WatclniiuH. ' &npn.pcr year,TWo DoLLARs-payable in lict.tiut if not fn Jvance'Twodo,,a" 'Tt litik fcti. wi WchargeJ. U-.V . a ct bicher tUni tH-e rair. ()((f to those who advertise by the year. ltti to-tlw, BJitbra must be pyst paid. Insvrted at 91 for the- first, and 25 cts. 55ach ubwaaent Itwrlion. Court orders charged A lileral deduc- TMlffi WPJLW A- WATCHMAN. . i ' . -. ' ;:: j: 1 . j ! '" - ' i ' " ' ' "' ' - - ; j ' 2 i ! 1 From the .Souiti Carolinian. ;reat Display! of -AVoHles, Fire Balls 'i ;? ami Shooting Mars. do Thursday, the 1st day of November, 1649 rolrt eight o'clock, a. m. throughout the entire W-md. until a late hour of the night, in thia Ja"VV f.i i .... -L ;-n ettiW oi ine country, mem wa a maiiiuw... BRUNER & JAMES, i Editors Sf Proprietors I KSEP A CHECK UPON AM. VOCR 1 IttfLERS. Da THIS, AKO LlXRTT IS SAfX. Geja'i Hurriton. NEW SERIES. VOLUME VI NUMBER. 31. ; SALISBURY, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1849. ay of these enigmatical atmospheric phe L kU n nronerlv been regard- with nicria. which have so properly J bV.IIunibbldt as 'smalt mca mov.ng w n inftaryi velocity in conic section' round the hkrtnnav with the laws of universal illation -iSa'iy " ,,,e mornms p,us,Uf,s tiinbling dtant aitiUery were award iy va- ,,i iersoni which were misiaKen lor uiast- itiihJslotta. yrrtil the afternoon! when these honored me with an invitation. Soonjaf. that we did a construction favorable to nominations, and well conducted schools. I Honors to tlic Gallant Dead The Jonr. to! winded in?i!ci)ger8 of the stars became LftJe to jbe nakeid eye. One exploded about jnilc nortbeaii irom ray res4aence wan a noiiei wnicn inoox te surrounuius clear tcr wc had taken our seats in the drawing room, before dinner, the Chief Justice said to Mr.3Iadisoni If j '' "Have you thbught, sir. of a title; tor our new 'resident?" Madison's answer the! fanatical a construct views of the Free Soil party " THeir commerce is beginning to be nal of Commerce says tha ion that every unprejudiced Worth looking after; nor did Great Brit- honors paid at New York c "41 a "lr!': in in downward Iran it emitted a i. LVArni Kirht. leavidfr a distinct line il. DOSl",w'f ' i " , jroloa4 In.ifa course.. Another, five miles Jweit, was observed winging its course in Ijjfna direction at quite a leizure pace, ho ( jalljwilh the; earth, and being spent, ex- iMu witn noue uioc. ii appeareu to oe a Liolvinrbill. of while flame. At 4 o'clock, ws walking in a neid at I'ornaria, when i startling "'explosion took place at my back, .nrentlr three hundred yards from me. The ',Uilwaj Ciller lhan the loudest, report of ar-'j-rj could j he at that distance, and sensibly ,Uu tb earin.-T'Oimiiar instances were ob. .T,linikljDDerDart ofNewberrv district, ihir. ..(CI,HMi tt ( r v T Ik nilef norjh of itjis place, and throughout our !t :)te section tbY were visible to many of the 11 ifcspect'able citizens. I have not had lei ure to'exiniine any of the localities where idexphvion took. place, to determine whether Qtt hxi'e been specific mineral deposites. Atjoijnl "there was a beautiful display of those -fitly, t'eari" from the skies, commonly de. aaminattd shooting stars. ite iky-was peffectly clear during the en diy add a brilliant blue was observable ' . . ' .I' ''. I .' . mi ITin to mq norizon. lue sunset was most - n-'liant tCrimsdn, and about ten o'clock, p. m. jliitfushi'of.the northern light was plainly visi. C''fij XTbej Wathef since has been warm to an . '! vi! ra KIa i rt(nrr unit mn ,m nu !n tlia '' fslit of ajmost charming Indian summer. iumuolidt-satisfactorily accounts for the vis. , ipraranee oC these masses, from the fact ijt whenjthey encounter the earth in their wrie, and,' attracted by it, they become on lre if four atmosphere extremely lumin. Fi.relirhalls and shooting stars, we learn m the lirno. source, are not only frequently cQntempblartcous' land intermingled, but fre tjentljr pass into one another. Meteoric stones tqucnliyjfall frpm fire-balls, which was the rijs'-when the. well known (all of aerolites oc- ired. at Barbotan, irj the department of Des IJintv-rrince'On tho 21th July, 1790; at Luna oir jhe lOih unc, 170 1 ; at Weston Con. jeeticuf, eo' the 14ih December, 1807 ; and at