0 1 r f i f 1 t - '- ( t 'it.' i I Vr 1'V who The I'aal th Mid la hi Heart there b Qy&. There is no God, th fool hath said, With proud pretensions high, ' . There is no God f WIm then hath anada- The earth, the sea,-the 6ky? Who made those glorious orbs oflight I That in their orbits run? ' lr- "The mncm and stars u rule the night,- . i - To rule the'day, the sun?" ." i' " i Who drew the jlan for till thoao sphere? I ' "Who moulded, gave them form ? Who guides thi' comet that career Through space ? Who rults the alorui ? i Who gave these rnotion, round to roll, Aud poiaed the m in their course? ! And who has fixed their central pole, And pentrifugai force ? ! ' AH'nicely Weighed, anil balanced all, I To keep eart their course, iWho peopled this terrestrial hull 1 l)'ti chance exert this force Is Chanca make an instinct, plant or floWcr, And give it life and laws ! i Let chance cgain put forth this power, ; If that s the greut first cause ! t i j Intelligence and power eombiu'd 1 To form the creature man ; The rust machine, the active mind, None but a (Jod could plan. , Wisdom and power, and goodness, shines j ! In all things great and small, 1 ( And perfect skill the wliole combines, ' ' "And God is seen in all. j There's not a plant on earth that grows, i There't not a single flower, But what His skill and goodness sliows j His ail-fMirvuding power. I The shape, the taste, the jjolor, smell, i - Are rix'd by wistlom's faws, .! And natures too minute to tell, . i . Known to the great first cause. ; Each kind diverse, its own the same, ' ( The Seed, the plant, the fruit ; AH their Creator's skill proclaim, .'it ' iTis God beyoiid dispute. , Ooskeplic, aud true wisdom learn, ; I,, , 's lecture her, No' murjS the great Creati spurn, ' i ! When God shines out so clear J la every animated thing, j ! The stamp of God we find, Conviction to the' heart they bring ! h Of uncreated mind. -i i' . j . -. i There is a Gl all things declare, , f '; MoaUholy, just and wise, '."'( i Crealioh is his temple fair, ;t His palace in the skies. ; i : ' ' tN. I !'-. ' " "The World Owe ITIc a. Living." . j '. HORACE GREELEY. t Tb' world owes me a good living, and I'll have it," Sirs some blackleg, as he Gnisliesja luxurious repast ; fiere, landlord, another boltlt f yoor prime Madeira I" Halt a dozen empty-headed fops, who sit gazingon him by ate a th in silent adtnirntion, hail the sentiment with rapturous applause. " That's it! That's it ! the world we " a good living, and we will have it ! landlord ! more wi.ne here ! we won't go home till morning ! Let's go lit , while we are young. Who cares for expense ?" The cbhaequence of this i, the pilfering of money diraw r, thpj ignominious fo?s of employment, genteel loafer ism, &4., &e., Until one-of these enterprising gentlemen in eagrjr purauit of the " good living " the world owes him, puts the wrong man's name to a check, or in some kind of a way gets a ticket lor the marble palace at Sing Bingfiruere th State provides a " living for those it consider deserving, but not such a one as consists with . heir awn estimate of their exalted merits. The great error in this case is in the original maxim. tl is false and detestable. The world owes you a liting ? llow owesl ' Have you earned it by good services I If you hare, whether on the anvil o in the pulpit, or as a teacher, you have acquired a just right to a livelihood. But if jrou have eaten ns much as you earned, or worse still, done little or no good, the world owes you nothing, Yo may t Worth millions and able to enjoy every im aginable luxury without care or court ; but if you have dopetnDtliing to increase the sum of human comforts, fn- stesd of i be world owing you any thing, as fools have blabbed, you are morally a bankrupt and a beggar, j ' Mankind are just awaking Ida consciousness of the duty resting ott every man to be active and useful in his day and in his sphere. All are not called to dig or hew -of plow or plane but every man has a sphereof use fulness allotted to him by Providence, and is unfaithful ;to hi high trust if he deserts it for idle pomp and heed less luxury. One man may be fitted by nature and in clination for art artizan, another for a sailor, and a third for a merchant; but no man was ever born fitted for an idler and a drone. Those who become such are tlie vic iim of perverse circumstances, and a deplorable fulse education. , , But