i l ) i fi J-,-, SV; f t ! V. i Rnuthern port. The buys gAve SmiJTat Gto. Walker, belonging io lilL Co.. of Wilmington. They IfthkMayor that they went o Whe iqhr. on the of he 22nd k&theOi r-rf two gallon jug of wa erand mcre ? Ult lbtilligeni fellow, said that alter KiUniiilic fheir stock ;of water, their suf- 1 'erirrj? from thirst was pasi an endurance, ;imf t'wair his intention to retprn again Alkdged Burying- Afire. In the midst of I j JBe Ftnn. The wind? and the waves Aiacfferation and iiirenlion, there is one uri doubted circumstance which formerljl excited the worst Apprehensions ; the fact that bodiep , were often found turned in their coffins and the grave-clothes disarranged. But what was ascribed, with seeming reason, to the jlhroes of Vitality, is now known to be due to the! agency of corruption. Agas is developed in (he de. cajed body which mimics hy its mejehanical force, many of tho movements of life. So pow-; erful is this gas in corpses that have lain long in the water, that M. Devergie, the physician to the Morgue at Paris, and the author of a text book on legal medicine, says : thai unless secured to the table, they are often heaved up and thrown to the ground. Frequentljj stran inay beat against a rock, planted inf a iroooiea sea, but it remains unmoved, pe you like, that rock, yofcng raab. Vicernay entice, and the song and the cup may n Tite. Beware stand firhily at your post. There is glory in the thought that ypu nave resisted temptation? and conquered. Your bright example will be to the wold what the light house is to the mariner Upon the sea shore. It will guide hun dreds to the port of virtue and safety. 1 W Bfif m 71; resolved1' motion of the limbs, rSn to the ; U iri-reach ng New York, be rescued annoiinrft wl,h W ror that a person is alive. All bodies sooner or later, generate gas in the grave ; and it eon. iWa L i-mill nnt sacrifice his life ra U n j Mid tTL IV-.l Vt.Anf ftlOU SlOWC( Li. Lt.:u iL'wore round his waist, and vt fin in tultes and cold, lits compan- f . ir Tii. fitp drdlnr nnfp. Unth IJBU UHIJ " vv" J " i.u person est know- lopement ; rid tapf. SnV'th has no doubt that such fact, lue Mayor gave them into Vustek ' lMc Jal,or unit' ucmanaeu Dy fprotrkl mast solemnly that r. Lt tjicmsdvh had the siightes h,4i or, suspicion of their elo (o be found in any Publii OfHc in Raleigh. The Pub licPrinter for that year foiled to deposit the copies re tired by law in the Secretary's Office. The report, plans, Ate., of the Road fi-om Fayetteville.are known to have been in the possession of one of the Directors of that corporation, in 183$, ! i Any gentleman who may be able to discover the ori ginal Reports and Drawings, or a copy of the printed Report, and transmit either to the Executive Office at Raleigh, will render a Yejry acceptable public service. I Newspapers friendly to Internal Improvement, will subserve the cause by insrtiug the above. DITOIUAL SQUABBLES. 1 n ! KVp rrrct -as much as any person the If ti;p!c$ant dilficulty between Mr. Hale 6f j . the Observer anil Mr. Lonng of the Gom f Arcbdi ; Wej thought tho course of the ;UfcrciAl very reprehensible ; hut would i ;Wvc preferred 10 take no part in the quar- ffV'i.VVe Ws"- ir. utile wuuiu wimurnw liltiiii Thise disputes degrade the pro stantly twists about the corpse, blows S out the skin till it rends with distention, and sometimes bursts the coffin itself. When the gas. explodes with a noise, imagination has converted it into an outcry or groan ; the grave has bee' re opened ; the position of the body confirmed the suspicion and the laceration been taken forev. idence that the wretch had gnawed Ibis flesh in thejcnzy of despair. So many are the cir cumstances which will Constantly occur to jupl port a conclusion that is more unsubstantial than the fabric of a dream. Quarterly Reviem r. s J e t ill m . ' - " r r : o , r t feSsiOrt, auoui wntcn, ocing anwmoer, we jy tc allowed to feel some sensibility. 3'lie Editor of the Commercial has been betrayed into a story, and we ec him to retract it. He is an old asso UifU'.of ours, jand although addicted togo ri dlrhalf-cipked. like an 'unlucky gun,' fwjda not bejteve him capable of malict- c$ rolschief, pretense and aforethought.' S gThef reprehensibility of Mr. Lonng s condjlct is in chartrine: what he did not n(jirtobc true and what if true, should iot be ti reprpaclK It is a very wise child feat knows b!is own father. Who knows tho Ir. Loring's was Wil. Aurora. d.Anh&ilntp f Jnhn 1irnh A vtnr Tin ' toti.ever trukt-, Mr. AstorT' inquired Mr ;U :' l Jo not trust strangers, sir," was Ke reply M unless they furnish satisfacto ry city efee;nce, 4,Thcn,H quoth Mr. K., the tliins I iave selected must suffice for ilbii time," and paying for the same he de parted.' In the afternoon of the same day, ijust before the sailing of the New Bed . ford jacket, the young trader returned for bil lot of iuri. Throwing