.. i 1 1 ;T sclicH ift- our S6i ifartt 'county .fljiircs thatjan ins iluliori so d;; 'rfgo(): public rmtrowge ; should, be ,C ,m titi nlkely known nad appreciated The location of lliis Acadcmj', in the IrfdfU..MX milc above States yille' fttiJ close to Bethany' church, de serve 'fpecial notice. IJe moved from tbc tembtationi incidentoltowns and vib j CSt jj, a most salubrious part of our Sttite J i'n ,,,c m'Jsl of a community Jon'' ktiown for its excellent morals and jjgioulj habits, it affords peculiar ad van tagrs fr the cultivation ofj the mind and heart jf the young who there resort. Tjhe ritr ibf this sketch has visited and lived '0 mar of the States of ojLir Union ; but he JoeL.not know a spot wjliere hevbuld "irnvc the morals tif his children fnrmrdlthan the neighborhood was rcquirra u muici. Ana wnen do ioo&s D3CK upon those scenes, he feel that he owes a debt of gratitude to the citizens generally, but to the laZies, more espe cially, for the kindness, politeness, and hospitality tended to him every where, and during the whole toW. If the assistant has-been so unfortunate as to have given any offence to any individual, he asks pardon of the jin jured person. - He liopes and believes; however, that' he has not ; and flatters himself that the ties of friendship which existed between himself and the citizens of ROW 'S ' i an, have been strengthened and confirmed byUhis last intercourse with them-. And to you, sir, I acknowledge iny indebtedness for the kindness extended to me in the Carolina Watchman., j With sentiments of high regard, : K Yours, very respectfully, 1 ' E. D. AUSTIN. P.S. You may hear from mis again in reference to the statistics. " ' f i f j From the- Daily Register of Wednesday. STATE LEGISLATURE, j! Nothing of special interest transpired, ton yesteiday, in the House 6f iZommon, gave jhe refusal to reconsider the vote by which Jhe pro- formed jthan- th c neighborhood in whttu ; VQKon to appoior n General SuperintefidaDi of Ebrrtt'ief Academy is situated. INor is Common Schools was lost. r in'-i nrt epbemcrnl in&titutipn. on the con- ' , In ,le Senate, the debate on the question of in'" , ! , i i ' i t i Negro Slavery on Federal Relations iras fur- 'tinunnce of which no dependence can be j ,he? ronlilluJ , Mr. Gilmert o( Guilford iJa'ced' lor upwards ol twienty years has Mr. G. opposed the constitutional right of se. cession, iii one oi an oesi enoris ; an cuoit, which for strength and closeness of argument for force of reasoning and effectiveness of sa tire, ranks among the happiest of that! gentle, man. We shall have the pleasure, 'we iare hjpy to say, of laying it before our readers in. a 4 e w days. j j and Treasurer,; whb the usual duties and pow era pertaining to iheir office respectively. They shall be elected annually' hy LulIof,'-and continue in office one yea-r, or? uqiil their suc cessor! are chosen. Tbeltreisurer shall pay out moneonly upon the order uf the. Execu. live Committee. '""!' 3.XAny person may become ar member '.of this Association by the payment of oue dollar es j . e ' . .. ... . aumiisiou tee, and one duller annually thereat, ler. ' . 7v,f' 4. The next meeting of this Association shall be held in the City of Raleigh, on the first Wednesday in Octobef, 1851, and annually thereafter at such time and jiiace as may be designated at the preceding meeting of the As. sociation. j, 5. At each annual meeting of ibis Associa tion, there shall he held a fair for the exhibi. tion of articles of production, igenuity and skill r in ik. :..i....i i r..'...i: il uo rtiituuuidi, iiiitiiuiitciui in, iiiiiiiig anu Mechanical Departments of Industry ; to which exhibition the members of this Association shall be admitted free of charge. 1 6. An Executive Committee, consisting of five memberts, shall be annually chosen, whose duty it shall be to prescribe and publish rules and regulations for the government of the an nual fairs ; to procure the delivery of an annu al address, and to award premiums as the funds SMALL "Whebkas; a'disease, supposed to b' Small Pox, is iioWievwMrHiiriU town of Charlotte and has spread into the village of Monroe, Statesville, Tajlorsville, and Davidson College, aud whereas the .safety of the citizens of our Village requires, some precautionary measures torpreventihe disease from being introduced among us, there Are . .Be it ordained by the Commissioners of the Renting of Valuable "HIRINGDF"NEG11D"ES -,?.' : ; AND Lands AND MILLS! THE undemgnej will hire, at the Court Ifonse, in Mocksvills.on the 2Sth instant, from 45 lo 50 Valuable Negroes, consisting of men, women snJ children ; among m bom TIIK MARKETS? Town of Mocksville, and it is hereby ordained i arc a wgoo msker, weaver, cooper. anJ a first rite by the authority of the same. That any person waf?n"' , -ft . . . ,.,, f.. : ,i A 1 Also, on Monday the 30ib. st the Mill Place, will be or persons, (earners of the U. S. ma.l except- nnlrd lh, va!aab!e Plantation, on which iW Uie Col. ed.) arriving in our village from any of the afore- Kelly formerly lived This place is too weir known to saia villages, or from any other place infected j ne ny J-scnpttion. I he with the disease, shall be notified by the Town f Uoustable to leave the corporate limits of the village within ntteen minutes after such notice. ki.