVrWhb for l.is Supposed miscoriducu : traord;naVy presence ot rnuul, observed ip this the genera itssented. j t 1 , 't . . , -, ii P -"! ' 1 t ) : trun. and nlaeed lhf hroailsidfiiJ ot the tif.-i : ..i..i ..' i..:.:. i. w ' iiiuruuu lutiiuu iiiu iiiiiiMi l.iiiiu uuu : : i:.i u. : a u rt- W.ed. Lafayaftf eft every thiug to j lmliet must necessarily strike it, 4 it did: 1 1 aisaiscreuon. dui loiu nm mai nc win-; rj;n-.r nor nn,, tKr h;c cUf ,1 ( Gazette, of May, 1840. We have given the previous lextracts from the oldest and most respectable jour nal of Ai !fansas, in order to satisfy every read ; at the following narrative, ex tra;u try as some of its incidents' may 4pt ir. is no tissue of fiction. --i Indeed, while relating genuine events, and paint ibg true scenes, we have been 'especially Careful to avoid all vivid colors. I' Should this short sketch, by any chance, reach the forests of Arkansas, the people there will deem its descriptions tame 'in com parison with the deeds of the man. The Writer, who has resided long on the fron tier, has no use for fancy in pourtraying lis exciting life. Simple memory will serve him very well. : i 1 1 About fifty years ago there liv?d in Ire dell count', North Carolina, a-fjresbytc-rian minister by the name of Ciffry. He was a man in easy circumstances, of ir reproachable character, and had a large family of promising sons and daughters. Among those the favorite was Nixon, dis tinguished when a boy for his fearless Courage and the tenderness of bis heart alike. He seems, from several anecdotes Of his early days, to have been a child of impulse and intense earnestness and pas lion. When only six years of age, he had a combat at school with a. bully of the playground, nearly twice his own vpioht. anrl after KtiflVrincr flreadf iillv. at axb striking the "loft," that all ast achieved victoryi due almost to the . Diggs sustained was i only a , r , . , f four or five M r P euuurmice. immekliately-i rom lhe lime e was S1X years oiu, hat is to say, from the hrst session he at ended in the country school rhouse, had pixon Curry been in love. His idol was ft little girl of the same age, and under he tuition of the same master The at- negro caughtifrom under the bed. ;Digg4' suspicion beipg thus awakened, hie with great presence of mind, kicked th knife beyond the reach of the hand, and instant ly a huge negro fellow sprang! out frorh riod he never had a personal difficulty' or quarrel with any human j being ; and yet every body was satisfied, that such a I peaceful life singular for that latitude, was not owing to a want of courage, or deficiency in power to perform good ser vice, in-any sort of battletfield ; for of all bear-hunters that ever pierced the jun gles of cane in " the great swamp," or descended by torch-light iuto the dark caves of the Ozark Mountains, he was celebrated as the most fearless. He was repeatedly elected to the Ter ritorial Legislature, where he distinguish ed himself by a strong, impassioned elo quence, as a chief leader in the Demo cratic ranks. He was next, as we have alreadyseen, a member !of the Conven tion tljat formed the State Constitution; and was elected again the ensuing year to represent his county in the Senate of Arkansas. j At; this period commenced his second series of misfortunes. Hill's nearest neigh bors were the Strongs, four brothers of considerable wealth, more ambition, and if we may borrow the phrase of the coun try, "famous fighters. of sulphur. I am sure 1 shall die before ! sixteen set out to hunt him up. sunset." ! At the end of four months, Bill Hill " Then do not go to court, to-day," said ' came back, and hanging up the double the wife, in accents of earnest entreaty. I barrels in their old buckhorn rack, an- " But I will," replied the husband firm- j swered his mother's look, ly. " When a man's time is come, he