the whole pack on itlbacTci jbe left the store, but had not roccccru apiozrn yacus irom ine store, vbrniMr. AJjcalb-d Sisiiame, bidding him c'ornejgitck, .f Sir," said Mr. AM ' you may I )bav0 (jfedit for any amount of goods you I require, prpvlued they are to; be found in by store." j But," stammered Mr. K., but.imy dear'cir, I can give you no city references Lam a stranger here." 44 1 ask I Ha other, recornrhetuiation, responded the ncn mercnanti ttian mai aireaqy iur nhlijetl for yourself. The. ntftn who is not ttfave jiis butincss need never hesitate to apply o John. Jacob Astor forcredit." Tii uicomniG need a trade between two crbhanis, d'liich was continued to the diutuAl satisfaction and advantapc of both for i fin tefrn of years. Mr. K. is now onejofji thtr most eminent capitalists in New Ucdford. ' Marriage at the N. Y. Emigrant OfKce.yK man from the country, we believe a French man by birth, entered the emigrant office, in the Park, this forenoon, in search of; a girl to assist him in bis business. He said he had land, cows, and other affairs connected with farming, and he wished some one to assist hlmj He selected a young woman who had just arrivedr and come to the office to obtain pecu niary assistance. She hesitated to Igo with him, but finally be said, 44 1 tell you what I will do with you; I will marry you." The bar gain was then quickly cpncluded. Alderman James Kelly was sent for, but not arriving in season, Justice Bleakly came in, and fastened the connubial knot. The half hour before strangers but now apparently well pleased man and wife left the office together for the new home, to the lady, in the country. Verily time) and chance doth happen to. all men, and to all women, too, as appears by the present case. iVetr York Express, The dying charge of the late Alfred Bishop, of Bridgeport, to his son, was Serve God and your country, and be be nevotent." The substance of many essays if embraced in this short-sentence. J j Woman's Love. 44 Oh, how cruel :to value love as a piece of common merchan dise. It is the only thing upon this roun ded globe that suffers no purchaser but itself. Love is the equivalent of love ; the invaluable jewel that must either he freely given, or, forever unenjoyed, be buried." Schiller. 1 I Nothing sets so wide a mark between a vulgar and a noble soul, as the respect nd reverential love womankind. A man ?ho is always sneering at woman, is gefi erally either a coarse profligate or a coars er bigot. I " i I Judge Hart of Cincinnati, lately caused the 44 criminal box to be taken out of Court, on the ground that no man need be disgraced before he is found guilty of . t i . s uriuie. n. juuge wun a neari. i T -: - i "I ! A recent philosopher discovered a me thod to avoid being dunned 1 44 How--bow how r we hear every body asking. IN ever run in debt. 1 ' In this County, on the 29th ult, by the Rev. Samuel Itothrock, Mr. PETER E. FOUTS, of Cabarra. Co., and Miss REBECCA, daughter of Mr. Stephen Kirk, pf Stanly County. In this County, on thej 2d inst., by the Rev. John H. Coffman,Capt. SYDNEY II. II ART, and Miss ES THER E. BAKER, all of this County. ; In this County, on the 27th ulL, by the Rev. John H. Coffman, Mr. George Coon, and Miss MAHALIA fSWISHER. j In Union County, by the Rev. Mr. Paromer, Mr. THOMAS L. KIRK, ojt Stanly, and Miss HARRI ET N. CHERRY, of Union. ' A babe in a house is like a well-spring of pleasure, a messenger of peace and love ; loan to be rendered back with Tapper. Yet it is a talent of trust, interest.' an r BORN, Dec 3 A daughter t Charles L. Partee, County. " 7 A daughter U J. P. Wiseman, M " 20 A son to C. S, Brown, Salisbury. 544 A daughter t K. L. Smith, County. 24 A daughter to John Louder, County. The National Council of the Cherokee In dians have passed resolutions, instructing (the Superintendent of Public Schools, to niake out and forward to the Secretary of the Interior, in Washington, a full exhibition of the number of their public schools, pupils in attendance, &c . and another resolution authorising John Ross, Principal Chief, to procure and forward a suit able block of Cherokee m&rkle to th Wash ington Monument Association, as an ; offering from the Cherokee Nation in aid of the con struction of that great work. f , The Fayetteville (N. C.) Observer states that an abundance of rich iron ore has been discov ered in the close vicinity of that town, near Rockfish creek, and that David Murphy, Esq. an enterprising gentleman has purchased the premises, and commenced the erection of a found ary. I' OCrAn awkward man n attempting to carveja goose, dropped it on the floor. I V 44 There now!" exclaimed his wife, 4 we Have lost our dinner." ' U J I 44 No, no, my dear," 'answered he, 44 it Is safe, for I have my foot on it." j I A waggish spendthrift said, "Five years ago I was not worth a cent in the j woria noto see wnere I am tnrough my exertions V 44 Wel