CAy 3ias,hoM that 10. Senate ? Mr. the Senate would L - iv..l i ..r a.A Kill on Thurs- com 10 a "" ... . , hat llic counirjr-iwi" day next, so itsfatP. I brive no one would t V. ifiaf. nnon i a -i'ote, ifl uui r , forced, there vvoulcr be a i.r.iU.. r thW or four for the: bill : but the bill has luWsvrm friends.las well as open oppenenis, nil of whom ire willing that aictioa ufjon it shall be pfocrastina Ud. Verily, the previous question is a laai!c pari jamintnry instrument. The 'Huso expect to hear from tjhe Senate pajt wek, ood knnw their decision. Should ibf'f 'continue t tJelay action, ihej House will mate i serious ufiort to press through l lie Cul :rntniii!Lill bv itself. "The! other siys: The bill islow out of j alt dHnger it the House, if any one! Joifbtjit, let h m watch the Iorjg faces o( -the 'frtfefsoilers and a iw ot thp impracti cable Southern ultras, and he vilt be sat isfied tli At the 0 frimJ 4.G50 depositors $792,291.90. The diy from 015 depositors $75,0?0,5L The iterative in the mills are the principaldepositors' in the abnve banks. - f There are many other facts relating: to the' manufactures of this place which I miht com municate, but I hate already perhaps mjade this communication too long, f will therefore close by saving that the National Division Sons of I Temperance is now in session, andjquite a large attendance. V- J. Yours, JONATHAN. j PUBLIC MEETING IN IREDElL. On the 15th inst., a large and respectable lieeting of tlie citizens of the district of the 89th N. C. Militia, assembled at Williamsburg, Iredell County, for the purpose of nominating a candidate to represent this part of the County of, Iredell, in the next General .As- PATRICK SULPHUR; SPRING. THIS Spring is situated in Patrick County, Virgin ia, among the spurs of the Blue Ridge, and in as healthy a section as there is in the world.. The water is strongly chalybeate, and of incalculable value in re storing a debilitated system, in dyspepsia and, disorder ed stomach, in diseases of the kidneys, &c., &c. I have made and am now making numerous subs'antial improvements for the accommodation of visiters, and flatter myself that the annoyances of last year, conse quent upon the dilapidated condition of the property. win au oe removed. .s The rent of cabins will ranze from S3 to 3 75 oer week none rented for a shorter term, than four weeks in the commencement of the season: Boarding and lodging $5 per week ; $7 50for man, and hprae, or$7 I Leather, sole, 20 : Molasses 25 (S ,3(f : Nails, cut, 5 TflE MARKETS. ;- ! 7 Salisbury. June 27. Apples, (dried) 1 S $H ; Bacon, 5 & 6 ; Cotton, 10 O 11 ; Cotton Yarn, 85 (S 90;; Coffee 10 13 12$ Cora, 37J (3 40; Beeswax, 15; Butter, 10; Flour, 4J a $5 ; Feathers 5 ; Iron 3 (S 4 ; Linseed OHjSS ; Molasses 35 (S 40 ; Nails 5J 6 ; Oats 20 ; Irish Po tatoes 50 0 75 ; Sweet do. 35 40 ; Sugar, (brown) 6 0 8; Do. Loaf II 12 J ; Sah sack $2$ ; Tal low 10 & 12 J ; Wheat 75 80 , Vhiskey 30 37$. Fayettetili.e, June 18. Brandy, peach, 75 r8i: Ditto, apple, 50 55: Beeswax W : Bacon 6$ (9 6 : Cotton 11 12; Corn 75 35; Coffee 1011: Flour 5 5 CO! Feathers 23 30 : Flax-seed 1 : Iron, swedes, 5 b : do. Lnglish 3 4 : Lard 61 71 : " WE TREAD NO STEP BACKWARDS On irar J, eccr Omcurd 11 HALF A MILLION OF DOLLARS Have been sold and paid daring the month of J one from the r iTiiiPi . or PEirrsLM Uats,37940: Sugar,bro.,6 9: Uo. loaf, 11 121 balt.sack, 1 50 0 00 : Tallow. 10 : Wheat 75 80 : Whisker 35 36. Chekaw, Junel25. Bacon per Ibi. 6 10: Butter 15 20 : Beeswax 20 : CoffeeH 121 : Cotton 12 : Corn 75 80 : E223 10 12A : FlourS s 10 Union is safe. the ONICATld N.8. who U miking a fljing visit to 1 us the following account of of matt-rs and thitts : V.111I, . enu 1 . ' iil travel!, unioi maiiTS anu itnti, rvkrk House, Uoton, June 14, '50. Me "tirs FAilprs: Five days of uncea Ttl bTotfhi in twice of ?ar have travclli fut ari bave b'ere, to three d foiday last, ad in on, took I her cars! lor Bosto i; 3 o'dock, and arrived he're at V. iM., th Guiltless thin jou the truth, llostoo. die Urn World tfcree miles if a servant to attend the horse' be found . A small stock of Groceries, Liquors and Confection ary wilt be kept for sale to occupants of cabins and oth- sembly of North Carolina. On motion. Col. -Chas. R. I ers, atismall profits: but every exertion used ko prevent Jones was called to the Chair, and R. II. Parks, ap- dissipation and disorder about the place. ' i pointed Secretary. The Chairman, in an appropriate. CEattricATE. For the last six years I have been well speech, explained the objectof-the meeting, when the acquainted with the Patrick Sprines.and theiherapeu- r.n, : 11. j ?.: i 1 .ir. p .i. . " I . . ' " prcamuie nn rctsoiuuuuo were uuqutuiouBty uwi ejiecis 01 me water ana nesitate noi 10 -pronounce . Leather (sole) IS 22 : Mola$es 35 40 uui"u- . . e '.j " wjicrj one 01 