has not k rich man the right to enjoy his wealth ? nnly, W e would be the last to deprive him of lawyer Blautifll Akixooey. We take the toltowitig from the Springfield ( M assqehoaet ts) Republican : n conversation, ai. frw daya ince,wui was an enihosiastic admirer of this great man. he related to us an instance in Mr. Crittenden's profession al career illustrative of his singular power before a jury. f'Ir. Crittenden was engagedfin defending a man wfao had 'jeen indicjed for a capital offehef . After an elaborate and powerful defence, he closed iia efiort by the following striking and beautiful allegory : when God, in his eternal cunsel, conceived the thought of mans creation, he cahd to lum te, three mlaisters who wait constantly upon his ihrpne S-Justice Tfuth and Mercy and thus addjessed? tHem : j" Shall we make man ?' Then said Justice, " Oh Godj make hirn not, for hewill trample upoli thy laWs J Truth mode answer also. " Oh God ! make him riot, for he will i ppllulte thy sanctuaries.' Bat fercy, drbppiijg upon j her kneer, and looking up througre her tears, exclaimed, " Obj God ! make him. I will watch over him nd sur ' round him with my care through all the dark paths i which he may have to tread." Then God made rnan, and said to him, " Oh man !t hour art the child Df Mer- I ' ' a .1 I .1 if J . cy ; go and ueat wiin my oromerg i. jr T )e jury, when he finished, waa drowned in tears, arid,' against evidence and what :)nust hae bejen their own convictions, brousht in a soeedy verdict of i not guilty. Geography. " How many polrt are ihfre ? Three." " Name thent'' The North Pole, the South Pole, and the Pole that knocked down the Persimmon, u a t a t . ;nt. lext. men is tlie principal sea! in P.ir rope j? Eu- cation ami h Others rage; wliHi ifiey hml a mwioal pj a nation. ; Go it Cod fishers. Cm. 0onjxireil.4 r I : ,;i A' - - jr ' ' Innotence Vindicated. -Ir, Sapi. Uah er. several years ago. Postmaster ai King- field, Me., was charged wilh robbing ihej mail, and although lhere was no evidence against him the public believed hittt guil ty. .The AugtiMa Age says : At that time" Mr. ' Usher! was doing a go4d busiiies as a. trader, wilh a. fright future in view! Mil losing the confidence of the pubiic, h whs obliged t withdraw from his preferred oocupalion;attd has ev f r since struggled and suffered under the prejudices against him. It nnw turns out that anoiner iiuivitm al, (vho has heretofore figured asi one ol the richest and most influential Tien in KingfiVd, and who wa relive in eiroris.-to ptocure Usher's conviction) whs tbe real robber; and at first having committed ihe crim of thelt,;and atldd to it thejgraler onof aiteinp'iing lo convict an Mmocent man and blast his character, he followed up his victim a series of acts the most malignant audUippressive.. , j The disclosures which implicate the re al robber werej made, we ijndersnnd, in consequence df a qoarrt 1 ' bet ween the thiei' and a conlederate. , . Owi. RIP f ffWIMLE Coach and Carriage Making TE3 1XJ IXraiTJE We have on hand and for sale at this OGceij1, lowing BLANKS, to wit: ' IS XOW tVIOK AWAKE! If you do not btlieve it. cull at our Store f and hear the pt ices of the large stock of Fall and -o- Winter Goods, WHICH WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED, BEING the LARGEST and MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF GOODS we have ever ojfened consisting in part of the following, viz : ' j Black, Blue,. Olive nnd Invisible Green Cloths, Black and Fancy Cssimeres, (new style) Tweed, SattinetsjKerseys, and Flannels, , Merino Shirts and Drawers, A large Stock of Plaid Linseys, Bed & Negro Blankets. " fhe sea of Rome." J " Very good. Which are the principal Cape in the U. Stalls 1" 1; " The capesof Fashion." .8 "Good. What kind of fish are. most common 7 "Cod-fish aristocracy." ij CODFISH ARISTOCRACY. I - . ve are very arislocrauc here in our goQtlly city of Cincinnati.!; Exclusieness is fashionable coteries ate formed, who fa nicy they comprise all te tastjp, fashion and talent existing. If a daring intruder prejsumes to enter the charmed circje, he rnefts with a rebuff which tells! him that he is looked on as an inferior, rio rbatter what his peFsonal worth and merits. may be. It serves the fool right. Vhtt bu siness nas any one lo suppose that ster ling character and cultivated intellect could constitute n claim to be received into1 fashionable society ? 