1 1 if i I t IV. 4 r. i. ba , 4. it 1 : bin .' Ati.i ttni.n in lliai rflVct. In OUT? ipceihes before his constituents in pn- otir 'HORRID SUICIDE. OnStU hicht of the ilth instant, be ;tNVCCiB nd 9 o'clock, there came nicer- tain " . . . m . t t . ! i U , ..r t. I 111 ILt-Iliaoi t ' tt.Wtnnitftthp house of J-onn J. miner, IlarriSpnJ IO mc nousc . t .It- 1 i ... krtl,t four miles West 'in Roivan county, nbout lour miles wesi , Vf VpiU-Uill. w,slcu vi j hichii Tfie writer of this article. being j it ft trr.8.d bin,, (.h raqbhvUn ier the influence of spiritous .li- ; qtiomjaria learned that ne was nu , letCU, and hau-a itvrn uj . 1 1 " i i;.im(T rrif rcr unit tad'came.tp uoiu m - I I I 11.11 Aft KiMI I L 1111 V w v. w . ..Ai l til .. a,tr.fl whv ne u-ii uoiu since: .no mop"""'- ..i i nosatiafactorv renlv. ' on '.'" 'tT .Tr . ,? ", uinff n.1r 1 of HW ev.Jcntly laboring under affec- , ' tionsfof delirium tremens. At half past j UUl tuuiu t' ' illf .linn. rpiyUt(d that someone of the family . sjj0UjJ sleep yith htm. Somrytime after , . . f ;'C1 UIT'B" ...... ... i thp boUS tnI talking to himself all ihe j fimel iAftci- Some jitne he went to bed v f i 5? i 1 i -i . .mi .i ! i i riiH"t f,C", , a,bUUla hSht' ! whrn ho got tjp, and talked a great deal ' i VL Ln;rifr n! tlio thront tt r.nTH nnf SndcrstopdJ his articulation being very 1 T.r Jif .t . i r I . IrM it net, He. then-wanted a razor for t(Js4ave, btit hat being denied him, he ''irp'rJt to breakfast, and vvJiilst seated at iheiaMc, he lasM Mr. John J. Miller ! fe.l. b..:r.. Mr M;tt M. I MDfliiiui j I pUcll tic had. HO then requested to see the t 'LiViipti MrJ tillpr hnniifd In him t knd as. Soon as handed to him he put it in j his packet, and banded Mr. Miller a half 'Aalai. Mr, Miller relusinc to take it. he : t&rtjvv it on lhc stable, got up, walked into . tbe.piWlor, lighted his pipe, and walked : ot ajout fifty yards from the house, and behind a pg sty. Ihcnir with which t&is was uone, was noi caicuiaicu sen- rearce, and i. Anderson, i l ne next in (Josly 'to arouse Mr, Miller's fears as to crease of membership for the year is a- -A i ' .-if. I ' i ... .1 ! thO OPJCOl nenau in View ; anu supposing that he had retired to the place to com-j with' a, dall of nature, and that he 'tvoulu sdoni return, Mr. M. did not follow hiHM pome minutes after, a struggling. jroa ling hpise was heard in that direc tion iy. sortie children about the house. j Mr. filler jivjis told of it, and in company iwitli ihjCjCljildren, went up to the place juhfjre Harrison was last seen to go. .There they! found him, on his knees and r ; hands, with, a most frightful cut on his Hhioat bleeding profusely the knife still ;lm right, liuwK The alarm was imme t P A i it diately given to the neighborhood, but be- f fores-assistance arrived the man had ex- pited. ' ? The Coroier of the County having been nplljled of jthc ahove case, an Inquest was he(S 'on the body of the deceased yester j day evening, which resulted in thu return i of a4 verdijqt according with the facts as j stated iri the foregoing artichr. The pock His anjl clothing of tins man being exam pncd.by the Jury, two silver half dollars, and a small piece of tobacco, was all that .'. could be iound. CXURYIXG WATER UPHILL. Parsing from dinner to the Oflicc yes . Unity," wc were bailed by a rd-faced man on horse back, with large - whiskers, and, an air of dignity suflicient for a Judgfj, when the following dialogue took place; : '. , ; : l;JiK)ok here stranger, don't you want viler b'rolight into your yard. I can do it for ypu. , Well sir,, how can you do it, and how Can you bring if. By .means of a wheel, post, buckets ani!wire arid bring it any dislancc up biiyrpm a spring. iNbtJiavinir a shrinir near, we informed bU!customcr so, wlien he immediately .'it.,. asked us the distance to Wadesborough, Wl concluded by saying, rWell stronger, donl "you xvr.nt to 'buy . . , .. something to cure ihe tooth achcC ' No use for such an article." .Well, don't you Wish to purchaser Hip Without lye or I : icccipt to. make soap frcHfle. A iiiot . , . i t. A that u W the stranger good bye, Intf informed him that a gentleman across 1 1 t m aft by street raiirht nrobablv Cmnlov hirn to Mbe! water ur Irill. lie immediatelv rodei pflrjaying I will bring it up for him for : , . ' " pvcnty.fi ve, dollars. t, . pirgt pjsrs. MtG. S. Hrow.v, of this iP.vj. slaughtered two" pigs on yesterday. tWO YQars old, one of which weighed 520 lbS. Cross ilftfi ntt Thf othpr r10 lhs f grojs 150 nett. Pretty respectable pigs. A HAD MOVE. (We recret to nerceive that some of the mh Carolina papers arc urging that the uthfrn Convention proposed to be held ! fAnuL 1 . , , . .r-,uu rf''ncy. ami navo suggested , .