A , 1 ;i rfi j 1 1- 1 A - t - it I i i - - i L " - p M 'l i !..; i Ik I " ! 'i- - t ! . . , I ... , . VanaVbilt of XcK Yotfci 'Jhf Lniract., Li,'? ;.r!.i;.:Jvtvi r'iVil; v. mtmnt iat 20 rear, and .secures to 1 ao Compony tbo right tqconttnicl;llR I canal or rauroau. or to unpro" iuo T - l.w.m a mill ient means 01 conveyance, iumo vi Jhey may think proper. .1 have no doubt lbe Company will, proceed, at once to in. Wnv th present means i of transit ; in r . - , j . .t -in t j .1 it ( : . i 1 ' r ft ;-'Wirii!i,5a MRAN'!i ' r SUBSIDING OF TIIK: cuu .bit in j: n vlvbieh case ibis will prove a formidable ivalto tbq Tanama route . It is understood that a most important i iU ireatr has just bn concluded between Miniater. Mr. Sauier. and uv a? - j' - ' . , , - f I BIS OOvcrnuirwi rtiiurawiug. ovu : t J . e, .. . X J J'- I .. Iy theanueied tflicltf, unuccompahid ly on won! f rebuke of ceinment -.vj'tM EduoruX that perr No Southern luan.can Vead ihe Hi c!e wilbout fe!iog Indignant lat ll)etenW Ed- Uor of the llmoa. a Yirginiatand alSJafenoui er, tttQuld bate aided In an attack oh the Ad ministration, because it Will jjptfek Pmife oifH axiifanrr tiTniiLti th& cjtension bf Slavery f ac& Itu against the enervaehhieuts yjfit Slave power. Nothing can prore iroore jcteany mo 1 reckless and rancoroas hostiiifj of the Orgau of hha Oofoiition to lien. Ta1r Admintstra- I lion, than the republication and endorsation of ibis article, so vnensireto the.South.!Lyhile j such are the means used by the Union to con ciliate. the "Free Democracy of he North, r LON DONi4 CONTRAST, 5n.- rauaydiiaDDea'ratice'lpr the Cholera froin London has ruibboTimeji " with the thexae of d mi eloqilenii article AHr alludins to the fearful wiortaliiy which, (or a time preTafled tnhe mlghtj cii, abd the mral a well a physical eills whicjj ould) halve been entailed on the country, feadf not; the band of the Destroyer been arrested, the article prpceeds : I THE CAROLINA; 'WATCIIMAN; 'Salisburr. If. C." THTJUSBlTq 1 1 i 1" ETEXRG; 50TEIBER li 1815. If or tlx Carolina. Rail Hood. v lUrou eonulUton with citizens in this important work; It is doe Died advisable to postpone the contempla ted Conyentioni heretofore advertised to take place at 3 ea TkuTtdav the 29 r A November, next JL M. MOREHKAl), Uh'n Ex. Com. the Dempcralic Press of the $outli cpnlinu. ally dinning the public ear wh warnings that - w w : w . ilt1 tions concerning I be proposed Canal. It Ithe South is in danger irom tnit rerT Aaminis. U probably more favorable to our; inter jlntion that will nl - eten pmiiejaayjatsist. 51 .1 ...u:-t. I... K..n nAirnt . nance aeainn iud nini.HMi, w'-" i . , . cj.. the encroachments of the Slave nower. F ftteu jwitn any or tne American omics. r From the UUea Democrat I ! SirJohnrFranUintry thing con.f ! I . itth fcected wilh the discovery, or in -reference I loilowtog sketch ot . .layioristn preseni. 0 the fate of this adventurous explorer, jed by tne tion. cuwara ju veyes joeiore me sxeiteadeep interot. 'fhe following. Stale convention of the free democracy of Mass- bop ted from the 2u edition of the V. 1 jachsctts, is a life-like portraiture, i4 which all Vlhurierattd Ennuirer. received yesterday j.u- r.ft,,iri.- of ,h Administration aro rendered 'itivct'ti detail ofthe iuopiiation brought jn jhe. vividness and accuracy suultght y lle onneticui resser. auuucu o u uui u j teJj JO(i Wr President, that the Taylor par- plegrapUlc uispatcn jrsieruay . ty-the administration at. VVasbinton does U" ; (Frsn th New London Chronicle , not even promise any assistance against the ! News raoMi Baffin's Bay.-t-Sir Joux extension of slavery, much les aamsl the en- FtANKLW. Capt. Chapel, of the barque croachments of the slave power. The Wash iVnmiTiHvU Straits, iincton Republic the 1 uvlor oman Ut trie seat M unit wt " - I " - l -i U s-j tr.t.:- 1.