1 Fash onable fauh 1 The children qf cobflerfc and A great spot on the sun lias Ia!e3y been observed, but is last disappearing Th diameter of this spot, as measuretl at he Observatory t Cambriilej a week ago Was 51 40 sec. br upwards of 47 ,000 miies, and six times is large as the earth- To the Ladies of Salisbury & Vicinity. -o- TO TEE Z. ADZES. We respectfully invite them to call, and we will show as fine goods the cheapest and most fashionable to be found in this market.! DRESS GOODS, j (all kinds) Gloves, Handkerchiefs. Loccs, Edgings, Hosiery. $teel Bags, Fine Shawls, fyc. 'rl HE copartnership of Witherspoon.Pritchard Jc Co. r JL having been dissolved by mutual consent, the bu- ; sinew will hereafter be conducted under the name of PRITCI1ARD, ROSEBOROUGII k Co, In losing Mr. I. A. Wuherspoon, we have lost a gentle man and an agreeable copartner, bin we trutl have not lost that principlelbat eliould actuate honest men in the transaction of business, and in offering ourselves to the public in the CARRIAGE MAKING BUSINESS, r pledge ourselves for the faithful performance of oar en gagements," We have no disposition to puff our estab lishment in the public prints, being assured that time and the character of our work will secure to os a share of public favor. We are thankful for that already received, and would advfce our friends and the public to take care of No. 1, and go where they have the most confidence beat treated, and get the best job for their money. Our work shall not be inferior to anv in this part of the world. PRITCHARD, ROSEBOROUfJH & Co. Mocksville, N. C , Jan 11, 1849. tf36 The undersigned havins been connected with the a bove establishment from its commencement in Mocks "ville until very recently, and having a knowledge" of the qualifications of the gentlemen in charge, can assure the public that they are prepared with good workmen and materials, can execute in as good and fine a style as heretofore, and cheerfully recommend them as worthy of public patronage. I. A. WITHEUSPOON, II. REYNOLDS. Administrator's Bonds Guardian Appeal Constable " Ca Sa Bail (State case) " -Bil (Civil " ) Delivery " Proeecution C. C. S. C For binding free negroes. Bastardy Bonds. Letters of Administration. Special Letters Testamentary. C. Sc 3. Coart Writs. Ejectment " Attachment " C. and S. C. Subprnas. . I 1 AC nrl r!o. bS. C. R F.; "! Wit. Tt ".Com. to take r Equity Eiecationa. oabpepoas - "Cora, to take drwIT U : 1..', r Creat Juror'a Tickets. 7 Marriage Licen Apprentice lndeijttrt. Notes of Hand. Bank Notes, C; F. LandlDeed. Deed1 of Tron SheriiTa Deeds. Ca Sas and Boritli. Uunty and SUprnorCos. HATSIM CAPS, tinkers nutting on airs. abein2 nrrs ol f loreign aristocrats, and the! man- claiming to give tone and character to sjocitjty? the? V still Fashionable quotha I 'Why. snuMl of leather and solder ! . A gentleman passenger, on a steam boat from New Orleans (b Cincinnati Ion theitrip up, was introduced toa koujngla dy 0n board by a gentleman reflation! of hers. Wejgive albrief descriplion pi the two.' The young lady was charmingly lovely, and amiable in manners;! thKnt was witty, sentimental ajjid amusirg. his manners noble, his figure inanly1 such a one) as would catch a lady s eyel ' j Thrown together in each other's jsocie ty, fxii mutually attracted, it is not!, to be wojidered that they grewj quile larniliar. They had fele a teles on the gtardy, pro- mitladed the decks arm in arm.j thl tletrtan whispering soft nonsense lady s ear. 1 he passengers pronounced it a case of love at lirst sight, the jladies yere more respectful to one whonV lhty thought was soorr to be a mHitron, and chambermaids (as chambermaids always do) waiting upon no one els'l but the bride. Miserable prophets it wjts not fated to be a match. 