can- "Mother Mose is dead I let him have not hide from death ; beside, it would be j both loads. Though I cried before I done the act of a coward to do so, if one pos- . N and afterwards, too he looked so mis scsses the power." Then addressing his i erable, pale, and bony as a skeleton." son, a fine intelligent boy of thirteen, he 1 " Poor Mose !" said the mother, weep continued, "Bill, you see my gun!" j -nS " but it could not be helped.' Tho pointing his finger as he spoke to the great ! son of such a brave man as Nixon Curry double barrel hanging on buck horns over must never be called a coward, and be the door ; " practice with that every mor- j sides, it was your father's order." Demo ning, and the day you are sixteen, shoot j cratic Review. the loads of both barrels into the man who will this day kill your father." j A BOLD ROBBEKV. " Yonder comes Mose Howard ; he will ; On Saturday morning last two trankt be protect you, Pa," remarked Mary, Hill's j longing to Mr. J. A. Sadler's children, who -eldest daughter, a lovely girl of fifteen, j were going to VorkviUe S. C. were taken be who was to be married the next day to the tween this place and ihe river from the boot youth then approaching. j behind, and rifled of the greater part of their Hill and, Howard departed ; Lucy with j contenis. The trunks have since been found tears, and Mary blushing, both calling out ' near ,,lis PIace u"ith a fewofibe articles left in as they left the gate, " Take good care of j them This 13 ,hc flrsl ,i,ae rr a lonS whilc him, Mose, and be sure and bring him I tha so irinfVa robber-v has occurred, in our back to nitrht." j midst. ihe IlorneCs cst. " ISTever fcar," answered the youth, with I , ., . I 7". , a laugh : Hill will never die till I kill , Jr T murJcrAed thetr ffhr"TX jm : dreadful affair happened in Wayne County four . . ; or nve uays ago. a man oi tue name ol I bom. live lorever, retorted n n,;. ,..rAA ,. r i.:- u:i.i .. - - - - va y mm . v I " Then he will 7lf I I ; iuar , laugnmg aiso. ! or four vears of a??e olie u 8h00,in aflfi j As soon as the friends reached the vil- I other by healing its brains out with a stick. Iage, Hill began to drink deeply, and He was arrested shortly after committing the Notwithstandin thnir rharartpr wns! "lannesiea more tnan ordinary anxiety horrid acts, and confined miarl. It is thouzbt so dissimilar from that of the pacific "bear- I or a comDat insulting every body that j that he was insame, and that he wan, we would hunter," a close and cordial intimacy ' crossed his path, and all the youth's en- charitaly suppose ir-imton CAronWe. grew up between them ; sand Hill, in an ! l;ealies ed to Pacify h- At ,ast the , ,T . v . 71 1 u , ' unarded moment1 made the eldest bro- ! desperado swore he would clear the court i MaJ;,r peakm?of the effocu or the hot weath. ungarueu nioment, maue; me eiuesi oro- , . , , . , , cr on the New .rrk clandKP, sajB " their njoattachw ther, George, a confident as to the secrets j house anU immediately entered with a Iike the tai, fealhcr8 of a wot )lir o( his previous history. It happened that ur,ous countenance, and a threat as to j PrtUy frWAnediloruf a Western aa. this same George conceived a violent de- ! purpose. Judge, lawyers, jury and nounces that he ha a fine buy, and exnre a hop V.. nnnt;l Act;: , dlieciciiurs, umtje a trenerai rUSU XOr me mai ne may live 10 mueni iDe lunnne me Tamerexttfcii 311 I tJI 1 Jill 1 L 1 Li Cm. 1 I1I3LI 11 1. 