Hi t ;U..;; f llic Watchman- i'A iM Uir.Two DOM.ARS payable in r cti subsenuent insertion i ii, c hiffher than these rates. .-.f io those who advertise by the year I " . . lvi: Mini r rumt paid. jliarar- M!'r L IU k-Wed. mir ci. ! - - - r i. iirtir . L l5 iwiipweeditt $1 for lhe hrst. auu c. UPkV- ulrtion. Court orders efnrged Fromjhe Wilmington Commercial. JlGOLUSUOKp', Aug. 2ist, lato. fl ;;v I sen J you below 4 cony iracJocumcnt-llic perusal of which must 1 think afford interost and pleasure to ev- cry 'gnutnc lover oi me uiu o r" "ITSKT'fc?: UOt ' 'j'-" ' W- Swl.dC jXCt 'H - . i I' ;Vi-! t - ' """" ' i THE m ROUP A: WATCHMAN. ' deuuc- , 1 i i,m i ' i IT . 7 H ''kKHrHWKrpn!i rnr TtL V 1" .mm1 ! TVk -rat- .mT.r J I Editors Proprietors. ? Rclees. i Ce'l i.rr. ( VOLUME VI DUMBER, 19. i ' t " ' I ' ; ' ' : H ' - t I is i. A libera rth State. it is SALISBURY, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1849. t. riotlovoid ol interest-but it lays ft st.II .frontier claim, to bur regard, on account ting it in blast ; and that they Furnbb therefrom. t0 the Founder or Founders that shall by the said Commissioners be sent to that work, such quantities of melt ing metal a they shall want for the of carinon, mortars, shells and ftAttlniit m relation io our ... . yr- nre ft not nowmtnewaj " r- , casl ne dlctiori of Ibis aurh6r, that the region ot ! ba,,s for thejuse of the country, and this he term ot two apprehend our country may be supplied with anijabun- dance of those articles so eminently use ful for the defence of it. ; Thne rionlli.mpn T Vionp t will Annpiir ofStato, whether Mr. Mi les recom-, to ..u that i havc con,rived to answer cnJation were acted upon, thoughji am : al thc nU(ble intentions of the? Con ltjificd that they were Jo some extent. gresS) in ther Resolve relative & iron or; b?ar ,n mn.d V Mr.- works being procured for the use pf the tllo coll tdds and iron ore on Deep Riv- fo lbe space and during tl e iri Chatham County, may become f the in wich' lime I Uttieuthern Provinces. ( j yas unable to find, with the did of 0 r ntUSt it , f ' 1 If . .1 have aucircssea nimsen ta tne royal nnhli sprvirp. without entanlinfl thp.m ohQ Und that soon thereafter Sorth ' or their! Comrnisioners in such alrnulti- Carolina with the other Provinces declar. piicity df business, as they would haVe y BerjMcpcndcnce and framedCon- found rstirig in upon them, hail they kitatidfi.- The property of the tones and ; becn made the temt)orarv or ncroetual rjfcjn this Mate, was therefbresgen- property of ther public. (Here follows a UVtohfiscated ; and I find in the Jour- t)Lbe lioaraol war thc lollowing res- 'dutlorl, passeu on me 10m oi oepiemner SO J As too ueneral Assembly have jpervded iho- operation of the confisca Q Att until the next session, the Board j of topinion that th.c negroes lately.em- plcyjatWilcox's Icon orks, being .con fiWted property should be returned to thal nlace and there employed acain in jiuhlic eryice about the Iron Fjctqry eMchtially necessary at present." p "The Commissioners of confiscated pro perty are hereby required to return to the said works all of said neeroes, to be era- jlbyculby Mr. John Wilcox at the same Nov. eived n letter from John Wilcox on tKf putject of Ironfiled No. 74." (This letter jive we're unable to find. The Board of War was at that time sitting in Hills i boro. knd was composed of AlexVjMar- John renn, and Oroondates Davs. , i y seem to nave naa a general con- '6(1 all matters pertaining to the bian- :gmcnt of , the war in this State. In ohciusion, I think it proper to state that ajn indebted to the kindness of the Hon. Vrri.iA.Craham, for knowledge )f the tence of thislocument, and for oirec- Johs ;Where to find it. Yours, &c. or the purpose aforesaid." ic same Journal is the following airy Of a later date. " Sunday 5th 17(80, recommendation, tosend to Philadelphia or some other northern colony for experi enced Founders and for the materials, moulds, pattejm, &c.) The report then proceeds thus ; Gen tlemen, I have already informed you thsit the Furnace appears to me to be a good one, that 1 have reason to belie vejj there will be a sufijeiency of water, and there are wood anul ore in profusion. jj I must now inform you that on the north side of Deep River, and 1 believe npt half a mile from tne Forge, there is a Pit Coal, and from what appears on the surface,1 such as is very goodj so that there is suf ficient reason to believe, were it dug for, great quantities might be raised. Stone, for various uses, abounds there. Hearth stones, for iron Works, are also to