'the boat at length arrived at her place of destination, the assocituion of t He. two Ken h the loving ones was at an end. and lit hey were 'Moat cert a it. He has a natural and legal right to possess and en joy it 6 any manner not injurious to others, but he has HO moral riyht to be useless because he has superior meana jof being useful. Let him surround himself with all the true comforts and true luxuries of life let the master piece of art smile upon him in his gafleries, and the rnijhiy minda of all ages speak to him from Ti is li brary. Let plenty deck his board, and the fuces of those he love gather joyously around it. Let him possess in abundance the means of satisfying every pure and just desire of his nature ; and become wiser and nobler, lar ger n aoul, than his less fortunate neighbor. But let him nevfHforjjei; and if be is properlfrnined, he never can, ' T i'!1 lcmn duty to be useul to his fellow crea turNapeclally to ile depressed and suffering to labor forlheir benefit, and suffer if need be for their elevation. The servile Idolatry with w Inch ignorance and vulga- riiy have looked up to power and wealth the hosan 'Ualjl which the trampled millions have aung before the tars of conquerors and other scourges of the tnrth are (adng and flitting forever. In the twilight which suc- l 9roi darkness, there comes a reason of mor- i , , i wnarcny, wnen men. having lost latth in iK. 1 1 Wh;ch once blinded and bound them, resolve tu believe j j Hhing io decry and prostrate alt that rises above its 1 level. Now, the laborer with his sinew, returns hatred for. the contempt , once cast upon him, and says I .; VfhV ,0d in there in any thing but manual labor ! 1 "iVlith;.11 W! - ""m whose lubor is chieriy mental j , ce,'r,tlJnY,ih,!" But this is a transitory ebul- j l:J llt? e world ,oon rnao respeat its benefactors j M In whatever sphere, and to realize that he who trul n.l , . t. i . . ... ,. nonesiiy r erts bunsell in some department of useful ef- hrttniay justly claim a brotherhood with all who toil, mod roake and earn. Let the rich cease to look down i. the Pnr the merchant on the porter; let each re ; aprct. the dignity of man, and whether in hia own person or; that of his leM fortunaie brother let haughtiness and ,pHI cease on one side, and envy, jealousy and hatred, ; with their trains of direful consequences, will vanish from theolber.anj all animated in common concord to tbe attainment of ih higliest good. obliged to separate Whispered adieus, with a soil entreaty fromlhim' were'ai swered by her thrusfing a cart) m& his hand, and thus they partetj. shejto her fa ther's marble halls, and ife to! the East, whither business imperatiey ojtllVj him. The hope of seeing her oq his return fill ed his heart with joy. I ' j he made an astounding ; dis4overy shortly after her return hlrrie. j A jfriend of jbers, who sported tffutachioH Lnd a gojjtteeuizzed her unmercifully for los ing; hef heart to a mechanic who Was go ing; to Washington to getja patent: lor a neyv plough. This was ijery rovoking to her. She protested thaf she t lought he was a gentleman, or sh never 'would have accef)ted his attentions. ; $ix weeks flew by, andlthe Vounff me chanic was on his return hjme. Hisj heart bounded with joy as he aproacnei Cin cinnati. Visions of erraee. btiftntlv nnrl loveliness floated through his hijain; Oh, what pleasure to meet tia Beile k)f the Queen City. Her cbaritfs had rrwde a deep impression on his sucepti le heart. His loot touched the wharf, ant away he flejv to the majision of his belc ved. He ws ushered in, and his1 name a mobneed. Thp young lady floated iivjo thej room. O, now tovi iy : uul what is the matter ? MILLINERY BUSINESS. v 'i Si- ! Iwrs. Iouia Brown . I , j HAVING received liier FALL 4- WINTER FASHIONS, for the present year, takes this me thod of announcing it to her custo- i users and the public. She hopes to i be favored with many caljs, and be lieves she will be able to give satis J faction to all. She may aj any time be found at her residence second door below the Post Of fice. ; She keeps on hand itt small lot of Bonnets for sale, and will make, dre&s.or bleach to order, at s4rt notice. Salisbury, Oct. 1849 j 22 at Ate of ilovtii atoUua, DAVIDSON COUNTY. ' In Equity Full Term, 1819. .Lundy Harris, William Harrisf Jesse P. Harris, Ward Harris, Elmsly Harris Dudley Harris, JNlannda Harris, and Nancy A. Harris; infants by OuardianJ William Harris, and Ezekiel Haltum, and wife Polly, against Benjamin Parish arid wife Frances, j Amended Petition for the tale of the Lands Elmsly j Hams. . IT appearing to ;the satisfaction of the Gourt, thst Benjamin Parish and Polly his wjfe, the defendants in this case,1 are not inhabitants of (his; : Stale : t is there fore ordered by thelCourt, that publication be made for six weeks in the Carolina Watchmjah, a papetipublished in this Slate, for the said defendants to appear at the next Term of this Court, to be held for the County of Davidson, on the first Monday after the 4th