Juvenai, jit the department of Ardeche, on the ph JiW, 1821. j Sometimes these have fab kti frorji'a prOgresaive cloud forming suddenly ih theml it of aiclear sky, accompanied with j noiio Y i6 the report of a single peice of artib fry, At Mulhauen, in the department of Al- Franc c'f i a September', 1843, large aerolites I! frorW ihe clcarjsky amidst a noise like thun cr.v Al ADgcrjsi in 1822, fire balls emitted (tones,1! mihtr iA diameter to the balls project M rorn (tra worM caUed Koman candles. i The tf tnatiaif iC all these pheriompna are alilj InToJvfdin itioiplicable mystery-the min. era) deposites anjljapecific earths precipitated, ii Jet furnishing jhe scientific no satisfactory clue to a ! perfect sol ui ion. The magnitude of these! prec,hitatirtns in some instances has beeu furnris ng... IUbidoXelis describes those of i)wa inp .utumpa, in Chaco, to be from seven 4ccn jittd a half feet in length: that of Ae Co; Tutamaa. rennu'nrd iti antinnilv. mwl mpn. tiDf Jlalhd Alarhfe chronicle nl Paris, m Inrrrn i'Mtwolroili stones,1 of the weight of a wa2'on i9 great i nracian meteor stone, wnicn at the funeral TVlifl t MW VrrL- rr TKorcrtwtf tn. majn, who read the article must necessari- ajn send their popular president and suite the memory of Major General Worth, ly bave placed upon it ! - But more anon, home in a magnificent man of-war for Colonel Duncan, and Major Gates, formed l!t will be remembered that the "Stan- nbthinsr. In nroof of which I enclose vou one of th mn hriiiiom m;i;i was in the negative ; and he added, that dard and the Locofoco Press generally, in afcopy of a treaty recently concluded be- ry displays ever witnessed in that city. in bis judgment, no title, except that! of thif State made an awful noise and ex- tvyeen the parties, showing that, while The military were out in unusual strength President would be necessary or pro jpe r. i pressed a holy indignation, some; time 4 the Queen, God bless her,' has one of her to the number of near three thousand -Yes sir," replied McKean,"he must have since, at the fact that the Register was bright eyes on the suppression of the slave men. while every point, square, and tho- a title ; and I have been examining the negatively commended by an Anti-Slave- trade on the shore, she has the other fixed rooghfare lavorinff a view of the imnos- tttlcs ot certain Princes in Europe, to dts- ry j print, for its views upon the dan- on the palm oil, ivory and; gold dust of ing spectacle was thronged with masses cover one that has not been appropriated, f gerous project broached by some disciple interior. But 1 shrewdly suspect that we, of human beings. The nublic buildinirs 'Most &ei'eneliighne$Sii find is appro- of Mr. Calhoun's, of instituting art espoin- too, shall have a finger in the pie; for I on the line of the procession and many priated ; but Serene Highness, withoutthe ag over the mails. We shall expect, understood that the Ke v. 11. R. Gurley. the of the stores and private dwellincs were word most, in not appropriated; and I alsp, now, to hear them give vent to a champion of colonization. Had arrived at suitably decked with the insignia of mour- think it will be proper that our President virtuous horror that the "Era" hasendors- Monrovia before we left, as an agent from ning, and the belis gave out their solemn should be known by the title of Hit Serene ed (for, of course, it is highly gratified at our government, and that he was most notes, broken in upon only by the subdued Highness, the President of the United the "Standard 's" "admission the position favorably received. The Rev. Mr. Bas- peals of martial music. of States.1 This elicited an amicable lion- of their own organ ! troversy, wbicn continued for some time. Madison and hi$ colleagues opposing and McKean maintaining the propriety; of conferring the title he had proposed? on rresident Washington. . A Beautiful JleJlrcctioii.T cannot belle ro that .earth is I ma n't abf ding place. lLraajaot be that our life is cast upon tho ocean of eter nity, to float a tnomeat upon its .wares, and then sink into nothingness! Else, how js it that the glorious aspirations which leap liie angles from the temple of our heart, are forer er wandeiing aboot unsatisfied? Why .is H