' I' r f-, 1 ','-". I i ,i ! - i . ; ....... :. " ; j- , , i- ; ; f i . . ; i i ; j r Ii He-; I 14- InJ .1; l! J a trillion p4r year, Two DotLAts-jpsyable In F te'nt paid in vanceo dollars ffS . CCiTh li5n. Court ordnrged i I iy r c. Wgh.r than grates. A liberal deduc r tien 10 thm who: advertise by the fr. . j :UmRS to 'hf. Editors mlbejPld- ; lj 1 FrU the SVatchmnn and Observer I Dear Broi (;iWerIecr : I obseive in your WrUr of He 12'h just., an extract from a wri- BR;UNER k JAMES itftfori 4- Proprietor ' Keep a check upox all vocr RotEas. Do tnis, asd Liberty is safe." Gen I Harritou. NEW SERIES. VOLUME VI NUMBER 20. ''fclW the name of Neal, ou the intejcouse of ' '-"iW f jjieiet; f on Mcb I would like to submit a fewfremaiks. I admit in general terms the Vdv'iniages ol such an intercourse to ijoin bvx : b.ind especially to men. But ' " ot j lo n intercou'rie 'reieniWii.rj ihof jrrance, , irA li,tni,k far anll.ini! d-sirull-. I heir . intefcourc may Jc free and gracerul. iiut il 3,!.n)ore ratiorial and riraFe. Reading the tfani altof eitrerieily licentious, .'nd althoigh!ii$ ; dalous litenature of the age should-; be loudly SALISBURY, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1849. inail not bo:iioi,f''''y Ir"e Cl " " t""-'t- ; ana sternly jreprotiaieu oy every iriena 01 ren r ctaracieiAc f, the French as a nit ion, to gion anfJ virtue. The whole light literature of foilld Wny ainb'in closely to copy their man- j ihe age may be chaiacterized as gefierally jun-; jierilf lfilljere esisti any connexion between healthy ; wjiilo a large poition of iis fraught annerp and ihe morals of the French, may whb ihe most virulent poison. And tbl is It :ion'' bejore w0 are disposed to ! imitale preemineiuiy Irueofllhat portion of U imported tbritj in eldier. I object to the eitract mainly from France!. The literature o!acounmf is; tcekuse it : gives th.e trench women as Jne sole j generally tb,e true exponent of the prevailing The frivolilv nnd licentiousness so prevailing. in the fashionable assemblies of young people should if possible be exchanged fofBometbing spectacle that can be seen; although it be not uncommon to the inhabitants, no trav eler has ever mentioned it. We were ten men on horseback, two of whom took thjs lead, in order to sound the passages;; whilst I preferred to skirt the great for est. One of the blacks who formed the vanguard, returned full gallop, and called to me, Here sir, come and see serpents, in a pile.' He pointed out to mc somc thingf elevated in the middle of the savan nah or swamp, which appeared? like a bundle of arms. One of my company then said "this certainly is one of the assemblages of serpents, which heap them! stives on each other, after a violent temi pest ; 1 have heard of these, but' have nevi er seen any; let us proceed cautiously go too near. When we : were b;pi5nKto.5 il.; riK i ! VMu iweniy paces oi n me terror oi out I fidelittf If-toWrated by mutual consent or re- The condliion of the churr.heriri in? .'nUrin horses prevented our approach, o which; ctprocally overlMked from arlike consciousness ! calls for siudied, vigorous and reiterated exlhi; i however, none of us were inclined. Orj 'f-jpijt-.ip boti. It is Vain to talk of the sfuperior bit ion of divjine truih, so lar as it corjmpluiesl; a sdden the pyramidial massl became ;C0l!(xi'Jal powers, and of ihe absence of osten- these evils, j The frivolity of many pun njro-fl Agitated ; horrible hissings issued from it :fuii Ni'fvt; "v v...,a,iuiin. .. irssurs is ouviousiy inconsi&ieni wnn any sup-; "iwusiiius ui serjirnis roiieu spirany on Ucin nocs exibi, i nai uiuue win uc a suui- position ot their piety. They furnish no evi 'rfent reason, i for repudiating every iliing in dence of a eonarinpe in th Insist fftrAA itJ A pile of Serpents. -In the savannahs j The New York "Courier and Enquirer" of Izacubo in Guianna, South? America. I j of Thursday takes the following notice of saw the most wonderful, the most terrific j lhe Cnba-hunting movement : "We mentioned a day or two since that two vessels which had cleared from this the Hungarian Generals topside with; bim I in surrendering not only Gcrgey's corps, but also part jnf the besieging irmy at Temeswar, numbering in all frorp S0.000. to 40,000 men, that stood by Gorgey. 