- ... ki; it it h. thn Oreensboto' on jthe 18 th in st. Notice is therefore, here' A"u " ' . s'7,r Tj 7'L::: S by giren. thai said Convention wiU be held at Greens- an expression of f sentiments so pwitaiau i i Should there not be some public and univeraal j reCOgUlllOO Ol IllCiWIlgiu nuiwM tween the living arid the dead-jof ihej Mercy which has spared; us the consummanbu of a dreadful chastisement T Vye know that there are men who refuse to acknowledge,' the hand of God in any great dispensation of His provU dence to whom all the vicissitudes of the ma- terial world are but the casual, results ot ior tuitous combinations or the inevitable opera tions of undetected laws. Fortunately, the majority of mankind have not concurred in oust ing the Deity from all concern in the world which fie has mauV. j Most mn still Pe sensible that there is one Omnicieul and All-Tjowerful who directs and determines the issues of life and death to men and nations! It is -useless to talk of secondary causes. Secono:ny caus es are but the instruments which the Deity chooses to employ. Sickness, famine, and death, are warnings by which He reminds man kind of their weakness, their helplessness, and , ; j -,, ....... . .. ONE OF OUR NORTHERN AL I LIES." The NeWj York- .Evening Post, in the course of; an article on the Resolution adopted byi the Mississippi Convention, makes the following remarks : Nearly every brie of the slave states. on the other, hand, have threatened so fre quently lo abandon the Union, and set up as independent nations, during the past half ccnturjr, that it is now taken as a matter of. course, whenever the southern AN 1LLUSTRAT foN. t. Suppose a navigable river! were'- now. ing from the mountains of North Xarolt ha to Wilmington or any other conveni ent port on the sea coast ; bearing upon tts'bosom at allseasbns'bf the year steam- boats freighted with the produce of the back country; and salt, sugar, coffee, mo lasses and all 'manner of merchandise for the consumers of the interior affording cheap facilities of intercourse between the people of the East and the West, en abling them freely and constantly to min gle and cultivate the sociabilities of life : What price could induce our people to surrendersucb, con venience such source of comfort, wealth and enjoyment f They would sooner think of giving up their right to the soil, the water they drink, or the air they breathe. The convenience of such a river we have it in our power to enjoy, by the con struction of a railway thoroughfare. For cheapness of. intercommunication the lat ter is nearly equal to the former, and for speed it is superior. The good Providence which has bless Mr Clingman. it nppears; Ufa hand at'natchinsr tin n;firik: H t ?"Mviai frL - IS fi . be very simiUr to, or almost with that of the Free.Bankins Sr.. - present t, t a unci sininucui ut iuc Pln, ag r! by the gentleman himself, "We m.. it is deemed worthy the space, x't ;J acta vuiii a ouuiQ iuiui Ucly. . t. til The Government shonld Un.:. tain amount of Trensurv nrt or txrentv million, to he iftot..: - J - f ILI 1 U FJ law.Vunon the following conditio.? " otaie uanhs or loutviquai bank.. deposit with the Treasurer of the tj 14 States the existing stock' of th in states bearing interest, &c. ; tc surer in that event passing orr ent passing over t. u banker making 'the. deposit an eqct nearly equal amount of these notes. thought advisable it might be Drni that the stock so deposited should be ceived from residents of the di6 m nf ,v. .u ...:,u ! states, in nronnrtion to their f-T , ru au iiiiii jui iiuua ui iijc cii ill w iiu iir- i - - -ucraj DODti. representatives nnd themselves voting in j .,,; , " , i 1 . i, . tt . i its intelligent creatures, has endowed man a minority, that the Union is to be dis solved straightway. " Of course, nothing of the sort has ev er occurred.ior ever will occur, and the impotence, inconsistency and folly of those 4 j. 'A ..iMt :.t-;i i iwbose arrivai we announced yesterday P government, founded, and to a great extent iimornlng.furnishrs information which wiH f 'PPted by the patronage otihe generaf go- , at least bo read with interest in the Uni- Ffrnmenv say .nai ,no eprywu. led States nndP indeed in every part of .he as South arc p favor h- & About the 1st of August while bSJ! I UaiM UIIMIIVSl III, 13 IIIJ(- UUll BUIIUWOI. II 5?nnnnsfi I ho. Tat'lnr hartv fchould .... v. . I-I" J T - T put )n a northern whiten sepulchre lace. jVVhat then ? It would not deceive us. ' ill has led us oil falsehoods from ihe'lcommenCc ment. The whole series of its violated prninises now hanz like mill stones about his nectf. .teener- iho McLellan laid in Pond's Bay,. an in- Mentation of Baffin's Bay in lat. 74 Ion. Y2, the natives of the coast cam on board 'ihe Chieftain, a whaleman, and gave in- ' formHtion by. signs that two large ships ! were then Jving in Prince Regents Inlet, t tmd had been there fast in the ice for I Wl Taylor, we are told, would:iot