i j. EUlOT, rdltoi- Proprietor ? 1. . W ! MM' ' J- ' NOllTIi CAROLINA. Xiriict frt (Hact Congress of Zd 1 16(5, lclon 18. W ? It rVrttiT enacted ( Thntit tlutv of .the Postmaster General, in a .f Oiiitrrii ts for the trnnsportatio: No. 3C 1 831. THE MAIL March, i 1 . ' ,t tl.initv. in eerv case, to the lowest "idVr t; it W- l 'llt guarantees fur 'faithful ,'iif rtn.w-'', w'itjul otlrr rererice to the mode I". i ...... t...rtntinn .ban Tn:iv K t..-PP4-,rv t 1 mi.'II iriiu- ' . .. '-;-.' " ar.. sccu- aiuv new by 4 a m next days, 49 mile. ; and lack between to Xewbern bv 8 p in next day, 83 rniles and 2 p m Monday, Weduesday and Friday, ahvMjj back between 6 a in Thursday'and 8 p in next n m next days. Proposals fordaily service are! day; with an additional weekly trip from New ih vited. To leave Fayettevjlle on the arrival of bern to Trenton and back , every Monday. Pro file mail from Cheraw, say .101 m. and reach ... nosals fur Reini-wlrlr spniw nn-fhn wl.ol. . uWiJ- fr tin? due celerity, certainty, at . t ..nt h t'ranH'ortation ; iiior shall t fill vi , ; 1 ' v, 'WillllUilWll, JUJU Olllll tracf he.U.r b, rcquireJPJo purely out , h hy m n2 mile ,;UW at : vacation, tln tocfc,or, vehcU of a nn j 6 1 nPXt Jav, 'y- 1V;iM r-will b- careful to read tlm forms iii-truftion-j :ppen l- d to.-this advertisement. Warsaw by 9 ajn next day, or in time to"con-j nect with the cars goin South. ; Ixave Warsaw i after arrival from South, say 1 p mi and reach f layetteville by 1 a m next day. r i 2813 From Fayctteville at 6 am, twice a week, 7 Tuesday and Saturday ; ty liiverside, Johni sonville, Grain's Creek, Carthage, Calelonia; Ail man's Hill, Stone Lick, White House, HillV Store, Salem Church, and Healing Springs ; to Silver Hill by -12 m, Thursday and Monday, or in time to connect with the mail from llaleigh; thence to Lexington by 5 p m, .122 miles - and back between 6 am, Tuesday and Friday, and 0 p in next Thursday and .Sunday. Proposals to end at Salisbury, instead of Lexington are in vited. , - ' - 1 2814 From Haywood at 8 am once a M-eek, Monday ; JhV Martha's Vineyard, Chalk Lev- I cl, Xorthington, 'and Summexvill : to Averysbo- s ; and back between 8 Proposal to suptily JNeili s Creek-will W considered. 2815 From Haywood at 5 a m once a w-ek,Tues- route will bo considered. 2336 F roni ' Strickland's Depot after arrival of mail from. .Wilmington, say at 3 p 3Fri dfiy ; by Taylor's Bridge, Six Runs, . LUburn, Gravelly Hill, Cypress Creek, and Ellisyilli ; to Fyetteville by 12 a m next Sunday, 80 milel X - and back between 1 p ih Sunday anipm next Tuesday. ' : :. 2S37 From Xahunta at6 a m once a week, Mon day ; by St. Charles and lieulah ; to agle Rock by 6 p in, 40 miles ; and back between 8 a m and 8pm next day. Proposals for lemi weekly sen-ice will be considered, also!; pro posals to embrace LowelL j 2838 From Wilmington at G a m once a ireek, Friday; by Long Creek, Beatty's Bridge, Black River Chapel, and Harrel's "Store ; to Moore's Creek by 2 p m next day ; and back by Long Creek between 8am and 6 pm, Thursday, eqiial to 47 miles and back. 2339 From Wilmington at 5 a m once a week, Friday ; bv Top-sail Sound, Stump Sound. Foy's Store. OnsLjiv C. 1L. and Catharine Lake: "dge ;f to Norfolk, Va, by 1 2 ni next dav, C3 miles ; and back between 1pm Thursday and 8 ' p in next day. ; - 'f f r 2801 From Elizabeth City 'at 8 atii once a Week, j Thursday by Newbigon Creek imdNLxon- ton ; back to Elizabeth City by 3 ;p ni, equal to , 1 1 1- miles, and bapk. J-:--C 2802 From Powell's Point at 8 a m once a week, l ii- Monday ; by Roanoke Island ; I to Naggs Head by 4 p mj 20 miles; and jback between 8 aj kn and 4 p in next day. Proposals for car rying above mail three times a week fora the 1st of July to 1st October in eachlyear will be con i 'Ksidered. j . j - 2863 From Powell's Point at 8 i m once a week, j ; Monday ; to Roanoke Island by: 6 p'm, 30 ; miles; and back between jam and 6pm I . next day. : ' ( - 2804 From Creed's Bridge, Vsu, at 7 a m once a week Monday ; to Knott's Island, N O, by 12 m ; and back between 2 p m.'and 7 p ni. 2865 From Washington at 8 a m once a week, Tuesday; by Blount's Crek; to Durham's Creek by o p m, 25 miles ; and back be tween 8 a in and 5 pm next d:fy. 2800 From Durlxam's Creek at 0am once a week, Wednesday ; by South Creek : to Bay River, Craven county, by 12 in next day; 3 P- t 30 miles, and back between C a m and m, thursday. j - - ' 2S89 FromMason nail at 6 a ml once a week thursday, by. Pleasant Grove, Big. Fall' Fawcett's Store, -Mooresville, Stony Creek, An derson's Store, and High Towers, to Leasburjr by a- Anu mnes, ana oacK between l Moudiiv : bv Lovrl.