-bfv nullified 'Tchvr 'b&en at this post, preparing young rnen either to en tr'r college, or to be at Oce prrijitoyi'd as Ifljtroclors of youth in (lillVreot p?tnts of 0arl nJ- The pupils of Ebenrzer Acad em)' nrc to be found in all our Southern nd Western States, atformng the vaiious proffitons whichthey have embraced, or blessing iho community in which they live, by training its rising generation in the paths of science and virtue. None of thrm, we will venture tosay, have ever forgotten tlij ir highly esteemed Teacher, the school house, the cliurch-r-and the people-of Bethany. Tho best Inheritance, that parents cn Iraye'thfir children, ; is a good education. AVhile many itstitutions o( learning, ovv intr to their peculiar location, oirrr the riieans Of education at such elevated pri- j crs as ar? beyond the reach of tire? great j 'mascot the Community, llbenezpr Acad- emynfJVrs the sami! advantages at so rnodernte a rate, both as it! regards tuition ' and hoarding, that almost all can readily J avail themilye of them.: . It is a great mistake to suppose that because, the pri ceoflu'.tiin in an Academy are moder ;ate,. life advantages there?.: enjoyed must necessarily he iuferior. The pupils of Ehenezer Academy have entered our Uni versity and' other Colleges; and the Pro fessors in those Institutions can testify how f .Ihey were prepared for the classes which they wished to enter. We commenced these reir&arks w ith the btentloti of noticing chiefly what vp saw and heard on the 12th and 13th instant, Jvberi4 tbr? puji)s,.of . this Academy were examined , on Geography, English Gram mar, Parsjnff, Arithmetic, Algebra, Ilbet- . aric. Natural Philosophy, Astronomy, the the L'Htin atel Greek languages, &c, &c., &C. In all these various branches their examination was dose, particular and en tireii' satisfactory. The speeches, on the second day of the examination, were all markeil by good taste antjl sourul morals. Some original compositions displayed an unusual maturity of mind ; especially two in poetry vtbich were heard with unmin gled tiatisfaction and displayed talents of no urdiuajy kind. Several o'f the young gentlemenibid fair to rise to eminence as piibliq speakers. The, music that accom panied the exercises was in good taste and made those bours of public exhibition pass awiftly awl pleasantly away. We would invite a discerning public to I.I . I Ml - nuciju uir iicjv CAniiiiuriiiuii ui iuruczrr Academy, and we arc well assured that they will most cheerfully and to the ex lent of their powers patronize so exb lent an Institution. S. F. CENSUSOF ROWAN. C.hrkn Valley, 2Ut. Dec. 1850. Mr. rjidir : am happy to inform you that I have rni4rted tin? Seventh CVnmis jrt the Division of Rowan county, in thr Dmtrict of N. C. The following is a Utcinfnt: . - I?50 , Whkcm 9893 ; free cut. 3l3 ; Mavc, 3852total, 13858 Whitci, 8C53 ; free rol. ! 98 ; slaves, 33 iC total, 12209 Icrci.H2i GRIST and SAW MTLL will rented separatelf , At the same time and place, will be rented, anorher Plantation, known a the llahe- Be it further ordained, That any person fail- j man pbee, lying on Hunting Creek, contniHing a laree ing or refusing lo leave in 'pursuance of the above no'ice, shall forfeit and pay a fine of one hundred dollar?, and the ToU-n Constable is here by authorised and required to summon a force sufficient to arrest such person or persons and ear ry him; her or them beyond the corporate limits of the. Town.; and he shall take all such steps as may be necessary to keep such persons be. yond the corporate limits of the Town during Clk. . Board Cem'rs, Mocksville. Mncksville, Dec. 19. 1850. of the A ssiipi;it imi will .warrant, fur lh lil specimens of produciions of ingenuity and skill j ,he continuance of this ordinance. licle 5. It hall further be the duly of the Ex. ecutive Committee, in connection with the lie cording and Corresponding Secretaries, to make out and publish as soon as may be, afier each annual meeting, a Repot t of the operations of the Association during the preceding yeari in cluding such matter as may convey useful in. formation ; and transmit to each member one copy to draw on ihe Treasurer for such sums of mo- boJy of firt-rate Hunting Creek Bottom. Terms made known at the time of hiring and jenting. L. BINGHAM. 