where are you tn - 4 Wny, 1 owe mare than 3000 r i In the town of Concord, N. C, on the morning of the 2nd instant, Mr- THOMAS S. HENDERSON, late Postmaster at that place. The deceased has left a wife and two children to j mourn his loss. His disease is said to have been consumption. the Markets. - i Salisbury, Jan. 3. Bacon 6 ; Brandy 40 50 : Butter 10 ; Beeswax 15 i CotU .i 9 Q 10 : Cotton Yarn O 80; Coffee (S 12J ; Corn 25 & 30 ; Feathers 25: Jrlour per bbL 5 ; IJron 2 & 4 ; IinseedOil 75 & OO; Nails 5i (3) 6 ; Oats 12 15 ; Irish Potatoes 40 ; Sweet do. 30 : Suirar. fbrown 6 O 8 : Loaf 10 a ill ; Salt, (sack) 2 24 ; Tallow 10 124 : Wheat io , wnisKey (& ju. j ' Fayetteville, Dee. 24. Brandy, peach, 75 O 85: t Dittos apple, 50 & 55 : Beeswax 18 : Bacon 5$ (d 6$ : iCottonSf fi) 9$; CornOOi 55;Cofiee 11 Q 12$: Flour 44J : Feathers 28 O 30 : Flaxseed 1 O $1 10: Iron, Swedes, 5 (S 6 : do. English 3J 0 4 : Lard 6$ 0 7 : Leather, sole, 20$ : MoNssea 25 30 : Nails, cut, 5 : Oats, 2530 : Sugar, brof n, 6 O 9 : do. loaf, 1112$: Salt sack, 1 50 1 75 : Tallow. 10 0 : Wheat 75 0 80: Whiskey 35 0 36. 1850. At Reduced Prices. IN order to reduce my stock of CLOTHING as much as possible before Spring, I am determined to offer greater inducements than have ever before been offered in this Market. My stock consists of Pilot, Beaver and Broadcloih OVERCOATS. Black Frock and Dress COATS. Broadcloth and Tweed SACKS. Polk and Fancy Casimere PANTS. Satin, Cashmere, and !r ncia VESTS. Persons desirous of purchasing u-opM An m me a call before doing so. E MYERS Jan. 3d. 1630. (34:tf) Negroes to Hire. THE subscriber has eight or ten negroes to hire an til the first of January next. Among them is a first-rate Hotel servant, and a Blacksmith. Persons wishing to hire, will please call. A. HENDERSON. Jan. 3d, 1850. (34:2t) State oC ilovtli Carolina, IREDELL COUNTY. Court of Fleas and Quarter Sessions, November Term, : 1849. PETITION ro SALE OF EAL ESTATE- Fergus Stevenson, admr. of James McLelland, John M. McLelland, John L. Laffrrty, Harvy Camron and wife Amanda, McCaniy Lareent and wife Eliza, William S. Stevenson. John L. Stevenson, Mary E. Stevenson, Rufus Sloan, Mary L. Sioan, -Adaline .Sloan and Mary Ann LafTerty and others. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendants John M. McLelland, John L. Laffrrty, Harvy Camron and wife Amanda, McCamy Largcnt and wile kliza, William Stevenson, John L. Steven- j son; Mary E. Stevenson, Rufus Sloan, Mary L. Sloan, Adaline Sloan, and Mary Ann LafTerty, are non-residents of this State It is therefore ordered by the Court that publication be made in the Carolina Watchman for the term of six weeks, notifying said Defendants lo ap pear at the next Term of,our Court of Pleas and Quar ter Sessions, to be held for the County aforesaid at the Court House in Statesville, on the 3d Monday of Feba ary next ; then and there to answer, plead, or demur to said petition, or judgment pro eonfesso will be taken against them, and the prayer of the petition granted ac cordingly. Witness, J. F. Alexander, Clerk of our said Court, at office the 3d Monday in Nov., A. D. 1849. J. F. ALEXANDER. Cl'k. Dec. 26, 1849. (34:6t) II ftcOrsia.Lczislation Extra. A bill witifofe iho f Georgia. Legislature impo- sing 4;tax of GO percent, on all articles tH'growth, produce, or manufacture j! Of theftionstaveliolding States, brought ftto CTwo.rgialfor sale ! ! further imposing I fourfold taxes upon anv person who will not jittUr thjit neither himself nor any of blx mttiily hds spent 15 days in any one fat (Hereafter) in any nori-slaveholding GROUND PEAS. ! Wilmington has long been famous for Its trade in this article. This is ttje sea son for delivery, and for the last month, our streets have been thronged with cartsfp filled with them. Upon inquiring, we leaf n that the quantity received here annually is about Fifty Thousand bushels The price varies from 85 to 95 cents per bush el. It is therefore no small article in the aggregate of out commerce. These peas are produced in the liglit sandy soils near the sea.' The product per acre varies from 30 to 60 bushels. We suppose the profitable productoin to depend upon some peculiarity in the soil or atmosphere, probably the latter! The Lsoils which produce them here to advan tage, are comparatively worthless .in the production of corn or cotton ; and we have I .i . i . . Known ine experiment mea on quite a large scale in Pitt County without success, on land almost precisely similar fin ap pearance, to that cultivated in this section. Wilmington Aurora. No intei'course withlAttstria. Petitions are now circulating New York, de signed to induce Congress to suspend di plomatic intercourse with Austria "by reason of its tyrany', its barbarous punish!