fee got there, and such as appears to be very good. Grindstones of various degrees of fineness, are, and may be cut there. Upk the whole, nature has poured out with a boun tiful hand on that part of our country, ev ery thing necessary for the establishment of an extensive Iron Manufactory; An additional advantage there two, is is be ing situated in the midst of a provision country. Itsjconvenience to trade 1; have already mentioned, (M in the part giving its dist ance Xo Che raw, &c.w) fr6fn all which, I flatter myself, I shall be, doing good to thisj Province, and perhaps to her neighbors. While I am recommend ing these things to your notice, I beg ;Ieave ifi President and Members of thpjlon- to say that iff a Slitting and IlollinglMil), erected at or near the place I havplbeen 'i - r .f aoic rrovtncuu council or ' iorin anlinrt. - f- I i i Micincn : ai me request oiimr. s Person, I latHy rode out to Mr. Joaa1 Wilcox's Forge and Bloomery on JcppHiver, in Chatham County, ahd to fldnacc on Tick Creek, in samp Goun His Bloomery and Forge are ofres hU to tho inhabiVatits of that and the (jghbbring Counties, they supply ihem id a, epnsiucrauie quaniuy oi oar iron middling good quajity. The quantity quality will be enlarged itnd im- R as soon as ho can make it from Ml describing, they could not fail of prpduc cing the greatest advantages to thfsi Prd- vince. 'I j The first would enable us to furnish nails, in particular, as cheap as they can be bought in Britain. The second vyouid enable us to j produce for market jbvery thing made from thin iron, such as locks hinges, &c, jc. ; and the Steel Furnace would enable- us to furnish weapons f de fence, and every kind of edged tools for artificers and! husbandmen. . Gentlemen I am convinced that! that- GRAND RAILROAD CONVENTION It has been proposed to hold a Nation al Convention in St. Louis, on the .third Monday of October, of those friendly to an extension of a railway and telegraph from the Mississippi to the Pacific. An address has been published by "the peo? pie of St. Louis to the people of the Uni ted States," from which we make follow ing extract : Let us (says the committee) contrast briefly thc consequences of erecting this road, with those which would follow a failure to make it. Were it completed, the first car that should rumble over the Stony mountains in its fiery course across the continent, from the Atlantic to thi? Pacific, would send a new sensation thro the world. Britannia, Empress of the Sea,' losing much of her pretension upon her great marine employed in the India trade, would feel that the foundations of that supremacy were about to crumble; while from the Icy Cape, to the fair is ands of the South Pacific, and along thje eastern shores and islands of Asia and Australasia, and throughout all the terra firma of the Pacific seas, would be awa kened a new spirit, ideas of a new desti ny, and feelings of a new attraction. The eyes of those nations would be drawn to the new lights which will illuminate the peaks of the Sierra Nevada, nor would their gaze be turned until their regenera ted merchant vessels, moored in Ameri can harbors, should have exchanged their costly burdens for the substantial products of the United States. j Attracted to the great eastern station of the continental road, as steel to the magnet, a freight would roll down upon the States of the Union, such as the India companies never saw, embracing the ftjrs of the North, the drugs and spices of the South, the teas, silks, and crapes of China, the cashmeres of Thibet, the diamonds 'of India and borneo, the various productsibf the Japan Islands, Manchooria, Australa sia, and Polynesia, the resultsof the whale fishery, the gold, silver, quicksilver, jew els, and precious stones of California, and the innumerable and unimaginable ele ments of commerce which would be brought into life from the depths of the sea, and from new and unexplored re gions, by the enterprise and ingenuity; of our countrymen. These elements would be distributed throughout the Union, giy a new impulse to population, to trade, to industry, to art, and to all the employ ments of our people. Our surplus meat and bread, cotton goods, hemp and cor dage, lard, leather, and hardware, and other products, would find anew, a large, and increasing market in return ; while the bible, the printing press, tbe ballot box, and the steam engine, would receive a welcome passage into vast and unre generated fields, where their magic pow ers and blessed influences are greatly needed. . 