5 A Vienna letter states lEat thclnurnbcr. of troops that surrendered: withiGprgey was vi,vvv men, with CO guns. ! it I j sutn, and the leading members of the.; i Hungarian 1'arliament, had nothing left, ; but to hasten to Ossova. U is stated that ' i they have already entered upon Turkish territory, and it is also stated that M.Kos- i ! suth carried with him the insignia of the (Hungarian Empire, including the State i ' j jewels. Gorgey surrendered to Prince Paskie j witch on the condition it can her called. : that the Prince should intercede with the Austrian Emperor for himself, and troops. t(friMificailo of the intercourse recommend ej jind thuS'SCems to commend them as a mod i t. L our women. : 'Jlie' French havio been moral character ol its people. TheChange of manners contemplated should not be regarded as impracticable, f The ispe-j 'lobi rC' ns proverbial for the grbss im- cial facility for its accomplishment arises from! pjitlJl w ll,ff '"'vr" "c' 1 me laci itiai; so largo a portion ot. ou young! te'.j confined as jii this country, to tho ignorant and maltjs arc professors of religion. . if they cati lijar. - ft. ipirevails among those wlo have , be made to understand and feel the force of the health and education, and all else that may j Bible on these subjects, the work js donel Pire them rank in society. In many families j That however, which is most to b lamen. o; . : i.i :. i. i . . .. ' ... . a . sr.- er fseen treo oj sianufng m vwer rcu-ci.f n os ren- ; led, is the Extent to which our educated and j i rered,the marriage , relation more a faphiona. professing, jloung people participate In all thatH . . 01 lie hblity, lliaii a sacred reality. ConjiJgAl in- is objeciionnble- in the habits of the age. I ;! Vlth,n 1 board ten or fifteen men, with anus, &c, who had been enlisted for some service or other, the nature of which was only suspected to be of an illegal character. It was supposed that on reaching New Orleans, these men would make their dence of a conscience in the least npvriA. tb.if manners; which can bo suspeded juf bav. I veloped, or auctions in the least degree eniilst t TiVg any' agency in producing it. It has long ed for God and his cause. Their moral inmu. loemed U mc a proper cause ot regret, that in ; ence is decidedly worse for being professors of rmattcrs of dress, of culinary refinement,; and of religion, ijet thisevil in the churches be; fwbwii ih;geiieraI,Ave are disposed to look to ; cured, and there will be a powerful! restraint Kanc for ai mdp. We cannot copy the man- pr 61 others, whether nations or individuals, thrown around the non-professing "part of the young people ot the land. One thirfg is cer- I wjtbbdt Imbibe tog more or les of thelr1 moral j tain, that either the members of irrefchurches cui racier. j s must elevate; the standard of social intercourse i ; U 'rnen arc naturally depraved, but the na- j to suit them.jor else they will be drarged down turc of prayiy U doubtless, about thi same ( to a cast of 'manners that will .suit the worjd. In thij people (of all nations. God haf made j The social ijnd domestic relations qf the pfo ofohp i blood, all nations, to dwell on the I fessors are Such that there can. be ftjo system ' - . il a j Important European Intelligence. The steamer Niagara, arrived at Hal ifax on Wednesday, bringing dates from Liverpool to the 25th ultimo. Ttl 0 MSts n 4 n C IT. ; ..e i .1 .: i 1 ' viuuis uoiii nungBrv announce iinri wiiwviuri aci i i ih i 11 ir iiwi iiihii i t i ar - ... aid the invasion 6f Cuba. One of them. luc "'o.ution ot tne Hungarian Diet.the 3' .asrici "at Uor- the Union, is a regular packet ship, and ; deat of Gen. Bern, the surrender of Gen. K iL Cra TCSOullKm ,Nv.a5 Prompted cleared for New Orleans. She bad on ganan arms. would now he induced to surrender Co in England the price of cotton had fur- mofn, especially as the city of Rnab was ther advanced, and large sales were daily on lie 15tn inslant occupied by the Ioipe- effected. Flour wasrather lower than na,ls, ho had likewise despatched a ! i . corps to the valley of the aa. at the date of the last accounts. The , From A Vi.nnf i.f 1 lr .uZ r- way to Round Island, which has