1 1. .. B.BAILEY. 1-U"d'n-Moclpville, December 12. 1350. 2i32 Salisbury. December 20. . Apples, (drieJ)$0 0.800; Be..n.8 Q Cottoti. 10 a II ; Cottim Yarn; f3 90; OnVe U e It J Corn. 50 & 03; IVeswax, 15 O IT; Butter. 10; Klwvr.v 6 O 7S ; Feathers i'5 ; Iron Linked .Oil ; Molaws 35 t3 40 ; Nail 5 5 : O.i40 ; lrih tatoea 40 O 50; Sweet do. 35 & 40 ; Sugar, (brown) 8 0 10; Do. Loaf 00,3 12 J ; Salt, sack 2 Tat-! low 10,3 Wheat Q $l ; Whiskey 30 FoVkSJ Fa.ttxtiile Dec. 21 DrnJjr, peacb,50 5 i Dttto, apple. 35.950: Beeswax 20,32i ': Bacon 9 O 10: Cotton 10 J 3 llj; Corn 85300; CotTee I23.14: tlmmf 5J 6 : Feathers SH Q 30: Flaxx-ed Ql 0 Irwij Swedes, 5 (3d : do. English 3J 4: LrJ 'Or 10 i Leather, sole, 20 23: Molasses 5J5330 : Nails, cqr. 5: Oats, 50,Q 60: Sojar.bro-.C (3 9: Jo. loaf, 1 1' l2 t Salt. sack, 1 50 0 00 : Tallow. 10 : Wkrstl $110: Whiker -J5 40. t Cbcraw. Dec. 24 Bacon per lb. 10.3121 j Bsiter 1520TUeesax 29321 : CoflVe 1013: Cation 11 12 : Corn 90 .3 S E. 12 15 : Msr 7 O 8"J: Feathers 30 35: Iron5C: Lar'J 'Q t Leather (sole) 19 22 : Molawea 35 40 : do. C ba3337): Nails. cut. C Q C j : Rice 41 $ Soffr,brown.9 10: do. Loaf, t2J 15: Sail, Li verpool, 1 40 1 50. ? ' From the Daily Register of Friday? Daniel W. Courts, of Rockinghan County, was yesterday ele-ted Treasurer of North Car. ol in a, rice Mai. Charles L. Ilinton, the present faiihtul and respected incumbent, proscribed for CUrred in the discharge of its official duties. i . s w moilun oi iur. uarreti, it was in tne House oi Commons, the debate on the Amendment of the Constitution was farther continued by Messrs. Barnes, of Northampton, Saunders and Rayner. As these Speeches will piohahly be ptiblrVhed, our Reporter has given no sketch of either. Mr. Bajiics' speech va9 one o( marked' ability, indicating? great readi ness as a debater as well as sound judgment. . V PROSPECTUS. The subscriber propose to publish a Newspaper in the town of Concord, N. C, to be called tin: ' Concordjrrlercxiry," Devoted to Politics, News, Agriculture, Mining, Sec. It is unnecessary toeiiter intoan argument to prove the C,"UC' V K-fi. t Ka -t,.,:.,,l f,r,, t,.l .1 And the said committee are authorized i r,,n .n,i.j ' j -rr ---- - It may be expected and is cerUiinlv due to the public. ney as are necessary to defray all expenses in- lhat we should make some exposition of the principles AT the November Court, the following persons were elected to compose the Board of Superintendents of i Common Schools, for the year 1851, viz : D. A. Daris, ' Paul A. Seaford, E. D. Austin, Horace L. Robards, ' Archibald IlenJerson , Wiiiiam Siokes, A. W. Brandon. ! A meeting of the Board will take place at the Clerk's j olhce on I hursday the 2d day of January, l&al, for the purpose of electing a Chairman, and to appoint Committee-men for the several School Districts. All per sons having business with th Board may attenJ. i A. W. BRANDON, Chairman of the Board of Supetintendents. Salisbury, Dec. l6, 1S50. 32 iOWLOTlllEi Baffnj, per yd. Bale Rope, lb Bacon, Butter, Brandy, Beeswax, Beef. Cheese, Cotton, Corn, bushel, Floor. bU Hides, dry Iron, Leather, sole 19 12 7J 8 18 20 2S 35 IS 23 45 12 15 11 13 90 95 CJ 7 y9 1822 Camden, Dec. 17. Lard, 810 Molasses, . f 3 Mackerel, bbl Nails, Teas, bushel . , l'taUit-s nweet, bo. Irish, . Rye, ;. - Rice, bushel, Siijar, , lb Salt, - -sack Shot, ba '-t-5 Tobacco, lb Yheit, ba 8.10 1 - n - 9tS 't J 7sl0 P25 53; 105O 1 25 I Mr. u. though a youn man, is one ot tbs most useful members in the House. Mr. R.i M. Saunders ppoke with his usuI ability, j At the time of aijournment, Mr. Rayner was still ad dressing the House. We understand that, thus far he has fully sustained his high reputation as a pilled and fearless debater. Indications are daily multiplying that cer. tain of the Democracy do not intend that the voice of the peoplk shall be heard They shrink from the harvest of their own sowing. We shall see. " In the Senate, Mr. Washington th distin guished Senator from Craven, who was enti tled to the floor, addressed the Senate tit much length, in support of Mr. Woodfin's resolutions. He began by expressing his gratificatiofi at hearing the patriotic and noble sentiments ut. tered by the Senator from Buncombe, Mr. Woodfin, arrd he desired as an Eastern rhan, to respond to such sentiments. He warmly: and