- i ments, its sanguinary atrocities, and jud j ciial murders iq Hungary, Austria anp i Not a single Smith. In looking over a list of the members of the House of Rep resentatives, we observe there are six Kings, four Thompsons, three Johnsons, three Harris', two Caldwells, two Butlers, and two Browns, but not a single Smithy Fast Steam Boat. The steamer Alid from New York for Albany, on Saturday, Chiraw, Dec. 18. Bcon per lb. 7 O 7J : Butter 15 O 20 : Beeswax 18 0,20 : Coffee 11 12$ : Cotton y (&, tu : uorn 4U (S 45 : Eggs 10 O 12J : Flour 5 (S ;$5i : leathers 25 (S 32 1 Iron 5 (3 6"i : Lard 7 3 8 : Leather (sole) 18 (3 22 :j Molasses 35 40 : do. Cu- it L (tA A f mv .Id a. I MMWJj: XMaiis, cut t (a) b$ : Kice 4 (3 b: Sugar, brown, 7ffll0: 4o. Loaf, 12 J O 15 : Salt, Li Terpool, 1 62 J 1 75. jj NORTH CAROLINA TEjPERAXCE COMMIMCATOIL PUBLISHED WEEKLY IN FATETrEVILLE. This Paper, which has been in existence two years and a half, continues to bfc published, and has been high ly recommended by the Press, generally, and recently, by the Baptist Cape Fear;! Association. Terms. To single subscribers 1 50 per year. To Clubs of 5 and upwards, $leach. Address, post-paid, j WM. POTTER, 3t50 11 Fayetteville, N. C. State of ilottn Carolina. DAVIE COUNTY. Paul Moody, et. al. ) . . T8 ( Equity, Martha Ann Newell. S B,U 10 foreclosc Mortgage. Affidavit having been made before me. and filed in of fice, that the defendant, Martha Ann Newell, is not an inhabitant of this State : Notice is therefore, hereby eiv- j en to the said defendant, Martha, to be and appear at the next Court ot bquiiy, to be held for the County of Da vie, at the Court House in Mocksville, on the 4th Mon day in' March, next, and plead, answer er demur to plaintiff's bill of complaint, or the same will be taken as pro eonfesso, and the cause set for hearing ex parte. Witness, L. Bingham, Clerk and Master of said Court of Equity, at office, the 13th day of December, in the the year of our Lord, 1849. L. BINGHAM, CM. E. 6w33 Price adv $5 50 LIST OP LETTERS remaining in the Post Office, at Salisbury N. C, on the 1st day of Jan uary, 1850. j James Anderson, R. Gj. Allison, William Allison, H. Alexander, Mrs. Mary Mj Anthony, Charles D. Bussy 3; Wm Bassinger, Sarah Brown, Jona. Bibble 3, Gen. J. G. Bynum, O. A. Burgess, Miss Charity Baker, Hamil ton Byers, Dr. Broadax.C. D. Bryant, T. G. Brown. ! Mrs C Bivins, L Brinkle D R Bradshaw, P Burke J J Barringer O Rj. L J vy j Ca0 ' J R Caldwell, H. W Conner. Robert Cox. Miss Marea- feached the latter City in Seven hours anil !ret Corl, Ann Calloway, J Cauble.Col W Crouch, Mrs iu vraigc, ui v j vinioer, xviiss ii tingman, io BELVOIR CLASSICAL SCHOOL. 4 1 ! W This act to continue in force 11 'M fugitive or abducted slaves in iKim )?Ihcr!oVn!rs, and ample security given JSiiiit Condfressional interference with the rights bf the Slave States! ! Fi fcillyi lall Gcprgia lawyers are to take an cth th'it thy will not commence or pros icte: any sujt in favor of a person in a RoQ-sUyehol'ding State, under pain of dis milsaifrom ihe roll o( Attorneys ! ! ! iilHi'V-f - " Jloricst Fanner. Twojfarmers having vispjUto as to some land, an action at w was commences to determine iu Un day j fixed for the trial, one of them wledipfl hii opponent to accompany him 9jtheciirt,jthat each might give his own demerit 6fi the case. Pindinc his neich- W tJ,AVorki in his field, he said to him. "k it ro&snle you have forgotten out tause is jo, he decided to day r 44 No," jtl the -otbr, i4 I have not forgotten it, ct l'canoli well spare the time to go. ,?u yill be'thcre, and I know you are an njs'rtjanjjand will state case fairly, and Mtiyiii fa done. And so it proved ; w ;we. farmer stated his neighbor's claims cjcrlyi tliat the cause was decided a past (ijrnseif, and he returned to inform p(tonentj that he haorgained the pro yrty.lS ucl a character is worth more lHtHd wealth of the Indies. Independence of. Principle. Lofd Ers kine was distinguished through life for in dependence of principle, for scrupulous adherence to truth, He, once explained the rules of his conduct, which ought, to be deeply engraven on every heart. He said : "It was a first command ana! coun sel of my earliest youth always to dp what my conscience told me to be a duly, and leave the consequence to God. shall carry with me the memory, and J trut the practice, of this parental lessor!, to the grave. I hitherto followed it, and I have no reason to complain that my obedience to it has been a temporal sacrifice. I have found it, on the contrary, the' road to prosperity and wealth,-and I shall point out the same pathlo my children.! six minutes running time an average of something over 21 miles an hour. 1 j Gold is not the only large product of California. One of the natives is noted as the father of thirty-six children, twenty of whom were the product of his first mar riage, and sixteen of his last. Mr. Horf Well, the Government translator, has a family of twenty-one children. Senor Ambrego, who has been married twelve years already counts as many heirs. Sev eral other couples in Sari Erancisco have from twelve to eighteen, i Rail Road Iron. Ten cargoes of the T Iron purchased in England for re I T -I 1 L J - rni i ""titf, n iicaici, 11 i lun, j civilian, lien- oke Railroad have arrived here. The rv William- p vviiiinmahn 9 it Wri w wt,i.r Y leasant Wilkes, 1 J Wbrtham, II Wright, William F Walker, S C Ware, C Walton, J Watson, S II War ren, J Walker, Col J Williamson, M F Wiat, J Wea ver, J G Young, T W Youog, J Youst. 