become, I grain trade continued dull, and prices had the Kelner Zeitung it apnears thitM a downward tendency. The harvest was ; Kossuth intends to hold out UU the last very promising. He has published a proclamation, announ The submission of the HungariaYis and f,ns lhe lranslation of his Government the important effects likely to be produced wn.rre DC ,S rnoW ,i u i . protected by the Hungarian army from throughout Europe by the termination of; the Baisk. . that sanguinary war, had no perceptible j The Russian papers publish the follow, effect on business in London. ; "g letter from Prince Paskicwitch to his The mortalitv from the cholera in Enr. i Majesty the tzar. " o land continued to increase. There appears to be no political news of importance) from Great Britain France. , itis werelh to face, so the heart of man to man,' H'hatever nay be tho peculiar forms, or-eicess of crltniialiiy in one community over another, ' fairly attributable to local circumstances. Aod Itt is at teast a fair inouirv. whether French V iDumrilyis1 not the result of French manners.' miuwicugu ui inoir general naous, is loo limits to admit a minute examination of this qneitipn, but Irom what 1 do know 1 would not hope of salvation ? The morals of la whole bflittte to tiisign some things in theiif social country are mainly controlled by the combined InrerCjdurse, as prominent cause of thejr loose influence of a great many little causei If the aroraUV Uut leaving them, their manners, and reading of this article shall make onejchristian uicirjnorais, us iook a nine more cioseiy at ourselves. And while wo would reiterate the of non-intercourse devised. The two classes musj grow jip and mingle together. ! And. the great question to be decided is, which class shall control the manners and morals of the other.'.. ' ' - I .(j ;j : Let professed christians be true to t$jernselves and they hate nothing to fear. Let tpe teach ings of the Bible be faithfully uiged and vfill .1 U- ! LJ-J 1- .1 LVl. .L - nicy nui ue sregarueu oy inoso cneriening me as our readers know, the rendezvous for several hundred persons destined for some unknown expedition. The Union, how ever, was hot detained; 'The Sea Gull, on the other hand, was seized by the United States authorities and a protracted investigation was imme diately had into her destination, cargo, &c in secret. We understood that no evi dence was found sufficient to warrant her detention, and she accordingly took her departure day before yesterday for Curacoa, the port for which she cleared. It is now intimated that she was purchas ed by' the Venezuelean Government. This, however, is very unlikely. We have heard that the evidence elicited du ring the investigation spoken of above was deemed sufficient to warrant the ar rest of certain parties in this city, on sus Florida all supposed to be connected with the secret expedition. !KutimPUt;that a properly regulated intercourse Wttveeui tb? sej(e, may be conducive So both, 'mental! an' moral refinement; yet I Icannot dotbttf tb&t tjifire is a great deal in lhe inter CfiariC jptcn of our educated young people, that j il rj fVoni leing profitable to either sex. -.Tier arc things in tho manners of a rrnsiW. y'tlte' portion of our more cultivated females which ii is .unporiani to mainutin uoin ior ineir i;secuhty, and fur their influence on parent, guardian oi teacher more careful jin guarding or! fostering female modesty, it vill not have beqn written in rain. 1 i I ; Yours, &c, W July 23th;; 1849. our, sex; i The eculjaiities to which I object, inay be frajiiiced in the following ppecilioaiions; 1st. Aft-iiideliVate boistierousiuvHS iii their coiiversa- "r tiod, tnil in th"ir mirth in promiscuous assem A Singular Fact.-The St. Louis Un ion relatesjthe following as a fact, singu lar as it may appear : H "The totvn of Hi'llsboro', Mo; lies la bout thirty five miles southwest of St. Louis. Tne town and region of country were entirely exempt from chplefa until two or three davs subseauent to the 2d of tLlil' X : 1 Ii f AnilTiifolmia mannar rf TllK U'Hplj it hmL'R nil! HflH rfl fH VVIilh ipdikingvand ajcting on all subjects. . 