eloquently urged their adoption, as the means of rescuing North Carolina from her present deptessed condition, and elevating hef toj the position she is entitled 19 assume among her sister Stales dwelt ut large upon the many advantages she possessed in agricultural, min eral and commercial wealth and said, ; she only wanted these resources lo he developed, lo place: her in the: front rank of the Atlantic Stales. Th connexion of Beaufort vii h ihe Western cpnfines jof the State, by means of the Central Bail Road, would effect all these oh. jects, and nothing short of that improvement could bring about results so desirable. Mr. W. drew a-graphic picture of the State as it is, and what it might be, if the proposed improvement wirre completed, fie said that Resolved, That the Executive Committee be directed to prepare and publish an address to the people of North Carolina, setting forth the objects of this Association, and asking the co operation of all citizens in furthering its inter, ests. The' Hon. John M. Moiehead, of Guilford, was unanimously elected President ofthe Asso ciation for the ensuing year. The Hon. David L. Swain, of Chapel Hill. Col. Henry. Eljjolt, of Cedar Falls, Randolph, Geo. McNeill, of Fayeiieville, John B. Barrett, of Milton, and N. W. Woodfin, of Ashville, : were elected Vice Presidents. Edmund B. Freeman, of Raleigh, was elec ted Recording Secretary. ! James F. Taylor, of Raleigh, was elected 1 Corresponding Secretary. Charles B. Root, of Raleigh, was elected Treasurer. S. W. Whiting, Wm. D, Cook, Seaton Gales, Dr. Chas. E. J. Hale, were elected Executive Committee. Mr. James F. Taylor oflbred the following Resolution; which was adopted : Resolved, That the Executive Committee of the Industrial Association of N. C. present a memorial to the Legislature, now in Session, selling forth and showing ihe importance to the welfare of the Slate, of Geological, Mineralo. gical and Agricultural Survey. No further business arising before the Con vention, and after some highly practical and sensible remark from Mr Makepeace, of Randolph, a resolution was adopted requesting the Editors of the several Newspapers, in N, Carolina, to publish the pr6ceedings of this Convention ; whereupon The Convention adjourned to meet again in this city, on Wednesday, Oct. 1st, 1851. Ly which we shall be governed In politics we will be decidedly Whi, and shall en- deavor with all our ability, to sustain the cause of this I great Republican Parsty, consequently we will" give the I present administration our hearty support. We will at 1 all times, however, reserve to ourse-lves the privilege of I condemning whatever we may think wrong, either in j friend or foes. While, we shall use all honorable efforts to advance the interests and defend t lie conservative principles of our Parly, we' will practice a system of courtesy, towards our opponents, so long as they conduct j themselves in such a way as to deserve it. ! " Perhaps it is useless to say we are true Southrons,' I though we consider the Compromise, effected by the last Congress on tht Slavery question, as a great and patri otic measure, well deserving the approbation of all par ties who desire the peace and happiness of their country. But while we are in favor of the late Compromise, we deny the charge made against us of being 'submission ists,' and will t;ik.e occasion to hurl it back upon it? au thors let them 'commend the poison challice to their own lips,' we'll none of it.; We will endeavor to make the 'Mercury' interesting to all but particular attention will be made to the de partments of Mining and Agriculture. The size of the paper has not yet been determined on. If about the same as the 'Lincoln Courier' the price will be 1 50 per annum: if the size of the 'Salisbury Watchman' 2 00. I he nnmber of subscribers ob- j tained by the 1st of January will decide the matter at j whirh lime mnlerials will he orderpit 1 Th firet num. ' ber will be issued as soon as 300 names are received. Those friendly to the project are solicited to make an effort to secure the requisite number of names. L. S. BINGHAM, Editor. W. II. CAMPBELL, Publisher. Address the subscribers at Concord. CLOTHING, AT REDUCED PRICES! his December 12, 1930. rilHE SU13 SO RISER, has just received JL V inter tock ot Ready Made Clothing, CO.V5lSTl.Nu OF Beaver. Pilot. Broad Cluth. Felt and Blank et Over Coats. Broad Cloth, frock, Dress, and Business Coats, black $ fancy Cassimere and Sattinet Pauls, Silk, Safin. Cashmere and Valencia VESTS. ALSO A SIVIALZ.Zi LOT OF OLOAH5, all of which were manufactured by the most fashionable clothiers in New York and