1 . ; that shall give to the great measure of American progress assurance of its tri umph." i ; The President among the People. There is no doubt that, despite all the Iiocofoco papers ay io the contrarj ihe popularity of President Taylor will be much increased, in the course of bis present tour through the Northern and Eastern Stales. He is every where enthusi. alstically received, and the plain, simple Re. publican manners of thc Old Chief endear him to the hearts of the People. I Did we have no evidence of this fact, we should be convinced of from ihe course pursued b the " Union" since the President started on his tour. The defunct Orsan has been unceas ing in its attacks upon him. It has heaped upon hlmabuseand ridicule without stint. Itcommenc. ed by declaring that the President's reception ai Baltimore was a tame affair- that it lacked enthusiasm ; that although a considerable crowd was assembled to welcome him, yet there was little or no enthusiasm manifested, and the crowd was assembled moie from curiosity than from any desire to greet Gen. Taylor. I Gen. Taylor's speeches, which he is com pelled to make wherever be sojourns, next come in for a share of the Union's ridicule. At almost every place where thc President is called on to address the People, some corres pondent of the Union is found to give what is called a correct report of tbe speech, which the Union gladly publishes as evidence that Gen. tack be made' upon the Citadel of the Prince of Darkness, and the day will be outs. Spirit of the Age. ARRIVAL OF THE CALEDONIA. The Pteamer Caledonia, which sailed fnm Liverpool on the 18th, arrived at Halifax, on Thursday the 30th ultimo, -ami at Boslon on Friday afternoon. We pive the following summary of her intelligence. The com mercial news, it will be seen from the circular of Brown, Shipley &. Co., is very important : Tbe Caledonia passed the Europa in the channel, which probably reached Liverpool on the uiht of the 19th. h The steamship Washington, Capt. Floyd, arrived a't Southampton on tho 14th from Bremen, for New York. She left Bremerhaven on Saturday, the 11th inst, and encountered a tremendous gale from the south-weet nearly the whole time of her passage The Washington has iu freight 200 tons of merchan dize, and nearly 200 passengers. She was to leave for New York on Monday, the 20th of August. i no uHiungion orougnt intelligence of the actual departure of the Danish blockading squadron, and the withdrawal of the cruiwne vessels off lieliiroland. which have departed for Copenhagen, permitting free ingress and egress to the respective ports. Numbers of mer chant vessels had entered the Wester, and commerce was resuming activity. The American frigate St- Iawrence, Capt. Paalding, had left Bremerhaven for a cruise in the Baltic Correspondence of thf Commercial Advertiser. London, Aixji'st 17, 1849. Hungary is now almost the only topic, and although we are still without definite intelligence as to the actual position and fate of the main bodies of the respective ar mies, everything tends to encourage the belief that so r .u . . Taylor is no speech-maker. and ' ASfiTS V7l?T?" is totally unfit for the office of President of tbe United States. In these reported speeches. Gen. Taylor is made to ulter the most absurd and ridiculours nonsense, and (he writers en deavor to made him out to be little better than a senseless ignoramus. This is the course which the Union and its followers pursue in regard to one whom the People have thought proper to elevate to the highest office in their gilt. It is the course of the organs of the party which have always pro fessed such a high opinion of the wisdom and intelligence and discriminating judgement" ofi the People, which profess such a high re- gard for our free institutions, in that they debar no man from attaining to the highest office. Now that the People have chosen a ruler con trary to the wishes of these elite" Democrats, they seek to heap upon him odium and ridicule, and by consequence thus ridicule and .insult the People themselves. -PA t i r e place or some other in Us neighborhood iiuii man. can uu jmuuhccu iiuui u v brjicry, as it is bctfer refined in the ties than it can be in the latter. lid Furnace is built on a creek about from tie great abundance of materials . 44 But, on the other hand, if we fail; to make this road, and California and Ord inal nature has there so plentifully beU ton remain without any practKiablejor stowed, might in -a few years be rnade j mrurnace is uui.i on a creeK aoout , ffi fd f N fa Cafoli an(J ur wru ' I'Miiviriii'ii'ii. 111111 I'niiHi-iiiiix Tilt" , w x ... . . ,r. .L' Li.' ' : tv a. i-i 1 will uc it Kieai mcniis ui iciiuci ut: up fiobghlrto contain a sufficient quality of . b. ... . Aannnt . lTuuL iiluiil ' - I r . u more extensively independant ; or . yvhile notot east cannon of a ton we.ght chase frm marketi jthost I f V"!