seek fd iiiflu four seasons, nnd being asked with regard jfnee the action of Congress, et hd hid been ?to those on board, whether tbey were pcarcely n week among the jtlave-ens:of the their mortality. Every man feels this m his : who make jsuch threat?, are becoming own family, person, and circumstance si The more conspicuous every time they are re sickness that hurries a favorite child or an af j peated." j j fectionate wife-to ah early: grave is an hum bling but effective example of Divine . power and Human weakness. The palsy that pros- Irates the strong man in the fujj flush of health It cannot )e denied that the South talks too much and does too little. Resolutions, and not executions, seem to be the order tural advantages for commerce among ( 'i,on snouju more than -this ataouat h ndowed man ouerea irom a otate, men the sam.-i.T. a a . Ml Uf with the noble faculty of invention, where- sealed proportionally, as tn case of trv by he may overcome difficulties and im- 1 scnptions to joint stock companies prove bis situation, it is our duty to use ; Should there be deficiency from anyT these faculties as the best lights of wis-; then that amount to be 'accepted jJ dom nnd experience in our race may point other quarters. Upon this being done ind out Greensboro Patriot. ! the Treasury notes being turned over't, jthe individual bankers, each person ANOTHER ILLUSTRATION. corporation to mak;e the ; necessary ' Suppose some wealthy gentleman, out V? ' , " "c 3U r"lVf5 U , 1 - 11 .... . r i identify them sufficiently, and then be .I p I of mere good will, were to offer to a less ,owed lo n thpm j ci;cijlation a, able neighbor, to pay two dollars for eve- notes usually are. such person, bower- deadbr alive, they replied in ithe same faPJ,a, before his organ va? called upon to I u . t-. ... . 1 I availed anri nut i ft Vila iriforfiinA rInir wayjtnat ' the crews were noi -asieep I (that Isnot dead) but were all well. I Thl ln(ormation was considered by the Englisbnjeh and by Capt Chapil. as indi- : catinj that the shipsof bir John branklin tivere clearlv meant. ! ( The Englishman landed at Cape Hay, visions of Congress he w;oud obey in good faith.- Yet his minions are at this moment en- ! 3 - . . i i i "I . ! i n agea in esiaonsning a governmeui in yaiuor ia, directly in the face of a vote of Congress efusinghim authority to do sol - He would not proscribe, yet the bodies of fallen office-hold. ra rtrniri liorl iir K S r rrA t I Arltninne a r a jbro distance irom Ponds, Bay a quan ,led in hetacombs, all around us. In regard 1 tlty Of coal and provisions with which his tQ Xht last, we do not so much1 comiilain of the hip had been furnished by the lirttish ict as of the violation of faith which Ud to it. JoYCrnment for the use of the long missing (Jen. Taylor must proscribe. jTbe Taylor vic hipStirihey. should chance to come there, tjory tvithout proscription would be no victon'. RS thev would be obliged to do on their 'fhe Praetorian bands, the Swiss mercenaries, iretnrn tn Rnland. This is certainly the Upe Hessian flies, who draped bini from his n 7t ... w . 7 I 'If jlatet news, from that . quarter, and there is a possibility, pernaps a prooaouuy that tho commander of the unfortunate expedition and his crews are still alive. iienven senu tnai u may oe so i The McLellan and her gallant olliccrs ni) crew have reached home by almost i miracle at any rate have done so un der circumstances that entitle them to the highest credit. On, the 12th of June the barque got fniprx'd' jn tho ice and only escaped de Btrucuon.uY mo aimosi Buuernuman ex- er tions and good conduct of those who were in charge of her. She was so seri Musly injured that she leaked so as to be Ikept afloat only by the incessant work of . pearly all hands at the pumps, and by I means of two large metallice pumps ob the English ships cruised and totally lost Uust ahead ol him. Tbe leak was, however, partially rem- euied by turumbed sails under the bow. though she continued to leak badly until her arrival home, and was only kept a boyt water by continual and unceasing IflfvnP al tt-iaa 'nnmna tall n a L 1 jdock. which indeed is still obliged to be Continued, as she lies at the wharf. Tho two English shins. Superior and Luev nne, mentioneu yesterday, were both lost cry near the IMcLcllan. Two of the revu, of the lost ships arrived in her. "bey arc natives of the Shettland