3134 ( B. JULIAN, P. M. any Daguerrean Artist, Miss A Dowtin, J T Davis, Rev W Duval, H Dolton, J A Davis,Martha Earnhart.J C Aldridge, Otis Everett, dol J J Erwin, E Earnhart, P Eagle, J Fraly R C Finly, J Fields 2, Mrs Jane Gheen. j N Gracey, Miss M Gheeh, James Goodman, Mrs Jane ! Gillespie, J Galaraore, Gj W Hays 3, R Hill, R Hix, j H J Harris, G Hendersoti, G M Hartman, Miss Eliza- j beth Heathman, R Hanse, W II Hutchison, A Hix, G M Harrfs, J S Ingold. M Josey, Amanda Jones, John ' Jordan, C Klutts, W Kelter, J D Keller. B Little, W j W Linebarrier, E Lee, Ji M Leslie, H Lethco, Samuel Lemly, D Melson, E Morgan 4, M Miller, Rev B F Mower 2, D Mahaly, F Mowery, Mrs. M F McCrarv. Capt J McCulIoch, T Mbrris.Capt J E Merary, L F ! Oerlei, G E Pape, C L Partee, Miss S Pearson, Miss Martha Reid, C Rosenkriinz, J Rush, C Rice, Reading Room, Rev. T Richard, D Stultz, Mr. Sparks. J Shu- j ping W H Simmonsbn, $Iiss M Smith, J Sikes, W R HIS School, which is now in a more flourishing -L condition than it ever vet has been, is continued on the terms heretofore published, viz : BOARD AND TUITION IN THE RECTOR'S own family, $125 per annum. Board may be had in other families at a rate, which will reduce the whole yearly expense, to 80 or 90, according to the studies pursued. The year divided into two sessions of five months each. . No charge made till after the pupil has entered. After entrance no deduction for absence dur ing the session on account of mition except in cases of long personal illness or expulsion from the school. Where the pupil boards in the Rector's own family , no deduction is made for absence either on the score of board or tuition except for the! same reasons. Foi further particulars, ad dress the undersigned, at Belvoir, near Lenoir, Caldwell County, N. Carolina. THOS. S. W. MOTT. January 18, 1849. Iam37 For Sale very Cheap. 7 BEAUTIFUL white hickory Buegies ; also, 2 ex cellent light family Rockaways, for 1 or 2 horses, and a fine well made carryall, all which, I will war rant 12 months. J. S. JOHNSTON. Dec. 18, 1849. 33 s Starkweather 3, John N JSpear, J Stoup, Bynum & Ship, laying 1 A, H Shuford, J Sherman, Mrs M Smith, F F Tomer, 11J? i Mr Tilpher, Miss R Turoipgreen, W B Trott 2. Dr J INDEPENDENT AGENT. ALL goods; consigned to me (for shipment) will be forwarded by first vessel or. steamer, without re- ; gard to lines, at as small commission as any house in the place.. All orders promptly attended to. WILLIAM BRANSON. Dec. 8, 1849 3m33 .... Wilmington, N. C. quantity received is near three thousand tons, almost one-third of the whole quant tit contracted for. Workmen are busily engaged in putting down that received. I Wil. Chronicle. I James G. Gilchrist. Geoire S. Ctx. The wife of a German citizen of Roch ester became the mother a few days since of three boys at a birth. About year ago she had in like manner three boys at a birth. The whole six are alive and do ing well. I Similes. Modesty to the femal char- KIRKLAND, Dec 14, 1849. j : Messrs. Editors: I think it advisable to give yon at short account of the 69th Division of the Sons of Tern perance at Rocky River Church,: on the 7th insL Notice. ALL persons having j claims against the estate of Paul Phifer, dec'd., are hereby notified to present their claims duly authenticated, within the time pre scribed by law, or otherwise this notice will be plead in Rocky River Dmsion met at then-room with Liberty ( tatat are requested to come forward and make payment jJiviston and the Division from inanotte, where tnev f formed in procession under L. C. Kirkpatrick, Marshal; and George L. Phifer, Assistant Marshal, dressed in full regalia of Marshals with sash and Batton. From thence they marched to the Academy, attended by a splendid brass band of music, numbering 18 members from Pro vidence, who did honor to themselves by their gentle manly conduct and fine music which they played. A large collection of ladies were assembled for the purpose immediately.. SILAS & Dec. 21, 1849. ATTHIAS M. PHIFER. (34:3t) Adm'rs. Attention Firemen! 