- ..q,B pi iur. vyainoun in connection I P he nomination. 4 hope this pro j Jruon will be frowned down at once ; t iMuvcuiriu viu give mt; vuuvrii- tlnt Par,5an chararcter, and prevent uiiiuus 1 nciiuti tieceasiirv to me Unment 'of the paramount object f ttoU body. TflfgraplwJ t-4t tbe UuirlesU Ctirtff:. Baltimore, Dei. 7, , LATE FROM CALIF0RNIA. The steamship Crescent City has arrived a New York from Chagres. She brings n mill ion of dollars worth of gold, in addition 16 which thre is 400,000 dollars worth f00 Ll,nai(r in nnssencers. She has 160 past i o w- . , n .anrrara . . sickness now nrei it is stateu mat win . .i , rslifnrnia. A constitution for tha vailing in Caliiornia. , . . 5? ' i i " e adGp,ed, and the provisions pro! mulgated, the papers j'uuiiauiug ue umai iuu ceediiig?. I H u P urof u. New Orleans, Dep. 6. The steam ship Alabama, has arrived at this port in six days from Chagres, and brings ninej ty passengers. The California dates by her are to the 1st of November. She reports that llie stpam shin California arrived at Panama. the 22d November, with a million and a na If i-i.'ii I . . aV. gold dust. The accounts from of a favorable character. . The political news is interesting. iiviii iu llliuva S! : h 1 political news is interesting. The Con stitution was to have been proposed to the pe.o pie (or adoption onlhe 15lh November, and on the same day a Governor and two members 0f e!nnTrS9 wpi-p tn hnvp. hpen " - ' -.-w , jer iving, wno, u issiaien, nas resigneu nis seal as Representative in Congress from (eorgii, "n ,he prominent candidate (or the U. SlSenatte from the new State of California. The steam ship Jalcon having the-Cifolrn a mai on left Cha2res on the 2Stb, and is ArriAPtAr Uro In liv 1 Orleans Market. On ( Wednesday, CS,. 500 bales of Cotton were sold, and full prices j: - , . ,r ' I 1 Mew Orleans, Dec. !. Cotton. On Thursday; 10,000 bales werfe d,taken principally fW Europe and thi NortJ, a! very steady prices, Middling, at 10 tojlOj; air, 11. Molasses, prime brings 20Jc, N. CAROLINA CONFERENCE. The North Carolina AnnurConference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Sout h, I ; met in OxforcL Granv l e countvJi N. C. on the 28th ultimo, Bishop Andrew pres is1' ding, and closed on the 3d instant; Four young men were admitted on th? al, 3 located, to wit: P. W. Archer, S. k . it , .rTr.. ' 11 . 1 ' bOUt OUU. ADOUl W,XVV Were COlieCtea for Missions. The followinc: are the appointments for the Salisbury District for the ensuing year : Salisbury District.r-Ytu. Carter, P. E. Mocksville John Tillit. Salisbury S. P. Ricaud. Greensboro' A. S. Andrews. Guilford John Rich, one to be supplied. Kandolpn- J. 11. llelseneck. Davidson Wm. M. Walsh. Iredell J. D. Lumsden. Surry J. M. Fulton. , Taylorsville J. W. Floyd. Wilkes Wm. O. Read. Jonesville-fD W Doub. Stokes Lemon Shell. i: James Jameison, Professor in Greens- j borough Female Qollege. Wm. J. Parks ThosJ S. Cassaday, a!nd Wm. Anderson, without appointment j in consequence of affliction. H. (X Leigh without appointment at his own? request. H. G. Leigh, P. Doub. R. J.' Carson, Wm. Closs, C. F. Deems, and D. B. Nich olson, Delegates to the General" Confer ence. Wm. Carter and S. D. Bumpass Reserve Delegates. , ! The next Conference is to be? held in Warrenton, Warren county, N. C. Wonders of the Telegraph. We were I present a few evenings ago says the INa tional Intelligencer at the Coast Survfey Astronomical Station, on Capitol H ill, which was put in telegraphic connexion with Cmcinnati, for the purpose Jof de er-s mining the longitude between tbo two! places. The electrical clocks in" tbis city; nnfl Cinrintiati havirtfr br.&n intrnd nr.p.A j into the completed circuit.erery fecfrtat (iin-j cinnati was recorded at almost the same Jnstant oil Saxon's revolving cylinder in this city, and every beat of the clock tjere; Was recorded in like manner upon Mi ch ell's revolving plate at Cincinnati. At the. moment a star passed the meridian at Washington, by the touch of a key the the1 the i record of the passage was made upon disk at Cincinnati, as well as rupon ' ""'' ,he Washington station, i the difference of the time off the ana wd clocks would of course indicate ilic diBer ence of loniritude. 