Islands. ; On the; 30ih of Angust, the McLellan yl'ilW We'w York, who fell from the mizzen-tob ast head and lived but 20 minutes, be ing shockingly mangled in the head and : limbs, He wasl years old. . j j It Is due to QKptain Chapel, his gallant pnicers and ship's company, again to say ibat their conduct in bringing homo their Kresselk is deserving of more than common jpraie, and even with their exertions, it i coulrj not have been dono but for the staunch and endurinc qualities of the ship, ; The skill nnd perseverance of the omcerstof men were objects of admira tion to; tho Englishmen who witnessed them , ; SEABOARD AND ROANOKE ROAD. lm from the Norfolk Herald," that Wro' Ward. Esa..'Praidni nnrt r-.w I-- Matrnes Engineer of tba Seaboard aud Uoanake Kaiiroad Comnanv. have arriv.,! ;n rom theorth and we are gratified further to i,n, .uii mej nare made arrangements for e.L T operations on the line of thi load between Portsmouth and Wejdon. Tbt contracts for tha bole of the iron have oeeo eioseo on tighly adrantageout terms, and " VWM v nippea on as fast as vessels Can t0 en"arrrf fnr thm mim... , . , c-o ".fir9c,.na in two or thrter waekstbe-c ink of ham.-. Ji s rfrTs PV will be heard all along ,he l ne of Ceriator Benton latelvaddre.. i ffiruct," fro Legi.la.ure l: fT.;l . . : . wir in reUtion to fila.r a31 r0"" ol the subject of Diavery. Another UPR me..tn ... . J. mf,.. W....J' ir L meellne!. held in tha camp-stool in Mexico, and floated him on one tnbroken tide of falsehood to Washington, must be paid. The laborer is worthy of his hire. The Taylor administration is upheld Iby the grana central nuiar or proscription.! Kemove that and il would sink link hopelessly woere no tainom-iine couia reach it. uut, as Lord Chatham once said, in reference to ano. t,her administration laboring under embarrass- ments : " It is a condition v he rein disgrace is prudence, and wherein it is: necessary! to be contemptible. It is but nrudence in the Tav. for party to court, the disgrac of falsifying all lis promises, ana woeneier u ceases 10 ue con temptible its entire distinctive character wil bo gone. T ; i .IT' J Mr. President, we were accusedj ori! every stump during the late campaign, not Obi trl of be i w . ' t mf ? ing factionists, but office-seekers, desiring our own honor and protjt. VV here now are those incorruptible patriots, whose Hps, moved by in snirauon oi ineir own mercenary neart. pave Utterance to these flaming falsehoods ?: Vbere are the C. Hammet Nortonsjtbe Lawrences, the Charles W. Den! sons, the Hud sons, the Lunts, the Woodmans, and the slaveooldin Chandlers T Whe re is that brace of beauties., who, renouncing all other occupations, devoted themselves day and night body and soul to le cause of their suffering cuntryj as secre lories ot the Whig State, Committee ? Where is that Virginia. born Apollo and I biisht add 1 ' Si A a I IbjO nine; Muses, combined who on a former occasion, within the time-honofed wlU of Fa neuil Hallr-and in full view offthe portraits of some of the Fathers of the republic, eSndavorfed in vain to lisp bis uxorious love for oyr venera- and viaor the distress and covert v which stun ! f the day. j Thus, in the session ofM6-7 the rich man in the height of his profperiTy ; j the Legislature of Virginia passed Reso- ry one dollar that he would expend to-i to be required to redeem these notes vii these are but secondary, often tertiary au?es ; j lutions threatening the resistance of Vir- wards the improvement of his estate, and sPecie on their presentation. Should V. they may olten be traced, step oy step, inroufjn ; ginia loanysnin exciuaing slavery irom tr,ftt neirhhnr wr to ,1olino tU .p-pn. Iau lo ao so ,n any instance, men afe, devious but connected consequences ; but each i the Territories then to be established. ! r .u r vi ,. I. i protest the note or notes to be sent to A man, in his own heart, feels them to be jibe in. Two years afterwards, the Oregon bill, i a,luc " 4 - " I11S i Treasurer of the United States.