Monday in March next, to answer and set forth the amopnt ot the advancements received from the intestate, Elmsly Har ris, in his life time, and to stand to, abide and perforin the decree of this Honorable Court in the premises. Witness, Peter K Rounsaville, Clerk and Master of said Court at office, in Lexingion. the1 15th of tVtober, 1849. I F. K. ROUNSAVILLE. CME Printers Fee $550 624 NEW BOOT I AND SHOE SHOP! THANKFUL for the iberal pa tronage heretofore .eceived, the subscriber woulfr respectfully inform thje citizens of Salisbury and the. sur rounding country that he still contin-. ues to manufacture BOOTS AND SHOES in: a style that will compare; with any in this part of the Country. Our materials jre of the best quality, and our worksh;,!! be done in good taste, and at prices to suii the times. j He has now, nnd intends to keep on hand; Boots and Shoep made in the latest fashion and , finest; style, and asks all who may wish; to buy, to call and scf for them selves. v . - ' ; i ! Country produceuaken in exchange ;for wi)rk. Boots and Shoe neatly repaired. . , J Persons from the; country will find otur shep one door below M. Brown & Son's store, and opposjte, the Man sion Hotel, i XEREMIAH barring er. H By JACOB LEFLER. Salisbury, Feb. 15, 1849 j ! ; 40 Fashionable Fur and iSilk, (Fall style.) 22 doz. Cloth and Oil Capa. Boot and Shoes, 500 pair Brogans, CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, large assortment,) 800 feet Patent Leather, Chase Hides, Curtain Cloth, Springs, Axles &c. ;35 gallons coach Varnish. HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, Cross cut and MilllSaws ; 75 Kegs Nails, Axes, An vils, Hoop Iron!,; 8 Uxes Tin Plate, Wool and Cotton Cards, Shovels Fork and Spades, Cotton Rope. Al so, a large assortment! of hne Knives and forks. OEOOERXES. Porto Rico, Muscovado and New Oi leans Sugars, Stu-. art's clarified, pulverised and crushed do., 6 bags old Java Coffee, Rio Coffee, green and black Teas, 1000 lbs.. Candles, 31 bblsjand half bbls No. 1,2 &3 Mack erel, 2 barrels fresh foess Shad, 5 bbls extra fine TANNERS' OIL. The above stock of! Goods will be sold wholesale and retail, as low as can be sold in this market. ! M. BROWN 4- SON. Salisbury, Aug. 30; 1849. 17 N. B. 10,000 ljbe. Clean WOOL Wanted, and for which the highest price will be paid in goods. Boger & Wilson XT" EEP constantly on hand anexten- LATEST ARRIVAL ! Fresh Medicines Drus, Chemicals, Dye-Stufls, and PERFUMERY. 11 : : - t)d sive asaiortmenl of WATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewel ry, Silverware, Cutlery, Musical Instruments, Revolting Pistols, Perfumery, Soaps, and Fancy Articles of every descrip tion. Persons wishing to purchase articles in the above line, will do well to call and examine their fine selection, one door above J. t W. Murphy's store. Watches, Cloc ks, and jewelry repaireu in the best manner, and warranted fortwelve month. Lepine and plain Watches altered to Patent Levers, and warranted to perform well. Salisbury, July 20, h?48 tf 12 Seire Facias va. Defaulting Whnesse da do to revivejodjment. ? do do to heir at law to show cm, do do do et al. do do ts. Special Bail. : -Presentments of Roads. I do for Assault and Bitterr. do for AfTravs. 1 do for Fornication and Alaltery. do for retail mg wufeost license. And many others of not so commonusV Officers of Courts, and others who !rnit R1..1. are solicited 10 give us a call, or forward their !' aiHJ lUy 1 or pjc--uii iiiriiurw - , Many of the forms enumerated above, are alo kirpi for sale by , J. W. STOCKTON, at Statesville. t WM. M. HENDERSON, at Concord, i WM F. WATTS, at Moeksvjlle, j J. FA W, at Jefferson . Ashe Co. 1 Any forms of Blanks which we may not have hand will be printed to order without jdelay, if a rded. !: i J ir I w w May 1849. WATCHMAN OFFICE. JOB PRINTING Ji COME AND BUY BARGAINS HE subscribers Ibave just received at their Drtg JL Store, corner df the Mansion Hotel, the LARG EST and BEST SELECTED ASSORTMENT Oh DRUGS, HEMICALSj PAINTS, CILS k DYE-STIFFS, ever brought to this market, and which they now offer at wholesale or retail! We particularly invite the at tentioti of Physicians Druggists and Merchants to our slock, which wepledge to st-ll at lower rates than any establishment in this art of the Stale. With the assur ance again that our prices and terms will please all, we return our sincere thanks to the public for