3. Ah great virulence, carrying off many of the n(fiicritmnaring familiarity with all person's ' inhabitants of the place, as we have been . vhp would obtrude their aiteniion on thlem, ir- informed, jit will be remembered that 6n rtjpcctiveof their moral character. Iiyalargvi Saturday nfght, the 2d of July, We had portion of females of undoubted nuritv. this tol- i ua eraiidn u cxteiidcd almost universally O men innnmaiinKFo KnufirDi; frr rnrV.rcei ?Lnf ryacjrtam conventional rank in society, though freeinjr lhe jcilv of cholera. Fori leveral Boioriouiiy and a most conlessed y addicted to i :..'jtn.7a ,,u: .,k. ua Ui,.,Lifi.:i....ii..... m -rt. r'..L - j ! successive davs prior to this, the wnd had j babil Jal bauchery. .1 even' lacivious apnea iom in blown froni the southeast ; but, ton the the evening following it veered around and blew fifom the northeast. iWi learn the wind shifted, the fumes from; lhe tkr and stone coal, used in the fires herb, were '. :- Kill; hi. 4- Mr it' it 4. 1 he immodest and appearance of some of the fash drcss. Men to be nrofiled bv . Uktu Intercourse witbf female society, must be j toinpellcd to feel' a high, degree of reverence .w "'ir meniai as wen as personal puriiy. . A tonnn fjtus,t manifest an inherent modesty and '.r-L...i.;i : i -. I1 . ' .i.. i ?r tT:ii smiciueni iijo: (lernanu oi vnicn, sne cannot uisnuciiy suiepi uy iue iiiuauuniusui riuis- or ja rnoinent disregard herself, nor allow to boro', and in a day or two afterj tlfe chdl- )e qiyegardeU by any nian aspiring to thja priv. era made its appearance in the tfjwn ;- p;e nf conversing with her, or of besjowing and now, s(nce the disease has-feft the kiifcttenuons on her. It may be desiraljle that country, and the people have commenced JWotBRn possess nn ease of manners enabling once more o move about and inquire ino W W W'" embarrassment what;- past events U has been discovefld that OT'Vf Proper she should do or say at alU let it i.i KU-ri:ir- - i...tiJ l ,l: irte from this city to Hillsboro', and each other, shot forth out of the circle their hideous heads, presenting their en4 venomed darts and fiercyes to us. . I own I was one of the first to draw back ; bu when I saw this formidable phalanx rei main at its post, and appeared to be more? disposed to defend itself than to attact usj I rode round it in order to view its! order of battle, which faced the enemy on eve-i ryside. I then sought to find out whali would be the design of this numerous as semblage ; and I concluded that this spe cies of serpents dreaded some Cojosseani enemy, which might be the great serpent, or the caynean, and that they unite them selves, after having seen this powerful enemy, in order to attack or'f resist hirn en masse. " 1 . Awful Colliery Explosion--Seventii Lives Lost. On the 10th ultimo, at Aber- dare, near Merthyr Tydvil, South Wales a dreadful explosion of fire-damp, that dread and destructive agent, occurred at Mr. William Thomas' colliery. The shock wnv felt for miles round. Soon after the fatal event a most melancholy scene took place mothers hurrying in search of sons, wives in search of their husbands, their cries rending the air as corpse after corpse, blackened and mutilated,, was brought to sight ; soon sixty disfigured corpses were brought, from the pit, an( ihen, it having become fatal to descend to the pit, the brave men who had, in such, a praiseworthy manner, rescued the few; that had escaped, gave over, though it "was believed that there was a great ma-; ny others down, living or dead. One hun dred and five men and boys were in the ! pit at the time of the explosion, very few; of jvhom have been brought out alive. ; Seven horses also were killed. It is con fidently asserted that the cause of this w hen found, (and they were discovered in most awful catastrophe was thenegli-1 the son's pocket, in his trunk, his bed, his gence of one of the colliers in gding to a ' room, and in various other places.) they dangerous heading without a safety lamp, ' were generally wet, thoroughly soaked in It is scarce three years ago since twenty ! water, or if dry had the shrivelled appear eight human lives were destroyed by an' ance of having been thus soaked; and explosion of the same nature, and near; hey were made unfit to wear. The fa the same pit. f 1 ther charged this upon the