that the rainbow ami clouds came prerus with a beauty that is not of earth & then pas ofTand lea re us to muse upon-their loveliness? Why is it that the stars which hold their festal around the midnight throne are yet above the grafp of our limited factulttes, (Wever mocking as with iheir unapprove habb- gUry! Ad finally, why is it that the bright forms of human beauty fire presented to our view and ibeu taken from jus, leaving the thousand streams of our afieclion to flow hack in Alpine torrents on our hearts.? Wo are born for a higher-destiny than that of earth. There is a realm where ihe rainbow never fades ; where ihe stars will be ppread out before us, like the iedand that slumbers in the ocean ! and where ihe beings that pass be. fore us like shadows will stay our presence forever? tian, lady and child, missionaries from our The procession moved from the Park There isa practical cbnurid rum Which country, arrived at Monrovia, in health, about 12 o'clock, and passed ihrouch the illustrates most admirably the condition about the middle of September. principal streets. Upon its return to the in which the "Standard" now finds ) itself, after having endeavored to fix the brand of indignation upon us. on account of the Although Congress thought proper to enfcomium above referred to: give no title to the President, other;than "Look a hea," said a Western negro to that which designated his office, common hii fellow laborer, "look a hea, d'you see seurado roads, which he hacjl visited pro 44 Dr. J. W. Prout, formerly of Balti- Park, prayer was offered by the Rev. Dr. more, who was much esteemed by the ue Witt, and an oration delivered by Mr. Liberians, and held a seat in their Senate, John Van Buren. was drowned on Monrovia bar, while re- The remains of the deceased officers turning from a vessel at anchor in Mes- were then conveyed to the Governor's usage since has familiarized the jpub- dat tall tree down dere V? fcssionally to attend the sick. He also room, in the City Hall, where they in state until Friday morning, when they-Avrre re lic ear to the application of '4His Excejlen- pies, Jim, I does." : held the office of register, which is now moved for interment. Those of General cy. If we cannot adhere to the original l4Wal, I got up dat tree 4fore to-morrow, filled by the renowned Col.; Hicks, from Worth were interred in Greenwood Ce- ir simplicity ot title which met with lavor tosae Dery top. lwas arte r a coon an in the first Congress there might be better when I'd chase 'em clear out to de todder taste shown perhaps in the selectiott of eehd ob de longest limb,: I heard sumfin some other title although there Is Mo drap. What you guess 'twas, Sam 1 need of any. But the term "His Excejlen- D'ye gib 'era up ? 4Tu4i dis foolish nig- cy does not distinguish the f residential gaj. i-yan i e-yan ! liKe lo oreaK my office above that of the Governor of a nech been limpin 'bout eber since V State. The term as applied to the jitter Rctleigh Register. - is of colonial descent and used to be; the i t' .'. - designation of the provisional Governors FURTHER INTERESTING 1NTELLI- tbe reason why so many; readers fail Kentucky." SUBLIMITY AND VARIETY OF THE I BIBLE. iThe true reason why some literary men disbelieve the Bible, is the one given by Dr. Johnson : 44 Because they are ignor ant of its contents." And the same may metery ; Col. Duncan's were taken to Cornwall, his native town; and those of Col. Gates were interred on Governor's Island. Nat. Int. unuer me oriusn crown, in our oiaie oi i nrMrt? t?dotvt T int?iiA ftrvlnnrl thpnhrftto i nlwave nArl ivnpn. i . ever the two Houses or either communi- Ane iev. wm. iviciain, 01 Washington cate with the Governor. , il M city, has received a letter from President Another objection to the use of the term Roberts, of Liberia, containing interest is to be found in the circumstance that it ins intelligence from Liberia : ALMOST A DUEL. The Boston Journal of Monday after noon has the following : A DUEL Not Quite. We learn from even to read this book divine. Mrs. wwuouw auuree m louuwmg parucu Ellis, in her " Poetry of Life," has well la relative to an affair which has caused ... some little excitement among the students sa- of Harvard University. It