me strongest cnatyoeaies jit ine otate V hereas, 1 he citizens of this Oonnty will in a short ot Virginia, and highly adapted to every case? of debili- time be called upin to Bay at the ballot box, who shall ly and particularly so in cases of debility follwin at tacks of intermittent and remittent fevers, and woild ad vise all such to make a trial of. it, assuring rhem that they need not fear disappointment. J. BISHOP. I trust my friends in North Carolina will find much benefit by spending a few weeks at this pleasant retreat this season. B.; FRASHURE. June, 1850. i 3t7 Sinatra. to this city of notions," a dis. welve hundred, mileis, and could 1 the ilrst two hundred miles as he last two, I would ihave arrived ays. I arrived in iNew iork on on e ) same ei eninl dislanco 230 miles j! You will k this fast travelling, and to tell fell thai it was "toUrably pert." " Literary Emporium of the VV'es- ih situated on a peninsula about one broad, j Its surface it (pen from 1 he top of Honker Hill Monument ti quite uneven, swelling into three principal crairieHce,s culled Cobb Fort, knd Beacon Hilli. ' It uaod to be called Tri-mbuntain, and received its jprcsent name in honor ol Uev. John Cotton, who was an emigrant frotrKBos. ton in Lowland. - Its tionulation i$ about one Iwndrcil and fifty thousand Th0re are one bundretl Newspapers and Magazinies printed in tie city, contains about one hundred and twen? ty charity and literary societies, ejght hundred : itrects and avenues and one hundred and sis. f rjen wharves. i Since my arrival, 1 have been a!I)out the city 1 rood (leal, and have made a few observation. ! J find the city! very irregularly buijt, the streets j narrow' and'winding about in every direction. I In no city ci this Union, and ( suppose I may atld on the fiice of the earth, will; you find as much difficulty with the streets ns in this self, lime. city ofj Boston. This however, is an ad. vanfagJ to tjiccity, since it compejlls strangers to hire alis to conduct I hem from place to place, atul I would respectfully recommpnd this fea ture of, the city to all interested in . building es. " j ontati9 arc not as good looking as I d them The men are spare made with' Urge hut disproportionate ifeatures, and gneriliy-if a lead and hungry look. The la dies at jio handsome, have but .little grace in their movements, and to my ey e,, they dress iitli hlit ljttle taste. The fact is, that these tkinji (u which we attach so much importance, and which so often excite our admiration, are here almost entirely disregarded.! To be nret. If. To mjive graceCully, to drejss with taste, Ac, all' th to them is mere sjylabub." Not. g mis inuitierence to beauty, grace, represent them in our next General Assembly', and we, a portion of the peoploof Old Iredell, in this meeting as sembled, are anxiousto maintain our time-honored prin ciples ; and whereas, we believe .the same may be done ujr uiuicu anu iianitomouB action, ana in oraei more ei fectually to preserve the same, be it therefore; Rttolred, That in the coming contest, we Iwill zeal ously advocate our republican principles, which we be lieve to be thejafe-juard of the nation.; and that we will support no man who will not earnestly and honestly maintain the same - " 1 ' Resolved, That wr will stand by the Constitution al ways and our motto shall be, the anion of the States " now? and forever." - Resolved, That (we see with sorrow and resrret that the Congress of the U. States has not yet bean able to 5$ : b eat hers 30 3d : Iron 5 j 6$ : Lard 7 8 lo. Cu ba 33 37$: Nails, cut, 6 6$ :i Rice 4 5J : Sugar, brown. 7 10: do. Loaf, 12 15 : Salt, Li verpool, 1 40 1 59. ' SALES OF LIP. . . t . IN pursuance of a Decree made at Spring Term, 1850, of the Court of Equity for Rowan County, I shall sell at the Court House, in Salisbury, on Monday the ! settle the great question now agitating the whole conn- 5th day of August next, (being the Monday of Court)- try,; mc tnanas ot tins meeting are due to senators two tracts ot Land, viz: v ebsler, Clay, and all other Senators and Representa tives in Congress, who are disposed to do iustice to the South. ' May heaven's choicest blessings simile upon their efforts, and we would say to them, God speed you, goon, cease not your efforts until this dangerous ques tion of slavery is settled forever according to 1 the true spirit of the constitution A Tract of 500 Acres, five miles from the Town of Salisbury, lying pon the waters of Deal's Creek, adjoining the lands; of John Craige, Michael H. Swink, John Cauble and others, whereon the late David Pinkston, resided. j HEAD QUARTERS, Salisbury, Mmj 27, 1850. $ rp HE Officers of the 3d Regiment of JL of Volunteers are hereby command to appear at the Courlt House in Salisbu ry, on the 3d day of July next, at 10 o' clock A. M., with side arms for drill, and on the FOURTH, at 9 o'clock with their respective Com panies for review and inspection, with 3 rounds of cartridge. ' By order of the Colonel CommanJant, 0. M. WE ANT. C. S. BROWN. Adiutant. May 27, 1850. ! 