son, threaten- i !: , i!ed and reasoned with him, but in vain. or Hungary is at the feet of vour Imne- rial Majesty. The Government of the in surgents having transmitted their power to Gorgey, the chief of the army of the in surgents makes an unconditional surren der to the Russian army. His example will be followed by the other insurgent! corps. The officers whom he sent to ca-' pitulatc offered to proceed with or with- We give the Hungarian news at length, as communicated by Telegraph: DEFEAT OF THE HUNGARIANS. The intelligence from the seat of war out Austrian commissioners to the corps, in Hungary is of the most disastrous kind. ' t0 induce them to surrender. nicion of beinor connected with illegal ! The Hungarians have been defeated at I "ave the fortune to inform vour Inl and criminal projects against nations with j all points, and the cause which they so pcrial Majesty that Gorgey's only condi- .vvhich we are at peace' I courageously upheld against fearful odds I il0n to- bis surrender was to be allowed to r TiMr,k: ,i0orik r.m tv, ' bas fallen past redemption. lay down his arms to your Majesty's ar- I A lelegraphic despatch lrom ISew , '. , . .. , . . t i . . , t . . u. r i r! The precise details of the circumstan- mv 1 have made arrangements for the York brings intelligence of the seizure of ces which j j to this unfortunate and un- insurgents to be disarmed by General Ru- three vessels the Sea Gull Ontario and expected result cannot be ascertained 5 dizal's corps. Respecting the extradition from any accounts within our reach. , of the prisoners, I am in communication Part of the main facts are that the Hun- I wlb the command of the Austrian army, garians have been forced to lay down their Asjbr Gorgey, I keep him at your Impc arms and submit unconditionally to the ral Majesty's disposal." Russian forces. It was rumored that the Emperor of 1 nere is no room whatever to doubt. ' Russia una sci a price oi uu.uuu rouoies A Singular Monomania Case qf Mr. Sprogue. We published an account late ly of the arrest of young Mr. Snrague, The operations of the Hungarians under on Kossuth's head, dead or alive. son of a respectable clergyman, at Brook- Bern, just preceding the termination of: II s reported by some of the ardent lyn, N. Y., for throwing down a young ! the struggle, are alone given in an intelli- fnends of Hungary that Gorgey has prov- 11.. j . t i nn . ., tiiuie iuiiii, auu wuuiu arum, iiuui luetic- .uai, unu uuo iitiucum lady and stealing her shoe, lhe father , . r u u ' i : iU ct,j,i .rrmmont, nf.u d.L:.. i who was absent at the time, has return ed, and makes this curious statement : The Vienna correspondence of the Lon don Times, under date of August 18, says: "An official report of the 8th from Col From early boyhood this son had evinc ed a strange propensity for getting pos session of the shoes of the female part of family. This propensity was not steady, but periodical. As early as at thirteen or fourteen years of age it was developed, the fact being notorious, not to the family only but to the domestics, some of whom, being now married and settled in Brook- counts before us, to have had an impor tant influence in bringing about the sub mission of the Hungarians. r the golden arguments of the Russians. Kossuth's wife and family, it is said, had fallen into the hands of the Imperial ist troops. One of the Printers. There is a' good practical printer, by the name of Jarr.es Dossoler, who is at Hermanstadt, gives Evans, who lives at Batavia, Ohio, who. the particulars of what has taken place ' educated himself at a distinguished liter in the southwest of Transylvania since J ary institution in New Hampshire, is a the 4th, at which date Gen. Luders was practical farmer, has taught schools of at Galfalda. After Bern's defeat, on the various grades in New England, travel- Ivh, are referred to bv name and address. ; 31st ultimo, at Schasburg, he proceeded j led through most of the States of the Un- When the son was about that age the towards Medgeys, which he reached on : ion, taught a "high school in Ohio, a shoes of Mrs. Sprague and her daughters lhf; 3d w'th a force of 8.000 men and 17 I "seminary" in Kentucky, an academy" began to disappear, especially newon