&eri' articles so absolutely necessary to& ..if,, w .. 1 . i mnv frnlv he saitl to hp. in some decree V opinion, from the appearance o the ; ,T n t. Kincrnnm. nratk whale fishery, the present American ?tr ams that are to furnish it with water ; :i TC TT' tV KZi ! with China, the Pacific islands, a M?;vyill be able to wort nine months lhi sstriUryour minds with' lhe .feame Northwest coastwould be shared, Mhear, if no.moj-e. When 1 saw it ; dc JminCt and if improvementk ( monopolized, by the new Republic. f weenury wcainer ior a consiuera- i - . ' ( OMin4 Central authoritv would hnd their jaccai ne us. mere is an aimosi inex- t ... T 1 , r r. u'.'t W,Alti:i- I? f- ntJ 1 : powers, youiwiU I doubt not. fall ore such iUUIO MOCK OI wuuu iui tuaia tuvi - , ..-ii l mnct i;i-l,. IJ (Jmjr, oit what is called vacant land i . . L . . . y i, o' T r u- u u u ducc the salutary effect. As a rJerson thousand acres of which ought to be u 7a. V xr .-.t i Jk2L LJ i f L t cy I must U6 &ciu iu uic ixoiiuwaiu iu nutuic seccfcd as soon thc land office is opened r r i . t. .j . siness.-perhaps, you may think proper tb give him instructions tb procure persons acquainted with the method of erecting such works, with workmen to work in them. ft hicVwas. visible f?m .hi ad- - , i hh.o? 9tWQ use' of thc work, that it may not nilhc nowcr of an individual to dis- lSJ k work of so much utility to the com- uenity, ; i cureiuny .examined ine pros pect of pre, Jind it appears to me to be wuiucni ior rages, anu to appearance ex convenient connexion with the old States Of the Union, who can -doubt that a newr Uepublic will grow up on the shores! of the Pacific, which would perhaps become independent of the Union, ahd obtain! ;a Supremacy of their own upon ap ocean favorable to steam navigation, and ihe very home of the trade with Asift. Tbe trade nd the if not Th i : povyer over a people so remote to be feeble and insufficient. With great mineral wealth in their possession, with a trade before them which has been the cynosure of com mercial nations during the whole; chris tian era, and the experience and energy of the race whence they derive their ori gin, who can doubt their future jpcjvver and progress in complete independence of ill other nations ? I n The true policy of our Government Rome there is and can be nothing but the flasrrant de tails of the unconditional restoration of the priestly go vernment, and the vigilance of the French artillerymen to keep it safe. From France the accounts speak only of new taxes and of universal prosecutions against all who breathe a word in favor of republicanism. At home the dull season has set in with more than ordinary in tensity, and the food for the papers is the progress of the Queen through Ireland and Scotland. II. nga ev. The news by the last packet, of the sor tie of the Comoro Garrison and their expulsion of the Austrians from Raab, far from being exaggerated, turns out to be of more weight than was at first supposed. A more vigorous feat was perhaps never recorded in any previous war, and the damage it has inflicted on the Im perialists, both morally and physically, becomes more and more apparent every day. Had" the affair taken place in the interior of the country it could have been hushed up or misrepresented by the Vienna authorities, for we get no news direct from Hungary, and Uiose who utter an unfavorable syllable in Austria are forthwith Bhot ; but occurring so near the capital concealment was impossible. It appears that all the artillery of the Austrian division which was encountered was either spik ed or carried off to Comoru ; that 40,000 cwt. of copper money, 50,000 uniforms, 100,000 cwt. of flour, five ves sels laden with corn, 17 cwt of gunpowder, and in short The Cuba Eocpedltion. It is Stated, a" reserved material of the entire forces, fell into the II.. : says the Baltimore Sun, that a party of In to tge dolhi heii at R . it ig con. recruits, for the Cuba or Sierra Mad re ex- fe88ed a,8 that a Russian convoy was intercepted with . . . , - , 30,000 suits of regimentals. The account of between two and three thousand head of cuttle and immense amount of oats having been carried off is likewise con firmed, while the number of Russian and Austrian troops slain and captured is known to haye been extremeiy