-wft ;i-fi.w. i... f p mi 30 mile.; and back between Tata an'd 7 p in next day. t 1 29 12 From Briar Creek at 8 a m every ot!ier Thurs- day ; by Hay Meadow and-Mulberry ; to i Laurel Spring by C p m, 28 miles, and back I between 8am and 0 p in every other friday. p m tnoay, and 7 p m next day. Proposals to i 2913 From Wilkcsborouhjit 5 am once a week. at "wnt Shop arei invited tuesday ; by Lewisfbrk, Stony Fork, nd4. -?JU rom yreensborough at 2 a m three times Brushy Hat ; to Boone by 7 p m, 30 miles ; i -r ? monday, Wednesday, and friday. by and back between 5 a m and 7 p m next day; ! Monticello,ThompsonvUle, Lenox Castle, Slade's, 2914 From Wilkesborough at 8 a m once Vi Locust Hill and Yiincepille, to MUton bv 2 a ! week, tueduy ; by Elkville, Fort Defiance, i m next days, 55 miles, and back between arrival Lenoir C. II., and Copenhagen ; to .Morgantoa from frannville, say at 2p m monday, wednes- by 12 m next day, 49 miles; and back between J day, and friday and 2pm next days. Propo- 2pm Wednesday, and 7pm nei day ;wiih an ! . wniicvwoii iiu uie iieuuerson and inp irorn liKrsuorougQ ai o a m tr Danville route at Milton will bo considered, i ery Triday by Elkville and Fort Drfiinrert1 j 2891 From Greensborough at 4 p m twice a Lenoir by 7 p ro, 33 miles ; and back bjKinrj W'Cek. mondav and thnrd:tv hv .lnn,Kt., n Cretik and Wurrinr Crorlr Ulsron Q m ..,,4 i . r t. ..a ! !"i i IVY 'at'' F'"iu,!iv!4l v ineir proposals, me ri'i' l'V tth','', int,;nd to convey tle mail. jJ.fjVj.VueJtnd weight '.of tlie maib,j or, the j, r:il, .l f'riii the schedules -hall require it, !" L.rfitr.K't-s will be-made for coach, steamboats, r'rtilroad convivmee, as the case may IW? ; and i ' . ! ... 'Ml 1 1 . . 1 1 I day ; by Longstreet, Kolhn s btore, k Har-1 to Richland bv 6 p m next day, 7 1 miles ;' and and back between 12 m Monday and 8 p m net ui-iom; wjonnsouuie ij p m, 4.1 miles ; andf. back bv liaunerman between 4 am Sun back by the Pocket, -between 5 a m and 8 p in, J day and 5 p m next day. next day, omiling ilarington. l'roposals to omit J 2S40 From Wilmington at 12 m three times a Harringtan entirely will be considered. (See 2842)! week; Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; Also proposals to omit iohnsonville. (See j by Whitesville, Fa"ir Bluti, Marion C. IL. S. CL 28i;.) uav. 28.67 From Currituck C. H. at 12 m once Pennfield, Brummeirs and Rich Fork, to Lex ington by 12 m next days, 35 miles, and kick between 5am monday "and thursday, and 3 p m. 2892 From Greensborough at 6 a m once a week, friday, by Gilmer's Store, Shaw's Mills, Clapp's, Holt's Store, Hartshorn, Rock Creek, Snow Camp, Sand v Grove. Mudliek, Cane Creek, Hadley's Mills, and Rock Rest, to Pitts- borough by 5pm next day, 05 mil ies, !n ' fo lii.-ff" i.n a c a mi. . a ' -'ln' Y r?y 11 T i r ! 2810 Frm 1Tvwood at e a m once a week,!!. Manchester, S. C, bV 10 p m next Wednesday, Ikchmolor comeyance. In a 1 other . Thursday: bv Trades Hill. ILaeW X rwU i F. W an G i ,J i u I . . i 1 1 i ,.,.:. i : i . . . ' 1 - ;i - . .v..., , uuu kjuwvjoi, i tjvj 11111 , nuu u.ieiv we- 1 -7 ; i1,,f(m.n.0,;,l i ..v.v,.vvv. a.v. v, a- .... ...aav,.-. , i-u v c in auoikkiv, euuesuav, auu rnaay, , "iuwh, uuu. iueuMjii , 10 '"-?eiie, .uouroeiou, i rou oiesome, lU'iasville. .1... i.iw.anc-a nitxiL' oi trausftortation. ...,.1 1 1. 1 ... i . 1 . . , . . . . ' . . - . 1 , i.i . i . v , . . . : n ,. . ... '" . ' ,,n, ntiU. W .iwinlUr ktifil 1 V . P 1 ",1U 0 P .! anaopm;next Wednesnay, rriday, and Sunday. ! V)moum oy 1 1 p m, lU'Z miles; and back be- : liawimgsburg, and Graves, to Danville bv i and biiek between 0 a m sundav. and 5 i in nevt.l.sv. week, Fridiiy; by Coiujook and Poplar 2893 From Greensborougn at 9 m once a wevk, Branch ; to Powell's Poijit by 0 p m, 25 S tuesday, by Fentriss Centre, and New Sa miles ; and back between 3 a m and 2 m I lem, to Ashborough by G p m, 31 miles, and next d;iy. ! j back between 0 a m and 3 pm, Wednesday. 2868 -From South Quay, Va.,' Hp m, three 2894 From Greensborouerh at 5 a 111 three times times a week, Monday, Wednesday, and a week, monday, Wednesday, and fridav, bv . i v . : i i u i I ii'v. a y ... v1"-'- h.vr, i M- i j iviuusuH ior uau service ai a speca oi not less i ,-",-'- j j m iuv a m ucii ujvs, x roix- that uVir -rrgul:tr. bids, are to be underwood as d. to pt.ach Tree C rove by 5 p m, 12 than five miles, an hour wil be considered. ' sals to commence at Franklin Depot, fVra- arein- :iu.liug thi-siot eaeii-,omcv5 on rtiq.imc ot, m;ies; And back between 8 a m Friday and 12; 2341 From AvervslW at 8 a m once a week ! vited. Bidders to specify the hours of departure ,irKCtneroa.ls, Tt over a quarjerf a J m,same day. . 5 Monday: bv lLYnnali's CV1- tn GmWhl ' and arrival at Plymouth. beparale proposals to): otnees ; 28ia From Clinton at 0 a m once a week. Wed-! I field bv 6 tvm. 30 mihs : and WL- ; 2869 From Murfreesboro' at 6 a m once a week. j . I 7 Vkmv-.a v' r , - J nesday ; by rme throve, Monk s Store, iNew-jj 8am and 0 p m next day. "tli.-ir nI nil.' iVoina 'h'l" f,," i i t ! Ml 1 ! ' v thntija quarter ot a mile oil will bejconsid- : mow ' ' '' W . ', i fi,Hr . ! ton s Grove, and lraughan s Store ; to Averys-I j 2342 From River-side at 9 a m once a week, Prct,saU ferrying the mails of tlm L mted W by 8 p m . ailj bacU to Gibb's CrossRoadsj Tuesday ; to Harrington bv 4 p m, 20 miles staiiH ir.MH i- y?r - "V ; , Jlou-v s tore' anu 'i1'"1 -V Koads, between 0f and back between 9 a m & 4 p m next day. jun IhVn ".KN. in North Carolina, vil be ; m and 8 ,p m n.ursday, equal to 40 miles and ! 