1 1 1 HE Members of the Salisbury Vigilant Fire Com JL pany are hereby notified to attend a meetin? of of presenting to the Division a very beautiful Banner and "Pay on oamraay, ine am elegant Bible. The Banner was presented by Miss Jane Pharr, in a very chaste and appropriate speech in C. Alexander, a very classi- aMpf i nlfnptrfl tn heef. imnartinc I behalf of the Tladies, and received by E. . PntiiMnal of Rockv Kiver Academv.) in a D USD wniie It preserves US pur j crklthnlling speech. Mis C. Ale 1 he above is odly equalled by Ullanod, jQ behalf of the Ladies, the Bible, wh Salisbury, Jan. 3, 1850. J. II. ENNISS, Capt Eemaledips are only the glowing gate way of so much beef and cabbage JJid any one ever! How to spoil Ltitle Boys and Girls.---' Always praise them to their faces never whip, but always threaten them, And be sure to speak of something that they may have said, that appeared smart, before them to your friends. This is the prepare atory course ; to finish, when they git from xander presented i Superintendents of Common Schools. iich was received i " i t. r t a r :u :. u : . j j oy .ev. xr. y. . x Cu,, u r rilHE Members of the Board of Superintendents of The procession then marched to the church with fine I ouj r u that surround the houseless boy of ! hve to ten years of age, and even younger, TjKre dispersed, and he is invited to always be talking to -them about! their Mce, It s the work of enercv. The sweet-hearts, beaus, falling in lovie, get- enertrv t.i V, l. : : ' t'inrr mttrrinfl frnllnn(!ni ihon ccnrl thpm I' t t i4" m d ucKKar iiiia itiuiiiIll. HI n &" jtfe""t v.m vumi ..v.. fo tml . . . . f e . I a 1 vti I iifnllrinn tnnal hAt tn ntinmU Ia r o rhoo ?ft?anbn f angels ! Who has not seen ' unprotected by parents, and we U1 guar- 'Ce lif. r J . .1 U-i .i i ' u -Siving power of energy T It makes ! antee a diploma u lWnes-to blbom as the rose 1 whi-1 Asheville Messenger. Yl.i i 6 Pceat ; navigates our rivers ; le- j mountains'. pAves with iron a high-1 The Supreme Court of the UnitectStates ft ;aim etato to btate ; and sends met in Washington on 1 uesday last, pre- a.ivuh the sored of liehtnin?. mes- ent Chief Justice Tanev. and Associate I W -I . J . . - ii music, where they were entertained some two hours by brother Cyrus Johnston, of Charlotte ; andbr. Scheck, X of the Lutheran church: After which the procession marched to the Division Room, when they dispersed to their homes. , The day was fine, the assembly of Spectators wai large; and every thing wrought favorably to the pro-'j press of the good cause in which we are engaged . j There has been considerable opposition existing against j the Sons of Temperance in our vicinity, founded more! oh the novelty of the thing tKan from any other cause.! .There are some opposed on account of its being aaj they call a secret society, while others on account of! the expense but the opposition are breaking down fast! as they become acquainted with its principles ; and I have no doubt if the Sons will live up fully to their pledge they will break down all opposition. t'Dur rnmmiinitv is as fallv a Temoerance communi ty as any in the State, and when the novelty wears ofl oar cause wTul prosper in an eminent degree. ; Yours in L. P. & F. ; A SON OF TEMPERANCE. w2rl , pne etremily of tie lantl t0 Justices McLean, Wayne, Catron, J)anieli Aut16- iinot energy, what is man ? Woodbury, Nelson, and Grier th only dU cW, absentee being Jnstice McKintev Tt Geatlemea l wk were Mekew ( the Geaeral li- MnUy f Xrth Crliiia, la 1 S3. Francis W. Rawles, of Pennsylvania, -was employed j by Gov. Stokes, in 1832. to make surveys and est) mates for two lines of Rail Road one from Beaufort to R leigh, and another from Fayetteville to the Yadkin. Ilis report, plana, estimates and drawings, were sobrait- i ted to the General Assembly in December, 183V. ntl- ihei the original report, or any printed copy of it, is now JL Common Schools for Rowan county, are hereby notified -to attend a meeting of said Board to be held at the Clerk's office in Salisbury ,n Thursday the 3d. day of January, 1850. At the November Court, (a majority of the Justices being present,) the following men were elected to compose the Board for next year, viz : H. C. Jones, Hugh Parks, D. A. Davis, Isaac Ribelin, E. D. Austin, Matthew H. Brandon, Solomon J. Peeler, Rev. Joseph A. Linn, Paul A. Seaford. The object of this meeting is to elect Chairman, appoint the School Committee-Men for the several districts ; and apportion the School Fund amongst ihe districts. A foil attend ance of the Board is required. A. W. BRANDON, Salisbury, Dec. 6, 1849. (31:4t) Chairman BEUNA VISTA FACTORY Cotton Yarns, THE SUBSCRIBER has made arrangements with the Proprietors of the " Beuna Vista Factory," by which he is enabled to furnish their Cotton Yarns at the lowest market rates, either at wholesale or keta.il. These Yarns need no recommendation as to their . r.i .1 tLi 1 -1 rTM i 4 sopenonty wnn inose wno nave usra mem. i nose wno j have nor, I would ask to give them a trial. ! E. MYERS. Salisbury. Dec. 6ih, 1&49. (3l:tf) GILCHRIST &, COX, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, AND SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, WILL regularly. attend the various Courts of But