3t3 North Carolina Rail Road. THE General Commissioners of ihe Nona Carolina Railroad, hereby announce that at a meeting held by them, at Chapel HUI, on the 5th and Gthdaysof Jne was ascertained, ham additional returns made by the local Commissioners, that the sum f one Milhoo of Dollars had been subscribed in the capital stock of tke eaid Company: and the first instalmraJwOf dol lars per share, on the eaid mua of oe mflikm of diTTars, to wit: the sunt of fifty thousand dollars, having been received by the: Treasurer of this BarJ, the said Com- f 2 7 V?1 anj. "'ne,l uupucate declarations ! bama. W5,000, nos. 9 14 53. package whole tickets. - - ...o,.,,. ..,..tr9U, iiiesuoscrtoers, sen: 10 massacnuseits. 8z6.000.noa 1 lfi oo half and the amounts by them respectively suWribed sppen- tickets, sent to Ohio. $24,000, nos. 4 37 73 wc'k.w ded thereunto, and have caused one of the said declara- whole tickets, sent to South Carotin.. Tn ZJ uons to be deposited in the ofnee of the Secretary of j 12 19 43, package half tickets, sent t IndianV. W btate acCOrJ I llT to thl rrnnirm,nli nf Ail. i o r a , i i v - . t - ... ...v oriuuii , mnm, noe. j j o. wnoie iicxei. sent to iinrtri Md. By those Luckiest of the Lucky li-IIows. ; . UU. cilery Brokers. No. 1. Lrfzht St. BsltUnor Tkree praad Capitals li ae Skee Mid. 4Q,UOO! ZL OF 10000 ! ! PRIZES ! PRIZES ! 7 PRIZES ! ! t 940,000,. numbers 7 21 4T. whole ticket, sent to Ata- ot the Act of the General Assembly, ratified the 27ih day of January, 1849, entitled " An Act to incorporate the North Carolina Rail Road Company." And the said General Commissioners by virtue of the powers vested in them, by the' Act of Assembly afore said, do therefore hereby make known, that ihe staid company shall be regarded as formed for the purposes j mentioned in said Act from the aforesaid 6th day of June, one thousand eight hundred and fifty; and thry j do further give notice that they have appointed a meet- ing of the sfockholders of said Company to be held in ' the Town of Salisbury, on Thursday, the 11th day of' July next, to receive the report of the proceedings of this Board, and to take such further action under the charter ot the said Company, as may be authorized aud requir ed by the same, at which every stockholder is requested to attend -in person or by proxy. And this Board stands adjourned to the time and place test aforesaid. SIGNED: William C. Means, of Concord. John B. Lord, of Salisbury. Richard Washington, Waynesborough. Hencv B. Elliott, of Randolph. James M. Leach, Lexington. John M. Morehead, Greenboroogh. William" A. Graham, HilUboro'. liesolved, That this glorious Union, established by A TTC A (TF OT? ft APT T7Q 'the sufferings anTblood rT , , . m r oVI nrm and unimpaired astern? as time sha ast : Sand mav 1 .'" onuui uvc mnn uum tlve names of alf those who lav down nartv son-it and Join,ng the lands of Mrs. Mary Swink, the heirs of Jno - K J -L devote their energies and influence to an honorable ad towns rfrcit The Hos Ulsuflpbse) justment of this disgraceful question, be handed down to Hsterity as bright examples, worthy of imitation, and may their names be loved and cherished by millions yet unborn, while those who continue to agitate! and en deavor to create a sectional feeling iu regard to this mat ter, and who labor to prevent a settlement of this ques tion, be they northern or southern men, may sink into oblivion, " unwept, unhonored and unsung;" ! Resolved, That we respect the President of these U. States for the able and firm manner in which he dis charges the duties of his office. ! On motiou, the following gentlemen, from various portions of this district, were appointed a committee to select a suitable person to represent this portiqn of Ire dell County, viz: Greentmry Gaither, Pierce Campbell, Jr., J. L.-Nisbitt, Z. Albea, Capt. Journey, Aael Dick Craige, dee'dy and others. This tract is sold upon the petition of the heirs of Woodson Monroe, dee'd, for the purpose of partition. i Terms of sale. Twelve months credit, purchasers giving bonds with approved security. - JOHN B. LORD, CM E. June 27 Printer's Fee 5 50 .- 6t7 E. N. CARR & CO. ExcImnReJCrokers & lottery Agents, 138 Pratt Street, BaUimpre, Md. : E. N. CARR 4 CO. Are the oldest Lottery Brokers in the United States, this being the 25th year they have been distributing For tune'a Favors. R. N. Carr Sr. Co. hnv nrnnird n rin- ens, Capt. II. Allen, TheoMarshall, Mtlus Dobbtn,T. uta lion from Maine to Georgia that no other ofice can Kedman, John Jennings, Capt. Martirf Jacks, Joseph j in any way compete with ; they have sold and paid Five Dollars Reward. STRAYED OR STOLEN from the wagon of the subscriber near Reid's store, Iredell County, on the night of the 19th of May last, a ddrk bay Mare, four teen hands high, eighteen years old, with white in her forehead, and snip near the nose, shod only on the fore feet. The above reward will be given to any person who will give me information, so) that I can get her again. JOHN DAWALT. Hunting Creek, Davie Co., June 8, 1850. 