1 I I J I i . mill I trTI 1111" M." w a. ed Hill to resign his seat in the Senate in the illiberal friend's favor. Hill refused, door. One old drunken man did not run Inake b Pbl,shluff a ew.Paper. as fast as Hill wished, and he sprung: on ! A man ''"e ofon-d a gia ufuxla water, tke oUier biiiiuuciai menus mvur. mil reiuacu, u;. wrt . I ' , m ' A y"af day, rejected it With indip.ati. D- vo and the Strongs conspired for a terrible ! .lue I.IUCC,,e wre'cn, """cominencea oeai- ( a -alan;ander r h .7 to drink wau-r revenge. Writing back to Carolina, they ! ",lu ""iuiiui procured a copy of the reward offered for the arrest of Nixon Curr, the far-lamed 1 ather-in-law, (alas! who was never to voti Oii&k I am linff boC" ! T. ....j .ui .1. . ..: - . Howard men caught hold of his future ; hi8 wife-8 siBt(.r r iH tHM. hirh can ..fEtirHy jobber ; and then collecting a party of a dozen desperate men, they attempted to capture Hill in his own house. The lat terthad gone armed, with his enormous udouble-barrelled shot gun, two long rifle pistols, and a knife so heavy, that few oth er bands besides his own could wield it. be,) and attempted to pull him away. With eyes red and glaring like a mad dog, Hill instantly turned upon his friend, and with a single blow of his fist felled him to the floor. Then, following up the violent act, he leaped on the youth, and began a most ferocious battery. In vain frnm tVio pnmmpncpmpnf ThoVetnnr?! nn dinte3l.genip.;ot..impo movements. rlake) eflect.limmediately sprang tlpon the in one class,.and always managed to stand achment appears to have been mutual The assault of the Strongs proved horrible Howard endeavored to escape, crying out to themselves. Hill killed two ot the 111 nts 'ViTT i brothers, and danrrerouslv wounded five 1 " For God s sake, cease Hi 1, don t you answered by the sinter bers !f, wheu it it oppiby Ut wikwcr. letters and ducumentH transmitted by irterd Camp bell U the District Attorney of the L'nilrd SuLtetin tha city of N v Orleanti, were rcc ived on Wedtiea- day ; and Mr. Bradford, feoini!ij th?n of irnir1! impor tance to the Secretary of State than to the District Attor ney, whote connection with the affair terminated with the abduction case, wnt them iiuiucdiaUly on to Air. Clayton, at Washinptou. . "wi 1 i . I i ....... ... - j i' p5 f - - i i. all wilt vinofHiiu i v t-fc o umuuiu . j aiuuu ., c l i c arid ranrprtiVf ilsirf'l t hi itniirrssiort naN . . .. . i t i , ... i- i . u k r J nF'lhpir rmnns pikeaninrri himsp. nnhnrt. . iii-ijro a nti 'ra id eu. uui uiu not succecu y .i ,t.,:- u i r - 0 , . .r . m I 1 11 m. S CJ CZJill " TT . 1 I U H I IT. I IIII 1IIV r 111 III III I r-.l'.r: 1.1 I .1 1 r II 1111' 1 I M I V ' ucwawj-to uc given ttiat tie jiau .poars in throwing him until the neffrohad strick-! r? . ? r T ' ! aitnougn more man twenty rounds oi ban , "7'i know me your friend Mose? Kemem- COME MD BUY ! enourb to(trai)silort all his army dcross Ki..r.r.u iu- J , vhen the other juveniles were amusing James Hiver;; ( Morgan had been j little ab0ve the eye. The report of tfie gUn . pemselves with boisterous sports, the pre Xmt '1 Citm whe"Lord Com wallil sent brought LoV into the cabin iust a Diggs cocious lovers would wander amidst leafy for.hiA ahd iisked 1 iin rnany questions:-- threw the nigro upon the bed. ! Ibw ran ' roves. or hy the mossy margins of silver Ternor of Arkansas published an and buck-shot were aimed at his breast The excitement resulting from the af fair was boundless. A requisition came on from the Executive of Carolina, de- Tarfetfcti wai with him at the timei and nn immPfi;JtHiv and wUh his buteHer L:n jLu 1 manding the surrender of Nixon Curry. paired of Mdrirat . araonir other things. , !f . " uu Ja ' u timA ; .U- - if"13' . . -j . r - The Gov bbv mahv- lai Gpner-il I ifavettfe had -V" . i , , "u !Jthe soft spell of first love comes, it brings now rnan) boats jUenerai Laiajette naa s j slicking the knife each time as deep i f . . u u u e l . yn ine riverj 110 SAu ne uiu noi Know nQ i, mii,i. t Fin,5no tt.t tbU dirl nht w " aF" .1'"cmji tue exact nuihber; there Were chough to carry over a I the witn nio-i?s.ihR nlaced the srurt at the nei i iions of beauty over all things. Even then rray. at a moment I . FBI . i A . into his body . 