Philadelphia, and have been made up in the latest styles. BROWN, FRALEY & CO. tvectssens to 1 BROWN, O VERM A tV 4- CO. f MR. William Overman having m1J 00 1 his InurrrM to Mr. Julius D. Ramsay, the bomoeaa will.be continued as formerly, under the firm of Brown, Fralej Co., at the same place, where they are now opening their Pall supply of . GOOD consisting of the most Fashionable Drefs Goods for ta dies' and Gentlemen's wear, GROCERIES, Hardware & Cutlery,; HATS, CAPS, BONNET'S, Boots, Shoes, Ribbands, kcr 2 Our goods have been bought for cash, and will be told it He would state that on account of low waters having t the LOWEST CASH PRICES TOWN ORDINANCE. connected w ith the hltie mountains of the AVest, and thai when that was done North Carolina would become one in sentiment, one in feeliu" LETTER TO THE EDITOR. Raleigh, Dec. 20th, 1850. Dear Sir : The last weekwasoccupied by a discussion of the amendments to the Constitution, and it was finally' j Town of Salisbury, That no, citizen ol he desired lo setf theJilue waves of the Ocean! postponed until Monday next. The Slavery question ; Whereas information has lcen communica ted to the Commissioners of thq Town ol Salis bury, of Ihe existenco of an eruptive and conta gjous disease in the Towns of Charlotte, States, ville, Monroe, Taylorsville, and Hendersonville, iii this Stale,' wliich is by many denominated aad believed to be Small Pox : And whereas, the probable existence of said disease in either oiie or all of the above named Towns, is deem ed sufficient cause for this commnnity to look to it protection, by adopting measures to pre vent, if possible, its reaching our Town : Therefore, Be it Ordained by the Commissioners of the this has not been touched, and will probably occupy a week. This has also been postponed until Thursday week. Some good speeches were made on the Reform question. It is a free tight, and each man extrcises the right of at- and ant in interest all local and sectional I " ',8.a u r,f u ach man exercises the right of at c ,. ,, , , . r , , ' , I . -., tacking friends and foes indiscriminately. The chanje Ida inita 1 1- i 1 I 1 1 a I m r I arl Q iwl I h a nrtlir omnia. I . . - . o feelings would be buried, and the only emula tiou that would exist among her citizens would be, who could advance her interests rnost,! Mr. -Washington's remarks, we hope, will be written out for publication. They cannot fail of effecting great good. When he hacj conclu ded, M r. Gilmer look the floor, and, aftfr speak in a few minutes, gave way for a motion to adjourn. The question comes up again to day. - j ! 15 1G49 VOrtl.VTION OF SALISBURY. H'bitt, 103.V; free colored 42 ; alavea, 4G3 total, 1510. TtlfULATION OF GOLD HILL. free colored, 22 ; slave, 66 total, C54. L, ' pMRTItS. . The wh number of Births in the CountyVbctween lH fimt of ) line, 1$49, and the first of June, 185Q : 30!r-four of them double. Hhite, 5C6j 'It -1 White, Free colored, " Slave, j 130 one double. In all, 41039 dtad; leaving 401 living children. , r . ' DK AT IIS. White person, 136 't of which 23 were infanta. ; Slaves, ;.! ' (. 63; " , 16 infanta. j , Frea colored, ' , 3. Total number of deaths, 20jr The oldest white pemui, was 81 years; the oldest 'avfi U0 yUra ; free colored, 22. Tle most aged white person in the County is a man, SO yeara last January. 'Che oldest slave, 106. Free perann of coW.'fcO years. There were six school districta. registered by Paul A- SaAi'oao, Esq., and it is due tp him to say that the work 1 Vaa dtMie ret'y well ; and was atopped because Congress had extended the time for making the returns- And it U due; to myself to say that 1 adopted Mr Seaford'a work by apecial iiistructioii from the department through the. U-K.M. DiofN.C. ; Haying fiuikhed the work it affords me much pleasure to state, that khhoUgh a fe w persona wero not well satis ttafied of the propriety of many of the question which it waa the duty of ihe aatistant to ask. Yet no individual flowed himself to behave rud;ly toward hi orl It is tm fcwt and mly a few, declined to give an account of Ibeir farms, but they simply declined, aa they had a right do, without any rudeiieaa toward th Aasistant, He, eh.rfully Uatifiea to the patience and forbearanW and which the citizens almost uniformly exhibited INDUSTRIAL CONVENTION. S Raleigh, Dec. 181830. A number of gentlemen interested in the In dustrial pursuits ofthe'People of Noith Caroli. na, having assembled in the Supreme Court Room of the Caoitol, on motion of Coil. Ilenry H. Elliott, ihe Hon. John M. Morehead," of Guilford, was unanimously appoiu'edPresident ; and on motion f Mr. Wm. D. Cooke, E. J. Hale, of