2i5 S. T. CORLEY WOULD respectfully announce to the citizens of Salisbury, that he will remiin in the place a few days longer, that all those who wsh Daguerreotype likenesses taken may have an opportunity tj do so. He may still be found between the hours of ten and five at his room in the Court House. June 13,1850 JUST RECEIVED A LARGE supply of Jay ne's Expectorant and Hair Tonic. Also, Sands' Sarsaparilla in quart bottles, for sale by Drs. June 13, 1850. BROWN & JAMES. 5 1 FOR JULY 1850. 1 Campbell, Esq., wassailed to Maryland Consol. Lottery, Class 95, to be driwn in of the Convention then addressed Md on Thursday, July 11. E. N. Carr & fl . I .witniianui Ac, the Boatoiiians are a great people, reat ttf industry; economy, wealth, and intellit'ence. r - ( The industrial, economical habits of (he people ire Men in almost every thing! Which meets the ejfp of tho ohservcr, and as )o wealth, why this city alpno has capital enough to buy at lent : three such States as North Carolina. Tko siate of public morals in this city is not lupaiied hy any city in the worjld ; I have tint teen adruhkard nor a beggnr in all my travels about jhe ity, nor have 1 heart a single oath. A verj hih regard for propriety and religion leemi; to pervade nearly alt ranks. They have acorporajion law here prohibiting the smoking of cigtrs in the streets aud other public places Bnrlrtl- k rionnllu r' I ..-. t!IKnn 'Pkio 1..... ti well as some other regulatit(ni of the same dignity, ik rigidly enforced. I hive visited some of the nlaces of oublic Rcvis, and Sampson Ball The committee having retired to perform iheir duty, the meeting was addressed by persons presentj. The committee having returned, offered to jthe meet ing the following report of their deliberations, hriz: We, your Committee, beg leave to offer to the' meeting the name of Col. Charles R. Jones, as our choice for oar candidate, whom we consider worthy, able anJ unpreju diced by party spirit, and who will support th true in terest of the farmer and mechanic, if elected, j , The report of the committee was unanimously adopt ed. ' Col. Jones resigned his seat as chairman of the meeting, and I heo. M. chair. The nominee tho people, stating that the nomination wafc entirely against his wishes, that he did not wish to pecome a candidate, but as his fellow citizens had called; upon him in the manner they had, under the circumstances he could not refuse to become their candidate, j He then made known his views in regard to the great j questions now agitatinglhe country, and also his opinions in re gard to matters of State policy in a few bui able re marks. On motion, it was resolved that we will unjte in sup port of the nominee of this Convention, and tfyat we will use all honorable means to secure his election. Resolved, That a copy of the proceedings of this meeting be forwarded to the Carolina Watchman with the request that they be published. On motiou, the meeting then adjourned. 1 TIIEO. 'Mr CAMPBEL&, Ch'n. R. II. PARKS, Sec more prizes than any other six offices combined! as the Managers and Contractors of these Lotteries wtll testi fy. Specimen of luck in just one Lottery ! In drawing of Grand Consolidated, Class B, Feb. 9, CARRiij CO. sold the following nice little prizes: ; 11 39 37, ft 0,000, sent to Ohio. 11 44 CS. glO,- 000, sent to Memphis, Tenn. 3 5 35, $10,0Q0, sent to Newark. Besides two small capitals of $400 'each SALISBURY BOOK S TT CCD SC 1332m I Co. Agents." 118,000 . 18.000 . 9,000 20,000 78 numbers intereit.'amon'T which was the Bunker Hill '.Xfondment. It is composed ojf Granite ;from the htyiof this Slate, and is 221 feel in height The cprncr stone was laid on the 17th of June, l.S25iiy the illustrious Laayejtfybut for want cf funds' the structure was not jcompleted until toe Spring if 18 12; To gainj admission into )be interior of the monument, had topay the Usual Ji'rice of 1 12 J cents a cdnsiderabie. sum il raised during the year by this means, and as I am InfoMned, it is spent in j beautifying the Igrouftijs which surround it. After gaining ad. niijs'foti into the Monument, t ascended 295 itepjjjwhich brought md tothetjjp, from whence .1 beheld, as it seemed to me (at the time, al- raosi uio whole ol creation, dui mo In Cabarrus County, on the 18th inst., by the Rev'd D. A. Penick, JOHN A. BRADSHAW, Esc., of Lex ington.and Miss MARY B. PIIIFER, youngest daugh ter of the late John Phifer, dee'd. In this County, on the 20th inst., by John McCoh- naughey, Esq , Mr. JOHN B. MILLS, and CHAEL C. MOORE. On Wednesday, 27th June, by Rev. T. Mr. EDOM WOOD of Davidson Countyi to ANN ELIZA SWINK, of Rowan Couniy.j " A babe in a house is like a well-spring of pleasure, a messenger of peace and love ; Yet it is a talent of trust, a loan to be rendered back with interest." Miss RA- Ricaud, Miss I BORN, June 25 A son to Capt.O. Woodson,(Printer)Town. SCHEME. 