ler, Lowndes, Autauga, Dallas, and Conecuh counties, and the Supreme Court of the State. They will attend to ail business entrusted to their charge, with promptness, and will use every effort to give entire satisfaction to their clients, and extend their practice. Particular attention will be given to the collection of claims. O Office at Hayneville, Lowndes county, Alabama. Nov. 4, 1849 31:tf TAKE NOTICE ! THE public is hereby notified against trading for any notes drawn payable to me at the Salisbury Shop, and also, for a Due Bill given by H. A. Mow bray, payable to A. B. Pace for Forty Dollars, cents not recollected, in a temporary settlement with the said A. : B. Pace, by H. A. Mowbray. I Also, all persons indebted to me by account, are here j by forewarned not to pay the same to Abner B. Pace, j as he is no longer my agent. W. II. MOWBRAY. Statesville, Dec. 12, 1849 3t32 NOTICE. WILL be hired on the first day of January, 1850 for the term of twelve months, to the highest bidder, at the late residence of David Correll, dee'd., FIVE LIKELY NEGROES, two men and three women. Also at the same time and place, will be rented for the same term of time the Grist and Saw Mills. Terms made known on that day. D. R. BRADSHAW. Ex'r. Nov. 28, 1849 4w3l JUST RECEIVED, OA A Sacks Liverpool Salt, d J J 43 boxes superior Cheese, 4 barrels Train Oil, 1 M Sperm do. 1 " Coach Varnish, 1 Tierce prime Rice, 40 boxes Window Glass, assorted sixes, 400 lbs. Putty, Rio Cofiee Sugar and Molaaees. M. BROWN Sl SON. Dec. Cth, 1849. MOPFATS . Life Pills and Phsnix Bitter. it ( These Medicines have nowbeen before the tpa I Be for a period of FOTEEIf YEARS daring that time have maintained a high character ia almost every part af the globe for their extraor dinary ad immediate power of restoring perfect health to persons suffering aoder nearly every kind - 1 V ef FeaM to which the hatnin frame m liable, f IN llANY THOUSANDS j L of certificated instauces, they have even rescued sufferers from the very verge of an untimely grave, after all the deceptive nostrums of the day had ft terly failed ; and to raauy thousands they halve permanently secured that uniform enjoyment tof health, without which life itself is bat a partial blestiiug. So great, iudeed, has their efficacy invja riably and infallibly proved, that it has appeared scarcely less than miraculous to those who ware acquainted with the beautifully philosophical prin ciple upon which they are compounded, and open which they consequently act It was to tifir ' manifest and senmble action in purifying the springs and channel of life, and enduing them with m aewed tone and vigor, that they were indebted, ior their name. ; j Unlike the h ot of pernicious qaackeriee whith boant of vegetable ingredients, the LIFE MEDI CINKS purely and solely venerable ; and rn Uiu neither MeTCOry, nor Antimony, nor Ai5 lliC, oor u' ether mineral, m any form whatever. They are eulirely composed of extracts from r&fe and powerful plauts, the virtues of which, thoe h long kuown to several Indian tribes , and recently to some emiueut pharmaceutical chemist, are alto gether unknown to the ignorant: pretender jto medical science ; and were neTer before admin lered in no hjtppily rlUcacious a corabtnation. Tlie first orn-ration ia to looaeq from the coats pf the ntCMiiach and bowels the various impurities a ad crudities constantly settling round them; and to remove the hardened far- which collect in l$e cou volutions of the small intestinee- Other medi eiuee only partially cleanse these, and leave nh collected ma.a txrhiud lo produce habitual Costh'fe ness, with all its train of evils, or sadden Diarrhcf a with its imm'neut danrrrs. This fact it wtU kuown to all regular airatomtsU who examine tie buman bowels after death ; and hence the preju dice of these well informej men against the quafk medicines of the age. " The second enVct of tf e VEGETABLE IJFE MEDICINES cleanse the kiduej s and the bladder ; aud, by th means, the liver and lunga, the healthful actio -of which entirely depeuds upon the regularity of te urinary org&ns Tlie blood, which takes its rpd color fiom the agency of the liver and lungs, befe it passes iuto the heart, beiiig thus purified by thefi, and nourished by food coming from a dean storaadh. eoureee freely through" the veins, reuews every fx of the system, and triumphantly mouuts the buUee of health in the blooming cheek. j - The following are among the dwt rensing variCy of human disajw in which the VEGETABIE LIFE MEDICINES a U kuowu to be uUM hble : j j DYSPEPSIA, y thoroughly cleansing the fint and s4-coiid siuinachs, and creatuvg a flow of pare healthy b.le, iiiKtrnd of the stale and acrid kind ; FLATULENCY, of Appetite, llrarllun. Headache, Rellenr, Ill-trmper, Anxiety, Languor, and Melancholy, which are the general symptoms of Dyspepsia, will vauitih, as a nataral consequence of its cure. ' CostiveneSS, hy cleansing the whole