- and h dications of a supreme will, and theinkens of j with the Wilmot Proviso in it, became a i rrlens sa3' of htm ? Bui suppose, in ad- 1 authorized, after, waiting a ce-' .in nrm. law. and many of those who voted for the clition to such a generous otter, the poor ber ol-days lor redemption; by the perse Legislative Resolutionssustalned Mr. Polk man is allowed to pay bis one-third of the 1 or corporation liable, to sell the' stock u in making; the Uregon hill a law. A'ow, pronosed improvement in the work, and uepostted antl re(jeem all; the notes so i . .. , i r t a supreme power. Ana wnen mese ueiai in dividuals, the prayer is mit up in ap earnest confidence that He! who has inflicted the wound though He may not heal it will yet temper the infliction with a blessing. ; These are the sentiments that might natural. ly be expected from the leading paper of the world, and these are the sentiments that were scouted and derided by the great Organ of the Democracy of ihe .United States. When this country was visited by that fearful scourge, the President of ihe United States recommended a day of National Prayer and Fasting, Foith- with the Washington Union, made an onslaught on the Proclamation as vigorous as coul& have been made, if General Taylor, at the bead of an army, had driven the Representatives uf the people from the Halls of tho Capitol. MINESOTA. Below we give a few extracts from Sti Paul Chronicle, showing the products of that coun try : Minesota is a good country. All it wants is improvement. Nature has done her part well; and we know of no place where a man can do better with the same labor and means. Capital can be invested profitably in various ways. The farming business, we should think would be the best; at present, as we have as yet but few farmers, and produce is high. This state of things must continue for some time to come, as the increased demand will keep pace with the supply. The land produces We can speak of erery thing raised in well. v,3 ' r be Common wealth ? Where; are the hopeful heirs of those two great Worcester houses who became surety for TaylorismStn thle$eart of more southern latitudes in regard to grain and vegetables, except fall wheat, which has not yet been fairly tested, It is the opinion, how. ever, of the best informed on Uhe ssulyect, that it will grow well on what is called! barrens, or oak openings, but not so well on the prairies. The winters are long, it is true. bulUhe ground is invariably covered with snow six or eight inches deep from December until jMarch. It what better encouragement do our North ern aggressors want, than such conduct on the part of the very men who are fore most in bringing forward and sustaining these menacing resolutions, affords? Is it surprising that Northern-politicians should be willing to sacrifice Southern Rights, when they see Southern politicians, for party purposes, submit to a sacrifice of Southern Rights? The South should now stop talking stop threatening, stop re solving and await the progress of events. The North has time and again been put in possession of the views and determi nation of the South. If it persists in its aggression on Southern Rights, it does so with its eyesj)pen to the consequences, and the South haying given fair warning, if it does not proceed to action, should consult its own dignity by ceasing to threaten. Petersburg Intelligencer. i ! The Petersburg Intelligencer in the fore going brief remarks, has expressed our views and feelings on the question of pa per Resolutions and agitations of the sub ject of Slavery, and the Rights of the South. The (North is well apprised of the fact tliat the South is resolved to stand by its Rights. Where, then, is the neces sity for everlastingly calling public meet ings to pass resolutions setting forth our purposes on this subject, and for menacing the North ? It looks very much as if we he neglects or declines the opportunity T , ' 1 c , " Presc'. ft f, Vr i i u- r i- i- r . should then be provided that the Treastr thus afforded him of making bis fortune. nofes so issUet, shouW ibe r, K, Would any body pity such a man, if, in throughout the United.Slates in naymtW f a' . . I a after years, he were to come to want and suffering by the neglect of that opportu nity? Would he not richly deserve his fate ? This, then, is just the position of the people of Central North Carolina : The State, in a spirit of generous liberality, offers to pay two million dollars towards of the public dues." DC3 The Washington correspondents the New York Courier and Enquirer saji I have reason to believe that theserm! foreign missions will not be disposed until some time after the commencement of the, next session of Congress. I meat building them a rail road, if they will j the missions to