seems that a .. vit.i m r - with our established ideas ot beauty, young man named S t native of the denotes in Europe a grade of official; rank far from the highest ; so that when a for eign minister applies the designation to the President of the United States it is rignation. Some off very particular uport sunny bouth, who for some time past had been a member of the scientific school at Cambridge, was suspected of cheating, while playing at cards for amusement (?) This suspicion had become so universal among his associates who occasionally 44 took a hand" with him. that a member grace, pathos, and sublimity, either con centrated in the minutest point or extend 41 A few days ago I addressed you, via ed to the widest range, we can derive England, a short note, announcing the ar- from the Scriptures a kind oif gratification rival of the 4 Mum a' at Sinoe, and that not to be found in any other memorial of l' ; ; T I I 1 '! :i 1 - I .1 i . " Tl! . 1 a derogatory designation. Some of our T4T Bl aii.oeenanuean to pasi or present iime. rromme worm Pr.!rtnt wrJ Vor n.HnUr nnnrt tK; g?d health and fine spirits, and much de- that grovels in the dust, to the leviathan and would receive n6 communication from "f "e? eir new nome ana tne pros- ?n me loaming aeeppirom me mom mat of the Junior class, P. R., of this city, de loreien representat ves bearine thatliad-?r V'4 ...uwuvoa vv..- . w ,6(M",C!. T termmed upon playing a came or two dress. To the President of the United BS . iiieu, ne sei o people, juai ponn auo.e in cioups rom me with S mere, for lhe purpose of delect. u t..a. iuc. ucacii, tu tuC ing n,m in cheating, if such a thing could noe, wunin me snepneras 101a irom consum- w nnr.niA tw rtio mt - L .I T:i - i ' . . I i t .1 , I " , , t . . . . i nfi i .1 iipri 'i in rrpnorn I inur rna imii at i ncr ifiniici c mTnorvoTfiAtf-innTrkniiearwii . . v d fin tv of the oltice and to the renun ican- ... bv... .MU, ?.t - . and the came was commenced, it was ism of our People. The appropriatbness PjPIe we need' . 1 had a 80 the Vlesu nla,Lon? lhe rose of sl?R)n' to the ce: not long, however, before Mr. R., believ of this address would be impaired bv the J "S w purchase oiurand uar 01 ieoanon-irom the. clear crystal ing that he had accomplished his object. intrrulnrtinnnf tU n,r,nn nm of the ape wouni ana manna oy mis uovern- siream, gusning irom me inniy jock, 10 7ome.- It has been said of Americans, that they manifest less attachment to the place of their birth, and less regard for their friends of other days lhan any people in lhe civilized world. This we apprehend, is not their ru character; they leave their iri ends and ibeir homes, and cast themselves upon the tide of uncertain, and often unpropitious adverrture ; but not because the society of frKndi has be. come irksome, or the home of iheir chj'.d hood has lost the charms of iis pristine beauty ; no ! no ! deep, bitter, and abiding are lhe r. rows that entwine the heart of a dutiful sou. and the affectionate daughter, when, perhaps for the last time they look upon lhe form of. an aged mother whose years admonirh all, that ere long the cold hand of death will consign her to a resting place forever. Who 'that has ever beheld lhe streaming eyes of a fond and loving mother, who wjih stricken heart and heaving bosom, would clasp lhe hand of her de. parting child, and as the? last maternal office, point him to a faith which leads to a happy spirit land, who in lhe whole earth that has seen mis, can say mat an American does itoi love a home, and a friend. Thank heaven, tur countrymen are industrious, enrp.r prising nnd bold, though they are generally poor ; and their footsteps are directed for fortune, and for hon or. And the homes, and the friends that they love, are henceforth remembered in their flv sian dreams of pleasure, forever gone. lie who does not wander back in sweet recollec tion, and live again tte-sunny hours of times gone by, surrounded by friends who he never can forget as a "human icicle," and never en enjoyed the society of a true friend, or knew the care of a care of a father, and the love of a mo ther. Should any one ask me why home was the spot which above all others on earth wo cherish in undying memory. I would answer : because it is the place where we have felt iho smiles, and enjoyed the love of our mothers. President. Baltimore American. ment, and the hope of being able soon to the wide waters of the deluge from the extinguish the slave trade at Gallinas. I barren waste, to the fruitful vineyard, and have the satisfaction now to inform vou the land flowing with milk and honey "The Register has been trying! very that the slave trade at Gallinas is on its Urom the lonely path of the! wanderer, to hard of late to conceal its own position last lees, in consequence of the strict the Catherine of a michtv multitude upon the Wilmot Proviso by holding up blockade of that territory by the British, from the tear that falls in Secret, to the the Standard as conceding the right of squadron, and the rapid extension of our din of battle and the shout of triumphant uongress to aoousn slavery in tne lysines jurisdiction in that direction. The na- hosts trom the cottage to the throne of Columbia. As we supposed, it was a. Hives have determined to abandon the threw his cards upon the table, exclaim ing to Mr. S., "you ve cheated, and you know you have " or language to that ef fect. This occurred during the last week, and the day after, Mr. R. received a challenge from Mr. S. to meet him in mortal com- load. fe) tndrq than U5f)0 years auo, and which is umboldt still hopes will be discov .nw irk the East ! Ah enormous cerolile. which 'felj'eafly n tho: tenth century, projected an ell Utove elwaterjol the river Name. Humboldt Trdjsteven these enormous bodies as no Boreal hat)! principled fragments which were sctUetecr by the eiplosion when ihey descend ed, i A reference to (he investigation made by Dcaii jn; Olmstead, ol New Haven, Connecti. cut, bo'jthej ahovyers of shooting stars and fire llls, if November, 1B33, would be highly sat. isac'ory to those who desire an explanation me rib ruse of thci Register to divert public opinion from its own derelections by char ging on the Standard. If That the Editor of the "Newberjf Re publican is very much mistaken in sup posing that it was a "mere ruse of ours to hold up the fStandard" as conceding the right of Congress to abolish slavery in the District of Columbia, and that no qni else would have! placed such a construe tion upon the exitract, by which we speak, will abundantly; appear from the fallow ing, to which we invite -special and.unl versial attention : . M 3 n 3 3 3 J :: AN ADMISSION. 1 ' A -r ! v - :ii -I.i TAe Raleigh ;N. C.) Standard, a! Dem ocratic paper, in a (controversy. wih the indfcnfirmni;rtr4 f ti, nn,A rt. c ..k ! luUeigli liegisltr, (Whig) concerning the Phenomena. A further reference to Humboldt's 1 power of Congress over Slavery m the f Coim4,i wjl givo the reader, perhaps a satis j Territories of California and New Mexico, 1 feetortiiurMdatmn ftf the mvsteriea ronnerted I some time since made the following ad- A, -'. .' I - r I T J ft u these matter?, which could not even be inferred tb. in the limits of a hasty communica- loa Jim this, glvqn only in order to induce a accoum irom an sections in. wnicn mis !mostj eeriain Annual November display may "wijakc'ii place. The facts and instances ci Hre jchit flyom flumboldf. H,-; A. G. SUMMER. Rs.yKXHCHoV, Islington, Nov. 4, 1749. mission, from which it would appear that j it holds the same views of the constitution I al power of Corigress over slaveryn the District of Columbia, which are ienter- ; tained by the Free Soil party : j j i-i "In the first article and 8th section j of the Constitution it is declareil thati! Con- ttaffic in slaves, and the chiefs have ac tually delivered to Capt. Dunlop, of her Majesty's ship Alert, all ihe slaves that have been collected there for exportation, numbering several hundred, to be taken tp Sierra Leone. The foreign slavers have also taken advantage of Capt. Dunlop's kindness, and left the Gallinas in one of Her Majesty's vessels for Sierra ; Leone, paving promised Captain! Dunlop never again to return for the purpose of engag ing in the slave trade." j ; Mr. McLain, in a letter to the Intelli gencer, communicating this intelligence, says : I : The news of the arrival of the emi grants bv the Huma, and their crleat sat- isf action at their prospects there,' present a strong appeal to the friends of the col ored race to send in the means to enable us to colonize in December the company of about sixty from near Murfreesboro,' h N. C. Since my note Avhich appeared in your paper of yesterday Was written, I have received two hundred dollars more. Who will send us the remaining eighteen hundred." 