large. Meanwhile, it is now certain that the Hungari ans arc in continued possession of Raab, while it is m- - - - - XrvtEjooi; ' Ant" 17uV18JT The accounts by the last Steamer i still more unprom ising ; prospects fc the American growing Cotton crop have produced increased speculative eieitemeDt-'in'-our market, and a further adxance of d per Bk la pricr- The business has been large, and thoagb the demaaf has not been quit so brisk yesterday and to-day, the market is steady at the above advance; the notations being 5Jd for fair Upland, jfj fur fmir MoWe, for fair ' Orleans, and 5Jd a 5Jd for middJiag qualiuW The transactions for the week amount to 53,190 bales.) Tbe' import of Cotton into Iiverpool sine 1st January now anionirfi to 1 ,473,000 bales, of which 1 ,24,000 w from the (Jailed States, being an increase of 310,000 bales in thc total supply, snd 246,000 of American over last fran mi to same period. The progress of the harvest has been more or .leas in terrupted by a week of unsettled weather, which, bow ver, is not thought to have done any iujary of moment to the crops, and eonwquenUy produced ajnendmea4 in the markeu A Wheat and Fkmr. Prune sound par cels of American KW. 23s Cd a iSm. JhiU inform an. inspected is difficult to scD at 18s Cd a 30 per LU. ; American Wheat 5s Cd a 7s per 70 lbs. Indian Com, on the other hand, has advanced about 3s per quarter, the late extreme uVpresaioa having brrmgtu increased de mand fnun Ireland with some nrn-nln.a. ,K n.w. .tion is 27s i2?i per quarter foe yellow, and 2. 29s ur wruie, i uere are still reports of the appearance of disease in the growing Potato cnp in some focal'iiic-a, but as yet very impartial and unimportant. Yimrs, repectfuDy BROWN, SHIPLEY tC Corresiondence .4" the N. Y. Commercial AdverUW. FROM DARINGS' CIRCULAR. Loxdox, Friday, Aug. 1, 1S49. Iaox. We still have to report a very firm market and less inclination on the part of masters to take orders fir common bars and rails at 5 50 free on board in Wales. Scotch pig is steady at 45 a 6 for mixed num bers at Glasgow, Swedes 11 10s. Tobacco. The only transaction reported is the sale of a parcel of 250 hhds. common cijpr fillers for ex port at 2i 1 per lb. Tle demand for the trade has been small, but prices are very firm. THE LATEST FOREIGN NEWS. I By Electric Telegraph to tbe European Time (mm London tos Liverpool Dreadful cmfiiet mt Hmmbmrgk let vera tk FtpU mud the Yia SUdiera. Hambckuh, August 14. Yesterday, when the second battalion cf tbe 15th Regiment of" Prussian Infantry arrived, tbe people ga thered in great masses and pelted them with stones ; another party tried to shut the gates, by which they were entering, against them. The soldiers used their arms against the people, and a serious conflict took place. The loss of the military was trifling, but that of the people considerable. The soldiers was carried to tbe hospital thirty or forty people were wounded. Daring the night some of the National Guards uaited with the multitude, and erected barriers close to tbe riding-school, where the battalions were quartered. At these barricades fresh conflicts ensued. Towards the morning tbe barricades were cleared, and a little later every thing was quiet. A letter received in Paris from 'Vienna state posi tively that the government bad resolved to negotiate with the Hungarians. Great excitement prevailed in Vienna in consequence of the speech of Count Brandenburgh. Lloyd uses even hostile language. " It is remarkable says this pa per, that the name of Austria is not once mentioned in the opening speech. It wants now to octroi Prussia iu reality at the bead of Germany, There was a report in Paris that tbe Pope had been assassinated, but there was no truth in tbe rumor, for the Times in a second edition, on Friday does not evea mention it. At Vienna, on the 12th, an official despatch from tbe Russian General Luder, was published announcing-1 battle between his forces and those of Bern, in which the Hungarians were totally defeated, having lOOOkill ed, and leaving in the bands of the Russians 5000 pri soners. Bern himself was wounded and nearir caDtsr- The Russians captured seven field pieces, two pedition, left this city a few days ago for N.; Y. rendezvous; under a former officer of the Col. Hughes Mexican regiment. The editor of the Cincinnati Commercial has also seen a letter, directed to the Lt. Colonel of the expedition in that city, which stated there was 8250,000 in a bank at New Orleans for its object. The NeW York Post, of Wednesday, says of the; nightly meetings in that city : One of