St. Petersburgb, Berlii pay one million ; and gives them the pri- i Uanton. and Rio Janeiro. It is understood vilege of complying with their part of the ' that tho latter will be given to the ijon contract by doing the work thus actual ly offering to pay them for work done for themselves. A neglect to improve such an opportunity will be a burning disgrace to us as a people while we have a name and place among the living ; and we ve rily believe that this liberal offer, if not now accepted, will never be made again. Walter Forward, of Pernio and the one to China to the Hon. S. F. Vinton, a' Ohio." ;. ' The Raleigh Register. This paper comes to us this week very considerably enlarged. It is now the largest paper in the State, and if it was furnished out-and-out with new type might be made a most beautiful sheet. We feel disappointed that this has not been done. We are at- doubted ourselves, and deemed it necessary tached to the Register, and situated as it to make some; demonstration by way of a I is, at the Capitol of theState, we should be trial. Like a; man, who, though inward- pleased to see it put on the very best garb. is cold but dry, and good sleighing during the ly well convinced, deems it necessary to ! Nevertheless, we wish the youn editor DCT3 Wc omitted, last week, to call tit attention of Postmasters on the route be tween this place and Garman's Mills, il Cabarrus, to the fact, that owing to tbfir neglect, or some other cause, our pnekajt for Garman's Mills seldom reaches iu destination uotil long afterjit is due; sad that very often two, three or more pack ages of successive weeks, all reach there on the same day. This is wrong, and re should be glad to know who is to Manse for it. We trust our friends there will give us notice, if they can find oat U whose door the blame lies.' winter. Very little mud at anv time, as the soil is composed of loam and black sand. There is less wind here than in lllfnois during the winter; so we are informed by those, who have been here during the winter, and pirefer it to a more southern latiiude, where the weath. f er is more variable. hear his own before he can voice proclaim his belief, believe himself. The South! watchful of its interests. j has, from time to time, deemed it neces sary to warn tjheir brethren of the North APPEAL OF AMERICAN CITIZENS IX PAKIS 1 i A number of American citireni in Paris, hire ii- dressed a letter to the American Minister at Cooriaii- We have seen com, oats, potatoes, turnips, that U will not submit to those injuries of the Age, at Rafeigh, says : " Wc take ' dunbluYe bbages, beets, i adishes, cucumbers, melons, and insults wrjich they seem disposed to great pleasure; in announcing that Good I HunpuyT,m 'le much success, and especially that he may be suitably rewarded for the improvement Which he has made in bis excellent naner. 1 noPe. which they style "The appeal of the Amepet" j We make the following extract : r i. y m y' . . ' "Your fellfow-citizens, Americans in Pari. awfiJei uaugniers OJ lemperance. 1 be 5pirlt with indignation nnd amazement at'tht rtmp( now ind Austrian gomnnKrti heroes of ihe reTUUUuo Massachusetts ? Where are ihoseiiwin che rubs, who, tired of obscurity. "and nautininr for all opportunity to serve the republic laid all they could of (he State of Maine a willing sacri rice at the feet of the slave-driver t i Where, too, are those craven-heartedmeo, who oriffi. nauy Biieciing a disgust lof t"aylorism turned back to plunge into its filthiest Spools Where aije they Fattening at the gofernme n't crib haltered at the government stalls, where, I trust, thpy may have tirpe and opportunity to con over sqme of (he contemptuous diajribes Which, in other days, ihey pul forih ai!ainit locof.ico ome seekers, and learn, in part, eren .njomi jbem sere., something of that full rneasujre of con tempt with which honest men! regard traitors a.nu uj put rues. i nese arej me irien wno trumpet the glories, the virtnes and ;the5 pairi otwm of the whig party. Thelse areillle men L seizeuine cry ot e one Idea par- j oiner town ot the same siz tyr and applied it to us, whq havel to use a i ' f jtrong figure of Edmund Bu-key rlylblown it into all ibe weak and rotten parts of the coun try;, in hopes that when the infect shall have taken wing, the importune buzxing may sound iikb tne puunc voice. cab .1 . .11 I IB - t I . . ana o,ner yege.aoies oouceo Can we