Fayelteville, was appointed Secretary. . On taking the Chair, Gov. Morehead briefly addressed the meeting on the objects (or which th meeting wascalled. He was followed, at more lengthy by Col. Elliott, who indicated some of ihe' particular objects which it was advisable to takeiinlocon iideration ; especially ihe propriety of Jolldwing the example jA other Slates by holding Slate r airs. On motion ol Col. Elliott, it was Resolved, That a Committee of lkre bp ap pointed by the Chair, to prepare rules: ant reg ulations for ihe govern melit of this Association I and reporrto ail adjourned meeting of JhU Con vention. Col. ElliotW.n. D. Cooke and E. J. Hale were appointed the Commitlee. The Convention then adjourned until to mor row rnorti-iiig, 9 o'clock. j in the Deed of Trust law has been reported against by the Judiciary Committee more on account of the diffi culties attending the details of the bill, than from opposi tion to its principle. County Courts and the Constitu tion will probably remain untouched, as there is a strong disposition among the majority to cling to old things, no matter how wrong or ridiculous. The Manchester re lief bill has been killed in the Senate by seven votes, and is completely defunct. There will, I am afraid.be two Bank Charters grant ed, one for Washington and another for Greensboroiigh. I will vote against them upon the ground of public poli cy, as we have enough of capital invested in Bank Stock for the commercial wants of the Country, and it ought to be directed to manufacturing, which will be more beneficial to the State at large. Hinton was beat en, but by a close vote. Very respectfully, C. Cotton advanced J-h in N. York, on the 19th. Town (stage drivers excepted) who may go to either of the above named plac.es, shall return here under a penalty of Two Hundred Dollars. Beit further ordained, That no citizen of either of the above named Towns shall visit Salisbury under a penally of Two Hundred ; - 1 Dollars. ! Be it further Ordained, Thai no slave, hired : or otherwise, coming from Charlotte, layiors detained his clothing, he therefore having lost the prin cipal part ofthe season to dispose of them, he is deter mined to reduce them regardless of profit. Those who have not supplied themselves would do well to call soon at The Sign oMhe Re d Flag. K. MYERS. FRESH GOODS. JUST received by Express to-d.iy the following ar ticles, lo which we respectfully call the attention of the public. No. 2 and 3 Mackerel, Fresh Salmon, . 30 boxes Cheese, 1000 lbs. pure white had. $1000 will be paid for a better article, lOOO lbs. Fire Proof Taint, in oil, cheap for cash. M. BROWN & SOiN. December 11, 1850. 31 "CLOTHING" CLOTING," BY TELEGRAPH. JUST received a larie lot of Ready Made Clothing, among which weiave some ofthe finest and cheapest Over Coats, ever brought into this market. Give us a call and we will convince vou thai such is the fact. M. BROWN &. SON. December 11, 1950. - 31 THE LARGEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK IN ROWAN COUNTY WILL BE FOUND AT D. ELIAS & CO'S. GOLD HILL CONSISTING in part of Clothing. Dry Goods, Hardware, Cutlery, Boots, Shoes, and Trunk?, to- JOIIN D. BROWN, It. F. FRALEY, WM. M. ELLIOTT, , J. D. It A.MS AY. Salisbury, Oct 3, 1850. 21 N B. We are desirous of purchasing 10,000 pounds of Feather, five hundred yards Linsey ; also, Be.ee wax, Tallow and Flaxseed, for which the highest roar ket prices will be given in traJe. D. F. Sc. Co. ' ENTIRE NEW STOCK! Other article suitable for country trade ; to all of which In this Town on the 19th instant, by Rev. Mr. Parker, Dr. JOSEPH M. REYNOLDS, of Greensboro. Ala., to Miss SARAH ELIZA, daughter of the late G. W. Pearson. In Iredell County, on the 19th instant, by Rev. Ste phen Frontis, Mr. JAMES F. HENRY, lo Miss SA RAH C. REECE. ville. Monroe, Statesville or Hendersonville, ! ..t. wi,n lor ffe assortment of Groceries of every de shall he permitted to visit Salisbury under i scription, China , Glassware, &.C., he, and in fact every penally of One Hundred Dollar?, to be recov. ered of the owner thereof. Be it further Ordained, That any person who wilfully violates the above Laws and is not able lo pay the penalties annexed thereto, shall be imprisoned thirty days. ' Ordained, That the foregoing L'aws shall lake effect from the date hereol. and continue in force so long as there shall exist any necessity for them, or until regulaily repealed. ; SAMUEL REEVES, Jr., i Clerk Board Coinrs. Salisbury, N. C, Dec. 18. 