2343 From Beattv's Bridge at 1 p m OnceV . :.t tlw contract oflice oi the l'ost Uliiee i ' i.....u i t- .- i 7 v i? o r . : lMrtpneiit,'hit city Washington, until 10 2819 From Laurel Hill after arrival of mail from i .4 the 1M II;;AJ'". nwi, iu oj ueiiuu oy 1 ft t 3 HI tli.' llttli lay-r April.) on the rouWs and m the uuiincr and tiiiie herein specified, viz : i N til it I L G A R0 LI N A . ! . ! i.r . - , , 2Spl FrTiin l.alvigh daily ut KJ am; j . I'.y NeUi', Foriestville, Pacitiic, Franklin !tyti. Stanptpii, Henderson, liidgewpy, Ma oiii I. f.t, and tittl.ton; !, To Gasbhi by 1 p.m, 87 miles, j An.l back bJtwecn 3 a m and p-m. O502 Kruin RilrKdi daily at 2pm; Hv lvivluysville, i peasant IaiusBunn's J.evtl and;AveryborttUgh' , To F.ivtttef ill by 1 h a next days 00 ' - ... :: ! ' id lies; i ji j j i Aiid'bao); u:ily between 10 p ra abd 10 n m.iiexi, days. , i . prvj o,:js tbr tri-weekly. service, tof be run . at hoursjto r: uamed in the bid are in vited. .;s03 From Riih jgh at 4 a m, three times ,a week, Suiujav, Tu sday, and Thursday ; By 14' Hock, Wakefield, Stanhope and To ' Mount by 10 p m, 62 miles ; ' And back, between G a m ami 10 p in. i'rupal- tor daily service, at a speed not . ! tL'in 'b miles Hii hour will b' consid Cheraw, say at 3 p m, twice; a week, Tuesday and Saturday; to -Rockingham by l0 p m, 2 V. miles,; and back between 5 a uy and ll ami Proposals to extend to Wadesboro' are invited. Also, proposals to commence at Springfield in stead of ixiurf 1 HilL. 2820 From Laurel Hill at 2 p m once a week;' i 12 m Saturday, or in time to connect with the luesday ;- byStewartsville ; to Gilopohs by j mail to Riehlands. Propos;ds to embrace Palo 5 p m, 12milcs fand back between 8 p m and .Alto are invited, also proposals to commence at 11am. Proposals tor simi-weekly service will j Pollocksville. (fee INo. 2847.) considered. - 2345 From Xewbern at 8 a m three times 2821 From Lumberton at a in once a week, i week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, bv Monday; by Ho wells vjUe ; to Prospect Kinston and Mosely Hall, to Goklsboro' by 6 a Hall by 2 p m, 20 miles ; and back between 2 i m next days, 65 miles, and back between Sam p m and 9 p m. Proposals to embrace Smith s Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, by 6 am next ramp luck by 5 p m 15 miles, and back between 8 a m and 12 m. Proposals to extend by j com mencing at Gravelly Hill will be consider ed. ' ! 2844 From Onslow C. IL, at J5 a m once a week Sundav, bv Piny Green, to Swansborough by 2 p m, 24 miles, and back -between 5 a in it o l) m, 51 miles, md back between 2 a m and 1 p m next days Proposals to expedite and change the schedule to connect at Greensboro' with the Salisbury- route will be considered, in view of changing the schedule on the Henderson route : Saturday; by Fotecasi, St. John, and Roxa- i also proposals to commence at Salem and run ble, (Britton's Cross Roads ;).tor Scotland Neck, 1 direct by Kernersville, Sunmierfi.-M, ii-o con by 8 p m, miles ; and back betwe'en 0am; necting at Salem with the Salisbury route, both and 8 p m, Friday. . j ways. ProjKwals to embrace Wentworth instead 2870 From Murfreesboro' at i a m three times s of Monroeton and Troublesome, are invitM a week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; j 2395 From Greensborough after arrival of staire ' 2918 From Morganton at 5a m to inton by 10 a m, 12 miles; and back be- from Raleigh, say at 4i p m three times a Saturday ; by Peikinsvillf, ColMTille, t p m next cay. 2915 From Morganton at 5 a m twire a week Wednesday and Saturday ; by Biindlrtown ' Mountain Home, Mincrit illc, and Cuba; lb R'ltherfordton by 8 p m, 39 miles; and bark between 5am and 7 pm, tuesday and friday,; Proposals for tri weekly sertice are muted, j 2916 From Morganton at 5 a m twice a week,' thursday aud sundry; by Marion, Old Fort,' and Swanano ; to Aheville by 11 p in, 59' miles ; and back between Sam and 11pm, monday and thursday. Proposal for tri week ly service are invited, in ?iew of simiUr'er-' vice ai d an expedited schedule on ihc S.tlibuu bury route No. 2926, to connect wiib the Gieenille, Te., route at Ahcrille. Tunya through from Salisbury to Ashetille nottos- cecd 42 hours. Returning in same tims and connecting at Salisbury with Xo. 2395. ! 