the gentlemen who is foremost mored in some quarters that they have absolutely re occupied Pesth. The mails from both places are long overdue at Vienna, and it is therefore certain that the communication has been cut off Under these circum stances nothing can be heard of the actual state of af fairs, but of course the Austrians are in consternation, and there are strong reports of a pitched battle in the South, in which the Russian general Paskiewitch has been totally defeated. His last bulletin received at Vien na was not made public. ed. standard?, and Bern's carriage. In the carriage were important despatches from Kossuth, in which he urges him to excite the Turks against the Russians, who in this engagement had only 44 killed and 106 wounded. The despatch no doubt relates to the old affair, and the ac counts is obviously, grossly exaggerated. From 3d edition of London Morning Herald. A council of Ministers was held in Pans, on Friday morning, for il.e consideration of important queeliontof foreign policy. They have had information of the in tention of the Bavarian government to march 50,000 men to Vienna, to cover the capital white the Austrian troops were operating in Hungary. Reminiscence of Chictign. In the year 1834 a gentleman called upon the writer of this article and asked him to draw a deed of conveyance for two lots in Chica go. It was done. Chicago was then nn tion, and the gentleman himself has been, ; character," but in whicha specification of the shameful J outpost of the West. A small military Within a year, a United States Consul in I acts in question was wholly omitted. The clergy, it is i . . i , i ii i one of the Islands of the West Indies; a ' are "ow threatening revenge for an their , station had been placed there, and our ost which, it is commonlv reoorted. he Indian ag'nfs home was there. I , t ' n iiiuiuuiioii uiai me nil tin hoi im: uisairuoiilieil. .VII TCnvr t RumA ihn inst.-ilhit of ilia iknu i ri . 10 guiding the proceedings in these meet- , nals in uncontrolled power as the representative of the ingS is Very Well known at Washington, Pope, was immediately followed by an abusive manifes vvhr his father holds a nrominpnt nosi- , to fro.rr them, against " anarchy "and the "shameful r . . . . , .r ,f acts performed by demawoffues without reputation or resigned in order to engage in this enter prise. laws promulgated during' the existence of the Republic have been cancelled, and the frightful system which j nrovioiisl v nrovailpH has been restored in all if a f. .rr- I . .. .... . , t . , . . Every official appointed by the republic has becn dis- ; me new town men wasiogrowup mere. V I T r , il I .1 ' .1. - -1 CP .1 i -i . t ! . . S-emeiv rich! in metnl fl ere follows a 11 ou !ncTa in,nK 5ucn anaiP ft0 00 i W country, therelore, in relereuceto this ttitbment o( iheislance of this region! come ner "our cognizance, pernajy you subject, is apparent. 1 he great impor- Ubm Cheraw, Gross Creek, Hillsboro'.fec.) 1 . L"' " ; V tV ' -MCB ttU3Ull"c "cmuvi MfJMMes tnen proceeds thus: hinow Assembled KepresentatLves ot thpl l'ro : lttunication across the continent, by rail- " fl' : p 1.1 i vinro novt fSJrV'm hpr whr thV I rrUlt' ! mat! nrt lolonrro nil mnet Ko onnponiit'tiad rcmaips ior me to give atj account to;your . . v. ...v, . .....w j , i.uu, piyi.. Honors' of tlie interest I liavc procured for Probably be! taken into consideration - ; We confidently trust that it will be Sea r- iftbuniryi in this valuable work! Of bhoud the whole be disregarded, 1 cant ried out by national means and authority. Wnc'y. granted at Halifax fdrthe pur- "e a.eP"vea pt the inward satislactjon oi as one of the most powerfu 1 M In hrCnnM.,. nlml ill I I o 1 1 1 a V IrtP lh( nnr. . .. ! . i L i . . . . - hnvinrr nnmi.l .. ...I & . post 6r h r nc or buying iron worKs, lor & uu, w"- " c pjroia mmtcf the Province. 1 ventured to re i r- --p ru"uvUIiingei vviitrqcjiu jur. Amoroso uamsey, one oi i l potnrnissiohcrs; who was with me. to Vanccto Mr. John Wilcox, two hundred Mjfifty . pounds, on the following terms, W Thtit he. the said John Wilcox! and ,YflWF!noliirtrl hia rfrnr in th Knrrkr. fyjtxccutc a deed of trust for thejsaid ( I I am Gentlemen, your most -Obedient Servant. f SAMUEL MILLES. July 3d, 1776. I Disturbance among the Jeics. The Jaws ot irttfllltAD rf Gft ' T All! a ilOtTA k A1 j-llktA a JLti.