1850. FANCY DRY GOODS. ENNISS, SIIEinVELL & CO. HAVE just received from ihe Northern Cities their Full and Winter Good, consisting of brocade and cham'l Silks. Gro de Rine.all wool de Lanes, Paramities, printed Cashmere. cha meleon Poplins, black silk Shawl, long and BT State Shawls, at every rate, pongee and linen Handkerchiefs, fancy Cravats, Lice Capegmourning Collars, Cloves, Hosiery, thread Laces, Edjjinn and Inserting!, Bobbin, black silk trimming Laces, Tarlton. broe artd ytiile Glace, blue, pink and white Illusions, Ate. They would call particular attention to their Flock of ' Ready Made Clothing including over coats, sacks and business coats, panta loons and vests of every price and quality. Alan, broad cloths, cjasime rea, tweeJa, ermine cloths and MttioeU, very cheap ; a very superior atook of , , : Tabic Damask, Towelings,-' white poods, brown holland. faacy alpaccas, a-minr - f LI ! I . 7-m Town Ordinance of Concord, we resnectfully invite the attention ofthe Citizens of rate; French bombazines, ginghams, prints of every" "... if II a r . 1 1 I m ... . . nety ana style, Meacncd and brown i i Mings and tfrius, green and -black veils, white and red flannel, flap net shirts and drawers, fashionable linen shirts and collars, carpets, umbrellas, saddles, bridles, bed blankets, negro do, hardware, queensware, bonnen, hats, boots, shots, pistols and guns, clocks, fine segars, Sanderson's fine chewing tobacco. White and brown Sugars, Rio k Jaia COFFEE. All of which has been carefully selected and purchased i for cash. Our stock of ladies' and gentlemen's 'dreaa i goods is very rich apd desirable, and will be ald lr. I The citizens of Rowan and adjoining eounties B.re ! invited to call and examine. Corner of Shaver's liotel. Salisbury. Oct. 10, 1850- 24 In this Town, on the 19th instant, Mr. PETER OWENS, aged about 46 years. In Montgomeiy County, on the 5th November last, Mr. BENJAMIN OWENS, aged about 50 years. To all whom it may Concern. LL persons indebted to us are hereby informed thai ; JljL if they do not come forward and settle on or before ! the first day of February next, that their acts will be put put in the hands of an officer forcollection without respect S to persons ; as we are determined to remove to the ! lars for each and every offence, to be recovered andap "tf17 HEREAS, the Commissioners for the Town of i IT Concord, viz : J. L. Bundy, Alfred Brown, I). M. Waggoner Ransom Winecoff and William Frew, have t understood that there is 4 contagious and dangerous dis- ', ease prevailing in the 1 own ot Charlotte, iS. C, and in I rtwradjacent country ; and whereas they are desirous of fffuaVa'ino'th.e inhabitants of the Town of Concord from said disease ; therefore Be it ordained, That nil white porsons going from Concord to aoy infected place and returning ; or all white persons coming from any infected place to Concord, shall forfeit and-pay the sum of 1(10 for each and every offence, to be recoved in the name of the aforesaid Com missioners, and applied to the use ofthe town of Concord. Ordained further, That any resiJent ofthe Town of Concord, who receives into his or her dwelling-house, store, shop, or on any part of his or her premises, any person or persons commg from infected places, to the town of Concord, shall lorleit and pay twenty-tive doi- Rowan and public generally, to call and sec foi them selves. Our stock is selected wiih the greatest care in the Northern cities for cash. We are therefore enabled to sell as cheap, if not cheaper, than can be bought in the State. A call will satisfy. We are sole a gen fiiYTM for Pecare and Smlh'ty4i5 TEN BARREL REVOI.VEE PISTOL, with concealed trig ger, a great invention. Country merchants who want to buy by wholesale, are especially invited to call. The subscribers pledge themselves to give thorn as good bargains as they can possibly get in New York. All kinJs of country produce bought at the highest pri ces by D ELIAS CO. Gold Hill, Dec. 12. Iy31 BARRINGERX McREB, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, CONCORD, X. C. Having associated ourselves in the Practice of ihe Iaw, we will attend the. Courts (County and Superior) in Cabarrus, Mecklenburg, Iredell, Rowan and Stanly. KUFUS RARRINGER, E. F. I). McREE. Oct. 17, 10. ST. MARY'S SCHOOL, RALEIUII, C. TllIIE 18th Term of' this School will commence on JL the Fourth day of January, lc5l, and will continue A Valuable Situation FOR SALEli; rilHE subscriber being determined r JL offers for sale his possessions at vie County. There are AC About one jere is tn of land in the trac ! edand cultivated ent rm West, and our business must be closed. BROWN & JAMES. Salisbury. Dec. 18, 1850. 