1 his overcome thf negro weetf sinless whispers of their future bri J : r 1 ..At t .... ual. wounu veryiproiuseiy. Liggs; auju low ii supposing that he must necessarjly die, j And thus they grew up into one deli went out in Search of neighborsjwhb, when ilciotis identity of fancy and of feeling. thev came in. discovered the jnedto sttlliThr hi as fnr th soeietv of each other. ! mm "e . b ?Mjnaf,,u. ,i uim tn ho thoiWU -Wrn 1 ... .... , - ,. , Court House by two hundred men in pur- tiv,, mm jvuov . u,i w .v u "v0. w . h , (ipon neon no nnrtiRiiiar re.. : n .1 1.1.. 1 1 r :j " . j......-.. - j sun, nil luuruugiijy aruieu, uuu suiuu ui 'mark. Such attachments are common j them renowned "fighters." Hill saw Hill's anger only increased, till finally he threw his hand to his belt, and clutch ed a pistol. And then Howard's blood! boiled, and he resolved to fight for his i life. He was of as powerful a frame as , the other the only person in all Arkan- exclaimed Corn w a you1 tills would notjtlkj ;" from w hicWit ap pcared, that j they Vad this project in view. ; i.ntf I renc,!! lleetrin the mean time ar rived.' General Lafayette had been out ttfieconnoitrerand whrn he returned he fond six metJ'in the 'British uniform and j , - , .1 .1 1 additional reward for the arrest of John sas 10 oe compareu wan me ueiauo m Hill ; and thus betwixt the two fires, the physical strength. , - . . victim's chance seemed perfectly hope- i Howard grasped the barrel of the pis jess tol as Hill cocked it, and the weapon ex- Hill's conduct in the crisis was prompt ' P,oded in lh,eir i,am,s, without injury. and fearless as ever. Packing up hastily, Once more they clenched, and the most i, nn,.;.!, u.i.irJ.n v,;wir0., dreadful struggle ensued ever witnessed I I 137 i7 I. IIU L tli II II II 1.1 VI IIC nini L.1I1I11I L !! 111 - a common moving wagon, for Upper Ar kansas, where he knew of a band of des peradoes that he believed would protect him. He was overhauled at Conway in the West. The advantage shifted from one side to the other for ;he space of five minutes, till both were bathed in streams of 1 heir own blood. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! TTHE pubscribcr 9 now receiving oo of the band JL somest and cheapest Stocks of SPRING AND SUMMER ever offered in tbii market, purchased ' in Thiladelpliia and New York, from the latent Foreign Arrival, and at the lowest cah f.srores, consisting in part of bl'k,t!oe,- f-ol Jen, French ndelodes and apple green Cloths; black one gfecn coated Ifessian at his quarters; had beQ Jb ... " the W(ods." P rv..b , , ja b"- The negro was removed to the JUlintori JJlorgan; aiked the General, with surf ...I 1 J . ! i .1 ! T-. (irf uoni mo you got liere ; ? 1 ivc Uritiih soldier, who have deserted; with me; rtnu a llessiat) whom wc cptui-ed at the outpost,' was' his reply. Uc went on say, that, as the French fleet had ar. J?1".? ? Tivptl. nnil tin nrtsnmed his servirrs cnnlft agister. V 1 I f , no longer be of any use to his general in ...... '. jail, where he is now confined to twaita jam- - the youth of opposite sexes in the 1 their approach the distant prairie, and r. .ui n:. hr t ... o,:. trmin!.t. Kmntlv with b is d read f u I double barrel that sure punishment for which, if he be; convictejd, j0n arrival at mature years. Far differ- is death ; though we, learn inere is no proo death dealer to either man or beast, with in the range of two hundred yards in- lt- 1 t - Jill l 1 . !l 1 UUUD liNl. -wIIUau,VUUl ' uv. iiuu , vu, mvu, imu ,.v.A,J.:.,.l.l. .;N.. ! i it.. L.l. ... - 1 ' n ,1 . 