1 his distance between the two Cities, it must he recollected, iS ;1 upwards of five hundred miles! jhisjdis- ' tance was annihilated, and events hap pening at once were instantly! recorded au?omatic machincrv at the bthejr.- T)e interchange of star signal was feoon 7 . " lnta'nA krtWr-hv th- inipi-vPirth of a cloud 'at Cincinnati, andiH.ftremairr . der of the evening was occupied by the gentlemen present in a philosophical dis cussion on the subject of the Velocity i the transmission of electricity. We wfe never mpre impressed with the power of the telesrraph to annihilate space, an.d bring into instant "mental communication individuals separated by hundreds miles. ATROCIOUS NDER. Inn Tlnn n vnnn(T man nf vprv ! character, was shot at his house in South ; Creek district in this county, a few days since, by Moses Ernal. of Craven CoUnty. The wife of Roe, to whom he I had been . maned about ten months, wa$waked k bout three o'clock in the morning by ia noise at the door. She got up. open - ! thedoorj and the moon shining Very bright. i saw Ernal holding a handkerchiefs over bis face!; but in attempting to tlode .,.t .f Waim-o l ids konVl rnnnd ti nnrnnnnf th hfttii fi thf hnnVl. hercllief, fell, and she SaW bis. face and a t -. . a a t ? ' I ? 1 i knew htm. She then called- her husband who in a few minutes afterwards was j strot nt through & hole between the logs j ojf the house, one bullet and five buckshot ; entering his breast. Ernal has been ar j rested and is now in jail. We learn that there is no hope ofjtoets recovery ; ,and tjiat the alarm of his wife was so great, fljnd such her situation, she being abouUo tjecome a mother, that her life is dispaired of. ; . '!. This is the third attempt, we learn, that has been made to take his life since his marriage, and that he received an anony mous letter threatening to kill him in case Hcshould marry as he did. His'wife is a siister of Ernal's wife. North State Whir. ALABAMA SENATORS. We have already recorded the election of the Hons. W. R. King and Jere Clem- mens, as Senators from Alabama the tatter being a Taylor Democrat. In connection with this election, the Journal notices the fact that three or four Vhigs representing democratici counties voted for democratic candidates; thuscar rying out the wishes of their constituents, while nine or ten democrats representing strong Whig counties voted exclusively lor democratic candidates. Such is dem bcracy every where. While professing jto represent the will of the people, they n V ftfl ah 1 V fl ISrPffJ ffl It Whpn if AnHiMo with party discipline-4RacrA Register. r : DCPThe Supreme Court of the United jStates met in Washington, on Monday the 3d inst. i For the Watchman. Messrs. Editors : As some surprise has been ex pressed at the lowness of my estimate for the extension of the Central Rail Road west to the Tennessee line, I send you a detailed estimate upon which; I based my rop'mon From Sali8bury to a PiBt Ca tawba River, near Island Ford, thirty! miles, grading and brdiging,;at 6000' per mile, 180,000 00 Eight miles grading from ridgej to Valleyi of Catawba, at $8000 per mile, j i 64,000 00 I Sixty-one miles of Catawba Valley to foot; of the Blue Ridge, at 3000 per mile,! 183,000 00 Seventeen miles for the ascent of the Blue Ridge, and descent to Swananoc Valley, at 10,000 Sixty-six miles of Valley of Swananoe and French Broad, at $300j!L Tunnell through the Blue Ridge, five thousand feet long, total cost, , Bridges over the Catawba, 170,000 00 198,000 00 160,000 00 40,000 00 Total cost of Grading and Bridging, 995,000 00 182 miles of superstructure, with rail 52 lbs. to yard, at 5000 910,000 00 As follows, 80 tons rails at 50 4000 1760 cross ties, 20 cts. 352 Chains and pikes, 98 Laying, ?J 550 .. $5000 Total cost of Track and Grading, $1,905,000 00 Eight per cent for equipment of super- intendence, 1 152,400 00 Total cost, 1 $2,057,400 00 The route here chosen is entirely gratuitous, and I have no doubt but that the eitimates j will be reduced after a proper survey and choice of route,. but ifHhey are increased another $500,000, surely a trade for which Virginia is spending five op six millions is worthy of this amount. g ' Virginia is expending 400 thousand for the passage of the Blue. Ridge alone, and; Pennsylvania expended one million and