s; guns- Having been joined at this place in Illinois, and one in Missouri ; who bas sometimes one shoe sometimes the pair by an auxiliary corps from Clomrenberg, been superintendent of common school, . . , ' . ? C A fn.y mw - o nn I 1 . f , consisting oi ,uuu loor, owu norse, anu i'z anu scnooi examiner, presiuent oi a col- guns, he proceeded towards Hermanstadt. lege of teachers, and of a literary institu- Gcneral Hassford, vyhohad been left with tion ; who once offered a prize of 850 for six battalions, eight guns, and 350 Cos- the best method of teaching the branches sacks, to protect Hermanstadt, had gone usually taught in a high school, and 825 to Reisnekt and Lublenback, where he ' for those taught in a common school, who gained the victory mentioned yesterday has acted in the capacity of editor of three over the insurgent Gen. Steinall. This different newspapers ; ,and more or less having been made known to Gen. Luders in the capacity of constable, sheriff, coup- by his scouts, he foresaw that Bern would ty treasurer, recorder, auctioneer, mer- fall upon Hassford, probably drive him chant, wholesale pedlar, and post master into Wallachia, and then take possession at three different places ;. who is a prac- of Hermanstadt. tical surveyor, engineer, map maker; al- " Nothing remained to be done but to so a regular member of the bar, notary . Prussian Brutality. An American in a Sometimes the habit would sleep for Prussian Prison. A letter from Basle.; months, and he would be joked upon his from reliabje authority, that directjy aftfer Switzerland, dated August 13. to!the Phil- J improvement-then it would return, and adelphia Pennsylvanian, says that a citi-1 could devise wonia check it : and the onlv zen of Harrisburg, Pa., named Beck is remedy was vigilance, which was occa- pursue Betn with all speed. Before, how now imprisoned in the Fortress ot Rostatt. I sionallv mingled with such remarks as, 1 ever, Luderscould overtake him, he learn by the Prussians, for some fpnf. nnft fbnt tliv nrp rs .... . T . ... rietv of this propensity. mm on his giving guarantee that be will j Hermanstadt, in which he had many kill i . i . f I -r i : j aotilcfbf' equally apptirenf, that she is mlar :iiraa'i ihd slightest approach to any thine eticatrt in sneech of manner. And this do. l'iato4 qf interior principle musl extend lo the oois coda of i soundtand sulliciently cOmpre- ACniitA tnrtrnm t' V!lK tncli lorn ilwa ir u-nnlil indeed ho healthful to associate. the cb rect line onward a distance of thirty miles' beyond, confining it ravages to a tract o coup try not more than three or foul mMles n extending in a straight lirte fortress ot Rostatt, I sionally mingled with such remarks as, ever, luuscuuiu overmKc mm, nc icarn some political of-l"G,ad when Charles is married, then we 1 ed that Hassford had actually been at rpadv in rlW can keeP our shoes" showing the nolo- j tacked, diven from his position, and af e reauy jp renee j . f , npon.Ls:tv ter a murderous battle in the streets of public, Scc. ; and he works at the print ing business more or less nearly every day. He is about 30 years of age, and is in easy circumstances. His father died very poor, when he was young, and his mother supported the family for several years by hard labor. He has made him self what he is. Cincinnati Commercial, width, and immediately leave for the United States, PAr,TC Tf? mppuavfpc i ea" antl vvounded, had been obliged to re- and never return a?ain to continental Eu-i i treat to lalmacs. rope. .The same writer also adds: St- Paul was aj mechanic ; a tent ma- i M 0n ;he Glh at 10 A M Gen Luders' j ' f " Only Yesterday mornin, in tliisTieigh- ker. Our Saviour was a mechanic; a army stood before Hermanstadt. Six bat-1 Not a Bad Custom. The Samnites, a borhood, in Frieburg.a young, intelligent, " carpenter. The great Architect of the Stallions of the enemy. 