1 ' ' "'ui ariteie, especially jviicu unc these darters kntl this prisoner wfrc the -uveeuvitd muL in writing, and Vii, as aioodpen- iruitl.of (IIS expedition. j , men do, to aeejhis MS. exhibit an appearaucl of neat- i TEc general sent for Morgan the next ues8 and ta6t1- T1 following -.1 jfor faking a 3ay,;ai,d tojd' hirri -th(t his'1 condupr had rtk5,c,j ,na' tyon as Vfajiiblel j j eri;inj the highest degree meritprious, Tdw twoo?nce of nutgalls in coarie powder, one 4ni',that ho nroboscd to make himi a ser- olce f igwood in thin chips, one ourice of sulphate eant.?, ' Morgan jjstencd tO the proposal, of thrcc-foartha of an ounce ofW sugar iy no meant certitin he should rrjake a 'i I roru-t ..L. . . t i .1 i whole is aiswoifed ; alter which it must be left txl fetf I Svf?"1 i h J,n hel Rrm' ' a period of tw ntv-four hours. The ink maftheJ j I ,:5u?e he believed his country needed glass bottle, wpll corked. I j r. ,vv f i j y ou i wo iiivii i ts iiuiuu s uu irou- onf howowop we thp. nncn nt iinn (nr- ! . , . . mi ahilitv that Ihp will reeover UMioxcille T , stanny marched to meet ins iocs, l nis ability that be wm rcco er.-r-iipxti e , , j nnrdori. The r nassion be- ! ;m,i;k!o k.,-o. ;;i,t ho ho. :J .v vv. " J ' - . IlltlCUIUIC III a ti , ,UIIS u lxJ I I' v IV came so evident at fifteen, that all further ; fore inspired by his; desperation, affected . , . . i intercourse was forbidden by her parents me advancing troops witn sucn an unac- u . , t'.u: f' countable panic, that the whole two hun- among the wealthiest aristocracy ot , ' . .. r ., mi , , . , . j dred sought safety in ai disgracefully ra Carolina. Then followed stolen meetings flight. by starlight, firmer; vows and wilder jove, i Several other attempts were made to which always increases in proportion to capture the dangerous outlaw, all alike its crosses, and; like the tree of Lebanon, : ending either in ludicrous or bloody fail sends down its deepest roots into ibeheart, uref' In the meantime. Hills character .... , i andconductunderwentacompletechange. the more it is shaken by storms. Forced tobe aIways on the ,ooU ouft an( Finally, at seventeen, when Lucj's re- ' therefore, unable to follow any steady bu l ttives were endeavoring to force her into siness in order to support his family, he tu o f onntUr ,rA Miwith th resorted to the gamins (table. He learned to lnouige in the tiery stimulus oi araeni youui Even the' bystander?, looking On through military BtripeJ and other fmcy Cassimeres and Veatinga, .i j r ,i i t..-,. .,-- Pifii5h and French Drap de fAa; Landsonr.e clukJreo the Windows Of the log Court house, Were plard and 6tnp.s . a Iargc Lck of cotton ade.;and alt strucK witn wonoeranti awe. i lengiu, while writhing and twisting like two rag ing serpents, the handle of Hill's huge Bowie knife, unthought of previously, pro truded from beneath his hunting shirt. Both saw it at the same time, and both attempted to grasp it. Howard succeed ed. Quick as lightning he drew the keen blade from its Scabbftrd, and sheathed it up to the hilt in the bosom of his friend and his Mary's father. " The dream is fulfilled 1" exclaimed Hill, with a smile of strange sweetness, that remained on his features even after ana said he was highly gratified to have 'K" ino !gjl' ana 1?WXK1 cniP &m n three east!djhis comrrilnder, but declined the Pinl,ror wt6r.tiii the quantity is reduced toon half. Promotion. He atldrd, that hi bUevcd Thfn the mwf trained through a flannel into Vimlelfn rtl'.lior.ht ihnt I.U was: a pnPr and he remainder of thegrfliiettfa.ad. ut-u ii. ur uiixiiure is men io De siirreo im me . 3 . " . cat1pirti;n refer notation 1-HMaffcd hr vhAnlil hr thn GTerirnt than n(Topo1 Jj' He refused ftlso, saying "nn auvu III UUIIJC, Urealfor over of her childhood. They are pur- . S " ? 5 ' f , V , . , v. U -i . , drink, and his disposition tberbo sued-overtaken ; and Nixon Corry shot ed b feceiit b . 'tTM in";1 ip . . . f .1 1' i.J ; nis rival and one joi tne proua uoruons in the extreme. ftdarY j-ivh t r. r. ri r 1 tlion HCA4n0fl t.V I f h 1 D'i.tinnc , I. n n . - n .. . n o n m 4 n OV ijuvuu wu IUC OJJUl, rtliu iitv.ii vivuj'vu 1 CluajJS lucre ; HOCI! l a.J uian, v a other kinds of genilemens uiiiir.