a third for the same purpose. I under-, stand that the Buncombe Turnpike which passes down the French Broad cost but $500 perrnile ; my estimate for the Rail Road over the same grouiid is $3000 for grading, while the Turnpike is eight feet wider than the Rail Road. In the passage of the Blue Ridge, seven teen miles are estimated at ten thousand per mile the Alleghany Rail Road in Pennsylvania which passes over pretty much the same ground- built in the most perma nent manner with bridges" of stone, and twenty-eight feet wide, cost 13000 per mil to grade. Your ob't serv't, S. MQYLAN FOX. Davidson College. Messrs. Editors: It may be a matter of interest to you, as well as to your intelligent readers, to know that the Convention to be holden at Davidson College, and which was published in ydur paper for several weeks, has taken place ; and that William H. Foote, D. D-, ofVirginia, was elected to the Professorship, of Moral and Mental Science, in that College. The interest manifested on the morning of the Convention indicated a determination that a work f importance was to be done, for there was an unusual promptness in the at tendance of the friends of tho Institution. When the roll was made out,; there was found to be forty-nine members entitled to the deliberations of the body. On motion of the Rev.' Cyrus Johnston, Rev. R. H. Morri : son was called to the Chair, and Rev. William Banks, was chosen Secretary. Nominations were then called for. The names of the following' gentlemen were j brought before the Convention, viz : Dr.. Yeomans, of j Pennsylvania, Dr. Foote,; of jVirginia, Mr. Engles, of : -neraw, who kno" ld do wa8tobe . Cheraw, S. C, and Dr. Colion, of : Fayetteville. All who know these gentlemen, Will see that either of them honor to, any College or any : station, only one chosen, however, i After considerable discus? s,on' ,n wb,ch e claims of each pjie was presented - ': d and freely, the vefltion procejsdcd J' wnicn resii iita in no eieciion unin me nun or oai- loting. Dr. Foote was then announced by the Chair as being elected, having received thirty; votes out of forty? eight. At which announcement there was a general satisfaction expressed in the bright countenances of the whole Convention, and especially by the students of the College, whose iaterest in the proceedings of the Con- ' vention was intense, for as soon as the election was of made known, their approbation was signified by a gen tie clapping, which run through their ranks. It was then moved by some member, that the Con vention ballot again, and endeavor to give a unanimous vote to the Professor elect. This vote resulted in forty- x for Dr. Foote, and three voted blank. si , . 1 j t . ,u office, or at L-o . Kobard s Hotel, when not rroiession- I have seldom seen greater zeal manifested for the "j"-! UI j I prosperity of Davidson College, and never saw a better' 7 Dec." 11th, 1849 ! spirit pervade any body of men than characterized that ' . -' J j body, where men-their claims and purifications were STANDARD WEIGHTS &.0- discussed Take all together the aniount of talent The undersigned having bn appointed Keeper of the collected-the number hi attendance-the spirit that ; Public Weights and Measures for Rowan County, es .i . tl Uww iK ,U. in ' tabl.shed by Act of the Legislature, holds himself ready pervaueu me w)uvCuiiyu, ' he election of Dr. Footed augers wejl for the cause ucation in Western Carolina. Bo the Convention finigWa m work jn the midst of maity good wishes . ' :.. . ., j .. j j a.. .ti rv. j v-.ii - tV.a ctwmW rival of the Professor elect, and many congratulations . . . ; - . ' at the speedy and happy close of the;Convemion 'Yours truly, A MEMBER. " A btbe in a house is HEwTa kell-sprin of pleasure, a raes8enger of peace and lpve ; Yet it is a talent of tru6t, a loan to be rendered back with ; interest." j Tupper. . . : f BORN, Dec. 2 A daughter to W J, Plummer, Town. " i 3 A daughter to Peter Monroe, County. In this Town on Friday the 7th inst., PLEASANT, infant; son of Dr. Pleasant Hdnderaon, aged four years lacking one month, and the only remaining child of bis parents.. j It is for affection to chronicle the sayings and deeds of moist children, and to that record they may generally be committed with most propriety. The world has lit tle interest generally in a child of this aze, and vet this community knew this little boy, and took a deep and ! "eiy gmeresi in nis