2917 From Morgantown at 6 a m once a week j monday; by Lii.ville Riter, ANorth Core, Grassy Creek, and Hakerstille ; to Rurnsritl by 0 p m next day, thence at 4 a m thursday by , Bdld Creek, Ivy, Democrat, Siockville, and ; Reem's Cieel; ; to Ashcrille by 4 p m 90 miles; i and back via Young's instead of RakersvilU j between Gam friday. and 4pm next aundayl ; Proposals to supply Young and Hakerstille both vayi are invited. m once a week tween the arrival of mail from Portsmouth, say i week, monday, thursday, and Saturday, by New at p m and, t $ p m. Proposals to end at ' Warden, friendship, Kernersville, Limestone j Franklin Depot, Va., are invited. I Well, Salem, Midway, Martin, and lexington, to 2871 From Ridgeway at 7 aim twice a week, j Salisbury by 9 a in next days, 65 miles, and W ednesday and Saturday ; by Nut Bush, ' back between 7 a m Monday, Thursday, and Sat- i aimer s opnng, csi. lammany, ana Auerry uruav, auu rj p m. l roposals to commence at Globe, Valle Cruci?, Sugar Grove, Boone, and" Moretz Mill ; to Jeiprson tiy 6 p m next day, 79 miles : and back, between 5am thurkdaV . and 6 p m nexrdaj'. f 2919 From Lenoir C. H. at 7 a m once it. week, thursday,; by Lovelady, Catawba Mount ; to Ridgeway by 7 p m, equal to 17 j Salem are invited, in view of extending 2S04. ' "w an(1 menburg ; to Tajlorsville by 7 b 1'roposals to extend over 2923 and also to iro via m Hnu acK UJ Ll,,,t: vcr, and Deal's Mill, , ' T H.lTklV it will IvA r-k -v Bridire. either one way or both ways will be con- sidered. 282j2 From Little Rock Fish at 1 p m, Monday, by Lumber Bridge ; to Philadelphia by 7 p m, 20 miles; and back between 5 a m and 12 m. 2823 From Lumbertcn at 6 a m once a week, days. Proposals to reverse the schedule mak ing .with route No. 2854 a daily Northern mail (except Sunday) to and from Newborn, are invi ted. Also proposals for three additional weekly trips. 2S46 I1 rom "Newborn at 7 a m three times a week, Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday, and j miles and back. 2872 From Ridgeway, after arrival of cars from Gaston, say at 0 a m three times a week, a tuesday, thursday, and Saturday ; by Exchange, v Lynesville, Clarksville," Va., White House, and llyco Falls; to Halifax C. II, Va. by 11 J p m, 56 miles ; and back between iam and 3 p m, mondav, Wednesday, and fridav, with a tri-week-ly branch ; from Lynesville, N. C. ; by Wood worth's to Boydtown, Va. by 6 p m, tuesday, thursday, and Saturday ; and back to Lynesville by 12 m, monday, Wednesday, and friday. 2873 From Henderson at 1 p m three times a week, tuesday, thursday, and Saturday; to Jamestown will be considered. 2800 rrom Keidville at 6 a m twice a week. to Lenoir between 8am and 4 p in, next day5. equal to 31 miles and back. Wednesday and Saturday, by Wentworth it ; 29'20 l"rom -J'son at Sam three times lagle Falls, to'Leaksville bv" 1 2 m, 1 8 miles, and ; , week, sunday, tuesday, thursday; by North -ack between I p m and 7 p m. Proposals to Frk.Ta3 -lorsville Te., Pandora. Dagger' Fer- , ry, LMviding Kidge, .blizabethtown, Happy VaU ley, Blue Plum, and Green Meadow ; to JoheJ. Friday ; Philadelphia, (iilojolis, Cowper ; bv Cravenville, to Beaufort by 5 pm same days, 1 HilhStewartsville, Quwmsdalo, and jvlfordsville; to LumWrton by 6 p m next day, equal to 37 miles and back. ' 2824 From Flizabethtown at 6 a m once a week Tuesday by Big Swamp, Fair Bluff, Gum , v. .. i ii l i . luesdayx; by lig bamp, rair llutt, bum e.,.,1. i My.1 to reach . Rocky Mount in whiuiville, and Western tun, .,r the cars gomg North and to j pron q Hizabcthtown by 2 p m next Thurs-1-ave her, immediate y after tliQ arrival , tQ 52 mUes and back. Prosals to ot then ars g.ing South. I , r oniit Fair Bluff are invited. '.SUV From Raleigh after arrival of Northern Mail, .faV ut 5 p m. three times 4 week,! Sunday, .Vdii'slav, and Friday!; j iTv Moiin ille, Chapel Hill, 1 lilUborOugh H ireeiMpriii Mason Hall,' Graham, and ' Alamance ; ' j To (Ji nMjro', by 4 p m next days, 84 mil.--; H , ' 1 ' Au bi k in tween 1 a ni every Sunday, , 'hTj..;iViUHl Friday, and '1 am next days. 1 Pmrnt Siidp to U; supj-lied from Graham ; three'tiines a week. , ! i l'rop-.Sali to embrace. Burnt Shop in the regular .route and supply Mason Hall and ! i - . i i .:k ...... . 'ireen spring nun oraiien Miiuij an- m- iiiNitttl. VUo ro o-4ils to extend to Salem. '.'80.'i From R.deigh at 3 m once a week Friday; Ry' Kelvin Grove, Roger's Store, Fish Pain!, Stagville, Red Mountain, Daniel's Mill4 and Van HmMik's Store ; To ll.ix 1 4nugh by 7 p m next day, and back! by Mt. Tirzah, Red Nlountain, R.Miil.l jlSll, Stagvill.', and Fleinington : To Raleigh between a in Thursday, and 10 a inVtj day, equat.to 50 miles a"d back. 2Mti Froiii? RalHgii af'5 -a m, twice a wek,-Sun-day 'and, -Wednesday ; by HoHyi Springs, llayw.H)d, Adijph. Fitt-lolo', St Lauratuv, Mar Ky' Mills, Ueei Creek, Franklinville, Ceiler Falls. Anhb.rouirlj, Caraway, Spencer, Silver Hill, Cot ton Grove, and' Jersey Settlement ; to aliVmry, hy 5 j. mbtext days, 118 miles; and back b'.tween.7' a ni atiday and Wednesday, and 7, J' m next davs. . PreposaLs for tri-weekjly service will bi considered. ; 1 2807 From llahigh at 7 am throe times a week, Moii.liv, Wednosday and Friday j; by Au h'lrn, (iulloCs Store, Smi'thtield, Boon;IIill, and : YayneyUiivugh ; to ( .'oldWo', by ft. j m same 'Wy 51 mil'eA; nd back b. tween arrival of cars . fiutii