hope, by leaping Samaritan Union. No. 1, Daughters of " Th K'h, Bern, ad DnuUssU ent season thai are hard to beat. The oat !crop!intotheair . , ' . i n , . ' V "g"ers ; I their companions of all nations, are sacred os tht. w is much heavier than in Ohio or Indiana! and i . ' "OM,ii "u rtl,u emperance;, has been instituted in our tral pround of Turkey, by every la wi human and 4n the corn will not fall far behind. We say, j uur eiicie usi at so respectable a then, tofarmars, como on with a confidence of j distance from pur enemies, that we will success. The money paid fbr your lands. will frighten themj and send back tbe blood yield a interest. , I ... .t . . . , ... ' Mechanics of all kinds are wanted, e.peal-i ColI l their hearts ! or shall wenot rath ly house-builders. ; Enterprising arti-?an;s of er by such undignified conduct, think less small means could here acquire properly, and i of ourselves, whilst we shall only excite grow up with the country. i - 1 their mirth and ridicule ? The braggarts the lumber business is becoming one of I , . . : , J great importance. It might now be profitably dccds Prisei.rn not. extended, and still more as the population in- But why: all the noise and confusion creases. . j j aboutthe Wilmot Proviso, now being mado With regard to mercantile pursuits, we think i h,.." tK T.LfJ PMM, r .k: o the prospect not equal to many Other avoca, t . , . ..-, tions, the capital now employed being equal to yhere is the necessity for it? Have the ihe demand, but as numbers increase so ; will South any rights about to be assailed by I ka 1mmm m 1 4V. Mna..k,...Jl..M 1 f i r a -r m , ..a ,ut -; ; us exercise t aniornia ana icw Mexi- moral effect is concerned is is ,1 a In regard to professional men, we cannot ; e.ryL... an , . , r rat enect is concerned, is. as good a peak advisedly. Ther are a goodly number ! C ar f,tones. and have been for plan as any we know. here that would cornnare favorablv with anv : 'ears ? and as itheir inhabitants will soon - . - v j . . ! of some othe most intelligent and influ-, ential ladies of this community." DC73 The Washingtonian Temperance Society in' Wilmington, which it appears. THE CUBA INVASION SCHEME, We observe that pne f the Round Island band, better informed, doubtless than the bulk of his comrades, has,f through a$t. Louis pa per, confessed the object of the late schemie of ilicit invasion which the Presde;t.so prompt- ly and effectually extinguished. ; I The witness Hie middle chapter, and die least. in the Bible, is the 117th Psalm: the middle verse is the eighth of tbe 1 18th Plalm i thk mid die line is in the second Booli of Chronicles. is a Mr- Griffith H. Williams, the sergeant fotirth chapter and 16th vclsei ihe' word i ma,r ia lhe Uoun(i Is,a,il regiment. He states and occurs in the Old Testrrier,t thtrtv. I the destination of ihe expedition wasjlhe en lied city, and that the members have entered .! To s,,rronder patriots to the hmtal knwbi , . . f i their pt rsecutors, would be a cowardly conewias upun imp xenious prosecution OI me a U t lasting disgrace to any country ; an we are rfj- ties of the. Order. The Union was orcan- Te' ih& ihe pres, that the Sultan hasaiJJ ..... honorable course which meets the applause af CfriE IZed On Wednesday last, and IS Composed men, and which will adorn the bri?hlert pzofka ry. Y e just If-am that he has replied in the nfw to Russia, as well as fo Austria, altlmujih he hai threatened with hostilities in case of his refol.' their ministers have actually left Coosiantiwfle. . , From this great capital of1 sister republic," progress has just reconstructed its mighty nntf aad npon this memorable anniversary i tle iJ ad fallen into decay, has lately been re. of France, we feel it to be our duty to adv ! V vived and is now fully organized and in tn advance of nhe government und' in&f at ,:.. at ii i ri,, , I crisis which admits of no delay. If you hare f active Operation. Well done. Ihe Wash-' ; ready, wc desire sustain ou,s Je ron6arCj"2 iitpiuiiKiii ncugc ia intercut, auu au mr as Ar y , ' , 7r ' k iei ii I. I ii.nii MHHr . iiv nii'nn(T irt I n ttiti y i uv of our floct in the Mediterranean : aiid we alrtt1 you will supp)rt the Sultan with every Pilr,"T! n nn tUI ,f I,., l. ... 1..J . I I ' i. J v'inlM fill S power to sustain him, aud wilt do it." ; We rr;rard this ann-ala hitrhlv hAnjrab!e lo " I I -- . ! 