1 Prize of 818,000 is 3 Prizes of 6,000 are 3 do 3,000 are 20 do 1,000 are Tickets 5, halves $2$, Quarters .$J$. and 13 drawn Ballots. Certificates of Packages 26 wholes, $75; 26 halves 27$; 26 quarters 18 75. ' $25,000. 1 Consol. Lottery of Maryland, Class 97, to be drawn in Baltimore; Md., on Monday, July 15. E. N. Carr &. Co. Agents. ; SCHEME. I . 15 drawn Ballots in each package of 25 Tickets. 1 prize of 25,000 is $25,000 1 do 5,000 is 5.00Q 1 do 3,000 is 3,000 1 do 1,400 is 1,400 1 do 1,000 is 1,000 Tickets 88; Halves 84; Quarters 82. 75 Nos. and 15 drawn Numbers Certificates of Pack ages 25 wholes 108; do 25 halves", 54; do 25! quar ters, 27 Capital Prize $40,00Q. Grand Consolidated Lottery of Maryland. Class 21, to be drawn in Baltimore, Maryland on Saturday, July 20, E. N. Carr & Co. Agents. Eighteen drawn Ballots in each package of 25 Tickets. BRILLIANT SCHEME. H1H.. uuu, nos. o o, pacsajre qtraner ticaets, sent to Flor ida. 815,000, nos. 3 28 44, package 'wlo! tickets, sent to Tennessee. $13,500, nos. 1 1639, whole tick et sent to New Jersey. $ 10,000, nos. 14 48 73, whole ticket sent to Pennsylvania. $10,000, nos. 2 C5 76, whole ticket sold in Baltimore. $9,000, not. 3 23 36, package half tickets, sent to Georgia. 3 of 6,000, 6 of 2,300, 13 of 1,500, 17 of 1,000, were sold hi whole and half ticket packages, besides an innumerable number of smaller prizes, sent to different parts ef the country. GRAND ARRAY OP LOTTERIES For JULY 1850. Natii ax A. Stedmax, Pittsboro'. Samuel IIargkave, Lexington. June Cih, 1850. 6 WASHINGTON House CHLWT ST. ABOVE SEYEXTII, PIIII.ADELPIIIA. IS central, in the immediate vicinity of the most im portant public Institutions, the best and most fash ionable places ot business, and the attractive public Squares of the city. In the important requisites of light and ventilation, two principal objects aimed at in the re cent, enlaisement and ihoroutrh improvement of this House, it is not exceeded, perhaps, by any establishment in America. To strangers, therefore, its position is pe culiarly desirable. Tlie subscriber returns thanks to his friends and the public for the libf ral patronage they have extended to him, and assures tht-m that he will endeav or to merit a continuance of their favors. June 20, 1850:9 16 A. F. GLASS. Date July. 1 2 3 5 G 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 2(J 22 ! 23 i 24 ! 25 I 2G i 27 29 30 Confidence strictly obserted. No of Ballots. Tickets Price of. NEW CASH STORE! The Sabseribers are nw rewiring their Stack f Groceries k Hardware, Ready-ITIade Clothing, Hats Caps Boots and Shoe, Sliirts Carpet Hugs, Trunks JLc, which they are determined to sell at the very lowest rates. If you want baigains, O call at the New Store corner Shaver's Hotel. , ENNISS, SHEMWELL & CO. April 25, 1850. - 50tf Diet In MoekRville. on the 20th instant, suddenly of Chol era Morbus, WILLIAM J. WALKER, in the 21st year of his age. , The deceased had been a jnember , of Col. II. R. Austin's family for some eight years, and was a young man of considerable promise, good moral character, beloved by his friends, and respected by his acquaintances. !Com: ! In this County, on the- 14th instant, MARY ANN LOUISA, aged 3 months and 22 days, daughter of Mr. John 1 1 V 1 1 1 1 1 prize of 40,000 is 840,000i 20,000; 12.000L 8,000 J. H. COFFMAN, HAVING opened a HEW BOOK STORE in this place, would respectfully announce to his friends and the public, that he keeps constantly on hand the largest and most valuable stock of Books and Stationary, ever offered for sale in this part of the State, compris ing professional, business, family and school Books, and a very large assortment ot Miscellaneous Literature adapted to every variety of taste and capacity. Prose Poetry, Tales, Romances, Songs, &c. Also, a variety of Moral, Religious and Theoogical Works. He has a choice selection of Stationary, Ledgers, Day Books, Blank and Copy Books, fine letter, note and cap paper, legal, plain and fancy envelopes, ink, pens, gold and steel) pencils, wafers, slates, inkstands, Patent Pen Makers, PRINTERS INH PORTFOLIOS, He would respectfully invite the attention of parents and teachers to his large assortment of Common School Books English and Classical Persons wishing to pur chase would do well to call, fpr I am determined to sell on as good terms as they can be had in the State. Any Books or Stationary not on hand will be ordered at a small advance on cost. All orders will be thankfully received and promptly attended to. Store in M. Brown's new building opposite the Man sion Hotel, and one door below Drs. Brown &, James' Drug Store. Salisbury, May 9. NEW COPARTNERSHIP ! AND NEW STORE! m w m Capital Prizes 25,000 73 Nos. 13 drawn 8 20,000 75 No 12 drawn 5 30,000 78 Nos. drawn 10 3 10,000 72 Nos. 13 drawn - 5 4OJ0OO 75 Nos. 10 drawn 20 2G ,000. 