1 The Decatur, at Portsmouth, N. H., brings intelligence from Monrovia, that President Roberts has' been" re-elected to bat, provided he could fight him in any Southern rit v. This challenge, ar.romna. from the mourner clad in sackcloth, to the uv snrK a nnn. Mr. n at nnee de. prance in his purple robes from the gnaw- cUned accepting. The next morning.just ings of the worm that dieth not, to the a(ter prayers. the parties met, Mr. S. be seraphic vision of the blessed from ing armed with a cowhide, and making the Still small voice, to tne thunders OI mft demonstration of violence towards Omnipotence from the depths of hell to the regions of eternal glory there is no degree of beauty or deformity, no. tenden cy to good or evil, no shade of darkness or gleam of light, that does not come within the cognizance of the Holy Scripture, and therefore there is no expression or con- Mr. R. The friends of both parlies in terfered, however, and prevented any personal violence being done at that time. Subsequent to this, the two students met in the University Book Store, each hap pening to be accompanied by their friends, the South being divided against the North. Assaying Metals. The assaying is the moil curious and scientific of all the business in the mint. The melters take the gold dust, melt it, and cast it into a bar, when il is weighed ac curately, and a piece is cut off for the assaycr. He takes it, melts it with twire its weight of lead. It is melted in small cups made of bone ashes, which absorb all the lead ; a large part of the silver is extracted by another process, and: lhe sample is then rolled out to a thin shaving, coiled up, and put into a sort of glass vial pall ed a matrass, with some nitric acid. The mat rasses are put in a furnace, and the acid t boil ed some time, poured off, a new supply put in, and boiled again. This is done several times " till the acid has extracted all the silver land other mineral substances, leaving the sample of pure gold. The sample is then weighed, and, by the difference between the weight be fore assaying and after, the true value is found. All the silver over and above five penny weights for each lot, is paid for by the mint at its true value. The gold, after it ha" been assayed, is melted, re6ned, and being mixed with due pro portion of alloy, is drawn into long strips, not unlike an iron hoop for a cask,) the round pie ces cut out with a sort of punch, each pieco weighed is brought to right size, and put into a stamping press, whnce il comes forth a 'per fect coin. Sci. Amcr. ception of the mind, that may not here A(.ftr altercation. S. drew a Distol. find a corresponding picture -, no thirst for TtlAmnir if vou nut vour hands on me. excellence that may not meet with its full y blow your brains out." No blood was or supply ; and no condition of humanity ex cluded from the unlimited scope of adap tation and sympathy, comprehended in the language and spirit of the Ejible." 'Singular freak of Electric Fluid. Du ring the thunder storm on Thursday last, shed, and the parties soon separated. The threat of Mr. S. reaching the ears of the faculty, he was promptly informed that inasmuch as he had violated the laws of the commonwealth, he would, if be did not leave Cambridge forthwith, be handed over to the civil authorities. Mr. S.. doubt' feed store, by Messrs. Snyder and Co. near valor, immediately took up with the ad- lock No. 12, at East Schuylkill Haven. TJbe fluid struck the roof, passed down the front of the building, and separating, de scended on either side of the front door, through which it entered into the store, where Mr. Francis Benseman and Mr. Snyder were standing. It struck Mr. Sny der on the shoulder, completely stripping J (Title for the livsidcnt.From the re cently :riubli$hed biography of Rev. Dr. AihbellO reen, who dird not long since at gress shall "excteisc exclusive legislation in the station of chief magistrate of the Li- ; thp ciothes from that portion of his person, all Cases ichatsaev-cr over the District i 0i ; r "T.. , "i1 w.v.., Columbia. Here is a grant of "exclusive and supreme power. Why was ntt the same language! used in relation ; to the Territories ? Why, if as the Register de- liSMers ' or S4 Mr. ?!8 Verv ahvaneed arre- we take the follow. i .i ' . . i , i i -ri ' "T . . 