-L! OTarie, to Martirt Filer, Ambrose Ram- ! ance among themselves, and an appeal i made fl ftvnd Thomas Person, Commissioners !o .i,e rrn of ke iaw lo ..u ,hpir rliffirlih:.. rll..' m - ' m ! i " " .... .v yt iron wrvfL-c A,ih nca n iha i rrt virtnt . . . in t ? ::: : , 1 he : isectirity for the two hundred and fifty As usual m ,wo part.es one contend then : advanced, but also for such ,0.r 87,(? ol;e'yc f. jheTurm and cer. ttherVrt -.".,mu oo U k. r, i emonials of the Jewish worship, and absolute I TT MUI1I UU i OUall3 US Ml Ill MM w llr: lllllltll Wssarv tn furnish. him with In fnin-. i conformity to ftU tbe requ.s.tions of their rireed j wriVft .. " r i .u -Vt and the oiher, desiring as much license as pos wic purpose of rendenng the said For- .,, , . M t. m,?,or r a, -i-. j acB nUiJ i.-: n i 8,hle, both in the matter of eatrng prohibited CV; H,rV "luu,s rc- j meat at coffee. houses, and in keeping their T"? 10 itamsey to taKe a .oond store anf, nr-.ir-. infe nnon on Sdturrlav. ryiuiuiaa IIMCI3 uuu men suvtCMUia i ha : I : I .... ..... ,v.A i mum uuc iiniiv urc inuiiiicu iu luii t uui uic stjict doctrines of their faith; the others are indifTerent about, this matter, and herjee the strife which has arisen - in the synagogue. ; erful auxiliaries to the integrity and perpetuity of the Union, and to the mission of our country in pro mpting and extending the influence of the noble cause of civil and religious liberty, civilization, and humanity." The address concludes with a cordiaU invitation to the people of all sections to sfend delegates. The committee desire :tQ have them from the mountains and frbm the plains, from the cities and ifrom '. the country, from the hills of Newi; Eng land and from the savannas of Georgia ; that they will come to us from the North rind the South, from the East, andljeven from the West, pouring in upon us by all toe numerous avenues of The proprietor of the lots said they were two of the finest lots for stories in At the last meeting, on Monday even ing,! he stated, as one of the leaders of the charged, and the paper money issued during that time i They were sold for a very small gum to projected expepitioil, that those Who had ! has been disavowed to the extent of 35 percent. All j 3 . . r. j- ., ' 1 . . . u . . :. I these proceedings have been taken without the forma- SOme merchant in Detroit. lhe inUUCC- hMXi; Cy hmnc3 I iM ! the a.e was ...at ,he merchant the week previous, and that all things keeP down the people, were compelled to place artillery had promised to build warehouses upon would be prepared for their departure Tn J in. the t8t!eet8' T" m" them' M T r r r ed matches. Another step also, which but for the cm- , 7 l.i:. ... i i- i i .u .t the course of the present week. He said ; cient measures of the s,iidiers of the French republic I Vc bclle u.c d,d and lnus began tbe that the expedition was to be one of dan- would have caused the "very stones of Rome to rise ' progress of Chicago. In the year 1835 cer and hardship : that after a long sea and mutiny," has been the re-estt-Wishment of the In- and '3G speculation, especially in Western voyage the adventurers would have to j A Dr. Achilli, an emincnl Italian theolianf a Inan I "ands, was carried on to an enormous ex contend with a people nearly as savage who has never meddled with politics, but who has been tent, oeveral 2ew 1 ork gentlemen of and much more cunning and treacherous j for five an avowed Protestant, was one of its first capital became interested in Cbicagorand than Indians, &c, &c. How many had , Vut.tv ."rL!''!!;.' : male 8.'' f ""ions (o' signed the articles of agreement our in- j of the secret cells of the Holy office. This case, which situated, and since grown rapidly. A day has only just transpired, promises to excite an extraor- or IWO Since We SAW the CenSUS JUSt tak dinary feeling among ail the religious books m-Engiund. en of Chicago, making 23.500 inhabitants ! Doubtless when Uen, Oudinot discovers that it cannot tl ii r.in -- be veiled in secrecy, thc Ministers of Louis Nap.Jem he wh,e f l """Sning OUng City will attempt to remedy the " mistake." But Imw many is the growth Oi fourteen years ! Cincin, are doomed to follow Dr. Achilli, of whose fate no men- nuti Atlus. tion will ever afterward be made ? , Gen. Oudinot has left Rome fr Gaeta, whence he will return to Paris to be idolized for having maintained the " honor of France." It is alleged that he will be elevated to the rank of marshal. ri f .1.1: :.u i Report of the Grand benbe for the last - wife and ab(at 2o followers.he has madeg.-xl hisiaud Quarter, appended thereto, represents an ing near Venice. A monk, who had acted as his chap unparalleled increase in this State, in the j lai"' and who had exercised a powerful influence in fa-Anr- ' ' r ..u: LDi.,.a,li;.