iaie. Au jearly developement of in telligence, personal strength atid action, added to a lovely and honest little face, failed nt to awake in the many who nfere about him admiration and love. The painful character of the disease, (strangulation from croup,) and its tefVible vicissitudes for several days, kept our vicini ty in a state of anxious excitement ; and when at last the news went forth that " little Pleasant was dead," it produced a sad depression of feeling amongst us. A 1 pause or a sigh in the busy world is a rare tribute for one so young, but his memory has now the tribute of many tears and lasting sorrow. ISo bitter tears for theej be shed, ; Blossom of being! seen and gone; With flowers alone weistrew thy bed, Oh blest departed one ; Whose all of life, a rosy ray, Blushed into dawn, ana passed away. Thou wer't so like a form of light That heaven benignly called thee hence, 'Ere yet the world could breathe one blight , O'er thy sweet innocence. And thou, that brighteij home to bless,: Art passed, with all thy loveliness. THE MARKETS. Salisbury, Dec 13. Bacon 6 ; Brandy; 40 50 : Butter 10 ; Beeswax 15 ; Coti, 1 9 10 ; Cotton Yarn (a) 80; Coffee (3) 12J; Corn 25 (2) 30; Feathers 25; Flour per bbl. 4J (S 5 ; Iron 2 J 4 ; Linseed Oil 75 (a) (HP; Nails 5$ (S 6 ; Oats 1$ 15 ; Irish Potatoes 40 ; Sweet do. 30 ; Sugar, (brown) 6 (S 8 ; Loa' 10 11 ; Salt, (sack) 2 (S) 2J; Tallow 10 (S 12 : Wheat u , m umKey (a) ov. f, - Fa YETTEvtLLE, Xov. 27. Brandy, peach , 75 (3) 85: Ditto, apple, 50 55 : Beeawbx18 : Bacon 5$ (S) 64 : Cotton 9 Corn 40 4S; Cotfee 1 1 12 J : Flour 4J 5 : Feathers 28 30 : Flaxseed 1 1 15: Iron, Swedes, 5 6: do. English 3. 4: Lard 6$ 7$ : Leather, sole, 20 : Molasses j5 23 : Nails, cut, 5: Oats,2530 : Sugar, brown, 6 9: do. loaf, 11 12J : Salt, sack, 1 50 1 75 : Tallow, 10 : Wheat 75 80 : Whiskey 35 36. j CherAw, Dec. 11. Bacon per lb. 7 7 : Butler 15 20 LDeeswax 18 20 : Coffee 11 12J : Cotton 9 10i Corn 40 45: Eggs 10 12$: Flour 5 5i : Feathers 25 32 : Iron 5 6$ : Lard 7 8 : Leather (sole) IS 22 : Molasses 35 40 : do. Cu ba 33 37$: Nails, cut, 6 6i : Rice 41 54 : Sugar, brown, 7 10 : do. Ldaf, 12J 15 : Salt, Li verpool, 1 62$ 1 75. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE! NEGRO HIRING, &C. TIHE undersigned having been duly appointed Ad ' ministrator of the Estate of Richard Locke, de ceased, will expose to public sale, on the premises, on Friday and Saturday, the 4th :and 5th days of January, next, a large amount of - PERSONAL PROPERTY 5 consisting in part of from 2000 TO 3000 BUSHELS OF CORN, 1 f' a large quantity of Wheat, Oats, Hay, Fodder, &.c. Also, a large lot of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, ccc. Nine months credit will bejgiven. A part of the lands of the deceased will be rented out for one year, at the same time and place. The undersigned will hire put for one year on the first day of January, next, at the Court-House in Salis bury, twenty-five or thirty likely Negroes belonging said estate. THOS. T. LOCKE, Adm'r. December 8, 1849. 4i32 .ADMINISTRATOR'S HAVING taken out Special Letters of Administra tion on the Estate of John F. Locke, deceased. I will proceed to sell at public sale, on theJ28th day of December, instant, all the perishable property belonging to said Estate, consisting of from 1500 TO 2000 BUSHELS OF CORN, aboqt 300 bushels of Wheat,1 Oats, Hay, Fodder, etc. Also nine head of Mules, five Horses., 20 head of Cat tle and Sheep. Also, a lot of about Thirty Fattened Hogs, and a great variety of other articles not necessary to be mentioned. J I will also hire all the Negroes belonging to the Es tate, from the day of sale, until the 27th day of Febru- fary, 1850. On Friday 28th and Saturday 29th, sale at the late residence of the deceased, anjl on Monday following at the Poston Plantation. Terms nine months credit. JAMES B. GIBSON, Adm'r. December, 8, 1849. 