78 Noe. 15 drawn 8 24,0t0 75 Nos. 12 drawn 5 33.000 75 Nos. 13 drawn 10 l!,000 78 Nos. 13 drawn 5 15.000 75 Nos. 14 drawn 4 50.000 78 Nos. 12 drawn 15 25,000 75 Nos 15 drawn 8 20,000 75 Nos. 12 drawn 5 30,000 78 Ns. 13 drawn 10 25,000 78 Nos. 10 drawn 5 24,000 75 Nos. 13 drawn 5 40.000 75 Nos. 18 drawn 15 25,000 78 No. 11 diawn 8 19,000 72 Nos. 11 drawn 5 35,000 75 Nos. 14 drawn 10 24.000 78 Nos. 13 drawn 5 15.000 75 Nos. 14 drawn 4 G0.000 78 Nos. 10 drawn 20 30,000 75 Nos. 15 drawn 10 20.000 78 Nob. 12 drawn 5 31 37,500 78 Nos. 13 drawn 10 PLEASE OBSERVE. Correspondents will plase lear in mind that the pri ces of Packages ot Quarter Tickets only are publishes! in this Paper. The printed official drawings which cor respondents can rely upon as being correct, are always forwarded from PYFER COS. Bank Drafts or Cer tificates of Deposit payable in Gold at sight, will be promptly remitted to those correspondents who draw pri zes at PYFER 4. CO S. Remember A Package of Tickets, can draw four of the most splendid prizes iu a scheme. In order to secure a fortune, and the cash im mediately after the result is known, the readers of this paper have only to remit cash drafts or prize tickets to the old established, far famed and truly fortunate EE change and Lottery Brokers, rYFEiX A CO No. 1 , LIGIIT-ST., Hilliiurf, MJ. 'Price of. Packages 830 00 18 50 33 00 16 25 44 00 26 50 18 50 35 00 18 50 13 00 59 00 25 00 18 50 37.00 12 04 .17 56 C 2 00 32 OO 18 50 32 00 18 50 13 00 87 0 30 00 19 75' 37 00 Rendleman. do 20.000 is do 12,000 is do 8 000 is do 6,000 is do 4,000 is do 3,000 do 3,000 Tickets 815, Shares in proportion. and 18 drawn Ballots. Certificate of package of 35 wholes, $245 : do 25 halves 8122 ; do 25 quarters 61 ;; do eighths 30 b3 -O- I HE subscribers have this day associated themselves toaetherin the MERCANTILE BUSfNEtS, are 6000 78 :Nos. s -it- are authorised to announce STEPHEN DOU- $37,500. i ( .i , , i '. r Lavie,intne commons oi me nexi ueneraa Assciuuiy rmej me that I saw nothing but the city of . of North ToUaa. Boston, its harbor and the suri-oundin towns, ye are authorised and requested to announce THO- M grander sight I never beheld in my life. MAS II AYN ES, Esq., as a candidate to represent Sur iOfcit-o Vou some idea of the sizo and solidity 7 bounty in the tlouse ot Commons ot tne pext uene pfihii Monument, will state that the cap Iton Wij-hed tiro and ''a halfons. X)ftrrue!id.iv last' I mounted ihe " Iron horse" nJ ill fort r minutes I Was wallkins t.hp afreets 15 TIHTLsq , as a candidate to represent the; Uounty ot aryiand Consol. Lottery, Susquehanna Canal Outlet Lock at Tide Water, Class No. 35, to be drawn ih Bal timore, Md.,on Wednesday, July 31. E. N. Crr & Co. Agents. - F BRILLIANT SCHEME. J V ; . i m Loxvell, distance 23 miles, Bare GO cents. n thrs lar-famcd manufacturijig town I spent r -1 j "WTi in seeing thtin manufacture . riitl, Broad jCloths, Cassime res, &c, and in wokirig about the city. Lowell is quite a large plate) and numbers 35,000 inhabitants. In its population was only 3532 so much , forth influence of manufactures. The capital jMipd here in the manufacturing interest is ymtfyen millions six hundred and ten thousand pollari. The number of female employed 8,260; number ofma es 3.741. The1 averLe.waffes of I, .r tigar ui uouru per ween is fifties xl he number ner week is I.Cf3,l)00 ; number oi pounds of wool per week- ouou. ihe MidulesBX Company. which owns JwTen factory make use annually of 1,710,- vOO pounds of wool ; 8O,000 pounds ol glue; JGO,)00 dye.stufls and 817,000 worth of soap. Mhe capital atock of this Company is one mil , ?on jlollars.' " I ' Ta Lowell machine hoj can furnish ma. nery complete for a mill bf J.OOO spindles !o three rnontbs,'an'd a mill jan bo built in the . nie time.. I "I TKere are three Binks and two institutions 'r oavmirs. ihe Iiwoll . iK rhv. Thft obcr, 1810, from ml AaQpmhiv (LT We are authorized and requested to announce ABRAHAM LENTZosi a jeandidate to represent Rowan County in the House of Commons of the next Legislature. IT We are authorised andorequested tq announce CALEB KLUTTS. asa candidate for rej-election to the office of Sheriff, at the ensuingxAugust election; .- We have been authorised and requested to announce M. AVESTAL, Esq . asa candidateHorebresent the County of Surry in the Commons of thexnext Jegisla- ture. 837,500; 75,000; 31,250 12,000- proportion. 