( r wear. ,A!o splendid bl'k Taffeta and (Iro de'Rhine Fi'.ks, p'.nin fig'd chamelr on Poa de Roie, plain nn) fi'd ulk Tiwue. beragea, od iik for linins, linen cham ray?, euibroid'd Bwisa Robes, linen cambric Ilan'l.ercb.cU, i'a larce block) U'k aad col'd Kid (i!;ves, organdy and gingham Lawns, plaid jranadmea, fjney anJ furniture Prints. bl'k and Col'd At pncci I.ns-re?, Florer.re, plain iraw. Rock Uoejuid Al ladin Uxinet!, Fiiibreiias and Parasols, buIurrXlotli. i:!ieniheeti.n2 1,7, 1 0 and 1 2 q -arier wi Je.bro. Ai.bleaeh'd drill?, 'ase'J b!'d and bro. cotto; fhirtini and sheetings, Urze itotk of ready made clothing, floor matting, Wasting powder, iiiinin 3 Rope, Rio Coffee, bro. and loaf Sugar, crushed and pulvericd do., superior Tea, a'uionJ, rais ins, s le leailter, lining and binding skins, tanned theep and Morocco ikin, hnrness leather, clover and graft eed, snHdleii, bridles and Mddle be, leather tronka, .-,.. Lrl in I.Ma nnrl half l.b! white lead . Fp'tS torpeO- he Was a Corpse. He then SUnk down, ly ihe gal. or bottle, copal varnish, t a noers oil, a by and expired without a groan. , 10. 10 by 12 and it by 10 S:, anvil, j"J .. . ii grass scythe?, etceleeJ.n,' hoes, f.hove.3 and tndc, Howard gazed on him there as he lay, min and cross cut saws, sheet Iron. AI, a lare with that singular smile on his face, and j OTHf 1 ft 17 VV. CUTLERY, " his glazed eyes opened. And then awa- j .DAUt filaM palfIl,.nd king with a start, as if from some horn- ; X dVeJuu and ... ble Vision of; the night, the poor Unhappy f;r Slik, Panama, Ugbora and palm leal fell heaillons on the body ot tus hats and caps, necessarily sour- became quarrelsome heed mbnf.; What then can I d or r- inquired the general. M Iay Tt--.: f . .,.Xmon Ui f it. ' raJI-S l.: 1 1.1 ti t . .Ii. .1 I... .nl'n ..t.. ll "TVT , k l ,. r. f .Tnalliclo most usbfuli-l- ftatw, who Kpefv carried er datighte tohurchi for;r , fnunf,n nSYim ;h thL Alle JamesBowie, who was so heartily dread- birr, U.. K ! W'm Being asked ita name by the btshop, re-v iaen and lound an asylum in tne Alie . nn. , . u 1 pbed, Luthyisir." Waatr aaysthedoc . ."I4H ghany Mountains, near the sources of the j, "ac ,ua"" t - - his circum. thv r.M mv. ;wi. T.,,eiier. Lnrifer. that iont fir. F ' . neat -.wp w .v ,doUbted eoiirap. tur n . nale , merel v at the . . fa,.,K T t . 1 i i r 1 r o-- - 1 " . that b AA aaya the tishofe; and baDt sed the child Ueorffe Wash-! . va v. xiere, unuer llie .-niea ui uu- iann0!)rnn.onrU '(r nt n fnrm. hrnad inrton. The boor mother confounded, could not speak! nps.stt V. ho nmU untrTnearUiftfchurch door, when she told the parson the ' . . , , .... . . .ucucu uu 'MiB win " . . onn with him," aud miam was a rtn : ? li m i""um i&uucivu uis llalito iUUiuua uy .was wayunu uiw. auui ai a iiuiuui.1 vi ! - ! . "S SI i i i . - - - . r ' friend, crying in tones that melted 4nany a hardened spectator into tears "Great God ! what have I done !" He kissed the clammy lips of the dead wet his cheeks with a rain of unavailing sorrow- tried to staunch the bloody wound with his handkerchief and then, apparently sat isfied that all was over, sprung upon his r-t v'tth shnnt. or more properly a scream, - Farewell, Mary-your father is one. and I am going Books and Stationary! China Gla? and Q ieensware, Lard Lamp, fery hand some) Nova Scotia Gnnd Stones, ic . tp-K-.her uh an endless variety of other good, not mem.01.rd. Rrraons vifiting this market would do well .0 ca.l at ,h SjW C-4ll Store, corner ea.t of UHtrt-Houw, before btmnsas I am derermmed to itirr to cn.h borer, at whoiesile or retail, e.raor.',narv mdoremet,:, i tb way of handsome anJ fre gowds and !ow pr,ce. Call andctoryoalve Sulhbrnj, Alril 12, '-J & . Mr: j, 4. 1. 1 4 . 11 "vi : .1 i i 1 ' 1 ! .1 . ij . ; :"i ' 1 , 'j' n1 Mb?