Wilmneton, say 2 p m Tuesday, Thursday and Siitui'dav, ''and 3 a in next days. Kroiti Fayttt. ville at 2 a m daily!: by Iun darraob, llaudalUvill Montpelier, Laurel Hill,Sprini. ld, andBrightsville S.C., U Cheraw, S. C by 4, ;p in, 73 mih's; aiid back daily l'tweon 7J'a in aiiil I p m. Proposals l'r jtri-weekly Tvnv, to be run at houfs to bo nanij d by the , hUdr. are invited.' Proposal to enibrjice Gilop lU An.l IjenmttA'ilb aifl sup ply' Laurel Hill, I'tinfield'aud'BrightsviHo by Md- mails will be Colixid'Ted. Frtn Favettevillo at 3 a m, twico a week f- Sitnday.and Thursday; by Little Roekrish, 2825 "From Weldon daily at 2 am ; by Halifax, Enfield, Batthboro' Rocky Mount, Joyneifs l)ojot, Wilon, Black Creek, Nahunta, Golds lorough, Kverettsville, Faiso'n's Deytot, War saw, Strickland's Depot, Teachy's, AViisliington Depot, Sill's CreckCvpress Grove, Wilmingtoii, and Sinithvilje ; to Chai UVton, S. C. in XI hours, ! by 9 p m, 340 miles and baek daily between 3 p m and 8 p m next day. ; I 2826 From Weldon at 3i p m once a week, ! Thursday; by -(uankey and Westlapd ; to j Littleton by 8i in next day, 25 miles; and back j letween 8 n m and -3 p m. I ; j 2827 From Weldon at 3 a m three times a week, ! Monday, Wednesday, and Friday ; by Jack- ; son, Rich S.juare, Roxable, Hotel, and Windsor; to Plvmouth by 8 p m, 72 miles ; and back be tween 5 a m and U p in next day. Proposals for semi-weekly service are invited, j Also, propo sals to-reach Plymouth in time for the departure , on 2808,without reference to. the advertised schedule'' on that route, proposals for changing which are invited. i 2828 From Knfi.-ld at 5 a m, three times a week Tuesday, .Thursday, and Saturday; by I'ineturu, Scotland Neck, Palmyra, Roanoke, and Hamilton; to Williamston by' 8 p m, and by Gardner's Iiridge ; to Plymouth by 12 m next dav, 7"l miles; and baek to Williamston between 12 in Tuesday, Thursday, and .'Saturday, and 7 p in same day, and to Knfif ld, next day by 7 p in. Proposals to go through iie same day will be considered." Also, proposals to end at Wil ; liamston. 1 2820 From Enfield at 6 a m twice a week,Tues- i 1 1.'..: 1 1... Tr,...tl.o,Ul llpiiitl.ie- uav ano imhi.h , u aiv..ihi- hi-, . . ...m.v. ville, Ri'iigwootl, and Sycamore alley ; to Kntield by 6 p m, equal to 17 miles, and back.; 2830 From Rocky Mount at 6 a m three times a week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday ; by T Pact and back Ktween am and o pm Saturday, Tuesday, and Thursday. r 2831 From "Rocky Mount at 5 a m three times a week, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday ; by Hilliacdstown and lVlford i linivbiirg by 4 p'm, thence, at 5 a m daily, except Sunday ; to Franklintoii by 8 a m, 48 miles, and back to Louisburg between 5 p m and Sivm, daily ex cept Sunday, thence to Rocky Moimt, between 5 a m and 4 p m Monday, Wednesday tk Friday. 2S32 From Wilson .it 9 a in once' a week, Mon- uav : by r4inionsouru, kmjiuis i-uu-e w 48 miles, and back between 7am and 5 p ni 1 uesday, I hursday, and Saturday. 2847 From Pollocksville at 7 a m once a week, Friday; By Palo Alto; to Swansboro' by 4pm same day, 27 miles; and back between 8 a m and 5 p m next day. Proposals to end at 1 Iadnots are i nvited, also proposals to embrace On low C. II. and Piney (ireen. (See No. 2844. 2848 From Pollocksville at 2 p m every other Monday ; to lladnot's by 0 p m, 22 miles ; and back between 7 a m and 1 p m. 2849 From Kinston at 6 ifm once a week, Friday; p m and 7 p m. l'roiosal commence at Wentworth are invited. 2897 F rom Reidsville at 6 a m once a week, tuesday, by Lawsouville and Blaekwell's, to Yancey ville by 1 p m, 24 miles, and back be tween 2 p m and 9 p m. 2393 From Hillsdale at 7 a m once a week, tues day, by Sunimerfield, 0.ak Ridge, and Be- lew's Creek, to Kernersville by 12 in, 22 miles, and back between 1 p m and 6 p m. 2399 From Wentworth, after arrival of mail from Reidsville, say 84 am once a week. Wednesday, by 1'leasantville, Madison, Ayresville, Crooked Creek, Col.s ville, Francisco, and Big Williamsborough by 3- p m, 9 miles ; and back between 9 a m 1 1 a m. 2874 From Henderson after arrival of Northern mail, say at 10 a in, three times a week, mondav, -Wednesday, and friday ; by Oxford, Be- rea, Roxborough, Loasburg, Moore's Store, , Mil- I Creek, to Mount Airy by 24 p ni next day, 69 ton, and Ringgold, Va. ; to Danville, Va., b'y 7 i miles, and back between 3 p m thursday and 8 a m next days, 77 miles ; and back between 10 , p m next day. With an additional weekly trip a m, tuesdays, thursday, and Saturday, and 10 a j from Wentworth after arrival of mail from Reid m next days, with three additional weekly trips j ville, say 8 a m, Saturday, by peasant ville, to from Henderson to Oxford andlack, between ar- j Madison by 1 p m, 17 miles, and back' between rival of northern mail, say 10 a m aud 4 A p in, ! 1 p m and 5 pm tuesday, thursday, and Saturday. Proposals to change the schedule so as to connect at Danville, 2900 From Salem at 6 a m Once a week, mon day, by Walkerstown, White Road, Blakely . ..VV,...UC.,, '.I -V- ."