3t32 TAKE NOTICE! THE public is hereby notified against trading for any notes drawn payable to me at the Salisbury Shop, and also, for a Due Bill given by H. A. Mow bray, payable to A. B. Pace for Forty Dollars, cents not recollected, in a temporary settlement with the said A. B. Pace, by H. A. Mowbray. ; i W. H. MOWBRAY. Statesville, Dec. 12, 1849 3t32 NOTICE. WILL be hired on the ftrst day of January, 1850 for the term of twelve months, to the highest bidder, at the late residence of David Correll, dee'd., FIVE LIKELY NEGROES, two men and three women.) Also at the same time and place, will be rented for; the same term of time the Grist and Saw Mills. Terms made known on that day. D. H. BR ADS II AW, Ex'r. Nov. 28, 1849 4w3l j T JUST RECErwHLV Sacks Liverpool Salt, jidjJ 43 boxes superior Cheese, 4 baVrels Train Oil, 1 " Sperm do. 1 " Coach Varnish, 1 Tierce prime Rice, 40 boxes Window Glass, assorted sizes, 400 lbs. Putty Rio Coffee, Sugar and Molasses. j M. BROWN Sl SON. Dec. Cth, 1849. i DR. A. F. MALLETT, T ENDERS his Professional services to the Citizens of Salisbury and the surrouuding country . He may be found at present, at Dr. Summerell's " ! to stamp and correct measures add weights ot every de- ot 8crjp,ion There being a heavy fine imposed upon all usinz weights and measures unsraiea. u wm or io me . .. i , j:. ...rn ,L. for j advantage of aU concerned; to pay strict attention to this - I notice. A. J. BROWN. ar. i notice Shirts ! Shirts ! ! Shirts ! ! ! LOT of gentleman's fine shirts, something super or, juM received and for sale by J. II. EXXISS. BOOKS ! BOOKS !! MORE NEW j WE are now r pen in g in adJition to oor former 6ap- I w rlr . . . .. . . r.L r i" I . i. c rui firviv ftriQtai intr in nnn ni in i it . i i lowing : j, ..a.a,,..B ... . Irving1 WarJcs, compete. Lives of the Presidents, Sears Works, . Shakespear, in 2 vols. Byron, Wood's Practice, Albums, assorted. Annuals for 1850J" Waterhf Xovels, Macauly's Miscellanies. Lives of Signers of Declaration, Uphain's Philosophy, John Q. Adams' Life, Tuppers Poetical Works, Confession of Faith, Bibles family and pocket. Episcopal Prayer Books fine gilt. Dec. C, 1849. (31) M. BROWN if SON. Bound for California. i THE Subscriber begs leave most re-pectfulSy to re turn his thanks to his frienJs and the public gen erally for the very liberal encouragement heretofore be stowed upon him.anJ humbly asks a continuance of the same. He has now on hanJ. and will continue to keep, Boots, of all qualities, and his stock of Shoes is large, and consists of every quality and pattern of both Ladies' and Misses, Men's and lioys ; together with as good a stock of ISro Sliocs as was ever offered in this market. REPAIRING done at short notice and at moderate prices. A call is solicited from all persons wanting shoes, assuring them that no effort shall be spared on our part lo give entire fatisfaction. As we are anxious to close our old accounts, those indebted are earnestly invited to call and settle them with money, if possible, or by note, as our old books must be closed by the first of January, 1850. JEREMIAH BARRINGER. Dec. 6th, 1849. (31) By Jacob Leflek. BEUNA VISTA FACTORY Cotton Yarns. THE SUBSCRIBER has mnde arrangements with th Proprietors of the " Beuna Vista Factory," by which he is enabled to furnish their Cotton Yarns at the lowest market rates, either at wholesale or retail. These Yarn3 need no recommendation as to their superiority with those who have used them. Those who have not, I would ask to give them a trial. E. MYERS. Salisbury, Dec. Cih, 1849. (31:tf) Superintendents of Common Schools. rXIHE Members of the Board of Superintendents of JL Common Schools for Rowan county, are hereby notified to attend a meeting of said Board to be held at j the Clerk's office in Salisbury, on Thursday the 3d. dny j of January, 1H50. At the November Court, (a'mnjority i of the Justices being present,) the following then were elected to compose the Board for next year, vrz: H.C. ! Jones, Hugh Parks, D. A. Davis, Isaac Ribelin, E. D. , Austin, Matthew H. Brandon, Solomon J. Peeler, Rev. Joseph A. Linn, Paul A. Seaford. The object of this meeting is to elect a Chairman, appoint the School Committee-Menor the several districts ; and apportion the School Fund amongst the districts. A full attend anccof the Board is required. A. W. BRANDON, Salisbury, Dec. 6, 1849. (31:4t) Chairman. James G. GilchrlsU George S. Cox. GILCHRIST &, COX, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, AND SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, WILL regularly attend the various Courts of But ler, Lowndes, Autauga, Dallas, and.ConecuIi counties, and the Supreme Court of the State. They will attend to all business entrusted to their charge, with promptness, and will use every effort to give entire satisfaction to their clients, and extend their practice. Particular attention will be given to the collection of claims. ICT Office at