- vor of the Republic, fell into the hands of the Austrians, 43 Divisions from which Returnshad been and hag of UIldretllt of lhe received. At that Session, 56 Divisions ( have been captured and wUI.it may bo presumed, share were reported as Chartered now there i the same remorseless fate. are 67, and the cry is formant did not ascertain. t m OUR PROGRESS IN N. CAROLINA. The Proceedings of the last Session of; the Grand Division have just becn print- ! ed and distributed among the different; Subordinate Divisions, and the Tabular I EXCUSE FOR SMOKING. In the reign of James I., of tobacco-hating notoriety, the boys of a school acquir ed thc habit of smoking, and indulged it night and day, using the most ingenious expedients to conceal the vice from their master ; till one luckless evening when tbe imps were huddled together round the still thev comp" I The VeniUan8 8re to have Stained abundant fire Gf t heir dormitory, involving eachoth- and we hope the Applications for Char- i "" e" :pdii an attack by the Austrian fleet- fr " vaPors ol eir own creating, lo ! in ters Will Continue tO Come, Until OUr gOOd The Austrian land forces, it is said, have again failed in nbl Commonwealth is eemmed all over their efEts to capture the place by assault, and their M.Ui t-k.n l..kin eiiont Vmr fiifciakoA With these rich jewels Oi her fair fame. j FaANCE. In the French Assembly, Pierre Bonaparte burst thc master and stood in awful dig nity before them. 4 How now,' quoth the dominie to the first lad ; how dare you to smoke tobac co ?' Sir said the boy, I am subject to. headaches, and a-pipe takes ofT the pain,' And you ? and you ? and your in- the ' nnirail ika wl a m.rr r H tlfSt ifmi fH PVPfV iUlll U I II nu".0 -t 1 O J U. .i ' U ' - Itll' tnrrt C i . I . .1.. J i: .nf3that they use the utmost expedi- r0;in firrkhtno- iV, w mw mm m asds. hit. nniii iii nni -m-i a m-r r i LeSS than a Year ago, there Were onlv 13 at a recent sitting turned round and struck a member, Divisions in the State, With a member- an ,d man named Gastier, a vkent blow in the face, .. f,f. a . , . t-.. I in consennence of his exclaiming " that is true, dm ing Ship !0f SOine 400 now 66 flourishing Dl- j reng of a paper in which reproaches against the visiOflS eXtSt, With perhaps 3000 members. President of the republic were followed by the question 1?. mnct rC tUa A nnllAmnc tko f V, a a. I "H as he not his 600.000 francs a Teai to spend." The M. Ul lliuoi. yj i vuiivuo tuc.i. unit . . , . ; .1.. . ' i i . I case is to come on 'before Uie Police Court, but with peen. recently sem up uae not ueeu sai- . . . . reimUic8 it nfav w fettre1 lhat isfied with only the required number or 8 , m. Gastier will meet with little justice. i ooy in ri is turn. . signers, but they have rrfnged from 15 to Doe.t,c ArrA.as The visit .rfthe iueen to Ire- ! One had a raging ootb ; another cbo -28 signers all good men and true, and land was charaeterixed by nothing but joyous demon- lie ; the third a cougti ; in short, tne) ait ...fiUm iu K.ct mrtC inflnor. strat'ions, and in taking her departure, she announced i had something. manj of them the first and most influen- thatlhe princeof wSes wa. to receive the title of Eari . na. Now sirrb; bellowed the doctor to Cial men in their respective Counties. ! of Dublin. She is now in :cotland, and has pa-4 ... . , , . , . ,. , mtin..nlltimtitr Our membership ektends now from Beau- i tiroogh Glasgow and Perth, where her ,greh the last boy, what disorder do ou smoke fbrUo Cherokee, and our course is still i -- . iU .v,..,,,i. Which converge at this point, so iha the onwru anu upwara-m.u weather wh,ch ra connex vnth her exenaon., nau interrogated urchin, putting down i! . - Z, , . , ,, . . L! L diminution While King AlCOhOl has a tort hitherto been abwt proverbtai !,. - , i ...u-.o iL-. hospitcdUy of St. LOUIS Shall rejoice n the Q there is one poor inebriate to j An announcement been made in the Moniteur ( h,s pipe, after a fareu ell hifT and look fullest exercise and enjoyment oT Us TescUe fJnm the - bower of the all p ,ng up in his masters face, said in a whi- rUUnc ,.:J --.J ", Pr?.:!!r .tr -?, Mr.BretttoeStaUishatelegr.PicmuDatKacr ningf bvpocnt.cal tone, Sir, I smakc for v. ljuicKCUiMg v;u injf , Utllgi aesiroyer. jrusu n iuc wuiutuu, the channel, from BouUgiie and Calais io iover- i uc go forth from the assembled masl that 'then ; and let the bold and vigorous at-' privilege is to continue for io years from Sept. i5. conveyance corns : 11 i: : i

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