..-,1 . .1 A. A .A ! Af.l:. ... " til TT . 1 A.. A'- ... 1 by Sandy Foundation, Pink Hill, and Bu- ! n r9,UUJ -0; proposal io coimm at , iWu, v.rog.tu.ue, iioe i aure, a., ana 34 mil s an 1 ! reenswrougn or oaiem, wuu no. oyo, w ui oe ; o-" ior me, uo .uai iuiM me, a oy o p m nexi ena Vista ; to Hallsville by 6 p m, 34 miles ; and back hot ween 6 a m and 6 p m next day. 2850 From Greenville at 4 a m once a week, 7 Friday; by Contentnia, Hookerstown, and Snow Hill ; to Goldsboiough by 9 p m, 49 miles; and back between 8 a m and 12 p m next day. Projosals for semi-weekly service are invited. 2851 From Pungo Creek at 12 m, Thursday ; to i North Creek by 3 p m, 9 miles ; and back ! between 2 am and 1 1 a in. i 2852 From Washington at 7 am once a week, Thursday ; by Bath, Pungo Creek, Pante- go. Leach ville, Gennanton, Sladesvillei, Swan (Quarter C. IL, and Lake Landmg ; to Middleton j by 12m next Saturday, 1 bO-'milos and back by I Fairfield instead of Swan Quarter, oetwoen 2 p in Saturday and 8 p m next Monday, ith an i additional weekly trip; from Washington every ; Saturday at 1 p in ; to Bath by 0 p m ; and back between 7 a m and 12 in. lroposals fur semi-weekly service on the whole route will be considered ; also, proposals to embrace North Creek. See 2851. 2853 From Washington at 1 p m onco a week, Thursday ; to Ocracoke by'O a m next Sat urday ; aud thence to Portsmouth bv 12 m, 85 miles ; and baek between 8 a m Mondav and 12 in next Wednesday. 2854 From Plymouth at 2 a m throe times a week, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday ; to Washington by 11 am; thence, By Swift Creek Bridge; to Newborn by 10 p m, 70 miles ; ami back to Washington, Monday, Wednesday, and ; Friday, between 3 a ni and 12 m, and to Ply mouth bv 9 p m. Proposals to embrace Gard ner's lirilgo and Williamston are invited. considered 2875 From Fraklinton at 4 pm once a week, Wednesday ; by Wilton, Tally ho, Buffalo Hill, Red Mountain, and Caldwell ; to Hillsbo rough by 7 p m nyxt day, 49 miles ; and back between 6 a m tuesday, and 10am next day. 2876 From Franklinton at 1 p m once a week, Wednesday ; by Harris Cross Roads ; to Hall's Cross Roads by 7 pm, 18 miles; and back between 6 a m and 12 m. a m wed- dav, 68 miles, and lj.K-k between nesday, and 8pm next day. 2901 From Salem at 2 p m once a week, satur- day, by R-ugh and Ready, toGermantown by 6 p m, and thence by Red Shoals, Martin's Lime Kilus, Coles ville and Avo, to l'atrick C. II. Va by 8 p in next day, 50 miles, and back be tween 6 a in monday, and 6 p m to Germautowu and to Salem by 12 m next day, with an addi. J tiunal weekly trip from Salem at 2 p m tuesday. 2377 From Forestville at 5 a in once a week, ; bo Germantown by 6 p m, and back between 8 ... .. . A-" - ...-,.,!.. . ' .1 UUll t. 1'auKLimilHTtoti, l.eesvilhNanai.a.Mysvuie, HiU ; 'to Hookerstowirbv 6 p m,23 miles; -'.inonv.U.,..iy i- m nexiu.., ,o ... ... Wk lK-ltu-0 f nd hack between 1 p in Monday and Friday, atd l o p m n-xt day Proposals to end at Fair P.lnfY, N. C.'aro invited. 2910" From Fay'ttevillo at 6 am, once a week, Wednesday; by .Vrgvlo, Solemn Grove, New ikad, C4arkeV MUU, Xfacedouta and Troy ; to Swift Lland, bv-5 p m, next day, 78 miles ; and bvk M-wch-h'6 a m, Monday and by 5 p in next 2311 From Fjiyrtterv ilbi at 10 a m, three times . a week jMonday, Wednesday and Friday ; hv Grav's 't'rilf l'riiiHt Hall. Lvon's Landing - - - - 7 i ab-thtown, White's Creek, West Brxk, and lobinon's'; to Wilmington by 9 am next days, 1 p,.u.. to Ivcuansvillo by 2pm Saturday, and to i..nile; and back between 10 a m Tuesday, Strickland's Depot by 2 p m Wednesday. Pro Aursil iy and Saturday, and 9 a m next days. 1 poals to commence at Kenansville will be Proposals for semi-weekly service are invited. 2812 From Vayetteville at 2 pm three times a Nvve!k, Sunday, Tuesday, and Thurslay ; by Oweusyille, Clinton, and Springfield; to Warsaw 'arlxrcugh, Sparta, Falkland Greenville, and 2855 From l'lymouth at 7 a m once a week, olus- to" Washington bv 11 m, 71 miles, Thursday; bv Skinnersville and cupper- nong; toColumbiaC.il. by 4 p in, 6b miles; and back between 8 a am 6 p m next d.ay. 2856 From Windsor at 4 a m twice a week, Tuesday and Saturday ; Jy Merry" Hill, Ash land, Colerain, Harrelsvillo, and Pitch Landing; to Murfreesboro' by lip m, 61 miles; and back ; between 4 a m and 11 p m Monday and Fn- I - day. ' j 2857 From El.'nton at 2am three times a week, Mondav, Wednesday, and Friday ; by Hert ford, .Wood ville, Elizabeth City, New Lebanon, South Mills, Lake Drummond, and Dv;ep Creek ; to Norfolk, Va by 4 p m, 77 miles; and back between 8am and 10 p m next days. Propo sals for three additional weekly trips will be con- . sidered. 