500 horse, and 18 people descended from the Lacedemoni aTuI litprnrv mn nn'mpd Wff nAPnnnllJ ! universe, in the mechanism of the bea- guns occupied the neighboring heights. ans. had a custom among themselves - - m m w w - v - A. u a. k m u u a a. a V . . " . . r - i.i . . i a -i if r I 11 1 .1 a. . .. . known tome, was shot havin been i found - vens ana ine earin wim MS prouueuons, a consiaeraoie lorce nau neen ieu in me which must have produced an excellent And desire about sixty miles to the southwest This guilty by a Prussian court martiahof ex- i animate and inanimate, displays a power city, and the remainder ol the army had effe ffect upon their morals. At an appoint- - ., i t , wrm i ----- - - -- - " aaa . a V : Mm i - . . iUhdUg airily iirthc estimation of such, line include! the coal mines near our city, i citing, by writing, the people of Baden I and-sKill which human hands and human gone in pursuit oi uassiord. a Dame ed time, the young people were all assem- oiiUbe a powerful incentive to tho practice where the disease was awfully1 fatal, and I and Germany to be dissatisfied with the I wisdom may attempt to imitate, but which ; ensued, which ended in the complete rout ; bled in one place, their conduct was close- Mituej! j Np man who is not far goner $n vice from that point onward to its termination, i present form of Government and last, i they can never equal or approach. ; of the Magyars. The Russian cavalry y examined, and he who was found most MJJ" Profit by witnessing tho exhibition it decreased in its ravages, and affer pas- i but not least of beino- in correspondence ext to farmers, mechanics arc the put such of the fugitives as attempted to eminent for virtue and services to his Jfsucbltcacynn.1 refinement. , And thjs com- sig Hillsbdro', rapidly so. flielholera ! with the Democrats of France, Switzer- t most numerous and the most important . resist to the sword. country, had permission to choose for bis .rTl$K did not make its appearance on MX Of land, and Imtrca Upon these grounds, i c,ass he .community Whatever pro- "The enemy, who lost UQ0 prisoners ; wife anybody he preferred out of the Yfef r the public through that; reion of the man only 27 years Wand . . . . .r ' aSKXv aged, widowed mother, was tercsts of the pub tc. They, like and 500 wounded The troops whtch had , Admiral institution P' exclaims Mon- J r.. .I.!7.... in?'.,ame. ' tract thrnimb vbirb it nPH ; nH ZA w aa i;t- - S farmers, have great facilities and great followed Hassford made the best of their tesquieu. "The only recommendation iir ai ii hii v ii ii i ii i w m iii k- t r in in rnviMi - a. w mm a v km m m v vww &ais - . a iiiiik 11 a 1. 1 t .iiiil. iiiru rm any country to ttibral and' fersonal puriiy. If there .is any vwuQiry- wtiii wmco l ii itrongly in this re pert r i In this Con these junctions it was frequently veb bad J man. When arrived at the olkceif ex- inducements to become men of science j way after their routed comrades. 1 he that young men could have on this occa- What (r.nA,. u j .u !" .u:: I-:... : ? . i i . . i . i Innrl srmnd knovvledire. hverv mechanic ! Inians. lneludmff the loss sutierea Dy smn was owine to viriue. anu 10 me ser- Love, beauty. ealth itself. were all, in some measure, the dowry of virtue. A nobler, grander, recompense, less chargeable to a petty state, and more 'Will imiiiii. ii lilt-re.. 19 Rlly. ' " " j w i innu. 11 utu anntu ai iiicJ uiauc-vi ca- ... i ri i i , - . . , . t rr j , . . - . cb they would not contrast Whal Had the fires in this bity.iif ecution, he swung his hat, and exclaimed nd sound knowledge. Every mechanic j Russians including the loss suffered by sion was owing to virtue, am :pect, I suppose it is Scot, caqsing the cholera to fepread in a loud voice, ' Long live German Lib- ! every operation, brings into use some j General Hassford on the oth, had 30 kill- vices done their country. Lc di.ion of our female society, ; through the; country ? What agency had j erty long live the German Republic !' ' principle of science ; which principle it j ed and wounded. chastity birth and even w . . - - I ! . . . , - - J & r : f U ; n .1 Mn.fAn .1 rT L I ( 1 1 n ci n VnhacKn rrr anI liar. ... ..II in cnwna met a iinra 1 1 tdnntsjone of the strongest bulwarks of our t the wind in; carrying the disease ? Why.! These were his last words, and eight bul- is of course, his interest and his conven tidrtaj'niorality and rrspectability. I do not did not the wind take a wider! ralie in .livWthere is any serious retrogression in our its passage T ' f I ' wintry, in this respect, and yet that