their very lib eral patronage heretofore extended to us. Below we present a list 01 a tew 6t the articles comprising our stock. CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY. THE undersigned having formed a co-partnership in tHeabove business, respectfully invite public atten tion to their Establishment, and to their supply of superb Carriages, Barouches, Rockaways, Buggies, &c, &c, which for lightness, beauty of design, manner of execu tion, and excellence of material, cannot be surpassed by any work in the southern country. They have in their employ a large number of excellent workmen. Their blacksmiths, wood-workmen, trim mers, nnd painters, are all men of experience, and have few equals as to skill in their several departments. Repairing done on very short noticei Work done cheap for cash or approved notes; or country produce ta ken in exchange. j OVERMAN, BROWN &. CO. Salisbury, Feb. 8, 18h9. ly40 All who wish printing of any description dooe.i requested to gue BRUNER & JAMES a call. They are prepared to do almost every virief c i- r 1 l j ! . f in nrai-raie siyie, irom uw oown iu mc aipnaoeL : ADVERTISING . has been aptly compared to greasing wheels. Wherj will often turn without grease, and so may a Merchant or Mechanic get on without advertising ; hot it if Karl work, and all who have properly trieJ the eiprnmrot know well the advantage both of oil ta machiney, inj advertising to business. 2 ' Saddle, Harness and Trunk MANUFACTORY ! MAIN STREET, SALISBURY, Ouc Door below tlie Pott Office. ilLLllTII-WARE. Pulv. Ipecac, Rhei, Jalap, Columbo, Scilla, Gamboge, Opium, Arrow Root, Pearl Barley, Cort Cinch, HJ. Chlo. Mit. bulph. Quinine, Sulph. Morphine, Adit. do., Piperine, Sajacine, iftejd Lead, IVenitian Red, Also, a large assortment of SHOP FURNITURE. Prescriptions furnished at all hours. Orders from a distance punctually aktended to. I BROWN & JAMES. Salisbury, August6, 1849. lOvol 5 If-Snnnieli Rrnun . .......... , White Lead, Black do., Linseed Oil, Train Oil, Logwood, Copperas, Indigo. &C..&.C, IW FALL k WLWERi BROW.N & BAKER HAVE on hand a supply of STILLS AND TIN WARE which they will sell cheaper for cah or any kind of Produce which the merchants buy. Also old copper and pewter. GUTTERING AND ROOFING at all times attended to. They will sell stills at fifty cents per pound put up guttering at fifteen cents per foot, and sell tinware cheap in proportion. Siilisbury, April 12, 1849. 49 rilHE subscriber having established himself io tt JL Town of Salisbury, for the purpose of carrying n the abor business, respectfully solicits a share cfpublw patronage. He pledges himself, that his work shall al ways be done in the very best style ,nnd hi prices tostti: the times. ; . j He will keep constancy on hand Saddles, RriJU Martingales, Harness, Collars, Saddle Wallets, Trwttt, Valises, Inc., inc. Also, Harness Skirling, Sole and l' per Leather of the very best quality always on hand waul can be bought low for cash, or on a short credit to prompt customers. j . - In addition to the above, he respectfully, informs L public, that he carries on the TANNING and BftpT and SHOE MAKING BUSINESS in, the Toa i Statesville, where he will always be happy lo pt-f -hiKli friends, and supply them with any pfthe above enurafi ated articles. ; 1 ' Thankful for past encouragement , he hope by clut attention, not only to merit a continuance of tbfsae but a considerable increase for the future. 0"His shop isone door below the ' Poet Office." WM. Ii; MOWBtttY. Salisbury, January 11, 1849 ly Cape Fear Steamboat Go. medicines, Medicines. GOODS. Y7f5 are receiving at Dr. C. Bl Wheeler's old stand the largest and best stock of MEDICINES. INSTRUMENTS, Paints 6 Dye-Stuffs. Spices df Perfumery. Fancy and Useful Articles, ever brought into this country. (See; our large hand bills and Catalogue We will sell very low for cash. I LOCKE & CHAFFIN. Salisbury. May 11, 1848 : 2 Ready j made Clothing For alcf at reduced Pricics ! FROM the 1st of August to the lst of September, I will sell my stock of Summer Clothing -at cost. All who wish Bargains should call at; J. H ENNISS' Clothing tiiore. S ; ; :. ! Salisbury, July 30, 1849. 