7 ciarpsf-"ine rignt oi aosoiuie anu uuiiin vuu;i rriuiiriir iu nn iiurrrsuiiK iiini- rbpoucarly history : iAt-the period wc contemplate, I made i,rH0I,a company, in which a conver- op took place, the report of which I jnu Avill receive with some interest. Jr1 fYrn.Shipen. the first professor, and nn aiminnni Ann in t ri rv msili aci! i aA iei t V Ponncft ifnnia V l I y v. L ll t I Oil j M IIU I 111 1 M his vv fcia lailv of Virginia. It ;?sfMuppoS;, in consequence of this, that iFH Viriinia delegation to the first vgrcs arrived in Philadelnhin.on their L'J .L . ... .. I" ' . York, he invited some of the of i that dclecation. or nerhans polcvofjjbcm, to a dinner at bis own I retrifmber the names of Madison. .and Lie.' and I think there was one mqrc Chief Justice McKeanaf- dl Gdiernor of Pennsylvania, and 'Vm. Hi AorVinm iiKstpmintltr n morn. l'c Utf ted States Senate, were like invited. Member of guests, and as the doctor was tny congregation, he also . la - 4 " m . 4 " lieu legislation over the territories was intended to be delegated, did not the , framers of the Constitution say so, just as they had said in relation to the District of Colombia ?" j u It is a little remarkable that the free Democracy should be sustained pn its view of the power of Congress over ; the Territories by Whigs of the: South, and of the power of Congress over Slave ry in the District of Columbia, by lead ing Democrats of the South. The ppsitibn of the Standard is the same as that which was taken many years ago by the Hon. Richard M. Johnson. ; i i : Let all Creation listen ! The foregoing is taken from the "National Era," thecen tral national organ and mouthpeice of the Free Stnl partui published at Washington City ! I What says the "Standard" to that I What says the Republican" about that "ru5c" of ours, now ? It seems that the Free Soil organ places precisely the same construction upon thc"Standaru'sw1irticle was no choice by the people, and the se lection, therefore, rriust be made by Con gress. Mr. Warner, the Secretary ? of State, would, it was thought, be chosen. The republic has a snug manof-war schooner, carrying a nqat little battery, with the. word " Liberia" on each 'gun, all which was a present from the British go vernment. She was absent on a cruise with General Lewis, the Secretary of the Treasury, who was visiting the national trading establishment along the Libertan shore, which constitute the main depen dence of the republic for revenue. They have a judicious tana, but have not yet perfected all the necessary arrangements for the collection of duties on imports. An officer of the Decatur, just arrived from the coast of Africa, has written a letter to the Boston Post, in which he gives the following account of the republic of Liberia : M 1 44 The republic seems to be in a flour vice of the faculty. at present. So the matter rests Perpetual Motion. We bad lhe pleasure a. few days since, of examining the Machine re cently invented by our friend and townsman Mr. C. r. Richter. We have never beeu convinced of lhe practicability of the arduous attention paid to this object; by Mr. and have numbered ourselves among the incredu lous, until we examined the wheel, and saw in motion. Now we are convinced, and tbo ibis notice may excite ia others the same in credulity before entertained by ourselves, Sure, ly no reasonable man who witnesses its evolu lious, can doubt for a moment, that it is a pow. wheel. Its construction js so or ironnrtlinrr a Doit sirucK tne ouuaing occupieu as a less thihKir.g discretion me Deuer pan oi r 0:mrjw nnit ,.a w,nl. mAVmpnt .o n!