there is ! ' , - j .:WUM no1 tare;amrm. Manywiio have Pntrprnft n,mhn n. t Jt. U Werj faorablo opportunities of observing ""7;" .kT x r 7 ofa As im.;U r .t i J- j , narrating the; labors of a colporteur, says that 'as c.ours of .things at the large cities, and a- 1 . o - i v rr. ' V 2ur onP WKki s. -ik-:. Un ,t..u; a cerlln 8oId'er bought a new Testament from lets entered his breast at the same, instant. The executioners were as pale as death, whilst Neff looked cheerful." ience to understand. Every apprentice boy, no matter how fVatM f..it avwI A lnlP in lnrrllh ID o O Aon finn ll Tils nnrrinq riaks n mv..n . .. . I - o . ; I n;;, .i:TTVr" in an apothecary " The battles of Schasburg and Her manstadt produced a most dispiriting ef fort nmon!? the insurcents. Many threw occiftitnnc np linro r!(rnmn his pmnlnvmpnf . i q ' a v thir Arms and SOU? ht-reluire in the ; rnnable of influencing both sexes, could UOOlUUUUJ BftVV v-aV-s..aai.wj.w---p - J ------- O W j - T if he spends a few minutes daily in use- ' woods, while others came over to the vie- scarcely be imagined." I7. n . . . ; . i ful reading and other modes of improve-' tors." Yielding to Temptation. A lackpnake I js certain l0 be a man of future in. ! The vienna accounts, by way of War- : , - h country being ,.Siu, tr flUence and respectability. That appren- ! saw, of August 16th, state that the nun-, ' was tou by her. city . ' : tice who seeks most assiduously the in- 1 ganan Diet, having surrenderee us pow- . fix "up and put her best iiiiriiii:i y imp . rs I . Li K.miK t ha titir i' - i. - . . . . LUUS win lead :raiVuV j . 7" " itcrests of bis employer, promotes most ef-; to Georgev. had dissolved itscii. aL,unu ""6 ""J ifectually bis own interest; asthecharac- I A meeting, including ivossuin.eorgey, , the -apothecary shop, liquor was putj:tepis the best capital a young man can and Bern, subsequently took place at or ; the traris- in uijrand inrouRh them on lbe c nn t 'f - u -f a I" 8r fr lhe bo4 .opin ub results miT t noii;r,i..i . . i ' knttt:n':irrr' wvine appear still remaining. Jjee of Which erery christian, and erery pair,". Waetwill be deeply pained.. As th creli ni i or preserlration. we roust look to (he fos. Sff1 !c?dei,.r- Ev"y Proper effort i7- "W; ompioveu to give an intellectual, ipital a young nosition of the words man anH Hnrl thn! lii-nli.n 10 .t i K l. flA. nl llA nn f Vv nn ofo iriciroii i 1 " , "r ' uoul il,,u. luc i have for the commencement of business. Miriueu io lenipialiuii, goi uiuim, aim woa Won't the .honorable Senators and members great ? Congress from California, whoever the I . a m. cousin to fix up and put ner oesi 1001 lore- in order to catch-a oeau, ane iook rrreen in her country attire." The iris- looked comically into ibo near Arad. at which it was determined at face q( her ralher faded relative, and re- T i .- I lucHy dogs may be, have a long pull on tbe pure of Unclej Sam for mileage 1N 1 Globe. If they follow precedent they will Come by i . akar. a. a a li Mechanics, ike tarmers. mate saie anu once to out an ena io a ar ossauKuiua- ,. ,i Kttr crrpen than wimereu. o o d I .1 T'iI. Mnb nn . ' : ... . . . .. tr.", .uicu. kfll""b I enlightened statesmen. They are well ry and useless, uorgey, addressing iue ; . c j educated for legis ators, and tor other oi-; council ot war, protestea mat ne nau . r :TnT..r -7"r J HW!rr fices, because educated in scnoois oi ex- hopes tor tne cause oi nungary . - - y - lh wcre 'vw, "wh rfr. orlon Whn rnn be better oualihed resistance was in vain : ana inai num... :- :! lU BE, r c.naflenea complexion to ail way of the Isthmus to Washington, bu charge I fr : ? ' l - 1 01 llota.PkiladelphiaLedger O" II whose first emotion, on the view of an ex cellent work, is to undervalue it, will never have one of his own to show. Aikin. Whn Mti be better oua iviivv i - w to make laws for Raiding the operations of , but utter ruin would attend the polon0a ibusiness than those engaged in these ope- j tion of the struggle, rations, Scientific American. Gorgey's remarks induced a number ot said ji alone one rrl nn evening, i ne iun swU annular air. - I won't go borne till morn ! ing," and sure enough, he didn't. i - i. I 1 iiaiiiiinininm.Hii 5' ! i 1 n - o . f : f i