13 JAMES HORAH, WATCH AND OZ.OOK - HXAHER. Opposite Cowan's Brick Row,i SalUbury, !L C. - A CARD. one n nad mauetvns so eivanes- U seives in theWaetieeof 1 1 - . ... .? . r v- ill : -i. ti do not sir." replied she in Acq uuu viin mi mr 01 nautetir such a$a tra gedy quern HtTe4ctK. ft He reminded her of thfir privicjus ac. qukintance on hoard the steam t. j A " O, yes. yes a steamboat acquaint ance J Good morning, sirf and with this anSWHI" Shfl If ft Ihn no glance She does not know him, hejs'ovvs ol recognition upon the lace I it up wilh pleiasure at seeing her again. H I;. t You do not recollect me " said lie tim- idl-. and mortified to thinfe the iimpfession BROWN & ELLIOTT ARE now receiving their stock of Fall and Winter Goods, to which they invite the attention of the la dies and gentlemen of Salisbury and the surrounding country. Their stobk was selected by one of the firm, with great care, and they believe it will compare favor ably wilh any stock in the market in style, quality and price. It comprises ja general assortment of -o- rpiIE UNDERSIGNED JL having purchased of J. W. McGary their interest in the a. ays&rAPE FEAR ffiD J& J3l 13" 3ST 9 it cent. suitable for the season, also of Groceries, Hardware, Cutlery, &c. They would call especial attention to their rine stoek of Cloths, Cassiineres, Vesting. Dress Silks, Merinos, Mouseline de Lanes j Mohair Lustres. Alpaccas, Ging hams, Shawls, &.c, 1 Also, their fine Bebee Hats ; their Bonnets, and Caps, Boots, and Shoes. Salisbury, Oct. 4,jl849. 22 "SILKS AND RIBBONS. TTHE subscriber vould call the attention of the La JL dies to his larg and fine selection of Plain and Figured Siiks, of aill colours ; also,, to his Ribbons, which he has no hesitation in saying is the largest and finest assortment eveir before exhibited in this market, and which are now-oing off" rapidly at his cheap store. Nov. 1. 1849. ! E. MYEKS. STEAMBOAT are now the sole Proprietors of the Line. We are now prepared to forward poods with great dispatch either up or down the River, on as good terms as any other line. Goods consigned to us at Wilming ton, will be forwarded free of commission, and at Fay etteville at the usual charge Address, DIBBLE & BROTHERS, Wilmington or Fayetterille. Wilmington, August 15,1849. 16 New Cabinet Ware Rooms IN SALISBURY. RICHARD FOX j RESENTS his respects to the citizens of Salisbury and surrounding country, with a ten der of his services as a r d4one bis -aiv found at theirdrugst ore when not professionally engaged Brown & James H"- ; ' ' 1 L ' AVE just received among a variety o( other arti des. a hi rg q ii rit it y "of superfine aalkd OIL. Salisbury, April, 12, 1849 ; 49 ROAVAN BIBLE SOCIETY, Harold nana had hrnWI ttJ rii. r A uxiliaki jotw.Amcric.n Bible SMIeiT.hm - t t v. m'ff Bonnets arid Artificial Flowers ! THE undersigned is now opening at his cheap store in Salisbury, a ijarge and fine selection of Straw, China, Pearl, Fancy i and Leghorn' Bonnets, which he is otTering at lower prices than ever before in this State. He is also opening ai fine assortment of Artificial Flow ers. Those in want! of either of the above articles had belter call soon. E.MYERS. TO FARMERS AND MECHANICS! THE subscriber has a Foundry in operation, near Mocksville, and would be pleased to furnish Hast ings to order. He is provided with a superior SLIDE LATH E, and can put up machinery, dress mill spindles, and furnish mill-gearing. Carriage makers can be supplied with brass circles on easy termsr. Ploughs, Mould-boards, Oven Lids, Lc., 4tc, kept on hand. The jobs will bedme in workman like style, and every effort made to give satisfaction. B. CLEGG. Mocksville, Davie Co., N. C, - 0111 1 o Aug. 17, 1949. TAILORING BUSINESS ! JlL prepared to execute all orders in his line with depttcl in the most superior workmanlike manner and be style. He will keep constantlv on hand the best mate rial for making 1 , SOFAS, BUREAUS, OTTOMANS Wardrobes, Dining, Centre, Peer, and other TWeif. Rocking, Office, and Parlor Chairs; Bedsieads of ' perior finish and latest fashion. Coffins famished to order on the shortest notice isi on accommodating terms. ' Specimens of his work and skill can be found V ware rooms in Cyrus West's large brick boilding, Watch marrOffice. The cheapness, durability, and superiority of ill turned out from his shop 'will be a guarantee of the tronage of the public. Repairing done at the shortest notice- Coontry produce and lumber of all kind foiub Carpenters and Cabinet Makers, taken in exchaniff any thing in his line. A large quantity of flung a' mediately wanted. Salisbury, May 10, 1849. -; 1 Fall and Winter FashionTRfcei1 THOMAS DICKS0 TAILOR, WOULDTespeetfully inform his old caoat;bl he still carries on the TAILORING AND CUTTING Bl$IN$ 1 at his old stand opposite J. &. W. Murphy' br ! where he holds himself ready at all times to sen 'J: I tomers. His prices will be found by those who m? P.., him to be lower than at any other shop m tnt ' L j u j . 