1 ,2858 From Edenton at 4am once a week, j j Thursday ; by Ballard's Bridge, ; Mintons ville, Suuburv, Gatesville, arid Somerton; ; to Suf folk, Va pm next day, 71 miles; and back after arrival of Petersburg mail, say between 1 p m Tuesday and 8pm next day. Propo sals to end at South Quay, Va and supply Holy Neck, Va and Factory Ilill, N. C, are invited ; also, proposals for a seeoud weekly trip between Gatesville, N.C., and South Quay, Va. 2859 From Woodville at 12 m once a week Sat urday ; to Durant's Neck by 3 p m, 1 2 miles; ' and bactc between 8 a m fc 1 1 am Saturday. 2860 From Elizabeth City at 5 am once a week, Wednesday; by Camden, Shiloh, Indian- Cumtuck O. 1JL, ANortnwest Ground, and Great a m arid 2pm next day ; with an additional weekly trip from Wilson to Stantonsburg ; and back betweou 9 a m and 3 p m, Thursday. Propos.als to end at Speight's Bridge are invited. 2333 From Kverettsville at 11am once a wek, Thursday; by Whitfield's Mills, Sleepy Creek, and Jericho; to Strabane by 7 p m,i22 miles ; and back between 6 p m and 2 p m next day. I " 293 4 From Stickland's Depot at 3 p m on?e a week, Wednesday ; to .Kenansvillis by 5 p m ; thence at 9 a m once a week, Saturday ; by to 'Albertson's by 1 pm,21 miles; and Wednesday; by New Light, Wilton, Brook- ville, and labs Creek ; to Oxford by 7 p in, 42 miles ; and back between 5 a m tuesday, and 7 p m. 2878 From Forestville at 11 am twice a week, monday and tuesday, to Rolles ville by 1 p m, 5 miles, jind back between 8 a in aud 10 a m. 2379 From 'Warren ton at 10 am once a week, Saturday, to Shocco Spring by Hp m, 1 1 miles, and back between 7 a m and 10 am, with two additional weekly trips at the same hours, tuesday and thursday, from 1st July to 1st Oc tober, each year. 2390 From Littleton at 6 a m once a week,sat- urd.iv, bv Glove Hill and Areola, to Ram son's Bridge by 12 m, 21 miles, and back between 1 pm and 7 p.m. 2331 From Oxford at 5 a m once a week, thurs day, by Waterloo, Gregory's Mill, Abra ham's Plains, Brownsville, and Young's Cross Roads, to Clarksville, Va. by 8 p m, 42 miles, and back between 5 a m and 8 p m, next day, I with an additional weekly trip between Clarks I ville and Brownsville. ! ' 2332 From Oxford at 5 a m once a week, sat- ( urday, by Tallyho, Dutehville, Knapp of1 Roods, Stagville, South Lowell Mills, and Enoe ; Mills, to Hillsborough by 7 p m; 49 miles, and , back between 5 a m and 7 '-p m, friday. j 2833 From Wilton at 6am once a week, fri : lay, by Tranquility, Fih Dam, West Point, ! ! - Prattsburgh, and trice ;s Store, to Chapel j Hill by 7 p m, 33 miles, and back between 1 6 a m and 7 p m, next day. 2334 From Hillsborough at 6 a m once a week, thursday, by Cedar Grove, Walnut Grove, Prospect Hill, and Gordonton, to Leasburg by 12 m next day, 35 miles, and back between 1 p m friday, and 9 a m next day. 2535 From Hillsborough at 6 a m once a week, i tuesday, bv Walnut Grove and Van Hook's j Store, to "Roxlxrough by 4 p m, 24 miles, ! and Vack between 6 a ni Wednesday, and 4 P m- 2836 From HilUboro'at 10 a ra once a week, thursdav ; bv Ilawtield, Mount Willing, Meadow Creek, and McDaniels, to ltock Creek by 6 p m, 29 mil-, and back between 10 a ni Wednesday, and 9am next day. 2937 From Ashborough at 6 a m once a week, Wednesday, bv Gray's Cross Roads, Salem Church, Allen "Skiens, Lassiter's Mills, Dix Mills, and Burnev's Mills, to Troy by 7 p m, and back by Motamoros and Cox's Mills, between 6am and 1 p ni tuesdav, equal -to 33 miles and a m and 12 m. 2902 From Salem at 4 a m three times a week luesday, (riday and Saturday, by Oldtuwn, Rethania. Little Yadkin, Tom's Creek. Mount Airy. Good Spur, Va., HilUville, Cranberry Plains and Jackion' Ferry, to Wytheville. Va., by 11pm next days, 93 miles, and back be tween 4am tuesday, thursday, and Saturday, and 11 p in next d.tys. Proposals for semi weekly service are invited. 2903 From Salem at 5 a m sunday, tuesday, and friday, by Muddy Creek, Pan ther Creek, Iluntsville, II ;imton ville. New Castlet and Itriar Creek, W'ilkesboro', Church's Store, and South Fork, to Jefferson by 10 pm n?xt days, 94 miles, and back between 5'a m tuesday, thursday and Saturday, and 10 p m next days. Proposals for semi weekly service are invited, also proposals to supply Clemmons ville, instead of Muddy Creek, and likewise proposals to supply Doweltown by this roule. 2904 From Salem at 7 a m twice a week, tues day and friday, to Clemmonsville by 10 am 11 miles, and bark between 1pm and 4 pm. Proposals to extend by Smith's Grove to Mocks- ville will be considered. ' 2905 From Lxin2ton at 7 a m once a week tuesday by Walter's Mills, Fulton, to j Mocksville by ,1 p m, thence by County Line and Oak Forest, to Statesville by 12 m next diy,49 miles, and back between 1pm wednes day and 6pm next day, with an additional weekly trip from Lexington to Mocksville and baek between 5am and 6 p in every friday 2906 From Lexington it" am once a week, Wednesday. ) Fair Grove. La Ganjje, ' Eden, Hoover's Hill, and Sawyerxville, to Ash- horo' by 7 p in, 41 miles, and back between 7 ; a m and 7 p m next day. 2907 From Iluntsville at 6am once a week Sat urday ; by Red Plains. East Bend, Forbudi, Re public, Doweltown, and Mt. Xebo : to Rocktbrd bv 7pm 35 miles ; and back between 6am and I 7pm next day. 2908 From Rockford at 8 a m one a week, tues day ; by Walnut Lane and Jonesville ; to Briar Creek by 6 p ra, 27 miles; and back between 8am and 6pm Monday. 