32 Thursday, Dec. 19, 1850. The Convention met. Gov. Morehead be. ing necessarily absentrn motion of Geoi Mc Neil!. Esq., CoJ. II. B. Elliott was icalled to the Chair. j Mr. Cooke from the Committee on Rules, fcc, reported as follows :- At a meeting of Delegates representing va rious industiial interests, held in the City of Raleigh, on the 18th and 19th Ded. 1850, it was resolved, in order to promote and encour age all those engaged in ihe varinusbrahches of productive industry, and stimulate and re ward enlerprize, excellence and skill, to organ ize a Society under the following j ! RULES AND REGULATIONS.! 1. TbU Society shall be known lis '? The North Carolina Industrial Associatioj." ' 2. The Officers oftDe Association shall con. sist of a President, five Vice President, k Re. cording Secretary, a Corresponding Secretary, BLANKETS, BLANKETS. ETVFYERS has just received a Lot of Negro X'A Blanket9. Persons in want of the above article would do well to call soon at the sign of the Red Flag. Salisbury, Dec. 19, 18 . - 32 A BRIDGE TO BUILD. THE. undersigned give notice that on Wednesday the 15th day of January next, at Fisher's Ford, on the South Yadkin River, will be let out to the lowest bid der, the building of a bridge across said river on the main road leading from Salisbury to Mocksville. Those wish ing to ondertakethe job can at any time see the plan and specification by calling on Jacob Correll. THOS. BARBER. Jr. DANIEL WOOD, JOHN RICE, JOHN MAXWELL, MAJOR HOBSON, : MOSES WAGONER, December 13, 1850. 32 f olied in the manner aforesaid Ordained further, That any slave or slaves coming to the town of Concord from any infected place, shall be taken up a"nd receive 3 lashes on the bai5e back. - Ordained further, That any free person of color com ing to Concord from any infected place, shall forfeit and pay, $50 for each and every oflence, to be recovered and applied in ihe manner aforesaid, and failing or re fusing to pay said fine, shall be imprisoned ten days, and at the expiration of said term, to be sold at the Court House in Concord, for the payment of said fine and costs. Provided, That nothing contained in any part of this Ordioanoe shaft be so construed as to apply to thdriv- ' er, of the U. S. mall stage, or to any paasngeca in said stage,, merely passing through the town of Concord. The foregoing Ordinance is.to.take effect on and af ter the 17ih December, 1850, a no fo'continue inopera xion until the 1st of .Msrch, 1850. " 1 J. L. BUNDY. V. CeBARRKWiER,- -Magistrate of Police. Sec. of Board of Commissioners. X2TFA2?TS' ITEEDLI3 WORKED c - ROBES AND BODIES. HE Subscriber has just received a small lot of In- i-.'fasts' rperior Needl? VVr6rk.54 Robe reajly a a beautiful article also a lot of Infants' Bodies, which lie Ts offering at very'low prices. E. MYERS. ' Salisbury, Dec. 19, 1850. 32 i 'lill the Ttb June. Dwelling House, Office, Kitchen, with everv other neceMai vuniy R!ES X moving,, now Line, D rtb of which iaplir premises an ticai House, Doctor nd Sublet boildiag7d -well wajer. For a Circular containins full pnrticular. anply to the ! fruit treea of almost ery varieiv, to. QU is one ot subscriber. ALDERT SMEDES. Rector. I the bealihieat aituairans yre is in th? coamVl Sittfrfrd Dec. 4. 5(3 1 , on the dividing ridfbeta Souih Yadkia tibHaM w : T"i I ' i iHg Creek, at a croa tola, its njiti ltonXociutfi3 nats, ueDee's nats. i from s,i-.s-. & wnkesu ana iweniT nom iiamiTi i. ruiiini.i!uour.i ati r k , December V2, 1850. TT7 MYERS has just received a fe w cases of Bbee'a JLJ Hata, winter ftylr. T WILL sell on I the late resid Negroes, viz : a boy 17. Terms Dec. 4 NegriteSf Mondthe ence il. to WJmnn a boot (31) or Sale. 30ih of this instant at reyilte, dee'd, two- likely thirty years old. and a URNER. Adm r. 3t31 Bale -Rope and Baggin or O TTOR SALE bv JJ (21) ENNISS, SHEMWELL 4 CO. To Officers and Soldiers of the War of 1812! I will atteqd to the prosecution of claims arising un der the " Bounty Land Bill passed at the last ses sion 6f Congress. - JAMES E. KERR. Salisbury, Oct. 10 950. 22tf 1 ter country stand fjifi b toon J, and is a first rate toca- lion for a Phyaiciop. an4 foi keeping Public Houi Tenna will be aaToiwKdaiing. and a great baigaiacatv be had if applictioa be made soor. . - WILFRED TURNER. County Lia, Davie Co..N. C. r i Pec 4. IPSO. ; J"31 by express:;: SHAWLS El MAimiiljjSS Direct from 2lciTYM'K iiI - December 12, 1S5PV "" 'I THE STJBS piUBEIl jwstv reird if Express Line direct from New York, a pleoJiJ lot of Plain and Embroidered Cashme Bha wis. JAIm, another lot o black a J ci!ed ailk ..MAitfIa.hich are goiag ft rap til v at il? sign of the JZ3- Flatr ri 1 I 9-

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