-i,ii iht The Boston Transcript states that on Friday last a lady in that city received the following letter, containing the sum of 859 : 44 1 herein enclose the amount of a sum the most skeptical tbservcr is at once con vinced that lhe propelling force of the wheel is entirely of and in itself. Of the construction of the wheel we are now not at liberty to speak. The principle is similar to that on which Mr. " R. was engaged one year ago ; a noiice of ' which appeared in this paper. Of the utility of this machine in its present infantine state we are not very sanguine. That it involves a . . a 1 I. . principle, in which, when developed and per- passed down his side, across! his abdomen, through his pantaloons pockjet, where was some silver change, thence down his leg and put through a very considerable bole which it-burned in the bottoim of his boot, arid disappeared through the floor. Mr. Snyder was stricken down Senseless and apparently dead, in which condition he remained until some of the neighbors car ried him out into the rain, which in a few minutes caused him to revive : he contin ues, however, in a very weak and preca rious condition. ! !Mr. Benseman was also stricken down senseless, but revived very soon, and creep ing to the door, opened it, making his way into the open air, so confuted, however, by the violence of the shock, as to be un conscious whither he wenj. His right side was considerably paralysed, and re mained so up to the time we last heard from him. of money which 1 dishonestly took Irom tected, may be succes.iullv used as a motive por your former husband several years ago", l er, we cannot doubt, ihechcrisbed theory of sago 1 have been on the sea many years, anu about six months ago I was in great dan ger of going to the bottom, when all my sins stared at me, and I resolved to re pent if God spared my life. When I came ashore I found your husband was dead. I have searched for you and am thankful to find where you lived. I hope you will fergive me as I think God has. The way of the transgressor is hard. - mTbe Penitent Thief." philosophers to lhe contrary riot withstanding. The public will soon have an oppoitunity of witnessing this proud achievement of genius, and we fojbear lurther comments at present; "Seeing is lelieving,T and wc hope the in. credulous any avail themselves of a view of this invention, before denouncing il as a philo sophical absurdity. Mad. Vis. Queen2 Victoria. A pretty compliment was paid to Victoria at the celebration of the Atheneum at Manchester three weeks since, by the presiding officer, who said : On all occasions she has consulted the welfare of her people ; nor is she less ad mirable in her private life. Her private life is remarkable ; she is a good wife and The building was shattered from the j a good mother. Her expense has never roof to its foundation, and it seems really ' exceeded her income, more than that she miraculous that the inmates were not in- has paid, and is still paying the debts of condition, considering that it is rieo- j stantly killed. They represent that at the her father without asking for any assist- nled lmnt ntirr.1 hv tUvee who have instant of the shock thev felt as if thrown ance from the nation. Moreover, sue uaa been liberated in our southern States. .; It j into a heated furnace, and the smell of insisted upon paying the income tax, an s, ; sulphur was utterly overpowering. j thus contributing to the expense oi in ishinc Another warniug to the Iatbriate. man h the name of John Titman Was run over on the morning of the 20th instant, before day, on the Wilmington and Raleign Railroad, Edgccomb county, and instantly killed. He-was lying on the track in a state of intoxicationr arid the Engineer was not aware of any thing of the kind until be arrived at the break fast house, when he discovered a part of the man's clothes on the cow hooks. : h as a li be ra 1 c onst i t u t i o n , wholesome laws, sulph jtwo newspapers, churches of various dc- Pottsvillc Pa ) Press. ! state. The toicnrf Wilmington, always ahead of the balance of the State in public spir it, has appointed 20 delegates to the Inter nal Improvement Convention to be held at Greensborough on the 20lh instant; and i ami voted the .sum of 200 dollars for dcv- c I fraying their expenses. That is the way I to do the thing. i i -' 1 1 -. t ; S 1 ' -t.1 M i! 1 T ; , i 1 ! ... j : s i -. : r ii :5. 1 " I f.'.'i i ; 3 i

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