Hayneville, Lowndes county, Alabama. Nov. 4, 1849 31:tf Valuable Lands for Sale. BY virtue of a Decree of the Court of Equity, of Rowan county, I will expose to sale at WOOD GROVE, in said Coonty, on Monday the 28th day of January, 1850, Two Valuable Tracts ot Land, lormerly the property ot Abel Cowan, deceased, one known as the Thompson place, and the other as the Foster place. These lands lie in the richest section of Rowan coonty ; are well timbered and under a good state of cultivation. THESE TRACTS OF LA.D will be sold on a credit of one and two years, upon the purchaser giving note and good security for the pur chase money, and paying enough money to discharge the costs of the proceedings in Equitv. A. II. CALDWELL, c. m. e. Dec. 6, 1B49 31:ts $15 REWARD. RANAWAY from our camp, on Satur day morning, 10th instant, eight miles, below Charlotte, a mulatto negro fellow. named Kill, twenty or twenty-two years old, 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high. He was bought 'from Mr. Hiliek of Rowan county, and will probably attempt to get lo his I old neighborhood. We w ill give 15 Dollars to have said fellow lodged in Concord Jail, or any other Jai'. 'ha ' November 12, 1849 31 if VALUABLE GOLD M E0E, SALE! ENE BY virtue of a Decree of the Court of Equity, of! Rowan County, I will expose to sale on the pte- mises, on the 28ih day of December next, a 1 VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND, formerly the property of John W. Roeman, deceased, i lying on the waters of Dutch Buifuloe, in Rowan coun- j ty, containing ! 124 ACRES. This is one of the best Tracts of Land in the county, and is4n good repair, having on it an KXCLLLKNT DWELLING HOUSE, And all necessary Ont-Bnildliig. There has been discovered on this Tract a valuable VEIN OF GOLD, the Ore of which is slid to be worth from ten to fifteen dollars per tuhel. I'will sell the Tract in lots to suit purchasers. I will also sell at the same time a valuable NEGRO BOY, named Houell. Land to be sold on twelve months credit, and the Ne gro on six. A. H. CALDWELfr, C.M.E. Nov. 2G, 1349;4'30 Printers fee 86 ; Negroes! Negroes!! For Sale! BY virtue of a Decree of the Court of Equity. I will expose to sale at the Court House in the Town of Salisbury, on Tuesday the tiret day ot January, iou Sal.sbury.on lue.uay u.e ursi uuy o. January, , SEVENTEEN LIKELY NEGROES, belonging to the minor Heirs of the late Heorge Mc Connaughey. A credit of six months will be given, n.irehnoera crivinor ncrfe and Kecoritv with interest from r o o . ' the date. MICHAEL BROWN, Guardian. Nov. 26, 1849:5t30 WARRANTS FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE BELVOIR CLASSICAL SCHOOL. fFllIIS ScEool, 'which is now; in a more flroriIing A ronditios than it evrr vrt has been, bconiinoed on IQe irrni9 herrtolore publifthed, viz : . ..... b BOARD AND TUITION, IN THE rJDCTOIttB own family, $125 per annual. Board najr be tiad in other families at a rate, whidi! will rrdocv tbe wbole yearly expense to SSO or 30, according to far iffttdir j pursued. The far dkkk4 ralo two M-esiniM of five ' months each. No charge nude 'till after Jbr piyil ha entered. After entrance no oVst-tion for 'Wnce dr ! ing the session on account of tuition except incase of j long personal illness tfr expulsion frofiilhscbol. Where ! the pupil boards in the Rector's own family, no drJoctKMV i is made for absence either on the pcore of boarJ or t anion except for the same reaon. - Fot further partknitar, -dress the undersigned, at Brlroir. near Lenoir, Caldweff ; County. N. Carol na. TUOS. S. W. MOTT. January lfl, 1849. Iam37 NORTH CAROLINA Conference Academy, ' CLEM5IOXSVILLE, DAVIDSON C0IT5TC 1 i TUT. Btit Aaaaxl Sloi af liU IastlUUi I3 commence on the first da of January next, under . the direction of th Rev. F. X Tm. A. M., a grad uate of Randolph Macon Col lege, and at present njB- ed in the Oreensboro' Co!ge. The expenses per session are, in the preparatory clM es, $5 ; an English course $8; the regular Academic course $12. Boarding, including furl, lights, and wash ing. $6 per month, j . The situation of the Academy Is one of the most pitta ant in the State, enjoying a healthy climate, and surroun ded by a moral and religious community. j Students are prepared for any College they may prrfcr , and for any class in College. j This Institution has been chartered by tbe Legis!atie ! of the State, and adopted by the North Carolina