1 prile of S37.50O is 10 prizes of 7,500 is 25 do 250 are 25 do 500 are Tickets $8 shares In 78 Nos. and 11 drawn Ballots. Certificate of packages 26 wholes 118; do 26 halves 59 ; do 26 quarters 29J. Address, E. N. CARR & CO. : 138 Pratt street, Baltimore Md. Negroes Wanted, j T WISH to purchase 200 NEGROES, one hun- X dred men and one hundred women. None need ap- Lowell had on deposit in Oc W. F. BASON, D. ELS., ' Mat be found in Salisbury when not professionally absent. Being known, it is unnecessary to say anything more than to congratulate those who have been unfortunate with the organs so essential to health, beaiily and ex pression, upon the many improvements recently intro duced for their relief. i Ordejra through friends or Post Office, ati this place, r r txr . -r,n.i;n u;il k. . .1 l irom any poriiou oi ,cicni iaiwiu., w,t yr a,i,iucu to if made in lime. June 19:5 Swiss & Jaconet, Insertings & Edgings. 171 MYERS has a splendid asrtmerttif Swiss nd li. Jaconet, Edgings and Insertings, tp which he would particularly invite the attention of th Ladies. At f AC oign of ine itea r iag ; May pf 52 (18) CANDLES. in, and Adaman ENNISS, SIIEMWEIL f CO. fl ALIJDW, Sperm, and Adamantine Candles for sale JL by nlv unless their neeroes are young and likely: For such, the highest cash prices wilr be paid. I . J. W. FORD. Flat Rock, Kershaw Dist., S.C.Jnne 11 3m7 Wool Carding, i fl HE eubscriber would inform the public that bis T rm m r w mr mat m W m T wr is in fine opera tins order. His former arrangement with Messrs. Jenkins &, Roberts, has been renewed for this season, so that all who may wish to have Wool carded, and would prefer to do so, may be accommoda ted bv leavine their wool at their store. . The rolls shall be made and returned to the store as soon as possible Wool received until the 1st Sept. W. WILLIS. June 271850 5t7 T under the firm of ' BROWN, OVERMAN & CO, and have commenced business in the new and elegant ly fitted up store house of Mr. B. F. Fraley, opposite Thomas L. Cowan's Brick Row, where they ore now receiving from New York imd Philadelphia, A New and Splendid Stock of Spring emit Summer GOQDS. Their stock has been selected by one of the firm with great care,pnd bought for cash at the low- L i . -1 f est prices, ana comprises general i&oiuucui ui STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS, Hats, Caps, Bonnets, and Ribbands, Boots and Shoes, Hardware and Lutlery, Q UEENS WARE and GROCERIES, Also, a large assortment of Carriage j Trimmings, will be kept constantly on hand, and will be sold on rea sonable terms. We hope those wishing to buy will give s a call, as we w it take great pleasure in show fng our goods to any or e and never get offended if you do not buy. i ; Bacon, Flour, and Bjeet Hides, taken in exchange tor Goods. j i JOHN D. BROWN, WM. OVERMAN. WM. M. ELLIOTT, IJ. F. FRALEY. Salisbury, Apr 1, 1850. 47 FURNITURE ! ROWZEE & HARRISON keep constantly on hand the largest and cheapest assortment of MAHOGANY & WALNUT FURNITURE, manufactured in this section of country, viz: Fine Ma hogany Dressing Bureaus, Pier and Centre Tables with marble tops, Sofas, Rocking Chairs, and a large lot of Cane Bottom and Windsor Chairs, Walnut Furniture of every description, French and Common Bedsteads. Also, a neat assortment of Coffins always on hand at the most reduced prices. They return to their friends and the public their sincere thanks for past favors, and hope by punctuality and promptness in their business, to merit a continuance of the same. Salisbury, N. C, June 7, 1850:4 State ot fLortn aroUua, SURR Y COUNTY. May Term, 1850 Josiah Cowles, vs. Thomas W. Carter In this case, it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant, Thomas W. Corter, is not an inhab itant of this State : It is therefore ordered by the Court, that publication be made for six successive weeks in the Carolina Watchman, notifying said defendant to be and appear at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for said County, at the Court House, in Rock ford, on the 2d Monday in August next, to plead or re plevy to said attachment, or the case will be heard ex parte, and the lands condemned to satisfaction of p'ain tiffs debt. Witness, F. K. Armstrong, Clerk of our said Court, at Office, the second Monday of May, 1850. F. K. ARMSTRONG, Cl k. Cw4 Printer's Fee 5 50. j - Origin al Attachment, levied on Lands, &c. Sylva Grove Female SohooL THE Summer Session of this School will commence the 2d Monday in July. The school is now per manently established and is in a flourishing conditio. Miss J. M. Brandon, a graduate of Greensboroogk Fe male College, has been employed to teach Music, ani assist in the other branches ; she comes recommended by the principal of the Music Department at the College. The situation is pleasant and healthy ; the course of in struction thorough, systematic, and practical. Special attention is paid lo the elementary branches. Weekly recitations in the Bible are required of all. i EXPENSES. . Board per month, $5 00 Tuition in the elementary branches, includ ing Spelling, Reading, Writing, and the first principles of Arithmetic, per session, 5 00 These with Grammar and Geography, 6 00 The higher Classes, . 