2909 From Rockford at 6 a ni once a week, sun dav; by Siloam, Stony Ridge and Little Yadkin"; to Germanton by 4 p m, 32 miles and back between 6 am and 4pm Saturday. 2910 From Hampton ville at 7 a in one? a week, tuesday; bv Zion, Xew Hope, Mt, Pizgah, on.t T iit-tt" iT'iii" to St.itesville bv 7 v m ; and C4a A k I t M & & A V - - g considered. 2835 From Strickland's Depot at 5 a ra pnee a week Richland k, Saturday ; bv Kenansville, Halisville, town, Corner Gum, Curritu , Comfort, Trenton, and Pollocksville ; River Bridge, Va Hickory boro' Tenn., by 10 p m next days, 78 miles; and back helween 5 a m tuesday. thursdav and Saturday, aud 10 p m next days. Proposals for semi-weekly service are invited. 2921 Fiom Jefferson at 8 a m once a week,.' tuesday, by Hilton and Manly ; to Shad- j rack Greer's, by 5 pm, 20 miles ; and ' back between 8am and 5pm neit dar ,.: 2922 From Mouth of Wilson, Va. at 8 a m once a week, Wednesday by Gap Civil S. C. Trap Ilill, N. C, by 7 p m 30 miles ; and -back between 8am and 7pm next day... 2923 From States ville at 6 a m once a week, Saturday ; by Fancy Hill, Storiy Point, arid Taylorsville ; to Wilkesborough, by 0 pm 37 miles ; and hack between 0am and 6 p mf Fri-" day- - I 2924 F rorn Stafesville at 6 am once a week, Wednesday; by Bethany Church, Maple Bottom, Houstonville, llamptonville, Dowelton, . Mouut Nebo, lo Rockford, by 6 p m. thence at 6am friday by Scul! camp and Haystack ; to Mt. Airy by 8 p m 83miles ; and back to Rock, ford between 6am and 8 p m satnrday, and to Statesville (from Rockford) between 6am tod 6pm tuesday. 2925 From Salisbury at 6 am once a week, Saturday ; by Mt. Vernon, MocksilIe, Smith's Grove, and Farmington ; to Huntsville by 7 p m 41 miles; and back between 6 a m & I 7 p m friday ; wiih an additional weekly trip i from Huntsville to Mocksville and baek between 8am and 8pm tuesday. Proposals to omit , Smith's Grove, 'will be considered; also for I weekly service only on the whole route. 2926 From Salisbury at 10 a nflwice & week I l f . i . i. r -il Statesville, Poplar Grove, Bunker Hill, New. ton C. II., and Drowning Creek ; to Mbr. ganton by 11 p m next days, 81 miles; ajid . back between 5am lueyday and friday and 8 . p m nex. day. Proposals for tri weekly ser vice and an expedited schedule are invited, say to run through each way in 21 hours, in cldso connexion with Xo. 2963. so as to go through from Salisbury to Atheville in not exceeding 42 hours. Returning in same time and connect ing at Salisbury with Xo. 2995. ! 2927 From Saliibury at 10 a m, three timet a week, sunday, tuesday and friday ; by Mi randa, Spring Grove, Deep Well, Mt. Mourne, Beattie's Ford, Catawba Springs, Vesuvius Furnace, Lincolnton. Shelby C. IL, I'ilhnore, Mooresborough, Webb's Ford, Rulherfordion, Chimney Rock, and Fairview; to Aslserille-by 4 a rn tuesday, thursday and -unday, 145 miles, and back between 9am Saturday, luesday and thursday, and 6am monday, thursday and sat uiday. Proposals tor semi weekly service are invited. 2929 From Salisbury at 10 a m three times a week, sunday, tuediy, and friday. by Chi. na Grove, Coleman. Concord, Ilarrisburg, Chailotte. While Nail, Rose Ilill, and Ranale. bury, to Yorkville S. C, by 12 m next days, 72 miles, and back to Charlotte between 1J p m and 11 pm. luesday, thursday, and Saturday, and thence to Salisbury between 6am and 8 pm next days. Proposals to run fromCbar." lotte by the mol direct route to Chester C. II., S. C. are invited. Schedule lo be specified, connecting with railroad at Chester C. IL Hunt in bf rnrtailrri m railroad la extend.. ed. f 2929 From Sali.buary at 10 a m ibre limes -a week, sundav, tueeday. and fiiday, by Rockville, Gold Mill. Kendall's Store, Albe marle, Norwood, Cedar Hill, Carolina Female College. Beverly, Wadesboro, and Morven, lo Cheraw, S. C by 5pm next day. 90 miles, and back via Chesterfield C. II., S. C, inslead of Morven N. C, between 4pm (or arrit of mail from Fayetleville) sunday, luesday, and fiiday, a 12 p m next days. 2930 From Salisbury at 12 m onee a week, friday. by Organ Church, to Mount Pleas- ant by 6 p m. 19 miles, and back between 5 a m and 11 a m. 2931 From Jamestown al 6 a m once a week. Wednesday by Muni's Store, Institute, rail u.a. i ... i ir.n f'r.i.k Post Oak. Wil- 2383 From .Vshborough at 6 a m. once a week, . liamsbnrg, and Eagl. Mills between 7 a in and 7 , Grove, 1 U Grange . friday, bv Moffitt's Mills, Waddells Ferry, p m next day equal to 3 4 nulo. and Imck. j Sandy Creek 1 ry re, I.nn . and Brower's Mitts to Prosperity by 5 p m, I 2911 From Hamptonnl'.e at 7 a ra once a week, tersoa - SioreSuou Camp, Clover Urcba.d.

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