11 tfnoi.r3" New Goods! New Goods!! Direct from IVcw Vork! or sale at tlie store of Messrs M. Brown and Son, Yfirlr nri "aiiur wnen annminrifi hilt fhnnnk : r bh.i-a jjj t- i ; X T f ouiu oe mat, apropos iit their 1 ner" T cnougr. on hand jo supply jany auzili uiai meeting, so the good naturid old gent ary not re1uinn? over 4uu copies, remnined in his routn Ml L-.,J. tk. l 1 J. G. CAIRN E3; Pres't nolttion and mIIS? 5.knT lPe rCa Salisbury, Oct 10.1849:23 Row.n BiWe Society. posttion and standin2 df his visitor, UnrJ ! i'i -U- J- hugged himself at the rfospeCt of Julia ! ST AND ABB EIGHTS AO. marrying the Hon. M r.. f ,s ;HJ XA r:ch The andersigned having been appointed Keeper of the aim uisiingtiisnea. IMUSiachios hH kiirr ! ruD,,c weignia anu measures tor Kowan ICoonty, es- puggeu-juna bhe. bemuse he jwas a ! loK rrunu s- uuu given Dimpo Unpardona- scription. Therebeing a heavy fine imposed opon all (Tie reader may faocyf JoIiKl mortifi. THE subscriber is now receiving his Fall and Win ter supply of Ready Made Clothing, consisting of Cloaks, Overcoats, Sack, Frock and Dress Coats, of every price and variety. Also, Pants, Vests, Shirts, Hats, Caps, Boots arid Shoes, a large variety, which he offers for sale upon very low terms, as he is determined in this..nvrket. Persons wishing Se Winter Clothing. are respectfully not to be undersold good and comfortab I IF. nXDRRSIflKF.n I, ed his shop to the room in I lie BRICKS ROW, formerly occupied bv Gould 5c Haw-Lf 1. : u .r..n.. :r -l i. i .- mii?, uu:u iri uiuny imorm in purnc, tnal ne IS i , u , , r , If not nreoared lo rut ami mnk nil L nA f i:.r-.- .1,- i work drbe and wirranted 10 fit well. 1 .1 ki i li. . ii i . cet vour munev for vour cloth a?aia. uiwoi uumwir boo liisiuooauie siy.e. lie is also, in tne r , l. h& regular receipt of the 1 1 returns nis sincere tnan vor. , . . . . trons, and hopes by industry and application .jo. Fashions from the ort horn Citie.. , ,hal lhey fconLo iheir attention to hi To those who have favored him with their patron- invites those who have not vet come to him,10 ayr, ne reiurns nis most sincere tnanks. and hopes that by attention to his business, and a drgiie to please, both as it respects the 6tyle and prices, to merit a continuance. To thote who have never tried him, he would say call and try me, as I am determined to spare no pains in ihe execution of all work. JOHN A. WEIR MAN. Salisbury, Sept. C, 1849. 18 try his fit. . ksfcjd He is in regular receipt of the most spprf from the North, published by Maban; also.tJ Monthly. All tork. March 29, 1849 kinds of country produce received '505 Act df the Legislature, holds himself tr7 AS a! to Stamn and rnrrrt nrtna.iroa nnrt to k.f .1. i - - . v M-n. v n l'i crii ur- rrc ;oeing a neavy nne imposed upon all using weights and) measures unseafah it wil be to the .avBoiage oi au conceroed to pay3tftct atteption to this invited o call and examine his stock before purchaiing J. ti . t.NJSS, Nearly opposite W. Murphy if Co. I elsewhere. Nov. 1, 1849. Important to Will Owners.1 T7MNE Mahogan XTOTCHKISS'SVerticalWaterWheelsforsalein 1 Centre Tables. XJL Bebee'fe flats and Caps. fc. t r f ii I 1AILI expected a iuii assortment, and will be sold low. Apply al Nov. 1,1849. j notice. A. J. BROWN. J. H ENNISS Qothing store. Q ' Fayette vil'e, by d. McNeill & Co. And in Lincoln County by E. A. BREVARD. March 12.1847 tf45 A LARGE and njpai assortment of 'Coffins always. on ! hand and for sale by 1 Shirts ! Shirts ! ! Shirts ! ! ! DT of gentleman's fine shirts, somethinir or, just received and for sale by . . ENNISS. a t r-r r i c. ROW7PP .( II iddicav Pk V"'"l-'"-""n''.s, something aupen- ATTENTIOiN. ny Wardrobes.! Dres Sofa. Rocking Chairs. cheap for cash or country produce, for ja, ROW7EK A:HARRI5U .VifllVh JUST received and fotaale cheap lb . M- BRONN NA Salishnry, Oct. II, 1849 " Marria-c CeriilTcat? for tfrf' !m h.bl 'Udraad jforec 4 On aectivw fcoraenj fcl&nrtaJ laa, io ti Ins exf timing olode till j ral c at yc lione - A tcred 1 i ii Vi

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