10 00 French or Latin, , . 5 00 Music, 15 00 Three dollars per session for use of instrument. Pupils are expected to furnish their own candles. No deduction will be made for absence after enter ing except in cases of protracted sickness. Text books . furnished at the school. T. MOCK. Sylva Grove, Davidson, N. C, June 1, 1850Ji6 Kuhn's Piano Factory, Ifo. 75 Baltimore St., Baltimore, Kid, ALL persons in want of good and durable instru ments will find them in this Establishment, of beautiful tone and finish. AH Piano's are warranted, and any instrument that does not come up to expectation, will be removed without any charge, and another put in its place without charges. Address, A. KUIIN, No. 75, Baltimore st., Baltimore, Md. June 20, 5 LIST OF PRICES. 6 octave from 180 to 8300; 6 do from g250 to 8350 ; 7 do from 300 to-8500. Grand Pianos from 8500 to 81500. NEW GOODS FOR 'M ''.ill1 rill- 4 AT READY MADE CLOTHING. April 11, 1850. THE Subscriber has received hii Spring and Sum mer supply of Ready Made Clothliiff and Gentlemen's wear, consulting of (lotli, (avslmfre, ( hinarft(e, Drtp D'Eti, CrsUi Cloth, Angola, Linen Ln.tre, Brswt Linen, k CatUiaae DRESS, FRO OH, AND BUSINESS Gold Hill, Rowan County. M.BROWN & SON WOULD inform their customers and the public, i that they are now receiving their Spring and ! Summer Goods from the North, comprising a large and i general assortment of j FANCY, STAPLE ANI) DOMESTIC " DRY-GOODS, I Hardware & Cutlery, Tire & Round Iron, Nails, Blasting and Rifle Powder, Crockery and Glass Ware, Hats and Bonnets, Shoes and Boots, Groceiies, Books and Stationary. Our stock is large and desirable, and will compare, if not excel, any slock brought to Gold Ilili : and as for stvlesand cheapness. cannot be surpassed. We invite our customers and the public to examine and judge for 4 themselves. ...... . Country Produce of alt kini3 taken in payment lor Goods. ' April 18, 1850. WHITE KID & SATIN SLIPPERS. JUNE 20, 1630. , 1. E MYERS has on hand a small lot of LADIES' FINE KID and SATIN SLIPPERS, which he i3 offering at low prices at the sign of the rtd Flag. Extra Fine BROAD CLOTH. THE subscriber has just received a superior piece of BLACK BROAD ClOTE, which is really something superior. Gentlemen wish ing to purchase an etra fine coat, would do well to call and examine this Cloth. He also has a fine) assortment'of Blue, Black, Brown, Olive, Green and drib Cloths and Careimeres. Don't forget to call at the sign of, the RED FLAG. Salisbury, May Si E. MYERS. T. p WORTH, . Commission and Forwarding MERCHANT, j WILMINGTON, N. C. May 1, 1850i ljpl GREAT EXCITEMENT. New Arrival! MAY 16 h, 1830. Berages and Ladies Dress Goods. THE subscriber has just opened a lot of fine Berages which he is offering from the unprecedented low price of 30 cents up. Also, Tissues, Allborines, Poult de Nois, and Persian Cloths. Also, solid colored Pink, Blue, Drab, Green, Corn Colored and changeable Swbs Muslin, a superior article at 25 cents per yard, wiih a of other dress goods. M Don't forget tne store. E. MYERS. At the sign of the Red Flag. Salisbury, N. C. variety Calmtrt, Tweed, Linen Drillln;, aid UtUaads Silk, Satin, Cashmere, Velentta, I nlon, Linen k UirselU SHIRTS AND COLLARS : Merino, Silk, Linen & Cotton Undr Shirts &. Drawers. Also, a general assortment of nandkPs. Cravat, Sopnders and ClTrc He would state that his Clothing was manufactured in the Northern Citit-s and is of the most Fashionable Styles. Persons in want of; any of the above, would find FT to their advantage to give him a call, as he is dctcmiined to sell. E. MYERS. Salisbury, N. C. 43:tf EeROESJVANTEDT CASH FOR NEGROES ! Salisbury, June 13, 180. THE subscriber is now in market and wishes lo pur chase a number of Negroes, for which be is offer ing the Highest Market Prices in Cash. Persons wishing to dispose pf any of ihe above nam ed properly would do well to call on tlie subscriber. H i. MYER MYERS. Communications from a distance attended to. Salisbnry June 13ih, 1850, 5tf. Stray Horse ttaken Up ! , TAKEN up on the 20th May last and entered on the stray book for Rowan County, by O.G. Foard, Esq., fourteen miles west of Salisbury, on the Statrsyitle road, a small brown mare, supposed lo be 12 or foar teen years old, white blaze intihe face, marks of i xJ. lar and other gearing, had on collar and halter chain "Uo AppTT:,.n "SiiAVER R- MARRIAGE LICENSE FOll SALE AT THIS OFFICE. inger. June 19. BLACKING, BLACKING. Salisbury, Ar..i 11, 1&5Q 43 TmUNLAFS Blacking for sale by Ennisa, Shemwell yj &. Co.