1 i i . . i . - r tVte w -iuiiui tiiiiruc;rr, ana cverv way tKCouimg . .. , - " ". j -..J dirir nave maae u. l urKey is ueutral gru;a. """ American KhiD has a ritrht to lakf ilT a:iV five thousand five hundred hnA tiwiaL I I?land ? Cuba' . . hej,mn wre to haTe he fim'Mf th. m -owt U .tl- nV I ! dipped to the Ulandof Lope r. to bo dr :Z, : ",XOL andarmed. The expedition, be says, had bee ih Bn contemplation for many years, and .he , m -w ' - w r uui f&ii t.Ji t iaw if m 'otj ot Mr. JJemoa. Mk SlrT, v 1Zlb e,c tn 81 Mb. b, Slran8. t.atrt neither the words Lord noiGdM tU It ieCoCrop; .The Qecirgt dersavathatlwD-thirdsnr JrU.a. felyand surely indicntidt as ktbit'tbe ,1-4 natGeorcia willdoth tllracnt a a ' i i ; be knocking at the doors of Congress for Florida Election In this State (says admission to the family circle of the Un- tbe Tallahassee Floridian of the 13th in- ion with a constitution of herown ordering, . stant) there-were five Senatorial vacan were it not as Swell to await the hour, and eirs to fill. "In thns dktrfc it,c Wk;, . . .i . - ... . . b i senjers situated as these HunTariaH rtfuz8 ar' see wnai we shall see, belore committing had four, and the Democrats one. The mav have mn a ii.,utnf.,"m vin.thatt-e ourselves unnecessarily ? Suppose they result of the election is a gain for the lat- ' en Govcmmenrhas the power " to sustaai the-JJ DrODOSe to enter the Union as fre Stfitf s ? tr nf throa Tl.So ,U ' if attacked." inr ih. ri;M i rather br"H . i' . :-- --f - -. .... v. . i ui3 gn iihj lcuiucrais a . i. v.ts Are they to bej prevented from doing so ? majority of one in the Senate. - 6 Ciar aod Enperor f t ty . I dudgeon. thv mav mmt h.r. tf thfV "T ve snouia ibinK not tbey have as clear .. . J i ir- . " How they will get back again, is altogether awn a right to prohibit slavery as Wisconsin The. Raleigh Star announces that it has of speech.- knumd Whig. or any other lerntory. Suppose they ask Barrinjrer, EaJJ . i n funds inr j t i ft wl r",f avuiiiiuivieu uy annual curs six Ihousand eight hondred ftnd fifty- donations from person, in Cuba, and werelde. uQ limes. . 1 . Ii !:--. ; :.t.j i x?. vi.i.f ...t:ii . . i , rpj il , I I i poancu in acw a via wuojeci io me oroer Ol 4e 0000- Esther has ten cbab(ejrs,hut4 Gen. Lopez, the general manager of the eipe. dition. Its object wast rerHibjican government -i-a very disinterested object certainly, and a very likely one, considering the 'wealth of ;tbe island the independent Icircumstances and high character of the worthy band wo proved tieir deferred making its promised enlargement 'for admittance's slave States: Aretbey and imnroretnent nntil tb h..n-;n;. r to oeueoarreu pn mat account. e say the new year the present beineso near- i I ! ' , ! rV"TT. ItWS1' no. The Whole South will say no. Hut, jv oul ye trust the - Star" vvill L-. i ; , , x''uwm uJ ., , i J . . . . ' OUl' e irUSl ine tftr UH make ! faxnily and suite, arrived in Paris on Thurdarj'" until thev are denied, there is no reason fnr u ;i t :. i . . . . - - Rut j ... T-..T a iiiuiuugiijuu ui It, nilU not gOK) miXWZ ior .uaana, are at tl tlotel d-s rrincr. . ... I . 1 T f O -.... raising sucn a cry as tnese locoioco agi- op new cloth with old rags. A newspa- hu Pan WJ" laiors are ringing mrougn tne lanu. iheir per with half new and half old type, re onjeci is e.iuer io torce slavery into these j minds us of Marcy's breeches. ici iivi iro viiciiirj tun prupic Will 11 Or not. derotloa to republican prioeiples by taking kbe bounjrf nlfetrneDt blindfolded I s j f ' ' V" I National TntelVtgeneet or else, for political eflVct, to produce the j HZrTbe subscription of the "Spirit of impression? thaj they are the especial j the Age. the Temperance paper at Ra guardians of ih Sooth ; and .the one is ieigb, is redoced lo SI 50 for single sub as unjust to them asibc other is fa!se-in ; scribers, and $1 each for clubs o five and LOUISIANA- The New Orleans papers gnve us stro carrying this Sute ia a rush. The Low- j that they hare nothing to hope in tba Soutbert PJ tbe State, but apparenUy pUce great m eirciion ot leckHiei ana achi i - point of fact. upwards. !i. t. , v . i : -hiiew M I I B.W IIFfTB 111. m II lR V. " WTV. ai l u J 1 ....-j-.- - I .r.l . i. --mi-'.-tx, rJ fmrmnt toe es district, hitherto Tqvrtsented by Detwc" . A. .1 . i-i .r. - 4 i f : i 1 - i 1,- i .. f i .4'.-j- I 'j.'.-. ". ' :

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