QotSet- . ence of the M. E. Church, South. All necessary! facili ' ties for the acquisition of knowledge will be afforded, and . no exertions spared to make it one of ihe brat and cheap est Institutions in the country. i Those desiring farther particulars vi? be furni!he4 with Circulars by addressing either " Rev. F. X. Footer. Greensborough," or " Rev'd Joshua Bethel, ClemmfrO- ville, Davidion county." '" November, 1849. ' 29:13 CENTRAL RAIL R0A tNEf G00DS.i": 1 now tlie Topic I BOG-ER &, "MAXWELL A ARE bow rtrthlng frost Sew York ana Pk Haiti phia, a handsome and cheap stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Consisting of DRY-COOIK, (0 crery detcriftw,) II1RDWA1E, Citltry, Delph, China, and Gliskwarr. Doiole u4 Single Barrel Shot Gbbs PltoK RlBf Barrels, Powdtr Haks, Shot Bags (rarwn kinds,) Swords, Belts, Clasps, Sashes, . Epauletts, Plumes, Silver and Cold Lace, Stars, Mili tary Buttons, Butf Cnssimere for trimming officer coats, . : fcc, &L.c, blue Cot'.on Yarn, white mixed and clouded do., for knitting, (very fin-.) Weaver's reeds, 4-4 to S-4 : wide, of the lxst iu:ike, Oroceries, Bagging Rope and Twine. Also, constancy on hanJ the celebrated j ROCK ISLAND JEANS,' manufactured in Mecklenburg County, of difierent qual ities, which for neatness of finish and durability cannot surpassed. Also, 12 gross Salem and Philadelphia j Almanacs, for 1850 ; all of which are positively paid for j and for sale upon the most reasonable terms, without the motto foe cash o.iLY, but in exchange for shelled Corn, j Oats, Flaxseed, Beeswax, Tallow, Cotton and Unen rags, &c., &c, and as heretofore to punctual dealers : The hand of lenity will be extended, if rfqoired.by clos- ing accounts either by cash or note at :he expiration of j every 12 months. Our customers, friends and the public generally, are I therefore invited to give us a call, and examine our stock : before purchasing elsewhere, as we shall make it an ob- ' ! ject for them to do so. Salisbury, Xor. 15, 1849 23 FOR SALE, A VALUABLE and commodious House and Lot with all the necessary improve ments for a Private Residence or for a Ho tel, near the public square. Also, a public square Lot, suitable for a store. Apply to tbe subscriber in Lexingt on, before the first of January, w hen be designs i removing from tbe State P. K. ROUNSAVILLE. 28 Nov. 15, 1849. Mountain Hotel, MOEC LVTOX, X. c fT HE subscriber has recently fated up and opened JL. the above HOTEL, for the accommodation of lb Public. He pledges unremitting attention to the coa ' fort of his guests, and hopes to merit and recei a liber- al share of the public patronage. He has good Its for Stock Drivers. JOHN W. HAPPOLDT. ' Morganton, Nov. 8, 1849 296m S. R. FORD, WILMINGTON, N. C, TTVEALEtt I MARBLE MOMMEXTS ; HEAD AID i J Foot Stones ; Paint Stones : Imposing do., and in j short, any article called for of either j Italian. Efyplian or immcan Xirile : I . . it i a and work warranted to please or no sale ; ana u asm- aeed lefore delivery.it is at bis expense. Orders for any of the above enumerated articles left with the Editors of the Watchman, will be attended lo with dispatch. Nov. 9, 1819 29tf MAKE PAYMENT. ALL persons indebted to the subscribers ehher by j note or book account, are hereby notified to coma ;' forward and make payment either before or on the 120th day of December. The buineos of the firm Mit b billed. THOMPSON h( BEARD. Nov. 21,1949 tf23 JOl'R.iniTlO WASTED. Two or three good and sober Journeymen Boot and Shoe Maker", cim obuin immediate employment by a p. plication to the subscriber. THOMPSON Sl BEARD. NOTICE. VLL persons indebted to liojrer At Wilson, are re pijectfolly and enrnet-tiy requested to call and settle their notes Sind arco'jtit. Nov. 21. l'M9. 29 Droad Cloths and CasimereM. A LOT i.f fine Hroad Cloth an I Cawiineres on band w hich I will sell very low lir cash or good paper. Country merchants are invited to call if they wish bar gains. . EXXISS. Important to Mill Owners. HOTCH KISS'S Vertical Water Wheels forsale in Fayetteville, l.y d. McNeills Co. And in Lincoln County bv E. A. BKEVARD. March 12, 1P47 tf45 I)" W HITEHEAD , xFFERShi professional services lb tbe public. vJ"r ca" at ni l- albl9 "fc- Offlct-Oae 4r beiew 1. II. CaUweU'i OOtc Salisbury, July 21, 1M9, tf. Mil BOOTS AND SHOES. A LARGE assoriu:enl of thenest Boots and Bboea a. fur sale by J. II. ENNIS3. Aogost , 149. U J s 4 ' 1 t"-': If a. JL