length of the iutestiues with a solvent process, and without violence : all violent purgt?s leave the bowels cost; ve within two day. Diarrhoea and Cholera, by removiug the sharp acrid fluid by which these complaints aire occasioned, and by promoting the lubricatire secre tion of the mucous memltrane. Feven of " kiuds. by restoring the blood tc a, regului circulation, through hr procrss of pers ratiou in such cases, aud the thorough solutiofi el all intestinal olwtrurtion in others. The Liff. Mcdicinfb have been known te cure RHEUMATISM permanently in th "ee weeks, aud tOUT in half that time, by removing local iiiflammatiou from the muscle aad ligaments of the. joints. , Dropsies f a" kind, hy freeing and strengi' eniug the kidneys and bladder : they opemt most delightfully on these important organs, rnd hence have ever beenTound a certain remedy ror jie worst cases of GRAVEL Also Worms, by duilodging from the turniags of the bowels the slimy matter to which thes creatures adhere. j Axthma. aud ConiTiniptiori, hy relievii g the air-vessels of the iuugs from the mucous which ev'pn slight colds will occasion, aud which, if not Re moved, becomes hardened, and produces these' dreadful diseases. I Scurvy, Ulcers, Inveterate Sores, by Ihf perfect punty which these LIFE MEHI CINES C've to tbe blood, and all tiie huinurs. J Scorbutic Eruptions Bad Complex ions, by their alterative effect upon the dunlx irat feed thekin, and the morbid state of which occa sions all eiptive cornplainLs, sallow, cloudy, aLd other dujagreeable complexions. j The use of these IMls for a verv short time will effect an entire cure of SALT KIIEI'M, and a striking improvement in the clearness of the sk)n. COMMON COLDS and INFLUENZA Will always be cured by oue dose, or by two even In the worst cases. J PILES. As a remedy for this most distreipg and obstinate malady, the VEGETABLE LU2E MEDICINES deserve-a duluicl and emphatic recommendation. It is well known to huudrt dstiu this city, that the former proprietor of tliee valu able Medicines was himself afHicted wrth lais complaint for upwards of thisty five tears and that he tried iu vain every remedy prescribf-d within the whole compass of the Materia Mrdifa. He however at length tried the Medicine which! is now offered to the public, and be was cured hi a very 6hort time, after his recovery had U eu po nouured uot only improbable, but absolutely ixnisible, by anyliuman means. j FEVER AND AGUE. ! i For this scourge of the western ceuntry tlits Mediciues will be found a safe, speedy, and cert:!a remedy. Oilier md.cines leave the system ' ject to a return of the diea4 a enf bv thta medicines is permanent TRY THEM, liE SA TISFIED, AND BE CURED, j Bilious Fevers and Liver Complaints. General Debility, Loss or ArreTiir., aso DisKAfts ok I'tHkLKu these medicines have -tu used wrth the movt beneficial results in cisses of tLis description: Ki ;' Evil, and Scaofi la, in its worst forms, yields to the mild yet powerful actKtnlol . these remarkable Medicines. Nioiit Swr.p, Nnvoii Desilitv, N'tavots f 'omtlaixits of kiuds, PALeiTATioM or the Heast, Paimtei's Coljc, are speedily cured- j i HERCURIAL DISEASES. Persons whose constitutions have become im paired by the injudicious use of Mucin, will fifid these Medicines a perfect cure, as they ever fail to eradicate from the system all the effects o Mercury infinitely sooner thajj the most powerful preparations of Sarsapanlla. A single trial Will place them beyond the reach of Competition, iu the stimation of every patient. BE CAREFUL OF COUNTERFEITS, j Several have lately been dutcovend, and thyir nefarious authors arrested, both in the city of Nfw York and abroad. Buy of do one who is not au altiioiiscd Aaixr. t Prepared and sold by Dr. W. B. MOFFAT, 3C Broadway, New-York! FOR SALE BY 3m33 Bogcr &. Maxwell, ? Salitsbury, N C. m Shirts ! Shirts ! ! Shirts ! ! ! LOT of gentleman's fine shirts, something supei or, just received and for sale by J B. ENNISS. RANAWAY from our camp, on Satur day morning, lOih instant, eight jniles, below Charlotte, i mulatto negro fellow, Darned Bill, twenty or twenty-two years old, oleet 7 or 8 inches high. lie was bought from Mr. Hiljck of Rowan county, and will probably attempt to getjto bis old neighborhood. We will ?ive 'i Du'Iars to have said fellow odged in Concord Jail, or any other Jail, so that we getfhim. LOST if WHITE. Aovemser z, Jin Important to Mill Owners, 3TCII KISS'S V Fayetteville, by XTOTCII KISS'S Vertical Water Wheels for sale in D. McNeill & Co. And in Lincoln County by E. A. BREVARD. March 12, 1847 tH5 BOOTS AND SHOES. A LARGE assortment of the finet Boots and 'Shoes XI for sale by II. ENNISS. n August 9, 1349. Broad Cloths and Casimcres. A LOT of fine Broad Cloths and Casimcres ok hind xV.which I will sell very low for each, or good Ipaper. Country merchants are invited to call if they wish bar a in. . . ENNtSS. f 1 . 1 r v -n